{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "89240f38", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "import glob\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from IPython.display import display, HTML\n", "import re\n", "import os\n", "import gc\n", "import requests\n", "import time" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "id": "12f46afb", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)\n", "pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)\n", "pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)\n", "pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "id": "7c2f2eab", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "column_dtype = {'outpainting': str, 'seed': str, 'version': str, 'quality': str}\n", "df = pd.read_csv('starting_dataset.csv', dtype=column_dtype)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "id": "69fbea7e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "16349562" ] }, "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "6b246b80", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/tmp/ipykernel_894/2212843517.py:5: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n", "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.\n", "Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead\n", "\n", "See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n", " filtered_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_df['Date'])\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Filter the data based on the 'Noobs' column\n", "filtered_df = df[df['Noobs'] == False]\n", "\n", "# Convert 'Date' column to datetime if it is not already in datetime format\n", "filtered_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_df['Date'])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "id": "2232b478", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "15450588" ] }, "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(filtered_df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "ef71e0e3", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Index(['Date', 'Attachments', 'Reactions', 'channel', 'Contains_Link', 'Noobs',\n", " 'Contains_Open_Quality', 'in_progress', 'variations', 'generation_mode',\n", " 'outpainting', 'upscaled', 'version', 'aspect', 'quality', 'repeat',\n", " 'seed', 'style', 'stylize', 'weird', 'niji', 'username',\n", " 'clean_prompts', 'prompt length'],\n", " dtype='object')" ] }, "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "filtered_df.columns" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "id": "07d5a842", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "total_rows_per_user = filtered_df.groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='total_rows')\n", "non_false_upscaled_per_user = filtered_df[filtered_df['upscaled'] != False].groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='non_false_upscaled_count')\n", "merged_df = pd.merge(total_rows_per_user, non_false_upscaled_per_user, on='username', how='left')\n", "merged_df['non_false_upscaled_count'].fillna(0, inplace=True)\n", "top_1000_sorted_df = merged_df.sort_values(by='total_rows', ascending=False).head(1000)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "3fe2446e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#removing img2img generations\n", "clean_df = filtered_df[filtered_df['Contains_Link'] == False]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "id": "46509fa6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#removing noob generations\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['Noobs'] == False]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "id": "67642c8c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# removing not finished images\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['in_progress'] == False]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "id": "8af5c80a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# removing variations\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['variations'] == 'False']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "id": "69d0c5c2", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# removing outpainting versions\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['outpainting'] == 'False']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "id": "2973d2c3", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#keeping only raw\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['style'] == 'raw']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "id": "b0487cc0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#getting rid of different weird values\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['weird'] == 'none']" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "id": "0f5f2f38", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#getting rid of niji generations\n", "clean_df = clean_df[clean_df['niji'] == False]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "id": "ba756c1d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "243287" ] }, "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(clean_df_upscaled)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "id": "4c3c3590", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clean_df_upscaled = clean_df[clean_df['upscaled'] != False]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "id": "380e90d3", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "total_rows_per_user = clean_df_upscaled.groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='total_rows')\n", "non_false_upscaled_per_user = clean_df_upscaled[clean_df_upscaled['upscaled'] != False].groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='non_false_upscaled_count')\n", "merged_df = pd.merge(total_rows_per_user, non_false_upscaled_per_user, on='username', how='left')\n", "merged_df['non_false_upscaled_count'].fillna(0, inplace=True)\n", "top_1000_sorted_df = merged_df.sort_values(by='total_rows', ascending=False).head(1000)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 56, "id": "c5ceb33b", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "top_100 = top_1000_sorted_df[top_1000_sorted_df['non_false_upscaled_count'] >= 50]\n", "unique_usernames = top_100['username'].unique()\n", "filtered_rows_df = clean_df_upscaled[clean_df_upscaled['username'].isin(unique_usernames)]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 57, "id": "abb627a8", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/tmp/ipykernel_894/1231344319.py:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n", "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.\n", "Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead\n", "\n", "See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n", " filtered_rows_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_rows_df['Date'])\n" ] } ], "source": [ "filtered_rows_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_rows_df['Date'])\n", "filtered_rows_df = filtered_rows_df.sort_values(by='Date')\n", "filtered_rows_df = filtered_rows_df.drop_duplicates(subset='clean_prompts', keep='last')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 47, "id": "525fe232", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "username_counts = filtered_rows_df['username'].value_counts()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 51, "id": "7f99513e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "users_at_least_100 = sum(username_counts >= 100)\n", "users_at_least_250 = sum(username_counts >= 250)\n", "users_at_least_500 = sum(username_counts >= 500)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 59, "id": "420d4608", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 1: Create dedicated_folder column\n", "username_counts = filtered_rows_df['username'].value_counts()\n", "filtered_rows_df['dedicated_folder'] = filtered_rows_df['username'].map(lambda x: True if username_counts.get(x, 0) > 100 else False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 60, "id": "c3733086", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "filtered_rows_df = filtered_rows_df[filtered_rows_df['dedicated_folder'] == True]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 62, "id": "ee685a85", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 2: Create user_rank column\n", "ranked_usernames = username_counts.index.rename(\"username\")\n", "ranked_usernames_df = pd.DataFrame({\"username\": ranked_usernames, \"rank\": range(1, len(ranked_usernames) + 1)})\n", "ranked_usernames_df['user_rank'] = \"rank_\" + ranked_usernames_df['rank'].astype(str)\n", "filtered_rows_df = filtered_rows_df.merge(ranked_usernames_df[['username', 'user_rank']], on='username', how='left')\n", "filtered_rows_df['user_rank'] = filtered_rows_df.apply(lambda x: 'no_rank' if not x['dedicated_folder'] else x['user_rank'], axis=1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 63, "id": "765c4127", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 3: Clean filename function\n", "def clean_filename(filename, max_length=100):\n", " if not isinstance(filename, str):\n", " return None\n", " cleaned_name = re.sub(r'[\\\\/*?:\"<>|]', \"\", filename)\n", " return cleaned_name[:max_length]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 70, "id": "c8cdf8ae", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "13613" ] }, "execution_count": 70, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(sampled_df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 92, "id": "97ec2901", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Index(['Date', 'Attachments', 'Reactions', 'channel', 'Contains_Link', 'Noobs',\n", " 'Contains_Open_Quality', 'in_progress', 'variations', 'generation_mode',\n", " 'outpainting', 'upscaled', 'version', 'aspect', 'quality', 'repeat',\n", " 'seed', 'style', 'stylize', 'weird', 'niji', 'username',\n", " 'clean_prompts', 'prompt length', 'dedicated_folder', 'user_rank'],\n", " dtype='object')" ] }, "execution_count": 92, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sampled_df.columns" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 69, "id": "f3275d1d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "79" ] }, "execution_count": 69, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "sampled_df['username'].nunique()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 68, "id": "5aab6944", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "sampled_df = (\n", " filtered_rows_df.groupby('username', group_keys=False)\n", " .apply(lambda x: x.sample(min(len(x), 250)))\n", " .reset_index(drop=True)\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 71, "id": "8f8a4ddb", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Import necessary modules\n", "import os\n", "import requests\n", "import time\n", "\n", "# Ensure the main dataset folder exists\n", "os.makedirs('clean_raw_dataset', exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", "for index, row in sampled_df.iterrows():\n", " # Your existing logic for saving images and texts\n", " image_url = row['Attachments']\n", " prompt = row['clean_prompts']\n", " file_name = clean_filename(prompt)\n", " \n", " if file_name is None:\n", " print(f\"Skipping row {index}: invalid or missing prompt\")\n", " continue\n", "\n", " # Get the file extension from the image URL\n", " file_extension = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]\n", "\n", " # Determine the folder name based on the dedicated_folder value\n", " folder_name = row['user_rank'] if row['dedicated_folder'] else 'other'\n", "\n", " # Create the folder within 'clean_mj_dataset' if it does not exist\n", " full_folder_path = os.path.join('clean_raw_dataset', folder_name)\n", " os.makedirs(full_folder_path, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", " # Combine the folder name, file name, and extension to form the image and text file paths\n", " image_file_path = os.path.join(full_folder_path, file_name + file_extension)\n", " text_file_path = os.path.join(full_folder_path, file_name + '.txt')\n", "\n", " # Download and save the image\n", " max_retries = 3\n", " for attempt in range(max_retries):\n", " try:\n", " response = requests.get(image_url)\n", " with open(image_file_path, 'wb') as f:\n", " f.write(response.content)\n", " break\n", " except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:\n", " if attempt < max_retries - 1:\n", " print(f\"Error downloading image at row {index} (attempt {attempt + 1}): {str(e)}\")\n", " time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying\n", " else:\n", " print(f\"Failed to download image at row {index} after {max_retries} attempts: {str(e)}\")\n", " continue\n", "\n", " # Create and save the text file using the full original prompt as the content\n", " with open(text_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:\n", " f.write(prompt)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 100, "id": "2161b9ef", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "total_txt_files = sum([len([file for file in files if file.endswith('.txt')]) for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk('clean_mj_dataset')])\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 101, "id": "3ce4d4ed", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "20715" ] }, "execution_count": 101, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "total_txt_files" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 56, "id": "ec8feee6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "niji\n", "False 10181359\n", "True 307165\n", "Name: count, dtype: int64" ] }, "execution_count": 56, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "clean_df['niji'].value_counts()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "id": "e2c726bc", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "sorted_df = merged_df.sort_values(by='total_rows', ascending=False).head(1000)\n", "sorted_df.to_csv('top_1000_users.csv', index=False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "id": "be79e875", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "631034" ] }, "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "niji_filtered_df = filtered_df[filtered_df['niji'] == True]\n", "len(niji_filtered_df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "id": "9d2a486c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "niji_total_rows_per_user = niji_filtered_df.groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='total_rows')\n", "niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user = niji_filtered_df[niji_filtered_df['upscaled'] != False].groupby('username').size().reset_index(name='niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user')\n", "niji_merged_df = pd.merge(niji_total_rows_per_user, niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user, on='username', how='left')\n", "niji_merged_df['niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user'].fillna(0, inplace=True)\n", "niji_top_1000_sorted_df = niji_merged_df.sort_values(by='total_rows', ascending=False).head(1000)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 37, "id": "1ce3e073", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Index(['username', 'total_rows', 'niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user'], dtype='object')" ] }, "execution_count": 37, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "niji_top_1000_sorted_df.columns" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 39, "id": "9edf17bf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "niji_top_100 = niji_top_1000_sorted_df[niji_top_1000_sorted_df['niji_non_false_upscaled_per_user'] >= 100]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 35, "id": "2023a42c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "252476" ] }, "execution_count": 35, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "niji_upscaled_filtered_df = niji_filtered_df[niji_filtered_df['upscaled'] != False]\n", "len(niji_upscaled_filtered_df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 40, "id": "b956c8b7", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "unique_usernames = niji_top_100['username'].unique()\n", "filtered_rows_df = niji_upscaled_filtered_df[niji_upscaled_filtered_df['username'].isin(unique_usernames)]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 45, "id": "3edd21d6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "34997" ] }, "execution_count": 45, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(filtered_rows_df)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 47, "id": "c235bd0d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 1: Create dedicated_folder column\n", "username_counts = filtered_rows_df['username'].value_counts()\n", "filtered_rows_df['dedicated_folder'] = filtered_rows_df['username'].map(lambda x: True if username_counts.get(x, 0) > 100 else False)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 49, "id": "7330b9cf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 2: Create user_rank column\n", "ranked_usernames = username_counts.index.rename(\"username\")\n", "ranked_usernames_df = pd.DataFrame({\"username\": ranked_usernames, \"rank\": range(1, len(ranked_usernames) + 1)})\n", "ranked_usernames_df['user_rank'] = \"rank_\" + ranked_usernames_df['rank'].astype(str)\n", "filtered_rows_df = filtered_rows_df.merge(ranked_usernames_df[['username', 'user_rank']], on='username', how='left')\n", "filtered_rows_df['user_rank'] = filtered_rows_df.apply(lambda x: 'no_rank' if not x['dedicated_folder'] else x['user_rank'], axis=1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 51, "id": "86ddf422", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Step 3: Clean filename function\n", "def clean_filename(filename, max_length=100):\n", " if not isinstance(filename, str):\n", " return None\n", " cleaned_name = re.sub(r'[\\\\/*?:\"<>|]', \"\", filename)\n", " return cleaned_name[:max_length]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 54, "id": "5c913a36", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Skipping row 33560: invalid or missing prompt\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Step 4: Loop through DataFrame rows\n", "os.makedirs('niji_dataset', exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", "for index, row in filtered_rows_df.iterrows():\n", " # Your existing logic for saving images and texts\n", " image_url = row['Attachments']\n", " prompt = row['clean_prompts']\n", " file_name = clean_filename(prompt)\n", " \n", " if file_name is None:\n", " print(f\"Skipping row {index}: invalid or missing prompt\")\n", " continue\n", "\n", " # Get the file extension from the image URL\n", " file_extension = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]\n", "\n", " # Determine the folder name based on the dedicated_folder value\n", " folder_name = row['user_rank'] if row['dedicated_folder'] else 'other'\n", "\n", " # Create the folder within 'images_v_5.1' if it does not exist\n", " full_folder_path = os.path.join('images_v_5.1', folder_name)\n", " os.makedirs(full_folder_path, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", " # Combine the folder name, file name, and extension to form the image and text file paths\n", " image_file_path = os.path.join(full_folder_path, file_name + file_extension)\n", " text_file_path = os.path.join(full_folder_path, file_name + '.txt')\n", "\n", " # Download and save the image\n", " max_retries = 3\n", " for attempt in range(max_retries):\n", " try:\n", " response = requests.get(image_url)\n", " with open(image_file_path, 'wb') as f:\n", " f.write(response.content)\n", " break\n", " except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:\n", " if attempt < max_retries - 1:\n", " print(f\"Error downloading image at row {index} (attempt {attempt + 1}): {str(e)}\")\n", " time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before retrying\n", " else:\n", " print(f\"Failed to download image at row {index} after {max_retries} attempts: {str(e)}\")\n", " continue\n", "\n", " # Create and save the text file using the full original prompt as the content\n", " with open(text_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:\n", " f.write(prompt)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 50, "id": "fdc77e6e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
DateAttachmentsReactionschannelContains_LinkNoobsContains_Open_Qualityin_progressvariationsgeneration_modeoutpaintingupscaledversionaspectqualityrepeatseedstylestylizeweirdnijiusernameclean_promptsprompt lengthdedicated_folderuser_rank
02023-04-20 00:04:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431305066065950/1098278001222897726/Tim_Collins_Pennywise_as_a_kids_cartoon_main_character_Simpsons_4db7baee-3382-4d72-bb6b-200ca6c2d720.pngNaNgeneral-19FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN1:110Falsenone250noneTrueTimPennywise as a kids cartoon main character, Simpsons53Falseno_rank
12023-04-20 00:07:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098278805417754664/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_slavic_Caucasian_on_a_date_29ebe2ef-c39c-464b-9ee6-e8444a896c39.pngNaNgeneral-8FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN4:510Falsenone1noneTrueNikkiyoung beautiful woman, slavic Caucasian, on a date, hugebust chest, insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran,173Truerank_65
22023-04-20 00:12:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098280076640014437/Nikki_Crescent_amazing_beautiful_geisha_insanely_realistic_full_895baaf6-0e18-49e2-a7c3-028e0493321e.pngNaNgeneral-8FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrue59:1610Falsenone1noneTrueNikkiamazing beautiful geisha, insanely realistic full body photo of a standing geisha by Maxim, very tempting flirty womens luxury underclothes, hyperreal, bedroom background, huge juicy largebust chest, realistically proportioned, impressionist painting by Ross Tran and Helmuth Newton284Truerank_65
32023-04-20 00:15:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098280674047311993/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_slavic_Caucasian_performin_d5d22ebc-e506-41c3-86d3-8080c686c43e.pngNaNgeneral-8FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN4:510Falsenone1noneTrueNikkiyoung beautiful woman, slavic Caucasian, performing on a webcam, largebust chest, juicy, insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran,194Truerank_65
42023-04-20 00:22:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098282391610597396/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_flirting_lip_bite_slavic_C_37849a3d-6039-4426-af15-a11357cd8fac.pngNaNgeneral-8FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN4:510Falsenone1noneTrueNikkiyoung beautiful woman, flirting, lip bite, slavic Caucasian insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran,165Truerank_65
349922023-07-09 23:59:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630133679886336/icyfire4801_None_5a071b57-520b-4b42-8b39-41496fb9ee19.pngNaNgeneral-12TrueFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN4:710Falsenone400noneTrueicyfire48013Falseno_rank
349932023-07-09 23:59:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630050330673226/wolfman1976_star_trek_alien_pin_up_in_starfleet_uniform_with_ti_409a98d0-cfd6-4b48-91be-7241941eb8db.pngNaNgeneral-12TrueFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN2:310Falseexpressive250noneTruewolfman1976star trek alien pin up in starfleet uniform with tiger companion, colored pencil drawing by Anna Cattish109Truerank_42
349942023-07-09 23:59:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630042051137626/icyfire4801_None_8032cba2-da10-47a2-ba45-8de7379c8b6d.pngNaNgeneral-12TrueFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN4:710Falsenone300noneTrueicyfire48012Falseno_rank
349952023-07-09 23:59:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274712590917653/1127630129020014673/0xmoody_fantasy_bandit_holding_sword_scary_face_brute__lotr_lcg_46499402-e932-4cbf-9d9e-90adebdccceb.pngNaNgeneral-7FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN1:110FalsenonenonenoneTrue0xmoodyfantasy bandit, holding sword, scary face, brute, , lotr lcg art style, in the style of tanbi kei, martin ansin, pierremony chan, pilesstacks, magewave, bronzepunk, closeup intensity183Truerank_43
349962023-07-09 23:59:00https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274756341706822/1127630086171004969/bambiispots_young_Aaron_Taylor_Johnson_with_glasses_happy_Ghibl_5002b8a6-4c90-4614-b2ad-eefcc1f98213.pngNaNgeneral-10FalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseTrueNaN1:110FalsenonenonenoneTruebambiispotsyoung Aaron Taylor Johnson with glasses, happy, Ghibli55Falseno_rank
\n", "

34997 rows × 26 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Date Attachments Reactions channel Contains_Link Noobs Contains_Open_Quality in_progress variations generation_mode outpainting upscaled version aspect quality repeat seed style stylize weird niji username clean_prompts prompt length dedicated_folder user_rank\n", "0 2023-04-20 00:04:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431305066065950/1098278001222897726/Tim_Collins_Pennywise_as_a_kids_cartoon_main_character_Simpsons_4db7baee-3382-4d72-bb6b-200ca6c2d720.png NaN general-19 False False False False False False False True NaN 1:1 1 0 False none 250 none True Tim Pennywise as a kids cartoon main character, Simpsons 53 False no_rank\n", "1 2023-04-20 00:07:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098278805417754664/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_slavic_Caucasian_on_a_date_29ebe2ef-c39c-464b-9ee6-e8444a896c39.png NaN general-8 False False False False False False False True NaN 4:5 1 0 False none 1 none True Nikki young beautiful woman, slavic Caucasian, on a date, hugebust chest, insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran, 173 True rank_65\n", "2 2023-04-20 00:12:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098280076640014437/Nikki_Crescent_amazing_beautiful_geisha_insanely_realistic_full_895baaf6-0e18-49e2-a7c3-028e0493321e.png NaN general-8 False False False False False False False True 5 9:16 1 0 False none 1 none True Nikki amazing beautiful geisha, insanely realistic full body photo of a standing geisha by Maxim, very tempting flirty womens luxury underclothes, hyperreal, bedroom background, huge juicy largebust chest, realistically proportioned, impressionist painting by Ross Tran and Helmuth Newton 284 True rank_65\n", "3 2023-04-20 00:15:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098280674047311993/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_slavic_Caucasian_performin_d5d22ebc-e506-41c3-86d3-8080c686c43e.png NaN general-8 False False False False False False False True NaN 4:5 1 0 False none 1 none True Nikki young beautiful woman, slavic Caucasian, performing on a webcam, largebust chest, juicy, insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran, 194 True rank_65\n", "4 2023-04-20 00:22:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274728155992124/1098282391610597396/Nikki_Crescent_young_beautiful_woman_flirting_lip_bite_slavic_C_37849a3d-6039-4426-af15-a11357cd8fac.png NaN general-8 False False False False False False False True NaN 4:5 1 0 False none 1 none True Nikki young beautiful woman, flirting, lip bite, slavic Caucasian insanely realistic full body photo of a stunning woman, Maxim, flirty, hyperreal, painting by Ross Tran, 165 True rank_65\n", "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...\n", "34992 2023-07-09 23:59:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630133679886336/icyfire4801_None_5a071b57-520b-4b42-8b39-41496fb9ee19.png NaN general-12 True False False False False False False True NaN 4:7 1 0 False none 400 none True icyfire4801 3 False no_rank\n", "34993 2023-07-09 23:59:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630050330673226/wolfman1976_star_trek_alien_pin_up_in_starfleet_uniform_with_ti_409a98d0-cfd6-4b48-91be-7241941eb8db.png NaN general-12 True False False False False False False True NaN 2:3 1 0 False expressive 250 none True wolfman1976 star trek alien pin up in starfleet uniform with tiger companion, colored pencil drawing by Anna Cattish 109 True rank_42\n", "34994 2023-07-09 23:59:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995431151084773486/1127630042051137626/icyfire4801_None_8032cba2-da10-47a2-ba45-8de7379c8b6d.png NaN general-12 True False False False False False False True NaN 4:7 1 0 False none 300 none True icyfire4801 2 False no_rank\n", "34995 2023-07-09 23:59:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274712590917653/1127630129020014673/0xmoody_fantasy_bandit_holding_sword_scary_face_brute__lotr_lcg_46499402-e932-4cbf-9d9e-90adebdccceb.png NaN general-7 False False False False False False False True NaN 1:1 1 0 False none none none True 0xmoody fantasy bandit, holding sword, scary face, brute, , lotr lcg art style, in the style of tanbi kei, martin ansin, pierremony chan, pilesstacks, magewave, bronzepunk, closeup intensity 183 True rank_43\n", "34996 2023-07-09 23:59:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989274756341706822/1127630086171004969/bambiispots_young_Aaron_Taylor_Johnson_with_glasses_happy_Ghibl_5002b8a6-4c90-4614-b2ad-eefcc1f98213.png NaN general-10 False False False False False False False True NaN 1:1 1 0 False none none none True bambiispots young Aaron Taylor Johnson with glasses, happy, Ghibli 55 False no_rank\n", "\n", "[34997 rows x 26 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 50, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "filtered_rows_df" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 99, "id": "235c5e43", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup shot of a beautiful stunning kpop girl, flirty latex casual clothes, gorgeous body features,.txt to raw_combined/closeup shot of a beautiful stunning kpop girl, flirty latex casual clothes, gorgeous body features,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/movie storyboard drawing, a femmefatal woman standing by a car, ink line drawing, monochrome .txt to raw_combined/movie storyboard drawing, a femmefatal woman standing by a car, ink line drawing, monochrome .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in elegant nightie in a luxury hotel room, Japanese top model, short black hair, beautiful, att.png to raw_combined/lady in elegant nightie in a luxury hotel room, Japanese top model, short black hair, beautiful, att.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite Mongolian Princess, beautiful, mystic, highly detailed, posterlike, whi.txt to raw_combined/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite Mongolian Princess, beautiful, mystic, highly detailed, posterlike, whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Chinese woman with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in London, 20 years ol.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Chinese woman with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in London, 20 years ol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/black and white close up profile view of a woman in a complex colorful dress of misty translucent do.png to raw_combined/black and white close up profile view of a woman in a complex colorful dress of misty translucent do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/movie storyboard drawing, a femmefatal woman standing by a car, ink line drawing, monochrome .png to raw_combined/movie storyboard drawing, a femmefatal woman standing by a car, ink line drawing, monochrome .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Elegant vector graphic illustration of an orange poppy, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.png to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of an orange poppy, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, I gave you everything I had, and the planets are still spinning round the stars, O Galileo,.txt to raw_combined/closeup, I gave you everything I had, and the planets are still spinning round the stars, O Galileo,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, dramatic lighting, beautiful, elega.png to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, dramatic lighting, beautiful, elega.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/orange and blue Phoenix saint by masami kurumada .png to raw_combined/orange and blue Phoenix saint by masami kurumada .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, front view, in the style of floral surrealis.png to raw_combined/karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, front view, in the style of floral surrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Portrait oil painting, simple background, a beautiful princess with a heavily decorated Tibetan ritu.png to raw_combined/Portrait oil painting, simple background, a beautiful princess with a heavily decorated Tibetan ritu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful American student with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in New York, 19 yea.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful American student with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in New York, 19 yea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in elegant nightie in a luxury hotel room, Japanese top model, short black hair, beautiful, att.txt to raw_combined/lady in elegant nightie in a luxury hotel room, Japanese top model, short black hair, beautiful, att.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, human body with a beautiful wolfhead, up from the waist, heavily decorated co.txt to raw_combined/portrait illustration, human body with a beautiful wolfhead, up from the waist, heavily decorated co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning light, Cano.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning light, Cano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, a beautiful female supermodel, 20 years old, attractive, in.png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, a beautiful female supermodel, 20 years old, attractive, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/orange and blue Phoenix saint by masami kurumada .txt to raw_combined/orange and blue Phoenix saint by masami kurumada .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Annick BouvattierMaja topcagic style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high t.txt to raw_combined/Annick BouvattierMaja topcagic style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/french movie scene, 1960s, beautiful woman at cafe, unreal engine, morning, color, sunlight, 8k, cin.txt to raw_combined/french movie scene, 1960s, beautiful woman at cafe, unreal engine, morning, color, sunlight, 8k, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/bokeh sparkles, dancing, fashion .txt to raw_combined/bokeh sparkles, dancing, fashion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in silk gown in a luxury hotel room, beautiful, attractive, cute, elegant, emotive faces, leica.txt to raw_combined/lady in silk gown in a luxury hotel room, beautiful, attractive, cute, elegant, emotive faces, leica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a beautiful Japanese bride, 22yo, in the style of pride and prejudice Ca.png to raw_combined/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a beautiful Japanese bride, 22yo, in the style of pride and prejudice Ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Output Cinematic Shot Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight evening dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.txt to raw_combined/Output Cinematic Shot Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight evening dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.png to raw_combined/portrait illustration, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Dior ad, epic, robotic, transparency, surrealistic, scifi, blade runner, Beksiński and Luis Royo, wi.txt to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, robotic, transparency, surrealistic, scifi, blade runner, Beksiński and Luis Royo, wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 20 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .png to raw_combined/A Chinese 20 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, starshape motifs, enamel .txt to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, starshape motifs, enamel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a beautiful woman sitting at a table, in the style of glamorous hollywood portraits, minolta riva mi.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman sitting at a table, in the style of glamorous hollywood portraits, minolta riva mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 26 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .txt to raw_combined/A Chinese 26 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student on the street in Lon.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student on the street in Lon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lonely girl standing, fullbody, raining,posthuman isolated city, extremely detailed CGI, 8k .png to raw_combined/lonely girl standing, fullbody, raining,posthuman isolated city, extremely detailed CGI, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/on a cloud a small beautiful stonewashed cafe in a beautiful oldworldstyle Mediterranean city, surre.png to raw_combined/on a cloud a small beautiful stonewashed cafe in a beautiful oldworldstyle Mediterranean city, surre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Sublime endless compassionscape. Too beautiful for words. Landscape depicted by Paul Cezanne Paul Kl.txt to raw_combined/Sublime endless compassionscape. Too beautiful for words. Landscape depicted by Paul Cezanne Paul Kl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/By Maja Topčagić style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high travel portrait.png to raw_combined/By Maja Topčagić style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high travel portrait.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unrea.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.png to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/fine art photography of a beautiful lady dressed in elegant style, inspired by epic fantasy, precisi.png to raw_combined/fine art photography of a beautiful lady dressed in elegant style, inspired by epic fantasy, precisi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Mexican student with Chanel clothes on the street in New York, 20 years old, l.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Mexican student with Chanel clothes on the street in New York, 20 years old, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/The perfect Emma Watson of cute and dreamy, short hair, this exquisite image features a stunning fem.txt to raw_combined/The perfect Emma Watson of cute and dreamy, short hair, this exquisite image features a stunning fem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old,.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 20 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .txt to raw_combined/A Chinese 20 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a beautiful woman sitting at a table, in the style of glamorous hollywood portraits, minolta riva mi.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman sitting at a table, in the style of glamorous hollywood portraits, minolta riva mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, dramatic lighting, beautiful, elega.txt to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, dramatic lighting, beautiful, elega.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Close up Photoreal Portrait of a beautiful Porcelain female robot, Steampunk Robot, white porcelain,.txt to raw_combined/Close up Photoreal Portrait of a beautiful Porcelain female robot, Steampunk Robot, white porcelain,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/beauty photos of beautiful young woman with scarf, in the style of dark orange and azure, michael ko.png to raw_combined/beauty photos of beautiful young woman with scarf, in the style of dark orange and azure, michael ko.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model on the desk, figure, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dram.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model on the desk, figure, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dram.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Chinese, 22yo, standing on the street in.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Chinese, 22yo, standing on the street in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, taylor swift posing in a long white dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25yo,.txt to raw_combined/closeup, taylor swift posing in a long white dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25yo,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, human female body with a beautiful deerhead, up from the waist, decorated bla.txt to raw_combined/portrait illustration, human female body with a beautiful deerhead, up from the waist, decorated bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait oil painting, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.png to raw_combined/portrait oil painting, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student on the street in Lon.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student on the street in Lon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect eye, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Scandinavian, 20 .png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect eye, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Scandinavian, 20 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait oil painting, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.txt to raw_combined/portrait oil painting, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, human body with a beautiful wolfhead, up from the waist, heavily decorated co.png to raw_combined/portrait illustration, human body with a beautiful wolfhead, up from the waist, heavily decorated co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in shape of a wolf face, front view, metal.txt to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in shape of a wolf face, front view, metal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/labyrinth of human knowledges .png to raw_combined/labyrinth of human knowledges .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hiroshi yoshida style, tarot card, The high priestess, long hair, beautiful, intricate details, laye.txt to raw_combined/hiroshi yoshida style, tarot card, The high priestess, long hair, beautiful, intricate details, laye.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in black gown in an elegant hallway, in the style of monochrome portraits, elegant, emotive fac.png to raw_combined/lady in black gown in an elegant hallway, in the style of monochrome portraits, elegant, emotive fac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite droid, posterlike, white backdrop ethereal allwhite droid adorned with .txt to raw_combined/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite droid, posterlike, white backdrop ethereal allwhite droid adorned with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in top brand business dress, standing in the classroom, Japanese top model, short black hair, b.png to raw_combined/lady in top brand business dress, standing in the classroom, Japanese top model, short black hair, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Cute young woman with a low cut lace satin silk nightie with thin shoulder straps, eyeing camera sit.txt to raw_combined/Cute young woman with a low cut lace satin silk nightie with thin shoulder straps, eyeing camera sit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a glass of water on the desk, volumetric light, cinematic lighting, in style of movie storyboard, in.png to raw_combined/a glass of water on the desk, volumetric light, cinematic lighting, in style of movie storyboard, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup shot of a beautiful stunning kpop girl, flirty latex casual clothes, gorgeous body features,.png to raw_combined/closeup shot of a beautiful stunning kpop girl, flirty latex casual clothes, gorgeous body features,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait on the solarium stage seeing her dancing in her summer dress in the style of illustration, .txt to raw_combined/portrait on the solarium stage seeing her dancing in her summer dress in the style of illustration, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, I gave you everything I had, and the planets are still spinning round the stars, O Galileo,.png to raw_combined/closeup, I gave you everything I had, and the planets are still spinning round the stars, O Galileo,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning li.png to raw_combined/closeup, hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model on the desk, figure, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dram.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model on the desk, figure, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dram.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, high res, 8K, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, mathematica.txt to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, high res, 8K, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, mathematica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/cristina oteroAnnick BouvattierMaja topcagicoleg oprisco style award winning intrinsic detail dreams.png to raw_combined/cristina oteroAnnick BouvattierMaja topcagicoleg oprisco style award winning intrinsic detail dreams.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Korean student on the street in Paris, 20 years old, looking at viewers, view .png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Korean student on the street in Paris, 20 years old, looking at viewers, view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a beautiful alien humanoid empress, sleek fashion, enigma, supernatural aura, fierce pose, neonoir a.png to raw_combined/a beautiful alien humanoid empress, sleek fashion, enigma, supernatural aura, fierce pose, neonoir a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/french movie scene, 1960s, beautiful woman at cafe, unreal engine, morning, color, sunlight, 8k, cin.png to raw_combined/french movie scene, 1960s, beautiful woman at cafe, unreal engine, morning, color, sunlight, 8k, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Chinese woman with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in London, 20 years ol.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Chinese woman with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in London, 20 years ol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Milan, opalescent, psychedelic swirls, dslr, city background, biophilic design, floral, mannerism, m.png to raw_combined/Milan, opalescent, psychedelic swirls, dslr, city background, biophilic design, floral, mannerism, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Elegant vector graphic illustration of an orange poppy, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.txt to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of an orange poppy, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Korean, instagram influencer, 22yo, stan.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Korean, instagram influencer, 22yo, stan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, waist up half body, front view, in .txt to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, waist up half body, front view, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Minimalism, in style of futurism fashion, streetwear thug slavic girl, bandanas totems, colorful cl.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, in style of futurism fashion, streetwear thug slavic girl, bandanas totems, colorful cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Professional Photography of an actress rom Latvia showing her passionate acting desire and emotional.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photography of an actress rom Latvia showing her passionate acting desire and emotional.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/pencil sketch style, the Morrigan from Irish mythology, highly detailed, Illustration, Art, surreali.png to raw_combined/pencil sketch style, the Morrigan from Irish mythology, highly detailed, Illustration, Art, surreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/fine art photography of a beautiful lady dressed in elegant style, inspired by epic fantasy, precisi.txt to raw_combined/fine art photography of a beautiful lady dressed in elegant style, inspired by epic fantasy, precisi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Chinese, 20 year.png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Chinese, 20 year.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican .txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/shoot from the movie The Gorgeous Ex Machina Robot, 2000s, symmetrical, photorealistic, highly detai.png to raw_combined/shoot from the movie The Gorgeous Ex Machina Robot, 2000s, symmetrical, photorealistic, highly detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in top brand business dress, standing in the classroom, Japanese top model, short black hair, b.txt to raw_combined/lady in top brand business dress, standing in the classroom, Japanese top model, short black hair, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/beauty photos of beautiful young woman with scarf, in the style of dark orange and azure, michael ko.txt to raw_combined/beauty photos of beautiful young woman with scarf, in the style of dark orange and azure, michael ko.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a classy shirt on the street in London, 20 years old, the.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a classy shirt on the street in London, 20 years old, the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in the shape of a stylized female face, fr.txt to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in the shape of a stylized female face, fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Portrait oil painting, simple background, a beautiful princess with a heavily decorated Tibetan ritu.txt to raw_combined/Portrait oil painting, simple background, a beautiful princess with a heavily decorated Tibetan ritu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in silk gown in a luxury hotel room, beautiful, attractive, cute, elegant, emotive faces, leica.png to raw_combined/lady in silk gown in a luxury hotel room, beautiful, attractive, cute, elegant, emotive faces, leica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/girl in light cut lace , 8k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, Sony Alpha α7, photo.txt to raw_combined/girl in light cut lace , 8k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, Sony Alpha α7, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a bride in the style of pride and prejudice Canon EOS1D X Mark III, 85mm.png to raw_combined/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a bride in the style of pride and prejudice Canon EOS1D X Mark III, 85mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Beautiful 22yo Japanese noblewoman standing in a luxury room, slim, attractive, cute, black hair, la.png to raw_combined/Beautiful 22yo Japanese noblewoman standing in a luxury room, slim, attractive, cute, black hair, la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning light, Cano.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning light, Cano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican,.png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a woman sitting on a yoga mat,a portrait of a woman wearing yoga pants and a crop top,studio,a woman.txt to raw_combined/a woman sitting on a yoga mat,a portrait of a woman wearing yoga pants and a crop top,studio,a woman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.txt to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long blue dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning li.txt to raw_combined/closeup, hyperrealistic photography, 3D figure on the desk, a snow dome of New York City, morning li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/documentary photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student with casual cloth.txt to raw_combined/documentary photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student with casual cloth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.txt to raw_combined/portrait illustration, a beautiful young queen, 22yo, standing in the deep forest, up from the waist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/cyanotype of woman surrounded by flowers, torn paper, collage, mixed media by govert teunisz flinck .txt to raw_combined/cyanotype of woman surrounded by flowers, torn paper, collage, mixed media by govert teunisz flinck .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/The perfect Emma Watson of cute and dreamy, short hair, this exquisite image features a stunning fem.png to raw_combined/The perfect Emma Watson of cute and dreamy, short hair, this exquisite image features a stunning fem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 20yearold Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, beautiful cute, attract.png to raw_combined/A Chinese 20yearold Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, beautiful cute, attract.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Tokyo, 21 years old, looking at viewers, early summer.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Tokyo, 21 years old, looking at viewers, early summer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.txt to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful AfricanAmerican student with a simple Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in Ne.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful AfricanAmerican student with a simple Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in Ne.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unrea.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, 3D model, gundam, full body shot, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/documentary photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student with casual cloth.png to raw_combined/documentary photography, portrait, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful college student with casual cloth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.png to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Stunning landscape art in the style of Ted Nasmith, Hyperrealistic masterpiece, 32k UHD .png to raw_combined/Stunning landscape art in the style of Ted Nasmith, Hyperrealistic masterpiece, 32k UHD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, Heartcore gundam, closeup shots, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unreal.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, Heartcore gundam, closeup shots, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Coco chanel design for elegant mechanized female android, gorgeous vogue ornament. Shiny, metallic a.png to raw_combined/Coco chanel design for elegant mechanized female android, gorgeous vogue ornament. Shiny, metallic a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Close up Photoreal Portrait of a beautiful Porcelain female robot, Steampunk Robot, white porcelain,.png to raw_combined/Close up Photoreal Portrait of a beautiful Porcelain female robot, Steampunk Robot, white porcelain,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite Mongolian Princess, beautiful, mystic, highly detailed, posterlike, whi.png to raw_combined/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite Mongolian Princess, beautiful, mystic, highly detailed, posterlike, whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Korean student on the street in Paris, 20 years old, looking at viewers, view .txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Korean student on the street in Paris, 20 years old, looking at viewers, view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, high res, 8K, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, mathematica.png to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, high res, 8K, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, mathematica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Tim Walker style award winning intrinsic detail dreamscape photorealistic high fashion portrait styl.txt to raw_combined/Tim Walker style award winning intrinsic detail dreamscape photorealistic high fashion portrait styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Candid shot, Portrait Shot, paparazzi style, Girl sitting on surfboard in the ocean. Ocean Backgroun.png to raw_combined/Candid shot, Portrait Shot, paparazzi style, Girl sitting on surfboard in the ocean. Ocean Backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in shape of a wolf face, front view, metal.png to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in shape of a wolf face, front view, metal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a classy shirt on the street in London, 20 years old, the.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a classy shirt on the street in London, 20 years old, the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Coco chanel design for elegant mechanized female android, gorgeous vogue ornament. Shiny, metallic a.txt to raw_combined/Coco chanel design for elegant mechanized female android, gorgeous vogue ornament. Shiny, metallic a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Stunning landscape art in the style of Ted Nasmith, Hyperrealistic masterpiece, 32k UHD .txt to raw_combined/Stunning landscape art in the style of Ted Nasmith, Hyperrealistic masterpiece, 32k UHD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/girl in light cut lace , 8k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, Sony Alpha α7, photo.png to raw_combined/girl in light cut lace , 8k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, Sony Alpha α7, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Front view illustration, medium length hair, wavy hair, short black hair, Waist up half body portrai.png to raw_combined/Front view illustration, medium length hair, wavy hair, short black hair, Waist up half body portrai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Channel the essence of Gustav Klimts golden era into diffusion art with hair as the focal point. All.png to raw_combined/Channel the essence of Gustav Klimts golden era into diffusion art with hair as the focal point. All.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Japanese actress.png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Japanese actress.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, fashion photography, hyperrealistic, ultradetailed skin texture, taylor swift posing in a l.txt to raw_combined/closeup, fashion photography, hyperrealistic, ultradetailed skin texture, taylor swift posing in a l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/glitch by ren hang, slavic girl .png to raw_combined/glitch by ren hang, slavic girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Professional Photography of an actress rom Latvia showing her passionate acting desire and emotional.png to raw_combined/Professional Photography of an actress rom Latvia showing her passionate acting desire and emotional.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, fox face, front view, metal, leather, Midd.png to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, fox face, front view, metal, leather, Midd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in the shape of a stylized female face, fr.png to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, in the shape of a stylized female face, fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, enamel , highly detailed .txt to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, enamel , highly detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, enamel , highly detailed .png to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, enamel , highly detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/labyrinth of human knowledges .txt to raw_combined/labyrinth of human knowledges .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/an anime woman in a shiny gown, in the style of dreamlike figures, 32k, dark white, holographic, sai.png to raw_combined/an anime woman in a shiny gown, in the style of dreamlike figures, 32k, dark white, holographic, sai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful American student with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in New York, 19 yea.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful American student with a Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in New York, 19 yea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/cristina oteroAnnick BouvattierMaja topcagicoleg oprisco style award winning intrinsic detail dreams.txt to raw_combined/cristina oteroAnnick BouvattierMaja topcagicoleg oprisco style award winning intrinsic detail dreams.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait on the solarium stage seeing her dancing in her summer dress in the style of illustration, .png to raw_combined/portrait on the solarium stage seeing her dancing in her summer dress in the style of illustration, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student on the street in London, 20 years old, the Japanese royal fami.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student on the street in London, 20 years old, the Japanese royal fami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/black and white close up profile view of a woman in a complex colorful dress of misty translucent do.txt to raw_combined/black and white close up profile view of a woman in a complex colorful dress of misty translucent do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful college student with luxury clothes, 20 years old, stand.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful college student with luxury clothes, 20 years old, stand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A beautiful woman with a bird head full mask, decorated metallic mask, standing in the deep forest, .png to raw_combined/A beautiful woman with a bird head full mask, decorated metallic mask, standing in the deep forest, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Korean, instagram influencer, 22yo, stan.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Korean, instagram influencer, 22yo, stan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/By Maja Topčagić style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high travel portrait.txt to raw_combined/By Maja Topčagić style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high travel portrait.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful AfricanAmerican student with a simple Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in Ne.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful AfricanAmerican student with a simple Dolce Gabbana shirt on the street in Ne.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Hong Kong, 20 years old, looking at viewers, early su.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Hong Kong, 20 years old, looking at viewers, early su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a beautiful Japanese bride, 22yo, in the style of pride and prejudice Ca.txt to raw_combined/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a beautiful Japanese bride, 22yo, in the style of pride and prejudice Ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Candid shot, Portrait Shot, paparazzi style, Girl sitting on surfboard in the ocean. Ocean Backgroun.txt to raw_combined/Candid shot, Portrait Shot, paparazzi style, Girl sitting on surfboard in the ocean. Ocean Backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight white polar clothe.txt to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight white polar clothe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican,.txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful Japanese girl, the Japanese highschool uniform.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful Japanese girl, the Japanese highschool uniform.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/18th century noble woman under the tree in the palace, in style of Georges Barbier, 8k, ultradetaile.txt to raw_combined/18th century noble woman under the tree in the palace, in style of Georges Barbier, 8k, ultradetaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Output Cinematic Shot Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight evening dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.png to raw_combined/Output Cinematic Shot Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight evening dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, front view, in the style of floral surrealis.txt to raw_combined/karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, front view, in the style of floral surrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/kim shin kyung of julia kim kim by kim namhee on 300px portrait of a beautiful, in the style of dark.txt to raw_combined/kim shin kyung of julia kim kim by kim namhee on 300px portrait of a beautiful, in the style of dark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 26 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .png to raw_combined/A Chinese 26 year old Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, Black hair, standing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/movie storyboard drawing, a melancholic girl sitting on a diner, ink line drawing, monochrome .png to raw_combined/movie storyboard drawing, a melancholic girl sitting on a diner, ink line drawing, monochrome .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/glitch by ren hang, slavic girl .txt to raw_combined/glitch by ren hang, slavic girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, taylor swift posing in a long white dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25yo,.png to raw_combined/closeup, taylor swift posing in a long white dress at a beach, beautiful, elegant, attractive, 25yo,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Tim Walker style award winning intrinsic detail dreamscape photorealistic high fashion portrait styl.png to raw_combined/Tim Walker style award winning intrinsic detail dreamscape photorealistic high fashion portrait styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/bokeh sparkles, dancing, fashion .png to raw_combined/bokeh sparkles, dancing, fashion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/on a cloud a small beautiful stonewashed cafe in a beautiful oldworldstyle Mediterranean city, surre.txt to raw_combined/on a cloud a small beautiful stonewashed cafe in a beautiful oldworldstyle Mediterranean city, surre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a bride in the style of pride and prejudice Canon EOS1D X Mark III, 85mm.txt to raw_combined/Hyper realistic 4K photo of a bride in the style of pride and prejudice Canon EOS1D X Mark III, 85mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Japanese actress.txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Japanese actress.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/pencil sketch style, the Morrigan from Irish mythology, highly detailed, Illustration, Art, surreali.txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch style, the Morrigan from Irish mythology, highly detailed, Illustration, Art, surreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, fox face, front view, metal, leather, Midd.txt to raw_combined/Closeup photography, a decorated ritual mask on the wall, fox face, front view, metal, leather, Midd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a portrait showing a woman in Victorian dress sitting, in the style of mike deodato, luis royo, luxu.png to raw_combined/a portrait showing a woman in Victorian dress sitting, in the style of mike deodato, luis royo, luxu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/cyanotype of woman surrounded by flowers, torn paper, collage, mixed media by govert teunisz flinck .png to raw_combined/cyanotype of woman surrounded by flowers, torn paper, collage, mixed media by govert teunisz flinck .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/storyboard drawing, a glass of water on the desk, ink blush, bW .txt to raw_combined/storyboard drawing, a glass of water on the desk, ink blush, bW .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student on the street in London, 20 years old, the Japanese royal fami.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student on the street in London, 20 years old, the Japanese royal fami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lonely girl standing, fullbody, raining,posthuman isolated city, extremely detailed CGI, 8k .txt to raw_combined/lonely girl standing, fullbody, raining,posthuman isolated city, extremely detailed CGI, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, Waist up half body portrait, a beautiful Japanese woman, 3.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, Waist up half body portrait, a beautiful Japanese woman, 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hiroshi yoshida style, tarot card, The high priestess, long hair, beautiful, intricate details, laye.png to raw_combined/hiroshi yoshida style, tarot card, The high priestess, long hair, beautiful, intricate details, laye.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Mexican student with Chanel clothes on the street in New York, 20 years old, l.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Mexican student with Chanel clothes on the street in New York, 20 years old, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A beautiful woman with a bird head full mask, decorated metallic mask, standing in the deep forest, .txt to raw_combined/A beautiful woman with a bird head full mask, decorated metallic mask, standing in the deep forest, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Channel the essence of Gustav Klimts golden era into diffusion art with hair as the focal point. All.txt to raw_combined/Channel the essence of Gustav Klimts golden era into diffusion art with hair as the focal point. All.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old,.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful college student with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Minimalism, in style of futurism fashion, streetwear thug slavic girl, bandanas totems, colorful cl.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, in style of futurism fashion, streetwear thug slavic girl, bandanas totems, colorful cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Tokyo, 21 years old, looking at viewers, early summer.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Tokyo, 21 years old, looking at viewers, early summer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Hong Kong, 20 years old, looking at viewers, early su.png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful student on the street in Hong Kong, 20 years old, looking at viewers, early su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Milan, opalescent, psychedelic swirls, dslr, city background, biophilic design, floral, mannerism, m.txt to raw_combined/Milan, opalescent, psychedelic swirls, dslr, city background, biophilic design, floral, mannerism, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/portrait illustration, human female body with a beautiful deerhead, up from the waist, decorated bla.png to raw_combined/portrait illustration, human female body with a beautiful deerhead, up from the waist, decorated bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/hyperrealistic photography, Heartcore gundam, closeup shots, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unreal.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography, Heartcore gundam, closeup shots, rich details, dramatic lighting, Unreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/storyboard drawing, a glass of water on the desk, ink blush, bW .png to raw_combined/storyboard drawing, a glass of water on the desk, ink blush, bW .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/kim shin kyung of julia kim kim by kim namhee on 300px portrait of a beautiful, in the style of dark.png to raw_combined/kim shin kyung of julia kim kim by kim namhee on 300px portrait of a beautiful, in the style of dark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/vermeers girl with the pearl earrings by Fenghua Zhong J C Leyendecker .txt to raw_combined/vermeers girl with the pearl earrings by Fenghua Zhong J C Leyendecker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Annick BouvattierMaja topcagic style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high t.png to raw_combined/Annick BouvattierMaja topcagic style award winning intrinsic detail photographpainting hybrid high t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, a beautiful female supermodel, 20 years old, attractive, in.txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, a beautiful female supermodel, 20 years old, attractive, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/lady in black gown in an elegant hallway, in the style of monochrome portraits, elegant, emotive fac.txt to raw_combined/lady in black gown in an elegant hallway, in the style of monochrome portraits, elegant, emotive fac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup editorial for the future, in the style of cyber realism, dadaist poster, red shiny lips, sam.png to raw_combined/closeup editorial for the future, in the style of cyber realism, dadaist poster, red shiny lips, sam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/18th century noble woman under the tree in the palace, in style of Georges Barbier, 8k, ultradetaile.png to raw_combined/18th century noble woman under the tree in the palace, in style of Georges Barbier, 8k, ultradetaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, starshape motifs, enamel .png to raw_combined/photography, 3D, hyperrealistic, highly intricated arabesque motifs tiles, starshape motifs, enamel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/shoot from the movie The Gorgeous Ex Machina Robot, 2000s, symmetrical, photorealistic, highly detai.txt to raw_combined/shoot from the movie The Gorgeous Ex Machina Robot, 2000s, symmetrical, photorealistic, highly detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a portrait showing a woman in Victorian dress sitting, in the style of mike deodato, luis royo, luxu.txt to raw_combined/a portrait showing a woman in Victorian dress sitting, in the style of mike deodato, luis royo, luxu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/an anime woman in a shiny gown, in the style of dreamlike figures, 32k, dark white, holographic, sai.txt to raw_combined/an anime woman in a shiny gown, in the style of dreamlike figures, 32k, dark white, holographic, sai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Japanese woman with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old, .png to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Japanese woman with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/movie storyboard drawing, a melancholic girl sitting on a diner, ink line drawing, monochrome .txt to raw_combined/movie storyboard drawing, a melancholic girl sitting on a diner, ink line drawing, monochrome .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Chinese, 20 year.txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Chinese, 20 year.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, fashion photography, hyperrealistic, ultradetailed skin texture, taylor swift posing in a l.png to raw_combined/closeup, fashion photography, hyperrealistic, ultradetailed skin texture, taylor swift posing in a l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/A Chinese 20yearold Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, beautiful cute, attract.txt to raw_combined/A Chinese 20yearold Woman, looking like Monica Anna Maria Bellucci dilireba, beautiful cute, attract.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup editorial for the future, in the style of cyber realism, dadaist poster, red shiny lips, sam.txt to raw_combined/closeup editorial for the future, in the style of cyber realism, dadaist poster, red shiny lips, sam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Chinese, 22yo, standing on the street in.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful woman, wealthy, Chinese, 22yo, standing on the street in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Cute young woman with a low cut lace satin silk nightie with thin shoulder straps, eyeing camera sit.png to raw_combined/Cute young woman with a low cut lace satin silk nightie with thin shoulder straps, eyeing camera sit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Beautiful 22yo Japanese noblewoman standing in a luxury room, slim, attractive, cute, black hair, la.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful 22yo Japanese noblewoman standing in a luxury room, slim, attractive, cute, black hair, la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful Japanese girl, the Japanese highschool uniform.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, a beautiful Japanese girl, the Japanese highschool uniform.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/vermeers girl with the pearl earrings by Fenghua Zhong J C Leyendecker .png to raw_combined/vermeers girl with the pearl earrings by Fenghua Zhong J C Leyendecker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight white polar clothe.png to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tight white polar clothe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a glass of water on the desk, volumetric light, cinematic lighting, in style of movie storyboard, in.txt to raw_combined/a glass of water on the desk, volumetric light, cinematic lighting, in style of movie storyboard, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican .png to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect face, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, AfricanAmerican .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot, a beautiful Japanese woman with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old, .txt to raw_combined/Snapshot, a beautiful Japanese woman with a Valentino shirts on the street in London, 20 years old, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite droid, posterlike, white backdrop ethereal allwhite droid adorned with .png to raw_combined/Closeup, Enigmatic, Allwhite droid, posterlike, white backdrop ethereal allwhite droid adorned with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Front view illustration, medium length hair, wavy hair, short black hair, Waist up half body portrai.txt to raw_combined/Front view illustration, medium length hair, wavy hair, short black hair, Waist up half body portrai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, waist up half body, front view, in .png to raw_combined/closeup, karianne wilson posing in a long pink dress at a beach, waist up half body, front view, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful college student with luxury clothes, 20 years old, stand.txt to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, portrait, a beautiful college student with luxury clothes, 20 years old, stand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a beautiful alien humanoid empress, sleek fashion, enigma, supernatural aura, fierce pose, neonoir a.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful alien humanoid empress, sleek fashion, enigma, supernatural aura, fierce pose, neonoir a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/a woman sitting on a yoga mat,a portrait of a woman wearing yoga pants and a crop top,studio,a woman.png to raw_combined/a woman sitting on a yoga mat,a portrait of a woman wearing yoga pants and a crop top,studio,a woman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Dior ad, epic, robotic, transparency, surrealistic, scifi, blade runner, Beksiński and Luis Royo, wi.png to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, robotic, transparency, surrealistic, scifi, blade runner, Beksiński and Luis Royo, wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, Waist up half body portrait, a beautiful Japanese woman, 3.png to raw_combined/Snapshot photography, 8K, hyperrealistic, Waist up half body portrait, a beautiful Japanese woman, 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Sublime endless compassionscape. Too beautiful for words. Landscape depicted by Paul Cezanne Paul Kl.png to raw_combined/Sublime endless compassionscape. Too beautiful for words. Landscape depicted by Paul Cezanne Paul Kl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_64/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect eye, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Scandinavian, 20 .txt to raw_combined/Extreme ultra closeup of a perfect eye, front view, a beautiful female supermodel, Scandinavian, 20 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of World of Warships. The setting is a naval battle .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of World of Warships. The setting is a naval battle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a scene from a classic Flash game, but this time its a racing game from the late 90s. The im.png to raw_combined/Picture a scene from a classic Flash game, but this time its a racing game from the late 90s. The im.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A bustling scene from the Alibaba.com App, showcasing the global trade in action. Picture a highreso.png to raw_combined/A bustling scene from the Alibaba.com App, showcasing the global trade in action. Picture a highreso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of playing games, completing tasks, and redeeming ex.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of playing games, completing tasks, and redeeming ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the apocalyptic world of Crossout. The setting is a desolate, po.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the apocalyptic world of Crossout. The setting is a desolate, po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa la simplicidad y la comodidad. Un hombre joven está acostado en .png to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa la simplicidad y la comodidad. Un hombre joven está acostado en .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Banggood website. The user is browsing through d.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Banggood website. The user is browsing through d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Firearm Safety Course in Action Create a highly detailed, hyperrealistic image of a firearm safety c.png to raw_combined/Firearm Safety Course in Action Create a highly detailed, hyperrealistic image of a firearm safety c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Firearm Handling at a Shooting Club in the United States Capture a dynamic scene at a bustling shoot.txt to raw_combined/Firearm Handling at a Shooting Club in the United States Capture a dynamic scene at a bustling shoot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the safety and freedom offered by the SpotOn GPS Fence for pets..png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the safety and freedom offered by the SpotOn GPS Fence for pets..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a highresolution 16k image of the Gluconite nutritional supplement in a lifestyle setting. Th.txt to raw_combined/Create a highresolution 16k image of the Gluconite nutritional supplement in a lifestyle setting. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Cometeer Coffee Pods. The setting is a modern kit.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Cometeer Coffee Pods. The setting is a modern kit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a persons hand holding car keys, symbolizing the successful auto financing expe.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a persons hand holding car keys, symbolizing the successful auto financing expe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a warm and inviting scene that encapsulates the essence of ChristianCafe.com. The setting is.png to raw_combined/Imagine a warm and inviting scene that encapsulates the essence of ChristianCafe.com. The setting is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa el éxito en el marketing por Internet. Una persona está sentada .txt to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa el éxito en el marketing por Internet. Una persona está sentada .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your devices with Akko. The sc.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your devices with Akko. The sc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a scene of a golfer celebrating a successful shot on a golf course. The golfer should be in t.png to raw_combined/Create a scene of a golfer celebrating a successful shot on a golf course. The golfer should be in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Illustrate the power of Incogni with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Incogni a.txt to raw_combined/Illustrate the power of Incogni with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Incogni a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Qustodio app. The user is setting up parenta.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Qustodio app. The user is setting up parenta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Fiverr app. The user is browsing through var.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Fiverr app. The user is browsing through var.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una escena que representa la alegría de generar dinero desde casa con el marketing por Inter.txt to raw_combined/Imagina una escena que representa la alegría de generar dinero desde casa con el marketing por Inter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as a solution for hiring electricians. .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as a solution for hiring electricians. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the MyFico app. The user is reviewing their cred.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the MyFico app. The user is reviewing their cred.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the ChristianCafe.com homepage. The user is browsing.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the ChristianCafe.com homepage. The user is browsing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content .txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with ZoomBucks. The setting is a .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with ZoomBucks. The setting is a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Crossout combat vehicle, showcasing its intricate modifications and battle sc.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Crossout combat vehicle, showcasing its intricate modifications and battle sc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the stylish shopping experience with JustFab. The setting is a c.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the stylish shopping experience with JustFab. The setting is a c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Wirex. The setting is a modern home office with a.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Wirex. The setting is a modern home office with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a vibrant Easter scene filled with personalized gifts from Personalization Mall. The focus i.png to raw_combined/imagine a vibrant Easter scene filled with personalized gifts from Personalization Mall. The focus i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Quick Moving Estimates app. The user is requ.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Quick Moving Estimates app. The user is requ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Trip.com app. The user is exploring various .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Trip.com app. The user is exploring various .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a scene featuring Casetify products. The main focus is a stylish smartp.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a scene featuring Casetify products. The main focus is a stylish smartp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a TempurPedic mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on t.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a TempurPedic mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the stylish shopping experience with JustFab. The setting is a c.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the stylish shopping experience with JustFab. The setting is a c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the convenience and quality of Handy.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the convenience and quality of Handy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the soothing power of the HeatPal device. The content sh.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the soothing power of the HeatPal device. The content sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TempurPedic mattresses. The setting is a beautifu.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TempurPedic mattresses. The setting is a beautifu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Depict a serene forest scene at dawn. The setting should be a dense forest, with towering trees and .txt to raw_combined/Depict a serene forest scene at dawn. The setting should be a dense forest, with towering trees and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a tablet screen displaying the MovieVOD app. The user is browsing through the O.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a tablet screen displaying the MovieVOD app. The user is browsing through the O.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una KitchenAid Artisan Mixer en una cocina moderna y bien iluminada. El mezclador, de un col.png to raw_combined/imagina una KitchenAid Artisan Mixer en una cocina moderna y bien iluminada. El mezclador, de un col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a dynamic, highresolution 16k image that showcases the intersection of technology and home se.png to raw_combined/Create a dynamic, highresolution 16k image that showcases the intersection of technology and home se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with GrabPoints. The setting is a.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with GrabPoints. The setting is a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una bandeja de cinnamon buns recién sacada del horno, bañados en un glaseado brillante y ape.png to raw_combined/Imagina una bandeja de cinnamon buns recién sacada del horno, bañados en un glaseado brillante y ape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of refinancing your mortgage with ShopRateMarketPlac.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of refinancing your mortgage with ShopRateMarketPlac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone displaying the Opinion Inn website. The users hand is holding the .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone displaying the Opinion Inn website. The users hand is holding the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of selling your home fast and hasslefree with a cash.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of selling your home fast and hasslefree with a cash.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision an advanced cooling device, the IceBox Air Cooler, placed in a modern .png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision an advanced cooling device, the IceBox Air Cooler, placed in a modern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a scene showcasing the benefits of CBD products from CBDistillery. The setting is a serene h.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene showcasing the benefits of CBD products from CBDistillery. The setting is a serene h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una escena que encapsula la frase Negocio Simple, Vida Simple. Un hombre joven está acostado.txt to raw_combined/Imagina una escena que encapsula la frase Negocio Simple, Vida Simple. Un hombre joven está acostado.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a scene that captures the essence of financial emergencies. The focus .txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a scene that captures the essence of financial emergencies. The focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una bandeja de cinnamon buns recién sacada del horno, bañados en un glaseado brillante y ape.txt to raw_combined/Imagina una bandeja de cinnamon buns recién sacada del horno, bañados en un glaseado brillante y ape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that encapsulates the thrill of winning big with QuiBids. The scene sh.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that encapsulates the thrill of winning big with QuiBids. The scene sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that represents the essence of the JustAnswer Dental Expert service. T.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that represents the essence of the JustAnswer Dental Expert service. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming your style with LuvMe Hair W.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming your style with LuvMe Hair W.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as a solution for hiring electricians. .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as a solution for hiring electricians. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Songmics as an online home furniture store. The s.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Songmics as an online home furniture store. The s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The scene should be set in a metropolis like New York City, wi.txt to raw_combined/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The scene should be set in a metropolis like New York City, wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant life of a city as it t.txt to raw_combined/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant life of a city as it t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Quick Moving Estimates as your moving solution. T.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Quick Moving Estimates as your moving solution. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a hand holding the Foreo UFO smart mask treatment device. The focus is on the U.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a hand holding the Foreo UFO smart mask treatment device. The focus is on the U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a vibrant and lively scene of a bustling pet store, with a focus on a display stand showcasin.png to raw_combined/Create a vibrant and lively scene of a bustling pet store, with a focus on a display stand showcasin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a scene where a person is in the process of choosing a lender on the loan website. The perso.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene where a person is in the process of choosing a lender on the loan website. The perso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a scene from a classic Flash game, but this time its a racing game from the late 90s. The im.txt to raw_combined/Picture a scene from a classic Flash game, but this time its a racing game from the late 90s. The im.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Depict a serene forest scene at dawn. The setting should be a dense forest, with towering trees and .png to raw_combined/Depict a serene forest scene at dawn. The setting should be a dense forest, with towering trees and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ShopRateMarketPlace.com app. The user is com.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ShopRateMarketPlace.com app. The user is com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a MyHeritage DNA Kit with its components neatly arranged. The focus is on the D.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a MyHeritage DNA Kit with its components neatly arranged. The focus is on the D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the concept of selling a home fast and hasslefree. The s.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the concept of selling a home fast and hasslefree. The s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the My Perfect Resume website. The user is browsing .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the My Perfect Resume website. The user is browsing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Firearm Safety Course in Action Create a highly detailed, hyperrealistic image of a firearm safety c.txt to raw_combined/Firearm Safety Course in Action Create a highly detailed, hyperrealistic image of a firearm safety c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualize a closeup shot of a pair of hands holding a smartphone, with the AutoAvenue app open on th.png to raw_combined/visualize a closeup shot of a pair of hands holding a smartphone, with the AutoAvenue app open on th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the excitement and adventure of exploring the world with Little Passports. The scene should .png to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and adventure of exploring the world with Little Passports. The scene should .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the ultimate convenience with Bulbhe.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the ultimate convenience with Bulbhe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of playing games, completing tasks, and redeeming ex.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of playing games, completing tasks, and redeeming ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A hyperrealistic photograph of the Heatpal Portable Heater in a modern office setting. The heater is.txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic photograph of the Heatpal Portable Heater in a modern office setting. The heater is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the ChristianCafe.com homepage. The user is browsing.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the ChristianCafe.com homepage. The user is browsing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a variety of Nutrisystem meals neatly arranged on a kitchen counter. The meals are colorful.txt to raw_combined/envision a variety of Nutrisystem meals neatly arranged on a kitchen counter. The meals are colorful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Qustodio, the best free parental control app. The.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Qustodio, the best free parental control app. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a personalized piece of jewelry from Personalization Mall, a symbol of love and.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a personalized piece of jewelry from Personalization Mall, a symbol of love and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a portable heating device known as the Ultra Heater 3. This is a compa.png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a portable heating device known as the Ultra Heater 3. This is a compa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Gamehag app. The user is redeeming their ear.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Gamehag app. The user is redeeming their ear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Stopandshop app. The user is browsing throug.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Stopandshop app. The user is browsing throug.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the RealSurveys That Pay app. The user is comple.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the RealSurveys That Pay app. The user is comple.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph showcasing a diverse group of travelers at a bus.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph showcasing a diverse group of travelers at a bus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of QuiBids, where individuals have the chance to win.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of QuiBids, where individuals have the chance to win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the convenience of the Stopandshop experience. The setting is a .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the convenience of the Stopandshop experience. The setting is a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Revolut as your onestop financial services soluti.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Revolut as your onestop financial services soluti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Tru Beverages. The setting is a sunny outdoor pic.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Tru Beverages. The setting is a sunny outdoor pic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape .png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Teleflora flower arrangement being delivered by a local florist. The focus is.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Teleflora flower arrangement being delivered by a local florist. The focus is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a vibrant and lively scene of a bustling pet store, with a focus on a display stand showcasin.txt to raw_combined/Create a vibrant and lively scene of a bustling pet store, with a focus on a display stand showcasin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a professional tax consultation session. The scene is set in a modern office with a large w.txt to raw_combined/envision a professional tax consultation session. The scene is set in a modern office with a large w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina un logo tridimensional que representa las iniciales AQ de Angela Qastro. Las letras son robu.txt to raw_combined/Imagina un logo tridimensional que representa las iniciales AQ de Angela Qastro. Las letras son robu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a sprawli.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a sprawli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of 1ink.com as a source to save big on ink and toner.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of 1ink.com as a source to save big on ink and toner.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GrabPoints app. The user is redeeming their .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GrabPoints app. The user is redeeming their .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Viome brand. The content should focus.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Viome brand. The content should focus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph capturing the convenience of Pretty Litter. The image sh.txt to raw_combined/A highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph capturing the convenience of Pretty Litter. The image sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a scene showcasing the benefits of CBD products from CBDistillery. The setting is a serene h.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene showcasing the benefits of CBD products from CBDistillery. The setting is a serene h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GCLoot app. The user is redeeming a reward, .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GCLoot app. The user is redeeming a reward, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Qustodio app. The user is setting up parenta.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Qustodio app. The user is setting up parenta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A highresolution, 16k, ultrarealistic photograph of the GameFly logo. The logo is prominently displa.png to raw_combined/A highresolution, 16k, ultrarealistic photograph of the GameFly logo. The logo is prominently displa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a scene of a golfer celebrating a successful shot on a golf course. The golfer should be in t.txt to raw_combined/Create a scene of a golfer celebrating a successful shot on a golf course. The golfer should be in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a scene that captures the essence of student life. The main focus should be a group of dive.png to raw_combined/envision a scene that captures the essence of student life. The main focus should be a group of dive.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a group of diverse individuals, ranging from young adults to seniors, gathered together in a.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a group of diverse individuals, ranging from young adults to seniors, gathered together in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza un extraterrestre de 9 pies de altura, con una apariencia inusual y fascinante, agarrándos.png to raw_combined/Visualiza un extraterrestre de 9 pies de altura, con una apariencia inusual y fascinante, agarrándos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the LifeFunds brand. The content should f.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the LifeFunds brand. The content should f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ultra Mobile app. The user is making a call .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ultra Mobile app. The user is making a call .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a business professional sitting at a desk, using the Paychex platform on a computer. The pro.png to raw_combined/imagine a business professional sitting at a desk, using the Paychex platform on a computer. The pro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TempurPedic mattresses. The setting is a beautifu.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TempurPedic mattresses. The setting is a beautifu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Tru Beverages. The setting is a sunny outdoor pic.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Tru Beverages. The setting is a sunny outdoor pic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Teleflora flower arrangement being delivered by a local florist. The focus is.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Teleflora flower arrangement being delivered by a local florist. The focus is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una representación visual de la aplicación Kikoff en un smartphone. El teléfono está en una .png to raw_combined/imagina una representación visual de la aplicación Kikoff en un smartphone. El teléfono está en una .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a stylish handbag and a pair of high heels from JustFab. The focus is on the in.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a stylish handbag and a pair of high heels from JustFab. The focus is on the in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of modern fashion with a pair of Vooglam glasses. The content should focus on a .png to raw_combined/Capture the essence of modern fashion with a pair of Vooglam glasses. The content should focus on a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a serene and tranquil scene of a cozy reading nook in a rustic cabin. The content should inc.txt to raw_combined/Capture a serene and tranquil scene of a cozy reading nook in a rustic cabin. The content should inc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Hloom website. The user is browsing through vari.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Hloom website. The user is browsing through vari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a luxurious and meticulously arranged gift basket, filled with a variety of premium quality .png to raw_combined/imagine a luxurious and meticulously arranged gift basket, filled with a variety of premium quality .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the invigorating energy of KTropix 2K Series ENERGY. The scene should be set in a modern, cl.txt to raw_combined/Capture the invigorating energy of KTropix 2K Series ENERGY. The scene should be set in a modern, cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza un extraterrestre de 9 pies de altura, con una apariencia inusual y fascinante, agarrándos.txt to raw_combined/Visualiza un extraterrestre de 9 pies de altura, con una apariencia inusual y fascinante, agarrándos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Make Survey Money app. The user is completin.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Make Survey Money app. The user is completin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the soothing relief provided by the MagicKnee Brace. The focus of the image should be on a p.txt to raw_combined/Capture the soothing relief provided by the MagicKnee Brace. The focus of the image should be on a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of the Omaze experience a chance to win lifechanging experiences. The main focu.png to raw_combined/Capture the essence of the Omaze experience a chance to win lifechanging experiences. The main focu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of CBD MD Premium CBD for pets. The scene sh.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of CBD MD Premium CBD for pets. The scene sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Fiverr app. The user is browsing through var.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Fiverr app. The user is browsing through var.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the LifeFunds brand. The content should f.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the LifeFunds brand. The content should f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Blinkist, where individuals can unlock powerful i.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Blinkist, where individuals can unlock powerful i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the soothing relief provided by the MagicKnee Brace. The focus of the image should be on a p.png to raw_combined/Capture the soothing relief provided by the MagicKnee Brace. The focus of the image should be on a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a scene of a bustling city street at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant city life.txt to raw_combined/Capture a scene of a bustling city street at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant city life.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Sealy Mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on the tex.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Sealy Mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on the tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the BigSpinCasino.com app. The user is in the mi.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the BigSpinCasino.com app. The user is in the mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Ultrasonic Pest Resister as a safe pest contr.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Ultrasonic Pest Resister as a safe pest contr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa el marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gr.txt to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa el marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content .png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the invigorating energy of Magic Mind Energy Drink. The .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the invigorating energy of Magic Mind Energy Drink. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AutoAvenue as your 1 source for auto financing. T.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AutoAvenue as your 1 source for auto financing. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Facetory. The setting is a serene bathroom with a.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Facetory. The setting is a serene bathroom with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of protecting your home and loved ones with Deep Sen.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of protecting your home and loved ones with Deep Sen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling Las Vegas .txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling Las Vegas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the MyFico app. The user is reviewing their cred.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the MyFico app. The user is reviewing their cred.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GEOfinder app. The user is tracking a locati.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GEOfinder app. The user is tracking a locati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a hand holding a bottle of Tru Beverage. The focus is on the bottle, symbolizin.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a hand holding a bottle of Tru Beverage. The focus is on the bottle, symbolizin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k image of the Easy Sealer device. Th.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k image of the Easy Sealer device. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Crossout combat vehicle, showcasing its intricate modifications and battle sc.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Crossout combat vehicle, showcasing its intricate modifications and battle sc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator website. The user is browsing .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator website. The user is browsing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TurboTenant. The setting is a modern, wellfurnish.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TurboTenant. The setting is a modern, wellfurnish.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of affordable luxury provided by OYO Hotels. The set.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of affordable luxury provided by OYO Hotels. The set.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the invigorating energy of Magic Mind Energy Drink. The .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the invigorating energy of Magic Mind Energy Drink. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa el marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gr.png to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa el marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Banggood website. The user is browsing through d.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Banggood website. The user is browsing through d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming your style with LuvMe Hair W.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming your style with LuvMe Hair W.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Envision a dynamic and vibrant image that encapsulates the spirit of Alamo Rent A Car. The scene is .png to raw_combined/Envision a dynamic and vibrant image that encapsulates the spirit of Alamo Rent A Car. The scene is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of becoming a Wilderness Guardian with Sierr.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of becoming a Wilderness Guardian with Sierr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Generate a photorealistic, highly detailed 16k image that captures a user interacting with the Money.png to raw_combined/Generate a photorealistic, highly detailed 16k image that captures a user interacting with the Money.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Surfshark VPN app. The user is activating th.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Surfshark VPN app. The user is activating th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a practical scene of moving furniture. The focus is on a set of ruby s.png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a practical scene of moving furniture. The focus is on a set of ruby s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Owl Cam 360 as your onroad companion. The set.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Owl Cam 360 as your onroad companion. The set.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the HonestLoans.net app. The user is reviewing t.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the HonestLoans.net app. The user is reviewing t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AllAutosListed.com as a platform to discover a wi.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AllAutosListed.com as a platform to discover a wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the safety and freedom offered by the SpotOn GPS Fence for pets..txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the safety and freedom offered by the SpotOn GPS Fence for pets..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the quick and easy financial solutions provided by PersonalLoans.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the quick and easy financial solutions provided by PersonalLoans.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a scene featuring Casetify products. The main focus is a stylish smartp.png to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a scene featuring Casetify products. The main focus is a stylish smartp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of boosting your energy with KTropix Energy .txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of boosting your energy with KTropix Energy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a hand holding a bottle of Tru Beverage. The focus is on the bottle, symbolizin.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a hand holding a bottle of Tru Beverage. The focus is on the bottle, symbolizin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/llustrate the convenience of CarMechanic.Expert with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displayi.png to raw_combined/llustrate the convenience of CarMechanic.Expert with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displayi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ultra Mobile app. The user is making a call .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ultra Mobile app. The user is making a call .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a busy urban.png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a busy urban.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a beautifully plated meal made with Gobble. The focus is on the dish, symbolizi.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a beautifully plated meal made with Gobble. The focus is on the dish, symbolizi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the convenience and simplicity of Pretty Litter in a domestic setting. The content should fo.png to raw_combined/Capture the convenience and simplicity of Pretty Litter in a domestic setting. The content should fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work. The painter sh.png to raw_combined/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work. The painter sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of EcoFriendly Security with SolarGuard Pro. The set.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of EcoFriendly Security with SolarGuard Pro. The set.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the HonestLoans.net app. The user is reviewing t.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the HonestLoans.net app. The user is reviewing t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una sala de apuestas en Las Vegas llena de emoción y energía. Las personas están reunidas al.png to raw_combined/Imagina una sala de apuestas en Las Vegas llena de emoción y energía. Las personas están reunidas al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A bustling scene from the Alibaba.com App, showcasing the global trade in action. Picture a highreso.txt to raw_combined/A bustling scene from the Alibaba.com App, showcasing the global trade in action. Picture a highreso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of GCLoot. The setting is a gamers room with a user .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of GCLoot. The setting is a gamers room with a user .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of improving sensual health with Primal Flow. The se.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of improving sensual health with Primal Flow. The se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a persons hands holding a glass vial containing a natural extract or essence, s.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a persons hands holding a glass vial containing a natural extract or essence, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Owl Cam 360 as your onroad companion. The set.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Owl Cam 360 as your onroad companion. The set.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of the HeatPal black and white color Portable Heater. The content shou.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of the HeatPal black and white color Portable Heater. The content shou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a scene from the golden era of Flash games. The setting is a classic 2D platformer game from.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from the golden era of Flash games. The setting is a classic 2D platformer game from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the soothing effects of CBD products from PlusCBDoil.com. The content should focus on a vari.txt to raw_combined/Capture the soothing effects of CBD products from PlusCBDoil.com. The content should focus on a vari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A vibrant and bustling scene from the heart of a city, captured in the style of a highdefinition tra.png to raw_combined/A vibrant and bustling scene from the heart of a city, captured in the style of a highdefinition tra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Surfshark VPN app. The user is activating th.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Surfshark VPN app. The user is activating th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a scene that captures the essence of financial relief provided by Fast .txt to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a scene that captures the essence of financial relief provided by Fast .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a stylish pair of Liingo Eyewear glasses placed on an open book. The glasses are in sharp f.txt to raw_combined/envision a stylish pair of Liingo Eyewear glasses placed on an open book. The glasses are in sharp f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of becoming a Wilderness Guardian with Sierr.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of becoming a Wilderness Guardian with Sierr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a scene of a bustling sports betting arena. The main focus is a large,.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a scene of a bustling sports betting arena. The main focus is a large,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unlocking powerful ideas with Blinkist. T.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unlocking powerful ideas with Blinkist. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with FreeCryptoRewards and unlock.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with FreeCryptoRewards and unlock.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unleashing creativity with Shutterstock. .png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unleashing creativity with Shutterstock. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualiza una escena de un cliente satisfecho recibiendo las llaves de su vehículo de alquiler en un.png to raw_combined/visualiza una escena de un cliente satisfecho recibiendo las llaves de su vehículo de alquiler en un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a closeup of a personalized wedding gift from Personalization Mall, with the happy couples n.png to raw_combined/imagine a closeup of a personalized wedding gift from Personalization Mall, with the happy couples n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a closeup of the My Plus One product in a luxurious setting, symbolizing its highquality and.png to raw_combined/imagine a closeup of the My Plus One product in a luxurious setting, symbolizing its highquality and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Quick Moving Estimates app. The user is requ.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Quick Moving Estimates app. The user is requ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a professional moving service in action, in the midst of a residential move. The scene shoul.png to raw_combined/Capture a professional moving service in action, in the midst of a residential move. The scene shoul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the best of cinema with MovieVOD Oscar Movies. The setting is a .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the best of cinema with MovieVOD Oscar Movies. The setting is a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Detergentstrip held in a hand, with a pile of laundry in the background. The .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Detergentstrip held in a hand, with a pile of laundry in the background. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling Las Vegas .png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling Las Vegas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a pair of hands being washed with MyGreenFills Hand Soap. The focus is on the s.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a pair of hands being washed with MyGreenFills Hand Soap. The focus is on the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of the HeatPal black and white color Portable Heater. The content shou.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of the HeatPal black and white color Portable Heater. The content shou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Bluetti Power Station in a home setting during a power outage. The power stat.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Bluetti Power Station in a home setting during a power outage. The power stat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant life of a city as it t.png to raw_combined/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant life of a city as it t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una sala de apuestas en Las Vegas llena de emoción y energía. Las personas están reunidas al.txt to raw_combined/Imagina una sala de apuestas en Las Vegas llena de emoción y energía. Las personas están reunidas al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Revolut as your onestop financial services soluti.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Revolut as your onestop financial services soluti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of affordable luxury provided by OYO Hotels. The set.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of affordable luxury provided by OYO Hotels. The set.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the My Perfect Resume website. The user is browsing .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the My Perfect Resume website. The user is browsing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of staying connected with Ultra Mobile. The setting .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of staying connected with Ultra Mobile. The setting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Thumbtack app. The user is browsing through .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Thumbtack app. The user is browsing through .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating personalized art with Easy Canvas Prints.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating personalized art with Easy Canvas Prints.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph that captures the essence of Fab Nutrition CB.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph that captures the essence of Fab Nutrition CB.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the BigSpinCasino.com app. The user is in the mi.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the BigSpinCasino.com app. The user is in the mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Stopandshop app. The user is browsing throug.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Stopandshop app. The user is browsing throug.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the PersonalLoansOnline app. The user is reviewi.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the PersonalLoansOnline app. The user is reviewi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Prevent the Drop grip. The image captures the moment of tension, symbolizing the products effectiven.txt to raw_combined/Prevent the Drop grip. The image captures the moment of tension, symbolizing the products effectiven.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of modern fashion with a pair of Vooglam glasses. The content should focus on a .txt to raw_combined/Capture the essence of modern fashion with a pair of Vooglam glasses. The content should focus on a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that encapsulates the thrill of winning big with QuiBids. The scene sh.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that encapsulates the thrill of winning big with QuiBids. The scene sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision an advanced cooling device, the IceBox Air Cooler, placed in a modern .txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision an advanced cooling device, the IceBox Air Cooler, placed in a modern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape .txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a bustling cityscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GEOfinder app. The user is tracking a locati.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GEOfinder app. The user is tracking a locati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Quiero que captures una escena de un concierto de Queen en pleno apogeo. El foco principal debe ser .txt to raw_combined/Quiero que captures una escena de un concierto de Queen en pleno apogeo. El foco principal debe ser .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of home office essentials by Brother USA. The settin.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of home office essentials by Brother USA. The settin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of QuiBids, where individuals have the chance to win.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of QuiBids, where individuals have the chance to win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina un logo tridimensional que representa las iniciales AQ de Angela Qastro. Las letras son robu.png to raw_combined/Imagina un logo tridimensional que representa las iniciales AQ de Angela Qastro. Las letras son robu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a practical scene of moving furniture. The focus is on a set of ruby s.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a practical scene of moving furniture. The focus is on a set of ruby s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Generate a photorealistic, highly detailed 16k image that captures a user interacting with the Money.txt to raw_combined/Generate a photorealistic, highly detailed 16k image that captures a user interacting with the Money.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the power and efficiency of the SmartSnake HD, a revolutionary drain cleaning tool. The main.txt to raw_combined/Capture the power and efficiency of the SmartSnake HD, a revolutionary drain cleaning tool. The main.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Prevent the Drop grip. The image captures the moment of tension, symbolizing the products effectiven.png to raw_combined/Prevent the Drop grip. The image captures the moment of tension, symbolizing the products effectiven.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a photograph of the Lightband 230 Pro, a hightech headlamp, in a reallife setting. The scene.png to raw_combined/Imagine a photograph of the Lightband 230 Pro, a hightech headlamp, in a reallife setting. The scene.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the Owl Cam 360 mounted on a car dashboard. The focus is on the Owl Cam 360, sy.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the Owl Cam 360 mounted on a car dashboard. The focus is on the Owl Cam 360, sy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Make Survey Money app. The user is completin.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Make Survey Money app. The user is completin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GrabPoints app. The user is redeeming their .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GrabPoints app. The user is redeeming their .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a Muama Ryoko portable WiFi device. The device should be placed on .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a Muama Ryoko portable WiFi device. The device should be placed on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of improving sensual health with Primal Flow. The se.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of improving sensual health with Primal Flow. The se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Cometeer Coffee Pods. The setting is a modern kit.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Cometeer Coffee Pods. The setting is a modern kit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k image of the Easy Sealer device. Th.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k image of the Easy Sealer device. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the RealSurveys That Pay app. The user is comple.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the RealSurveys That Pay app. The user is comple.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a persons hands holding a glass vial containing a natural extract or essence, s.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a persons hands holding a glass vial containing a natural extract or essence, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Sealy Mattresses. The setting is a cozy, welldeco.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Sealy Mattresses. The setting is a cozy, welldeco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the concept of selling a home fast and hasslefree. The s.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the concept of selling a home fast and hasslefree. The s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a closeup of the My Plus One product in a luxurious setting, symbolizing its highquality and.txt to raw_combined/imagine a closeup of the My Plus One product in a luxurious setting, symbolizing its highquality and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the best of cinema with MovieVOD Oscar Movies. The setting is a .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the best of cinema with MovieVOD Oscar Movies. The setting is a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a professional moving service in action, in the midst of a residential move. The scene shoul.txt to raw_combined/Capture a professional moving service in action, in the midst of a residential move. The scene shoul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of running your business efficiently with Square Pay.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of running your business efficiently with Square Pay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Illustrate the power of Incogni with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Incogni a.png to raw_combined/Illustrate the power of Incogni with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Incogni a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Gamehag app. The user is redeeming their ear.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Gamehag app. The user is redeeming their ear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ShopRateMarketPlace.com app. The user is com.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ShopRateMarketPlace.com app. The user is com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Omaze, where individuals have the chance to win l.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Omaze, where individuals have the chance to win l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Cometeer Coffee Pod held in a hand, with a coffee machine in the background. .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Cometeer Coffee Pod held in a hand, with a coffee machine in the background. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of staying connected with Ultra Mobile. The setting .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of staying connected with Ultra Mobile. The setting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a serene mountain landscape at dawn. The scene is captured from a low vantage point, looking.txt to raw_combined/Picture a serene mountain landscape at dawn. The scene is captured from a low vantage point, looking.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a serene and tranquil scene of a cozy reading nook in a rustic cabin. The content should inc.png to raw_combined/Capture a serene and tranquil scene of a cozy reading nook in a rustic cabin. The content should inc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Qustodio, the best free parental control app. The.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Qustodio, the best free parental control app. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, showcasing its ecofriendly features. The fo.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, showcasing its ecofriendly features. The fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Thumbtack app. The user is browsing through .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Thumbtack app. The user is browsing through .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the apocalyptic world of Crossout. The setting is a desolate, po.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the apocalyptic world of Crossout. The setting is a desolate, po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a vivid representation of Essential Elements Nutritions Apple Cider Gummy. The content shou.png to raw_combined/envision a vivid representation of Essential Elements Nutritions Apple Cider Gummy. The content shou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a professional tax consultation session. The scene is set in a modern office with a large w.png to raw_combined/envision a professional tax consultation session. The scene is set in a modern office with a large w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, showcasing its ecofriendly features. The fo.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, showcasing its ecofriendly features. The fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Prevent the Drop. The setting is a bustling city .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Prevent the Drop. The setting is a bustling city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of the Omaze experience a chance to win lifechanging experiences. The main focu.txt to raw_combined/Capture the essence of the Omaze experience a chance to win lifechanging experiences. The main focu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator website. The user is browsing .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator website. The user is browsing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the invigorating energy of KTropix 2K Series ENERGY. The scene should be set in a modern, cl.png to raw_combined/Capture the invigorating energy of KTropix 2K Series ENERGY. The scene should be set in a modern, cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa el éxito en el marketing por Internet. Una persona está sentada .png to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa el éxito en el marketing por Internet. Una persona está sentada .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the convenience and simplicity of Pretty Litter in a domestic setting. The content should fo.txt to raw_combined/Capture the convenience and simplicity of Pretty Litter in a domestic setting. The content should fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of EcoFriendly Security with SolarGuard Pro. The set.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of EcoFriendly Security with SolarGuard Pro. The set.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Hloom website. The user is browsing through vari.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a laptop screen displaying the Hloom website. The user is browsing through vari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a warm and inviting scene that encapsulates the essence of ChristianCafe.com. The setting is.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a warm and inviting scene that encapsulates the essence of ChristianCafe.com. The setting is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a serene forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the tranquility of nature, with t.txt to raw_combined/imagine a serene forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the tranquility of nature, with t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a portable heating device known as the Ultra Heater 3. This is a compa.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a portable heating device known as the Ultra Heater 3. This is a compa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first prompt, imagine a scene where a patient is having a consultation with a doctor in a mo.txt to raw_combined/For the first prompt, imagine a scene where a patient is having a consultation with a doctor in a mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a persons hand holding car keys, symbolizing the successful auto financing expe.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a persons hand holding car keys, symbolizing the successful auto financing expe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Para la primera imagen, imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de BigCommerce. En el cen.txt to raw_combined/Para la primera imagen, imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de BigCommerce. En el cen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of ink or toner cartridges from 1ink.com, symbolizing the affordability and qualit.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of ink or toner cartridges from 1ink.com, symbolizing the affordability and qualit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a serene forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the tranquility of nature, with t.png to raw_combined/imagine a serene forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the tranquility of nature, with t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una escena que representa la alegría de generar dinero desde casa con el marketing por Inter.png to raw_combined/Imagina una escena que representa la alegría de generar dinero desde casa con el marketing por Inter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a group of diverse individuals, ranging from young adults to seniors, gathered together in a.png to raw_combined/Imagine a group of diverse individuals, ranging from young adults to seniors, gathered together in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a panoram.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a panoram.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of a Fathers Day gift from Personalization Mall. The.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of a Fathers Day gift from Personalization Mall. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of the Illumalyte Headlamp in a rainy setting.png to raw_combined/create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of the Illumalyte Headlamp in a rainy setting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of cooking with Gobble. The setting is a bright, mod.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of cooking with Gobble. The setting is a bright, mod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a beautifully set breakfast tray on a bed in an OYO hotel room. The focus is on.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a beautifully set breakfast tray on a bed in an OYO hotel room. The focus is on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with ZoomBucks. The setting is a .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with ZoomBucks. The setting is a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualiza una escena de alguien participando en una encuesta online en su pantalla. La persona está .png to raw_combined/visualiza una escena de alguien participando en una encuesta online en su pantalla. La persona está .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Experience the Gold Standard in Local Desktop Virtualization Capture a highresolution, hyperrealisti.png to raw_combined/Experience the Gold Standard in Local Desktop Virtualization Capture a highresolution, hyperrealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a personalized piece of jewelry from Personalization Mall, a symbol of love and.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a personalized piece of jewelry from Personalization Mall, a symbol of love and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Trip.com app. The user is exploring various .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Trip.com app. The user is exploring various .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/llustrate the convenience of CarMechanic.Expert with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displayi.txt to raw_combined/llustrate the convenience of CarMechanic.Expert with a photorealistic image of a smartphone displayi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of running your business efficiently with Square Pay.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of running your business efficiently with Square Pay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a tech support specia.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a tech support specia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, highlighting its ecofriendly features. The .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, highlighting its ecofriendly features. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Sealy Mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on the tex.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Sealy Mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on the tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a scene where youre exploring the vibrant world of Facetory, a skincare brand known for its .txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where youre exploring the vibrant world of Facetory, a skincare brand known for its .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SpotOn GPS device attached to a pets collar. The focus is on the device, sy.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SpotOn GPS device attached to a pets collar. The focus is on the device, sy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a powerful and secure scene showcasing the Surfshark Antivirus softwar.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a powerful and secure scene showcasing the Surfshark Antivirus softwar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of World of Warships. The setting is a naval battle .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of World of Warships. The setting is a naval battle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a modern office setting where a small business owner is using Termly on their computer. The.png to raw_combined/envision a modern office setting where a small business owner is using Termly on their computer. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a sprawli.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a sprawli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a serene mountain landscape at dawn. The scene is captured from a low vantage point, looking.png to raw_combined/Picture a serene mountain landscape at dawn. The scene is captured from a low vantage point, looking.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of ink or toner cartridges from 1ink.com, symbolizing the affordability and qualit.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of ink or toner cartridges from 1ink.com, symbolizing the affordability and qualit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SpotOn GPS device attached to a pets collar. The focus is on the device, sy.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SpotOn GPS device attached to a pets collar. The focus is on the device, sy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a scenic route with a sleek Alamo rental car driving along it. The backdrop is a breathtakin.png to raw_combined/Picture a scenic route with a sleek Alamo rental car driving along it. The backdrop is a breathtakin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unlocking powerful ideas with Blinkist. T.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unlocking powerful ideas with Blinkist. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una KitchenAid Artisan Mixer en una cocina moderna y bien iluminada. El mezclador, de un col.txt to raw_combined/imagina una KitchenAid Artisan Mixer en una cocina moderna y bien iluminada. El mezclador, de un col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a computer screen displaying the NordVPN interface, symbolizing the secure and private inter.png to raw_combined/imagine a computer screen displaying the NordVPN interface, symbolizing the secure and private inter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of My Perfect Resume. The setting is a modern home o.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of My Perfect Resume. The setting is a modern home o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of uMobix, the ultimate parental control sof.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of uMobix, the ultimate parental control sof.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A highresolution, 16k, ultrarealistic photograph of the GameFly logo. The logo is prominently displa.txt to raw_combined/A highresolution, 16k, ultrarealistic photograph of the GameFly logo. The logo is prominently displa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a powerful and secure scene showcasing the Surfshark Antivirus softwar.png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a powerful and secure scene showcasing the Surfshark Antivirus softwar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Un robot de diseño avanzado está flotando en un jacuzzi lleno de billetes de dólar. El robot tiene u.txt to raw_combined/Un robot de diseño avanzado está flotando en un jacuzzi lleno de billetes de dólar. El robot tiene u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the second image, envision a lifestyle shot of a young, fashionable individual using their smart.txt to raw_combined/For the second image, envision a lifestyle shot of a young, fashionable individual using their smart.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una escena que representa la simplicidad y la comodidad. Un hombre joven está acostado en .txt to raw_combined/Visualiza una escena que representa la simplicidad y la comodidad. Un hombre joven está acostado en .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Quick Moving Estimates as your moving solution. T.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Quick Moving Estimates as your moving solution. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating personalized art with Easy Canvas Prints.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating personalized art with Easy Canvas Prints.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a modern office setting where a small business owner is using Termly on their computer. The.txt to raw_combined/envision a modern office setting where a small business owner is using Termly on their computer. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Bluetti Power Station in a home setting during a power outage. The power stat.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Bluetti Power Station in a home setting during a power outage. The power stat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a tablet screen displaying the MovieVOD app. The user is browsing through the O.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a tablet screen displaying the MovieVOD app. The user is browsing through the O.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of CBD MD Premium CBD for pets. The scene sh.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of CBD MD Premium CBD for pets. The scene sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the Owl Cam 360 mounted on a car dashboard. The focus is on the Owl Cam 360, sy.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the Owl Cam 360 mounted on a car dashboard. The focus is on the Owl Cam 360, sy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the power and efficiency of the SmartSnake HD, a revolutionary drain cleaning tool. The main.png to raw_combined/Capture the power and efficiency of the SmartSnake HD, a revolutionary drain cleaning tool. The main.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/ Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photo of a professional house pain.txt to raw_combined/ Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photo of a professional house pain.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de Albert.com. En el centro de la imagen, hay un .txt to raw_combined/imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de Albert.com. En el centro de la imagen, hay un .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Quiero que captures una escena de un concierto de Queen en pleno apogeo. El foco principal debe ser .png to raw_combined/Quiero que captures una escena de un concierto de Queen en pleno apogeo. El foco principal debe ser .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a busy urban.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a busy urban.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the FlexShopper brand. The content should.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the FlexShopper brand. The content should.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/RealTime Analysis Guidance Capture a moment of a personal trainer providing realtime guidance to a .png to raw_combined/RealTime Analysis Guidance Capture a moment of a personal trainer providing realtime guidance to a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming home fitness with Bowflex. T.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming home fitness with Bowflex. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that represents the essence of the JustAnswer Dental Expert service. T.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that represents the essence of the JustAnswer Dental Expert service. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una representación visual del marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gra.txt to raw_combined/Imagina una representación visual del marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the convenience and innovation of Labcorp OnDemands services. The scene should be set in a m.txt to raw_combined/Capture the convenience and innovation of Labcorp OnDemands services. The scene should be set in a m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph showcasing a diverse group of travelers at a bus.png to raw_combined/Imagine a highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph showcasing a diverse group of travelers at a bus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of boosting your energy with KTropix Energy .png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of boosting your energy with KTropix Energy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Un robot de diseño avanzado está flotando en un jacuzzi lleno de billetes de dólar. El robot tiene u.png to raw_combined/Un robot de diseño avanzado está flotando en un jacuzzi lleno de billetes de dólar. El robot tiene u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the TurboTenant tenant screening feature. The us.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the TurboTenant tenant screening feature. The us.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the TurboTenant tenant screening feature. The us.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the TurboTenant tenant screening feature. The us.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/RealTime Analysis Guidance Capture a moment of a personal trainer providing realtime guidance to a .txt to raw_combined/RealTime Analysis Guidance Capture a moment of a personal trainer providing realtime guidance to a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Songmics as an online home furniture store. The s.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Songmics as an online home furniture store. The s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a photograph of the Lightband 230 Pro, a hightech headlamp, in a reallife setting. The scene.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a photograph of the Lightband 230 Pro, a hightech headlamp, in a reallife setting. The scene.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Experience the Gold Standard in Local Desktop Virtualization Capture a highresolution, hyperrealisti.txt to raw_combined/Experience the Gold Standard in Local Desktop Virtualization Capture a highresolution, hyperrealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Illustrate the power of LuvMe Hair Wigs with a photorealistic image of a selection of LuvMe Hair wig.txt to raw_combined/Illustrate the power of LuvMe Hair Wigs with a photorealistic image of a selection of LuvMe Hair wig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a panoram.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on a panoram.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unleashing creativity with Shutterstock. .txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of unleashing creativity with Shutterstock. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the soothing power of the HeatPal device. The content sh.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the soothing power of the HeatPal device. The content sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Para la primera imagen, imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de BigCommerce. En el cen.png to raw_combined/Para la primera imagen, imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de BigCommerce. En el cen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a heartwarming scene of a dog enjoying treats from Meaningful Tree. The dog, a golden retriev.png to raw_combined/Create a heartwarming scene of a dog enjoying treats from Meaningful Tree. The dog, a golden retriev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of home office essentials by Brother USA. The settin.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of home office essentials by Brother USA. The settin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning money online with FreeCash.com. The setti.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning money online with FreeCash.com. The setti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning cash with RealSurveys That Pay. The setti.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning cash with RealSurveys That Pay. The setti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator app. The user is browsing .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator app. The user is browsing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph that captures the essence of Fab Nutrition CB.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph that captures the essence of Fab Nutrition CB.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the second image, envision a serene mountain landscape at sunrise. The content should focus on t.png to raw_combined/For the second image, envision a serene mountain landscape at sunrise. The content should focus on t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a child sitting at a table, engrossed in using the GoHenry app on a tablet. The childs face.png to raw_combined/envision a child sitting at a table, engrossed in using the GoHenry app on a tablet. The childs face.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a closeup of a personalized wedding gift from Personalization Mall, with the happy couples n.txt to raw_combined/imagine a closeup of a personalized wedding gift from Personalization Mall, with the happy couples n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a serene and tranquil forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the towering trees, .png to raw_combined/Imagine a serene and tranquil forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the towering trees, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una escena de un concurso de trivia en un ambiente animado. En el centro de la imagen, hay u.txt to raw_combined/imagina una escena de un concurso de trivia en un ambiente animado. En el centro de la imagen, hay u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A closeup, hyperrealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Alibaba.com App. The phone is held in.txt to raw_combined/A closeup, hyperrealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Alibaba.com App. The phone is held in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of financial relief with Money Pup Loans. The image should be a hyperrealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Capture the essence of financial relief with Money Pup Loans. The image should be a hyperrealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your devices with Akko. The sc.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your devices with Akko. The sc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the electrifying atmosphere of a sports betting venue. The scene is filled with eager bettor.txt to raw_combined/Capture the electrifying atmosphere of a sports betting venue. The scene is filled with eager bettor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the intricate.txt to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the intricate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning money online with FreeCash.com. The setti.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning money online with FreeCash.com. The setti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your personal data with Incogn.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your personal data with Incogn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of the Illumalyte Headlamp in a rainy setting.txt to raw_combined/create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k photograph of the Illumalyte Headlamp in a rainy setting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A hyperrealistic photograph of the Heatpal Portable Heater in a modern office setting. The heater is.png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic photograph of the Heatpal Portable Heater in a modern office setting. The heater is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualiza una escena de un cliente satisfecho recibiendo las llaves de su vehículo de alquiler en un.txt to raw_combined/visualiza una escena de un cliente satisfecho recibiendo las llaves de su vehículo de alquiler en un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the PersonalLoansOnline app. The user is reviewi.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the PersonalLoansOnline app. The user is reviewi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GCLoot app. The user is redeeming a reward, .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the GCLoot app. The user is redeeming a reward, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Hloom. The setting is a modern home office with a.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Hloom. The setting is a modern home office with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution image of the CoolMe Pro device. The device should be the mai.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution image of the CoolMe Pro device. The device should be the mai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a scene of a bustling city street at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant city life.png to raw_combined/Capture a scene of a bustling city street at dusk. The content should focus on the vibrant city life.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Omaze, where individuals have the chance to win l.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Omaze, where individuals have the chance to win l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a variety of Nutrisystem meals neatly arranged on a kitchen counter. The meals are colorful.png to raw_combined/envision a variety of Nutrisystem meals neatly arranged on a kitchen counter. The meals are colorful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of selling your home fast and hasslefree with a cash.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of selling your home fast and hasslefree with a cash.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a dynamic, highresolution 16k image that showcases the intersection of technology and home se.txt to raw_combined/Create a dynamic, highresolution 16k image that showcases the intersection of technology and home se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualize a closeup shot of a pair of hands holding a smartphone, with the AutoAvenue app open on th.txt to raw_combined/visualize a closeup shot of a pair of hands holding a smartphone, with the AutoAvenue app open on th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a scene of a bustling sports betting arena. The main focus is a large,.png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a scene of a bustling sports betting arena. The main focus is a large,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Banggood. The setting is a modern living room wit.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Banggood. The setting is a modern living room wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning cash with RealSurveys That Pay. The setti.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning cash with RealSurveys That Pay. The setti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ZoomBucks app. The user is redeeming their e.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ZoomBucks app. The user is redeeming their e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of cooking with Gobble. The setting is a bright, mod.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of cooking with Gobble. The setting is a bright, mod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Envision a dynamic and vibrant image that encapsulates the spirit of Alamo Rent A Car. The scene is .txt to raw_combined/Envision a dynamic and vibrant image that encapsulates the spirit of Alamo Rent A Car. The scene is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the soothing effects of CBD products from PlusCBDoil.com. The content should focus on a vari.png to raw_combined/Capture the soothing effects of CBD products from PlusCBDoil.com. The content should focus on a vari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the second image, envision a lifestyle shot of a young, fashionable individual using their smart.png to raw_combined/For the second image, envision a lifestyle shot of a young, fashionable individual using their smart.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/visualiza una escena de alguien participando en una encuesta online en su pantalla. La persona está .txt to raw_combined/visualiza una escena de alguien participando en una encuesta online en su pantalla. La persona está .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of a Fathers Day gift from Personalization Mall. The.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of a Fathers Day gift from Personalization Mall. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a luxurious and meticulously arranged gift basket, filled with a variety of premium quality .txt to raw_combined/imagine a luxurious and meticulously arranged gift basket, filled with a variety of premium quality .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the quick and easy financial solutions provided by PersonalLoans.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the quick and easy financial solutions provided by PersonalLoans.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a stylish pair of Liingo Eyewear glasses placed on an open book. The glasses are in sharp f.png to raw_combined/envision a stylish pair of Liingo Eyewear glasses placed on an open book. The glasses are in sharp f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A closeup, hyperrealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Alibaba.com App. The phone is held in.png to raw_combined/A closeup, hyperrealistic image of a smartphone displaying the Alibaba.com App. The phone is held in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a computer screen displaying the NordVPN interface, symbolizing the secure and private inter.txt to raw_combined/imagine a computer screen displaying the NordVPN interface, symbolizing the secure and private inter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a hand holding the Foreo UFO smart mask treatment device. The focus is on the U.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a hand holding the Foreo UFO smart mask treatment device. The focus is on the U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/ Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photo of a professional house pain.png to raw_combined/ Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photo of a professional house pain.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AllAutosListed.com as a platform to discover a wi.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AllAutosListed.com as a platform to discover a wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AutoAvenue as your 1 source for auto financing. T.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of AutoAvenue as your 1 source for auto financing. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a traveler using the OneTravel.com platform on a laptop, with a world map and travel essent.png to raw_combined/envision a traveler using the OneTravel.com platform on a laptop, with a world map and travel essent.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Detergentstrip held in a hand, with a pile of laundry in the background. The .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Detergentstrip held in a hand, with a pile of laundry in the background. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a pair of hands being washed with MyGreenFills Hand Soap. The focus is on the s.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a pair of hands being washed with MyGreenFills Hand Soap. The focus is on the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The scene should be set in a metropolis like New York City, wi.png to raw_combined/Capture a bustling cityscape at dusk. The scene should be set in a metropolis like New York City, wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TurboTenant. The setting is a modern, wellfurnish.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of TurboTenant. The setting is a modern, wellfurnish.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your personal data with Incogn.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of protecting your personal data with Incogn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una escena de un concurso de trivia en un ambiente animado. En el centro de la imagen, hay u.png to raw_combined/imagina una escena de un concurso de trivia en un ambiente animado. En el centro de la imagen, hay u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a Cometeer Coffee Pod held in a hand, with a coffee machine in the background. .txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a Cometeer Coffee Pod held in a hand, with a coffee machine in the background. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a highresolution 16k image of the Gluconite nutritional supplement in a lifestyle setting. Th.png to raw_combined/Create a highresolution 16k image of the Gluconite nutritional supplement in a lifestyle setting. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ZoomBucks app. The user is redeeming their e.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the ZoomBucks app. The user is redeeming their e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a scenic route with a sleek Alamo rental car driving along it. The backdrop is a breathtakin.txt to raw_combined/Picture a scenic route with a sleek Alamo rental car driving along it. The backdrop is a breathtakin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the electrifying atmosphere of a sports betting venue. The scene is filled with eager bettor.png to raw_combined/Capture the electrifying atmosphere of a sports betting venue. The scene is filled with eager bettor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de Albert.com. En el centro de la imagen, hay un .png to raw_combined/imagina una representación visual de la plataforma de Albert.com. En el centro de la imagen, hay un .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una escena que encapsula la frase Negocio Simple, Vida Simple. Un hombre joven está acostado.png to raw_combined/Imagina una escena que encapsula la frase Negocio Simple, Vida Simple. Un hombre joven está acostado.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a moment of intimate connection between two individuals seeking relationship advice. The sce.png to raw_combined/Capture a moment of intimate connection between two individuals seeking relationship advice. The sce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una imagen vibrante y atractiva que captura la esencia de un webinar en Zoom. En el centro, .png to raw_combined/Imagina una imagen vibrante y atractiva que captura la esencia de un webinar en Zoom. En el centro, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming home fitness with Bowflex. T.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of transforming home fitness with Bowflex. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of transforming memories into beautiful art. The set.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of transforming memories into beautiful art. The set.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a dynamic and hightech scene that embodies the essence of Bluetti Power Stations. The sett.png to raw_combined/Visualize a dynamic and hightech scene that embodies the essence of Bluetti Power Stations. The sett.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Prevent the Drop. The setting is a bustling city .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Prevent the Drop. The setting is a bustling city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a scene from the golden era of Flash games. The setting is a classic 2D platformer game from.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from the golden era of Flash games. The setting is a classic 2D platformer game from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Shapellx brand. The content should fo.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Shapellx brand. The content should fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Martha Marley Spoon as your gateway to Martha St.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Martha Marley Spoon as your gateway to Martha St.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Shapellx brand. The content should fo.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Shapellx brand. The content should fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a vivid representation of Essential Elements Nutritions Apple Cider Gummy. The content shou.txt to raw_combined/envision a vivid representation of Essential Elements Nutritions Apple Cider Gummy. The content shou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una representación visual del marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gra.png to raw_combined/Imagina una representación visual del marketing por Internet. En el centro de la imagen, hay una gra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the excitement and adventure of exploring the world with Little Passports. The scene should .txt to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and adventure of exploring the world with Little Passports. The scene should .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a vibrant Easter scene filled with personalized gifts from Personalization Mall. The focus i.txt to raw_combined/imagine a vibrant Easter scene filled with personalized gifts from Personalization Mall. The focus i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Sealy Mattresses. The setting is a cozy, welldeco.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Sealy Mattresses. The setting is a cozy, welldeco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of refinancing your mortgage with ShopRateMarketPlac.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of refinancing your mortgage with ShopRateMarketPlac.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the convenience and quality of Handy.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the convenience and quality of Handy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a dynamic and hightech scene that embodies the essence of Bluetti Power Stations. The sett.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a dynamic and hightech scene that embodies the essence of Bluetti Power Stations. The sett.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of uMobix, the ultimate parental control sof.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image that captures the essence of uMobix, the ultimate parental control sof.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A vibrant and bustling scene from the heart of a city, captured in the style of a highdefinition tra.txt to raw_combined/A vibrant and bustling scene from the heart of a city, captured in the style of a highdefinition tra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Hloom. The setting is a modern home office with a.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Hloom. The setting is a modern home office with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Viome brand. The content should focus.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the Viome brand. The content should focus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a moment of intimate connection between two individuals seeking relationship advice. The sce.txt to raw_combined/Capture a moment of intimate connection between two individuals seeking relationship advice. The sce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Facetory. The setting is a serene bathroom with a.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Facetory. The setting is a serene bathroom with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a beautifully plated meal made with Gobble. The focus is on the dish, symbolizi.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a beautifully plated meal made with Gobble. The focus is on the dish, symbolizi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating cherished memories with Personalization .png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating cherished memories with Personalization .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una imagen hiperrealista de un iPhone mostrando una aplicación de prueba de sensibilidad a.txt to raw_combined/Visualiza una imagen hiperrealista de un iPhone mostrando una aplicación de prueba de sensibilidad a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of transforming memories into beautiful art. The set.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of transforming memories into beautiful art. The set.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Banggood. The setting is a modern living room wit.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Banggood. The setting is a modern living room wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of 1ink.com as a source to save big on ink and toner.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of 1ink.com as a source to save big on ink and toner.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image of a Muama Ryoko portable WiFi device. The device should be placed on .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a Muama Ryoko portable WiFi device. The device should be placed on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first prompt, imagine a scene where a patient is having a consultation with a doctor in a mo.png to raw_combined/For the first prompt, imagine a scene where a patient is having a consultation with a doctor in a mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Ultrasonic Pest Resister as a safe pest contr.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of the Ultrasonic Pest Resister as a safe pest contr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of GCLoot. The setting is a gamers room with a user .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of GCLoot. The setting is a gamers room with a user .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Illustrate the power of LuvMe Hair Wigs with a photorealistic image of a selection of LuvMe Hair wig.png to raw_combined/Illustrate the power of LuvMe Hair Wigs with a photorealistic image of a selection of LuvMe Hair wig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a serene and tranquil forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the towering trees, .txt to raw_combined/Imagine a serene and tranquil forest scene at dawn. The content should focus on the towering trees, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the thrill of a golf game in action. The content should focus on a golfer in midswing, with .txt to raw_combined/Capture the thrill of a golf game in action. The content should focus on a golfer in midswing, with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of My Perfect Resume. The setting is a modern home o.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of My Perfect Resume. The setting is a modern home o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the convenience of the Stopandshop experience. The setting is a .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the convenience of the Stopandshop experience. The setting is a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of protecting your home and loved ones with Deep Sen.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of protecting your home and loved ones with Deep Sen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a highresolution 16k photograph that captures the serene beauty of a secluded waterfall in a.png to raw_combined/Imagine a highresolution 16k photograph that captures the serene beauty of a secluded waterfall in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a stylish handbag and a pair of high heels from JustFab. The focus is on the in.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a stylish handbag and a pair of high heels from JustFab. The focus is on the in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone displaying the Opinion Inn website. The users hand is holding the .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone displaying the Opinion Inn website. The users hand is holding the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work. The painter sh.txt to raw_combined/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work. The painter sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Blinkist, where individuals can unlock powerful i.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Blinkist, where individuals can unlock powerful i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualiza una imagen hiperrealista de un iPhone mostrando una aplicación de prueba de sensibilidad a.png to raw_combined/Visualiza una imagen hiperrealista de un iPhone mostrando una aplicación de prueba de sensibilidad a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a scene where a person is in the process of choosing a lender on the loan website. The perso.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene where a person is in the process of choosing a lender on the loan website. The perso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution image of the CoolMe Pro device. The device should be the mai.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution image of the CoolMe Pro device. The device should be the mai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a scene that captures the essence of financial relief provided by Fast .png to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a scene that captures the essence of financial relief provided by Fast .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a child sitting at a table, engrossed in using the GoHenry app on a tablet. The childs face.txt to raw_combined/envision a child sitting at a table, engrossed in using the GoHenry app on a tablet. The childs face.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, highlighting its ecofriendly features. The .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the SolarGuard Pro security system, highlighting its ecofriendly features. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator app. The user is browsing .png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a smartphone screen displaying the Ticket Liquidator app. The user is browsing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Wirex. The setting is a modern home office with a.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Wirex. The setting is a modern home office with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the Easy Sealer in action, sealing a bag of snacks or a jar of preserves. The f.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the Easy Sealer in action, sealing a bag of snacks or a jar of preserves. The f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the ultimate convenience with Bulbhe.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of experiencing the ultimate convenience with Bulbhe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, imagine a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the intricate.png to raw_combined/For the first image, imagine a bustling cityscape at dusk. The content should focus on the intricate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the second image, envision a serene mountain landscape at sunrise. The content should focus on t.txt to raw_combined/For the second image, envision a serene mountain landscape at sunrise. The content should focus on t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a tech support specia.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highly detailed, and highresolution 16k photograph of a tech support specia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a beautifully set breakfast tray on a bed in an OYO hotel room. The focus is on.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a beautifully set breakfast tray on a bed in an OYO hotel room. The focus is on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a highresolution 16k photograph that captures the serene beauty of a secluded waterfall in a.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a highresolution 16k photograph that captures the serene beauty of a secluded waterfall in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagine a scene where youre exploring the vibrant world of Facetory, a skincare brand known for its .png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where youre exploring the vibrant world of Facetory, a skincare brand known for its .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Firearm Handling at a Shooting Club in the United States Capture a dynamic scene at a bustling shoot.png to raw_combined/Firearm Handling at a Shooting Club in the United States Capture a dynamic scene at a bustling shoot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/For the first image, envision a scene that captures the essence of financial emergencies. The focus .png to raw_combined/For the first image, envision a scene that captures the essence of financial emergencies. The focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the thrill of a golf game in action. The content should focus on a golfer in midswing, with .png to raw_combined/Capture the thrill of a golf game in action. The content should focus on a golfer in midswing, with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating cherished memories with Personalization .txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of creating cherished memories with Personalization .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a heartwarming scene of a dog enjoying treats from Meaningful Tree. The dog, a golden retriev.txt to raw_combined/Create a heartwarming scene of a dog enjoying treats from Meaningful Tree. The dog, a golden retriev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a TempurPedic mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on t.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a TempurPedic mattress with its distinctive material visible. The focus is on t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagina una representación visual de la aplicación Kikoff en un smartphone. El teléfono está en una .txt to raw_combined/imagina una representación visual de la aplicación Kikoff en un smartphone. El teléfono está en una .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the FlexShopper brand. The content should.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image that captures the essence of the FlexShopper brand. The content should.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a scene that captures the essence of student life. The main focus should be a group of dive.txt to raw_combined/envision a scene that captures the essence of student life. The main focus should be a group of dive.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the essence of financial relief with Money Pup Loans. The image should be a hyperrealistic, .png to raw_combined/Capture the essence of financial relief with Money Pup Loans. The image should be a hyperrealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with GrabPoints. The setting is a.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with GrabPoints. The setting is a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of a MyHeritage DNA Kit with its components neatly arranged. The focus is on the D.txt to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of a MyHeritage DNA Kit with its components neatly arranged. The focus is on the D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Capture the convenience and innovation of Labcorp OnDemands services. The scene should be set in a m.png to raw_combined/Capture the convenience and innovation of Labcorp OnDemands services. The scene should be set in a m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/envision a traveler using the OneTravel.com platform on a laptop, with a world map and travel essent.txt to raw_combined/envision a traveler using the OneTravel.com platform on a laptop, with a world map and travel essent.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/imagine a business professional sitting at a desk, using the Paychex platform on a computer. The pro.txt to raw_combined/imagine a business professional sitting at a desk, using the Paychex platform on a computer. The pro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/A highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph capturing the convenience of Pretty Litter. The image sh.png to raw_combined/A highresolution, hyperrealistic photograph capturing the convenience of Pretty Litter. The image sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Martha Marley Spoon as your gateway to Martha St.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Martha Marley Spoon as your gateway to Martha St.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Imagina una imagen vibrante y atractiva que captura la esencia de un webinar en Zoom. En el centro, .txt to raw_combined/Imagina una imagen vibrante y atractiva que captura la esencia de un webinar en Zoom. En el centro, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Picture a closeup of the Easy Sealer in action, sealing a bag of snacks or a jar of preserves. The f.png to raw_combined/Picture a closeup of the Easy Sealer in action, sealing a bag of snacks or a jar of preserves. The f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_16/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with FreeCryptoRewards and unlock.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of earning rewards with FreeCryptoRewards and unlock.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee with ak47 and a pile of cash on the table in a sukajan jacket having a mil.png to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee with ak47 and a pile of cash on the table in a sukajan jacket having a mil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/oil painting on canvas of Elon Musk as gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .txt to raw_combined/oil painting on canvas of Elon Musk as gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a a chimpanzee in a business suit sitting in a bus shelter c.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a a chimpanzee in a business suit sitting in a bus shelter c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photo of a big set of inflated pink kissing lips, standing in an alley, surreal, in the style of G.png to raw_combined/a photo of a big set of inflated pink kissing lips, standing in an alley, surreal, in the style of G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman standing in a white and red space, in the style of brutalist architecture, captivating docum.png to raw_combined/a woman standing in a white and red space, in the style of brutalist architecture, captivating docum.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman on a pink catwalk wearing a pink jacket and sunglasses, in the style of carpetpunk, lady gag.txt to raw_combined/a woman on a pink catwalk wearing a pink jacket and sunglasses, in the style of carpetpunk, lady gag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Photorealistic, a chimpanzee pilot flying a helicopter over the caribbean .png to raw_combined/Photorealistic, a chimpanzee pilot flying a helicopter over the caribbean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, massive explosi.png to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, massive explosi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/chimpanzee on the moon, planting a black flag into the moons soil, its spacesuit helmet is reflectiv.png to raw_combined/chimpanzee on the moon, planting a black flag into the moons soil, its spacesuit helmet is reflectiv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Zaha Hadid insane redesign of the st basils cathedral, russia, moscow, relocated in California, uhd .txt to raw_combined/Zaha Hadid insane redesign of the st basils cathedral, russia, moscow, relocated in California, uhd .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/mountains are sitting in the sky with clouds surrounding them, in the style of chiaroscuro portraitu.txt to raw_combined/mountains are sitting in the sky with clouds surrounding them, in the style of chiaroscuro portraitu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Los Angeles, Giant bunny, human car for scale .txt to raw_combined/Los Angeles, Giant bunny, human car for scale .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/haunting, closeup shot, macro photo, hideous scary terrifying child ghost, New England scenery, lake.txt to raw_combined/haunting, closeup shot, macro photo, hideous scary terrifying child ghost, New England scenery, lake.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/2023 Silicone Valley, movie still, cinematic lighting, a metal skeleton robot kneeling to a Elon Mus.png to raw_combined/2023 Silicone Valley, movie still, cinematic lighting, a metal skeleton robot kneeling to a Elon Mus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a person wearing a mask stands in front of his collection of cds, in the style of vintage vibe, shot.png to raw_combined/a person wearing a mask stands in front of his collection of cds, in the style of vintage vibe, shot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman in pink standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style of neopop sensibility, rich and .png to raw_combined/a woman in pink standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style of neopop sensibility, rich and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photo, korean brunette, long hair, hotpants, haute couture, sexy pose, looking over shoulder, by Pet.png to raw_combined/photo, korean brunette, long hair, hotpants, haute couture, sexy pose, looking over shoulder, by Pet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a mountain covered by clouds, in the style of japanese photography, caravaggesque chiaroscuro, penta.txt to raw_combined/a mountain covered by clouds, in the style of japanese photography, caravaggesque chiaroscuro, penta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a poor child on the back of its unicorn is flying over the stadium of São Paulo FC when it is match .png to raw_combined/a poor child on the back of its unicorn is flying over the stadium of São Paulo FC when it is match .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman is dressed in white clothing and lies in the street, in the style of dramatic black and whit.png to raw_combined/a woman is dressed in white clothing and lies in the street, in the style of dramatic black and whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1980 West Hollywood, portrait of the heaviest chimpanzee couple on earth in a grunge outfit sitting .txt to raw_combined/1980 West Hollywood, portrait of the heaviest chimpanzee couple on earth in a grunge outfit sitting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Some scary child creatures can be found in the woods, in the style of ethereal horror, 1985, manapun.png to raw_combined/Some scary child creatures can be found in the woods, in the style of ethereal horror, 1985, manapun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at the korova milk bar, gun on the ta.png to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at the korova milk bar, gun on the ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Japanese Surfin.txt to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Japanese Surfin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two older chimpanzees with tattoos posing on a street, in the style of extremely detailed art, china.png to raw_combined/two older chimpanzees with tattoos posing on a street, in the style of extremely detailed art, china.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Paris Riots, protesters throwing rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, style of f.png to raw_combined/Paris Riots, protesters throwing rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, style of f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a brown haired furry chimpanzee with curled horns, stands up, in a full length blue suit jacket with.png to raw_combined/a brown haired furry chimpanzee with curled horns, stands up, in a full length blue suit jacket with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an inflatable pool with colorful balls outside of the old city bridge, in the style of goainsprired .png to raw_combined/an inflatable pool with colorful balls outside of the old city bridge, in the style of goainsprired .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photograph of a young woman standing on an empty road in a building, in the style of sandy skoglun.png to raw_combined/a photograph of a young woman standing on an empty road in a building, in the style of sandy skoglun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Jia Zhangke movie, 1980 West Hollywood, back of the heaviest man on earth in a grunge outfit sitting.png to raw_combined/Jia Zhangke movie, 1980 West Hollywood, back of the heaviest man on earth in a grunge outfit sitting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalist, flat design, poster, Berlin, stunning, summer, blue sky, .png to raw_combined/Minimalist, flat design, poster, Berlin, stunning, summer, blue sky, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman in pink standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style of neopop sensibility, rich and .txt to raw_combined/a woman in pink standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style of neopop sensibility, rich and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/oil painting on canvas of Elon Musk as gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .png to raw_combined/oil painting on canvas of Elon Musk as gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Tyler Durden fights Bruce Lee, Ten.png to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Tyler Durden fights Bruce Lee, Ten.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic arcade hall 2023, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic expressio.png to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic arcade hall 2023, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic expressio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/kowloon city, Giant fish, human car for scale .png to raw_combined/kowloon city, Giant fish, human car for scale .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/chimpanzees in spacesuits reading from a sacred text in unison, in the style of divine wisdom, photo.txt to raw_combined/chimpanzees in spacesuits reading from a sacred text in unison, in the style of divine wisdom, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/kowloon city, Giant fish, human car for scale .txt to raw_combined/kowloon city, Giant fish, human car for scale .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine an.txt to raw_combined/a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/imagine jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with colored smoke grenades and smoke eff.txt to raw_combined/imagine jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with colored smoke grenades and smoke eff.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee with a colt in his hand and 100000 on the table in a sukajan jacket having.txt to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee with a colt in his hand and 100000 on the table in a sukajan jacket having.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a bunch of favela kids in A white Bentley Continental Azure GT V8 are watching the sunset in the fav.png to raw_combined/a bunch of favela kids in A white Bentley Continental Azure GT V8 are watching the sunset in the fav.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the first astronauts the last supper, in the style of ben goossens, dark white and beige, daniel ars.png to raw_combined/the first astronauts the last supper, in the style of ben goossens, dark white and beige, daniel ars.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Tyler Durden fights Bruce Lee, Ten.txt to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Tyler Durden fights Bruce Lee, Ten.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Los Angeles, Giant bunny, human car for scale .png to raw_combined/Los Angeles, Giant bunny, human car for scale .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the last supper td10, in the style of polixeni papapetrou, alan bean, dark white and light beige, ba.png to raw_combined/the last supper td10, in the style of polixeni papapetrou, alan bean, dark white and light beige, ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/full body shot, chimpanzee in a epic tropical birds sukajan jacket in a Game Center, 1980 Los Angele.txt to raw_combined/full body shot, chimpanzee in a epic tropical birds sukajan jacket in a Game Center, 1980 Los Angele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/full body shot, chimpanzee in a epic tropical birds sukajan jacket in a Game Center, 1980 Los Angele.png to raw_combined/full body shot, chimpanzee in a epic tropical birds sukajan jacket in a Game Center, 1980 Los Angele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1988 Compton, movie still, cinematic lighting, storytelling, N.W.A. playing swings high up on the ro.png to raw_combined/1988 Compton, movie still, cinematic lighting, storytelling, N.W.A. playing swings high up on the ro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two men wearing astronaut helmets on a wall, in the style of stark black and white photography, futu.txt to raw_combined/two men wearing astronaut helmets on a wall, in the style of stark black and white photography, futu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a bunch of favela kids in A white Bentley Continental Azure GT V8 are watching the sunset in the fav.txt to raw_combined/a bunch of favela kids in A white Bentley Continental Azure GT V8 are watching the sunset in the fav.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a beautiful photo of mountains in a cloudy day, in the style of kishin shinoyama, shadowy stillness,.png to raw_combined/a beautiful photo of mountains in a cloudy day, in the style of kishin shinoyama, shadowy stillness,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a white girl stands on a red street, in the style of brutalist architecture, dreamlike installations.txt to raw_combined/a white girl stands on a red street, in the style of brutalist architecture, dreamlike installations.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an explosion, mushroom cloud, artwork by Hoyte Van .png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an explosion, mushroom cloud, artwork by Hoyte Van .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/daft punk, DJs in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, maxima.png to raw_combined/daft punk, DJs in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, maxima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the most chaotic photo ever taken .txt to raw_combined/the most chaotic photo ever taken .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two men wearing astronaut helmets on a wall, in the style of stark black and white photography, futu.png to raw_combined/two men wearing astronaut helmets on a wall, in the style of stark black and white photography, futu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Analog photo of a chimpanzee with giant curls wearing baggy skater clothing mid 90s style jumping in.png to raw_combined/Analog photo of a chimpanzee with giant curls wearing baggy skater clothing mid 90s style jumping in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/I am a passenger And I ride, and I ride I ride through the citys backsides I see the stars come out .png to raw_combined/I am a passenger And I ride, and I ride I ride through the citys backsides I see the stars come out .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Los Angeles 1980, vogue fashion, Chimpanzee mythology, Sukajan, chimpanzee looks at the camera, in a.txt to raw_combined/Los Angeles 1980, vogue fashion, Chimpanzee mythology, Sukajan, chimpanzee looks at the camera, in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a child in the favelas of sao paulo watches a SpaceX rocket flying to Mars, incredibly detailed, sha.png to raw_combined/a child in the favelas of sao paulo watches a SpaceX rocket flying to Mars, incredibly detailed, sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oscarwinning special effects and cinematic action photography still from an upcoming sliceoflife blo.txt to raw_combined/Oscarwinning special effects and cinematic action photography still from an upcoming sliceoflife blo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem in light blue standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style .txt to raw_combined/James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem in light blue standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the most chaotic photo ever taken .png to raw_combined/the most chaotic photo ever taken .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/haunting, closeup shot, macro photo, hideous scary terrifying child ghost, New England scenery, lake.png to raw_combined/haunting, closeup shot, macro photo, hideous scary terrifying child ghost, New England scenery, lake.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine an.png to raw_combined/a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photo of a big set of robots, standing in an alley in Antwerp, surreal, in the style of Greg Simki.png to raw_combined/a photo of a big set of robots, standing in an alley in Antwerp, surreal, in the style of Greg Simki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photo of a big set of inflated pink kissing lips, standing in an alley, surreal, in the style of G.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a big set of inflated pink kissing lips, standing in an alley, surreal, in the style of G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Hyperrealistic photojournalism photography on the streets of Tehran. A chimpanzee accumulates a moun.txt to raw_combined/Hyperrealistic photojournalism photography on the streets of Tehran. A chimpanzee accumulates a moun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a person wearing a mask stands in front of his collection of cds, in the style of vintage vibe, shot.txt to raw_combined/a person wearing a mask stands in front of his collection of cds, in the style of vintage vibe, shot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man with an outfit to protect himself in a shop full of records, in the style of otherworldly, emo.txt to raw_combined/a man with an outfit to protect himself in a shop full of records, in the style of otherworldly, emo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, USA, epic at.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, USA, epic at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/medium shot, a chimpanzee princess and 7 dwarfs in 1984 Los Angeles, clear face features, hand holdi.png to raw_combined/medium shot, a chimpanzee princess and 7 dwarfs in 1984 Los Angeles, clear face features, hand holdi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two astronauts being photographed together in black and white, in the style of fintan magee, nostalg.png to raw_combined/two astronauts being photographed together in black and white, in the style of fintan magee, nostalg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic express.txt to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic express.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/gun and pile of cah on the table, photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at .png to raw_combined/gun and pile of cah on the table, photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man looking at the tv while watching cats, in the style of oversized portraits, gail simone, light.txt to raw_combined/a man looking at the tv while watching cats, in the style of oversized portraits, gail simone, light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man in a mask is at his desk in an old cd shop, in the style of pop inspo, yellow and orange, unif.png to raw_combined/a man in a mask is at his desk in an old cd shop, in the style of pop inspo, yellow and orange, unif.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A scene in sigmund freuds office of Freud listening to a chimpanzee talk about his mother. Photoreal.txt to raw_combined/A scene in sigmund freuds office of Freud listening to a chimpanzee talk about his mother. Photoreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, massive explosi.txt to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, massive explosi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Riots, protesters throwing 100 gigantic rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, sty.png to raw_combined/Riots, protesters throwing 100 gigantic rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster in London, epic .txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster in London, epic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman standing in a white and red space, in the style of brutalist architecture, captivating docum.txt to raw_combined/a woman standing in a white and red space, in the style of brutalist architecture, captivating docum.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury Stormtrooper concept of apple, hi tech synthetic bio ethere.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury Stormtrooper concept of apple, hi tech synthetic bio ethere.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photograph of a young woman standing on an empty road in a building, in the style of sandy skoglun.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a young woman standing on an empty road in a building, in the style of sandy skoglun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two older chimpanzees with tattoos posing on a street, in the style of extremely detailed art, china.txt to raw_combined/two older chimpanzees with tattoos posing on a street, in the style of extremely detailed art, china.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an inflatable pool by the ocean with many people in it, in the style of goainsprired motifs, dynamic.txt to raw_combined/an inflatable pool by the ocean with many people in it, in the style of goainsprired motifs, dynamic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/I am a passenger And I ride, and I ride I ride through the citys backsides I see the stars come out .txt to raw_combined/I am a passenger And I ride, and I ride I ride through the citys backsides I see the stars come out .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a chimpanzee and a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the.txt to raw_combined/a chimpanzee and a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Get into the car Well be the passenger Well ride through the city tonight See the citys ripped backs.png to raw_combined/Get into the car Well be the passenger Well ride through the city tonight See the citys ripped backs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a beautiful photo of mountains in a cloudy day, in the style of kishin shinoyama, shadowy stillness,.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful photo of mountains in a cloudy day, in the style of kishin shinoyama, shadowy stillness,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography by yushi matsuda, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, white and red, bjarke ingels, rumik.png to raw_combined/photography by yushi matsuda, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, white and red, bjarke ingels, rumik.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1970s ghostbusters as chimpanzees. 35mm photography magnum reportage .png to raw_combined/1970s ghostbusters as chimpanzees. 35mm photography magnum reportage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/kara khussa, actress in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, .png to raw_combined/kara khussa, actress in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Japanese Surfin.png to raw_combined/Haw Par Mansion tiger balm gardens, vogue shot, clear face features, Hong Kong 1980, Japanese Surfin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/I am the passenger I stay under glass I look through my window so bright I see the stars come out to.txt to raw_combined/I am the passenger I stay under glass I look through my window so bright I see the stars come out to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/oil painting on canvas of a gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .txt to raw_combined/oil painting on canvas of a gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter concept of apple, h.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter concept of apple, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with red bengal smoke lights is wanders through t.txt to raw_combined/jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with red bengal smoke lights is wanders through t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/chimpanzees in spacesuits reading from a sacred text in unison, in the style of divine wisdom, photo.png to raw_combined/chimpanzees in spacesuits reading from a sacred text in unison, in the style of divine wisdom, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photo, korean brunette, long hair, hotpants, haute couture, sexy pose, looking over shoulder, by Pet.txt to raw_combined/photo, korean brunette, long hair, hotpants, haute couture, sexy pose, looking over shoulder, by Pet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an explosion, mushroom cloud, artwork by Hoyte Van .txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an explosion, mushroom cloud, artwork by Hoyte Van .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an inflatable pool by the ocean with many people in it, in the style of goainsprired motifs, dynamic.png to raw_combined/an inflatable pool by the ocean with many people in it, in the style of goainsprired motifs, dynamic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the last supper ansmo whitehouse 2 w cd download, in the style of futuristic realism, monochromati.png to raw_combined/the last supper ansmo whitehouse 2 w cd download, in the style of futuristic realism, monochromati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a white girl stands on a red street, in the style of brutalist architecture, dreamlike installations.png to raw_combined/a white girl stands on a red street, in the style of brutalist architecture, dreamlike installations.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Analog photo of a chimpanzee with giant curls wearing baggy skater clothing mid 90s style jumping in.txt to raw_combined/Analog photo of a chimpanzee with giant curls wearing baggy skater clothing mid 90s style jumping in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster in London, epic .png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster in London, epic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He sees things from under glass He looks through his windows.png to raw_combined/Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He sees things from under glass He looks through his windows.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine antoni, surr.txt to raw_combined/a man sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine antoni, surr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Riots, protesters throwing 100 gigantic rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, sty.txt to raw_combined/Riots, protesters throwing 100 gigantic rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/daft punk, DJs in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, maxima.txt to raw_combined/daft punk, DJs in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, maxima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a a chimpanzee in a business suit sitting in a bus shelter c.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a a chimpanzee in a business suit sitting in a bus shelter c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee with ak47 and a pile of cash on the table in a sukajan jacket having a mil.txt to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee with ak47 and a pile of cash on the table in a sukajan jacket having a mil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oh, the passenger How, how he rides Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He looks through his win.png to raw_combined/Oh, the passenger How, how he rides Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He looks through his win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Hohenschwangau in Bavaria, postapocalyptic city, view of the ruined Neuschwanstein Castle, biomechan.png to raw_combined/Hohenschwangau in Bavaria, postapocalyptic city, view of the ruined Neuschwanstein Castle, biomechan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man looking at the tv while watching white bunnies , in the style of oversized portraits, gail sim.png to raw_combined/a man looking at the tv while watching white bunnies , in the style of oversized portraits, gail sim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cryptids family running through NYC street,.png to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cryptids family running through NYC street,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a group of men are sitting at a table and eating, in the style of mysterious space, dark white and l.png to raw_combined/a group of men are sitting at a table and eating, in the style of mysterious space, dark white and l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Film still, a medium shot of young chimpanzee, if it was made in the 1940s, retrofuturism, vintage t.txt to raw_combined/Film still, a medium shot of young chimpanzee, if it was made in the 1940s, retrofuturism, vintage t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic video games store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic exp.png to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic video games store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a poor child on the back of an insanely beautiful unicorn in the favelas of sao paulo is standing on.png to raw_combined/a poor child on the back of an insanely beautiful unicorn in the favelas of sao paulo is standing on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography by yushi matsuda, a pink pig with wings is flying from a balcony, in the style of bmovie.png to raw_combined/photography by yushi matsuda, a pink pig with wings is flying from a balcony, in the style of bmovie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an astronaut and an astronaut both wearing a helmet, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, pu.png to raw_combined/an astronaut and an astronaut both wearing a helmet, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, pu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a poor child on the back of its unicorn is flying over the stadium of São Paulo FC when it is match .txt to raw_combined/a poor child on the back of its unicorn is flying over the stadium of São Paulo FC when it is match .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a mountain covered by clouds, in the style of japanese photography, caravaggesque chiaroscuro, penta.png to raw_combined/a mountain covered by clouds, in the style of japanese photography, caravaggesque chiaroscuro, penta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a group of men are sitting at a table and eating, in the style of mysterious space, dark white and l.txt to raw_combined/a group of men are sitting at a table and eating, in the style of mysterious space, dark white and l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oh, the passenger How, how he rides Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He looks through his win.txt to raw_combined/Oh, the passenger How, how he rides Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He looks through his win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a child in the favelas of sao paulo watches a SpaceX rocket flying to Mars, incredibly detailed, sha.txt to raw_combined/a child in the favelas of sao paulo watches a SpaceX rocket flying to Mars, incredibly detailed, sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/massive explosion wit mushroom cloud out in the near mountains, in the style of epic fantasy scenes,.png to raw_combined/massive explosion wit mushroom cloud out in the near mountains, in the style of epic fantasy scenes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man in a mask is at his desk in an old cd shop, in the style of pop inspo, yellow and orange, unif.txt to raw_combined/a man in a mask is at his desk in an old cd shop, in the style of pop inspo, yellow and orange, unif.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/El Coyote Cafe, vogue shot, Los Angeles 1969, fashionista Actress Goddess couple with a toddler goin.png to raw_combined/El Coyote Cafe, vogue shot, Los Angeles 1969, fashionista Actress Goddess couple with a toddler goin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A chimpanzee sitting on the ground, in the style of suburban gothic, realistic depiction of light, r.txt to raw_combined/A chimpanzee sitting on the ground, in the style of suburban gothic, realistic depiction of light, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/medium shot, a chimpanzee princess and 7 dwarfs in 1984 Los Angeles, clear face features, hand holdi.txt to raw_combined/medium shot, a chimpanzee princess and 7 dwarfs in 1984 Los Angeles, clear face features, hand holdi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem in light blue standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style .png to raw_combined/James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem in light blue standing amidst people on a staircase, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Film still, a medium shot of young chimpanzee, if it was made in the 1940s, retrofuturism, vintage t.png to raw_combined/Film still, a medium shot of young chimpanzee, if it was made in the 1940s, retrofuturism, vintage t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1990 West Hollywood, portrait of chimpanzees in a skater wear sitting in a dark old movie theater wi.txt to raw_combined/1990 West Hollywood, portrait of chimpanzees in a skater wear sitting in a dark old movie theater wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Get into the car Well be the passenger Well ride through the city tonight See the citys ripped backs.txt to raw_combined/Get into the car Well be the passenger Well ride through the city tonight See the citys ripped backs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at the korova milk bar, gun on the ta.txt to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at the korova milk bar, gun on the ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1970s ghostbusters as chimpanzees. 35mm photography magnum reportage .txt to raw_combined/1970s ghostbusters as chimpanzees. 35mm photography magnum reportage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/astronaut in flight photo of two astronauts klo 8, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, flor.txt to raw_combined/astronaut in flight photo of two astronauts klo 8, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, flor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/I am the passenger I stay under glass I look through my window so bright I see the stars come out to.png to raw_combined/I am the passenger I stay under glass I look through my window so bright I see the stars come out to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Hohenschwangau in Bavaria, postapocalyptic city, view of the ruined Neuschwanstein Castle, biomechan.txt to raw_combined/Hohenschwangau in Bavaria, postapocalyptic city, view of the ruined Neuschwanstein Castle, biomechan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the style of pop ins.txt to raw_combined/a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the style of pop ins.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Los Angeles 1980, vogue fashion, Chimpanzee mythology, Sukajan, chimpanzee looks at the camera, in a.png to raw_combined/Los Angeles 1980, vogue fashion, Chimpanzee mythology, Sukajan, chimpanzee looks at the camera, in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with red bengal smoke lights is wanders through t.png to raw_combined/jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with red bengal smoke lights is wanders through t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/jiang shaos waking the dragon dreary, in the style of anamorphic lens, cybernetic scifi, gigantic sc.png to raw_combined/jiang shaos waking the dragon dreary, in the style of anamorphic lens, cybernetic scifi, gigantic sc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/two astronauts being photographed together in black and white, in the style of fintan magee, nostalg.txt to raw_combined/two astronauts being photographed together in black and white, in the style of fintan magee, nostalg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A scene in sigmund freuds office of Freud listening to a chimpanzee talk about his mother. Photoreal.png to raw_combined/A scene in sigmund freuds office of Freud listening to a chimpanzee talk about his mother. Photoreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/gun and pile of cah on the table, photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at .txt to raw_combined/gun and pile of cah on the table, photography of chimpanzee in a satin jacket having a milkshake at .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man looking at the tv while watching cats, in the style of oversized portraits, gail simone, light.png to raw_combined/a man looking at the tv while watching cats, in the style of oversized portraits, gail simone, light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/dancing in robot dance style edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sach.png to raw_combined/dancing in robot dance style edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sach.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/imagine jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with colored smoke grenades and smoke eff.png to raw_combined/imagine jakarta darkest hour, a gang of poor homeless kids with colored smoke grenades and smoke eff.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a twilight over mountain peaks and clouds, in the style of kishin shinoyama, fujifilm neopan, tony o.png to raw_combined/a twilight over mountain peaks and clouds, in the style of kishin shinoyama, fujifilm neopan, tony o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/mountains are sitting in the sky with clouds surrounding them, in the style of chiaroscuro portraitu.png to raw_combined/mountains are sitting in the sky with clouds surrounding them, in the style of chiaroscuro portraitu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/surreal, a bunch of favela kids are playing on a beautiful golf course the in the favelas of Sao Pau.png to raw_combined/surreal, a bunch of favela kids are playing on a beautiful golf course the in the favelas of Sao Pau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a favela child wit a tv as its head is playing in the favelas of sao paulo, waste in intense colors .png to raw_combined/a favela child wit a tv as its head is playing in the favelas of sao paulo, waste in intense colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/surreal, a bunch of favela kids are playing on a beautiful golf course the in the favelas of Sao Pau.txt to raw_combined/surreal, a bunch of favela kids are playing on a beautiful golf course the in the favelas of Sao Pau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oscarwinning special effects and cinematic action photography still from an upcoming sliceoflife blo.png to raw_combined/Oscarwinning special effects and cinematic action photography still from an upcoming sliceoflife blo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography of chimpanzee with a colt in his hand and 100000 on the table in a sukajan jacket having.png to raw_combined/photography of chimpanzee with a colt in his hand and 100000 on the table in a sukajan jacket having.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/dancing in robot dance style edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sach.txt to raw_combined/dancing in robot dance style edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sach.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing apocalyptic fireplace explosion photograph, insane brawl of pub guests, portrait insid.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing apocalyptic fireplace explosion photograph, insane brawl of pub guests, portrait insid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He sees things from under glass He looks through his windows.txt to raw_combined/Oh, the passenger He rides and he rides He sees things from under glass He looks through his windows.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1990 West Hollywood, portrait of chimpanzees in a skater wear sitting in a dark old movie theater wi.png to raw_combined/1990 West Hollywood, portrait of chimpanzees in a skater wear sitting in a dark old movie theater wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman on a pink catwalk wearing a pink jacket and sunglasses, in the style of carpetpunk, lady gag.png to raw_combined/a woman on a pink catwalk wearing a pink jacket and sunglasses, in the style of carpetpunk, lady gag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic video games store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic exp.txt to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic video games store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1988 Compton, movie still, cinematic lighting, storytelling, N.W.A. playing swings high up on the ro.txt to raw_combined/1988 Compton, movie still, cinematic lighting, storytelling, N.W.A. playing swings high up on the ro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the last supper ansmo whitehouse 2 w cd download, in the style of futuristic realism, monochromati.txt to raw_combined/the last supper ansmo whitehouse 2 w cd download, in the style of futuristic realism, monochromati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an Pac Man 8 bit arcade machine explosion, mushroom.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an Pac Man 8 bit arcade machine explosion, mushroom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Some scary child creatures can be found in the woods, in the style of ethereal horror, 1985, manapun.txt to raw_combined/Some scary child creatures can be found in the woods, in the style of ethereal horror, 1985, manapun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a twilight over mountain peaks and clouds, in the style of kishin shinoyama, fujifilm neopan, tony o.txt to raw_combined/a twilight over mountain peaks and clouds, in the style of kishin shinoyama, fujifilm neopan, tony o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an Pac Man 8 bit arcade machine explosion, mushroom.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of an Pac Man 8 bit arcade machine explosion, mushroom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing apocalyptic fireplace explosion photograph, insane brawl of pub guests, portrait insid.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing apocalyptic fireplace explosion photograph, insane brawl of pub guests, portrait insid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury Stormtrooper concept of apple, hi tech synthetic bio ethere.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury Stormtrooper concept of apple, hi tech synthetic bio ethere.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Paris Riots, protesters throwing rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, style of f.txt to raw_combined/Paris Riots, protesters throwing rubik cubes while clashing with police, riot aesthetics, style of f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, USA, epic at.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, USA, epic at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a woman is dressed in white clothing and lies in the street, in the style of dramatic black and whit.txt to raw_combined/a woman is dressed in white clothing and lies in the street, in the style of dramatic black and whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a photo of a big set of robots, standing in an alley in Antwerp, surreal, in the style of Greg Simki.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a big set of robots, standing in an alley in Antwerp, surreal, in the style of Greg Simki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the style of pop ins.png to raw_combined/a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the style of pop ins.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/massive explosion wit mushroom cloud out in the near mountains, in the style of epic fantasy scenes,.txt to raw_combined/massive explosion wit mushroom cloud out in the near mountains, in the style of epic fantasy scenes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic express.png to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic records store 2018, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic express.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning, warning overthinking kills your happiness, incredi.png to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning, warning overthinking kills your happiness, incredi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the first astronauts the last supper, in the style of ben goossens, dark white and beige, daniel ars.txt to raw_combined/the first astronauts the last supper, in the style of ben goossens, dark white and beige, daniel ars.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalist, flat design, poster, Berlin, stunning, summer, blue sky, .txt to raw_combined/Minimalist, flat design, poster, Berlin, stunning, summer, blue sky, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/El Coyote Cafe, vogue shot, Los Angeles 1969, fashionista Actress Goddess couple with a toddler goin.txt to raw_combined/El Coyote Cafe, vogue shot, Los Angeles 1969, fashionista Actress Goddess couple with a toddler goin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, epic atomic bomb ex.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, epic atomic bomb ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a poor child on the back of an insanely beautiful unicorn in the favelas of sao paulo is standing on.txt to raw_combined/a poor child on the back of an insanely beautiful unicorn in the favelas of sao paulo is standing on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/kara khussa, actress in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, .txt to raw_combined/kara khussa, actress in pink costume in front of crowd, in the style of neopop iconography, marble, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/edmund taht astros the arctic arcade hall 2023, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic expressio.txt to raw_combined/edmund taht astros the arctic arcade hall 2023, in the style of sacha goldberger, robotic expressio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography by yushi matsuda, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, white and red, bjarke ingels, rumik.txt to raw_combined/photography by yushi matsuda, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, white and red, bjarke ingels, rumik.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/chimpanzee on the moon, planting a black flag into the moons soil, its spacesuit helmet is reflectiv.txt to raw_combined/chimpanzee on the moon, planting a black flag into the moons soil, its spacesuit helmet is reflectiv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine antoni, surr.png to raw_combined/a man sitting in a bus shelter, in the style of pierre huyghe, vancouver school, janine antoni, surr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/jiang shaos waking the dragon dreary, in the style of anamorphic lens, cybernetic scifi, gigantic sc.txt to raw_combined/jiang shaos waking the dragon dreary, in the style of anamorphic lens, cybernetic scifi, gigantic sc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, epic atomic bomb ex.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing photograph widescreen full shot of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey, epic atomic bomb ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/2023 Silicone Valley, movie still, cinematic lighting, a metal skeleton robot kneeling to a Elon Mus.txt to raw_combined/2023 Silicone Valley, movie still, cinematic lighting, a metal skeleton robot kneeling to a Elon Mus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/A chimpanzee sitting on the ground, in the style of suburban gothic, realistic depiction of light, r.png to raw_combined/A chimpanzee sitting on the ground, in the style of suburban gothic, realistic depiction of light, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/1980 West Hollywood, portrait of the heaviest chimpanzee couple on earth in a grunge outfit sitting .png to raw_combined/1980 West Hollywood, portrait of the heaviest chimpanzee couple on earth in a grunge outfit sitting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an inflatable pool with colorful balls outside of the old city bridge, in the style of goainsprired .txt to raw_combined/an inflatable pool with colorful balls outside of the old city bridge, in the style of goainsprired .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/astronaut in flight photo of two astronauts klo 8, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, flor.png to raw_combined/astronaut in flight photo of two astronauts klo 8, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, flor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a chimpanzee and a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the.png to raw_combined/a chimpanzee and a man in a mexican wrestling mask is at his desk in an old video games shop, in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning, warning overthinking kills your happiness, incredi.txt to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning, warning overthinking kills your happiness, incredi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Zaha Hadid insane redesign of the st basils cathedral, russia, moscow, relocated in California, uhd .png to raw_combined/Zaha Hadid insane redesign of the st basils cathedral, russia, moscow, relocated in California, uhd .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Jia Zhangke movie, 1980 West Hollywood, back of the heaviest man on earth in a grunge outfit sitting.txt to raw_combined/Jia Zhangke movie, 1980 West Hollywood, back of the heaviest man on earth in a grunge outfit sitting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Photorealistic, a chimpanzee pilot flying a helicopter over the caribbean .txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic, a chimpanzee pilot flying a helicopter over the caribbean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/photography by yushi matsuda, a pink pig with wings is flying from a balcony, in the style of bmovie.txt to raw_combined/photography by yushi matsuda, a pink pig with wings is flying from a balcony, in the style of bmovie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/an astronaut and an astronaut both wearing a helmet, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, pu.txt to raw_combined/an astronaut and an astronaut both wearing a helmet, in the style of monochromatic contemplation, pu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a favela child wit a tv as its head is playing in the favelas of sao paulo, waste in intense colors .txt to raw_combined/a favela child wit a tv as its head is playing in the favelas of sao paulo, waste in intense colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/the last supper td10, in the style of polixeni papapetrou, alan bean, dark white and light beige, ba.txt to raw_combined/the last supper td10, in the style of polixeni papapetrou, alan bean, dark white and light beige, ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a brown haired furry chimpanzee with curled horns, stands up, in a full length blue suit jacket with.txt to raw_combined/a brown haired furry chimpanzee with curled horns, stands up, in a full length blue suit jacket with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter concept of apple, h.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning future luxury a buddhist monk sitting in a bus shelter concept of apple, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Hyperrealistic photojournalism photography on the streets of Tehran. A chimpanzee accumulates a moun.png to raw_combined/Hyperrealistic photojournalism photography on the streets of Tehran. A chimpanzee accumulates a moun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cryptids family running through NYC street,.txt to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cryptids family running through NYC street,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man with an outfit to protect himself in a shop full of records, in the style of otherworldly, emo.png to raw_combined/a man with an outfit to protect himself in a shop full of records, in the style of otherworldly, emo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/a man looking at the tv while watching white bunnies , in the style of oversized portraits, gail sim.txt to raw_combined/a man looking at the tv while watching white bunnies , in the style of oversized portraits, gail sim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_75/oil painting on canvas of a gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .png to raw_combined/oil painting on canvas of a gladiator saluting the crowd in the colloseum by Hans Gude .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Carnival in a Glass Dome Under a glass dome, a vibrant carnival scene buzzes with miniature life. A .txt to raw_combined/Carnival in a Glass Dome Under a glass dome, a vibrant carnival scene buzzes with miniature life. A .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this ultrarealistic photograph, the setting sun paints the sky with vibrant hues, casting a subli.png to raw_combined/In this ultrarealistic photograph, the setting sun paints the sky with vibrant hues, casting a subli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Craft a hyperrealistic artwork titled Symphony of Resurgence, set within an abandoned, postapocalypt.png to raw_combined/Craft a hyperrealistic artwork titled Symphony of Resurgence, set within an abandoned, postapocalypt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/cybernetic animals in a postapocalyptic cityscape vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illustra.png to raw_combined/cybernetic animals in a postapocalyptic cityscape vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illustra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with silver light, burgundy and slate blue makeup, digita.txt to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with silver light, burgundy and slate blue makeup, digita.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A captivating closeup image of a model with rich, deepbrown hair that flows like melted chocolate, m.txt to raw_combined/A captivating closeup image of a model with rich, deepbrown hair that flows like melted chocolate, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/City Pulse Create a double exposure image that contrasts a busy, colourful carnival scene over a det.png to raw_combined/City Pulse Create a double exposure image that contrasts a busy, colourful carnival scene over a det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/VISION Barebones Intrigue FEEL Mystifying SETTING Engage with the sphere of barebones intrigue by co.png to raw_combined/VISION Barebones Intrigue FEEL Mystifying SETTING Engage with the sphere of barebones intrigue by co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Celestial Blend Conjure a double exposure image that blends the macro and micro elements of our univ.png to raw_combined/Celestial Blend Conjure a double exposure image that blends the macro and micro elements of our univ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Inside the hidden room, a forgotten diary reveals the extraordinary life of its enigmatic author who.png to raw_combined/Inside the hidden room, a forgotten diary reveals the extraordinary life of its enigmatic author who.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a quaint coastal town, a mysterious artifact washes ashore, captivating the attention of the loca.png to raw_combined/In a quaint coastal town, a mysterious artifact washes ashore, captivating the attention of the loca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Artistic photography session of a young woman adorned with kaleidoscope glasses, Teal, Magenta, Burn.txt to raw_combined/Artistic photography session of a young woman adorned with kaleidoscope glasses, Teal, Magenta, Burn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vividly enticing closeup image of a model playfully adorned with a hat mimicking the shape of a Be.txt to raw_combined/A vividly enticing closeup image of a model playfully adorned with a hat mimicking the shape of a Be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design an album cover channeling the surreal style of Hipgnosis for the theme Dimensional Paradox. Y.txt to raw_combined/Design an album cover channeling the surreal style of Hipgnosis for the theme Dimensional Paradox. Y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Ultra highresolution photo of a woman, muted whites color palette, depth of field .png to raw_combined/Ultra highresolution photo of a woman, muted whites color palette, depth of field .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, long exposure, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light .png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, long exposure, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Framing the moment with the Canon .png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Framing the moment with the Canon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A young woman holding with both hands a vintage empty picture frame, sharp face, floral pattern prin.txt to raw_combined/A young woman holding with both hands a vintage empty picture frame, sharp face, floral pattern prin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot showcases a fullbody woman bathed in a teal light. Shes adorned with an audaci.txt to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot showcases a fullbody woman bathed in a teal light. Shes adorned with an audaci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of exquisite optical fiber weaves, by Nein, fluid motion, Canon EO.txt to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of exquisite optical fiber weaves, by Nein, fluid motion, Canon EO.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Survivor Use high contrast and desaturated colors to evoke a postapocalyptic feeling. Experiment.png to raw_combined/The Survivor Use high contrast and desaturated colors to evoke a postapocalyptic feeling. Experiment.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/gold bar melting, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/gold bar melting, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, white and black, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric s.png to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, white and black, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a mixedmedia artwork of a supermodel stepping out of a scifithemed art installation. Present .png to raw_combined/Create a mixedmedia artwork of a supermodel stepping out of a scifithemed art installation. Present .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a hyperdetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, her crystalline eyes mirror the universe.png to raw_combined/In a hyperdetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, her crystalline eyes mirror the universe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a surrealistic and hyperrealistic portrait of a white human face. The face should be depicted.txt to raw_combined/Create a surrealistic and hyperrealistic portrait of a white human face. The face should be depicted.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Experimental mixedmedia portrait, avantgarde fashion with a surrealist twist, black and white with p.txt to raw_combined/Experimental mixedmedia portrait, avantgarde fashion with a surrealist twist, black and white with p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a model dressed in elegant night attire. The outfit should be lux.png to raw_combined/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a model dressed in elegant night attire. The outfit should be lux.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Embark on creating Stellar Vogue, an ultrarealistic piece blending high fashion and celestial beauty.txt to raw_combined/Embark on creating Stellar Vogue, an ultrarealistic piece blending high fashion and celestial beauty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Exclusively in black and white, devoid of any color. This creation takes form as a meticulous line d.png to raw_combined/Exclusively in black and white, devoid of any color. This creation takes form as a meticulous line d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait, avantgarde fashion, black and white, extreme contrast, ethereal white background, minimali.png to raw_combined/Portrait, avantgarde fashion, black and white, extreme contrast, ethereal white background, minimali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a mixedmedia artwork of a supermodel stepping out of a scifithemed art installation. Present .txt to raw_combined/Create a mixedmedia artwork of a supermodel stepping out of a scifithemed art installation. Present .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel wearing a futuristic outfit. The outfit should be sle.png to raw_combined/Create an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel wearing a futuristic outfit. The outfit should be sle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair mirrored into a fiery phoenix Vogue cover imag.txt to raw_combined/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair mirrored into a fiery phoenix Vogue cover imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Sand and Sea in a Glass Sphere A spherical glass terrarium houses a small, selfsustaining beach scen.png to raw_combined/Sand and Sea in a Glass Sphere A spherical glass terrarium houses a small, selfsustaining beach scen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of red head model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, unleashing creativity with a.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of red head model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, unleashing creativity with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with indigo light, lemon yellow and rose pink makeup, digit.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with indigo light, lemon yellow and rose pink makeup, digit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A steampunk fashion show in the heart of a bustling Victorian city. The models are adorned in intric.txt to raw_combined/A steampunk fashion show in the heart of a bustling Victorian city. The models are adorned in intric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an ultrarealistic image of a pair of highend headphones. The headphones should be sleek and m.png to raw_combined/Create an ultrarealistic image of a pair of highend headphones. The headphones should be sleek and m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/female, electrofunk, feminine, expressive pose, playing keyboards, electrifiying, towering, closeup,.txt to raw_combined/female, electrofunk, feminine, expressive pose, playing keyboards, electrifiying, towering, closeup,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with emerald light, cherry red and sapphire blue makeup, di.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with emerald light, cherry red and sapphire blue makeup, di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Luxurious High Fashion Photography .txt to raw_combined/Luxurious High Fashion Photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Lowangle shot, professional studio photography, photorealistic portrait with a twist of unique color.txt to raw_combined/Lowangle shot, professional studio photography, photorealistic portrait with a twist of unique color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the cosmos of fashion, supermodel Aurelia Vega creates a celestial phenomenon with her line, Cele.txt to raw_combined/In the cosmos of fashion, supermodel Aurelia Vega creates a celestial phenomenon with her line, Cele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait Photography, silver human face dripped with neon green and pink honey emerges from a silver.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography, silver human face dripped with neon green and pink honey emerges from a silver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a surreal, Hipgnosisinspired album cover for the theme Harmonic Dissonance. The design should.txt to raw_combined/Create a surreal, Hipgnosisinspired album cover for the theme Harmonic Dissonance. The design should.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/On a prismatic runway, a modern supermodel, adorned in an avantgarde, technologicallyenhanced outfit.png to raw_combined/On a prismatic runway, a modern supermodel, adorned in an avantgarde, technologicallyenhanced outfit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/extreme low angle photo taken from below of beautiful nun with religious face tattoos, minimal, porc.png to raw_combined/extreme low angle photo taken from below of beautiful nun with religious face tattoos, minimal, porc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Artist at Work Use a shallow depth of field to focus on the artist, making the background of the.png to raw_combined/The Artist at Work Use a shallow depth of field to focus on the artist, making the background of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Mesmerizing fine art photography brings forth a futuristic take on the iconic 1950s Vogue fashion A .txt to raw_combined/Mesmerizing fine art photography brings forth a futuristic take on the iconic 1950s Vogue fashion A .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a world enthralled by monochromatic fashion, Isabella Lorenti, a renowned supermodel, sparks a vi.png to raw_combined/In a world enthralled by monochromatic fashion, Isabella Lorenti, a renowned supermodel, sparks a vi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Picture an artifact, presented by a futuristic woman clad in sleek black metal. This image should be.txt to raw_combined/Picture an artifact, presented by a futuristic woman clad in sleek black metal. This image should be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Delve into the creation of Whispers of the Deep, a hyperrealistic underwater tableau. Illuminate the.png to raw_combined/Delve into the creation of Whispers of the Deep, a hyperrealistic underwater tableau. Illuminate the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geome.png to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Vibrant Street Fashion Photography .txt to raw_combined/Vibrant Street Fashion Photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the bustling metropolis of 2130 stands The Nexus, a spiraling architectural marvel of selfhealing.png to raw_combined/In the bustling metropolis of 2130 stands The Nexus, a spiraling architectural marvel of selfhealing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Prizewinning nature photography showcasing a vibrant mountain lake panorama, featuring rich flora, p.png to raw_combined/Prizewinning nature photography showcasing a vibrant mountain lake panorama, featuring rich flora, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a tribal mask, coral and golden yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric.txt to raw_combined/A woman with a tribal mask, coral and golden yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with azure light, apricot and plum makeup, digital art, lon.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with azure light, apricot and plum makeup, digital art, lon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic closeup of a model, emphasizing minimalism. She wears an exclusive designer piece, .txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic closeup of a model, emphasizing minimalism. She wears an exclusive designer piece, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A stunningly clear closeup image of a model, her hair tinted with the verdant greens and vibrant yel.png to raw_combined/A stunningly clear closeup image of a model, her hair tinted with the verdant greens and vibrant yel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A highresolution closeup image of a model, her hair arranged in a spectacular, swirling blend of dee.png to raw_combined/A highresolution closeup image of a model, her hair arranged in a spectacular, swirling blend of dee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/minimalism, closeup, portrait, street style .png to raw_combined/minimalism, closeup, portrait, street style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A captivating closeup image of a model with rich, deepbrown hair that flows like melted chocolate, m.png to raw_combined/A captivating closeup image of a model with rich, deepbrown hair that flows like melted chocolate, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this ultrarealistic photograph, the setting sun paints the sky with vibrant hues, casting a subli.txt to raw_combined/In this ultrarealistic photograph, the setting sun paints the sky with vibrant hues, casting a subli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vivacious closeup of a model radiating joy. Shes adorned in a highend modern ensemble, her bright .png to raw_combined/A vivacious closeup of a model radiating joy. Shes adorned in a highend modern ensemble, her bright .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Using only simple geometric shapes, predominantly squares and rectangles, create a piece of artwork .txt to raw_combined/Using only simple geometric shapes, predominantly squares and rectangles, create a piece of artwork .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Knolling Vintage Camera Collection .txt to raw_combined/Knolling Vintage Camera Collection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait Photography, silver human face dripped with neon green and pink honey emerges from a silver.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography, silver human face dripped with neon green and pink honey emerges from a silver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Minimalist photography of a highfashion model with geometric blackandwhite makeup, digital art, mono.png to raw_combined/Minimalist photography of a highfashion model with geometric blackandwhite makeup, digital art, mono.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A crisp, highdefinition closeup image of a model, her hair styled in vibrant yellow and red waves to.png to raw_combined/A crisp, highdefinition closeup image of a model, her hair styled in vibrant yellow and red waves to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Prizewinning nature photography showcasing a vibrant mountain lake panorama, featuring rich flora, p.txt to raw_combined/Prizewinning nature photography showcasing a vibrant mountain lake panorama, featuring rich flora, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a carnival mask, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric sy.png to raw_combined/A woman with a carnival mask, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric sy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a fullbody photo of a beautiful nun with religious face tattoos. The nun possesses a minimal.txt to raw_combined/Capture a fullbody photo of a beautiful nun with religious face tattoos. The nun possesses a minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the glamorous yet often wasteful world of fashion, supermodel Valeria Castellanos pioneers a path.png to raw_combined/In the glamorous yet often wasteful world of fashion, supermodel Valeria Castellanos pioneers a path.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Window to the Soul A macro shot of a persons eye, reflecting an intricate scene. The scene could be .png to raw_combined/Window to the Soul A macro shot of a persons eye, reflecting an intricate scene. The scene could be .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Strutting down the runway first is our lead model, Ava. She is donning the Dusk in Venice maxi dress.txt to raw_combined/Strutting down the runway first is our lead model, Ava. She is donning the Dusk in Venice maxi dress.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Color Splash editorial shot, Shoot against a stark white background, with the model dressed in brigh.txt to raw_combined/Color Splash editorial shot, Shoot against a stark white background, with the model dressed in brigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the cosmos of fashion, supermodel Aurelia Vega creates a celestial phenomenon with her line, Cele.png to raw_combined/In the cosmos of fashion, supermodel Aurelia Vega creates a celestial phenomenon with her line, Cele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel dressed in all pink for a magazine shoot. The model .png to raw_combined/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel dressed in all pink for a magazine shoot. The model .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a stunning photorealistic scene in the style of retro outrun. Transport yourself to a neonlit.txt to raw_combined/Create a stunning photorealistic scene in the style of retro outrun. Transport yourself to a neonlit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a hyperrealistic portrait of a head constructed of gold, gradually disintegrating and dispers.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic portrait of a head constructed of gold, gradually disintegrating and dispers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Subject Capture a single individual, emphasizing their personality and energy. Setting Choose an out.txt to raw_combined/Subject Capture a single individual, emphasizing their personality and energy. Setting Choose an out.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with ruby red light, forest green and royal purple makeup, .txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with ruby red light, forest green and royal purple makeup, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup of a brave explorer scaling a snowcapped mountain, monochrome, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/Closeup of a brave explorer scaling a snowcapped mountain, monochrome, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A cartoon kitty wearing a Sherlock Holmes detective outfit is lounging on the rooftops, in the style.txt to raw_combined/A cartoon kitty wearing a Sherlock Holmes detective outfit is lounging on the rooftops, in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Double exposure, juxtaposing the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo with the portrait of a young woman in mo.png to raw_combined/Double exposure, juxtaposing the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo with the portrait of a young woman in mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup of a brave explorer scaling a snowcapped mountain, monochrome, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/Closeup of a brave explorer scaling a snowcapped mountain, monochrome, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A highresolution closeup image of a model, her hair arranged in a spectacular, swirling blend of dee.txt to raw_combined/A highresolution closeup image of a model, her hair arranged in a spectacular, swirling blend of dee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Princess Fluffypaws in a detailed portrait style, her luxurious white fur shimmering in the light, a.png to raw_combined/Princess Fluffypaws in a detailed portrait style, her luxurious white fur shimmering in the light, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Vibrant Fusion Create a double exposure image that integrates a vibrant sunset with a bustling citys.png to raw_combined/Vibrant Fusion Create a double exposure image that integrates a vibrant sunset with a bustling citys.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Embark on a journey through the captivating world of fashion minimalism, where a supermodel graceful.png to raw_combined/Embark on a journey through the captivating world of fashion minimalism, where a supermodel graceful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of sparkling champagne sequins, with cascading strands of fairy li.txt to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of sparkling champagne sequins, with cascading strands of fairy li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Entitled Dual Equilibrium, envision a square canvas painted with a gradient of cool colors from midn.txt to raw_combined/Entitled Dual Equilibrium, envision a square canvas painted with a gradient of cool colors from midn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive woman comes into focus, her beauty captured .png to raw_combined/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive woman comes into focus, her beauty captured .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Amid a sea of noir fashion, supermodel Luna Rousseau ignites a revolution. Launching her radiant lin.txt to raw_combined/Amid a sea of noir fashion, supermodel Luna Rousseau ignites a revolution. Launching her radiant lin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Bohemian SunDrenched MOOD Serene SCENE Work alongside celebrated nature and lifestyle photog.txt to raw_combined/STYLE Bohemian SunDrenched MOOD Serene SCENE Work alongside celebrated nature and lifestyle photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic photograph captures the intimate moment between two lovers a man gently tucking a l.txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic photograph captures the intimate moment between two lovers a man gently tucking a l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a hyperdetailed, Wes Andersoninspired, futuristic doll that merges avantgarde technology with.png to raw_combined/Design a hyperdetailed, Wes Andersoninspired, futuristic doll that merges avantgarde technology with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Microscopic Garden in a Test Tube A test tube stands in a rack, filled with nutrientrich gel. Within.txt to raw_combined/Microscopic Garden in a Test Tube A test tube stands in a rack, filled with nutrientrich gel. Within.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Gucci meets vibrant street art, cinematic realism .png to raw_combined/Gucci meets vibrant street art, cinematic realism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Pop Art Vibrancy MOOD Energetic SCENE Collaborate with the dynamic supermodel, Cara Deleving.txt to raw_combined/STYLE Pop Art Vibrancy MOOD Energetic SCENE Collaborate with the dynamic supermodel, Cara Deleving.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the interplay of rainsoaked steampunkcore, vibrant cyberpunkwave, and cosmic scifipunk, awardwinn.png to raw_combined/In the interplay of rainsoaked steampunkcore, vibrant cyberpunkwave, and cosmic scifipunk, awardwinn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the glamorous yet often wasteful world of fashion, supermodel Valeria Castellanos pioneers a path.txt to raw_combined/In the glamorous yet often wasteful world of fashion, supermodel Valeria Castellanos pioneers a path.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Unveil the captivating allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate .txt to raw_combined/Unveil the captivating allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a supermodel draped in the finest haute couture .png to raw_combined/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a supermodel draped in the finest haute couture .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vivacious closeup of a model radiating joy. Shes adorned in a highend modern ensemble, her bright .txt to raw_combined/A vivacious closeup of a model radiating joy. Shes adorned in a highend modern ensemble, her bright .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a robot draped in the finest haute couture fashi.png to raw_combined/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a robot draped in the finest haute couture fashi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Aerial view of the same explorer setting up camp under the starry night sky, monochrome, cinematic p.png to raw_combined/Aerial view of the same explorer setting up camp under the starry night sky, monochrome, cinematic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/AICrafted Beauty Geometric Symmetry, Perception, Innovation, hyperdetailed .txt to raw_combined/AICrafted Beauty Geometric Symmetry, Perception, Innovation, hyperdetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Next is our distinguished model, Leon. Leon presents the Urban Majesty suit, a testament to Deluccis.txt to raw_combined/Next is our distinguished model, Leon. Leon presents the Urban Majesty suit, a testament to Deluccis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair morphing into a fierce lioness Vogue cover ima.png to raw_combined/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair morphing into a fierce lioness Vogue cover ima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this vibrant snapshot of the 60s, our model impeccably showcases the iconic spirit of the era in .png to raw_combined/In this vibrant snapshot of the 60s, our model impeccably showcases the iconic spirit of the era in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Bold and vibrant pop artinspired portrait, fashion extravaganza bursting with colors, playful contra.txt to raw_combined/Bold and vibrant pop artinspired portrait, fashion extravaganza bursting with colors, playful contra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Color Splash editorial shot, Shoot against a stark white background, with the model dressed in brigh.png to raw_combined/Color Splash editorial shot, Shoot against a stark white background, with the model dressed in brigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a disillusioned artist stumbles upon a hidden doorway i.txt to raw_combined/In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a disillusioned artist stumbles upon a hidden doorway i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a visually striking masterpiece that defies expectations. Picture a futuristic cityscape wher.txt to raw_combined/Create a visually striking masterpiece that defies expectations. Picture a futuristic cityscape wher.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Behold the breathtaking photorealistic masterpiece a captivating model meticulously crafted with un.png to raw_combined/Behold the breathtaking photorealistic masterpiece a captivating model meticulously crafted with un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive girl comes into focus, her beauty captured i.txt to raw_combined/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive girl comes into focus, her beauty captured i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Emerging from the ether, a model wrapped in the cool tranquility of cyan and the warm vibrance of li.txt to raw_combined/Emerging from the ether, a model wrapped in the cool tranquility of cyan and the warm vibrance of li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Behold the breathtaking photorealistic masterpiece a captivating model meticulously crafted with un.txt to raw_combined/Behold the breathtaking photorealistic masterpiece a captivating model meticulously crafted with un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the neonlit, physicsdefying mega city of Chromatika, where fashion dictates reality, eccentric fa.png to raw_combined/In the neonlit, physicsdefying mega city of Chromatika, where fashion dictates reality, eccentric fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Sand and Sea in a Glass Sphere A spherical glass terrarium houses a small, selfsustaining beach scen.txt to raw_combined/Sand and Sea in a Glass Sphere A spherical glass terrarium houses a small, selfsustaining beach scen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Visualize a German highfashion, closeup portrait. Its minimalist, set against a bright backdrop, hyp.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a German highfashion, closeup portrait. Its minimalist, set against a bright backdrop, hyp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/extreme low angle photo taken from below of beautiful nun with religious face tattoos, minimal, porc.txt to raw_combined/extreme low angle photo taken from below of beautiful nun with religious face tattoos, minimal, porc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A young woman holding with both hands a vintage empty picture frame, sharp face, floral pattern prin.png to raw_combined/A young woman holding with both hands a vintage empty picture frame, sharp face, floral pattern prin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait, fashion, black and white, high contrast, white background, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/Portrait, fashion, black and white, high contrast, white background, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Subject Capture a single individual, emphasizing their personality and energy. Setting Choose an out.png to raw_combined/Subject Capture a single individual, emphasizing their personality and energy. Setting Choose an out.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Embark on a journey through the captivating world of fashion minimalism, where a supermodel graceful.txt to raw_combined/Embark on a journey through the captivating world of fashion minimalism, where a supermodel graceful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Armed with newfound knowledge, the protagonist embarks on a journey to fulfill the authors unfinishe.txt to raw_combined/Armed with newfound knowledge, the protagonist embarks on a journey to fulfill the authors unfinishe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, lilac and lemon yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.png to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, lilac and lemon yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, splittoning, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light le.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, splittoning, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Envision a closeup portrait steeped in the edgy realm of German high fashion. Picture a minimalist y.txt to raw_combined/Envision a closeup portrait steeped in the edgy realm of German high fashion. Picture a minimalist y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Drawing inspiration from Yayoi Kusamas striking and immersive artistic style, visualize an environme.txt to raw_combined/Drawing inspiration from Yayoi Kusamas striking and immersive artistic style, visualize an environme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light leaks shot on P.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light leaks shot on P.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A wornout key discovered in an old attic unlocks a hidden door leading to... .png to raw_combined/A wornout key discovered in an old attic unlocks a hidden door leading to... .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of exquisite optical fiber weaves, by Nein, fluid motion, Canon EO.png to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of exquisite optical fiber weaves, by Nein, fluid motion, Canon EO.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an artwork that encapsulates the essence of the Pop Art movement, which rose to prominence in.png to raw_combined/Create an artwork that encapsulates the essence of the Pop Art movement, which rose to prominence in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the Depths of Thought A classic, moody portrait using Rembrandt lighting can accentuate the acade.txt to raw_combined/In the Depths of Thought A classic, moody portrait using Rembrandt lighting can accentuate the acade.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design an album cover channeling the surreal style of Hipgnosis for the theme Dimensional Paradox. Y.png to raw_combined/Design an album cover channeling the surreal style of Hipgnosis for the theme Dimensional Paradox. Y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, emerald and soft pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.txt to raw_combined/a model, emerald and soft pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Storytelling Editorial Fashion Photography .txt to raw_combined/Storytelling Editorial Fashion Photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A cartoon kitty wearing a Sherlock Holmes detective outfit is lounging on the rooftops, in the style.png to raw_combined/A cartoon kitty wearing a Sherlock Holmes detective outfit is lounging on the rooftops, in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with indigo light, lemon yellow and rose pink makeup, digit.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with indigo light, lemon yellow and rose pink makeup, digit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive woman comes into focus, her beauty captured .txt to raw_combined/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive woman comes into focus, her beauty captured .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a Venetian masquerade mask, teal and blush pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, .txt to raw_combined/A woman with a Venetian masquerade mask, teal and blush pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A steampunk fashion show in the heart of a bustling Victorian city. The models are adorned in intric.png to raw_combined/A steampunk fashion show in the heart of a bustling Victorian city. The models are adorned in intric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Unveil the enigmatic allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate re.png to raw_combined/Unveil the enigmatic allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture the mesmerizing allure of a supermodel in an ultrarealistic vertical image, where their radi.png to raw_combined/Capture the mesmerizing allure of a supermodel in an ultrarealistic vertical image, where their radi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Vibrant Fusion Create a double exposure image that integrates a vibrant sunset with a bustling citys.txt to raw_combined/Vibrant Fusion Create a double exposure image that integrates a vibrant sunset with a bustling citys.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Dream Weaver A portrait of a fashion designer in their studio, draped in fabrics and surrounded .txt to raw_combined/The Dream Weaver A portrait of a fashion designer in their studio, draped in fabrics and surrounded .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In an array of cool cyan and soft sunset orange, we encounter an extraordinary spectacle a futuristi.png to raw_combined/In an array of cool cyan and soft sunset orange, we encounter an extraordinary spectacle a futuristi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A glass house, geometric symmetry, hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/A glass house, geometric symmetry, hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the transient world of fashion, supermodel Aurora St. Clair orchestrates a timeless revolution. L.png to raw_combined/In the transient world of fashion, supermodel Aurora St. Clair orchestrates a timeless revolution. L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Clockwork City in a Light Bulb Suspended in midair, a vintagestyle light bulb contains a detailed, m.png to raw_combined/Clockwork City in a Light Bulb Suspended in midair, a vintagestyle light bulb contains a detailed, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Illustrate an unexpected poker night happening in the heart of a thriving underwater city. This is n.txt to raw_combined/Illustrate an unexpected poker night happening in the heart of a thriving underwater city. This is n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Immerse yourself in the world of fashion minimalism, where a captivating supermodel takes center sta.png to raw_combined/Immerse yourself in the world of fashion minimalism, where a captivating supermodel takes center sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.txt to raw_combined/a model, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman sweeping dirt under a lifted piece of the wallpaper, with the dirt and broom as a stencil. T.png to raw_combined/A woman sweeping dirt under a lifted piece of the wallpaper, with the dirt and broom as a stencil. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Immerse yourself in the world of fashion minimalism, where a captivating supermodel takes center sta.txt to raw_combined/Immerse yourself in the world of fashion minimalism, where a captivating supermodel takes center sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Fine art photography comes alive with an explosion of color, reinterpreting the chic aesthetic of 19.png to raw_combined/Fine art photography comes alive with an explosion of color, reinterpreting the chic aesthetic of 19.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Celestial Blend Conjure a double exposure image that blends the macro and micro elements of our univ.txt to raw_combined/Celestial Blend Conjure a double exposure image that blends the macro and micro elements of our univ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, shot with Pictureperfect shots with t.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, shot with Pictureperfect shots with t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the Depths of Thought A classic, moody portrait using Rembrandt lighting can accentuate the acade.png to raw_combined/In the Depths of Thought A classic, moody portrait using Rembrandt lighting can accentuate the acade.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, emerald and soft pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.png to raw_combined/a model, emerald and soft pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic closeup image of a model with luxuriously flowing hair, dyed in the iconic Starbuck.txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic closeup image of a model with luxuriously flowing hair, dyed in the iconic Starbuck.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Envision a supermodel on the runway, adorned in a masterpiece inspired by the quadratic equation x2 .png to raw_combined/Envision a supermodel on the runway, adorned in a masterpiece inspired by the quadratic equation x2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometri.txt to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Age of Innocence Use a soft focus with a wide aperture to blur the field of flowers, accentuating th.txt to raw_combined/Age of Innocence Use a soft focus with a wide aperture to blur the field of flowers, accentuating th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Knolling Vintage Camera Collection .png to raw_combined/Knolling Vintage Camera Collection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with azure light, apricot and plum makeup, digital art, lon.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with azure light, apricot and plum makeup, digital art, lon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/cybernetic animals in a postapocalyptic cityscape vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illustra.txt to raw_combined/cybernetic animals in a postapocalyptic cityscape vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illustra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Envision a supermodel on the runway, adorned in a masterpiece inspired by the quadratic equation x2 .txt to raw_combined/Envision a supermodel on the runway, adorned in a masterpiece inspired by the quadratic equation x2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/DESIGN Abstract Obscurity SENTIMENT Enthralling ENVIRONMENT Step into the dimension of abstract obsc.txt to raw_combined/DESIGN Abstract Obscurity SENTIMENT Enthralling ENVIRONMENT Step into the dimension of abstract obsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/galactic explorers encountering alien civilizations vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illust.png to raw_combined/galactic explorers encountering alien civilizations vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illust.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with an astronaut helmet, magenta and pale green, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.txt to raw_combined/A woman with an astronaut helmet, magenta and pale green, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Amid a sea of noir fashion, supermodel Luna Rousseau ignites a revolution. Launching her radiant lin.png to raw_combined/Amid a sea of noir fashion, supermodel Luna Rousseau ignites a revolution. Launching her radiant lin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In an array of cool cyan and soft sunset orange, we encounter an extraordinary spectacle a futuristi.txt to raw_combined/In an array of cool cyan and soft sunset orange, we encounter an extraordinary spectacle a futuristi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a hyperdetailed, Wes Andersoninspired, futuristic doll that merges avantgarde technology with.txt to raw_combined/Design a hyperdetailed, Wes Andersoninspired, futuristic doll that merges avantgarde technology with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Male hiphop group, RunDMC, known for their impactful beats and rhythms, in a powerful and dynamic po.txt to raw_combined/Male hiphop group, RunDMC, known for their impactful beats and rhythms, in a powerful and dynamic po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Gucci meets futuristic cyberpunk, cinematic realism .txt to raw_combined/Gucci meets futuristic cyberpunk, cinematic realism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Exclusively in black and white, devoid of any color. This creation takes form as a meticulous line d.txt to raw_combined/Exclusively in black and white, devoid of any color. This creation takes form as a meticulous line d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Surrealist photography of a futuristic android with neon blue circuitry makeup, digital art, pastel .png to raw_combined/Surrealist photography of a futuristic android with neon blue circuitry makeup, digital art, pastel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Knolling Art Supplies .png to raw_combined/Knolling Art Supplies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an album cover reminiscent of Hipgnosis innovative and surreal style. The theme is Temporal E.png to raw_combined/Create an album cover reminiscent of Hipgnosis innovative and surreal style. The theme is Temporal E.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with crimson light, sapphire and gold makeup, digital art.txt to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with crimson light, sapphire and gold makeup, digital art.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Lowangle shot, professional studio photography, photorealistic portrait with a twist of unique color.png to raw_combined/Lowangle shot, professional studio photography, photorealistic portrait with a twist of unique color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with emerald light, cherry red and sapphire blue makeup, di.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with emerald light, cherry red and sapphire blue makeup, di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a robot draped in the finest haute couture fashi.txt to raw_combined/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a robot draped in the finest haute couture fashi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Imagine a supermodel on the runway, her style representing the linear equation 2x 3y 6. The variab.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a supermodel on the runway, her style representing the linear equation 2x 3y 6. The variab.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Exquisite fine art photography presents a unique vision, imbued with the singular brilliance of yell.txt to raw_combined/Exquisite fine art photography presents a unique vision, imbued with the singular brilliance of yell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Imagery crafted using the prowess .txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Imagery crafted using the prowess .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of iridescent butterfly wings, by Alexander McQueen, fluid motion,.txt to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of iridescent butterfly wings, by Alexander McQueen, fluid motion,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a carnival mask, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric sy.txt to raw_combined/A woman with a carnival mask, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric sy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Contrasting Elements. The Subject A single individual should be the main focus of your image. Settin.png to raw_combined/Contrasting Elements. The Subject A single individual should be the main focus of your image. Settin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/An intricately detailed, small glass bottle rests on a wooden tabletop. Inside the bottle, a swirlin.png to raw_combined/An intricately detailed, small glass bottle rests on a wooden tabletop. Inside the bottle, a swirlin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a Venetian masquerade mask, teal and blush pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, .png to raw_combined/A woman with a Venetian masquerade mask, teal and blush pink, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait, avantgarde fashion, black and white, extreme contrast, ethereal white background, minimali.txt to raw_combined/Portrait, avantgarde fashion, black and white, extreme contrast, ethereal white background, minimali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A closeup of a white female msereneodel, exhibiting a calm demeanor. Shes dressed in an upscale cont.png to raw_combined/A closeup of a white female msereneodel, exhibiting a calm demeanor. Shes dressed in an upscale cont.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A cheerful child holding with both hands a popart empty picture frame, sharp face, polka dot pattern.txt to raw_combined/A cheerful child holding with both hands a popart empty picture frame, sharp face, polka dot pattern.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Modern outfits inspired by Banksy, fashion photoshoot .png to raw_combined/Modern outfits inspired by Banksy, fashion photoshoot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Reimagine Vincent van Goghs Starry Night from the vantage point of a terraformed Mars in 2300. Paint.png to raw_combined/Reimagine Vincent van Goghs Starry Night from the vantage point of a terraformed Mars in 2300. Paint.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Storytelling Editorial Fashion Photography .png to raw_combined/Storytelling Editorial Fashion Photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this vibrant image, our model beautifully brings to life the essence of the 1970s, adorned in an .txt to raw_combined/In this vibrant image, our model beautifully brings to life the essence of the 1970s, adorned in an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Framing the moment with the Canon .txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Framing the moment with the Canon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.png to raw_combined/a model, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depicted u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Picture an ultradetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, where each striking feature is acc.txt to raw_combined/Picture an ultradetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, where each striking feature is acc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Experimental mixedmedia portrait, avantgarde fashion with a surrealist twist, black and white with p.png to raw_combined/Experimental mixedmedia portrait, avantgarde fashion with a surrealist twist, black and white with p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Next is our distinguished model, Leon. Leon presents the Urban Majesty suit, a testament to Deluccis.png to raw_combined/Next is our distinguished model, Leon. Leon presents the Urban Majesty suit, a testament to Deluccis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a selfproclaimed selfie queen taking a hyperrealistic selfie, GoPro camera, doggy paddling with a ru.txt to raw_combined/a selfproclaimed selfie queen taking a hyperrealistic selfie, GoPro camera, doggy paddling with a ru.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, tiltshift effect, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic lig.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, tiltshift effect, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with golden light, teal and coral makeup, digital art, long.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with golden light, teal and coral makeup, digital art, long.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Inside the hidden room, a forgotten diary reveals the extraordinary life of its enigmatic author who.txt to raw_combined/Inside the hidden room, a forgotten diary reveals the extraordinary life of its enigmatic author who.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Construct a photomontage using a collection of personal or found photographs. Aim to convey a meanin.png to raw_combined/Construct a photomontage using a collection of personal or found photographs. Aim to convey a meanin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the crossroads of fashion and music, supermodel Iris Donovan unveils her line, Harmony Threads. C.txt to raw_combined/In the crossroads of fashion and music, supermodel Iris Donovan unveils her line, Harmony Threads. C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the grandeur of distant galaxies, a symphony of celestial bodies resounds, a testament to the uni.txt to raw_combined/In the grandeur of distant galaxies, a symphony of celestial bodies resounds, a testament to the uni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Illustrate an unexpected poker night happening in the heart of a thriving underwater city. This is n.png to raw_combined/Illustrate an unexpected poker night happening in the heart of a thriving underwater city. This is n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a hyperrealistic portrait of a head constructed of gold, gradually disintegrating and dispers.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic portrait of a head constructed of gold, gradually disintegrating and dispers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Guiding Light Use lowkey lighting to accentuate the elders face and the candlelight, creating a myst.png to raw_combined/Guiding Light Use lowkey lighting to accentuate the elders face and the candlelight, creating a myst.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Gucci meets futuristic cyberpunk, cinematic realism .png to raw_combined/Gucci meets futuristic cyberpunk, cinematic realism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Simplistic Enigma MOOD Mysterious SCENE Immerse yourself in the realm of simplistic enigma by .png to raw_combined/STYLE Simplistic Enigma MOOD Mysterious SCENE Immerse yourself in the realm of simplistic enigma by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Intimate shot of the explorer triumphantly reaching the mountains peak at sunrise, monochrome, cinem.txt to raw_combined/Intimate shot of the explorer triumphantly reaching the mountains peak at sunrise, monochrome, cinem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Delve into the creation of Whispers of the Deep, a hyperrealistic underwater tableau. Illuminate the.txt to raw_combined/Delve into the creation of Whispers of the Deep, a hyperrealistic underwater tableau. Illuminate the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, lavender and peach, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, structured balance, depicted unde.txt to raw_combined/a model, lavender and peach, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, structured balance, depicted unde.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a photograph blending elements of portrait, editorial, and fashion photography. The Subjects .png to raw_combined/Create a photograph blending elements of portrait, editorial, and fashion photography. The Subjects .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Contrasting Elements. The Subject A single individual should be the main focus of your image. Settin.txt to raw_combined/Contrasting Elements. The Subject A single individual should be the main focus of your image. Settin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Unveil the enigmatic allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate re.txt to raw_combined/Unveil the enigmatic allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic closeup of a model, emphasizing minimalism. She wears an exclusive designer piece, .png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic closeup of a model, emphasizing minimalism. She wears an exclusive designer piece, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a rainy day in London, city centre, crowds and many cars, reflections in the puddles .txt to raw_combined/a rainy day in London, city centre, crowds and many cars, reflections in the puddles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Gucci meets vibrant street art, cinematic realism .txt to raw_combined/Gucci meets vibrant street art, cinematic realism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a fullbody Steampunk ensemble, blending Victorian elegance with industrial machinery aestheti.txt to raw_combined/Design a fullbody Steampunk ensemble, blending Victorian elegance with industrial machinery aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, long exposure, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light .txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, long exposure, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Maxwell in a detailed portrait style, his seasoned features lined with age, a trace of youthful spar.png to raw_combined/Maxwell in a detailed portrait style, his seasoned features lined with age, a trace of youthful spar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, lavender and peach, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, structured balance, depicted unde.png to raw_combined/a model, lavender and peach, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, structured balance, depicted unde.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Imagery crafted using the prowess .png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, chromatic aberration, shot with Imagery crafted using the prowess .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/minimalism, closeup, portrait, bohemian style .png to raw_combined/minimalism, closeup, portrait, bohemian style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of luminous bioluminescent fabric, by Iris van Herpen, fluid motio.txt to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of luminous bioluminescent fabric, by Iris van Herpen, fluid motio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, splittoning, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light le.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, splittoning, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair mirrored into a fiery phoenix Vogue cover imag.png to raw_combined/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair mirrored into a fiery phoenix Vogue cover imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Window to the Soul A macro shot of a persons eye, reflecting an intricate scene. The scene could be .txt to raw_combined/Window to the Soul A macro shot of a persons eye, reflecting an intricate scene. The scene could be .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic photograph captures the intimate moment between two lovers a man gently tucking a l.png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic photograph captures the intimate moment between two lovers a man gently tucking a l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Male, oldschool hiphop group, powerful, striking pose, delivering rhymes and beats, electrifying, to.txt to raw_combined/Male, oldschool hiphop group, powerful, striking pose, delivering rhymes and beats, electrifying, to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A wornout key discovered in an old attic unlocks a hidden door leading to... .txt to raw_combined/A wornout key discovered in an old attic unlocks a hidden door leading to... .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of luminous bioluminescent fabric, by Iris van Herpen, fluid motio.png to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of luminous bioluminescent fabric, by Iris van Herpen, fluid motio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, white and black, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric s.txt to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, white and black, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Mesmerizing fine art photography brings forth a futuristic take on the iconic 1950s Vogue fashion A .png to raw_combined/Mesmerizing fine art photography brings forth a futuristic take on the iconic 1950s Vogue fashion A .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the crossroads of fashion and music, supermodel Iris Donovan unveils her line, Harmony Threads. C.png to raw_combined/In the crossroads of fashion and music, supermodel Iris Donovan unveils her line, Harmony Threads. C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a fullbody photo of a beautiful nun with religious face tattoos. The nun possesses a minimal.png to raw_combined/Capture a fullbody photo of a beautiful nun with religious face tattoos. The nun possesses a minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a world enthralled by monochromatic fashion, Isabella Lorenti, a renowned supermodel, sparks a vi.txt to raw_combined/In a world enthralled by monochromatic fashion, Isabella Lorenti, a renowned supermodel, sparks a vi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with ruby red light, forest green and royal purple makeup, .png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with ruby red light, forest green and royal purple makeup, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geome.txt to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, cyan and light orange, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Noir Cinema MOOD Dramatic SCENE Collaborate with the iconic supermodel, Linda Evangelista, t.txt to raw_combined/STYLE Noir Cinema MOOD Dramatic SCENE Collaborate with the iconic supermodel, Linda Evangelista, t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel dressed in all pink for a magazine shoot. The model .txt to raw_combined/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel dressed in all pink for a magazine shoot. The model .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vibrant closeup portrait of a model, brimming with life. Shes adorned in a bold, colourful outfit,.txt to raw_combined/A vibrant closeup portrait of a model, brimming with life. Shes adorned in a bold, colourful outfit,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Description Capture an image in a bustling urban environment that explores the concept of simulacrum.txt to raw_combined/Description Capture an image in a bustling urban environment that explores the concept of simulacrum.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Exquisite fine art photography presents a unique vision, imbued with the singular brilliance of yell.png to raw_combined/Exquisite fine art photography presents a unique vision, imbued with the singular brilliance of yell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Unveil the captivating allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate .png to raw_combined/Unveil the captivating allure of a fullbody photo, showcasing a stunning nun adorned with intricate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Dream Weaver A portrait of a fashion designer in their studio, draped in fabrics and surrounded .png to raw_combined/The Dream Weaver A portrait of a fashion designer in their studio, draped in fabrics and surrounded .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a closeup portrait shot of a unique porcelain dolllike alien, featuring delicately painted i.png to raw_combined/Capture a closeup portrait shot of a unique porcelain dolllike alien, featuring delicately painted i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Luxurious High Fashion Photography .png to raw_combined/Luxurious High Fashion Photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Futuristic Minimalism MOOD Zenlike SCENE Collaborate with the mesmerizing supermodel, Liu We.txt to raw_combined/STYLE Futuristic Minimalism MOOD Zenlike SCENE Collaborate with the mesmerizing supermodel, Liu We.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/An ultradetailed closeup image of a model whose hair cascades down in soft, golden waves reminiscent.png to raw_combined/An ultradetailed closeup image of a model whose hair cascades down in soft, golden waves reminiscent.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Maxwell in a detailed portrait style, his seasoned features lined with age, a trace of youthful spar.txt to raw_combined/Maxwell in a detailed portrait style, his seasoned features lined with age, a trace of youthful spar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Envision a closeup portrait steeped in the edgy realm of German high fashion. Picture a minimalist y.png to raw_combined/Envision a closeup portrait steeped in the edgy realm of German high fashion. Picture a minimalist y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with periwinkle light, olive green and maroon makeup, digit.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with periwinkle light, olive green and maroon makeup, digit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Vintage Sepia MOOD Nostalgic SCENE Join forces with renowned landscape and portrait artist, .png to raw_combined/STYLE Vintage Sepia MOOD Nostalgic SCENE Join forces with renowned landscape and portrait artist, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a stunning photorealistic scene in the style of retro outrun. Transport yourself to a neonlit.png to raw_combined/Create a stunning photorealistic scene in the style of retro outrun. Transport yourself to a neonlit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Fashion portrait shoot of a girl in colorful glasses, Crimson, Sapphire, Silver, depicted under the .png to raw_combined/Fashion portrait shoot of a girl in colorful glasses, Crimson, Sapphire, Silver, depicted under the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Reimagine Vincent van Goghs Starry Night from the vantage point of a terraformed Mars in 2300. Paint.txt to raw_combined/Reimagine Vincent van Goghs Starry Night from the vantage point of a terraformed Mars in 2300. Paint.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a surrealistic and hyperrealistic portrait of a white human face. The face should be depicted.png to raw_combined/Create a surrealistic and hyperrealistic portrait of a white human face. The face should be depicted.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Visualize a German highfashion, closeup portrait. Its minimalist, set against a bright backdrop, hyp.png to raw_combined/Visualize a German highfashion, closeup portrait. Its minimalist, set against a bright backdrop, hyp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, lilac and lemon yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.txt to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, lilac and lemon yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Enter the realm of fashion minimalism. A captivating supermodel. Hyperdetailed. Raw style. Meticulou.txt to raw_combined/Enter the realm of fashion minimalism. A captivating supermodel. Hyperdetailed. Raw style. Meticulou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with rosegold light, teal and ruby makeup, digital art, l.txt to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with rosegold light, teal and ruby makeup, digital art, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with a tribal mask, coral and golden yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric.png to raw_combined/A woman with a tribal mask, coral and golden yellow, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A closeup of a white female msereneodel, exhibiting a calm demeanor. Shes dressed in an upscale cont.txt to raw_combined/A closeup of a white female msereneodel, exhibiting a calm demeanor. Shes dressed in an upscale cont.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Emerging from the ether, a model wrapped in the cool tranquility of cyan and the warm vibrance of li.png to raw_combined/Emerging from the ether, a model wrapped in the cool tranquility of cyan and the warm vibrance of li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Enter the realm of fashion minimalism. A captivating supermodel. Hyperdetailed. Raw style. Meticulou.png to raw_combined/Enter the realm of fashion minimalism. A captivating supermodel. Hyperdetailed. Raw style. Meticulou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Bold and vibrant pop artinspired portrait, fashion extravaganza bursting with colors, playful contra.png to raw_combined/Bold and vibrant pop artinspired portrait, fashion extravaganza bursting with colors, playful contra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, tiltshift effect, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic lig.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, tiltshift effect, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this vibrant image, our model beautifully brings to life the essence of the 1970s, adorned in an .png to raw_combined/In this vibrant image, our model beautifully brings to life the essence of the 1970s, adorned in an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A hyperrealistic closeup image of a model with luxuriously flowing hair, dyed in the iconic Starbuck.png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic closeup image of a model with luxuriously flowing hair, dyed in the iconic Starbuck.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Using only simple geometric shapes, predominantly squares and rectangles, create a piece of artwork .png to raw_combined/Using only simple geometric shapes, predominantly squares and rectangles, create a piece of artwork .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of red head model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, unleashing creativity with a.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of red head model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, unleashing creativity with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an ultrarealistic image of a pair of highend headphones. The headphones should be sleek and m.txt to raw_combined/Create an ultrarealistic image of a pair of highend headphones. The headphones should be sleek and m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vividly enticing closeup image of a model playfully adorned with a hat mimicking the shape of a Be.png to raw_combined/A vividly enticing closeup image of a model playfully adorned with a hat mimicking the shape of a Be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, lavenderpeach hues, minimalism meets futurism, geometric symmetry under Marc Jacobs vision..png to raw_combined/a model, lavenderpeach hues, minimalism meets futurism, geometric symmetry under Marc Jacobs vision..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Noir Cinema MOOD Dramatic SCENE Collaborate with the iconic supermodel, Linda Evangelista, t.png to raw_combined/STYLE Noir Cinema MOOD Dramatic SCENE Collaborate with the iconic supermodel, Linda Evangelista, t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Artist at Work Use a shallow depth of field to focus on the artist, making the background of the.txt to raw_combined/The Artist at Work Use a shallow depth of field to focus on the artist, making the background of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with silver light, burgundy and slate blue makeup, digita.png to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with silver light, burgundy and slate blue makeup, digita.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Clockwork City in a Light Bulb Suspended in midair, a vintagestyle light bulb contains a detailed, m.txt to raw_combined/Clockwork City in a Light Bulb Suspended in midair, a vintagestyle light bulb contains a detailed, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a woman with an astronaut helmet, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometri.png to raw_combined/a woman with an astronaut helmet, coral and sky blue, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Reinterpret Leonardo da Vincis iconic Mona Lisa in a 24thcentury context, transforming the serene wo.png to raw_combined/Reinterpret Leonardo da Vincis iconic Mona Lisa in a 24thcentury context, transforming the serene wo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Fashion portrait shoot of a girl in colorful glasses, Crimson, Sapphire, Silver, depicted under the .txt to raw_combined/Fashion portrait shoot of a girl in colorful glasses, Crimson, Sapphire, Silver, depicted under the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Male, oldschool hiphop group, powerful, striking pose, delivering rhymes and beats, electrifying, to.png to raw_combined/Male, oldschool hiphop group, powerful, striking pose, delivering rhymes and beats, electrifying, to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In this vibrant snapshot of the 60s, our model impeccably showcases the iconic spirit of the era in .txt to raw_combined/In this vibrant snapshot of the 60s, our model impeccably showcases the iconic spirit of the era in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a surreal, Hipgnosisinspired album cover for the theme Harmonic Dissonance. The design should.png to raw_combined/Create a surreal, Hipgnosisinspired album cover for the theme Harmonic Dissonance. The design should.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Imagine a supermodel on the runway, her style representing the linear equation 2x 3y 6. The variab.png to raw_combined/Imagine a supermodel on the runway, her style representing the linear equation 2x 3y 6. The variab.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Vibrant Street Fashion Photography .png to raw_combined/Vibrant Street Fashion Photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a closeup portrait shot of a unique porcelain dolllike alien, featuring delicately painted i.txt to raw_combined/Capture a closeup portrait shot of a unique porcelain dolllike alien, featuring delicately painted i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a highdefinition, ultrarealistic image of a globally famous supermodel, effortlessly stylish.png to raw_combined/Capture a highdefinition, ultrarealistic image of a globally famous supermodel, effortlessly stylish.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a supermodel draped in the finest haute couture .txt to raw_combined/Design a realistic and compelling fullbody image of a supermodel draped in the finest haute couture .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Drawing inspiration from Yayoi Kusamas striking and immersive artistic style, visualize an environme.png to raw_combined/Drawing inspiration from Yayoi Kusamas striking and immersive artistic style, visualize an environme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a model dressed in elegant night attire. The outfit should be lux.txt to raw_combined/Capture an ultrarealistic image of a model dressed in elegant night attire. The outfit should be lux.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Reinterpret Leonardo da Vincis iconic Mona Lisa in a 24thcentury context, transforming the serene wo.txt to raw_combined/Reinterpret Leonardo da Vincis iconic Mona Lisa in a 24thcentury context, transforming the serene wo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the interplay of rainsoaked steampunkcore, vibrant cyberpunkwave, and cosmic scifipunk, awardwinn.txt to raw_combined/In the interplay of rainsoaked steampunkcore, vibrant cyberpunkwave, and cosmic scifipunk, awardwinn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Surrealist photography of a futuristic android with neon blue circuitry makeup, digital art, pastel .txt to raw_combined/Surrealist photography of a futuristic android with neon blue circuitry makeup, digital art, pastel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the transient world of fashion, supermodel Aurora St. Clair orchestrates a timeless revolution. L.txt to raw_combined/In the transient world of fashion, supermodel Aurora St. Clair orchestrates a timeless revolution. L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the neonlit, physicsdefying mega city of Chromatika, where fashion dictates reality, eccentric fa.txt to raw_combined/In the neonlit, physicsdefying mega city of Chromatika, where fashion dictates reality, eccentric fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with golden light, teal and coral makeup, digital art, long.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with golden light, teal and coral makeup, digital art, long.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture a highdefinition, ultrarealistic image of a globally famous supermodel, effortlessly stylish.txt to raw_combined/Capture a highdefinition, ultrarealistic image of a globally famous supermodel, effortlessly stylish.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Empowered by the newfound knowledge, the protagonist embraces their digital identity and embarks on .txt to raw_combined/Empowered by the newfound knowledge, the protagonist embraces their digital identity and embarks on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Simplistic Enigma MOOD Mysterious SCENE Immerse yourself in the realm of simplistic enigma by .txt to raw_combined/STYLE Simplistic Enigma MOOD Mysterious SCENE Immerse yourself in the realm of simplistic enigma by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with periwinkle light, olive green and maroon makeup, digit.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view shot of a fullbody woman with periwinkle light, olive green and maroon makeup, digit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the grandeur of distant galaxies, a symphony of celestial bodies resounds, a testament to the uni.png to raw_combined/In the grandeur of distant galaxies, a symphony of celestial bodies resounds, a testament to the uni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Portrait, fashion, black and white, high contrast, white background, minimalism .png to raw_combined/Portrait, fashion, black and white, high contrast, white background, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with electric blue light, neon green and hot pink makeup,.png to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with electric blue light, neon green and hot pink makeup,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A glass house, geometric symmetry, hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/A glass house, geometric symmetry, hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A vibrant closeup portrait of a model, brimming with life. Shes adorned in a bold, colourful outfit,.png to raw_combined/A vibrant closeup portrait of a model, brimming with life. Shes adorned in a bold, colourful outfit,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an album cover reminiscent of Hipgnosis innovative and surreal style. The theme is Temporal E.txt to raw_combined/Create an album cover reminiscent of Hipgnosis innovative and surreal style. The theme is Temporal E.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, ultramarine and champagne, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depict.png to raw_combined/a model, ultramarine and champagne, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depict.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a visually striking masterpiece that defies expectations. Picture a futuristic cityscape wher.png to raw_combined/Create a visually striking masterpiece that defies expectations. Picture a futuristic cityscape wher.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman with an astronaut helmet, magenta and pale green, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.png to raw_combined/A woman with an astronaut helmet, magenta and pale green, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/AICrafted Beauty Geometric Symmetry, Perception, Innovation, hyperdetailed .png to raw_combined/AICrafted Beauty Geometric Symmetry, Perception, Innovation, hyperdetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Knolling Art Supplies .txt to raw_combined/Knolling Art Supplies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Intimate shot of the explorer triumphantly reaching the mountains peak at sunrise, monochrome, cinem.png to raw_combined/Intimate shot of the explorer triumphantly reaching the mountains peak at sunrise, monochrome, cinem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/An intricately detailed, small glass bottle rests on a wooden tabletop. Inside the bottle, a swirlin.txt to raw_combined/An intricately detailed, small glass bottle rests on a wooden tabletop. Inside the bottle, a swirlin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Embark on creating Stellar Vogue, an ultrarealistic piece blending high fashion and celestial beauty.png to raw_combined/Embark on creating Stellar Vogue, an ultrarealistic piece blending high fashion and celestial beauty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Artistic photography session of a young woman adorned with kaleidoscope glasses, Teal, Magenta, Burn.png to raw_combined/Artistic photography session of a young woman adorned with kaleidoscope glasses, Teal, Magenta, Burn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, shot with Pictureperfect shots with t.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of model, bokeh, glare, chromatic aberration, shot with Pictureperfect shots with t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a disillusioned artist stumbles upon a hidden doorway i.png to raw_combined/In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a disillusioned artist stumbles upon a hidden doorway i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, ultramarine and champagne, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depict.txt to raw_combined/a model, ultramarine and champagne, minimalism, futuristic, pastel color, geometric symmetry, depict.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture the mesmerizing allure of a supermodel in an ultrarealistic vertical image, where their radi.txt to raw_combined/Capture the mesmerizing allure of a supermodel in an ultrarealistic vertical image, where their radi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/An ultradetailed closeup image of a model whose hair cascades down in soft, golden waves reminiscent.txt to raw_combined/An ultradetailed closeup image of a model whose hair cascades down in soft, golden waves reminiscent.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/female, electrofunk, feminine, expressive pose, playing keyboards, electrifiying, towering, closeup,.png to raw_combined/female, electrofunk, feminine, expressive pose, playing keyboards, electrifiying, towering, closeup,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A stunningly clear closeup image of a model, her hair tinted with the verdant greens and vibrant yel.txt to raw_combined/A stunningly clear closeup image of a model, her hair tinted with the verdant greens and vibrant yel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Guiding Light Use lowkey lighting to accentuate the elders face and the candlelight, creating a myst.txt to raw_combined/Guiding Light Use lowkey lighting to accentuate the elders face and the candlelight, creating a myst.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Princess Fluffypaws in a detailed portrait style, her luxurious white fur shimmering in the light, a.txt to raw_combined/Princess Fluffypaws in a detailed portrait style, her luxurious white fur shimmering in the light, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Empowered by the newfound knowledge, the protagonist embraces their digital identity and embarks on .png to raw_combined/Empowered by the newfound knowledge, the protagonist embraces their digital identity and embarks on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Modern outfits inspired by Banksy, fashion photoshoot .txt to raw_combined/Modern outfits inspired by Banksy, fashion photoshoot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an artwork that encapsulates the essence of the Pop Art movement, which rose to prominence in.txt to raw_combined/Create an artwork that encapsulates the essence of the Pop Art movement, which rose to prominence in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Carnival in a Glass Dome Under a glass dome, a vibrant carnival scene buzzes with miniature life. A .png to raw_combined/Carnival in a Glass Dome Under a glass dome, a vibrant carnival scene buzzes with miniature life. A .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the tender blush of sunrise, within an old European cityscape, a photo captures a moment of simpl.png to raw_combined/In the tender blush of sunrise, within an old European cityscape, a photo captures a moment of simpl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Double exposure, juxtaposing the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo with the portrait of a young woman in mo.txt to raw_combined/Double exposure, juxtaposing the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo with the portrait of a young woman in mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a quaint coastal town, a mysterious artifact washes ashore, captivating the attention of the loca.txt to raw_combined/In a quaint coastal town, a mysterious artifact washes ashore, captivating the attention of the loca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Vintage Sepia MOOD Nostalgic SCENE Join forces with renowned landscape and portrait artist, .txt to raw_combined/STYLE Vintage Sepia MOOD Nostalgic SCENE Join forces with renowned landscape and portrait artist, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the bustling metropolis of 2130 stands The Nexus, a spiraling architectural marvel of selfhealing.txt to raw_combined/In the bustling metropolis of 2130 stands The Nexus, a spiraling architectural marvel of selfhealing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Futuristic Minimalism MOOD Zenlike SCENE Collaborate with the mesmerizing supermodel, Liu We.png to raw_combined/STYLE Futuristic Minimalism MOOD Zenlike SCENE Collaborate with the mesmerizing supermodel, Liu We.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive girl comes into focus, her beauty captured i.png to raw_combined/In the vibrant backdrop, an unconventionally attractive girl comes into focus, her beauty captured i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Age of Innocence Use a soft focus with a wide aperture to blur the field of flowers, accentuating th.png to raw_combined/Age of Innocence Use a soft focus with a wide aperture to blur the field of flowers, accentuating th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a minimalist studio, a lowangle shot captures a mesmerizing portrait with a twist of unique color.png to raw_combined/In a minimalist studio, a lowangle shot captures a mesmerizing portrait with a twist of unique color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/minimalism, closeup, portrait, bohemian style .txt to raw_combined/minimalism, closeup, portrait, bohemian style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/The Survivor Use high contrast and desaturated colors to evoke a postapocalyptic feeling. Experiment.txt to raw_combined/The Survivor Use high contrast and desaturated colors to evoke a postapocalyptic feeling. Experiment.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodelbokeh tiltshift effectchromatic aberrationcolorful artistic light leak.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodelbokeh tiltshift effectchromatic aberrationcolorful artistic light leak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a rainy day in London, city centre, crowds and many cars, reflections in the puddles .png to raw_combined/a rainy day in London, city centre, crowds and many cars, reflections in the puddles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture the ultrarealistic beauty of a stunning vertical image that embodies perfect symmetry, featu.png to raw_combined/Capture the ultrarealistic beauty of a stunning vertical image that embodies perfect symmetry, featu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A cheerful child holding with both hands a popart empty picture frame, sharp face, polka dot pattern.png to raw_combined/A cheerful child holding with both hands a popart empty picture frame, sharp face, polka dot pattern.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Ultra highresolution photo of a woman, muted whites color palette, depth of field .txt to raw_combined/Ultra highresolution photo of a woman, muted whites color palette, depth of field .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Design a fullbody Steampunk ensemble, blending Victorian elegance with industrial machinery aestheti.png to raw_combined/Design a fullbody Steampunk ensemble, blending Victorian elegance with industrial machinery aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Geometric Symmetry AI Mastery, Artistic Revolution, Insight, hyperdetailed .txt to raw_combined/Geometric Symmetry AI Mastery, Artistic Revolution, Insight, hyperdetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a minimalist studio, a lowangle shot captures a mesmerizing portrait with a twist of unique color.txt to raw_combined/In a minimalist studio, a lowangle shot captures a mesmerizing portrait with a twist of unique color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of sparkling champagne sequins, with cascading strands of fairy li.png to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of sparkling champagne sequins, with cascading strands of fairy li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A woman sweeping dirt under a lifted piece of the wallpaper, with the dirt and broom as a stencil. T.txt to raw_combined/A woman sweeping dirt under a lifted piece of the wallpaper, with the dirt and broom as a stencil. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Description Capture an image in a bustling urban environment that explores the concept of simulacrum.png to raw_combined/Description Capture an image in a bustling urban environment that explores the concept of simulacrum.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with crimson light, sapphire and gold makeup, digital art.png to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with crimson light, sapphire and gold makeup, digital art.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Bohemian SunDrenched MOOD Serene SCENE Work alongside celebrated nature and lifestyle photog.png to raw_combined/STYLE Bohemian SunDrenched MOOD Serene SCENE Work alongside celebrated nature and lifestyle photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Construct a photomontage using a collection of personal or found photographs. Aim to convey a meanin.txt to raw_combined/Construct a photomontage using a collection of personal or found photographs. Aim to convey a meanin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel wearing a futuristic outfit. The outfit should be sle.txt to raw_combined/Create an ultrarealistic image of a supermodel wearing a futuristic outfit. The outfit should be sle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Strutting down the runway first is our lead model, Ava. She is donning the Dusk in Venice maxi dress.png to raw_combined/Strutting down the runway first is our lead model, Ava. She is donning the Dusk in Venice maxi dress.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A supermodel wearing a dress made of iridescent butterfly wings, by Alexander McQueen, fluid motion,.png to raw_combined/A supermodel wearing a dress made of iridescent butterfly wings, by Alexander McQueen, fluid motion,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light leaks shot on P.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodel, bokeh, chromatic aberration, colorful artistic light leaks shot on P.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair morphing into a fierce lioness Vogue cover ima.txt to raw_combined/Editorial photograph of a woman with vibrant red hair morphing into a fierce lioness Vogue cover ima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Picture an artifact, presented by a futuristic woman clad in sleek black metal. This image should be.png to raw_combined/Picture an artifact, presented by a futuristic woman clad in sleek black metal. This image should be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Aerial view of the same explorer setting up camp under the starry night sky, monochrome, cinematic p.txt to raw_combined/Aerial view of the same explorer setting up camp under the starry night sky, monochrome, cinematic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Create a photograph blending elements of portrait, editorial, and fashion photography. The Subjects .txt to raw_combined/Create a photograph blending elements of portrait, editorial, and fashion photography. The Subjects .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/gold bar melting, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/gold bar melting, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Microscopic Garden in a Test Tube A test tube stands in a rack, filled with nutrientrich gel. Within.png to raw_combined/Microscopic Garden in a Test Tube A test tube stands in a rack, filled with nutrientrich gel. Within.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A crisp, highdefinition closeup image of a model, her hair styled in vibrant yellow and red waves to.txt to raw_combined/A crisp, highdefinition closeup image of a model, her hair styled in vibrant yellow and red waves to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Entitled Dual Equilibrium, envision a square canvas painted with a gradient of cool colors from midn.png to raw_combined/Entitled Dual Equilibrium, envision a square canvas painted with a gradient of cool colors from midn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/On a lively day in a bustling city park, describe the intricate formation of an impromptu human pyra.txt to raw_combined/On a lively day in a bustling city park, describe the intricate formation of an impromptu human pyra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Capture the ultrarealistic beauty of a stunning vertical image that embodies perfect symmetry, featu.txt to raw_combined/Capture the ultrarealistic beauty of a stunning vertical image that embodies perfect symmetry, featu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Male hiphop group, RunDMC, known for their impactful beats and rhythms, in a powerful and dynamic po.png to raw_combined/Male hiphop group, RunDMC, known for their impactful beats and rhythms, in a powerful and dynamic po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/galactic explorers encountering alien civilizations vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illust.txt to raw_combined/galactic explorers encountering alien civilizations vaporwave, vintage, retro, neon, halftone illust.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/On a prismatic runway, a modern supermodel, adorned in an avantgarde, technologicallyenhanced outfit.txt to raw_combined/On a prismatic runway, a modern supermodel, adorned in an avantgarde, technologicallyenhanced outfit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Closeup portrait of Supermodelbokeh tiltshift effectchromatic aberrationcolorful artistic light leak.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Supermodelbokeh tiltshift effectchromatic aberrationcolorful artistic light leak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/On a lively day in a bustling city park, describe the intricate formation of an impromptu human pyra.png to raw_combined/On a lively day in a bustling city park, describe the intricate formation of an impromptu human pyra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with electric blue light, neon green and hot pink makeup,.txt to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with electric blue light, neon green and hot pink makeup,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Armed with newfound knowledge, the protagonist embarks on a journey to fulfill the authors unfinishe.png to raw_combined/Armed with newfound knowledge, the protagonist embarks on a journey to fulfill the authors unfinishe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/City Pulse Create a double exposure image that contrasts a busy, colourful carnival scene over a det.txt to raw_combined/City Pulse Create a double exposure image that contrasts a busy, colourful carnival scene over a det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a model, lavenderpeach hues, minimalism meets futurism, geometric symmetry under Marc Jacobs vision..txt to raw_combined/a model, lavenderpeach hues, minimalism meets futurism, geometric symmetry under Marc Jacobs vision..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/STYLE Pop Art Vibrancy MOOD Energetic SCENE Collaborate with the dynamic supermodel, Cara Deleving.png to raw_combined/STYLE Pop Art Vibrancy MOOD Energetic SCENE Collaborate with the dynamic supermodel, Cara Deleving.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Fine art photography comes alive with an explosion of color, reinterpreting the chic aesthetic of 19.txt to raw_combined/Fine art photography comes alive with an explosion of color, reinterpreting the chic aesthetic of 19.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/a selfproclaimed selfie queen taking a hyperrealistic selfie, GoPro camera, doggy paddling with a ru.png to raw_combined/a selfproclaimed selfie queen taking a hyperrealistic selfie, GoPro camera, doggy paddling with a ru.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/VISION Barebones Intrigue FEEL Mystifying SETTING Engage with the sphere of barebones intrigue by co.txt to raw_combined/VISION Barebones Intrigue FEEL Mystifying SETTING Engage with the sphere of barebones intrigue by co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/DESIGN Abstract Obscurity SENTIMENT Enthralling ENVIRONMENT Step into the dimension of abstract obsc.png to raw_combined/DESIGN Abstract Obscurity SENTIMENT Enthralling ENVIRONMENT Step into the dimension of abstract obsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with rosegold light, teal and ruby makeup, digital art, l.png to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot of a full body woman with rosegold light, teal and ruby makeup, digital art, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In a hyperdetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, her crystalline eyes mirror the universe.txt to raw_combined/In a hyperdetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, her crystalline eyes mirror the universe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/minimalism, closeup, portrait, street style .txt to raw_combined/minimalism, closeup, portrait, street style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/In the tender blush of sunrise, within an old European cityscape, a photo captures a moment of simpl.txt to raw_combined/In the tender blush of sunrise, within an old European cityscape, a photo captures a moment of simpl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/A birds eye view shot showcases a fullbody woman bathed in a teal light. Shes adorned with an audaci.png to raw_combined/A birds eye view shot showcases a fullbody woman bathed in a teal light. Shes adorned with an audaci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Craft a hyperrealistic artwork titled Symphony of Resurgence, set within an abandoned, postapocalypt.txt to raw_combined/Craft a hyperrealistic artwork titled Symphony of Resurgence, set within an abandoned, postapocalypt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Minimalist photography of a highfashion model with geometric blackandwhite makeup, digital art, mono.txt to raw_combined/Minimalist photography of a highfashion model with geometric blackandwhite makeup, digital art, mono.txt\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Picture an ultradetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, where each striking feature is acc.png to raw_combined/Picture an ultradetailed closeup portrait of a modern supermodel, where each striking feature is acc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_26/Geometric Symmetry AI Mastery, Artistic Revolution, Insight, hyperdetailed .png to raw_combined/Geometric Symmetry AI Mastery, Artistic Revolution, Insight, hyperdetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean, similar to the Faroe Islands. The mountai.txt to raw_combined/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean, similar to the Faroe Islands. The mountai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Klimt, .txt to raw_combined/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Klimt, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old stable dating back from french medieval time with hay and straw . .png to raw_combined/an old stable dating back from french medieval time with hay and straw . .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the tiger eyes emerging through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric snow p.png to raw_combined/a closeup of the tiger eyes emerging through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric snow p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a cardinal in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic .png to raw_combined/a cardinal in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/full body Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, wlop, ethereal clothing, juxtaposition of light and shad.png to raw_combined/full body Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, wlop, ethereal clothing, juxtaposition of light and shad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an abstract painting beautiful young Saudi woman with an abaya with long black hair petting a baby l.txt to raw_combined/an abstract painting beautiful young Saudi woman with an abaya with long black hair petting a baby l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wood brigde in the grand canyon. dramatic l.txt to raw_combined/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wood brigde in the grand canyon. dramatic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a concert .png to raw_combined/a portrait of a young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a concert .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a UV picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.png to raw_combined/a UV picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, anthropomorphic, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealis.txt to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, anthropomorphic, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/crystal, wood and bronze statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed.txt to raw_combined/crystal, wood and bronze statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .png to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a glassblowing king cobra, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snake scales, gold, white, silver.txt to raw_combined/a glassblowing king cobra, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snake scales, gold, white, silver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful logo on a pure white background representing an organoid. An organoid is a threedimensional.txt to raw_combined/Colorful logo on a pure white background representing an organoid. An organoid is a threedimensional.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small lime green boxfish swimming next to translucide anemone..txt to raw_combined/a small lime green boxfish swimming next to translucide anemone..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff next to the sea. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. UltraWid.png to raw_combined/Houses sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff next to the sea. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. UltraWid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a pod of manta rays jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic .png to raw_combined/a pod of manta rays jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pillars. the thick fog hides the base of the pillars .txt to raw_combined/the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pillars. the thick fog hides the base of the pillars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist imaginative black ink logo on a white background for a laboratory developing organoids..png to raw_combined/a minimalist imaginative black ink logo on a white background for a laboratory developing organoids..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/full body Mesmerizing pop art, symbolism and surrealism, ethereal clothing, in the style of the juxt.txt to raw_combined/full body Mesmerizing pop art, symbolism and surrealism, ethereal clothing, in the style of the juxt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a ginko tree, mapple leaf tree, oak tree and pine sitting around a water fountain. Surrealism, abstr.txt to raw_combined/a ginko tree, mapple leaf tree, oak tree and pine sitting around a water fountain. Surrealism, abstr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A woman face constructed with small squares, half of the face is fragmenting and some squares are se.txt to raw_combined/A woman face constructed with small squares, half of the face is fragmenting and some squares are se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view from space of the winding amazon river through the forest. .txt to raw_combined/a view from space of the winding amazon river through the forest. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a submarine designed as a squid. futuristic materials, stealth technology, ultra high, ultra details.png to raw_combined/a submarine designed as a squid. futuristic materials, stealth technology, ultra high, ultra details.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lateral view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hy.png to raw_combined/a lateral view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/crow in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic lighti.txt to raw_combined/crow in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic lighti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navigating upside d.txt to raw_combined/a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navigating upside d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden in spring. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, i.txt to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden in spring. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old French donjon built on a granite rock encircled by a ditch filled with water and water lily. .txt to raw_combined/an old French donjon built on a granite rock encircled by a ditch filled with water and water lily. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a oil painting of the view of the rooftops of the old Paris. elegant and mesmerizing, intricate deta.txt to raw_combined/a oil painting of the view of the rooftops of the old Paris. elegant and mesmerizing, intricate deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright yellow iris shaped as a alm.txt to raw_combined/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright yellow iris shaped as a alm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made of water and touching the clouds. Surrealist, abstract art,hyp.txt to raw_combined/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made of water and touching the clouds. Surrealist, abstract art,hyp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/waterfall from the clouds shaping the water droping as transparent birds flying away with the winds..txt to raw_combined/waterfall from the clouds shaping the water droping as transparent birds flying away with the winds..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/between tradition and modernity. a cart pulled by a donkey next to a Bugatti Chiron at a red light i.png to raw_combined/between tradition and modernity. a cart pulled by a donkey next to a Bugatti Chiron at a red light i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made of water and touching the clouds. Surrealist, abstract art,hyp.png to raw_combined/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made of water and touching the clouds. Surrealist, abstract art,hyp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Amazon seen from the space station. ultra details, cinematic composition, intricate details, abs.png to raw_combined/the Amazon seen from the space station. ultra details, cinematic composition, intricate details, abs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a hedgehog. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a hedgehog. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting of a lake surrounded by steep granite mountains similar to Lake Wakatipu in New Zeal.png to raw_combined/an oil painting of a lake surrounded by steep granite mountains similar to Lake Wakatipu in New Zeal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman face transfigures into a rose. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colo.txt to raw_combined/a woman face transfigures into a rose. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same womanthrough the ages. Double exposure art, Surrealism, abstract art, .txt to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same womanthrough the ages. Double exposure art, Surrealism, abstract art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. vintage. .png to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. vintage. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/double exposure of the whirpool galaxy on the surface of the sea at night. ultra details, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/double exposure of the whirpool galaxy on the surface of the sea at night. ultra details, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a medieval city suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High contrast between light and shadow. Met.png to raw_combined/a medieval city suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High contrast between light and shadow. Met.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, a strom coming with rough sea.txt to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, a strom coming with rough sea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose and a mou.png to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose and a mou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, inspired by da Vinci. A storm.txt to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, inspired by da Vinci. A storm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful bliss young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo.txt to raw_combined/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful bliss young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a flying city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metap.png to raw_combined/a flying city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a condor flying above the Andes. Majestic, elegant frontal view of the full span of its wings. Hyper.png to raw_combined/a condor flying above the Andes. Majestic, elegant frontal view of the full span of its wings. Hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the polar bears eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumet.png to raw_combined/a closeup of the polar bears eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/White lymphocytes irculating in the aorta among milions of red erythrocytes. Perfect shading, Ultra .png to raw_combined/White lymphocytes irculating in the aorta among milions of red erythrocytes. Perfect shading, Ultra .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A chariot pulled by four black horses in a race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under jul.txt to raw_combined/A chariot pulled by four black horses in a race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under jul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic house organized as torus. Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical f.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic house organized as torus. Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a close up phone booth at the top of a dune in the Sahara desert being the door to an alternative un.png to raw_combined/a close up phone booth at the top of a dune in the Sahara desert being the door to an alternative un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/3D Black ink logo on a pure white background for a laboratory developing organoids. An organoid is a.txt to raw_combined/3D Black ink logo on a pure white background for a laboratory developing organoids. An organoid is a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Klimt, .png to raw_combined/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Klimt, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealist, dreamlike, abs.txt to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealist, dreamlike, abs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a cheetah walking on red sand in the desert of Namibia, creating a single foo track. The sun is cast.png to raw_combined/a cheetah walking on red sand in the desert of Namibia, creating a single foo track. The sun is cast.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic group of hamlets linked by speed tubes suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High co.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic group of hamlets linked by speed tubes suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small rapid in a narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocks in the early spring. A griz.txt to raw_combined/a small rapid in a narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocks in the early spring. A griz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the solar system in a glass of wine. high Contrast between dark and light. Surrealism, abstract art.txt to raw_combined/the solar system in a glass of wine. high Contrast between dark and light. Surrealism, abstract art.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in the greek mountains, night time. dramatic lightning, d.txt to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in the greek mountains, night time. dramatic lightning, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetaile.png to raw_combined/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D reconstruction of A woman face built with small squares. The face is fragmenting and some squar.png to raw_combined/a 3D reconstruction of A woman face built with small squares. The face is fragmenting and some squar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a subjective representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected on .png to raw_combined/a subjective representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old stable dating back from french medieval time with hay and straw . .txt to raw_combined/an old stable dating back from french medieval time with hay and straw . .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of an alphabet conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane deta.png to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of an alphabet conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an anthropomorphic cloud sitting at a pub and drinking water through a straw. hyperdetailed, insane .png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic cloud sitting at a pub and drinking water through a straw. hyperdetailed, insane .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs in early spring. The picture is s.png to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs in early spring. The picture is s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in three dimensi.png to raw_combined/mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in three dimensi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmos.png to raw_combined/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Amazon seen from the space station. .png to raw_combined/the Amazon seen from the space station. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, colorful, and dramatic..png to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, colorful, and dramatic..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in greek mountains dominating the crystal clear sea water.txt to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in greek mountains dominating the crystal clear sea water.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright yellow iris shaped as a alm.png to raw_combined/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright yellow iris shaped as a alm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a painting of the city of Carcassonne in a different style stippling. Perfect shading, Chiaroscuro, .txt to raw_combined/a painting of the city of Carcassonne in a different style stippling. Perfect shading, Chiaroscuro, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/womans face mutating into a cheetah. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colors.txt to raw_combined/womans face mutating into a cheetah. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Redcrowned cranes are flying around the pillars in the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pi.txt to raw_combined/Redcrowned cranes are flying around the pillars in the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an old wa.txt to raw_combined/a young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an old wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Mesmerizing harmony and bold pop, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, deli.txt to raw_combined/Mesmerizing harmony and bold pop, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, deli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful bliss young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo.png to raw_combined/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful bliss young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Magritte. .txt to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Magritte. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden in winter, spring, autumn, winter. dramatic lightning, UltraWide.png to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden in winter, spring, autumn, winter. dramatic lightning, UltraWide.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view from space of the winding amazon river through the forest. .png to raw_combined/a view from space of the winding amazon river through the forest. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an impressionist avantgarde portrait of a candi,d bliss female violinist in a chaotic, fuzzy grass a.txt to raw_combined/an impressionist avantgarde portrait of a candi,d bliss female violinist in a chaotic, fuzzy grass a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic house organized as a tocrus Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic house organized as a tocrus Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWi.txt to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Palace sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff. Gothic and arabic influences.sharp contrast between li.png to raw_combined/Palace sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff. Gothic and arabic influences.sharp contrast between li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/front view of a double exposure of an skier helmet visor and snow covered mountains tracks. the prof.txt to raw_combined/front view of a double exposure of an skier helmet visor and snow covered mountains tracks. the prof.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose and a mou.txt to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose and a mou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. c.txt to raw_combined/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old donjon in a magical forest under a thunderstorm. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdet.txt to raw_combined/an old donjon in a magical forest under a thunderstorm. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a bunch of spring flowers in a mist shape as woman. Chiaroscuro, .txt to raw_combined/a bunch of spring flowers in a mist shape as woman. Chiaroscuro, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist watercolor painting of a white and black rose flower on a pattern isometric background..png to raw_combined/a minimalist watercolor painting of a white and black rose flower on a pattern isometric background..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Mondrian. .txt to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Mondrian. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a jaguarundi walking on a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.png to raw_combined/a jaguarundi walking on a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the enigmatic nature of things. bliss, wonders, roots of happiness. UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, .txt to raw_combined/the enigmatic nature of things. bliss, wonders, roots of happiness. UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, a strom coming with rough sea.png to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, a strom coming with rough sea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro of a bumblebee flying toward a field of sunflowers at sunrise. The sunflowers are blurry in .txt to raw_combined/a macro of a bumblebee flying toward a field of sunflowers at sunrise. The sunflowers are blurry in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting inspired by Piet Mondrian of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a ha.txt to raw_combined/a watercolor painting inspired by Piet Mondrian of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the owls eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric sno.png to raw_combined/a closeup of the owls eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric sno.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navigating upside d.png to raw_combined/a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navigating upside d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3d book where the turned page create a forest. Mystical background. Metaphysical atmosphere, dream.txt to raw_combined/a 3d book where the turned page create a forest. Mystical background. Metaphysical atmosphere, dream.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a gorgeous female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Magri.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of a gorgeous female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Magri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/full body Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, wlop, ethereal clothing, juxtaposition of light and shad.txt to raw_combined/full body Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, wlop, ethereal clothing, juxtaposition of light and shad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a condor flying above the Andes. Majestic, elegant frontal view of the full span of its wings. Hyper.txt to raw_combined/a condor flying above the Andes. Majestic, elegant frontal view of the full span of its wings. Hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A fantasy world where a Tavern table looks like a sea pod with galleon and a whale jumpimg out of th.png to raw_combined/A fantasy world where a Tavern table looks like a sea pod with galleon and a whale jumpimg out of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWi.png to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/tree stump forest similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the past luxurious trees are seen und.txt to raw_combined/tree stump forest similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the past luxurious trees are seen und.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 4D chess board, an epic battle on a chess board, where the pieces are fighting to defeat the king..txt to raw_combined/a 4D chess board, an epic battle on a chess board, where the pieces are fighting to defeat the king..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a Nile crocodiles face with the eyes popping out of the water. only the top of the water is visible..png to raw_combined/a Nile crocodiles face with the eyes popping out of the water. only the top of the water is visible..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro of a snail under the cap of a large mushroom in a dark path under heavy rain. mushroom sna.png to raw_combined/a macro of a snail under the cap of a large mushroom in a dark path under heavy rain. mushroom sna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of pieces inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .png to raw_combined/a chess game made of pieces inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/eyes looking like sunflowers. NO PETAL. Only both eyes. Surrealism, abstract art .txt to raw_combined/eyes looking like sunflowers. NO PETAL. Only both eyes. Surrealism, abstract art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed on the hill of an isolat.txt to raw_combined/statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed on the hill of an isolat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water u.txt to raw_combined/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocksin early spring. A grizzlie bear is seen.txt to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocksin early spring. A grizzlie bear is seen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eye petals, a long whi.txt to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eye petals, a long whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wooden trestle brigde in the grand canyon. .txt to raw_combined/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wooden trestle brigde in the grand canyon. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an origami elephant with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, bok.png to raw_combined/an origami elephant with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, bok.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D puzzle partially completed of a red and blue orchid with pieces overturned and disseminated on .png to raw_combined/a 3D puzzle partially completed of a red and blue orchid with pieces overturned and disseminated on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small lime green boxfish swimming next to translucide anemone..png to raw_combined/a small lime green boxfish swimming next to translucide anemone..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of pieces inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .txt to raw_combined/a chess game made of pieces inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old French donjon built on a granite rock encircled by a ditch filled with water and water lily. .png to raw_combined/an old French donjon built on a granite rock encircled by a ditch filled with water and water lily. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose, and a mo.txt to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose, and a mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the start of the route du rhum with hundred of Figaro sailboats with colorful masthead spinnaker. Ul.txt to raw_combined/the start of the route du rhum with hundred of Figaro sailboats with colorful masthead spinnaker. Ul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a large anaconda swimming under the surface of the water and creating visible strides. .txt to raw_combined/a large anaconda swimming under the surface of the water and creating visible strides. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane details.png to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane details.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/White lymphocytes irculating in the aorta among milions of red erythrocytes. Perfect shading, Ultra .txt to raw_combined/White lymphocytes irculating in the aorta among milions of red erythrocytes. Perfect shading, Ultra .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/gigantic statues of beautiful goddess women facing the sea similar to the ones in Rapa Nui island . .txt to raw_combined/gigantic statues of beautiful goddess women facing the sea similar to the ones in Rapa Nui island . .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/waterfall from the clouds shaping the water droping as transparent birds flying away with the winds..png to raw_combined/waterfall from the clouds shaping the water droping as transparent birds flying away with the winds..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a bliss young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a co.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of a bliss young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. vintage. .txt to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. vintage. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small granit pond hanging on the side of a mountain has several lotus blooming. Unreal, Perfect sh.png to raw_combined/a small granit pond hanging on the side of a mountain has several lotus blooming. Unreal, Perfect sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a human mechanical heart composed of springs, a set of gears, wheels, pallet forks, and balance whee.txt to raw_combined/a human mechanical heart composed of springs, a set of gears, wheels, pallet forks, and balance whee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic group of hamlets linked by speed tubes suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High co.png to raw_combined/a futuristic group of hamlets linked by speed tubes suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an impressionist avantgarde portrait of a candi,d bliss female violinist in a chaotic, fuzzy grass a.png to raw_combined/an impressionist avantgarde portrait of a candi,d bliss female violinist in a chaotic, fuzzy grass a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in chinese mountains. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.txt to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in chinese mountains. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the solar system in a glass of wine next to a glass jar containg the universe. high Contrast betwee.png to raw_combined/the solar system in a glass of wine next to a glass jar containg the universe. high Contrast betwee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. surrealist. .txt to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. surrealist. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a UV picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.txt to raw_combined/a UV picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A mes pieds une vallee beante engouffrait dans les tenebres setendait comme un trou dans la creation.png to raw_combined/A mes pieds une vallee beante engouffrait dans les tenebres setendait comme un trou dans la creation.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a medieval city suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High contrast between light and shadow. Met.txt to raw_combined/a medieval city suspended in the sky by gigantic drones. High contrast between light and shadow. Met.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in greek mountains dominating the crystal clear sea water.png to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in greek mountains dominating the crystal clear sea water.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting of a lake surrounded by steep granite mountains similar to Lake Wakatipu in New Zeal.txt to raw_combined/an oil painting of a lake surrounded by steep granite mountains similar to Lake Wakatipu in New Zeal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a coffee fume is shaped like a pirate galleon. .png to raw_combined/a coffee fume is shaped like a pirate galleon. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup on a yellowtail damselfish swimming next to translucide anemone. Serene and Mystical backg.txt to raw_combined/a closeup on a yellowtail damselfish swimming next to translucide anemone. Serene and Mystical backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D chess board, an epic battle where the pieces inspired by mystic characters are alive and fighti.txt to raw_combined/a 3D chess board, an epic battle where the pieces inspired by mystic characters are alive and fighti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a silverback gorilla demonstrating serene mindfullness. .txt to raw_combined/a silverback gorilla demonstrating serene mindfullness. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a rose murex shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insa.txt to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a rose murex shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a close up phone booth at the top of a dune in the Sahara desert being the door to an alternative un.txt to raw_combined/a close up phone booth at the top of a dune in the Sahara desert being the door to an alternative un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an origami rhinoceros with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, b.png to raw_combined/an origami rhinoceros with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3d book where the turned page create a forest. Mystical background. Metaphysical atmosphere, dream.png to raw_combined/a 3d book where the turned page create a forest. Mystical background. Metaphysical atmosphere, dream.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an old wa.png to raw_combined/a young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an old wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an anthropomorphic female rose walking in the street of New York as in a fashion show. hyperdetailed.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic female rose walking in the street of New York as in a fashion show. hyperdetailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Redcrowned cranes are flying around the pillars in the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pi.png to raw_combined/Redcrowned cranes are flying around the pillars in the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a IR picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.txt to raw_combined/a IR picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/shadows of recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like the New York cityscape, i.png to raw_combined/shadows of recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like the New York cityscape, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a swordsmith forging the perfect samurai sword in a medieval Japanese Blacksmith. Su.txt to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a swordsmith forging the perfect samurai sword in a medieval Japanese Blacksmith. Su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the enigmatic nature of things. bliss, wonders, roots of happiness. UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, .png to raw_combined/the enigmatic nature of things. bliss, wonders, roots of happiness. UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a pod of manta rays jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/a pod of manta rays jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful basketball game, inspired by van gogh, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint art, .txt to raw_combined/Colorful basketball game, inspired by van gogh, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetaile.txt to raw_combined/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro of a snail under the cap of a large mushroom in a dark path under heavy rain. mushroom sna.txt to raw_combined/a macro of a snail under the cap of a large mushroom in a dark path under heavy rain. mushroom sna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. c.png to raw_combined/a black and white photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the owls eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric sno.txt to raw_combined/a closeup of the owls eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric sno.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a pangolin. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a pangolin. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the impossible nature. dramatic scenery, a dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, insan.txt to raw_combined/the impossible nature. dramatic scenery, a dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, insan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the solar system in a glass of wine next to a glass jar containg the universe. high Contrast betwee.txt to raw_combined/the solar system in a glass of wine next to a glass jar containg the universe. high Contrast betwee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have yellow and brown lion faces with petals forming a yellow corona and center with two yel.png to raw_combined/Orchids have yellow and brown lion faces with petals forming a yellow corona and center with two yel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lymphocyte in the lymphatic vessel. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, element of fantasy, .png to raw_combined/a lymphocyte in the lymphatic vessel. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, element of fantasy, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Mondrian. .png to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Mondrian. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lymphocyte in the lymphatic vessel. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, element of fantasy, .txt to raw_combined/a lymphocyte in the lymphatic vessel. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, element of fantasy, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a swordsmith forging the perfect samurai sword in a medieval Japanese Blacksmith. Su.png to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a swordsmith forging the perfect samurai sword in a medieval Japanese Blacksmith. Su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a pod of dolphin jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic com.txt to raw_combined/a pod of dolphin jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Amazon seen from the space station. ultra details, cinematic composition, intricate details, abs.txt to raw_combined/the Amazon seen from the space station. ultra details, cinematic composition, intricate details, abs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone. .txt to raw_combined/a small lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a forest of tree stump similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the gone trees dan be seen under.png to raw_combined/a forest of tree stump similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the gone trees dan be seen under.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a concert .txt to raw_combined/a portrait of a young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a concert .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/full body Mesmerizing pop art, symbolism and surrealism, ethereal clothing, in the style of the juxt.png to raw_combined/full body Mesmerizing pop art, symbolism and surrealism, ethereal clothing, in the style of the juxt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.png to raw_combined/Houses suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro close up of the eyes of a woman looking like sunflowers. Surrealism, abstract art .png to raw_combined/a macro close up of the eyes of a woman looking like sunflowers. Surrealism, abstract art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, bliss, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lightin.txt to raw_combined/Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, bliss, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lightin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a partially completed puzzle of a painting of the tour Eiffel with pieces overturned and disseminate.txt to raw_combined/a partially completed puzzle of a painting of the tour Eiffel with pieces overturned and disseminate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a forest of tree stump similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the gone trees dan be seen under.txt to raw_combined/a forest of tree stump similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the gone trees dan be seen under.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metaphysical.txt to raw_combined/a city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metaphysical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a cheetah walking on red sand in the desert of Namibia, creating a single foo track. The sun is cast.txt to raw_combined/a cheetah walking on red sand in the desert of Namibia, creating a single foo track. The sun is cast.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a white lymphocyte in the aorta among milions of red erythrocyte in liquid. dreamlike, mysterious, f.png to raw_combined/a white lymphocyte in the aorta among milions of red erythrocyte in liquid. dreamlike, mysterious, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A glassblowing bottle shaped like an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, and beautifully nuance.png to raw_combined/A glassblowing bottle shaped like an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, and beautifully nuance.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a full view of a modern glass tour eiffel, futuristic building, modern materials, green energy, wind.png to raw_combined/a full view of a modern glass tour eiffel, futuristic building, modern materials, green energy, wind.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a bird made of colored smoke .txt to raw_combined/a bird made of colored smoke .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have black and white, striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long f.png to raw_combined/Orchids have black and white, striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of an alphabet conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane deta.txt to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of an alphabet conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a rose murex shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insa.png to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a rose murex shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, in.png to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small granit pond hanging on the side of a mountain has several lotus blooming. Unreal, Perfect sh.txt to raw_combined/a small granit pond hanging on the side of a mountain has several lotus blooming. Unreal, Perfect sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the black and white petals organized as a vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmosphere.png to raw_combined/Flower with the black and white petals organized as a vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmosphere.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a close up on bright blue lobster swimming close to the sea bed. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.png to raw_combined/a close up on bright blue lobster swimming close to the sea bed. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under a weepimg willow.txt to raw_combined/a watercolor painting of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under a weepimg willow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an old donjon in a magical forest under a thunderstorm. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdet.png to raw_combined/an old donjon in a magical forest under a thunderstorm. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a gorgeous female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Magri.png to raw_combined/a portrait of a gorgeous female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Magri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a queen angelfish, sargassum tiggerfish, and queen parrotfish swimming next to translucide anemone. .txt to raw_combined/a queen angelfish, sargassum tiggerfish, and queen parrotfish swimming next to translucide anemone. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmos.txt to raw_combined/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a ghost steamy train keeps stopping every full moon. Th.txt to raw_combined/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a ghost steamy train keeps stopping every full moon. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chariot race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under julius ceasar period. UltraWide Angl.txt to raw_combined/a chariot race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under julius ceasar period. UltraWide Angl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/front view of a double exposure of an skier helmet visor and snow covered mountains tracks. the prof.png to raw_combined/front view of a double exposure of an skier helmet visor and snow covered mountains tracks. the prof.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocksin early spring. A grizzlie bear is seen.png to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocksin early spring. A grizzlie bear is seen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup on a yellowtail damselfish swimming next to translucide anemone. Serene and Mystical backg.png to raw_combined/a closeup on a yellowtail damselfish swimming next to translucide anemone. Serene and Mystical backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Willem de Kooning. .txt to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Willem de Kooning. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting in the style of the soft brush of the gate of Saint Denis in Mortagne au Perche, Fra.txt to raw_combined/an oil painting in the style of the soft brush of the gate of Saint Denis in Mortagne au Perche, Fra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an anthropomorphic cloud sitting at a pub and drinking water through a straw. hyperdetailed, insane .txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic cloud sitting at a pub and drinking water through a straw. hyperdetailed, insane .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a flip view of a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navi.png to raw_combined/a flip view of a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as visica piscis. Metaphysical atmosphere, d.png to raw_combined/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as visica piscis. Metaphysical atmosphere, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/womans face mutating into a cheetah. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colors.png to raw_combined/womans face mutating into a cheetah. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .txt to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. cubism. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a glassblowing king cobra, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snake scales, gold, white, silver.png to raw_combined/a glassblowing king cobra, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snake scales, gold, white, silver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a cardinal in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic .txt to raw_combined/a cardinal in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young woman with piercing mint eyes wearing a wool cap and scarf, close up on her face wit.png to raw_combined/Beautiful young woman with piercing mint eyes wearing a wool cap and scarf, close up on her face wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an anthropomorphic female rose walking in the street of New York as in a fashion show. hyperdetailed.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic female rose walking in the street of New York as in a fashion show. hyperdetailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a queen angelfish, sargassum tiggerfish, and queen parrotfish swimming next to translucide anemone. .png to raw_combined/a queen angelfish, sargassum tiggerfish, and queen parrotfish swimming next to translucide anemone. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view from the stratosphere of the winding amazon river through the forest. .txt to raw_combined/a view from the stratosphere of the winding amazon river through the forest. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/An oil painting of a small cart pulled by a donkey and driven by a young Arab in the busy street of .txt to raw_combined/An oil painting of a small cart pulled by a donkey and driven by a young Arab in the busy street of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a white lymphocyte in the aorta among milions of red erythrocyte in liquid. dreamlike, mysterious, f.txt to raw_combined/a white lymphocyte in the aorta among milions of red erythrocyte in liquid. dreamlike, mysterious, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful basketball game, inspired by Naoki Urasawa, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint .txt to raw_combined/Colorful basketball game, inspired by Naoki Urasawa, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, inspired by da Vinci. A storm.png to raw_combined/an aquarelle of a fishing boat coming back in a small port in britany, inspired by da Vinci. A storm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the impossible nature. dramatic scenery, a dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, insan.png to raw_combined/the impossible nature. dramatic scenery, a dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, insan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a subjective representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected on .txt to raw_combined/a subjective representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden in winter, spring, autumn, winter. dramatic lightning, UltraWide.txt to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden in winter, spring, autumn, winter. dramatic lightning, UltraWide.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a dark photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. Surrealism, .png to raw_combined/a dark photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. Surrealism, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a painting of the city of Carcassonne in a different style stippling. Perfect shading, Chiaroscuro, .png to raw_combined/a painting of the city of Carcassonne in a different style stippling. Perfect shading, Chiaroscuro, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D reconstruction of A woman face built with small squares. The face is fragmenting and some squar.txt to raw_combined/a 3D reconstruction of A woman face built with small squares. The face is fragmenting and some squar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic car hybrid with a motorcycle and a drone. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, ele.png to raw_combined/a futuristic car hybrid with a motorcycle and a drone. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, ele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist watercolor painting of a black queen of the night flower on a white background. The bla.png to raw_combined/a minimalist watercolor painting of a black queen of the night flower on a white background. The bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the sea is the sky, the sea is above fort boyard. High contrast. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle,.png to raw_combined/the sea is the sky, the sea is above fort boyard. High contrast. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A town suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.png to raw_combined/A town suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A chariot pulled by four black horses in a race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under jul.png to raw_combined/A chariot pulled by four black horses in a race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under jul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Riopell.png to raw_combined/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Riopell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the owls eyes piercing through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric dust pa.png to raw_combined/a closeup of the owls eyes piercing through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric dust pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the black and white petals organized as a vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmosphere.txt to raw_combined/Flower with the black and white petals organized as a vector of equilibrium. Metaphysical atmosphere.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a humanoid robot crossover between a crow, a blue parrot, and a crane. ultra details, cinematic comp.txt to raw_combined/a humanoid robot crossover between a crow, a blue parrot, and a crane. ultra details, cinematic comp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same woman running on a track, from the starting block to the finish line. .txt to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same woman running on a track, from the starting block to the finish line. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an abstract painting beautiful young Saudi woman with an abaya with long black hair petting a baby l.png to raw_combined/an abstract painting beautiful young Saudi woman with an abaya with long black hair petting a baby l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a human mechanical heart composed of springs, a set of gears, wheels, pallet forks, and balance whee.png to raw_combined/a human mechanical heart composed of springs, a set of gears, wheels, pallet forks, and balance whee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an origami rhinoceros with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, b.txt to raw_combined/an origami rhinoceros with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting inspired by Piet Mondrian of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a ha.png to raw_combined/a watercolor painting inspired by Piet Mondrian of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a hedgehog. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a hedgehog. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in three dimensi.txt to raw_combined/mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in three dimensi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A scheeta drinking from the bank of a river and suddenly rising up, ready to run. captivating eyes, .png to raw_combined/A scheeta drinking from the bank of a river and suddenly rising up, ready to run. captivating eyes, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a transmissive electronic microscopy illustration of a mitochondria, with pores and protein receptor.txt to raw_combined/a transmissive electronic microscopy illustration of a mitochondria, with pores and protein receptor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a dark photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. Surrealism, .txt to raw_combined/a dark photograph of a mesmerising woman with only her bright green eyes seen in color. Surrealism, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a top down view of crystal and alloy statues of beautiful women aligned similarly to the terracotta .txt to raw_combined/a top down view of crystal and alloy statues of beautiful women aligned similarly to the terracotta .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, in.txt to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell cut in half. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a tiny young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an o.png to raw_combined/a tiny young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chariot race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under julius ceasar period. UltraWide Angl.png to raw_combined/a chariot race in a roman stadium during antic roman era. under julius ceasar period. UltraWide Angl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses protecting her eggs, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, col.png to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses protecting her eggs, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A mes pieds une vallee beante engouffrait dans les tenebres setendait comme un trou dans la creation.txt to raw_combined/A mes pieds une vallee beante engouffrait dans les tenebres setendait comme un trou dans la creation.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a river lightened by lotus paper lanterns, the nightlife of the MEKONG river passing through a rice .png to raw_combined/a river lightened by lotus paper lanterns, the nightlife of the MEKONG river passing through a rice .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, anthropomorphic, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealis.png to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, anthropomorphic, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have yellow and brown lion faces with petals forming a yellow corona and center with two yel.txt to raw_combined/Orchids have yellow and brown lion faces with petals forming a yellow corona and center with two yel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a ghost steamy train keeps stopping every full moon. Th.png to raw_combined/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a ghost steamy train keeps stopping every full moon. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the sea is the sky, the sea is above fort boyard. High contrast. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle,.txt to raw_combined/the sea is the sky, the sea is above fort boyard. High contrast. Perfect shading, Ultra Wide Angle,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the impossible architecture, the defining era building defying known precepts of gravity, equilibriu.png to raw_combined/the impossible architecture, the defining era building defying known precepts of gravity, equilibriu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic house organized as a tocrus Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical.png to raw_combined/a futuristic house organized as a tocrus Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a tequila bottle shaped as a glassblowing king cobra, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully n.txt to raw_combined/a tequila bottle shaped as a glassblowing king cobra, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a Andean condor flying above the Andes at sunset. Majestic, elegant view from above of the full span.png to raw_combined/a Andean condor flying above the Andes at sunset. Majestic, elegant view from above of the full span.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same mapple tree accross the four seasons on the peak of a hill. The maple .png to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same mapple tree accross the four seasons on the peak of a hill. The maple .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have black and white, striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long f.txt to raw_combined/Orchids have black and white, striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultr.png to raw_combined/a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the owls eyes piercing through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric dust pa.txt to raw_combined/a closeup of the owls eyes piercing through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric dust pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have black and white striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long fa.txt to raw_combined/Orchids have black and white striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff next to the sea. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. UltraWid.txt to raw_combined/Houses sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff next to the sea. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. UltraWid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a transmissive electronic microscopy illustration of a mitochondria, with pores and protein receptor.png to raw_combined/a transmissive electronic microscopy illustration of a mitochondria, with pores and protein receptor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D chess board, an epic battle where the pieces inspired by mystic characters are alive and fighti.png to raw_combined/a 3D chess board, an epic battle where the pieces inspired by mystic characters are alive and fighti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed on the hill of an isolat.png to raw_combined/statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed on the hill of an isolat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs in early spring. The picture is s.txt to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs in early spring. The picture is s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a ginko tree, mapple leaf tree, oak tree and pine sitting around a water fountain. Surrealism, abstr.png to raw_combined/a ginko tree, mapple leaf tree, oak tree and pine sitting around a water fountain. Surrealism, abstr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealist, dreamlike, abs.png to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, mesmerizing, elegant, colorful, and dramatic. Surrealist, dreamlike, abs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting in the style of the soft brush of the gate of Saint Denis in Mortagne au Perche, Fra.png to raw_combined/an oil painting in the style of the soft brush of the gate of Saint Denis in Mortagne au Perche, Fra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a wetland mirroring the blue sky with white cumulonimbus. A deer is running through the wetland with.png to raw_combined/a wetland mirroring the blue sky with white cumulonimbus. A deer is running through the wetland with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eye petals, a long whi.png to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eye petals, a long whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a jaguarundi walking in a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.png to raw_combined/a jaguarundi walking in a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 4D chess board, an epic battle on a chess board, where the pieces are fighting to defeat the king..png to raw_combined/a 4D chess board, an epic battle on a chess board, where the pieces are fighting to defeat the king..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing turquoise eyes, close up on her face with a white wall ba.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing turquoise eyes, close up on her face with a white wall ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as visica piscis. Metaphysical atmosphere, d.txt to raw_combined/Flower with the blue, white and yellow petals organized as visica piscis. Metaphysical atmosphere, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a subjective art representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected.png to raw_combined/a subjective art representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing lime green eyes, close up on her face with a white wall b.png to raw_combined/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing lime green eyes, close up on her face with a white wall b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a unicolor lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone and a clown fish. .txt to raw_combined/a unicolor lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone and a clown fish. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made a living trees in a oak tree forest and touching the clouds.hy.png to raw_combined/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made a living trees in a oak tree forest and touching the clouds.hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of a Nile crocodiles face appearing above the water level. Hyperrealistic, Perfect shading.png to raw_combined/a closeup of a Nile crocodiles face appearing above the water level. Hyperrealistic, Perfect shading.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a top down view of crystal and alloy statues of beautiful women aligned similarly to the terracotta .png to raw_combined/a top down view of crystal and alloy statues of beautiful women aligned similarly to the terracotta .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a full view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper.txt to raw_combined/a full view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/3D Black ink logo on a pure white background for a laboratory developing organoids. An organoid is a.png to raw_combined/3D Black ink logo on a pure white background for a laboratory developing organoids. An organoid is a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a subjective art representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected.txt to raw_combined/a subjective art representation of a woman made by the shadow of recyclied plastic objects projected.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a submarine designed as a squid. futuristic materials, stealth technology, ultra high, ultra details.txt to raw_combined/a submarine designed as a squid. futuristic materials, stealth technology, ultra high, ultra details.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a group of blue whales jumping out of water. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic composition, intri.png to raw_combined/a group of blue whales jumping out of water. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic composition, intri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Palace sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff. Gothic and arabic influences.sharp contrast between li.txt to raw_combined/Palace sculpted in the rock of a steep cliff. Gothic and arabic influences.sharp contrast between li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/In an old observatory similar to the Observatoire de Paris, small planet models of the solar system .txt to raw_combined/In an old observatory similar to the Observatoire de Paris, small planet models of the solar system .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the polar bears eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumet.txt to raw_combined/a closeup of the polar bears eyes emerging through dense snow dust. Blended in the ethereal, volumet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful logo on a pure white background representing an organoid. An organoid is a threedimensional.png to raw_combined/Colorful logo on a pure white background representing an organoid. An organoid is a threedimensional.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view of the light passing through the leaf showing its vessels. .png to raw_combined/a view of the light passing through the leaf showing its vessels. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a bird made of colored smoke .png to raw_combined/a bird made of colored smoke .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a large anaconda swimming under the surface of the water and creating visible strides. .png to raw_combined/a large anaconda swimming under the surface of the water and creating visible strides. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/double exposure of the whirpool galaxy on the surface of the sea at night. ultra details, cinematic .png to raw_combined/double exposure of the whirpool galaxy on the surface of the sea at night. ultra details, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Mesmerizing harmony and bold pop, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, deli.png to raw_combined/Mesmerizing harmony and bold pop, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, deli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the inside of an old stable dating back from french medieval time converted into a bedroom . .txt to raw_combined/the inside of an old stable dating back from french medieval time converted into a bedroom . .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/gigantic statues of beautiful goddess women facing the sea similar to the ones in Rapa Nui island . .png to raw_combined/gigantic statues of beautiful goddess women facing the sea similar to the ones in Rapa Nui island . .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean. The mountain is very steep, very high and.png to raw_combined/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean. The mountain is very steep, very high and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same mapple tree accross the four seasons on the peak of a hill. The maple .txt to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same mapple tree accross the four seasons on the peak of a hill. The maple .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Amazon seen from the space station. .txt to raw_combined/the Amazon seen from the space station. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean, similar to the Faroe Islands. The mountai.png to raw_combined/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean, similar to the Faroe Islands. The mountai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a tiny young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an o.txt to raw_combined/a tiny young elephant sleeping on a large water lily leaf in the center of a water pond next to an o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a complete view of a mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman .png to raw_combined/a complete view of a mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist imaginative black ink logo on a white background for a laboratory developing organoids..txt to raw_combined/a minimalist imaginative black ink logo on a white background for a laboratory developing organoids..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a IR picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.png to raw_combined/a IR picture a psychedelic serenity japanese garden, steampunk. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose, and a mo.png to raw_combined/Orchids are pink and white and shaped like a womans face with two large green eyes, a nose, and a mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a humanoid robot crossover between a crow, a blue parrot, and a crane. ultra details, cinematic comp.png to raw_combined/a humanoid robot crossover between a crow, a blue parrot, and a crane. ultra details, cinematic comp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lateral view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hy.txt to raw_combined/a lateral view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a anaconda. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a anaconda. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a pangolin. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a pangolin. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wooden trestle brigde in the grand canyon. .png to raw_combined/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wooden trestle brigde in the grand canyon. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Magritte. .png to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Magritte. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a bliss young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a co.png to raw_combined/a portrait of a bliss young mesmerizing female violinist playing the four seasons of Vivaldi in a co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a coffee fume is shaped like a pirate galleon. .txt to raw_combined/a coffee fume is shaped like a pirate galleon. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A town suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.txt to raw_combined/A town suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing lime green eyes, close up on her face with a white wall b.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing lime green eyes, close up on her face with a white wall b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a submarine designed as a squid with the capacity to change colors depending on its environment. fut.txt to raw_combined/a submarine designed as a squid with the capacity to change colors depending on its environment. fut.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water a.png to raw_combined/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young woman with piercing mint eyes wearing a wool cap and scarf, close up on her face wit.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful young woman with piercing mint eyes wearing a wool cap and scarf, close up on her face wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/eyes looking like sunflowers. NO PETAL. Only both eyes. Surrealism, abstract art .png to raw_combined/eyes looking like sunflowers. NO PETAL. Only both eyes. Surrealism, abstract art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting in the style of soft brush of the porte saint denis in Mortagne au Perche, France. .txt to raw_combined/an oil painting in the style of soft brush of the porte saint denis in Mortagne au Perche, France. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a pod of dolphin jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic com.png to raw_combined/a pod of dolphin jumping out of water, swirling in the air. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of the tiger eyes emerging through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric snow p.txt to raw_combined/a closeup of the tiger eyes emerging through a dense fog. Blended in the ethereal, volumetric snow p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo on he.png to raw_combined/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo on he.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist watercolor painting of a white and black rose flower on a pattern isometric background..txt to raw_combined/a minimalist watercolor painting of a white and black rose flower on a pattern isometric background..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman face transfigures into a rose. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colo.png to raw_combined/a woman face transfigures into a rose. unreal engine, dream world, fantasy, hyper details, rich colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a closeup of a Nile crocodiles face appearing above the water level. Hyperrealistic, Perfect shading.txt to raw_combined/a closeup of a Nile crocodiles face appearing above the water level. Hyperrealistic, Perfect shading.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a giraffe. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultra.png to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a giraffe. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist serene japanese garden in spring. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, i.png to raw_combined/a minimalist serene japanese garden in spring. dramatic lightning, UltraWide Angle, hyperdetailed, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A fantasy world where a Tavern table looks like a sea pod with galleon and a whale jumpimg out of th.txt to raw_combined/A fantasy world where a Tavern table looks like a sea pod with galleon and a whale jumpimg out of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting inspired by Miro of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under.txt to raw_combined/a watercolor painting inspired by Miro of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro close up of the eyes of a woman looking like sunflowers. Surrealism, abstract art .txt to raw_combined/a macro close up of the eyes of a woman looking like sunflowers. Surrealism, abstract art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/suspended kinetic recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in th.txt to raw_combined/suspended kinetic recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in the greek mountains, night time. dramatic lightning, d.png to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in the greek mountains, night time. dramatic lightning, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a tequila bottle shaped as a glassblowing king cobra, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully n.png to raw_combined/a tequila bottle shaped as a glassblowing king cobra, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a river lightened by lotus paper lanterns, the nightlife of the MEKONG river passing through a rice .txt to raw_combined/a river lightened by lotus paper lanterns, the nightlife of the MEKONG river passing through a rice .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view of the light passing through the leaf showing its vessels. .txt to raw_combined/a view of the light passing through the leaf showing its vessels. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone. .png to raw_combined/a small lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs. The picture is split between the.txt to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs. The picture is split between the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic car hybrid with a motorcycle and a drone. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, ele.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic car hybrid with a motorcycle and a drone. dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical forms, ele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.txt to raw_combined/Houses suspended by vines above a lake. the town is in the amazon forest. Hyperrealist, hyper detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the inside of an old stable dating back from french medieval time converted into a bedroom . .png to raw_combined/the inside of an old stable dating back from french medieval time converted into a bedroom . .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs. The picture is split between the.png to raw_combined/a calm narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered high cliffs. The picture is split between the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a myst looking like a ghost steamy train keeps stopping.png to raw_combined/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a myst looking like a ghost steamy train keeps stopping.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a full view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper.png to raw_combined/a full view of a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, colorful, and dramatic..txt to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, colorful, and dramatic..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a flying city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metap.txt to raw_combined/a flying city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a close up on bright blue lobster swimming close to the sea bed. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.txt to raw_combined/a close up on bright blue lobster swimming close to the sea bed. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a flip view of a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navi.txt to raw_combined/a flip view of a parallel universe where the sea is the sky and defies gravity, and Galeons are navi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/shadows of recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like the New York cityscape, i.txt to raw_combined/shadows of recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like the New York cityscape, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/In an old observatory similar to the Observatoire de Paris, small planet models of the solar system .png to raw_combined/In an old observatory similar to the Observatoire de Paris, small planet models of the solar system .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean. The mountain is very steep, very high and.txt to raw_combined/a high mountain rising above the sea in the pacific ocean. The mountain is very steep, very high and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a anaconda. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a anaconda. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a jaguarundi walking on a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.txt to raw_combined/a jaguarundi walking on a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a Andean condor flying above the Andes at sunset. Majestic, elegant view from above of the full span.txt to raw_combined/a Andean condor flying above the Andes at sunset. Majestic, elegant view from above of the full span.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water a.txt to raw_combined/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, Ultr.png to raw_combined/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, Ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a oil painting of the view of the rooftops of the old Paris. elegant and mesmerizing, intricate deta.png to raw_combined/a oil painting of the view of the rooftops of the old Paris. elegant and mesmerizing, intricate deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a woman with skin made like the skin of a giraffe. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultra.txt to raw_combined/a woman with skin made like the skin of a giraffe. perfect colors, perfect shading, Cinematic, Ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the impossible architecture, the defining era building defying known precepts of gravity, equilibriu.txt to raw_combined/the impossible architecture, the defining era building defying known precepts of gravity, equilibriu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water u.png to raw_combined/a calm river in Alaska bordered by high cliffs. the picture is split between the crystalline water u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/tree stump forest similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the past luxurious trees are seen und.png to raw_combined/tree stump forest similar to the tarracota warriors, ghosts of the past luxurious trees are seen und.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A glassblowing bottle shaped as an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snak.txt to raw_combined/A glassblowing bottle shaped as an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same woman running on a track, from the starting block to the finish line. .png to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same woman running on a track, from the starting block to the finish line. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Riopell.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of a candid female violinist on the top of the hill in a grass meadow inspired by Riopell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a futuristic house organized as torus. Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical f.png to raw_combined/a futuristic house organized as torus. Metaphysical atmosphere, dreamlike, mysterious, fantastical f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an origami elephant with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, bok.txt to raw_combined/an origami elephant with origami savana in the background, volumetric dust particles and embers, bok.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/crystal, wood and bronze statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed.png to raw_combined/crystal, wood and bronze statues of beautiful goddess women similar to terracotta warriors displayed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a submarine designed as a squid with the capacity to change colors depending on its environment. fut.png to raw_combined/a submarine designed as a squid with the capacity to change colors depending on its environment. fut.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultr.txt to raw_combined/a modern glass Pisa tower, futuristic building, modern materials. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a macro of a bumblebee flying toward a field of sunflowers at sunrise. The sunflowers are blurry in .png to raw_combined/a macro of a bumblebee flying toward a field of sunflowers at sunrise. The sunflowers are blurry in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane details.txt to raw_combined/a blue and white porcelain of a spider conch shell. Ultra Wide Angle, hyperdetailed, insane details.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pillars. the thick fog hides the base of the pillars .png to raw_combined/the Zhangjiajie National Parks quartzsandstone pillars. the thick fog hides the base of the pillars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a view from the stratosphere of the winding amazon river through the forest. .png to raw_combined/a view from the stratosphere of the winding amazon river through the forest. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. surrealist. .png to raw_combined/a chess game made of fantasy characters inspired by animals and plants. surrealist. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Elated and bliss Somali woman with a nose piercing and piercing chartreuse green eyes, close up on h.png to raw_combined/Elated and bliss Somali woman with a nose piercing and piercing chartreuse green eyes, close up on h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/between tradition and modernity. a Bugatti Chiron pulled by a donkey in Manama. Inspired by Suleiman.txt to raw_combined/between tradition and modernity. a Bugatti Chiron pulled by a donkey in Manama. Inspired by Suleiman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a minimalist watercolor painting of a black queen of the night flower on a white background. The bla.txt to raw_combined/a minimalist watercolor painting of a black queen of the night flower on a white background. The bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D young beautiful female built with small squares. The woman is fragmenting and some squares are .png to raw_combined/a 3D young beautiful female built with small squares. The woman is fragmenting and some squares are .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a complete view of a mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman .txt to raw_combined/a complete view of a mobile recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/crow in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic lighti.png to raw_combined/crow in motion with fine fog movement in a dark forest path, dynamic composition and dramatic lighti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A scheeta drinking from the bank of a river and suddenly rising up, ready to run. captivating eyes, .txt to raw_combined/A scheeta drinking from the bank of a river and suddenly rising up, ready to run. captivating eyes, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the solar system in a glass of wine. high Contrast between dark and light. Surrealism, abstract art.png to raw_combined/the solar system in a glass of wine. high Contrast between dark and light. Surrealism, abstract art.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D young beautiful female built with small squares. The woman is fragmenting and some squares are .txt to raw_combined/a 3D young beautiful female built with small squares. The woman is fragmenting and some squares are .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a jaguarundi walking in a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.txt to raw_combined/a jaguarundi walking in a dense forest path in the early hours of the morning. Hyperrealistic, Perfe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a small rapid in a narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocks in the early spring. A griz.png to raw_combined/a small rapid in a narrow river in Alaska bordered by snow covered rocks in the early spring. A griz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Willem de Kooning. .png to raw_combined/Arabic calligraphy. Abstract art inspired by Willem de Kooning. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made a living trees in a oak tree forest and touching the clouds.hy.txt to raw_combined/beautiful Helix spiral staircase made a living trees in a oak tree forest and touching the clouds.hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a myst looking like a ghost steamy train keeps stopping.txt to raw_combined/a abandoned railway platform from 1930 where a myst looking like a ghost steamy train keeps stopping.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a partially completed puzzle of a painting of the tour Eiffel with pieces overturned and disseminate.png to raw_combined/a partially completed puzzle of a painting of the tour Eiffel with pieces overturned and disseminate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the start of the route du rhum with hundred of Figaro sailboats with colorful masthead spinnaker. Ul.png to raw_combined/the start of the route du rhum with hundred of Figaro sailboats with colorful masthead spinnaker. Ul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a silverback gorilla demonstrating serene mindfullness. .png to raw_combined/a silverback gorilla demonstrating serene mindfullness. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a full view of a modern glass tour eiffel, futuristic building, modern materials, green energy, wind.txt to raw_combined/a full view of a modern glass tour eiffel, futuristic building, modern materials, green energy, wind.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A glassblowing bottle shaped as an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snak.png to raw_combined/A glassblowing bottle shaped as an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, beautifully nuanced snak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/an oil painting in the style of soft brush of the porte saint denis in Mortagne au Perche, France. .png to raw_combined/an oil painting in the style of soft brush of the porte saint denis in Mortagne au Perche, France. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lime green boxfish swimming next to corals..txt to raw_combined/a lime green boxfish swimming next to corals..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Orchids have black and white striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long fa.png to raw_combined/Orchids have black and white striped petals shaped like a zebra face with two large ears and long fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a wetland mirroring the blue sky with white cumulonimbus. A deer is running through the wetland with.txt to raw_combined/a wetland mirroring the blue sky with white cumulonimbus. A deer is running through the wetland with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing turquoise eyes, close up on her face with a white wall ba.png to raw_combined/Beautiful young Somali woman with piercing turquoise eyes, close up on her face with a white wall ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a lime green boxfish swimming next to corals..png to raw_combined/a lime green boxfish swimming next to corals..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo on he.txt to raw_combined/a fullbody portrait of a beautiful young woman with an elegant fullbody magnolia flower tattoo on he.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A woman face constructed with small squares, half of the face is fragmenting and some squares are se.png to raw_combined/A woman face constructed with small squares, half of the face is fragmenting and some squares are se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metaphysical.png to raw_combined/a city suspended in the air by hot air balloon. High contrast between light and shadow. Metaphysical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a Nile crocodiles face with the eyes popping out of the water. only the top of the water is visible..txt to raw_combined/a Nile crocodiles face with the eyes popping out of the water. only the top of the water is visible..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in chinese mountains. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.png to raw_combined/Houses carved in the rock of a steep cliff in chinese mountains. Hyperrealist, hyper detailed. Ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under a weepimg willow.png to raw_combined/a watercolor painting of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under a weepimg willow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/A glassblowing bottle shaped like an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, and beautifully nuance.txt to raw_combined/A glassblowing bottle shaped like an orchid, transparent, extremely detailed, and beautifully nuance.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a charge of the light English calvary in the XIX century in a valley in Scotlland. Perfect shading, .txt to raw_combined/a charge of the light English calvary in the XIX century in a valley in Scotlland. Perfect shading, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wood brigde in the grand canyon. dramatic l.png to raw_combined/a mesmerizing picture of an old steam train passing on a wood brigde in the grand canyon. dramatic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a group of blue whales jumping out of water. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic composition, intri.txt to raw_combined/a group of blue whales jumping out of water. ultra high, ultra details, cinematic composition, intri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/between tradition and modernity. a cart pulled by a donkey next to a Bugatti Chiron at a red light i.txt to raw_combined/between tradition and modernity. a cart pulled by a donkey next to a Bugatti Chiron at a red light i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/An oil painting of a small cart pulled by a donkey and driven by a young Arab in the busy street of .png to raw_combined/An oil painting of a small cart pulled by a donkey and driven by a young Arab in the busy street of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/suspended kinetic recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in th.png to raw_combined/suspended kinetic recycled plastic objects projected on a white wall looking like a woman face in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a 3D puzzle partially completed of a red and blue orchid with pieces overturned and disseminated on .txt to raw_combined/a 3D puzzle partially completed of a red and blue orchid with pieces overturned and disseminated on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a watercolor painting inspired by Miro of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under.png to raw_combined/a watercolor painting inspired by Miro of a young beautiful japanese woman sleeping in a hamac under.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a bunch of spring flowers in a mist shape as woman. Chiaroscuro, .png to raw_combined/a bunch of spring flowers in a mist shape as woman. Chiaroscuro, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a charge of the light English calvary in the XIX century in a valley in Scotlland. Perfect shading, .png to raw_combined/a charge of the light English calvary in the XIX century in a valley in Scotlland. Perfect shading, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Elated and bliss Somali woman with a nose piercing and piercing chartreuse green eyes, close up on h.txt to raw_combined/Elated and bliss Somali woman with a nose piercing and piercing chartreuse green eyes, close up on h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a unicolor lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone and a clown fish. .png to raw_combined/a unicolor lime green puffer fish swimming next to translucide anemone and a clown fish. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/the queen of all octopuses protecting her eggs, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, col.txt to raw_combined/the queen of all octopuses protecting her eggs, awardwinning national geographic style, elegant, col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful basketball game, inspired by Naoki Urasawa, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint .png to raw_combined/Colorful basketball game, inspired by Naoki Urasawa, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Colorful basketball game, inspired by van gogh, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint art, .png to raw_combined/Colorful basketball game, inspired by van gogh, Black ink, 16k, intricately detailed oil paint art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, Ultr.txt to raw_combined/a psychedelic serenity japanese garden accross the four seasons, steampunk. dramatic lightning, Ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Multiple exposure of the same womanthrough the ages. Double exposure art, Surrealism, abstract art, .png to raw_combined/Multiple exposure of the same womanthrough the ages. Double exposure art, Surrealism, abstract art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/between tradition and modernity. a Bugatti Chiron pulled by a donkey in Manama. Inspired by Suleiman.png to raw_combined/between tradition and modernity. a Bugatti Chiron pulled by a donkey in Manama. Inspired by Suleiman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_4/Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, bliss, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lightin.png to raw_combined/Mesmerizing harmony and punk pop, bliss, ethereal clothing, dynamic composition and dramatic lightin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tomato soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tomato soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside food factory, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside food factory, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of slice mango smoothies with splash, isolated pho.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of slice mango smoothies with splash, isolated pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Traffic Signs and Signals, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Traffic Signs and Signals, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chicken drumsticks food photography in the kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Chicken drumsticks food photography in the kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic, flat lay photography.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic, flat lay photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tiramisu food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tiramisu food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Spaghetti alla carbonara in kitchen table, bird view photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Spaghetti alla carbonara in kitchen table, bird view photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chips and Dips photography, flat lay photography, isolated white background, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Chips and Dips photography, flat lay photography, isolated white background, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Photorealistic images from a mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of.png to raw_combined/Photorealistic images from a mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of samosa in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of samosa in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of muffins in the kitchen table, flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of muffins in the kitchen table, flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Bread Rolls,food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography, int.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Bread Rolls,food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography, int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of A Snack Mix Ratio, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of A Snack Mix Ratio, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/toys room organizer, in minimalist house, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .txt to raw_combined/toys room organizer, in minimalist house, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/hyper realistic photographic quality of caramel popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic photographic quality of caramel popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Traffic Signs and Signals, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Traffic Signs and Signals, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of oranges fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of oranges fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.png to raw_combined/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Birthday Party Snack, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Birthday Party Snack, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of jamaican food, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of jamaican food, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of pumpkin in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pumpkin in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mushroom shoup cream food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of mushroom shoup cream food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of poached eggs, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising p.png to raw_combined/stock photo of poached eggs, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside food truck kitchen cookin burger, without people, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside food truck kitchen cookin burger, without people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cereal breakfast on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cereal breakfast on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fiber food,isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fiber food,isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of knolling of ice skating equipment, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of knolling of ice skating equipment, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design inside cave .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a design inside cave .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of sandwich triangle shape in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of sandwich triangle shape in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Photorealistic images from a mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of.txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic images from a mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Chili oil is a condiment made from vegetable oil that has been infused with chili peppers.1 Differen.png to raw_combined/Chili oil is a condiment made from vegetable oil that has been infused with chili peppers.1 Differen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Crudite platter photography in the table kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Crudite platter photography in the table kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cracker food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cracker food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside street food kitchen cookin something, without people , without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside street food kitchen cookin something, without people , without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chocolate store interior, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate store interior, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside home view sink, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside home view sink, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tennis court, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of tennis court, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside traditional greengrocery, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside traditional greengrocery, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of oranges fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of oranges fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Crudite platter photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Crudite platter photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Putchin Pudding food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Putchin Pudding food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Liquid foundation splash, fluid cosmetic cream, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without te.png to raw_combined/Liquid foundation splash, fluid cosmetic cream, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chocolate confectionery food photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Chocolate confectionery food photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, swedian food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, swedian food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of macarons in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of macarons in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of frozen fruit in the kitchen table, light background, advertising photography, intrica.png to raw_combined/stock photo of frozen fruit in the kitchen table, light background, advertising photography, intrica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo beetroot in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo beetroot in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/mental institution a figure of a young man sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring dis.png to raw_combined/mental institution a figure of a young man sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring dis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, instant noodles with korean pan, light background, adv.png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, instant noodles with korean pan, light background, adv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside fruit store, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside fruit store, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of COOKED RED rice food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of COOKED RED rice food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of ice skating equipment, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of ice skating equipment, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of morning coffe biscuit, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of morning coffe biscuit, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo potato in kitchen table, some sliced, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo potato in kitchen table, some sliced, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Construction Building, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Construction Building, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tennis court, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tennis court, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside steel smelting factory, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside steel smelting factory, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of eucalyptus in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of eucalyptus in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fountain chocolate, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fountain chocolate, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Party Snack, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Party Snack, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Putchin Pudding food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Putchin Pudding food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunrise, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunrise, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist bed room design an modern english home, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist bed room design an modern english home, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolate.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Spaghetti alla carbonara in kitchen table, bird view photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Spaghetti alla carbonara in kitchen table, bird view photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cotton candy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cotton candy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot Fudge, kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot Fudge, kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic, flat lay photography.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic, flat lay photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a futuristic desk with a city map and round magnifying lens, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a futuristic desk with a city map and round magnifying lens, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of muffins in the kitchen table, flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of muffins in the kitchen table, flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolate.png to raw_combined/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/sofa with one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with books, without text .txt to raw_combined/sofa with one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with books, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot dogs food photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot dogs food photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of modern wood wooden kitchen ultra photorealistic, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of modern wood wooden kitchen ultra photorealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Lifting Crane, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Lifting Crane, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of perfumes ,isolated white background, flat lay .png to raw_combined/stock photo of perfumes ,isolated white background, flat lay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of strawberry mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of strawberry mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Patbingsu Korean specialty desserts, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Patbingsu Korean specialty desserts, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Post Office Inside Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Post Office Inside Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot dogs food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot dogs food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Communication Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Communication Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of breakfast at restaurant hotel, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of breakfast at restaurant hotel, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chicken Cordon bleu food photography in the kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chicken Cordon bleu food photography in the kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of prosciutto wrapped e melon on kitchen table, food photography, advertising photograph.png to raw_combined/stock photo of prosciutto wrapped e melon on kitchen table, food photography, advertising photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass infused water on the kitchen table, .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass infused water on the kitchen table, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design inside cave show stalactites and stalagmites .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a design inside cave show stalactites and stalagmites .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, Close up without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, Close up without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of poached egg, professional food photography, light background, advertising photography.png to raw_combined/stock photo of poached egg, professional food photography, light background, advertising photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of coffee, cafe, central london, summer morning, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of coffee, cafe, central london, summer morning, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chocolate bar, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate bar, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, without people, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, without people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of samosa in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of samosa in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dessert and fruits on buffet food, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dessert and fruits on buffet food, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/campfire setting in the beach, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .txt to raw_combined/campfire setting in the beach, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Footprints In The Sand Beach, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Footprints In The Sand Beach, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of sun flower in summer, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of sun flower in summer, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Industrial power plants, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Industrial power plants, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of fan Industry, a lot of machines around, industrial .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of fan Industry, a lot of machines around, industrial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, flat lay photogr.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, flat lay photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of white Balloon garland with arch on a plain brick wall with plants mixed in, Aspire to.png to raw_combined/stock photo of white Balloon garland with arch on a plain brick wall with plants mixed in, Aspire to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Bread Rolls,food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography, int.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Bread Rolls,food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography, int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Kitchenware, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Kitchenware, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist interior design an modern english home, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist interior design an modern english home, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory of airplanes a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulat.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory of airplanes a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fountain chocolate, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fountain chocolate, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated wh.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Food cooking background on the wooden, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Food cooking background on the wooden, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of strawberry yogurt drink, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of strawberry yogurt drink, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of hotel balcony with beach view, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of hotel balcony with beach view, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design with an electrical circuit and lighting bulb symbol, in the style of otherwo.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a design with an electrical circuit and lighting bulb symbol, in the style of otherwo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic in the kitchen, photography.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic in the kitchen, photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist bed room design an modern english home, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist bed room design an modern english home, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beef soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of beef soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Rustic Background Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Rustic Background Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard custard fruit tart, food photography, advertising photography, intricate deta.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of custard custard fruit tart, food photography, advertising photography, intricate deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of healthy Snacks, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of healthy Snacks, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fishing equipment, flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fishing equipment, flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of knolling of ice skating equipment, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of knolling of ice skating equipment, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty Airport Check In Counter, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty Airport Check In Counter, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of coffee bun, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper detai.png to raw_combined/stock photo of coffee bun, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash, isolated photo, 10.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash, isolated photo, 10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adv.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of granola photography in kitchen table,flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of granola photography in kitchen table,flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Campus Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Campus Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruits, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruits, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of indoor swimming poll interior .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of indoor swimming poll interior .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Abstract background from the smears of acrylic paint. Mixing multicolored oil paint. Textured arrang.txt to raw_combined/Abstract background from the smears of acrylic paint. Mixing multicolored oil paint. Textured arrang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of prosciutto wrapped e melon on kitchen table, food photography, advertising photograph.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of prosciutto wrapped e melon on kitchen table, food photography, advertising photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of white Balloon garland with arch on a plain brick wall with plants mixed in, Aspire to.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of white Balloon garland with arch on a plain brick wall with plants mixed in, Aspire to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of strawberry yogurt drink, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of strawberry yogurt drink, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fried chicken food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fried chicken food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chocolate confectionery food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Chocolate confectionery food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Airplane Instrument Panel Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Airplane Instrument Panel Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of air conditioner Industry, a lot of machines around .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of air conditioner Industry, a lot of machines around .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fountain chocolate for wedding with topping fruit, Marshmallows, pretzels without tex.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fountain chocolate for wedding with topping fruit, Marshmallows, pretzels without tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Party Snack, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Party Snack, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash with ice cubes, iso.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash with ice cubes, iso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cheese ravioli photography in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cheese ravioli photography in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cashew in the kitchen table, professional food photography, light background, adverti.png to raw_combined/stock photo of cashew in the kitchen table, professional food photography, light background, adverti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dormitory, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of dormitory, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/A one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with cloth, without text .txt to raw_combined/A one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with cloth, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Eau de toilette in the table, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Eau de toilette in the table, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Ambulance parking in the hospital area, night view, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Ambulance parking in the hospital area, night view, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of corned beef photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of corned beef photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, flat lay photogr.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, flat lay photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fruits jam in the kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fruits jam in the kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Abstract background from the smears of acrylic paint. Mixing multicolored oil paint. Textured arrang.png to raw_combined/Abstract background from the smears of acrylic paint. Mixing multicolored oil paint. Textured arrang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Lifting Crane, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Lifting Crane, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Mousse photography in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Mousse photography in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tea pot, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of tea pot, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cereal breakfast on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cereal breakfast on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside coffee shop, without people, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside coffee shop, without people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated white background .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beef soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of beef soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Industrial power plants, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Industrial power plants, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of orange yogurt drink, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of orange yogurt drink, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Skyscraper Buildings and Sky Night View Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Skyscraper Buildings and Sky Night View Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cheese ravioli photography in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cheese ravioli photography in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of slice mango smoothies with splash, isolated pho.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of slice mango smoothies with splash, isolated pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper d.png to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of bisque soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of bisque soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chicken Cordon bleu food photography in the kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chicken Cordon bleu food photography in the kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Food cooking background on the wooden, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Food cooking background on the wooden, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of desert with saguaro cactus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of desert with saguaro cactus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chocolate bar, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate bar, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of wheel chair at hospital room, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of wheel chair at hospital room, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mangos fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of mangos fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruit in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruit in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Chili oil is a condiment made from vegetable oil that has been infused with chili peppers.1 Differen.txt to raw_combined/Chili oil is a condiment made from vegetable oil that has been infused with chili peppers.1 Differen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Eau de toilettes in the table, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Eau de toilettes in the table, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dessert and fruits on buffet food, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of dessert and fruits on buffet food, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of watermelon fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of watermelon fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, german food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, german food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of soba noodles japanese food, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of soba noodles japanese food, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of breakfast at restaurant hotel, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of breakfast at restaurant hotel, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Inside hospital lobby, hospital waiting area view, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Inside hospital lobby, hospital waiting area view, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, night view, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, night view, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruits in the kitchen table, food photography, advertising photography, intrica.png to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruits in the kitchen table, food photography, advertising photography, intrica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, korean food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, korean food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper d.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of COOKED RED rice food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of COOKED RED rice food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of verlos kamer room hospital hospital bed with stuff and equipments, close up, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of verlos kamer room hospital hospital bed with stuff and equipments, close up, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of hotel balcony with beach view, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of hotel balcony with beach view, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of desert with saguaro cactus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of desert with saguaro cactus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of growing plants in greenhouse garden, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of growing plants in greenhouse garden, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Hotel lobby with industrial style furniture, without text .txt to raw_combined/Hotel lobby with industrial style furniture, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of healthy fruits near blender in modern kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of healthy fruits near blender in modern kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of swiss roll in kitchen table, some slice, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of swiss roll in kitchen table, some slice, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside operating room in hospital , without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside operating room in hospital , without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of fruit smoothies with a glass bootle, in the kitchen, flat .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of fruit smoothies with a glass bootle, in the kitchen, flat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Kitchenware, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Kitchenware, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tomato soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of tomato soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of jelly, food photography, isolated white background .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of jelly, food photography, isolated white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring d.png to raw_combined/mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of harbor waiting room, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of harbor waiting room, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Hotel lobby with asian style furniture, without text .txt to raw_combined/Hotel lobby with asian style furniture, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside ice cream shop, without people, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside ice cream shop, without people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Chicken Katsu japanese food, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Chicken Katsu japanese food, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash with ice cubes, iso.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash with ice cubes, iso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators cary.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators cary.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chocolate store interior, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate store interior, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Rustic Background Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Rustic Background Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruits, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.png to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruits, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of indoor golf court .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of indoor golf court .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fruits jam in the kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fruits jam in the kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators cary.png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators cary.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside wood factory, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside wood factory, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tea pot, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tea pot, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of frozen fruit in the kitchen table, light background, advertising photography, intrica.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of frozen fruit in the kitchen table, light background, advertising photography, intrica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunrise, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunrise, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of brownies fudgy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of brownies fudgy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of meringue cookies in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without tex.png to raw_combined/stock photo of meringue cookies in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cereal on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cereal on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mushroom shoup cream food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of mushroom shoup cream food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of raw eggs food photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of raw eggs food photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist interior design an modern english home, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic, minimalist interior design an modern english home, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of chicken cream soup in the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of chicken cream soup in the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of papayas fruit in the kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of papayas fruit in the kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Calorie Snacks, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Calorie Snacks, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of fan Industry, a lot of machines around, industrial .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of fan Industry, a lot of machines around, industrial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruits in the kitchen table, food photography, advertising photography, intrica.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruits in the kitchen table, food photography, advertising photography, intrica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside bus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside food factory, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside food factory, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/an oil painting with green trees in a colorful summer garden, in the style of laszlo kaday, mexican .png to raw_combined/an oil painting with green trees in a colorful summer garden, in the style of laszlo kaday, mexican .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a cup hot matcha, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a cup hot matcha, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of macarons in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of macarons in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, ice cubes, light background, advertising photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, ice cubes, light background, advertising photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of jelly, food photography, isolated white background .png to raw_combined/stock photo of jelly, food photography, isolated white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Communication Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Communication Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside street food kitchen cookin something, without people , without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside street food kitchen cookin something, without people , without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside coffee shop, without people, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside coffee shop, without people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of flyover road, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of flyover road, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty Old Yellow School Bus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty Old Yellow School Bus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, Close up without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, Close up without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo beetroot in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo beetroot in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of washing organic fruits and vegetables with water, isolated.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of washing organic fruits and vegetables with water, isolated.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of potatos chips, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without te.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of potatos chips, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside operating room in hospital , without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside operating room in hospital , without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Mousse photography in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Mousse photography in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of watermelon fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of watermelon fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of healthy Snacks, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of healthy Snacks, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Chicken Katsu japanese food, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Chicken Katsu japanese food, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of ramen photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of ramen photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Inside hospital lobby, hospital waiting area view, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Inside hospital lobby, hospital waiting area view, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fried chicken food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fried chicken food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of hydroponics, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of hydroponics, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Eau de toilettes in the table, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Eau de toilettes in the table, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of used tire, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of used tire, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning Equipment, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning Equipment, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of soba noodles japanese food, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of soba noodles japanese food, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of souffles in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of souffles in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, ice cubes, light background, advertising photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, ice cubes, light background, advertising photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of soto food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white.png to raw_combined/stock photo of soto food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, close up, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, close up, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit rool food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit rool food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of ramen photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of ramen photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of confectionery food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of confectionery food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of lavender in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of lavender in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of ice skating equipment, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of ice skating equipment, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of sun flower in summer, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of sun flower in summer, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Eau de toilette in the table, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Eau de toilette in the table, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo ofUnveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate th.png to raw_combined/stock photo ofUnveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chef hat in the Kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chef hat in the Kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of traditional korean snacks, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of traditional korean snacks, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of opor ayam food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without t.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of opor ayam food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of red light sundae in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of red light sundae in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of modern wood green dining room ultra photorealistic, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of modern wood green dining room ultra photorealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of swiss roll in kitchen table, some slice, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of swiss roll in kitchen table, some slice, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of canned fruit photography,isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of canned fruit photography,isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, swan eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adve.png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, swan eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Oatmeal Cookies, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Oatmeal Cookies, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fiber food, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fiber food, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Calorie Snacks, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Calorie Snacks, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Post Office Inside Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Post Office Inside Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard pudding, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper .png to raw_combined/stock photo of custard pudding, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of indoor golf court .png to raw_combined/stock photo of indoor golf court .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of steak food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of steak food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of pretzel in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pretzel in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs, light background, advertising photography,.png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs, light background, advertising photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of red light sundae in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of red light sundae in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Line Of Plastic Industry, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Line Of Plastic Industry, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.png to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo potato in kitchen table, some sliced, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo potato in kitchen table, some sliced, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of souffles in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of souffles in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Liquid foundation splash, fluid cosmetic cream, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without te.txt to raw_combined/Liquid foundation splash, fluid cosmetic cream, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tarts in kitchen table, flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tarts in kitchen table, flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Skyscraper Buildings Evening View Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Skyscraper Buildings Evening View Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of healthy fruits near blender in modern kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of healthy fruits near blender in modern kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo basul in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo basul in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot Fudge, isolated white background, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot Fudge, isolated white background, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/sofa with one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with books, without text .png to raw_combined/sofa with one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with books, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/campfire setting in the beach, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .png to raw_combined/campfire setting in the beach, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, swedian food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, swedian food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of poached eggs, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising p.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of poached eggs, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of baby feeding chair in the Dining table at the kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of baby feeding chair in the Dining table at the kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fiber food,isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fiber food,isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adv.png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of hydroponics, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of hydroponics, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white bac.png to raw_combined/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of poached egg, professional food photography, light background, advertising photography.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of poached egg, professional food photography, light background, advertising photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Airplane Instrument Panel Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Airplane Instrument Panel Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Madeleines in kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Madeleines in kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a cup hot green tea, isolated white background, food photography, advertising photogr.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a cup hot green tea, isolated white background, food photography, advertising photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of morning coffe biscuit, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of morning coffe biscuit, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cotton candy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cotton candy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Hotel lobby with industrial style furniture, without text .png to raw_combined/Hotel lobby with industrial style furniture, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design inside cave .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a design inside cave .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of perfumes ,isolated white background, flat lay .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of perfumes ,isolated white background, flat lay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of meringue cookies in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without tex.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of meringue cookies in the kitchen table, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of used tire, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of used tire, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chicken drumsticks food photography in the kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Chicken drumsticks food photography in the kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/professional catalog image with full red dining room table, kitchen view and bright lighting, extrem.txt to raw_combined/professional catalog image with full red dining room table, kitchen view and bright lighting, extrem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fountain chocolate for wedding with topping fruit, Marshmallows, pretzels without tex.png to raw_combined/stock photo of fountain chocolate for wedding with topping fruit, Marshmallows, pretzels without tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of granola photography in kitchen table,flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of granola photography in kitchen table,flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside spice Shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside spice Shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of steak food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of steak food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona mactha green tea, food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.png to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona mactha green tea, food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside bus sheet, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bus sheet, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of brownies fudgy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of brownies fudgy box photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated black background .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of chicken cream soup in the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of chicken cream soup in the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of german currywurst, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of german currywurst, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of oden japanese food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of oden japanese food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of confectionery food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of confectionery food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of traditional korean snacks, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of traditional korean snacks, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic grocery Shop, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic grocery Shop, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of sandwich triangle shape in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of sandwich triangle shape in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/professional catalog image with full red dining room table, kitchen view and bright lighting, extrem.png to raw_combined/professional catalog image with full red dining room table, kitchen view and bright lighting, extrem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside fruit store, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside fruit store, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fresh young coconuts photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fresh young coconuts photography in the table kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of view from airplane window .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of view from airplane window .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard cake, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of custard cake, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Pumpkin pie is a dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkinbased custard filling, food photog.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Pumpkin pie is a dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkinbased custard filling, food photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Skyscraper Buildings Evening View Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/Skyscraper Buildings Evening View Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, korean instant noodles with topping, light background,.png to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, korean instant noodles with topping, light background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of papayas fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of papayas fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Birthday Party Snack, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Birthday Party Snack, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona mactha green tea, food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona mactha green tea, food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tiramisu food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.png to raw_combined/stock photo of tiramisu food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of puding fruit cocktail photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of puding fruit cocktail photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Line Of Plastic Industry, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Line Of Plastic Industry, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside food truck kitchen cookin burger, without people, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside food truck kitchen cookin burger, without people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mangos fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of mangos fruit photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside home view sink, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside home view sink, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cashew in the kitchen table, professional food photography, light background, adverti.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cashew in the kitchen table, professional food photography, light background, adverti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of pretzel in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pretzel in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of spaghetti in kitchen table, bird view photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of spaghetti in kitchen table, bird view photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside traditional greengrocery, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside traditional greengrocery, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dried fruit in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dried fruit in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Hotel lobby with asian style furniture, without text .png to raw_combined/Hotel lobby with asian style furniture, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Weight Lifting Equipment, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Weight Lifting Equipment, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Footprints In The Sand Beach, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Footprints In The Sand Beach, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/mental institution a figure of a young man sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring dis.txt to raw_combined/mental institution a figure of a young man sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring dis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Air Traffic Control Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Air Traffic Control Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo basul in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo basul in kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of washing organic fruits and vegetables with water, isolated.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of washing organic fruits and vegetables with water, isolated.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cereal on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cereal on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring d.txt to raw_combined/mental institution a figure of a young woman sitting in the side bed of a lighted room sad staring d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunset, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunset, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of the part of the house shows where the cctv location is, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of the part of the house shows where the cctv location is, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of wheel chair at hospital room, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of wheel chair at hospital room, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, swan eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adve.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, swan eggs in the kitchen table, light background, adve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard pudding, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of custard pudding, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, close up, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, close up, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Chips and Dips photography, flat lay photography, isolated white background, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Chips and Dips photography, flat lay photography, isolated white background, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography,.png to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Kiwifruits fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Kiwifruits fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of minestrone soup cream food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of chef hat in the Kitchen table, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chef hat in the Kitchen table, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of corned beef photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of corned beef photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fresh young coconuts photography in the table kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fresh young coconuts photography in the table kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of raw eggs food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of raw eggs food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Madeleines in kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Madeleines in kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography,.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dalgona coffee, food photography, isolated white background, advertising photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, without people, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, without people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of photo realistic grocery Shop, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of photo realistic grocery Shop, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of coffee bun, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper detai.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of coffee bun, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Pineapples fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Pineapples fruit in the kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vietnamese rice paper rolls photography, in the table kitchen, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of vietnamese rice paper rolls photography, in the table kitchen, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design inside cave show stalactites and stalagmites .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a design inside cave show stalactites and stalagmites .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of pumpkin in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pumpkin in kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of modern wood green dining room ultra photorealistic, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of modern wood green dining room ultra photorealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo ofUnveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate th.txt to raw_combined/stock photo ofUnveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Pineapples fruit in the kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Pineapples fruit in the kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of strawberry mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of strawberry mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a futuristic desk with a city map and round magnifying lens, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a futuristic desk with a city map and round magnifying lens, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard custard fruit tart, food photography, advertising photography, intricate deta.png to raw_combined/stock photo of custard custard fruit tart, food photography, advertising photography, intricate deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated wh.png to raw_combined/stock photo of rendang food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Oatmeal Cookies, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Oatmeal Cookies, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of view from airplane window .png to raw_combined/stock photo of view from airplane window .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cashew, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising photogr.png to raw_combined/stock photo of cashew, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a cup hot matcha, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a cup hot matcha, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/A one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with cloth, without text .png to raw_combined/A one column Ikea Kallax unit filled with cloth, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of harbor waiting room, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of harbor waiting room, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunset, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of beautiful sky and clouds sunset, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Skyscraper Buildings and Sky Night View Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Skyscraper Buildings and Sky Night View Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of oden japanese food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of oden japanese food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Pumpkin pie is a dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkinbased custard filling, food photog.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Pumpkin pie is a dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkinbased custard filling, food photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of dormitory, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dormitory, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of satay food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of satay food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of choco biscuit food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, korean instant noodles with topping, light background,.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, korean instant noodles with topping, light background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of german currywurst, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of german currywurst, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty Old Yellow School Bus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty Old Yellow School Bus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of coffee, cafe, central london, summer morning, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of coffee, cafe, central london, summer morning, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a design with an electrical circuit and lighting bulb symbol, in the style of otherwo.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a design with an electrical circuit and lighting bulb symbol, in the style of otherwo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without.png to raw_combined/stock photo of nasi goreng food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of canned fruit photography,isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of canned fruit photography,isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Reuben Egg Rolls,flat lay food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Reuben Egg Rolls,flat lay food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs, light background, advertising photography,.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, quail eggs, light background, advertising photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetarian soup food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of professional food photography, instant noodles with korean pan, light background, adv.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of professional food photography, instant noodles with korean pan, light background, adv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic in the kitchen, photography.txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of korean birthday cake aesthetic in the kitchen, photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of A Snack Mix Ratio, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of A Snack Mix Ratio, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, kitchen view, without people, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, kitchen view, without people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cooking using a campfire on nature, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cooking using a campfire on nature, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of puding fruit cocktail photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of puding fruit cocktail photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of biscuit rool food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.png to raw_combined/stock photo of biscuit rool food photography, studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cooking using a campfire on nature, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cooking using a campfire on nature, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, night view, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty hospital waiting area, night view, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of custard cake, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.png to raw_combined/stock photo of custard cake, food photography, advertising photography, intricate details, hyper det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of modern wood wooden kitchen ultra photorealistic, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of modern wood wooden kitchen ultra photorealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of eucalyptus in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of eucalyptus in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of the part of the house shows where the cctv location is, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of the part of the house shows where the cctv location is, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot Fudge, kitchen table, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot Fudge, kitchen table, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of air conditioner Industry, a lot of machines around .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show Production Of air conditioner Industry, a lot of machines around .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/an oil painting with green trees in a colorful summer garden, in the style of laszlo kaday, mexican .txt to raw_combined/an oil painting with green trees in a colorful summer garden, in the style of laszlo kaday, mexican .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of opor ayam food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without t.png to raw_combined/stock photo of opor ayam food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cashew, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising photogr.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cashew, flat lay professional food photography, light background, advertising photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of spaghetti in kitchen table, bird view photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of spaghetti in kitchen table, bird view photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of indoor swimming poll interior .png to raw_combined/stock photo of indoor swimming poll interior .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of jamaican food, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of jamaican food, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/Campus Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .png to raw_combined/Campus Building Stock Photos And Images, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, german food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, german food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of soto food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of soto food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of baby feeding chair in the Dining table at the kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of baby feeding chair in the Dining table at the kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Ambulance parking in the hospital area, night view, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Ambulance parking in the hospital area, night view, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside spice Shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside spice Shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Construction Building, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Construction Building, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty Airport Check In Counter, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty Airport Check In Counter, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated white background .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/in the kitchen, korean food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, korean food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside factory of airplanes a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulat.png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory of airplanes a lot fo machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, kitchen view, without people, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of empty inside restaurant, kitchen view, without people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of lavender in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of lavender in a unique vase, with wooden desk, realistic image, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside steel smelting factory, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside steel smelting factory, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of tarts in kitchen table, flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of tarts in kitchen table, flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside bus, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bus, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of mojito photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Air Traffic Control Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Air Traffic Control Tower Stock Photos And Images, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/toys room organizer, in minimalist house, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .png to raw_combined/toys room organizer, in minimalist house, hyper detail, ultra realistic, low angle, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning Equipment, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Washing and Cleaning Equipment, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fishing equipment, flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fishing equipment, flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash, isolated photo, 10.png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass of strawberry smoothies splash, isolated photo, 10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Kiwifruits fruit in the kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Kiwifruits fruit in the kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Hot Fudge, isolated white background, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hot Fudge, isolated white background, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of cracker food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cracker food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of orange yogurt drink, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of orange yogurt drink, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of vietnamese rice paper rolls photography, in the table kitchen, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of vietnamese rice paper rolls photography, in the table kitchen, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of bisque soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of bisque soup cream food photography, white isolated background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of satay food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of satay food, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/hyper realistic photographic quality of caramel popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic photographic quality of caramel popcorn on the bowl on the kitchen table, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of fiber food, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fiber food, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Patbingsu Korean specialty desserts, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of Patbingsu Korean specialty desserts, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside ice cream shop, without people, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside ice cream shop, without people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass infused water on the kitchen table, .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of a glass infused water on the kitchen table, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Reuben Egg Rolls,flat lay food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Reuben Egg Rolls,flat lay food photography, advertising photography, intricate detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated black background .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Dandelion Taraxacum seeds isolated black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/a hyper realistic photographic quality of fruit smoothies with a glass bootle, in the kitchen, flat .png to raw_combined/a hyper realistic photographic quality of fruit smoothies with a glass bootle, in the kitchen, flat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of verlos kamer room hospital hospital bed with stuff and equipments, close up, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of verlos kamer room hospital hospital bed with stuff and equipments, close up, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of potatos chips, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without te.png to raw_combined/stock photo of potatos chips, food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, without te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white bac.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of gimbap food photography,studio light, photorealistic, sharp focus, isolated white bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside bus sheet, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bus sheet, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of inside wood factory, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside wood factory, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of growing plants in greenhouse garden, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of growing plants in greenhouse garden, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of a cup hot green tea, isolated white background, food photography, advertising photogr.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a cup hot green tea, isolated white background, food photography, advertising photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of Weight Lifting Equipment, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Weight Lifting Equipment, assorted colors, shapes and sizes, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_2/stock photo of flyover road, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of flyover road, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Roti Prata Flaky Indian flatbread served with curry sauce for dipping, often enjoyed with various fi.txt to raw_combined/Roti Prata Flaky Indian flatbread served with curry sauce for dipping, often enjoyed with various fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Carnation .png to raw_combined/Carnation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Monstera leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Monstera leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chole Bhature Spiced chickpea curry served with fluffy deepfried bread called bhature. Rogan Josh A .txt to raw_combined/Chole Bhature Spiced chickpea curry served with fluffy deepfried bread called bhature. Rogan Josh A .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/family gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/family gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/autumn leave isolated .txt to raw_combined/autumn leave isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Masala Dosa A crispy South Indian pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, typically fill.txt to raw_combined/Masala Dosa A crispy South Indian pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, typically fill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo ofBagel and Lox, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo ofBagel and Lox, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ramen Japanese noodle soup dish with wheat noodles served in a flavorful broth, often accompanied by.txt to raw_combined/Ramen Japanese noodle soup dish with wheat noodles served in a flavorful broth, often accompanied by.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone lantern .png to raw_combined/stone lantern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Eucalyptus leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Eucalyptus leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Bread in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png to raw_combined/Fresh original Bread in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/alpaca job interview .png to raw_combined/alpaca job interview .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Katsu curry A fusion dish consisting of Japanesestyle breaded and deepfried pork cutlet katsu served.txt to raw_combined/Katsu curry A fusion dish consisting of Japanesestyle breaded and deepfried pork cutlet katsu served.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/boxing dog .txt to raw_combined/boxing dog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sassafras leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Sassafras leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/wagyu a5 kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wit.txt to raw_combined/wagyu a5 kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sand explosion .png to raw_combined/sand explosion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Nasi Lemak Fragrant coconut rice served with a variety of accompaniments such as fried chicken, frie.txt to raw_combined/Nasi Lemak Fragrant coconut rice served with a variety of accompaniments such as fried chicken, frie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Bak Chor Mee A noodle dish with minced meat pork or chicken, mushrooms, and vinegarbased sauce, ofte.png to raw_combined/Bak Chor Mee A noodle dish with minced meat pork or chicken, mushrooms, and vinegarbased sauce, ofte.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Tacos, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Tacos, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/zuwai kani .txt to raw_combined/zuwai kani .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dragons, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png to raw_combined/dragons, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fresh coffee beans .png to raw_combined/fresh coffee beans .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Clam Chowder, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Clam Chowder, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/house gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/house gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sea otter, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png to raw_combined/sea otter, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/autumn leaves isolated .png to raw_combined/autumn leaves isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool and coconut palm tree .png to raw_combined/pool and coconut palm tree .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/marshmallow fire camp .txt to raw_combined/marshmallow fire camp .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tree python eating rat .txt to raw_combined/green tree python eating rat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Udon Thick wheat noodles served in a savory broth with various toppings like tempura, green onions, .png to raw_combined/Udon Thick wheat noodles served in a savory broth with various toppings like tempura, green onions, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fat yellow tree python .txt to raw_combined/fat yellow tree python .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Rojak A salad of mixed fruits and vegetables tossed in a sweet and spicy shrimp paste dressing, topp.txt to raw_combined/Rojak A salad of mixed fruits and vegetables tossed in a sweet and spicy shrimp paste dressing, topp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Gerbera Daisy .png to raw_combined/Gerbera Daisy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Porterhouse Steak with Smashed Potatoes and Roasted Tomatoes in a traditional woodfir.png to raw_combined/Fresh original Porterhouse Steak with Smashed Potatoes and Roasted Tomatoes in a traditional woodfir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Scallion .png to raw_combined/Scallion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Collard greens Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Collard greens Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Blackberries Isometric food, isolated on white background, without.png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Blackberries Isometric food, isolated on white background, without.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Golf equipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Golf equipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Takoyaki Octopusfilled balls made from a wheat flour batter, cooked in a special takoyaki pan, and t.txt to raw_combined/Takoyaki Octopusfilled balls made from a wheat flour batter, cooked in a special takoyaki pan, and t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Onigiri Rice balls usually filled with ingredients like pickled plum umeboshi, fish, or other savory.png to raw_combined/Onigiri Rice balls usually filled with ingredients like pickled plum umeboshi, fish, or other savory.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Miso Soup Traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste miso with ingredients like tof.txt to raw_combined/Miso Soup Traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste miso with ingredients like tof.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chili Crab Mud crabs cooked in a tangy and spicy tomatobased chili sauce, best enjoyed with deepfrie.txt to raw_combined/Chili Crab Mud crabs cooked in a tangy and spicy tomatobased chili sauce, best enjoyed with deepfrie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yudofu A simple and delicate dish featuring tofu simmered in a kombu kelp and soybased broth, often .txt to raw_combined/Yudofu A simple and delicate dish featuring tofu simmered in a kombu kelp and soybased broth, often .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Bak Kut Teh A flavorful pork rib soup cooked with a mix of herbs and spices, usually served with ric.png to raw_combined/Bak Kut Teh A flavorful pork rib soup cooked with a mix of herbs and spices, usually served with ric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in brain .png to raw_combined/pool in brain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Oden A winter dish consisting of various ingredients like boiled eggs, daikon radish, tofu, fish cak.txt to raw_combined/Oden A winter dish consisting of various ingredients like boiled eggs, daikon radish, tofu, fish cak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/akamutsu .txt to raw_combined/akamutsu .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/taekwondo dogs flighting .txt to raw_combined/taekwondo dogs flighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skeleton boxing .png to raw_combined/skeleton boxing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Nasi Lemak Fragrant coconut rice served with a variety of accompaniments such as fried chicken, frie.png to raw_combined/Nasi Lemak Fragrant coconut rice served with a variety of accompaniments such as fried chicken, frie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fish Head Curry A spicy curry dish made with a whole fish head, typically red snapper, cooked in a f.png to raw_combined/Fish Head Curry A spicy curry dish made with a whole fish head, typically red snapper, cooked in a f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ice Kacang A colorful dessert made with shaved ice, sweet syrups, various toppings like red beans, g.png to raw_combined/Ice Kacang A colorful dessert made with shaved ice, sweet syrups, various toppings like red beans, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hedgehog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.txt to raw_combined/hedgehog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Carrots , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Carrots , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Durian A pungent and creamy fruit that is highly prized in Singapore and often referred to as the Ki.txt to raw_combined/Durian A pungent and creamy fruit that is highly prized in Singapore and often referred to as the Ki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/autumn leave isolated .png to raw_combined/autumn leave isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brownie sandwich and fruits caramel soft cream .txt to raw_combined/brownie sandwich and fruits caramel soft cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Athleticsequipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Athleticsequipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/boxing dog .png to raw_combined/boxing dog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Paneer Tikka Cubes of paneer marinated in yogurt and spices, skewered, and grilled to perfection. ki.txt to raw_combined/Paneer Tikka Cubes of paneer marinated in yogurt and spices, skewered, and grilled to perfection. ki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/taekwondo dogs flighting .png to raw_combined/taekwondo dogs flighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Rojak A salad of mixed fruits and vegetables tossed in a sweet and spicy shrimp paste dressing, topp.png to raw_combined/Rojak A salad of mixed fruits and vegetables tossed in a sweet and spicy shrimp paste dressing, topp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/orange island .txt to raw_combined/orange island .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Oden A winter dish consisting of various ingredients like boiled eggs, daikon radish, tofu, fish cak.png to raw_combined/Oden A winter dish consisting of various ingredients like boiled eggs, daikon radish, tofu, fish cak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Canna leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Canna leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Hominy Grits , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hominy Grits , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kangaroo , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt to raw_combined/Kangaroo , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Japanese maple leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Japanese maple leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stream japanese rice texture isolated .png to raw_combined/stream japanese rice texture isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kaiseki A traditional multicourse Japanese meal that showcases seasonal and beautifully presented di.txt to raw_combined/Kaiseki A traditional multicourse Japanese meal that showcases seasonal and beautifully presented di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Football Soccerequipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Football Soccerequipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in bed room .txt to raw_combined/pool in bed room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting deep din the soil section .txt to raw_combined/ants nesting deep din the soil section .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Collard greens Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Collard greens Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of hamberger, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of hamberger, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dal Makhani Creamy lentil dish made from a combination of whole black lentils, kidney beans, and aro.txt to raw_combined/Dal Makhani Creamy lentil dish made from a combination of whole black lentils, kidney beans, and aro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Shabushabu Hot pot dish where thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and tofu are cooked in a boiling broth.png to raw_combined/Shabushabu Hot pot dish where thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and tofu are cooked in a boiling broth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/7d print machine. .txt to raw_combined/7d print machine. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fresh coffee beans .txt to raw_combined/fresh coffee beans .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tea liquid isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/green tea liquid isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/happy dog in Sakura garden .txt to raw_combined/happy dog in Sakura garden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Athleticsequipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Athleticsequipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/battle between between skeleton , milky way background, 8k ultra realistic .txt to raw_combined/battle between between skeleton , milky way background, 8k ultra realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/japanese garden living room interior .png to raw_combined/japanese garden living room interior .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Texas Barbecue , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Texas Barbecue , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/isometric Miniature House .txt to raw_combined/isometric Miniature House .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/landslide .png to raw_combined/landslide .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Cauliflower Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Cauliflower Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Crispy Porchetta in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png to raw_combined/Fresh original Crispy Porchetta in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Scallion .txt to raw_combined/Scallion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/chutoro .png to raw_combined/chutoro .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog family gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/dog family gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sea filled with coffee Americano .png to raw_combined/sea filled with coffee Americano .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fish Head Curry A spicy curry dish made with a whole fish head, typically red snapper, cooked in a f.txt to raw_combined/Fish Head Curry A spicy curry dish made with a whole fish head, typically red snapper, cooked in a f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tea leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Tea leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hamachi .txt to raw_combined/hamachi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chana Masala Spicy and tangy chickpea curry cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic sp.png to raw_combined/Chana Masala Spicy and tangy chickpea curry cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants eating croissant isolated on white .png to raw_combined/ants eating croissant isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/wind farms .png to raw_combined/wind farms .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/botan ebi .txt to raw_combined/botan ebi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Hainanese Chicken Rice Poached chicken served with fragrant rice cooked in chicken broth and accompa.txt to raw_combined/Hainanese Chicken Rice Poached chicken served with fragrant rice cooked in chicken broth and accompa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/smiley face gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/smiley face gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pyramid under ocean .png to raw_combined/pyramid under ocean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Cauliflower Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Cauliflower Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chicken Tikka Masala Grilled chicken tikka pieces cooked in a spiced tomatobased sauce, rich with fl.png to raw_combined/Chicken Tikka Masala Grilled chicken tikka pieces cooked in a spiced tomatobased sauce, rich with fl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in pool .png to raw_combined/pool in pool .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chana Masala Spicy and tangy chickpea curry cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic sp.txt to raw_combined/Chana Masala Spicy and tangy chickpea curry cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skull make from ice .txt to raw_combined/skull make from ice .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kaiseki A traditional multicourse Japanese meal that showcases seasonal and beautifully presented di.png to raw_combined/Kaiseki A traditional multicourse Japanese meal that showcases seasonal and beautifully presented di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Red cabbage Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Red cabbage Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Vada Pav A popular street food snack from Mumbai, consisting of a deepfried potato fritter vada serv.png to raw_combined/Vada Pav A popular street food snack from Mumbai, consisting of a deepfried potato fritter vada serv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/moon croissant isolated .txt to raw_combined/moon croissant isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting on the ground under cover .png to raw_combined/ants nesting on the ground under cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/coffee liquid isolated on White .png to raw_combined/coffee liquid isolated on White .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ripe frash carrot , orange carrot Harvest carrot .png to raw_combined/ripe frash carrot , orange carrot Harvest carrot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/space enigma .png to raw_combined/space enigma .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/red panda, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt to raw_combined/red panda, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/croissant moon texture isolated .png to raw_combined/croissant moon texture isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower isolated on white .png to raw_combined/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tree python eating rat .png to raw_combined/green tree python eating rat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/solar farms .png to raw_combined/solar farms .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Italian pizza in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Italian pizza in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Isometric food, isolated on white background, withou.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Isometric food, isolated on white background, withou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/autumn leaves isolated .txt to raw_combined/autumn leaves isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/kung fu corgi dogs .png to raw_combined/kung fu corgi dogs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee playing guitar .txt to raw_combined/close up of bee playing guitar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Redbud leaf .txt to raw_combined/Redbud leaf .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stream japanese rice texture isolated .txt to raw_combined/stream japanese rice texture isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants eating croissant isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/ants eating croissant isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/chutoro .txt to raw_combined/chutoro .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Clam Chowder, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Clam Chowder, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Freshly ground coffee beans in a metal filter .png to raw_combined/Freshly ground coffee beans in a metal filter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sushi A famous Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice topped with various ingredients like raw o.txt to raw_combined/Sushi A famous Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice topped with various ingredients like raw o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Kale Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Kale Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting in plant tree cavities .png to raw_combined/ants nesting in plant tree cavities .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/cat family gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/cat family gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool on plane .png to raw_combined/pool on plane .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/koala, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimali.png to raw_combined/koala, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/moka pot coffee .txt to raw_combined/moka pot coffee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Malai Kofta Soft and creamy cottage cheese paneer and vegetable dumplings cooked in a rich and flavo.txt to raw_combined/Malai Kofta Soft and creamy cottage cheese paneer and vegetable dumplings cooked in a rich and flavo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Blackberries Isometric food, isolated on white background, without.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Blackberries Isometric food, isolated on white background, without.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Durian A pungent and creamy fruit that is highly prized in Singapore and often referred to as the Ki.png to raw_combined/Durian A pungent and creamy fruit that is highly prized in Singapore and often referred to as the Ki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/penguin, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt to raw_combined/penguin, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chirashizushi A bowl of sushi rice topped with a colorful assortment of sashimi raw fish and other i.txt to raw_combined/Chirashizushi A bowl of sushi rice topped with a colorful assortment of sashimi raw fish and other i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/gateway .txt to raw_combined/gateway .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool on plane .txt to raw_combined/pool on plane .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Eucalyptus leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Eucalyptus leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/3D background with raindrops and white orchid flower and 1 short podium. Abstract minimal advertise..png to raw_combined/3D background with raindrops and white orchid flower and 1 short podium. Abstract minimal advertise..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/mint .png to raw_combined/mint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/isometric Miniature House .png to raw_combined/isometric Miniature House .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ramen Japanese noodle soup dish with wheat noodles served in a flavorful broth, often accompanied by.png to raw_combined/Ramen Japanese noodle soup dish with wheat noodles served in a flavorful broth, often accompanied by.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo ofBagel and Lox, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo ofBagel and Lox, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Masala Dosa A crispy South Indian pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, typically fill.png to raw_combined/Masala Dosa A crispy South Indian pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, typically fill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tea liquid isolated on white .png to raw_combined/green tea liquid isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/yellow abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .png to raw_combined/yellow abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tandoori Chicken Chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, then cooked in a traditional c.txt to raw_combined/Tandoori Chicken Chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, then cooked in a traditional c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Palak Paneer Soft cubes of paneer Indian cottage cheese cooked in a creamy spinach gravy with aromat.png to raw_combined/Palak Paneer Soft cubes of paneer Indian cottage cheese cooked in a creamy spinach gravy with aromat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/family gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/family gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/modern tree house .png to raw_combined/modern tree house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/botan ebi .png to raw_combined/botan ebi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/battle between between skeleton , milky way background, 8k ultra realistic .png to raw_combined/battle between between skeleton , milky way background, 8k ultra realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/kung fu corgi .txt to raw_combined/kung fu corgi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/big brain .txt to raw_combined/big brain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower .png to raw_combined/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/marshmallow fire camp .png to raw_combined/marshmallow fire camp .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brick isolated .txt to raw_combined/brick isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/rainbow ice cream .png to raw_combined/rainbow ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Bak Chor Mee A noodle dish with minced meat pork or chicken, mushrooms, and vinegarbased sauce, ofte.txt to raw_combined/Bak Chor Mee A noodle dish with minced meat pork or chicken, mushrooms, and vinegarbased sauce, ofte.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Kale Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Kale Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/konomiyaki Savory pancake made with a batter of cabbage, flour, and other ingredients like pork, sea.txt to raw_combined/konomiyaki Savory pancake made with a batter of cabbage, flour, and other ingredients like pork, sea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/panda eating bamboo isolated on white .png to raw_combined/panda eating bamboo isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Garlic Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Garlic Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/carbonara ice cream .png to raw_combined/carbonara ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Cannabis leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Cannabis leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone lantern at night .txt to raw_combined/stone lantern at night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Orchid .txt to raw_combined/Orchid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Baseballequipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Baseballequipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Murtabak A stuffed pancake typically filled with minced meat chicken, mutton, or beef and onions, se.txt to raw_combined/Murtabak A stuffed pancake typically filled with minced meat chicken, mutton, or beef and onions, se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Baobab leaf .png to raw_combined/Baobab leaf .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ice Kacang A colorful dessert made with shaved ice, sweet syrups, various toppings like red beans, g.txt to raw_combined/Ice Kacang A colorful dessert made with shaved ice, sweet syrups, various toppings like red beans, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/quokka, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.png to raw_combined/quokka, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/wagyu a5 kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wit.png to raw_combined/wagyu a5 kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Japanese maple leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Japanese maple leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants carton and silk nests anomg leaves and twigs .png to raw_combined/ants carton and silk nests anomg leaves and twigs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/croissant moon texture isolated .txt to raw_combined/croissant moon texture isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/wind farms .txt to raw_combined/wind farms .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Hosta leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Hosta leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool and coconut palm tree .txt to raw_combined/pool and coconut palm tree .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Raccoon , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.txt to raw_combined/Raccoon , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Roti Prata Flaky Indian flatbread served with curry sauce for dipping, often enjoyed with various fi.png to raw_combined/Roti Prata Flaky Indian flatbread served with curry sauce for dipping, often enjoyed with various fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yakitori Skewered and grilled chicken pieces seasoned with soy sauce or other savory sauces. kitchen.txt to raw_combined/Yakitori Skewered and grilled chicken pieces seasoned with soy sauce or other savory sauces. kitchen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/gateway .png to raw_combined/gateway .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/blue ant of mount isolated on white .png to raw_combined/blue ant of mount isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Swiss chard Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Swiss chard Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimalism.png to raw_combined/dog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimalism.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/cicada isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/cicada isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sassafras leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Sassafras leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Popiah Fresh spring rolls filled with a mixture of julienned vegetables, tofu, and sometimes shrimp,.txt to raw_combined/Popiah Fresh spring rolls filled with a mixture of julienned vegetables, tofu, and sometimes shrimp,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brain isolated .txt to raw_combined/brain isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Miniature House .txt to raw_combined/Miniature House .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/orange juice in pitcher with ice isolated .txt to raw_combined/orange juice in pitcher with ice isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/red panda, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png to raw_combined/red panda, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/7d print machine. .png to raw_combined/7d print machine. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yakitori Skewered and grilled chicken pieces seasoned with soy sauce or other savory sauces. kitchen.png to raw_combined/Yakitori Skewered and grilled chicken pieces seasoned with soy sauce or other savory sauces. kitchen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Soba Thin buckwheat noodles served hot or cold with a soybased dipping sauce or in a broth. kitchen..png to raw_combined/Soba Thin buckwheat noodles served hot or cold with a soybased dipping sauce or in a broth. kitchen..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Takoyaki ice cream .txt to raw_combined/Takoyaki ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/moon croissant isolated .png to raw_combined/moon croissant isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Takoyaki Octopusfilled balls made from a wheat flour batter, cooked in a special takoyaki pan, and t.png to raw_combined/Takoyaki Octopusfilled balls made from a wheat flour batter, cooked in a special takoyaki pan, and t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/modern tree house .txt to raw_combined/modern tree house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/cat family gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/cat family gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone lantern .txt to raw_combined/stone lantern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/feeding carrots to dog .png to raw_combined/feeding carrots to dog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting deep din the soil section .png to raw_combined/ants nesting deep din the soil section .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/rock gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/rock gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ice Hockey equipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Ice Hockey equipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hamachi .png to raw_combined/hamachi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hand holding iced coffee Americano realistic details isolated .txt to raw_combined/hand holding iced coffee Americano realistic details isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with green tea leaf isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with green tea leaf isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Paneer Tikka Cubes of paneer marinated in yogurt and spices, skewered, and grilled to perfection. ki.png to raw_combined/Paneer Tikka Cubes of paneer marinated in yogurt and spices, skewered, and grilled to perfection. ki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/minimal tree house .txt to raw_combined/minimal tree house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Asparagus Isometric food, isolated on white background, without te.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Asparagus Isometric food, isolated on white background, without te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Monstera leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Monstera leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hand holding iced coffee Americano realistic details isolated .png to raw_combined/hand holding iced coffee Americano realistic details isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting in plant tree cavities .txt to raw_combined/ants nesting in plant tree cavities .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tonkatsu Fried Pork Cutlet kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backg.png to raw_combined/Tonkatsu Fried Pork Cutlet kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Porterhouse Steak with Smashed Potatoes and Roasted Tomatoes in a traditional woodfir.txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Porterhouse Steak with Smashed Potatoes and Roasted Tomatoes in a traditional woodfir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in pool .txt to raw_combined/pool in pool .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fish angle .png to raw_combined/fish angle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Katsu curry A fusion dish consisting of Japanesestyle breaded and deepfried pork cutlet katsu served.png to raw_combined/Katsu curry A fusion dish consisting of Japanesestyle breaded and deepfried pork cutlet katsu served.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog in vegetable garden .png to raw_combined/dog in vegetable garden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/akagai .txt to raw_combined/akagai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fancy candle .txt to raw_combined/fancy candle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/akagai .png to raw_combined/akagai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/japanese garden living room interior .txt to raw_combined/japanese garden living room interior .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Honey Roasted chillis in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png to raw_combined/Fresh original Honey Roasted chillis in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sea otter, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt to raw_combined/sea otter, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fish angle .txt to raw_combined/fish angle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Soba Thin buckwheat noodles served hot or cold with a soybased dipping sauce or in a broth. kitchen..txt to raw_combined/Soba Thin buckwheat noodles served hot or cold with a soybased dipping sauce or in a broth. kitchen..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Crispy Porchetta in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Crispy Porchetta in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Carrots , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Carrots , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iguana, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.png to raw_combined/iguana, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Giraffe, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png to raw_combined/Giraffe, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Golf equipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Golf equipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/yellow iguana isolated .png to raw_combined/yellow iguana isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Cannabis leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Cannabis leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sashimi Fresh, thinly sliced raw fish or seafood served with soy sauce and wasabi. kitchen. Captured.png to raw_combined/Sashimi Fresh, thinly sliced raw fish or seafood served with soy sauce and wasabi. kitchen. Captured.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog Marshmallow isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/dog Marshmallow isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog in vegetable garden .txt to raw_combined/dog in vegetable garden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants carton and silk nests anomg leaves and twigs .txt to raw_combined/ants carton and silk nests anomg leaves and twigs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Miniature House .png to raw_combined/Miniature House .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/coffee liquid isolated on White .txt to raw_combined/coffee liquid isolated on White .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Laksa A spicy and flavorful noodle soup with a coconut milkbased curry broth, topped with ingredient.png to raw_combined/Laksa A spicy and flavorful noodle soup with a coconut milkbased curry broth, topped with ingredient.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/quokka, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.txt to raw_combined/quokka, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with salmon isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with salmon isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Popiah Fresh spring rolls filled with a mixture of julienned vegetables, tofu, and sometimes shrimp,.png to raw_combined/Popiah Fresh spring rolls filled with a mixture of julienned vegetables, tofu, and sometimes shrimp,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/orange juice in pitcher with ice isolated .png to raw_combined/orange juice in pitcher with ice isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brownie sandwich and fruits caramel soft cream .png to raw_combined/brownie sandwich and fruits caramel soft cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Bak Kut Teh A flavorful pork rib soup cooked with a mix of herbs and spices, usually served with ric.txt to raw_combined/Bak Kut Teh A flavorful pork rib soup cooked with a mix of herbs and spices, usually served with ric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sand explosion .txt to raw_combined/sand explosion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with grilling sausage isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with grilling sausage isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sea filled with coffee Americano .txt to raw_combined/sea filled with coffee Americano .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tulip .png to raw_combined/Tulip .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Red cabbage Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Red cabbage Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/king Cobra viper snake .png to raw_combined/king Cobra viper snake .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/picture of ripe coffee beans, red berries Fresh Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Red Yellow Robusta Arabica.txt to raw_combined/picture of ripe coffee beans, red berries Fresh Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Red Yellow Robusta Arabica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in tropical garden .png to raw_combined/pool in tropical garden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/big brain .png to raw_combined/big brain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ants nesting on the ground under cover .txt to raw_combined/ants nesting on the ground under cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Holly leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Holly leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Olive leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Olive leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Palak Paneer Soft cubes of paneer Indian cottage cheese cooked in a creamy spinach gravy with aromat.txt to raw_combined/Palak Paneer Soft cubes of paneer Indian cottage cheese cooked in a creamy spinach gravy with aromat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Udon Thick wheat noodles served in a savory broth with various toppings like tempura, green onions, .txt to raw_combined/Udon Thick wheat noodles served in a savory broth with various toppings like tempura, green onions, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of hamberger, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of hamberger, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/orange island .png to raw_combined/orange island .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Murtabak A stuffed pancake typically filled with minced meat chicken, mutton, or beef and onions, se.png to raw_combined/Murtabak A stuffed pancake typically filled with minced meat chicken, mutton, or beef and onions, se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Coffee Beans and Ground coffee,moka pot .png to raw_combined/Coffee Beans and Ground coffee,moka pot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dorayaki Sweet pancakes made of fluffy batter filled with a sweet red bean paste filling, popularize.png to raw_combined/Dorayaki Sweet pancakes made of fluffy batter filled with a sweet red bean paste filling, popularize.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pizza in brick oven .txt to raw_combined/pizza in brick oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/house gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/house gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/ripe frash carrot , orange carrot Harvest carrot .txt to raw_combined/ripe frash carrot , orange carrot Harvest carrot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Basketballequipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Basketballequipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sun of the beach .png to raw_combined/sun of the beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Volleyball equipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Volleyball equipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in bed room .png to raw_combined/pool in bed room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/rock gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/rock gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Forrest in paper box isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/Forrest in paper box isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/zuwai kani .png to raw_combined/zuwai kani .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Giraffe, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt to raw_combined/Giraffe, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Brussels sprouts Isometric food, isolated on white background, wit.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Brussels sprouts Isometric food, isolated on white background, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Daisy .txt to raw_combined/Daisy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ice Hockey equipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Ice Hockey equipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kangaroo , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png to raw_combined/Kangaroo , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yakiniku Grilled meat, typically beef, cooked at the table and enjoyed with a variety of dipping sau.png to raw_combined/Yakiniku Grilled meat, typically beef, cooked at the table and enjoyed with a variety of dipping sau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/koala, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimali.txt to raw_combined/koala, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hamburger kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wi.txt to raw_combined/hamburger kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Okonomiyaki A Hiroshimastyle variation of okonomiyaki that features layers of cabbage, noodles, and .png to raw_combined/Okonomiyaki A Hiroshimastyle variation of okonomiyaki that features layers of cabbage, noodles, and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/funny animal .txt to raw_combined/funny animal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Cricketequipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Cricketequipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hamburger kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wi.png to raw_combined/hamburger kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background. Layout wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kway Chap A dish consisting of flat rice noodles and braised pork offal served with a flavorful soyb.png to raw_combined/Kway Chap A dish consisting of flat rice noodles and braised pork offal served with a flavorful soyb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pop brick isolated .txt to raw_combined/pop brick isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Marshmallow isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/Marshmallow isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Karaage Fried Chicken kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background.png to raw_combined/Karaage Fried Chicken kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dal Makhani Creamy lentil dish made from a combination of whole black lentils, kidney beans, and aro.png to raw_combined/Dal Makhani Creamy lentil dish made from a combination of whole black lentils, kidney beans, and aro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/farm agriculture lab on moon .png to raw_combined/farm agriculture lab on moon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kway Chap A dish consisting of flat rice noodles and braised pork offal served with a flavorful soyb.txt to raw_combined/Kway Chap A dish consisting of flat rice noodles and braised pork offal served with a flavorful soyb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Daisy .png to raw_combined/Daisy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sukiyaki A hot pot dish made with thinly sliced beef, tofu, vegetables, and noodles, cooked in a soy.txt to raw_combined/Sukiyaki A hot pot dish made with thinly sliced beef, tofu, vegetables, and noodles, cooked in a soy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brownie sandwich vanilla ice cream .txt to raw_combined/brownie sandwich vanilla ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Rose .png to raw_combined/Rose .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/king Cobra viper snake .txt to raw_combined/king Cobra viper snake .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/chocolate kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on white chalkboard background. Layout wi.txt to raw_combined/chocolate kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on white chalkboard background. Layout wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Gerbera Daisy .txt to raw_combined/Gerbera Daisy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee playing guitar .png to raw_combined/close up of bee playing guitar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Carnation .txt to raw_combined/Carnation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tonkatsu Fried Pork Cutlet kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backg.txt to raw_combined/Tonkatsu Fried Pork Cutlet kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/egg sandwich ice cream .png to raw_combined/egg sandwich ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/carbonara ice cream .txt to raw_combined/carbonara ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Palm leaf Large, isolated .png to raw_combined/Palm leaf Large, isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Redbud leaf .png to raw_combined/Redbud leaf .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Swiss chard Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Swiss chard Isometric food, isolated on white background, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iguana with instrument , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio pho.txt to raw_combined/iguana with instrument , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Biryani Fragrant rice dish cooked with meat such as chicken, mutton, or fish, aromatic spices, and s.png to raw_combined/Biryani Fragrant rice dish cooked with meat such as chicken, mutton, or fish, aromatic spices, and s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Matcha Finely ground green tea powder used to make traditional Japanese tea and used as an ingredien.png to raw_combined/Matcha Finely ground green tea powder used to make traditional Japanese tea and used as an ingredien.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/moka pot coffee .png to raw_combined/moka pot coffee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tree python .png to raw_combined/green tree python .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/kung fu corgi dogs .txt to raw_combined/kung fu corgi dogs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/sun of the beach .txt to raw_combined/sun of the beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chicken Tikka Masala Grilled chicken tikka pieces cooked in a spiced tomatobased sauce, rich with fl.txt to raw_combined/Chicken Tikka Masala Grilled chicken tikka pieces cooked in a spiced tomatobased sauce, rich with fl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/bacon chilli spicy ice cream .png to raw_combined/bacon chilli spicy ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Basketballequipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Basketballequipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Olive leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Olive leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yakiniku Grilled meat, typically beef, cooked at the table and enjoyed with a variety of dipping sau.txt to raw_combined/Yakiniku Grilled meat, typically beef, cooked at the table and enjoyed with a variety of dipping sau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Takoyaki ice cream .png to raw_combined/Takoyaki ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Palm leaf Large, isolated .txt to raw_combined/Palm leaf Large, isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iguana, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.txt to raw_combined/iguana, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brain isolated .png to raw_combined/brain isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skeleton boxing .txt to raw_combined/skeleton boxing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Natto Fermented Soybeans kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backgro.txt to raw_combined/Natto Fermented Soybeans kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fern leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Fern leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimalism.txt to raw_combined/dog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minimalism.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Satay Skewered and grilled meat often chicken or beef served with peanut sauce, cucumber, and onion..txt to raw_combined/Satay Skewered and grilled meat often chicken or beef served with peanut sauce, cucumber, and onion..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chawanmushi Savory egg custard dish steamed with ingredients like chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, and gi.txt to raw_combined/Chawanmushi Savory egg custard dish steamed with ingredients like chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, and gi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brick isolated .png to raw_combined/brick isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pizza in brick oven .png to raw_combined/pizza in brick oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/yellow abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .txt to raw_combined/yellow abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/mint .txt to raw_combined/mint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/feeding carrots to dog .txt to raw_combined/feeding carrots to dog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Spatchcock Chicken in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png to raw_combined/Fresh original Spatchcock Chicken in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog Marshmallow isolated on white .png to raw_combined/dog Marshmallow isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fireflies in glass jar .txt to raw_combined/fireflies in glass jar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pop brick isolated .png to raw_combined/pop brick isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hawaii potatoes .png to raw_combined/hawaii potatoes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/japanese rice texture isolated .png to raw_combined/japanese rice texture isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Biryani Fragrant rice dish cooked with meat such as chicken, mutton, or fish, aromatic spices, and s.txt to raw_combined/Biryani Fragrant rice dish cooked with meat such as chicken, mutton, or fish, aromatic spices, and s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone outdoor lantern .txt to raw_combined/stone outdoor lantern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/zoo .png to raw_combined/zoo .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dosas Thin and crispy fermented rice and lentil crepes served with coconut chutney and sambar. kitch.txt to raw_combined/Dosas Thin and crispy fermented rice and lentil crepes served with coconut chutney and sambar. kitch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sashimi Fresh, thinly sliced raw fish or seafood served with soy sauce and wasabi. kitchen. Captured.txt to raw_combined/Sashimi Fresh, thinly sliced raw fish or seafood served with soy sauce and wasabi. kitchen. Captured.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Sweet potatoes Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Sweet potatoes Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Okonomiyaki A Hiroshimastyle variation of okonomiyaki that features layers of cabbage, noodles, and .txt to raw_combined/Okonomiyaki A Hiroshimastyle variation of okonomiyaki that features layers of cabbage, noodles, and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/feeding carrots to rabbit .txt to raw_combined/feeding carrots to rabbit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Forrest in paper box isolated on white .png to raw_combined/Forrest in paper box isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iced cube made from coffee isolated .txt to raw_combined/iced cube made from coffee isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Isometric food, isolated on white background, withou.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Drop Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Isometric food, isolated on white background, withou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with grilling sausage isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with grilling sausage isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/panda eating bamboo isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/panda eating bamboo isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kaya Toast Toasted bread spread with kaya, a sweet coconut jam, and often served with softboiled egg.png to raw_combined/Kaya Toast Toasted bread spread with kaya, a sweet coconut jam, and often served with softboiled egg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/3D background with raindrops and white orchid flower and 1 short podium. Abstract minimal advertise..txt to raw_combined/3D background with raindrops and white orchid flower and 1 short podium. Abstract minimal advertise..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Peony .txt to raw_combined/Peony .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Matcha Finely ground green tea powder used to make traditional Japanese tea and used as an ingredien.txt to raw_combined/Matcha Finely ground green tea powder used to make traditional Japanese tea and used as an ingredien.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/house gingerbread isometric isolated on white .png to raw_combined/house gingerbread isometric isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Nabe A hot pot dish where a variety of ingredients like thinly sliced meat, tofu, vegetables, and no.png to raw_combined/Nabe A hot pot dish where a variety of ingredients like thinly sliced meat, tofu, vegetables, and no.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Peony .png to raw_combined/Peony .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/bacon chilli spicy ice cream .txt to raw_combined/bacon chilli spicy ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Corgi gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/Corgi gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chawanmushi Savory egg custard dish steamed with ingredients like chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, and gi.png to raw_combined/Chawanmushi Savory egg custard dish steamed with ingredients like chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, and gi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iguana with instrument , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio pho.png to raw_combined/iguana with instrument , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Football Soccerequipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Football Soccerequipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Akita dogs .png to raw_combined/Akita dogs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with green tea leaf isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with green tea leaf isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skull make from ice .png to raw_combined/skull make from ice .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone outdoor lantern .png to raw_combined/stone outdoor lantern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/space enigma .txt to raw_combined/space enigma .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Texas Barbecue , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Texas Barbecue , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Coffee Beans and Ground coffee,moka pot .txt to raw_combined/Coffee Beans and Ground coffee,moka pot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chole Bhature Spiced chickpea curry served with fluffy deepfried bread called bhature. Rogan Josh A .png to raw_combined/Chole Bhature Spiced chickpea curry served with fluffy deepfried bread called bhature. Rogan Josh A .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/farm agriculture lab on moon .txt to raw_combined/farm agriculture lab on moon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/house gingerbread isometric isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/house gingerbread isometric isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Marshmallow isolated on white .png to raw_combined/Marshmallow isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tandoori Chicken Chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, then cooked in a traditional c.png to raw_combined/Tandoori Chicken Chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices, then cooked in a traditional c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in brain .txt to raw_combined/pool in brain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .png to raw_combined/abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Baseballequipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Baseballequipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/grand canyon and sand .png to raw_combined/grand canyon and sand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Honey Roasted chillis in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Honey Roasted chillis in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iced cube made from smoothie fruits .txt to raw_combined/iced cube made from smoothie fruits .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hawaii potatoes .txt to raw_combined/hawaii potatoes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian food in ancient bowl on white background .png to raw_combined/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian food in ancient bowl on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/cicada isolated on white .png to raw_combined/cicada isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Shabushabu Hot pot dish where thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and tofu are cooked in a boiling broth.txt to raw_combined/Shabushabu Hot pot dish where thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and tofu are cooked in a boiling broth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian food in ancient bowl on white background .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian food in ancient bowl on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower .txt to raw_combined/close up of bee buzzed around the bouquets of ambrosial flower .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/kung fu corgi .png to raw_combined/kung fu corgi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/grand canyon and sand .txt to raw_combined/grand canyon and sand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/zoo .txt to raw_combined/zoo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Yudofu A simple and delicate dish featuring tofu simmered in a kombu kelp and soybased broth, often .png to raw_combined/Yudofu A simple and delicate dish featuring tofu simmered in a kombu kelp and soybased broth, often .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Poinsettia leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Poinsettia leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fern leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/Fern leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stone lantern at night .png to raw_combined/stone lantern at night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iced cube made from coffee isolated .png to raw_combined/iced cube made from coffee isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Satay Skewered and grilled meat often chicken or beef served with peanut sauce, cucumber, and onion..png to raw_combined/Satay Skewered and grilled meat often chicken or beef served with peanut sauce, cucumber, and onion..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Orchid .png to raw_combined/Orchid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tea leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Tea leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Malai Kofta Soft and creamy cottage cheese paneer and vegetable dumplings cooked in a rich and flavo.png to raw_combined/Malai Kofta Soft and creamy cottage cheese paneer and vegetable dumplings cooked in a rich and flavo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Brussels sprouts Isometric food, isolated on white background, wit.png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Brussels sprouts Isometric food, isolated on white background, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Akita dogs .txt to raw_combined/Akita dogs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Italian pizza in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png to raw_combined/Fresh original Italian pizza in a traditional woodfired stone oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/iced cube made from smoothie fruits .png to raw_combined/iced cube made from smoothie fruits .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Taiyaki A fishshaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste, custard, chocolate, or other fillings..png to raw_combined/Taiyaki A fishshaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste, custard, chocolate, or other fillings..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Freshly ground coffee beans in a metal filter .txt to raw_combined/Freshly ground coffee beans in a metal filter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sukiyaki A hot pot dish made with thinly sliced beef, tofu, vegetables, and noodles, cooked in a soy.png to raw_combined/Sukiyaki A hot pot dish made with thinly sliced beef, tofu, vegetables, and noodles, cooked in a soy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/akamutsu .png to raw_combined/akamutsu .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/yellow iguana isolated .txt to raw_combined/yellow iguana isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Iceland is super windy landscape .png to raw_combined/Iceland is super windy landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/landslide .txt to raw_combined/landslide .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/green tree python .txt to raw_combined/green tree python .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/smiley face gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/smiley face gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Nabe A hot pot dish where a variety of ingredients like thinly sliced meat, tofu, vegetables, and no.txt to raw_combined/Nabe A hot pot dish where a variety of ingredients like thinly sliced meat, tofu, vegetables, and no.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/picture of ripe coffee beans, red berries Fresh Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Red Yellow Robusta Arabica.png to raw_combined/picture of ripe coffee beans, red berries Fresh Coffee Beans Coffee Beans Red Yellow Robusta Arabica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/hedgehog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.png to raw_combined/hedgehog, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/animals, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt to raw_combined/animals, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Garlic Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Garlic Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/minimal tree house .png to raw_combined/minimal tree house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/japanese rice texture isolated .txt to raw_combined/japanese rice texture isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dorayaki Sweet pancakes made of fluffy batter filled with a sweet red bean paste filling, popularize.txt to raw_combined/Dorayaki Sweet pancakes made of fluffy batter filled with a sweet red bean paste filling, popularize.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fat yellow tree python .png to raw_combined/fat yellow tree python .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Volleyball equipment isolated .txt to raw_combined/Volleyball equipment isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skull made from sand .txt to raw_combined/skull made from sand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fireflies in glass jar .png to raw_combined/fireflies in glass jar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pyramid under ocean .txt to raw_combined/pyramid under ocean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Sweet potatoes Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Sweet potatoes Isometric food, isolated on white background, witho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Miso Soup Traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste miso with ingredients like tof.png to raw_combined/Miso Soup Traditional Japanese soup made from fermented soybean paste miso with ingredients like tof.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/brownie sandwich vanilla ice cream .png to raw_combined/brownie sandwich vanilla ice cream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Bread in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Bread in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Poinsettia leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Poinsettia leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/feeding carrots to rabbit .png to raw_combined/feeding carrots to rabbit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/pool in tropical garden .txt to raw_combined/pool in tropical garden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/konomiyaki Savory pancake made with a batter of cabbage, flour, and other ingredients like pork, sea.png to raw_combined/konomiyaki Savory pancake made with a batter of cabbage, flour, and other ingredients like pork, sea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of butterfly on leaf isolated .txt to raw_combined/close up of butterfly on leaf isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Tulip .txt to raw_combined/Tulip .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Baobab leaf .txt to raw_combined/Baobab leaf .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Canna leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Canna leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with Asparagus Isometric food, isolated on white background, without te.png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with Asparagus Isometric food, isolated on white background, without te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dog family gingerbread isolated on white .png to raw_combined/dog family gingerbread isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Holly leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Holly leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/happy dog in Sakura garden .png to raw_combined/happy dog in Sakura garden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Natto Fermented Soybeans kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backgro.png to raw_combined/Natto Fermented Soybeans kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Hainanese Chicken Rice Poached chicken served with fragrant rice cooked in chicken broth and accompa.png to raw_combined/Hainanese Chicken Rice Poached chicken served with fragrant rice cooked in chicken broth and accompa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/animals, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png to raw_combined/animals, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Cricketequipment isolated .png to raw_combined/Cricketequipment isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Raccoon , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.png to raw_combined/Raccoon , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Tacos, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Tacos, Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Karaage Fried Chicken kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background.txt to raw_combined/Karaage Fried Chicken kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on black chalkboard background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Oyster Omelette A crispy omelette cooked with fresh oysters, eggs, and a starch mixture, topped with.txt to raw_combined/Oyster Omelette A crispy omelette cooked with fresh oysters, eggs, and a starch mixture, topped with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/fancy candle .png to raw_combined/fancy candle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chili Crab Mud crabs cooked in a tangy and spicy tomatobased chili sauce, best enjoyed with deepfrie.png to raw_combined/Chili Crab Mud crabs cooked in a tangy and spicy tomatobased chili sauce, best enjoyed with deepfrie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/alpaca job interview .txt to raw_combined/alpaca job interview .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Sushi A famous Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice topped with various ingredients like raw o.png to raw_combined/Sushi A famous Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice topped with various ingredients like raw o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/blue ant of mount isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/blue ant of mount isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Kaya Toast Toasted bread spread with kaya, a sweet coconut jam, and often served with softboiled egg.txt to raw_combined/Kaya Toast Toasted bread spread with kaya, a sweet coconut jam, and often served with softboiled egg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/skull made from sand .png to raw_combined/skull made from sand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/egg sandwich ice cream .txt to raw_combined/egg sandwich ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/dragons, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt to raw_combined/dragons, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian fruits in ancient bowl on background .png to raw_combined/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian fruits in ancient bowl on background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/solar farms .txt to raw_combined/solar farms .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Chirashizushi A bowl of sushi rice topped with a colorful assortment of sashimi raw fish and other i.png to raw_combined/Chirashizushi A bowl of sushi rice topped with a colorful assortment of sashimi raw fish and other i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/penguin, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png to raw_combined/penguin, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, cool, studio photography, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Oyster Omelette A crispy omelette cooked with fresh oysters, eggs, and a starch mixture, topped with.png to raw_combined/Oyster Omelette A crispy omelette cooked with fresh oysters, eggs, and a starch mixture, topped with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Corgi gingerbread isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/Corgi gingerbread isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Iceland is super windy landscape .txt to raw_combined/Iceland is super windy landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .txt to raw_combined/abstract background ferrofluid on a microscope slide .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Vada Pav A popular street food snack from Mumbai, consisting of a deepfried potato fritter vada serv.txt to raw_combined/Vada Pav A popular street food snack from Mumbai, consisting of a deepfried potato fritter vada serv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/close up of butterfly on leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/close up of butterfly on leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/rainbow ice cream .txt to raw_combined/rainbow ice cream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of water splash, with salmon isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of water splash, with salmon isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Fresh original Spatchcock Chicken in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt to raw_combined/Fresh original Spatchcock Chicken in a traditional woodfired stone oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Laksa A spicy and flavorful noodle soup with a coconut milkbased curry broth, topped with ingredient.txt to raw_combined/Laksa A spicy and flavorful noodle soup with a coconut milkbased curry broth, topped with ingredient.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/stock photo of Hominy Grits , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hominy Grits , Isometric food, isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Rose .txt to raw_combined/Rose .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/funny animal .png to raw_combined/funny animal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian fruits in ancient bowl on background .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Aegean civilisation egyptian fruits in ancient bowl on background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Dosas Thin and crispy fermented rice and lentil crepes served with coconut chutney and sambar. kitch.png to raw_combined/Dosas Thin and crispy fermented rice and lentil crepes served with coconut chutney and sambar. kitch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Hosta leaf isolated .png to raw_combined/Hosta leaf isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Taiyaki A fishshaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste, custard, chocolate, or other fillings..txt to raw_combined/Taiyaki A fishshaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste, custard, chocolate, or other fillings..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/Onigiri Rice balls usually filled with ingredients like pickled plum umeboshi, fish, or other savory.txt to raw_combined/Onigiri Rice balls usually filled with ingredients like pickled plum umeboshi, fish, or other savory.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_15/chocolate kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on white chalkboard background. Layout wi.png to raw_combined/chocolate kitchen. Captured from above top view, flat lay on white chalkboard background. Layout wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ci.txt to raw_combined/14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Narendra Modi standing proudly next to a cow in India, extremely detailed, 32K.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Narendra Modi standing proudly next to a cow in India, extremely detailed, 32K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump alone in the bathroom with piled boxes of top secret files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, a.txt to raw_combined/Donald Trump alone in the bathroom with piled boxes of top secret files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla testing the Tesla coil in his labrotory in 1901. extremely detail.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla testing the Tesla coil in his labrotory in 1901. extremely detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden dancing in a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden dancing in a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ci.png to raw_combined/14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/An enlightened Japanese Zen Master on Mount Fuji with his young Apprentice in the 18th century. 32K,.txt to raw_combined/An enlightened Japanese Zen Master on Mount Fuji with his young Apprentice in the 18th century. 32K,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing cricket. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic,.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing cricket. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure chest with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18.txt to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure chest with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden with an Indian Oracle, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden with an Indian Oracle, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Jamaica , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .txt to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Jamaica , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrair of Nikola Tesla in a modern labratory, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cin.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrair of Nikola Tesla in a modern labratory, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/flatpack container house, 20 feet x 10 feet, modern design, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .txt to raw_combined/flatpack container house, 20 feet x 10 feet, modern design, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk as a beggar on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk as a beggar on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed, ultrap.png to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed, ultrap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Indian parliament street during sunset in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper rea.txt to raw_combined/Indian parliament street during sunset in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper rea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mohammed bin Salman at a fashion show in Las Vegas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.txt to raw_combined/Mohammed bin Salman at a fashion show in Las Vegas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano at a concert infront of a large audiance. extremely detailed, 32K,.txt to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano at a concert infront of a large audiance. extremely detailed, 32K,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp standing in front of a modern tiny flat roof Bunkie with black ste.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp standing in front of a modern tiny flat roof Bunkie with black ste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Hillary Clinton sitting on Santa Clauses lap on Christmas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.png to raw_combined/Hillary Clinton sitting on Santa Clauses lap on Christmas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at Louis Vuitton fashion show in London, ultra detailed, u.png to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at Louis Vuitton fashion show in London, ultra detailed, u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump and Joe Biden having a pillow fight, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photograph.txt to raw_combined/Donald Trump and Joe Biden having a pillow fight, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala angry at the doorkeeper of luxury building in London in the 1930.txt to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala angry at the doorkeeper of luxury building in London in the 1930.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Indian parliament street without cars in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper real.png to raw_combined/Indian parliament street without cars in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with a female Alien in his cosy bed. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, h.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with a female Alien in his cosy bed. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of a powerful female sikh warrior in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely deta.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of a powerful female sikh warrior in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala walking to the luxury showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely.png to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala walking to the luxury showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic, cinematic, ul.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic, cinematic, ul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden BOX in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper realistic, cin.txt to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden BOX in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper realistic, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Japanese Zen Master Suzuki giving a Carved Wooden Box to his 10 year old apprentice in a cave in Jap.png to raw_combined/Japanese Zen Master Suzuki giving a Carved Wooden Box to his 10 year old apprentice in a cave in Jap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure Chest in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper rea.png to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure Chest in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper rea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A city life scene of Industrial revolution in 1900, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic.png to raw_combined/A city life scene of Industrial revolution in 1900, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith wrestling with Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.txt to raw_combined/Will Smith wrestling with Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure Chest in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper rea.txt to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure Chest in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper rea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing Indian Sitar at a concert. extremely detailed, 32K, Dep.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing Indian Sitar at a concert. extremely detailed, 32K, Dep.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of Sikh warriors in the 18th century i.txt to raw_combined/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of Sikh warriors in the 18th century i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will smith at Louis Vuitton fashion show in Mumbai, ultra detailed, ultraphoto.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will smith at Louis Vuitton fashion show in Mumbai, ultra detailed, ultraphoto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden in a Bollywood action movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden in a Bollywood action movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp dancing in front of the US judge Jury in the courtroom. extremely.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp dancing in front of the US judge Jury in the courtroom. extremely.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Dubai downtown covered in snow in 2020, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.txt to raw_combined/Dubai downtown covered in snow in 2020, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of the the Pope smoking a cigar at a luxuryfashion show in Jeruselum, ultra detail.png to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of the the Pope smoking a cigar at a luxuryfashion show in Jeruselum, ultra detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden dancing in a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden dancing in a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama as a DJ of Tomorrowland music festival. extremely detailed, 32.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Jamaica , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .png to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Jamaica , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical story telling narating stories to a crowd of young people under a large banyan tree, 32K,.png to raw_combined/A mystical story telling narating stories to a crowd of young people under a large banyan tree, 32K,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump alone in the bathroom with piled boxes of top secret files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, a.png to raw_combined/Donald Trump alone in the bathroom with piled boxes of top secret files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Snoop Dogg having a slumber party with cannabis plants. extremely detailed, 32.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Snoop Dogg having a slumber party with cannabis plants. extremely detailed, 32.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama in Pakistan, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama in Pakistan, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/British officers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Palace in 1930. extremely.txt to raw_combined/British officers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Palace in 1930. extremely.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of Sikh warriors in the 18th century i.png to raw_combined/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of Sikh warriors in the 18th century i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful female Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Pun.txt to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful female Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Pun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Full body shot of a young and tall Sikh in 18th Centry Punjab, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realis.txt to raw_combined/Full body shot of a young and tall Sikh in 18th Centry Punjab, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk begging at a red light on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk begging at a red light on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a Lungi in a wedding in Tamil Nadu, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a Lungi in a wedding in Tamil Nadu, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mahatma Gandhi working on his apple macbook on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.txt to raw_combined/Mahatma Gandhi working on his apple macbook on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Greta Thunberg on a luxury orivate jet in 2021, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt to raw_combined/Greta Thunberg on a luxury orivate jet in 2021, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress at a concert with a lot of people..png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress at a concert with a lot of people..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk doing Lungi dance in a Bollywood movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award wi.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk doing Lungi dance in a Bollywood movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp wearing traditional arabic Kandoora. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF,.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp wearing traditional arabic Kandoora. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a Rave party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a Rave party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mahatma Gandhi playing playstation on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winnin.txt to raw_combined/Mahatma Gandhi playing playstation on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winnin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a Humble Sikh man helping and serving poor people in the 17th centur.png to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a Humble Sikh man helping and serving poor people in the 17th centur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in an Iron Man suit on a strange planet. extremely detailed, 32K, DO.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in an Iron Man suit on a strange planet. extremely detailed, 32K, DO.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrair of Nikola Tesla in a modern labratory, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cin.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrair of Nikola Tesla in a modern labratory, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith at a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, .txt to raw_combined/Will Smith at a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce managers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh in Patiala, Punjab in 1930. extremely d.png to raw_combined/Rolls Royce managers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh in Patiala, Punjab in 1930. extremely d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress at a concert with a lot of people..txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress at a concert with a lot of people..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk begging at a red light on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk begging at a red light on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama in Pakistan, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama in Pakistan, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden dressed as a local from Kerela, India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden dressed as a local from Kerela, India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hy.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a guitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , .txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a guitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/professional British businessman bowing down to Sikh Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Pala.png to raw_combined/professional British businessman bowing down to Sikh Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Pala.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Beautiful Sikh girl of 16 years from a village in Punjab in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32.png to raw_combined/Beautiful Sikh girl of 16 years from a village in Punjab in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis smoking a cigar at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis smoking a cigar at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/British Business managers apologising to Maharaja Bupinder Singh in his palace court in 1930. extrem.png to raw_combined/British Business managers apologising to Maharaja Bupinder Singh in his palace court in 1930. extrem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden on a bullocks cart in India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden on a bullocks cart in India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Roycs converted into garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the streets of Ptiala, In.png to raw_combined/Rolls Roycs converted into garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the streets of Ptiala, In.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk eating samosa on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk eating samosa on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A sunset scene of the streets of Patiala in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, cin.txt to raw_combined/A sunset scene of the streets of Patiala in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce turned into garbage truck my an Indian Maharaja in the 1930s in Patiala. extremely detai.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Royce turned into garbage truck my an Indian Maharaja in the 1930s in Patiala. extremely detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith visiting a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png to raw_combined/Will Smith visiting a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Bill Gates holding a large syringe injection. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Bill Gates holding a large syringe injection. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing cricket. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic,.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing cricket. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/teen Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning.txt to raw_combined/teen Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with Aliens putting wires on him in a futuristic UFO, extremely deta.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with Aliens putting wires on him in a futuristic UFO, extremely deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden box with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18th century..png to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden box with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18th century..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with a female Alien in his cosy bed. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, h.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with a female Alien in his cosy bed. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Nikola Tesla using a laptop in the year 2020, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic, ultr.png to raw_combined/Nikola Tesla using a laptop in the year 2020, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic, ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing football. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ult.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing football. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ult.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh getting angry at the royal guard outside a luxury showroom in London in 193.png to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh getting angry at the royal guard outside a luxury showroom in London in 193.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk having a slumber party with Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hy.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk having a slumber party with Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja of Patiala walking to the Rolls Royce showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely detailed, .txt to raw_combined/Maharaja of Patiala walking to the Rolls Royce showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk eating samosa on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk eating samosa on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Justin Trudeau playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Justin Trudeau playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A young Sikh warrior princess fighting with her sikh army at a battlefield in 18th century Punjab, D.txt to raw_combined/A young Sikh warrior princess fighting with her sikh army at a battlefield in 18th century Punjab, D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing a Sitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hype.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing a Sitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hype.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Teenage young Nikola Tesla doing electrical experiments in a village in Austria in 1860, 32K, Depth .txt to raw_combined/Teenage young Nikola Tesla doing electrical experiments in a village in Austria in 1860, 32K, Depth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walked to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, hyper reali.png to raw_combined/A Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walked to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, hyper reali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Hillary Clinton sitting on Santa Clauses lap on Christmas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.txt to raw_combined/Hillary Clinton sitting on Santa Clauses lap on Christmas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will smith at Louis Vuitton fashion show in Mumbai, ultra detailed, ultraphoto.png to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will smith at Louis Vuitton fashion show in Mumbai, ultra detailed, ultraphoto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama at an Luxury Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic,.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama at an Luxury Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump sitting on a pile of top secret USA government files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award w.txt to raw_combined/Donald Trump sitting on a pile of top secret USA government files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Indian parliament street during sunset in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper rea.png to raw_combined/Indian parliament street during sunset in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper rea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Batman eating ice cream at the India Gate with a large crowd around him in New.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Batman eating ice cream at the India Gate with a large crowd around him in New.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp dancing in front of the US judge Jury in the courtroom. extremely.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp dancing in front of the US judge Jury in the courtroom. extremely.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Sikh army retreating on the battlefielf in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely detailed, 32K, hy.png to raw_combined/Sikh army retreating on the battlefielf in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely detailed, 32K, hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing Indian Sitar at a concert. extremely detailed, 32K, Dep.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing Indian Sitar at a concert. extremely detailed, 32K, Dep.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait shot of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultrapho.txt to raw_combined/Portrait shot of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultrapho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Princess Diana taking a selfie shot with paparazzi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.txt to raw_combined/Princess Diana taking a selfie shot with paparazzi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder singh of Patiala looking at the Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full.txt to raw_combined/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder singh of Patiala looking at the Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin in clown makeup at the circus. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin in clown makeup at the circus. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi dressed as a cricketer. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realisti.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi dressed as a cricketer. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden BOX in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper realistic, cin.png to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden BOX in a Cave during the 18th century. 32K, hyper realistic, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic scene of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely det.txt to raw_combined/Realistic scene of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with a red toy missile in prison, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.png to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with a red toy missile in prison, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Dwayne Johnson at a cooking show where he hilariously attempted to make gourmet meals while flexing .png to raw_combined/Dwayne Johnson at a cooking show where he hilariously attempted to make gourmet meals while flexing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical story teller giving secret knwoledge stories to a crowd of young people, 32K, hyper reali.png to raw_combined/A mystical story teller giving secret knwoledge stories to a crowd of young people, 32K, hyper reali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a Humble Sikh man helping and serving poor people in the 17th centur.txt to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a Humble Sikh man helping and serving poor people in the 17th centur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full of garbage on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930.png to raw_combined/Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full of garbage on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A city life scene of Industrial revolution in 1900, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic.txt to raw_combined/A city life scene of Industrial revolution in 1900, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk, Aliens experimenting on him on a strange planet. extremely detailed.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk, Aliens experimenting on him on a strange planet. extremely detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Hillary Clinton taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.txt to raw_combined/Hillary Clinton taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki with his young Apprentice near Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, h.txt to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki with his young Apprentice near Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce managers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh in Patiala, Punjab in 1930. extremely d.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Royce managers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh in Patiala, Punjab in 1930. extremely d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing football. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ult.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi playing football. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ult.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning ph.txt to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla sitting and reading a book. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of fie.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla sitting and reading a book. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of fie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Bill Gates holding a large syringe injection. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Bill Gates holding a large syringe injection. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at Louis Vuitton fashion show in London, ultra detailed, u.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at Louis Vuitton fashion show in London, ultra detailed, u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elvis Presley using the laptop on his luxury private jet, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .txt to raw_combined/Elvis Presley using the laptop on his luxury private jet, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Barack Obama and Joe Biden pulling off a prank on Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.png to raw_combined/Barack Obama and Joe Biden pulling off a prank on Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hyper real.txt to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hyper real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India with his Rolls Royce in 1930s.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India with his Rolls Royce in 1930s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in an Iron Man suit on a strange planet. extremely detailed, 32K, DO.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in an Iron Man suit on a strange planet. extremely detailed, 32K, DO.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Donald Trump as a teen boy having red and blue ice creame, ultra detailed, ult.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Donald Trump as a teen boy having red and blue ice creame, ultra detailed, ult.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/British officers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Palace in 1930. extremely.png to raw_combined/British officers bowing down to Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Palace in 1930. extremely.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait of a Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of a Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin in clown makeup at the circus. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin in clown makeup at the circus. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elvis Presley using the laptop on his luxury private jet, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .png to raw_combined/Elvis Presley using the laptop on his luxury private jet, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Barack Obama and Joe Biden pulling off a prank on Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.txt to raw_combined/Barack Obama and Joe Biden pulling off a prank on Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk, Aliens experimenting on him on a strange planet. extremely detailed.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk, Aliens experimenting on him on a strange planet. extremely detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump sitting with pile of top secret files and boxes in his bathroom, ultraphoto realistic, .txt to raw_combined/Donald Trump sitting with pile of top secret files and boxes in his bathroom, ultraphoto realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait of an enlightened Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century..png to raw_combined/Portrait of an enlightened Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerfulSikh warrior prince in the 18th century from Punjab. extre.png to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerfulSikh warrior prince in the 18th century from Punjab. extre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in the star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realisti.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in the star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/professional British businessman bowing down to Sikh Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Pala.txt to raw_combined/professional British businessman bowing down to Sikh Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Of Patiala in his Pala.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A sunset scene of the streets of Patiala in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, cin.png to raw_combined/A sunset scene of the streets of Patiala in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis at gay parade in Brazil , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.png to raw_combined/Pope Francis at gay parade in Brazil , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of other sikh warriors in the 18th cen.txt to raw_combined/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of other sikh warriors in the 18th cen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mahatma Gandhi playing playstation on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winnin.png to raw_combined/Mahatma Gandhi playing playstation on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winnin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla sitting and reading a book. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of fie.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla sitting and reading a book. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of fie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Roycs converted into luxurious and shiny garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the s.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Roycs converted into luxurious and shiny garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A luxury glamping dome and container house resort in Canada,ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.png to raw_combined/A luxury glamping dome and container house resort in Canada,ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing a Sitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hype.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing a Sitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hype.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Snoop Dogg having a slumber party with cannabis plants. extremely detailed, 32.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Snoop Dogg having a slumber party with cannabis plants. extremely detailed, 32.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Roycs converted into garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the streets of Ptiala, In.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Roycs converted into garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the streets of Ptiala, In.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden dressed as a local from Kerela, India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden dressed as a local from Kerela, India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical story telling narating stories to a crowd of young people under a large banyan tree, 32K,.txt to raw_combined/A mystical story telling narating stories to a crowd of young people under a large banyan tree, 32K,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of other sikh warriors in the 18th cen.png to raw_combined/Powerful female Sikh warrior princess emerging from the crowd of other sikh warriors in the 18th cen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mahatma Gandhi working on his apple macbook on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.png to raw_combined/Mahatma Gandhi working on his apple macbook on his luxury private jet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Justin Trudeau playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Justin Trudeau playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical with god giving power to people, . extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ultraphoto r.txt to raw_combined/A mystical with god giving power to people, . extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ultraphoto r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump sitting with pile of top secret files and boxes in his bathroom, ultraphoto realistic, .png to raw_combined/Donald Trump sitting with pile of top secret files and boxes in his bathroom, ultraphoto realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure chest with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18.png to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki closed the wooden treasure chest with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A fleet of Rolls Royce turned into garbage vans on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930s. extr.png to raw_combined/A fleet of Rolls Royce turned into garbage vans on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930s. extr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in the star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realisti.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk in the star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic, cinematic, ul.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper realistic, cinematic, ul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hy.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Punjab. ex.txt to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Punjab. ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce managers get angry and distressed in their factory in London in 1930. extremely detailed.png to raw_combined/Rolls Royce managers get angry and distressed in their factory in London in 1930. extremely detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper re.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper re.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk as a jidi in star wars movie. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis at gay parade in Brazil , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.txt to raw_combined/Pope Francis at gay parade in Brazil , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden having a kulfi in the slums of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden having a kulfi in the slums of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla testing the Tesla coil in his labrotory in 1901. extremely detail.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Nikola Tesla testing the Tesla coil in his labrotory in 1901. extremely detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden in a Bollywood action movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden in a Bollywood action movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Punjab. ex.png to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Punjab. ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with a red toy missile in prison, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.txt to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with a red toy missile in prison, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk dressed as a poor beggar on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk dressed as a poor beggar on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A young Sikh man helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper r.png to raw_combined/A young Sikh man helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy rocket, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photog.txt to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy rocket, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk having a slumber party with Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hy.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk having a slumber party with Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Full body shot of a young and tall Sikh in 18th Centry Punjab, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realis.png to raw_combined/Full body shot of a young and tall Sikh in 18th Centry Punjab, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith at a Gurdwara in India ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith at a Gurdwara in India ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden touching Pope Franciss feet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden touching Pope Franciss feet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama at an Luxury Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic,.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a kurta payjama at an Luxury Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely .png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/An enlightened Japanese Zen Master on Mount Fuji with his young Apprentice in the 18th century. 32K,.png to raw_combined/An enlightened Japanese Zen Master on Mount Fuji with his young Apprentice in the 18th century. 32K,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden touching Pope Franciss feet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden touching Pope Franciss feet, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, Son.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Vladimir Putin playing an electric guitar on stage with a large audience watch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Beautiful Sikh girl of 16 years from a village in Punjab in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful Sikh girl of 16 years from a village in Punjab in the 19th century. extremely detailed, 32.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Batman eating ice cream at the India Gate with a large crowd around him in New.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Batman eating ice cream at the India Gate with a large crowd around him in New.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full of garbage on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full of garbage on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A fleet of Rolls Royce turned into garbage vans on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930s. extr.txt to raw_combined/A fleet of Rolls Royce turned into garbage vans on the streets of Patiala, Punjab in the 1930s. extr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama playing the guitar on stage of the Tomorrowland music festival.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama playing the guitar on stage of the Tomorrowland music festival.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith slapping Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith slapping Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis dancing at Gay parade in Brazil, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.png to raw_combined/Pope Francis dancing at Gay parade in Brazil, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith visiting a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt to raw_combined/Will Smith visiting a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India in his royal dress in 1930s. extrem.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India in his royal dress in 1930s. extrem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk being controlled by Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper real.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk being controlled by Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden having a kulfi in the slums of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden having a kulfi in the slums of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh from Patiala, India getting angry at the security guard outside the main do.png to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh from Patiala, India getting angry at the security guard outside the main do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Donald Trump as a teen boy having red and blue ice creame, ultra detailed, ult.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Donald Trump as a teen boy having red and blue ice creame, ultra detailed, ult.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with Aliens putting wires on him in a futuristic UFO, extremely deta.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk with Aliens putting wires on him in a futuristic UFO, extremely deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala angry at the doorkeeper of luxury building in London in the 1930.png to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala angry at the doorkeeper of luxury building in London in the 1930.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden with an Indian Oracle, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden with an Indian Oracle, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A palm reader in India reading Joe Bidens hand, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.txt to raw_combined/A palm reader in India reading Joe Bidens hand, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/flatpack container house, 20 feet x 10 feet, modern design, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .png to raw_combined/flatpack container house, 20 feet x 10 feet, modern design, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden box with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18th century..txt to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki opened the wooden box with his young Apprentice in a Cave during the 18th century..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump sitting on a pile of top secret USA government files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award w.png to raw_combined/Donald Trump sitting on a pile of top secret USA government files, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful female Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Pun.png to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerful female Sikh warrior princess in the 18th century from Pun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama playing the guitar on stage of the Tomorrowland music festival.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of 14th Dalai Lama playing the guitar on stage of the Tomorrowland music festival.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic scene of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely det.png to raw_combined/Realistic scene of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith wrestling with Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.png to raw_combined/Will Smith wrestling with Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk as a beggar on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png to raw_combined/Elon Musk as a beggar on the streets of Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala crying on the streets of London in 1930s, extremely detail.txt to raw_combined/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala crying on the streets of London in 1930s, extremely detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis dancing at Gay parade in Brazil, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.txt to raw_combined/Pope Francis dancing at Gay parade in Brazil, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Roycs converted into luxurious and shiny garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the s.png to raw_combined/Rolls Roycs converted into luxurious and shiny garbage vans being used to pick up garbage from the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic full body portrait of a powerfulSikh warrior prince in the 18th century from Punjab. extre.txt to raw_combined/Realistic full body portrait of a powerfulSikh warrior prince in the 18th century from Punjab. extre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walked to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, hyper reali.txt to raw_combined/A Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walked to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, hyper reali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Nikola Tesla using a laptop in the year 2020, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic, ultr.txt to raw_combined/Nikola Tesla using a laptop in the year 2020, 32K, Depth of field , hyper realistic, cinematic, ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Narendra Modi standing proudly next to a cow in India, extremely detailed, 32K.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Narendra Modi standing proudly next to a cow in India, extremely detailed, 32K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Japanese Zen Master Suzuki giving a Carved Wooden Box to his 10 year old apprentice in a cave in Jap.txt to raw_combined/Japanese Zen Master Suzuki giving a Carved Wooden Box to his 10 year old apprentice in a cave in Jap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp wearing traditional arabic Kandoora. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF,.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp wearing traditional arabic Kandoora. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait of an enlightened Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century..txt to raw_combined/Portrait of an enlightened Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a Rave party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a Rave party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A luxury glamping dome and container house resort in Canada,ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.txt to raw_combined/A luxury glamping dome and container house resort in Canada,ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk wearing a Lungi in a wedding in Tamil Nadu, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk wearing a Lungi in a wedding in Tamil Nadu, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of a powerful female sikh warrior in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely deta.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of a powerful female sikh warrior in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk being controlled by Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper real.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Elon Musk being controlled by Aliens. extremely detailed, 32K, DOF, hyper real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala crying on the streets of London in 1930s, extremely detail.png to raw_combined/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala crying on the streets of London in 1930s, extremely detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh getting angry at the royal guard outside a luxury showroom in London in 193.txt to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh getting angry at the royal guard outside a luxury showroom in London in 193.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A humble Sikh man, good looking, middle aged, helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, ext.txt to raw_combined/A humble Sikh man, good looking, middle aged, helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, ext.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh with his Rolls Royce fleet in Patiala in 1930s. extre.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh with his Rolls Royce fleet in Patiala in 1930s. extre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Cristiano Ronaldo in Kurta at a Luxury fashion show in Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.png to raw_combined/Cristiano Ronaldo in Kurta at a Luxury fashion show in Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson dancing in a ballerina dress. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical with god giving power to people, . extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ultraphoto r.png to raw_combined/A mystical with god giving power to people, . extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realistic, ultraphoto r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk dressed as a poor beggar on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .png to raw_combined/Elon Musk dressed as a poor beggar on the streets of Delhi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning ph.png to raw_combined/Pope Francis and Snoop Dogg at a slumber party in Ibiza , ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing tabla at a Gurdwara. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of .png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing tabla at a Gurdwara. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh sitting on his Throne, British officers bowing down to him in 1930. extreme.txt to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh sitting on his Throne, British officers bowing down to him in 1930. extreme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Mohammed bin Salman at a fashion show in Las Vegas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.png to raw_combined/Mohammed bin Salman at a fashion show in Las Vegas, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A young Sikh man helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper r.txt to raw_combined/A young Sikh man helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, extremely detailed, 32K, hyper r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Princess Diana taking a selfi with paparazzis, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, .txt to raw_combined/Princess Diana taking a selfi with paparazzis, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a guitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , .png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio playing a guitar. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala walking to the luxury showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely.txt to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala walking to the luxury showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden on a bullocks cart in India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden on a bullocks cart in India, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith slapping Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith slapping Donald Trump, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith pushing Donald Trump in the crowd, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.png to raw_combined/Will Smith pushing Donald Trump in the crowd, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja of Patiala walking to the Rolls Royce showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely detailed, .png to raw_combined/Maharaja of Patiala walking to the Rolls Royce showroom in London in the 1930s. extremely detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing tabla at a Gurdwara. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of .txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Dwayne Johnson playing tabla at a Gurdwara. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis smoking a cigar at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed.png to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis smoking a cigar at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Greta Thunberg on a luxury orivate jet in 2021, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png to raw_combined/Greta Thunberg on a luxury orivate jet in 2021, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce turned into garbage truck my an Indian Maharaja in the 1930s in Patiala. extremely detai.png to raw_combined/Rolls Royce turned into garbage truck my an Indian Maharaja in the 1930s in Patiala. extremely detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed, ultrap.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of Pope Francis walking at a luxury fashion show in London, ultra detailed, ultrap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A young Sikh warrior princess fighting with her sikh army at a battlefield in 18th century Punjab, D.png to raw_combined/A young Sikh warrior princess fighting with her sikh army at a battlefield in 18th century Punjab, D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy rocket, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photog.png to raw_combined/Kimg Jong Un playing with toy rocket, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A mystical story teller giving secret knwoledge stories to a crowd of young people, 32K, hyper reali.txt to raw_combined/A mystical story teller giving secret knwoledge stories to a crowd of young people, 32K, hyper reali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A palm reader in India reading Joe Bidens hand, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.png to raw_combined/A palm reader in India reading Joe Bidens hand, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/British Business managers apologising to Maharaja Bupinder Singh in his palace court in 1930. extrem.txt to raw_combined/British Business managers apologising to Maharaja Bupinder Singh in his palace court in 1930. extrem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Cristiano Ronaldo in Kurta at a Luxury fashion show in Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.txt to raw_combined/Cristiano Ronaldo in Kurta at a Luxury fashion show in Mumbai, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp standing in front of a modern tiny flat roof Bunkie with black ste.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Johnny Depp standing in front of a modern tiny flat roof Bunkie with black ste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Princess Diana taking a selfi with paparazzis, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, .png to raw_combined/Princess Diana taking a selfi with paparazzis, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Rolls Royce managers get angry and distressed in their factory in London in 1930. extremely detailed.txt to raw_combined/Rolls Royce managers get angry and distressed in their factory in London in 1930. extremely detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Elon Musk doing Lungi dance in a Bollywood movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award wi.txt to raw_combined/Elon Musk doing Lungi dance in a Bollywood movie, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith at a Gurdwara in India ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png to raw_combined/Realistic Portrait of Will Smith at a Gurdwara in India ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Joe Biden taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, awar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Dubai downtown covered in snow in 2020, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.png to raw_combined/Dubai downtown covered in snow in 2020, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, So.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/A humble Sikh man, good looking, middle aged, helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, ext.png to raw_combined/A humble Sikh man, good looking, middle aged, helping poor people in Punjab in the 18th Century, ext.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic Potrait of the the Pope smoking a cigar at a luxuryfashion show in Jeruselum, ultra detail.txt to raw_combined/Realistic Potrait of the the Pope smoking a cigar at a luxuryfashion show in Jeruselum, ultra detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India in his royal dress in 1930s. extrem.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India in his royal dress in 1930s. extrem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait of a Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K.png to raw_combined/Portrait of a Japanese Zen Master Suzuki walking to Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Snoop Dogg making langar at the Sri Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara, Golden Temple, Amritsar, ultraphoto re.txt to raw_combined/Snoop Dogg making langar at the Sri Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara, Golden Temple, Amritsar, ultraphoto re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Hillary Clinton taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.png to raw_combined/Hillary Clinton taking a selfie with sad and poor children, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh from Patiala, India getting angry at the security guard outside the main do.txt to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh from Patiala, India getting angry at the security guard outside the main do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Donald Trump and Joe Biden having a pillow fight, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photograph.png to raw_combined/Donald Trump and Joe Biden having a pillow fight, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh sitting on his Throne, British officers bowing down to him in 1930. extreme.png to raw_combined/Maharaja Bhupinder Singh sitting on his Throne, British officers bowing down to him in 1930. extreme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/teen Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning.png to raw_combined/teen Kimg Jong Un playing with toy missiles, ultra detailed, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith pushing Donald Trump in the crowd, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.txt to raw_combined/Will Smith pushing Donald Trump in the crowd, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Snoop Dogg making langar at the Sri Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara, Golden Temple, Amritsar, ultraphoto re.png to raw_combined/Snoop Dogg making langar at the Sri Harmandir Sahib Gurdwara, Golden Temple, Amritsar, ultraphoto re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Teenage young Nikola Tesla doing electrical experiments in a village in Austria in 1860, 32K, Depth .png to raw_combined/Teenage young Nikola Tesla doing electrical experiments in a village in Austria in 1860, 32K, Depth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Sikh army retreating on the battlefielf in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely detailed, 32K, hy.txt to raw_combined/Sikh army retreating on the battlefielf in the 18th century from Punjab. extremely detailed, 32K, hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder singh of Patiala looking at the Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full.png to raw_combined/Royal Maharaja Bhupinder singh of Patiala looking at the Rolls Royce turned into a garbage van, full.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Indian parliament street without cars in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper real.txt to raw_combined/Indian parliament street without cars in New Delhi in the 1930s. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India with his Rolls Royce in 1930s.png to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Royal Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, India with his Rolls Royce in 1930s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Princess Diana taking a selfie shot with paparazzi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.png to raw_combined/Princess Diana taking a selfie shot with paparazzi, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Will Smith at a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, .png to raw_combined/Will Smith at a Sikh wedding in Amritsar, ultraphoto realistic, 8k, award winning photography, UHD, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Portrait shot of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultrapho.png to raw_combined/Portrait shot of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at a Bollywood Indian wedding, ultra detailed, ultrapho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano at a concert infront of a large audiance. extremely detailed, 32K,.png to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano at a concert infront of a large audiance. extremely detailed, 32K,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Dwayne Johnson at a cooking show where he hilariously attempted to make gourmet meals while flexing .txt to raw_combined/Dwayne Johnson at a cooking show where he hilariously attempted to make gourmet meals while flexing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hyper real.png to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio playing a piano in his house. extremely detailed, 32K, Depth of field , hyper real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh with his Rolls Royce fleet in Patiala in 1930s. extre.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh with his Rolls Royce fleet in Patiala in 1930s. extre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi dressed as a cricketer. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realisti.txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Mahatma Gandhi dressed as a cricketer. extremely detailed, 32K, hyper realisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Zen Master Suzuki with his young Apprentice near Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, h.png to raw_combined/Zen Master Suzuki with his young Apprentice near Mount Fuji in Japan during the 18th century. 32K, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_41/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely .txt to raw_combined/Realistic portrait of Leonardo DiCaprio eating raw bison liver in the movie The Revenant. extremely .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/FIAT DOBLO, car photography. The Fiat Doblo, a compact multipurpose vehicle known for its dynamic pe.png to raw_combined/FIAT DOBLO, car photography. The Fiat Doblo, a compact multipurpose vehicle known for its dynamic pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 328iA, car photography. The BMW 328iA, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and eleg.png to raw_combined/BMW 328iA, car photography. The BMW 328iA, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and eleg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari FF, car photography set against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of the Swiss Alps. The car, .png to raw_combined/Ferrari FF, car photography set against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of the Swiss Alps. The car, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Idea, car photography. The Fiat Idea, a compact MPV known for its practicality and comfort, is .txt to raw_combined/Fiat Idea, car photography. The Fiat Idea, a compact MPV known for its practicality and comfort, is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/CITROËN ËJUMPY, car photography. The Citroën ËJumpy, a versatile electric van known for its dynamic .png to raw_combined/CITROËN ËJUMPY, car photography. The Citroën ËJumpy, a versatile electric van known for its dynamic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Linea, car photography. The Fiat Linea, a sedan known for its comfort and efficiency, is captur.txt to raw_combined/Fiat Linea, car photography. The Fiat Linea, a sedan known for its comfort and efficiency, is captur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Renault Kangoo, car photography. The Renault Kangoo, a light commercial vehicle known for its practi.txt to raw_combined/Renault Kangoo, car photography. The Renault Kangoo, a light commercial vehicle known for its practi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Caoa Chery Tiggo, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Fernando de.txt to raw_combined/Caoa Chery Tiggo, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Fernando de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Land Rover Range Rover, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of the P.txt to raw_combined/Land Rover Range Rover, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of the P.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Cobalt, car photography. The Chevrolet Cobalt, a compact car known for its efficiency and .png to raw_combined/Chevrolet Cobalt, car photography. The Chevrolet Cobalt, a compact car known for its efficiency and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision an Aston Martin Vantage, a beacon of British elegance, parked on a bustling street in Rio d.txt to raw_combined/Envision an Aston Martin Vantage, a beacon of British elegance, parked on a bustling street in Rio d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volvo V60, car photography. A sleek and modern Volvo V60 showcased in a pristine studio setting. The.txt to raw_combined/Volvo V60, car photography. A sleek and modern Volvo V60 showcased in a pristine studio setting. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari FF, car photography set against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of the Swiss Alps. The car, .txt to raw_combined/Ferrari FF, car photography set against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of the Swiss Alps. The car, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GLB, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLB, a compact SUV known for its dynamic perform.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GLB, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLB, a compact SUV known for its dynamic perform.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Imagine a scene of digital procedures being carried out in a virtual reality environment. The settin.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene of digital procedures being carried out in a virtual reality environment. The settin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot 5008, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paris, France. The.png to raw_combined/Peugeot 5008, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paris, France. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi RS5, car photography. The Audi RS5, a highperformance coupe known for its dynamic performance a.png to raw_combined/Audi RS5, car photography. The Audi RS5, a highperformance coupe known for its dynamic performance a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Sonic, car photography. A vibrant Chevrolet Sonic is the star of this studio shot. The car.png to raw_combined/Chevrolet Sonic, car photography. A vibrant Chevrolet Sonic is the star of this studio shot. The car.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ A, car photography. The MercedesBenz A, a compact luxury car known for its dynamic perf.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ A, car photography. The MercedesBenz A, a compact luxury car known for its dynamic perf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi A4, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of New York City. The car,.txt to raw_combined/Audi A4, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of New York City. The car,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 540, car photography. The MCLAREN 540, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN 540, car photography. The MCLAREN 540, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz S65, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated streets of Berlin, G.txt to raw_combined/MercedesBenz S65, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated streets of Berlin, G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Prius, car photography. The Toyota Prius, a hybrid vehicle known for its ecofriendly performa.png to raw_combined/Toyota Prius, car photography. The Toyota Prius, a hybrid vehicle known for its ecofriendly performa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Hilux, car photography. The Toyota Hilux, a pickup truck known for its robust performance and.txt to raw_combined/Toyota Hilux, car photography. The Toyota Hilux, a pickup truck known for its robust performance and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Kia Motors Quoris, car photography set against the backdrop of the rainy streets of Salvador, Brazil.txt to raw_combined/Kia Motors Quoris, car photography set against the backdrop of the rainy streets of Salvador, Brazil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Etios, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Bonito, Brazil..png to raw_combined/Toyota Etios, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Bonito, Brazil..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M2, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..txt to raw_combined/BMW M2, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Imagine a scene of digital procedures being carried out in a virtual reality environment. The settin.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene of digital procedures being carried out in a virtual reality environment. The settin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Citroen Aircross, car photography. The Citroen Aircross, a compact SUV designed for comfort and vers.txt to raw_combined/Citroen Aircross, car photography. The Citroen Aircross, a compact SUV designed for comfort and vers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Honda City, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. The ca.png to raw_combined/Honda City, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. The ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ CLASSE, car photography. The MercedesBenz Classe, a luxury vehicle known for its dynami.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ CLASSE, car photography. The MercedesBenz Classe, a luxury vehicle known for its dynami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Honda Accord, car photography. The elegant Honda Accord takes center stage in this studio shot. The .txt to raw_combined/Honda Accord, car photography. The elegant Honda Accord takes center stage in this studio shot. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Honda City, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. The ca.txt to raw_combined/Honda City, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. The ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/HYUNDAI SANTA FÉ, car photography. The Hyundai Santa Fé, a midsize SUV known for its dynamic perform.png to raw_combined/HYUNDAI SANTA FÉ, car photography. The Hyundai Santa Fé, a midsize SUV known for its dynamic perform.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Saveiro, car photography. The Volkswagen Saveiro, a compact pickup known for its practica.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen Saveiro, car photography. The Volkswagen Saveiro, a compact pickup known for its practica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Cobalt, car photography. The Chevrolet Cobalt, a compact car known for its efficiency and .txt to raw_combined/Chevrolet Cobalt, car photography. The Chevrolet Cobalt, a compact car known for its efficiency and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MASERATI GRANCABRIO, car photography. The Maserati GranCabrio, a luxury convertible known for its dy.txt to raw_combined/MASERATI GRANCABRIO, car photography. The Maserati GranCabrio, a luxury convertible known for its dy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volvo S90, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning fjords of Norway. The car, a sym.png to raw_combined/Volvo S90, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning fjords of Norway. The car, a sym.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Ranger, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of Chapada Diamanti.txt to raw_combined/Ford Ranger, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of Chapada Diamanti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 720, car photography. The MCLAREN 720, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN 720, car photography. The MCLAREN 720, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Tucson, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Gramado, B.png to raw_combined/Hyundai Tucson, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Gramado, B.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The McLaren GT Coupé, a highperformance sports car known for its .png to raw_combined/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The McLaren GT Coupé, a highperformance sports car known for its .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Huracan, car photography. The Lamborghini Huracan, a symbol of speed and luxury, is capt.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini Huracan, car photography. The Lamborghini Huracan, a symbol of speed and luxury, is capt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Azera, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of Seoul, South Kore.png to raw_combined/Hyundai Azera, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of Seoul, South Kore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, a highperformance grand tourer known for it.png to raw_combined/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, a highperformance grand tourer known for it.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi RS5, car photography. The Audi RS5, a highperformance coupe known for its dynamic performance a.txt to raw_combined/Audi RS5, car photography. The Audi RS5, a highperformance coupe known for its dynamic performance a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot E208, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Amsterdam, Nether.txt to raw_combined/Peugeot E208, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Amsterdam, Nether.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/KIA MOTORS SPORTAGE, car photography. The Kia Motors Sportage, a compact SUV known for its dynamic p.txt to raw_combined/KIA MOTORS SPORTAGE, car photography. The Kia Motors Sportage, a compact SUV known for its dynamic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Citroen Aircross, car photography. The Citroen Aircross, a compact SUV designed for comfort and vers.png to raw_combined/Citroen Aircross, car photography. The Citroen Aircross, a compact SUV designed for comfort and vers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Passat, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Copacabana Beach in Rio de.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen Passat, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Copacabana Beach in Rio de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Elantra, car photography. The stylish Hyundai Elantra is displayed in a modern, minimalist s.txt to raw_combined/Hyundai Elantra, car photography. The stylish Hyundai Elantra is displayed in a modern, minimalist s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GLE, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLE, a luxury SUV known for its robust performan.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GLE, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLE, a luxury SUV known for its robust performan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Hilux, car photography. The Toyota Hilux, a pickup truck known for its robust performance and.png to raw_combined/Toyota Hilux, car photography. The Toyota Hilux, a pickup truck known for its robust performance and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X3, car photography set against the backdrop of the lush landscapes of the Amazon Rainforest in .png to raw_combined/BMW X3, car photography set against the backdrop of the lush landscapes of the Amazon Rainforest in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Ghibli, car photography. The Maserati Ghibli, a symbol of Italian luxury and performance, i.png to raw_combined/Maserati Ghibli, car photography. The Maserati Ghibli, a symbol of Italian luxury and performance, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Imagine a living room that embodies the essence of a villa, where the bohemian spirit merges with mo.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a living room that embodies the essence of a villa, where the bohemian spirit merges with mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ SLC, car photography. The MercedesBenz SLC, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic p.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ SLC, car photography. The MercedesBenz SLC, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Citroen DS5, car photography. The Citroen DS5, a compact executive car known for its avantgarde desi.txt to raw_combined/Citroen DS5, car photography. The Citroen DS5, a compact executive car known for its avantgarde desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Picture an Aston Martin DB9, a symbol of British luxury and performance, cruising along a coastal ro.txt to raw_combined/Picture an Aston Martin DB9, a symbol of British luxury and performance, cruising along a coastal ro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz CLA35, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Brasília, B.txt to raw_combined/MercedesBenz CLA35, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Brasília, B.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/McLaren Artura, car photography. The McLaren Artura, a symbol of innovation and performance, is capt.png to raw_combined/McLaren Artura, car photography. The McLaren Artura, a symbol of innovation and performance, is capt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot Partner, car photography. The utilitarian elegance of the Peugeot Partner is captured in a c.txt to raw_combined/Peugeot Partner, car photography. The utilitarian elegance of the Peugeot Partner is captured in a c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Mustang, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Monument Valley in the United S.png to raw_combined/Ford Mustang, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Monument Valley in the United S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 750iL, car photography. The BMW 750iL, a luxury sedan known for its superior comfort and dynamic.png to raw_combined/BMW 750iL, car photography. The BMW 750iL, a luxury sedan known for its superior comfort and dynamic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision an Aston Martin Vantage, a beacon of British elegance, parked on a bustling street in Rio d.png to raw_combined/Envision an Aston Martin Vantage, a beacon of British elegance, parked on a bustling street in Rio d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Kia Motors Stonic, car photography. The Kia Stonic, a compact crossover known for its modern design .txt to raw_combined/Kia Motors Stonic, car photography. The Kia Stonic, a compact crossover known for its modern design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Land Rover Range Rover, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of the P.png to raw_combined/Land Rover Range Rover, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of the P.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Quattroporte, car photography. The Maserati Quattroporte, a symbol of Italian luxury and pe.png to raw_combined/Maserati Quattroporte, car photography. The Maserati Quattroporte, a symbol of Italian luxury and pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GLE, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLE, a luxury SUV known for its robust performan.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GLE, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLE, a luxury SUV known for its robust performan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GT, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ GT, a highperformance sports car known for its dy.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GT, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ GT, a highperformance sports car known for its dy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jeep Wrangler, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning sand dunes of Lençóis Maranh.png to raw_combined/Jeep Wrangler, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning sand dunes of Lençóis Maranh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari 458, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Monaco. The car,.png to raw_combined/Ferrari 458, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Monaco. The car,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Etios, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Bonito, Brazil..txt to raw_combined/Toyota Etios, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Bonito, Brazil..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/HYUNDAI SANTA FÉ, car photography. The Hyundai Santa Fé, a midsize SUV known for its dynamic perform.txt to raw_combined/HYUNDAI SANTA FÉ, car photography. The Hyundai Santa Fé, a midsize SUV known for its dynamic perform.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen TCross, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful beaches of Florianópoli.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen TCross, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful beaches of Florianópoli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, a highperformance grand tourer known for it.txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, a highperformance grand tourer known for it.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/McLaren 570S, car photography. The McLaren 570S, a symbol of luxury and performance, is captured in .png to raw_combined/McLaren 570S, car photography. The McLaren 570S, a symbol of luxury and performance, is captured in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari F599, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque Tuscan countryside in Ital.png to raw_combined/Ferrari F599, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque Tuscan countryside in Ital.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW i4, car photography. The BMW i4, an electric sedan known for its dynamic performance and sleek d.png to raw_combined/BMW i4, car photography. The BMW i4, an electric sedan known for its dynamic performance and sleek d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Camaro, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Route 66 in the United Stat.png to raw_combined/Chevrolet Camaro, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Route 66 in the United Stat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW i4, car photography. The BMW i4, an electric sedan known for its dynamic performance and sleek d.txt to raw_combined/BMW i4, car photography. The BMW i4, an electric sedan known for its dynamic performance and sleek d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X3, car photography set against the backdrop of the lush landscapes of the Amazon Rainforest in .txt to raw_combined/BMW X3, car photography set against the backdrop of the lush landscapes of the Amazon Rainforest in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/A sleek, polished Mercedes Benz parked on a cobblestone street in the heart of a bustling city. The .png to raw_combined/A sleek, polished Mercedes Benz parked on a cobblestone street in the heart of a bustling city. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen up, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paraty, Brazil. T.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen up, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paraty, Brazil. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Renault Kangoo, car photography. The Renault Kangoo, a light commercial vehicle known for its practi.png to raw_combined/Renault Kangoo, car photography. The Renault Kangoo, a light commercial vehicle known for its practi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAGUAR XFR, car photography. The Jaguar XFR, a luxury sports sedan known for its dynamic performance.png to raw_combined/JAGUAR XFR, car photography. The Jaguar XFR, a luxury sports sedan known for its dynamic performance.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M3, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Florianópolis, Brazil..png to raw_combined/BMW M3, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Florianópolis, Brazil..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jaguar XKRS, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil..txt to raw_combined/Jaguar XKRS, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ E, car photography. The MercedesBenz E, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performanc.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ E, car photography. The MercedesBenz E, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performanc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/KIA MOTORS CARNIVAL, car photography. The Kia Motors Carnival, a spacious minivan known for its dyna.txt to raw_combined/KIA MOTORS CARNIVAL, car photography. The Kia Motors Carnival, a spacious minivan known for its dyna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Citroen DS5, car photography. The Citroen DS5, a compact executive car known for its avantgarde desi.png to raw_combined/Citroen DS5, car photography. The Citroen DS5, a compact executive car known for its avantgarde desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz S65, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated streets of Berlin, G.png to raw_combined/MercedesBenz S65, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated streets of Berlin, G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen TCross, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful beaches of Florianópoli.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen TCross, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful beaches of Florianópoli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Fox, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Pelourinho in Sa.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen Fox, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Pelourinho in Sa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X2, car photography. The BMW X2, a compact SUV known for its sporty performance and stylish desi.png to raw_combined/BMW X2, car photography. The BMW X2, a compact SUV known for its sporty performance and stylish desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volvo S90, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning fjords of Norway. The car, a sym.txt to raw_combined/Volvo S90, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning fjords of Norway. The car, a sym.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAC iEV, car photography. The JAC iEV, an electric vehicle known for its ecofriendly performance and.png to raw_combined/JAC iEV, car photography. The JAC iEV, an electric vehicle known for its ecofriendly performance and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Subaru XV, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Fuji, Ja.txt to raw_combined/Subaru XV, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Fuji, Ja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Fox, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Pelourinho in Sa.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen Fox, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Pelourinho in Sa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Mitsubishi ASX, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. Th.png to raw_combined/Mitsubishi ASX, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Kia Motors Stonic, car photography. The Kia Stonic, a compact crossover known for its modern design .png to raw_combined/Kia Motors Stonic, car photography. The Kia Stonic, a compact crossover known for its modern design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Imagine a living room that embodies the essence of a villa, where the bohemian spirit merges with mo.png to raw_combined/Imagine a living room that embodies the essence of a villa, where the bohemian spirit merges with mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Suzuki SCross, car photography. The dynamic and versatile Suzuki SCross is the centerpiece of this s.txt to raw_combined/Suzuki SCross, car photography. The dynamic and versatile Suzuki SCross is the centerpiece of this s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ E, car photography. The MercedesBenz E, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performanc.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ E, car photography. The MercedesBenz E, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performanc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MASERATI GRANCABRIO, car photography. The Maserati GranCabrio, a luxury convertible known for its dy.png to raw_combined/MASERATI GRANCABRIO, car photography. The Maserati GranCabrio, a luxury convertible known for its dy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Aston Martin Virage, car photography in the lively city of Rio de Janeiro under the bright daylight..txt to raw_combined/Aston Martin Virage, car photography in the lively city of Rio de Janeiro under the bright daylight..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi Q7, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of the Iguazu Falls.png to raw_combined/Audi Q7, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of the Iguazu Falls.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Gallardo, car photography. The iconic Lamborghini Gallardo is showcased against a backdr.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini Gallardo, car photography. The iconic Lamborghini Gallardo is showcased against a backdr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz CLS53, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Rio de Jan.txt to raw_combined/MercedesBenz CLS53, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Rio de Jan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Levante, car photography. The Maserati Levante, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performa.png to raw_combined/Maserati Levante, car photography. The Maserati Levante, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Subaru XV, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Fuji, Ja.png to raw_combined/Subaru XV, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Mount Fuji, Ja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot 5008, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paris, France. The.txt to raw_combined/Peugeot 5008, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paris, France. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 765, car photography. The McLaren 765, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN 765, car photography. The McLaren 765, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 600, car photography. The MCLAREN 600, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN 600, car photography. The MCLAREN 600, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Aventador, car photography. The striking Lamborghini Aventador is the centerpiece of thi.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini Aventador, car photography. The striking Lamborghini Aventador is the centerpiece of thi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Camry, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Franc.png to raw_combined/Toyota Camry, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Franc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 320, car photography. The BMW 320, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .txt to raw_combined/BMW 320, car photography. The BMW 320, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/McLaren Artura, car photography. The McLaren Artura, a symbol of innovation and performance, is capt.txt to raw_combined/McLaren Artura, car photography. The McLaren Artura, a symbol of innovation and performance, is capt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Saveiro, car photography. The Volkswagen Saveiro, a compact pickup known for its practica.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen Saveiro, car photography. The Volkswagen Saveiro, a compact pickup known for its practica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Suzuki SCross, car photography. The dynamic and versatile Suzuki SCross is the centerpiece of this s.png to raw_combined/Suzuki SCross, car photography. The dynamic and versatile Suzuki SCross is the centerpiece of this s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/A sleek, polished Mercedes Benz parked on a cobblestone street in the heart of a bustling city. The .txt to raw_combined/A sleek, polished Mercedes Benz parked on a cobblestone street in the heart of a bustling city. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volvo V60, car photography. A sleek and modern Volvo V60 showcased in a pristine studio setting. The.png to raw_combined/Volvo V60, car photography. A sleek and modern Volvo V60 showcased in a pristine studio setting. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ CLASSE, car photography. The MercedesBenz Classe, a luxury vehicle known for its dynami.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ CLASSE, car photography. The MercedesBenz Classe, a luxury vehicle known for its dynami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen up, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paraty, Brazil. T.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen up, car photography set against the backdrop of the charming streets of Paraty, Brazil. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ SLC, car photography. The MercedesBenz SLC, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic p.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ SLC, car photography. The MercedesBenz SLC, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot Partner, car photography. The utilitarian elegance of the Peugeot Partner is captured in a c.png to raw_combined/Peugeot Partner, car photography. The utilitarian elegance of the Peugeot Partner is captured in a c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Peugeot E208, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Amsterdam, Nether.png to raw_combined/Peugeot E208, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Amsterdam, Nether.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Levante, car photography. The Maserati Levante, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performa.txt to raw_combined/Maserati Levante, car photography. The Maserati Levante, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/KIA MOTORS SPORTAGE, car photography. The Kia Motors Sportage, a compact SUV known for its dynamic p.png to raw_combined/KIA MOTORS SPORTAGE, car photography. The Kia Motors Sportage, a compact SUV known for its dynamic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAC iEV, car photography. The JAC iEV, an electric vehicle known for its ecofriendly performance and.txt to raw_combined/JAC iEV, car photography. The JAC iEV, an electric vehicle known for its ecofriendly performance and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi A4, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of New York City. The car,.png to raw_combined/Audi A4, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of New York City. The car,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 600, car photography. The MCLAREN 600, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.png to raw_combined/MCLAREN 600, car photography. The MCLAREN 600, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jeep Commander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of the Grand Canyo.png to raw_combined/Jeep Commander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of the Grand Canyo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Renault Stepway, car photography. The Renault Stepway, a compact SUV known for its practicality and .png to raw_combined/Renault Stepway, car photography. The Renault Stepway, a compact SUV known for its practicality and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/McLaren 570S, car photography. The McLaren 570S, a symbol of luxury and performance, is captured in .txt to raw_combined/McLaren 570S, car photography. The McLaren 570S, a symbol of luxury and performance, is captured in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen SpaceCross, car photography. The robust and versatile Volkswagen SpaceCross is presented .txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen SpaceCross, car photography. The robust and versatile Volkswagen SpaceCross is presented .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Edge, car photography. The Ford Edge, a midsize SUV known for its robust performance and comfor.png to raw_combined/Ford Edge, car photography. The Ford Edge, a midsize SUV known for its robust performance and comfor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Picture an Aston Martin DB9, a symbol of British luxury and performance, cruising along a coastal ro.png to raw_combined/Picture an Aston Martin DB9, a symbol of British luxury and performance, cruising along a coastal ro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Nissan Livina, car photography. The Nissan Livina, a compact MPV known for its spacious interior and.png to raw_combined/Nissan Livina, car photography. The Nissan Livina, a compact MPV known for its spacious interior and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Tucson, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Gramado, B.txt to raw_combined/Hyundai Tucson, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Gramado, B.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M850, car photography. The BMW M850, a highperformance luxury sports car, is captured in a creat.txt to raw_combined/BMW M850, car photography. The BMW M850, a highperformance luxury sports car, is captured in a creat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jeep Wrangler, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning sand dunes of Lençóis Maranh.txt to raw_combined/Jeep Wrangler, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning sand dunes of Lençóis Maranh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 328iA, car photography. The BMW 328iA, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and eleg.txt to raw_combined/BMW 328iA, car photography. The BMW 328iA, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and eleg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jeep Commander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of the Grand Canyo.txt to raw_combined/Jeep Commander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of the Grand Canyo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 540, car photography. The MCLAREN 540, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.png to raw_combined/MCLAREN 540, car photography. The MCLAREN 540, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The McLaren GT Coupé, a highperformance sports car known for its .txt to raw_combined/MCLAREN GT COUPÉ, car photography. The McLaren GT Coupé, a highperformance sports car known for its .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/FIAT DOBLO, car photography. The Fiat Doblo, a compact multipurpose vehicle known for its dynamic pe.txt to raw_combined/FIAT DOBLO, car photography. The Fiat Doblo, a compact multipurpose vehicle known for its dynamic pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M2, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..png to raw_combined/BMW M2, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Urus, car photography. The Lamborghini Urus, a blend of luxury and performance, is prese.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini Urus, car photography. The Lamborghini Urus, a blend of luxury and performance, is prese.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Pulse, car photography. The Fiat Pulse, a compact SUV known for its modern design and practical.png to raw_combined/Fiat Pulse, car photography. The Fiat Pulse, a compact SUV known for its modern design and practical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Honda Accord, car photography. The elegant Honda Accord takes center stage in this studio shot. The .png to raw_combined/Honda Accord, car photography. The elegant Honda Accord takes center stage in this studio shot. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X6, car photography. The BMW X6, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.png to raw_combined/BMW X6, car photography. The BMW X6, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/CITROËN DS4, car photography. The Citroën DS4, a compact SUV known for its dynamic performance and e.txt to raw_combined/CITROËN DS4, car photography. The Citroën DS4, a compact SUV known for its dynamic performance and e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Azera, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of Seoul, South Kore.txt to raw_combined/Hyundai Azera, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of Seoul, South Kore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford EcoSport, car photography. The Ford EcoSport, a compact SUV designed for the urban jungle and b.png to raw_combined/Ford EcoSport, car photography. The Ford EcoSport, a compact SUV designed for the urban jungle and b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari 458, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Monaco. The car,.txt to raw_combined/Ferrari 458, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Monaco. The car,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X2, car photography. The BMW X2, a compact SUV known for its sporty performance and stylish desi.txt to raw_combined/BMW X2, car photography. The BMW X2, a compact SUV known for its sporty performance and stylish desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Urus, car photography. The Lamborghini Urus, a blend of luxury and performance, is prese.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini Urus, car photography. The Lamborghini Urus, a blend of luxury and performance, is prese.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision a scene of digital reality activity where a 3D tool is being used for maintenance planning..png to raw_combined/Envision a scene of digital reality activity where a 3D tool is being used for maintenance planning..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi A8, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated cityscape of Dubai. The car, .txt to raw_combined/Audi A8, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated cityscape of Dubai. The car, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz CLA35, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Brasília, B.png to raw_combined/MercedesBenz CLA35, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of Brasília, B.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X5, car photography. The BMW X5, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.txt to raw_combined/BMW X5, car photography. The BMW X5, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GL, car photography. The MercedesBenz GL, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performanc.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GL, car photography. The MercedesBenz GL, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performanc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/FIAT FIORINO, car photography. The Fiat Fiorino, a compact commercial vehicle known for its dynamic .png to raw_combined/FIAT FIORINO, car photography. The Fiat Fiorino, a compact commercial vehicle known for its dynamic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/CITROËN ËJUMPY, car photography. The Citroën ËJumpy, a versatile electric van known for its dynamic .txt to raw_combined/CITROËN ËJUMPY, car photography. The Citroën ËJumpy, a versatile electric van known for its dynamic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ A, car photography. The MercedesBenz A, a compact luxury car known for its dynamic perf.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ A, car photography. The MercedesBenz A, a compact luxury car known for its dynamic perf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Hyundai Elantra, car photography. The stylish Hyundai Elantra is displayed in a modern, minimalist s.png to raw_combined/Hyundai Elantra, car photography. The stylish Hyundai Elantra is displayed in a modern, minimalist s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Nissan Livina, car photography. The Nissan Livina, a compact MPV known for its spacious interior and.txt to raw_combined/Nissan Livina, car photography. The Nissan Livina, a compact MPV known for its spacious interior and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ SL, car photography. The MercedesBenz SL, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic per.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ SL, car photography. The MercedesBenz SL, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Prius, car photography. The Toyota Prius, a hybrid vehicle known for its ecofriendly performa.txt to raw_combined/Toyota Prius, car photography. The Toyota Prius, a hybrid vehicle known for its ecofriendly performa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Jaguar XKRS, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil..png to raw_combined/Jaguar XKRS, car photography set against the backdrop of the vibrant cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 320, car photography. The BMW 320, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .png to raw_combined/BMW 320, car photography. The BMW 320, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ EQS, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ EQS, a luxury electric sedan known for its futur.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ EQS, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ EQS, a luxury electric sedan known for its futur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 745, car photography. The BMW 745, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .png to raw_combined/BMW 745, car photography. The BMW 745, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Land Rover Freelander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada .txt to raw_combined/Land Rover Freelander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Caoa Chery Tiggo, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Fernando de.png to raw_combined/Caoa Chery Tiggo, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning landscapes of Fernando de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X5, car photography. The BMW X5, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.png to raw_combined/BMW X5, car photography. The BMW X5, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 750iL, car photography. The BMW 750iL, a luxury sedan known for its superior comfort and dynamic.txt to raw_combined/BMW 750iL, car photography. The BMW 750iL, a luxury sedan known for its superior comfort and dynamic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz SLS63, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Dubai, Un.png to raw_combined/MercedesBenz SLS63, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Dubai, Un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Ranger, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of Chapada Diamanti.png to raw_combined/Ford Ranger, car photography set against the backdrop of the dramatic landscapes of Chapada Diamanti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAC T40, car photography. The JAC T40, a compact SUV known for its practicality and modern design, i.png to raw_combined/JAC T40, car photography. The JAC T40, a compact SUV known for its practicality and modern design, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/CITROËN DS4, car photography. The Citroën DS4, a compact SUV known for its dynamic performance and e.png to raw_combined/CITROËN DS4, car photography. The Citroën DS4, a compact SUV known for its dynamic performance and e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M3, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Florianópolis, Brazil..txt to raw_combined/BMW M3, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Florianópolis, Brazil..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Aventador, car photography. The striking Lamborghini Aventador is the centerpiece of thi.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini Aventador, car photography. The striking Lamborghini Aventador is the centerpiece of thi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Renault Stepway, car photography. The Renault Stepway, a compact SUV known for its practicality and .txt to raw_combined/Renault Stepway, car photography. The Renault Stepway, a compact SUV known for its practicality and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 720, car photography. The MCLAREN 720, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.png to raw_combined/MCLAREN 720, car photography. The MCLAREN 720, a highperformance supercar known for its dynamic perf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision a scene of a virtual assembly of a centrifugal compressor. The setting is a digital reality.txt to raw_combined/Envision a scene of a virtual assembly of a centrifugal compressor. The setting is a digital reality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Siena, car photography. The Fiat Siena, a compact sedan known for its practicality and comfort,.txt to raw_combined/Fiat Siena, car photography. The Fiat Siena, a compact sedan known for its practicality and comfort,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Camaro, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Route 66 in the United Stat.txt to raw_combined/Chevrolet Camaro, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Route 66 in the United Stat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Sonic, car photography. A vibrant Chevrolet Sonic is the star of this studio shot. The car.txt to raw_combined/Chevrolet Sonic, car photography. A vibrant Chevrolet Sonic is the star of this studio shot. The car.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Touareg, car photography. The Volkswagen Touareg, a luxury SUV known for its robust perfo.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen Touareg, car photography. The Volkswagen Touareg, a luxury SUV known for its robust perfo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW 745, car photography. The BMW 745, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .txt to raw_combined/BMW 745, car photography. The BMW 745, a luxury sedan known for its dynamic performance and elegant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Siena, car photography. The Fiat Siena, a compact sedan known for its practicality and comfort,.png to raw_combined/Fiat Siena, car photography. The Fiat Siena, a compact sedan known for its practicality and comfort,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford EcoSport, car photography. The Ford EcoSport, a compact SUV designed for the urban jungle and b.txt to raw_combined/Ford EcoSport, car photography. The Ford EcoSport, a compact SUV designed for the urban jungle and b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Kia Motors Quoris, car photography set against the backdrop of the rainy streets of Salvador, Brazil.png to raw_combined/Kia Motors Quoris, car photography set against the backdrop of the rainy streets of Salvador, Brazil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Subaru Outback, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Banff Nat.png to raw_combined/Subaru Outback, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Banff Nat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/KIA MOTORS CARNIVAL, car photography. The Kia Motors Carnival, a spacious minivan known for its dyna.png to raw_combined/KIA MOTORS CARNIVAL, car photography. The Kia Motors Carnival, a spacious minivan known for its dyna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Mitsubishi ASX, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. Th.txt to raw_combined/Mitsubishi ASX, car photography set against the backdrop of the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi Q7, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of the Iguazu Falls.txt to raw_combined/Audi Q7, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of the Iguazu Falls.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Linea, car photography. The Fiat Linea, a sedan known for its comfort and efficiency, is captur.png to raw_combined/Fiat Linea, car photography. The Fiat Linea, a sedan known for its comfort and efficiency, is captur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Edge, car photography. The Ford Edge, a midsize SUV known for its robust performance and comfor.txt to raw_combined/Ford Edge, car photography. The Ford Edge, a midsize SUV known for its robust performance and comfor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz SLS63, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Dubai, Un.txt to raw_combined/MercedesBenz SLS63, car photography set against the backdrop of the glamorous cityscape of Dubai, Un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Toyota Camry, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Franc.txt to raw_combined/Toyota Camry, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Franc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Trailblazer, car photography. The Chevrolet Trailblazer, a midsize SUV known for its robus.txt to raw_combined/Chevrolet Trailblazer, car photography. The Chevrolet Trailblazer, a midsize SUV known for its robus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision a scene of a virtual assembly of a centrifugal compressor. The setting is a digital reality.png to raw_combined/Envision a scene of a virtual assembly of a centrifugal compressor. The setting is a digital reality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GL, car photography. The MercedesBenz GL, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performanc.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GL, car photography. The MercedesBenz GL, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performanc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MercedesBenz CLS53, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Rio de Jan.png to raw_combined/MercedesBenz CLS53, car photography set against the backdrop of the stunning coastline of Rio de Jan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M440, car photography. The BMW M440, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic performa.png to raw_combined/BMW M440, car photography. The BMW M440, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic performa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Golf, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of Iguazu Fall.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen Golf, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of Iguazu Fall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Pulse, car photography. The Fiat Pulse, a compact SUV known for its modern design and practical.txt to raw_combined/Fiat Pulse, car photography. The Fiat Pulse, a compact SUV known for its modern design and practical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Fiat Idea, car photography. The Fiat Idea, a compact MPV known for its practicality and comfort, is .png to raw_combined/Fiat Idea, car photography. The Fiat Idea, a compact MPV known for its practicality and comfort, is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M850, car photography. The BMW M850, a highperformance luxury sports car, is captured in a creat.png to raw_combined/BMW M850, car photography. The BMW M850, a highperformance luxury sports car, is captured in a creat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Gallardo, car photography. The iconic Lamborghini Gallardo is showcased against a backdr.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini Gallardo, car photography. The iconic Lamborghini Gallardo is showcased against a backdr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Golf, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of Iguazu Fall.txt to raw_combined/Volkswagen Golf, car photography set against the backdrop of the beautiful landscapes of Iguazu Fall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Lamborghini Huracan, car photography. The Lamborghini Huracan, a symbol of speed and luxury, is capt.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini Huracan, car photography. The Lamborghini Huracan, a symbol of speed and luxury, is capt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M5, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil. The c.txt to raw_combined/BMW M5, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil. The c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAC T40, car photography. The JAC T40, a compact SUV known for its practicality and modern design, i.txt to raw_combined/JAC T40, car photography. The JAC T40, a compact SUV known for its practicality and modern design, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Brazil. The .txt to raw_combined/against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Brazil. The .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/JAGUAR XFR, car photography. The Jaguar XFR, a luxury sports sedan known for its dynamic performance.txt to raw_combined/JAGUAR XFR, car photography. The Jaguar XFR, a luxury sports sedan known for its dynamic performance.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ferrari F599, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque Tuscan countryside in Ital.txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F599, car photography set against the backdrop of the picturesque Tuscan countryside in Ital.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GT, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ GT, a highperformance sports car known for its dy.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GT, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ GT, a highperformance sports car known for its dy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Ford Mustang, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Monument Valley in the United S.txt to raw_combined/Ford Mustang, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Monument Valley in the United S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Brazil. The .png to raw_combined/against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Brazil. The .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW X6, car photography. The BMW X6, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.txt to raw_combined/BMW X6, car photography. The BMW X6, a luxury SUV known for its dynamic performance and elegant desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Envision a scene of digital reality activity where a 3D tool is being used for maintenance planning..txt to raw_combined/Envision a scene of digital reality activity where a 3D tool is being used for maintenance planning..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Ghibli, car photography. The Maserati Ghibli, a symbol of Italian luxury and performance, i.txt to raw_combined/Maserati Ghibli, car photography. The Maserati Ghibli, a symbol of Italian luxury and performance, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Touareg, car photography. The Volkswagen Touareg, a luxury SUV known for its robust perfo.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen Touareg, car photography. The Volkswagen Touareg, a luxury SUV known for its robust perfo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ GLB, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLB, a compact SUV known for its dynamic perform.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ GLB, car photography. The MercedesBenz GLB, a compact SUV known for its dynamic perform.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M5, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil. The c.png to raw_combined/BMW M5, car photography set against the backdrop of the modern cityscape of São Paulo, Brazil. The c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Corvette, car photography set against the backdrop of the scenic Pacific Coast Highway in .png to raw_combined/Chevrolet Corvette, car photography set against the backdrop of the scenic Pacific Coast Highway in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MCLAREN 765, car photography. The McLaren 765, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.png to raw_combined/MCLAREN 765, car photography. The McLaren 765, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati GranTurismo, car photography. The Maserati GranTurismo, an embodiment of Italian luxury and.txt to raw_combined/Maserati GranTurismo, car photography. The Maserati GranTurismo, an embodiment of Italian luxury and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Audi A8, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated cityscape of Dubai. The car, .png to raw_combined/Audi A8, car photography set against the backdrop of the sophisticated cityscape of Dubai. The car, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Land Rover Freelander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada .png to raw_combined/Land Rover Freelander, car photography set against the backdrop of the rugged landscapes of Chapada .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati Quattroporte, car photography. The Maserati Quattroporte, a symbol of Italian luxury and pe.txt to raw_combined/Maserati Quattroporte, car photography. The Maserati Quattroporte, a symbol of Italian luxury and pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/FIAT FIORINO, car photography. The Fiat Fiorino, a compact commercial vehicle known for its dynamic .txt to raw_combined/FIAT FIORINO, car photography. The Fiat Fiorino, a compact commercial vehicle known for its dynamic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Trailblazer, car photography. The Chevrolet Trailblazer, a midsize SUV known for its robus.png to raw_combined/Chevrolet Trailblazer, car photography. The Chevrolet Trailblazer, a midsize SUV known for its robus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Maserati GranTurismo, car photography. The Maserati GranTurismo, an embodiment of Italian luxury and.png to raw_combined/Maserati GranTurismo, car photography. The Maserati GranTurismo, an embodiment of Italian luxury and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen SpaceCross, car photography. The robust and versatile Volkswagen SpaceCross is presented .png to raw_combined/Volkswagen SpaceCross, car photography. The robust and versatile Volkswagen SpaceCross is presented .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Subaru Outback, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Banff Nat.txt to raw_combined/Subaru Outback, car photography set against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Banff Nat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Volkswagen Passat, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Copacabana Beach in Rio de.png to raw_combined/Volkswagen Passat, car photography set against the backdrop of the iconic Copacabana Beach in Rio de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Chevrolet Corvette, car photography set against the backdrop of the scenic Pacific Coast Highway in .txt to raw_combined/Chevrolet Corvette, car photography set against the backdrop of the scenic Pacific Coast Highway in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ EQS, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ EQS, a luxury electric sedan known for its futur.png to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ EQS, car photography. The MERCEDESBENZ EQS, a luxury electric sedan known for its futur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/MERCEDESBENZ SL, car photography. The MercedesBenz SL, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic per.txt to raw_combined/MERCEDESBENZ SL, car photography. The MercedesBenz SL, a luxury sports car known for its dynamic per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/BMW M440, car photography. The BMW M440, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic performa.txt to raw_combined/BMW M440, car photography. The BMW M440, a highperformance sports car known for its dynamic performa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_56/Aston Martin Virage, car photography in the lively city of Rio de Janeiro under the bright daylight..png to raw_combined/Aston Martin Virage, car photography in the lively city of Rio de Janeiro under the bright daylight..png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Lacewing5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM,.txt to raw_combined/Lacewing5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10, colorful, Background art10,Perspective dra.txt to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10, colorful, Background art10,Perspective dra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye5 with two legs10 and two arms10,character2,Dynamic poses10, colorful, Ba.png to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye5 with two legs10 and two arms10,character2,Dynamic poses10, colorful, Ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little robot with nurdy sunglasses3, looking cute3, smiling face .png to raw_combined/a little robot with nurdy sunglasses3, looking cute3, smiling face .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10, universe mystic 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long .png to raw_combined/underwater surreal10, universe mystic 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, fashion model in the forground, short hair, Lowangle,hyperrealistic pho.txt to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, fashion model in the forground, short hair, Lowangle,hyperrealistic pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Doctor Strange stood at the center of a swirling vortex, his mystical powers pulsating around him, M.txt to raw_combined/Doctor Strange stood at the center of a swirling vortex, his mystical powers pulsating around him, M.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat4, presses2 nose against window3, look into the camera2, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.png to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat4, presses2 nose against window3, look into the camera2, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Miniature Lop hops over meadow5, photorealistic, Extreme CloseUp Shot from face Canon EF 100m.png to raw_combined/a cute Miniature Lop hops over meadow5, photorealistic, Extreme CloseUp Shot from face Canon EF 100m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, long dress, backgro.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, long dress, backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, presses nose against window3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV came.png to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, presses nose against window3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV came.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal city10, beautiful 20years old woman swimming with a whale, fashion photography10,.png to raw_combined/underwater surreal city10, beautiful 20years old woman swimming with a whale, fashion photography10,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear looks into the camera5, one eye closed5, winking3,Elke Voge.txt to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear looks into the camera5, one eye closed5, winking3,Elke Voge.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/illustrated orchid mantis5, Masamune Shirow5, high detail, colourful .png to raw_combined/illustrated orchid mantis5, Masamune Shirow5, high detail, colourful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10, universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull lo.png to raw_combined/underwater surreal10, universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, lightrace10, sundli.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, lightrace10, sundli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia , landscape photography, beautiful reflections from the sky on the ground, d.txt to raw_combined/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia , landscape photography, beautiful reflections from the sky on the ground, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear looks into the camera5, one eye closed5, winking3,Elke Voge.png to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear looks into the camera5, one eye closed5, winking3,Elke Voge.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Doctor Strange stood at the center of a swirling vortex, his mystical powers pulsating around him, M.png to raw_combined/Doctor Strange stood at the center of a swirling vortex, his mystical powers pulsating around him, M.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Female Tabanus lineola Horse Fly5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 10.txt to raw_combined/Female Tabanus lineola Horse Fly5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman10, swimming with a whale in a surreal underwate.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman10, swimming with a whale in a surreal underwate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman10, swimming with a whale in a surreal underwate.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman10, swimming with a whale in a surreal underwate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Weimaraner sticks out its tongue5, close up,EyeLevel Shot Sony Alpha a7 III camera with a Sony FE 24.txt to raw_combined/Weimaraner sticks out its tongue5, close up,EyeLevel Shot Sony Alpha a7 III camera with a Sony FE 24.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed photograph.png to raw_combined/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one eye closed10, winking5,hyperr.png to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one eye closed10, winking5,hyperr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Siberian Husky5, close up, high detailed photography, GroundLevel Shot Canon EOS1DX.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of an Siberian Husky5, close up, high detailed photography, GroundLevel Shot Canon EOS1DX.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman,Ebony Elegance BlackHaired Hairstyle Ebony Elegance, sleek and sophistic.png to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman,Ebony Elegance BlackHaired Hairstyle Ebony Elegance, sleek and sophistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, beautiful landscape photography, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, beautiful landscape photography, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/house is carefully planned to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, Large windows and open sp.txt to raw_combined/house is carefully planned to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, Large windows and open sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Norwegian Forestcat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera wi.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Norwegian Forestcat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia , landscape photography, beautiful reflections from the sky on the ground, d.png to raw_combined/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia , landscape photography, beautiful reflections from the sky on the ground, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10,full body pose10, Platon Antoniou,.txt to raw_combined/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10,full body pose10, Platon Antoniou,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, giraffes in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,.png to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, giraffes in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman swimming with a whale10, underwater photography.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman swimming with a whale10, underwater photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, zebras in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair, L.png to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, zebras in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair, L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Female Tabanus lineola Horse Fly5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 10.png to raw_combined/Female Tabanus lineola Horse Fly5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, long colourful dress, background fits to the d.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, long colourful dress, background fits to the d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10, universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull lo.txt to raw_combined/underwater surreal10, universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Siberian Husky5, close up, high detailed photography, GroundLevel Shot Canon EOS1DX.png to raw_combined/a portrait of an Siberian Husky5, close up, high detailed photography, GroundLevel Shot Canon EOS1DX.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman,Crimson Cascade RedHaired Hairstyle a mesmerizing hairstyle that complem.txt to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman,Crimson Cascade RedHaired Hairstyle a mesmerizing hairstyle that complem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, wide angle, Canon EOS1.txt to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, wide angle, Canon EOS1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/A stunning mermaid5, with flowing, iridescent turquoise tail emerges from the crystalclear waters on.png to raw_combined/A stunning mermaid5, with flowing, iridescent turquoise tail emerges from the crystalclear waters on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute pokemon,something between eevee and Jigglypuff5, colourful, illustration, scribble5, f.txt to raw_combined/a little cute pokemon,something between eevee and Jigglypuff5, colourful, illustration, scribble5, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/cat, field, sunny day .txt to raw_combined/cat, field, sunny day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Weimaraner sticks out its tongue5, close up,EyeLevel Shot Sony Alpha a7 III camera with a Sony FE 24.png to raw_combined/Weimaraner sticks out its tongue5, close up,EyeLevel Shot Sony Alpha a7 III camera with a Sony FE 24.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, presses nose against window3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV came.txt to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, presses nose against window3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV came.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10 futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long ha.txt to raw_combined/underwater surreal10 futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10, universe mystic 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long .txt to raw_combined/underwater surreal10, universe mystic 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/womans face5 exudes an air of complete craziness5,wild assortment of makeup and adornments,eyes are .png to raw_combined/womans face5 exudes an air of complete craziness5,wild assortment of makeup and adornments,eyes are .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Russian Blue cat2, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Russian Blue cat2, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,small mouth5, friendly facial expres.txt to raw_combined/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,small mouth5, friendly facial expres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/illustrated orchid mantis5, Masamune Shirow5, high detail, colourful .txt to raw_combined/illustrated orchid mantis5, Masamune Shirow5, high detail, colourful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, Canon EOS1D X Mark II .png to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, Canon EOS1D X Mark II .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, beautiful landscape photography, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, beautiful landscape photography, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute water drop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel c.txt to raw_combined/a little cute water drop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/house is carefully planned to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, Large windows and open sp.png to raw_combined/house is carefully planned to blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, Large windows and open sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Lyssomanes sp. Male Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF .png to raw_combined/Lyssomanes sp. Male Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Bengal cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Bengal cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute pokemon,something between eevee and Jigglypuff5, colourful, illustration, scribble5, f.png to raw_combined/a little cute pokemon,something between eevee and Jigglypuff5, colourful, illustration, scribble5, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Abyssinian cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Abyssinian cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, zebras in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair, L.txt to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, zebras in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair, L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,surreal5, high detail, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera w.txt to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,surreal5, high detail, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.png to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Orchid Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS .txt to raw_combined/Orchid Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,short two legs5, four arms, astronau.txt to raw_combined/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,short two legs5, four arms, astronau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a C.txt to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/cat, field, sunny day .png to raw_combined/cat, field, sunny day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Sphynx cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Can.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Sphynx cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Can.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/A stunning mermaid5, with flowing, iridescent turquoise tail emerges from the crystalclear waters on.txt to raw_combined/A stunning mermaid5, with flowing, iridescent turquoise tail emerges from the crystalclear waters on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a beautiful persian2 housecat1, funny2 face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.png to raw_combined/a beautiful persian2 housecat1, funny2 face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a C.png to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.png to raw_combined/Siamese cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/futuristic house exhibits sleek, avantgarde lines and bold, contemporary shapes,fusion of glass and .png to raw_combined/futuristic house exhibits sleek, avantgarde lines and bold, contemporary shapes,fusion of glass and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a beautiful persian cat, funny face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.png to raw_combined/a beautiful persian cat, funny face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.txt to raw_combined/Siamese cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop5 with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hyp.txt to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop5 with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hyp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop5 with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hyp.png to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop5 with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hyp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,small mouth5, friendly facial expres.png to raw_combined/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,small mouth5, friendly facial expres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, long colourful dress, background fits to the d.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, long colourful dress, background fits to the d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Abstract geometric5 forms2 floting , colourful5 geometric forms, torus1, Icosahedron1, Dodecahedron3.png to raw_combined/Abstract geometric5 forms2 floting , colourful5 geometric forms, torus1, Icosahedron1, Dodecahedron3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Abyssinian cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a .txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Abyssinian cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/mediumfull shot of an elderly french woman with deep wrinkles and a warm smile, petting a golden ret.txt to raw_combined/mediumfull shot of an elderly french woman with deep wrinkles and a warm smile, petting a golden ret.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Golden Retriever5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed p.png to raw_combined/a portrait of an Golden Retriever5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Scottish Fold cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Scottish Fold cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute water drop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel c.png to raw_combined/a little cute water drop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Sphynx cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Sphynx cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Russian Blue cat2, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Russian Blue cat2, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Assassin Bug5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS U.txt to raw_combined/Assassin Bug5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, lightrace10, sundli.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, lightrace10, sundli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Bengal cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Bengal cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Praying Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS.png to raw_combined/Praying Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10,universe and starships in the background, c.txt to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10,universe and starships in the background, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Irish Setter5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,dynamic movement5, .png to raw_combined/a portrait of an Irish Setter5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,dynamic movement5, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a beautiful persian2 housecat1, funny2 face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful persian2 housecat1, funny2 face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10,full body pose10, Platon Antoniou,.png to raw_combined/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10,full body pose10, Platon Antoniou,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Abyssinian cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a .png to raw_combined/portrait of a Abyssinian cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10, Platon Antoniou, Tetrachromatic,S.png to raw_combined/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10, Platon Antoniou, Tetrachromatic,S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman, Sunlit Waves BlondHaired Hairstyle Sunlit Waves captures the essence of.txt to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman, Sunlit Waves BlondHaired Hairstyle Sunlit Waves captures the essence of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.txt to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat3, presses nose against window3, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon EF 2470mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,surreal5, high detail, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera w.png to raw_combined/Siamese beautiful cat3, licking icecream3,surreal5, high detail, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one eye closed10, winking5,hyperr.txt to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one upturned ear6, looks into the camera2, one eye closed10, winking5,hyperr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Lacewing5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM,.png to raw_combined/Lacewing5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Miniature Lop hops over meadow5, photorealistic, Extreme CloseUp Shot from face Canon EF 100m.txt to raw_combined/a cute Miniature Lop hops over meadow5, photorealistic, Extreme CloseUp Shot from face Canon EF 100m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull long dress10, long hair,.png to raw_combined/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull long dress10, long hair,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, Canon EOS1D X Mark II .txt to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, Canon EOS1D X Mark II .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, lion in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,clos.png to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, lion in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,clos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Lyssomanes sp. Male Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF .txt to raw_combined/Lyssomanes sp. Male Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/nebeautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in .png to raw_combined/nebeautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman,under water 10, long colourful dress, , wide sh.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman,under water 10, long colourful dress, , wide sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman,underwater apperance photography 10, beautiful.txt to raw_combined/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman,underwater apperance photography 10, beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull long dress10, long hair,.txt to raw_combined/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful colourfull long dress10, long hair,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed photograph.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat4, presses2 nose against window3, look into the camera2, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.txt to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat4, presses2 nose against window3, look into the camera2, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, giraffes in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,.txt to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, giraffes in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, funny face5,dynamic movement5, motion blur5,high detailed photo.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, funny face5,dynamic movement5, motion blur5,high detailed photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman,underwater apperance photography 10, beautiful.png to raw_combined/universe mystic black 10, beautiful 20years old woman,underwater apperance photography 10, beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/futuristic house exhibits sleek, avantgarde lines and bold, contemporary shapes,fusion of glass and .txt to raw_combined/futuristic house exhibits sleek, avantgarde lines and bold, contemporary shapes,fusion of glass and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, fashion model in the forground, short hair, Lowangle,hyperrealistic pho.png to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, fashion model in the forground, short hair, Lowangle,hyperrealistic pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman, Sunlit Waves BlondHaired Hairstyle Sunlit Waves captures the essence of.png to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman, Sunlit Waves BlondHaired Hairstyle Sunlit Waves captures the essence of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Female Maevia inclemens Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon.png to raw_combined/Female Maevia inclemens Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Praying Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS.txt to raw_combined/Praying Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10, Platon Antoniou, Tetrachromatic,S.txt to raw_combined/Harajuku streets10, beautiful black woman with blond short hair10, Platon Antoniou, Tetrachromatic,S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman,under water 10, long colourful dress, , wide sh.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman,under water 10, long colourful dress, , wide sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in th.txt to raw_combined/beautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Assassin Bug5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS U.png to raw_combined/Assassin Bug5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal asian futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, swimming with a huge whale1.png to raw_combined/underwater surreal asian futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, swimming with a huge whale1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/cute pokemon8,fire3, water5,electro3, it loves the heat and can spit fire, it loves the cold and can.png to raw_combined/cute pokemon8,fire3, water5,electro3, it loves the heat and can spit fire, it loves the cold and can.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, wide angle, Canon EOS1.png to raw_combined/Ragdoll cat5, swimming in cyrstel clear water2,lightbeams2, Underwater Shot5, wide angle, Canon EOS1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Female Maevia inclemens Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon.txt to raw_combined/Female Maevia inclemens Jumping Spider5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Irish Setter5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,dynamic movement5, .txt to raw_combined/a portrait of an Irish Setter5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,dynamic movement5, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little robot with nurdy sunglasses3, looking cute3, smiling face .txt to raw_combined/a little robot with nurdy sunglasses3, looking cute3, smiling face .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal asian futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, swimming with a huge whale1.txt to raw_combined/underwater surreal asian futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, swimming with a huge whale1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10, colorful, Background art10,Perspective dra.png to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10, colorful, Background art10,Perspective dra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one5 upturned5 ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hy.txt to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one5 upturned5 ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/mediumfull shot of an elderly french woman with deep wrinkles and a warm smile, petting a golden ret.png to raw_combined/mediumfull shot of an elderly french woman with deep wrinkles and a warm smile, petting a golden ret.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute waterdrop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel cu.png to raw_combined/a little cute waterdrop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel cu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Scottish Fold cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Scottish Fold cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Habronattus americanus5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L .txt to raw_combined/Habronattus americanus5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a beautiful persian cat, funny face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful persian cat, funny face2, playing in the field, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute Holland lop with one5 upturned5 ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hy.png to raw_combined/a cute Holland lop with one5 upturned5 ear6, looks into the camera2, one5 eye5 closed10, winking5,hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal10 futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long ha.png to raw_combined/underwater surreal10 futuristic city10, beautiful 20years old woman, beautiful long dress10, long ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/cute pokemon8,fire3, water5,electro3, it loves the heat and can spit fire, it loves the cold and can.txt to raw_combined/cute pokemon8,fire3, water5,electro3, it loves the heat and can spit fire, it loves the cold and can.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Norwegian Forestcat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera wi.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Norwegian Forestcat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/nebeautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in .txt to raw_combined/nebeautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, funny face5,dynamic movement5, motion blur5,high detailed photo.png to raw_combined/a portrait of an Samoyed5, close up, funny face5,dynamic movement5, motion blur5,high detailed photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye5 with two legs10 and two arms10,character2,Dynamic poses10, colorful, Ba.txt to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye5 with two legs10 and two arms10,character2,Dynamic poses10, colorful, Ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman,Crimson Cascade RedHaired Hairstyle a mesmerizing hairstyle that complem.png to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman,Crimson Cascade RedHaired Hairstyle a mesmerizing hairstyle that complem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,short two legs5, four arms, astronau.png to raw_combined/a cute frindly character5, round boddy, huge eyes,long sensors5,short two legs5, four arms, astronau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Sphynx cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.png to raw_combined/portrait of a Sphynx cat, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Cano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a portrait of an Golden Retriever5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed p.txt to raw_combined/a portrait of an Golden Retriever5, close up, dog snaps at dog food with open mouth5,high detailed p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Sphynx cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Can.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Sphynx cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Can.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful 20years old woman,Ebony Elegance BlackHaired Hairstyle Ebony Elegance, sleek and sophistic.txt to raw_combined/beautiful 20years old woman,Ebony Elegance BlackHaired Hairstyle Ebony Elegance, sleek and sophistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, long dress, backgro.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman, underwater photography 10, long dress, backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Abstract geometric5 forms2 floting , colourful5 geometric forms, torus1, Icosahedron1, Dodecahedron3.txt to raw_combined/Abstract geometric5 forms2 floting , colourful5 geometric forms, torus1, Icosahedron1, Dodecahedron3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman swimming with a whale10, underwater photography.png to raw_combined/Beautiful fashion photgraphy of a 20 years old woman swimming with a whale10, underwater photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/womans face5 exudes an air of complete craziness5,wild assortment of makeup and adornments,eyes are .txt to raw_combined/womans face5 exudes an air of complete craziness5,wild assortment of makeup and adornments,eyes are .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/beautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in th.png to raw_combined/beautiful young black woman with blond hair10,wearing red adidas suit10, sitting on the street in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a little cute waterdrop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel cu.txt to raw_combined/a little cute waterdrop3, huge eyes3, with two legs and flippers5, short arms, funny face, littel cu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Orchid Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS .png to raw_combined/Orchid Mantis5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/portrait of a Abyssinian cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a Abyssinian cat5, photography, hyperrealistic, Sunny Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/Habronattus americanus5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L .png to raw_combined/Habronattus americanus5, macro photography3,Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a Canon RF 100mm f2.8L .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/masai mara national reserve, lion in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,clos.txt to raw_combined/masai mara national reserve, lion in the background, fashion model in the forground, short hair,clos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/underwater surreal city10, beautiful 20years old woman swimming with a whale, fashion photography10,.txt to raw_combined/underwater surreal city10, beautiful 20years old woman swimming with a whale, fashion photography10,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_76/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10,universe and starships in the background, c.png to raw_combined/a huge friendly looking eye with two legs and two arms10,universe and starships in the background, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/The frame shows a spacious, large showroom with many displays of camping equipment including tents, .txt to raw_combined/The frame shows a spacious, large showroom with many displays of camping equipment including tents, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful stylishly dressed girl. She is smiling and behind her is the Interior of a lar.txt to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful stylishly dressed girl. She is smiling and behind her is the Interior of a lar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/distant white desert hills behind an open expanse of futuristic white desert, bright blue sky, lands.txt to raw_combined/distant white desert hills behind an open expanse of futuristic white desert, bright blue sky, lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white large poodle running across pu.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white large poodle running across pu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, his white dressing gown .png to raw_combined/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, his white dressing gown .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and b.png to raw_combined/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/4 distant photorealistic white brumbies heads high gallop freely, in the background are White desert.png to raw_combined/4 distant photorealistic white brumbies heads high gallop freely, in the background are White desert.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, ahis white dressing gown.txt to raw_combined/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, ahis white dressing gown.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful red haired girl, Stylishly dressed. She is smiling and behind her is the Inter.png to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful red haired girl, Stylishly dressed. She is smiling and behind her is the Inter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Michael Cera type male, windy day, very l.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Michael Cera type male, windy day, very l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/4 distant photorealistic white brumbies heads high gallop freely, in the background are White desert.txt to raw_combined/4 distant photorealistic white brumbies heads high gallop freely, in the background are White desert.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Gothic looking teenage male sales assistant with a nose ring. Behind him is the interior of a large .png to raw_combined/Gothic looking teenage male sales assistant with a nose ring. Behind him is the interior of a large .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Bright white minalmist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit w.png to raw_combined/Bright white minalmist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. The teen age sales assis.png to raw_combined/punky looking Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. The teen age sales assis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old New Zealand male wearing fishing clothes. He is standing in a large indoor camping store.txt to raw_combined/30 year old New Zealand male wearing fishing clothes. He is standing in a large indoor camping store.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A selection of 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff memberswearing a yellow hawaii.txt to raw_combined/A selection of 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff memberswearing a yellow hawaii.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red socks is sitting on a sofa .png to raw_combined/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red socks is sitting on a sofa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, ethereal,.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, ethereal,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, wwearing white pyjamas a.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, wwearing white pyjamas a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant ice fur.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant ice fur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, at.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar as his young grandfather dances in a living room next to a l.txt to raw_combined/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar as his young grandfather dances in a living room next to a l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type no glasses, wearing a loo.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type no glasses, wearing a loo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30year old guy wearing l.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30year old guy wearing l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful couplewearing flowing white lines are relaxing on two bamboo chairs. In the backgr.txt to raw_combined/A young beautiful couplewearing flowing white lines are relaxing on two bamboo chairs. In the backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful half asian, girl mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful half asian, girl mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old asian man dressed in white flowing li.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old asian man dressed in white flowing li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a whitebowling ball rolls across a spar.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a whitebowling ball rolls across a spar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant white c.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant white c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 25 year old male smiling five star hotel resort staff wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and white ta.png to raw_combined/A 25 year old male smiling five star hotel resort staff wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and white ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old asian man dressed in white flowing li.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old asian man dressed in white flowing li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Rupert Grint type male, windy day, very l.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Rupert Grint type male, windy day, very l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/distant white desert hills behind an open expanse of futuristic white desert, bright blue sky, lands.png to raw_combined/distant white desert hills behind an open expanse of futuristic white desert, bright blue sky, lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white salt flat landsc.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white salt flat landsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan,white pyjamas and loose open w.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan,white pyjamas and loose open w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing new zealand man in his mid twenties short hair, string jaw, holding a cocktail and.png to raw_combined/Handsome laughing new zealand man in his mid twenties short hair, string jaw, holding a cocktail and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Micheal Cena type male , wearing white py.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Micheal Cena type male , wearing white py.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing Australian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing whi.txt to raw_combined/Handsome laughing Australian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar with his grand father in a living room next to a large TV on.txt to raw_combined/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar with his grand father in a living room next to a large TV on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan, white pyjamas and loose open .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan, white pyjamas and loose open .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking indian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past ca.png to raw_combined/punky looking indian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff member wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and .png to raw_combined/A 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff member wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Bright white minimalist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit .png to raw_combined/Bright white minimalist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar with his grand father in a living room next to a large TV on.png to raw_combined/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar with his grand father in a living room next to a large TV on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Photorealistic concept art Wide, white, untouched and slightly surreal expanse symbolizing a clean, .png to raw_combined/Photorealistic concept art Wide, white, untouched and slightly surreal expanse symbolizing a clean, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type no glasses, wearing a loo.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type no glasses, wearing a loo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. ,The teen age sales assistance is wear.png to raw_combined/Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. ,The teen age sales assistance is wear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old hipster male wearing outdoor camping clothes. He is standing in a large camping store wh.txt to raw_combined/30 year old hipster male wearing outdoor camping clothes. He is standing in a large camping store wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking polynesian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking pas.png to raw_combined/punky looking polynesian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking pas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/60 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki shop assistants uniform behind he is the Interior of a la.png to raw_combined/60 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki shop assistants uniform behind he is the Interior of a la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on two feet in slipper.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on two feet in slipper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A spacious, large showroom of an outdoor and camping equipment megastore including displays of tents.txt to raw_combined/A spacious, large showroom of an outdoor and camping equipment megastore including displays of tents.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, everyday 30year old guy wearing white pyj.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, everyday 30year old guy wearing white pyj.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Punky looking teenage sales assistant with a nose ring and colored hair. wearing a turqouise polo sh.txt to raw_combined/Punky looking teenage sales assistant with a nose ring and colored hair. wearing a turqouise polo sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Rupert Grint type male, windy day, very l.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Rupert Grint type male, windy day, very l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful, brunette girl mid twenties sitting in a bamboo chair, holding a cocktail and wearing soft.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful, brunette girl mid twenties sitting in a bamboo chair, holding a cocktail and wearing soft.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on the feet of a man w.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on the feet of a man w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, 175mm long lens close up on feet of a man.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, 175mm long lens close up on feet of a man.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white salt flat landsc.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white salt flat landsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on two feet in slipper.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on two feet in slipper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly lit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a her.txt to raw_combined/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly lit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a her.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, wwearing white pyjamas a.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, wwearing white pyjamas a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing new zealand man in his mid twenties short hair, string jaw, holding a cocktail and.txt to raw_combined/Handsome laughing new zealand man in his mid twenties short hair, string jaw, holding a cocktail and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Bright white minalmist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit w.txt to raw_combined/Bright white minalmist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform with a beanie on her h.txt to raw_combined/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform with a beanie on her h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, g.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff member wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and .txt to raw_combined/A 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff member wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Sean penn wearing torn clothes on his knees in a vast desert before a huge statue of venus cinemati.txt to raw_combined/Sean penn wearing torn clothes on his knees in a vast desert before a huge statue of venus cinemati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking polynesian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking pas.txt to raw_combined/punky looking polynesian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking pas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful red haired girl, Stylishly dressed. She is smiling and behind her is the Inter.txt to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful red haired girl, Stylishly dressed. She is smiling and behind her is the Inter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue modern family room matching the color HKS 43 E cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly de.txt to raw_combined/a blue modern family room matching the color HKS 43 E cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, white pyjamas and loose .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, white pyjamas and loose .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Interior of a large camping and outdoor equipment store which is brightly lit. The shot composition .png to raw_combined/Interior of a large camping and outdoor equipment store which is brightly lit. The shot composition .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian male, windy day, white dressing gow.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian male, windy day, white dressing gow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing man short hair string jaw in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft .png to raw_combined/Handsome laughing man short hair string jaw in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past camera in.txt to raw_combined/punky looking teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past camera in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/We see two high backed ornate bamboo chairs in the forground under a soft linen covered villa with a.png to raw_combined/We see two high backed ornate bamboo chairs in the forground under a soft linen covered villa with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red sox is sitting on a sofa in.txt to raw_combined/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red sox is sitting on a sofa in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/We see two high backed ornate bamboo chairs in the forground under a soft linen covered villa with a.txt to raw_combined/We see two high backed ornate bamboo chairs in the forground under a soft linen covered villa with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant ice fur.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant ice fur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar as his young grandfather dances in a living room next to a l.png to raw_combined/A 12 year old boy is playing air guitar as his young grandfather dances in a living room next to a l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/The frame shows a spacious, large welllit showroom with many displays of camping equipment including.png to raw_combined/The frame shows a spacious, large welllit showroom with many displays of camping equipment including.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, jonah hill type wearing white pyjamas and.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, jonah hill type wearing white pyjamas and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white horses running across pure whi.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white horses running across pure whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, g.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white flat landscape, .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white flat landscape, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural insp.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural insp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/mid shot of a quirky brunette model with long curly hair wearing a green jumpsuit in an apple store..txt to raw_combined/mid shot of a quirky brunette model with long curly hair wearing a green jumpsuit in an apple store..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/60 year old friendly caucasian man playing air guitar in front of a blue RGB 64104246 background. Th.txt to raw_combined/60 year old friendly caucasian man playing air guitar in front of a blue RGB 64104246 background. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Photorealistic image of a man in flowing white linen clothes, exuding joy and happiness as he glides.png to raw_combined/Photorealistic image of a man in flowing white linen clothes, exuding joy and happiness as he glides.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/White desert hills, blue sky, symmetrical, hazy, futuristic, cinematic, landscape in a scuptural Isa.png to raw_combined/White desert hills, blue sky, symmetrical, hazy, futuristic, cinematic, landscape in a scuptural Isa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Photorealistic image of a man in flowing white linen clothes, exuding joy and happiness as he glides.txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic image of a man in flowing white linen clothes, exuding joy and happiness as he glides.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/White desert hills, blue sky, symmetrical, hazy, futuristic, cinematic, landscape in a scuptural Isa.txt to raw_combined/White desert hills, blue sky, symmetrical, hazy, futuristic, cinematic, landscape in a scuptural Isa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful stylishly dressed girl. She is smiling and behind her is the Interior of a lar.png to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful stylishly dressed girl. She is smiling and behind her is the Interior of a lar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and b.txt to raw_combined/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old New Zealand maori male wearing summer outdoor clothes. He is standing in a large indoor .png to raw_combined/30 year old New Zealand maori male wearing summer outdoor clothes. He is standing in a large indoor .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red sox is sitting on a sofa in.png to raw_combined/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red sox is sitting on a sofa in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian man dressed in white flowing linen..txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian man dressed in white flowing linen..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful couple wearing soft flowing white linen are relaxing on two ornate bamboo chairs. .png to raw_combined/A young beautiful couple wearing soft flowing white linen are relaxing on two ornate bamboo chairs. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type, windy da.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type, windy da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit. White decor. The shot composit.txt to raw_combined/Interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit. White decor. The shot composit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white large poodle running across pu.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white large poodle running across pu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful woman wearing soft flowing white linen is relaxing on a ornate bamboo chair. She i.txt to raw_combined/A young beautiful woman wearing soft flowing white linen is relaxing on a ornate bamboo chair. She i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic,Australian model wearing white pyjamas and.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic,Australian model wearing white pyjamas and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type, windy da.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type, windy da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian man dressed in white flowing linen..png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian man dressed in white flowing linen..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Micheal Cena type male , wearing white py.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Micheal Cena type male , wearing white py.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/mid shot of a quirky red haired model in an apple store. Wide angle lens showing the entire store. T.png to raw_combined/mid shot of a quirky red haired model in an apple store. Wide angle lens showing the entire store. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Sean penn wearing torn clothes on his knees in a vast desert before a huge statue of venus cinemati.png to raw_combined/Sean penn wearing torn clothes on his knees in a vast desert before a huge statue of venus cinemati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, white pyjamas and loose .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan type, white pyjamas and loose .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing panasian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white.txt to raw_combined/Handsome laughing panasian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old New Zealand maori male wearing summer outdoor clothes. He is standing in a large indoor .txt to raw_combined/30 year old New Zealand maori male wearing summer outdoor clothes. He is standing in a large indoor .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30 year old red haired female, wearing a funky bright yellow outfit and shoes. The shot is in the .txt to raw_combined/A 30 year old red haired female, wearing a funky bright yellow outfit and shoes. The shot is in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/The frame shows a spacious, large welllit showroom with many displays of camping equipment including.txt to raw_combined/The frame shows a spacious, large welllit showroom with many displays of camping equipment including.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan,white pyjamas and loose open w.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan,white pyjamas and loose open w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/60 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki shop assistants uniform behind he is the Interior of a la.txt to raw_combined/60 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki shop assistants uniform behind he is the Interior of a la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/60 year old friendly caucasian man playing air guitar in front of a blue RGB 64104246 background. Th.png to raw_combined/60 year old friendly caucasian man playing air guitar in front of a blue RGB 64104246 background. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a whitebowling ball rolls across a spar.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a whitebowling ball rolls across a spar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic,Australian model wearing white pyjamas and.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic,Australian model wearing white pyjamas and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, ethereal,.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, ethereal,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/distant white desert hills looking like Akari paper sculptures in the forground we see an open expan.png to raw_combined/distant white desert hills looking like Akari paper sculptures in the forground we see an open expan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian male, windy day, white dressing gow.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, asian male, windy day, white dressing gow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A spacious, large showroom of an outdoor and camping equipment megastore including displays of tents.png to raw_combined/A spacious, large showroom of an outdoor and camping equipment megastore including displays of tents.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful laughing woman mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She i.png to raw_combined/Beautiful laughing woman mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white horses running across pure whi.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white horses running across pure whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 25 year old male smiling five star hotel resort staff wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and white ta.txt to raw_combined/A 25 year old male smiling five star hotel resort staff wearing a yellow hawaiian shirt and white ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful, brunette girl mid twenties sitting in a bamboo chair, holding a cocktail and wearing soft.png to raw_combined/Beautiful, brunette girl mid twenties sitting in a bamboo chair, holding a cocktail and wearing soft.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. ,The teen age sales assistance is wear.txt to raw_combined/Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. ,The teen age sales assistance is wear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly sunlit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a .txt to raw_combined/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly sunlit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Michael Cera type male, windy day, very l.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, Michael Cera type male, windy day, very l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Interior of a large camping and outdoor equipment store which is brightly lit. The shot composition .txt to raw_combined/Interior of a large camping and outdoor equipment store which is brightly lit. The shot composition .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past camera in.png to raw_combined/punky looking teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past camera in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue color HKS 43 E family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a hero couch in .txt to raw_combined/a blue color HKS 43 E family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a hero couch in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/80year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and be.txt to raw_combined/80year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a photorealistic portrait photo of a good looking 25 year old mixed race asian man wearing a red col.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic portrait photo of a good looking 25 year old mixed race asian man wearing a red col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful laughing woman mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She i.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful laughing woman mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old Australian guydressed in casual clothes. He is is smiling and behind he is the Interior .txt to raw_combined/30 year old Australian guydressed in casual clothes. He is is smiling and behind he is the Interior .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A selection of 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff memberswearing a yellow hawaii.png to raw_combined/A selection of 25 year old male, smiling five star hotel resort staff memberswearing a yellow hawaii.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old italian man dressed in white flowing .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old italian man dressed in white flowing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, everyday 30year old guy wearing white pyj.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, everyday 30year old guy wearing white pyj.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a photorealistic portrait photo of a good looking 25 year old mixed race asian man wearing a red col.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic portrait photo of a good looking 25 year old mixed race asian man wearing a red col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, 175mm long lens close up on feet of a man.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, 175mm long lens close up on feet of a man.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30 year old red haired female, wearing a funky bright yellow outfit and shoes. The shot is in the .png to raw_combined/A 30 year old red haired female, wearing a funky bright yellow outfit and shoes. The shot is in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking seth rogan type, windy da.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking seth rogan type, windy da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Gothic looking teenage male sales assistant with a nose ring. Behind him is the interior of a large .txt to raw_combined/Gothic looking teenage male sales assistant with a nose ring. Behind him is the interior of a large .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, atmospher.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, atmospher.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant white c.png to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, giant white c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking indian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past ca.txt to raw_combined/punky looking indian teenage sales assistant wearing a turqouise polo shirt standing looking past ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, jonah hill type wearing white pyjamas and.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, jonah hill type wearing white pyjamas and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/80year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and be.png to raw_combined/80year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform . She is smiling and be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Punky looking teenage sales assistant with a nose ring and colored hair. wearing a turqouise polo sh.png to raw_combined/Punky looking teenage sales assistant with a nose ring and colored hair. wearing a turqouise polo sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/The frame shows a spacious, large showroom with many displays of camping equipment including tents, .png to raw_combined/The frame shows a spacious, large showroom with many displays of camping equipment including tents, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white flat landscape, .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, sparse open pure white flat landscape, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, at.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired frozen white desert landscape with bright blue sky, at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful girl dressend in a stylish red coat. She is smiling and behind her is the Inte.txt to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful girl dressend in a stylish red coat. She is smiling and behind her is the Inte.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Bright white minimalist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit .txt to raw_combined/Bright white minimalist design interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful woman wearing soft flowing white linen is relaxing on a ornate bamboo chair. She i.png to raw_combined/A young beautiful woman wearing soft flowing white linen is relaxing on a ornate bamboo chair. She i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue modern family room matching the color HKS 43 E cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly de.png to raw_combined/a blue modern family room matching the color HKS 43 E cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a white 3 seater Chesterfield sofa its .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a white 3 seater Chesterfield sofa its .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, atmospher.txt to raw_combined/sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural inspired white desert landscape with bright blue sky, atmospher.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a white 3 seater Chesterfield sofa its .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, editorial photography, hyper realistic, a white 3 seater Chesterfield sofa its .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on the feet of a man w.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, long lens close up on the feet of a man w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type male 30 y.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type male 30 y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing panasian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white.png to raw_combined/Handsome laughing panasian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, ahis white dressing gown.png to raw_combined/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, ahis white dressing gown.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural insp.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, sparse open isamu noguchi sculptural insp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan, white pyjamas and loose open .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, seth rogan, white pyjamas and loose open .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old hipster male wearing outdoor camping clothes. He is standing in a large camping store wh.png to raw_combined/30 year old hipster male wearing outdoor camping clothes. He is standing in a large camping store wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white doves flying across a white sa.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white doves flying across a white sa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30 year old guy wearing .png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30 year old guy wearing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/mid shot of a quirky brunette model with long curly hair wearing a green jumpsuit in an apple store..png to raw_combined/mid shot of a quirky brunette model with long curly hair wearing a green jumpsuit in an apple store..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly sunlit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a .png to raw_combined/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly sunlit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old Australian guydressed in casual clothes. He is is smiling and behind he is the Interior .png to raw_combined/30 year old Australian guydressed in casual clothes. He is is smiling and behind he is the Interior .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/punky looking Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. The teen age sales assis.txt to raw_combined/punky looking Teenage sales assistant in modern all white technology store. The teen age sales assis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing man short hair string jaw in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft .txt to raw_combined/Handsome laughing man short hair string jaw in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type male 30 y.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking jonah hill type male 30 y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old New Zealand male wearing fishing clothes. He is standing in a large indoor camping store.png to raw_combined/30 year old New Zealand male wearing fishing clothes. He is standing in a large indoor camping store.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30year old guy wearing l.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30year old guy wearing l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly lit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a her.png to raw_combined/a blue RGB 64104246 brightly lit family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a her.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/a blue color HKS 43 E family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a hero couch in .png to raw_combined/a blue color HKS 43 E family lounge room with a large flatscreen tv on the wall and a hero couch in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old italian man dressed in white flowing .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, old italian man dressed in white flowing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful couple wearing soft flowing white linen are relaxing on two ornate bamboo chairs. .txt to raw_combined/A young beautiful couple wearing soft flowing white linen are relaxing on two ornate bamboo chairs. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/distant white desert hills looking like Akari paper sculptures in the forground we see an open expan.txt to raw_combined/distant white desert hills looking like Akari paper sculptures in the forground we see an open expan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A young beautiful couplewearing flowing white lines are relaxing on two bamboo chairs. In the backgr.png to raw_combined/A young beautiful couplewearing flowing white lines are relaxing on two bamboo chairs. In the backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old beautiful girl dressend in a stylish red coat. She is smiling and behind her is the Inte.png to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful girl dressend in a stylish red coat. She is smiling and behind her is the Inte.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white doves flying across a white sa.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, pure white doves flying across a white sa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit. White decor. The shot composit.png to raw_combined/Interior of a large high end electronics store which is brightly lit. White decor. The shot composit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/mid shot of a quirky red haired model in an apple store. Wide angle lens showing the entire store. T.txt to raw_combined/mid shot of a quirky red haired model in an apple store. Wide angle lens showing the entire store. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Handsome laughing Australian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing whi.png to raw_combined/Handsome laughing Australian man in his mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30 year old guy wearing .txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, smiling everyday 30 year old guy wearing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform with a beanie on her h.png to raw_combined/70 year old friendly woman wearing a khaki and orange shop assistants uniform with a beanie on her h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, his white dressing gown .txt to raw_combined/A 30somethingyearold male in his slippers with his arms stretched out wide, his white dressing gown .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Photorealistic concept art Wide, white, untouched and slightly surreal expanse symbolizing a clean, .txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic concept art Wide, white, untouched and slightly surreal expanse symbolizing a clean, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red socks is sitting on a sofa .txt to raw_combined/30 year old man, smiling, dressed in an open white bathroom robe and red socks is sitting on a sofa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking seth rogan type, windy da.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic, average looking seth rogan type, windy da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_69/Beautiful half asian, girl mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She.png to raw_combined/Beautiful half asian, girl mid twenties holding a cocktail and wearing soft flowing white linen. She.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photograph of Freddie Mercury summoning a purple snake from her sleeve, Canon EOS R6, Camera lens ty.png to raw_combined/photograph of Freddie Mercury summoning a purple snake from her sleeve, Canon EOS R6, Camera lens ty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic horrifying, dynamic pose expre.png to raw_combined/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic horrifying, dynamic pose expre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/syntheticphotoshoot of cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman dressed.txt to raw_combined/syntheticphotoshoot of cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman dressed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/two Flamingos in heart shaped, in the middle of the Sun at Golden hour, reflecting on the water. .txt to raw_combined/two Flamingos in heart shaped, in the middle of the Sun at Golden hour, reflecting on the water. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/silent hill in city escape in japan. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cine.png to raw_combined/silent hill in city escape in japan. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/john lennon seated while singing in year 2023 cinematic drama hyper realistic quality image .png to raw_combined/john lennon seated while singing in year 2023 cinematic drama hyper realistic quality image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Drummer in band long hair head banging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra re.png to raw_combined/the Drummer in band long hair head banging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a wild and angry lion chasing running towards the camera in real life hyper realistic cinematic univ.png to raw_combined/a wild and angry lion chasing running towards the camera in real life hyper realistic cinematic univ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect silhou.txt to raw_combined/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect silhou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A woman with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic acti.png to raw_combined/A woman with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic acti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in pink highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white shoulde.txt to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in pink highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white shoulde.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/full body cyborg fulllength portrait detailed face symmetric steampunk cyberpunk cyborg intricate de.txt to raw_combined/full body cyborg fulllength portrait detailed face symmetric steampunk cyberpunk cyborg intricate de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/lobghair dreadlocks singing and playing piano in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra.png to raw_combined/lobghair dreadlocks singing and playing piano in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/giant and and tiny elephant in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .txt to raw_combined/giant and and tiny elephant in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Cinnamoroll, Kuromi, hello kitty sanrio pixar .txt to raw_combined/Cinnamoroll, Kuromi, hello kitty sanrio pixar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/silent hill in city escape. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cinematograph.png to raw_combined/silent hill in city escape. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cinematograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/two Flamingos in heart shaped, in the middle of the Sun at Golden hour, reflecting on the water. .png to raw_combined/two Flamingos in heart shaped, in the middle of the Sun at Golden hour, reflecting on the water. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of cyborg part for Gala.png to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of cyborg part for Gala.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age Amplifies.txt to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age Amplifies.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in brown highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white should.txt to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in brown highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white should.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting above the truck with praying mantis alien humanoid a.png to raw_combined/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting above the truck with praying mantis alien humanoid a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery h.png to raw_combined/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Cinnamoroll, Kuromi, hello kitty sanrio pixar .png to raw_combined/Cinnamoroll, Kuromi, hello kitty sanrio pixar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in United Arab Emirates cars and trucks are melted and the smoke from the back are like a cl.txt to raw_combined/too hot in United Arab Emirates cars and trucks are melted and the smoke from the back are like a cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an Oldman thin body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic action pose..txt to raw_combined/an Oldman thin body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic action pose..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chris Cornell alternative rock artist old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama .txt to raw_combined/Chris Cornell alternative rock artist old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping c.txt to raw_combined/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/lobghair dreadlocks singing and playing piano in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra.txt to raw_combined/lobghair dreadlocks singing and playing piano in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are showing smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and s.txt to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are showing smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and some are .png to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and some are .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery hor.txt to raw_combined/scary creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery hor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/medium length white and black hair, a young south Korean girl sweating wearing wet pink shoulder les.txt to raw_combined/medium length white and black hair, a young south Korean girl sweating wearing wet pink shoulder les.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/music room In elegant setup guitars, piano, recording microphones, drum set, acoustic panels , light.png to raw_combined/music room In elegant setup guitars, piano, recording microphones, drum set, acoustic panels , light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/shakira a colombian singer cleaning adress in a street water in manila Philippines 1790 people chatt.png to raw_combined/shakira a colombian singer cleaning adress in a street water in manila Philippines 1790 people chatt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic scene. .png to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic scene. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/medium length white highlighter hair, a young Filipina girl has a tattoo on her back, proportional b.txt to raw_combined/medium length white highlighter hair, a young Filipina girl has a tattoo on her back, proportional b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street som.txt to raw_combined/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street som.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH of GUNS AND ROSES BAND with his Guitar made o.png to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH of GUNS AND ROSES BAND with his Guitar made o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing dress long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities.png to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing dress long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut dreadlocks hair and black 5.png to raw_combined/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut dreadlocks hair and black 5.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera and ronin S.png to raw_combined/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera and ronin S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit, candid shot. color matte black, shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic an.png to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit, candid shot. color matte black, shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Jennifer Lawrence selling streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village .txt to raw_combined/Jennifer Lawrence selling streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/cheetah bite the dslr camera in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .png to raw_combined/cheetah bite the dslr camera in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro a Girl made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon b.txt to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro a Girl made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while sin.png to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while sin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while hol.txt to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while hol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white cotton smoke from the back are like a clouds .png to raw_combined/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white cotton smoke from the back are like a clouds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/john lennon old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama hyper realistic quality im.txt to raw_combined/john lennon old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama hyper realistic quality im.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera and ronin S.txt to raw_combined/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera and ronin S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Girl in a Bathtub floating on bubble water while holding a glass of wine and smoking in cinematic .png to raw_combined/a Girl in a Bathtub floating on bubble water while holding a glass of wine and smoking in cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit matte black color shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic sce.txt to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit matte black color shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic sce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Tunne.txt to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Tunne.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a music dummer headbanging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic .txt to raw_combined/a music dummer headbanging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an Oldman thin body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic action pose..png to raw_combined/an Oldman thin body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic action pose..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Michael Jackson at age of 80 year old Man singing holding microphone in cinematic form super realist.txt to raw_combined/Michael Jackson at age of 80 year old Man singing holding microphone in cinematic form super realist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street the.png to raw_combined/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the black panter angry running and chasing on dusty road towards the camera in real life hyper reali.txt to raw_combined/the black panter angry running and chasing on dusty road towards the camera in real life hyper reali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit, candid shot. color matte black, shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic an.txt to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit, candid shot. color matte black, shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Girl in a Bathtub floating on bubble water while holding a glass of wine and smoking in cinematic .txt to raw_combined/a Girl in a Bathtub floating on bubble water while holding a glass of wine and smoking in cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, inside the Li.txt to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, inside the Li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Drummer in band long hair head banging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra re.txt to raw_combined/the Drummer in band long hair head banging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed Michael Jackson made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon blue .png to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed Michael Jackson made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon blue .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Fighting Cinemati.txt to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Fighting Cinemati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a dinosaur wild and angry running and chasing towards the camera on sunset light in real life hyper .txt to raw_combined/a dinosaur wild and angry running and chasing towards the camera on sunset light in real life hyper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the expression wants to come.txt to raw_combined/a girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the expression wants to come.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an office girl busy working alone with the papers flying, neon light, cinematic scene, hyper realist.txt to raw_combined/an office girl busy working alone with the papers flying, neon light, cinematic scene, hyper realist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a macbook pro open the screen, inside the screen has a beautiful asian girl going out of the screen .txt to raw_combined/a macbook pro open the screen, inside the screen has a beautiful asian girl going out of the screen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, Super power, in forest at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Im.txt to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, Super power, in forest at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Im.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a wild animal with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynami.png to raw_combined/a wild animal with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the cage .png to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the cage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing pink skirts fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime red part .txt to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing pink skirts fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime red part .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Fighting Cinemati.png to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Fighting Cinemati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/An angry expression of a huge Snake grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Ta.txt to raw_combined/An angry expression of a huge Snake grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/guitarist and singin Punk screaming in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic.png to raw_combined/guitarist and singin Punk screaming in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/bob marley the reggae singer what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while singing cinemat.png to raw_combined/bob marley the reggae singer what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while singing cinemat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/silent hill in city escape in japan. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cine.txt to raw_combined/silent hill in city escape in japan. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/silent hill in city escape. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cinematograph.txt to raw_combined/silent hill in city escape. Cinematic lighting neon lights, hyper realistic steampunk, cinematograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/An angry expression of a huge Snake grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Ta.png to raw_combined/An angry expression of a huge Snake grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, hacking a ser.png to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, hacking a ser.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the giant Ant and tiny elephant fighting cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic univers.png to raw_combined/the giant Ant and tiny elephant fighting cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic univers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Beatles faces Rembrandt shot in cinematic snoot light style hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/the Beatles faces Rembrandt shot in cinematic snoot light style hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street som.png to raw_combined/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street som.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in pink highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white shoulde.png to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in pink highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white shoulde.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an asian grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adu.txt to raw_combined/an asian grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing red long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities .png to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing red long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a wild and angry lion chasing running towards the camera in real life hyper realistic cinematic univ.txt to raw_combined/a wild and angry lion chasing running towards the camera in real life hyper realistic cinematic univ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white smoke from the back are like a clouds .txt to raw_combined/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white smoke from the back are like a clouds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/in dining table the Pigs family are eating together while chatting. The food are human melted body i.txt to raw_combined/in dining table the Pigs family are eating together while chatting. The food are human melted body i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing alien horror costume fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime .png to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing alien horror costume fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect .png to raw_combined/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/syntheticphotoshoot of black cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman d.png to raw_combined/syntheticphotoshoot of black cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting above the truck with praying mantis alien humanoid a.txt to raw_combined/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting above the truck with praying mantis alien humanoid a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Cris cornell and chester bennington singing and screaming on stage cinematic scene.png to raw_combined/Cris cornell and chester bennington singing and screaming on stage cinematic scene.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while hol.png to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while hol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/full body cyborg fulllength portrait detailed face symmetric steampunk cyberpunk cyborg intricate de.png to raw_combined/full body cyborg fulllength portrait detailed face symmetric steampunk cyberpunk cyborg intricate de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the two gorgeous Japanese young lady pouring water on each other in a street and its raining in mani.txt to raw_combined/the two gorgeous Japanese young lady pouring water on each other in a street and its raining in mani.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de jhonny bravo assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age A.png to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de jhonny bravo assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/bob marley the reggae singer what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while singing cinemat.txt to raw_combined/bob marley the reggae singer what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while singing cinemat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de jhonny bravo assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age A.txt to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de jhonny bravo assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing boxer shorts and razorback fine photography in detail future retro made out of .txt to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing boxer shorts and razorback fine photography in detail future retro made out of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in United Arab Emirates cars and trucks are melted and the smoke from the back are like a cl.png to raw_combined/too hot in United Arab Emirates cars and trucks are melted and the smoke from the back are like a cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic horrifying, dynamic pose expre.txt to raw_combined/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic horrifying, dynamic pose expre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a macbook pro open the screen, inside the screen has a beautiful asian girl going out of the screen .png to raw_combined/a macbook pro open the screen, inside the screen has a beautiful asian girl going out of the screen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression angry, fighting , and some are c.png to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression angry, fighting , and some are c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/latina girl searing and cleaning her dress in a street pouring a water on her in manila Philippines .png to raw_combined/latina girl searing and cleaning her dress in a street pouring a water on her in manila Philippines .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Jennifer Lawrence grilling chicken intestines street food looking at the buyer in manila Philippines.png to raw_combined/Jennifer Lawrence grilling chicken intestines street food looking at the buyer in manila Philippines.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults.txt to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white cotton smoke from the back are like a clouds .txt to raw_combined/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white cotton smoke from the back are like a clouds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/syntheticphotoshoot of cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman dressed.png to raw_combined/syntheticphotoshoot of cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman dressed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an black american .png to raw_combined/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an black american .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/music room In elegant setup guitars, piano, recording microphones, drum set, acoustic panels , light.txt to raw_combined/music room In elegant setup guitars, piano, recording microphones, drum set, acoustic panels , light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a lady bug Macro photoshoot in animated big eye and smiling .txt to raw_combined/a lady bug Macro photoshoot in animated big eye and smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chris Cornell alternative rock artist old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama .png to raw_combined/Chris Cornell alternative rock artist old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a humanoid woman in action expressions with a very interesting background cinematic experience, hype.png to raw_combined/a humanoid woman in action expressions with a very interesting background cinematic experience, hype.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age Amplifies.png to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté at Age Amplifies.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street the.txt to raw_combined/manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village and the expression smiling in street the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of cyborg part for Gala.txt to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of cyborg part for Gala.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut dreadlocks hair and black 5.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut dreadlocks hair and black 5.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera gimbal on t.png to raw_combined/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera gimbal on t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait in orchestral instruments in cinematic style year 1790 super hyper .txt to raw_combined/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait in orchestral instruments in cinematic style year 1790 super hyper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression angry, fighting , and some are c.txt to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression angry, fighting , and some are c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Scenic background. cinematic night lighting.png to raw_combined/a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Scenic background. cinematic night lighting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Beatles faces Rembrandt shot in cinematic snoot light style hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/the Beatles faces Rembrandt shot in cinematic snoot light style hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/john lennon seated while singing in year 2023 cinematic drama hyper realistic quality image .txt to raw_combined/john lennon seated while singing in year 2023 cinematic drama hyper realistic quality image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dwayne Johnson the Rock eating streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the vil.png to raw_combined/Dwayne Johnson the Rock eating streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the vil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/expression scary a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Solid black background. in.png to raw_combined/expression scary a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Solid black background. in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults.png to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a surreal, underwater world cinematic depth of field in the style of H.R. Giger .txt to raw_combined/a surreal, underwater world cinematic depth of field in the style of H.R. Giger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing dress long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities.txt to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing dress long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/john lennon old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama hyper realistic quality im.png to raw_combined/john lennon old man looks while singing upto present year cinematic drama hyper realistic quality im.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dwayne Johnson the Rock eating streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the vil.txt to raw_combined/Dwayne Johnson the Rock eating streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the vil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an Asian woman cra.png to raw_combined/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an Asian woman cra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Earth and other Universe, stars, comets, planets, galaxies, beautiful, fantastic, fantastic art .txt to raw_combined/the Earth and other Universe, stars, comets, planets, galaxies, beautiful, fantastic, fantastic art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping w.txt to raw_combined/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing terminator fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of .txt to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing terminator fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a an Asian Father and Daughter praying to God to give a strength and Blessings. Father figure is Lo.png to raw_combined/a an Asian Father and Daughter praying to God to give a strength and Blessings. Father figure is Lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults Alo.txt to raw_combined/a grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults Alo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Scott Weiland a grunge alternative rock artist what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 whi.txt to raw_combined/Scott Weiland a grunge alternative rock artist what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping w.png to raw_combined/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait playing Piano together with orchestral instruments in cinematic sty.txt to raw_combined/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait playing Piano together with orchestral instruments in cinematic sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the Earth and other Universe, stars, comets, planets, galaxies, beautiful, fantastic, fantastic art .png to raw_combined/the Earth and other Universe, stars, comets, planets, galaxies, beautiful, fantastic, fantastic art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery h.txt to raw_combined/scary melted creature. Slimy red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed Michael Jackson made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon blue .txt to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed Michael Jackson made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon blue .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/shakira a colombian singer cleaning adress in a street water in manila Philippines 1790 people chatt.txt to raw_combined/shakira a colombian singer cleaning adress in a street water in manila Philippines 1790 people chatt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed 30 years old woman cyborg driving futuristic car. made out of cy.png to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed 30 years old woman cyborg driving futuristic car. made out of cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/medium length white and black hair, a young south Korean girl sweating wearing wet pink shoulder les.png to raw_combined/medium length white and black hair, a young south Korean girl sweating wearing wet pink shoulder les.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/An angry expression of a huge Snake Anaconda grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Ph.txt to raw_combined/An angry expression of a huge Snake Anaconda grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in brown blonde dreadlocks hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet whit.png to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in brown blonde dreadlocks hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery hor.png to raw_combined/scary creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic background scenery hor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an attractive black skinny girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the.png to raw_combined/an attractive black skinny girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the giant Ant and tiny elephant fighting cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic univers.txt to raw_combined/the giant Ant and tiny elephant fighting cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic univers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white smoke from the back are like a clouds .png to raw_combined/too hot in uae truck are melted and the white smoke from the back are like a clouds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of vikings cinematic hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of vikings cinematic hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait in orchestral instruments in cinematic style year 1790 super hyper .png to raw_combined/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait in orchestral instruments in cinematic style year 1790 super hyper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a lady bug Macro photoshoot in animated big eye and smiling .png to raw_combined/a lady bug Macro photoshoot in animated big eye and smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Tunne.png to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Adults Tunne.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/syntheticphotoshoot of black cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman d.txt to raw_combined/syntheticphotoshoot of black cat woman in hyper realistic, cinematic scene, gothic Victorian woman d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting courtside at a lakers game with praying mantis alien.png to raw_combined/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting courtside at a lakers game with praying mantis alien.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait playing Piano together with orchestral instruments in cinematic sty.png to raw_combined/Ludwig van Beethoven in Portrait playing Piano together with orchestral instruments in cinematic sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/cheetah bite the dslr camera in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .txt to raw_combined/cheetah bite the dslr camera in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a dinosaur wild and angry running and chasing towards the camera on sunset light in real life hyper .png to raw_combined/a dinosaur wild and angry running and chasing towards the camera on sunset light in real life hyper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an Asian woman cra.txt to raw_combined/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an Asian woman cra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the community place in Philippines a lot of classic establishments wayback 1900 in cinematic history.txt to raw_combined/the community place in Philippines a lot of classic establishments wayback 1900 in cinematic history.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an office girl busy working alone with the papers flying, neon light, cinematic scene, hyper realist.png to raw_combined/an office girl busy working alone with the papers flying, neon light, cinematic scene, hyper realist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Scenic background. cinematic night lighting.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Scenic background. cinematic night lighting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an attractive black skinny girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the.txt to raw_combined/an attractive black skinny girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of vikings cinematic hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of vikings cinematic hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the community place in Philippines a lot of classic establishments wayback 1900 in cinematic history.png to raw_combined/the community place in Philippines a lot of classic establishments wayback 1900 in cinematic history.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH of GUNS AND ROSES BAND with his Guitar made o.txt to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH of GUNS AND ROSES BAND with his Guitar made o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of Frank Frazetta cinematic hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of Frank Frazetta cinematic hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/giant and and tiny elephant in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .png to raw_combined/giant and and tiny elephant in safari cinematic light real life hyper realistic cinematic universe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed 30 years old woman cyborg driving futuristic car. made out of cy.txt to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed 30 years old woman cyborg driving futuristic car. made out of cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect silhou.png to raw_combined/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect silhou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, hacking a ser.txt to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, hacking a ser.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing terminator fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of .png to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing terminator fine studio photography in detail future retro made out of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an black american .txt to raw_combined/In a futuristic world where technology and ancient mysticism intertwine, envision an black american .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing alien horror costume fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime .txt to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing alien horror costume fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/latina girl searing and cleaning her dress in a street pouring a water on her in manila Philippines .txt to raw_combined/latina girl searing and cleaning her dress in a street pouring a water on her in manila Philippines .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are showing smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and s.png to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are showing smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/seating on the side of acoustic piano Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 chasing towards the camera and th.png to raw_combined/seating on the side of acoustic piano Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 chasing towards the camera and th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photograph of Freddie Mercury summoning a purple snake from her sleeve, Canon EOS R6, Camera lens ty.txt to raw_combined/photograph of Freddie Mercury summoning a purple snake from her sleeve, Canon EOS R6, Camera lens ty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Michael Jackson wearing black signature attire with white gloves singing screaming holding microphon.png to raw_combined/Michael Jackson wearing black signature attire with white gloves singing screaming holding microphon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut hair and black 5 oclock sha.png to raw_combined/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut hair and black 5 oclock sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a perfect water drop multi pastel color in an elegant wine glass. Portrait photography professional .png to raw_combined/a perfect water drop multi pastel color in an elegant wine glass. Portrait photography professional .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/GREENDAY BAND punk Mohawks hair style 90s singing and screaming cinematic style hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/GREENDAY BAND punk Mohawks hair style 90s singing and screaming cinematic style hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the cage .txt to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de hulk assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the cage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH with his Guitar made out of cyborg parts with.png to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH with his Guitar made out of cyborg parts with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of Frank Frazetta cinematic hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/A historical, epic battle scene in the style of Frank Frazetta cinematic hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while sin.txt to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 while sin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/GREENDAY BAND punk Mohawks hair style 90s singing and screaming cinematic style hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/GREENDAY BAND punk Mohawks hair style 90s singing and screaming cinematic style hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing boxer shorts and razorback fine photography in detail future retro made out of .png to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing boxer shorts and razorback fine photography in detail future retro made out of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting courtside at a lakers game with praying mantis alien.txt to raw_combined/photo realistic arachnid alien humanoid sitting courtside at a lakers game with praying mantis alien.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in brown blonde dreadlocks hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet whit.txt to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in brown blonde dreadlocks hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect .txt to raw_combined/a Long hair dreadlocks guy playing Classic piano with spot light from window cinematic effect .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/rock band singer Dark Gothic expression. Super skin texture detailed. Slime red on skin. Portrait ph.txt to raw_combined/rock band singer Dark Gothic expression. Super skin texture detailed. Slime red on skin. Portrait ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Filipina goddess in brown highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white should.png to raw_combined/Filipina goddess in brown highlight hair on the beach, tanning on the beach wearing wet white should.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Jennifer Lawrence grilling chicken intestines street food looking at the buyer in manila Philippines.txt to raw_combined/Jennifer Lawrence grilling chicken intestines street food looking at the buyer in manila Philippines.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A woman with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic acti.txt to raw_combined/A woman with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynamic acti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a an Asian Father and Daughter praying to God to give a strength and Blessings. Father figure is Lo.txt to raw_combined/a an Asian Father and Daughter praying to God to give a strength and Blessings. Father figure is Lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Jennifer Lawrence selling streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village .png to raw_combined/Jennifer Lawrence selling streetfood in manila Philippines 1790 people chatting outside the village .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the black panter angry running and chasing on dusty road towards the camera in real life hyper reali.png to raw_combined/the black panter angry running and chasing on dusty road towards the camera in real life hyper reali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted animal creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic backgrou.txt to raw_combined/scary melted animal creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/seating on the side of acoustic piano Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 chasing towards the camera and th.txt to raw_combined/seating on the side of acoustic piano Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 chasing towards the camera and th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the expression wants to come.png to raw_combined/a girl inside the screen of macbook pro, chasing towards the camera and the expression wants to come.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/rock band singer Dark Gothic expression. Super skin texture detailed. Slime red on skin. Portrait ph.png to raw_combined/rock band singer Dark Gothic expression. Super skin texture detailed. Slime red on skin. Portrait ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/medium length white highlighter hair, a young Filipina girl has a tattoo on her back, proportional b.png to raw_combined/medium length white highlighter hair, a young Filipina girl has a tattoo on her back, proportional b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Michael Jackson wearing black signature attire with white gloves singing screaming holding microphon.txt to raw_combined/Michael Jackson wearing black signature attire with white gloves singing screaming holding microphon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a surreal, underwater world cinematic depth of field in the style of H.R. Giger .png to raw_combined/a surreal, underwater world cinematic depth of field in the style of H.R. Giger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/scary melted animal creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic backgrou.png to raw_combined/scary melted animal creature. Slimy dark red photorealism, pretty hyper realistic cinematic backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a wild animal with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynami.txt to raw_combined/a wild animal with a perfect body figured Candid expression full body shot of a futuristic in dynami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera gimbal on t.txt to raw_combined/long hair dreadlocks tattooed arm playing on classic piano while the professional camera gimbal on t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/an asian grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adu.png to raw_combined/an asian grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Scott Weiland a grunge alternative rock artist what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 whi.png to raw_combined/Scott Weiland a grunge alternative rock artist what he looks like when he get old this year 2023 whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping c.png to raw_combined/A picturesque photograph capturing a sphynx cat sitting on a mossy log near a serene lake, sipping c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park holding microphone and screaming on stage what he looks lik.png to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park holding microphone and screaming on stage what he looks lik.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro a Girl made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon b.png to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro a Girl made out of cyborg parts with glowing neon b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de spiderman assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the .txt to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de spiderman assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Michael Jackson at age of 80 year old Man singing holding microphone in cinematic form super realist.png to raw_combined/Michael Jackson at age of 80 year old Man singing holding microphone in cinematic form super realist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing red long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities .txt to raw_combined/Arnold schwarzenegger wearing red long gown for Gala with a lot of paparazzi and other celebrities .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with steampunk, Busy in Library, .png to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with steampunk, Busy in Library, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and some are .txt to raw_combined/people in street party with public servants are smoking, expression smiling, laughing, and some are .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/guitarist and singin Punk screaming in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic.txt to raw_combined/guitarist and singin Punk screaming in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut hair and black 5 oclock sha.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a asian young tattoo artist, early 20s, with shaved undercut hair and black 5 oclock sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, inside the Li.png to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with drip and swag, inside the Li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults Alo.png to raw_combined/a grand mothers Birthday, Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Impact Focus Older Adults Alo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a music dummer headbanging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic .png to raw_combined/a music dummer headbanging in Pixar form live on stage cinematic spot light ultra realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Cris cornell and chester bennington singing and screaming on stage cinematic scene.txt to raw_combined/Cris cornell and chester bennington singing and screaming on stage cinematic scene.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit matte black color shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic sce.png to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit matte black color shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic sce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/An angry expression of a huge Snake Anaconda grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Ph.png to raw_combined/An angry expression of a huge Snake Anaconda grabbing a scared Lion Age Amplifies Distraction How Ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with steampunk, Busy in Library, .txt to raw_combined/2000s screengrab of SUPERWIDE shot of street black and asian teens with steampunk, Busy in Library, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a humanoid woman in action expressions with a very interesting background cinematic experience, hype.txt to raw_combined/a humanoid woman in action expressions with a very interesting background cinematic experience, hype.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/the two gorgeous Japanese young lady pouring water on each other in a street and its raining in mani.png to raw_combined/the two gorgeous Japanese young lady pouring water on each other in a street and its raining in mani.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/niji5 exosuit shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic scene. .txt to raw_combined/niji5 exosuit shoot in 85mm f 1.4 , razor sharp, hyper realistic and cinematic scene. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH with his Guitar made out of cyborg parts with.txt to raw_combined/fine Studio photography of detailed future retro SLASH with his Guitar made out of cyborg parts with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Keanu Reeves wearing pink skirts fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime red part .png to raw_combined/Keanu Reeves wearing pink skirts fine photography in detail future retro made out of slime red part .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park holding microphone and screaming on stage what he looks lik.txt to raw_combined/Chester Bennington singer of linkin park holding microphone and screaming on stage what he looks lik.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/in dining table the Pigs family are eating together while chatting. The food are human melted body i.png to raw_combined/in dining table the Pigs family are eating together while chatting. The food are human melted body i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/a perfect water drop multi pastel color in an elegant wine glass. Portrait photography professional .txt to raw_combined/a perfect water drop multi pastel color in an elegant wine glass. Portrait photography professional .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/expression scary a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Solid black background. in.txt to raw_combined/expression scary a photo of a jester in carnival setting. Hyperrealistic. Solid black background. in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/aracnight, la version alternative de spiderman assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the .png to raw_combined/aracnight, la version alternative de spiderman assis audessus de la statue de la liberté inside the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_48/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, Super power, in forest at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Im.png to raw_combined/Dhalsim yoga fire, Gothic, Super power, in forest at Age Amplifies Distraction How Physical Tasks Im.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of modern interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, textile .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of modern interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, textile .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of a young woman, with torn clothes, dishevelled hair,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of a young woman, with torn clothes, dishevelled hair,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a golden eagle .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a golden eagle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a young woman nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pi.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a young woman nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, one with white and bl.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, one with white and bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture skin, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture skin, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look, national geograp.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look, national geograp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of an androgynous person, wearing feminine dress, makeu.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of an androgynous person, wearing feminine dress, makeu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of a young man with giant and stunning angel wings, flying and .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of a young man with giant and stunning angel wings, flying and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, brids .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, brids .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, bac.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect and skin, lively look, smiling, pos.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect and skin, lively look, smiling, pos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, background lotus flow.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, background lotus flow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheek.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheek.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young mowen, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young mowen, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, tr.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, tr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, st.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a six head young woman sea nymph monster, tragic look, pale bl.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a six head young woman sea nymph monster, tragic look, pale bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, olive green and p.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, olive green and p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look, happy .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look, happy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers in the style of Nicolas Polli, hyacinth fl.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers in the style of Nicolas Polli, hyacinth fl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of two young women, sisters, white brown and black dresses, white brown a.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of two young women, sisters, white brown and black dresses, white brown a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden object, gold material, golden colors, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden object, gold material, golden colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, smiling, posing,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, smiling, posing,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a stunning young woman sea nymph, hopeless in love, in love lo.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a stunning young woman sea nymph, hopeless in love, in love lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/ultra hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, scared face, uphols.txt to raw_combined/ultra hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, scared face, uphols.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an under sea ecosystem, with a lot of mermaid and triton, go.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an under sea ecosystem, with a lot of mermaid and triton, go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman sitting on the floor, wearing black and funeral .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman sitting on the floor, wearing black and funeral .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman with human body and the head of a spid.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman with human body and the head of a spid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light , intricate spider net, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light , intricate spider net, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of an old black man, flabby and sagging skin, sick look, pale col.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of an old black man, flabby and sagging skin, sick look, pale col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, op.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, op.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk dress, backgroun.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk dress, backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother with terrified look, with her 5 ye.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother with terrified look, with her 5 ye.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, gold b.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, gold b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of a young man with giant and stunning angel wings, flying and .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of a young man with giant and stunning angel wings, flying and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother crying, terrified look, with her 5.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother crying, terrified look, with her 5.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, te.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, golden.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, golden.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young woman, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young woman, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a fullbody young woman, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mo.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a fullbody young woman, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect and skin, lively look, smiling, pos.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect and skin, lively look, smiling, pos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, crane birds upholster.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, crane birds upholster.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography side angle of a greek bride and a greek groom, bride white and brown dres.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography side angle of a greek bride and a greek groom, bride white and brown dres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower, velvet decor.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower, velvet decor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a swimmer breaking through the ice, icy landscape .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a swimmer breaking through the ice, icy landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of some hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of some hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark hair, pale white .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark hair, pale white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mother pearl.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mother pearl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden object, gold material, golden colors, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden object, gold material, golden colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mother pearl.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mother pearl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one Kingfisher, kingfisher colors, loving look, nation.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one Kingfisher, kingfisher colors, loving look, nation.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a female statue, opalescent colors, opalescent material, mother pearl .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a female statue, opalescent colors, opalescent material, mother pearl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography birds eye angle of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis m.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography birds eye angle of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, holding a gun, gun, c.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, holding a gun, gun, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly decorated, olive.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly decorated, olive.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a trans man nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pink.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a trans man nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pink.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, one with white and bl.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, one with white and bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast colors, intricate spider net, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast colors, intricate spider net, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman, wearing black and funeral dress, blac.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman, wearing black and funeral dress, blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman hand doing crochet, white beige and red colors .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman hand doing crochet, white beige and red colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheek.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheek.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother with terrified look, with her 5 ye.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother with terrified look, with her 5 ye.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography full body of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture s.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography full body of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman crying, crying a lot, sea tears, blue transparent dress,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman crying, crying a lot, sea tears, blue transparent dress,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a bald sea eagle .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a bald sea eagle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, pale color skin,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, pale color skin,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, eating vo.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, eating vo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis man, strong and b.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis man, strong and b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, golden.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, golden.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark hair, pale white .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark hair, pale white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young woman, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young woman, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of the fall of icarus, young man with giant angel wings, the fall of icar.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of the fall of icarus, young man with giant angel wings, the fall of icar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a man with silver hair and beard, wearing white linx.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a man with silver hair and beard, wearing white linx.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look, casual clothes .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look, casual clothes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman crying, crying a lot, sea tears, blue transparent dress,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman crying, crying a lot, sea tears, blue transparent dress,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of some hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of some hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark long messy hair, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark long messy hair, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light , intricate spider net, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light , intricate spider net, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, stilllife, surrea.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, stilllife, surrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a six head young woman sea nymph monster, tragic look, pale bl.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a six head young woman sea nymph monster, tragic look, pale bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, op.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, op.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/closeup macro photorealistic, cinematic, photography, photo, young handsome man, pale skin, blushed .txt to raw_combined/closeup macro photorealistic, cinematic, photography, photo, young handsome man, pale skin, blushed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, wit.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, a lot of .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, a lot of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman with human body and the head of a spid.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman with human body and the head of a spid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look, casual clothes .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look, casual clothes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a multitude of hands trying to touching a transparent sphere in the ce.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a multitude of hands trying to touching a transparent sphere in the ce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a Cyprian pregnant young woman, sitting on a chair, next to he.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a Cyprian pregnant young woman, sitting on a chair, next to he.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, white backgro.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, white backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a swimmer breaking through the ice, icy landscape .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a swimmer breaking through the ice, icy landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband, weddi.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband, weddi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, white brown and black.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, white brown and black.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of two old lovers, really in love with each other, humble look, humble cl.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of two old lovers, really in love with each other, humble look, humble cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, olive green and p.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, olive green and p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, stilllife, surrea.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife daffodil flowers composition, stilllife, surrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one Kingfisher, kingfisher colors, loving look, nation.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one Kingfisher, kingfisher colors, loving look, nation.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography birds eye angle of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis m.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography birds eye angle of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of cypress tree branches, deers horns, mountain mood, m.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of cypress tree branches, deers horns, mountain mood, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk dress, backgroun.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk dress, backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, smiling, posing,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, smiling, posing,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis man, strong and b.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young man lying on an anemone flower field, adonis man, strong and b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, te.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, white brown and black.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young women, sisters, holding hands, white brown and black.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a Cyprian pregnant young woman, sitting on a chair, next to he.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a Cyprian pregnant young woman, sitting on a chair, next to he.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk and lace transpa.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk and lace transpa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a greek bride, white and brown dress, mountain dress, sad look.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a greek bride, white and brown dress, mountain dress, sad look.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the portrait a Greek young woman, escaping, run, wind,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the portrait a Greek young woman, escaping, run, wind,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, holding a gun, gun, c.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, holding a gun, gun, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the portrait a Greek young woman, escaping, run, wind,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the portrait a Greek young woman, escaping, run, wind,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a stunning young woman sea nymph, hopeless in love, in love lo.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a stunning young woman sea nymph, hopeless in love, in love lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman crying, sea tears, blue transparent dress, sea c.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman crying, sea tears, blue transparent dress, sea c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a greek bride, white and brown dress, mountain dress, sad look.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a greek bride, white and brown dress, mountain dress, sad look.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, brids .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, brids .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband, weddi.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of two old hands holding, lovely, wife and husband, weddi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a golden eagle .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a golden eagle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman, wearing black and funeral dress, blac.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a young woman, wearing black and funeral dress, blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, eating vo.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, eating vo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, st.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a bald sea eagle .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of the claws of a bald sea eagle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background silk gr.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background silk gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman hand doing crochet, white beige and red colors .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman hand doing crochet, white beige and red colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of Athena, goddess of knowledge and strategic war, stunning young.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother crying, terrified look, with her 5.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography medium full shot eye level of a mother crying, terrified look, with her 5.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a female statue, opalescent colors, opalescent material, mother pearl .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a female statue, opalescent colors, opalescent material, mother pearl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young mowen, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of two young mowen, sisters, holding hands, cotton brown dresses,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly decorated, olive.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography stilllife of a vase with daffodil flowers inside, highly decorated, olive.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a young woman nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pi.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a young woman nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, dishevelled hair, dirty face, cr.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, dishevelled hair, dirty face, cr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background silk gr.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background silk gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, sisters, dishevelled hair, dirty.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, sisters, dishevelled hair, dirty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a Cyprian young woman pregnant, sitting on the floor in a little room,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a Cyprian young woman pregnant, sitting on the floor in a little room,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, backgroun.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look, happy .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one kingfisher, Kingfisher colors, loving look, happy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, pale color skin,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young black man, perfect skin, lively look, pale color skin,.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a beautiful young trans woman, Indya Moore, actress Indya Moor.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a beautiful young trans woman, Indya Moore, actress Indya Moor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography full body of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture s.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography full body of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, background lotus flow.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, background lotus flow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a beautiful young trans woman, Indya Moore, actress Indya Moor.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a beautiful young trans woman, Indya Moore, actress Indya Moor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, sisters, dishevelled hair, dirty.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, sisters, dishevelled hair, dirty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, strange .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, strange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/ultra hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, scared face, uphols.png to raw_combined/ultra hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, scared face, uphols.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, tr.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup side angle of two hands trying to touch each other but cannot, tr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/closeup macro photorealistic, cinematic, photography, photo, young handsome man, pale skin, blushed .png to raw_combined/closeup macro photorealistic, cinematic, photography, photo, young handsome man, pale skin, blushed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young beautiful man lying on hyacinth flowers, purple colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life with a bald sea eagle, honey, transparent vase, golden .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life with a bald sea eagle, honey, transparent vase, golden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look, national geograp.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look, national geograp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a Cyprian young woman pregnant, sitting on the floor in a little room,.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a Cyprian young woman pregnant, sitting on the floor in a little room,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, sad and courageous look, strange amp.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, sad and courageous look, strange amp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers in the style of Nicolas Polli, hyacinth fl.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers in the style of Nicolas Polli, hyacinth fl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of two young women, sisters, white brown and black dresses, white brown a.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of two young women, sisters, white brown and black dresses, white brown a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of cypress tree branches, deers horns, mountain mood, m.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of cypress tree branches, deers horns, mountain mood, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a trans man nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pink.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of a trans man nature nymph, pale green pastel skin, pink.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, white backgro.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast light, intricate spider net, white backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of an old black man, flabby and sagging skin, sick look, pale col.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of an old black man, flabby and sagging skin, sick look, pale col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, a lot of .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a big adult man, sitting at the table, eating, eating a lot, a lot of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark long messy hair, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young skinny man, pale skin, dark color eyes, dark long messy hair, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast colors, intricate spider net, .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a spider net, huge contrast colors, intricate spider net, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers, hyacinth flowers, transparent detailed va.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers, hyacinth flowers, transparent detailed va.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture skin, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young man, gold color skin, gold material, gloss texture skin, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a transparent sphere irradiating golden sun light, black background .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a transparent sphere irradiating golden sun light, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life with a bald sea eagle, honey, transparent vase, golden .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life with a bald sea eagle, honey, transparent vase, golden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheeks, weari.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheeks, weari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a transparent sphere irradiating golden sun light, black background .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a transparent sphere irradiating golden sun light, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk and lace transpa.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young woman, pink and dark acquamarine colors, silk and lace transpa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an under sea ecosystem, with a lot of mermaid and triton, go.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography low angle of an under sea ecosystem, with a lot of mermaid and triton, go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look .txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a man floating on a river, birds eye angle, sad look .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, bac.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of two old lovers, really in love with each other, humble look, humble cl.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of two old lovers, really in love with each other, humble look, humble cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of a fruit basket with three golden apples, background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, strange .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong young man, muscles, sad and courageous look, strange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of a young woman, with torn clothes, dishevelled hair,.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of a young woman, with torn clothes, dishevelled hair,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers, hyacinth flowers, transparent detailed va.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography still life of hyacinth flowers, hyacinth flowers, transparent detailed va.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river, natio.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river, natio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a fullbody young woman, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mo.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a fullbody young woman, opalescent color skin, opalescent material, mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheeks, weari.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a river nymph, pale pastel aquamarine skin, pink cheeks, weari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, backgroun.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman sitting on the floor, wearing black and funeral .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman sitting on the floor, wearing black and funeral .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman crying, sea tears, blue transparent dress, sea c.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman crying, sea tears, blue transparent dress, sea c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a multitude of hands trying to touching a transparent sphere in the ce.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a multitude of hands trying to touching a transparent sphere in the ce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of an androgynous person, wearing feminine dress, makeu.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of an androgynous person, wearing feminine dress, makeu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, dishevelled hair, dirty face, cr.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup high angle of three young women, dishevelled hair, dirty face, cr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young albino woman, pale skin, pale color eyes, pale white colors, d.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young albino woman, pale skin, pale color eyes, pale white colors, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of modern interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, textile .png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of modern interior design, furniture made out of knitted fabric, textile .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, wit.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a young woman, powerful witch, angry look, posing, makeup, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, gold b.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of golden objects, gold material, golden colors, gold b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, sad and courageous look, strange amp.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup of a strong black young man, sad and courageous look, strange amp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography side angle of a greek bride and a greek groom, bride white and brown dres.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography side angle of a greek bride and a greek groom, bride white and brown dres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river, natio.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life of merganser, mounth opened, swimming on a river, natio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, crane birds upholster.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a dwarf man, dwarfism, dark beard, tiny, strong, crane birds upholster.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of a young albino woman, pale skin, pale color eyes, pale white colors, d.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of a young albino woman, pale skin, pale color eyes, pale white colors, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower, velvet decor.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography modern still life anemone flowers, red anemone color flower, velvet decor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography of the fall of icarus, young man with giant angel wings, the fall of icar.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography of the fall of icarus, young man with giant angel wings, the fall of icar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_52/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a man with silver hair and beard, wearing white linx.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography closeup low angle of a man with silver hair and beard, wearing white linx.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical bee, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical bee, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A fastpaced still of a car chase, with motion blur and a dynamic composition that conveys the adrena.txt to raw_combined/A fastpaced still of a car chase, with motion blur and a dynamic composition that conveys the adrena.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/bodega, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/bodega, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/los angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.png to raw_combined/los angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, glam chic, y2k aesthetic.txt to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, glam chic, y2k aesthetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rundown apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.png to raw_combined/rundown apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/sirens, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png to raw_combined/sirens, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/queercore medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/couch in a field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic.png to raw_combined/couch in a field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Pho.txt to raw_combined/Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A dramatic still of two characters locked in a tense embrace, their faces inches apart. The lighting.png to raw_combined/A dramatic still of two characters locked in a tense embrace, their faces inches apart. The lighting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/punk rock artist, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy.png to raw_combined/punk rock artist, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Beautiful Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy b.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in the vatican, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special eff.png to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in the vatican, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special eff.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.txt to raw_combined/liminal prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt to raw_combined/trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/midsommar, ari asters style, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthe.png to raw_combined/midsommar, ari asters style, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Onibaba 1964, establishing shot, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style.png to raw_combined/Onibaba 1964, establishing shot, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/giant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt to raw_combined/giant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, miles ald.txt to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, miles ald.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/bodega, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/bodega, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A fastpaced still of a car chase, motion blur and a dynamic composition, adrenalinefueled intensity .png to raw_combined/A fastpaced still of a car chase, motion blur and a dynamic composition, adrenalinefueled intensity .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png to raw_combined/liminal asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/hot air baloon, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.txt to raw_combined/hot air baloon, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rural town, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/rural town, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/vampire, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/vampire, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A solitary tree standing tall in an open field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks .txt to raw_combined/A solitary tree standing tall in an open field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot transhuman, fredrico fellinis cinematic sty.png to raw_combined/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot transhuman, fredrico fellinis cinematic sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinemati.png to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinemati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dwarves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/dwarves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, movie sti.png to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, movie sti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tales from the crypt, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthe.png to raw_combined/tales from the crypt, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/vampire, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/vampire, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beachpunk nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/beachpunk nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/synagogue, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/new york city, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bou.png to raw_combined/new york city, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, Afrofuturism, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens s.png to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, Afrofuturism, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A breathtaking aerial view of a lone figure standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast and r.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking aerial view of a lone figure standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast and r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png to raw_combined/uncanny interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Beautiful Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy b.png to raw_combined/Beautiful Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png to raw_combined/nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/werewolves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt to raw_combined/werewolves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesth.txt to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/cracked teacup, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, .png to raw_combined/cracked teacup, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artificial intelligence flight attendant woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.png to raw_combined/artificial intelligence flight attendant woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical creature, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical creature, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny serial killer dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special.txt to raw_combined/uncanny serial killer dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/latent space, Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bour.txt to raw_combined/latent space, Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bour.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A dimly lit room with a single beam of sunlight streaming through a cracked window, illuminating a d.png to raw_combined/A dimly lit room with a single beam of sunlight streaming through a cracked window, illuminating a d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny dreamscape, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.png to raw_combined/uncanny dreamscape, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/mothman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/mothman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal salon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/liminal salon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, ari asters cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge,.txt to raw_combined/desert, ari asters cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/eyes covering the capitol building, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.png to raw_combined/eyes covering the capitol building, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/angry old woman, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/angry old woman, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/ghost, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.png to raw_combined/ghost, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/synagogue, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/xenomorph, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt to raw_combined/xenomorph, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/glamour, desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.txt to raw_combined/glamour, desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/queercore nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian zeppelin sky scraper, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .png to raw_combined/dystopian zeppelin sky scraper, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical dog, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical dog, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, pastel goth, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens st.txt to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, pastel goth, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, rude, police Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic sty.png to raw_combined/fashion model, rude, police Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Onibaba 1964, establishing shot, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style.txt to raw_combined/Onibaba 1964, establishing shot, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.png to raw_combined/uncanny prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/halfframe, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic.png to raw_combined/halfframe, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/giant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png to raw_combined/giant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Onibaba 1964, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthet.txt to raw_combined/Onibaba 1964, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/uncanny hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/glam fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png to raw_combined/glam fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, rude, police Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic sty.txt to raw_combined/fashion model, rude, police Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/architecture, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/architecture, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A fastpaced still of a car chase, motion blur and a dynamic composition, adrenalinefueled intensity .txt to raw_combined/A fastpaced still of a car chase, motion blur and a dynamic composition, adrenalinefueled intensity .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, c.txt to raw_combined/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.png to raw_combined/theatre, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt to raw_combined/brutalist mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny spy agency headquarters, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png to raw_combined/uncanny spy agency headquarters, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist prison yard, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.png to raw_combined/brutalist prison yard, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/luxury apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.png to raw_combined/luxury apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/centaur portrait, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, movie still, y.png to raw_combined/centaur portrait, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, movie still, y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/uncanny hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/sunglasses, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mile.txt to raw_combined/sunglasses, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt to raw_combined/uncanny interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/cracked teacup, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, .txt to raw_combined/cracked teacup, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.png to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Les Diaboliques 1955, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic.png to raw_combined/Les Diaboliques 1955, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny female robot spy agency safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.txt to raw_combined/uncanny female robot spy agency safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png to raw_combined/artifical intelligence, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist prison yard, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.txt to raw_combined/brutalist prison yard, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man falling from the sky, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/man falling from the sky, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.txt to raw_combined/liminal uncanny dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in museum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in museum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic bankers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, .png to raw_combined/demonic bankers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/basillisks, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png to raw_combined/basillisks, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon stock traders, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/demon stock traders, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.txt to raw_combined/theatre, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fil.png to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/prison yard, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png to raw_combined/prison yard, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/mothman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/mothman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Suspiria 1977, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/Suspiria 1977, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic bankers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, .txt to raw_combined/demonic bankers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, pastel goth, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens st.png to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, pastel goth, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in tokyo flood tunnels, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen spe.txt to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in tokyo flood tunnels, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen spe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/orcs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.txt to raw_combined/orcs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence receptionist cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style.png to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence receptionist cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/picnic, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles al.png to raw_combined/picnic, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/yeti, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.txt to raw_combined/yeti, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, detective, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic.png to raw_combined/fashion model, detective, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/jersey devil, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt to raw_combined/jersey devil, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen sp.txt to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rundown apartment exterior, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fi.png to raw_combined/rundown apartment exterior, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/synagogue, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/seamonster, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt to raw_combined/seamonster, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, r.png to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/movie still of werewolves on the basketball court, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhause.txt to raw_combined/movie still of werewolves on the basketball court, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhause.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, glam chic, y2k aesthetic.png to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, glam chic, y2k aesthetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray .txt to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/queercore nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Possession 1981, chic fashion, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aest.png to raw_combined/Possession 1981, chic fashion, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.txt to raw_combined/Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.txt to raw_combined/uncanny prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.txt to raw_combined/queercore zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beautiful alienrobot woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt to raw_combined/beautiful alienrobot woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence irongiant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.png to raw_combined/artifical intelligence irongiant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Suspiria 1977, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/Suspiria 1977, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artificial intelligence flight attendant woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.txt to raw_combined/artificial intelligence flight attendant woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.txt to raw_combined/uncanny safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.png to raw_combined/uncanny safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesth.png to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/alien, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.txt to raw_combined/alien, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldrid.txt to raw_combined/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldrid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisia.txt to raw_combined/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png to raw_combined/brutalist mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A highkey still of a ballerina in midleap, frozen in a graceful pose, capturing the elegance and bea.png to raw_combined/A highkey still of a ballerina in midleap, frozen in a graceful pose, capturing the elegance and bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/los Angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.txt to raw_combined/los Angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/road trip, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.txt to raw_combined/road trip, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/kid, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.txt to raw_combined/kid, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/carnival of souls 1962, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, .txt to raw_combined/carnival of souls 1962, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beautiful alien woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/beautiful alien woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Kwaidan 1964, chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, movi.png to raw_combined/Kwaidan 1964, chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, movi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.png to raw_combined/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre flats, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.txt to raw_combined/theatre flats, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt to raw_combined/demon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical giant pet, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical giant pet, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, miles ald.png to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, miles ald.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt to raw_combined/liminal uncanny mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, movie sti.txt to raw_combined/man buried in desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, movie sti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A solitary tree standing tall in an open field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks .png to raw_combined/A solitary tree standing tall in an open field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre set design, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/theatre set design, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/flight attendant woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt to raw_combined/flight attendant woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, detective, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic.txt to raw_combined/fashion model, detective, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.png to raw_combined/artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/jersey devil, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png to raw_combined/jersey devil, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rogue artifical intelligence in space, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen .png to raw_combined/rogue artifical intelligence in space, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women swimming, 1950s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.png to raw_combined/Women swimming, 1950s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/mechanical dystopian zeppelin sky scrapers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.png to raw_combined/mechanical dystopian zeppelin sky scrapers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt to raw_combined/uncanny asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical creature, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical creature, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/liminal hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian zeppelin warehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.png to raw_combined/dystopian zeppelin warehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, punk, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.txt to raw_combined/fashion model, punk, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny female robot spy agency safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.png to raw_combined/uncanny female robot spy agency safehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/detective Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y.png to raw_combined/detective Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical dog, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical dog, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/ghost, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.txt to raw_combined/ghost, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon stock traders, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/demon stock traders, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian zeppelin sky scraper, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .txt to raw_combined/dystopian zeppelin sky scraper, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/smalltown america, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy.txt to raw_combined/smalltown america, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical giant pet, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical giant pet, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.txt to raw_combined/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, 1980s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/synagogue, 1980s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women swimming, 1950s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.txt to raw_combined/Women swimming, 1950s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/carnival of souls 1962, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic a.txt to raw_combined/carnival of souls 1962, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A haunting still of a dilapidated old house, covered in ivy, with shattered windows and a sense of a.txt to raw_combined/A haunting still of a dilapidated old house, covered in ivy, with shattered windows and a sense of a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k.txt to raw_combined/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds, armed guards, paparazzi, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen s.txt to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds, armed guards, paparazzi, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, david lynchs cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge, .txt to raw_combined/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, david lynchs cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/detective Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y.txt to raw_combined/detective Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy chic, y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/eyes covering the capitol building, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.txt to raw_combined/eyes covering the capitol building, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/king kong, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png to raw_combined/king kong, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A closeup shot of a pair of eyes peering through a keyhole, filled with curiosity and intrigue, fred.txt to raw_combined/A closeup shot of a pair of eyes peering through a keyhole, filled with curiosity and intrigue, fred.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photography, .png to raw_combined/1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/orcs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.png to raw_combined/orcs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/hot air baloon, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.png to raw_combined/hot air baloon, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/An empty swing swaying gently in a playground, evoking a sense of childhood memories and nostalgia, .txt to raw_combined/An empty swing swaying gently in a playground, evoking a sense of childhood memories and nostalgia, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/person buried in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2.txt to raw_combined/person buried in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/liminal hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.png to raw_combined/liminal uncanny dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic, y2k aesth.png to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic, y2k aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre flats, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.png to raw_combined/theatre flats, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women swimming, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.png to raw_combined/Women swimming, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, c.png to raw_combined/The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, punk, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.png to raw_combined/fashion model, punk, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/interior studio apartment, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.txt to raw_combined/interior studio apartment, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/telescope, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles.txt to raw_combined/telescope, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/minotaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png to raw_combined/minotaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical cat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical cat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/women in a field, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png to raw_combined/women in a field, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rundown apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.txt to raw_combined/rundown apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/psychedelic interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt to raw_combined/psychedelic interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny spy agency office, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png to raw_combined/uncanny spy agency office, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/women in a field, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/women in a field, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/cyclops, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/cyclops, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/shapeshifter, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png to raw_combined/shapeshifter, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/queercore medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic church, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt to raw_combined/demonic church, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artificial intelligence bartender cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.txt to raw_combined/artificial intelligence bartender cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny emergency room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt to raw_combined/uncanny emergency room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert ghost, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt to raw_combined/desert ghost, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Onibaba 1964, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthet.png to raw_combined/Onibaba 1964, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/picnic, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles al.txt to raw_combined/picnic, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon business men, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.png to raw_combined/demon business men, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dragon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png to raw_combined/dragon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rogue artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.png to raw_combined/rogue artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind painting, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cine.txt to raw_combined/Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind painting, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical bee, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical bee, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/xenomorph, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png to raw_combined/xenomorph, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt to raw_combined/nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/king kong, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt to raw_combined/king kong, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/tiny kitchen, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A closeup shot of a pair of eyes peering through a keyhole, filled with curiosity and intrigue, fred.png to raw_combined/A closeup shot of a pair of eyes peering through a keyhole, filled with curiosity and intrigue, fred.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/telescope, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles.png to raw_combined/telescope, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/psychedelic interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png to raw_combined/psychedelic interior space, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/swarm of fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/swarm of fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/smalltown canada, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .png to raw_combined/smalltown canada, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/glamour, desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.png to raw_combined/glamour, desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beautiful alien woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/beautiful alien woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/cyclops, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/cyclops, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A dramatic still of two characters locked in a tense embrace, their faces inches apart. The lighting.txt to raw_combined/A dramatic still of two characters locked in a tense embrace, their faces inches apart. The lighting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy ch.png to raw_combined/fashion model, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy ch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/centaur portrait, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, movie still, y.txt to raw_combined/centaur portrait, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, movie still, y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny mental hospital dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.txt to raw_combined/liminal uncanny mental hospital dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic stock exchange, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png to raw_combined/demonic stock exchange, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in the vatican, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special eff.txt to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in the vatican, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special eff.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/los angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.txt to raw_combined/los angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/sunglasses, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mile.png to raw_combined/sunglasses, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beachpunk nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/beachpunk nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon business men, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.txt to raw_combined/demon business men, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/An empty swing swaying gently in a playground, evoking a sense of childhood memories and nostalgia, .png to raw_combined/An empty swing swaying gently in a playground, evoking a sense of childhood memories and nostalgia, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/hammock, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.txt to raw_combined/hammock, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/brutalist asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny hospital waiting room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt to raw_combined/uncanny hospital waiting room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k aesthetic.png to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k aesthetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/synagogue, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rundown apartment exterior, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fi.txt to raw_combined/rundown apartment exterior, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/swarm of fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/swarm of fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/balloons in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.png to raw_combined/balloons in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/western smalltown, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/western smalltown, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/shadow people, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png to raw_combined/shadow people, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .txt to raw_combined/fur coat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence irongiant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.txt to raw_combined/artifical intelligence irongiant, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in museum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in museum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/shadow people, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/shadow people, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png to raw_combined/fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon sculpture in the financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.png to raw_combined/demon sculpture in the financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/women on a farm, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.txt to raw_combined/women on a farm, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic stock exchange, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt to raw_combined/demonic stock exchange, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/werewolves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png to raw_combined/werewolves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny emergency room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png to raw_combined/uncanny emergency room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisian chic, y2.txt to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisian chic, y2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k aesthetic.txt to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k aesthetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot transhuman, fredrico fellinis cinematic sty.txt to raw_combined/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot transhuman, fredrico fellinis cinematic sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .png to raw_combined/fur coat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Kwaidan 1964, chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, movi.txt to raw_combined/Kwaidan 1964, chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, movi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.txt to raw_combined/artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisia.png to raw_combined/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, david lynchs cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge, .png to raw_combined/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, david lynchs cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dwarves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt to raw_combined/dwarves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/hammock, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.png to raw_combined/hammock, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds in tokyo flood tunnels, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen spe.png to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds in tokyo flood tunnels, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen spe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/shapeshifter, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt to raw_combined/shapeshifter, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/road trip, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.png to raw_combined/road trip, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Eyes Without a Face 1960, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinem.png to raw_combined/Eyes Without a Face 1960, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/western smalltown, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/western smalltown, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/women on a farm, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.png to raw_combined/women on a farm, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore pastel goth trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.png to raw_combined/queercore pastel goth trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Les Diaboliques 1955, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic.txt to raw_combined/Les Diaboliques 1955, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.txt to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/yeti, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.png to raw_combined/yeti, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png to raw_combined/demonic financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/carnival of souls 1962, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic a.png to raw_combined/carnival of souls 1962, painting, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/midsommar, ari asters style, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthe.txt to raw_combined/midsommar, ari asters style, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/movie still of werewolves on the basketball court, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhause.png to raw_combined/movie still of werewolves on the basketball court, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhause.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/seamonster, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png to raw_combined/seamonster, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind painting, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cine.png to raw_combined/Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind painting, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/interior studio apartment, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.png to raw_combined/interior studio apartment, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinemati.txt to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinemati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldrid.png to raw_combined/desert, wes andersons cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldrid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/mechanical dystopian zeppelin sky scrapers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.txt to raw_combined/mechanical dystopian zeppelin sky scrapers, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rural town, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/rural town, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon sculpture in the financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.txt to raw_combined/demon sculpture in the financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen specia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png to raw_combined/medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/the kraken, movie still, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aes.png to raw_combined/the kraken, movie still, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny spy agency headquarters, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt to raw_combined/uncanny spy agency headquarters, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/alien, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.png to raw_combined/alien, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/the kraken, movie still, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aes.txt to raw_combined/the kraken, movie still, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/road trip, Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .txt to raw_combined/road trip, Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisian chic, y2.png to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy parisian chic, y2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/centaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.png to raw_combined/centaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artificial intelligence bartender cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.png to raw_combined/artificial intelligence bartender cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen sp.png to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/brutalist asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt to raw_combined/brutalist asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, david lynchs cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridg.txt to raw_combined/desert, david lynchs cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/punk rock artist, goth, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, .txt to raw_combined/punk rock artist, goth, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.png to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/angry old woman, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/angry old woman, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.png to raw_combined/queercore zombies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A single white daisy standing alone in a vast field of green, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, sta.png to raw_combined/A single white daisy standing alone in a vast field of green, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical horse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical horse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A fastpaced still of a car chase, with motion blur and a dynamic composition that conveys the adrena.png to raw_combined/A fastpaced still of a car chase, with motion blur and a dynamic composition that conveys the adrena.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/theatre set design, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthet.txt to raw_combined/theatre set design, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/architecture, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/architecture, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.txt to raw_combined/fashion model, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k.png to raw_combined/fur coat, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, queercore, y2k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/umbrella, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .txt to raw_combined/umbrella, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical cat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical cat, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.png to raw_combined/fashion model, rude, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, pre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/glam fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt to raw_combined/glam fairies, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/punk rock artist, goth, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, .png to raw_combined/punk rock artist, goth, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/smalltown canada, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .txt to raw_combined/smalltown canada, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Possession 1981, chic fashion, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aest.txt to raw_combined/Possession 1981, chic fashion, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/synagogue, stanley kubricks cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Eyes Without a Face 1960, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinem.txt to raw_combined/Eyes Without a Face 1960, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny serial killer dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special.png to raw_combined/uncanny serial killer dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png to raw_combined/demon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt to raw_combined/synagogue, wes andersons cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/smalltown america, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy.png to raw_combined/smalltown america, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/fashion model, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy ch.txt to raw_combined/fashion model, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy ch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Hour of the Wolf 1968, Afrofuturism, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens s.txt to raw_combined/Hour of the Wolf 1968, Afrofuturism, bizarre chic, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, ari asters cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge,.png to raw_combined/desert, ari asters cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridge,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png to raw_combined/trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png to raw_combined/liminal uncanny mental hospital, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/prison yard, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt to raw_combined/prison yard, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, r.txt to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/elves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png to raw_combined/elves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/halfframe, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic.txt to raw_combined/halfframe, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/new york city, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bou.txt to raw_combined/new york city, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny dreamscape, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.txt to raw_combined/uncanny dreamscape, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A single white daisy standing alone in a vast field of green, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, sta.txt to raw_combined/A single white daisy standing alone in a vast field of green, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/basillisks, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt to raw_combined/basillisks, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/beautiful alienrobot woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png to raw_combined/beautiful alienrobot woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal salon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/liminal salon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence irongiant robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.txt to raw_combined/artifical intelligence irongiant robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt to raw_combined/demonic financial district, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/balloons in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.txt to raw_combined/balloons in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray .png to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence woman entertainment robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny hospital waiting room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png to raw_combined/uncanny hospital waiting room, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photography, .txt to raw_combined/1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian artificial intelligence receptionist cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style.txt to raw_combined/dystopian artificial intelligence receptionist cyborg woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A dimly lit room with a single beam of sunlight streaming through a cracked window, illuminating a d.txt to raw_combined/A dimly lit room with a single beam of sunlight streaming through a cracked window, illuminating a d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian mechanical horse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png to raw_combined/dystopian mechanical horse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal uncanny mental hospital dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.png to raw_combined/liminal uncanny mental hospital dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen speci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A vibrant and colorful market scene filled with bustling vendors, exotic fruits, and intricately des.png to raw_combined/A vibrant and colorful market scene filled with bustling vendors, exotic fruits, and intricately des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal hospital beds, armed guards, paparazzi, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen s.png to raw_combined/liminal hospital beds, armed guards, paparazzi, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women swimming, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.txt to raw_combined/Women swimming, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/goth nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt to raw_combined/goth nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic, y2k aesth.txt to raw_combined/Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, parisian chic, y2k aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/latent space, Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bour.png to raw_combined/latent space, Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bour.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt to raw_combined/liminal asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fil.txt to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, david lynchs cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, fil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.png to raw_combined/Federico fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/sirens, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt to raw_combined/sirens, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/luxury apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartment exterior, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A haunting still of a dilapidated old house, covered in ivy, with shattered windows and a sense of a.png to raw_combined/A haunting still of a dilapidated old house, covered in ivy, with shattered windows and a sense of a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png to raw_combined/uncanny asylum, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian zeppelin warehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.txt to raw_combined/dystopian zeppelin warehouse, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/couch in a field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic.txt to raw_combined/couch in a field, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/person buried in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2.png to raw_combined/person buried in the desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/uncanny spy agency office, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt to raw_combined/uncanny spy agency office, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/demonic church, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png to raw_combined/demonic church, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt to raw_combined/medusa, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt to raw_combined/artifical intelligence, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert, david lynchs cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridg.png to raw_combined/desert, david lynchs cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles aldridg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/tales from the crypt, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthe.txt to raw_combined/tales from the crypt, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/kid, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.png to raw_combined/kid, desert, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, mil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/artifical intelligence irongiant robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.png to raw_combined/artifical intelligence irongiant robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A breathtaking aerial view of a lone figure standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast and r.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking aerial view of a lone figure standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast and r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/minotaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt to raw_combined/minotaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A highkey still of a ballerina in midleap, frozen in a graceful pose, capturing the elegance and bea.txt to raw_combined/A highkey still of a ballerina in midleap, frozen in a graceful pose, capturing the elegance and bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/elves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt to raw_combined/elves, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/umbrella, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .png to raw_combined/umbrella, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, y2k aesthetic, miles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/punk rock artist, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy.txt to raw_combined/punk rock artist, Woman, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, stanley kubricks cinematic style, preppy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rogue artifical intelligence in space, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen .txt to raw_combined/rogue artifical intelligence in space, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/liminal prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.png to raw_combined/liminal prison dungeon dreamscape, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effect.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray har.txt to raw_combined/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray har.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/flight attendant woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png to raw_combined/flight attendant woman, Pier Paolo Pasolinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/carnival of souls 1962, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, .png to raw_combined/carnival of souls 1962, Hieronymus Boschs style, Rogier van der Weydens style, cinematic aesthetic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/man falling from the sky, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png to raw_combined/man falling from the sky, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/los Angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.png to raw_combined/los Angeles, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/rogue artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.txt to raw_combined/rogue artifical intelligence, hal 3000, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Pho.png to raw_combined/Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy bourdin Pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray har.png to raw_combined/dystopian wild feral artificial intelligence woman robot, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray har.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/dragon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt to raw_combined/dragon, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aesth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/synagogue, 1980s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png to raw_combined/synagogue, 1980s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/road trip, Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .png to raw_combined/road trip, Women, Federico Fellini cinematic style, cinematic style, queercore, in the style of guy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/queercore pastel goth trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.txt to raw_combined/queercore pastel goth trolls, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/centaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.txt to raw_combined/centaurs, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/desert ghost, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png to raw_combined/desert ghost, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 80s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/american lowincome housing, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.txt to raw_combined/american lowincome housing, 1960s cinematic style, cinematic style, lookbook Photography, film grain.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/goth nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png to raw_combined/goth nosferatu, fredrico fellinis cinematic style, ray harryhausen special effects, y2k aesthetic, 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_27/A vibrant and colorful market scene filled with bustling vendors, exotic fruits, and intricately des.txt to raw_combined/A vibrant and colorful market scene filled with bustling vendors, exotic fruits, and intricately des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese women with stra.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese women with stra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a cult of 10 young women and their male guru in a sparse empty dimlyli.txt to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a cult of 10 young women and their male guru in a sparse empty dimlyli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/aerial photo of Manhattan island with orange yellow smog, dramatic air pollution, poor visibility, d.txt to raw_combined/aerial photo of Manhattan island with orange yellow smog, dramatic air pollution, poor visibility, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions from the burning and desolation of a chinese village by Richard Billingham and Sally .txt to raw_combined/dismal visions from the burning and desolation of a chinese village by Richard Billingham and Sally .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the horrors of lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting ru.txt to raw_combined/the horrors of lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting ru.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes entitled.txt to raw_combined/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes entitled.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers.txt to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of in a creepy market stand o.txt to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of in a creepy market stand o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/aerial photo of Manhattan island with orange yellow smog, dramatic air pollution, poor visibility, d.png to raw_combined/aerial photo of Manhattan island with orange yellow smog, dramatic air pollution, poor visibility, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled mascular blob whimsical .txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled mascular blob whimsical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled superold ori.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled superold ori.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs at a luxury t.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs at a luxury t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque underweight frail young wome.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque underweight frail young wome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female sal.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female sal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Russian avantgarde illustration of the seasons of fall and summer fighting each other .png to raw_combined/Russian avantgarde illustration of the seasons of fall and summer fighting each other .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of youn.png to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of youn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film about a group of vientames.txt to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film about a group of vientames.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.txt to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a rainy day in qingdao, city centre, crowds and cars, reflections in the puddles .png to raw_combined/a rainy day in qingdao, city centre, crowds and cars, reflections in the puddles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions from the burning and desolation of a chinese village by Richard Billingham and Sally .png to raw_combined/dismal visions from the burning and desolation of a chinese village by Richard Billingham and Sally .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/this 1979 color photograph captures a deeply concerned morbidly obese radio enthusiast wearing his u.txt to raw_combined/this 1979 color photograph captures a deeply concerned morbidly obese radio enthusiast wearing his u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two chinese women laughing hysterically on the sofa getting wasted over .png to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two chinese women laughing hysterically on the sofa getting wasted over .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of rough diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obes.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of rough diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A southern gothic portrait masterful photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque melan.png to raw_combined/A southern gothic portrait masterful photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque melan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly adolensent girls and boys drama.txt to raw_combined/A photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly adolensent girls and boys drama.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the cow man a terrifying massive ritualistic statue in the style of Wicker Man of an evil 20 foot ma.png to raw_combined/the cow man a terrifying massive ritualistic statue in the style of Wicker Man of an evil 20 foot ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of adol.txt to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of adol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s chinese commerc.txt to raw_combined/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s chinese commerc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/retro radio overwhelms in a magazine photograph from 1978 of a morbidally obese, kindlooking Amateur.png to raw_combined/retro radio overwhelms in a magazine photograph from 1978 of a morbidally obese, kindlooking Amateur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an obese family smeared in crimson mud frolicking ecstatsicly in the waters of a mystical desert spr.txt to raw_combined/an obese family smeared in crimson mud frolicking ecstatsicly in the waters of a mystical desert spr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish in labeled .txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish in labeled .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female ridiculous artificial intelligenc.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female ridiculous artificial intelligenc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an editorial color photograph from 1978 depicting a horde of bisons occupaying an abandoned shopping.png to raw_combined/an editorial color photograph from 1978 depicting a horde of bisons occupaying an abandoned shopping.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family retreat featuri.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family retreat featuri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, a bear is praying to st seraphim of sarov looking at the bear from a tree in the for.png to raw_combined/Dark and light, a bear is praying to st seraphim of sarov looking at the bear from a tree in the for.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/photograph of the interior of a large american house completely covered in spiderwebs, cowebs cover .txt to raw_combined/photograph of the interior of a large american house completely covered in spiderwebs, cowebs cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese adolensent girls.png to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese adolensent girls.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/pirate radio station in a 1967 color photograph of a white DJ and an african american technician in .png to raw_combined/pirate radio station in a 1967 color photograph of a white DJ and an african american technician in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female baby blo.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female baby blo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photogarph by diane arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark cr.png to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photogarph by diane arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark cr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a rainy day in qingdao, city centre, crowds and cars, reflections in the puddles .txt to raw_combined/a rainy day in qingdao, city centre, crowds and cars, reflections in the puddles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous , whimsical compo.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous , whimsical compo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese african men and.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese african men and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of .png to raw_combined/lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque old men and women with strange .txt to raw_combined/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque old men and women with strange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese hairy female blob with translucent skin .txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese hairy female blob with translucent skin .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/in the style of Janosch an illustration of a laughing burning sun looking down on a group of sweatin.png to raw_combined/in the style of Janosch an illustration of a laughing burning sun looking down on a group of sweatin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of adol.png to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of adol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/in the style of maurice sendak, summer as a mean character pushing fall as a melancholic character a.txt to raw_combined/in the style of maurice sendak, summer as a mean character pushing fall as a melancholic character a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe stitled the cheese.png to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe stitled the cheese.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers.png to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 1980s color photograph of an open grave where a beloved obese baker is burried together with his s.png to raw_combined/a 1980s color photograph of an open grave where a beloved obese baker is burried together with his s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying on the sofa drinking a bottle of bourbon.png to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying on the sofa drinking a bottle of bourbon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .png to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs at a luxury t.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs at a luxury t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film about a group of vientames.png to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film about a group of vientames.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an obese family smeared in crimson mud frolicking ecstatsicly in the waters of a mystical desert spr.png to raw_combined/an obese family smeared in crimson mud frolicking ecstatsicly in the waters of a mystical desert spr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/retro radio overwhelms in a magazine photograph from 1978 of a morbidally obese, kindlooking Amateur.txt to raw_combined/retro radio overwhelms in a magazine photograph from 1978 of a morbidally obese, kindlooking Amateur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/clement hurd illustration depicting the summer as an evil demonic being wanting to burn everyone wit.txt to raw_combined/clement hurd illustration depicting the summer as an evil demonic being wanting to burn everyone wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled mascular blob whimsical .png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled mascular blob whimsical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese women with stra.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese women with stra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned pickled fish a sa.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned pickled fish a sa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing an orienta.png to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing an orienta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/An absurdist comical widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate r.txt to raw_combined/An absurdist comical widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/horrific fibers of the muddy gloom as a bearded man is sinking in a quadmire in a sandy dune inside .png to raw_combined/horrific fibers of the muddy gloom as a bearded man is sinking in a quadmire in a sandy dune inside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/four dirty obese dutch toddlers are frolicking bathing in a massive milk tub with floating pieces of.png to raw_combined/four dirty obese dutch toddlers are frolicking bathing in a massive milk tub with floating pieces of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate terribly grotesque m.txt to raw_combined/A widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate terribly grotesque m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red beac.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red beac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned pickled fish a sa.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned pickled fish a sa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/screaming obese children had fallen into a massive pot of boiling milk hysterically sruggling not to.png to raw_combined/screaming obese children had fallen into a massive pot of boiling milk hysterically sruggling not to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts art exhibition the gigantic hybrid where spectators in a massiv.txt to raw_combined/dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts art exhibition the gigantic hybrid where spectators in a massiv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled female blob merchant que.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled female blob merchant que.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese adolensent girls.txt to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese adolensent girls.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .txt to raw_combined/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, the bucket carrying mongolian women has fallen in dismay in face of the grotesque ho.png to raw_combined/Dark and light, the bucket carrying mongolian women has fallen in dismay in face of the grotesque ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A rare color photograph of a cult of moon worshipers whose bodies covered in white paint photographe.png to raw_combined/A rare color photograph of a cult of moon worshipers whose bodies covered in white paint photographe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/balenciaga shiny allblack skintight collection 2026 shot in Lechuguilla Cave, asian models, african .txt to raw_combined/balenciaga shiny allblack skintight collection 2026 shot in Lechuguilla Cave, asian models, african .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female with slu.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female with slu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru dancing wildely with his 10 youn.txt to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru dancing wildely with his 10 youn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photography by Diane Arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark c.txt to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photography by Diane Arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled th.png to raw_combined/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing an orienta.txt to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing an orienta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliva blob .png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliva blob .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a crying obese baby holding blue cheese on a tavern table in this cinematic Still from stylish artho.png to raw_combined/a crying obese baby holding blue cheese on a tavern table in this cinematic Still from stylish artho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A color portrait photograph by diane arbus of a group of terribly grotesque thin and frail adolensen.png to raw_combined/A color portrait photograph by diane arbus of a group of terribly grotesque thin and frail adolensen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/salamander hunt A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obes.txt to raw_combined/salamander hunt A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for tomato juice featuring a happy overweigh.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for tomato juice featuring a happy overweigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions from the capture of yevgeny prigozhin by the angry mob analog by Richard Billingham a.png to raw_combined/dismal visions from the capture of yevgeny prigozhin by the angry mob analog by Richard Billingham a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque underweight frail young wome.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque underweight frail young wome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions of the decline of san fransisco analog by Richard Billingham and Sally Mann showing d.txt to raw_combined/dismal visions of the decline of san fransisco analog by Richard Billingham and Sally Mann showing d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photography by Diane Arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark c.png to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photography by Diane Arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled rold orienta.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled rold orienta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of 10 morbidly obese villagers in the process of burrying and lamenting the beloved vil.png to raw_combined/a photograph of 10 morbidly obese villagers in the process of burrying and lamenting the beloved vil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous, whimsical compos.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous, whimsical compos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a couple of cheesmaking peasant lovers are embracing over a massive pot of boiling milk surrounded b.txt to raw_combined/a couple of cheesmaking peasant lovers are embracing over a massive pot of boiling milk surrounded b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female with slu.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female with slu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a space heater that gets.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a space heater that gets.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs in w.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs in w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled.txt to raw_combined/color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese african men and.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese african men and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from a cinematic masterpiece the cheese wars of europe directed by Roy Andersson featuring a d.txt to raw_combined/still from a cinematic masterpiece the cheese wars of europe directed by Roy Andersson featuring a d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Frolicking bald heavy women in purple mud cinematic still by MATTHEW BARNEY using an atmosphere of i.txt to raw_combined/Frolicking bald heavy women in purple mud cinematic still by MATTHEW BARNEY using an atmosphere of i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of donkeys of different sizes and shades during a paj.png to raw_combined/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of donkeys of different sizes and shades during a paj.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an overly excited morbidly obese radio enthusiast is thrilled and ecstatic to be talking with a frie.txt to raw_combined/an overly excited morbidly obese radio enthusiast is thrilled and ecstatic to be talking with a frie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a water park featuring a happy morbidly .png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a water park featuring a happy morbidly .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/balenciaga shiny allblack skintight collection 2026 shot in Lechuguilla Cave, asian models, african .png to raw_combined/balenciaga shiny allblack skintight collection 2026 shot in Lechuguilla Cave, asian models, african .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a cult of 10 young women and their male guru in a sparse empty dimlyli.png to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a cult of 10 young women and their male guru in a sparse empty dimlyli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obese men .txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obese men .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the wolf and the sheep where spectators obs.png to raw_combined/a photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the wolf and the sheep where spectators obs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, darkness falls on the child who is bereft of love in a dark corner of the forest wit.txt to raw_combined/Dark and light, darkness falls on the child who is bereft of love in a dark corner of the forest wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of morbidly obese people wearing white lin.png to raw_combined/an awardwinning photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of morbidly obese people wearing white lin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of tropical gothic depicting a clan of Pol.png to raw_combined/a cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of tropical gothic depicting a clan of Pol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo by of a grotesque creepy obese sickly female digging a hole in the wet slime.png to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo by of a grotesque creepy obese sickly female digging a hole in the wet slime.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s turkish commerc.txt to raw_combined/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s turkish commerc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red meat.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red meat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous, whimsical compos.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous, whimsical compos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned spaghetti with to.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned spaghetti with to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque mutedcolor Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commerc.png to raw_combined/grotesque mutedcolor Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commerc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female baby blo.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female baby blo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a horror is hidden in this tantalizing still from a 1980s swedish commercial for robotic exercise ma.txt to raw_combined/a horror is hidden in this tantalizing still from a 1980s swedish commercial for robotic exercise ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.png to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe stitled the cheese.txt to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe stitled the cheese.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy and graphic vibe titled.txt to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy and graphic vibe titled.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a crying obese baby holding blue cheese on a tavern table in this cinematic Still from stylish artho.txt to raw_combined/a crying obese baby holding blue cheese on a tavern table in this cinematic Still from stylish artho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of middleeastern gothic.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of middleeastern gothic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly old wrinkled oriental female merchan.png to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly old wrinkled oriental female merchan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese pale white men .txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese pale white men .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese oriental female blob ridiculous, wh.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese oriental female blob ridiculous, wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo by of a grotesque muscle strongman with dieseaes and creepy crooked .png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo by of a grotesque muscle strongman with dieseaes and creepy crooked .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the horrors of the man who turned into a tree in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depi.png to raw_combined/the horrors of the man who turned into a tree in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/in the style of maurice sendak, summer as a mean character pushing fall as a melancholic character a.png to raw_combined/in the style of maurice sendak, summer as a mean character pushing fall as a melancholic character a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy cute obese sickly female merchant quee.png to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy cute obese sickly female merchant quee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/pirate radio station in a 1967 photograph of a black DJ with afro and a white technician with long h.txt to raw_combined/pirate radio station in a 1967 photograph of a black DJ with afro and a white technician with long h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob with sickly skin ridiculous,.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob with sickly skin ridiculous,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of a female chinese acupuncterist during therapy on an overweight patient, acupuncturis.png to raw_combined/a photograph of a female chinese acupuncterist during therapy on an overweight patient, acupuncturis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a cheese warehouse is on fire in this dramatic Cinematic Still from a stylish art house historical .png to raw_combined/a cheese warehouse is on fire in this dramatic Cinematic Still from a stylish art house historical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wome.png to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/four dirty obese dutch toddlers are frolicking bathing in a massive milk tub with floating pieces of.txt to raw_combined/four dirty obese dutch toddlers are frolicking bathing in a massive milk tub with floating pieces of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a water park featuring a happy morbidly .txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a water park featuring a happy morbidly .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red beac.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red beac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.txt to raw_combined/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/russian orthodox priests dressed in black are blessing a massive wheel of cheese in this Cinematic S.txt to raw_combined/russian orthodox priests dressed in black are blessing a massive wheel of cheese in this Cinematic S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still from a 1986 horror film directed by Clive Barker set in a swine slaughterhous.txt to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still from a 1986 horror film directed by Clive Barker set in a swine slaughterhous.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for an addictive tv video ga.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for an addictive tv video ga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque tall and limber hunched adolens.txt to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque tall and limber hunched adolens.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic widelens photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidily obese young.png to raw_combined/A cinematic widelens photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidily obese young.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, darkness falls on the child who is bereft of love in a dark corner of the forest wit.png to raw_combined/Dark and light, darkness falls on the child who is bereft of love in a dark corner of the forest wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/photograph of the interior of a large american house completely covered in spiderwebs, cowebs cover .png to raw_combined/photograph of the interior of a large american house completely covered in spiderwebs, cowebs cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a newspaper photograph set in a chinese factory for pickled ginger featuring the ceo, the ownership .png to raw_combined/a newspaper photograph set in a chinese factory for pickled ginger featuring the ceo, the ownership .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the wolf and the sheep where spectators obs.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the wolf and the sheep where spectators obs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for an addictive tv video ga.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for an addictive tv video ga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly old wrinkled oriental female merchan.txt to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly old wrinkled oriental female merchan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru dancing wildely with his 10 youn.png to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a 60 years old bearded male cult guru dancing wildely with his 10 youn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family sanatorium feat.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family sanatorium feat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying hysterically on the sofa drinking a bott.txt to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying hysterically on the sofa drinking a bott.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/An absurdist comical widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate r.png to raw_combined/An absurdist comical widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of a female chinese acupuncterist during therapy on an overweight patient, acupuncturis.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a female chinese acupuncterist during therapy on an overweight patient, acupuncturis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing with huge slu.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing with huge slu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy and graphic vibe titled.png to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy and graphic vibe titled.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a cheese warehouse is on fire in this dramatic Cinematic Still from a stylish art house historical .txt to raw_combined/a cheese warehouse is on fire in this dramatic Cinematic Still from a stylish art house historical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled th.txt to raw_combined/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly adolensent girls and boys drama.png to raw_combined/A photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly adolensent girls and boys drama.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female saliva b.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female saliva b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family sanatorium feat.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family sanatorium feat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a purple soda drink feat.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a purple soda drink feat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men a.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic still photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/pirate radio station in a 1967 photograph of a black DJ with afro and a white technician with long h.png to raw_combined/pirate radio station in a 1967 photograph of a black DJ with afro and a white technician with long h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/hundreds of swimming goats in stormy sea in a dramatic scene set in the british seas of a toppled ov.png to raw_combined/hundreds of swimming goats in stormy sea in a dramatic scene set in the british seas of a toppled ov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a purple soda drink feat.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a purple soda drink feat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s turkish commerc.png to raw_combined/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s turkish commerc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic widelens photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidily obese young.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic widelens photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidily obese young.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/pirate radio station in a 1967 color photograph of a white DJ and an african american technician in .txt to raw_combined/pirate radio station in a 1967 color photograph of a white DJ and an african american technician in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a groteque dramatic photograph from 1986 capturing a crew of ten morbidly obese plumbers struggling .txt to raw_combined/a groteque dramatic photograph from 1986 capturing a crew of ten morbidly obese plumbers struggling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish in labeled .png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish in labeled .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute creepy grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliv.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute creepy grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions of the decline of san fransisco analog by Richard Billingham and Sally Mann showing d.png to raw_combined/dismal visions of the decline of san fransisco analog by Richard Billingham and Sally Mann showing d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a religious jew cheesmaker in Safed is praying near squares of white cheese in a steamy modest adobe.png to raw_combined/a religious jew cheesmaker in Safed is praying near squares of white cheese in a steamy modest adobe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/this 1979 color photograph captures a deeply concerned morbidly obese radio enthusiast wearing his u.png to raw_combined/this 1979 color photograph captures a deeply concerned morbidly obese radio enthusiast wearing his u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers, set in a sp.png to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers, set in a sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/horrific fibers of the muddy gloom as a bearded man is sinking in a quadmire in a sandy dune inside .txt to raw_combined/horrific fibers of the muddy gloom as a bearded man is sinking in a quadmire in a sandy dune inside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1930s color portrait photogarph by diane arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark cr.txt to raw_combined/1930s color portrait photogarph by diane arbus of a morbidly obese bearded old man wearing a dark cr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wom.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque mutedcolor Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commerc.txt to raw_combined/grotesque mutedcolor Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commerc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1949 color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a wounded morbidly obese 80 years old man wearing a .txt to raw_combined/1949 color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a wounded morbidly obese 80 years old man wearing a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men a.png to raw_combined/A cinematic still photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque tall and limber hunched adolens.png to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque tall and limber hunched adolens.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of middleeastern gothic depicting a clan o.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of middleeastern gothic depicting a clan o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled female blob merchant que.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled female blob merchant que.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female sal.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female sal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of anorexic women and girls in a cre.png to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of anorexic women and girls in a cre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying on the sofa drinking a bottle of bourbon.txt to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying on the sofa drinking a bottle of bourbon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob with sickly skin ridiculous,.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob with sickly skin ridiculous,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque small skinny frail men on thei.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque small skinny frail men on thei.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Russian avantgarde illustration of the seasons of fall and summer fighting each other .txt to raw_combined/Russian avantgarde illustration of the seasons of fall and summer fighting each other .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s chinese commerc.png to raw_combined/grotesque scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s chinese commerc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo by of a grotesque creepy obese sickly female digging a hole in the wet slime.txt to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo by of a grotesque creepy obese sickly female digging a hole in the wet slime.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a photograph of 10 morbidly obese villagers in the process of burrying and lamenting the beloved vil.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of 10 morbidly obese villagers in the process of burrying and lamenting the beloved vil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts art exhibition the gigantic hybrid where spectators in a massiv.png to raw_combined/dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts art exhibition the gigantic hybrid where spectators in a massiv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still from a 1986 horror film directed by Clive Barker set in a swine slaughterhous.png to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still from a 1986 horror film directed by Clive Barker set in a swine slaughterhous.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/sally mann Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish .txt to raw_combined/sally mann Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of rough diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obes.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of rough diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a couple of cheesmaking peasant lovers are embracing over a massive pot of boiling milk surrounded b.png to raw_combined/a couple of cheesmaking peasant lovers are embracing over a massive pot of boiling milk surrounded b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.png to raw_combined/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes titled the cheese.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy cute obese sickly female merchant quee.txt to raw_combined/Delicate close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy cute obese sickly female merchant quee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes entitled.png to raw_combined/cinematic Still from stylish arthouse historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibes entitled.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/screaming obese children had fallen into a massive pot of boiling milk hysterically sruggling not to.txt to raw_combined/screaming obese children had fallen into a massive pot of boiling milk hysterically sruggling not to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for tomato juice featuring a happy overweigh.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for tomato juice featuring a happy overweigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing in a boggy mu.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing in a boggy mu.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dark scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial .png to raw_combined/dark scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dismal visions from the capture of yevgeny prigozhin by the angry mob analog by Richard Billingham a.txt to raw_combined/dismal visions from the capture of yevgeny prigozhin by the angry mob analog by Richard Billingham a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of tropical gothic depicting a clan of Pol.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of tropical gothic depicting a clan of Pol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/in the style of Janosch an illustration of a laughing burning sun looking down on a group of sweatin.txt to raw_combined/in the style of Janosch an illustration of a laughing burning sun looking down on a group of sweatin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 1967 color photograph of shabby volkswagen van open to expose a pirate radio station with an anarc.txt to raw_combined/a 1967 color photograph of shabby volkswagen van open to expose a pirate radio station with an anarc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying hysterically on the sofa drinking a bott.png to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two pretty Chinese women crying hysterically on the sofa drinking a bott.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the hybrid where spectators in a m.txt to raw_combined/a dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the hybrid where spectators in a m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby sally mann of a group of delicate cute terribly grotesque morbidly obese af.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby sally mann of a group of delicate cute terribly grotesque morbidly obese af.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the horrors of lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting ru.png to raw_combined/the horrors of lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting ru.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a stunning cinematic still of a bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers, set in a sp.txt to raw_combined/a stunning cinematic still of a bearded male cult guru and his 10 young women followers, set in a sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo by of a grotesque muscle strongman with dieseaes and creepy crooked .txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo by of a grotesque muscle strongman with dieseaes and creepy crooked .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female ridiculous artificial intelligenc.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female ridiculous artificial intelligenc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliva blob .txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliva blob .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for soviet govermentsponsore.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for soviet govermentsponsore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing with huge slu.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing with huge slu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of .txt to raw_combined/lobsters upon lobsters in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from a cinematic masterpiece the cheese wars of europe directed by Roy Andersson featuring a d.png to raw_combined/still from a cinematic masterpiece the cheese wars of europe directed by Roy Andersson featuring a d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of morbidly obese people wearing white lin.txt to raw_combined/an awardwinning photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of morbidly obese people wearing white lin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s israeli commercial for pickled gefilte fish in j.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s israeli commercial for pickled gefilte fish in j.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, a bear is praying to st seraphim of sarov looking at the bear from a tree in the for.txt to raw_combined/Dark and light, a bear is praying to st seraphim of sarov looking at the bear from a tree in the for.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for circular pork sausages featuring a happy.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for circular pork sausages featuring a happy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obese men .png to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of diseased terribly grotesque morbidly obese men .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A rare color photograph of a cult of moon worshipers whose bodies covered in white paint photographe.txt to raw_combined/A rare color photograph of a cult of moon worshipers whose bodies covered in white paint photographe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/salamander hunt A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obes.png to raw_combined/salamander hunt A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/clement hurd illustration depicting the summer as an evil demonic being wanting to burn everyone wit.png to raw_combined/clement hurd illustration depicting the summer as an evil demonic being wanting to burn everyone wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled superold ori.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled superold ori.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A bizzare desert dance cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of.txt to raw_combined/A bizzare desert dance cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a nocturnal dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film directed by Cliv.txt to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a nocturnal dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film directed by Cliv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of middleeastern gothic depicting a clan o.png to raw_combined/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch in the style of middleeastern gothic depicting a clan o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a nocturnal dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film directed by Cliv.png to raw_combined/a 35mm cinematic still depicting a nocturnal dramatic scene from a 1986 horror film directed by Cliv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/hundreds of swimming goats in stormy sea in a dramatic scene set in the british seas of a toppled ov.txt to raw_combined/hundreds of swimming goats in stormy sea in a dramatic scene set in the british seas of a toppled ov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/1949 color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a wounded morbidly obese 80 years old man wearing a .png to raw_combined/1949 color portrait photogarph by sally mann of a wounded morbidly obese 80 years old man wearing a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .txt to raw_combined/Still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled root vegtables f.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled root vegtables f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 1967 color photograph of shabby volkswagen van open to expose a pirate radio station with an anarc.png to raw_combined/a 1967 color photograph of shabby volkswagen van open to expose a pirate radio station with an anarc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned spaghetti with to.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for canned spaghetti with to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wome.txt to raw_combined/A portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled.png to raw_combined/color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous , whimsical compo.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese female blob ridiculous , whimsical compo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled root vegtables f.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled root vegtables f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of in a creepy market stand o.png to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting russian women of in a creepy market stand o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque old men and women with strange .png to raw_combined/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque old men and women with strange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female saliva b.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled oriental female saliva b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque small skinny frail men on thei.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque small skinny frail men on thei.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute creepy grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliv.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute creepy grotesque creepy obese sickly oriental female saliv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an editorial color photograph from 1978 depicting a horde of bisons occupaying an abandoned shopping.txt to raw_combined/an editorial color photograph from 1978 depicting a horde of bisons occupaying an abandoned shopping.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red meat.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a glowinthedark red meat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A widelens cinematic portrait closeup photographby by sally mann of a group of five terribly grotesq.txt to raw_combined/A widelens cinematic portrait closeup photographby by sally mann of a group of five terribly grotesq.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/old king Louis XIV laying in his deathbed while being cheese by his female servant, wearing a nightg.txt to raw_combined/old king Louis XIV laying in his deathbed while being cheese by his female servant, wearing a nightg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese oriental female blob ridiculous, wh.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese oriental female blob ridiculous, wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two chinese women laughing hysterically on the sofa getting wasted over .txt to raw_combined/a sneaky DSLR photograph of two chinese women laughing hysterically on the sofa getting wasted over .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/old king Louis XIV laying in his deathbed while being cheese by his female servant, wearing a nightg.png to raw_combined/old king Louis XIV laying in his deathbed while being cheese by his female servant, wearing a nightg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A color portrait photograph by diane arbus of a group of terribly grotesque thin and frail adolensen.txt to raw_combined/A color portrait photograph by diane arbus of a group of terribly grotesque thin and frail adolensen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the hybrid where spectators in a m.png to raw_combined/a dramatic photograph of Damien Hirsts performance art exhibition the hybrid where spectators in a m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a religious jew cheesmaker in Safed is praying near squares of white cheese in a steamy modest adobe.txt to raw_combined/a religious jew cheesmaker in Safed is praying near squares of white cheese in a steamy modest adobe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an overly excited morbidly obese radio enthusiast is thrilled and ecstatic to be talking with a frie.png to raw_combined/an overly excited morbidly obese radio enthusiast is thrilled and ecstatic to be talking with a frie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the cow man a terrifying massive ritualistic statue in the style of Wicker Man of an evil 20 foot ma.txt to raw_combined/the cow man a terrifying massive ritualistic statue in the style of Wicker Man of an evil 20 foot ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wom.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese old men and wom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/dark scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial .txt to raw_combined/dark scary color Still photograph from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family retreat featuri.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a family retreat featuri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Dark and light, the bucket carrying mongolian women has fallen in dismay in face of the grotesque ho.txt to raw_combined/Dark and light, the bucket carrying mongolian women has fallen in dismay in face of the grotesque ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Frolicking bald heavy women in purple mud cinematic still by MATTHEW BARNEY using an atmosphere of i.png to raw_combined/Frolicking bald heavy women in purple mud cinematic still by MATTHEW BARNEY using an atmosphere of i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a 1980s color photograph of an open grave where a beloved obese baker is burried together with his s.txt to raw_combined/a 1980s color photograph of an open grave where a beloved obese baker is burried together with his s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/sally mann Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish .png to raw_combined/sally mann Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for pickled fish .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing in a boggy mu.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme photo of a grotesque creepy obese sickly wrinkled twin sisters posing in a boggy mu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of anorexic women and girls in a cre.txt to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depicting a cult of anorexic women and girls in a cre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for circular pork sausages featuring a happy.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for circular pork sausages featuring a happy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A southern gothic portrait masterful photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque melan.txt to raw_combined/A southern gothic portrait masterful photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque melan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of youn.txt to raw_combined/an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann from 1982 depicting dramatic scene of a group of youn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A bizzare desert dance cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of.png to raw_combined/A bizzare desert dance cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese pale white men .png to raw_combined/A cinematic photograph by sally mann of a group of terribly grotesque morbidly obese pale white men .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A widelens cinematic portrait closeup photographby by sally mann of a group of five terribly grotesq.png to raw_combined/A widelens cinematic portrait closeup photographby by sally mann of a group of five terribly grotesq.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/russian orthodox priests dressed in black are blessing a massive wheel of cheese in this Cinematic S.png to raw_combined/russian orthodox priests dressed in black are blessing a massive wheel of cheese in this Cinematic S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a newspaper photograph set in a chinese factory for pickled ginger featuring the ceo, the ownership .txt to raw_combined/a newspaper photograph set in a chinese factory for pickled ginger featuring the ceo, the ownership .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/the horrors of the man who turned into a tree in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depi.txt to raw_combined/the horrors of the man who turned into a tree in an awardwinning color photograph by sally mann depi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a space heater that gets.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for a space heater that gets.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .png to raw_combined/still from stylish cinematic historical masterpiece with grotesque and campy vibe titled the cheese .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a groteque dramatic photograph from 1986 capturing a crew of ten morbidly obese plumbers struggling .png to raw_combined/a groteque dramatic photograph from 1986 capturing a crew of ten morbidly obese plumbers struggling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of donkeys of different sizes and shades during a paj.txt to raw_combined/a portrait photograph by sally mann of a group of donkeys of different sizes and shades during a paj.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s israeli commercial for pickled gefilte fish in j.txt to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s israeli commercial for pickled gefilte fish in j.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of middleeastern gothic.png to raw_combined/A cinematic still from a film by david lynch and matthew barney in the style of middleeastern gothic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled rold orienta.png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a cute grotesque creepy obese sickly fungus wrinkled rold orienta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for soviet govermentsponsore.png to raw_combined/Still from a campy, absurd, creepy, grotesque 1980s Estonian commercial for soviet govermentsponsore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/a horror is hidden in this tantalizing still from a 1980s swedish commercial for robotic exercise ma.png to raw_combined/a horror is hidden in this tantalizing still from a 1980s swedish commercial for robotic exercise ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate terribly grotesque m.png to raw_combined/A widelens cinematic photographby by sally mann of a group of soft and delicate terribly grotesque m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese hairy female blob with translucent skin .png to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo of a grotesque creepy obese hairy female blob with translucent skin .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/Delicate extreme close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs in w.txt to raw_combined/Delicate extreme close up photo by sally mann of two grotesque creepy obese sickly female blobs in w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_32/A cinematic photographby sally mann of a group of delicate cute terribly grotesque morbidly obese af.png to raw_combined/A cinematic photographby sally mann of a group of delicate cute terribly grotesque morbidly obese af.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, color Total White, image background with rain, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, color Total White, image background with rain, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Burberry shoes with sea pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Burberry shoes with sea pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/the eiffel tower in a postapocalyptic future setting, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/the eiffel tower in a postapocalyptic future setting, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith in her most diabolical version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Lilith in her most diabolical version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, ice blue color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, glaciers image back.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, ice blue color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, glaciers image back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Jordan shoes with mythology pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Jordan shoes with mythology pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith evileyed, horned, wearing black fiery armor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Lilith evileyed, horned, wearing black fiery armor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superheroine wearing golden armor of goddess Artemis, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/superheroine wearing golden armor of goddess Artemis, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, Vantablack color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, night sky picture.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, Vantablack color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, night sky picture.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/burning city of milan in postapocalyptic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/burning city of milan in postapocalyptic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith the woman who rebelled against man becoming the queen of the underworld, with four pairs of h.png to raw_combined/Lilith the woman who rebelled against man becoming the queen of the underworld, with four pairs of h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Colosseum In postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Colosseum In postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/burning city of milan in postapocalyptic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/burning city of milan in postapocalyptic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Dark postapocalyptic Tokyo city, dystopian future, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Dark postapocalyptic Tokyo city, dystopian future, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/humanoid robot holding a rifle, Darkscifi setting, Laboratory background, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/humanoid robot holding a rifle, Darkscifi setting, Laboratory background, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/possible prototype of a BMW passenger car, Supercar look, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/possible prototype of a BMW passenger car, Supercar look, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8 dark green color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image a forest .txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F8 dark green color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image a forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Naruto Leaf Village Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Naruto Leaf Village Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmot dressed as superhero Captain America of the Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/marmot dressed as superhero Captain America of the Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Jesus aboard an alien spaceship observes space, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Jesus aboard an alien spaceship observes space, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/BMW I8, dark brown, 8k, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, with mountains background image .txt to raw_combined/BMW I8, dark brown, 8k, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, with mountains background image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superheroine with straight long black hair, blue eyes, wearing a tight body suit of Pink light color.png to raw_combined/superheroine with straight long black hair, blue eyes, wearing a tight body suit of Pink light color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/group of aztecs selfie, ultradetailed, HD .png to raw_combined/group of aztecs selfie, ultradetailed, HD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes, with Japanesestyle flower decoration, realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes, with Japanesestyle flower decoration, realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Cloud from Final Fantasy, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Cloud from Final Fantasy, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith evileyed, horned, wearing black fiery armor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Lilith evileyed, horned, wearing black fiery armor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, fantasy color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, fantasy color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, Vantablack color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, night sky picture.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, Vantablack color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, night sky picture.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Man arrives in an abandoned and destroyed city, in the middle of a destroyed square he meets a woman.png to raw_combined/Man arrives in an abandoned and destroyed city, in the middle of a destroyed square he meets a woman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith in her most diabolical version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Lilith in her most diabolical version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Saitama Nello stile Pixar cartoon, 3d, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Saitama Nello stile Pixar cartoon, 3d, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, with anime fantasy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperreal.png to raw_combined/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, with anime fantasy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, reggae style, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, reggae style, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Alfa Romeo 159 new prototype with futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Alfa Romeo 159 new prototype with futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Naruto In the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Naruto In the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, cyclonic storm image background .png to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, cyclonic storm image background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mike Portnoy drummer, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Mike Portnoy drummer, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force with lotus flower, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force with lotus flower, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with dreadlocks long hair, long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing dark purple body suit.png to raw_combined/superhero with dreadlocks long hair, long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing dark purple body suit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/the God Hades, with long straight white hair, wearing a black body armor, with mechanical bat wings,.txt to raw_combined/the God Hades, with long straight white hair, wearing a black body armor, with mechanical bat wings,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist of Dream theater, Disney Pixar version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist of Dream theater, Disney Pixar version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Realistic selfie of a group of Sumerians, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Realistic selfie of a group of Sumerians, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, with anime fantasy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperreal.txt to raw_combined/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, with anime fantasy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Naruto Leaf Village Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Naruto Leaf Village Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/the eiffel tower in a postapocalyptic future setting, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/the eiffel tower in a postapocalyptic future setting, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Luffy in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Luffy in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, cyclonic storm image background .txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, cyclonic storm image background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Guitarist Lego character with long straight hair, glasses, 8k, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Guitarist Lego character with long straight hair, glasses, 8k, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/CocaCola orange and vanilla flavor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/CocaCola orange and vanilla flavor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Army of humanoid robots fight against army of human military, scifi setting, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Army of humanoid robots fight against army of human military, scifi setting, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/1Ferrari F8, color Blue sea, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background of the image the symbol of the.png to raw_combined/1Ferrari F8, color Blue sea, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background of the image the symbol of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lego characters in postapocalyptic scifi environment, execute a strategy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed.txt to raw_combined/Lego characters in postapocalyptic scifi environment, execute a strategy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist of Dream theater, Disney Pixar version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist of Dream theater, Disney Pixar version, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Colosseum in Dark postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/Colosseum in Dark postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Colosseum In postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Colosseum In postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Superhero with long blond hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, With dark gray bodyhugging suit.txt to raw_combined/Superhero with long blond hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, With dark gray bodyhugging suit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superheroine wearing golden armor of goddess Artemis, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/superheroine wearing golden armor of goddess Artemis, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with white Spike short hair, athletic physique, wearing gold body suit , 8k ultra HD, ultr.txt to raw_combined/superhero with white Spike short hair, athletic physique, wearing gold body suit , 8k ultra HD, ultr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Tosin Abasi guitarist of Animals as Leaders, Lego puppet version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Tosin Abasi guitarist of Animals as Leaders, Lego puppet version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes with painted pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes with painted pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari SUV prototype, scarlet red color, futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/Ferrari SUV prototype, scarlet red color, futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/female character with mediumlong black hair, one bionic arm, dark jacket, tshirt, Darkscifi setting,.png to raw_combined/female character with mediumlong black hair, one bionic arm, dark jacket, tshirt, Darkscifi setting,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mewtwo Pokémon, throw kamehameha, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Mewtwo Pokémon, throw kamehameha, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist of the progressive metal band Dream theater, lego character version, 8k, ult.txt to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist of the progressive metal band Dream theater, lego character version, 8k, ult.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini Aventador, with anime fantasy all over the bodywork, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperre.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini Aventador, with anime fantasy all over the bodywork, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/chakravartin in all its power, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/chakravartin in all its power, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, space violet color, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, space violet color, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Son Goku with black hair, Bulma with blue hair, in the mountains in the woods, in the Pixar cartoon .png to raw_combined/Son Goku with black hair, Bulma with blue hair, in the mountains in the woods, in the Pixar cartoon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, cherry red color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, cherry blossom im.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, cherry red color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, cherry blossom im.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Son Goku with black hair, Bulma with blue hair, in the mountains in the woods, in the Pixar cartoon .txt to raw_combined/Son Goku with black hair, Bulma with blue hair, in the mountains in the woods, in the Pixar cartoon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Son Goku in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/Son Goku in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with long spiky hair, athletic physique, wearing bodyhugging suit in beige color, 8k ultra.txt to raw_combined/superhero with long spiky hair, athletic physique, wearing bodyhugging suit in beige color, 8k ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/punk rock band formed by groundhogs, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/punk rock band formed by groundhogs, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Groundhog in black suit and black tie, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/Groundhog in black suit and black tie, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/realistic image of archangel with Spike hairy White and blue eyes, wearing closefitting dark gray bo.png to raw_combined/realistic image of archangel with Spike hairy White and blue eyes, wearing closefitting dark gray bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/groundhogs Naruto version, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/groundhogs Naruto version, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike tshirt and shorts with pattern inspired by Picasso, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike tshirt and shorts with pattern inspired by Picasso, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/All Star converse, Japanese style, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/All Star converse, Japanese style, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/All Star converse, Japanese style, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/All Star converse, Japanese style, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari SUV prototype, scarlet red color, futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/Ferrari SUV prototype, scarlet red color, futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Totally white Nike Air Force, front view, side view, back view, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Totally white Nike Air Force, front view, side view, back view, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes with painted pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes with painted pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Luffy in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Luffy in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, Total White color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background image a storm .txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, Total White color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background image a storm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Totally white Nike Air Force, front view, side view, back view, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Totally white Nike Air Force, front view, side view, back view, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, scarlet color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, rose garden image ba.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, scarlet color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, rose garden image ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force, with hieroglyphics, realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force, with hieroglyphics, realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mike Portnoy drummer, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Mike Portnoy drummer, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist, Lego version, 8k, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmots dressed as Sasuke from Naruto, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/marmots dressed as Sasuke from Naruto, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero of indian nationality in emerald green body suit, bodybuilder physique, 8k ultra hd, ultra.txt to raw_combined/superhero of indian nationality in emerald green body suit, bodybuilder physique, 8k ultra hd, ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, reggae style, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, reggae style, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Sasuke from Naruto, Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Sasuke from Naruto, Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mewtwo Pokémon, throw kamehameha, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Mewtwo Pokémon, throw kamehameha, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes in red and green, with black trim, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes in red and green, with black trim, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Burberry shoes with sea pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Burberry shoes with sea pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/metal singer boy Lego version, with long blond curly hair only left side, and asymmetrical undercut .txt to raw_combined/metal singer boy Lego version, with long blond curly hair only left side, and asymmetrical undercut .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with spiky hair, hyper muscular physique, wearing dark gray body suit, 8k ultra HD, ultrad.png to raw_combined/superhero with spiky hair, hyper muscular physique, wearing dark gray body suit, 8k ultra HD, ultrad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force inspired by CocaCola, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force inspired by CocaCola, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Spike Spiegel from Cowboy beboop, realistic ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Spike Spiegel from Cowboy beboop, realistic ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/realistic Tatsumaki from One Punch Man .txt to raw_combined/realistic Tatsumaki from One Punch Man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/chakravartin in all its power, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/chakravartin in all its power, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, Total White color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background image a storm .png to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, Total White color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background image a storm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Army of humanoid robots fight against army of human military, scifi setting, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Army of humanoid robots fight against army of human military, scifi setting, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmot dressed as superhero Thor, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/marmot dressed as superhero Thor, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes, The upper part of the shoe is made of a combination of highquality materials, .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes, The upper part of the shoe is made of a combination of highquality materials, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lego characters in postapocalyptic scifi environment, execute a strategy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed.png to raw_combined/Lego characters in postapocalyptic scifi environment, execute a strategy, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Guitarist of color, with short hair on the sides and dreadlocks, with shirt and jeans both in dark g.png to raw_combined/Guitarist of color, with short hair on the sides and dreadlocks, with shirt and jeans both in dark g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, cherry red color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, cherry blossom im.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, cherry red color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, cherry blossom im.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes, with Japanesestyle flower decoration, realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes, with Japanesestyle flower decoration, realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Akira from Devilman in the Pixar cartoon style, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Akira from Devilman in the Pixar cartoon style, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Man arrives in an abandoned and destroyed city, in the middle of a destroyed square he meets a woman.txt to raw_combined/Man arrives in an abandoned and destroyed city, in the middle of a destroyed square he meets a woman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force with lotus flower, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force with lotus flower, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini Aventador, with anime fantasy all over the bodywork, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperre.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini Aventador, with anime fantasy all over the bodywork, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/group of aztecs selfie, ultradetailed, HD .txt to raw_combined/group of aztecs selfie, ultradetailed, HD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/metal singer boy Lego version, with long blond curly hair only left side, and asymmetrical undercut .png to raw_combined/metal singer boy Lego version, with long blond curly hair only left side, and asymmetrical undercut .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Colosseum in Dark postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/Colosseum in Dark postapocalyptic futuristic environment, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, ice blue color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, glaciers image back.txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, ice blue color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, glaciers image back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with white Spike short hair, athletic physique, wearing gold body suit , 8k ultra HD, ultr.png to raw_combined/superhero with white Spike short hair, athletic physique, wearing gold body suit , 8k ultra HD, ultr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, fantasy color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/Fender Stratocaster model electric guitar, fantasy color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/mediumcooked Kobe beef placed on a chopping board surrounded by grilled vegetables and spiced potato.txt to raw_combined/mediumcooked Kobe beef placed on a chopping board surrounded by grilled vegetables and spiced potato.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/John Petrucci guitarist of the progressive metal band Dream theater, lego character version, 8k, ult.png to raw_combined/John Petrucci guitarist of the progressive metal band Dream theater, lego character version, 8k, ult.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/groundhog dressed as iron man, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/groundhog dressed as iron man, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/169 sequence image, in which a group of men and women are looking for water, on a now deserted plane.png to raw_combined/169 sequence image, in which a group of men and women are looking for water, on a now deserted plane.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Akira from Devilman in the Pixar cartoon style, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Akira from Devilman in the Pixar cartoon style, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmots dressed as Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/marmots dressed as Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mesopotamian god of men, of giant stature, Darkscifi, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Mesopotamian god of men, of giant stature, Darkscifi, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/BMW I8, dark brown, 8k, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, with mountains background image .png to raw_combined/BMW I8, dark brown, 8k, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, with mountains background image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Mesopotamian god of men, of giant stature, Darkscifi, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Mesopotamian god of men, of giant stature, Darkscifi, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short spiky hair, Indian complexion, muscular physique, wearing dark blue bodyhugging.txt to raw_combined/superhero with short spiky hair, Indian complexion, muscular physique, wearing dark blue bodyhugging.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Spike Spiegel from Cowboy beboop, realistic ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Spike Spiegel from Cowboy beboop, realistic ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/punk rock band formed by groundhogs, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/punk rock band formed by groundhogs, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force One in Picasso style, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force One in Picasso style, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing a bodyhugging Italian tricol.png to raw_combined/superhero with short hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing a bodyhugging Italian tricol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Saitama Nello stile Pixar cartoon, 3d, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Saitama Nello stile Pixar cartoon, 3d, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force with Van Gogh style painting, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force with Van Gogh style painting, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/mediumcooked Kobe beef placed on a chopping board surrounded by grilled vegetables and spiced potato.png to raw_combined/mediumcooked Kobe beef placed on a chopping board surrounded by grilled vegetables and spiced potato.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/space samurai lego character, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/space samurai lego character, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini prototype futuristic car, innovative design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini prototype futuristic car, innovative design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Jordan shoes with mythology pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Jordan shoes with mythology pattern, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmot dressed as superhero Captain America of the Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/marmot dressed as superhero Captain America of the Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/groundhog dressed as iron man, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/groundhog dressed as iron man, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmot dressed as superhero Thor, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/marmot dressed as superhero Thor, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/the God Hades, with long straight white hair, wearing a black body armor, with mechanical bat wings,.png to raw_combined/the God Hades, with long straight white hair, wearing a black body armor, with mechanical bat wings,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lego characters inspired by the Interstellar movie, extraterrestrial landscape image background, 8k .txt to raw_combined/Lego characters inspired by the Interstellar movie, extraterrestrial landscape image background, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8 white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image the caves of Ae.png to raw_combined/Ferrari F8 white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image the caves of Ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lego characters inspired by the Interstellar movie, extraterrestrial landscape image background, 8k .png to raw_combined/Lego characters inspired by the Interstellar movie, extraterrestrial landscape image background, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ichigo kurosaki In the Pixar style, 3d, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Ichigo kurosaki In the Pixar style, 3d, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/giant centipede attacks group of men and women in desert, running scared, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed.txt to raw_combined/giant centipede attacks group of men and women in desert, running scared, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Son Goku in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/Son Goku in the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8 dark green color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image a forest .png to raw_combined/Ferrari F8 dark green color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image a forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short brown hair, goat horns, long goatee, athletic physique, wearing dark green body.png to raw_combined/superhero with short brown hair, goat horns, long goatee, athletic physique, wearing dark green body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ichigo kurosaki In the Pixar style, 3d, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Ichigo kurosaki In the Pixar style, 3d, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Cloud from Final Fantasy, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Cloud from Final Fantasy, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/horde of humanoid robots attack a village of humans, Darkscifi setting, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/horde of humanoid robots attack a village of humans, Darkscifi setting, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with spiky hair, hyper muscular physique, wearing dark gray body suit, 8k ultra HD, ultrad.txt to raw_combined/superhero with spiky hair, hyper muscular physique, wearing dark gray body suit, 8k ultra HD, ultrad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/plain white tshirt, realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/plain white tshirt, realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with long spiky hair, athletic physique, wearing bodyhugging suit in beige color, 8k ultra.png to raw_combined/superhero with long spiky hair, athletic physique, wearing bodyhugging suit in beige color, 8k ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/God Vishnu With its 4 arms in its world destroyer form, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/God Vishnu With its 4 arms in its world destroyer form, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force with Van Gogh style painting, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force with Van Gogh style painting, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8 white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image the caves of Ae.txt to raw_combined/Ferrari F8 white color, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, in the background of the image the caves of Ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Neanderthals group selfie, ultradetailed, HD .png to raw_combined/Neanderthals group selfie, ultradetailed, HD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lilith the woman who rebelled against man becoming the queen of the underworld, with four pairs of h.txt to raw_combined/Lilith the woman who rebelled against man becoming the queen of the underworld, with four pairs of h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Neanderthals group selfie, ultradetailed, HD .txt to raw_combined/Neanderthals group selfie, ultradetailed, HD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superheroine with straight long black hair, blue eyes, wearing a tight body suit of Pink light color.txt to raw_combined/superheroine with straight long black hair, blue eyes, wearing a tight body suit of Pink light color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short brown hair, goat horns, long goatee, athletic physique, wearing dark green body.txt to raw_combined/superhero with short brown hair, goat horns, long goatee, athletic physique, wearing dark green body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Ferrari F8, color Total White, image background with rain, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Ferrari F8, color Total White, image background with rain, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/realistic Tatsumaki from One Punch Man .png to raw_combined/realistic Tatsumaki from One Punch Man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with dreadlocks long hair, long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing dark purple body suit.txt to raw_combined/superhero with dreadlocks long hair, long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing dark purple body suit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/new Ferrari SUV prototype, ocher yellow color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/new Ferrari SUV prototype, ocher yellow color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Sasuke from Naruto, Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Sasuke from Naruto, Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero of indian nationality in emerald green body suit, bodybuilder physique, 8k ultra hd, ultra.png to raw_combined/superhero of indian nationality in emerald green body suit, bodybuilder physique, 8k ultra hd, ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmots dressed as Sasuke from Naruto, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/marmots dressed as Sasuke from Naruto, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/CocaCola orange and vanilla flavor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/CocaCola orange and vanilla flavor, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/shinji ikari from Evangelion in Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/shinji ikari from Evangelion in Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/giant angel with mechanical body, darkscifi, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/giant angel with mechanical body, darkscifi, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini prototype futuristic car, innovative design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Lamborghini prototype futuristic car, innovative design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force, with hieroglyphics, realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force, with hieroglyphics, realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force inspired by CocaCola, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force inspired by CocaCola, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/humanoid robot holding a rifle, Darkscifi setting, Laboratory background, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/humanoid robot holding a rifle, Darkscifi setting, Laboratory background, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/giant angel with mechanical body, darkscifi, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/giant angel with mechanical body, darkscifi, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/possible prototype of a BMW passenger car, Supercar look, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/possible prototype of a BMW passenger car, Supercar look, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/1Ferrari F8, color Blue sea, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background of the image the symbol of the.txt to raw_combined/1Ferrari F8, color Blue sea, 8k, realistic, ultradetailed, background of the image the symbol of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Guitarist of color, with short hair on the sides and dreadlocks, with shirt and jeans both in dark g.txt to raw_combined/Guitarist of color, with short hair on the sides and dreadlocks, with shirt and jeans both in dark g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, scarlet color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, rose garden image ba.png to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, scarlet color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic, rose garden image ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/selfie of Jesus with the twelve apostles, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/selfie of Jesus with the twelve apostles, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Jesus aboard an alien spaceship observes space, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Jesus aboard an alien spaceship observes space, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Naruto In the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Naruto In the Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/God Vishnu With its 4 arms in its world destroyer form, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/God Vishnu With its 4 arms in its world destroyer form, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Lamborghini huracan, space violet color, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Lamborghini huracan, space violet color, 8k, hyper realistic, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Alfa Romeo 159 new prototype with futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/Alfa Romeo 159 new prototype with futuristic design, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/169 sequence image, in which a group of men and women are looking for water, on a now deserted plane.txt to raw_combined/169 sequence image, in which a group of men and women are looking for water, on a now deserted plane.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/horde of humanoid robots attack a village of humans, Darkscifi setting, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/horde of humanoid robots attack a village of humans, Darkscifi setting, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/marmots dressed as Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/marmots dressed as Avengers, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/giant centipede attacks group of men and women in desert, running scared, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed.png to raw_combined/giant centipede attacks group of men and women in desert, running scared, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes, The upper part of the shoe is made of a combination of highquality materials, .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes, The upper part of the shoe is made of a combination of highquality materials, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Tosin Abasi guitarist of Animals as Leaders, Lego puppet version, 8k, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Tosin Abasi guitarist of Animals as Leaders, Lego puppet version, 8k, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/space samurai lego character, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt to raw_combined/space samurai lego character, 8k ultra hd, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/female character with mediumlong black hair, one bionic arm, dark jacket, tshirt, Darkscifi setting,.txt to raw_combined/female character with mediumlong black hair, one bionic arm, dark jacket, tshirt, Darkscifi setting,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike tshirt and shorts with pattern inspired by Picasso, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike tshirt and shorts with pattern inspired by Picasso, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short spiky hair, Indian complexion, muscular physique, wearing dark blue bodyhugging.png to raw_combined/superhero with short spiky hair, Indian complexion, muscular physique, wearing dark blue bodyhugging.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Realistic selfie of a group of Sumerians, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Realistic selfie of a group of Sumerians, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/new Ferrari SUV prototype, ocher yellow color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/new Ferrari SUV prototype, ocher yellow color, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/selfie of Jesus with the twelve apostles, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/selfie of Jesus with the twelve apostles, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Dark postapocalyptic Tokyo city, dystopian future, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Dark postapocalyptic Tokyo city, dystopian future, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/shinji ikari from Evangelion in Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/shinji ikari from Evangelion in Pixar cartoon style, 3D, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/groundhogs Naruto version, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/groundhogs Naruto version, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force One in Picasso style, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force One in Picasso style, 8k ultra HD, ultradetailed, hyperrealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/plain white tshirt, realistic, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/plain white tshirt, realistic, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Superhero with long blond hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, With dark gray bodyhugging suit.png to raw_combined/Superhero with long blond hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, With dark gray bodyhugging suit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/realistic image of archangel with Spike hairy White and blue eyes, wearing closefitting dark gray bo.txt to raw_combined/realistic image of archangel with Spike hairy White and blue eyes, wearing closefitting dark gray bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Guitarist Lego character with long straight hair, glasses, 8k, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/Guitarist Lego character with long straight hair, glasses, 8k, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Nike Air Force shoes in red and green, with black trim, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Force shoes in red and green, with black trim, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/superhero with short hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing a bodyhugging Italian tricol.txt to raw_combined/superhero with short hair and long beard, bodybuilder physique, wearing a bodyhugging Italian tricol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_74/Groundhog in black suit and black tie, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/Groundhog in black suit and black tie, 8k, ultradetailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful white woman dressed only in a few vine leaves, hyperrealistic skin, global li.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful white woman dressed only in a few vine leaves, hyperrealistic skin, global li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman being Michelle Obama, with a meeting scene as background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman being Michelle Obama, with a meeting scene as background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the deity Lilith, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the deity Lilith, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young brunette American girl with her father behind her, with a city centre i.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young brunette American girl with her father behind her, with a city centre i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Russian Queen Katherine 2 in the 1700s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Russian Queen Katherine 2 in the 1700s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a chinese man with a cat in his hands, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a chinese man with a cat in his hands, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brunette white woman from the 1920s, black and white, hyperrealistic skin, global.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young brunette white woman from the 1920s, black and white, hyperrealistic skin, global.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Wu Zetian, the only reigning empress in Chinese history, with a backdrop .png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Wu Zetian, the only reigning empress in Chinese history, with a backdrop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a little black American girl with the face of an angel, with a kitchen and microwave in t.png to raw_combined/a photo of a little black American girl with the face of an angel, with a kitchen and microwave in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young blonde female class teacher, with a school classroom in the background,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young blonde female class teacher, with a school classroom in the background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young white Russian woman from the 1900s, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young white Russian woman from the 1900s, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man with a living Elon Musk look, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man with a living Elon Musk look, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a child, with a crocodile in a zoo in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.png to raw_combined/a photo of a child, with a crocodile in a zoo in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young girl resembling Anne Franck, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young girl resembling Anne Franck, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, the Senegalese resistance heroine Aline Sitoé Diatta, with Senegal in the.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, the Senegalese resistance heroine Aline Sitoé Diatta, with Senegal in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling the Spartan warrior Leonidas without his helmet, in a war environment, f.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling the Spartan warrior Leonidas without his helmet, in a war environment, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a Michael Jordan man in a red Chicago Bulls jersey, on a basketball court, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a Michael Jordan man in a red Chicago Bulls jersey, on a basketball court, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young Spanish woman, hyperrealistic skin, very natural features, in a Spanish.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young Spanish woman, hyperrealistic skin, very natural features, in a Spanish.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old lady resembling Baba Vanga, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fea.png to raw_combined/a photo of an old lady resembling Baba Vanga, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young, beautiful brunette Asian woman on a street, global lighting, very natural featur.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young, beautiful brunette Asian woman on a street, global lighting, very natural featur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown white male child sitting crosslegged on the floor, looking from the front, hyperr.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brown white male child sitting crosslegged on the floor, looking from the front, hyperr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the beautiful Malagasy queen Ranavalona from the 1800s, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a photo of the beautiful Malagasy queen Ranavalona from the 1800s, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling Odin, king of the gods in Scandinavian mythology, with Asgard in the bac.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling Odin, king of the gods in Scandinavian mythology, with Asgard in the bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the beautiful Lisa Ann in an evening dress, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a photo of the beautiful Lisa Ann in an evening dress, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white man with a thick down jacket in Siberia, looking from the front, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a white man with a thick down jacket in Siberia, looking from the front, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old bald man in a jacket on an American street, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, .txt to raw_combined/a photo of an old bald man in a jacket on an American street, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Angela Merkel from the front, with a Berlin in the background, hyperrealistic skin, globa.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Angela Merkel from the front, with a Berlin in the background, hyperrealistic skin, globa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown muslim woman wearing a veil, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brown muslim woman wearing a veil, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a beautiful portuguese woman from the 1300s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.txt to raw_combined/a picture of a beautiful portuguese woman from the 1300s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man, the Roman emperor Nero in 60 AD, with Rome in flames in the background, hyperreali.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man, the Roman emperor Nero in 60 AD, with Rome in flames in the background, hyperreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man, actor Health Ledger playing the Joker, on a street in Arkham, hyperrealistic skin,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man, actor Health Ledger playing the Joker, on a street in Arkham, hyperrealistic skin,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man, actor Health Ledger playing the Joker, on a street in Arkham, hyperrealistic skin,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man, actor Health Ledger playing the Joker, on a street in Arkham, hyperrealistic skin,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a young German man in a kway, in heavy rain, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt to raw_combined/a shot of a young German man in a kway, in heavy rain, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a child in a car seat in a car, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a child in a car seat in a car, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of the beautiful Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt to raw_combined/a picture of the beautiful Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Artemis, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Artemis, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Hilary Clinton from the front, with the white house in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Hilary Clinton from the front, with the white house in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a frontal shot of a tired man with a brown face in a forest at night, hyperrealistic skin, global li.png to raw_combined/a frontal shot of a tired man with a brown face in a forest at night, hyperrealistic skin, global li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a Roxelane woman, wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the 1550s, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a Roxelane woman, wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the 1550s, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a Sylvester Stallone man, with a wartime background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting,.txt to raw_combined/a shot of a Sylvester Stallone man, with a wartime background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young latin american woman in hospital, with a background related to the subject, hyper.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young latin american woman in hospital, with a background related to the subject, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young brunette American girl with her father behind her, with a city centre i.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young brunette American girl with her father behind her, with a city centre i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old man being Bernard Arnault, with a large LVMH luxury building as background, hyperr.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an old man being Bernard Arnault, with a large LVMH luxury building as background, hyperr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man David Parker Ray, an old man from New Mexico, with 1960s New Mexico in the backgrou.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man David Parker Ray, an old man from New Mexico, with 1960s New Mexico in the backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being Isaac Newton, with an apple tree in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glob.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man being Isaac Newton, with an apple tree in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glob.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a man being Bruce Lee, with a fight scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global l.png to raw_combined/a shot of a man being Bruce Lee, with a fight scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man captain of the titanic Edward John Smith, with the deck of the titanic in the backg.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man captain of the titanic Edward John Smith, with the deck of the titanic in the backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man David Parker Ray, an old man from New Mexico, with 1960s New Mexico in the backgrou.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man David Parker Ray, an old man from New Mexico, with 1960s New Mexico in the backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of xxxtentacion, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover photo, f11 .png to raw_combined/a photo of xxxtentacion, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover photo, f11 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman Margaretha Geertruida Zelle a Dutch dancer and courtesan from the 1900s, hyperrea.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman Margaretha Geertruida Zelle a Dutch dancer and courtesan from the 1900s, hyperrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, the Senegalese resistance heroine Aline Sitoé Diatta, with Senegal in the.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, the Senegalese resistance heroine Aline Sitoé Diatta, with Senegal in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black woman, Tina Turner, front view, on stage, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, v.png to raw_combined/a photo of a black woman, Tina Turner, front view, on stage, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young brunette woman from the front lying in bed, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young brunette woman from the front lying in bed, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the beautiful Malagasy queen Ranavalona from the 1800s, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a photo of the beautiful Malagasy queen Ranavalona from the 1800s, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old white American man in a white hat and white shirt, with California in 1950 in the .txt to raw_combined/a photo of an old white American man in a white hat and white shirt, with California in 1950 in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young brunette woman from the front lying in bed, hyperrealistic skin, global.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young brunette woman from the front lying in bed, hyperrealistic skin, global.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being Zeus from the front, powerful and electric, on top of Mount Olympus, hyperrea.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man being Zeus from the front, powerful and electric, on top of Mount Olympus, hyperrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful brown noble white woman from the 1800s in London, hyperrealistic skin, global.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful brown noble white woman from the 1800s in London, hyperrealistic skin, global.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a blonde girl child sitting on the floor, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a blonde girl child sitting on the floor, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of male tennis player Rafael Nadal, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a shot of male tennis player Rafael Nadal, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a veiled woman Huda Sharawi an Egyptian womens activist, with a library in the background.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a veiled woman Huda Sharawi an Egyptian womens activist, with a library in the background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a blonde girl child sitting on the floor, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png to raw_combined/a photo of a blonde girl child sitting on the floor, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the duo Bonnie and Clyde, in a saloon, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .txt to raw_combined/a photo of the duo Bonnie and Clyde, in a saloon, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a chinese man with a cat in his hands, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.png to raw_combined/a photo of a chinese man with a cat in his hands, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young blonde American woman in a night dress, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young blonde American woman in a night dress, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a Roxelane woman, wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the 1550s, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a Roxelane woman, wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, in the 1550s, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black man, with a backdrop of a sect, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a black man, with a backdrop of a sect, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Aphrodite, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Aphrodite, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brunette white woman from the 1920s, black and white, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young brunette white woman from the 1920s, black and white, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brunette woman in a wheelchair with her mother washing up in the background, hype.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young brunette woman in a wheelchair with her mother washing up in the background, hype.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful Maghrebi woman with short curly brown hair, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful Maghrebi woman with short curly brown hair, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the Greek goddess Nyx, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the Greek goddess Nyx, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling Odin, king of the gods in Scandinavian mythology, with Asgard in the bac.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling Odin, king of the gods in Scandinavian mythology, with Asgard in the bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a darkhaired child with slightly tanned skin sitting crosslegged, looking from the front,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a darkhaired child with slightly tanned skin sitting crosslegged, looking from the front,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman being Jk Rowling, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, f1.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman being Jk Rowling, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, f1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a scientist in a white coat, with a laboratory setting, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a photo of a scientist in a white coat, with a laboratory setting, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Klaus Barbie, in a bar in officers uniform, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Klaus Barbie, in a bar in officers uniform, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young mixedrace woman with short hair, with a backdrop, hyperrealistic skin, global lig.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young mixedrace woman with short hair, with a backdrop, hyperrealistic skin, global lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Ndete Yalla, the last great queen of the Waalo, with a backdrop, hyperrea.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Ndete Yalla, the last great queen of the Waalo, with a backdrop, hyperrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black man, with a backdrop of a sect, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png to raw_combined/a photo of a black man, with a backdrop of a sect, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young mixedrace woman with short hair, with a backdrop, hyperrealistic skin, global lig.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young mixedrace woman with short hair, with a backdrop, hyperrealistic skin, global lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, in a cartoon style, hyperrealistic skin, glo.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, in a cartoon style, hyperrealistic skin, glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young, beautiful brunette Asian woman on a street, global lighting, very natural featur.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young, beautiful brunette Asian woman on a street, global lighting, very natural featur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a handsome man being Gianni Versace, with an Italian city as background, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a handsome man being Gianni Versace, with an Italian city as background, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman looking like Hilary Clinton from the front, with the White House in the backgroun.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman looking like Hilary Clinton from the front, with the White House in the backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette Dutch woman in her twenties, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette Dutch woman in her twenties, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the old Chinese philosopher Confucius alive, in a peaceful environment, front view, hyper.png to raw_combined/a photo of the old Chinese philosopher Confucius alive, in a peaceful environment, front view, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Artemis, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Artemis, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown white male child sitting crosslegged on the floor, looking from the front, hyperr.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brown white male child sitting crosslegged on the floor, looking from the front, hyperr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman looking like Angela Merkel from the front, with Berlin in the background, hyperre.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman looking like Angela Merkel from the front, with Berlin in the background, hyperre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the Berber warrior queen Dihya, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the Berber warrior queen Dihya, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover .txt to raw_combined/a photo of Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Amaterasu, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Amaterasu, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking like Joseph Stalin in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking like Joseph Stalin in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young Colombian woman, with a Colombian city in the background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young Colombian woman, with a Colombian city in the background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman, Jackie Kennedy, from the front, with the USA in the background, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman, Jackie Kennedy, from the front, with the USA in the background, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man, the Roman emperor Nero in 60 AD, with Rome in flames in the background, hyperreali.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man, the Roman emperor Nero in 60 AD, with Rome in flames in the background, hyperreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a child in a car seat in a car, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.png to raw_combined/a photo of a child in a car seat in a car, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young woman, Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England, set in the 1500s, hyperrealistic sk.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young woman, Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England, set in the 1500s, hyperrealistic sk.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling Pablo Escobar, with a villa and men from his cartel in the background, h.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling Pablo Escobar, with a villa and men from his cartel in the background, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of the beautiful Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png to raw_combined/a picture of the beautiful Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man Ivan the Terrible Tsar of Russia from the 1550s, with Moscow from the 1550s in the .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man Ivan the Terrible Tsar of Russia from the 1550s, with Moscow from the 1550s in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young white Russian woman from the 1900s, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young white Russian woman from the 1900s, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a male Henry VIII king of England in the 1500s, with England in the 1500s in the backgrou.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a male Henry VIII king of England in the 1500s, with England in the 1500s in the backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Sanité Belair real name Suzanne Bélair, a revolutionary and officer in To.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Sanité Belair real name Suzanne Bélair, a revolutionary and officer in To.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white girl child in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a white girl child in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a beautiful portuguese woman from the 1300s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.png to raw_combined/a picture of a beautiful portuguese woman from the 1300s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Ndete Yalla, the last great queen of the Waalo, with a backdrop, hyperrea.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Ndete Yalla, the last great queen of the Waalo, with a backdrop, hyperrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being the famous dj Avicci in portrait, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png to raw_combined/a photo of a man being the famous dj Avicci in portrait, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old lady resembling Baba Vanga, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fea.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an old lady resembling Baba Vanga, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a male Henry VIII king of England in the 1500s, with England in the 1500s in the backgrou.png to raw_combined/a photo of a male Henry VIII king of England in the 1500s, with England in the 1500s in the backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown muslim woman wearing a veil, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brown muslim woman wearing a veil, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette teenager with a mobile phone filming herself in the mirror, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette teenager with a mobile phone filming herself in the mirror, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black girl sitting on a dilapidated couch, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a black girl sitting on a dilapidated couch, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful redheaded woman from the 1500s, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, .png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful redheaded woman from the 1500s, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of male tennis player Rafael Nadal, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a shot of male tennis player Rafael Nadal, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young woman courtesan in Palermo in the 1650s, with Palermo in the 1650s in t.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young woman courtesan in Palermo in the 1650s, with Palermo in the 1650s in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a man being Bruce Lee, with a fight scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global l.txt to raw_combined/a shot of a man being Bruce Lee, with a fight scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman looking like Angela Merkel from the front, with Berlin in the background, hyperre.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman looking like Angela Merkel from the front, with Berlin in the background, hyperre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black girl child in the middle of a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a black girl child in the middle of a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman being Michelle Obama, with a meeting scene as background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman being Michelle Obama, with a meeting scene as background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Hilary Clinton from the front, with the white house in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a photo of Hilary Clinton from the front, with the white house in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young American girl, with a California house garden in the background, hyperrealistic s.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young American girl, with a California house garden in the background, hyperrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young woman courtesan in Palermo in the 1650s, with Palermo in the 1650s in t.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young woman courtesan in Palermo in the 1650s, with Palermo in the 1650s in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brunette woman in a wheelchair with her mother washing up in the background, hype.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young brunette woman in a wheelchair with her mother washing up in the background, hype.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young Spanish woman, hyperrealistic skin, very natural features, in a Spanish.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young Spanish woman, hyperrealistic skin, very natural features, in a Spanish.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman, Jackie Kennedy, from the front, with the USA in the background, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman, Jackie Kennedy, from the front, with the USA in the background, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old woman being Maria Montessori, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural f.png to raw_combined/a photo of an old woman being Maria Montessori, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a darkhaired child with slightly tanned skin sitting crosslegged, looking from the front,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a darkhaired child with slightly tanned skin sitting crosslegged, looking from the front,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman looking like Hilary Clinton from the front, with the White House in the backgroun.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman looking like Hilary Clinton from the front, with the White House in the backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Cristiano Ronaldo in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperreali.txt to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Cristiano Ronaldo in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young woman, Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England, set in the 1500s, hyperrealistic sk.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young woman, Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England, set in the 1500s, hyperrealistic sk.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of Aretha Franklyn from the front, with a singing stage in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a shot of Aretha Franklyn from the front, with a singing stage in the background, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Messi, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Messi, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette teenager with a mobile phone filming herself in the mirror, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette teenager with a mobile phone filming herself in the mirror, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being Isaac Newton, with an apple tree in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glob.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man being Isaac Newton, with an apple tree in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glob.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old woman being Maria Montessori, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural f.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an old woman being Maria Montessori, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful redheaded woman from the 1500s, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful redheaded woman from the 1500s, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful living young woman being the goddess Freyja, hyperrealistic skin, global ligh.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful living young woman being the goddess Freyja, hyperrealistic skin, global ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a little blond boy in a field, with a tractor in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glo.png to raw_combined/a photo of a little blond boy in a field, with a tractor in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman Hildegard of Bingen, a saint from the 1100s, with a German monastery from the 110.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman Hildegard of Bingen, a saint from the 1100s, with a German monastery from the 110.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an africanamerican woman in a wheelchair because she would have lost her limbs, hyperreal.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an africanamerican woman in a wheelchair because she would have lost her limbs, hyperreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being Joan of Arc in armour, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being Joan of Arc in armour, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Klaus Barbie, in a bar in officers uniform, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a photo of Klaus Barbie, in a bar in officers uniform, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Donald Trump, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.png to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Donald Trump, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror in a 1450s outfit, in a 1450s Ottoman Empire environment, .txt to raw_combined/a photo of Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror in a 1450s outfit, in a 1450s Ottoman Empire environment, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man with a living Elon Musk look, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man with a living Elon Musk look, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural fe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown man Adolf Diekmann German WWII soldier, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brown man Adolf Diekmann German WWII soldier, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Messi, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Messi, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old man being Bernard Arnault, with a large LVMH luxury building as background, hyperr.png to raw_combined/a photo of an old man being Bernard Arnault, with a large LVMH luxury building as background, hyperr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette white American woman with a chimpanzee in a cage in the background, hyperreali.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette white American woman with a chimpanzee in a cage in the background, hyperreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man Ivan the Terrible Tsar of Russia from the 1550s, with Moscow from the 1550s in the .png to raw_combined/a photo of a man Ivan the Terrible Tsar of Russia from the 1550s, with Moscow from the 1550s in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling the Spartan warrior Leonidas without his helmet, in a war environment, f.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling the Spartan warrior Leonidas without his helmet, in a war environment, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the warrior Kratos, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.png to raw_combined/a photo of the warrior Kratos, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the magnificent Naomi Campbell, with a model scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin.txt to raw_combined/a photo of the magnificent Naomi Campbell, with a model scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a frontal shot of a tired man with a brown face in a forest at night, hyperrealistic skin, global li.txt to raw_combined/a frontal shot of a tired man with a brown face in a forest at night, hyperrealistic skin, global li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the magnificent Naomi Campbell, with a model scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin.png to raw_combined/a photo of the magnificent Naomi Campbell, with a model scene in the background, hyperrealistic skin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful woman looking like mona lisa, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful woman looking like mona lisa, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Sanité Belair real name Suzanne Bélair, a revolutionary and officer in To.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Sanité Belair real name Suzanne Bélair, a revolutionary and officer in To.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Amaterasu, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Amaterasu, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white brunette girl child sitting in a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/a photo of a white brunette girl child sitting in a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a former Coco Chanel woman, with a scene from a Chanel fashion show in the background, hy.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a former Coco Chanel woman, with a scene from a Chanel fashion show in the background, hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the deity Lilith, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the deity Lilith, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful female schoolteacher, set in a classroom full of young pupils, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful female schoolteacher, set in a classroom full of young pupils, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful brunette girl in light jeans sitting on a bench in a park, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful brunette girl in light jeans sitting on a bench in a park, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo by Delphine Lalaurie a strong woman with a serial killer style from Louisiana in the 1800s, .png to raw_combined/a photo by Delphine Lalaurie a strong woman with a serial killer style from Louisiana in the 1800s, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Novak Djokovic, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Novak Djokovic, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette white American woman with a chimpanzee in a cage in the background, hyperreali.png to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette white American woman with a chimpanzee in a cage in the background, hyperreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Aphrodite, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young living woman being Aphrodite, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the duo Bonnie and Clyde, in a saloon, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .png to raw_combined/a photo of the duo Bonnie and Clyde, in a saloon, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the old Chinese philosopher Confucius alive, in a peaceful environment, front view, hyper.txt to raw_combined/a photo of the old Chinese philosopher Confucius alive, in a peaceful environment, front view, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, in a cartoon style, hyperrealistic skin, glo.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking slightly like Elon Musk alive, in a cartoon style, hyperrealistic skin, glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a handsome man being Gianni Versace, with an Italian city as background, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a handsome man being Gianni Versace, with an Italian city as background, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a scientist in a white coat, with a laboratory setting, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a scientist in a white coat, with a laboratory setting, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white man with a thick down jacket in Siberia, looking from the front, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a white man with a thick down jacket in Siberia, looking from the front, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful brown noble white woman from the 1800s in London, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful brown noble white woman from the 1800s in London, hyperrealistic skin, global.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror in a 1450s outfit, in a 1450s Ottoman Empire environment, .png to raw_combined/a photo of Sultan Mehmet II the Conqueror in a 1450s outfit, in a 1450s Ottoman Empire environment, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful Maghrebi woman with short curly brown hair, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful Maghrebi woman with short curly brown hair, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a frontal shot of an old woman resembling a veiled Serbian witch, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.png to raw_combined/a frontal shot of an old woman resembling a veiled Serbian witch, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a Sylvester Stallone man, with a wartime background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting,.png to raw_combined/a shot of a Sylvester Stallone man, with a wartime background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black girl sitting on a dilapidated couch, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a black girl sitting on a dilapidated couch, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of the beautiful Queen Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a picture of the beautiful Queen Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Russian Queen Katherine 2 in the 1700s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png to raw_combined/a photo of Russian Queen Katherine 2 in the 1700s, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being Zeus from the front, powerful and electric, on top of Mount Olympus, hyperrea.png to raw_combined/a photo of a man being Zeus from the front, powerful and electric, on top of Mount Olympus, hyperrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a little blond boy in a field, with a tractor in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glo.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a little blond boy in a field, with a tractor in the background, hyperrealistic skin, glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful living young woman being the goddess Freyja, hyperrealistic skin, global ligh.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful living young woman being the goddess Freyja, hyperrealistic skin, global ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black man resembling George Floyd, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a black man resembling George Floyd, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an AfroAmerican woman dressed as a doctor, with a hospital in the background, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/a photo of an AfroAmerican woman dressed as a doctor, with a hospital in the background, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman, Wu Zetian, the only reigning empress in Chinese history, with a backdrop .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman, Wu Zetian, the only reigning empress in Chinese history, with a backdrop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a former Coco Chanel woman, with a scene from a Chanel fashion show in the background, hy.png to raw_combined/a photo of a former Coco Chanel woman, with a scene from a Chanel fashion show in the background, hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the goddess Persephone, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the goddess Persephone, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an africanamerican woman in a wheelchair because she would have lost her limbs, hyperreal.png to raw_combined/a photo of an africanamerican woman in a wheelchair because she would have lost her limbs, hyperreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Novak Djokovic, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.png to raw_combined/a photo of Novak Djokovic, with a tennis court in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the Greek goddess Nyx, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the Greek goddess Nyx, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black girl child in the middle of a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/a photo of a black girl child in the middle of a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the goddess Persephone, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the goddess Persephone, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young American girl, with a California house garden in the background, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young American girl, with a California house garden in the background, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo by Delphine Lalaurie a strong woman with a serial killer style from Louisiana in the 1800s, .txt to raw_combined/a photo by Delphine Lalaurie a strong woman with a serial killer style from Louisiana in the 1800s, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black man resembling George Floyd, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .png to raw_combined/a photo of a black man resembling George Floyd, global lighting, very natural features, f11 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the beautiful Lisa Ann in an evening dress, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png to raw_combined/a photo of the beautiful Lisa Ann in an evening dress, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a black woman, Tina Turner, front view, on stage, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, v.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a black woman, Tina Turner, front view, on stage, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young blonde American woman in a night dress, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young blonde American woman in a night dress, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young girl resembling Anne Franck, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young girl resembling Anne Franck, in an attic, global lighting, very natural features,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brown man Adolf Diekmann German WWII soldier, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brown man Adolf Diekmann German WWII soldier, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man resembling Pablo Escobar, with a villa and men from his cartel in the background, h.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man resembling Pablo Escobar, with a villa and men from his cartel in the background, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man looking like Joseph Stalin in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man looking like Joseph Stalin in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young Colombian woman, with a Colombian city in the background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young Colombian woman, with a Colombian city in the background, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Angela Merkel from the front, with a Berlin in the background, hyperrealistic skin, globa.png to raw_combined/a photo of Angela Merkel from the front, with a Berlin in the background, hyperrealistic skin, globa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brown white girl in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealist.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young brown white girl in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of the warrior Kratos, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.txt to raw_combined/a photo of the warrior Kratos, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural featur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young woman resembling the Austrian Empress Sisi, in a splendid palace, hyper.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young woman resembling the Austrian Empress Sisi, in a splendid palace, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a Michael Jordan man in a red Chicago Bulls jersey, on a basketball court, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/a photo of a Michael Jordan man in a red Chicago Bulls jersey, on a basketball court, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover .png to raw_combined/a photo of Elon Musk alive, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a frontal shot of an old woman resembling a veiled Serbian witch, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.txt to raw_combined/a frontal shot of an old woman resembling a veiled Serbian witch, hyperrealistic skin, global lighti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful black woman in a maids outfit, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, g.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful black woman in a maids outfit, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman being Jk Rowling, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, f1.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman being Jk Rowling, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natural features, f1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Donald Trump, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.txt to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Donald Trump, front view, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being Joan of Arc in armour, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being Joan of Arc in armour, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young latin american woman in hospital, with a background related to the subject, hyper.png to raw_combined/a photo of a young latin american woman in hospital, with a background related to the subject, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white girl child in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealistic ski.png to raw_combined/a photo of a white girl child in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealistic ski.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young blonde female class teacher, with a school classroom in the background,.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young blonde female class teacher, with a school classroom in the background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful woman looking like mona lisa, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful woman looking like mona lisa, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, gl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old white American man in a white hat and white shirt, with California in 1950 in the .png to raw_combined/a photo of an old white American man in a white hat and white shirt, with California in 1950 in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an AfroAmerican woman dressed as a doctor, with a hospital in the background, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an AfroAmerican woman dressed as a doctor, with a hospital in the background, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful female schoolteacher, set in a classroom full of young pupils, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful female schoolteacher, set in a classroom full of young pupils, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a brunette Dutch woman in her twenties, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a brunette Dutch woman in her twenties, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very natura.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of the beautiful Queen Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt to raw_combined/a picture of the beautiful Queen Charlotte of MecklenburgStrelitz, hyperrealistic skin, global light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman Hildegard of Bingen, a saint from the 1100s, with a German monastery from the 110.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman Hildegard of Bingen, a saint from the 1100s, with a German monastery from the 110.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of xxxtentacion, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover photo, f11 .txt to raw_combined/a photo of xxxtentacion, global lighting, very natural features, TIME cover photo, f11 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Lucretia Borgia, Italian cardinals daughter from the 1500s, hyperrealistic skin, global l.png to raw_combined/a photo of Lucretia Borgia, Italian cardinals daughter from the 1500s, hyperrealistic skin, global l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful white woman dressed only in a few vine leaves, hyperrealistic skin, global li.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful white woman dressed only in a few vine leaves, hyperrealistic skin, global li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of Lucretia Borgia, Italian cardinals daughter from the 1500s, hyperrealistic skin, global l.txt to raw_combined/a photo of Lucretia Borgia, Italian cardinals daughter from the 1500s, hyperrealistic skin, global l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of a young German man in a kway, in heavy rain, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png to raw_combined/a shot of a young German man in a kway, in heavy rain, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very na.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful brunette girl in light jeans sitting on a bench in a park, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful brunette girl in light jeans sitting on a bench in a park, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of an old bald man in a jacket on an American street, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, .png to raw_combined/a photo of an old bald man in a jacket on an American street, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a shot of Aretha Franklyn from the front, with a singing stage in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt to raw_combined/a shot of Aretha Franklyn from the front, with a singing stage in the background, hyperrealistic ski.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a woman Margaretha Geertruida Zelle a Dutch dancer and courtesan from the 1900s, hyperrea.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman Margaretha Geertruida Zelle a Dutch dancer and courtesan from the 1900s, hyperrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man being the famous dj Avicci in portrait, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man being the famous dj Avicci in portrait, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting, very .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a man captain of the titanic Edward John Smith, with the deck of the titanic in the backg.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a man captain of the titanic Edward John Smith, with the deck of the titanic in the backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a living woman being the Berber warrior queen Dihya, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting.png to raw_combined/a photo of a living woman being the Berber warrior queen Dihya, hyperrealistic skin, global lighting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a young brown white girl in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealist.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a young brown white girl in the middle of a highway, looking from the front, hyperrealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a little black American girl with the face of an angel, with a kitchen and microwave in t.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a little black American girl with the face of an angel, with a kitchen and microwave in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a picture of a man looking like Cristiano Ronaldo in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperreali.png to raw_combined/a picture of a man looking like Cristiano Ronaldo in the middle of a stadium, front view, hyperreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful young woman resembling the Austrian Empress Sisi, in a splendid palace, hyper.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful young woman resembling the Austrian Empress Sisi, in a splendid palace, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a white brunette girl child sitting in a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a white brunette girl child sitting in a living room, looking from the front, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a beautiful black woman in a maids outfit, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, g.png to raw_combined/a photo of a beautiful black woman in a maids outfit, looking from the front, hyperrealistic skin, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a veiled woman Huda Sharawi an Egyptian womens activist, with a library in the background.png to raw_combined/a photo of a veiled woman Huda Sharawi an Egyptian womens activist, with a library in the background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_54/a photo of a child, with a crocodile in a zoo in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a child, with a crocodile in a zoo in the background, hyperrealistic skin, global lightin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Still Walking by Hirokazu Koreeda. Cinematic, action photo, heroic, photorealist, high resolution .png to raw_combined/Still Walking by Hirokazu Koreeda. Cinematic, action photo, heroic, photorealist, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/eyes like MAC COSMETICS commercial ,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, .txt to raw_combined/eyes like MAC COSMETICS commercial ,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/model woma, beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual sparkles, photos by photographer Paolo Rove.txt to raw_combined/model woma, beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual sparkles, photos by photographer Paolo Rove.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a female hand with rings res.txt to raw_combined/vintage photo the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a female hand with rings res.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert, in the style of floral surrealism, photorealistic landscapes,.txt to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert, in the style of floral surrealism, photorealistic landscapes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a mans chest is covered in tiny bug holes, in the style of natalie shau, multiple filter effect, miw.txt to raw_combined/a mans chest is covered in tiny bug holes, in the style of natalie shau, multiple filter effect, miw.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .png to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, walking in the st.txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, walking in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a no gender peoples, africans and Japaneses , Mexicans and american, engaging in re.txt to raw_combined/An image showing a no gender peoples, africans and Japaneses , Mexicans and american, engaging in re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with Kendri.png to raw_combined/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with Kendri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Años 20. Sur de Italia. Una joven madre mira por la ventana desde su pequeña alcoba. Sus 3 hijos, 2 .txt to raw_combined/Años 20. Sur de Italia. Una joven madre mira por la ventana desde su pequeña alcoba. Sus 3 hijos, 2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big lgbt pride party 3, two lesbians kissing in the são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra 800, .txt to raw_combined/a big lgbt pride party 3, two lesbians kissing in the são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra 800, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a woman in white is sculpted with huge white ears, in the style of futuristic designs, hyperrealisti.png to raw_combined/a woman in white is sculpted with huge white ears, in the style of futuristic designs, hyperrealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a model with a ski goggles wearing a mirrored jacket in the middle of a lake while, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/a model with a ski goggles wearing a mirrored jacket in the middle of a lake while, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a model dressed in a white outfit with red and black eyes, in the style of hybrid creature compositi.txt to raw_combined/a model dressed in a white outfit with red and black eyes, in the style of hybrid creature compositi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the creature made of white papiermâché and blue holographic lights, in the style of surreal fashion .png to raw_combined/the creature made of white papiermâché and blue holographic lights, in the style of surreal fashion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a no gender peoples, africans and Japaneses , Mexicans and american, engaging in re.png to raw_combined/An image showing a no gender peoples, africans and Japaneses , Mexicans and american, engaging in re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a wine glass has a wine stain, in the style of larry sultan, extravagant table settings .png to raw_combined/a wine glass has a wine stain, in the style of larry sultan, extravagant table settings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/giant work of Joseph Beuys in the middle of the street in NY, .txt to raw_combined/giant work of Joseph Beuys in the middle of the street in NY, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo with a party table, vintage drink glasses, a hand with rings resting on the table, pho.png to raw_combined/vintage photo with a party table, vintage drink glasses, a hand with rings resting on the table, pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism, phot.png to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, minimal, walking .png to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, minimal, walking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing Helmut Lang clothes, streets of .png to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing Helmut Lang clothes, streets of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/lincolnby keith haring, in the style of action painting, black and white abstraction, pensive poses,.txt to raw_combined/lincolnby keith haring, in the style of action painting, black and white abstraction, pensive poses,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Still Walking by Hirokazu Koreeda. Cinematic, action photo, heroic, photorealist, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/Still Walking by Hirokazu Koreeda. Cinematic, action photo, heroic, photorealist, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models, Asian, african, in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, .txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models, Asian, african, in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/edvard gores created his own skull in white aprons, in the style of zhang jingna, futuristic shapes,.png to raw_combined/edvard gores created his own skull in white aprons, in the style of zhang jingna, futuristic shapes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team making a slam du.txt to raw_combined/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team making a slam du.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a scene for a hmv commercial with colorful plants in a desert field, in the style of natalie shau, s.png to raw_combined/a scene for a hmv commercial with colorful plants in a desert field, in the style of natalie shau, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/muitas pessoas andando pelas calçadas de NYC usando o novo Melissa Clog Marc Jacobs, muitas cores e.txt to raw_combined/muitas pessoas andando pelas calçadas de NYC usando o novo Melissa Clog Marc Jacobs, muitas cores e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Rise,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, wunderschöne Beleuchtung, Ray T.txt to raw_combined/Rise,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, wunderschöne Beleuchtung, Ray T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender fathers , japanise, mexican, engaging in recreational activities.txt to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender fathers , japanise, mexican, engaging in recreational activities.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton 3, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad.png to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton 3, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with flashl.png to raw_combined/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with flashl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton 3, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad.txt to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton 3, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big lgbt pride party 3, two lesbians kissing in the são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra 800, .png to raw_combined/a big lgbt pride party 3, two lesbians kissing in the são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra 800, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models, Asian, african, in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, .png to raw_combined/3 fashion models, Asian, african, in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big lgbt pride party 3, two old lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645,.png to raw_combined/a big lgbt pride party 3, two old lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a scene for a hmv commercial with colorful plants in a desert field, in the style of natalie shau, s.txt to raw_combined/a scene for a hmv commercial with colorful plants in a desert field, in the style of natalie shau, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .txt to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, futuristic makeup, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal,.txt to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, futuristic makeup, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, minimal, walking .txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, minimal, walking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a couple of men kissing in front of a window, in the style of rainbowcore, dain yoon, karol bak, bla.png to raw_combined/a couple of men kissing in front of a window, in the style of rainbowcore, dain yoon, karol bak, bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party two lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra .png to raw_combined/a big gay pride party two lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party everyone kissing at a lgbt pride party in the metro of são paulo, animated , c.png to raw_combined/a big gay pride party everyone kissing at a lgbt pride party in the metro of são paulo, animated , c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, Naomi Campbell 2050, Linda Evangelista, .png to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, Naomi Campbell 2050, Linda Evangelista, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/edvard gores created his own skull in white aprons, in the style of zhang jingna, futuristic shapes,.txt to raw_combined/edvard gores created his own skull in white aprons, in the style of zhang jingna, futuristic shapes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the desert with colorful rock formations and cactus plants, in the style of miss aniela, heart shape.txt to raw_combined/the desert with colorful rock formations and cactus plants, in the style of miss aniela, heart shape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a cloudless blue sky, in the style of grandiose cityscape views, 8k resolution, gerard sekoto, lens .txt to raw_combined/a cloudless blue sky, in the style of grandiose cityscape views, 8k resolution, gerard sekoto, lens .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a black and white poster with letters on it, in the style of primitive forms, maranao art, bronzepun.txt to raw_combined/a black and white poster with letters on it, in the style of primitive forms, maranao art, bronzepun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism 2, ph.png to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism 2, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/giant Joseph Beuys style sculpture in the middle of the street in NY, .png to raw_combined/giant Joseph Beuys style sculpture in the middle of the street in NY, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a body covered in tiny thorns, in the style of japaneseinspired imagery, made of insects, fujifilm n.png to raw_combined/a body covered in tiny thorns, in the style of japaneseinspired imagery, made of insects, fujifilm n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Mac campaign scifi, worms eye view ,high resolution, intricate details, 8k, sharp focus, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/Mac campaign scifi, worms eye view ,high resolution, intricate details, 8k, sharp focus, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/many drags, transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in são paulo, happy, cinematic.png to raw_combined/many drags, transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in são paulo, happy, cinematic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, 80s clothing, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .txt to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, 80s clothing, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, Bauhaus style modernist furnitu.txt to raw_combined/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, Bauhaus style modernist furnitu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .txt to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a no gender peoples, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational.png to raw_combined/An image showing a no gender peoples, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/black american model woman aline beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual, .txt to raw_combined/black american model woman aline beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/red head woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds,.png to raw_combined/red head woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad c.txt to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers4, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptu.txt to raw_combined/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers4, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black woman model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .png to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black woman model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/black fat girl with her face painted to look like the flag of lgbt, in the style of bella kotak, hel.png to raw_combined/black fat girl with her face painted to look like the flag of lgbt, in the style of bella kotak, hel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, walking in the st.png to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing loewe clothes, walking in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptur.png to raw_combined/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/female model in bright sunglasses poses with ski goggles, in the style of wangechi mutu, reflective .png to raw_combined/female model in bright sunglasses poses with ski goggles, in the style of wangechi mutu, reflective .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, Hasselblad, .png to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, Hasselblad, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/plates, glasses, and napkins, in the style of melancholic selfportraits, decadent decay, kodak gold .txt to raw_combined/plates, glasses, and napkins, in the style of melancholic selfportraits, decadent decay, kodak gold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a cloudless blue sky, in the style of grandiose cityscape views, 8k resolution, gerard sekoto, lens .png to raw_combined/a cloudless blue sky, in the style of grandiose cityscape views, 8k resolution, gerard sekoto, lens .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/lincolnby keith haring, in the style of action painting, black and white abstraction, pensive poses,.png to raw_combined/lincolnby keith haring, in the style of action painting, black and white abstraction, pensive poses,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in the subway, Feliz, co.png to raw_combined/a big pride party transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in the subway, Feliz, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party two lesbians kissing passionately in the são paulo, animated , sunset, contax 645,.png to raw_combined/a big pride party two lesbians kissing passionately in the são paulo, animated , sunset, contax 645,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational .png to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender father, no gender mother, mexican, engaging in recreational acti.txt to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender father, no gender mother, mexican, engaging in recreational acti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a flatware set on a table, in the style of conceptual embroideries, postmodern photography, gemstone.png to raw_combined/a flatware set on a table, in the style of conceptual embroideries, postmodern photography, gemstone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a girl wearing goggles and skisuit, in the style of iridescent, campcore, reflective surfaces, mbole.txt to raw_combined/a girl wearing goggles and skisuit, in the style of iridescent, campcore, reflective surfaces, mbole.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a man with letters painted on his face, in the style of vibrant colorism, dark and brooding designer.png to raw_combined/a man with letters painted on his face, in the style of vibrant colorism, dark and brooding designer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a black and white poster with letters on it, in the style of primitive forms, maranao art, bronzepun.png to raw_combined/a black and white poster with letters on it, in the style of primitive forms, maranao art, bronzepun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, Naomi Campbell 2050, Linda Evangelista, .txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, Naomi Campbell 2050, Linda Evangelista, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Frantz Fanon portrait, like Dane Shue art work, ar 916 .png to raw_combined/Frantz Fanon portrait, like Dane Shue art work, ar 916 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/roman and brazilian script graffitti print, in the style of otherworldly grotesquery, magewave, medi.png to raw_combined/roman and brazilian script graffitti print, in the style of otherworldly grotesquery, magewave, medi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/winter sports, snowboard fashion and beauty, in the style of afrofuturism, iridescenceopalescence, c.txt to raw_combined/winter sports, snowboard fashion and beauty, in the style of afrofuturism, iridescenceopalescence, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/eyes like MAC COSMETICS commercial ,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, .png to raw_combined/eyes like MAC COSMETICS commercial ,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/model woma, beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual sparkles, photos by photographer Paolo Rove.png to raw_combined/model woma, beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual sparkles, photos by photographer Paolo Rove.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party brazilian transgenders at a lgbt pride party in sao paulo, animated , contax 645, .png to raw_combined/a big pride party brazilian transgenders at a lgbt pride party in sao paulo, animated , contax 645, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert, in the style of floral surrealism, photorealistic landscapes,.png to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert, in the style of floral surrealism, photorealistic landscapes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in the subway, Feliz, co.txt to raw_combined/a big pride party transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in the subway, Feliz, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a man, man with shirt on, and a man kissing, in the style of stark blackandwhite photography, unicor.png to raw_combined/a man, man with shirt on, and a man kissing, in the style of stark blackandwhite photography, unicor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a ring and bracelet sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.png to raw_combined/a ring and bracelet sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team to slamdunk with.png to raw_combined/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team to slamdunk with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender fathers , japanise, mexican, engaging in recreational activities.png to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender fathers , japanise, mexican, engaging in recreational activities.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party with brazilians at a lgbt pride party at metro de são paulo, animated , contax.png to raw_combined/a big gay pride party with brazilians at a lgbt pride party at metro de são paulo, animated , contax.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with flashl.txt to raw_combined/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with flashl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/muitas pessoas andando pelas calçadas de NYC usando o novo Melissa Clog Marc Jacobs, muitas cores e.png to raw_combined/muitas pessoas andando pelas calçadas de NYC usando o novo Melissa Clog Marc Jacobs, muitas cores e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a watch and a clock sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.png to raw_combined/a watch and a clock sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a couple of men kissing in front of a window, in the style of rainbowcore, dain yoon, karol bak, bla.txt to raw_combined/a couple of men kissing in front of a window, in the style of rainbowcore, dain yoon, karol bak, bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a pink phone and passport by a girl on the ground, in the style of postmodern appropriation of found.txt to raw_combined/a pink phone and passport by a girl on the ground, in the style of postmodern appropriation of found.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing Helmut Lang clothes, streets of .txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numerô magazine, wearing Helmut Lang clothes, streets of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the creature made of white papiermâché and blue holographic lights, in the style of surreal fashion .txt to raw_combined/the creature made of white papiermâché and blue holographic lights, in the style of surreal fashion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a pair of boys kissing each other in black and white, in the style of unicorncore, intense light and.png to raw_combined/a pair of boys kissing each other in black and white, in the style of unicorncore, intense light and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the art for wall text graffiti by person, in the style of philip taaffe, william nicholson, irregula.png to raw_combined/the art for wall text graffiti by person, in the style of philip taaffe, william nicholson, irregula.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/an empty plate with a cake and a spoon sitting on it, in the style of light red and dark emerald, fr.png to raw_combined/an empty plate with a cake and a spoon sitting on it, in the style of light red and dark emerald, fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party everyone kissing at a lgbt pride party in the metro of são paulo, animated , c.txt to raw_combined/a big gay pride party everyone kissing at a lgbt pride party in the metro of são paulo, animated , c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a pair of boys kissing each other in black and white, in the style of unicorncore, intense light and.txt to raw_combined/a pair of boys kissing each other in black and white, in the style of unicorncore, intense light and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a flatware set on a table, in the style of conceptual embroideries, postmodern photography, gemstone.txt to raw_combined/a flatware set on a table, in the style of conceptual embroideries, postmodern photography, gemstone.txt\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/photo by naruto daiyama, in the style of made of insects, health goth, snapshot realism, conceptual .txt to raw_combined/photo by naruto daiyama, in the style of made of insects, health goth, snapshot realism, conceptual .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party with brazilians at a lgbt pride party at metro de são paulo, animated , contax.txt to raw_combined/a big gay pride party with brazilians at a lgbt pride party at metro de são paulo, animated , contax.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a body covered in tiny thorns, in the style of japaneseinspired imagery, made of insects, fujifilm n.txt to raw_combined/a body covered in tiny thorns, in the style of japaneseinspired imagery, made of insects, fujifilm n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism 2, ph.txt to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism 2, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/red head woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds,.txt to raw_combined/red head woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with Kendri.txt to raw_combined/Out of focus concert atmosphere, crazy people, unrecognizable fans holding mobile phones with Kendri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/São Paulo cityscape in 2090, MASP , sunset, cinematic, .txt to raw_combined/São Paulo cityscape in 2090, MASP , sunset, cinematic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo with a lobster on the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a hand wit.png to raw_combined/vintage photo with a lobster on the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a hand wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/São Paulo cityscape in 2090, MASP , sunset, cinematic, .png to raw_combined/São Paulo cityscape in 2090, MASP , sunset, cinematic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad c.png to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, MAC cosmetics mac campaign, Hasselblad c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a no gender peoples, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational.txt to raw_combined/An image showing a no gender peoples, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational .txt to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender, african, japanise, mexican, american, engaging in recreational .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a girl wearing goggles and skisuit, in the style of iridescent, campcore, reflective surfaces, mbole.png to raw_combined/a girl wearing goggles and skisuit, in the style of iridescent, campcore, reflective surfaces, mbole.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/an empty plate with a cake and a spoon sitting on it, in the style of light red and dark emerald, fr.txt to raw_combined/an empty plate with a cake and a spoon sitting on it, in the style of light red and dark emerald, fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a phone, passport, and passport is next to a pink phone, in the style of dreamy surrealist compositi.png to raw_combined/a phone, passport, and passport is next to a pink phone, in the style of dreamy surrealist compositi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Residents, heroes characters of AnkhMorpork, genre scenes, Rio de Janeiro City, scenes from the live.png to raw_combined/Residents, heroes characters of AnkhMorpork, genre scenes, Rio de Janeiro City, scenes from the live.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the desert with colorful rock formations and cactus plants, in the style of miss aniela, heart shape.png to raw_combined/the desert with colorful rock formations and cactus plants, in the style of miss aniela, heart shape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numéro magazine, Naomi Campbell 80s, Linda Evangelista, K.txt to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numéro magazine, Naomi Campbell 80s, Linda Evangelista, K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptur.txt to raw_combined/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party brazilian transgenders at a lgbt pride party in sao paulo, animated , contax 645, .txt to raw_combined/a big pride party brazilian transgenders at a lgbt pride party in sao paulo, animated , contax 645, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a wine glass has a wine stain, in the style of larry sultan, extravagant table settings .txt to raw_combined/a wine glass has a wine stain, in the style of larry sultan, extravagant table settings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, bauhaus style modernist furnitu.png to raw_combined/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, bauhaus style modernist furnitu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Años 20. Sur de Italia. Una joven madre mira por la ventana desde su pequeña alcoba. Sus 3 hijos, 2 .png to raw_combined/Años 20. Sur de Italia. Una joven madre mira por la ventana desde su pequeña alcoba. Sus 3 hijos, 2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big lgbt pride party 3, two old lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645,.txt to raw_combined/a big lgbt pride party 3, two old lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a mans chest is covered in tiny bug holes, in the style of natalie shau, multiple filter effect, miw.png to raw_combined/a mans chest is covered in tiny bug holes, in the style of natalie shau, multiple filter effect, miw.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a watch and a clock sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.txt to raw_combined/a watch and a clock sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .png to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a woman in white is sculpted with huge white ears, in the style of futuristic designs, hyperrealisti.txt to raw_combined/a woman in white is sculpted with huge white ears, in the style of futuristic designs, hyperrealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Brazilian woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds.txt to raw_combined/Brazilian woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a man, man with shirt on, and a man kissing, in the style of stark blackandwhite photography, unicor.txt to raw_combined/a man, man with shirt on, and a man kissing, in the style of stark blackandwhite photography, unicor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numéro magazine, Naomi Campbell 80s, Linda Evangelista, K.png to raw_combined/3 fashion models in an editorial photo for Numéro magazine, Naomi Campbell 80s, Linda Evangelista, K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a female hand with rings res.png to raw_combined/vintage photo the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a female hand with rings res.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Frantz Fanon portrait, like Dane Shue art work, ar 916 .txt to raw_combined/Frantz Fanon portrait, like Dane Shue art work, ar 916 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team making a slam du.png to raw_combined/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team making a slam du.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, 80s clothing, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .png to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, 80s clothing, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/black fat girl with her face painted to look like the flag of lgbt, in the style of bella kotak, hel.txt to raw_combined/black fat girl with her face painted to look like the flag of lgbt, in the style of bella kotak, hel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, bauhaus style modernist furnitu.txt to raw_combined/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, bauhaus style modernist furnitu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black woman model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .txt to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black woman model, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a model with a ski goggles wearing a mirrored jacket in the middle of a lake while, in the style of .png to raw_combined/a model with a ski goggles wearing a mirrored jacket in the middle of a lake while, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/female model in bright sunglasses poses with ski goggles, in the style of wangechi mutu, reflective .txt to raw_combined/female model in bright sunglasses poses with ski goggles, in the style of wangechi mutu, reflective .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a man with letters painted on his face, in the style of vibrant colorism, dark and brooding designer.txt to raw_combined/a man with letters painted on his face, in the style of vibrant colorism, dark and brooding designer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Mac campaign scifi, worms eye view ,high resolution, intricate details, 8k, sharp focus, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/Mac campaign scifi, worms eye view ,high resolution, intricate details, 8k, sharp focus, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo with a party table, vintage drink glasses, a hand with rings resting on the table, pho.txt to raw_combined/vintage photo with a party table, vintage drink glasses, a hand with rings resting on the table, pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, Bauhaus style modernist furnitu.png to raw_combined/surreal modernist apartment living room, ceiling height of 7 meters, Bauhaus style modernist furnitu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/giant work of Joseph Beuys in the middle of the street in NY, .png to raw_combined/giant work of Joseph Beuys in the middle of the street in NY, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/winter sports, snowboard fashion and beauty, in the style of afrofuturism, iridescenceopalescence, c.png to raw_combined/winter sports, snowboard fashion and beauty, in the style of afrofuturism, iridescenceopalescence, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism, phot.txt to raw_combined/a colorful pile of toys in the desert,heart shaped tulips 2, in the style of floral surrealism, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big pride party two lesbians kissing passionately in the são paulo, animated , sunset, contax 645,.txt to raw_combined/a big pride party two lesbians kissing passionately in the são paulo, animated , sunset, contax 645,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/roman and brazilian script graffitti print, in the style of otherworldly grotesquery, magewave, medi.txt to raw_combined/roman and brazilian script graffitti print, in the style of otherworldly grotesquery, magewave, medi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/plates, glasses, and napkins, in the style of melancholic selfportraits, decadent decay, kodak gold .png to raw_combined/plates, glasses, and napkins, in the style of melancholic selfportraits, decadent decay, kodak gold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team to slamdunk with.txt to raw_combined/Wideangle lenses, basket top view, Zeke Nnaji of the denver nuggets basketball team to slamdunk with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/many drags, transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in são paulo, happy, cinematic.txt to raw_combined/many drags, transgenders of various ethnicities at a lgbt pride party in são paulo, happy, cinematic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/giant Joseph Beuys style sculpture in the middle of the street in NY, .txt to raw_combined/giant Joseph Beuys style sculpture in the middle of the street in NY, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a young man with insects on his chest, in the style of photography installations, salon kei, snapsho.txt to raw_combined/a young man with insects on his chest, in the style of photography installations, salon kei, snapsho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/An image showing a family no gender father, no gender mother, mexican, engaging in recreational acti.png to raw_combined/An image showing a family no gender father, no gender mother, mexican, engaging in recreational acti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a big gay pride party two lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra .txt to raw_combined/a big gay pride party two lesbians kissing in the metro of são paulo, animated , contax 645, portra .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/A large statue in the shape of a panda bear, reflective texture yayoi kusama style, in the middle of.txt to raw_combined/A large statue in the shape of a panda bear, reflective texture yayoi kusama style, in the middle of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Residents, heroes characters of AnkhMorpork, genre scenes, Rio de Janeiro City, scenes from the live.txt to raw_combined/Residents, heroes characters of AnkhMorpork, genre scenes, Rio de Janeiro City, scenes from the live.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a phone, passport, and passport is next to a pink phone, in the style of dreamy surrealist compositi.txt to raw_combined/a phone, passport, and passport is next to a pink phone, in the style of dreamy surrealist compositi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a pink phone and passport by a girl on the ground, in the style of postmodern appropriation of found.png to raw_combined/a pink phone and passport by a girl on the ground, in the style of postmodern appropriation of found.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a model dressed in a white outfit with red and black eyes, in the style of hybrid creature compositi.png to raw_combined/a model dressed in a white outfit with red and black eyes, in the style of hybrid creature compositi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/photo by naruto daiyama, in the style of made of insects, health goth, snapshot realism, conceptual .png to raw_combined/photo by naruto daiyama, in the style of made of insects, health goth, snapshot realism, conceptual .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/A large statue in the shape of a panda bear, reflective texture yayoi kusama style, in the middle of.png to raw_combined/A large statue in the shape of a panda bear, reflective texture yayoi kusama style, in the middle of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Rise,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, wunderschöne Beleuchtung, Ray T.png to raw_combined/Rise,hyperdetailliert, ultra HD, SuperAuflösung, Cinematic Lighting, wunderschöne Beleuchtung, Ray T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/Brazilian woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds.png to raw_combined/Brazilian woman sleeping in bed being woken up by truck headlights peering through the window blinds.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/vintage photo with a lobster on the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a hand wit.txt to raw_combined/vintage photo with a lobster on the table, vintage drink glasses, plates with salad meal, a hand wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers4, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptu.png to raw_combined/a deserted mountain field with colorful flowers4, plants and more, in the style of spherical sculptu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a bathroom sink with an antique watch and silverware, in the style of kodak gold 200, hip hop aesthe.txt to raw_combined/a bathroom sink with an antique watch and silverware, in the style of kodak gold 200, hip hop aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/MAC campaign with black model, futuristic makeup, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal,.png to raw_combined/MAC campaign with black model, futuristic makeup, dreadlocked hair, Cho GiSeok style photo, surreal,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a young man with insects on his chest, in the style of photography installations, salon kei, snapsho.png to raw_combined/a young man with insects on his chest, in the style of photography installations, salon kei, snapsho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a ring and bracelet sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.txt to raw_combined/a ring and bracelet sit atop a sink, next to water, in the style of liam wong, domestic intimacy, ko.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/a bathroom sink with an antique watch and silverware, in the style of kodak gold 200, hip hop aesthe.png to raw_combined/a bathroom sink with an antique watch and silverware, in the style of kodak gold 200, hip hop aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/the art for wall text graffiti by person, in the style of philip taaffe, william nicholson, irregula.txt to raw_combined/the art for wall text graffiti by person, in the style of philip taaffe, william nicholson, irregula.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, Hasselblad, .txt to raw_combined/bluewing Beautiful black woman photoshoot by Helmut Newton, Hasselblad, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_79/black american model woman aline beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual, .png to raw_combined/black american model woman aline beauty photo, pat mcgrath makeup, conceptual, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_23/watercolour illustration, word O N E , fairy scenery, clipart, sublimation graphics, by Beatrix Pott.txt to raw_combined/watercolour illustration, word O N E , fairy scenery, clipart, sublimation graphics, by Beatrix Pott.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_23/watercolour illustration, word O N E , fairy scenery, clipart, sublimation graphics, by Beatrix Pott.png to raw_combined/watercolour illustration, word O N E , fairy scenery, clipart, sublimation graphics, by Beatrix Pott.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating closeup portrait of a stunning young Swedish woman, smiling radiantly in a chic outfit.txt to raw_combined/A captivating closeup portrait of a stunning young Swedish woman, smiling radiantly in a chic outfit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, standing in the g.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, standing in the g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A heartwrenching, closeup portrait of a young Ukrainian mother, crying as she cradles her newborn ba.txt to raw_combined/A heartwrenching, closeup portrait of a young Ukrainian mother, crying as she cradles her newborn ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the.png to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, long natural brow.png to raw_combined/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, long natural brow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with long blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.png to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with long blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the gr.txt to raw_combined/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, long natural brow.txt to raw_combined/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, long natural brow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grandeur of th.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grandeur of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, sitting on the gr.png to raw_combined/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, sitting on the gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the g.png to raw_combined/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.png to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a Swedish mother and her cute baby daughter, standing together through snowy S.txt to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a Swedish mother and her cute baby daughter, standing together through snowy S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.txt to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 11yearold British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grande.txt to raw_combined/A small group of 11yearold British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grande.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a teenage girl, exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Univer.txt to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a teenage girl, exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Univer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff sch.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff sch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup cinematic still of two outlaws actors, long hair, dressed in traditional cowboy outfits, i.png to raw_combined/A closeup cinematic still of two outlaws actors, long hair, dressed in traditional cowboy outfits, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, side v.txt to raw_combined/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, side v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of two adorable sister 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique.txt to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of two adorable sister 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A cinematic, closeup of three Swedish actors portraying Viking raiders in a forest, engaged in an in.png to raw_combined/A cinematic, closeup of three Swedish actors portraying Viking raiders in a forest, engaged in an in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, brown hair, beard,.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, brown hair, beard,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinha.txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene, a group of 18yearsold american actors, terrified and trapped i.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene, a group of 18yearsold american actors, terrified and trapped i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, adorned in tradit.txt to raw_combined/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, adorned in tradit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a beautiful young Swedish woman, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a beautiful young Swedish woman, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand in the grandeur of th.txt to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand in the grandeur of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amidst th.png to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amidst th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws, actors, cloaked in traditional cowbo.png to raw_combined/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws, actors, cloaked in traditional cowbo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, sitting on the gr.txt to raw_combined/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, sitting on the gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black su.txt to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing a black and yello.png to raw_combined/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing a black and yello.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of two teenage students girl, British nationality, wearing a black and ye.png to raw_combined/A professional photography of two teenage students girl, British nationality, wearing a black and ye.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, ter.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, ter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s movie scene, featuring two teenage rebel girls stand, their defiant stance and aura of rebel.png to raw_combined/A 1990s movie scene, featuring two teenage rebel girls stand, their defiant stance and aura of rebel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup shot of a small group of 18 years old american celebrity actors, fe.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup shot of a small group of 18 years old american celebrity actors, fe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 18yearsold American actresses, terr.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 18yearsold American actresses, terr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the .txt to raw_combined/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws, actors, cloaked in traditional cowbo.txt to raw_combined/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws, actors, cloaked in traditional cowbo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of young British students, aged 1112, first years, proudly representing Hufflepuff, st.txt to raw_combined/A small group of young British students, aged 1112, first years, proudly representing Hufflepuff, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in winter, set a.txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in winter, set a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand in the grandeur of th.png to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand in the grandeur of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring two beautiful 1718 year old American actresses, each flashing.png to raw_combined/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring two beautiful 1718 year old American actresses, each flashing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk to each o.txt to raw_combined/Three teenage student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk to each o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A hyperrealistic movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, act.txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, act.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of American students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.png to raw_combined/A group of American students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the gra.png to raw_combined/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the gra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1112, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.png to raw_combined/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1112, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup of a group of six 18yearold American celebrity actors, fearfully st.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup of a group of six 18yearold American celebrity actors, fearfully st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the.png to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl playing in the snow in S.txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl playing in the snow in S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the gra.txt to raw_combined/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the gra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of US President Joe Biden visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in Uk.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of US President Joe Biden visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in Uk.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring three stunning 1718 year old American actresses, each flashin.png to raw_combined/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring three stunning 1718 year old American actresses, each flashin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of two teenage students girl, British nationality, wearing a black and ye.txt to raw_combined/A professional photography of two teenage students girl, British nationality, wearing a black and ye.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinh.txt to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a powerful Swedish Viking raider caught in a moment of sheer rage, his ba.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a powerful Swedish Viking raider caught in a moment of sheer rage, his ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the b.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of three adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique pers.txt to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of three adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique pers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a teenage girl, exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Univer.png to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a teenage girl, exploring The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Univer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a swedish viking woman, brown hair, standing in the .png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a swedish viking woman, brown hair, standing in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of President Justin Trudeau visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in .txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of President Justin Trudeau visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the gr.png to raw_combined/A small group of 1112 year old British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with long blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with long blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A spinechilling scene from a 2020s horror movie, featuring a terrified American actress standing in .txt to raw_combined/A spinechilling scene from a 2020s horror movie, featuring a terrified American actress standing in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold female Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey,.png to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold female Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, adorned in tradit.png to raw_combined/A striking, ultrarealistic fullbody photograph of a stunning Swedish Shieldmaiden, adorned in tradit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s Professional photography of three 1920 year old American woman, best friends, smiling, Theyr.png to raw_combined/A 1990s Professional photography of three 1920 year old American woman, best friends, smiling, Theyr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the g.txt to raw_combined/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 18yearsold American actresses, terr.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 18yearsold American actresses, terr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grande.png to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grande.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of three powerful modern tanks in full action, in a training area, beautiful.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of three powerful modern tanks in full action, in a training area, beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, long brown hair, beard.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, long brown hair, beard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustlin.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustlin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, ter.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, ter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of two American students girl, best friends, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff.png to raw_combined/A photograph of two American students girl, best friends, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring two beautiful 1718 year old American actresses, each flashing.txt to raw_combined/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring two beautiful 1718 year old American actresses, each flashing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A side view, closeup portrait of a powerful king, aged 2840, he has long hair, beard, dressed in roy.txt to raw_combined/A side view, closeup portrait of a powerful king, aged 2840, he has long hair, beard, dressed in roy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of th.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera, sta.png to raw_combined/A fullbody photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in th.txt to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of a 13yearold American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in.png to raw_combined/A photograph of a 13yearold American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff uni.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff uni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the b.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of American students, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.png to raw_combined/A group of American students, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin un.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, long beard, standi.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, long beard, standi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bu.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of American students, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.txt to raw_combined/A group of American students, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/An early 1990s photograph of four American teenagers, hanging out on the distinctive cobblestone str.txt to raw_combined/An early 1990s photograph of four American teenagers, hanging out on the distinctive cobblestone str.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grandeur of th.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grandeur of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a radiant 18yearold woman, with enchanting eyes and a beaming smile, proudly s.png to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a radiant 18yearold woman, with enchanting eyes and a beaming smile, proudly s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in th.png to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s movie scene from Loves Reflection, featuring a American couple actors, aged 17, intimately s.png to raw_combined/A 1990s movie scene from Loves Reflection, featuring a American couple actors, aged 17, intimately s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black su.png to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.png to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage student actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, sit in a c.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage student actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, sit in a c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, dre.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, dre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, in .txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking ha.png to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera, sta.txt to raw_combined/A fullbody photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup cinematic still of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy outfi.png to raw_combined/A closeup cinematic still of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy outfi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a teenage student girl, dressed in a black and yellow Hufflepuff school.txt to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a teenage student girl, dressed in a black and yellow Hufflepuff school.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, on the ground, in.png to raw_combined/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, on the ground, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage student actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, sit in a c.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage student actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, sit in a c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of two adorable sister 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique.png to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of two adorable sister 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a young woman gazing out of her house window at the aweinspiring spectacle of a n.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a young woman gazing out of her house window at the aweinspiring spectacle of a n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup cinematic still of two outlaws actors, long hair, dressed in traditional cowboy outfits, i.txt to raw_combined/A closeup cinematic still of two outlaws actors, long hair, dressed in traditional cowboy outfits, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of two American students girl, best friends, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff.txt to raw_combined/A photograph of two American students girl, best friends, aged 1314, proudly representing Hufflepuff.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the grandeur of the.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the grandeur of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold female Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey,.txt to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold female Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s movie scene, featuring two teenage rebel girls stand, their defiant stance and aura of rebel.txt to raw_combined/A 1990s movie scene, featuring two teenage rebel girls stand, their defiant stance and aura of rebel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.png to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the .png to raw_combined/A small group of British first graders, aged 1112, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in Stockholm cit.txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in Stockholm cit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a charming 4monthold Swedish baby girl, peacefully sleepin.png to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a charming 4monthold Swedish baby girl, peacefully sleepin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in Stockholm cit.png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in Stockholm cit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in th.png to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the grandeur of the.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the grandeur of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene featuring a group of 18 yearsold american actors, terrified and.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene featuring a group of 18 yearsold american actors, terrified and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk to each o.png to raw_combined/Three teenage student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk to each o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a powerful Swedish Viking raider caught in a moment of sheer rage, his ba.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a powerful Swedish Viking raider caught in a moment of sheer rage, his ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter, walking handin.png to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter, walking handin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the.txt to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur of the.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk t.png to raw_combined/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of a beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.txt to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of a beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of a 1314 year old American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tal.png to raw_combined/A photograph of a 1314 year old American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin un.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, brown hair, beard, standi.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, brown hair, beard, standi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in th.txt to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a beautiful young Swedish woman, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a beautiful young Swedish woman, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a.txt to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Birds eye view of three modern military warships in full action, sailing at sea, in a training area,.png to raw_combined/Birds eye view of three modern military warships in full action, sailing at sea, in a training area,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional 90s photograph of a group of American teenage girls, smiling, dressed in 90s fashion,.png to raw_combined/A professional 90s photograph of a group of American teenage girls, smiling, dressed in 90s fashion,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, dre.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, dre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand outside Hogwarts, the.txt to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand outside Hogwarts, the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a teenage student girl, dressed in a black and yellow Hufflepuff school.png to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a teenage student girl, dressed in a black and yellow Hufflepuff school.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, actor, brown hair,.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, actor, brown hair,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking gold and black s.txt to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking gold and black s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A cinematic, closeup of three Swedish actors portraying Viking raiders in a forest, engaged in an in.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic, closeup of three Swedish actors portraying Viking raiders in a forest, engaged in an in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a swedish viking woman, brown hair, standing in the .txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a swedish viking woman, brown hair, standing in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand outside Hogwarts, the.png to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Hufflepuff uniforms, stand outside Hogwarts, the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of young British students, aged 1112, first years, proudly representing Hufflepuff, st.png to raw_combined/A small group of young British students, aged 1112, first years, proudly representing Hufflepuff, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup of a group of six 18yearold American celebrity actors, fearfully st.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup of a group of six 18yearold American celebrity actors, fearfully st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A side view, closeup portrait of a powerful king, aged 2840, he has long hair, beard, dressed in roy.png to raw_combined/A side view, closeup portrait of a powerful king, aged 2840, he has long hair, beard, dressed in roy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of President Justin Trudeau visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in .png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of President Justin Trudeau visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s Professional photography of three 1920 year old American woman, best friends, smiling, Theyr.txt to raw_combined/A 1990s Professional photography of three 1920 year old American woman, best friends, smiling, Theyr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A portrait of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, w.png to raw_combined/A portrait of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful Swedish leader, actor, brown hair, beard,.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful Swedish leader, actor, brown hair, beard,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of American students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.txt to raw_combined/A group of American students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl, playing in the snow in .txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl, playing in the snow in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.png to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup of a young, attractive Swedish woman with a striking brown hairstyle that accentuates her .png to raw_combined/A closeup of a young, attractive Swedish woman with a striking brown hairstyle that accentuates her .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a radiant 18yearold woman, with enchanting eyes and a beaming smile, proudly s.txt to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a radiant 18yearold woman, with enchanting eyes and a beaming smile, proudly s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup photograph of a beautiful 18 year old Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera.png to raw_combined/A closeup photograph of a beautiful 18 year old Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, actor, brown hair,.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, actor, brown hair,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy.png to raw_combined/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of 1112 year old British actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, sta.png to raw_combined/A group of 1112 year old British actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking ha.txt to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, brown hair, beard, standi.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, brown hair, beard, standi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, in .png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, brown hair, beard, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff sch.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff sch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1112, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.txt to raw_combined/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1112, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing Hufflepuff unifor.txt to raw_combined/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing Hufflepuff unifor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in winter, set a.png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 2yearold daughter in winter, set a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, standing in the gr.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, standing in the gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional 90s photograph of a group of American teenage girls, smiling, dressed in 90s fashion,.txt to raw_combined/A professional 90s photograph of a group of American teenage girls, smiling, dressed in 90s fashion,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustlin.png to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustlin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1213, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.txt to raw_combined/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1213, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of three powerful modern tanks in full action, in a training area, beautiful.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of three powerful modern tanks in full action, in a training area, beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Ravenclaw uniforms, standing in the grandeur of .png to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Ravenclaw uniforms, standing in the grandeur of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in black and yellow Hufflepuff u.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in black and yellow Hufflepuff u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a Swedish mother and her cute baby daughter, standing together through snowy S.png to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a Swedish mother and her cute baby daughter, standing together through snowy S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of two adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique person.png to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of two adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique person.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing Hufflepuff unifor.png to raw_combined/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing Hufflepuff unifor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup cinematic still of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy outfi.txt to raw_combined/A closeup cinematic still of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy outfi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Birds eye view of three modern military warships in full action, sailing at sea, in a training area,.txt to raw_combined/Birds eye view of three modern military warships in full action, sailing at sea, in a training area,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an stunning 18yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.png to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an stunning 18yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of a 1314 year old American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tal.txt to raw_combined/A photograph of a 1314 year old American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur .png to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of three adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique pers.png to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of three adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique pers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating photograph of two adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique person.txt to raw_combined/A captivating photograph of two adorable 8yearold Swedish girls, each showcasing their unique person.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur .txt to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff uni.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, dressed in a Hufflepuff uni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter, walking handin.txt to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter, walking handin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, on the ground, in.txt to raw_combined/Side view, An adorable young Swedish girl, aged 45, playing in the snow in a park, on the ground, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a charming 4monthold Swedish baby girl, peacefully sleepin.txt to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a charming 4monthold Swedish baby girl, peacefully sleepin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinh.png to raw_combined/A highly realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing ami.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing ami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A heartwrenching, closeup portrait of a young Ukrainian mother, crying as she cradles her newborn ba.png to raw_combined/A heartwrenching, closeup portrait of a young Ukrainian mother, crying as she cradles her newborn ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British graduate students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of t.txt to raw_combined/A group of British graduate students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of 1112 year old British actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, sta.txt to raw_combined/A group of 1112 year old British actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold woman Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, .txt to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold woman Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, standing in the g.txt to raw_combined/A group of teenage actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, standing in the g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of a beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.png to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of a beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A hyperrealistic movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, act.png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish viking leader, act.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup photograph of a beautiful 18 year old Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera.txt to raw_combined/A closeup photograph of a beautiful 18 year old Swedish woman with brown hair, smiling at the camera.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British graduate students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of t.png to raw_combined/A group of British graduate students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic shot of two pretty young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by the .txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of two pretty young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bu.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, terri.txt to raw_combined/suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, terri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A very realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking hand.png to raw_combined/A very realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking hand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.png to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing a black and yello.txt to raw_combined/A professional photography of a teenage student girl, British nationality, wearing a black and yello.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold woman Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, .png to raw_combined/A closeup portrait of a 18yearold woman Golden Knights fan at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking gold and black s.png to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an beautiful 20yearold american actress in a striking gold and black s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/An early 1990s photograph of four American teenagers, hanging out on the distinctive cobblestone str.png to raw_combined/An early 1990s photograph of four American teenagers, hanging out on the distinctive cobblestone str.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, standing in the gr.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage actors, dressed in green and silver Slytherin school uniforms, standing in the gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic shot of two beautiful young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by t.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of two beautiful young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy.txt to raw_combined/A closeup, cinematic still shot of a group of hardened outlaws actors, dressed in traditional cowboy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amidst th.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with blonde hair, smiling, gracefully standing amidst th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene, a group of 18yearsold american actors, terrified and trapped i.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene, a group of 18yearsold american actors, terrified and trapped i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody portrait of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing amidst the bustling.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of US President Joe Biden visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in Uk.png to raw_combined/Professional photograph of US President Joe Biden visiting Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline in Uk.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene featuring a group of 18 yearsold american actors, terrified and.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic 2020s scene featuring a group of 18 yearsold american actors, terrified and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grande.txt to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged 1315, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in the grande.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.txt to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, long brown hair, beard.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish berserker, long brown hair, beard.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of young British students, aged 11, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the g.png to raw_combined/A small group of young British students, aged 11, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful Swedish leader, actor, brown hair, beard,.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful Swedish leader, actor, brown hair, beard,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A captivating closeup portrait of a stunning young Swedish woman, smiling radiantly in a chic outfit.png to raw_combined/A captivating closeup portrait of a stunning young Swedish woman, smiling radiantly in a chic outfit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, side v.png to raw_combined/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, side v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Ravenclaw uniforms, standing in the grandeur of .txt to raw_combined/A small group of teenage British actors, dressed in Ravenclaw uniforms, standing in the grandeur of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A spinechilling scene from a 2020s horror movie, featuring a terrified American actress standing in .png to raw_combined/A spinechilling scene from a 2020s horror movie, featuring a terrified American actress standing in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A very realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking hand.txt to raw_combined/A very realistic, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her baby 3yearold daughter walking hand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of th.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, standing in the grandeur of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an stunning 18yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.txt to raw_combined/A fullbody, cinematic shot of an stunning 18yearold american actress in a striking red and black sup.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic shot of two beautiful young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by t.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of two beautiful young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A portrait of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, w.txt to raw_combined/A portrait of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a team jersey, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing ami.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a beautiful young Swedish woman, with brown hair, gracefully standing ami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A 1990s movie scene from Loves Reflection, featuring a American couple actors, aged 17, intimately s.txt to raw_combined/A 1990s movie scene from Loves Reflection, featuring a American couple actors, aged 17, intimately s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, brown hair, beard,.png to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, brown hair, beard,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of 11yearold British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grande.png to raw_combined/A small group of 11yearold British students, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the grande.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl, playing in the snow in .png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl, playing in the snow in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl playing in the snow in S.png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, fullbody photograph of an adorable 4yearold Swedish girl playing in the snow in S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, t.txt to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinha.png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup photograph of a Swedish mother and her 3yearold daughter walking handinha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1213, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.png to raw_combined/Two adorable Swedish girls, aged 1213, standing in the heart of Stockholm city, surrounded by gently.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup shot of a small group of 18 years old american celebrity actors, fe.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful, cinematic closeup shot of a small group of 18 years old american celebrity actors, fe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in black and yellow Hufflepuff u.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a small group of teenage British actors, dressed in black and yellow Hufflepuff u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.txt to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, in a Hogward classroom, the atmosphere.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A small group of young British students, aged 11, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the g.txt to raw_combined/A small group of young British students, aged 11, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing in the g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic shot of two pretty young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by the .png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of two pretty young Swedish actresses astronauts, aboard a spaceship inspired by the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, terri.png to raw_combined/suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring two stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, terri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the.txt to raw_combined/A group of British students, aged between 13 and 15, proudly representing Slytherin, standing in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A professional photograph of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a.png to raw_combined/A professional photograph of a young woman, Golden Knights fan, standing at TMobile Arena, wearing a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.txt to raw_combined/Professional photograph of a young Swedish woman, with brown hair, smiling, gracefully standing amid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A closeup of a young, attractive Swedish woman with a striking brown hairstyle that accentuates her .txt to raw_combined/A closeup of a young, attractive Swedish woman with a striking brown hairstyle that accentuates her .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring three stunning 1718 year old American actresses, each flashin.txt to raw_combined/A nostalgic 1990s photograph featuring three stunning 1718 year old American actresses, each flashin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A photograph of a 13yearold American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in.txt to raw_combined/A photograph of a 13yearold American student girl, proudly representing Hufflepuff, standing tall in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur of the.png to raw_combined/A group of teenage British students, proudly representing Ravenclaw, standing in the grandeur of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.txt to raw_combined/Two teenage British students, proudly representing Gryffindor, in a Hogward classroom, the atmospher.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, long beard, standi.txt to raw_combined/A movie scene from Wrath of the gods, featuring a powerful swedish raider, actor, long beard, standi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk t.txt to raw_combined/Three teenage British student actors, dressed in yellow and black Hufflepuff school uniforms, talk t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, t.png to raw_combined/A suspenseful 1990sstyle cinematic shot featuring three stunning 1718 yearsold American actresses, t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_36/Cinematic still of a young woman gazing out of her house window at the aweinspiring spectacle of a n.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still of a young woman gazing out of her house window at the aweinspiring spectacle of a n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background.txt to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vista frontale di una mensola su cui sono esposti differenti oggetti, fotorealistico. iperdettagliat.png to raw_combined/vista frontale di una mensola su cui sono esposti differenti oggetti, fotorealistico. iperdettagliat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/homer simpson dancing in different angles and poses, white background, .png to raw_combined/homer simpson dancing in different angles and poses, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/queen camilla parker bowles drunk drinking too much beer .txt to raw_combined/queen camilla parker bowles drunk drinking too much beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vector ink illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .png to raw_combined/vector ink illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized headphones, centered, pop art .txt to raw_combined/stylized headphones, centered, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, pop art, centered, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, pop art, centered, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse face close up in different angles, white background, .png to raw_combined/mickey mouse face close up in different angles, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Patrick Demarchelier .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Patrick Demarchelier .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized light bulb, halftone color print .png to raw_combined/a stylized light bulb, halftone color print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with hat, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with hat, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/rx image of heart beating .txt to raw_combined/rx image of heart beating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/anatomical image of an eye .png to raw_combined/anatomical image of an eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of an eye, halftone print, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of an eye, halftone print, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/eyes from the suburban monotony by steven antonio gilbert, in the style of postmodernist collage, da.png to raw_combined/eyes from the suburban monotony by steven antonio gilbert, in the style of postmodernist collage, da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized image of lightning thunder strike, centered in image , halftone print and alcohol ink .txt to raw_combined/stylized image of lightning thunder strike, centered in image , halftone print and alcohol ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape, watercolor, on white background .png to raw_combined/city landscape, watercolor, on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .txt to raw_combined/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Diane Arbus .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Diane Arbus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ancient Roman, beautiful, cool, goddess, teenage female, Asian looking, cobalt blue, full body figur.png to raw_combined/ancient Roman, beautiful, cool, goddess, teenage female, Asian looking, cobalt blue, full body figur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock, stylized, pop art .txt to raw_combined/shock, stylized, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/minnie mouse dressed as a queen, by bill gekas .png to raw_combined/minnie mouse dressed as a queen, by bill gekas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/geometric vertigo . Luminogram , .txt to raw_combined/geometric vertigo . Luminogram , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/polka dot magic mood seamless pattern .png to raw_combined/polka dot magic mood seamless pattern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Homer simpson dressed as a king, by bill gekas .png to raw_combined/Homer simpson dressed as a king, by bill gekas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in a discoteque, BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in a discoteque, BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of lips, 6 poses and images, .txt to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of lips, 6 poses and images, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vertigo . pop art, .txt to raw_combined/vertigo . pop art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of lightning bulb in tribal style, geometric patterns, centered, pop art .txt to raw_combined/image of lightning bulb in tribal style, geometric patterns, centered, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic vintage television , Cartonnage on white background .png to raw_combined/photo realistic vintage television , Cartonnage on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a closed spirale perfectly centered, by Tatsuo Miyajima .txt to raw_combined/a closed spirale perfectly centered, by Tatsuo Miyajima .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, .png to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mechanical magic mushrooms,acid line art .txt to raw_combined/mechanical magic mushrooms,acid line art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/musical hits .png to raw_combined/musical hits .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/miss piggy, dressed as a queen .png to raw_combined/miss piggy, dressed as a queen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mona lisa punk .png to raw_combined/mona lisa punk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/A beautiful young 21 year old female, with pretty round grey eyes, beauty model, posing in a darkene.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful young 21 year old female, with pretty round grey eyes, beauty model, posing in a darkene.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape, watercolor, on white background .txt to raw_combined/city landscape, watercolor, on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beautiful purple woman, by botero, walking on a beach, photorealistic, feminine body, .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful purple woman, by botero, walking on a beach, photorealistic, feminine body, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beach party in klimt style .txt to raw_combined/beach party in klimt style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric striped background, back and yellow , halftone print .txt to raw_combined/concentric striped background, back and yellow , halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, by Lee Bontecou .txt to raw_combined/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, by Lee Bontecou .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/detailed blue plasma humanoid face, blue dominance, matrix style .txt to raw_combined/detailed blue plasma humanoid face, blue dominance, matrix style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Richard Avedon .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Richard Avedon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Attractive college revellers partying at a hedonistic bacchanal celebration. Wild revelry and lose m.png to raw_combined/Attractive college revellers partying at a hedonistic bacchanal celebration. Wild revelry and lose m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, poses and images, .txt to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, poses and images, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style , black and white,background .png to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style , black and white,background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman , optical background,BY William Klein, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman , optical background,BY William Klein, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a polka dot costume with black and white detail, in the style of scott rohlfs, laurent baheux, anton.png to raw_combined/a polka dot costume with black and white detail, in the style of scott rohlfs, laurent baheux, anton.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a leopard dressed as a king, wearing a crown by Frans Lanting, full body,.txt to raw_combined/a leopard dressed as a king, wearing a crown by Frans Lanting, full body,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, orphism style, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, orphism style, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with hat, 6 poses and images, dancing .png to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with hat, 6 poses and images, dancing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .png to raw_combined/vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized light bulb, pop art .png to raw_combined/a stylized light bulb, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized image of lightning thunder strike, centered in image , halftone print and alcohol ink .png to raw_combined/stylized image of lightning thunder strike, centered in image , halftone print and alcohol ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/harry and megan, sitting on thrones, eating a big mac and drinking beer .txt to raw_combined/harry and megan, sitting on thrones, eating a big mac and drinking beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/advertising photography, character development sheet, young hip hop dancer, multiple expressions, 8K.png to raw_combined/advertising photography, character development sheet, young hip hop dancer, multiple expressions, 8K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized tv, halftone print .png to raw_combined/stylized tv, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lightning bulb, linocut print art style, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lightning bulb, linocut print art style, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear halftone print and alcohol ink .png to raw_combined/stylized gear halftone print and alcohol ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of cityscape , front view, night, blue dominance .png to raw_combined/close up of cityscape , front view, night, blue dominance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage television , , on white background .png to raw_combined/vintage television , , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a polka dot costume with black and white detail, in the style of scott rohlfs, laurent baheux, anton.txt to raw_combined/a polka dot costume with black and white detail, in the style of scott rohlfs, laurent baheux, anton.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolor illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt to raw_combined/watercolor illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage television , , on white background .txt to raw_combined/vintage television , , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Arthur Elgort .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Arthur Elgort .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a geometrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .png to raw_combined/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a geometrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Minimalism, portrait , a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah moon a.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, portrait , a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah moon a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, jumping .png to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, jumping .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of a vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .txt to raw_combined/Illustration of a vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Digital collage, .png to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Digital collage, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .png to raw_combined/ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/astropunk image of an eye .txt to raw_combined/astropunk image of an eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers , night, blue dominance .txt to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers , night, blue dominance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of an eye, halftone print, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of an eye, halftone print, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/its finally summer .txt to raw_combined/its finally summer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/minnie mouse dressed as a queen, by bill gekas .txt to raw_combined/minnie mouse dressed as a queen, by bill gekas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/fashion young woman in different angles, white background, .png to raw_combined/fashion young woman in different angles, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT close up illustration of an eye, poses and images, .txt to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT close up illustration of an eye, poses and images, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/fiat 500 vintage detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, .txt to raw_combined/fiat 500 vintage detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman standing outside in the street, BY annie leibovitz .png to raw_combined/portrait of young woman standing outside in the street, BY annie leibovitz .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal tattoo style, black and white background .png to raw_combined/tribal tattoo style, black and white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse dressed as a king, by bill gekas .txt to raw_combined/mickey mouse dressed as a king, by bill gekas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, black and white heart, eclectic love .png to raw_combined/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, black and white heart, eclectic love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vector ink illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt to raw_combined/vector ink illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young man standing in nyc public toilet, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young man standing in nyc public toilet, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector doodles on a white background .txt to raw_combined/ink vector doodles on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic vintage television , on white background .txt to raw_combined/photo realistic vintage television , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/its finally summer .png to raw_combined/its finally summer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style background .txt to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, in the style of curved mirrors, symmetr.png to raw_combined/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, in the style of curved mirrors, symmetr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a leopard dressed as a king, wearing a crown by Frans Lanting, full body,.png to raw_combined/a leopard dressed as a king, wearing a crown by Frans Lanting, full body,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/un cocktail estivo in primo piano, centrato e sullo sfondo spiaggia e mare .png to raw_combined/un cocktail estivo in primo piano, centrato e sullo sfondo spiaggia e mare .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of the nose of a leprechaun in the wood .png to raw_combined/extreme close up of the nose of a leprechaun in the wood .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolor illustration of a woman , 6 poses and images, dancing tip tap .txt to raw_combined/watercolor illustration of a woman , 6 poses and images, dancing tip tap .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolour cartoon illustration of black woman with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing, .png to raw_combined/watercolour cartoon illustration of black woman with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, .txt to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a Caucasian sensual model catwalking in along the shoreline ,her dress that clings tightly to her cu.txt to raw_combined/a Caucasian sensual model catwalking in along the shoreline ,her dress that clings tightly to her cu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Commercial photography, studio lighting, closeup of red lips, red background, front view, rich detai.png to raw_combined/Commercial photography, studio lighting, closeup of red lips, red background, front view, rich detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tv, pop art .png to raw_combined/tv, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/realistic illustration of black girl hip hop dressed, 6 poses and images, dancing .png to raw_combined/realistic illustration of black girl hip hop dressed, 6 poses and images, dancing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing .png to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear blueprint .png to raw_combined/stylized gear blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of lips, 6 poses and images, .png to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of lips, 6 poses and images, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/disco mirrors ball, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/disco mirrors ball, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sound graphic image , hlftone print .png to raw_combined/sound graphic image , hlftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/gay pride parade .txt to raw_combined/gay pride parade .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized banana, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/stylized banana, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers facade , night, blue dominance .png to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers facade , night, blue dominance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of iris of a female eye .txt to raw_combined/extreme close up of iris of a female eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme low angle full body photo from below of a woman looking through a window at the city of Par.txt to raw_combined/extreme low angle full body photo from below of a woman looking through a window at the city of Par.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photoshot of a party on the beach, good music is in the air .png to raw_combined/photoshot of a party on the beach, good music is in the air .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/harry and megan, in miami drinking cocktails watching tennis .txt to raw_combined/harry and megan, in miami drinking cocktails watching tennis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/arrow sign . halftone print .txt to raw_combined/arrow sign . halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse face, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/mickey mouse face, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a tiger dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, full body,.png to raw_combined/a tiger dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, full body,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/low angle photo , halftone print .png to raw_combined/low angle photo , halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman , optical background,BY William Klein, halftone print .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman , optical background,BY William Klein, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Minimalism, portrait , a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah moon a.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, portrait , a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah moon a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circles, by Dan Flavin .png to raw_combined/circles, by Dan Flavin .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . neon art, .png to raw_combined/concentric geometries . neon art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/1960 looking people standing at the bus stop, they are watching on camera. frontal view, photo by an.txt to raw_combined/1960 looking people standing at the bus stop, they are watching on camera. frontal view, photo by an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolour cartoon illustration of black woman with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing, .txt to raw_combined/watercolour cartoon illustration of black woman with afro, 6 poses and images, dancing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear ink pen and alcohol ink .png to raw_combined/stylized gear ink pen and alcohol ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear blueprint .txt to raw_combined/stylized gear blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/in a japanese garden panorama .png to raw_combined/in a japanese garden panorama .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, pop art, centered, blueprint .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, pop art, centered, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/King Charles III drunk drinking too much beer .png to raw_combined/King Charles III drunk drinking too much beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of mature woman , optical background,BY Issei Suda .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of mature woman , optical background,BY Issei Suda .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of eye, linocut print art style, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of eye, linocut print art style, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ancient Roman, beautiful, cool, goddess, teenage female, Asian looking, cobalt blue, full body figur.txt to raw_combined/ancient Roman, beautiful, cool, goddess, teenage female, Asian looking, cobalt blue, full body figur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized headphones, centered, blue print .png to raw_combined/stylized headphones, centered, blue print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/eye close up , Graphite drawing .txt to raw_combined/eye close up , Graphite drawing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Eyes clipart, vivid colors, hd, on white background, spaced out .png to raw_combined/Eyes clipart, vivid colors, hd, on white background, spaced out .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/homer simpson in different angles, white background, .png to raw_combined/homer simpson in different angles, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized tv, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/stylized tv, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/gay pride parade .png to raw_combined/gay pride parade .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beautiful black woman in white wet dress walking along the beach during sunset, in the style of soft.txt to raw_combined/beautiful black woman in white wet dress walking along the beach during sunset, in the style of soft.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman eye , BY warhol .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman eye , BY warhol .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background .txt to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a cartoon character, multiple pose sheet. .txt to raw_combined/a cartoon character, multiple pose sheet. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/in a japanese garden panorama .txt to raw_combined/in a japanese garden panorama .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/miss piggy, dressed as a queen .txt to raw_combined/miss piggy, dressed as a queen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of a beautiful blonde woman in white wet dress walking along the beach t, in the style of r.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a beautiful blonde woman in white wet dress walking along the beach t, in the style of r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY William Klein .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY William Klein .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a big jade ganesh in a temple in the jungle, sounds and incense smoke .txt to raw_combined/a big jade ganesh in a temple in the jungle, sounds and incense smoke .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Richard Avedon .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Richard Avedon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of eye, linocut print art style, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of eye, linocut print art style, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style background .png to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic vintage television , on white background .png to raw_combined/photo realistic vintage television , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . halftone print, .txt to raw_combined/concentric geometries . halftone print, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of rome landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .txt to raw_combined/Illustration of rome landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, as medusa, in the style of curved mirro.txt to raw_combined/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, as medusa, in the style of curved mirro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente, .png to raw_combined/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente .png to raw_combined/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a single tv, centered, halftone print .png to raw_combined/a single tv, centered, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Larry Clark .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Larry Clark .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Atompunk STYLE.png to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Atompunk STYLE.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/blueprint of heart beating .png to raw_combined/blueprint of heart beating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic vintage television , Cartonnage on white background .txt to raw_combined/photo realistic vintage television , Cartonnage on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in a supermarket street, BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in a supermarket street, BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young man standing in nyc public toilet, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young man standing in nyc public toilet, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape, in picasso style, on white background .png to raw_combined/city landscape, in picasso style, on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/camilla parker bowles wearing as a queen, drinking too much beer .txt to raw_combined/camilla parker bowles wearing as a queen, drinking too much beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Minimalism, portrait shot, a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah mo.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, portrait shot, a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal circular geometrical tattoo style , ,background .txt to raw_combined/tribal circular geometrical tattoo style , ,background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of nyc landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .txt to raw_combined/Illustration of nyc landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sequence of dancing people silohuettes .png to raw_combined/sequence of dancing people silohuettes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/realistic illustration of black girl hip hop dressed, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt to raw_combined/realistic illustration of black girl hip hop dressed, 6 poses and images, dancing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT A PARTY, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .txt to raw_combined/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT A PARTY, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .png to raw_combined/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in a discoteque, BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in a discoteque, BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beautiful curvaceous Jessica Brown Findlay in the light, in the style of juxtaposition of light and .txt to raw_combined/beautiful curvaceous Jessica Brown Findlay in the light, in the style of juxtaposition of light and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized light bulb, pop art .txt to raw_combined/a stylized light bulb, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a sensual Caucasian brunette vogue model aged 18 with slightly curly hair that falls beneath her sho.png to raw_combined/a sensual Caucasian brunette vogue model aged 18 with slightly curly hair that falls beneath her sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/arrow sign . halftone print .png to raw_combined/arrow sign . halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of a vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .png to raw_combined/Illustration of a vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente .txt to raw_combined/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style , black and white,background .txt to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style , black and white,background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tv, pop art .txt to raw_combined/tv, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a blueprint of a gyroid lattice .txt to raw_combined/a blueprint of a gyroid lattice .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/TECH background, lynotype print .txt to raw_combined/TECH background, lynotype print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal circular geometrical tattoo style , ,background .png to raw_combined/tribal circular geometrical tattoo style , ,background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, by Lee Bontecou .png to raw_combined/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, by Lee Bontecou .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, poses and images, .png to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, poses and images, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, centered, blueprint .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, centered, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mondrian abstract flat background .png to raw_combined/mondrian abstract flat background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom geometries . neon art, negative, .png to raw_combined/zoom geometries . neon art, negative, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme low angle full body photo from below of a woman looking through a window at the city of Par.png to raw_combined/extreme low angle full body photo from below of a woman looking through a window at the city of Par.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/blueprint of heart beating .txt to raw_combined/blueprint of heart beating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom round geometries . neon art, .png to raw_combined/zoom round geometries . neon art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/pop art background .png to raw_combined/pop art background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Denis Villeneuve photograph of Marilyn Monroe as an android on an alien planet Blade Runner 2049 sty.txt to raw_combined/Denis Villeneuve photograph of Marilyn Monroe as an android on an alien planet Blade Runner 2049 sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/electricity, close up .png to raw_combined/electricity, close up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of an eye in tribal style, geometric patterns, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/image of an eye in tribal style, geometric patterns, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Robert Frank .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Robert Frank .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a gorilla dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .txt to raw_combined/a gorilla dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/astropunk image of an eye .png to raw_combined/astropunk image of an eye .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/retro tv, front view, orphism style .png to raw_combined/retro tv, front view, orphism style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of an eye in tribal style, open and close eye geometric patterns, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/image of an eye in tribal style, open and close eye geometric patterns, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Arthur Elgort .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Arthur Elgort .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/A nautilus shell, centered, blueprint .png to raw_combined/A nautilus shell, centered, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom round geometries . neon art, .txt to raw_combined/zoom round geometries . neon art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente, .txt to raw_combined/Medusa la Gorgone con i capelli di Serpente, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Digital collage, .txt to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Digital collage, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a big jade ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .txt to raw_combined/a big jade ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sun .png to raw_combined/sun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/homer simpson in different angles, white background, .txt to raw_combined/homer simpson in different angles, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear ink pen and alcohol ink .txt to raw_combined/stylized gear ink pen and alcohol ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, 6 poses and images, .png to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, 6 poses and images, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style background , halftone print .png to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style background , halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/King Charles III drunk drinking too much beer .txt to raw_combined/King Charles III drunk drinking too much beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT home, relaxed, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .png to raw_combined/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT home, relaxed, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/pop art background .txt to raw_combined/pop art background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vertigo . pop art, .png to raw_combined/vertigo . pop art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, on a white background .txt to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/cyber image of an eye .txt to raw_combined/cyber image of an eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mona lisa punk .txt to raw_combined/mona lisa punk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of beating heart in tribal style, centered, orphism style .txt to raw_combined/image of beating heart in tribal style, centered, orphism style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beating heart, halftone color print .png to raw_combined/a beating heart, halftone color print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/transistors. blueprint .png to raw_combined/transistors. blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a big jade ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .png to raw_combined/a big jade ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image .png to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of a boy , 6 poses and images, dancing hip hop .png to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of a boy , 6 poses and images, dancing hip hop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/geometric vertigo . Luminogram , .png to raw_combined/geometric vertigo . Luminogram , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vista frontale di una mensola su cui sono esposti differenti oggetti, fotorealistico. iperdettagliat.txt to raw_combined/vista frontale di una mensola su cui sono esposti differenti oggetti, fotorealistico. iperdettagliat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/macro photo of a bee on a flower became a postcard.png to raw_combined/macro photo of a bee on a flower became a postcard.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beach party in klimt style .png to raw_combined/beach party in klimt style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Supermodel,sensual 18yo, tight shirt, tall woman, beauty. Background a tropical beach .txt to raw_combined/Supermodel,sensual 18yo, tight shirt, tall woman, beauty. Background a tropical beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Supermodel,sensual 18yo, tight shirt, tall woman, beauty. Background a tropical beach .png to raw_combined/Supermodel,sensual 18yo, tight shirt, tall woman, beauty. Background a tropical beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized headphones, centered, pop art .png to raw_combined/stylized headphones, centered, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a lion dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .png to raw_combined/a lion dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of a beautiful 20 yo cuban woman in white wet dress , walking on a busy beach, photorealist.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a beautiful 20 yo cuban woman in white wet dress , walking on a busy beach, photorealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photoshot of a party on the beach, good music is in the air .txt to raw_combined/photoshot of a party on the beach, good music is in the air .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers , front view, night, blue dominance .png to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers , front view, night, blue dominance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ing charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, at home, relaxed,whatching tv and DRINKING BEER , by bill.txt to raw_combined/ing charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, at home, relaxed,whatching tv and DRINKING BEER , by bill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/pop art image of heart beating .txt to raw_combined/pop art image of heart beating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of a radio , centered, blueprint and alcohol ink .png to raw_combined/image of a radio , centered, blueprint and alcohol ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/TECHNO background, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/TECHNO background, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a fish wearing headphones, stylized, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/a fish wearing headphones, stylized, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/portrait of young woman metropolis style, BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/new york construction workers , black and white photo taken by helmut newton .png to raw_combined/new york construction workers , black and white photo taken by helmut newton .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic television , on white background .txt to raw_combined/photo realistic television , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sequence of dancing people silohuettes on white background .txt to raw_combined/sequence of dancing people silohuettes on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Atompunk .png to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Atompunk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Flora Borsi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY William Klein .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY William Klein .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse in different angles, white background, .png to raw_combined/mickey mouse in different angles, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, pop art .png to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mondrian abstract flat background .txt to raw_combined/mondrian abstract flat background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of a boy , 6 poses and images, dancing hip hop .txt to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of a boy , 6 poses and images, dancing hip hop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background .png to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art human face, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .png to raw_combined/Line art human face, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers , night, blue dominance .png to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers , night, blue dominance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers , front view, night, blue dominance .txt to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers , front view, night, blue dominance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT home, relaxed, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .txt to raw_combined/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT home, relaxed, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sound graphic image , hlftone print .txt to raw_combined/sound graphic image , hlftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/jose mourinho a budapest per vincere la finale .txt to raw_combined/jose mourinho a budapest per vincere la finale .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background.png to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of mature woman , optical background,BY Issei Suda .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of mature woman , optical background,BY Issei Suda .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/homer simpson dancing in different angles and poses, white background, .txt to raw_combined/homer simpson dancing in different angles and poses, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized revolver, halftone color print .png to raw_combined/a stylized revolver, halftone color print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Atompunk STYLE.txt to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Atompunk STYLE.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mechanical magic mushrooms,acid line art .png to raw_combined/mechanical magic mushrooms,acid line art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Atompunk .txt to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Atompunk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/jose mourinho a budapest per vincere la finale .png to raw_combined/jose mourinho a budapest per vincere la finale .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/retro tv, front view, orphism style .txt to raw_combined/retro tv, front view, orphism style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of iris of a female eye .png to raw_combined/extreme close up of iris of a female eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art human face, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .txt to raw_combined/Line art human face, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/TECH background, lynotype print .png to raw_combined/TECH background, lynotype print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/musical hits .txt to raw_combined/musical hits .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/un cocktail estivo in primo piano, centrato e sullo sfondo spiaggia e mare .txt to raw_combined/un cocktail estivo in primo piano, centrato e sullo sfondo spiaggia e mare .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of a beautiful 20 yo cuban woman in white wet dress , walking on a busy beach, photorealist.png to raw_combined/portrait of a beautiful 20 yo cuban woman in white wet dress , walking on a busy beach, photorealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/A beautiful young 21 year old female, with pretty round grey eyes, beauty model, posing in a darkene.png to raw_combined/A beautiful young 21 year old female, with pretty round grey eyes, beauty model, posing in a darkene.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/hip hop young woman in different angles, white background, .png to raw_combined/hip hop young woman in different angles, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT A PARTY, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .png to raw_combined/king charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, AT A PARTY, DRINKING BEER , by bill gekas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman standing outside an apartment building, BY Arthur Elgort .txt to raw_combined/portrait of young woman standing outside an apartment building, BY Arthur Elgort .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/detailed blue plasma humanoid face, blue dominance, matrix style .png to raw_combined/detailed blue plasma humanoid face, blue dominance, matrix style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse dressed as a king, by bill gekas .png to raw_combined/mickey mouse dressed as a king, by bill gekas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up photo of ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .png to raw_combined/close up photo of ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/hip hop young woman in different angles, white background, .txt to raw_combined/hip hop young woman in different angles, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .txt to raw_combined/vintage television , wes amderson style , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of a ear, blueprint and alcohol ink, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of a ear, blueprint and alcohol ink, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/harry and megan, in miami drinking cocktails watching tennis .png to raw_combined/harry and megan, in miami drinking cocktails watching tennis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/detailed city patterns, yayoi kusama style .txt to raw_combined/detailed city patterns, yayoi kusama style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of an eye in tribal style, geometric patterns, halftone print .png to raw_combined/image of an eye in tribal style, geometric patterns, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape .png to raw_combined/city landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock , halftone print .png to raw_combined/shock , halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector music, spaced, doodles on a white background .txt to raw_combined/ink vector music, spaced, doodles on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/eye close up , Graphite drawing .png to raw_combined/eye close up , Graphite drawing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Patrick Demarchelier .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Patrick Demarchelier .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of an eye in tribal style, open and close eye geometric patterns, halftone print .png to raw_combined/image of an eye in tribal style, open and close eye geometric patterns, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of the nose of a leprechaun in the wood .txt to raw_combined/extreme close up of the nose of a leprechaun in the wood .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a closed spirale perfectly centered, by Tatsuo Miyajima .png to raw_combined/a closed spirale perfectly centered, by Tatsuo Miyajima .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, centered, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, centered, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Minimalism, portrait shot, a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah mo.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, portrait shot, a beautiful cyborg, beautiful detailed face, hyper realistic, by sarah mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/transistors. cyberpunk .png to raw_combined/transistors. cyberpunk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/full body, a beautiful 35 year old model by wlop, happy, 32k, ultra realistic, classy fashion, stree.png to raw_combined/full body, a beautiful 35 year old model by wlop, happy, 32k, ultra realistic, classy fashion, stree.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mondrian geometries .png to raw_combined/mondrian geometries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/electricity, close up .txt to raw_combined/electricity, close up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/1960 television, on white background, front view .txt to raw_combined/1960 television, on white background, front view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock , alcohol ink .png to raw_combined/shock , alcohol ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Denis Villeneuve photograph of Marilyn Monroe as an android on an alien planet Blade Runner 2049 sty.png to raw_combined/Denis Villeneuve photograph of Marilyn Monroe as an android on an alien planet Blade Runner 2049 sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, 6 poses and images, .txt to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT illustration of an eye, 6 poses and images, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse face, halftone print .png to raw_combined/mickey mouse face, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Digital collage,.png to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Digital collage,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized arrow sign, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/stylized arrow sign, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman standing outside an apartment building, BY Arthur Elgort .png to raw_combined/portrait of young woman standing outside an apartment building, BY Arthur Elgort .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock , alcohol ink .txt to raw_combined/shock , alcohol ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a Caucasian sensual model catwalking in along the shoreline ,her dress that clings tightly to her cu.png to raw_combined/a Caucasian sensual model catwalking in along the shoreline ,her dress that clings tightly to her cu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sequence of dancing people silohuettes .txt to raw_combined/sequence of dancing people silohuettes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal tattoo style, black and white background .txt to raw_combined/tribal tattoo style, black and white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, close up,halftone print .txt to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, close up,halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/music cliparts, vector , on a white background .txt to raw_combined/music cliparts, vector , on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, jumping .txt to raw_combined/Watercolour cartoon illustration of black man with afro, 6 poses and images, jumping .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized revolver, halftone color print .txt to raw_combined/a stylized revolver, halftone color print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman eye , BY warhol .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman eye , BY warhol .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Brush pen drawing cartoon illustration of hip hop boy , 6 poses and images, dancing .png to raw_combined/Brush pen drawing cartoon illustration of hip hop boy , 6 poses and images, dancing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, lips close up,halftone print .txt to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, lips close up,halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, on a white background .png to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/eyes from the suburban monotony by steven antonio gilbert, in the style of postmodernist collage, da.txt to raw_combined/eyes from the suburban monotony by steven antonio gilbert, in the style of postmodernist collage, da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/people standing at the bus stop, frontal view, photo by annie leibovitz .txt to raw_combined/people standing at the bus stop, frontal view, photo by annie leibovitz .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/lightning thunder strike, centered in image .txt to raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, in the style of curved mirrors, symmetr.txt to raw_combined/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, in the style of curved mirrors, symmetr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in a supermarket street, BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in a supermarket street, BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . neon art, .txt to raw_combined/concentric geometries . neon art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/A nautilus shell, centered, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/A nautilus shell, centered, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Attractive college revellers partying at a hedonistic bacchanal celebration. Wild revelry and lose m.txt to raw_combined/Attractive college revellers partying at a hedonistic bacchanal celebration. Wild revelry and lose m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Brush pen drawing cartoon illustration of hip hop boy , 6 poses and images, dancing .txt to raw_combined/Brush pen drawing cartoon illustration of hip hop boy , 6 poses and images, dancing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of a dj playng music on the beach party .png to raw_combined/close up of a dj playng music on the beach party .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/TECHNO background, halftone print .png to raw_combined/TECHNO background, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a gorilla dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .png to raw_combined/a gorilla dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/transistors. blueprint .txt to raw_combined/transistors. blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of rome landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .png to raw_combined/Illustration of rome landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/anatomical image of an eye .txt to raw_combined/anatomical image of an eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Brian Duffy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a stylized light bulb, halftone color print .txt to raw_combined/a stylized light bulb, halftone color print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/new york construction workers holding a planet , black and white photo taken byrobert capa .txt to raw_combined/new york construction workers holding a planet , black and white photo taken byrobert capa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . pop art, .png to raw_combined/concentric geometries . pop art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolor illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .png to raw_combined/watercolor illustration of man , 10 poses and images, dancing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/disco mirrors ball, halftone print .png to raw_combined/disco mirrors ball, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage radio , on white background .png to raw_combined/vintage radio , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/advertising photography, character development sheet, young hip hop dancer, multiple expressions, 8K.txt to raw_combined/advertising photography, character development sheet, young hip hop dancer, multiple expressions, 8K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/camilla parker bowles wearing as a queen, drinking too much beer .png to raw_combined/camilla parker bowles wearing as a queen, drinking too much beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, lips close up,halftone print .png to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, lips close up,halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, orphism style, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, orphism style, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of heart beating , Digital collage,.txt to raw_combined/image of heart beating , Digital collage,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a lion dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .txt to raw_combined/a lion dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .txt to raw_combined/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, color heart, eclectic love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, on pop art background background .png to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, on pop art background background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector music doodles on a white background .txt to raw_combined/ink vector music doodles on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/1960 television, on white background, front view .png to raw_combined/1960 television, on white background, front view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector music, spaced, doodles on a white background .png to raw_combined/ink vector music, spaced, doodles on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized headphones, centered, blue print .txt to raw_combined/stylized headphones, centered, blue print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/HALFTONE PRINT close up illustration of an eye, poses and images, .png to raw_combined/HALFTONE PRINT close up illustration of an eye, poses and images, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circles, by Dan Flavin .txt to raw_combined/circles, by Dan Flavin .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ing charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, at home, relaxed,whatching tv and DRINKING BEER , by bill.png to raw_combined/ing charles III AND CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES, at home, relaxed,whatching tv and DRINKING BEER , by bill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/macro photo of a bee on a flower became a postcard.txt to raw_combined/macro photo of a bee on a flower became a postcard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Illustration of nyc landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .png to raw_combined/Illustration of nyc landscape , alcohol ink , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sequence of dancing people silohuettes on white background .png to raw_combined/sequence of dancing people silohuettes on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of a radio , centered, blueprint and alcohol ink .txt to raw_combined/image of a radio , centered, blueprint and alcohol ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/sun .txt to raw_combined/sun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/white ivory color linen fabric texture background top view .png to raw_combined/white ivory color linen fabric texture background top view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/new york construction workers , black and white photo taken by helmut newton .txt to raw_combined/new york construction workers , black and white photo taken by helmut newton .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, on pop art background background .txt to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, on pop art background background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ganesh in a green forest .png to raw_combined/ganesh in a green forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a painted ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .txt to raw_combined/a painted ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal mobile wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and har.txt to raw_combined/Craft a minimal mobile wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and har.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/detailed city patterns, yayoi kusama style .png to raw_combined/detailed city patterns, yayoi kusama style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolour cartoon illustration of young woman, 10 poses and images, dancing, .png to raw_combined/watercolour cartoon illustration of young woman, 10 poses and images, dancing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Create portrait of of three US Army soldiers resting in a trench during World War II. Use a Sony α7 .png to raw_combined/Create portrait of of three US Army soldiers resting in a trench during World War II. Use a Sony α7 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a painted ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .png to raw_combined/a painted ganesh in a temple with incense smoke .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/high contrast surreal collage .txt to raw_combined/high contrast surreal collage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, wearing hearphones BY Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beautiful black woman in white wet dress walking along the beach during sunset, in the style of soft.png to raw_combined/beautiful black woman in white wet dress walking along the beach during sunset, in the style of soft.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse in different angles, white background, .txt to raw_combined/mickey mouse in different angles, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/low angle photo , halftone print .txt to raw_combined/low angle photo , halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beating heart, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/a beating heart, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman eye , pop art .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman eye , pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III and Camilla Parker Bowles, at dinner, eating sandwiches and drinking beer, Fujifilm.png to raw_combined/king charles III and Camilla Parker Bowles, at dinner, eating sandwiches and drinking beer, Fujifilm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/rx image of heart beating .png to raw_combined/rx image of heart beating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/king charles III and Camilla Parker Bowles, at dinner, eating sandwiches and drinking beer, Fujifilm.txt to raw_combined/king charles III and Camilla Parker Bowles, at dinner, eating sandwiches and drinking beer, Fujifilm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom geometries . neon art, .txt to raw_combined/zoom geometries . neon art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .txt to raw_combined/ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of young woman standing outside in the street, BY annie leibovitz .txt to raw_combined/portrait of young woman standing outside in the street, BY annie leibovitz .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a single tv, centered, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/a single tv, centered, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/fiat 500 vintage detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, .png to raw_combined/fiat 500 vintage detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/cyber image of an eye .png to raw_combined/cyber image of an eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/queen camilla parker bowles drunk drinking too much beer .png to raw_combined/queen camilla parker bowles drunk drinking too much beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolor illustration of a woman , 6 poses and images, dancing tip tap .png to raw_combined/watercolor illustration of a woman , 6 poses and images, dancing tip tap .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Miles Aldridge .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Miles Aldridge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lightning bulb, linocut print art style, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lightning bulb, linocut print art style, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a big jade ganesh in a temple in the jungle, sounds and incense smoke .png to raw_combined/a big jade ganesh in a temple in the jungle, sounds and incense smoke .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, halftone print .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape .txt to raw_combined/city landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock, stylized, pop art .png to raw_combined/shock, stylized, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beating heart, halftone color print .txt to raw_combined/a beating heart, halftone color print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Larry Clark .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of a woman standing in nyc street, by Larry Clark .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of a dj playng music on the beach party .txt to raw_combined/close up of a dj playng music on the beach party .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . halftone print, .png to raw_combined/concentric geometries . halftone print, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, eye close up,digital print .txt to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, eye close up,digital print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a cartoon character, multiple pose sheet. .png to raw_combined/a cartoon character, multiple pose sheet. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized gear halftone print and alcohol ink .txt to raw_combined/stylized gear halftone print and alcohol ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/white ivory color linen fabric texture background top view .txt to raw_combined/white ivory color linen fabric texture background top view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, as medusa, in the style of curved mirro.png to raw_combined/High fashion portrait shoot of a sensual italian supermodel, as medusa, in the style of curved mirro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/harry and megan, sitting on thrones, eating a big mac and drinking beer .png to raw_combined/harry and megan, sitting on thrones, eating a big mac and drinking beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Commercial photography, studio lighting, closeup of red lips, red background, front view, rich detai.txt to raw_combined/Commercial photography, studio lighting, closeup of red lips, red background, front view, rich detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/high contrast surreal collage .png to raw_combined/high contrast surreal collage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/watercolour cartoon illustration of young woman, 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt to raw_combined/watercolour cartoon illustration of young woman, 10 poses and images, dancing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Miles Aldridge .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, by Miles Aldridge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beating heart, halftone print .png to raw_combined/a beating heart, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Diane Arbus .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman standing in nyc street, BY Diane Arbus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric striped background, back and yellow , halftone print .png to raw_combined/concentric striped background, back and yellow , halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of beating heart in tribal style, centered, orphism style .png to raw_combined/image of beating heart in tribal style, centered, orphism style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/concentric geometries . pop art, .txt to raw_combined/concentric geometries . pop art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/transistors. cyberpunk .txt to raw_combined/transistors. cyberpunk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, blueprint .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of cityscape , front view, night, blue dominance .txt to raw_combined/close up of cityscape , front view, night, blue dominance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Homer simpson dressed as a king, by bill gekas .txt to raw_combined/Homer simpson dressed as a king, by bill gekas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/an audio waveform, stylized, centered halftone print .txt to raw_combined/an audio waveform, stylized, centered halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector music doodles on a white background .png to raw_combined/ink vector music doodles on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/new york construction workers holding a planet , black and white photo taken byrobert capa .png to raw_combined/new york construction workers holding a planet , black and white photo taken byrobert capa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of an eye, conte pencil, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of an eye, conte pencil, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of a skyscraper windows , night, blue dominance .txt to raw_combined/close up of a skyscraper windows , night, blue dominance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized banana, halftone print .png to raw_combined/stylized banana, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a fish wearing headphones, stylized, halftone print .png to raw_combined/a fish wearing headphones, stylized, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of an eye, conte pencil, centered, .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of an eye, conte pencil, centered, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/1960 looking people standing at the bus stop, they are watching on camera. frontal view, photo by an.png to raw_combined/1960 looking people standing at the bus stop, they are watching on camera. frontal view, photo by an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a blueprint of a gyroid lattice .png to raw_combined/a blueprint of a gyroid lattice .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of a ear, blueprint and alcohol ink, centered, .png to raw_combined/stylized Image of a ear, blueprint and alcohol ink, centered, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal mobile wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and har.png to raw_combined/Craft a minimal mobile wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and har.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of red lips .txt to raw_combined/extreme close up of red lips .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom geometries . neon art, negative, .txt to raw_combined/zoom geometries . neon art, negative, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/stylized Image of lips, vivid, centered, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mondrian geometries .txt to raw_combined/mondrian geometries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/zoom geometries . neon art, .png to raw_combined/zoom geometries . neon art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, blueprint .png to raw_combined/circuiti elettronici stilizzati, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/city landscape, in picasso style, on white background .txt to raw_combined/city landscape, in picasso style, on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ganesh in a green forest .txt to raw_combined/ganesh in a green forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/polka dot magic mood seamless pattern .txt to raw_combined/polka dot magic mood seamless pattern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, close up,halftone print .png to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, close up,halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/fashion young woman in different angles, white background, .txt to raw_combined/fashion young woman in different angles, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Robert Frank .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait of a young woman standing in nyc street, by Robert Frank .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/mickey mouse face close up in different angles, white background, .txt to raw_combined/mickey mouse face close up in different angles, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, pop art .txt to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, pop art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a tiger dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, full body,.txt to raw_combined/a tiger dressed as a king, wearing a crown by bill gekas, full body,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up portrait of young woman eye , pop art .png to raw_combined/close up portrait of young woman eye , pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Create portrait of of three US Army soldiers resting in a trench during World War II. Use a Sony α7 .txt to raw_combined/Create portrait of of three US Army soldiers resting in a trench during World War II. Use a Sony α7 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, blueprint .png to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, blueprint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/image of lightning bulb in tribal style, geometric patterns, centered, pop art .png to raw_combined/image of lightning bulb in tribal style, geometric patterns, centered, pop art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of skyscrapers facade , night, blue dominance .txt to raw_combined/close up of skyscrapers facade , night, blue dominance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/vintage radio , on white background .txt to raw_combined/vintage radio , on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, black and white heart, eclectic love .txt to raw_combined/Line art heart within detailed circles, retro, cyberpunk, 2d, black and white heart, eclectic love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a sensual Caucasian brunette vogue model aged 18 with slightly curly hair that falls beneath her sho.txt to raw_combined/a sensual Caucasian brunette vogue model aged 18 with slightly curly hair that falls beneath her sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized arrow sign, halftone print .png to raw_combined/stylized arrow sign, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, eye close up,digital print .png to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, eye close up,digital print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/full body, a beautiful 35 year old model by wlop, happy, 32k, ultra realistic, classy fashion, stree.txt to raw_combined/full body, a beautiful 35 year old model by wlop, happy, 32k, ultra realistic, classy fashion, stree.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a geometrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .txt to raw_combined/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a geometrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/shock , halftone print .txt to raw_combined/shock , halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up photo of ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .txt to raw_combined/close up photo of ganesh , photorealistic, in a temple, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/music cliparts, vector , on a white background .png to raw_combined/music cliparts, vector , on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/beautiful curvaceous Jessica Brown Findlay in the light, in the style of juxtaposition of light and .png to raw_combined/beautiful curvaceous Jessica Brown Findlay in the light, in the style of juxtaposition of light and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Colorful face paint, halftone print .png to raw_combined/Colorful face paint, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Eyes clipart, vivid colors, hd, on white background, spaced out .txt to raw_combined/Eyes clipart, vivid colors, hd, on white background, spaced out .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/people standing at the bus stop, frontal view, photo by annie leibovitz .png to raw_combined/people standing at the bus stop, frontal view, photo by annie leibovitz .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/ink vector doodles on a white background .png to raw_combined/ink vector doodles on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/extreme close up of red lips .png to raw_combined/extreme close up of red lips .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized thunder, halftone print .png to raw_combined/stylized thunder, halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/photo realistic television , on white background .png to raw_combined/photo realistic television , on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/close up of a skyscraper windows , night, blue dominance .png to raw_combined/close up of a skyscraper windows , night, blue dominance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized thunder, halftone print .txt to raw_combined/stylized thunder, halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/tribal geometrical tattoo style background , halftone print .txt to raw_combined/tribal geometrical tattoo style background , halftone print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/a beautiful purple woman, by botero, walking on a beach, photorealistic, feminine body, .png to raw_combined/a beautiful purple woman, by botero, walking on a beach, photorealistic, feminine body, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .png to raw_combined/Craft a minimal wallpaper with a symmetrical composition, creating a sense of balance and harmony., .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/an audio waveform, stylized, centered halftone print .png to raw_combined/an audio waveform, stylized, centered halftone print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/pop art image of heart beating .png to raw_combined/pop art image of heart beating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/portrait of a beautiful blonde woman in white wet dress walking along the beach t, in the style of r.png to raw_combined/portrait of a beautiful blonde woman in white wet dress walking along the beach t, in the style of r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_12/stylized retro tv, front view, blueprint .txt to raw_combined/stylized retro tv, front view, blueprint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Creative Idea with Brain and Light Bulb Illustration .png to raw_combined/Creative Idea with Brain and Light Bulb Illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Interior design living room view of modern, Soft tones, Modern furniture modern interior design .txt to raw_combined/Interior design living room view of modern, Soft tones, Modern furniture modern interior design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/chess competition Concept of Strategy business ideas, chess battle, business strategy concept.3d ren.png to raw_combined/chess competition Concept of Strategy business ideas, chess battle, business strategy concept.3d ren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern kitchen interior in black colors .png to raw_combined/Modern kitchen interior in black colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Shawarma fast food .txt to raw_combined/Shawarma fast food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tilt shift Interior design, clean and sharp, natural meets future, a perfect sphere filled with chao.txt to raw_combined/Tilt shift Interior design, clean and sharp, natural meets future, a perfect sphere filled with chao.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beautiful cat sleeping on a black sofa .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cat sleeping on a black sofa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Diagram of physical indicators for growing plants on the background of vegetables .png to raw_combined/Diagram of physical indicators for growing plants on the background of vegetables .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Diagram of physical indicators for growing plants on the background of vegetables .txt to raw_combined/Diagram of physical indicators for growing plants on the background of vegetables .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Empty open plan office interior,Modern Office .txt to raw_combined/Empty open plan office interior,Modern Office .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Woman green eye .png to raw_combined/Woman green eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Business concept Strategy of red Chess Game .png to raw_combined/Business concept Strategy of red Chess Game .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Road to success,Business journey going to success in the future concept .txt to raw_combined/Road to success,Business journey going to success in the future concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Isolate natural palm shrub on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Isolate natural palm shrub on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Waterfall in a green forest with rocks and green moss .txt to raw_combined/Waterfall in a green forest with rocks and green moss .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Man in a suit with a lions head .txt to raw_combined/Man in a suit with a lions head .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Sweet cinnamon buns on background. .png to raw_combined/Sweet cinnamon buns on background. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/dog in glamorous attire and sunglasses, striking poses as if it were a famous celebrity .png to raw_combined/dog in glamorous attire and sunglasses, striking poses as if it were a famous celebrity .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/table top meal with hot dogs, grilled cheese, soup and salad in flat lay composition .txt to raw_combined/table top meal with hot dogs, grilled cheese, soup and salad in flat lay composition .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink clouds pastel atmosphere on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Pink clouds pastel atmosphere on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Close up of a kids hands coloring working on a DIY craft .txt to raw_combined/Close up of a kids hands coloring working on a DIY craft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view evergreen and dried trees cutout backgrounds 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Top view evergreen and dried trees cutout backgrounds 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Boxes waiting to be moved into a new home,New home,Moving house day and real estate concept .png to raw_combined/Boxes waiting to be moved into a new home,New home,Moving house day and real estate concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny rabbit looks through ripped hole in yellow paper .txt to raw_combined/Funny rabbit looks through ripped hole in yellow paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/1 A delicious, juicy fried chicken sandwich .png to raw_combined/1 A delicious, juicy fried chicken sandwich .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Horses racing at the Kentucky derby .txt to raw_combined/Horses racing at the Kentucky derby .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Virus or bacteria against a blue background,Organic covid virus floating against,3D render of multip.txt to raw_combined/Virus or bacteria against a blue background,Organic covid virus floating against,3D render of multip.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dead pine trees wood shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Dead pine trees wood shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout clean white cloud transparent backgrounds special effect 3d illustration .txt to raw_combined/Cutout clean white cloud transparent backgrounds special effect 3d illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Realistic tropics greenish shrubs isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Realistic tropics greenish shrubs isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Perspective of modern luxury building with grass field,Double floor of housing with metal roof desig.png to raw_combined/Perspective of modern luxury building with grass field,Double floor of housing with metal roof desig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/leaf shadows on the front of the house .png to raw_combined/leaf shadows on the front of the house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny and happy dog jumping on a flower meadow .txt to raw_combined/Funny and happy dog jumping on a flower meadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Luxury modern living room interior, interior with sofa .png to raw_combined/Luxury modern living room interior, interior with sofa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Horses racing at the Kentucky derby .png to raw_combined/Horses racing at the Kentucky derby .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Snowy owls in the winter forest,Two snowy owl sits in the snow .png to raw_combined/Snowy owls in the winter forest,Two snowy owl sits in the snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Market Growth Illustration .png to raw_combined/Market Growth Illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mexican appetizer poke tacos with fish, mix of cultures, fusion. .png to raw_combined/Mexican appetizer poke tacos with fish, mix of cultures, fusion. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mouthwatering beef and veggie shawarma authentic Turkish fast food .txt to raw_combined/Mouthwatering beef and veggie shawarma authentic Turkish fast food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Construction worker wearing safety harness belt during working on roof structure of building on cons.txt to raw_combined/Construction worker wearing safety harness belt during working on roof structure of building on cons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/golden heart on black valentines day, kintsugi card .txt to raw_combined/golden heart on black valentines day, kintsugi card .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mouse on grassland .png to raw_combined/Mouse on grassland .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Early morning sunrise in the Huangshan mountains .txt to raw_combined/Early morning sunrise in the Huangshan mountains .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern kitchen counter,Modern design, Kitchen appliances and marble floor in a new luxury home .txt to raw_combined/Modern kitchen counter,Modern design, Kitchen appliances and marble floor in a new luxury home .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Different Colored Colorful Lightbulbs Representing Diversity and Inclusion, with Licensed .png to raw_combined/Different Colored Colorful Lightbulbs Representing Diversity and Inclusion, with Licensed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/indian tandoori chicken with onions and cilantro .txt to raw_combined/indian tandoori chicken with onions and cilantro .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/minimal white podium display for cosmetic product presentation, pedestal or platform background .png to raw_combined/minimal white podium display for cosmetic product presentation, pedestal or platform background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bunny peeking out of a hole in blue wall, fluffy eared bunny easter bunny banner, rabbit jump out to.txt to raw_combined/Bunny peeking out of a hole in blue wall, fluffy eared bunny easter bunny banner, rabbit jump out to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/indian tandoori chicken with onions and cilantro .png to raw_combined/indian tandoori chicken with onions and cilantro .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Empty open plan office interior,Modern Office .png to raw_combined/Empty open plan office interior,Modern Office .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/pizza fresh from the woodfired oven .txt to raw_combined/pizza fresh from the woodfired oven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Automated hydroponic farm run by robots,Modern agriculture .png to raw_combined/Automated hydroponic farm run by robots,Modern agriculture .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/DNA plant concept .png to raw_combined/DNA plant concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Concept of smart agriculture and modern technology .txt to raw_combined/Concept of smart agriculture and modern technology .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/human eye close up .png to raw_combined/human eye close up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dental implantation, teeth with implant screw, 3d illustration .txt to raw_combined/Dental implantation, teeth with implant screw, 3d illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/vibrant flock of tropical birds perched on branches .png to raw_combined/vibrant flock of tropical birds perched on branches .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Futuristic winter christmas background with sky .txt to raw_combined/Futuristic winter christmas background with sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green Iguana close up , Animal .txt to raw_combined/Green Iguana close up , Animal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hot dogs, corn and burgers on 4th of July picnic in patriotic theme .txt to raw_combined/Hot dogs, corn and burgers on 4th of July picnic in patriotic theme .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh produce delivered straight to your doorstep with a delivery truck carrying crates of colorful .txt to raw_combined/Fresh produce delivered straight to your doorstep with a delivery truck carrying crates of colorful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh fruits and vegetables flatlay .txt to raw_combined/Fresh fruits and vegetables flatlay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cool bunny with sunglasses on colorful background .png to raw_combined/Cool bunny with sunglasses on colorful background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Scandinavian Living Room with Neutral Color Scheme .png to raw_combined/Scandinavian Living Room with Neutral Color Scheme .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view colored pencils on black background,Beautiful colors for artwork .png to raw_combined/Top view colored pencils on black background,Beautiful colors for artwork .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Closeup home made beef burger on wooden table .png to raw_combined/Closeup home made beef burger on wooden table .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/grilled tofu and dragon fruit buddha bowl top view .png to raw_combined/grilled tofu and dragon fruit buddha bowl top view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Meat burgers for hamburger grilled on flame grill .txt to raw_combined/Meat burgers for hamburger grilled on flame grill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two greek gyros with shaved lamb and french fries .txt to raw_combined/two greek gyros with shaved lamb and french fries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Businessman and Technician team working planning the transportation for import or export at overseas.png to raw_combined/Businessman and Technician team working planning the transportation for import or export at overseas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Country house in Thailand, Little wooden hut in the countryside in northern, There is a vegetable ga.png to raw_combined/Country house in Thailand, Little wooden hut in the countryside in northern, There is a vegetable ga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/4th of july themed burger and hot dog meal on paper plate .txt to raw_combined/4th of july themed burger and hot dog meal on paper plate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Homemade American Soft Shell Beef Tacos with Lettuce Tomato Cheese on wooden table smoke and fire ba.png to raw_combined/Homemade American Soft Shell Beef Tacos with Lettuce Tomato Cheese on wooden table smoke and fire ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Military combat boots .txt to raw_combined/Military combat boots .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/heartshaped island in the ocean with palm trees, top view .txt to raw_combined/heartshaped island in the ocean with palm trees, top view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and olives on a wooden table .png to raw_combined/Tasty pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and olives on a wooden table .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Perfect French Fries .txt to raw_combined/Perfect French Fries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Foreground tropic tree branch cutout backgrounds 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Foreground tropic tree branch cutout backgrounds 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fairytale winter christmas window and christmas object .png to raw_combined/Fairytale winter christmas window and christmas object .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lion, the head of a lion in a multicolored flame. Abstract multicolored profile portrait of a lion h.txt to raw_combined/Lion, the head of a lion in a multicolored flame. Abstract multicolored profile portrait of a lion h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Seoul skyline panorama at night with view of Lotte World Tower .png to raw_combined/Seoul skyline panorama at night with view of Lotte World Tower .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bunny peeking out of a hole in blue wall, fluffy eared bunny easter bunny banner, rabbit jump out to.png to raw_combined/Bunny peeking out of a hole in blue wall, fluffy eared bunny easter bunny banner, rabbit jump out to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Heart shaped burger with French fries arrow .png to raw_combined/Heart shaped burger with French fries arrow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Artistic Latte Designs for Coffee Lovers .txt to raw_combined/Artistic Latte Designs for Coffee Lovers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d rendering realistic mossy stone cut out backgrounds transparent png file .txt to raw_combined/3d rendering realistic mossy stone cut out backgrounds transparent png file .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/exterior of a small stylish house, large glass windows, backyard .png to raw_combined/exterior of a small stylish house, large glass windows, backyard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Phoenix bird risen from the ashes, fire bird. Burning bird. 3D illustration .png to raw_combined/Phoenix bird risen from the ashes, fire bird. Burning bird. 3D illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cyber big data flow. Blockchain data fields. Network line connect stream. Concept of AI technology, .png to raw_combined/Cyber big data flow. Blockchain data fields. Network line connect stream. Concept of AI technology, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/grilling steaks on charcoal kettle grill outdoors in yard shot from top view with copy space composi.png to raw_combined/grilling steaks on charcoal kettle grill outdoors in yard shot from top view with copy space composi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty burger with french fries and fire .png to raw_combined/Tasty burger with french fries and fire .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/cat on window climb a tall cat tower .png to raw_combined/cat on window climb a tall cat tower .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cosmetic Essence, Liquid bubble, Molecule inside Liquid Bubble on DNA water splash background, 3d re.png to raw_combined/Cosmetic Essence, Liquid bubble, Molecule inside Liquid Bubble on DNA water splash background, 3d re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Savor the Flavor, Elegant Flat Lay of Freshly Made Sushi with Wasabi and Pickled Ginger .txt to raw_combined/Savor the Flavor, Elegant Flat Lay of Freshly Made Sushi with Wasabi and Pickled Ginger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout tropic grass meadow flowery isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png file .txt to raw_combined/Cutout tropic grass meadow flowery isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png file .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink bag,Female pink leather handbag .txt to raw_combined/Pink bag,Female pink leather handbag .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lawn mower robot .txt to raw_combined/Lawn mower robot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dental implantation, teeth with implant screw, 3d illustration .png to raw_combined/Dental implantation, teeth with implant screw, 3d illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cakes on automated round conveyor machine in bakery food factory.png to raw_combined/Cakes on automated round conveyor machine in bakery food factory.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/stone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/stone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Macro shot of fresh made Pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil .txt to raw_combined/Macro shot of fresh made Pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d glass of lemonade illustration with a pastel backdrop ar 32 .txt to raw_combined/3d glass of lemonade illustration with a pastel backdrop ar 32 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Road to success,Business journey going to success in the future concept .png to raw_combined/Road to success,Business journey going to success in the future concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background .png to raw_combined/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Isolate natural palm shrub on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Isolate natural palm shrub on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fried egg and Grilled Bavarian sausage in black plate .txt to raw_combined/Fried egg and Grilled Bavarian sausage in black plate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/4th of july themed burger and hot dog meal on paper plate .png to raw_combined/4th of july themed burger and hot dog meal on paper plate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background.txt to raw_combined/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two greek gyros with shaved lamb and french fries .png to raw_combined/two greek gyros with shaved lamb and french fries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/White wall interior living room have sofa and decoration minimal,3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/White wall interior living room have sofa and decoration minimal,3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Businessman hand holding a glass ball,globe on the human hands .png to raw_combined/Businessman hand holding a glass ball,globe on the human hands .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/cozy kitchen interior in the trailer of mobile home .png to raw_combined/cozy kitchen interior in the trailer of mobile home .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/a chocolate donut sitting on a plate next to a bowl of chocolate chips and a cup of coffee on a tabl.txt to raw_combined/a chocolate donut sitting on a plate next to a bowl of chocolate chips and a cup of coffee on a tabl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A bank breaking and collapsing under economic pressure .png to raw_combined/A bank breaking and collapsing under economic pressure .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d rendering realistic mossy stone cut out backgrounds transparent png file .png to raw_combined/3d rendering realistic mossy stone cut out backgrounds transparent png file .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Spaghetti alla Amatriciana with pancetta bacon, tomatoes and pecorino cheese .txt to raw_combined/Spaghetti alla Amatriciana with pancetta bacon, tomatoes and pecorino cheese .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Macro shot of fresh made Pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil .png to raw_combined/Macro shot of fresh made Pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract circuit cyberspace design .txt to raw_combined/Abstract circuit cyberspace design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/4th of july feast with burgers and hot dogs on picnic table .txt to raw_combined/4th of july feast with burgers and hot dogs on picnic table .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Robot cyborg with a flower .png to raw_combined/Robot cyborg with a flower .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green leaves movement falling flow 3d rendering illustration background png file .txt to raw_combined/Green leaves movement falling flow 3d rendering illustration background png file .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Man riding a bicycle in winter, snow, extreme sport .png to raw_combined/Man riding a bicycle in winter, snow, extreme sport .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Birdeye view top autum large trees shapes isolate backgrounds 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Birdeye view top autum large trees shapes isolate backgrounds 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cyber big data flow. Blockchain data fields. Network line connect stream. Concept of AI technology, .txt to raw_combined/Cyber big data flow. Blockchain data fields. Network line connect stream. Concept of AI technology, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beerbattered fish and chips fast food .txt to raw_combined/Beerbattered fish and chips fast food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Piece of cheese with Cheese sauce isolated on white background, 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Piece of cheese with Cheese sauce isolated on white background, 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Two glasses of lemonade and lavender flowers in the garden, golden hour, sunset .png to raw_combined/Two glasses of lemonade and lavender flowers in the garden, golden hour, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/santa claus reindeer .txt to raw_combined/santa claus reindeer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/shadows of kids playing in a yard .png to raw_combined/shadows of kids playing in a yard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Evergreen nature big trees standing on grass with sunshade cut out transparent backgrounds 3d illust.png to raw_combined/Evergreen nature big trees standing on grass with sunshade cut out transparent backgrounds 3d illust.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hands holding fresh delicious burgers with french fries, sauce and beer on the wooden table top view.png to raw_combined/Hands holding fresh delicious burgers with french fries, sauce and beer on the wooden table top view.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Container cargo ship .txt to raw_combined/Container cargo ship .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Female gray leather handbag on a gray background isolation .txt to raw_combined/Female gray leather handbag on a gray background isolation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty chocolate chip cookies falling isolated on white background .png to raw_combined/Tasty chocolate chip cookies falling isolated on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Garbage in the city .txt to raw_combined/Garbage in the city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Delivery truck making its way through the bustling city streets with towering skyscrapers and busy p.png to raw_combined/Delivery truck making its way through the bustling city streets with towering skyscrapers and busy p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two cups of cola soft drink being poured into glass .txt to raw_combined/two cups of cola soft drink being poured into glass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Barbecue grill party at backyard .txt to raw_combined/Barbecue grill party at backyard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flying donut or doughnuts isolate on color background. 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Flying donut or doughnuts isolate on color background. 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Excavator at Construction Site,backhoe .txt to raw_combined/Excavator at Construction Site,backhoe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Graduation hat on coins money in the glass bottle,Saving money for education concept .png to raw_combined/Graduation hat on coins money in the glass bottle,Saving money for education concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Excavator at Construction Site,backhoe .png to raw_combined/Excavator at Construction Site,backhoe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green forest and forest stream at sunset .png to raw_combined/Green forest and forest stream at sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/The silhouette of an archer .png to raw_combined/The silhouette of an archer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cabin interior, Winter, fireplace .txt to raw_combined/Cabin interior, Winter, fireplace .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lion, the head of a lion in a multicolored flame. Abstract multicolored profile portrait of a lion h.png to raw_combined/Lion, the head of a lion in a multicolored flame. Abstract multicolored profile portrait of a lion h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/light in the cave, ice stone .txt to raw_combined/light in the cave, ice stone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dog with disabilities in wheelchair during a walk in park .png to raw_combined/Dog with disabilities in wheelchair during a walk in park .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cabin interior, Winter, fireplace .png to raw_combined/Cabin interior, Winter, fireplace .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lemon and kiwi,Fresh assorted fruits background.Love fruits, healthy food .png to raw_combined/Lemon and kiwi,Fresh assorted fruits background.Love fruits, healthy food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Creative Idea with Brain and Light Bulb Illustration .txt to raw_combined/Creative Idea with Brain and Light Bulb Illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract circuit cyberspace design .png to raw_combined/Abstract circuit cyberspace design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Virus or bacteria against a blue background,Organic covid virus floating against,3D render of multip.png to raw_combined/Virus or bacteria against a blue background,Organic covid virus floating against,3D render of multip.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Garbage in the city .png to raw_combined/Garbage in the city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hippopotamus lying in the water .png to raw_combined/Hippopotamus lying in the water .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Wood background,illustration for creative design and simple backgrounds .txt to raw_combined/Wood background,illustration for creative design and simple backgrounds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d rendering of Human cell or Embryonic stem cell microscope background .png to raw_combined/3d rendering of Human cell or Embryonic stem cell microscope background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Team of ants work constructing bridge .txt to raw_combined/Team of ants work constructing bridge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/tray of spicy bbq buffalo chicken wings isolated and transparent shot from top view .txt to raw_combined/tray of spicy bbq buffalo chicken wings isolated and transparent shot from top view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Colorful sound wave music lines flowing,Abstract wave, soundwave, sound .png to raw_combined/Colorful sound wave music lines flowing,Abstract wave, soundwave, sound .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hands holding fresh delicious burgers with french fries, sauce and beer on the wooden table top view.txt to raw_combined/Hands holding fresh delicious burgers with french fries, sauce and beer on the wooden table top view.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Automated hydroponic farm run by robots,Modern agriculture .txt to raw_combined/Automated hydroponic farm run by robots,Modern agriculture .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two cups of cola soft drink being poured into glass .png to raw_combined/two cups of cola soft drink being poured into glass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Futuristic winter christmas background with sky .png to raw_combined/Futuristic winter christmas background with sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Summer tropical background. Swimming pool with tropical leaf shadow .txt to raw_combined/Summer tropical background. Swimming pool with tropical leaf shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Invisible plastic braces lie,Cosmetic dentistry with Orthodontic bracket on clear white teeth .png to raw_combined/Invisible plastic braces lie,Cosmetic dentistry with Orthodontic bracket on clear white teeth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A vacation travel suitcase in a luxury holiday villa .txt to raw_combined/A vacation travel suitcase in a luxury holiday villa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/portrait of a dog swearing a sweater and a hat, dachshund .png to raw_combined/portrait of a dog swearing a sweater and a hat, dachshund .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Meat burgers for hamburger grilled on flame grill .png to raw_combined/Meat burgers for hamburger grilled on flame grill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Caramel brownies with walnuts .txt to raw_combined/Caramel brownies with walnuts .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/table top meal with hot dogs, grilled cheese, soup and salad in flat lay composition .png to raw_combined/table top meal with hot dogs, grilled cheese, soup and salad in flat lay composition .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Businessman hand holding a glass ball,globe on the human hands .txt to raw_combined/Businessman hand holding a glass ball,globe on the human hands .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view evergreen and dried trees cutout backgrounds 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Top view evergreen and dried trees cutout backgrounds 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Luxury modern living room interior, interior with sofa .txt to raw_combined/Luxury modern living room interior, interior with sofa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/abstract geometric shape pastel color scene minimal, design for cosmetic or product display podium 3.txt to raw_combined/abstract geometric shape pastel color scene minimal, design for cosmetic or product display podium 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern Living Room Interior,Modern vintage interior of living room,Generative, AI, Illustration .png to raw_combined/Modern Living Room Interior,Modern vintage interior of living room,Generative, AI, Illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/microphone at conference table in meeting room .png to raw_combined/microphone at conference table in meeting room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fireman wearing firefighter turnouts and helmet. Dark background with smoke and blue light .txt to raw_combined/Fireman wearing firefighter turnouts and helmet. Dark background with smoke and blue light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tomato with strong biceps .png to raw_combined/Tomato with strong biceps .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bedroom view digitally generated image,Interior design bedroom view of modern .txt to raw_combined/Bedroom view digitally generated image,Interior design bedroom view of modern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/The runner runs to a giant watch in the desert. Race against time, limited time, worklife balance, a.png to raw_combined/The runner runs to a giant watch in the desert. Race against time, limited time, worklife balance, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Crispy chicken pieces with cajun spice on french fries .png to raw_combined/Crispy chicken pieces with cajun spice on french fries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny and happy dog jumping on a flower meadow .png to raw_combined/Funny and happy dog jumping on a flower meadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Scandinavian Living Room with Neutral Color Scheme .txt to raw_combined/Scandinavian Living Room with Neutral Color Scheme .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Underwater robot drone .png to raw_combined/Underwater robot drone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flying Fried Chicken on Paper Bucket Isolated on White Background .txt to raw_combined/Flying Fried Chicken on Paper Bucket Isolated on White Background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout clean white cloud transparent backgrounds special effect 3d illustration .png to raw_combined/Cutout clean white cloud transparent backgrounds special effect 3d illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/professionally organized classroom with rows of desks and chairs, lit up by cinematic lights, creati.txt to raw_combined/professionally organized classroom with rows of desks and chairs, lit up by cinematic lights, creati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/futuristic modern design living room .txt to raw_combined/futuristic modern design living room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flying Fried Chicken on Paper Bucket Isolated on White Background .png to raw_combined/Flying Fried Chicken on Paper Bucket Isolated on White Background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background.png to raw_combined/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Savor the Flavor, Elegant Flat Lay of Freshly Made Sushi with Wasabi and Pickled Ginger .png to raw_combined/Savor the Flavor, Elegant Flat Lay of Freshly Made Sushi with Wasabi and Pickled Ginger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Artificial Intelligence Futuristic Neurolink Connectors .txt to raw_combined/Artificial Intelligence Futuristic Neurolink Connectors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/santa claus reindeer .png to raw_combined/santa claus reindeer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/minimal white podium display for cosmetic product presentation, pedestal or platform background .txt to raw_combined/minimal white podium display for cosmetic product presentation, pedestal or platform background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Concept of smart agriculture and modern technology .png to raw_combined/Concept of smart agriculture and modern technology .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Phoenix bird risen from the ashes, fire bird. Burning bird. 3D illustration .txt to raw_combined/Phoenix bird risen from the ashes, fire bird. Burning bird. 3D illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Nature shrubs flowery realistic 3d rendering png file .txt to raw_combined/Nature shrubs flowery realistic 3d rendering png file .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Happy Easter bunny with many colorful easter eggs .txt to raw_combined/Happy Easter bunny with many colorful easter eggs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/stone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/stone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/dog in glamorous attire and sunglasses, striking poses as if it were a famous celebrity .txt to raw_combined/dog in glamorous attire and sunglasses, striking poses as if it were a famous celebrity .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/thanksgiving country dinner, Thanksgiving, Turkey, .txt to raw_combined/thanksgiving country dinner, Thanksgiving, Turkey, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern mid century and minimalist interior of living room ,leather armchair with table on white wall.png to raw_combined/Modern mid century and minimalist interior of living room ,leather armchair with table on white wall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/White wall interior living room have sofa and decoration minimal,3d rendering .png to raw_combined/White wall interior living room have sofa and decoration minimal,3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/a valentines day concept .txt to raw_combined/a valentines day concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/DNA plant concept .txt to raw_combined/DNA plant concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/delicious looking hamburger .txt to raw_combined/delicious looking hamburger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty Delectable cheeseburger with a toasted brioche bun, juicy mediumrare Angus beef patty, melted .txt to raw_combined/Tasty Delectable cheeseburger with a toasted brioche bun, juicy mediumrare Angus beef patty, melted .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and olives on a wooden table .txt to raw_combined/Tasty pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and olives on a wooden table .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mexican appetizer poke tacos with fish, mix of cultures, fusion. .txt to raw_combined/Mexican appetizer poke tacos with fish, mix of cultures, fusion. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two mouthwatering, delicious homemade burger used to chop beef. on the wooden table .png to raw_combined/two mouthwatering, delicious homemade burger used to chop beef. on the wooden table .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fairytale winter christmas window and christmas object .txt to raw_combined/Fairytale winter christmas window and christmas object .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ripe cherry tomato plants growing in greenhouse. Fresh bunch of red natural tomatoes in organic vege.txt to raw_combined/Ripe cherry tomato plants growing in greenhouse. Fresh bunch of red natural tomatoes in organic vege.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fried egg and Grilled Bavarian sausage in black plate .png to raw_combined/Fried egg and Grilled Bavarian sausage in black plate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ripe cherry tomato plants growing in greenhouse. Fresh bunch of red natural tomatoes in organic vege.png to raw_combined/Ripe cherry tomato plants growing in greenhouse. Fresh bunch of red natural tomatoes in organic vege.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract cyber heart .png to raw_combined/Abstract cyber heart .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink flamingo with sunglasses floats in an inflatable circle illustration. Summer minimal concept .txt to raw_combined/Pink flamingo with sunglasses floats in an inflatable circle illustration. Summer minimal concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cakes on automated round conveyor machine in bakery food factory.txt to raw_combined/Cakes on automated round conveyor machine in bakery food factory.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lightbulb and Tree on Soil Illustrating Energy Savings and Environmental Campaign .txt to raw_combined/Lightbulb and Tree on Soil Illustrating Energy Savings and Environmental Campaign .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh fruits and vegetables flatlay .png to raw_combined/Fresh fruits and vegetables flatlay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Blueberry muffins .png to raw_combined/Blueberry muffins .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Evergreen nature big trees standing on grass with sunshade cut out transparent backgrounds 3d illust.txt to raw_combined/Evergreen nature big trees standing on grass with sunshade cut out transparent backgrounds 3d illust.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/The runner runs to a giant watch in the desert. Race against time, limited time, worklife balance, a.txt to raw_combined/The runner runs to a giant watch in the desert. Race against time, limited time, worklife balance, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/East River mit Blick auf Manhattan und die Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA .txt to raw_combined/East River mit Blick auf Manhattan und die Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout gardening houseplant ornamental pots 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Cutout gardening houseplant ornamental pots 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hands holding paper house, family home, homeless housing crisis, mortgage concept .txt to raw_combined/Hands holding paper house, family home, homeless housing crisis, mortgage concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Little snail in grass .png to raw_combined/Little snail in grass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bunny rabbit on the grass .txt to raw_combined/Bunny rabbit on the grass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/mexican hot queso blanco cheese dip with corn tortilla chips on plate .txt to raw_combined/mexican hot queso blanco cheese dip with corn tortilla chips on plate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty Delectable cheeseburger with a toasted brioche bun, juicy mediumrare Angus beef patty, melted .png to raw_combined/Tasty Delectable cheeseburger with a toasted brioche bun, juicy mediumrare Angus beef patty, melted .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Seoul skyline panorama at night with view of Lotte World Tower .txt to raw_combined/Seoul skyline panorama at night with view of Lotte World Tower .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ready kitchen background for cooking .txt to raw_combined/Ready kitchen background for cooking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract cyber eye .txt to raw_combined/Abstract cyber eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/dog into a classical painting by dressing it in Renaissanceera clothing and placing it in a scene re.txt to raw_combined/dog into a classical painting by dressing it in Renaissanceera clothing and placing it in a scene re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink flamingo with sunglasses floats in an inflatable circle illustration. Summer minimal concept .png to raw_combined/Pink flamingo with sunglasses floats in an inflatable circle illustration. Summer minimal concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hot dogs, corn and burgers on 4th of July picnic in patriotic theme .png to raw_combined/Hot dogs, corn and burgers on 4th of July picnic in patriotic theme .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green forest and forest stream at sunset .txt to raw_combined/Green forest and forest stream at sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pet food, both wet and dry, flat laid on a wooden table with room .txt to raw_combined/Pet food, both wet and dry, flat laid on a wooden table with room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tomato with strong biceps .txt to raw_combined/Tomato with strong biceps .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Boxes waiting to be moved into a new home,New home,Moving house day and real estate concept .txt to raw_combined/Boxes waiting to be moved into a new home,New home,Moving house day and real estate concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny red beard leprechaun in a green hat with a shamrock holds beer mug with green ale, extreme luc.png to raw_combined/Funny red beard leprechaun in a green hat with a shamrock holds beer mug with green ale, extreme luc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d glass of lemonade illustration with a pastel backdrop ar 32 .png to raw_combined/3d glass of lemonade illustration with a pastel backdrop ar 32 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty burger with french fries and fire .txt to raw_combined/Tasty burger with french fries and fire .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Truck. Abstract heavy lorry van .txt to raw_combined/Truck. Abstract heavy lorry van .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flowers shrubs ornamental shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Flowers shrubs ornamental shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A string of colorful balloons,Suitable for Valentines Day,Wedding or other event decoration .png to raw_combined/A string of colorful balloons,Suitable for Valentines Day,Wedding or other event decoration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beef burger with cheese, tomatoes, red onions, cucumber and lettuce on black slate over dark backgro.txt to raw_combined/Beef burger with cheese, tomatoes, red onions, cucumber and lettuce on black slate over dark backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout gardening houseplant ornamental pots 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Cutout gardening houseplant ornamental pots 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A string of colorful balloons,Suitable for Valentines Day,Wedding or other event decoration .txt to raw_combined/A string of colorful balloons,Suitable for Valentines Day,Wedding or other event decoration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beautiful cat sleeping on a black sofa .png to raw_combined/Beautiful cat sleeping on a black sofa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3d rendering of Human cell or Embryonic stem cell microscope background .txt to raw_combined/3d rendering of Human cell or Embryonic stem cell microscope background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/american texas bbq smoked puilled pork in top down composition with copyspace .png to raw_combined/american texas bbq smoked puilled pork in top down composition with copyspace .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern kitchen counter,Modern design, Kitchen appliances and marble floor in a new luxury home .png to raw_combined/Modern kitchen counter,Modern design, Kitchen appliances and marble floor in a new luxury home .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/modern bedroom Vibrant jewel tones sapphire blue, amethyst purple, and emerald green add depth and a.png to raw_combined/modern bedroom Vibrant jewel tones sapphire blue, amethyst purple, and emerald green add depth and a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/american texas bbq smoked puilled pork in top down composition with copyspace .txt to raw_combined/american texas bbq smoked puilled pork in top down composition with copyspace .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Video conference modern living room, zoom background .png to raw_combined/Video conference modern living room, zoom background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Spaghetti alla Amatriciana with pancetta bacon, tomatoes and pecorino cheese .png to raw_combined/Spaghetti alla Amatriciana with pancetta bacon, tomatoes and pecorino cheese .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Golden trophy on white background .png to raw_combined/Golden trophy on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3D rendered illustration of brain on circuit board .png to raw_combined/3D rendered illustration of brain on circuit board .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern Living Room Interior,Modern vintage interior of living room,Generative, AI, Illustration .txt to raw_combined/Modern Living Room Interior,Modern vintage interior of living room,Generative, AI, Illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flowers shrubs ornamental shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Flowers shrubs ornamental shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pile of onion rings on a plate with condiments .txt to raw_combined/Pile of onion rings on a plate with condiments .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Invisible plastic braces lie,Cosmetic dentistry with Orthodontic bracket on clear white teeth .txt to raw_combined/Invisible plastic braces lie,Cosmetic dentistry with Orthodontic bracket on clear white teeth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Close up on man walking with help of an exoskeleton at the hospital, Assistant robotic legs concepts.png to raw_combined/Close up on man walking with help of an exoskeleton at the hospital, Assistant robotic legs concepts.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/biscuits, cookies in the glass dish .txt to raw_combined/biscuits, cookies in the glass dish .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cool bunny with sunglasses on colorful background .txt to raw_combined/Cool bunny with sunglasses on colorful background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/top down photo of carne asada fries and buffalo chicklen wings .png to raw_combined/top down photo of carne asada fries and buffalo chicklen wings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/tray of spicy bbq buffalo chicken wings isolated and transparent shot from top view .png to raw_combined/tray of spicy bbq buffalo chicken wings isolated and transparent shot from top view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lightbulb and Tree on Soil Illustrating Energy Savings and Environmental Campaign .png to raw_combined/Lightbulb and Tree on Soil Illustrating Energy Savings and Environmental Campaign .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Birdeye view top autum large trees shapes isolate backgrounds 3d render png .png to raw_combined/Birdeye view top autum large trees shapes isolate backgrounds 3d render png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background .txt to raw_combined/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Perspective of modern luxury building with grass field,Double floor of housing with metal roof desig.txt to raw_combined/Perspective of modern luxury building with grass field,Double floor of housing with metal roof desig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/grilling steaks on charcoal kettle grill outdoors in yard shot from top view with copy space composi.txt to raw_combined/grilling steaks on charcoal kettle grill outdoors in yard shot from top view with copy space composi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/hot and tasty french fries with cheese and mayonaise isolated on black background .png to raw_combined/hot and tasty french fries with cheese and mayonaise isolated on black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract minimal scene with geometric Podium display background for product presentation, mock up, c.png to raw_combined/Abstract minimal scene with geometric Podium display background for product presentation, mock up, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/abstract geometric shape pastel color scene minimal, design for cosmetic or product display podium 3.png to raw_combined/abstract geometric shape pastel color scene minimal, design for cosmetic or product display podium 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Market Growth Illustration .txt to raw_combined/Market Growth Illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/shadows of kids playing in a yard .txt to raw_combined/shadows of kids playing in a yard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Wooden product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering.txt to raw_combined/Wooden product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Summer tropical background. Swimming pool with tropical leaf shadow .png to raw_combined/Summer tropical background. Swimming pool with tropical leaf shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cheese sauce splashing in the air with cheddar cheese, 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Cheese sauce splashing in the air with cheddar cheese, 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/bowl of fettucini alfredo with garnish isolated on a background,.png to raw_combined/bowl of fettucini alfredo with garnish isolated on a background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pile of onion rings on a plate with condiments .png to raw_combined/Pile of onion rings on a plate with condiments .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern mid century and minimalist interior of living room ,leather armchair with table on white wall.txt to raw_combined/Modern mid century and minimalist interior of living room ,leather armchair with table on white wall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ceramic tooth in section .png to raw_combined/Ceramic tooth in section .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/food plate healthy lunch .txt to raw_combined/food plate healthy lunch .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Caramel sauce, Liquid syrup splash, sugar candy caramel or melted toffee, 3d illustration .txt to raw_combined/Caramel sauce, Liquid syrup splash, sugar candy caramel or melted toffee, 3d illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/3D rendered illustration of brain on circuit board .txt to raw_combined/3D rendered illustration of brain on circuit board .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink clouds pastel atmosphere on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Pink clouds pastel atmosphere on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Futuristic biker with his motorcycle .txt to raw_combined/Futuristic biker with his motorcycle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lemon and kiwi,Fresh assorted fruits background.Love fruits, healthy food .txt to raw_combined/Lemon and kiwi,Fresh assorted fruits background.Love fruits, healthy food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Glossy and shiny heart balloons golden,Suitable for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Wedding or other ev.txt to raw_combined/Glossy and shiny heart balloons golden,Suitable for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Wedding or other ev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/East River mit Blick auf Manhattan und die Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA .png to raw_combined/East River mit Blick auf Manhattan und die Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Two juicy cheeseburgers closeup on a wooden table on a kitchen board against a background of a blurr.txt to raw_combined/Two juicy cheeseburgers closeup on a wooden table on a kitchen board against a background of a blurr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Two glasses of lemonade and lavender flowers in the garden, golden hour, sunset .txt to raw_combined/Two glasses of lemonade and lavender flowers in the garden, golden hour, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Truck. Abstract heavy lorry van .png to raw_combined/Truck. Abstract heavy lorry van .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Woman green eye .txt to raw_combined/Woman green eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Female gray leather handbag on a gray background isolation .png to raw_combined/Female gray leather handbag on a gray background isolation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Gardening plants and flowery design composition with realistic nature rock transparent backgrounds 3.txt to raw_combined/Gardening plants and flowery design composition with realistic nature rock transparent backgrounds 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Portrait of cute dog among the flowers .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of cute dog among the flowers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/steamy hot mexican beef fajitas .png to raw_combined/steamy hot mexican beef fajitas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/vegan barbecue skewers grilling on charcoal grill .txt to raw_combined/vegan barbecue skewers grilling on charcoal grill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lonely teddy bear on the ruins of a house after an earthquake, hurricane, flood, explosion .png to raw_combined/Lonely teddy bear on the ruins of a house after an earthquake, hurricane, flood, explosion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Team of ants work constructing bridge .png to raw_combined/Team of ants work constructing bridge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Interior design living room view of modern, Soft tones, Modern furniture modern interior design .png to raw_combined/Interior design living room view of modern, Soft tones, Modern furniture modern interior design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mouthwatering beef and veggie shawarma authentic Turkish fast food .png to raw_combined/Mouthwatering beef and veggie shawarma authentic Turkish fast food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beautiful colorful parrot flying on black background,Generative, AI, Illustration.,Generative, AI, I.png to raw_combined/Beautiful colorful parrot flying on black background,Generative, AI, Illustration.,Generative, AI, I.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Clipart bushes flower isolate backgrounds 3d rendering png file .txt to raw_combined/Clipart bushes flower isolate backgrounds 3d rendering png file .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Senior couple relaxing and drink orange juice on sea beach,Summer vacation,Travel and vacation on be.txt to raw_combined/Senior couple relaxing and drink orange juice on sea beach,Summer vacation,Travel and vacation on be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ornamental flowers cutout on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Ornamental flowers cutout on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/a valentines day concept .png to raw_combined/a valentines day concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny rabbit looks through ripped hole in yellow paper .png to raw_combined/Funny rabbit looks through ripped hole in yellow paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Close up on man walking with help of an exoskeleton at the hospital, Assistant robotic legs concepts.txt to raw_combined/Close up on man walking with help of an exoskeleton at the hospital, Assistant robotic legs concepts.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Perfect French Fries .png to raw_combined/Perfect French Fries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cut out bush ivy flowery plants 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Cut out bush ivy flowery plants 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tasty chocolate chip cookies falling isolated on white background .txt to raw_combined/Tasty chocolate chip cookies falling isolated on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cosmetic pipette with Cosmetic Essence oil Liquid drop with DNA molecule Helix .png to raw_combined/Cosmetic pipette with Cosmetic Essence oil Liquid drop with DNA molecule Helix .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bunny rabbit on the grass .png to raw_combined/Bunny rabbit on the grass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/golden heart on black valentines day, kintsugi card .png to raw_combined/golden heart on black valentines day, kintsugi card .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/tone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/tone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flowery shapes beauty pink petal cut out transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Flowery shapes beauty pink petal cut out transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/portrait of a dog swearing a sweater and a hat, dachshund .txt to raw_combined/portrait of a dog swearing a sweater and a hat, dachshund .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pink bag,Female pink leather handbag .png to raw_combined/Pink bag,Female pink leather handbag .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/close up of golf club hitting ball .txt to raw_combined/close up of golf club hitting ball .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/jar of milk and cookies .txt to raw_combined/jar of milk and cookies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ornamental flowers cutout on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Ornamental flowers cutout on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Colorful sound wave music lines flowing,Abstract wave, soundwave, sound .txt to raw_combined/Colorful sound wave music lines flowing,Abstract wave, soundwave, sound .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Artistic Latte Designs for Coffee Lovers .png to raw_combined/Artistic Latte Designs for Coffee Lovers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green Iguana close up , Animal .png to raw_combined/Green Iguana close up , Animal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Prosperity Lunar New Year 2023, Chinese New Year, Lantern card, copy space .png to raw_combined/Prosperity Lunar New Year 2023, Chinese New Year, Lantern card, copy space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Caramel sauce, Liquid syrup splash, sugar candy caramel or melted toffee, 3d illustration .png to raw_combined/Caramel sauce, Liquid syrup splash, sugar candy caramel or melted toffee, 3d illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Man riding a bicycle in winter, snow, extreme sport .txt to raw_combined/Man riding a bicycle in winter, snow, extreme sport .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Futuristic biker with his motorcycle .png to raw_combined/Futuristic biker with his motorcycle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A succulent pulled pork sandwich with a generous amount of tangy barbecue sauce. The sandwich is ser.txt to raw_combined/A succulent pulled pork sandwich with a generous amount of tangy barbecue sauce. The sandwich is ser.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green tree isolated transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Green tree isolated transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Snowy owls in the winter forest,Two snowy owl sits in the snow .txt to raw_combined/Snowy owls in the winter forest,Two snowy owl sits in the snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/cozy kitchen interior in the trailer of mobile home .txt to raw_combined/cozy kitchen interior in the trailer of mobile home .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/tone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/tone product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/steamy hot mexican beef fajitas .txt to raw_combined/steamy hot mexican beef fajitas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Black geometric Stone and Rock shape background, minimalist mockup for podium display or showcase, 3.png to raw_combined/Black geometric Stone and Rock shape background, minimalist mockup for podium display or showcase, 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Businessman and Technician team working planning the transportation for import or export at overseas.txt to raw_combined/Businessman and Technician team working planning the transportation for import or export at overseas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Colorful brain on the black background .txt to raw_combined/Colorful brain on the black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ice Cream cone Set, Collection of cut out different illustrations of group refreshing scoop ball ice.txt to raw_combined/Ice Cream cone Set, Collection of cut out different illustrations of group refreshing scoop ball ice.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/futuristic modern design living room .png to raw_combined/futuristic modern design living room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cheese sauce splashing in the air with cheddar cheese, 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Cheese sauce splashing in the air with cheddar cheese, 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Closeup home made beef burger on wooden table .txt to raw_combined/Closeup home made beef burger on wooden table .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ready kitchen background for cooking .png to raw_combined/Ready kitchen background for cooking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/modern house in the jungle beautiful evening lighting .txt to raw_combined/modern house in the jungle beautiful evening lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Economic crisis. A bank under water. banking crisis .txt to raw_combined/Economic crisis. A bank under water. banking crisis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A bank breaking and collapsing under economic pressure .txt to raw_combined/A bank breaking and collapsing under economic pressure .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/two mouthwatering, delicious homemade burger used to chop beef. on the wooden table .txt to raw_combined/two mouthwatering, delicious homemade burger used to chop beef. on the wooden table .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Underwater robot drone .txt to raw_combined/Underwater robot drone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Funny red beard leprechaun in a green hat with a shamrock holds beer mug with green ale, extreme luc.txt to raw_combined/Funny red beard leprechaun in a green hat with a shamrock holds beer mug with green ale, extreme luc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cheetah stalking fro prey on savanna .png to raw_combined/Cheetah stalking fro prey on savanna .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view flip flop isolated on white background .png to raw_combined/Top view flip flop isolated on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/luxurious yachts at French Riviera amazing azure waters .txt to raw_combined/luxurious yachts at French Riviera amazing azure waters .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/modern bedroom Vibrant jewel tones sapphire blue, amethyst purple, and emerald green add depth and a.txt to raw_combined/modern bedroom Vibrant jewel tones sapphire blue, amethyst purple, and emerald green add depth and a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cut out bush ivy flowery plants 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Cut out bush ivy flowery plants 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract minimal scene with geometric Podium display background for product presentation, mock up, c.txt to raw_combined/Abstract minimal scene with geometric Podium display background for product presentation, mock up, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Sweet cinnamon buns on background. .txt to raw_combined/Sweet cinnamon buns on background. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beef burger with cheese, tomatoes, red onions, cucumber and lettuce on black slate over dark backgro.png to raw_combined/Beef burger with cheese, tomatoes, red onions, cucumber and lettuce on black slate over dark backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/jar of milk and cookies .png to raw_combined/jar of milk and cookies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract cyber heart .txt to raw_combined/Abstract cyber heart .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beerbattered fish and chips fast food .png to raw_combined/Beerbattered fish and chips fast food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Black geometric Stone and Rock shape background, minimalist mockup for podium display or showcase, 3.txt to raw_combined/Black geometric Stone and Rock shape background, minimalist mockup for podium display or showcase, 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bedroom view digitally generated image,Interior design bedroom view of modern .png to raw_combined/Bedroom view digitally generated image,Interior design bedroom view of modern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dog with disabilities in wheelchair during a walk in park .txt to raw_combined/Dog with disabilities in wheelchair during a walk in park .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Healthy vegan burgers with beets, carrots, spinach, arugula, cucumber, radish and tomato sauce, whol.txt to raw_combined/Healthy vegan burgers with beets, carrots, spinach, arugula, cucumber, radish and tomato sauce, whol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Purple smoke like clouds background,Bomb smoke background,Smoke caused by explosions .txt to raw_combined/Purple smoke like clouds background,Bomb smoke background,Smoke caused by explosions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Classic Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs .txt to raw_combined/Classic Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/bowl of fettucini alfredo with garnish isolated on a background,.txt to raw_combined/bowl of fettucini alfredo with garnish isolated on a background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flying donut or doughnuts isolate on color background. 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Flying donut or doughnuts isolate on color background. 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cosmetic Essence, Liquid bubble, Molecule inside Liquid Bubble on DNA water splash background, 3d re.txt to raw_combined/Cosmetic Essence, Liquid bubble, Molecule inside Liquid Bubble on DNA water splash background, 3d re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Clipart bushes flower isolate backgrounds 3d rendering png file .png to raw_combined/Clipart bushes flower isolate backgrounds 3d rendering png file .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hot dog .txt to raw_combined/Hot dog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Container cargo ship .png to raw_combined/Container cargo ship .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cosmetic pipette with Cosmetic Essence oil Liquid drop with DNA molecule Helix .txt to raw_combined/Cosmetic pipette with Cosmetic Essence oil Liquid drop with DNA molecule Helix .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lawn mower robot .png to raw_combined/Lawn mower robot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/close up of golf club hitting ball .png to raw_combined/close up of golf club hitting ball .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bouquet wild flowers isolated on transparent background 3d illustration png .png to raw_combined/Bouquet wild flowers isolated on transparent background 3d illustration png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Two juicy cheeseburgers closeup on a wooden table on a kitchen board against a background of a blurr.png to raw_combined/Two juicy cheeseburgers closeup on a wooden table on a kitchen board against a background of a blurr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Crown water Liquid splash transparent .png to raw_combined/Crown water Liquid splash transparent .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hot dog .png to raw_combined/Hot dog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Storm darkness cloud on transparent background 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Storm darkness cloud on transparent background 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A plate of syrupy dessert, a traditional dessert on a table. Baked and delicious. .png to raw_combined/A plate of syrupy dessert, a traditional dessert on a table. Baked and delicious. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/rustic american mac and cheese hamburger .png to raw_combined/rustic american mac and cheese hamburger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Gardening plants and flowery design composition with realistic nature rock transparent backgrounds 3.png to raw_combined/Gardening plants and flowery design composition with realistic nature rock transparent backgrounds 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/new life in spring .png to raw_combined/new life in spring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Flowery shapes beauty pink petal cut out transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Flowery shapes beauty pink petal cut out transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view flip flop isolated on white background .txt to raw_combined/Top view flip flop isolated on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Freshly grilled beef patty. Delicious hamburger, against a black background. This mouthwatering meal.txt to raw_combined/Freshly grilled beef patty. Delicious hamburger, against a black background. This mouthwatering meal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Beautiful colorful parrot flying on black background,Generative, AI, Illustration.,Generative, AI, I.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful colorful parrot flying on black background,Generative, AI, Illustration.,Generative, AI, I.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Bouquet wild flowers isolated on transparent background 3d illustration png .txt to raw_combined/Bouquet wild flowers isolated on transparent background 3d illustration png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/chess competition Concept of Strategy business ideas, chess battle, business strategy concept.3d ren.txt to raw_combined/chess competition Concept of Strategy business ideas, chess battle, business strategy concept.3d ren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Freshly grilled beef patty. Delicious hamburger, against a black background. This mouthwatering meal.png to raw_combined/Freshly grilled beef patty. Delicious hamburger, against a black background. This mouthwatering meal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Foreground tropic tree branch cutout backgrounds 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Foreground tropic tree branch cutout backgrounds 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Video conference modern living room, zoom background .txt to raw_combined/Video conference modern living room, zoom background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Piece of cheese with Cheese sauce isolated on white background, 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Piece of cheese with Cheese sauce isolated on white background, 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/delicious looking hamburger .png to raw_combined/delicious looking hamburger .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ice Cream cone Set, Collection of cut out different illustrations of group refreshing scoop ball ice.png to raw_combined/Ice Cream cone Set, Collection of cut out different illustrations of group refreshing scoop ball ice.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/minimal landscape Scene background with white marble pedestal, podium display platform, 3d rendering.txt to raw_combined/minimal landscape Scene background with white marble pedestal, podium display platform, 3d rendering.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/vibrant flock of tropical birds perched on branches .txt to raw_combined/vibrant flock of tropical birds perched on branches .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/microphone at conference table in meeting room .txt to raw_combined/microphone at conference table in meeting room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/wafer chocolate Milk, design element for Food product with Clipping path, 3d illustration .txt to raw_combined/wafer chocolate Milk, design element for Food product with Clipping path, 3d illustration .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Close up of a kids hands coloring working on a DIY craft .png to raw_combined/Close up of a kids hands coloring working on a DIY craft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Colorful brain on the black background .png to raw_combined/Colorful brain on the black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hands holding paper house, family home, homeless housing crisis, mortgage concept .png to raw_combined/Hands holding paper house, family home, homeless housing crisis, mortgage concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Shawarma fast food .png to raw_combined/Shawarma fast food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Pet food, both wet and dry, flat laid on a wooden table with room .png to raw_combined/Pet food, both wet and dry, flat laid on a wooden table with room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/new life in spring .txt to raw_combined/new life in spring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Crispy chicken pieces with cajun spice on french fries .txt to raw_combined/Crispy chicken pieces with cajun spice on french fries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cheetah stalking fro prey on savanna .txt to raw_combined/Cheetah stalking fro prey on savanna .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/4th of july feast with burgers and hot dogs on picnic table .png to raw_combined/4th of july feast with burgers and hot dogs on picnic table .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/food plate healthy lunch .png to raw_combined/food plate healthy lunch .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/beautiful mystical Magic forest, fireflies fly in the fog .png to raw_combined/beautiful mystical Magic forest, fireflies fly in the fog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/full breakfast with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, .txt to raw_combined/full breakfast with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A succulent pulled pork sandwich with a generous amount of tangy barbecue sauce. The sandwich is ser.png to raw_combined/A succulent pulled pork sandwich with a generous amount of tangy barbecue sauce. The sandwich is ser.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Portrait of cute dog among the flowers .png to raw_combined/Portrait of cute dog among the flowers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/1 A delicious, juicy fried chicken sandwich .txt to raw_combined/1 A delicious, juicy fried chicken sandwich .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Savanna dried grass field cutout backgrounds 3d illustration png .png to raw_combined/Savanna dried grass field cutout backgrounds 3d illustration png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/pizza fresh from the woodfired oven .png to raw_combined/pizza fresh from the woodfired oven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/rustic american mac and cheese hamburger .txt to raw_combined/rustic american mac and cheese hamburger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Purple smoke like clouds background,Bomb smoke background,Smoke caused by explosions .png to raw_combined/Purple smoke like clouds background,Bomb smoke background,Smoke caused by explosions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Construction worker wearing safety harness belt during working on roof structure of building on cons.png to raw_combined/Construction worker wearing safety harness belt during working on roof structure of building on cons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Wooden product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering.png to raw_combined/Wooden product display podium for cosmetic product with green nature garden background, 3d rendering.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Homemade American Soft Shell Beef Tacos with Lettuce Tomato Cheese on wooden table smoke and fire ba.txt to raw_combined/Homemade American Soft Shell Beef Tacos with Lettuce Tomato Cheese on wooden table smoke and fire ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/thanksgiving country dinner, Thanksgiving, Turkey, .png to raw_combined/thanksgiving country dinner, Thanksgiving, Turkey, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/cat on window climb a tall cat tower .txt to raw_combined/cat on window climb a tall cat tower .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/dog into a classical painting by dressing it in Renaissanceera clothing and placing it in a scene re.png to raw_combined/dog into a classical painting by dressing it in Renaissanceera clothing and placing it in a scene re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Heart shaped burger with French fries arrow .txt to raw_combined/Heart shaped burger with French fries arrow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Lonely teddy bear on the ruins of a house after an earthquake, hurricane, flood, explosion .txt to raw_combined/Lonely teddy bear on the ruins of a house after an earthquake, hurricane, flood, explosion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/light in the cave, ice stone .png to raw_combined/light in the cave, ice stone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Classic Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs .png to raw_combined/Classic Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/vegan barbecue skewers grilling on charcoal grill .png to raw_combined/vegan barbecue skewers grilling on charcoal grill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green tree isolated transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Green tree isolated transparent backgrounds 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Senior couple relaxing and drink orange juice on sea beach,Summer vacation,Travel and vacation on be.png to raw_combined/Senior couple relaxing and drink orange juice on sea beach,Summer vacation,Travel and vacation on be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/biscuits, cookies in the glass dish .png to raw_combined/biscuits, cookies in the glass dish .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/professionally organized classroom with rows of desks and chairs, lit up by cinematic lights, creati.png to raw_combined/professionally organized classroom with rows of desks and chairs, lit up by cinematic lights, creati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Robot cyborg with a flower .txt to raw_combined/Robot cyborg with a flower .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Storm darkness cloud on transparent background 3d rendering png .png to raw_combined/Storm darkness cloud on transparent background 3d rendering png .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Green leaves movement falling flow 3d rendering illustration background png file .png to raw_combined/Green leaves movement falling flow 3d rendering illustration background png file .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Delivery truck making its way through the bustling city streets with towering skyscrapers and busy p.txt to raw_combined/Delivery truck making its way through the bustling city streets with towering skyscrapers and busy p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Hippopotamus lying in the water .txt to raw_combined/Hippopotamus lying in the water .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/heartshaped island in the ocean with palm trees, top view .png to raw_combined/heartshaped island in the ocean with palm trees, top view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Graduation hat on coins money in the glass bottle,Saving money for education concept .txt to raw_combined/Graduation hat on coins money in the glass bottle,Saving money for education concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/beautiful mystical Magic forest, fireflies fly in the fog .txt to raw_combined/beautiful mystical Magic forest, fireflies fly in the fog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Economic crisis. A bank under water. banking crisis .png to raw_combined/Economic crisis. A bank under water. banking crisis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/grilled tofu and dragon fruit buddha bowl top view .txt to raw_combined/grilled tofu and dragon fruit buddha bowl top view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Realistic tropics greenish shrubs isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt to raw_combined/Realistic tropics greenish shrubs isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Nature shrubs flowery realistic 3d rendering png file .png to raw_combined/Nature shrubs flowery realistic 3d rendering png file .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/mexican hot queso blanco cheese dip with corn tortilla chips on plate .png to raw_combined/mexican hot queso blanco cheese dip with corn tortilla chips on plate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Crown water Liquid splash transparent .txt to raw_combined/Crown water Liquid splash transparent .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/minimal landscape Scene background with white marble pedestal, podium display platform, 3d rendering.png to raw_combined/minimal landscape Scene background with white marble pedestal, podium display platform, 3d rendering.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Waterfall in a green forest with rocks and green moss .png to raw_combined/Waterfall in a green forest with rocks and green moss .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Ceramic tooth in section .txt to raw_combined/Ceramic tooth in section .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cutout tropic grass meadow flowery isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png file .png to raw_combined/Cutout tropic grass meadow flowery isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d rendering png file .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Prosperity Lunar New Year 2023, Chinese New Year, Lantern card, copy space .txt to raw_combined/Prosperity Lunar New Year 2023, Chinese New Year, Lantern card, copy space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Artificial Intelligence Futuristic Neurolink Connectors .png to raw_combined/Artificial Intelligence Futuristic Neurolink Connectors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/luxurious yachts at French Riviera amazing azure waters .png to raw_combined/luxurious yachts at French Riviera amazing azure waters .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Caramel brownies with walnuts .png to raw_combined/Caramel brownies with walnuts .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Country house in Thailand, Little wooden hut in the countryside in northern, There is a vegetable ga.txt to raw_combined/Country house in Thailand, Little wooden hut in the countryside in northern, There is a vegetable ga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Early morning sunrise in the Huangshan mountains .png to raw_combined/Early morning sunrise in the Huangshan mountains .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Man in a suit with a lions head .png to raw_combined/Man in a suit with a lions head .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Blueberry muffins .txt to raw_combined/Blueberry muffins .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Little snail in grass .txt to raw_combined/Little snail in grass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Mouse on grassland .txt to raw_combined/Mouse on grassland .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A vacation travel suitcase in a luxury holiday villa .png to raw_combined/A vacation travel suitcase in a luxury holiday villa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Abstract cyber eye .png to raw_combined/Abstract cyber eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Military combat boots .png to raw_combined/Military combat boots .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/The silhouette of an archer .txt to raw_combined/The silhouette of an archer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Business concept Strategy of red Chess Game .txt to raw_combined/Business concept Strategy of red Chess Game .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/full breakfast with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, .png to raw_combined/full breakfast with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Modern kitchen interior in black colors .txt to raw_combined/Modern kitchen interior in black colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/A plate of syrupy dessert, a traditional dessert on a table. Baked and delicious. .txt to raw_combined/A plate of syrupy dessert, a traditional dessert on a table. Baked and delicious. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Wood background,illustration for creative design and simple backgrounds .png to raw_combined/Wood background,illustration for creative design and simple backgrounds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Different Colored Colorful Lightbulbs Representing Diversity and Inclusion, with Licensed .txt to raw_combined/Different Colored Colorful Lightbulbs Representing Diversity and Inclusion, with Licensed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Happy Easter bunny with many colorful easter eggs .png to raw_combined/Happy Easter bunny with many colorful easter eggs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Top view colored pencils on black background,Beautiful colors for artwork .txt to raw_combined/Top view colored pencils on black background,Beautiful colors for artwork .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/exterior of a small stylish house, large glass windows, backyard .txt to raw_combined/exterior of a small stylish house, large glass windows, backyard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/top down photo of carne asada fries and buffalo chicklen wings .txt to raw_combined/top down photo of carne asada fries and buffalo chicklen wings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/hot and tasty french fries with cheese and mayonaise isolated on black background .txt to raw_combined/hot and tasty french fries with cheese and mayonaise isolated on black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Nourish hair of shampoo or serum. Repair damaged hair concept, 3d rendering .txt to raw_combined/Nourish hair of shampoo or serum. Repair damaged hair concept, 3d rendering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Healthy vegan burgers with beets, carrots, spinach, arugula, cucumber, radish and tomato sauce, whol.png to raw_combined/Healthy vegan burgers with beets, carrots, spinach, arugula, cucumber, radish and tomato sauce, whol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Dead pine trees wood shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .txt to raw_combined/Dead pine trees wood shapes isolated on transparent backgrounds 3d render png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/human eye close up .txt to raw_combined/human eye close up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Barbecue grill party at backyard .png to raw_combined/Barbecue grill party at backyard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Golden trophy on white background .txt to raw_combined/Golden trophy on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/a chocolate donut sitting on a plate next to a bowl of chocolate chips and a cup of coffee on a tabl.png to raw_combined/a chocolate donut sitting on a plate next to a bowl of chocolate chips and a cup of coffee on a tabl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Glossy and shiny heart balloons golden,Suitable for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Wedding or other ev.png to raw_combined/Glossy and shiny heart balloons golden,Suitable for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Wedding or other ev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fireman wearing firefighter turnouts and helmet. Dark background with smoke and blue light .png to raw_combined/Fireman wearing firefighter turnouts and helmet. Dark background with smoke and blue light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cute cat and cute dog together .txt to raw_combined/Cute cat and cute dog together .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Tilt shift Interior design, clean and sharp, natural meets future, a perfect sphere filled with chao.png to raw_combined/Tilt shift Interior design, clean and sharp, natural meets future, a perfect sphere filled with chao.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Savanna dried grass field cutout backgrounds 3d illustration png .txt to raw_combined/Savanna dried grass field cutout backgrounds 3d illustration png .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/leaf shadows on the front of the house .txt to raw_combined/leaf shadows on the front of the house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/wafer chocolate Milk, design element for Food product with Clipping path, 3d illustration .png to raw_combined/wafer chocolate Milk, design element for Food product with Clipping path, 3d illustration .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Nourish hair of shampoo or serum. Repair damaged hair concept, 3d rendering .png to raw_combined/Nourish hair of shampoo or serum. Repair damaged hair concept, 3d rendering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Cute cat and cute dog together .png to raw_combined/Cute cat and cute dog together .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/modern house in the jungle beautiful evening lighting .png to raw_combined/modern house in the jungle beautiful evening lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Sushi Sensation, Elegant Flat Lay Shot of Colorful Sushi Platter with Shrimp, Tuna, and Salmon .txt to raw_combined/Sushi Sensation, Elegant Flat Lay Shot of Colorful Sushi Platter with Shrimp, Tuna, and Salmon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Sushi Sensation, Elegant Flat Lay Shot of Colorful Sushi Platter with Shrimp, Tuna, and Salmon .png to raw_combined/Sushi Sensation, Elegant Flat Lay Shot of Colorful Sushi Platter with Shrimp, Tuna, and Salmon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_10/Fresh produce delivered straight to your doorstep with a delivery truck carrying crates of colorful .png to raw_combined/Fresh produce delivered straight to your doorstep with a delivery truck carrying crates of colorful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/race sailboat americas cup style .txt to raw_combined/race sailboat americas cup style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a painting of a woman in a pink dress with a moon, in the style of art nouveau flowing lines, light .txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman in a pink dress with a moon, in the style of art nouveau flowing lines, light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Luminescence, a fireflys glow illuminating a moonlit path, guiding wanderers through the night. wg i.png to raw_combined/Luminescence, a fireflys glow illuminating a moonlit path, guiding wanderers through the night. wg i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/it is rainy hard in the lake, the rain is made of colorful, translucent marvels making splash with t.txt to raw_combined/it is rainy hard in the lake, the rain is made of colorful, translucent marvels making splash with t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a beautiful woman with a red eye and some chinese script writing, in the style of movie poster, coll.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman with a red eye and some chinese script writing, in the style of movie poster, coll.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a young man and young woman couple on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorea.txt to raw_combined/a young man and young woman couple on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, side view, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, side view, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/New York Ferris style .txt to raw_combined/New York Ferris style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a man and a woman drink a glass of whiskey in a bar in San Francisco .txt to raw_combined/a man and a woman drink a glass of whiskey in a bar in San Francisco .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cyberpunk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png to raw_combined/cyberpunk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Painting in the style of Dmitri Danish .txt to raw_combined/Painting in the style of Dmitri Danish .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado in a dynamic and energetic digital artwork with bold geometry and neon lighting in the Art.txt to raw_combined/a tornado in a dynamic and energetic digital artwork with bold geometry and neon lighting in the Art.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A skinny lawyer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arrogant, is strutting thr.txt to raw_combined/A skinny lawyer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arrogant, is strutting thr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado in a dynamic and energetic digital artwork with bold geometry and neon lighting in the Art.png to raw_combined/a tornado in a dynamic and energetic digital artwork with bold geometry and neon lighting in the Art.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fairy with an umbrella .txt to raw_combined/fairy with an umbrella .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/abstract a man staring at the moon next to a tree sketch .png to raw_combined/abstract a man staring at the moon next to a tree sketch .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/pièces de monnaie chinoises attachées par un ruban rouge .png to raw_combined/pièces de monnaie chinoises attachées par un ruban rouge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/birds fly out of a cup of tea like a cloud of smoke .txt to raw_combined/birds fly out of a cup of tea like a cloud of smoke .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fantasy character art, female main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic sty.txt to raw_combined/fantasy character art, female main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/sapeks chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt to raw_combined/sapeks chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/multicolored pixies .png to raw_combined/multicolored pixies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest,.png to raw_combined/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a riot in new york in 21 century .txt to raw_combined/a riot in new york in 21 century .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch on a crowded street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical p.png to raw_combined/a witch on a crowded street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cumulonimbus and mesocyclon with lighnings in oklahoma .png to raw_combined/cumulonimbus and mesocyclon with lighnings in oklahoma .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a thunderstorm with orange lightnings over a swamp .png to raw_combined/a thunderstorm with orange lightnings over a swamp .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a riot in new york in 21 century .png to raw_combined/a riot in new york in 21 century .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/punk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png to raw_combined/punk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/global warming is the cause of many natural disasters on earth .txt to raw_combined/global warming is the cause of many natural disasters on earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/closse up of Smoke drowing a portrait of a person on a white background , .txt to raw_combined/closse up of Smoke drowing a portrait of a person on a white background , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/beautiful stunning double exposure, gorgeous gal , Manhattan Cityscape , noir, soft .txt to raw_combined/beautiful stunning double exposure, gorgeous gal , Manhattan Cityscape , noir, soft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/race sailboat americas cup style .png to raw_combined/race sailboat americas cup style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/voiture pickup, chasseur tornades .txt to raw_combined/voiture pickup, chasseur tornades .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/single centered flower on transparent background, enchanted unreal engine soft colours, intricate re.png to raw_combined/single centered flower on transparent background, enchanted unreal engine soft colours, intricate re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a real estate agent shows a man and a woman an old house .png to raw_combined/a real estate agent shows a man and a woman an old house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gallic warriors surprised by the geese of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .png to raw_combined/Gallic warriors surprised by the geese of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest .png to raw_combined/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted castle .txt to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted castle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/corrupted raven, death, deaths gaze, minimalistic, dark fantasy, black and red, no mercy for the wic.txt to raw_combined/corrupted raven, death, deaths gaze, minimalistic, dark fantasy, black and red, no mercy for the wic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted village.png to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted village.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/high shot, an amazing waterfall and a beautiful tree BFF, bloom, plants variety, colorful, detailed,.txt to raw_combined/high shot, an amazing waterfall and a beautiful tree BFF, bloom, plants variety, colorful, detailed,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/witch flying with her broom .txt to raw_combined/witch flying with her broom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/sapèque chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png to raw_combined/sapèque chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/the cover for a cover art book about art of the west, in the style of grunge beauty, silver and red,.png to raw_combined/the cover for a cover art book about art of the west, in the style of grunge beauty, silver and red,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/voiture pickup, chasseur tornades .png to raw_combined/voiture pickup, chasseur tornades .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/birds fly above a steaming cup of tea .txt to raw_combined/birds fly above a steaming cup of tea .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/vector artwork, half abstract, city skyline .png to raw_combined/vector artwork, half abstract, city skyline .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado chaser, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png to raw_combined/tornado chaser, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/skyline ferris style .png to raw_combined/skyline ferris style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Surreal fantasy abstract female portrait in infographic style without text, maximum texture, detaile.png to raw_combined/Surreal fantasy abstract female portrait in infographic style without text, maximum texture, detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A Yoshitaka Amanos style painting of a futuristic cat in game Final Fantasy. Yoshitaka Amano is a Ja.txt to raw_combined/A Yoshitaka Amanos style painting of a futuristic cat in game Final Fantasy. Yoshitaka Amano is a Ja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A Yoshitaka Amanos style painting of a futuristic cat in game Final Fantasy. Yoshitaka Amano is a Ja.png to raw_combined/A Yoshitaka Amanos style painting of a futuristic cat in game Final Fantasy. Yoshitaka Amano is a Ja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/Playing card tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado in the middle of a small town in oklahoma .txt to raw_combined/a tornado in the middle of a small town in oklahoma .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/Playing card new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/Playing card tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado chaser with car in american country.txt to raw_combined/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado chaser with car in american country.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/sapeks chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png to raw_combined/sapeks chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/closse up of Smoke drowing a portrait of a person on a white background , .png to raw_combined/closse up of Smoke drowing a portrait of a person on a white background , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/witch flying with her broom, cinematic scene, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/witch flying with her broom, cinematic scene, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/the cover for a cover art book about art of the west, in the style of grunge beauty, silver and red,.txt to raw_combined/the cover for a cover art book about art of the west, in the style of grunge beauty, silver and red,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloon in the stratosphere .png to raw_combined/hot air balloon in the stratosphere .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/in the style of yoshitaka amano, 80s concept art, mysterious knight in black armor with flowing blac.txt to raw_combined/in the style of yoshitaka amano, 80s concept art, mysterious knight in black armor with flowing blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.txt to raw_combined/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/birds fly above a steaming cup of tea .png to raw_combined/birds fly above a steaming cup of tea .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch on new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.png to raw_combined/a witch on new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/vector artwork, half abstract, NewYork city skyline .txt to raw_combined/vector artwork, half abstract, NewYork city skyline .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .png to raw_combined/white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cumulonimbus and mesocyclon with lighnings in oklahoma .txt to raw_combined/cumulonimbus and mesocyclon with lighnings in oklahoma .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/zoomed out top down very far away, natural colors gray tan orange beige light blue burgundy boho col.png to raw_combined/zoomed out top down very far away, natural colors gray tan orange beige light blue burgundy boho col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt to raw_combined/tornado, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/painting still life Bromélia Tillandsia heubergi tromp loeil showing the texture of thick oil paint .txt to raw_combined/painting still life Bromélia Tillandsia heubergi tromp loeil showing the texture of thick oil paint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/single centered flower on transparent background, enchanted unreal engine soft colours, intricate re.txt to raw_combined/single centered flower on transparent background, enchanted unreal engine soft colours, intricate re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .txt to raw_combined/white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside withe cumulonimbus .png to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside withe cumulonimbus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a beautiful flower bush made of petals and circuits, with sharp teeth, hyper realistic, fantasy, dyn.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful flower bush made of petals and circuits, with sharp teeth, hyper realistic, fantasy, dyn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cute fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png to raw_combined/cute fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/margot Robbie playing poker with Brad pitt .png to raw_combined/margot Robbie playing poker with Brad pitt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a forest on a summers day in an anime style of art .png to raw_combined/a forest on a summers day in an anime style of art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Luminescence, a fireflys glow illuminating a moonlit path, guiding wanderers through the night. wg i.txt to raw_combined/Luminescence, a fireflys glow illuminating a moonlit path, guiding wanderers through the night. wg i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/abstract a man staring at the moon next to a tree sketch .txt to raw_combined/abstract a man staring at the moon next to a tree sketch .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Epic photograph by Ana Dias of a lithe attractive female pyromancer fashion model toying with fire40.txt to raw_combined/Epic photograph by Ana Dias of a lithe attractive female pyromancer fashion model toying with fire40.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card witch man new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/Playing card witch man new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/margot Robbie playing poker with Brad pitt .txt to raw_combined/margot Robbie playing poker with Brad pitt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/full body image of saintly golden fireGenasi djinn woman with lava skin, fireelemental woman, fire a.txt to raw_combined/full body image of saintly golden fireGenasi djinn woman with lava skin, fireelemental woman, fire a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/blue and gold Cinematic Elegance, In the style of Russ Mills .txt to raw_combined/blue and gold Cinematic Elegance, In the style of Russ Mills .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a forest on a summers day in an anime style of art .txt to raw_combined/a forest on a summers day in an anime style of art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gelatin silver print of 1950s New York city scenes captured by photographer Aaron Siskind on photo p.txt to raw_combined/Gelatin silver print of 1950s New York city scenes captured by photographer Aaron Siskind on photo p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/SHOT a street in the night ACTION a woman with umbrella STYLE Storyboard illustration, greyscale. .txt to raw_combined/SHOT a street in the night ACTION a woman with umbrella STYLE Storyboard illustration, greyscale. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado in the middle of a small town in oklahoma .png to raw_combined/a tornado in the middle of a small town in oklahoma .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/corrupted raven, death, deaths gaze, minimalistic, dark fantasy, black and red, no mercy for the wic.png to raw_combined/corrupted raven, death, deaths gaze, minimalistic, dark fantasy, black and red, no mercy for the wic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornade, campagne dOklahoma, mesocyclone, coucher, soleil .txt to raw_combined/tornade, campagne dOklahoma, mesocyclone, coucher, soleil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/ball of flames with red and yellow highlights and glowing flowers .txt to raw_combined/ball of flames with red and yellow highlights and glowing flowers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a man and a woman drink a glass of whiskey in a bar in San Francisco .png to raw_combined/a man and a woman drink a glass of whiskey in a bar in San Francisco .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/blue and gold Cinematic Elegance, In the style of Russ Mills .png to raw_combined/blue and gold Cinematic Elegance, In the style of Russ Mills .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Impressionist, Expressionism, Neodada, pop art, graffito art of majestic field of wild flowers .png to raw_combined/Impressionist, Expressionism, Neodada, pop art, graffito art of majestic field of wild flowers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/vector artwork, half abstract, NewYork city skyline .png to raw_combined/vector artwork, half abstract, NewYork city skyline .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/pièces de monnaie chinoises entourées par un ruban rouge .txt to raw_combined/pièces de monnaie chinoises entourées par un ruban rouge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card mentalist new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/Playing card mentalist new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside with cumulonimbus .png to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside with cumulonimbus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cover of newyorker newspaper with tornado in new york .png to raw_combined/cover of newyorker newspaper with tornado in new york .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/an illustration of a tornado with sunset background, in the style of light yellow and dark cyan, gra.txt to raw_combined/an illustration of a tornado with sunset background, in the style of light yellow and dark cyan, gra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/global warming is the cause of many natural disasters on earth .png to raw_combined/global warming is the cause of many natural disasters on earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Painting in the style of Dmitri Danish .png to raw_combined/Painting in the style of Dmitri Danish .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/high shot, an amazing waterfall and a beautiful tree BFF, bloom, plants variety, colorful, detailed,.png to raw_combined/high shot, an amazing waterfall and a beautiful tree BFF, bloom, plants variety, colorful, detailed,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Tornado, in the mixed styles of Ray Donley and Mark Demsteader, abstract and obscure, luminous shado.txt to raw_combined/Tornado, in the mixed styles of Ray Donley and Mark Demsteader, abstract and obscure, luminous shado.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorealism detail, flat vector,.png to raw_combined/a tornado on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorealism detail, flat vector,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Tornado, in the mixed styles of Ray Donley and Mark Demsteader, abstract and obscure, luminous shado.png to raw_combined/Tornado, in the mixed styles of Ray Donley and Mark Demsteader, abstract and obscure, luminous shado.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch on new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.txt to raw_combined/a witch on new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest .txt to raw_combined/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/calvin and hobbes bille watterson style .png to raw_combined/calvin and hobbes bille watterson style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado art aaaa, in the style of graffitilike street art, odd juxtapositions, postapocalyptic, whit.png to raw_combined/tornado art aaaa, in the style of graffitilike street art, odd juxtapositions, postapocalyptic, whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/skyline ferris achitect style .txt to raw_combined/skyline ferris achitect style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gallic warriors surprised by the geese of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .txt to raw_combined/Gallic warriors surprised by the geese of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gallic warriors surprised by the geeses of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .txt to raw_combined/Gallic warriors surprised by the geeses of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cyberpunk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a painting of a woman in a pink dress with a moon, in the style of art nouveau flowing lines, light .png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman in a pink dress with a moon, in the style of art nouveau flowing lines, light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A skinny lawyer in the style of Archer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arr.png to raw_combined/A skinny lawyer in the style of Archer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fantasy character art, male main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic style.png to raw_combined/fantasy character art, male main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado in american country, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado in american country, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornade de poussière dans un désert de sable avec un coucher de soleil en arrière plan .png to raw_combined/tornade de poussière dans un désert de sable avec un coucher de soleil en arrière plan .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, side view, cinematic .png to raw_combined/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, side view, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/pièces de monnaie chinoises entourées par un ruban rouge .png to raw_combined/pièces de monnaie chinoises entourées par un ruban rouge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Douglas DC 3 aircraft .txt to raw_combined/Douglas DC 3 aircraft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a tornado on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorealism detail, flat vector,.txt to raw_combined/a tornado on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorealism detail, flat vector,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gallic warriors surprised by the geeses of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .png to raw_combined/Gallic warriors surprised by the geeses of the Capitol at the time of the Roman Empire .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fantasy character art, male main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic style.txt to raw_combined/fantasy character art, male main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cyberpunk cathedral .txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk cathedral .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A photorealistic, gloomy fantasy look characterises dark blue and violet gentians, whose silver flow.txt to raw_combined/A photorealistic, gloomy fantasy look characterises dark blue and violet gentians, whose silver flow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt to raw_combined/chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/20201at night, the beautiful valley, the milky way, the moon, the golden rose streaming with stars, .png to raw_combined/20201at night, the beautiful valley, the milky way, the moon, the golden rose streaming with stars, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/full body image of saintly golden fireGenasi djinn woman with lava skin, fireelemental woman, fire a.png to raw_combined/full body image of saintly golden fireGenasi djinn woman with lava skin, fireelemental woman, fire a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted village.txt to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted village.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/poppies and ocean, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed rendering, light blue and orange, realist.txt to raw_combined/poppies and ocean, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed rendering, light blue and orange, realist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/SHOT a street in the night ACTION a woman with umbrella STYLE Storyboard illustration, greyscale. .png to raw_combined/SHOT a street in the night ACTION a woman with umbrella STYLE Storyboard illustration, greyscale. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/flying Douglas DC 3 aircraft .txt to raw_combined/flying Douglas DC 3 aircraft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/sapèque chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt to raw_combined/sapèque chinese coins tied with red ribbon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest,.txt to raw_combined/a drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Gelatin silver print of 1950s New York city scenes captured by photographer Aaron Siskind on photo p.png to raw_combined/Gelatin silver print of 1950s New York city scenes captured by photographer Aaron Siskind on photo p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/birds fly out of a cup of tea like a cloud of smoke .png to raw_combined/birds fly out of a cup of tea like a cloud of smoke .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/pièces de monnaie chinoises attachées par un ruban rouge .txt to raw_combined/pièces de monnaie chinoises attachées par un ruban rouge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cover of newyorker newspaper with tornado in new york .txt to raw_combined/cover of newyorker newspaper with tornado in new york .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Neoexpressionism of a cartoon cat looking up at something, in the style of pulled, scraped, and scra.txt to raw_combined/Neoexpressionism of a cartoon cat looking up at something, in the style of pulled, scraped, and scra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted castle .png to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted castle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted mountain .png to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted mountain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/in the style of yoshitaka amano, 80s concept art, mysterious knight in black armor with flowing blac.png to raw_combined/in the style of yoshitaka amano, 80s concept art, mysterious knight in black armor with flowing blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.png to raw_combined/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/retropost havana club in the style of cuba night life linocut .png to raw_combined/retropost havana club in the style of cuba night life linocut .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a real estate agent shows a man and a woman an old house .txt to raw_combined/a real estate agent shows a man and a woman an old house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, cinematic .png to raw_combined/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a thunderstorm with orange lightnings over a swamp .txt to raw_combined/a thunderstorm with orange lightnings over a swamp .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card mentalist new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/Playing card mentalist new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest, Drone ove.png to raw_combined/A drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest, Drone ove.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/flying Douglas DC 3 aircraft .png to raw_combined/flying Douglas DC 3 aircraft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/clipart watercolor enchanted mountain .txt to raw_combined/clipart watercolor enchanted mountain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, blue and silver, historical painting, .txt to raw_combined/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, blue and silver, historical painting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Cinematic Abstract Impressionism, Emotional Darkness, Snowy, Minimalism, Surreal Blue Glowing flower.png to raw_combined/Cinematic Abstract Impressionism, Emotional Darkness, Snowy, Minimalism, Surreal Blue Glowing flower.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in new york .txt to raw_combined/a magical riot in new york .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch on a crowded street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical p.txt to raw_combined/a witch on a crowded street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, light yellow and bronze, historical p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/vector artwork, half abstract, city skyline .txt to raw_combined/vector artwork, half abstract, city skyline .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york .txt to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/it is rainy hard in the lake, the rain is made of colorful, translucent marvels making splash with t.png to raw_combined/it is rainy hard in the lake, the rain is made of colorful, translucent marvels making splash with t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, blue and silver, historical painting, .png to raw_combined/a witch in new york street, in the style of peter mohrbacher, blue and silver, historical painting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A skinny lawyer in the style of Archer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arr.txt to raw_combined/A skinny lawyer in the style of Archer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fairy with an umbrella .png to raw_combined/fairy with an umbrella .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside with cumulonimbus .txt to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside with cumulonimbus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside .txt to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado chaser, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt to raw_combined/tornado chaser, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york .png to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york with witches .png to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york with witches .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a gateway to infinite possibilities, imagination, bioluminescent, rays of light, hyper Detail, .txt to raw_combined/a gateway to infinite possibilities, imagination, bioluminescent, rays of light, hyper Detail, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/movie storyboard ireland witch and tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt to raw_combined/movie storyboard ireland witch and tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest, Drone ove.txt to raw_combined/A drone photo of a motorcycle driving down a winding paved road in the californian forest, Drone ove.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png to raw_combined/tornado, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado chaser with car in american country.png to raw_combined/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado chaser with car in american country.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/movie storyboard ireland witch and tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/movie storyboard ireland witch and tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornade de poussière dans un désert de sable avec un coucher de soleil en arrière plan .txt to raw_combined/tornade de poussière dans un désert de sable avec un coucher de soleil en arrière plan .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Douglas DC 3 aircraft .png to raw_combined/Douglas DC 3 aircraft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a gateway to infinite possibilities, imagination, bioluminescent, rays of light, hyper Detail, .png to raw_combined/a gateway to infinite possibilities, imagination, bioluminescent, rays of light, hyper Detail, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/calvin and hobbes bille watterson style .txt to raw_combined/calvin and hobbes bille watterson style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/skyline ferris style .txt to raw_combined/skyline ferris style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/witch flying with her broom .png to raw_combined/witch flying with her broom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/poppies and ocean, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed rendering, light blue and orange, realist.png to raw_combined/poppies and ocean, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed rendering, light blue and orange, realist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/ball of flames with red and yellow highlights and glowing flowers .png to raw_combined/ball of flames with red and yellow highlights and glowing flowers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/skyline ferris achitect style .png to raw_combined/skyline ferris achitect style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Epic photograph by Ana Dias of a lithe attractive female pyromancer fashion model toying with fire40.png to raw_combined/Epic photograph by Ana Dias of a lithe attractive female pyromancer fashion model toying with fire40.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york with modern witches .png to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york with modern witches .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/multicolored pixies .txt to raw_combined/multicolored pixies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/painting still life Bromélia Tillandsia heubergi tromp loeil showing the texture of thick oil paint .png to raw_combined/painting still life Bromélia Tillandsia heubergi tromp loeil showing the texture of thick oil paint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A photorealistic, gloomy fantasy look characterises dark blue and violet gentians, whose silver flow.png to raw_combined/A photorealistic, gloomy fantasy look characterises dark blue and violet gentians, whose silver flow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/zoomed out top down very far away, natural colors gray tan orange beige light blue burgundy boho col.txt to raw_combined/zoomed out top down very far away, natural colors gray tan orange beige light blue burgundy boho col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/punk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt to raw_combined/punk fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado background, Space women black and neon blue, space1 by Mr. Brainwash .txt to raw_combined/tornado background, Space women black and neon blue, space1 by Mr. Brainwash .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Cinematic Abstract Impressionism, Emotional Darkness, Snowy, Minimalism, Surreal Blue Glowing flower.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic Abstract Impressionism, Emotional Darkness, Snowy, Minimalism, Surreal Blue Glowing flower.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york with witches .txt to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york with witches .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a young man and young woman couple on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorea.png to raw_combined/a young man and young woman couple on a movie set, illustration, contemporary film noir, no photorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in the streets of new york with modern witches .txt to raw_combined/a magical riot in the streets of new york with modern witches .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a beautiful flower bush made of petals and circuits, with sharp teeth, hyper realistic, fantasy, dyn.png to raw_combined/a beautiful flower bush made of petals and circuits, with sharp teeth, hyper realistic, fantasy, dyn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cute fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt to raw_combined/cute fairy, black and white, doodle art in style of Thimothy Goodman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/fantasy character art, female main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic sty.png to raw_combined/fantasy character art, female main character, high fashion photography, long green dress, Celtic sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado in american country, in the style o.png to raw_combined/Manga page with four panels in one page, a painting of a tornado in american country, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornade, campagne dOklahoma, mesocyclone, coucher, soleil .png to raw_combined/tornade, campagne dOklahoma, mesocyclone, coucher, soleil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/large white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .png to raw_combined/large white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/retropost havana club in the style of cuba night life linocut .txt to raw_combined/retropost havana club in the style of cuba night life linocut .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/cyberpunk cathedral .png to raw_combined/cyberpunk cathedral .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/Playing card new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/A skinny lawyer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arrogant, is strutting thr.png to raw_combined/A skinny lawyer, slick, sharpwitted, fasttalking, confident, and somewhat arrogant, is strutting thr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a beautiful woman with a red eye and some chinese script writing, in the style of movie poster, coll.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman with a red eye and some chinese script writing, in the style of movie poster, coll.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/New York Ferris style .png to raw_combined/New York Ferris style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/witch flying with her broom, cinematic scene, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/witch flying with her broom, cinematic scene, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside withe cumulonimbus .txt to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside withe cumulonimbus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloon in the stratosphere .txt to raw_combined/hot air balloon in the stratosphere .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/a jump of a rally car in the middle of a forest with snow, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado art aaaa, in the style of graffitilike street art, odd juxtapositions, postapocalyptic, whit.txt to raw_combined/tornado art aaaa, in the style of graffitilike street art, odd juxtapositions, postapocalyptic, whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Neoexpressionism of a cartoon cat looking up at something, in the style of pulled, scraped, and scra.png to raw_combined/Neoexpressionism of a cartoon cat looking up at something, in the style of pulled, scraped, and scra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/a magical riot in new york .png to raw_combined/a magical riot in new york .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Impressionist, Expressionism, Neodada, pop art, graffito art of majestic field of wild flowers .txt to raw_combined/Impressionist, Expressionism, Neodada, pop art, graffito art of majestic field of wild flowers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Playing card witch man new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png to raw_combined/Playing card witch man new york tornado theme insane details sam spratt, vik muniz style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside .png to raw_combined/hot air balloons over the oklahoma countryside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/Surreal fantasy abstract female portrait in infographic style without text, maximum texture, detaile.txt to raw_combined/Surreal fantasy abstract female portrait in infographic style without text, maximum texture, detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/beautiful stunning double exposure, gorgeous gal , Manhattan Cityscape , noir, soft .png to raw_combined/beautiful stunning double exposure, gorgeous gal , Manhattan Cityscape , noir, soft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png to raw_combined/chinese coins tied with red ribbon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/large white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .txt to raw_combined/large white sand beach in northern california, there is a forest and it is dusk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/an illustration of a tornado with sunset background, in the style of light yellow and dark cyan, gra.png to raw_combined/an illustration of a tornado with sunset background, in the style of light yellow and dark cyan, gra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/20201at night, the beautiful valley, the milky way, the moon, the golden rose streaming with stars, .txt to raw_combined/20201at night, the beautiful valley, the milky way, the moon, the golden rose streaming with stars, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_62/tornado background, Space women black and neon blue, space1 by Mr. Brainwash .png to raw_combined/tornado background, Space women black and neon blue, space1 by Mr. Brainwash .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f2.txt to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Saera Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Saera Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, 13 year old Rickon Stark and his black direwolf Shaggydog walking in the Crypts of Win.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, 13 year old Rickon Stark and his black direwolf Shaggydog walking in the Crypts of Win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Viserys III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Prince Viserys III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the first King in the North Brandon I Stark overseeing the men of the Nights Watch building the icy .png to raw_combined/the first King in the North Brandon I Stark overseeing the men of the Nights Watch building the icy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young dyula ivorian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young dyula ivorian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Edric Snowbeard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King in the North Edric Snowbeard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statue of Lord Rickard Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon.txt to raw_combined/Statue of Lord Rickard Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aelor Targaryen and his giant blue dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full body.txt to raw_combined/King Aelor Targaryen and his giant blue dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark becoming a white walker, cinematic, photorealistic, .png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark becoming a white walker, cinematic, photorealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III .txt to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Dyula Ivorian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt to raw_combined/Dyula Ivorian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mende Sierra Leonean king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png to raw_combined/young Mende Sierra Leonean king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .txt to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Tyrion Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Tyrion Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark overlooking the landscape of the North and Winterfell, C.png to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark overlooking the landscape of the North and Winterfell, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Rhaegar Targaryen Marries lyanna stark in a flowery garden in dorne, cinematic, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Rhaegar Targaryen Marries lyanna stark in a flowery garden in dorne, cinematic, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.png to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mende Sierra Leonean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Roy.png to raw_combined/Mende Sierra Leonean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Roy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.png to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Dyula Ivorian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png to raw_combined/Dyula Ivorian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Viserra Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Viserra Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brandon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brandon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Angry Daenerys Targaryen sitting on the iron throne preparing to wage war on her enemies, cinematic,.png to raw_combined/Angry Daenerys Targaryen sitting on the iron throne preparing to wage war on her enemies, cinematic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/House Targaryen fleeing the city of Valyria by ship during the Doom of Valyria, cinematic, photoreal.txt to raw_combined/House Targaryen fleeing the city of Valyria by ship during the Doom of Valyria, cinematic, photoreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Daemon I Targaryen arriving to the castle of Dragonstone with his son Prince Aegon III, cinemat.txt to raw_combined/King Daemon I Targaryen arriving to the castle of Dragonstone with his son Prince Aegon III, cinemat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Septa Maegelle Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Septa Maegelle Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Tywin Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Tywin Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Gael Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Gael Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Wolof Senegalese prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Wolof Senegalese prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Brynden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Brynden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statues of Stark Lords and Kings in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, C.txt to raw_combined/Statues of Stark Lords and Kings in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Tywin Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Tywin Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in the North Jon Stark defeating pirates at the Battle of White Night River, Cano.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in the North Jon Stark defeating pirates at the Battle of White Night River, Cano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Jon Snow sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone.png to raw_combined/King in the North Jon Snow sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Breaker Stark defeating the Nights King in battle during the Long Nigh.png to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Breaker Stark defeating the Nights King in battle during the Long Nigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Cersei Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Queen Cersei Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mandinka Gambian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png to raw_combined/young Mandinka Gambian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mende Sierra Leonean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Mende Sierra Leonean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A pack white direwolves with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png to raw_combined/A pack white direwolves with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Tommen Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Tommen Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Stannis Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/King Stannis Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Brynden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Brynden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon I Targaryen conquering the seven kingdoms, cinematic, 8k, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Aegon I Targaryen conquering the seven kingdoms, cinematic, 8k, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Daella Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Daella Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Tyrion Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Tyrion Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hal.png to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Daenys The Dreamer Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Daenys The Dreamer Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sara Stark and her brother Benjen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sara Stark and her brother Benjen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hal.txt to raw_combined/Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark welcomes Queen Alyssane Targaryen at Winterfell, cinem.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark welcomes Queen Alyssane Targaryen at Winterfell, cinem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/white direwolf with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png to raw_combined/white direwolf with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Akan Ghanaian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt to raw_combined/young Akan Ghanaian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Ser Jorah Mormont, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Ser Jorah Mormont, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mandinka Gambian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Mandinka Gambian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.png to raw_combined/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mandinka Gambian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.txt to raw_combined/Mandinka Gambian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark standing on a hill overseeing the cold and snowy North, .txt to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark standing on a hill overseeing the cold and snowy North, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall,.txt to raw_combined/Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mandinka Gambian Royal Wedding .txt to raw_combined/Mandinka Gambian Royal Wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Dyula Ivorian Royal Wedding .png to raw_combined/Dyula Ivorian Royal Wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young malian bambara princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young malian bambara princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mende Sierra Leonean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Mende Sierra Leonean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Dorren Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .txt to raw_combined/King in the North Dorren Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mende Sierra Leonean Royal wedding .txt to raw_combined/Mende Sierra Leonean Royal wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow marches the battlefield with the Men of th.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow marches the battlefield with the Men of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Wolof Senegalese princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Wolof Senegalese princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young igbo nigerian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young igbo nigerian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bambara Malian Royal Wedding .txt to raw_combined/Bambara Malian Royal Wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Dyula Ivorian princess princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Dyula Ivorian princess princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statue of King in the North Torrhen Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.txt to raw_combined/Statue of King in the North Torrhen Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt to raw_combined/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hal.txt to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Viserys IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Viserys IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen marrying Lady Lyanna Stark in Dorne, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral ton.png to raw_combined/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen marrying Lady Lyanna Stark in Dorne, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral ton.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aelor Targaryen and his giant blue dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full body.png to raw_combined/King Aelor Targaryen and his giant blue dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in The North Rodrik Stark defeating King of the Iron Islands Loron Greyjoy at the.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in The North Rodrik Stark defeating King of the Iron Islands Loron Greyjoy at the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mende sierra leonean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young mende sierra leonean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Viserys IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Viserys IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Princess surrounded by her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L I.txt to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Princess surrounded by her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L I.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Maekar Targaryen .png to raw_combined/Prince Maekar Targaryen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall,.png to raw_combined/Fula Guinean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Akan Ghanaian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Akan Ghanaian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8.txt to raw_combined/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A pack white direwolves with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt to raw_combined/A pack white direwolves with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png to raw_combined/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Orys Baratheon and his wife Lady Argella Durrandon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Orys Baratheon and his wife Lady Argella Durrandon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mandinka Gambian Royal Wedding .png to raw_combined/Mandinka Gambian Royal Wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III US.png to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III US.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Burner Stark setting fire to his fathers shipyard and remaining ships,.txt to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Burner Stark setting fire to his fathers shipyard and remaining ships,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young malian bambara princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young malian bambara princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the north Jon snow marries queen Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.png to raw_combined/King in the north Jon snow marries queen Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the fiery destruction and burning of Kings Landing under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard.png to raw_combined/the fiery destruction and burning of Kings Landing under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Dyula Ivorian princess princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Dyula Ivorian princess princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hall, C.png to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hall, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark starring out of the window in Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, .png to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark starring out of the window in Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young soninke gambian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young soninke gambian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow marches the battlefield with the Men of th.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow marches the battlefield with the Men of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.png to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lady of Winterfell Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Lady of Winterfell Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Torrhen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 2470mm f2.8L II USM .txt to raw_combined/King in the North Torrhen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 2470mm f2.8L II USM .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Wolof Senegalese Royal Wedding .txt to raw_combined/Wolof Senegalese Royal Wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Eleana Targaryen and her giant teal dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full b.png to raw_combined/Princess Eleana Targaryen and her giant teal dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Gael Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Gael Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Walton Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .png to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Walton Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hal.png to raw_combined/Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Edric Snowbeard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King in the North Edric Snowbeard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Winterfell burning on the night of a thunderstorm .txt to raw_combined/Winterfell burning on the night of a thunderstorm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Alysanne Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Queen Alysanne Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young dyula ivorian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young dyula ivorian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Viserra Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Viserra Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.txt to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark looks out of the balcony in Winterfell under the moonlight on a cold .txt to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark looks out of the balcony in Winterfell under the moonlight on a cold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mende sierra leonean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young mende sierra leonean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark welcomes Queen Alyssane Targaryen at Winterfell, cinem.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, Lord of Winterfell Alaric Stark welcomes Queen Alyssane Targaryen at Winterfell, cinem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Of Winterfell Alaric Stark meets King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in the Courtyard of Winterfell, cin.txt to raw_combined/Lord Of Winterfell Alaric Stark meets King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in the Courtyard of Winterfell, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Rhaegar Targaryen Marries lyanna stark in a flowery garden in dorne, cinematic, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Rhaegar Targaryen Marries lyanna stark in a flowery garden in dorne, cinematic, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the fiery destruction and burning of Winterfell under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard an.png to raw_combined/the fiery destruction and burning of Winterfell under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of the Karhold Harlon Karstark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord of the Karhold Harlon Karstark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, 13 year old Rickon Stark and his black direwolf Shaggydog walking in the Crypts of Win.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, 13 year old Rickon Stark and his black direwolf Shaggydog walking in the Crypts of Win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Eleana Targaryen and her giant teal dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full b.txt to raw_combined/Princess Eleana Targaryen and her giant teal dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal.txt to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark becoming a white walker, cinematic, photorealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark becoming a white walker, cinematic, photorealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lady of Winterfell Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Lady of Winterfell Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen with a beard, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen with a beard, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Rhaegar I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Rhaegar I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in The North Robb Stark, cinematic, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/King in The North Robb Stark, cinematic, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young akan ghanaian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young akan ghanaian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statue of Lord Rickard Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon.png to raw_combined/Statue of Lord Rickard Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brayden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brayden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the red leaf forest on a cold and snowy winte.txt to raw_combined/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the red leaf forest on a cold and snowy winte.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the first King in the North Brandon I Stark overseeing the men of the Nights Watch building the icy .txt to raw_combined/the first King in the North Brandon I Stark overseeing the men of the Nights Watch building the icy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young fula guinean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young fula guinean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.png to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Walton Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .txt to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Walton Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Burner Stark setting fire to his fathers shipyard and remaining ships,.png to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Burner Stark setting fire to his fathers shipyard and remaining ships,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Joffrey Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Joffrey Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian princess and prince walking the halls of the Royal palace .png to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian princess and prince walking the halls of the Royal palace .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mandinka Gambian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.png to raw_combined/Mandinka Gambian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Winterfell burning on the night of a thunderstorm .png to raw_combined/Winterfell burning on the night of a thunderstorm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mende Sierra Leonean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Roy.txt to raw_combined/Mende Sierra Leonean Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Roy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Eddard Starks Statue and tomb in the crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Eddard Starks Statue and tomb in the crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt to raw_combined/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Jon Snow sitting down by a godswood tree shining and polishing the Stark family sword Ice .txt to raw_combined/Jon Snow sitting down by a godswood tree shining and polishing the Stark family sword Ice .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow as tho leading soldiers in the cold winter.png to raw_combined/Action scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow as tho leading soldiers in the cold winter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bran Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Bran Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .png to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Angry Daenerys Targaryen sitting on the iron throne preparing to wage war on her enemies, cinematic,.txt to raw_combined/Angry Daenerys Targaryen sitting on the iron throne preparing to wage war on her enemies, cinematic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.png to raw_combined/Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark and three other brothers of the Nights Watch patroli.txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark and three other brothers of the Nights Watch patroli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Princess surrounded by her her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2..png to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Princess surrounded by her her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.txt to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Princess surrounded by her her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2..txt to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Princess surrounded by her her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of the Karhold Harlon Karstark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord of the Karhold Harlon Karstark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/action scene, Robb Stark defending the north from southern soldiers while Winterfell is burning, cin.png to raw_combined/action scene, Robb Stark defending the north from southern soldiers while Winterfell is burning, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young wolof senegalese princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young wolof senegalese princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young fula guinean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young fula guinean princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.txt to raw_combined/Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Epic Action Scene, King in the North Jon Snow fighting the Night King and the White Walkers at the b.txt to raw_combined/Epic Action Scene, King in the North Jon Snow fighting the Night King and the White Walkers at the b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Renly Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/King Renly Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Wolof Senegalese princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Wolof Senegalese princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Epic Action Scene, King in the North Jon Snow fighting the Night King and the White Walkers at the b.png to raw_combined/Epic Action Scene, King in the North Jon Snow fighting the Night King and the White Walkers at the b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal H.png to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Daemon III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Prince Daemon III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aemond IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Aemond IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Alyssa Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Alyssa Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.txt to raw_combined/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Princess surrounded by her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L I.png to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Princess surrounded by her Royal Bridesmaids in a Lush Garden, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L I.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png to raw_combined/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.png to raw_combined/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Daenaera Targaryen and her giant orange dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full .png to raw_combined/Queen Daenaera Targaryen and her giant orange dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Jon Snow sitting down by a godswood tree shining and polishing the Stark family sword Ice .png to raw_combined/Jon Snow sitting down by a godswood tree shining and polishing the Stark family sword Ice .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .txt to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Eddard Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bran Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Bran Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young wolof senegalese princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png to raw_combined/young wolof senegalese princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Artos Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III USM .txt to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Artos Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III USM .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark looks out of the balcony in Winterfell under the moonlight on a cold .png to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark looks out of the balcony in Winterfell under the moonlight on a cold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Storms End Rogar Baratheon and Lady Alyssa Velaryon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.txt to raw_combined/Lord of Storms End Rogar Baratheon and Lady Alyssa Velaryon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Of Winterfell Alaric Stark meets King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in the Courtyard of Winterfell, cin.png to raw_combined/Lord Of Winterfell Alaric Stark meets King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in the Courtyard of Winterfell, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bambara Malian Royal Wedding .png to raw_combined/Bambara Malian Royal Wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Daemon Targaryen on a hill with his red scaled dragon Caraxes, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.png to raw_combined/Prince Daemon Targaryen on a hill with his red scaled dragon Caraxes, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon V Targaryen, photorealistic, cinematic .png to raw_combined/King Aegon V Targaryen, photorealistic, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young igbo nigerian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young igbo nigerian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Mende Sierra Leonean Royal wedding .png to raw_combined/Mende Sierra Leonean Royal wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian prince coronated as King in the throne room .txt to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian prince coronated as King in the throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Stannis Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/King Stannis Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statues of Stark Lords and Kings in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, C.png to raw_combined/Statues of Stark Lords and Kings in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Breaker Stark defeating the Nights King in battle during the Long Nigh.txt to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Breaker Stark defeating the Nights King in battle during the Long Nigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm .txt to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the fiery destruction and burning of Winterfell under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard an.txt to raw_combined/the fiery destruction and burning of Winterfell under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Jon Snow sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone.txt to raw_combined/King in the North Jon Snow sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png to raw_combined/Young Dyula Ivorian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Wolof Senegalese Royal Wedding .png to raw_combined/Wolof Senegalese Royal Wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Daemon Targaryen on a hill with his red scaled dragon Caraxes, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.txt to raw_combined/Prince Daemon Targaryen on a hill with his red scaled dragon Caraxes, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Renly Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/King Renly Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the north Rickard Stark sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark.txt to raw_combined/King in the north Rickard Stark sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/the fiery destruction and burning of Kings Landing under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard.txt to raw_combined/the fiery destruction and burning of Kings Landing under a dark stormy night as rain is pouring hard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bran Stark and Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Bran Stark and Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen marrying Lady Lyanna Stark in Dorne, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral ton.txt to raw_combined/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen marrying Lady Lyanna Stark in Dorne, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral ton.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon I Targaryen conquering the seven kingdoms, cinematic, 8k, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Aegon I Targaryen conquering the seven kingdoms, cinematic, 8k, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in the North Torrhen Stark leading 50,000 Northmen to battle in the Riverlands, c.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in the North Torrhen Stark leading 50,000 Northmen to battle in the Riverlands, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .png to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian king and queen visiting sheikh Zayed grand mosque .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Maekar Targaryen .txt to raw_combined/Prince Maekar Targaryen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Dyula Ivorian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png to raw_combined/young Dyula Ivorian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Saera Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Saera Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm .png to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Fula Guinean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png to raw_combined/young Fula Guinean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Jon Snow and his bannermen arriving in kings landing, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, dark the.png to raw_combined/Jon Snow and his bannermen arriving in kings landing, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, dark the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark and three other brothers of the Nights Watch patroli.png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Benjen Stark and three other brothers of the Nights Watch patroli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark overlooking the landscape of the North and Winterfell, C.txt to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark overlooking the landscape of the North and Winterfell, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Cersei Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Queen Cersei Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Joffrey Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Joffrey Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Aemon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Prince Aemon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in The North Rodrik Stark defeating King of the Iron Islands Loron Greyjoy at the.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in The North Rodrik Stark defeating King of the Iron Islands Loron Greyjoy at the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young akan Ghanaian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt to raw_combined/young akan Ghanaian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Alysanne Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Queen Alysanne Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon V Targaryen, photorealistic, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/King Aegon V Targaryen, photorealistic, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the north Jon snow marries queen Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.txt to raw_combined/King in the north Jon snow marries queen Daenerys Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Statue of King in the North Torrhen Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.png to raw_combined/Statue of King in the North Torrhen Stark in the Crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.txt to raw_combined/Young Mandinka Gambian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Tommen Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Tommen Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt to raw_combined/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/white direwolf with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt to raw_combined/white direwolf with red eyes walking in the forest on a cold and snowy winter day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young akan Ghanaian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png to raw_combined/young akan Ghanaian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Ser Jorah Mormont, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Ser Jorah Mormont, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Wolof Senegalese prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png to raw_combined/young Wolof Senegalese prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aemond IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Aemond IV Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Daemon III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Prince Daemon III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Royal wedding .png to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Royal wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III .png to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Daenys The Dreamer Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Daenys The Dreamer Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Jon Snow and his bannermen arriving in kings landing, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, dark the.txt to raw_combined/Jon Snow and his bannermen arriving in kings landing, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, dark the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Bran Stark and Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Bran Stark and Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sansa Stark starring out of the window in Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sansa Stark starring out of the window in Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in the North Torrhen Stark leading 50,000 Northmen to battle in the Riverlands, c.txt to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in the North Torrhen Stark leading 50,000 Northmen to battle in the Riverlands, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Myrcella Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Myrcella Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen with a beard, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/King Jaehaerys I Targaryen with a beard, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1.txt to raw_combined/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Akan Ghanaian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png to raw_combined/young Akan Ghanaian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young akan ghanaian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young akan ghanaian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Storms End Rogar Baratheon and Lady Alyssa Velaryon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.png to raw_combined/Lord of Storms End Rogar Baratheon and Lady Alyssa Velaryon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/House Targaryen fleeing the city of Valyria by ship during the Doom of Valyria, cinematic, photoreal.png to raw_combined/House Targaryen fleeing the city of Valyria by ship during the Doom of Valyria, cinematic, photoreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Dorren Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .png to raw_combined/King in the North Dorren Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, OLED HUD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal H.txt to raw_combined/Young Bambara Malian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in The North Robb Stark, cinematic, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/King in The North Robb Stark, cinematic, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8.png to raw_combined/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brandon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brandon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon I Targaryen and his sisters Rhaenys Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen, cinematic, photoreal.png to raw_combined/King Aegon I Targaryen and his sisters Rhaenys Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen, cinematic, photoreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Dyula Ivorian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Dyula Ivorian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen in the North Sara Stark and her brother Benjen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Queen in the North Sara Stark and her brother Benjen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord of Winterfell Artos Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III USM .png to raw_combined/Lord of Winterfell Artos Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III USM .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Eddard Starks Statue and tomb in the crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Eddard Starks Statue and tomb in the crypt of Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brayden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Brayden Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Orys Baratheon and his wife Lady Argella Durrandon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Lord Orys Baratheon and his wife Lady Argella Durrandon, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark standing on a hill overseeing the cold and snowy North, .png to raw_combined/King in the North Brandon The Builder Stark standing on a hill overseeing the cold and snowy North, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Daella Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Daella Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III U.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the north Rickard Stark sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark.png to raw_combined/King in the north Rickard Stark sitting on his throne at Winterfell, cinematic, photorealistic, dark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian princess and prince walking the halls of the Royal palace .txt to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian princess and prince walking the halls of the Royal palace .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal.png to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/21 year old Lord of Winterfell Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt to raw_combined/21 year old Lord of Winterfell Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young soninke gambian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt to raw_combined/young soninke gambian princess coronted as queen in the royal throne room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Dyula Ivorian Royal Wedding .txt to raw_combined/Dyula Ivorian Royal Wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Royal Wedding .txt to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Royal Wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian prince coronated as King in the throne room .png to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian prince coronated as King in the throne room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action Scene, King in the North Jon Stark defeating pirates at the Battle of White Night River, Cano.png to raw_combined/Action Scene, King in the North Jon Stark defeating pirates at the Battle of White Night River, Cano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Queen Daenaera Targaryen and her giant orange dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full .txt to raw_combined/Queen Daenaera Targaryen and her giant orange dragon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Aemon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Prince Aemon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.txt to raw_combined/Young Wolof Senegalese King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L II.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Rhaegar I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/King Rhaegar I Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Arya Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III US.txt to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen attend the Met Gala in New York City, Canon EF 1635mm f2.8L III US.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King in the North Torrhen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 2470mm f2.8L II USM .png to raw_combined/King in the North Torrhen Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 2470mm f2.8L II USM .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hall, C.txt to raw_combined/Young Igbo Nigerian King and Queen getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Hall, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Baelon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Prince Baelon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Alyssa Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Princess Alyssa Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Princess Myrcella Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Princess Myrcella Baratheon, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Action scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow as tho leading soldiers in the cold winter.txt to raw_combined/Action scene, Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow as tho leading soldiers in the cold winter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mandinka gambian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png to raw_combined/young mandinka gambian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Akan Ghanaian Royal Wedding .png to raw_combined/Akan Ghanaian Royal Wedding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow looking out of the window of his chambers in castle blac.png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow looking out of the window of his chambers in castle blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Septa Maegelle Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Septa Maegelle Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding inside the Grand Royal Hall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mende Sierra Leonean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png to raw_combined/young mende Sierra Leonean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Daemon I Targaryen arriving to the castle of Dragonstone with his son Prince Aegon III, cinemat.png to raw_combined/King Daemon I Targaryen arriving to the castle of Dragonstone with his son Prince Aegon III, cinemat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the red leaf forest on a cold and snowy winte.png to raw_combined/A white direwolf with crimson red eyes prowling around the red leaf forest on a cold and snowy winte.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/King Aegon I Targaryen and his sisters Rhaenys Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen, cinematic, photoreal.txt to raw_combined/King Aegon I Targaryen and his sisters Rhaenys Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen, cinematic, photoreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Bambara Malian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt to raw_combined/young Bambara Malian prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Viserys III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Prince Viserys III Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1.png to raw_combined/Young Mende Sierra Leonean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Mende Sierra Leonean king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt to raw_combined/young Mende Sierra Leonean king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt to raw_combined/Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Baelon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png to raw_combined/Prince Baelon Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, neutral tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mende Sierra Leonean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt to raw_combined/young mende Sierra Leonean prince crowned King in the throne room on his coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Robb Stark and Jon Snow, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Robb Stark and Jon Snow, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Akan Ghanaian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young Akan Ghanaian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/21 year old Lord of Winterfell Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f.png to raw_combined/21 year old Lord of Winterfell Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone, Canon EF 1635mm f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow looking out of the window of his chambers in castle blac.txt to raw_combined/Lord Commander of the Nights Watch Jon Snow looking out of the window of his chambers in castle blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f2.png to raw_combined/Young Fula Guinean King and Queen walking the halls of the Royal Palace Together, Canon EF 1635mm f2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young Igbo Nigerian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt to raw_combined/young Igbo Nigerian king and queen visiting St. Peters Basilica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Young Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.txt to raw_combined/Young Akan Ghanaian Prince and Princess getting married at their Royal Wedding in the Grand Royal Ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Robb Stark and Jon Snow, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png to raw_combined/Robb Stark and Jon Snow, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Igbo Nigerian Royal wedding .txt to raw_combined/Igbo Nigerian Royal wedding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/action scene, Robb Stark defending the north from southern soldiers while Winterfell is burning, cin.txt to raw_combined/action scene, Robb Stark defending the north from southern soldiers while Winterfell is burning, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt to raw_combined/Rickon Stark, cinematic, photorealistic, dark tone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_34/young mandinka gambian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt to raw_combined/young mandinka gambian princess crowned queen in the throne room on her coronation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a toyota 4runner on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a toyota 4runner on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a humvee .txt to raw_combined/line art of a humvee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/macross, f1, formula cyber, 80s, poster .txt to raw_combined/macross, f1, formula cyber, 80s, poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group b 1983 Toyota celiac , foggy morning .png to raw_combined/group b 1983 Toyota celiac , foggy morning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1980s, Toyota rally car at night .png to raw_combined/1980s, Toyota rally car at night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Golden State Warriors as a scifi 80s movie poster .txt to raw_combined/Golden State Warriors as a scifi 80s movie poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/futuristic male stealth fighter pilot stepping out a fighter jet .png to raw_combined/futuristic male stealth fighter pilot stepping out a fighter jet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of vintage toyota 4runner on white .png to raw_combined/line art of vintage toyota 4runner on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in block heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in block heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in wedge heels .png to raw_combined/close up of female feet in wedge heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Golden State Warriors as a scifi 80s movie poster .png to raw_combined/Golden State Warriors as a scifi 80s movie poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/futuristic male stealth fighter pilot stepping out a fighter jet .txt to raw_combined/futuristic male stealth fighter pilot stepping out a fighter jet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Adam Sandler as a body builder .txt to raw_combined/Adam Sandler as a body builder .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in ruby slippers .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in ruby slippers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group B rally car, forest, dirt road, .png to raw_combined/group B rally car, forest, dirt road, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in marry jane heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in marry jane heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in fancy heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in fancy heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in clear high heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in clear high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of chevy blazer on white .png to raw_combined/line art of chevy blazer on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/operation desert storm, Gundam, Dakar rally, futuristic, war machines .txt to raw_combined/operation desert storm, Gundam, Dakar rally, futuristic, war machines .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a toyota land cruiser on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a toyota land cruiser on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/shrimp cocktail .png to raw_combined/shrimp cocktail .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of 2001 toyota rav4 .txt to raw_combined/line art of 2001 toyota rav4 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/top down shot of female feet in high heels .png to raw_combined/top down shot of female feet in high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Adam Sandler as a body builder .png to raw_combined/Adam Sandler as a body builder .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a ford bronco on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a ford bronco on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Toyota celica gt four rally car profile view .txt to raw_combined/Toyota celica gt four rally car profile view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage suabru forester .txt to raw_combined/line art of a vintage suabru forester .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Michelle Pfeiffer as a postal worker .txt to raw_combined/Michelle Pfeiffer as a postal worker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in fancy heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in fancy heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a woman goalie blocking a shot in a soccer game .png to raw_combined/line art of a woman goalie blocking a shot in a soccer game .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in stilletto heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in stilletto heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in kitten heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in kitten heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in peet toe heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in peet toe heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in high heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of female feet in high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in high heels .png to raw_combined/close up of female feet in high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Lebron James dressed up in a chicken nugget costume .txt to raw_combined/Lebron James dressed up in a chicken nugget costume .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in mule heels .png to raw_combined/close up of female feet in mule heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/ocean, exploration, macross, 80s, movie poster .png to raw_combined/ocean, exploration, macross, 80s, movie poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of green group b rally car outside .png to raw_combined/profile view of green group b rally car outside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a chevy Tahoe on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a chevy Tahoe on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1999 Toyota Supra rally car in the rain .txt to raw_combined/1999 Toyota Supra rally car in the rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a futuristic stealth submarine .txt to raw_combined/a futuristic stealth submarine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Alex Morgan celebrating a goal no shading .txt to raw_combined/line art of Alex Morgan celebrating a goal no shading .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/red group b rally car .png to raw_combined/red group b rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/kate winslet, working at a comic book store in the late 90s .png to raw_combined/kate winslet, working at a comic book store in the late 90s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group b rally car profile view .png to raw_combined/group b rally car profile view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a ford bronco on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a ford bronco on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/modern minimalist logo for an online store that sells digital downloads .png to raw_combined/modern minimalist logo for an online store that sells digital downloads .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of chevy blazer on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of chevy blazer on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a paradise buffet at the Fremont hotel in las vegas .txt to raw_combined/a paradise buffet at the Fremont hotel in las vegas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1990 Mitsubishi rally car in the snow .png to raw_combined/1990 Mitsubishi rally car in the snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a humvee .png to raw_combined/line art of a humvee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/modern minimalist logo for an online store that sells digital downloads .txt to raw_combined/modern minimalist logo for an online store that sells digital downloads .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a mercedes unimog .png to raw_combined/line art of a mercedes unimog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a Nissan Xterra on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a Nissan Xterra on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/cate blanchett as a party planner .txt to raw_combined/cate blanchett as a party planner .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a range rover on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a range rover on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in wedge heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of female feet in wedge heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/kate winslet, working at a comic book store in the late 90s .txt to raw_combined/kate winslet, working at a comic book store in the late 90s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a blonde bombshell from the 1940s .png to raw_combined/line art of a blonde bombshell from the 1940s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of jeep warnger on white .png to raw_combined/line art of jeep warnger on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a land rover defender on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a land rover defender on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/back three quarter view of group b rally car .txt to raw_combined/back three quarter view of group b rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Lebron James dressed up in a chicken nugget costume .png to raw_combined/Lebron James dressed up in a chicken nugget costume .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a blonde bombshell from the 1940s .txt to raw_combined/line art of a blonde bombshell from the 1940s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a woman goalie blocking a shot in a soccer game .txt to raw_combined/line art of a woman goalie blocking a shot in a soccer game .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in block heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in block heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage range rover on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a vintage range rover on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/GTE Pro taking a turn on a foggy forest road with its lights on .png to raw_combined/GTE Pro taking a turn on a foggy forest road with its lights on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in cone heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in cone heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a repeating pattern of fly fishing flies .png to raw_combined/a repeating pattern of fly fishing flies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/top down shot of female feet in high heels .txt to raw_combined/top down shot of female feet in high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/dakkar rally, world rally cross, drift cars, skyline r34, 80s toyota celica .png to raw_combined/dakkar rally, world rally cross, drift cars, skyline r34, 80s toyota celica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1999 Toyota Supra rally car in the rain .png to raw_combined/1999 Toyota Supra rally car in the rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/futuristic goth female fighter pilot getting out of her craft, holding her helmet .txt to raw_combined/futuristic goth female fighter pilot getting out of her craft, holding her helmet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Jack black as a tech CEO .png to raw_combined/Jack black as a tech CEO .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Jack black as a tech CEO .txt to raw_combined/Jack black as a tech CEO .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a honda civic .png to raw_combined/line art of a honda civic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Anime style ronin warrior in a war torn modern city no shading .txt to raw_combined/line art of Anime style ronin warrior in a war torn modern city no shading .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/operation desert storm, Gundam, Dakar rally, futuristic, war machines .png to raw_combined/operation desert storm, Gundam, Dakar rally, futuristic, war machines .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of subaru forester .txt to raw_combined/line art of subaru forester .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage suabru forester .png to raw_combined/line art of a vintage suabru forester .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a futuristic stealth submarine .png to raw_combined/a futuristic stealth submarine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of group a rally car in green .txt to raw_combined/profile view of group a rally car in green .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womens foot in heels on the beach .png to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womens foot in heels on the beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a male in their 30s who looks trustsing and gives good amazon reviews .png to raw_combined/a male in their 30s who looks trustsing and gives good amazon reviews .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Rashida Jones working in a small town as a bar tender in the summer .png to raw_combined/Rashida Jones working in a small town as a bar tender in the summer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in dorsay heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of female feet in dorsay heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1980s Porsche rally car at sunrise in the mountains .png to raw_combined/1980s Porsche rally car at sunrise in the mountains .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a rav4 on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a rav4 on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Rashida Jones working in a small town as a bar tender in the summer .txt to raw_combined/Rashida Jones working in a small town as a bar tender in the summer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1983 Toyota celica group b, foggy morning in the forest .png to raw_combined/1983 Toyota celica group b, foggy morning in the forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/dakkar rally, world rally cross, drift cars, skyline r34, 80s toyota celica .txt to raw_combined/dakkar rally, world rally cross, drift cars, skyline r34, 80s toyota celica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet walking in high heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet walking in high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage range rover on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a vintage range rover on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/red group b rally car .txt to raw_combined/red group b rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/nikola jokic as a member of Cobra Kai .png to raw_combined/nikola jokic as a member of Cobra Kai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/front view of group b rally car .txt to raw_combined/front view of group b rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a mercedes g wagon on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a mercedes g wagon on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a mercedes g wagon on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a mercedes g wagon on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of cute monsters in a collage form .txt to raw_combined/line art of cute monsters in a collage form .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/macross, f1, formula cyber, 80s, poster .png to raw_combined/macross, f1, formula cyber, 80s, poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a Hummer H1 .png to raw_combined/line art of a Hummer H1 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a paradise buffet at the Fremont hotel in las vegas .png to raw_combined/a paradise buffet at the Fremont hotel in las vegas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in espadrille sandals .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in espadrille sandals .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/back three quarter view of group b lancia yellow and white rally car .png to raw_combined/back three quarter view of group b lancia yellow and white rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in mule heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of female feet in mule heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a logo for a company called OrdinaryHomeOwner .png to raw_combined/a logo for a company called OrdinaryHomeOwner .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Michelle Pfeiffer as a postal worker .png to raw_combined/Michelle Pfeiffer as a postal worker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of honda crv .png to raw_combined/line art of honda crv .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of white group a rally car .txt to raw_combined/profile view of white group a rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in marry jane heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in marry jane heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womens foot in high heels in the snow .txt to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womens foot in high heels in the snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a mercedes unimog .txt to raw_combined/line art of a mercedes unimog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in dorsay heels .png to raw_combined/close up of female feet in dorsay heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Japanese Anime style female warrior from Call Of Duty on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of Japanese Anime style female warrior from Call Of Duty on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1983 Toyota celica group b, foggy morning in the forest .txt to raw_combined/1983 Toyota celica group b, foggy morning in the forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/ford escort group b rally car .png to raw_combined/ford escort group b rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Japanese Anime style female warrior from Call Of Duty on white .png to raw_combined/line art of Japanese Anime style female warrior from Call Of Duty on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage sports car .png to raw_combined/line art of a vintage sports car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/vin diesel as a physics teacher .txt to raw_combined/vin diesel as a physics teacher .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womens foot in high heels in the snow .png to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womens foot in high heels in the snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/logo for making money .txt to raw_combined/logo for making money .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group b 1983 Toyota celiac , foggy morning .txt to raw_combined/group b 1983 Toyota celiac , foggy morning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet walking in high heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet walking in high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womens foot in heels on the beach .txt to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womens foot in heels on the beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group B rally car, forest, dirt road, .txt to raw_combined/group B rally car, forest, dirt road, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in ruby slippers .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in ruby slippers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in espadrille sandals .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in espadrille sandals .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a vintage sports car .txt to raw_combined/line art of a vintage sports car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Kate beckinsale as a zoo keeper .png to raw_combined/Kate beckinsale as a zoo keeper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in clear high heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in clear high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/robot jox, macross, on white background, future, dark .txt to raw_combined/robot jox, macross, on white background, future, dark .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a toyota land cruiser on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a toyota land cruiser on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/robot jox, macross, on white background, future, dark .png to raw_combined/robot jox, macross, on white background, future, dark .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/ford escort group b rally car .txt to raw_combined/ford escort group b rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/banner logo that says ordinary homeowner .txt to raw_combined/banner logo that says ordinary homeowner .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a rav4 on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a rav4 on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Marshawn Lynch as a UN Ambassador .png to raw_combined/Marshawn Lynch as a UN Ambassador .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/front view of group b rally car .png to raw_combined/front view of group b rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/back three quarter view of group b rally car .png to raw_combined/back three quarter view of group b rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in spool heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in spool heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/John legend as a football player .png to raw_combined/John legend as a football player .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a dodge power wagon .txt to raw_combined/line art of a dodge power wagon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/group b rally car profile view .txt to raw_combined/group b rally car profile view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of an lmp1 Le Mans race car during a pit stop .txt to raw_combined/profile view of an lmp1 Le Mans race car during a pit stop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/green group b rally car drifting in the forest .png to raw_combined/green group b rally car drifting in the forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a toyota 4runner on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a toyota 4runner on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in kitten heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in kitten heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/back three quarter view of group b lancia yellow and white rally car .txt to raw_combined/back three quarter view of group b lancia yellow and white rally car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of green group b rally car outside .txt to raw_combined/profile view of green group b rally car outside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of honda crv .txt to raw_combined/line art of honda crv .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/cate blanchett as a party planner .png to raw_combined/cate blanchett as a party planner .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of white group a rally car .png to raw_combined/profile view of white group a rally car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in cone heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in cone heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Maggie rogers as a gardener .png to raw_combined/Maggie rogers as a gardener .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a Hummer H1 .txt to raw_combined/line art of a Hummer H1 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/shrimp cocktail .txt to raw_combined/shrimp cocktail .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womans foot in black leather high heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womans foot in black leather high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of cute monsters in a collage form .png to raw_combined/line art of cute monsters in a collage form .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of group a rally car in green .png to raw_combined/profile view of group a rally car in green .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/futuristic goth female fighter pilot getting out of her craft, holding her helmet .png to raw_combined/futuristic goth female fighter pilot getting out of her craft, holding her helmet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/macross, 80s, movie poster, gundam, .png to raw_combined/macross, 80s, movie poster, gundam, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of female soccer players .txt to raw_combined/line art of female soccer players .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Kate beckinsale as a zoo keeper .txt to raw_combined/Kate beckinsale as a zoo keeper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of 2001 toyota rav4 .png to raw_combined/line art of 2001 toyota rav4 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a chevy Tahoe on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a chevy Tahoe on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in strappy high heels .png to raw_combined/close up of female feet in strappy high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a dodge power wagon .png to raw_combined/line art of a dodge power wagon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/logo for making money .png to raw_combined/logo for making money .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in peet toe heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in peet toe heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/John legend as a football player .txt to raw_combined/John legend as a football player .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a Nissan Xterra on white .png to raw_combined/line art of a Nissan Xterra on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1980s, Toyota rally car at night .txt to raw_combined/1980s, Toyota rally car at night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a male in their 30s who looks trustsing and gives good amazon reviews .txt to raw_combined/a male in their 30s who looks trustsing and gives good amazon reviews .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of subaru forester .png to raw_combined/line art of subaru forester .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in spool heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in spool heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Marshawn Lynch as a UN Ambassador .txt to raw_combined/Marshawn Lynch as a UN Ambassador .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in sling back heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in sling back heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1980s Porsche rally car at sunrise in the mountains .txt to raw_combined/1980s Porsche rally car at sunrise in the mountains .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of the side of a womans foot in black leather high heels .png to raw_combined/close up of the side of a womans foot in black leather high heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/macross, 80s, movie poster, gundam, .txt to raw_combined/macross, 80s, movie poster, gundam, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Alex Morgan celebrating a goal no shading .png to raw_combined/line art of Alex Morgan celebrating a goal no shading .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in sling back heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in sling back heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/GTE Pro taking a turn on a foggy forest road with its lights on .txt to raw_combined/GTE Pro taking a turn on a foggy forest road with its lights on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of female soccer players .png to raw_combined/line art of female soccer players .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a range rover on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a range rover on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Maggie rogers as a gardener .txt to raw_combined/Maggie rogers as a gardener .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of Anime style ronin warrior in a war torn modern city no shading .png to raw_combined/line art of Anime style ronin warrior in a war torn modern city no shading .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/profile view of an lmp1 Le Mans race car during a pit stop .png to raw_combined/profile view of an lmp1 Le Mans race car during a pit stop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of womens feet in stilletto heels .png to raw_combined/close up of womens feet in stilletto heels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/vin diesel as a physics teacher .png to raw_combined/vin diesel as a physics teacher .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/banner logo that says ordinary homeowner .png to raw_combined/banner logo that says ordinary homeowner .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/Toyota celica gt four rally car profile view .png to raw_combined/Toyota celica gt four rally car profile view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/ocean, exploration, macross, 80s, movie poster .txt to raw_combined/ocean, exploration, macross, 80s, movie poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a land rover defender on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of a land rover defender on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a repeating pattern of fly fishing flies .txt to raw_combined/a repeating pattern of fly fishing flies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of a honda civic .txt to raw_combined/line art of a honda civic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of vintage toyota 4runner on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of vintage toyota 4runner on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/close up of female feet in strappy high heels .txt to raw_combined/close up of female feet in strappy high heels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/a logo for a company called OrdinaryHomeOwner .txt to raw_combined/a logo for a company called OrdinaryHomeOwner .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/line art of jeep warnger on white .txt to raw_combined/line art of jeep warnger on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/1990 Mitsubishi rally car in the snow .txt to raw_combined/1990 Mitsubishi rally car in the snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/green group b rally car drifting in the forest .txt to raw_combined/green group b rally car drifting in the forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_78/nikola jokic as a member of Cobra Kai .txt to raw_combined/nikola jokic as a member of Cobra Kai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the moon landing, captured by Neil Armstrong. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the moon landing, captured by Neil Armstrong. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Full House TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Full House TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Frida Kahlo .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Frida Kahlo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Frida Kahlo .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Frida Kahlo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Marc Chagall .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Marc Chagall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from cash register .png to raw_combined/receipt from cash register .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/suns and moon in the jumgle, by jim woodring .png to raw_combined/suns and moon in the jumgle, by jim woodring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the antiapartheid movement in South Africa, by Jürgen Schadeber.txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the antiapartheid movement in South Africa, by Jürgen Schadeber.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Sahara Desert at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Sahara Desert at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Spanish Civil War, by Robert Capa. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Spanish Civil War, by Robert Capa. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Cosby Show TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for The Cosby Show TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Scottish Highlands at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Scottish Highlands at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Paul Cézanne .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Paul Cézanne .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by René Magritte .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by René Magritte .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Battle of Normandy, by Robert Capa. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Battle of Normandy, by Robert Capa. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Vietnam War, by Larry Burrows. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Vietnam War, by Larry Burrows. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Woodstock Music Festival, by Jim Marshall. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Woodstock Music Festival, by Jim Marshall. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Fresh Prince of BelAir TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for The Fresh Prince of BelAir TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Arab Spring uprisings, by Magnum Photos. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Arab Spring uprisings, by Magnum Photos. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the protests of the May 1968 events, by Gilles Caron. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the protests of the May 1968 events, by Gilles Caron. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Arctic tundra at the Alamo, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Arctic tundra at the Alamo, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the fall of the Berlin Wall, by Henri CartierBresson. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the fall of the Berlin Wall, by Henri CartierBresson. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Civil Rights Act signing, captured by Bob Adelman. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Civil Rights Act signing, captured by Bob Adelman. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Keith Haring .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Keith Haring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The ATeam TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for The ATeam TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Dallas TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Dallas TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Sahara Desert at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Sahara Desert at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the civil rights movement, by Gordon Parks. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the civil rights movement, by Gordon Parks. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Fresh Prince of BelAir TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for The Fresh Prince of BelAir TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Golden Girls TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for The Golden Girls TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Swiss Alps at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Swiss Alps at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Y.png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Sahara Desert at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Sahara Desert at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/credit card bill .png to raw_combined/credit card bill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Amazon rainforest at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Amazon rainforest at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Chinese Opera Mask Moth Robotics Street Photography War .txt to raw_combined/Chinese Opera Mask Moth Robotics Street Photography War .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the moon landing, captured by Neil Armstrong. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the moon landing, captured by Neil Armstrong. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Pablo Picasso .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Pablo Picasso .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Sahara Desert at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Sahara Desert at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the Cuban Missile Crisis, captured by Elliott Erwitt. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the Cuban Missile Crisis, captured by Elliott Erwitt. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Amazon rainforest at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Amazon rainforest at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Dynasty TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Dynasty TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, captured by An.png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, captured by An.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by René Magritte .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by René Magritte .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Moonlighting TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Moonlighting TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Perfect Strangers TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Perfect Strangers TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Jackson Pollock .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Jackson Pollock .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Great Depression, by Dorothea Lange. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Great Depression, by Dorothea Lange. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/cable bill .png to raw_combined/cable bill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Arab Spring uprisings, by Magnum Photos. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Arab Spring uprisings, by Magnum Photos. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Knight Rider TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Knight Rider TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Amazon rainforest at the Alamo, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Amazon rainforest at the Alamo, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Golden Girls TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for The Golden Girls TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Jackson Pollock .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Jackson Pollock .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Dukes of Hazzard TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for The Dukes of Hazzard TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, captured by James Nachtwey. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, captured by James Nachtwey. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Andy Warhol .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Andy Warhol .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Mark Rothko .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Mark Rothko .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Vietnam War, by Larry Burrows. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Vietnam War, by Larry Burrows. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Salvador Dalí .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Salvador Dalí .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Moonlighting TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Moonlighting TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from mcdonalds .txt to raw_combined/receipt from mcdonalds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Sahara Desert at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Sahara Desert at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Alf TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Alf TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/electricity bill .png to raw_combined/electricity bill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Scottish Highlands at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Scottish Highlands at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/long receipt .png to raw_combined/long receipt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from burger king .png to raw_combined/receipt from burger king .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Yayoi Kusama .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Yayoi Kusama .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Mark Rothko .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Mark Rothko .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the COVID19 pandemic, by Ed Kashi. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the COVID19 pandemic, by Ed Kashi. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Civil Rights Act, captured by Charles Moore. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Civil Rights Act, captured by Charles Moore. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/credit card bill .txt to raw_combined/credit card bill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/gas bill .png to raw_combined/gas bill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Joan Miró .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Joan Miró .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Yayoi Kusama .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Yayoi Kusama .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Vincent van Gogh .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Vincent van Gogh .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/electricity bill .txt to raw_combined/electricity bill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Vincent van Gogh .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Vincent van Gogh .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the civil rights movement, by Gordon Parks. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the civil rights movement, by Gordon Parks. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Alf TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Alf TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Amazon rainforest at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Amazon rainforest at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Spanish Civil War, by Robert Capa. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Spanish Civil War, by Robert Capa. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, captured by Thomas Hoepker. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, captured by Thomas Hoepker. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Rousseau .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Rousseau .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Arctic tundra at the Cadillac Ranch, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Arctic tundra at the Cadillac Ranch, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Arctic tundra at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Arctic tundra at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt .png to raw_combined/receipt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/gas bill .txt to raw_combined/gas bill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Roy Lichtenstein .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Roy Lichtenstein .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Amrita SherGil .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Amrita SherGil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Terra Cotta Warrior Dragonfly Artificial Intelligence Fashion Photography War .png to raw_combined/Terra Cotta Warrior Dragonfly Artificial Intelligence Fashion Photography War .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire, by Sebastião Salgado. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire, by Sebastião Salgado. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/restaurant bill .txt to raw_combined/restaurant bill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/cable bill .txt to raw_combined/cable bill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the apartheid era in South Africa, by David Goldblatt. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the apartheid era in South Africa, by David Goldblatt. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the protests of the May 1968 events, by Gilles Caron. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the protests of the May 1968 events, by Gilles Caron. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, captured by Paul Sea.txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, captured by Paul Sea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the construction of the Hoover Dam, by Margaret BourkeWhite. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the construction of the Hoover Dam, by Margaret BourkeWhite. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Amazon rainforest at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Amazon rainforest at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the fall of the Soviet Union, captured by Alexey Titarenko. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the fall of the Soviet Union, captured by Alexey Titarenko. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from mcdonalds .png to raw_combined/receipt from mcdonalds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Great Depression, by Dorothea Lange. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Great Depression, by Dorothea Lange. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Growing Pains TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Growing Pains TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/restaurant bill .png to raw_combined/restaurant bill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Civil Rights Act signing, captured by Bob Adelman. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Civil Rights Act signing, captured by Bob Adelman. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Growing Pains TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Growing Pains TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Amazon rainforest at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Amazon rainforest at the Six Flags Fiesta Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Wassily Kandinsky .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Wassily Kandinsky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Grand Canyon at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Grand Canyon at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Edward Hopper .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Edward Hopper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/suns and moon in the jumgle, by jim woodring .txt to raw_combined/suns and moon in the jumgle, by jim woodring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Battle of Normandy, by Robert Capa. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the Battle of Normandy, by Robert Capa. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger,flower, French fries, milkshake, by Georgia OKeeffe .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger,flower, French fries, milkshake, by Georgia OKeeffe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Dukes of Hazzard TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for The Dukes of Hazzard TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Chinese Opera Mask Moth Robotics Street Photography War .png to raw_combined/Chinese Opera Mask Moth Robotics Street Photography War .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Pablo Picasso .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Pablo Picasso .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a flood in the Serengeti National Park at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a flood in the Serengeti National Park at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Amazon rainforest at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Amazon rainforest at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger in a garden, French fries, milkshake, by Claude Monet .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger in a garden, French fries, milkshake, by Claude Monet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Terra Cotta Warrior Dragonfly Artificial Intelligence Fashion Photography War .txt to raw_combined/Terra Cotta Warrior Dragonfly Artificial Intelligence Fashion Photography War .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Sahara Desert at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Sahara Desert at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the apartheid era in South Africa, by David Goldblatt. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the apartheid era in South Africa, by David Goldblatt. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the Alamo, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the Alamo, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Edward Hopper .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Edward Hopper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt .txt to raw_combined/receipt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Matisse .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Matisse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Murder, She Wrote TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Murder, She Wrote TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Swiss Alps at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Swiss Alps at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/store receipt .txt to raw_combined/store receipt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Joan Miró .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Joan Miró .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a flood in the Swiss Alps at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a flood in the Swiss Alps at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Grand Canyon at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Grand Canyon at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire, by Sebastião Salgado. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the fall of the Roman Empire, by Sebastião Salgado. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Womens Suffrage Movement, by Alice Austen. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Womens Suffrage Movement, by Alice Austen. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Arctic tundra at the Alamo, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Arctic tundra at the Alamo, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Family Ties TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Family Ties TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/store receipt .png to raw_combined/store receipt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Keith Haring .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Keith Haring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from taco cabana .png to raw_combined/receipt from taco cabana .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Womens Suffrage Movement, by Alice Austen. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Womens Suffrage Movement, by Alice Austen. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the COVID19 pandemic, by Ed Kashi. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the COVID19 pandemic, by Ed Kashi. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Amrita SherGil .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Amrita SherGil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Scottish Highlands at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Scottish Highlands at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger,flower, French fries, milkshake, by Georgia OKeeffe .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger,flower, French fries, milkshake, by Georgia OKeeffe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a flood in the Swiss Alps at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a flood in the Swiss Alps at the San Antonio Zoo, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Swiss Alps at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Swiss Alps at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the antiapartheid movement in South Africa, by Jürgen Schadeber.png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the antiapartheid movement in South Africa, by Jürgen Schadeber.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Matisse .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Matisse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger in a garden, French fries, milkshake, by Claude Monet .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger in a garden, French fries, milkshake, by Claude Monet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the Alamo, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the Alamo, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Amazon rainforest at the Alamo, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Amazon rainforest at the Alamo, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by JeanMichel Basquiat .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by JeanMichel Basquiat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, captured by Thomas Hoepker. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, captured by Thomas Hoepker. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Gustav Klimt, by gustav Klimt, tree of life .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Gustav Klimt, by gustav Klimt, tree of life .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Marc Chagall .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Marc Chagall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Sahara Desert at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Sahara Desert at the Johnson Space Center, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Family Ties TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Family Ties TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Woodstock Music Festival, by Jim Marshall. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the Woodstock Music Festival, by Jim Marshall. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Grand Canyon at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a sandstorm in the Grand Canyon at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a drought in the Arctic tundra at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a drought in the Arctic tundra at the Dallas World Aquarium, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a flood in the Serengeti National Park at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a flood in the Serengeti National Park at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s don johnson, Philip Michael Thomas .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s don johnson, Philip Michael Thomas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Magnum, P.I. TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Magnum, P.I. TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Murder, She Wrote TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Murder, She Wrote TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Y.txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Salvador Dalí .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Salvador Dalí .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, by Lynsey Addario. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, by Lynsey Addario. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the fall of the Berlin Wall, by Henri CartierBresson. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses capturing the fall of the Berlin Wall, by Henri CartierBresson. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Grand Canyon at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Grand Canyon at the DallasFort Worth Airport, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Rousseau .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Henri Rousseau .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the Cuban Missile Crisis, captured by Elliott Erwitt. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the Cuban Missile Crisis, captured by Elliott Erwitt. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, captured by Paul Sea.png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, captured by Paul Sea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from burger king .txt to raw_combined/receipt from burger king .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio River Walk, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio River Walk, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the fall of the Soviet Union, captured by Alexey Titarenko. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the fall of the Soviet Union, captured by Alexey Titarenko. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Sahara Desert at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Sahara Desert at the Space Center Houston, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, by Lynsey Addario. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, by Lynsey Addario. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Serengeti National Park at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Scottish Highlands at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hurricane in the Scottish Highlands at the Texas State Capitol, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from cash register .txt to raw_combined/receipt from cash register .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Perfect Strangers TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Perfect Strangers TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Arctic tundra at the Cadillac Ranch, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a heatwave in the Arctic tundra at the Cadillac Ranch, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, captured by Eddie Adams. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, captured by Eddie Adams. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s don johnson, Philip Michael Thomas .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Miami Vice TV show from the 1980s don johnson, Philip Michael Thomas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by JeanMichel Basquiat .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by JeanMichel Basquiat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Swiss Alps at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a hailstorm in the Swiss Alps at the Space Center Houston, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Gustav Klimt, by gustav Klimt, tree of life .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Gustav Klimt, by gustav Klimt, tree of life .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Roy Lichtenstein .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Roy Lichtenstein .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The ATeam TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for The ATeam TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/suns and moon in the amazon, by jim woodring .txt to raw_combined/suns and moon in the amazon, by jim woodring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Dynasty TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Dynasty TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, captured by James Nachtwey. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses observing the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, captured by James Nachtwey. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, captured by An.txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses witnessing the signing of the Declaration of Independence, captured by An.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for The Cosby Show TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for The Cosby Show TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Paul Cézanne .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Paul Cézanne .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Dallas TV show from the 1980s .png to raw_combined/Title screen for Dallas TV show from the 1980s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio River Walk, Texas.png to raw_combined/Stop sign in a thunderstorm in the Great Barrier Reef at the San Antonio River Walk, Texas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Civil Rights Act, captured by Charles Moore. .png to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Civil Rights Act, captured by Charles Moore. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Knight Rider TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Knight Rider TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Magnum, P.I. TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Magnum, P.I. TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Title screen for Full House TV show from the 1980s .txt to raw_combined/Title screen for Full House TV show from the 1980s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, captured by Eddie Adams. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses during the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, captured by Eddie Adams. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/long receipt .txt to raw_combined/long receipt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt to raw_combined/Stop sign in a blizzard in the Australian Outback at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Texas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Andy Warhol .png to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Andy Warhol .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/receipt from taco cabana .txt to raw_combined/receipt from taco cabana .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/suns and moon in the amazon, by jim woodring .png to raw_combined/suns and moon in the amazon, by jim woodring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the construction of the Hoover Dam, by Margaret BourkeWhite. .txt to raw_combined/Lizardsnakepeopleoctopuses documenting the construction of the Hoover Dam, by Margaret BourkeWhite. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_71/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Wassily Kandinsky .txt to raw_combined/Painting of a cheeseburger, French fries, milkshake, by Wassily Kandinsky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female wearing hiking clothing standing on a coastal c.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female wearing hiking clothing standing on a coastal c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful yoga instructor standing in the water at a tropical Whitsundays .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful yoga instructor standing in the water at a tropical Whitsundays .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, i.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing waist height in the water at a tro.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing waist height in the water at a tro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, midnight, full moon, in style of Zack Snyd.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, midnight, full moon, in style of Zack Snyd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Greek female wearing wool jumper standing on a hills.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Greek female wearing wool jumper standing on a hills.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, in a wooden barn, character design, cinematic lightning,.txt to raw_combined/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, in a wooden barn, character design, cinematic lightning,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s pig hunter standing in a farm paddock in New Zealand, in style o.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s pig hunter standing in a farm paddock in New Zealand, in style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad Chinese female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad Chinese female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female, blue eyes, wearing orange rain jacket standing.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female, blue eyes, wearing orange rain jacket standing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/screaming, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights,.txt to raw_combined/screaming, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/stunning attractive beautiful blue eyes, teenage farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detail.png to raw_combined/stunning attractive beautiful blue eyes, teenage farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultradetailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good lighting, art.txt to raw_combined/mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultradetailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good lighting, art.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful blonde mid 30s woma.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful blonde mid 30s woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, character design, cinematic lightning, hyper realistic, .png to raw_combined/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, character design, cinematic lightning, hyper realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad teenage girl standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style of Quentin.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad teenage girl standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style of Quentin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female wearing hiking clothing standing on a coastal c.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female wearing hiking clothing standing on a coastal c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a movie still of an iguana on a road, Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida captured by Arri Alexa, film.png to raw_combined/a movie still of an iguana on a road, Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida captured by Arri Alexa, film.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket w.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a mouse, in an rural farm setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arri Alex.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a mouse, in an rural farm setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arri Alex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, sunrise, god rays, in style of Zack Snyder.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, sunrise, god rays, in style of Zack Snyder.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, thick moustache, posing, full body, strong muscular, body builder.png to raw_combined/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, thick moustache, posing, full body, strong muscular, body builder.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing denim overa.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing denim overa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, in a wooden barn, character design, cinematic lightning,.png to raw_combined/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, in a wooden barn, character design, cinematic lightning,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful Asian, mid 20s female farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ult.txt to raw_combined/beautiful Asian, mid 20s female farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ult.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful teenage farmer, curly red hair and freckles, wearing an old cowboy ha.png to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful teenage farmer, curly red hair and freckles, wearing an old cowboy ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/detailed and realistic upper body portrait1.2 of a teenage farmer girl with a few freckles0.8 BREAK .png to raw_combined/detailed and realistic upper body portrait1.2 of a teenage farmer girl with a few freckles0.8 BREAK .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major city at night, directed by Guillermo .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major city at night, directed by Guillermo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/stunning attractive beautiful blue eyes, teenage farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detail.txt to raw_combined/stunning attractive beautiful blue eyes, teenage farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 50s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt and sunglasse.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 50s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt and sunglasse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of an armadillo crawling on a road, in downtown Raeleigh North Carolina captured b.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of an armadillo crawling on a road, in downtown Raeleigh North Carolina captured b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful blonde, mid 20s farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra det.png to raw_combined/beautiful blonde, mid 20s farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful blonde teenage Ukranian female camper wearing hiking clothing .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful blonde teenage Ukranian female camper wearing hiking clothing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, .png to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 30s woman standing in a backyard, in st.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 30s woman standing in a backyard, in st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful blonde mid 30s woma.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful blonde mid 30s woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female standing on esplanade in Miami Florida, in.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female standing on esplanade in Miami Florida, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/RAW Photo Portrait of mid 40s depressed farmer with a beard, with a wooden barn in the background, i.txt to raw_combined/RAW Photo Portrait of mid 40s depressed farmer with a beard, with a wooden barn in the background, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, sunrise, god rays, in style of Zack Snyder.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, sunrise, god rays, in style of Zack Snyder.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/sad, depressed, stunning, beautiful, teenage girl, farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat wit.png to raw_combined/sad, depressed, stunning, beautiful, teenage girl, farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad Chinese female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad Chinese female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of an armadillo crawling on a road, in downtown Raeleigh North Carolina captured b.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of an armadillo crawling on a road, in downtown Raeleigh North Carolina captured b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/underwater photo of jellyfish, in style of James Cameron .png to raw_combined/underwater photo of jellyfish, in style of James Cameron .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/hyperrealistic photo, beautiful female farmer ina cowboy hat, photo on iphone 14 in mirror, long dar.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photo, beautiful female farmer ina cowboy hat, photo on iphone 14 in mirror, long dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful brownskinned aborig.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful brownskinned aborig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female police officer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female police officer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, lightning storm, golde.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, lightning storm, golde.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in st.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in st.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good light.txt to raw_combined/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fisherman standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style o.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fisherman standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/sad, depressed, stunning, beautiful, teenage girl, farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat wit.txt to raw_combined/sad, depressed, stunning, beautiful, teenage girl, farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt standing on a.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt standing on a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 50s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt and sunglasse.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 50s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt and sunglasse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in heavy rain, i.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in heavy rain, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing cowboy hat and denim .txt to raw_combined/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing cowboy hat and denim .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage girl backpacker standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage girl backpacker standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, lightning storm, golde.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, lightning storm, golde.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful brunette, teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy h.png to raw_combined/beautiful brunette, teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic MACRO shot of a HORNET flying above WASHINGTON captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by .png to raw_combined/a cinematic MACRO shot of a HORNET flying above WASHINGTON captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a Tarantula spider, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arr.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a Tarantula spider, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/cinematic portrait of angry beautiful blonde Nordic teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, mes.png to raw_combined/cinematic portrait of angry beautiful blonde Nordic teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, mes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, character design, cinematic lightning, hyper realistic, .txt to raw_combined/female, farmer, cowboy hat, denim overalls, character design, cinematic lightning, hyper realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a collage of old newspaper front pages pinned on a wall .png to raw_combined/a collage of old newspaper front pages pinned on a wall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in styl.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young 8 year old redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsund.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young 8 year old redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsund.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in st.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, wearing an o.png to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, wearing an o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in New Zealand in .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in New Zealand in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat and denim overalls standing in wo.txt to raw_combined/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat and denim overalls standing in wo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/cinematic portrait of angry beautiful blonde Nordic teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, mes.txt to raw_combined/cinematic portrait of angry beautiful blonde Nordic teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, mes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, Exquisite de.png to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, Exquisite de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s attractive female farmer, miss Mexico, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detail.txt to raw_combined/mid 20s attractive female farmer, miss Mexico, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of an iguana crawling on a road, in front of Colony Hotel Ocean Drive, Miami Beach.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of an iguana crawling on a road, in front of Colony Hotel Ocean Drive, Miami Beach.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good ligh.png to raw_combined/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/cinematic portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing deni.txt to raw_combined/cinematic portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing deni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 40s woman standing in a backyard, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays bea.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female swimmer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female swimmer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsundays beach, .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsundays beach, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, Exquisite de.txt to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, Exquisite de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful blonde teenage Ukranian female camper wearing hiking clothing .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful blonde teenage Ukranian female camper wearing hiking clothing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat and denim overalls standing in wo.png to raw_combined/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer wearing cowboy hat and denim overalls standing in wo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in heavy rain, i.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in heavy rain, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of happy beautiful blonde teenage female wearing summer dress standing on esplana.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of happy beautiful blonde teenage female wearing summer dress standing on esplana.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male wearing board shorts standing on a tropical beach, .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male wearing board shorts standing on a tropical beach, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s biker gang member standing in a street, in style of David Finche.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s biker gang member standing in a street, in style of David Finche.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, wearing an o.txt to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful, curly red haired farmer woman, standing in wooden barn, wearing an o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a Tarantula spider, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arr.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a Tarantula spider, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of happy beautiful blonde teenage female wearing summer dress standing on esplana.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of happy beautiful blonde teenage female wearing summer dress standing on esplana.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/early 20s attractive female farmer, Miss Mexico, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed.txt to raw_combined/early 20s attractive female farmer, Miss Mexico, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/cinematic portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing deni.png to raw_combined/cinematic portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing deni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a HORNET flying above the WASHINGTON MONUMENT captured by Arri Alexa, film dire.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a HORNET flying above the WASHINGTON MONUMENT captured by Arri Alexa, film dire.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful aboriginal teenage .txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful aboriginal teenage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in New Zealand in .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Maori teenage female standing on a hillside in New Zealand in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male wearing board shorts standing on a tropical beach, .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male wearing board shorts standing on a tropical beach, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic SCENE of a DINGO howling captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian De Palma .png to raw_combined/a cinematic SCENE of a DINGO howling captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian De Palma .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful red haired teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit standing.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful red haired teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit standing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing cowboy hat and denim .png to raw_combined/portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing cowboy hat and denim .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait close up of goat, in style of Peter Jackson .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait close up of goat, in style of Peter Jackson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Asian female wearing red plaid flannel shirt standin.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Asian female wearing red plaid flannel shirt standin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/realistic close portrait of very beautiful girl farmer, a young supermodel girl, wearing cowboy hat .txt to raw_combined/realistic close portrait of very beautiful girl farmer, a young supermodel girl, wearing cowboy hat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, denim coveralls, st.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, denim coveralls, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, golden hou.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, golden hou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/RAW Photo Portrait of mid 40s depressed farmer with a beard, with a wooden barn in the background, i.png to raw_combined/RAW Photo Portrait of mid 40s depressed farmer with a beard, with a wooden barn in the background, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy holding an icecream cone standing at a tropical Whitsu.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy holding an icecream cone standing at a tropical Whitsu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, .txt to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Nordic teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit and dive mas.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Nordic teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit and dive mas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/stunning attractive beautiful Asian girl, teenage farmer, cowboy hat and overalls, posing, full body.txt to raw_combined/stunning attractive beautiful Asian girl, teenage farmer, cowboy hat and overalls, posing, full body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/Hyper detailed movie still that focuses on a handsome mid 40s farmer standing in a barn. The scene i.txt to raw_combined/Hyper detailed movie still that focuses on a handsome mid 40s farmer standing in a barn. The scene i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of an iguana crawling on a road, in front of Colony Hotel Ocean Drive, Miami Beach.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of an iguana crawling on a road, in front of Colony Hotel Ocean Drive, Miami Beach.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/sad, handsome, teenage girl farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, sta.png to raw_combined/sad, handsome, teenage girl farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female swimmer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female swimmer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/stunning attractive beautiful Asian girl, teenage farmer, cowboy hat and overalls, posing, full body.png to raw_combined/stunning attractive beautiful Asian girl, teenage farmer, cowboy hat and overalls, posing, full body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, sunrise, g.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, sunrise, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, denim coveralls, st.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, denim coveralls, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beac.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing open buttoned Hawaiian shirt.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing open buttoned Hawaiian shirt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/A beautiful Dutch female farmer with dirt on her face. Wearing a cowboy hat. Standing in a barn. Rep.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful Dutch female farmer with dirt on her face. Wearing a cowboy hat. Standing in a barn. Rep.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, full body.png to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, full body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/commercial photo the pretty instagram model farmer posing inside a wooden barn wearing a cowboy hat,.txt to raw_combined/commercial photo the pretty instagram model farmer posing inside a wooden barn wearing a cowboy hat,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a mouse, in an rural farm setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arri Alex.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a mouse, in an rural farm setting, golden hour, god rays, captured by Arri Alex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fishing boat captain standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fishing boat captain standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beac.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, i.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, in style of Zack Snyder .png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, in style of Zack Snyder .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Asian female wearing red plaid flannel shirt standin.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Asian female wearing red plaid flannel shirt standin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage girl backpacker standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage girl backpacker standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a HORNET flying above the WASHINGTON MONUMENT captured by Arri Alexa, film dire.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a HORNET flying above the WASHINGTON MONUMENT captured by Arri Alexa, film dire.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s fisherman wearing yellow rain coat standing on deck of boat at L.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s fisherman wearing yellow rain coat standing on deck of boat at L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful Asian, mid 20s female farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ult.png to raw_combined/beautiful Asian, mid 20s female farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ult.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, go.txt to raw_combined/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/handsome, teenage farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full .png to raw_combined/handsome, teenage farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, in style of Zack Snyder .txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, in style of Zack Snyder .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, posing, f.png to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, posing, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good ligh.txt to raw_combined/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing open buttoned Hawaiian shirt.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing open buttoned Hawaiian shirt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a macro shot of an aggressive ant, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a macro shot of an aggressive ant, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/early 20s attractive female farmer, Miss Mexico, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed.png to raw_combined/early 20s attractive female farmer, Miss Mexico, wearing overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/close up of iguana, in style of Peter Jackson .txt to raw_combined/close up of iguana, in style of Peter Jackson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged town mayor standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged town mayor standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, in style of Zack Snyder .png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, in style of Zack Snyder .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays bea.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful red haired teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit standing.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful red haired teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit standing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female standing on esplanade in Miami Florida, in.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful blonde teenage female standing on esplanade in Miami Florida, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt standing on a.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad handsome mid 40s man with tanned skin wearing Hawaiian shirt standing on a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged town mayor standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged town mayor standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive mid 30s mother standing in a residential innercity backyard, in.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive mid 30s mother standing in a residential innercity backyard, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fishing boat captain standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fishing boat captain standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultradetailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good lighting, art.png to raw_combined/mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultradetailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good lighting, art.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/handsome, teenage farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full .txt to raw_combined/handsome, teenage farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Greek female wearing wool jumper standing on a hills.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Greek female wearing wool jumper standing on a hills.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/close up of iguana, in style of Peter Jackson .png to raw_combined/close up of iguana, in style of Peter Jackson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/yelling, mid 20s attractive female farmer, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, .txt to raw_combined/yelling, mid 20s attractive female farmer, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/drone shot of birdseye view of a farm overrun by mice .png to raw_combined/drone shot of birdseye view of a farm overrun by mice .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s pig hunter standing in a farm paddock in New Zealand, in style o.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s pig hunter standing in a farm paddock in New Zealand, in style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful brunette, teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy h.txt to raw_combined/beautiful brunette, teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, standing in a wooden barn, cowboy h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad teenage girl standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style of Quentin.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad teenage girl standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style of Quentin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive mid 30s mother standing in a residential innercity backyard, in.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive mid 30s mother standing in a residential innercity backyard, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young 8 year old redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsund.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young 8 year old redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsund.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, full body.txt to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, full body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in styl.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad teenage female lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait close up of goat, in style of Peter Jackson .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait close up of goat, in style of Peter Jackson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful aboriginal teenage .png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful aboriginal teenage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, midnight, full moon, in style of Zack Snyd.png to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, midnight, full moon, in style of Zack Snyd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/realistic close portrait of very beautiful girl farmer, a young supermodel girl, wearing cowboy hat .png to raw_combined/realistic close portrait of very beautiful girl farmer, a young supermodel girl, wearing cowboy hat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, in style of Zack Snyder .txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, in style of Zack Snyder .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic MACRO shot of a HORNET flying above WASHINGTON captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic MACRO shot of a HORNET flying above WASHINGTON captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic MACRO shot of a GRASSHOPPER, in A FIELD captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian D.png to raw_combined/a cinematic MACRO shot of a GRASSHOPPER, in A FIELD captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsundays beach, .txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy with braces standing at a tropical Whitsundays beach, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/underwater photo of jellyfish, in style of James Cameron .txt to raw_combined/underwater photo of jellyfish, in style of James Cameron .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s fisherman wearing yellow rain coat standing on deck of boat at L.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s fisherman wearing yellow rain coat standing on deck of boat at L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 30s woman standing in a backyard, in st.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad attractive Scandinavian blonde mid 30s woman standing in a backyard, in st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a macro shot of an aggressive ant, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a macro shot of an aggressive ant, in an urban setting, golden hour, god rays, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/drone shot of birdseye view of a farm overrun by mice .txt to raw_combined/drone shot of birdseye view of a farm overrun by mice .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/beautiful blonde, mid 20s farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra det.txt to raw_combined/beautiful blonde, mid 20s farmer standing in a wooden barn, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female police officer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged female police officer standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful yoga instructor standing in the water at a tropical Whitsundays .png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful yoga instructor standing in the water at a tropical Whitsundays .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic SCENE of a DINGO howling captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian De Palma .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic SCENE of a DINGO howling captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian De Palma .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage male lifeguard standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, posing, f.txt to raw_combined/mid 20s athletic farmer, body builder, wearing overalls, broken nose, black eyes, fighter, posing, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket s.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a wide angle shot of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major Australian city .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a wide angle shot of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major Australian city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/detailed and realistic upper body portrait1.2 of a teenage farmer girl with a few freckles0.8 BREAK .txt to raw_combined/detailed and realistic upper body portrait1.2 of a teenage farmer girl with a few freckles0.8 BREAK .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/A beautiful Dutch female farmer with dirt on her face. Wearing a cowboy hat. Standing in a barn. Rep.png to raw_combined/A beautiful Dutch female farmer with dirt on her face. Wearing a cowboy hat. Standing in a barn. Rep.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a wide angle shot of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major Australian city .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a wide angle shot of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major Australian city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, sunrise, g.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, sunrise, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good light.png to raw_combined/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, good light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fisherman standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style o.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad middle aged fisherman standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic scene of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major city at night, directed by Guillermo .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene of a Godzillatype creature attacking a major city at night, directed by Guillermo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy holding an icecream cone standing at a tropical Whitsu.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad young redhaired boy holding an icecream cone standing at a tropical Whitsu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful brownskinned aborig.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, heavy rain, golden hour, beautiful brownskinned aborig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, go.png to raw_combined/crying, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights, go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a movie still of an iguana on a road, Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida captured by Arri Alexa, film.txt to raw_combined/a movie still of an iguana on a road, Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida captured by Arri Alexa, film.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/commercial photo the pretty instagram model farmer posing inside a wooden barn wearing a cowboy hat,.png to raw_combined/commercial photo the pretty instagram model farmer posing inside a wooden barn wearing a cowboy hat,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/screaming, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights,.png to raw_combined/screaming, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, beard, posing, full body, ultra detailed, HD, 8K, highlights,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket s.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/yelling, mid 20s attractive female farmer, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, .png to raw_combined/yelling, mid 20s attractive female farmer, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female, blue eyes, wearing orange rain jacket standing.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful teenage female, blue eyes, wearing orange rain jacket standing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s biker gang member standing in a street, in style of David Finche.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry mid 50s biker gang member standing in a street, in style of David Finche.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket w.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of smiling beautiful teenage Russian female, blue eyes, wearing red rain jacket w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad female school principal standing on a tropical Whitsundays beach, in style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing denim overa.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful teenage female farmer with dirtstained face, wearing denim overa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/portrait of the most beautiful teenage farmer, curly red hair and freckles, wearing an old cowboy ha.txt to raw_combined/portrait of the most beautiful teenage farmer, curly red hair and freckles, wearing an old cowboy ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Nordic teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit and dive mas.png to raw_combined/editorial portrait of angry beautiful Nordic teenage female scuba diver wearing wetsuit and dive mas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, golden hou.txt to raw_combined/an Australian outback farm, post apocalyptic, sugarcane field crop, bushfire, heavy rain, golden hou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/mid 20s attractive female farmer, miss Mexico, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detail.png to raw_combined/mid 20s attractive female farmer, miss Mexico, cowboy hat, overalls, posing, full body, ultra detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a cinematic MACRO shot of a GRASSHOPPER, in A FIELD captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian D.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic MACRO shot of a GRASSHOPPER, in A FIELD captured by Arri Alexa, film directed by Brian D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, thick moustache, posing, full body, strong muscular, body builder.txt to raw_combined/angry, mid 40s farmer, cowboy hat, thick moustache, posing, full body, strong muscular, body builder.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/a collage of old newspaper front pages pinned on a wall .txt to raw_combined/a collage of old newspaper front pages pinned on a wall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/Hyper detailed movie still that focuses on a handsome mid 40s farmer standing in a barn. The scene i.png to raw_combined/Hyper detailed movie still that focuses on a handsome mid 40s farmer standing in a barn. The scene i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/sad, handsome, teenage girl farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, sta.txt to raw_combined/sad, handsome, teenage girl farmer with ice blue eyes, wearing cowboy hat with dirtstained face, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/hyperrealistic photo, beautiful female farmer ina cowboy hat, photo on iphone 14 in mirror, long dar.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic photo, beautiful female farmer ina cowboy hat, photo on iphone 14 in mirror, long dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_63/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing waist height in the water at a tro.txt to raw_combined/editorial portrait of sad beautiful Asian female tourist standing waist height in the water at a tro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/drawing of a super modern yacht, mega yacht with beautiful girl dressed in white .txt to raw_combined/drawing of a super modern yacht, mega yacht with beautiful girl dressed in white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration,la.txt to raw_combined/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration,la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective sh.png to raw_combined/design a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic jeep crossing the road, black and orange color, orange led, a beautiful.png to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic jeep crossing the road, black and orange color, orange led, a beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panel.png to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white color.txt to raw_combined/draw a supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a future style motor boat, inspired by the shapes of a shark, black color, futuristic style, .txt to raw_combined/design a future style motor boat, inspired by the shapes of a shark, black color, futuristic style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a ferrari rome style catamaran, futuristic style, yellow and black color .txt to raw_combined/design a ferrari rome style catamaran, futuristic style, yellow and black color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/drawing of a super modern yacht, mega yacht with beautiful girl dressed in white .png to raw_combined/drawing of a super modern yacht, mega yacht with beautiful girl dressed in white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstructure.png to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstructure.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs an all glossy black and satin black kitchen of the future with a central island and hood in .png to raw_combined/designs an all glossy black and satin black kitchen of the future with a central island and hood in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a motor catamaran yacht, ferrari style, Roma model, black and yellow, ferrari logo, spatial .png to raw_combined/designs a motor catamaran yacht, ferrari style, Roma model, black and yellow, ferrari logo, spatial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, view from the stern, very wide, Ferrari style, glossy blac.txt to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, view from the stern, very wide, Ferrari style, glossy blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristi.txt to raw_combined/designs a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a bathroom wall with two sinks, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue .txt to raw_combined/design a bathroom wall with two sinks, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalf.txt to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw freehand, white pencil technique on black cardboard, a motor yacht with a futuristic design ins.txt to raw_combined/draw freehand, white pencil technique on black cardboard, a motor yacht with a futuristic design ins.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, view from the stern, very wide, Ferrari style, glossy blac.png to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, view from the stern, very wide, Ferrari style, glossy blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/he draws a mclarenstyle supercar, a futuristic contamination, the amalfi coast in the background, a .txt to raw_combined/he draws a mclarenstyle supercar, a futuristic contamination, the amalfi coast in the background, a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic.png to raw_combined/design a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a concept supercar, tron legacy style, white patina technique on black sheet, details and detai.txt to raw_combined/draw a concept supercar, tron legacy style, white patina technique on black sheet, details and detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/motor boat made of LEGO, futuristic design, lamborghini style .txt to raw_combined/motor boat made of LEGO, futuristic design, lamborghini style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristi.png to raw_combined/designs a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a construction site bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue le.png to raw_combined/design a construction site bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic s.png to raw_combined/design mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a large superfast catamaran that darts across the water at great speed, stormy sea, futuristic style.txt to raw_combined/a large superfast catamaran that darts across the water at great speed, stormy sea, futuristic style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a mega yacht made of hexagonal polygons, black color and electric blue outlines, led, modern st.png to raw_combined/draw a mega yacht made of hexagonal polygons, black color and electric blue outlines, led, modern st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a closed hexagonal cell, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, smok.txt to raw_combined/draw a closed hexagonal cell, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, smok.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/realistic supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white co.txt to raw_combined/realistic supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, lamborghini miura contamination, amal.txt to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, lamborghini miura contamination, amal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/forest with lake with a very large catamaran yacht with futuristic jeep style, goldrake style design.png to raw_combined/forest with lake with a very large catamaran yacht with futuristic jeep style, goldrake style design.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristic concept car on top of a boat, white and light blue led colors, beautiful girl looking all.png to raw_combined/futuristic concept car on top of a boat, white and light blue led colors, beautiful girl looking all.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and orange color,.txt to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and orange color,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar made of chalk, futuristic style, beautiful girl in white look .txt to raw_combined/draw a supercar made of chalk, futuristic style, beautiful girl in white look .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, star wars .txt to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, star wars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, color black .txt to raw_combined/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, color black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, main deck with large black windows, light blue hull and black .png to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, main deck with large black windows, light blue hull and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini house, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design by amadio and partners, Caravan exp.txt to raw_combined/expandable mini house, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design by amadio and partners, Caravan exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a rectangular structure with rounded corners, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modula.png to raw_combined/draw a rectangular structure with rounded corners, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modula.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/spaceship under construction, with many workers working and construction site with equipment and mac.txt to raw_combined/spaceship under construction, with many workers working and construction site with equipment and mac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran boat, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstru.png to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran boat, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstru.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a thirtymeter motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white c.png to raw_combined/designs a thirtymeter motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panelin.png to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panelin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment, mega motor yacht, bl.txt to raw_combined/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment, mega motor yacht, bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/look through a spaceship window, a beautiful futuristic motor boat, star wors style flying in space,.txt to raw_combined/look through a spaceship window, a beautiful futuristic motor boat, star wors style flying in space,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/build a futuristic boat with LEGO, lamborghini aventador style, with the sea and waves in the backgr.png to raw_combined/build a futuristic boat with LEGO, lamborghini aventador style, with the sea and waves in the backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, star wars .png to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, star wars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, central islan.txt to raw_combined/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, central islan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, rear 34 view, i.png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, rear 34 view, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a mclarenstyle supercar, futuristic contamination, the Amalfi coast in the background, photo.png to raw_combined/designs a mclarenstyle supercar, futuristic contamination, the Amalfi coast in the background, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, ex.txt to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a motor catamaran, hyper car style, zaha hadid design, minimal contamination .png to raw_combined/designs a motor catamaran, hyper car style, zaha hadid design, minimal contamination .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic.txt to raw_combined/design a mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, satin black an.png to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, satin black an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws Victorian house in modern design with liberty contamination, contamination with eclectic color.png to raw_combined/draws Victorian house in modern design with liberty contamination, contamination with eclectic color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration, l.txt to raw_combined/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a futuristic boat emerges from the ice, in the background the north pole and icebergs, car design co.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic boat emerges from the ice, in the background the north pole and icebergs, car design co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a futuristic boat emerges from the ice, in the background the north pole and icebergs, car design co.png to raw_combined/a futuristic boat emerges from the ice, in the background the north pole and icebergs, car design co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/make a mega yacht, futuristic design, explorer type, black and lime green color, space ship style .txt to raw_combined/make a mega yacht, futuristic design, explorer type, black and lime green color, space ship style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristic concept car on top of a boat, white and light blue led colors, beautiful girl looking all.txt to raw_combined/futuristic concept car on top of a boat, white and light blue led colors, beautiful girl looking all.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran boat, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstru.txt to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran boat, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstru.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration,la.png to raw_combined/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration,la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, aston martin contamination, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue.png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, aston martin contamination, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a micro living cell, 3x3 meters, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue LEDs, futuri.txt to raw_combined/draw a micro living cell, 3x3 meters, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue LEDs, futuri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panelin.txt to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panelin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/photo of bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shap.png to raw_combined/photo of bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a ferrari rome style catamaran, futuristic style, yellow and black color .png to raw_combined/design a ferrari rome style catamaran, futuristic style, yellow and black color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a concept supercar, tron legacy style, white patina technique on black sheet, details and detai.png to raw_combined/draw a concept supercar, tron legacy style, white patina technique on black sheet, details and detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, Ferrari Roma style, glossy black.png to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, Ferrari Roma style, glossy black.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a living cell, hexagonal polygons style, organic shapes, black and white color, light blue L.png to raw_combined/designs a living cell, hexagonal polygons style, organic shapes, black and white color, light blue L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/realistic supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white co.png to raw_combined/realistic supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron .png to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a bathroom wall with two sinks, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue .png to raw_combined/design a bathroom wall with two sinks, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue led, hexagonal modules, .png to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue led, hexagonal modules, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron staircase, b.png to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron staircase, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/photo of bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shap.txt to raw_combined/photo of bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment, mega motor yacht, bl.png to raw_combined/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment, mega motor yacht, bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and oran.txt to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and oran.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a future style motor boat, inspired by the shapes of a shark, black color, futuristic style, .png to raw_combined/design a future style motor boat, inspired by the shapes of a shark, black color, futuristic style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white color.png to raw_combined/draw a supercar that looks like a boat, space style, lamborghini design, organic shapes, white color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, mv agusta style, amber orange led, petrol green color, senna on capri background .png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, mv agusta style, amber orange led, petrol green color, senna on capri background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar in star trek futuristic style, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the ba.txt to raw_combined/supercar in star trek futuristic style, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a bugatti style supercar, lamborghini design, pop art technique, a beautiful girl dressed in th.txt to raw_combined/draw a bugatti style supercar, lamborghini design, pop art technique, a beautiful girl dressed in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue LEDs, hexagonal modules,.png to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue LEDs, hexagonal modules,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/beautiful girl sitting on a sailboat wheelhouse .txt to raw_combined/beautiful girl sitting on a sailboat wheelhouse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, central islan.png to raw_combined/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, central islan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstructure.txt to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, teak deck, light blue hull and black fiberglass superstructure.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, amber orange led, petrol green colour, in the background the square o.png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, amber orange led, petrol green colour, in the background the square o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar made of sand, future style, lamborghini huracan style, organic contamination, sea and waves.txt to raw_combined/supercar made of sand, future style, lamborghini huracan style, organic contamination, sea and waves.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panel.txt to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes, panel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white color and aqua.png to raw_combined/design a motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white color and aqua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, modern style,.png to raw_combined/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, modern style,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a mclarenstyle supercar, futuristic contamination, the Amalfi coast in the background, photo.txt to raw_combined/designs a mclarenstyle supercar, futuristic contamination, the Amalfi coast in the background, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/forest with lake with a very large catamaran yacht with futuristic jeep style, goldrake style design.txt to raw_combined/forest with lake with a very large catamaran yacht with futuristic jeep style, goldrake style design.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalfi c.png to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalfi c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, ex.png to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a boat made with hexagonal steel nuts, design made with meccano pieces, futuristic style, inspired b.txt to raw_combined/a boat made with hexagonal steel nuts, design made with meccano pieces, futuristic style, inspired b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar in star trek futuristic style, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the backgroun.txt to raw_combined/supercar in star trek futuristic style, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, Ca.txt to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, Ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/interior of a wheelhouse of a futuristicstyle motor boat, black and gray colour, light blue LEDs, la.txt to raw_combined/interior of a wheelhouse of a futuristicstyle motor boat, black and gray colour, light blue LEDs, la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a glass staircase, black furniture, woo.txt to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a glass staircase, black furniture, woo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a 40metre sailing catamaran, in black and metallic gray, minimal style and organic design .png to raw_combined/designs a 40metre sailing catamaran, in black and metallic gray, minimal style and organic design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/forest with river with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes.png to raw_combined/forest with river with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a glass staircase, black furniture, woo.png to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a glass staircase, black furniture, woo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a 40metre sailing catamaran, in black and metallic gray, minimal style and organic design .txt to raw_combined/designs a 40metre sailing catamaran, in black and metallic gray, minimal style and organic design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar made of sand .png to raw_combined/draw a supercar made of sand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a beautiful cyborg woman, in the background a futuristic boat .txt to raw_combined/draw a beautiful cyborg woman, in the background a futuristic boat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a construction site bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue le.txt to raw_combined/design a construction site bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, ferrari Roma style, glossy black.txt to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, ferrari Roma style, glossy black.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment and machinery, open m.png to raw_combined/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment and machinery, open m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, rear 34 view, i.txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, rear 34 view, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron .txt to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/look through a spaceship window, a beautiful futuristic motor boat, star wors style flying in space,.png to raw_combined/look through a spaceship window, a beautiful futuristic motor boat, star wors style flying in space,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/build a boat out of glass balls .png to raw_combined/build a boat out of glass balls .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, satin black an.txt to raw_combined/bumpy road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, satin black an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style .txt to raw_combined/design a work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, Ca.png to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design amadio and partners, Ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, color black .png to raw_combined/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, color black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/motor boat made of LEGO, futuristic design, lamborghini style .png to raw_combined/motor boat made of LEGO, futuristic design, lamborghini style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a large futuristic boat, a very elegant mega yacht, 2 decks, open star trek design, automoti.png to raw_combined/designs a large futuristic boat, a very elegant mega yacht, 2 decks, open star trek design, automoti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a boat comes out of the water like a missile, futuristic design, Amadio and partners style, star war.png to raw_combined/a boat comes out of the water like a missile, futuristic design, Amadio and partners style, star war.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and orange color,.png to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and orange color,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/forest with river with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes.txt to raw_combined/forest with river with a futuristic sixwheeled jeep, goldrake style design, organic polygonal shapes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a boat comes out of the water like a missile, futuristic design, Amadio and partners style, star war.txt to raw_combined/a boat comes out of the water like a missile, futuristic design, Amadio and partners style, star war.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/Contiene unimmagine di Mobile expanded room Caravan Concept Florian Mack YACHT DESIGN Salva Mobile .png to raw_combined/Contiene unimmagine di Mobile expanded room Caravan Concept Florian Mack YACHT DESIGN Salva Mobile .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, Ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, Ferrari logo, pagani zon.txt to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, Ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, Ferrari logo, pagani zon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective shot.txt to raw_combined/draw a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective shot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, racing red.png to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, racing red.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue LEDs, hexagonal modules,.txt to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue LEDs, hexagonal modules,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, in the backgrou.txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, in the backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a closed hexagonal cell, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, smok.png to raw_combined/draw a closed hexagonal cell, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, smok.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a micro living cell, 3x3 meters, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue LEDs, futuri.png to raw_combined/draw a micro living cell, 3x3 meters, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue LEDs, futuri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/spaceship under construction, with many workers working and construction site with equipment and mac.png to raw_combined/spaceship under construction, with many workers working and construction site with equipment and mac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar in star trek futuristic style, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the ba.png to raw_combined/supercar in star trek futuristic style, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style .png to raw_combined/design a work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, petrol green colour, light blue led lights, in the background the squ.png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, petrol green colour, light blue led lights, in the background the squ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, main deck with large black windows, light blue hull and black .txt to raw_combined/draw a motor catamaran, with 3 decks, main deck with large black windows, light blue hull and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, racing red.txt to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, ferrari logo, racing red.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar made of sand .txt to raw_combined/draw a supercar made of sand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a small outdoor bathroom, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue leds, futuristic .txt to raw_combined/design a small outdoor bathroom, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue leds, futuristic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron staircase, b.txt to raw_combined/draws a large living room in modern style, large windows and a suspended glass and iron staircase, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment and machinery, open m.txt to raw_combined/boat under construction, with many workers working and shipyard with equipment and machinery, open m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a thirtymeter motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white c.txt to raw_combined/designs a thirtymeter motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor yacht with futuristic design inspired by steel jegg roboat .png to raw_combined/draw a motor yacht with futuristic design inspired by steel jegg roboat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a supercar made of chalk, futuristic style, beautiful girl in white look .png to raw_combined/draw a supercar made of chalk, futuristic style, beautiful girl in white look .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a motor catamaran yacht, ferrari style, Roma model, black and yellow, ferrari logo, spatial .txt to raw_combined/designs a motor catamaran yacht, ferrari style, Roma model, black and yellow, ferrari logo, spatial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white color and aqua.txt to raw_combined/design a motor boat, offshore type, mclauren formula1 design, futuristic style, white color and aqua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, ferrari Roma style, glossy black.png to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, ferrari Roma style, glossy black.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs an all glossy black and satin black kitchen of the future with a central island and hood in .txt to raw_combined/designs an all glossy black and satin black kitchen of the future with a central island and hood in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a bugatti style supercar, lamborghini design, pop art technique, a beautiful girl dressed in th.png to raw_combined/draw a bugatti style supercar, lamborghini design, pop art technique, a beautiful girl dressed in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a living cell, hexagonal polygons style, organic shapes, black and white color, light blue L.txt to raw_combined/designs a living cell, hexagonal polygons style, organic shapes, black and white color, light blue L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini house, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design by amadio and partners, Caravan exp.png to raw_combined/expandable mini house, Caravan Concept, futuristic style, design by amadio and partners, Caravan exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/build a futuristic boat with LEGO, lamborghini aventador style, with the sea and waves in the backgr.txt to raw_combined/build a futuristic boat with LEGO, lamborghini aventador style, with the sea and waves in the backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws Victorian house in modern design with liberty contamination, contamination with eclectic color.txt to raw_combined/draws Victorian house in modern design with liberty contamination, contamination with eclectic color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, hyper realis.txt to raw_combined/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, hyper realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristic star trek style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi c.txt to raw_combined/futuristic star trek style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design motor catamaran, ferrari rome style mega yacht, futuristic style, super powerful yellow and b.png to raw_combined/design motor catamaran, ferrari rome style mega yacht, futuristic style, super powerful yellow and b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration, l.png to raw_combined/draws a large futuristic boat, mega yacht, 2 decks, star trek open design, automotive inspiration, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a beautiful cyborg woman, in the background a futuristic boat .png to raw_combined/draw a beautiful cyborg woman, in the background a futuristic boat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue led, hexagonal modules, .txt to raw_combined/expandable mini bathroom, modular, future style, white color and light blue led, hexagonal modules, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, amber orange led, petrol green colour, in the background the square o.txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, amber orange led, petrol green colour, in the background the square o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic jeep crossing the road, black and orange color, orange led, a beautiful.txt to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic jeep crossing the road, black and orange color, orange led, a beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalfi c.txt to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalfi c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/he draws a mclarenstyle supercar, a futuristic contamination, the amalfi coast in the background, a .png to raw_combined/he draws a mclarenstyle supercar, a futuristic contamination, the amalfi coast in the background, a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, in the backgrou.png to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue led lights, in the backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalf.png to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, ferrari gto 1980 contamination, amalf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, petrol green colour, light blue led lights, in the background the squ.txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, petrol green colour, light blue led lights, in the background the squ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, Ferrari Roma style, glossy black.txt to raw_combined/super design catamaran, futuristic style, 34 stern view, very wide, Ferrari Roma style, glossy black.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristicstyle supercar, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi coast in the backgr.txt to raw_combined/futuristicstyle supercar, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi coast in the backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design motor catamaran, ferrari rome style mega yacht, futuristic style, super powerful yellow and b.txt to raw_combined/design motor catamaran, ferrari rome style mega yacht, futuristic style, super powerful yellow and b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a large futuristic boat, a very elegant mega yacht, 2 decks, open star trek design, automoti.txt to raw_combined/designs a large futuristic boat, a very elegant mega yacht, 2 decks, open star trek design, automoti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a catamaran yacht, Ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, Ferrari logo, pagani zon.png to raw_combined/designs a catamaran yacht, Ferrari Roma style, black color and red inserts, Ferrari logo, pagani zon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, modern style,.txt to raw_combined/designs a kitchen completely suspended from the ground, entirely made of black dekton, modern style,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a motor yacht with futuristic design inspired by steel jegg roboat .txt to raw_combined/draw a motor yacht with futuristic design inspired by steel jegg roboat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar made of sand, future style, lamborghini huracan style, organic contamination, sea and waves.png to raw_combined/supercar made of sand, future style, lamborghini huracan style, organic contamination, sea and waves.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/beautiful girl sitting on a sailboat wheelhouse .png to raw_combined/beautiful girl sitting on a sailboat wheelhouse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic s.txt to raw_combined/design mini bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw freehand, white pencil technique on black cardboard, a motor yacht with a futuristic design ins.png to raw_combined/draw freehand, white pencil technique on black cardboard, a motor yacht with a futuristic design ins.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, mv agusta style, amber orange led, petrol green color, senna on capri background .txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, mv agusta style, amber orange led, petrol green color, senna on capri background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/designs a motor catamaran, hyper car style, zaha hadid design, minimal contamination .txt to raw_combined/designs a motor catamaran, hyper car style, zaha hadid design, minimal contamination .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/make a mega yacht, futuristic design, explorer type, black and lime green color, space ship style .png to raw_combined/make a mega yacht, futuristic design, explorer type, black and lime green color, space ship style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristicstyle supercar, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi coast in the backgr.png to raw_combined/futuristicstyle supercar, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi coast in the backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/elegant supercar, lotus style, aston martin contamination, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue.txt to raw_combined/elegant supercar, lotus style, aston martin contamination, metallic midnight blue colour, light blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, hyper realis.png to raw_combined/draw work truck, futuristic lamborghini style, danie simon contamination, future style, hyper realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, lamborghini miura contamination, amal.png to raw_combined/star trek futuristic style supercar, elegant and clean design, lamborghini miura contamination, amal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a large superfast catamaran that darts across the water at great speed, stormy sea, futuristic style.png to raw_combined/a large superfast catamaran that darts across the water at great speed, stormy sea, futuristic style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/interior of a wheelhouse of a futuristicstyle motor boat, black and gray colour, light blue LEDs, la.png to raw_combined/interior of a wheelhouse of a futuristicstyle motor boat, black and gray colour, light blue LEDs, la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/supercar in star trek futuristic style, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the backgroun.png to raw_combined/supercar in star trek futuristic style, mclaren design, ferrari Rome contamination, in the backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective shot.png to raw_combined/draw a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective shot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective sh.txt to raw_combined/design a large futuristic motor catamaran with minimal lines and modern style, take a perspective sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/build a boat out of glass balls .txt to raw_combined/build a boat out of glass balls .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/futuristic star trek style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi c.png to raw_combined/futuristic star trek style supercar, shelby mustang design, ferrari Rome contamination, the Amalfi c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/a boat made with hexagonal steel nuts, design made with meccano pieces, futuristic style, inspired b.png to raw_combined/a boat made with hexagonal steel nuts, design made with meccano pieces, futuristic style, inspired b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design a small outdoor bathroom, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue leds, futuristic .png to raw_combined/design a small outdoor bathroom, futuristic design, organic shapes with light blue leds, futuristic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design small bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic .png to raw_combined/design small bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/Contiene unimmagine di Mobile expanded room Caravan Concept Florian Mack YACHT DESIGN Salva Mobile .txt to raw_combined/Contiene unimmagine di Mobile expanded room Caravan Concept Florian Mack YACHT DESIGN Salva Mobile .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/design small bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic .txt to raw_combined/design small bathroom, futuristic shapes, transportable, white color and light blue led, futuristic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a mega yacht made of hexagonal polygons, black color and electric blue outlines, led, modern st.txt to raw_combined/draw a mega yacht made of hexagonal polygons, black color and electric blue outlines, led, modern st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/draw a rectangular structure with rounded corners, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modula.txt to raw_combined/draw a rectangular structure with rounded corners, inside insert an expandable mini bathroom, modula.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_55/rough road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and oran.png to raw_combined/rough road with a futuristic 6wheeled jeep, goldrake style design, crossing the road, black and oran.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/some flowers, in the style of lyrical linework, dark pink and light gray, kris kuksi, romantic theme.png to raw_combined/some flowers, in the style of lyrical linework, dark pink and light gray, kris kuksi, romantic theme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cartoon scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .png to raw_combined/cartoon scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/background lots of spiral lolipop .txt to raw_combined/background lots of spiral lolipop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/chinese red lanterns .png to raw_combined/chinese red lanterns .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic, HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic, HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/stock photo of a landscaper designing a garden, photo taken from behind. photo taken for back, no fa.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a landscaper designing a garden, photo taken from behind. photo taken for back, no fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flower, in the style of dark pink and light gray, influences, konica auto s3, petcore, traditional c.txt to raw_combined/flower, in the style of dark pink and light gray, influences, konica auto s3, petcore, traditional c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vector image Street dance, Girl dance, Hip Hop Dancing action graphic vector .txt to raw_combined/vector image Street dance, Girl dance, Hip Hop Dancing action graphic vector .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lake of marbles.png to raw_combined/lake of marbles.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/computer processor , .txt to raw_combined/computer processor , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt symbol rainbow flag frame .png to raw_combined/lgbt symbol rainbow flag frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a pile of old broken electronic equipment, worn clothes and furniture with lots of trash old stuff g.txt to raw_combined/a pile of old broken electronic equipment, worn clothes and furniture with lots of trash old stuff g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/earth viev from space .png to raw_combined/earth viev from space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/end of the world apocalypse .txt to raw_combined/end of the world apocalypse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/skin of leopard .txt to raw_combined/skin of leopard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/storm over ocean .png to raw_combined/storm over ocean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/LGBT flag on light gradient background .png to raw_combined/LGBT flag on light gradient background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/garbage dump with small planet on center .png to raw_combined/garbage dump with small planet on center .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, night .png to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dark colors strips abstract patern .png to raw_combined/dark colors strips abstract patern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbtq crowd of people, rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png to raw_combined/lgbtq crowd of people, rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Commercial dock,harbor,cargo container,pier,technology,container ship Container cargo ship in import.txt to raw_combined/Commercial dock,harbor,cargo container,pier,technology,container ship Container cargo ship in import.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pink teenage room , HD, photo .png to raw_combined/pink teenage room , HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flower frame .txt to raw_combined/flower frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/drop water on monument a horse .png to raw_combined/drop water on monument a horse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbtq crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png to raw_combined/lgbtq crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cowboy cartoon profile picture .png to raw_combined/cowboy cartoon profile picture .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jackolantern .txt to raw_combined/jackolantern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/smartphone frame .png to raw_combined/smartphone frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/animal in nature, national geographic, highly detailed, professional color grading, soft shadows, no.txt to raw_combined/animal in nature, national geographic, highly detailed, professional color grading, soft shadows, no.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, black background .txt to raw_combined/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A highly detailed, closeup image of a spider jumper, highlighting its body structure, wings, and pro.txt to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup image of a spider jumper, highlighting its body structure, wings, and pro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic photo, HD, arr.txt to raw_combined/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic photo, HD, arr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/five of vultures in a chaotic circle, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/five of vultures in a chaotic circle, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old school hiphop female dancer, vector on gradient orange and purple smooth background .png to raw_combined/old school hiphop female dancer, vector on gradient orange and purple smooth background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/top down view on forest frame .txt to raw_combined/top down view on forest frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/group of vultures on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/group of vultures on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a sail ship sitting on water with a sunlit sky and mountains, in the style of bold graphic illustrat.png to raw_combined/a sail ship sitting on water with a sunlit sky and mountains, in the style of bold graphic illustrat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/garbage dump with small planet on center .txt to raw_combined/garbage dump with small planet on center .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in modern interrogation room .png to raw_combined/table close up in modern interrogation room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/surreal wall of cracked earth draped in silk, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvado.txt to raw_combined/surreal wall of cracked earth draped in silk, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvado.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/thousands of tiny bacteria cells, forming into a beautiful organic shape, translucent .txt to raw_combined/thousands of tiny bacteria cells, forming into a beautiful organic shape, translucent .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the fog, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vulture in the fog, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/rock candy goth15 soundwaves7 lovely raven haired girl in scarlet rococo dress5 transylvanialand sta.txt to raw_combined/rock candy goth15 soundwaves7 lovely raven haired girl in scarlet rococo dress5 transylvanialand sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jungle arround incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic.txt to raw_combined/jungle arround incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic dark mood .txt to raw_combined/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic dark mood .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .txt to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/center of jet engine spiral view, closeup .txt to raw_combined/center of jet engine spiral view, closeup .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cargo ship with containers, sunset .txt to raw_combined/cargo ship with containers, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/smurfs village diorama .png to raw_combined/smurfs village diorama .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lightning tunnel .txt to raw_combined/lightning tunnel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in empty room, cinematic lighting .png to raw_combined/wooden table close up in empty room, cinematic lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/In terms of multimodal transport, according to the individual needs of customers, relying on the coo.png to raw_combined/In terms of multimodal transport, according to the individual needs of customers, relying on the coo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in interrogation room, cinematic dark mood photo .txt to raw_combined/table close up in interrogation room, cinematic dark mood photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/red eye pupil .txt to raw_combined/red eye pupil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/big flat spiral lolipop .png to raw_combined/big flat spiral lolipop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/surreal wall of cracked earth draped in silk, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvado.png to raw_combined/surreal wall of cracked earth draped in silk, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvado.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/computer processor , .png to raw_combined/computer processor , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a red steam train traveling through the Scotish country side .txt to raw_combined/a red steam train traveling through the Scotish country side .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/group of vultures on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/group of vultures on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pumpkin field in sunny day .png to raw_combined/pumpkin field in sunny day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hot air ballons .png to raw_combined/hot air ballons .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/gun poiting, dark background .txt to raw_combined/gun poiting, dark background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flower, in the style of dark pink and light gray, influences, konica auto s3, petcore, traditional c.png to raw_combined/flower, in the style of dark pink and light gray, influences, konica auto s3, petcore, traditional c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/storm over ocean .txt to raw_combined/storm over ocean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/bright colors green forest and river .png to raw_combined/bright colors green forest and river .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flower frame .png to raw_combined/flower frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/green forest and river .txt to raw_combined/green forest and river .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jungle arround incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic.png to raw_combined/jungle arround incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a sail ship sitting on water with a sunlit sky and mountains, in the style of bold graphic illustrat.txt to raw_combined/a sail ship sitting on water with a sunlit sky and mountains, in the style of bold graphic illustrat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lots of trash old stuff garbage dump with small planet on center .png to raw_combined/lots of trash old stuff garbage dump with small planet on center .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a red steam train traveling through the Scotish country side .png to raw_combined/a red steam train traveling through the Scotish country side .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jet in cloud sunset sky .txt to raw_combined/jet in cloud sunset sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lightning tunnel .png to raw_combined/lightning tunnel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/planet earth space .png to raw_combined/planet earth space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Cartoonish cowboy in western landascape, skinny, badass, rough lines and handdrawn quality, raw and .png to raw_combined/Cartoonish cowboy in western landascape, skinny, badass, rough lines and handdrawn quality, raw and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/stone well seen from above .png to raw_combined/stone well seen from above .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pop art style handsome white mans face winking with a grin that says lets get it on Line drawn stick.txt to raw_combined/pop art style handsome white mans face winking with a grin that says lets get it on Line drawn stick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Award winning professional action shot photography of the Hogwarts Express traveling on the glen fi.png to raw_combined/Award winning professional action shot photography of the Hogwarts Express traveling on the glen fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/an digitally created screen capture of an arrangement of white flowers, in the style of chinese icon.txt to raw_combined/an digitally created screen capture of an arrangement of white flowers, in the style of chinese icon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ancient speces marketplace in Morokko, HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/ancient speces marketplace in Morokko, HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/animal in nature, national geographic, highly detailed, professional color grading, soft shadows, no.png to raw_combined/animal in nature, national geographic, highly detailed, professional color grading, soft shadows, no.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/background lots of spiral lolipop .png to raw_combined/background lots of spiral lolipop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .txt to raw_combined/slightly overweight muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Black sheep among white ones .png to raw_combined/Black sheep among white ones .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vector art full body persons of a bboy from 1992 new york, illustration of sticker, white background.png to raw_combined/vector art full body persons of a bboy from 1992 new york, illustration of sticker, white background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/realistic vulture on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/realistic vulture on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Groove to the Beat Unleash your Moves Design a vibrant tshirt graphic that incorporates various dan.png to raw_combined/Groove to the Beat Unleash your Moves Design a vibrant tshirt graphic that incorporates various dan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a screenshot of a new original 3D nintendo game with 5 children in school uniform and schoolbags run.txt to raw_combined/a screenshot of a new original 3D nintendo game with 5 children in school uniform and schoolbags run.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Distorted, car wheel made of glass .png to raw_combined/Distorted, car wheel made of glass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/inside green bottle .txt to raw_combined/inside green bottle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt symbol rainbow flag .txt to raw_combined/lgbt symbol rainbow flag .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic photo, HD, arr.png to raw_combined/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic photo, HD, arr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a screenshot of a new original 3D nintendo game with 5 children in school uniform and schoolbags run.png to raw_combined/a screenshot of a new original 3D nintendo game with 5 children in school uniform and schoolbags run.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kitchen drawer full of cutlery, inside view, gopro effect, .txt to raw_combined/kitchen drawer full of cutlery, inside view, gopro effect, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/childrens day, happy children day, vector illustration, vector, in the style of animated illustratio.txt to raw_combined/childrens day, happy children day, vector illustration, vector, in the style of animated illustratio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pumpkin field in sunny day .txt to raw_combined/pumpkin field in sunny day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/modern interrogation room, table closeup .txt to raw_combined/modern interrogation room, table closeup .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dark vulture with spreaded wings on the dry grass ground next to dog skeleton .png to raw_combined/dark vulture with spreaded wings on the dry grass ground next to dog skeleton .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt symbol rainbow flag frame .txt to raw_combined/lgbt symbol rainbow flag frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/american indian tipi interior, floor carpet close up, camera up .txt to raw_combined/american indian tipi interior, floor carpet close up, camera up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/green forest jungle in suunny day with dark forest in center .txt to raw_combined/green forest jungle in suunny day with dark forest in center .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Groove to the Beat Unleash your Moves Design a vibrant tshirt graphic that incorporates various dan.txt to raw_combined/Groove to the Beat Unleash your Moves Design a vibrant tshirt graphic that incorporates various dan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic lighting .txt to raw_combined/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/extreme closeup macro on waterdrop, green background .txt to raw_combined/extreme closeup macro on waterdrop, green background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A single red umbrella in a crowd of black umbrellas. Dark rainy day, dramatic sky, on a crowded city.txt to raw_combined/A single red umbrella in a crowd of black umbrellas. Dark rainy day, dramatic sky, on a crowded city.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sonic the hedgehog with lightning .txt to raw_combined/sonic the hedgehog with lightning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A treasure chest with gemstones and gold coins around it, next to it a gold and diamond key is place.txt to raw_combined/A treasure chest with gemstones and gold coins around it, next to it a gold and diamond key is place.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/peony flower by miho gil, in the style of dark gold and white, dreamlike visuals, dark white, 8k res.txt to raw_combined/peony flower by miho gil, in the style of dark gold and white, dreamlike visuals, dark white, 8k res.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/mirror labirynth .png to raw_combined/mirror labirynth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pixar animation of a group of school kids wearing a school uniform, no tie, red polo shirt, short pa.txt to raw_combined/pixar animation of a group of school kids wearing a school uniform, no tie, red polo shirt, short pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/man laying in the forest, face down, kite fungus area .png to raw_combined/man laying in the forest, face down, kite fungus area .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vector image Street dance, Girl dance, Hip Hop Dancing action graphic vector .png to raw_combined/vector image Street dance, Girl dance, Hip Hop Dancing action graphic vector .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one li.png to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in interrogation room, convicted man in interrogation room alone, cinematic lighting .txt to raw_combined/table close up in interrogation room, convicted man in interrogation room alone, cinematic lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/overweighted guy tatooed torso, black background .txt to raw_combined/overweighted guy tatooed torso, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic dark mood .png to raw_combined/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic dark mood .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/five of vultures in a chaotic circle, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/five of vultures in a chaotic circle, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/blue sea water frame .png to raw_combined/blue sea water frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt flag .txt to raw_combined/lgbt flag .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/As sunlight cascades upon this unique facade, the scarves come alive, casting playful shadows and in.png to raw_combined/As sunlight cascades upon this unique facade, the scarves come alive, casting playful shadows and in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flowe meadow .txt to raw_combined/flowe meadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hand poiting gun, side camera, dark background .txt to raw_combined/hand poiting gun, side camera, dark background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/glass hightower , .txt to raw_combined/glass hightower , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/conceptual art of a crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png to raw_combined/conceptual art of a crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog, dry ground, cinematic night photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog, dry ground, cinematic night photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/storm over lighthouse .png to raw_combined/storm over lighthouse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vulture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/broken glass arround radio in center on center .txt to raw_combined/broken glass arround radio in center on center .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the fog, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture in the fog, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lots of trash garbage dump with small planet on center .png to raw_combined/lots of trash garbage dump with small planet on center .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/fullcolor ribbons absraction, HD, photo .png to raw_combined/fullcolor ribbons absraction, HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Digital financial graph on the background of hands typing on a laptop, business concept .png to raw_combined/Digital financial graph on the background of hands typing on a laptop, business concept .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/LGBT flag on light gradient background .txt to raw_combined/LGBT flag on light gradient background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/surreal wall of rustical bricks, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvador Dali, minim.png to raw_combined/surreal wall of rustical bricks, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvador Dali, minim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Landscape storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .png to raw_combined/Landscape storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Distorted, car wheel made of glass .txt to raw_combined/Distorted, car wheel made of glass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sonic the hedgehog with lightning .png to raw_combined/sonic the hedgehog with lightning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/woman working in the garden, caricature style, funny, high details .txt to raw_combined/woman working in the garden, caricature style, funny, high details .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old school hiphop female dancer, vector on gradient orange and purple smooth background .txt to raw_combined/old school hiphop female dancer, vector on gradient orange and purple smooth background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Ubr Spazzcore art style freeflowing, off rhythm, purpose, undignified, absurd, derelict, unaware, lo.txt to raw_combined/Ubr Spazzcore art style freeflowing, off rhythm, purpose, undignified, absurd, derelict, unaware, lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/white floral , in the style of dark pink and dark gray, musical influences, kōji morimoto, photo tak.png to raw_combined/white floral , in the style of dark pink and dark gray, musical influences, kōji morimoto, photo tak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ultra realistic 8k large glass of beer .png to raw_combined/ultra realistic 8k large glass of beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ancient forest with sunrise .txt to raw_combined/ancient forest with sunrise .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/planet earth space .txt to raw_combined/planet earth space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Sonic from game, chase police car, huge asteroid behind .txt to raw_combined/Sonic from game, chase police car, huge asteroid behind .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/storm over lighthouse .txt to raw_combined/storm over lighthouse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog on brouwn ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog on brouwn ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a reef full of colors .txt to raw_combined/a reef full of colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/unnerving smiley hd background wallpaper .png to raw_combined/unnerving smiley hd background wallpaper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/forest view from drone .png to raw_combined/forest view from drone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/macro shot, the surface of the sun, ringed planets, solar flares, gleaming rainbows .txt to raw_combined/macro shot, the surface of the sun, ringed planets, solar flares, gleaming rainbows .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/an anime comic with a girl with some facial expressions and eyes open, Mariusz Lewandowski, Liam Won.png to raw_combined/an anime comic with a girl with some facial expressions and eyes open, Mariusz Lewandowski, Liam Won.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in empty room, cinematic lighting .txt to raw_combined/wooden table close up in empty room, cinematic lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a photo screen of whatsapp in white and colorful flower, in the style of dark pink and gray, , kimoi.txt to raw_combined/a photo screen of whatsapp in white and colorful flower, in the style of dark pink and gray, , kimoi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/red eye pupil .png to raw_combined/red eye pupil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/elves garden realistic, HD, photo .png to raw_combined/elves garden realistic, HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old photographic film on wooden boards .txt to raw_combined/old photographic film on wooden boards .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/american indian tipi interior, floor carpet close up, camera up .png to raw_combined/american indian tipi interior, floor carpet close up, camera up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight torso tattoed muscled guy , crossed arms, dark background .txt to raw_combined/slightly overweight torso tattoed muscled guy , crossed arms, dark background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table in a restaurant, Italian street in the evening .txt to raw_combined/table in a restaurant, Italian street in the evening .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Digital financial graph on the background of hands typing on a laptop, business concept .txt to raw_combined/Digital financial graph on the background of hands typing on a laptop, business concept .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dark colors strips abstract patern .txt to raw_combined/dark colors strips abstract patern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hot air ballons .txt to raw_combined/hot air ballons .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hot coffee in good morning on the hygge window, superrealistic fabric, open book, high quality photo.png to raw_combined/hot coffee in good morning on the hygge window, superrealistic fabric, open book, high quality photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/abstract lighting background .png to raw_combined/abstract lighting background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Black sheep among white ones .txt to raw_combined/Black sheep among white ones .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sand on desert .png to raw_combined/sand on desert .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight torso tattoed muscled guy , crossed arms, dark background .png to raw_combined/slightly overweight torso tattoed muscled guy , crossed arms, dark background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/window on old brick wall .txt to raw_combined/window on old brick wall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/end of the world apocalypse .png to raw_combined/end of the world apocalypse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/police car black silhuettes, vector design .png to raw_combined/police car black silhuettes, vector design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/water drop on leaf extreme closeup macro .txt to raw_combined/water drop on leaf extreme closeup macro .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog on brouwn ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog on brouwn ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/different animals mask .png to raw_combined/different animals mask .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/burning forest .txt to raw_combined/burning forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cartoon style, anime style, cute, fresh, smile, fun, colorfull, Kids holding hands and walking toget.png to raw_combined/cartoon style, anime style, cute, fresh, smile, fun, colorfull, Kids holding hands and walking toget.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/peony flower by miho gil, in the style of dark gold and white, dreamlike visuals, dark white, 8k res.png to raw_combined/peony flower by miho gil, in the style of dark gold and white, dreamlike visuals, dark white, 8k res.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jewelery gold ring .txt to raw_combined/jewelery gold ring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in clean interrogation room, photo shot .png to raw_combined/table close up in clean interrogation room, photo shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a traveler observing wildlife on a safari in Africa, illustration5 concept art of a safari adventure.png to raw_combined/a traveler observing wildlife on a safari in Africa, illustration5 concept art of a safari adventure.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ethereal infinity soul, through the eyes of god, surreal, eternal ball of fire, inner light, intrica.png to raw_combined/ethereal infinity soul, through the eyes of god, surreal, eternal ball of fire, inner light, intrica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/abstract lighting background .txt to raw_combined/abstract lighting background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/neighborhood view of a cute and cozy animal crossing town, small ponds, rivers, and lakes, trees, fl.txt to raw_combined/neighborhood view of a cute and cozy animal crossing town, small ponds, rivers, and lakes, trees, fl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbtq crowd of people, rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/lgbtq crowd of people, rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/beautiful, elegant, minimalist quilted masterpiece by Shepard Fairey1 commemorating the 1940 Grand P.png to raw_combined/beautiful, elegant, minimalist quilted masterpiece by Shepard Fairey1 commemorating the 1940 Grand P.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Synesthesia, a kaleidoscope of scents dancing through the air, merging with sounds and colors.2 In t.txt to raw_combined/Synesthesia, a kaleidoscope of scents dancing through the air, merging with sounds and colors.2 In t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in modern interrogation room .txt to raw_combined/table close up in modern interrogation room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/oil paint on gallery, HD, photo .png to raw_combined/oil paint on gallery, HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Award winning professional action shot photography of the Hogwarts Express traveling on the glen fi.txt to raw_combined/Award winning professional action shot photography of the Hogwarts Express traveling on the glen fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dry desert with dry tree .txt to raw_combined/dry desert with dry tree .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/some flowers, in the style of lyrical linework, dark pink and light gray, kris kuksi, romantic theme.txt to raw_combined/some flowers, in the style of lyrical linework, dark pink and light gray, kris kuksi, romantic theme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a pile of old broken electronic equipment, worn clothes and furniture with lots of trash old stuff g.png to raw_combined/a pile of old broken electronic equipment, worn clothes and furniture with lots of trash old stuff g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Peeking out from the bushes, masterpiece, octane rendering, focus, realistic photography, colorful b.txt to raw_combined/Peeking out from the bushes, masterpiece, octane rendering, focus, realistic photography, colorful b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight tattoed muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .txt to raw_combined/slightly overweight tattoed muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jet in cloud sunset sky .png to raw_combined/jet in cloud sunset sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .txt to raw_combined/iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/blueberries .png to raw_combined/blueberries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, shaved face, black background .txt to raw_combined/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, shaved face, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dry planet earth .png to raw_combined/dry planet earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/closeup center spiral lolipop .png to raw_combined/closeup center spiral lolipop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lake of marbles.txt to raw_combined/lake of marbles.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one so.txt to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/rock candy goth15 soundwaves7 lovely raven haired girl in scarlet rococo dress5 transylvanialand sta.png to raw_combined/rock candy goth15 soundwaves7 lovely raven haired girl in scarlet rococo dress5 transylvanialand sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lots of trash garbage dump with small planet on center .txt to raw_combined/lots of trash garbage dump with small planet on center .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/neighborhood view of a cute and cozy animal crossing town, small ponds, rivers, and lakes, trees, fl.png to raw_combined/neighborhood view of a cute and cozy animal crossing town, small ponds, rivers, and lakes, trees, fl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Synesthesia, a kaleidoscope of scents dancing through the air, merging with sounds and colors.2 In t.png to raw_combined/Synesthesia, a kaleidoscope of scents dancing through the air, merging with sounds and colors.2 In t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/bright colors green forest and river .txt to raw_combined/bright colors green forest and river .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .png to raw_combined/pillow in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/burning forest .png to raw_combined/burning forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .txt to raw_combined/pillow in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/macro shot, the surface of the sun, ringed planets, solar flares, gleaming rainbows .png to raw_combined/macro shot, the surface of the sun, ringed planets, solar flares, gleaming rainbows .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/earth viev from telescope .png to raw_combined/earth viev from telescope .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A visual representation of a virus with menacing spikes and a magnified view of its structure contra.txt to raw_combined/A visual representation of a virus with menacing spikes and a magnified view of its structure contra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old woman in a dark fantasy potion shop, green smoke, mysterious, dark fantasy .txt to raw_combined/old woman in a dark fantasy potion shop, green smoke, mysterious, dark fantasy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/teengers dancing hip hop, modern, brakdance, full figure,each person on a separate colored backgroun.png to raw_combined/teengers dancing hip hop, modern, brakdance, full figure,each person on a separate colored backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt symbol rainbow flag .png to raw_combined/lgbt symbol rainbow flag .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sunset .txt to raw_combined/sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jackolantern .png to raw_combined/jackolantern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Commercial dock,harbor,cargo container,pier,technology,container ship Container cargo ship in import.png to raw_combined/Commercial dock,harbor,cargo container,pier,technology,container ship Container cargo ship in import.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A vast savanna with a herd of majestic elephants crossing the grassland, acacia trees, full hd wallp.txt to raw_combined/A vast savanna with a herd of majestic elephants crossing the grassland, acacia trees, full hd wallp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbtq crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/lgbtq crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/modern interrogation room, table closeup .png to raw_combined/modern interrogation room, table closeup .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/forest view from drone .txt to raw_combined/forest view from drone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Amazing view under Electron microscope of a psychedelic mosquito, amazing wings with abstract design.txt to raw_combined/Amazing view under Electron microscope of a psychedelic mosquito, amazing wings with abstract design.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic lighting .png to raw_combined/wooden table close up in corleone room, cinematic lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/plate with blueberry dessert .txt to raw_combined/plate with blueberry dessert .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/water drop on leaf extreme closeup macro .png to raw_combined/water drop on leaf extreme closeup macro .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .png to raw_combined/iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/beautiful, elegant, minimalist quilted masterpiece by Shepard Fairey1 commemorating the 1940 Grand P.txt to raw_combined/beautiful, elegant, minimalist quilted masterpiece by Shepard Fairey1 commemorating the 1940 Grand P.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Abstract vector portrait of a woman wearing a neoncolored gas mask, symbolizing resilience and stren.txt to raw_combined/Abstract vector portrait of a woman wearing a neoncolored gas mask, symbolizing resilience and stren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/conceptual art of a crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/conceptual art of a crowd of people, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Subject The iconic Hogwarts Express train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Len.txt to raw_combined/Subject The iconic Hogwarts Express train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Len.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/big flat spiral lolipop .txt to raw_combined/big flat spiral lolipop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/elves garden realistic, HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/elves garden realistic, HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Sonic from game, chase police car, huge asteroid behind .png to raw_combined/Sonic from game, chase police car, huge asteroid behind .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pumpkin field .txt to raw_combined/pumpkin field .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture on desert ground .png to raw_combined/vulture on desert ground .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Distorted, Negative Space, warped vistas, in the style of twisted reality, Salvador Dalí .txt to raw_combined/Distorted, Negative Space, warped vistas, in the style of twisted reality, Salvador Dalí .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/thousands of tiny bacteria cells, forming into a beautiful organic shape, translucent .png to raw_combined/thousands of tiny bacteria cells, forming into a beautiful organic shape, translucent .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/people silhuettes, vector design .png to raw_combined/people silhuettes, vector design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/skin of leopard .png to raw_combined/skin of leopard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vector art full body persons of a bboy from 1992 new york, illustration of sticker, white background.txt to raw_combined/vector art full body persons of a bboy from 1992 new york, illustration of sticker, white background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/drop water on monument a horse .txt to raw_combined/drop water on monument a horse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/greenland, ice and light .png to raw_combined/greenland, ice and light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A vast savanna with a herd of majestic elephants crossing the grassland, acacia trees, full hd wallp.png to raw_combined/A vast savanna with a herd of majestic elephants crossing the grassland, acacia trees, full hd wallp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/chinese red lanterns .txt to raw_combined/chinese red lanterns .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/smurfs village diorama .txt to raw_combined/smurfs village diorama .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/different animals mask .txt to raw_combined/different animals mask .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/white floral , in the style of dark pink and dark gray, musical influences, kōji morimoto, photo tak.txt to raw_combined/white floral , in the style of dark pink and dark gray, musical influences, kōji morimoto, photo tak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/oil paint frame on wall , HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/oil paint frame on wall , HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A stylish dancer performing a breakdance move on a city street, in a vibrant, graffiti art style, co.txt to raw_combined/A stylish dancer performing a breakdance move on a city street, in a vibrant, graffiti art style, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/mirror labirynth .txt to raw_combined/mirror labirynth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/overweighted guy tatooed torso, black background .png to raw_combined/overweighted guy tatooed torso, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/realistic vulture on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/realistic vulture on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Landscape storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .txt to raw_combined/Landscape storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .png to raw_combined/slightly overweight muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/In terms of multimodal transport, according to the individual needs of customers, relying on the coo.txt to raw_combined/In terms of multimodal transport, according to the individual needs of customers, relying on the coo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/earth viev from telescope .txt to raw_combined/earth viev from telescope .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kitchen fridge .txt to raw_combined/kitchen fridge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in clean interrogation room, cinematic photo shot .png to raw_combined/table close up in clean interrogation room, cinematic photo shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/flowe meadow .png to raw_combined/flowe meadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight tattoed muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .png to raw_combined/slightly overweight tattoed muscled guy torso, crossed arms, dark background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/frame of desert sand .png to raw_combined/frame of desert sand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/childrens day, happy children day, vector illustration, vector, in the style of animated illustratio.png to raw_combined/childrens day, happy children day, vector illustration, vector, in the style of animated illustratio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lots of trash old stuff garbage dump with small planet on center .txt to raw_combined/lots of trash old stuff garbage dump with small planet on center .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Simple red haired comic character full body .png to raw_combined/Simple red haired comic character full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Cartoonish cowboy in western landascape, skinny, badass, rough lines and handdrawn quality, raw and .txt to raw_combined/Cartoonish cowboy in western landascape, skinny, badass, rough lines and handdrawn quality, raw and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/greenland, ice and light .txt to raw_combined/greenland, ice and light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vuture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vuture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .png to raw_combined/scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a cup of coffee with steam rising and a layer of coffee beans, in the style of christcore, matte pho.png to raw_combined/a cup of coffee with steam rising and a layer of coffee beans, in the style of christcore, matte pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/top down view on planet earth .txt to raw_combined/top down view on planet earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sunset .png to raw_combined/sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a big yellow perfect smiley emoji in latex texture in a background with a lot of smaller yellow ball.png to raw_combined/a big yellow perfect smiley emoji in latex texture in a background with a lot of smaller yellow ball.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lighthouse storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .png to raw_combined/lighthouse storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/unnerving smiley hd background wallpaper .txt to raw_combined/unnerving smiley hd background wallpaper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vuture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vuture and dead animal ribs on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a cup of coffee with steam rising and a layer of coffee beans, in the style of christcore, matte pho.txt to raw_combined/a cup of coffee with steam rising and a layer of coffee beans, in the style of christcore, matte pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cartoon scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .txt to raw_combined/cartoon scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/burning forest jungle in suunny day .txt to raw_combined/burning forest jungle in suunny day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lgbt flag .png to raw_combined/lgbt flag .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/jewelery gold ring .png to raw_combined/jewelery gold ring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/inside green bottle .png to raw_combined/inside green bottle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sonic the hedgehog .png to raw_combined/sonic the hedgehog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cartoon style, anime style, cute, fresh, smile, fun, colorfull, Kids holding hands and walking toget.txt to raw_combined/cartoon style, anime style, cute, fresh, smile, fun, colorfull, Kids holding hands and walking toget.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/center of jet engine spiral view, closeup .png to raw_combined/center of jet engine spiral view, closeup .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pop art style handsome white mans face winking with a grin that says lets get it on Line drawn stick.png to raw_combined/pop art style handsome white mans face winking with a grin that says lets get it on Line drawn stick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/romantic pizza Dinner and champagne on inside family car, arround candles.txt to raw_combined/romantic pizza Dinner and champagne on inside family car, arround candles.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Surreal Cinematic Motion Blur Shot, mesmerizing, 32k UHD, Pointillism, Special Effects, Optics .txt to raw_combined/Surreal Cinematic Motion Blur Shot, mesmerizing, 32k UHD, Pointillism, Special Effects, Optics .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ancient speces marketplace in Morokko, HD, photo .png to raw_combined/ancient speces marketplace in Morokko, HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in clean interrogation room, photo shot .txt to raw_combined/table close up in clean interrogation room, photo shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a big yellow perfect smiley emoji in latex texture in a background with a lot of smaller yellow ball.txt to raw_combined/a big yellow perfect smiley emoji in latex texture in a background with a lot of smaller yellow ball.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A treasure chest with gemstones and gold coins around it, next to it a gold and diamond key is place.png to raw_combined/A treasure chest with gemstones and gold coins around it, next to it a gold and diamond key is place.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Cute black sheep among a flock of white sheep in farm .txt to raw_combined/Cute black sheep among a flock of white sheep in farm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in clean interrogation room, cinematic photo shot .txt to raw_combined/table close up in clean interrogation room, cinematic photo shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in interrogation room, cinematic dark mood photo .png to raw_combined/table close up in interrogation room, cinematic dark mood photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/people silhuettes, vector design .txt to raw_combined/people silhuettes, vector design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cannabians field .txt to raw_combined/cannabians field .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/stock photo of a landscaper designing a garden, photo taken from behind. photo taken for back, no fa.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a landscaper designing a garden, photo taken from behind. photo taken for back, no fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old school hiphop female dancer, vector .png to raw_combined/old school hiphop female dancer, vector .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old woman in a dark fantasy potion shop, green smoke, mysterious, dark fantasy .png to raw_combined/old woman in a dark fantasy potion shop, green smoke, mysterious, dark fantasy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/planet earth .txt to raw_combined/planet earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/1950 railstation .png to raw_combined/1950 railstation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/oil paint on gallery, HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/oil paint on gallery, HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Amazing view under Electron microscope of a psychedelic mosquito, amazing wings with abstract design.png to raw_combined/Amazing view under Electron microscope of a psychedelic mosquito, amazing wings with abstract design.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A single red umbrella in a crowd of black umbrellas. Dark rainy day, dramatic sky, on a crowded city.png to raw_combined/A single red umbrella in a crowd of black umbrellas. Dark rainy day, dramatic sky, on a crowded city.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kids running and playing in the school yard on a summer day..png to raw_combined/kids running and playing in the school yard on a summer day..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kitchen fridge .png to raw_combined/kitchen fridge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/blueberries .txt to raw_combined/blueberries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, shaved face, black background .png to raw_combined/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, shaved face, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/an anime comic with a girl with some facial expressions and eyes open, Mariusz Lewandowski, Liam Won.txt to raw_combined/an anime comic with a girl with some facial expressions and eyes open, Mariusz Lewandowski, Liam Won.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/closeup center spiral lolipop .txt to raw_combined/closeup center spiral lolipop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/green forest jungle in suunny day with dark forest in center .png to raw_combined/green forest jungle in suunny day with dark forest in center .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A highly detailed, closeup image of a spider jumper, highlighting its body structure, wings, and pro.png to raw_combined/A highly detailed, closeup image of a spider jumper, highlighting its body structure, wings, and pro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dry planet earth .txt to raw_combined/dry planet earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ethereal infinity soul, through the eyes of god, surreal, eternal ball of fire, inner light, intrica.txt to raw_combined/ethereal infinity soul, through the eyes of god, surreal, eternal ball of fire, inner light, intrica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/1950 railstation .txt to raw_combined/1950 railstation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture on desert ground .txt to raw_combined/vulture on desert ground .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/woman working in the garden, caricature style, funny, high details .png to raw_combined/woman working in the garden, caricature style, funny, high details .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, night .txt to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png to raw_combined/rainbow colors, colorful, ultra detailed, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Abstract vector portrait of a woman wearing a neoncolored gas mask, symbolizing resilience and stren.png to raw_combined/Abstract vector portrait of a woman wearing a neoncolored gas mask, symbolizing resilience and stren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/glass hightower , .png to raw_combined/glass hightower , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/window on old brick wall .png to raw_combined/window on old brick wall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/burning forest jungle in suunny day .png to raw_combined/burning forest jungle in suunny day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kids running and playing in the school yard on a summer day..txt to raw_combined/kids running and playing in the school yard on a summer day..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/guitar store, .txt to raw_combined/guitar store, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cargo ship with containers, sunset .png to raw_combined/cargo ship with containers, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/planet earth .png to raw_combined/planet earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Sketching iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .png to raw_combined/Sketching iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A stylish dancer performing a breakdance move on a city street, in a vibrant, graffiti art style, co.png to raw_combined/A stylish dancer performing a breakdance move on a city street, in a vibrant, graffiti art style, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old school hiphop female dancer, vector .txt to raw_combined/old school hiphop female dancer, vector .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/extreme closeup macro on waterdrop, green background .png to raw_combined/extreme closeup macro on waterdrop, green background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog on dry grass ground, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one so.png to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/water frame arround island .txt to raw_combined/water frame arround island .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/water frame arround island .png to raw_combined/water frame arround island .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, black background .png to raw_combined/slightly overweight guy torso, tatoo on left arm and chest, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/futuristic city but everything is fused with tree and connect by wooden tunnel .txt to raw_combined/futuristic city but everything is fused with tree and connect by wooden tunnel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/stone well seen from above .txt to raw_combined/stone well seen from above .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/futuristic city but everything is fused with tree and connect by wooden tunnel .png to raw_combined/futuristic city but everything is fused with tree and connect by wooden tunnel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dry desert with dry tree .png to raw_combined/dry desert with dry tree .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Cute black sheep among a flock of white sheep in farm .png to raw_combined/Cute black sheep among a flock of white sheep in farm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Subject The iconic Hogwarts Express train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Len.png to raw_combined/Subject The iconic Hogwarts Express train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Len.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pumpkin field .png to raw_combined/pumpkin field .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/fullcolor ribbons absraction, HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/fullcolor ribbons absraction, HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .txt to raw_combined/scetch vector flat image, bright colirs, gender peoples .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/top down view on planet earth .png to raw_combined/top down view on planet earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/blue sea water frame .txt to raw_combined/blue sea water frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hot coffee in good morning on the hygge window, superrealistic fabric, open book, high quality photo.txt to raw_combined/hot coffee in good morning on the hygge window, superrealistic fabric, open book, high quality photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/teengers dancing hip hop, modern, brakdance, full figure,each person on a separate colored backgroun.txt to raw_combined/teengers dancing hip hop, modern, brakdance, full figure,each person on a separate colored backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/man laying in the forest, face down, kite fungus area .txt to raw_combined/man laying in the forest, face down, kite fungus area .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/top down view on forest frame .png to raw_combined/top down view on forest frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a photo screen of whatsapp in white and colorful flower, in the style of dark pink and gray, , kimoi.png to raw_combined/a photo screen of whatsapp in white and colorful flower, in the style of dark pink and gray, , kimoi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a traveler observing wildlife on a safari in Africa, illustration5 concept art of a safari adventure.txt to raw_combined/a traveler observing wildlife on a safari in Africa, illustration5 concept art of a safari adventure.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/a reef full of colors .png to raw_combined/a reef full of colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/surreal wall of rustical bricks, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvador Dali, minim.txt to raw_combined/surreal wall of rustical bricks, in the style of Max Ernst, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Salvador Dali, minim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/plate with blueberry dessert .png to raw_combined/plate with blueberry dessert .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Surreal Cinematic Motion Blur Shot, mesmerizing, 32k UHD, Pointillism, Special Effects, Optics .png to raw_combined/Surreal Cinematic Motion Blur Shot, mesmerizing, 32k UHD, Pointillism, Special Effects, Optics .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cowboy cartoon profile picture .txt to raw_combined/cowboy cartoon profile picture .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table in a restaurant, Italian street in the evening .png to raw_combined/table in a restaurant, Italian street in the evening .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/dark vulture with spreaded wings on the dry grass ground next to dog skeleton .txt to raw_combined/dark vulture with spreaded wings on the dry grass ground next to dog skeleton .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one li.txt to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, extreme close up, one li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/teen boy dancing hip hop, full figure, Vector_graphic 072691455 .png to raw_combined/teen boy dancing hip hop, full figure, Vector_graphic 072691455 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/hand poiting gun, side camera, dark background .png to raw_combined/hand poiting gun, side camera, dark background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/green forest and river .png to raw_combined/green forest and river .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/police car black silhuettes, vector design .txt to raw_combined/police car black silhuettes, vector design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/group of vultures on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .png to raw_combined/group of vultures on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/romantic pizza Dinner and champagne on inside family car, arround candles.png to raw_combined/romantic pizza Dinner and champagne on inside family car, arround candles.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/teen boy dancing hip hop, full figure, Vector_graphic 072691455 .txt to raw_combined/teen boy dancing hip hop, full figure, Vector_graphic 072691455 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/As sunlight cascades upon this unique facade, the scarves come alive, casting playful shadows and in.txt to raw_combined/As sunlight cascades upon this unique facade, the scarves come alive, casting playful shadows and in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/kitchen drawer full of cutlery, inside view, gopro effect, .png to raw_combined/kitchen drawer full of cutlery, inside view, gopro effect, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ultra realistic 8k large glass of beer .txt to raw_combined/ultra realistic 8k large glass of beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/cannabians field .png to raw_combined/cannabians field .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/frame of desert sand .txt to raw_combined/frame of desert sand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/lighthouse storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .txt to raw_combined/lighthouse storm paper quiling Dark sky , van Gogh style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/ancient forest with sunrise .png to raw_combined/ancient forest with sunrise .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/an digitally created screen capture of an arrangement of white flowers, in the style of chinese icon.png to raw_combined/an digitally created screen capture of an arrangement of white flowers, in the style of chinese icon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pixar animation of a group of school kids wearing a school uniform, no tie, red polo shirt, short pa.png to raw_combined/pixar animation of a group of school kids wearing a school uniform, no tie, red polo shirt, short pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/oil paint frame on wall , HD, photo .png to raw_combined/oil paint frame on wall , HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/gun poiting, dark background .png to raw_combined/gun poiting, dark background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/vulture in the background in the fog, dry ground, cinematic night photography .png to raw_combined/vulture in the background in the fog, dry ground, cinematic night photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/guitar store, .png to raw_combined/guitar store, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Distorted, Negative Space, warped vistas, in the style of twisted reality, Salvador Dalí .png to raw_combined/Distorted, Negative Space, warped vistas, in the style of twisted reality, Salvador Dalí .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Simple red haired comic character full body .txt to raw_combined/Simple red haired comic character full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .png to raw_combined/pillow on the carpet in traditional indian tipi interior, low camera angle, night cinematic light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic, HD, photo .png to raw_combined/incandescent the welder welds the metal with glowing sparks around closeup, realistic, HD, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/earth viev from space .txt to raw_combined/earth viev from space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/table close up in interrogation room, convicted man in interrogation room alone, cinematic lighting .png to raw_combined/table close up in interrogation room, convicted man in interrogation room alone, cinematic lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/pink teenage room , HD, photo .txt to raw_combined/pink teenage room , HD, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/smartphone frame .txt to raw_combined/smartphone frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/old photographic film on wooden boards .png to raw_combined/old photographic film on wooden boards .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sonic the hedgehog .txt to raw_combined/sonic the hedgehog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/group of vultures on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .txt to raw_combined/group of vultures on the dry grass ground, dead body of small dog, cinematic photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Peeking out from the bushes, masterpiece, octane rendering, focus, realistic photography, colorful b.png to raw_combined/Peeking out from the bushes, masterpiece, octane rendering, focus, realistic photography, colorful b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/sand on desert .txt to raw_combined/sand on desert .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Sketching iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .txt to raw_combined/Sketching iconic logo of a Woman and man dancing hiphop. colorful vector, on white background. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/A visual representation of a virus with menacing spikes and a magnified view of its structure contra.png to raw_combined/A visual representation of a virus with menacing spikes and a magnified view of its structure contra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/Ubr Spazzcore art style freeflowing, off rhythm, purpose, undignified, absurd, derelict, unaware, lo.png to raw_combined/Ubr Spazzcore art style freeflowing, off rhythm, purpose, undignified, absurd, derelict, unaware, lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_28/broken glass arround radio in center on center .png to raw_combined/broken glass arround radio in center on center .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out of an audi .png to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out of an audi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dynasty warriors large battle in the style of japanese feudal art, with japanese text border and 2d .png to raw_combined/dynasty warriors large battle in the style of japanese feudal art, with japanese text border and 2d .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse, standing in front of t.txt to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse, standing in front of t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic movie poster of godzilla destroying London at night, sunset and lens flare. Cyberpunk style.txt to raw_combined/dramatic movie poster of godzilla destroying London at night, sunset and lens flare. Cyberpunk style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style .txt to raw_combined/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines, hacking into th.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines, hacking into th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style .png to raw_combined/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/professional food photography shoot of admiral ackbar from star War drinking a appealing glass of ve.png to raw_combined/professional food photography shoot of admiral ackbar from star War drinking a appealing glass of ve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out of a open passenger door of an audi .txt to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out of a open passenger door of an audi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a knight templar with Angel wings and a halo and a holy aura, standing in front of a large gothic ca.txt to raw_combined/a knight templar with Angel wings and a halo and a holy aura, standing in front of a large gothic ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Inside hogwarts. Movie.png to raw_combined/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Inside hogwarts. Movie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/sports team badge logo of a king drinking beer .png to raw_combined/sports team badge logo of a king drinking beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/complex amd trippy 3d lsd pacman dmt trip .png to raw_combined/complex amd trippy 3d lsd pacman dmt trip .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/close up if a wasp alien .txt to raw_combined/close up if a wasp alien .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer James Anderson, with detailed face, ascending to hea.txt to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer James Anderson, with detailed face, ascending to hea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Will Smith russian president Vladimir Putin on an action movie poster .png to raw_combined/Will Smith russian president Vladimir Putin on an action movie poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus with a halo in the style of alphonse mucha .png to raw_combined/Jesus with a halo in the style of alphonse mucha .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/epic film poster of Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .txt to raw_combined/epic film poster of Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt, surrounded by eagles flying and a tornado. Hi.png to raw_combined/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt, surrounded by eagles flying and a tornado. Hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a fat body positive Asian mermaid, Swimming in clear beautiful ocean with tropical fish .png to raw_combined/a fat body positive Asian mermaid, Swimming in clear beautiful ocean with tropical fish .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/ghana in the year 2400. Futuristic african City .png to raw_combined/ghana in the year 2400. Futuristic african City .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/board game card for post apocalyptic desert game example .png to raw_combined/board game card for post apocalyptic desert game example .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elton john as an angel in the style of alphonse mucha .txt to raw_combined/elton john as an angel in the style of alphonse mucha .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body of an anthropomorphic lion dressed in Arabic clothes, drinking a beer in a futuristic spac.png to raw_combined/full body of an anthropomorphic lion dressed in Arabic clothes, drinking a beer in a futuristic spac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk as an adeptus mechanicus tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realis.png to raw_combined/Elon musk as an adeptus mechanicus tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/giant biosphere dome on mars which has a lush and detailed tropical rainforest with animals, inside .txt to raw_combined/giant biosphere dome on mars which has a lush and detailed tropical rainforest with animals, inside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out of a open passenger door of an audi .png to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out of a open passenger door of an audi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Vladimir Putin and Stephen segal on an action movie poster. Russian Cyrillic writing .txt to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin and Stephen segal on an action movie poster. Russian Cyrillic writing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden in the bat cave with batman .txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden in the bat cave with batman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Movie screengrab .png to raw_combined/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Movie screengrab .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing dried oregano into small plastic bags, sat in a room in hog.txt to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing dried oregano into small plastic bags, sat in a room in hog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing dried oregano into small plastic bags, sat in a room in hog.png to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing dried oregano into small plastic bags, sat in a room in hog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes ascending to heaven .txt to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes ascending to heaven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson using a baseball bat to smash a car .png to raw_combined/boris Johnson using a baseball bat to smash a car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an arachnid alien from starship troopers, attacking a chicken .png to raw_combined/an arachnid alien from starship troopers, attacking a chicken .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Handheld photography style photo from street level, of a ufo flying above London .txt to raw_combined/Handheld photography style photo from street level, of a ufo flying above London .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump in a movie screengrab of Lord of the rings with uruk hai .png to raw_combined/Donald trump in a movie screengrab of Lord of the rings with uruk hai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a fat body positive Asian mermaid, Swimming in clear beautiful ocean with tropical fish .txt to raw_combined/a fat body positive Asian mermaid, Swimming in clear beautiful ocean with tropical fish .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a godlike phoenix with its wings spread, colourful hdr deep reds with golden trim. The phoenix has a.png to raw_combined/a godlike phoenix with its wings spread, colourful hdr deep reds with golden trim. The phoenix has a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/highly detailrd scene of the ethereal gaia of an alien planet with tendrils plugged into the hive mi.png to raw_combined/highly detailrd scene of the ethereal gaia of an alien planet with tendrils plugged into the hive mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/modern movie poster for an action film featuring BOTH Vladimir Putin and Denzel Washington on the fr.txt to raw_combined/modern movie poster for an action film featuring BOTH Vladimir Putin and Denzel Washington on the fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and with tribal face paint on face .txt to raw_combined/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and with tribal face paint on face .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wide acrion shot of a god anubis in the style of a warhammer 40k mech, on an alien world. Grimdark s.png to raw_combined/wide acrion shot of a god anubis in the style of a warhammer 40k mech, on an alien world. Grimdark s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/circumlocution .txt to raw_combined/circumlocution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/professional food photography shoot of a appealing glass of very cold chilled beer, with a foamy hea.png to raw_combined/professional food photography shoot of a appealing glass of very cold chilled beer, with a foamy hea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/macro closeup photography of a wasp eye .png to raw_combined/macro closeup photography of a wasp eye .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/national geographic photo of Donald trump eating a raw fish out of a Scottish river .png to raw_combined/national geographic photo of Donald trump eating a raw fish out of a Scottish river .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter walking through a hemp field, next to hogwarts .txt to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter walking through a hemp field, next to hogwarts .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Harry Potter firing an uzi at a death eater. Movie screngrab .txt to raw_combined/Harry Potter firing an uzi at a death eater. Movie screngrab .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Caravan of steampunk traders and a Giant elephant wit.png to raw_combined/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Caravan of steampunk traders and a Giant elephant wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body elon musk is lost and confused wandering on Mars .txt to raw_combined/full body elon musk is lost and confused wandering on Mars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk head as an adeptus mechanicus, on a forge world. Ultra high detail realistic photo, realis.png to raw_combined/Elon musk head as an adeptus mechanicus, on a forge world. Ultra high detail realistic photo, realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/lech walesa smoking a cigar in the ritz .png to raw_combined/lech walesa smoking a cigar in the ritz .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot.txt to raw_combined/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an arachnid alien from star ship troops with a warhammer 40k space marine adeptus astartes. High det.txt to raw_combined/an arachnid alien from star ship troops with a warhammer 40k space marine adeptus astartes. High det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/live action the little mermaid as a body positive Asian woman, with mermaid tail .png to raw_combined/live action the little mermaid as a body positive Asian woman, with mermaid tail .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and tribal face paint .png to raw_combined/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and tribal face paint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/evil floating neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, r.txt to raw_combined/evil floating neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dragonball z movie poster featuring two white men and one black man, in dragonball anime style .txt to raw_combined/dragonball z movie poster featuring two white men and one black man, in dragonball anime style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elephant smoking a vape .txt to raw_combined/elephant smoking a vape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Handheld photography style photo from street level, of a ufo flying above London .png to raw_combined/Handheld photography style photo from street level, of a ufo flying above London .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/nighttime photo of busy cyberpunkstyle downtown Tokyo, with neon lights, people, futuristic balloons.png to raw_combined/nighttime photo of busy cyberpunkstyle downtown Tokyo, with neon lights, people, futuristic balloons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Vladimir putin djing in a drum and bass warehouse rave .png to raw_combined/Vladimir putin djing in a drum and bass warehouse rave .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie screengrab of King Kong wearing metal armour and holding a giant machete, walking on Tokyo .txt to raw_combined/movie screengrab of King Kong wearing metal armour and holding a giant machete, walking on Tokyo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a citroen cactus driving through a warzone, explosions everywhere. Dramatic photo .png to raw_combined/a citroen cactus driving through a warzone, explosions everywhere. Dramatic photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/cyberpunk android cat with rocket pack, sat in a cyberpunk alleyway from bladerunner. Movie screengr.png to raw_combined/cyberpunk android cat with rocket pack, sat in a cyberpunk alleyway from bladerunner. Movie screengr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body female slavic paladin warrior with long brown hair, running through the jungle. Hdr high d.png to raw_combined/full body female slavic paladin warrior with long brown hair, running through the jungle. Hdr high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/anime image of Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines .png to raw_combined/anime image of Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk head as an adeptus mechanicus, on a forge world. Ultra high detail realistic photo, realis.txt to raw_combined/Elon musk head as an adeptus mechanicus, on a forge world. Ultra high detail realistic photo, realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle rave tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .txt to raw_combined/hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle rave tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/close up of a warhammer 40k space marine eating chicken wings. Hdr 8k high detail image .txt to raw_combined/close up of a warhammer 40k space marine eating chicken wings. Hdr 8k high detail image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/bluku bluku .txt to raw_combined/bluku bluku .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/JUST A SUPER LOL PICTURE .txt to raw_combined/JUST A SUPER LOL PICTURE .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing hemp into small plastic baggies, sat in a room in hogwarts .txt to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing hemp into small plastic baggies, sat in a room in hogwarts .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/make similar versions of the red bull logo .png to raw_combined/make similar versions of the red bull logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .png to raw_combined/Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson as a navy seal crawling through the jungle .txt to raw_combined/boris Johnson as a navy seal crawling through the jungle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/60 year old English white woman wearing a native American head dress .txt to raw_combined/60 year old English white woman wearing a native American head dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk head as a tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realistic photo, real.png to raw_combined/Elon musk head as a tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realistic photo, real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/alien from starship troopers attacking a flock of chickens .png to raw_combined/alien from starship troopers attacking a flock of chickens .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/JUST A SUPER LOL PICTURE .png to raw_combined/JUST A SUPER LOL PICTURE .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter watching dancing at the rippers .txt to raw_combined/harry Potter watching dancing at the rippers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out the door of an audi .png to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out the door of an audi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/when da nuke drops .png to raw_combined/when da nuke drops .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie poster for only fools and horses but with a very diverse cast .txt to raw_combined/movie poster for only fools and horses but with a very diverse cast .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/professional food photography shoot of admiral ackbar from star War drinking a appealing glass of ve.txt to raw_combined/professional food photography shoot of admiral ackbar from star War drinking a appealing glass of ve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/artwork of the five mana symbols from magic the gathering .txt to raw_combined/artwork of the five mana symbols from magic the gathering .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot style. Moody lighting at night in clouds.txt to raw_combined/african zeus. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot style. Moody lighting at night in clouds.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie screengrab action shot of Jesus fighting a kraken in shallow water .txt to raw_combined/movie screengrab action shot of Jesus fighting a kraken in shallow water .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot style. Moody lighting at night in clouds.png to raw_combined/african zeus. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot style. Moody lighting at night in clouds.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/detailed artistic style based on the mana symbols from magic the gathering. High detail 8k artwork .txt to raw_combined/detailed artistic style based on the mana symbols from magic the gathering. High detail 8k artwork .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic lighting of a photo realism godlike albino gorilla samurai with katana held high. Backgroun.png to raw_combined/dramatic lighting of a photo realism godlike albino gorilla samurai with katana held high. Backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/action movie poster with Will Smith Vladimir Putin. .txt to raw_combined/action movie poster with Will Smith Vladimir Putin. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .txt to raw_combined/Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/high detail intricate japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the .png to raw_combined/high detail intricate japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/detailed artistic style based on the mana symbols from magic the gathering. High detail 8k artwork .png to raw_combined/detailed artistic style based on the mana symbols from magic the gathering. High detail 8k artwork .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wimbledon tennis logo but in the style of wakanda .txt to raw_combined/wimbledon tennis logo but in the style of wakanda .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Giant elephant with wooden structure on top, waking t.png to raw_combined/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Giant elephant with wooden structure on top, waking t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking in a line across a vast desert i.txt to raw_combined/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking in a line across a vast desert i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/60 year old English white woman wearing a native American head dress .png to raw_combined/60 year old English white woman wearing a native American head dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes ascending to heaven .png to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes ascending to heaven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/complex amd trippy 3d lsd pacman dmt trip .txt to raw_combined/complex amd trippy 3d lsd pacman dmt trip .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and tribal face paint .txt to raw_combined/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and tribal face paint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/spaghetti western close up of Clint Eastwood face wearing a cowboy hat, in a Midwest cowboy town .txt to raw_combined/spaghetti western close up of Clint Eastwood face wearing a cowboy hat, in a Midwest cowboy town .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/anime image of Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines .txt to raw_combined/anime image of Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body female slavic paladin warrior with long brown hair, running through the jungle. Hdr high d.txt to raw_combined/full body female slavic paladin warrior with long brown hair, running through the jungle. Hdr high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elephant smoking a vape .png to raw_combined/elephant smoking a vape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a citroen cactus driving through a warzone, explosions everywhere. Dramatic photo .txt to raw_combined/a citroen cactus driving through a warzone, explosions everywhere. Dramatic photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden in a secure secret bunker hacking into the mainframe in cyberpunk style. Dark room with dr.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden in a secure secret bunker hacking into the mainframe in cyberpunk style. Dark room with dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body cyberpunk geisha in a rundown gloomy feudal japanese alley. At night in heavy rain. Dark d.txt to raw_combined/full body cyberpunk geisha in a rundown gloomy feudal japanese alley. At night in heavy rain. Dark d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/realistic high detail photo of Elon musk as an evil chaos space marine .txt to raw_combined/realistic high detail photo of Elon musk as an evil chaos space marine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full bodybarbarian paladin with warpaint walking through dense amazon. High detail hdr 4k image phot.txt to raw_combined/full bodybarbarian paladin with warpaint walking through dense amazon. High detail hdr 4k image phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo with text KRISPY KINGZ featuring a king wearing a crown and.png to raw_combined/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo with text KRISPY KINGZ featuring a king wearing a crown and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/logo for a company called SPOILERS .txt to raw_combined/logo for a company called SPOILERS .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elton john as an angel in the style of alphonse mucha .png to raw_combined/elton john as an angel in the style of alphonse mucha .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the Queen of the elves in a slavic enchanted forest, at an elf festival .png to raw_combined/the Queen of the elves in a slavic enchanted forest, at an elf festival .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/japanese poster illustration with silver lucky cat and border Japanese writing. Feudal Japan style w.txt to raw_combined/japanese poster illustration with silver lucky cat and border Japanese writing. Feudal Japan style w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting during a lightning storm at night. Squad .png to raw_combined/dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting during a lightning storm at night. Squad .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a godlike phoenix with its wings spread, colourful hdr deep reds with golden trim. The phoenix has a.txt to raw_combined/a godlike phoenix with its wings spread, colourful hdr deep reds with golden trim. The phoenix has a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/close up of a warhammer 40k space marine eating chicken wings. Hdr 8k high detail image .png to raw_combined/close up of a warhammer 40k space marine eating chicken wings. Hdr 8k high detail image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out the door of an audi .txt to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out the door of an audi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/nighttime photo of crazy cyberpunk style Tokyo with neon lights and many different building heights..txt to raw_combined/nighttime photo of crazy cyberpunk style Tokyo with neon lights and many different building heights..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/evil neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, robotic up.txt to raw_combined/evil neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, robotic up.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson as a navy seal crawling through the jungle .png to raw_combined/boris Johnson as a navy seal crawling through the jungle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/spaghetti western close up of Clint Eastwood face wearing a cowboy hat, in a Midwest cowboy town .png to raw_combined/spaghetti western close up of Clint Eastwood face wearing a cowboy hat, in a Midwest cowboy town .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a cute realistic pumpkin which is possessed by an evil queen and is part demon, with purple smoke an.png to raw_combined/a cute realistic pumpkin which is possessed by an evil queen and is part demon, with purple smoke an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .png to raw_combined/an orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a cute realistic pumpkin which is possessed by an evil queen and is part demon, with purple smoke an.txt to raw_combined/a cute realistic pumpkin which is possessed by an evil queen and is part demon, with purple smoke an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body of an anthropomorphic lion dressed in Arabic clothes, drinking a beer in a futuristic spac.txt to raw_combined/full body of an anthropomorphic lion dressed in Arabic clothes, drinking a beer in a futuristic spac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dragonball z movie poster featuring two white men and one black man, in dragonball anime style .png to raw_combined/dragonball z movie poster featuring two white men and one black man, in dragonball anime style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/giant grimdark style futuristic spaceship battleship, firing may cannons and lasers and rockets from.png to raw_combined/giant grimdark style futuristic spaceship battleship, firing may cannons and lasers and rockets from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/nighttime photo of busy cyberpunkstyle downtown Tokyo, with neon lights, people, futuristic balloons.txt to raw_combined/nighttime photo of busy cyberpunkstyle downtown Tokyo, with neon lights, people, futuristic balloons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden floating on a sea of pink bubbles .png to raw_combined/Joe Biden floating on a sea of pink bubbles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/veloceraptor in front of a sunset, in the style of wes Anderson .png to raw_combined/veloceraptor in front of a sunset, in the style of wes Anderson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson riding on a rhino in the savannah .txt to raw_combined/boris Johnson riding on a rhino in the savannah .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/veloceraptor in front of a sunset, in the style of wes Anderson .txt to raw_combined/veloceraptor in front of a sunset, in the style of wes Anderson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone. High resol.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone. High resol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/detailed pixelart of a dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Squad of steampun.png to raw_combined/detailed pixelart of a dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Squad of steampun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/rishi sunak looking sad eating dinner with food all over his face and messy clothes .txt to raw_combined/rishi sunak looking sad eating dinner with food all over his face and messy clothes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/kanye west wearing a ballerina outfit on the front cover of vogue magazine .png to raw_combined/kanye west wearing a ballerina outfit on the front cover of vogue magazine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/large alien space ship crash landed in manhatten .txt to raw_combined/large alien space ship crash landed in manhatten .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/kanye west wearing a ballerina outfit on the front cover of vogue magazine .txt to raw_combined/kanye west wearing a ballerina outfit on the front cover of vogue magazine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump as a godlike figure in a robe, on a spaceship with a big window looking at earth, contr.png to raw_combined/Donald trump as a godlike figure in a robe, on a spaceship with a big window looking at earth, contr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elton john skydiving .png to raw_combined/elton john skydiving .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style mixed with feudal Japanese art style .png to raw_combined/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style mixed with feudal Japanese art style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/epic film poster of Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .png to raw_combined/epic film poster of Jesus fighting zeus in shallow rough water in a thunderstorm. Dramatic lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jonah inside a whale, creepy dark dramatic lightning lovecraftian energy .txt to raw_combined/Jonah inside a whale, creepy dark dramatic lightning lovecraftian energy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a rave with an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone.txt to raw_combined/a rave with an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter walking through a hemp field, next to hogwarts .png to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter walking through a hemp field, next to hogwarts .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus riding an orca .txt to raw_combined/Jesus riding an orca .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic photoshoot advert photo close up of Donald trump smoking a cigar, with elegant smoke. Insid.txt to raw_combined/dramatic photoshoot advert photo close up of Donald trump smoking a cigar, with elegant smoke. Insid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/admiral akbar from star wars, drinking a beer .png to raw_combined/admiral akbar from star wars, drinking a beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/japanese poster illustration with silver lucky cat and border Japanese writing. Feudal Japan style w.png to raw_combined/japanese poster illustration with silver lucky cat and border Japanese writing. Feudal Japan style w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/die cut sticker of a dragonball .png to raw_combined/die cut sticker of a dragonball .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a citroen cactus with a 50. Cal machine gun on top, Driving through a warzone with explosions .png to raw_combined/a citroen cactus with a 50. Cal machine gun on top, Driving through a warzone with explosions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines, hacking into th.txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden as a cyberpunk hacker in a dark room surrounded by computers and machines, hacking into th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/close up if a wasp alien .png to raw_combined/close up if a wasp alien .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a Chinese alien rabbit .txt to raw_combined/a Chinese alien rabbit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/board game card for post apocalyptic desert game example .txt to raw_combined/board game card for post apocalyptic desert game example .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/die cut sticker of a dragonball .txt to raw_combined/die cut sticker of a dragonball .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a rave with an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone.png to raw_combined/a rave with an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body wide shot of an angel flying with wings and ascending to heaven inside a tornado. Hdr 8k d.txt to raw_combined/full body wide shot of an angel flying with wings and ascending to heaven inside a tornado. Hdr 8k d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/car driving over 800 oranges and squashing them .png to raw_combined/car driving over 800 oranges and squashing them .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an outdoor public pool in America in the 1970s, but Donald trump is stood in the pool wearing a suit.png to raw_combined/an outdoor public pool in America in the 1970s, but Donald trump is stood in the pool wearing a suit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/realistic high detail photo of Elon musk as an evil chaos space marine .png to raw_combined/realistic high detail photo of Elon musk as an evil chaos space marine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wimbledon tennis logo but in the style of wakanda .png to raw_combined/wimbledon tennis logo but in the style of wakanda .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden in the bat cave with batman .png to raw_combined/Joe Biden in the bat cave with batman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic lighting of a photo realism godlike albino gorilla samurai with katana held high. Backgroun.txt to raw_combined/dramatic lighting of a photo realism godlike albino gorilla samurai with katana held high. Backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body elon musk is lost and confused wandering on Mars .png to raw_combined/full body elon musk is lost and confused wandering on Mars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/national geographic photo of Donald trump eating a raw fish out of a Scottish river .txt to raw_combined/national geographic photo of Donald trump eating a raw fish out of a Scottish river .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/scene from Robin Hood movie, but all characters are black women .png to raw_combined/scene from Robin Hood movie, but all characters are black women .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/ghana in the year 2400. Futuristic african City .txt to raw_combined/ghana in the year 2400. Futuristic african City .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden in a secure secret bunker hacking into the mainframe in cyberpunk style. Dark room with dr.png to raw_combined/Joe Biden in a secure secret bunker hacking into the mainframe in cyberpunk style. Dark room with dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full bodybarbarian paladin with warpaint walking through dense amazon. High detail hdr 4k image phot.png to raw_combined/full bodybarbarian paladin with warpaint walking through dense amazon. High detail hdr 4k image phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump as a godlike figure in a robe, on a spaceship with a big window looking at earth, contr.txt to raw_combined/Donald trump as a godlike figure in a robe, on a spaceship with a big window looking at earth, contr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wide action shot of a hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle anthropomorphic tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .png to raw_combined/wide action shot of a hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle anthropomorphic tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/giant biosphere dome on mars which has a lush and detailed tropical rainforest with animals, inside .png to raw_combined/giant biosphere dome on mars which has a lush and detailed tropical rainforest with animals, inside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/artists impression of a house design by Elon musk .png to raw_combined/artists impression of a house design by Elon musk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a futuristic nuclear powered hotel plane, flying in the sky .png to raw_combined/a futuristic nuclear powered hotel plane, flying in the sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a citroen cactus with a 50. Cal machine gun on top, Driving through a warzone with explosions .txt to raw_combined/a citroen cactus with a 50. Cal machine gun on top, Driving through a warzone with explosions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/cross section through heaven, earth and hell .txt to raw_combined/cross section through heaven, earth and hell .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes, with detailed face, ascending to heaven .txt to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes, with detailed face, ascending to heaven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing hemp into small plastic baggies, sat in a room in hogwarts .png to raw_combined/daniel radcliffe as harry Potter packing hemp into small plastic baggies, sat in a room in hogwarts .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/bluku bluku .png to raw_combined/bluku bluku .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body daniel radcliffe as harry Potter with a detailed face, walking through a hemp field full o.png to raw_combined/full body daniel radcliffe as harry Potter with a detailed face, walking through a hemp field full o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/professional food photography shoot of a appealing glass of very cold chilled beer, with a foamy hea.txt to raw_combined/professional food photography shoot of a appealing glass of very cold chilled beer, with a foamy hea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic photoshoot advert photo close up of Donald trump smoking a cigar, with elegant smoke. Insid.png to raw_combined/dramatic photoshoot advert photo close up of Donald trump smoking a cigar, with elegant smoke. Insid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a heavily armoured knight hospitaler walking through 1300s Jerusalem on a pilgrimage .txt to raw_combined/a heavily armoured knight hospitaler walking through 1300s Jerusalem on a pilgrimage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/large alien space ship crash landed in manhatten .png to raw_combined/large alien space ship crash landed in manhatten .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/macro shot view from the ground in the grass in a garden, a large hornet is coming towards us .txt to raw_combined/macro shot view from the ground in the grass in a garden, a large hornet is coming towards us .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/company logo with grim reapers with crowns and beers .txt to raw_combined/company logo with grim reapers with crowns and beers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus riding an orca .png to raw_combined/Jesus riding an orca .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jonah inside a whale, creepy dark dramatic lightning lovecraftian energy .png to raw_combined/Jonah inside a whale, creepy dark dramatic lightning lovecraftian energy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Will Smith russian president Vladimir Putin on an action movie poster .txt to raw_combined/Will Smith russian president Vladimir Putin on an action movie poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/synthwave Jesus in Shutter shades and snapback on a jet ski .png to raw_combined/synthwave Jesus in Shutter shades and snapback on a jet ski .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an arachnid alien from star ship troops with a warhammer 40k space marine adeptus astartes. High det.png to raw_combined/an arachnid alien from star ship troops with a warhammer 40k space marine adeptus astartes. High det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wide acrion shot of a god anubis in the style of a warhammer 40k mech, on an alien world. Grimdark s.txt to raw_combined/wide acrion shot of a god anubis in the style of a warhammer 40k mech, on an alien world. Grimdark s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/highly detailrd scene of the ethereal gaia of an alien planet with tendrils plugged into the hive mi.txt to raw_combined/highly detailrd scene of the ethereal gaia of an alien planet with tendrils plugged into the hive mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a Chinese alien rabbit .png to raw_combined/a Chinese alien rabbit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/high detail intricate japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the .txt to raw_combined/high detail intricate japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone. High resol.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic tiger that is a drum and bass mc, at a rave rapping into a microphone. High resol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/ezra miller as the flash, sat in mcdonalds crying .txt to raw_combined/ezra miller as the flash, sat in mcdonalds crying .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic movie poster of godzilla destroying London at night, sunset and lens flare. Cyberpunk style.png to raw_combined/dramatic movie poster of godzilla destroying London at night, sunset and lens flare. Cyberpunk style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/angry boris Johnson hitting a car with a baseball bat .txt to raw_combined/angry boris Johnson hitting a car with a baseball bat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/kirby getting super wavey in the cut .txt to raw_combined/kirby getting super wavey in the cut .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/synthwave space marine .txt to raw_combined/synthwave space marine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the Queen of the elves in a slavic enchanted forest, at an elf festival .txt to raw_combined/the Queen of the elves in a slavic enchanted forest, at an elf festival .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/synthwave space marine .png to raw_combined/synthwave space marine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/pirate ship submarine, futuristic stlye in a beautiful carribean cove .png to raw_combined/pirate ship submarine, futuristic stlye in a beautiful carribean cove .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/very muscly Daniel radcliffe as harry Potter, bench pressing a heavy bar weight .txt to raw_combined/very muscly Daniel radcliffe as harry Potter, bench pressing a heavy bar weight .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Jesus with a halo in the style of alphonse mucha .txt to raw_combined/Jesus with a halo in the style of alphonse mucha .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/cyberpunk android cat with rocket pack, sat in a cyberpunk alleyway from bladerunner. Movie screengr.txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk android cat with rocket pack, sat in a cyberpunk alleyway from bladerunner. Movie screengr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and with tribal face paint on face .png to raw_combined/liz truss wearing a native American head dress and with tribal face paint on face .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/angry boris Johnson hitting a car with a baseball bat .png to raw_combined/angry boris Johnson hitting a car with a baseball bat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter watching dancing at the rippers .png to raw_combined/harry Potter watching dancing at the rippers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/lech walesa smoking a cigar in the ritz .txt to raw_combined/lech walesa smoking a cigar in the ritz .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body wide shot of an angel flying with wings and ascending to heaven inside a tornado. Hdr 8k d.png to raw_combined/full body wide shot of an angel flying with wings and ascending to heaven inside a tornado. Hdr 8k d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/anime of Joe Biden as a dragonball z character .png to raw_combined/anime of Joe Biden as a dragonball z character .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are diverse .txt to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are diverse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/giant grimdark style futuristic spaceship battleship, firing may cannons and lasers and rockets from.txt to raw_combined/giant grimdark style futuristic spaceship battleship, firing may cannons and lasers and rockets from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump in a movie screengrab of Lord of the rings with uruk hai .txt to raw_combined/Donald trump in a movie screengrab of Lord of the rings with uruk hai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/large elephant in the middle of the UK houses of Parliament .png to raw_combined/large elephant in the middle of the UK houses of Parliament .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden getting all wobbly in the hips when the beat drops .txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden getting all wobbly in the hips when the beat drops .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson riding on a rhino in the savannah .png to raw_combined/boris Johnson riding on a rhino in the savannah .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/macro closeup photography of a wasp eye .txt to raw_combined/macro closeup photography of a wasp eye .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot.png to raw_combined/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt. High detailed hdr 8k quality movie screenshot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/nighttime photo of crazy cyberpunk style Tokyo with neon lights and many different building heights..png to raw_combined/nighttime photo of crazy cyberpunk style Tokyo with neon lights and many different building heights..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style mixed with feudal Japanese art style .txt to raw_combined/samurai vs kraken in volcano. Michael Bay style mixed with feudal Japanese art style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump smoking a cigar dressed as an iraqi soldier, in a desert town. .txt to raw_combined/Donald trump smoking a cigar dressed as an iraqi soldier, in a desert town. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body action shot of a ranger archer from dungeons and dragons with brown hair, running through .txt to raw_combined/full body action shot of a ranger archer from dungeons and dragons with brown hair, running through .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/super lucky cat and dragon, japanese feudal art style fusion with graffiti style. Japanese writing o.png to raw_combined/super lucky cat and dragon, japanese feudal art style fusion with graffiti style. Japanese writing o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/epic Joe Biden ascending to heaven in the sky. Renaissance style mixed with the Michael Bay style. .png to raw_combined/epic Joe Biden ascending to heaven in the sky. Renaissance style mixed with the Michael Bay style. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/one hell of a sassy baddy bringing the heat .txt to raw_combined/one hell of a sassy baddy bringing the heat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle rave tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .png to raw_combined/hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle rave tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an arachnid alien from starship troopers, attacking a chicken .txt to raw_combined/an arachnid alien from starship troopers, attacking a chicken .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter and Donald trump in a wizard battle .png to raw_combined/harry Potter and Donald trump in a wizard battle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/logo for a company called SPOILERS .png to raw_combined/logo for a company called SPOILERS .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/synthwave Jesus in Shutter shades and snapback on a jet ski .txt to raw_combined/synthwave Jesus in Shutter shades and snapback on a jet ski .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/kirby getting super wavey in the cut .png to raw_combined/kirby getting super wavey in the cut .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/space marine from warhammer 40k standing on a cliff edge, overlooking a giant futuristic hive city b.png to raw_combined/space marine from warhammer 40k standing on a cliff edge, overlooking a giant futuristic hive city b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/big bloke pulling a badboy out of an audi .txt to raw_combined/big bloke pulling a badboy out of an audi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body action shot of a ranger archer from dungeons and dragons with brown hair, running through .png to raw_combined/full body action shot of a ranger archer from dungeons and dragons with brown hair, running through .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/neon signs that read WAR SONS .png to raw_combined/neon signs that read WAR SONS .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/fashion photoshoot of a mythical spider which has 8 spider legs but the upper body of a beautiful go.png to raw_combined/fashion photoshoot of a mythical spider which has 8 spider legs but the upper body of a beautiful go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an outdoor public pool in America in the 1970s, but Donald trump is stood in the pool wearing a suit.txt to raw_combined/an outdoor public pool in America in the 1970s, but Donald trump is stood in the pool wearing a suit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic lighting of a photo realism gorilla samurai with katana held high. Background is feudal jap.png to raw_combined/dramatic lighting of a photo realism gorilla samurai with katana held high. Background is feudal jap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/evil floating neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, r.png to raw_combined/evil floating neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Movie screengrab .txt to raw_combined/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Movie screengrab .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dynasty warriors large battle in the style of japanese feudal art, with japanese text border and 2d .txt to raw_combined/dynasty warriors large battle in the style of japanese feudal art, with japanese text border and 2d .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a fat person that looks like a watermelon, on a beach .png to raw_combined/a fat person that looks like a watermelon, on a beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie poster for only fools and horses but with a very diverse cast .png to raw_combined/movie poster for only fools and horses but with a very diverse cast .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse, standing in front of t.png to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse, standing in front of t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Caravan of steampunk traders and a Giant elephant wit.txt to raw_combined/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Caravan of steampunk traders and a Giant elephant wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/vector design sports team crest featuring grim reaper wearing crown and holding beer .txt to raw_combined/vector design sports team crest featuring grim reaper wearing crown and holding beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .png to raw_combined/full body orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk head as a tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realistic photo, real.txt to raw_combined/Elon musk head as a tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realistic photo, real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking in a line across a vast desert i.png to raw_combined/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking in a line across a vast desert i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/epic Joe Biden ascending to heaven in the sky. Renaissance style mixed with the Michael Bay style. .txt to raw_combined/epic Joe Biden ascending to heaven in the sky. Renaissance style mixed with the Michael Bay style. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes, with detailed face, ascending to heaven .png to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer Ben stokes, with detailed face, ascending to heaven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dragon magic the gathering card .txt to raw_combined/dragon magic the gathering card .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/alien calamari in a Japanese cyberpunk dream .txt to raw_combined/alien calamari in a Japanese cyberpunk dream .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer James Anderson, with detailed face, ascending to hea.png to raw_combined/renaissance painting of a portrait of cricketer James Anderson, with detailed face, ascending to hea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/rattlesnake dragon hybrid creature. Epic scene with fire and gothic buildings .png to raw_combined/rattlesnake dragon hybrid creature. Epic scene with fire and gothic buildings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/admiral akbar from star wars, drinking a beer .txt to raw_combined/admiral akbar from star wars, drinking a beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/live action the little mermaid as a body positive Asian woman, with mermaid tail .txt to raw_combined/live action the little mermaid as a body positive Asian woman, with mermaid tail .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/neon signs that read WAR SONS .txt to raw_combined/neon signs that read WAR SONS .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter and Donald trump in a wizard battle .txt to raw_combined/harry Potter and Donald trump in a wizard battle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/make similar versions of the red bull logo .txt to raw_combined/make similar versions of the red bull logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a futuristic nuclear powered hotel plane, flying in the sky .txt to raw_combined/a futuristic nuclear powered hotel plane, flying in the sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/circumlocution .png to raw_combined/circumlocution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/wide action shot of a hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle anthropomorphic tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .txt to raw_combined/wide action shot of a hyper detailed cyberpunkstyle anthropomorphic tiger, at a rave. Hdr 8k image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/macro shot view from the ground in the grass in a garden, a large hornet is coming towards us .png to raw_combined/macro shot view from the ground in the grass in a garden, a large hornet is coming towards us .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a heavily armoured knight hospitaler walking through 1300s Jerusalem on a pilgrimage .png to raw_combined/a heavily armoured knight hospitaler walking through 1300s Jerusalem on a pilgrimage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/alien calamari in a Japanese cyberpunk dream .png to raw_combined/alien calamari in a Japanese cyberpunk dream .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/large elephant in the middle of the UK houses of Parliament .txt to raw_combined/large elephant in the middle of the UK houses of Parliament .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Donald trump smoking a cigar dressed as an iraqi soldier, in a desert town. .png to raw_combined/Donald trump smoking a cigar dressed as an iraqi soldier, in a desert town. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/evil neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, robotic up.png to raw_combined/evil neuromorphic robot draining human brains, spiking neural network, robotic hive mind, robotic up.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/when da nuke drops .txt to raw_combined/when da nuke drops .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/sports team badge logo of a king drinking beer .txt to raw_combined/sports team badge logo of a king drinking beer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a fat person that looks like a watermelon, on a beach .txt to raw_combined/a fat person that looks like a watermelon, on a beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/artwork of the five mana symbols from magic the gathering .png to raw_combined/artwork of the five mana symbols from magic the gathering .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/an orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .txt to raw_combined/an orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/boris Johnson using a baseball bat to smash a car .txt to raw_combined/boris Johnson using a baseball bat to smash a car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Inside hogwarts. Movie.txt to raw_combined/harry Potter with warpaint on face, holding a rambo knife and a hand grenade. Inside hogwarts. Movie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/action movie poster with Will Smith Vladimir Putin. .png to raw_combined/action movie poster with Will Smith Vladimir Putin. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dramatic lighting of a photo realism gorilla samurai with katana held high. Background is feudal jap.txt to raw_combined/dramatic lighting of a photo realism gorilla samurai with katana held high. Background is feudal jap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/rishi sunak looking sad eating dinner with food all over his face and messy clothes .png to raw_combined/rishi sunak looking sad eating dinner with food all over his face and messy clothes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/one hell of a sassy baddy bringing the heat .png to raw_combined/one hell of a sassy baddy bringing the heat .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/a knight templar with Angel wings and a halo and a holy aura, standing in front of a large gothic ca.png to raw_combined/a knight templar with Angel wings and a halo and a holy aura, standing in front of a large gothic ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse .txt to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/monkey wearing firemans clothes, in a tree .txt to raw_combined/monkey wearing firemans clothes, in a tree .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/eerie scene on dark seas at night of a small fishing boat and a huge whale breaching the water. Love.png to raw_combined/eerie scene on dark seas at night of a small fishing boat and a huge whale breaching the water. Love.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/monkey wearing firemans clothes, in a tree .png to raw_combined/monkey wearing firemans clothes, in a tree .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/elton john skydiving .txt to raw_combined/elton john skydiving .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/detailed pixelart of a dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Squad of steampun.txt to raw_combined/detailed pixelart of a dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Squad of steampun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/scene from Robin Hood movie, but all characters are black women .txt to raw_combined/scene from Robin Hood movie, but all characters are black women .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/car driving over 800 oranges and squashing them .txt to raw_combined/car driving over 800 oranges and squashing them .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/fashion photoshoot of a mythical spider which has 8 spider legs but the upper body of a beautiful go.txt to raw_combined/fashion photoshoot of a mythical spider which has 8 spider legs but the upper body of a beautiful go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/alien from starship troopers attacking a flock of chickens .txt to raw_combined/alien from starship troopers attacking a flock of chickens .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the border. Magical energy.png to raw_combined/japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the border. Magical energy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the border. Magical energy.txt to raw_combined/japanese poster illustration with super lucky cat and Japanese writing on the border. Magical energy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Giant elephant with wooden structure on top, waking t.txt to raw_combined/dusty desert Plains in dark dramatic lighting. Giant elephant with wooden structure on top, waking t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Harry Potter firing an uzi at a death eater. Movie screngrab .png to raw_combined/Harry Potter firing an uzi at a death eater. Movie screngrab .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/ezra miller as the flash, sat in mcdonalds crying .png to raw_combined/ezra miller as the flash, sat in mcdonalds crying .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/rattlesnake dragon hybrid creature. Epic scene with fire and gothic buildings .txt to raw_combined/rattlesnake dragon hybrid creature. Epic scene with fire and gothic buildings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/company logo with grim reapers with crowns and beers .png to raw_combined/company logo with grim reapers with crowns and beers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie screengrab of King Kong wearing metal armour and holding a giant machete, walking on Tokyo .png to raw_combined/movie screengrab of King Kong wearing metal armour and holding a giant machete, walking on Tokyo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo with text KRISPY KINGZ featuring a king wearing a crown and.txt to raw_combined/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo with text KRISPY KINGZ featuring a king wearing a crown and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden floating on a sea of pink bubbles .txt to raw_combined/Joe Biden floating on a sea of pink bubbles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/pirate ship submarine, futuristic stlye in a beautiful carribean cove .txt to raw_combined/pirate ship submarine, futuristic stlye in a beautiful carribean cove .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo for the KRISPY KINGZ featuring kings wearing crowns and dri.txt to raw_combined/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo for the KRISPY KINGZ featuring kings wearing crowns and dri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/anime of Joe Biden as a dragonball z character .txt to raw_combined/anime of Joe Biden as a dragonball z character .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Elon musk as an adeptus mechanicus tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realis.txt to raw_combined/Elon musk as an adeptus mechanicus tech priest from the adeptus mechanicus. Ultra high detail realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse .png to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are ethnically and gender diverse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Vladimir Putin and Stephen segal on an action movie poster. Russian Cyrillic writing .png to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin and Stephen segal on an action movie poster. Russian Cyrillic writing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/eerie scene on dark seas at night of a small fishing boat and a huge whale breaching the water. Love.txt to raw_combined/eerie scene on dark seas at night of a small fishing boat and a huge whale breaching the water. Love.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/artists impression of a house design by Elon musk .txt to raw_combined/artists impression of a house design by Elon musk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body cyberpunk geisha in a rundown gloomy feudal japanese alley. At night in heavy rain. Dark d.png to raw_combined/full body cyberpunk geisha in a rundown gloomy feudal japanese alley. At night in heavy rain. Dark d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/super lucky cat and dragon, japanese feudal art style fusion with graffiti style. Japanese writing o.txt to raw_combined/super lucky cat and dragon, japanese feudal art style fusion with graffiti style. Japanese writing o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/very muscly Daniel radcliffe as harry Potter, bench pressing a heavy bar weight .png to raw_combined/very muscly Daniel radcliffe as harry Potter, bench pressing a heavy bar weight .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt, surrounded by eagles flying and a tornado. Hi.txt to raw_combined/african zeus, throwing a bright yellow lightning bolt, surrounded by eagles flying and a tornado. Hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body daniel radcliffe as harry Potter with a detailed face, walking through a hemp field full o.txt to raw_combined/full body daniel radcliffe as harry Potter with a detailed face, walking through a hemp field full o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/full body orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .txt to raw_combined/full body orangutan wearing a green ghillie suit, in a tree .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/space marine from warhammer 40k standing on a cliff edge, overlooking a giant futuristic hive city b.txt to raw_combined/space marine from warhammer 40k standing on a cliff edge, overlooking a giant futuristic hive city b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting during a lightning storm at night. Squad .txt to raw_combined/dusty desert sandstorm on Plains in dark dramatic lighting during a lightning storm at night. Squad .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/the cast of only fools and horses but they are diverse .png to raw_combined/the cast of only fools and horses but they are diverse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/dragon magic the gathering card .png to raw_combined/dragon magic the gathering card .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Joe Biden getting all wobbly in the hips when the beat drops .png to raw_combined/Joe Biden getting all wobbly in the hips when the beat drops .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo for the KRISPY KINGZ featuring kings wearing crowns and dri.png to raw_combined/simple vector nfl sports team badge logo for the KRISPY KINGZ featuring kings wearing crowns and dri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/modern movie poster for an action film featuring BOTH Vladimir Putin and Denzel Washington on the fr.png to raw_combined/modern movie poster for an action film featuring BOTH Vladimir Putin and Denzel Washington on the fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/vector design sports team crest featuring grim reaper wearing crown and holding beer .png to raw_combined/vector design sports team crest featuring grim reaper wearing crown and holding beer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/cross section through heaven, earth and hell .png to raw_combined/cross section through heaven, earth and hell .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/Vladimir putin djing in a drum and bass warehouse rave .txt to raw_combined/Vladimir putin djing in a drum and bass warehouse rave .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_37/movie screengrab action shot of Jesus fighting a kraken in shallow water .png to raw_combined/movie screengrab action shot of Jesus fighting a kraken in shallow water .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, King charles spaniel dog, by Maggie Hambling, Ag.txt to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, King charles spaniel dog, by Maggie Hambling, Ag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by Mary Jane Ansell. white and crimson. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by Mary Jane Ansell. white and crimson. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and William Eggleston, f.png to raw_combined/Fashion by Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and William Eggleston, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe. Runway, full body,.txt to raw_combined/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe. Runway, full body,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject librarian and a detective investigating the mythos. Style photograph by.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject librarian and a detective investigating the mythos. Style photograph by.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/sovietcore brutalist streetscape by Christophe Jacrot .txt to raw_combined/sovietcore brutalist streetscape by Christophe Jacrot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/portrait photography by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Phil Mickelson, wearing a homemade superhero costume, DIY aesthetic, by sacha goldberger .txt to raw_combined/Phil Mickelson, wearing a homemade superhero costume, DIY aesthetic, by sacha goldberger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject bronzepunk barbarian. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject bronzepunk barbarian. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject dieselpunk lounge singer. fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject dieselpunk lounge singer. fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/An incredibly detailed candid shot of Eva Green, distinctive and evocative dress, shot on a Leica X2.png to raw_combined/An incredibly detailed candid shot of Eva Green, distinctive and evocative dress, shot on a Leica X2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a wood elf in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by .txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a wood elf in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of Darth Vader. portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, surr.png to raw_combined/photograph of Darth Vader. portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, surr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida Portrait. nightmare, chaotic painting in the style of Tim Bradstreet and Emil Melmoth and Mi.png to raw_combined/Florida Portrait. nightmare, chaotic painting in the style of Tim Bradstreet and Emil Melmoth and Mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait larp enthusiast action squad larpcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay .png to raw_combined/photography portrait larp enthusiast action squad larpcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk monk. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background art .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk monk. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a wizard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, and Alys.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a wizard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, and Alys.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Larry Sultan, Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and Willia.png to raw_combined/Fashion by Larry Sultan, Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and Willia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida portrait photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50.txt to raw_combined/Florida portrait photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Turtle. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oil .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Turtle. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Kenny G by Sacha Goldberger .txt to raw_combined/Kenny G by Sacha Goldberger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s heavy metal singer and a panther. Photography by Briton Riviere. .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s heavy metal singer and a panther. Photography by Briton Riviere. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a halfelf bard and her animal sidekick, in the style of kerem be.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a halfelf bard and her animal sidekick, in the style of kerem be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph, friends in Santorini by William Russell Flint. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph, friends in Santorini by William Russell Flint. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida Portrait. nightmare, chaotic painting in the style of Tim Bradstreet and Emil Melmoth and Mi.txt to raw_combined/Florida Portrait. nightmare, chaotic painting in the style of Tim Bradstreet and Emil Melmoth and Mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Temperate Rainforest, lush and green, ferns in the foreground, by Peter Dombrovskis .png to raw_combined/Temperate Rainforest, lush and green, ferns in the foreground, by Peter Dombrovskis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/oil painting by Mandy Disher, dafodils, texture, heavy impasto, abstract. .txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, dafodils, texture, heavy impasto, abstract. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of Angela Lansbury by Sacha Goldberger .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Angela Lansbury by Sacha Goldberger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of a Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Photograph of a Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the ec.png to raw_combined/Photograph of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the ec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo king charles spaniel model w.txt to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo king charles spaniel model w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait, Friends in Kona, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photography portrait, Friends in Kona, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave sorceress, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. Style .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave sorceress, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. Style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject bronzepunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject bronzepunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait by William Whitaker of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensualit.png to raw_combined/Portrait by William Whitaker of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensualit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Mike Tyson singing, Mike Tyson is a CGI anthropomorphic cat. Cath by Andrew Lloyd Webber. MikeTyson5.png to raw_combined/Mike Tyson singing, Mike Tyson is a CGI anthropomorphic cat. Cath by Andrew Lloyd Webber. MikeTyson5.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a muskateer by Alexandre Evariste Fragonard. colorful. F1. 2. 1 50. ISO200. .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a muskateer by Alexandre Evariste Fragonard. colorful. F1. 2. 1 50. ISO200. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Interior design photography of a whimsical manhattan apartment living room in the style of Verver Pa.png to raw_combined/Interior design photography of a whimsical manhattan apartment living room in the style of Verver Pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject female librarian with glasses investigates the mythos, Lawful Neutral. .png to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject female librarian with glasses investigates the mythos, Lawful Neutral. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/guitarist onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .txt to raw_combined/guitarist onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Gnome female bard, norway, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, an.png to raw_combined/Gnome female bard, norway, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portland. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .png to raw_combined/Portland. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Menhir, Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Ni.txt to raw_combined/Menhir, Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Ni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Islay landscape, bottle of smoky, peated scotch whisky advertisement, light pastel color, Cinematic .txt to raw_combined/Islay landscape, bottle of smoky, peated scotch whisky advertisement, light pastel color, Cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a queen and her giant siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgrou.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a queen and her giant siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a sorceress in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a sorceress in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensuality.png to raw_combined/Portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensuality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a giant anthropomorphic siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgr.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a giant anthropomorphic siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait civil engineer action squad blueprintcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael .png to raw_combined/photography portrait civil engineer action squad blueprintcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Maurice Sapiro photograph10 .png to raw_combined/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Maurice Sapiro photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a man and a tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background the sea. Foregro.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a man and a tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background the sea. Foregro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject solarpunk barbarian and her anthropomorphic friend. Style photograph b.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject solarpunk barbarian and her anthropomorphic friend. Style photograph b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Mike Tyson singing, Mike Tyson is a CGI anthropomorphic cat. Cath by Andrew Lloyd Webber. MikeTyson5.txt to raw_combined/Mike Tyson singing, Mike Tyson is a CGI anthropomorphic cat. Cath by Andrew Lloyd Webber. MikeTyson5.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a brutalist government building in a totalitarian capitol city by Filip Dujardin and V.png to raw_combined/photograph of a brutalist government building in a totalitarian capitol city by Filip Dujardin and V.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject lawyer, chaotic Neutral. Style by James C. Christensen opulent. Backgro.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject lawyer, chaotic Neutral. Style by James C. Christensen opulent. Backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a brutalist government building in a totalitarian capitol city by Filip Dujardin and V.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a brutalist government building in a totalitarian capitol city by Filip Dujardin and V.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject a female detective and a university student with glasses investigates t.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject a female detective and a university student with glasses investigates t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of friends in Bakersfield by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .txt to raw_combined/Photograph of friends in Bakersfield by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a halfelf bard and her animal sidekick, in the style of kerem be.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a halfelf bard and her animal sidekick, in the style of kerem be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a bucolic village by Charles E. Burchfield. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph of a bucolic village by Charles E. Burchfield. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography portrait. Subject Couple outside a solarpunk diner, 1954. Style photography by Art Frahm.txt to raw_combined/Photography portrait. Subject Couple outside a solarpunk diner, 1954. Style photography by Art Frahm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Framed photograph on an office wall. Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing sho.txt to raw_combined/Framed photograph on an office wall. Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Film still from a modern drama film in the style of a painting by William Whitaker, fullbody of youn.txt to raw_combined/Film still from a modern drama film in the style of a painting by William Whitaker, fullbody of youn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/painting by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oil .txt to raw_combined/painting by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oil .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of friends, fullbody portrait, sovietcore fashion. background soviet streetscape. Foregro.txt to raw_combined/photograph of friends, fullbody portrait, sovietcore fashion. background soviet streetscape. Foregro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Nicolas Cage portrait by Thomas Ascott .txt to raw_combined/Nicolas Cage portrait by Thomas Ascott .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a man and his gryphon5 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph1.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a man and his gryphon5 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10.png to raw_combined/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject 1930s detective and femme fatale. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, .txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject 1930s detective and femme fatale. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Wales, hills in th background, .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Wales, hills in th background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/after work on a rainy evening, walking home by Andre Kohn .txt to raw_combined/after work on a rainy evening, walking home by Andre Kohn .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography of a young woman finnish top model wearing short skirt, fashion by Karl Lagerfi.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography of a young woman finnish top model wearing short skirt, fashion by Karl Lagerfi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, solarpunk fashion, l.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, solarpunk fashion, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/King Charles Spaniel by Martin Parr and Alex Prager .txt to raw_combined/King Charles Spaniel by Martin Parr and Alex Prager .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Soviet Bloc School, sovietcore. Photograph by Elina Brotherus. .png to raw_combined/Soviet Bloc School, sovietcore. Photograph by Elina Brotherus. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/an assortment of sushi and nigiri. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, .txt to raw_combined/an assortment of sushi and nigiri. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1960s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1960s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, friends by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karo.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, friends by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Basque cuisine, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD .txt to raw_combined/Basque cuisine, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subjectt Elon Musk. Style sovietcore fashion, soviet realism. Background brutalist government buildi.png to raw_combined/Subjectt Elon Musk. Style sovietcore fashion, soviet realism. Background brutalist government buildi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/friends by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .png to raw_combined/friends by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Slovenia. Julian Alpine Village and Lake. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Slovenia. Julian Alpine Village and Lake. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Sterling Archer by Sacha Goldberger. Fashion black Tactical Turtleneck. .png to raw_combined/Sterling Archer by Sacha Goldberger. Fashion black Tactical Turtleneck. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, friends, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Affandi. .png to raw_combined/portrait photography, friends, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Affandi. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, black pug dog, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, .png to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, black pug dog, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/friends in Santa Barbara by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .png to raw_combined/friends in Santa Barbara by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Menhir, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.txt to raw_combined/Menhir, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a muskateer by Alexandre Evariste Fragonard. colorful. F1. 2. 1 50. ISO200. .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a muskateer by Alexandre Evariste Fragonard. colorful. F1. 2. 1 50. ISO200. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/I love you but you are not serious people .txt to raw_combined/I love you but you are not serious people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of friends in Kona by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .txt to raw_combined/Photograph of friends in Kona by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfield and Paul.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfield and Paul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Illustration of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the .txt to raw_combined/Illustration of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, 2000s fashion, looki.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, 2000s fashion, looki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/triptych, photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph.png to raw_combined/triptych, photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Abstract surrealism expressionism of multiple blue jays perched on a tree, beautiful oil painting wi.txt to raw_combined/Abstract surrealism expressionism of multiple blue jays perched on a tree, beautiful oil painting wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, friends, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Affandi. .txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, friends, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Affandi. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/female model wearing activewear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex.txt to raw_combined/female model wearing activewear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Temperate Rainforest, lush and green, ferns in the foreground, by Peter Dombrovskis .txt to raw_combined/Temperate Rainforest, lush and green, ferns in the foreground, by Peter Dombrovskis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subjects i Large Man in a Homemade DYI Superhero outfit and ii MIa Goth, sorce.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subjects i Large Man in a Homemade DYI Superhero outfit and ii MIa Goth, sorce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a man and his gryphon5 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph1.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a man and his gryphon5 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Craig Davidson solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogra.png to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Craig Davidson solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography In style of Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell and Frank Frazetta. Evil bard, Extremely detail.png to raw_combined/Photography In style of Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell and Frank Frazetta. Evil bard, Extremely detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk noblewoman. style decodence, streamline moderne. Backgroun.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk noblewoman. style decodence, streamline moderne. Backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Soviet Bloc School, sovietcore. Photograph by Elina Brotherus. .txt to raw_combined/Soviet Bloc School, sovietcore. Photograph by Elina Brotherus. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Modesto by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .txt to raw_combined/Modesto by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Anne Packard. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Anne Packard. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida, photography by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Florida, photography by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Evil Black Knight, Chaotic Evil, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak.png to raw_combined/Evil Black Knight, Chaotic Evil, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo king charles spaniel model w.png to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo king charles spaniel model w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/I love you but you are not serious people by Aaron Jasinski .png to raw_combined/I love you but you are not serious people by Aaron Jasinski .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, beasts, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, beasts, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk wizard. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background ar.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk wizard. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, santa barbara, white dresses, f.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, santa barbara, white dresses, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk librarian investigator, wearing glasses. style decodence. .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk librarian investigator, wearing glasses. style decodence. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/MontillaMoriles, Jerez landscape, bottle of pedro ximinez oloroso sherry advertisement, light pastel.txt to raw_combined/MontillaMoriles, Jerez landscape, bottle of pedro ximinez oloroso sherry advertisement, light pastel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, 2000s fashion, looki.png to raw_combined/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, 2000s fashion, looki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Framed photograph on an office wall. Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing sho.png to raw_combined/Framed photograph on an office wall. Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Enki Bilal and Char.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Enki Bilal and Char.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Background law fi.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Background law fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, bluejays, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, bluejays, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subject elaborate frozen cocktail on a table. Foreground plastic mannequin foot. Background suburban.png to raw_combined/Subject elaborate frozen cocktail on a table. Foreground plastic mannequin foot. Background suburban.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Spider. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background Sili.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Spider. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background Sili.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Hallstadt. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Hallstadt. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and elephant. Photography by Briton.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and elephant. Photography by Briton.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject dieselpunk lounge singer. fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject dieselpunk lounge singer. fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, Party by Alfred Guillou. Regency England. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, Party by Alfred Guillou. Regency England. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Sudtirol. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .png to raw_combined/Sudtirol. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female young woman gnomish rogue, dressed in black, chaotic ne.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female young woman gnomish rogue, dressed in black, chaotic ne.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a druid in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by Pet.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a druid in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by Pet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a gryphon10 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph5 .txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a gryphon10 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph5 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/wizard, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.txt to raw_combined/wizard, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk mage, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk mage, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends. fullbody. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfiel.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends. fullbody. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfiel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph Angela Lansbury playing a guitar Giibson SG onstage at a heavy metal concert. Concert pho.txt to raw_combined/Photograph Angela Lansbury playing a guitar Giibson SG onstage at a heavy metal concert. Concert pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female gnome thief, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray .txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female gnome thief, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1950s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1950s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Hallstadt. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Hallstadt. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of friends, fullbody portrait, sovietcore fashion. background soviet streetscape. Foregro.png to raw_combined/photograph of friends, fullbody portrait, sovietcore fashion. background soviet streetscape. Foregro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of friends in Bakersfield by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .png to raw_combined/Photograph of friends in Bakersfield by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a elven noblewoman, tiara, tiara, tiara, chaotic neutral, bright.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a elven noblewoman, tiara, tiara, tiara, chaotic neutral, bright.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ancient greek photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/ancient greek photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Menhir, Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Ni.png to raw_combined/Menhir, Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Ni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida, photography by Valerie Hegarty photograph10.txt to raw_combined/Florida, photography by Valerie Hegarty photograph10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Alex Gross and Alex Alemany, fullbody, photograph2 .png to raw_combined/Fashion by Alex Gross and Alex Alemany, fullbody, photograph2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait Subject solarpunk a black pug Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal and Charlie B.png to raw_combined/portrait Subject solarpunk a black pug Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal and Charlie B.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of friends in Kona by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .png to raw_combined/Photograph of friends in Kona by Petra Collins and William Eggleston .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Shes brought a ludicrously capacious bag. Whats even in there, huh Flat shoes for the subway Her lun.txt to raw_combined/Shes brought a ludicrously capacious bag. Whats even in there, huh Flat shoes for the subway Her lun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait larp enthusiast action squad larpcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay .txt to raw_combined/photography portrait larp enthusiast action squad larpcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject accountant and blue whale. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oi.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject accountant and blue whale. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait civil engineer action squad blueprintcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael .txt to raw_combined/photography portrait civil engineer action squad blueprintcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait SUbject black labrador retriever and er human. Style photography by Yoshitaka Am.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait SUbject black labrador retriever and er human. Style photography by Yoshitaka Am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Wales photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Wales photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female elf rogue, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray Do.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female elf rogue, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray Do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ancient greek hoplite photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/ancient greek hoplite photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject retrofuturistic nobility husband and wife. Style photograph by Clyde C.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject retrofuturistic nobility husband and wife. Style photograph by Clyde C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Cassoulet, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 16K, .png to raw_combined/Cassoulet, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 16K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a live action film in the style of Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/screengrab from a live action film in the style of Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a space bartender, solarpunk. Photography by Mort Drucker and Dave Dorman. Background .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a space bartender, solarpunk. Photography by Mort Drucker and Dave Dorman. Background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject female space marine. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, Ja.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject female space marine. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, Ja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a wizard and a falcon, photograph by Gregory Colbert. .png to raw_combined/photograph of a wizard and a falcon, photograph by Gregory Colbert. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, bluejays, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, bluejays, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and Lion. Photography by Briton Riv.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and Lion. Photography by Briton Riv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/female model wearing athletic wear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, A.txt to raw_combined/female model wearing athletic wear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography beautiful woman, normcore fashion. fullbody. by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerso.png to raw_combined/portrait photography beautiful woman, normcore fashion. fullbody. by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject sovietpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject sovietpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo black pug dog model wearing .png to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo black pug dog model wearing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave sorceress, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. Style .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave sorceress, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. Style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, mobius strips, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, mobius strips, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a elven noblewoman, tiara, tiara, tiara, chaotic neutral, bright.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a elven noblewoman, tiara, tiara, tiara, chaotic neutral, bright.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/friends by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .txt to raw_combined/friends by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/an assortment of Nigiri, sushi, and sashimi dinner image, food photos, sushi photostock, in the styl.png to raw_combined/an assortment of Nigiri, sushi, and sashimi dinner image, food photos, sushi photostock, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Friends on a yacht, under the sun, laying down deck, full body modeling photography, models, Aerial.txt to raw_combined/Friends on a yacht, under the sun, laying down deck, full body modeling photography, models, Aerial.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject cybernetic bard. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject cybernetic bard. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography beautiful woman, normcore fashion. fullbody. by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerso.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography beautiful woman, normcore fashion. fullbody. by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Maurice Sapiro photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Maurice Sapiro photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, black pug dog, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, .txt to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, black pug dog, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography portrait. Subject Couple at a solarpunk diner, 1958. Style photography by Art Frahm and .txt to raw_combined/Photography portrait. Subject Couple at a solarpunk diner, 1958. Style photography by Art Frahm and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida, photography by Valerie Hegarty photograph10.png to raw_combined/Florida, photography by Valerie Hegarty photograph10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Transcarpathia photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 I.txt to raw_combined/Transcarpathia photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 I.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends and a giant alligator. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends and a giant alligator. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, 2000s fashion, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenb.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, 2000s fashion, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by Mary Jane Ansell. white and crimson. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by Mary Jane Ansell. white and crimson. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk detective. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk detective. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, normcore, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, normcore, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject solarpunk barbarian and her anthropomorphic friend. Style photograph b.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject solarpunk barbarian and her anthropomorphic friend. Style photograph b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a film by Troy Brooks .png to raw_combined/screengrab from a film by Troy Brooks .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Kenny G by Sacha Goldberger .png to raw_combined/Kenny G by Sacha Goldberger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject MIa Goth, sorceress. Fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Ger.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject MIa Goth, sorceress. Fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Ger.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo of a white german shepard mo.txt to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo of a white german shepard mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave barbarian, white suit, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. full.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave barbarian, white suit, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. full.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/oil painting with heavy impasto, close up of antique Peony bouquet in the art style of JMW Turner, i.txt to raw_combined/oil painting with heavy impasto, close up of antique Peony bouquet in the art style of JMW Turner, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, fl.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, fl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo of a white german shepard mo.png to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo of a white german shepard mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject sovietpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject sovietpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/specter, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .txt to raw_combined/specter, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a man and a tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background the sea. Foregro.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a man and a tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background the sea. Foregro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a sorceress in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a sorceress in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, flowing sorceress, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Af.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, flowing sorceress, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Af.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1960s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1960s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of Friends. Photography by Sidney Nolan. Background hills. Foreground train trac.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of Friends. Photography by Sidney Nolan. Background hills. Foreground train trac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject punk rock singer, 1979. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta,.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject punk rock singer, 1979. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subject elaborate frozen cocktail on a table. Foreground plastic mannequin foot. Background suburban.txt to raw_combined/Subject elaborate frozen cocktail on a table. Foreground plastic mannequin foot. Background suburban.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10.txt to raw_combined/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a Human Paladin, black hair, armor, nerdcore, by Ray Donley. pho.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a Human Paladin, black hair, armor, nerdcore, by Ray Donley. pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, London, concrete, brutalism, interior design magazine, n.txt to raw_combined/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, London, concrete, brutalism, interior design magazine, n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Friends on a yacht, under the sun, laying down deck, full body modeling photography, models, Aerial.png to raw_combined/Friends on a yacht, under the sun, laying down deck, full body modeling photography, models, Aerial.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph Theodore Roosevelt portrait by Thomas Ascott. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph Theodore Roosevelt portrait by Thomas Ascott. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/An incredibly detailed candid shot of Eva Green, distinctive and evocative dress, shot on a Leica X2.txt to raw_combined/An incredibly detailed candid shot of Eva Green, distinctive and evocative dress, shot on a Leica X2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject hippy rock band. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, James .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject hippy rock band. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, James .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, Admiral at Sea by Alfred Guillou. Frigate. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, Admiral at Sea by Alfred Guillou. Frigate. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/7 course basque meal, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF moun.png to raw_combined/7 course basque meal, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF moun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject man and a bear. Style sovietcore, retrofuturistic. Photography by Brito.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject man and a bear. Style sovietcore, retrofuturistic. Photography by Brito.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject MIa Goth, sorceress. Fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Ger.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject MIa Goth, sorceress. Fullbody. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Ger.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Nicholas H.txt to raw_combined/Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Nicholas H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model middleaged man weari.txt to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model middleaged man weari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/living room interior, design by Vincent Callebaut, organic architecture. Monterey House with ocean v.png to raw_combined/living room interior, design by Vincent Callebaut, organic architecture. Monterey House with ocean v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/painting by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oil .png to raw_combined/painting by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject 1930s detective and femme fatale. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, .png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject 1930s detective and femme fatale. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait pickleball action squad pickleballcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.png to raw_combined/photography portrait pickleball action squad pickleballcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by antoni gaudi, sunset, natural light, golden hue, hyper detail.png to raw_combined/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by antoni gaudi, sunset, natural light, golden hue, hyper detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a sailor and a direwolf. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background brutalist .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a sailor and a direwolf. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background brutalist .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensuality.txt to raw_combined/Portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensuality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogr.txt to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait Subject solarpunk a king charles spaniel Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal an.txt to raw_combined/portrait Subject solarpunk a king charles spaniel Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject bronzepunk barbarian. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject bronzepunk barbarian. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Im the eldest boy by Connor Roy by Sacha Goldberger .txt to raw_combined/Im the eldest boy by Connor Roy by Sacha Goldberger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and elephant. Photography by Briton.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and elephant. Photography by Briton.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photo portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic resort, beauty and sensua.txt to raw_combined/Florida photo portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic resort, beauty and sensua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model wearing normcore fas.png to raw_combined/ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model wearing normcore fas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female elf rogue, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray Do.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female elf rogue, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray Do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait pickleball action squad pickleballcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.txt to raw_combined/photography portrait pickleball action squad pickleballcore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Sterling Archer by Sacha Goldberger. Fashion black Tactical Turtleneck. .txt to raw_combined/Sterling Archer by Sacha Goldberger. Fashion black Tactical Turtleneck. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screen still from a fantasy movie. Directed by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 .txt to raw_combined/screen still from a fantasy movie. Directed by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi .png to raw_combined/Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/after work on a rainy evening, walking home by Andre Kohn .png to raw_combined/after work on a rainy evening, walking home by Andre Kohn .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of Darth Vader. portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, surr.txt to raw_combined/photograph of Darth Vader. portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, surr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/female model wearing athletic wear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, A.png to raw_combined/female model wearing athletic wear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a film by Troy Brooks .txt to raw_combined/screengrab from a film by Troy Brooks .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, mobius strips, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, mobius strips, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of Theodore Roosevelt. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, Berlin house, concrete, brutalism, interior design magaz.txt to raw_combined/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, Berlin house, concrete, brutalism, interior design magaz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, fl.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, fl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject lawyer, chaotic Neutral. Style by James C. Christensen opulent. Backgro.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject lawyer, chaotic Neutral. Style by James C. Christensen opulent. Backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/sovietcore brutalist streetscape by Christophe Jacrot .png to raw_combined/sovietcore brutalist streetscape by Christophe Jacrot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/triptych, photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph.txt to raw_combined/triptych, photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject accountant and blue whale. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oi.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject accountant and blue whale. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1950s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, 1950s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/fashion designed by Aaron Horkey and John Howe. fullbody, photograph3 .txt to raw_combined/fashion designed by Aaron Horkey and John Howe. fullbody, photograph3 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of dieselpunk friends, by J.C. Leyendecker, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph of dieselpunk friends, by J.C. Leyendecker, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of President Andrew Jackson. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photogra.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of President Andrew Jackson. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida portrait photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50.png to raw_combined/Florida portrait photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/King Charles Spaniel by Martin Parr and Alex Prager .png to raw_combined/King Charles Spaniel by Martin Parr and Alex Prager .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a wizard and a falcon, photograph by Gregory Colbert. .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a wizard and a falcon, photograph by Gregory Colbert. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk librarian investigator, wearing glasses. style decodence. .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk librarian investigator, wearing glasses. style decodence. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Eye Level Shot of traditional gaudi architecture, cota brava style mansion, huge antoni guadi desig.txt to raw_combined/Eye Level Shot of traditional gaudi architecture, cota brava style mansion, huge antoni guadi desig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait painting of a beautiful woman fullbody by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oi.png to raw_combined/portrait painting of a beautiful woman fullbody by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/one bowl of mac n cheese, Michelin kitchen, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 1.png to raw_combined/one bowl of mac n cheese, Michelin kitchen, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/oil painting by Mandy Disher, dafodils, texture, heavy impasto, abstract. .png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, dafodils, texture, heavy impasto, abstract. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, flowing sorceress, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Af.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, flowing sorceress, photography by Rineke Dijkstra, Agostino Arrivabene, and Af.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subjectt Elon Musk. Style sovietcore fashion, soviet realism. Background brutalist government buildi.txt to raw_combined/Subjectt Elon Musk. Style sovietcore fashion, soviet realism. Background brutalist government buildi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/7 course basque meal, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF moun.txt to raw_combined/7 course basque meal, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF moun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a temple dedicated to the worship of Cthulhu, evening, architectural design by antoni .png to raw_combined/photograph of a temple dedicated to the worship of Cthulhu, evening, architectural design by antoni .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by antoni gaudi, sunset, natural light, golden hue, hyper detail.txt to raw_combined/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by antoni gaudi, sunset, natural light, golden hue, hyper detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait human resources department action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic .png to raw_combined/photography portrait human resources department action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, Admiral at Sea by Alfred Guillou. Frigate. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, Admiral at Sea by Alfred Guillou. Frigate. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait human resources department action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic .txt to raw_combined/photography portrait human resources department action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography of an eagle by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerson Thayer and Karol Bak and Agosti.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography of an eagle by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerson Thayer and Karol Bak and Agosti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph Angela Lansbury playing a guitar Giibson SG onstage at a heavy metal concert. Concert pho.png to raw_combined/Photograph Angela Lansbury playing a guitar Giibson SG onstage at a heavy metal concert. Concert pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends. fullbody. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfiel.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends. fullbody. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfiel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe. Runway, full body,.png to raw_combined/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe. Runway, full body,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of interconnected immaculate rooftop gardens on skyscapers, lush green skybridges connect.png to raw_combined/photograph of interconnected immaculate rooftop gardens on skyscapers, lush green skybridges connect.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s heavy metal singer and a panther. Photography by Briton Riviere. .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s heavy metal singer and a panther. Photography by Briton Riviere. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Wales photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Wales photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida Friends by Slim Aarons .txt to raw_combined/Florida Friends by Slim Aarons .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait SUbject black labrador retriever and er human. Style photography by Yoshitaka Am.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait SUbject black labrador retriever and er human. Style photography by Yoshitaka Am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a man and a giant bear. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park. Foreg.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a man and a giant bear. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park. Foreg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Interior design photography of a whimsical manhattan apartment living room in the style of Verver Pa.txt to raw_combined/Interior design photography of a whimsical manhattan apartment living room in the style of Verver Pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject sandalpunk gladiator. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom,.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject sandalpunk gladiator. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject sandalpunk gladiator. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom,.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject sandalpunk gladiator. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Angela Lansbury playing gutar onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .txt to raw_combined/Angela Lansbury playing gutar onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Im the eldest boy by Connor Roy by Sacha Goldberger .png to raw_combined/Im the eldest boy by Connor Roy by Sacha Goldberger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject retrofuturistic nobility husband and wife. Style photograph by Clyde C.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject retrofuturistic nobility husband and wife. Style photograph by Clyde C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of Friends. Photography by Sidney Nolan. Background hills. Foreground train trac.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of Friends. Photography by Sidney Nolan. Background hills. Foreground train trac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screen still from a fantasy movie. Directed by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 .png to raw_combined/screen still from a fantasy movie. Directed by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model middleaged man weari.png to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model middleaged man weari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a wizard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, and Alys.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a wizard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, and Alys.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portland. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .txt to raw_combined/Portland. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/trompe loeil activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .txt to raw_combined/trompe loeil activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Menhir, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.png to raw_combined/Menhir, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/I love you but you are not serious people by Aaron Jasinski .txt to raw_combined/I love you but you are not serious people by Aaron Jasinski .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida Friends by Slim Aarons .png to raw_combined/Florida Friends by Slim Aarons .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait by William Whitaker of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensualit.txt to raw_combined/Portrait by William Whitaker of a finnish supermodel, idyllic woodland retreat, beauty and sensualit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by Antoni Gaudi, Zaha Hadid, organic architecture, sunset, natur.png to raw_combined/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by Antoni Gaudi, Zaha Hadid, organic architecture, sunset, natur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait human resources action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.txt to raw_combined/photography portrait human resources action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/HalfOrc Barbarian, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol .txt to raw_combined/HalfOrc Barbarian, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Slovenia. Julian Alpine Village and Lake. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Landscape photography by Alois Arnegger. Slovenia. Julian Alpine Village and Lake. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ancient greek photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/ancient greek photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject man and a bear. Style sovietcore, retrofuturistic. Photography by Brito.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject man and a bear. Style sovietcore, retrofuturistic. Photography by Brito.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogr.png to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject male tiefling scholar, Lawful Evil. Style by James C. Christensen opule.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject male tiefling scholar, Lawful Evil. Style by James C. Christensen opule.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a man and a giant bear. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park. Foreg.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a man and a giant bear. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park. Foreg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. muted blue and gold. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photogra.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. muted blue and gold. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/an assortment of Nigiri, sushi, and sashimi dinner image, food photos, sushi photostock, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/an assortment of Nigiri, sushi, and sashimi dinner image, food photos, sushi photostock, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk barbarian, style decodence. Photography by Donato Giancola.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk barbarian, style decodence. Photography by Donato Giancola.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of interconnected immaculate rooftop gardens on skyscapers, lush green skybridges connect.txt to raw_combined/photograph of interconnected immaculate rooftop gardens on skyscapers, lush green skybridges connect.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait human resources action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.png to raw_combined/photography portrait human resources action squad prudecore fashion. Background Dramatic Michael Bay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Modesto by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .png to raw_combined/Modesto by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, halforc bard, holding a lute2 photography by Flora Borsi, Marianne Breslauer, .txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, halforc bard, holding a lute2 photography by Flora Borsi, Marianne Breslauer, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Nicolas Cage portrait by Thomas Ascott .png to raw_combined/Nicolas Cage portrait by Thomas Ascott .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subjects i Large Man in a Homemade DYI Superhero outfit and ii MIa Goth, sorce.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subjects i Large Man in a Homemade DYI Superhero outfit and ii MIa Goth, sorce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Larry Sultan, Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and Willia.txt to raw_combined/Fashion by Larry Sultan, Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and Willia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, Berlin house, concrete, brutalism, interior design magaz.png to raw_combined/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, Berlin house, concrete, brutalism, interior design magaz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Nicholas H.png to raw_combined/Wales, bucolic natural surroundings, rolling hills, trees, lush landscape, photography by Nicholas H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/wizard, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.png to raw_combined/wizard, wales, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Craig Davidson solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogra.txt to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Craig Davidson solarpunk barbarian and her sidekick, hyperrealistic. Photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Gnome female bard, norway, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, an.txt to raw_combined/Gnome female bard, norway, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Basque cuisine, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD .png to raw_combined/Basque cuisine, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract, surreal, fractal, absurd, obtuse, You might want to put down that fish taco. .png to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract, surreal, fractal, absurd, obtuse, You might want to put down that fish taco. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait Subject solarpunk a king charles spaniel Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal an.png to raw_combined/portrait Subject solarpunk a king charles spaniel Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, friends by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karo.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, friends by Maggi Hambling, Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe and vicente romero .png to raw_combined/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe and vicente romero .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Pineapple and ham pizza. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF m.txt to raw_combined/Pineapple and ham pizza. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Spider. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background Sili.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Spider. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background Sili.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Florida photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of interesting engineering, streetscape, absurd, obtuse .png to raw_combined/Photograph of interesting engineering, streetscape, absurd, obtuse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Illustration of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the .png to raw_combined/Illustration of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Sudtirol. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .txt to raw_combined/Sudtirol. Photograph portrait by Alessio Albi. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends and a giant alligator. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends and a giant alligator. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background park.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a live action film in the style of Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/screengrab from a live action film in the style of Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a druid in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by Pet.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a druid in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by Pet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Hawaii, Napili coast in the bac.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Hawaii, Napili coast in the bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, normcore, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, normcore, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, King charles spaniel dog, by Maggie Hambling, Ag.png to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract surreal portrait photography, King charles spaniel dog, by Maggie Hambling, Ag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave monk, red robes, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave monk, red robes, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Transcarpathia photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 I.png to raw_combined/Transcarpathia photography by Callie Fink, Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 I.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a sailor and a direwolf. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background brutalist .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a sailor and a direwolf. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background brutalist .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/living room interior, design by Vincent Callebaut, organic architecture. Monterey House with ocean v.txt to raw_combined/living room interior, design by Vincent Callebaut, organic architecture. Monterey House with ocean v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/3d graffiti, abstract, surreal, fractal, absurd, obtuse, You might want to put down that fish taco. .txt to raw_combined/3d graffiti, abstract, surreal, fractal, absurd, obtuse, You might want to put down that fish taco. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from the film 8Mile, but the version where Angela Lansbury is cast as BRabbit, the scen.png to raw_combined/Screengrab from the film 8Mile, but the version where Angela Lansbury is cast as BRabbit, the scen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject solarpunk female monk. Fullbody. Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, En.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject solarpunk female monk. Fullbody. Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, En.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Evil Black Knight, Chaotic Evil, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak.txt to raw_combined/Evil Black Knight, Chaotic Evil, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/female model wearing activewear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex.png to raw_combined/female model wearing activewear fashion by Alex Alemany2 Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a queen and her giant siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgrou.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a queen and her giant siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Alex Gross and Alex Alemany, fullbody, photograph2 .txt to raw_combined/Fashion by Alex Gross and Alex Alemany, fullbody, photograph2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Background law fi.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, man in a suit, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenberger. Background law fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of friends. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfield and Paul.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of friends. Photography by Alex Colville, Alex Gross, Morris Hirshfield and Paul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/guitarist onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .png to raw_combined/guitarist onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, 2000s fashion, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenb.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, man in a business suit, 2000s fashion, fullbody, photography by Martin Kippenb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk monk. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background art .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk monk. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject punk rock singer, 1979. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta,.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject punk rock singer, 1979. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a castle, dusk, transcarpathia by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a castle, dusk, transcarpathia by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a gryphon10 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph5 .png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a gryphon10 photograph by AnneLouis Girodet. Fullbody. Photograph5 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a bucolic village by Charles E. Burchfield. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a bucolic village by Charles E. Burchfield. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model wearing normcore fas.txt to raw_combined/ultra realistic Photography, a hyper realistic low angle full body photo model wearing normcore fas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, solarpunk fashion, l.png to raw_combined/Portrait of a beautiful young woman floridian model wearing short summer skirt, solarpunk fashion, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. solarpunk. Fullbody. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. solarpunk. Fullbody. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Berlin. 1960s. Trabant 601. Photograph portrait by Enoch Bolles and Art Frahm. .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Berlin. 1960s. Trabant 601. Photograph portrait by Enoch Bolles and Art Frahm. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography portrait. Subject Couple at a solarpunk diner, 1958. Style photography by Art Frahm and .png to raw_combined/Photography portrait. Subject Couple at a solarpunk diner, 1958. Style photography by Art Frahm and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Phil Mickelson, wearing a homemade superhero costume, DIY aesthetic, by sacha goldberger .png to raw_combined/Phil Mickelson, wearing a homemade superhero costume, DIY aesthetic, by sacha goldberger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/I love you but you are not serious people .png to raw_combined/I love you but you are not serious people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject female librarian with glasses investigates the mythos, Lawful Neutral. .txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject female librarian with glasses investigates the mythos, Lawful Neutral. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from the film 8Mile, but the version where Angela Lansbury is cast as BRabbit, the scen.txt to raw_combined/Screengrab from the film 8Mile, but the version where Angela Lansbury is cast as BRabbit, the scen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject dieselpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject dieselpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, la mer, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, la mer, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a temple dedicated to the worship of Cthulhu, evening, architectural design by antoni .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a temple dedicated to the worship of Cthulhu, evening, architectural design by antoni .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, beasts, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, beasts, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/ancient greek hoplite photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/ancient greek hoplite photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph Theodore Roosevelt portrait by Thomas Ascott. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph Theodore Roosevelt portrait by Thomas Ascott. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph, friends in Santorini by William Russell Flint. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph, friends in Santorini by William Russell Flint. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the ec.txt to raw_combined/Photograph of a house in the eclecticism style on a suburban street. The house is designed in the ec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject hippy rock band. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, James .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject hippy rock band. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, James .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by Antoni Gaudi, Zaha Hadid, organic architecture, sunset, natur.txt to raw_combined/Futuristic skyscraper, architecture by Antoni Gaudi, Zaha Hadid, organic architecture, sunset, natur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subject black labrador retriever and her human. Style illustration by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Alb.txt to raw_combined/Subject black labrador retriever and her human. Style illustration by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Alb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography of an eagle by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerson Thayer and Karol Bak and Agosti.png to raw_combined/portrait photography of an eagle by Brad Kunkle and Abbott Handerson Thayer and Karol Bak and Agosti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female whimsical halfling bard colorful, chaotic neutral, by R.png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female whimsical halfling bard colorful, chaotic neutral, by R.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida photo portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic resort, beauty and sensua.png to raw_combined/Florida photo portrait by Henrik Purienne of a finnish supermodel, idyllic resort, beauty and sensua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a Human Paladin, black hair, armor, nerdcore, by Ray Donley. pho.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a Human Paladin, black hair, armor, nerdcore, by Ray Donley. pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk detective. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk detective. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .png to raw_combined/activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, Party by Alfred Guillou. Regency England. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, Party by Alfred Guillou. Regency England. Highly detailed. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait painting of a beautiful woman fullbody by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oi.txt to raw_combined/portrait painting of a beautiful woman fullbody by Alberto Burri and Frank Auerbach heavy impasto oi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Abstract surrealism expressionism of multiple blue jays perched on a tree, beautiful oil painting wi.png to raw_combined/Abstract surrealism expressionism of multiple blue jays perched on a tree, beautiful oil painting wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/portrait photography by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject solarpunk female monk. Fullbody. Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, En.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject solarpunk female monk. Fullbody. Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, En.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Berlin. 1960s. Trabant 601. Photograph portrait by Enoch Bolles and Art Frahm. .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Berlin. 1960s. Trabant 601. Photograph portrait by Enoch Bolles and Art Frahm. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, florida, swamp in the backgroun.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, florida, swamp in the backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and Lion. Photography by Briton Riv.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject 1980s flamboyant heavy metal singer and Lion. Photography by Briton Riv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .txt to raw_combined/activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography portrait. Subject Couple outside a solarpunk diner, 1954. Style photography by Art Frahm.png to raw_combined/Photography portrait. Subject Couple outside a solarpunk diner, 1954. Style photography by Art Frahm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female whimsical halfling bard colorful, chaotic neutral, by R.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female whimsical halfling bard colorful, chaotic neutral, by R.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, halforc bard, holding a lute2 photography by Flora Borsi, Marianne Breslauer, .png to raw_combined/portrait photography, halforc bard, holding a lute2 photography by Flora Borsi, Marianne Breslauer, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait Subject solarpunk a black pug Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal and Charlie B.txt to raw_combined/portrait Subject solarpunk a black pug Style photography by Clyde Caldwell, Enki Bilal and Charlie B.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, santa barbara, white dresses, f.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, santa barbara, white dresses, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/trompe loeil activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .png to raw_combined/trompe loeil activewear designed by Antoni Gaudi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Pineapple and ham pizza. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF m.png to raw_combined/Pineapple and ham pizza. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/castles made of sand fall into the sea, eventually by Desmond Morris .txt to raw_combined/castles made of sand fall into the sea, eventually by Desmond Morris .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography. Subject female space marine. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, Ja.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography. Subject female space marine. Style photography in the style Frank Frazetta, Ja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. solarpunk. Fullbody. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. solarpunk. Fullbody. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait, transcarpathia, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photography portrait, transcarpathia, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait of Angela Lansbury by Sacha Goldberger .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Angela Lansbury by Sacha Goldberger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi .txt to raw_combined/Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a castle, dusk, transcarpathia by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph of a castle, dusk, transcarpathia by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/one bowl of mac n cheese, Michelin kitchen, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 1.txt to raw_combined/one bowl of mac n cheese, Michelin kitchen, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/oil painting with heavy impasto, close up of antique Peony bouquet in the art style of JMW Turner, i.png to raw_combined/oil painting with heavy impasto, close up of antique Peony bouquet in the art style of JMW Turner, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Beautiful woman has long hair, smiling and stands by the water, fullbody2 in the style of Vicente Re.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful woman has long hair, smiling and stands by the water, fullbody2 in the style of Vicente Re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Cassoulet, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 16K, .txt to raw_combined/Cassoulet, Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, Canon EF mount, HD 16K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject cybernetic bard. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject cybernetic bard. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography of a young woman finnish top model wearing short skirt, fashion by Karl Lagerfi.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography of a young woman finnish top model wearing short skirt, fashion by Karl Lagerfi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Beautiful woman has long hair, smiling and stands by the water, fullbody2 in the style of Vicente Re.png to raw_combined/Beautiful woman has long hair, smiling and stands by the water, fullbody2 in the style of Vicente Re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe and vicente romero .txt to raw_combined/Photo taken with Canon EOS 1DX of a model doing a runway shot. Fashion by Loewe and vicente romero .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Eye Level Shot of traditional gaudi architecture, cota brava style mansion, huge antoni guadi desig.png to raw_combined/Eye Level Shot of traditional gaudi architecture, cota brava style mansion, huge antoni guadi desig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph by Kelly Sue Deconnick, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Wales, hills in th background, .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Wales, hills in th background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, florida, swamp in the backgroun.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, florida, swamp in the backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a space bartender, solarpunk. Photography by Mort Drucker and Dave Dorman. Background .png to raw_combined/photograph of a space bartender, solarpunk. Photography by Mort Drucker and Dave Dorman. Background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a wood elf in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by .png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing, photo realistic image showcasing a wood elf in the forest, fullbody, Photo taken by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, little black dress, 1950s retrofuturist.png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, little black dress, 1950s retrofuturist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of President Andrew Jackson. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photogra.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of President Andrew Jackson. portrait by Sacha Goldberger, darth vader. photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Turtle. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oil .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject lawyer and Giant Turtle. Photography by Briton Riviere. Background oil .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk wizard. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background ar.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk wizard. style decodence, streamline moderne. Background ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.png to raw_combined/portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a gnomish bard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, an.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a gnomish bard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait of a gnomish bard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, an.png to raw_combined/photograph portrait of a gnomish bard by Samantha Keely Smith, George Frederic Watts, Ben Quilty, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/specter, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .png to raw_combined/specter, by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol Bak .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Shes brought a ludicrously capacious bag. Whats even in there, huh Flat shoes for the subway Her lun.png to raw_combined/Shes brought a ludicrously capacious bag. Whats even in there, huh Flat shoes for the subway Her lun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk noblewoman. style decodence, streamline moderne. Backgroun.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk noblewoman. style decodence, streamline moderne. Backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female young woman gnomish rogue, dressed in black, chaotic ne.txt to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female young woman gnomish rogue, dressed in black, chaotic ne.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo black pug dog model wearing .txt to raw_combined/Ultra realistic Photography, a hyperrealistic low angle full body photo black pug dog model wearing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject bronzepunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject bronzepunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/friends in Santa Barbara by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .txt to raw_combined/friends in Santa Barbara by William Eggleston, Martin Parr, and Alex Prager .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photography, photograph of a female gnome thief, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray .png to raw_combined/portrait photography, photograph of a female gnome thief, dressed in black, chaotic neutral, by Ray .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk barbarian, style decodence. Photography by Donato Giancola.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography, fullbody dieselpunk barbarian, style decodence. Photography by Donato Giancola.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, giant fish, under the sea, phot.txt to raw_combined/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, giant fish, under the sea, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of interesting engineering, streetscape, absurd, obtuse .txt to raw_combined/Photograph of interesting engineering, streetscape, absurd, obtuse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a castle, dusk, Wallachia. photography by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph of a castle, dusk, Wallachia. photography by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait of a giant anthropomorphic siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgr.txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait of a giant anthropomorphic siberian tiger. Photography by Briton Riviere. Backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photography In style of Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell and Frank Frazetta. Evil bard, Extremely detail.txt to raw_combined/Photography In style of Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell and Frank Frazetta. Evil bard, Extremely detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/castles made of sand fall into the sea, eventually by Desmond Morris .png to raw_combined/castles made of sand fall into the sea, eventually by Desmond Morris .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Hawaii, Napili coast in the bac.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, Hawaii, Napili coast in the bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, London, concrete, brutalism, interior design magazine, n.png to raw_combined/kitchen interior, design by Walter Gropius, London, concrete, brutalism, interior design magazine, n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave monk, red robes, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. .txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave monk, red robes, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. fullbody. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Subject black labrador retriever and her human. Style illustration by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Alb.png to raw_combined/Subject black labrador retriever and her human. Style illustration by Yoshitaka Amano and Rafael Alb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/MontillaMoriles, Jerez landscape, bottle of pedro ximinez oloroso sherry advertisement, light pastel.png to raw_combined/MontillaMoriles, Jerez landscape, bottle of pedro ximinez oloroso sherry advertisement, light pastel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, little black dress, 1950s retrofuturist.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject sovietcore retrofuturistic spy, little black dress, 1950s retrofuturist.txt\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Anne Packard. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/landscape photography, beach, sailboat, sun, ocean by Anne Packard. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk mage, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/portrait photograph by Clyde Caldwell, solarpunk mage, hyperrealistic. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Angela Lansbury playing gutar onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .png to raw_combined/Angela Lansbury playing gutar onstage at a punk rock show, 1981, singing, polaroid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/HalfOrc Barbarian, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol .png to raw_combined/HalfOrc Barbarian, Chaotic Neutral, Portrait photography by Agostino Arrivabene, Affandi, and Karol .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Fashion by Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and William Eggleston, f.txt to raw_combined/Fashion by Alex Gross, Enoch Bolles, Martin Parr, Alex Prager, Slim Aarons, and William Eggleston, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject a female detective and a university student with glasses investigates t.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject a female detective and a university student with glasses investigates t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photography. Subject dieselpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png to raw_combined/Portrait Photography. Subject dieselpunk monk. Style photograph by Clyde Caldwell, Gerald Brom, Jame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait Photograph. Subject male tiefling scholar, Lawful Evil. Style by James C. Christensen opule.txt to raw_combined/Portrait Photograph. Subject male tiefling scholar, Lawful Evil. Style by James C. Christensen opule.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph of a Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Photograph of a Haunted forest by Arkhyp Kuindzhi. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of a castle, dusk, Wallachia. photography by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a castle, dusk, Wallachia. photography by Ivan Fedorovich Choultse. Photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait, Friends in Kona, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photography portrait, Friends in Kona, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photography portrait, transcarpathia, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/photography portrait, transcarpathia, by William Whitaker. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait. Subject librarian and a detective investigating the mythos. Style photograph by.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait. Subject librarian and a detective investigating the mythos. Style photograph by.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Islay landscape, bottle of smoky, peated scotch whisky advertisement, light pastel color, Cinematic .png to raw_combined/Islay landscape, bottle of smoky, peated scotch whisky advertisement, light pastel color, Cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Film still from a modern drama film in the style of a painting by William Whitaker, fullbody of youn.png to raw_combined/Film still from a modern drama film in the style of a painting by William Whitaker, fullbody of youn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph of dieselpunk friends, by J.C. Leyendecker, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10 .png to raw_combined/photograph of dieselpunk friends, by J.C. Leyendecker, F1. 2 1 50 ISO 200, photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Yoshitaka Amano and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, la mer, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt to raw_combined/Oil painting by Mandy Disher, la mer, stencil, texture, abstract, heavy impasto10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Florida, photography by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson photograph10 .png to raw_combined/Florida, photography by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson photograph10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .txt to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. colorful. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photograph10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/fashion designed by Aaron Horkey and John Howe. fullbody, photograph3 .png to raw_combined/fashion designed by Aaron Horkey and John Howe. fullbody, photograph3 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Enki Bilal and Char.txt to raw_combined/photograph portrait Subject dieselpunk sorceress. Fullbody. Style photography by Enki Bilal and Char.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. muted blue and gold. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photogra.png to raw_combined/Photograph portrait by AlexandreEvariste Fragonard. muted blue and gold. F1.2. 150. ISO200. photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, giant fish, under the sea, phot.png to raw_combined/Screengrab from a live action film by Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, giant fish, under the sea, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/an assortment of sushi and nigiri. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, .png to raw_combined/an assortment of sushi and nigiri. Michelin kitchen, full body, canvas decoration, warm atmosphere, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_14/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave barbarian, white suit, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. full.png to raw_combined/Portrait photograph. Subject vaporwave barbarian, white suit, 1980s retrofuturistic aesethetic. full.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, wednesday adams, gothic, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, wednesday adams, gothic, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, Western Buffalo, Sticker, Content, Earthy, Hand drawn , Contour, Vector, White Background, .png to raw_combined/sticker, Western Buffalo, Sticker, Content, Earthy, Hand drawn , Contour, Vector, White Background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, walking bigfoot, Sticker, Blissful, Bright Colors, kinetic art style, Contour, Vector, Whit.txt to raw_combined/sticker, walking bigfoot, Sticker, Blissful, Bright Colors, kinetic art style, Contour, Vector, Whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a painting of an orange square on a beige background, in the style of dark blue and green, colorful .txt to raw_combined/a painting of an orange square on a beige background, in the style of dark blue and green, colorful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract technology color halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .png to raw_combined/abstract technology color halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The Eternal Oasis, no letters .png to raw_combined/The Eternal Oasis, no letters .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/the year is 3010 in Portland, Oregon .txt to raw_combined/the year is 3010 in Portland, Oregon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/vector style watercolor background .txt to raw_combined/vector style watercolor background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/stained glass happy golden retriever sticker, full body, isolated in white .png to raw_combined/stained glass happy golden retriever sticker, full body, isolated in white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights in the shape of a triang.png to raw_combined/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights in the shape of a triang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Closeup Horse , cartoon, minimalism , HD, 8K, .txt to raw_combined/Closeup Horse , cartoon, minimalism , HD, 8K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/celestial wolf, mystic fantasy, floral, watercolered pencil, paint drips and splatters, pixiv, Julie.txt to raw_combined/celestial wolf, mystic fantasy, floral, watercolered pencil, paint drips and splatters, pixiv, Julie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Visualize the iconic Canadian maple leaf, a symbol of national pride and unity. Incorporate this pow.txt to raw_combined/Visualize the iconic Canadian maple leaf, a symbol of national pride and unity. Incorporate this pow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ink drawing, abstart, space signals, pastel blue, pink, black .txt to raw_combined/ink drawing, abstart, space signals, pastel blue, pink, black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/1988s photo of Siouxsie 80 darkwave, gothi, dancing at a warehouse dance club .txt to raw_combined/1988s photo of Siouxsie 80 darkwave, gothi, dancing at a warehouse dance club .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/chocolate lab dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt to raw_combined/chocolate lab dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii anthropomorphic mushroom, cottagecore, retro, art of Alan Lee, studio Ghibli, sticker design,.png to raw_combined/kawaii anthropomorphic mushroom, cottagecore, retro, art of Alan Lee, studio Ghibli, sticker design,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/the sailboat is on a lake beside orange trees, in the style of bold lithographic, light skyblue and .png to raw_combined/the sailboat is on a lake beside orange trees, in the style of bold lithographic, light skyblue and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a picture of a full moon with trees and some rocks behind it, in the style of epic landscapes, dark .png to raw_combined/a picture of a full moon with trees and some rocks behind it, in the style of epic landscapes, dark .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract image with interwoven tree branches in front of the moon, in the style of vibrant comics.png to raw_combined/an abstract image with interwoven tree branches in front of the moon, in the style of vibrant comics.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, chocolate lab puppy, no background, head shot, cute, .png to raw_combined/sticker, chocolate lab puppy, no background, head shot, cute, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pain .png to raw_combined/pain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract vector triangle .txt to raw_combined/abstract vector triangle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cute penguin,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .png to raw_combined/a cute penguin,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/transcendence, sticker .txt to raw_combined/transcendence, sticker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, rainbow trout, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, rainbow trout, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Jesus Christ known as DJ JTown to his homies .txt to raw_combined/Jesus Christ known as DJ JTown to his homies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/fierce retro looking shark sticker .png to raw_combined/fierce retro looking shark sticker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/landscape photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/landscape photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, beautiful white horse gazing into eyes of young boho cowgirl with blue eyes and auburn brow.png to raw_combined/sticker, beautiful white horse gazing into eyes of young boho cowgirl with blue eyes and auburn brow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pink and blue background, in the style of serge najjar, mikalojus konstantinas ciurlionis, hiroshi n.txt to raw_combined/pink and blue background, in the style of serge najjar, mikalojus konstantinas ciurlionis, hiroshi n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Sticker, red rose , no background .txt to raw_combined/Sticker, red rose , no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract background, musicinspired artwork design, a graphic designer visualizing the rhythm and mel.png to raw_combined/abstract background, musicinspired artwork design, a graphic designer visualizing the rhythm and mel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/meditation triangle .png to raw_combined/meditation triangle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, beautiful gothic cat without white outline, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, beautiful gothic cat without white outline, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/man fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the r.png to raw_combined/man fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/gothic sticker, vintage, aesthetic, graffiti, white background .png to raw_combined/gothic sticker, vintage, aesthetic, graffiti, white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a sunset photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/a sunset photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/beautiful aesthetic vertical lines visual color field, layers upon layers of meaning .png to raw_combined/beautiful aesthetic vertical lines visual color field, layers upon layers of meaning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Envision a logo for a Deep House music brand. The primary element should be a stylized vinyl record,.png to raw_combined/Envision a logo for a Deep House music brand. The primary element should be a stylized vinyl record,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/aura, sticker .png to raw_combined/aura, sticker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker design, gothic skull and decor, white background .png to raw_combined/sticker design, gothic skull and decor, white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, pastel colors .txt to raw_combined/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, pastel colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/photo of a busy produce market in san francisco .txt to raw_combined/photo of a busy produce market in san francisco .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Exceptional Scifi Portrait in the style of Rufino Tamayo and Sergio Toppi , universally pleasing, ex.txt to raw_combined/Exceptional Scifi Portrait in the style of Rufino Tamayo and Sergio Toppi , universally pleasing, ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a photo by Peter lik .png to raw_combined/a photo by Peter lik .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/flower market in san francisco .txt to raw_combined/flower market in san francisco .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/1988s photo of 80 new wave, dark wave, goth girl dancing at a warehouse dance club low light.png to raw_combined/1988s photo of 80 new wave, dark wave, goth girl dancing at a warehouse dance club low light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kung fu chicken .txt to raw_combined/kung fu chicken .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimal watercolor2 3 cyan print poster design, hd, 4k, negative space, designed by fauvism graphic .txt to raw_combined/minimal watercolor2 3 cyan print poster design, hd, 4k, negative space, designed by fauvism graphic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The band U2 playing songs from achtung baby on the vegas strip .txt to raw_combined/The band U2 playing songs from achtung baby on the vegas strip .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky with blue eyes riding a surf board in the socean at the beach during sunset .txt to raw_combined/dark siberian husky with blue eyes riding a surf board in the socean at the beach during sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a silhouette of a redwinged blackbird, clinging to a lone reed, in the style of a 1920s national par.txt to raw_combined/a silhouette of a redwinged blackbird, clinging to a lone reed, in the style of a 1920s national par.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/1988s photo of 80 new wave, dark wave, goth girl dancing at a warehouse dance club low light.txt to raw_combined/1988s photo of 80 new wave, dark wave, goth girl dancing at a warehouse dance club low light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sloth going for a hike, sticker, no background, 4k .txt to raw_combined/sloth going for a hike, sticker, no background, 4k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kung fu chicken .png to raw_combined/kung fu chicken .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cute penguin,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .txt to raw_combined/a cute penguin,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho, pink, grey, red .txt to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho, pink, grey, red .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, A vibrant octopus, detailed, glowing in neon colors, floating on a white background, psyche.png to raw_combined/sticker, A vibrant octopus, detailed, glowing in neon colors, floating on a white background, psyche.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors pink grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors pink grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/heartbreak, lost love .txt to raw_combined/heartbreak, lost love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/shih tzu dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt to raw_combined/shih tzu dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cosmic highland cow sticker. no background .txt to raw_combined/a cosmic highland cow sticker. no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/tahoe jetty photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/tahoe jetty photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract computer screen with a pink, purple, and polka dot, in the style of atmospheric impressi.png to raw_combined/an abstract computer screen with a pink, purple, and polka dot, in the style of atmospheric impressi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Ultrarealistic Low poly mountain stream dramatic multitier waterfall, gradient masterpiece made of 3.txt to raw_combined/Ultrarealistic Low poly mountain stream dramatic multitier waterfall, gradient masterpiece made of 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pink and blue background, in the style of serge najjar, mikalojus konstantinas ciurlionis, hiroshi n.png to raw_combined/pink and blue background, in the style of serge najjar, mikalojus konstantinas ciurlionis, hiroshi n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Spaceman eating a sandwich on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .png to raw_combined/Spaceman eating a sandwich on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, Holstein cow, flowers around the cows neck, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, Holstein cow, flowers around the cows neck, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt to raw_combined/dark siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .png to raw_combined/dark siberian husky siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/If you twist and turn away If you tear yourself in two again If I could, yes I would If I could, I w.txt to raw_combined/If you twist and turn away If you tear yourself in two again If I could, yes I would If I could, I w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/bay stallion horse head with white star on forehead, dramatic lighting, soft illustration, painting .txt to raw_combined/bay stallion horse head with white star on forehead, dramatic lighting, soft illustration, painting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pencil sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png to raw_combined/pencil sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark monochrome lkein blue, texture, abstract, psychodelic, vibrant .png to raw_combined/dark monochrome lkein blue, texture, abstract, psychodelic, vibrant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark monochrome lkein blue, texture, abstract, psychodelic, vibrant .txt to raw_combined/dark monochrome lkein blue, texture, abstract, psychodelic, vibrant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/drug induced psychosis in the style of a dope line drawn sticker with colorful holographic color sch.png to raw_combined/drug induced psychosis in the style of a dope line drawn sticker with colorful holographic color sch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Laughing Jungle .txt to raw_combined/Laughing Jungle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangles, indie rock graphic, pictures .png to raw_combined/triangles, indie rock graphic, pictures .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a sunset photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/a sunset photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, camping, summer vibe, white background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, camping, summer vibe, white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a farm and crop photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/a farm and crop photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/art deco poster, geometrical shapes .txt to raw_combined/art deco poster, geometrical shapes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The Eternal Oasis .txt to raw_combined/The Eternal Oasis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Downtown action where the streets alive til dawn .png to raw_combined/Downtown action where the streets alive til dawn .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/texas bbq .png to raw_combined/texas bbq .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/fierce retro looking shark sticker .txt to raw_combined/fierce retro looking shark sticker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/orca whale, sticker, cute, cartoon, contour, white background .png to raw_combined/orca whale, sticker, cute, cartoon, contour, white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/red white and blue fire works, blue background, seamless wallpaper, no watermark, .txt to raw_combined/red white and blue fire works, blue background, seamless wallpaper, no watermark, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a drawing of a black raven standing in a flower, in the style of colorful fantasy realism, light mag.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a black raven standing in a flower, in the style of colorful fantasy realism, light mag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/orca whale, sticker, cute, cartoon, contour, white background .txt to raw_combined/orca whale, sticker, cute, cartoon, contour, white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/highly detailed, sticker, white and black outline of a mermaid, no background .txt to raw_combined/highly detailed, sticker, white and black outline of a mermaid, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/canadian flag, cartoon style, minimal .png to raw_combined/canadian flag, cartoon style, minimal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Spaceman playing guitar on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .txt to raw_combined/Spaceman playing guitar on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/crater lake photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/crater lake photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/cartoon illustration, cute kawaii mermaid pattern, vibrant colors .png to raw_combined/cartoon illustration, cute kawaii mermaid pattern, vibrant colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ultradetailed illustration in the style of a multiple color wood block engraving print with intricat.txt to raw_combined/ultradetailed illustration in the style of a multiple color wood block engraving print with intricat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors red grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors red grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/A stock image photograph of A traditional adobe house with a clay tile roof in a clear, balanced lig.txt to raw_combined/A stock image photograph of A traditional adobe house with a clay tile roof in a clear, balanced lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Jesus Christ known as DJ JTown to his homies .png to raw_combined/Jesus Christ known as DJ JTown to his homies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights, extreem zoom out lens, .png to raw_combined/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights, extreem zoom out lens, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors purple grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors purple grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/aura, sticker .txt to raw_combined/aura, sticker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/disco ball sticker round vector white background .png to raw_combined/disco ball sticker round vector white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/skull with a snake, art by Andy Singer .png to raw_combined/skull with a snake, art by Andy Singer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, pink flamingo, kawaii, contour, vector, white background, .txt to raw_combined/sticker, pink flamingo, kawaii, contour, vector, white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/woven color planes wildlife .png to raw_combined/woven color planes wildlife .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, wednesday adams, gothic, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, wednesday adams, gothic, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/red white and blue fire works, blue background, seamless wallpaper, no watermark, .png to raw_combined/red white and blue fire works, blue background, seamless wallpaper, no watermark, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, A vibrant octopus, detailed, glowing in neon colors, floating on a white background, psyche.txt to raw_combined/sticker, A vibrant octopus, detailed, glowing in neon colors, floating on a white background, psyche.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors orange grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors orange grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, bright vibrant colors, high detail, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, bright vibrant colors, high detail, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an anime style plague doctor sticker .txt to raw_combined/an anime style plague doctor sticker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Bigfoot using an outdoor grill, bigfoot grilling, vibrant, cartoon style illustration, simple, stick.png to raw_combined/Bigfoot using an outdoor grill, bigfoot grilling, vibrant, cartoon style illustration, simple, stick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/texas bbq ribs .png to raw_combined/texas bbq ribs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Crescent moon, rose, risograph, black, red, green .png to raw_combined/Crescent moon, rose, risograph, black, red, green .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky with blue eyes riding a surf board in the socean at the beach during sunset .png to raw_combined/dark siberian husky with blue eyes riding a surf board in the socean at the beach during sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract vector triangle .png to raw_combined/abstract vector triangle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, no background, portrait, hipster, corgi, dark vibrant colors, HD, sticker, 8K, Hyperrealist.txt to raw_combined/sticker, no background, portrait, hipster, corgi, dark vibrant colors, HD, sticker, 8K, Hyperrealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract depiction of a tree with colorful paint and waves, in the style of majestic, sweeping se.txt to raw_combined/an abstract depiction of a tree with colorful paint and waves, in the style of majestic, sweeping se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Ultrarealistic Low poly mountain stream dramatic multitier waterfall, gradient masterpiece made of 3.png to raw_combined/Ultrarealistic Low poly mountain stream dramatic multitier waterfall, gradient masterpiece made of 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a painting of an orange square on a beige background, in the style of dark blue and green, colorful .png to raw_combined/a painting of an orange square on a beige background, in the style of dark blue and green, colorful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, boho flower sticker neutral color, beige, green , no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, boho flower sticker neutral color, beige, green , no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art, black background .txt to raw_combined/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Laughing Jungle .png to raw_combined/Laughing Jungle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors purple grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors purple grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png to raw_combined/dark siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/chocolate lab sticker .txt to raw_combined/chocolate lab sticker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Create a captivating and thoughtprovoking celestial painting that visually embodies the quote The on.txt to raw_combined/Create a captivating and thoughtprovoking celestial painting that visually embodies the quote The on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pattern .png to raw_combined/pattern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/old scratched and cracked, distressed blotchy rough edged spotted sepia tone daguerreotype photograp.png to raw_combined/old scratched and cracked, distressed blotchy rough edged spotted sepia tone daguerreotype photograp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights in the shape of a triang.txt to raw_combined/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights in the shape of a triang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/colorful cool german shepherd, no background, sticker, vector, .png to raw_combined/colorful cool german shepherd, no background, sticker, vector, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The Eternal Oasis, no letters .txt to raw_combined/The Eternal Oasis, no letters .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Bigfoot using an outdoor grill, bigfoot grilling, vibrant, cartoon style illustration, simple, stick.txt to raw_combined/Bigfoot using an outdoor grill, bigfoot grilling, vibrant, cartoon style illustration, simple, stick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii black and white cow with colorful flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt to raw_combined/kawaii black and white cow with colorful flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Downtown action where the streets alive til dawn .txt to raw_combined/Downtown action where the streets alive til dawn .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/square in vibrant colors, abstract patterns, movement an flow, texture and layers .png to raw_combined/square in vibrant colors, abstract patterns, movement an flow, texture and layers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/graphic, its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png to raw_combined/graphic, its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, chocolate lab puppy, no background, head shot, cute, .txt to raw_combined/sticker, chocolate lab puppy, no background, head shot, cute, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/bay stallion horse head with white star on forehead, dramatic lighting, soft illustration, painting .png to raw_combined/bay stallion horse head with white star on forehead, dramatic lighting, soft illustration, painting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cute dog,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .txt to raw_combined/a cute dog,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The Eternal Oasis .png to raw_combined/The Eternal Oasis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii black and white cow with colorful flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png to raw_combined/kawaii black and white cow with colorful flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/cartoon illustration, cute kawaii mermaid pattern, vibrant colors .txt to raw_combined/cartoon illustration, cute kawaii mermaid pattern, vibrant colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Triangle Mosaic Print .txt to raw_combined/Triangle Mosaic Print .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/diecut sticker with clear black border no shadows on transparent background aurora borealis bear 70s.png to raw_combined/diecut sticker with clear black border no shadows on transparent background aurora borealis bear 70s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, gothic raven with red roses, no backgroudn .txt to raw_combined/sticker, gothic raven with red roses, no backgroudn .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art .txt to raw_combined/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ink drawing, abstart, space signals, pastel blue, pink, black .png to raw_combined/ink drawing, abstart, space signals, pastel blue, pink, black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Crescent moon, rose, risograph, black, red, green .txt to raw_combined/Crescent moon, rose, risograph, black, red, green .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lofi album cover .png to raw_combined/lofi album cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Joan Miro, hyperrealism, crazy cat, 3d, Ralph Steadman, Basquiat, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/Joan Miro, hyperrealism, crazy cat, 3d, Ralph Steadman, Basquiat, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights, extreem zoom out lens, .txt to raw_combined/Dutch angle of a silhouette of a human in a dark studio with shining lights, extreem zoom out lens, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, walking bigfoot, Sticker, Blissful, Bright Colors, kinetic art style, Contour, Vector, Whit.png to raw_combined/sticker, walking bigfoot, Sticker, Blissful, Bright Colors, kinetic art style, Contour, Vector, Whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors yellow grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors yellow grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors green grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors green grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/landscape photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/landscape photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, Western Buffalo, Sticker, Content, Earthy, Hand drawn , Contour, Vector, White Background, .txt to raw_combined/sticker, Western Buffalo, Sticker, Content, Earthy, Hand drawn , Contour, Vector, White Background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker design, gothic skull and decor, white background .txt to raw_combined/sticker design, gothic skull and decor, white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers .png to raw_combined/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, moon, sticker, no background .txt to raw_combined/raven, moon, sticker, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, bright colors .txt to raw_combined/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, bright colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pencil sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/meditation triangle .txt to raw_combined/meditation triangle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/boxer dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png to raw_combined/boxer dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png to raw_combined/kawaii Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract image with interwoven tree branches in front of the moon, in the style of vibrant comics.txt to raw_combined/an abstract image with interwoven tree branches in front of the moon, in the style of vibrant comics.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, pastel colors .png to raw_combined/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, pastel colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Spaceman playing guitar on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .png to raw_combined/Spaceman playing guitar on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, beautiful white horse gazing into eyes of young boho cowgirl with blue eyes and auburn brow.txt to raw_combined/sticker, beautiful white horse gazing into eyes of young boho cowgirl with blue eyes and auburn brow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Astronaut floating with broken helmet , roses, risograph .png to raw_combined/Astronaut floating with broken helmet , roses, risograph .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract technology color muted halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .txt to raw_combined/abstract technology color muted halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Exceptional Scifi Portrait in the style of Rufino Tamayo and Sergio Toppi , universally pleasing, ex.png to raw_combined/Exceptional Scifi Portrait in the style of Rufino Tamayo and Sergio Toppi , universally pleasing, ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pain .txt to raw_combined/pain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimalist abstract painting in style of Plant Forms Organic Shapes Plant Forms Organic Shapes is an.txt to raw_combined/minimalist abstract painting in style of Plant Forms Organic Shapes Plant Forms Organic Shapes is an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho, green, yellow, red .txt to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho, green, yellow, red .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/cute Dog Boxer, happy and smiling, bold line, clipart, sticker, white background, no shadow, 8k deta.txt to raw_combined/cute Dog Boxer, happy and smiling, bold line, clipart, sticker, white background, no shadow, 8k deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/crater lake photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/crater lake photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/mandala con mucho colorido y muy llamativa, de formas muy elegantes .png to raw_combined/mandala con mucho colorido y muy llamativa, de formas muy elegantes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangle idonthaveacoolname .png to raw_combined/triangle idonthaveacoolname .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ake my hand You know Ill be there If you can Ill cross the sky for your love .txt to raw_combined/ake my hand You know Ill be there If you can Ill cross the sky for your love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/stained glass happy golden retriever sticker, full body, isolated in white .txt to raw_combined/stained glass happy golden retriever sticker, full body, isolated in white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/charcoal sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt to raw_combined/charcoal sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors red grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors red grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky with blue eyes siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .txt to raw_combined/dark siberian husky with blue eyes siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimalism poster design, abstract, tribal, native, wilderness, warm, rich, earth, patterns .txt to raw_combined/minimalism poster design, abstract, tribal, native, wilderness, warm, rich, earth, patterns .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii full body profile of a Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt to raw_combined/kawaii full body profile of a Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Fascinating Scifi Portrait in the mixed styles of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and van Gogh and Picas.txt to raw_combined/Fascinating Scifi Portrait in the mixed styles of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and van Gogh and Picas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho, pink, grey, red .png to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho, pink, grey, red .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, metallic 3D unicorn head sticker illustration, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, metallic 3D unicorn head sticker illustration, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, metallic 3D unicorn head sticker illustration, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, metallic 3D unicorn head sticker illustration, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/vector style watercolor background .png to raw_combined/vector style watercolor background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors yellow grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors yellow grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/chocolate lab sticker .png to raw_combined/chocolate lab sticker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, gothic raven with red roses, no backgroudn .png to raw_combined/sticker, gothic raven with red roses, no backgroudn .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Crater lake a photo by Peter lik .png to raw_combined/Crater lake a photo by Peter lik .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Minimalist retro sci fi art collage, surrealism panda smelling roses .txt to raw_combined/Minimalist retro sci fi art collage, surrealism panda smelling roses .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/In the ocean cuts ring deep, the sky Like there, I dont know why In the forest theres a clearing I r.png to raw_combined/In the ocean cuts ring deep, the sky Like there, I dont know why In the forest theres a clearing I r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ultradetailed illustration in the style of a multiple color wood block engraving print with intricat.png to raw_combined/ultradetailed illustration in the style of a multiple color wood block engraving print with intricat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/highly detailed, sticker, white and black outline of a mermaid, no background .png to raw_combined/highly detailed, sticker, white and black outline of a mermaid, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/boxer dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt to raw_combined/boxer dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a photo by Peter lik .txt to raw_combined/a photo by Peter lik .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Create a captivating and thoughtprovoking celestial painting that visually embodies the quote The on.png to raw_combined/Create a captivating and thoughtprovoking celestial painting that visually embodies the quote The on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/transcendence, sticker .png to raw_combined/transcendence, sticker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors green grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors green grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract background, musicinspired artwork design, a graphic designer visualizing the rhythm and mel.txt to raw_combined/abstract background, musicinspired artwork design, a graphic designer visualizing the rhythm and mel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract technology color halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .txt to raw_combined/abstract technology color halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/ake my hand You know Ill be there If you can Ill cross the sky for your love .png to raw_combined/ake my hand You know Ill be there If you can Ill cross the sky for your love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/grand canyon photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/grand canyon photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a smiling maple leaf, adding a touch of cuteness to the iconic Canadian symbol, in the colours of re.txt to raw_combined/a smiling maple leaf, adding a touch of cuteness to the iconic Canadian symbol, in the colours of re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho, green, yellow, red .png to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho, green, yellow, red .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Sticker, red rose , no background .png to raw_combined/Sticker, red rose , no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an anime style plague doctor sticker .png to raw_combined/an anime style plague doctor sticker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors pink grey black white shaped square .txt to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors pink grey black white shaped square .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, bright vibrant colors, high detail, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, bright vibrant colors, high detail, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/the year is 3010 in Portland, Oregon .png to raw_combined/the year is 3010 in Portland, Oregon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Visualize the iconic Canadian maple leaf, a symbol of national pride and unity. Incorporate this pow.png to raw_combined/Visualize the iconic Canadian maple leaf, a symbol of national pride and unity. Incorporate this pow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/woman fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the.png to raw_combined/woman fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/texas bbq .txt to raw_combined/texas bbq .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, beautiful gothic cat without white outline, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, beautiful gothic cat without white outline, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art .png to raw_combined/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky with blue eyes siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .png to raw_combined/dark siberian husky with blue eyes siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt to raw_combined/illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, boho flower sticker neutral color, beige, green , no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, boho flower sticker neutral color, beige, green , no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/tahoe jetty photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/tahoe jetty photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/art deco poster, geometrical shapes .png to raw_combined/art deco poster, geometrical shapes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Skull oil painting, Rainbow geometric architectures blend with organic shapes, Pop Surrealism, Essen.png to raw_combined/Skull oil painting, Rainbow geometric architectures blend with organic shapes, Pop Surrealism, Essen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/shih tzu dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png to raw_combined/shih tzu dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Astronaut floating with broken helmet , roses, risograph .txt to raw_combined/Astronaut floating with broken helmet , roses, risograph .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Abstract Oil Manga Illustration, A large furry dragon, fluffy with big eyes, colorful, in the style .png to raw_combined/Abstract Oil Manga Illustration, A large furry dragon, fluffy with big eyes, colorful, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, Holstein cow, flowers around the cows neck, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, Holstein cow, flowers around the cows neck, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/young deer fawn in city, in the style of fisheye lens gopro camera, cute cartoonish designs, i cant .txt to raw_combined/young deer fawn in city, in the style of fisheye lens gopro camera, cute cartoonish designs, i cant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, bright colors .png to raw_combined/lyrical abstraction blocks, abstract art print, bright colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Crater lake a photo by Peter lik .txt to raw_combined/Crater lake a photo by Peter lik .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cute dog,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .png to raw_combined/a cute dog,Azumanga Daioh style,Mint Green blank background ,in the distance,wide angle.HD .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/drug induced psychosis in the style of a dope line drawn sticker with colorful holographic color sch.txt to raw_combined/drug induced psychosis in the style of a dope line drawn sticker with colorful holographic color sch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract depiction of a tree with colorful paint and waves, in the style of majestic, sweeping se.png to raw_combined/an abstract depiction of a tree with colorful paint and waves, in the style of majestic, sweeping se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, black and white cow, flowers, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, black and white cow, flowers, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangles, indie rock graphic, pictures .txt to raw_combined/triangles, indie rock graphic, pictures .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Fascinating Scifi Portrait in the mixed styles of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and van Gogh and Picas.png to raw_combined/Fascinating Scifi Portrait in the mixed styles of Friedensreich Hundertwasser and van Gogh and Picas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii anthropomorphic mushroom, cottagecore, retro, art of Alan Lee, studio Ghibli, sticker design,.txt to raw_combined/kawaii anthropomorphic mushroom, cottagecore, retro, art of Alan Lee, studio Ghibli, sticker design,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii profile Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png to raw_combined/kawaii profile Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/beautiful aesthetic vertical lines visual color field, layers upon layers of meaning .txt to raw_combined/beautiful aesthetic vertical lines visual color field, layers upon layers of meaning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/charcoal sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png to raw_combined/charcoal sketch, illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/photo of a busy produce market in san francisco .png to raw_combined/photo of a busy produce market in san francisco .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Closeup Horse , cartoon, minimalism , HD, 8K, .png to raw_combined/Closeup Horse , cartoon, minimalism , HD, 8K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract camouflage pattern with large organic flat shapes and bright psychedelic colors dynamic com.txt to raw_combined/abstract camouflage pattern with large organic flat shapes and bright psychedelic colors dynamic com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .png to raw_combined/abstract painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/mandala con mucho colorido y muy llamativa, de formas muy elegantes .txt to raw_combined/mandala con mucho colorido y muy llamativa, de formas muy elegantes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Abstract Oil Manga Illustration, A large furry dragon, fluffy with big eyes, colorful, in the style .txt to raw_combined/Abstract Oil Manga Illustration, A large furry dragon, fluffy with big eyes, colorful, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/chocolate lab dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png to raw_combined/chocolate lab dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker of intense geometric pattern, colorful, isolated with a clean white border, perfect for a st.png to raw_combined/sticker of intense geometric pattern, colorful, isolated with a clean white border, perfect for a st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/If you twist and turn away If you tear yourself in two again If I could, yes I would If I could, I w.png to raw_combined/If you twist and turn away If you tear yourself in two again If I could, yes I would If I could, I w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, camping, summer vibe, white background .png to raw_combined/sticker, camping, summer vibe, white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/retro wildlife poster of a bear .png to raw_combined/retro wildlife poster of a bear .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangles, geometric, 90s, triangle, geometry, technology, glitch, glitching triangle .txt to raw_combined/triangles, geometric, 90s, triangle, geometry, technology, glitch, glitching triangle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/canadian flag, cartoon style, minimal .txt to raw_combined/canadian flag, cartoon style, minimal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, black and gold, owl, negative space , no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, black and gold, owl, negative space , no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, moon, sticker, no background .png to raw_combined/raven, moon, sticker, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a picture of a full moon with trees and some rocks behind it, in the style of epic landscapes, dark .txt to raw_combined/a picture of a full moon with trees and some rocks behind it, in the style of epic landscapes, dark .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a farm and crop photo by peter lik, .png to raw_combined/a farm and crop photo by peter lik, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png to raw_combined/illustration , its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/dark siberian husky siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .txt to raw_combined/dark siberian husky siting on a surf board at the beach during sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, pink flamingo, kawaii, contour, vector, white background, .png to raw_combined/sticker, pink flamingo, kawaii, contour, vector, white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/A stock image photograph of A traditional adobe house with a clay tile roof in a clear, balanced lig.png to raw_combined/A stock image photograph of A traditional adobe house with a clay tile roof in a clear, balanced lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract art painting use colors orange grey black white shaped square .png to raw_combined/abstract art painting use colors orange grey black white shaped square .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho .png to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii profile Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt to raw_combined/kawaii profile Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/johnny indovina, human drama heart, betrayal heart, moments in time, Vibrant Color Dramatic Color .png to raw_combined/johnny indovina, human drama heart, betrayal heart, moments in time, Vibrant Color Dramatic Color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/gothic sticker, vintage, aesthetic, graffiti, white background .txt to raw_combined/gothic sticker, vintage, aesthetic, graffiti, white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimal watercolor2 3 cyan print poster design, hd, 4k, negative space, designed by fauvism graphic .png to raw_combined/minimal watercolor2 3 cyan print poster design, hd, 4k, negative space, designed by fauvism graphic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/young deer fawn in city, in the style of fisheye lens gopro camera, cute cartoonish designs, i cant .png to raw_combined/young deer fawn in city, in the style of fisheye lens gopro camera, cute cartoonish designs, i cant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/woven color planes wildlife .txt to raw_combined/woven color planes wildlife .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker of an owl wearing top hat designed by Jon Klassen and Atey Ghailan .png to raw_combined/sticker of an owl wearing top hat designed by Jon Klassen and Atey Ghailan .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minmalistic simple paint art triangle black background .txt to raw_combined/minmalistic simple paint art triangle black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt to raw_combined/kawaii Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt to raw_combined/siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Spaceman eating a sandwich on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .txt to raw_combined/Spaceman eating a sandwich on the moon duo tone red and black screen printed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minmalistic simple art triangle black background .png to raw_combined/minmalistic simple art triangle black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/woman fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the.txt to raw_combined/woman fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/old scratched and cracked, distressed blotchy rough edged spotted sepia tone daguerreotype photograp.txt to raw_combined/old scratched and cracked, distressed blotchy rough edged spotted sepia tone daguerreotype photograp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker of an owl wearing top hat designed by Jon Klassen and Atey Ghailan .txt to raw_combined/sticker of an owl wearing top hat designed by Jon Klassen and Atey Ghailan .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/colorful cool german shepherd, no background, sticker, vector, .txt to raw_combined/colorful cool german shepherd, no background, sticker, vector, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, rainbow trout, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, rainbow trout, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker of intense geometric pattern, colorful, isolated with a clean white border, perfect for a st.txt to raw_combined/sticker of intense geometric pattern, colorful, isolated with a clean white border, perfect for a st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minmalistic simple paint art triangle black background .png to raw_combined/minmalistic simple paint art triangle black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a cosmic highland cow sticker. no background .png to raw_combined/a cosmic highland cow sticker. no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minmalistic simple art triangle black background .txt to raw_combined/minmalistic simple art triangle black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers .txt to raw_combined/sticker a contented black and white cow, colorful wildflowers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Envision a logo for a Deep House music brand. The primary element should be a stylized vinyl record,.txt to raw_combined/Envision a logo for a Deep House music brand. The primary element should be a stylized vinyl record,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Joan Miro, hyperrealism, crazy cat, 3d, Ralph Steadman, Basquiat, minimalism .png to raw_combined/Joan Miro, hyperrealism, crazy cat, 3d, Ralph Steadman, Basquiat, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/SRI YANTRA, STICKER STYLE, WHITE BACKGROUND .txt to raw_combined/SRI YANTRA, STICKER STYLE, WHITE BACKGROUND .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/johnny indovina, human drama heart, betrayal heart, moments in time, Vibrant Color Dramatic Color .txt to raw_combined/johnny indovina, human drama heart, betrayal heart, moments in time, Vibrant Color Dramatic Color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/1988s photo of Siouxsie 80 darkwave, gothi, dancing at a warehouse dance club .png to raw_combined/1988s photo of Siouxsie 80 darkwave, gothi, dancing at a warehouse dance club .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Minimalist retro sci fi art collage, surrealism panda smelling roses .png to raw_combined/Minimalist retro sci fi art collage, surrealism panda smelling roses .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sloth going for a hike, sticker, no background, 4k .png to raw_combined/sloth going for a hike, sticker, no background, 4k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, black and white cow, flowers, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, black and white cow, flowers, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/SRI YANTRA, STICKER STYLE, WHITE BACKGROUND .png to raw_combined/SRI YANTRA, STICKER STYLE, WHITE BACKGROUND .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/flower market in san francisco .png to raw_combined/flower market in san francisco .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/graphic, its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt to raw_combined/graphic, its a shame, lost love, broken heart, sad little man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/skull with a snake, art by Andy Singer .txt to raw_combined/skull with a snake, art by Andy Singer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimalist abstract painting in style of Plant Forms Organic Shapes Plant Forms Organic Shapes is an.png to raw_combined/minimalist abstract painting in style of Plant Forms Organic Shapes Plant Forms Organic Shapes is an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/texas bbq ribs .txt to raw_combined/texas bbq ribs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a drawing of a black raven standing in a flower, in the style of colorful fantasy realism, light mag.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a black raven standing in a flower, in the style of colorful fantasy realism, light mag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/disco ball sticker round vector white background .txt to raw_combined/disco ball sticker round vector white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangles, geometric, 90s, triangle, geometry, technology, glitch, glitching triangle .png to raw_combined/triangles, geometric, 90s, triangle, geometry, technology, glitch, glitching triangle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art, black background .png to raw_combined/raven, tan and purple, retro tshirt art, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/minimalism poster design, abstract, tribal, native, wilderness, warm, rich, earth, patterns .png to raw_combined/minimalism poster design, abstract, tribal, native, wilderness, warm, rich, earth, patterns .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png to raw_combined/siberian husky dog living room, Three Birds Renovations decor, image high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/album cover in the style of tycho .txt to raw_combined/album cover in the style of tycho .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, A parot, pink and purple tone, in style of sticker, black line outline, isolate, pure white.txt to raw_combined/sticker, A parot, pink and purple tone, in style of sticker, black line outline, isolate, pure white.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .png to raw_combined/painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract technology color muted halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .png to raw_combined/abstract technology color muted halftones pattern, high contrast, illustrator .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/triangle idonthaveacoolname .txt to raw_combined/triangle idonthaveacoolname .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/cute Dog Boxer, happy and smiling, bold line, clipart, sticker, white background, no shadow, 8k deta.png to raw_combined/cute Dog Boxer, happy and smiling, bold line, clipart, sticker, white background, no shadow, 8k deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/In the ocean cuts ring deep, the sky Like there, I dont know why In the forest theres a clearing I r.txt to raw_combined/In the ocean cuts ring deep, the sky Like there, I dont know why In the forest theres a clearing I r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, no background, portrait, hipster, corgi, dark vibrant colors, HD, sticker, 8K, Hyperrealist.png to raw_combined/sticker, no background, portrait, hipster, corgi, dark vibrant colors, HD, sticker, 8K, Hyperrealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/lofi album cover .txt to raw_combined/lofi album cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/retro wildlife poster of a bear .txt to raw_combined/retro wildlife poster of a bear .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/pattern .txt to raw_combined/pattern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/The band U2 playing songs from achtung baby on the vegas strip .png to raw_combined/The band U2 playing songs from achtung baby on the vegas strip .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Skull oil painting, Rainbow geometric architectures blend with organic shapes, Pop Surrealism, Essen.txt to raw_combined/Skull oil painting, Rainbow geometric architectures blend with organic shapes, Pop Surrealism, Essen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, black and gold, owl, negative space , no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, black and gold, owl, negative space , no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/heartbreak, lost love .png to raw_combined/heartbreak, lost love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/diecut sticker with clear black border no shadows on transparent background aurora borealis bear 70s.txt to raw_combined/diecut sticker with clear black border no shadows on transparent background aurora borealis bear 70s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/abstract camouflage pattern with large organic flat shapes and bright psychedelic colors dynamic com.png to raw_combined/abstract camouflage pattern with large organic flat shapes and bright psychedelic colors dynamic com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/the sailboat is on a lake beside orange trees, in the style of bold lithographic, light skyblue and .txt to raw_combined/the sailboat is on a lake beside orange trees, in the style of bold lithographic, light skyblue and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, A parot, pink and purple tone, in style of sticker, black line outline, isolate, pure white.png to raw_combined/sticker, A parot, pink and purple tone, in style of sticker, black line outline, isolate, pure white.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/square in vibrant colors, abstract patterns, movement an flow, texture and layers .txt to raw_combined/square in vibrant colors, abstract patterns, movement an flow, texture and layers .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/grand canyon photo by peter lik, .txt to raw_combined/grand canyon photo by peter lik, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a smiling maple leaf, adding a touch of cuteness to the iconic Canadian symbol, in the colours of re.png to raw_combined/a smiling maple leaf, adding a touch of cuteness to the iconic Canadian symbol, in the colours of re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/a silhouette of a redwinged blackbird, clinging to a lone reed, in the style of a 1920s national par.png to raw_combined/a silhouette of a redwinged blackbird, clinging to a lone reed, in the style of a 1920s national par.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/kawaii full body profile of a Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png to raw_combined/kawaii full body profile of a Holstein cow with flowers, sticker, isolated on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, octopus, no background .png to raw_combined/sticker, octopus, no background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/an abstract computer screen with a pink, purple, and polka dot, in the style of atmospheric impressi.txt to raw_combined/an abstract computer screen with a pink, purple, and polka dot, in the style of atmospheric impressi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .txt to raw_combined/painting meditation triangle over a feild with a sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/celestial wolf, mystic fantasy, floral, watercolered pencil, paint drips and splatters, pixiv, Julie.png to raw_combined/celestial wolf, mystic fantasy, floral, watercolered pencil, paint drips and splatters, pixiv, Julie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/Triangle Mosaic Print .png to raw_combined/Triangle Mosaic Print .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/sticker, octopus, no background .txt to raw_combined/sticker, octopus, no background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_33/man fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the r.txt to raw_combined/man fender guitar player style Roberto Ferri showing the texture of thick oil paint strokes on the r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small and thin, champagne flute half filled with cold water, transpor.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small and thin, champagne flute half filled with cold water, transpor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A distinguished gentleman reclines in an armchair with a tiny white chihuahua dog at his side, in th.txt to raw_combined/A distinguished gentleman reclines in an armchair with a tiny white chihuahua dog at his side, in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a young woman with green eyes wearing a scarf, in the style of igor zenin, powerful symbolism, david.txt to raw_combined/a young woman with green eyes wearing a scarf, in the style of igor zenin, powerful symbolism, david.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy at night .txt to raw_combined/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy at night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the sunglasses are mirrored in the city, in the style of futuristic cyberpunk, bokeh panorama, steel.png to raw_combined/the sunglasses are mirrored in the city, in the style of futuristic cyberpunk, bokeh panorama, steel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model transported to a world of sunsets, beachside bonfires, and carefree laughter. D.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model transported to a world of sunsets, beachside bonfires, and carefree laughter. D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious crystal clear colored clarified margarita, sugar and .png to raw_combined/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious crystal clear colored clarified margarita, sugar and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a glowing neon colored entrance with statues in front, in the style of luxurious textures, vray, ton.png to raw_combined/a glowing neon colored entrance with statues in front, in the style of luxurious textures, vray, ton.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a 355ml can a can of tequila and lime soda water, in the style of magazine quality product design an.txt to raw_combined/a 355ml can a can of tequila and lime soda water, in the style of magazine quality product design an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a stunning angel woman with mirror veins and extremely large silver and gold angel mirror wings , ci.png to raw_combined/a stunning angel woman with mirror veins and extremely large silver and gold angel mirror wings , ci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a stunningly beautiful womans face, flowing hair blowing in the breeze painted with multiple colorfu.png to raw_combined/a stunningly beautiful womans face, flowing hair blowing in the breeze painted with multiple colorfu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/icecarved chihuahua sitting .txt to raw_combined/icecarved chihuahua sitting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light from neon lamps illuminated the entrance of this modern office space, in the style of light ma.png to raw_combined/light from neon lamps illuminated the entrance of this modern office space, in the style of light ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/pretty woman in a glowgami dress on the streets of Paris with Eiffel tower in the distant skyline .png to raw_combined/pretty woman in a glowgami dress on the streets of Paris with Eiffel tower in the distant skyline .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a close up of a genetically advanced bull with horns representing Bitcoin rising, igniting from insi.png to raw_combined/a close up of a genetically advanced bull with horns representing Bitcoin rising, igniting from insi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short midriff minidress, drinking tequila in a ambient.png to raw_combined/photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short midriff minidress, drinking tequila in a ambient.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Extremely detailed photography, overly attractive stunningly beautiful woman with Kendra Scott Jewel.txt to raw_combined/Extremely detailed photography, overly attractive stunningly beautiful woman with Kendra Scott Jewel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful blonde woman surrounded by a field of orange birds, in the style of monochromatic shadow.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful blonde woman surrounded by a field of orange birds, in the style of monochromatic shadow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/create a logo for high end commercial real estate firm and incorporate letters A as in A and P as in.txt to raw_combined/create a logo for high end commercial real estate firm and incorporate letters A as in A and P as in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/off centered low angle shot of a stunning fallen angel kneeling while being redeemed by the light an.txt to raw_combined/off centered low angle shot of a stunning fallen angel kneeling while being redeemed by the light an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July south florida celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .txt to raw_combined/4th of July south florida celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in dark field with flowers surrounding, in the style of ethereal, ghostly figures,.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in dark field with flowers surrounding, in the style of ethereal, ghostly figures,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking lime ma.txt to raw_combined/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking lime ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/half body shot, a stunning 23 yearsold woman , she is dancing in a roof top bar in Las Vegas, holdin.txt to raw_combined/half body shot, a stunning 23 yearsold woman , she is dancing in a roof top bar in Las Vegas, holdin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, stulish lugg.txt to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, stulish lugg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/tree green, starry night, light, world, in the style of water and land fusion, surrealistic elements.png to raw_combined/tree green, starry night, light, world, in the style of water and land fusion, surrealistic elements.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the sunglasses are mirrored in the city, in the style of futuristic cyberpunk, bokeh panorama, steel.txt to raw_combined/the sunglasses are mirrored in the city, in the style of futuristic cyberpunk, bokeh panorama, steel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/woman silhouette with buildings and the sun, in the style of hyperrealistic water, vintageinspired d.png to raw_combined/woman silhouette with buildings and the sun, in the style of hyperrealistic water, vintageinspired d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/horse riding a painting of a woman with a horse on her back, in the style of elegant, emotive faces,.png to raw_combined/horse riding a painting of a woman with a horse on her back, in the style of elegant, emotive faces,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a colorful image of a woman with large eyes, hair and long legs, in the style of realistic chiaroscu.txt to raw_combined/a colorful image of a woman with large eyes, hair and long legs, in the style of realistic chiaroscu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with El Paso,.png to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with El Paso,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a group of female Spanish models celebrating, all holding different fruit flavored ice cold margarit.png to raw_combined/a group of female Spanish models celebrating, all holding different fruit flavored ice cold margarit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender with tattos on arms and body from Austin, Texas using.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender with tattos on arms and body from Austin, Texas using.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious margarita, insane details, food photography, editoria.png to raw_combined/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious margarita, insane details, food photography, editoria.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/art hd images, art photos, art wallpapers, in the style of jarek kubicki, dotpainted colors, optical.png to raw_combined/art hd images, art photos, art wallpapers, in the style of jarek kubicki, dotpainted colors, optical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious margarita, insane details, food photography, editoria.txt to raw_combined/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious margarita, insane details, food photography, editoria.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/golden city skyline landscape background in high resolution svg, in the style of barbara takenaga, 3.txt to raw_combined/golden city skyline landscape background in high resolution svg, in the style of barbara takenaga, 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/picture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.png to raw_combined/picture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, stulish lugg.png to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, stulish lugg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style, yellow color theme, Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tig.png to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style, yellow color theme, Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/pretty woman in a glowgami dress on the streets of Paris with Eiffel tower in the distant skyline .txt to raw_combined/pretty woman in a glowgami dress on the streets of Paris with Eiffel tower in the distant skyline .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman riding a horse, in the style of portraits with soft lighting, heavy use of pal.png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman riding a horse, in the style of portraits with soft lighting, heavy use of pal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .txt to raw_combined/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from Austin, Texas using master mixologist techniques.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from Austin, Texas using master mixologist techniques.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in an orange dress in front of many yellow birds, in the style of jessica drossin,.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in an orange dress in front of many yellow birds, in the style of jessica drossin,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/multiple colorful mixed media, liquid emulsion, stainswashes, metallic surfaces .txt to raw_combined/multiple colorful mixed media, liquid emulsion, stainswashes, metallic surfaces .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/eye of the tiger .png to raw_combined/eye of the tiger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a traditional ball gown, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist s.png to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a traditional ball gown, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/commercial building brochure cover ireland stylized silhouette clean modern light background A3 port.png to raw_combined/commercial building brochure cover ireland stylized silhouette clean modern light background A3 port.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman with the eiffel tower and her face, in the style of intense urban street art, .txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman with the eiffel tower and her face, in the style of intense urban street art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/create a logo for high end commercial real estate firm and incorporate letters A as in A and P as in.png to raw_combined/create a logo for high end commercial real estate firm and incorporate letters A as in A and P as in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an ultra realistic 8k HD glamour photo, beautiful model in a dark blue dress with full length long s.txt to raw_combined/an ultra realistic 8k HD glamour photo, beautiful model in a dark blue dress with full length long s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor .txt to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the face of women with hair on her face with art, in the style of precision painting, shiny eyes, da.txt to raw_combined/the face of women with hair on her face with art, in the style of precision painting, shiny eyes, da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Breathtaking Rocky Mountain National Park landscape from Loveland, CO hiking trail in late June, sho.txt to raw_combined/Breathtaking Rocky Mountain National Park landscape from Loveland, CO hiking trail in late June, sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/golden city skyline landscape background in high resolution svg, in the style of barbara takenaga, 3.png to raw_combined/golden city skyline landscape background in high resolution svg, in the style of barbara takenaga, 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking fruity .txt to raw_combined/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking fruity .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A young woman sitting on a blue velvet couch in a blue fur coat, in the style of fujifilm natura 160.txt to raw_combined/A young woman sitting on a blue velvet couch in a blue fur coat, in the style of fujifilm natura 160.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/National Geographic award winning photo, the world of sea life, a giant manta ray gliding through th.txt to raw_combined/National Geographic award winning photo, the world of sea life, a giant manta ray gliding through th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with her young son holding a doodle, in the style of emery hawkins, richard meier, jazzy, fa.txt to raw_combined/a woman with her young son holding a doodle, in the style of emery hawkins, richard meier, jazzy, fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/paint your wild bison on canvas by john gilley, in the style of light blue and amber, fauvist portra.png to raw_combined/paint your wild bison on canvas by john gilley, in the style of light blue and amber, fauvist portra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with a large collar looking out into space, in the style of patrick demarchelier, animated g.txt to raw_combined/a woman with a large collar looking out into space, in the style of patrick demarchelier, animated g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light from neon lamps illuminated the entrance of this modern office space, in the style of light ma.txt to raw_combined/light from neon lamps illuminated the entrance of this modern office space, in the style of light ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic shot, beautiful supermodel laying on a fur couch in modern arctic villa, visable sternum a.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, beautiful supermodel laying on a fur couch in modern arctic villa, visable sternum a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a 355ml can a can of tequila with a picture of a whote chihuaha in a circle on the can, and lime sod.png to raw_combined/a 355ml can a can of tequila with a picture of a whote chihuaha in a circle on the can, and lime sod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from Austin, Texas using master mixologist techniques.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from Austin, Texas using master mixologist techniques.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/woman standing on an open field with trees, in the style of dark cyan and light amber, romantic fant.png to raw_combined/woman standing on an open field with trees, in the style of dark cyan and light amber, romantic fant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, a group of women walking towards the camera by a luxury y.png to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, a group of women walking towards the camera by a luxury y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious crystal clear colored clarified margarita, sugar and .txt to raw_combined/a closeup magazine quality shot of a luxurious crystal clear colored clarified margarita, sugar and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium anejo tequila served neat in a ridel specialty.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium anejo tequila served neat in a ridel specialty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/minimalist painting in the style of Mary Corse, controlled formal approach using geometrical shapes .png to raw_combined/minimalist painting in the style of Mary Corse, controlled formal approach using geometrical shapes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/art water in the fog art google art search, in the style of light turquoise and orange, bay area fig.txt to raw_combined/art water in the fog art google art search, in the style of light turquoise and orange, bay area fig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light painting photo, a brother and sister 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl, dancing in grass outs.png to raw_combined/light painting photo, a brother and sister 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl, dancing in grass outs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light painting photograohy with long exposure, zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flowe.txt to raw_combined/light painting photograohy with long exposure, zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flowe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the face of women with hair on her face with art, in the style of precision painting, shiny eyes, da.png to raw_combined/the face of women with hair on her face with art, in the style of precision painting, shiny eyes, da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/National Geographic award winning photo, the world of sea life, a giant manta ray gliding through th.png to raw_combined/National Geographic award winning photo, the world of sea life, a giant manta ray gliding through th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a glowing neon colored entrance with statues in front, in the style of luxurious textures, vray, ton.txt to raw_combined/a glowing neon colored entrance with statues in front, in the style of luxurious textures, vray, ton.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light painting photo, a brother and sister 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl, dancing in grass outs.txt to raw_combined/light painting photo, a brother and sister 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl, dancing in grass outs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman dressed in fur to pose, in the style of softfocused realism, rollerwave, shiny eyes, white a.txt to raw_combined/a woman dressed in fur to pose, in the style of softfocused realism, rollerwave, shiny eyes, white a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/light painting photograohy with long exposure, zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flowe.png to raw_combined/light painting photograohy with long exposure, zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flowe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/paint your wild bison on canvas by john gilley, in the style of light blue and amber, fauvist portra.txt to raw_combined/paint your wild bison on canvas by john gilley, in the style of light blue and amber, fauvist portra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Output Photo, Candid Shot, National Geographic Style, green and natural color theme, Subject French .txt to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, National Geographic Style, green and natural color theme, Subject French .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in an orange dress stands amongst yellow blowing leaves, in the style of daria end.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in an orange dress stands amongst yellow blowing leaves, in the style of daria end.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a photo of an original mrs helen walberg orange leaf, in the style of double exposure, dark pink and.png to raw_combined/a photo of an original mrs helen walberg orange leaf, in the style of double exposure, dark pink and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic shot, stunning mountain top villa, glass windows in the style of luxurious opulence, snowy.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, stunning mountain top villa, glass windows in the style of luxurious opulence, snowy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic Shot Subject Brazilian Supermodel, 25yo, tight low cut sun dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic Shot Subject Brazilian Supermodel, 25yo, tight low cut sun dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a young woman with green eyes wearing a scarf, in the style of igor zenin, powerful symbolism, david.png to raw_combined/a young woman with green eyes wearing a scarf, in the style of igor zenin, powerful symbolism, david.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a colorful image of a woman with large eyes, hair and long legs, in the style of realistic chiaroscu.png to raw_combined/a colorful image of a woman with large eyes, hair and long legs, in the style of realistic chiaroscu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in dark field with flowers surrounding, in the style of ethereal, ghostly figures,.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in dark field with flowers surrounding, in the style of ethereal, ghostly figures,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .png to raw_combined/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of ultra r.png to raw_combined/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of ultra r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a close up of Elon Musk, with a broken futuristic alien space suit after his alien spacecraft crashe.txt to raw_combined/a close up of Elon Musk, with a broken futuristic alien space suit after his alien spacecraft crashe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/E is for E, on a stone bar table, modern desert house and pool background, flowing water lighting, r.txt to raw_combined/E is for E, on a stone bar table, modern desert house and pool background, flowing water lighting, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/minimalist painting in the style of Mary Corse, controlled formal approach using geometrical shapes .txt to raw_combined/minimalist painting in the style of Mary Corse, controlled formal approach using geometrical shapes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/colorful portrait of a beautiful 25yo supermodel, flawless skin, tall, muscular, popping and sprayin.txt to raw_combined/colorful portrait of a beautiful 25yo supermodel, flawless skin, tall, muscular, popping and sprayin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/two mice driving a realistic garbage truck in construction gear safety vests, helmets, safety goggle.txt to raw_combined/two mice driving a realistic garbage truck in construction gear safety vests, helmets, safety goggle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an image of a tree glowing under a large blue star, in the style of water and land fusion, scifi lan.png to raw_combined/an image of a tree glowing under a large blue star, in the style of water and land fusion, scifi lan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the flavors of sunshine, adventure, and joy dance on your palate. Indulge in the tequila that embodi.png to raw_combined/the flavors of sunshine, adventure, and joy dance on your palate. Indulge in the tequila that embodi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman is walking down the street with a red umbrella, in the style of realistic fantasy artwork, l.png to raw_combined/a woman is walking down the street with a red umbrella, in the style of realistic fantasy artwork, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/liquid rainbow bioluminescent cosmic. the most beautiful image in the world, vivid, beautiful, trend.png to raw_combined/liquid rainbow bioluminescent cosmic. the most beautiful image in the world, vivid, beautiful, trend.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a bright lit tree surrounded by ocean and colorful stars, in the style of futuristic landscapes, dar.png to raw_combined/a bright lit tree surrounded by ocean and colorful stars, in the style of futuristic landscapes, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a close up of a genetically advanced bull with horns representing Bitcoin rising, igniting from insi.txt to raw_combined/a close up of a genetically advanced bull with horns representing Bitcoin rising, igniting from insi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a Champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a Champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown Woozle and one gray heffalump walking on a mountain trail in complimentary Patagonia wholl.png to raw_combined/one brown Woozle and one gray heffalump walking on a mountain trail in complimentary Patagonia wholl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A young woman sitting on a blue velvet couch in a blue fur coat, in the style of fujifilm natura 160.png to raw_combined/A young woman sitting on a blue velvet couch in a blue fur coat, in the style of fujifilm natura 160.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman with green eyes wearing a shawl, in the style of realistic fantasy, national geogr.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman with green eyes wearing a shawl, in the style of realistic fantasy, national geogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down the runway in a fur coat, in the style of playfully surreal, light gray and lig.png to raw_combined/a mouse walking down the runway in a fur coat, in the style of playfully surreal, light gray and lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/model alyson wilmiston wears a hot orange dress and is standing in a field of orange blowing linen a.txt to raw_combined/model alyson wilmiston wears a hot orange dress and is standing in a field of orange blowing linen a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photography of a vintage airstream trailer in a field, Switzerland summer afternoon, shot with Lomoc.txt to raw_combined/photography of a vintage airstream trailer in a field, Switzerland summer afternoon, shot with Lomoc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/portrait, photo of a stunning breathtaking Brazilian woman standing painted with black and yellow li.png to raw_combined/portrait, photo of a stunning breathtaking Brazilian woman standing painted with black and yellow li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/full photo shoot of woman with translucent scarf sitting on pink couch, in the style of nick alm, re.txt to raw_combined/full photo shoot of woman with translucent scarf sitting on pink couch, in the style of nick alm, re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in an orange dress stands amongst yellow blowing leaves, in the style of daria end.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in an orange dress stands amongst yellow blowing leaves, in the style of daria end.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/luxurious, large and spacious lounge, symmetrical arrangement, black, brown and white color palette,.txt to raw_combined/luxurious, large and spacious lounge, symmetrical arrangement, black, brown and white color palette,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman dressed in fur to pose, in the style of softfocused realism, rollerwave, shiny eyes, white a.png to raw_combined/a woman dressed in fur to pose, in the style of softfocused realism, rollerwave, shiny eyes, white a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ink dropped in water, illustration watercolor, sharp brushstroke, digitally enhanced of a woman in r.png to raw_combined/ink dropped in water, illustration watercolor, sharp brushstroke, digitally enhanced of a woman in r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an ultra realistic 8k HD glamour photo, beautiful model in a dark blue dress with full length long s.png to raw_combined/an ultra realistic 8k HD glamour photo, beautiful model in a dark blue dress with full length long s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around Kansas City, sampling bbq, wearing complimentary P.png to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around Kansas City, sampling bbq, wearing complimentary P.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding an ice cold margarita, small delicate hands, transported to a world of .png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding an ice cold margarita, small delicate hands, transported to a world of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small Champagne flute, half filled with very cold clear water, transp.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small Champagne flute, half filled with very cold clear water, transp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/modern Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark ve.png to raw_combined/modern Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark ve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a photo of a woman with long brown hair, in the style of russ mills, eyecatching detail, josephine w.png to raw_combined/a photo of a woman with long brown hair, in the style of russ mills, eyecatching detail, josephine w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender with tattos on arms and body from Austin, Texas using.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender with tattos on arms and body from Austin, Texas using.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/This logo could incorporate an all white baby chihuahua and green agave plant outline soaring high, .txt to raw_combined/This logo could incorporate an all white baby chihuahua and green agave plant outline soaring high, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Shes wearing a lightweight intricate thin midriff macramé, at a small margarita bar in Mexico City, .txt to raw_combined/Shes wearing a lightweight intricate thin midriff macramé, at a small margarita bar in Mexico City, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a 355ml can a can of tequila and lime soda water, in the style of magazine quality product design an.png to raw_combined/a 355ml can a can of tequila and lime soda water, in the style of magazine quality product design an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark velvet an.txt to raw_combined/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark velvet an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from California using bartender magic to make tequila.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from California using bartender magic to make tequila.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse holding hands, best froends, gearing up for mountain climbing on .png to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse holding hands, best froends, gearing up for mountain climbing on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/luxurious, large and spacious lounge, symmetrical arrangement, black, brown and white color palette,.png to raw_combined/luxurious, large and spacious lounge, symmetrical arrangement, black, brown and white color palette,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with green eyes, in the style of ethereal symbolism, national geographic photo, emerald, eas.txt to raw_combined/a woman with green eyes, in the style of ethereal symbolism, national geographic photo, emerald, eas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic still shot, long exposure shot, Hudson river, motion blur, cinema composition, early morni.png to raw_combined/cinematic still shot, long exposure shot, Hudson river, motion blur, cinema composition, early morni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a blonde woman in a white fur coat, in the style of precise hyperrealism, cinematic stills, botticel.txt to raw_combined/a blonde woman in a white fur coat, in the style of precise hyperrealism, cinematic stills, botticel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with her young son holding a doodle, in the style of emery hawkins, richard meier, jazzy, fa.png to raw_combined/a woman with her young son holding a doodle, in the style of emery hawkins, richard meier, jazzy, fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/This logo could incorporate an all white baby chihuahua and green agave plant outline soaring high, .png to raw_combined/This logo could incorporate an all white baby chihuahua and green agave plant outline soaring high, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/woman standing on an open field with trees, in the style of dark cyan and light amber, romantic fant.txt to raw_combined/woman standing on an open field with trees, in the style of dark cyan and light amber, romantic fant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small glass Champaign glass half filled with cold, clear water, trans.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small glass Champaign glass half filled with cold, clear water, trans.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Luxurious yet minimalistic modern loft style office interior, dark grey concrete floors, modern tan .png to raw_combined/Luxurious yet minimalistic modern loft style office interior, dark grey concrete floors, modern tan .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting showing a woman riding a horse, in the style of eric wallis, dark skyblue and light bronz.png to raw_combined/a painting showing a woman riding a horse, in the style of eric wallis, dark skyblue and light bronz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photography of a vintage airstream trailer in a field, Switzerland summer afternoon, shot with Lomoc.png to raw_combined/photography of a vintage airstream trailer in a field, Switzerland summer afternoon, shot with Lomoc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a bright lit tree surrounded by ocean and colorful stars, in the style of futuristic landscapes, dar.txt to raw_combined/a bright lit tree surrounded by ocean and colorful stars, in the style of futuristic landscapes, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a backyard photo of a minimalistic desert outdoor bar with gorgeous pool with models in the backgrou.png to raw_combined/a backyard photo of a minimalistic desert outdoor bar with gorgeous pool with models in the backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a stunning angel woman with mirror veins and extremely large silver and gold angel mirror wings , ci.txt to raw_combined/a stunning angel woman with mirror veins and extremely large silver and gold angel mirror wings , ci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium extra anejo tequila served neat in a ridel spe.txt to raw_combined/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium extra anejo tequila served neat in a ridel spe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style, yellow color theme, Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tig.txt to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style, yellow color theme, Subject French Supermodel, 18yo, tig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful blonde woman surrounded by a field of orange birds, in the style of monochromatic shadow.png to raw_combined/a beautiful blonde woman surrounded by a field of orange birds, in the style of monochromatic shadow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a Glencairn glass filled with white blanco tequila served neat, sitting on a brown tree branch, fron.txt to raw_combined/a Glencairn glass filled with white blanco tequila served neat, sitting on a brown tree branch, fron.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/icecarved chihuahua sitting .png to raw_combined/icecarved chihuahua sitting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful lady is sitting in front of the water, in the style of cinematic stills, georg jensen, f.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is sitting in front of the water, in the style of cinematic stills, georg jensen, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/eye of the tiger .txt to raw_combined/eye of the tiger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with a large collar looking out into space, in the style of patrick demarchelier, animated g.png to raw_combined/a woman with a large collar looking out into space, in the style of patrick demarchelier, animated g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/golden rain falling from a skyscraper in modern city, in the style of gold leaf accents, spectacular.txt to raw_combined/golden rain falling from a skyscraper in modern city, in the style of gold leaf accents, spectacular.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Subject magazine cover shoot of an all white baby chihuaha fewturing two large gold winning medals a.png to raw_combined/Subject magazine cover shoot of an all white baby chihuaha fewturing two large gold winning medals a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman in front of the eiffel tower, in the style of edgy street art, collage element.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman in front of the eiffel tower, in the style of edgy street art, collage element.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a tuxedo, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtl.png to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a tuxedo, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of ultra r.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of ultra r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic film still of a modern pool party complete with several fit models in athletic swim two pi.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still of a modern pool party complete with several fit models in athletic swim two pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a blonde woman in a white fur coat, in the style of precise hyperrealism, cinematic stills, botticel.png to raw_combined/a blonde woman in a white fur coat, in the style of precise hyperrealism, cinematic stills, botticel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ink dropped in water, illustration watercolor, sharp brushstroke, digitally enhanced of a woman in r.txt to raw_combined/ink dropped in water, illustration watercolor, sharp brushstroke, digitally enhanced of a woman in r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, luggage, wea.txt to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, luggage, wea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman with the eiffel tower and her face, in the style of intense urban street art, .png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman with the eiffel tower and her face, in the style of intense urban street art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic film still of a modern urban pool party complete with female models, at a modern desert ho.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still of a modern urban pool party complete with female models, at a modern desert ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman with green eyes wearing a shawl, in the style of realistic fantasy, national geogr.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman with green eyes wearing a shawl, in the style of realistic fantasy, national geogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Subject magazine cover shoot of an all white baby chihuaha fewturing two large gold winning medals a.txt to raw_combined/Subject magazine cover shoot of an all white baby chihuaha fewturing two large gold winning medals a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding an ice cold margarita, small delicate hands, transported to a world of .txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding an ice cold margarita, small delicate hands, transported to a world of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a photo of an original mrs helen walberg orange leaf, in the style of double exposure, dark pink and.txt to raw_combined/a photo of an original mrs helen walberg orange leaf, in the style of double exposure, dark pink and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around Kansas City, sampling bbq, wearing complimentary P.txt to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around Kansas City, sampling bbq, wearing complimentary P.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an award winning photograph, photographic filter of people Youre just like an angel Your skin makes.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photograph, photographic filter of people Youre just like an angel Your skin makes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/off centered low angle shot of a stunning fallen angel kneeling while being redeemed by the light an.png to raw_combined/off centered low angle shot of a stunning fallen angel kneeling while being redeemed by the light an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flower pedal element, Milky Way galaxy illuminating .txt to raw_combined/zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flower pedal element, Milky Way galaxy illuminating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark velvet an.png to raw_combined/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark velvet an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a Champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a Champagne flute half filled with cold water, transported to a world o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman is walking down the street with a red umbrella, in the style of realistic fantasy artwork, l.txt to raw_combined/a woman is walking down the street with a red umbrella, in the style of realistic fantasy artwork, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, luggage, wea.png to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse walking around the airport on the way to adventures, luggage, wea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman is walking through a field in the fall with glowing lights, in the style of romantic fantasy.txt to raw_combined/a woman is walking through a field in the fall with glowing lights, in the style of romantic fantasy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse gearing up for Soithwest Airlines flight to Colorado in complimen.txt to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse gearing up for Soithwest Airlines flight to Colorado in complimen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down the runway in a fur coat, in the style of playfully surreal, light gray and lig.txt to raw_combined/a mouse walking down the runway in a fur coat, in the style of playfully surreal, light gray and lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup photo of a minimalistic living room extreme detail, film still, comfortable furnishings, .txt to raw_combined/a closeup photo of a minimalistic living room extreme detail, film still, comfortable furnishings, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/golden rain falling from a skyscraper in modern city, in the style of gold leaf accents, spectacular.png to raw_combined/golden rain falling from a skyscraper in modern city, in the style of gold leaf accents, spectacular.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse gearing up for Soithwest Airlines flight to Colorado in complimen.png to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse gearing up for Soithwest Airlines flight to Colorado in complimen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Shes wearing a lightweight intricate thin midriff macramé, at a small margarita bar in Mexico City, .png to raw_combined/Shes wearing a lightweight intricate thin midriff macramé, at a small margarita bar in Mexico City, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic film still of a modern urban pool party complete with female models, at a modern desert ho.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still of a modern urban pool party complete with female models, at a modern desert ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from California using bartender magic to make tequila.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful american female bartender from California using bartender magic to make tequila.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a traditional ball gown, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist s.txt to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a traditional ball gown, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic blockbuster scene High contrast lighting relaxed a beautiful iconic supermodel A woman .png to raw_combined/cinematic blockbuster scene High contrast lighting relaxed a beautiful iconic supermodel A woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/two mice driving a realistic garbage truck in construction gear safety vests, helmets, safety goggle.png to raw_combined/two mice driving a realistic garbage truck in construction gear safety vests, helmets, safety goggle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/commercial building brochure cover ireland stylized silhouette clean modern light background A3 port.txt to raw_combined/commercial building brochure cover ireland stylized silhouette clean modern light background A3 port.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ivan povzhenko beautiful girl riding a horse, in the style of martin ansin, dark azure and amber, an.txt to raw_combined/ivan povzhenko beautiful girl riding a horse, in the style of martin ansin, dark azure and amber, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/tree green, starry night, light, world, in the style of water and land fusion, surrealistic elements.txt to raw_combined/tree green, starry night, light, world, in the style of water and land fusion, surrealistic elements.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman in a dress walks down a field with a beautiful light shining on her, in the style of dark cy.png to raw_combined/a woman in a dress walks down a field with a beautiful light shining on her, in the style of dark cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/bright aurora and stars illuminate the sky above a rocky cliff with water, in the style of gabriel i.png to raw_combined/bright aurora and stars illuminate the sky above a rocky cliff with water, in the style of gabriel i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/art hd images, art photos, art wallpapers, in the style of jarek kubicki, dotpainted colors, optical.txt to raw_combined/art hd images, art photos, art wallpapers, in the style of jarek kubicki, dotpainted colors, optical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a close up of Elon Musk, with a broken futuristic alien space suit after his alien spacecraft crashe.png to raw_combined/a close up of Elon Musk, with a broken futuristic alien space suit after his alien spacecraft crashe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a closeup photo of a minimalistic living room extreme detail, film still, comfortable furnishings, .png to raw_combined/a closeup photo of a minimalistic living room extreme detail, film still, comfortable furnishings, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.txt to raw_combined/Ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman in a dress walks down a field with a beautiful light shining on her, in the style of dark cy.txt to raw_combined/a woman in a dress walks down a field with a beautiful light shining on her, in the style of dark cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flower pedal element, Milky Way galaxy illuminating .png to raw_combined/zodiac sign Taurus as a woman, raining colorful flower pedal element, Milky Way galaxy illuminating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/woman silhouette with buildings and the sun, in the style of hyperrealistic water, vintageinspired d.txt to raw_combined/woman silhouette with buildings and the sun, in the style of hyperrealistic water, vintageinspired d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy at night .png to raw_combined/4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy at night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman riding a horse, in the style of portraits with soft lighting, heavy use of pal.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman riding a horse, in the style of portraits with soft lighting, heavy use of pal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic beautiful red hair, wallpaper , in the sty.png to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic beautiful red hair, wallpaper , in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/liquid rainbow bioluminescent cosmic. the most beautiful image in the world, vivid, beautiful, trend.txt to raw_combined/liquid rainbow bioluminescent cosmic. the most beautiful image in the world, vivid, beautiful, trend.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Output Photo, Candid Shot, National Geographic Style, green and natural color theme, Subject French .png to raw_combined/Output Photo, Candid Shot, National Geographic Style, green and natural color theme, Subject French .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small and thin, champagne flute half filled with cold water, transpor.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small and thin, champagne flute half filled with cold water, transpor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a 355ml can a can of tequila with a picture of a whote chihuaha in a circle on the can, and lime sod.txt to raw_combined/a 355ml can a can of tequila with a picture of a whote chihuaha in a circle on the can, and lime sod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman holding a red umbrella, in the style of beautiful women, photobashing, light b.png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman holding a red umbrella, in the style of beautiful women, photobashing, light b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/the flavors of sunshine, adventure, and joy dance on your palate. Indulge in the tequila that embodi.txt to raw_combined/the flavors of sunshine, adventure, and joy dance on your palate. Indulge in the tequila that embodi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small Champagne flute, half filled with very cold clear water, transp.txt to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small Champagne flute, half filled with very cold clear water, transp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a National Geographic cinematic photo photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheri.png to raw_combined/a National Geographic cinematic photo photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman holding a red umbrella, in the style of beautiful women, photobashing, light b.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman holding a red umbrella, in the style of beautiful women, photobashing, light b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman in red umbrella in watercolor painting, in the style of becky cloonan, frank thorne, florian.txt to raw_combined/a woman in red umbrella in watercolor painting, in the style of becky cloonan, frank thorne, florian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic film still of a modern pool party complete with several fit models in athletic swim two pi.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still of a modern pool party complete with several fit models in athletic swim two pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/pocture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.txt to raw_combined/pocture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Professional street photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short dress .txt to raw_combined/Professional street photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic beautiful red hair, wallpaper , in the sty.txt to raw_combined/8k, photo realistic, glamour photography, hyper realistic beautiful red hair, wallpaper , in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down the runway in a Gucci evening gown, in the style of playfully surreal, light gr.txt to raw_combined/a mouse walking down the runway in a Gucci evening gown, in the style of playfully surreal, light gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Breathtaking Rocky Mountain National Park landscape from Loveland, CO hiking trail in late June, sho.png to raw_combined/Breathtaking Rocky Mountain National Park landscape from Loveland, CO hiking trail in late June, sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/picture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.txt to raw_combined/picture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown mouse and one gray mouse holding hands, best froends, gearing up for mountain climbing on .txt to raw_combined/one brown mouse and one gray mouse holding hands, best froends, gearing up for mountain climbing on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/horse riding a painting of a woman with a horse on her back, in the style of elegant, emotive faces,.txt to raw_combined/horse riding a painting of a woman with a horse on her back, in the style of elegant, emotive faces,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/E is for E, on a stone bar table, modern desert house and pool background, flowing water lighting, r.png to raw_combined/E is for E, on a stone bar table, modern desert house and pool background, flowing water lighting, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking fruity .png to raw_combined/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking fruity .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a young and beautiful 22 year old model reminiscing about her upbringing in Jalisco, Mexico. Her ev.txt to raw_combined/a young and beautiful 22 year old model reminiscing about her upbringing in Jalisco, Mexico. Her ev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic blockbuster scene High contrast lighting relaxed a beautiful iconic supermodel A woman .txt to raw_combined/cinematic blockbuster scene High contrast lighting relaxed a beautiful iconic supermodel A woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic shot, beautiful supermodel laying on a fur couch in modern arctic villa, visable sternum a.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, beautiful supermodel laying on a fur couch in modern arctic villa, visable sternum a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Extremely detailed photography, overly attractive stunningly beautiful woman with Kendra Scott Jewel.png to raw_combined/Extremely detailed photography, overly attractive stunningly beautiful woman with Kendra Scott Jewel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short midriff minidress, drinking tequila in a ambient.txt to raw_combined/photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short midriff minidress, drinking tequila in a ambient.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a photo of a woman with long brown hair, in the style of russ mills, eyecatching detail, josephine w.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a woman with long brown hair, in the style of russ mills, eyecatching detail, josephine w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model holding a small glass Champaign glass half filled with cold, clear water, trans.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model holding a small glass Champaign glass half filled with cold, clear water, trans.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful lady is sitting in front of the water, in the style of cinematic stills, georg jensen, f.png to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is sitting in front of the water, in the style of cinematic stills, georg jensen, f.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a suit, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtlan.png to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a suit, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtlan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a beautiful woman in an orange dress in front of many yellow birds, in the style of jessica drossin,.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in an orange dress in front of many yellow birds, in the style of jessica drossin,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman is walking through a field in the fall with glowing lights, in the style of romantic fantasy.png to raw_combined/a woman is walking through a field in the fall with glowing lights, in the style of romantic fantasy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/art water in the fog art google art search, in the style of light turquoise and orange, bay area fig.png to raw_combined/art water in the fog art google art search, in the style of light turquoise and orange, bay area fig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman with green eyes, in the style of ethereal symbolism, national geographic photo, emerald, eas.png to raw_combined/a woman with green eyes, in the style of ethereal symbolism, national geographic photo, emerald, eas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautifully intricate highly detailed shot showing a stunning beautiful suntanned tattooed Brazilian.png to raw_combined/beautifully intricate highly detailed shot showing a stunning beautiful suntanned tattooed Brazilian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a stunningly beautiful womans face, flowing hair blowing in the breeze painted with multiple colorfu.txt to raw_combined/a stunningly beautiful womans face, flowing hair blowing in the breeze painted with multiple colorfu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A old couple sitting on a park bench, holding hands and completely in love looking at duck during th.png to raw_combined/A old couple sitting on a park bench, holding hands and completely in love looking at duck during th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a woman in red umbrella in watercolor painting, in the style of becky cloonan, frank thorne, florian.png to raw_combined/a woman in red umbrella in watercolor painting, in the style of becky cloonan, frank thorne, florian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ivan povzhenko beautiful girl riding a horse, in the style of martin ansin, dark azure and amber, an.png to raw_combined/ivan povzhenko beautiful girl riding a horse, in the style of martin ansin, dark azure and amber, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a suit, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtlan.txt to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a suit, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtlan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium extra anejo tequila served neat in a ridel spe.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium extra anejo tequila served neat in a ridel spe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down a runway in a tuxedo, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtl.txt to raw_combined/a mouse walking down a runway in a tuxedo, in the style of furry art, neoclassicist symmetry, voigtl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking lime ma.png to raw_combined/ultra realisitc cinematic photograph, a group of female Spanish and mexican models, drinking lime ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the famed Churchill downs for the Kentucky derby.png to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the famed Churchill downs for the Kentucky derby.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of attract.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of attract.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor .png to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/half body shot, a stunning 23 yearsold woman , she is dancing in a roof top bar in Las Vegas, holdin.png to raw_combined/half body shot, a stunning 23 yearsold woman , she is dancing in a roof top bar in Las Vegas, holdin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/one brown Woozle and one gray heffalump walking on a mountain trail in complimentary Patagonia wholl.txt to raw_combined/one brown Woozle and one gray heffalump walking on a mountain trail in complimentary Patagonia wholl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a backyard photo of a minimalistic desert outdoor bar with gorgeous pool with models in the backgrou.txt to raw_combined/a backyard photo of a minimalistic desert outdoor bar with gorgeous pool with models in the backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with El Paso,.txt to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with El Paso,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a Glencairn glass filled with white blanco tequila served neat, sitting on a brown tree branch, fron.png to raw_combined/a Glencairn glass filled with white blanco tequila served neat, sitting on a brown tree branch, fron.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/female Spanish model transported to a world of sunsets, beachside bonfires, and carefree laughter. D.png to raw_combined/female Spanish model transported to a world of sunsets, beachside bonfires, and carefree laughter. D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a young and beautiful 22 year old model reminiscing about her upbringing in Jalisco, Mexico. Her ev.png to raw_combined/a young and beautiful 22 year old model reminiscing about her upbringing in Jalisco, Mexico. Her ev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.png to raw_combined/Ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting showing a woman riding a horse, in the style of eric wallis, dark skyblue and light bronz.txt to raw_combined/a painting showing a woman riding a horse, in the style of eric wallis, dark skyblue and light bronz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an image of a tree glowing under a large blue star, in the style of water and land fusion, scifi lan.txt to raw_combined/an image of a tree glowing under a large blue star, in the style of water and land fusion, scifi lan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a group of female Spanish models celebrating, all holding different fruit flavored ice cold margarit.txt to raw_combined/a group of female Spanish models celebrating, all holding different fruit flavored ice cold margarit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/4th of July south florida celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .png to raw_combined/4th of July south florida celebrations with friends at the pool, food, cocktails, and joy. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/modern Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark ve.txt to raw_combined/modern Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential dark ve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/full photo shoot of woman with translucent scarf sitting on pink couch, in the style of nick alm, re.png to raw_combined/full photo shoot of woman with translucent scarf sitting on pink couch, in the style of nick alm, re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.txt to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A distinguished gentleman reclines in an armchair with a tiny white chihuahua dog at his side, in th.png to raw_combined/A distinguished gentleman reclines in an armchair with a tiny white chihuahua dog at his side, in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/colorful portrait of a beautiful 25yo supermodel, flawless skin, tall, muscular, popping and sprayin.png to raw_combined/colorful portrait of a beautiful 25yo supermodel, flawless skin, tall, muscular, popping and sprayin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/bright aurora and stars illuminate the sky above a rocky cliff with water, in the style of gabriel i.txt to raw_combined/bright aurora and stars illuminate the sky above a rocky cliff with water, in the style of gabriel i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/cinematic still shot, long exposure shot, Hudson river, motion blur, cinema composition, early morni.txt to raw_combined/cinematic still shot, long exposure shot, Hudson river, motion blur, cinema composition, early morni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium anejo tequila served neat in a ridel specialty.png to raw_combined/hyperrealistic image of a closeup of an ultra premium anejo tequila served neat in a ridel specialty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautifully intricate highly detailed shot showing a stunning beautiful suntanned tattooed Brazilian.txt to raw_combined/beautifully intricate highly detailed shot showing a stunning beautiful suntanned tattooed Brazilian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.png to raw_combined/ultra luxurious and sophisticated logo for high end commercial and residential realtor with high end.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/pocture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.png to raw_combined/pocture of friends at night on 4th of July El Paso, Texas celebrations with friends at the pool, foo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, a group of women walking towards the camera by a luxury y.txt to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, a group of women walking towards the camera by a luxury y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential ultimate inspi.txt to raw_combined/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential ultimate inspi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/model alyson wilmiston wears a hot orange dress and is standing in a field of orange blowing linen a.png to raw_combined/model alyson wilmiston wears a hot orange dress and is standing in a field of orange blowing linen a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a painting of a woman in front of the eiffel tower, in the style of edgy street art, collage element.png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman in front of the eiffel tower, in the style of edgy street art, collage element.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic Composition, exterior landscape design backyard of a white brick colonial North Carolina .txt to raw_combined/Cinematic Composition, exterior landscape design backyard of a white brick colonial North Carolina .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the famed Churchill downs for the Kentucky derby.txt to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the famed Churchill downs for the Kentucky derby.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/multiple colorful mixed media, liquid emulsion, stainswashes, metallic surfaces .png to raw_combined/multiple colorful mixed media, liquid emulsion, stainswashes, metallic surfaces .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject mexican Supermodel, 18yo, tight little black dress, tall.txt to raw_combined/Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject mexican Supermodel, 18yo, tight little black dress, tall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject mexican Supermodel, 18yo, tight little black dress, tall.png to raw_combined/Photo, Candid Shot, Paparazzi Style Subject mexican Supermodel, 18yo, tight little black dress, tall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/liquid paining of El Paso, Texas cityscape landscapes in the style of digital binary barcode data .png to raw_combined/liquid paining of El Paso, Texas cityscape landscapes in the style of digital binary barcode data .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic Composition, exterior landscape design backyard of a white brick colonial North Carolina .png to raw_combined/Cinematic Composition, exterior landscape design backyard of a white brick colonial North Carolina .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a mouse walking down the runway in a Gucci evening gown, in the style of playfully surreal, light gr.png to raw_combined/a mouse walking down the runway in a Gucci evening gown, in the style of playfully surreal, light gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential ultimate inspi.png to raw_combined/Logo for a luxury real estate company high end, exclusive commercial and residential ultimate inspi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic shot, stunning mountain top villa, glass windows in the style of luxurious opulence, snowy.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, stunning mountain top villa, glass windows in the style of luxurious opulence, snowy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/A old couple sitting on a park bench, holding hands and completely in love looking at duck during th.txt to raw_combined/A old couple sitting on a park bench, holding hands and completely in love looking at duck during th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Professional street photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short dress .png to raw_combined/Professional street photo of a cute female in scandalous low cut short dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/a National Geographic cinematic photo photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheri.txt to raw_combined/a National Geographic cinematic photo photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Cinematic Shot Subject Brazilian Supermodel, 25yo, tight low cut sun dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.png to raw_combined/Cinematic Shot Subject Brazilian Supermodel, 25yo, tight low cut sun dress, tall woman, beauty. Back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/Luxurious yet minimalistic modern loft style office interior, dark grey concrete floors, modern tan .txt to raw_combined/Luxurious yet minimalistic modern loft style office interior, dark grey concrete floors, modern tan .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/liquid paining of El Paso, Texas cityscape landscapes in the style of digital binary barcode data .txt to raw_combined/liquid paining of El Paso, Texas cityscape landscapes in the style of digital binary barcode data .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of attract.png to raw_combined/beautiful fireworks show in honor of the 4th of July, being enjoyed poolside with a group of attract.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/portrait, photo of a stunning breathtaking Brazilian woman standing painted with black and yellow li.txt to raw_combined/portrait, photo of a stunning breathtaking Brazilian woman standing painted with black and yellow li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_38/an award winning photograph, photographic filter of people Youre just like an angel Your skin makes.png to raw_combined/an award winning photograph, photographic filter of people Youre just like an angel Your skin makes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a collaboration between DIEGO ALICE RACE DESIGN and Puma, for a future shoot avantgarde product shoo.txt to raw_combined/a collaboration between DIEGO ALICE RACE DESIGN and Puma, for a future shoot avantgarde product shoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Maintaining the exact layout and details of the room shown in the image, add a modern kitchen to the.txt to raw_combined/Maintaining the exact layout and details of the room shown in the image, add a modern kitchen to the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan che suona la chitarra elettrica .txt to raw_combined/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan che suona la chitarra elettrica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, fabric, wood, metal, zaha hadid, stable structure .txt to raw_combined/editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, fabric, wood, metal, zaha hadid, stable structure .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/basement car garare with a luxury cars, .txt to raw_combined/basement car garare with a luxury cars, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, vista in pianta di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, vista in sezione della pianta.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, vista in pianta di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, vista in sezione della pianta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile Editoriale, Nike Jordan Brand, design moderno futuristico, leggero e stiloso per elevarsi nel .png to raw_combined/Stile Editoriale, Nike Jordan Brand, design moderno futuristico, leggero e stiloso per elevarsi nel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, metal fiberglass frame, PANTON CHAIR, stable structure, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, metal fiberglass frame, PANTON CHAIR, stable structure, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a sofa with a chaise, in the style of romanticized views, cinematic elegance, michael shainblum, mod.png to raw_combined/a sofa with a chaise, in the style of romanticized views, cinematic elegance, michael shainblum, mod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, in the heart of the mediterranean sea, a luxurious vacation beach house, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, in the heart of the mediterranean sea, a luxurious vacation beach house, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, hypermodern, refined and sophisticated office, minimal furnishings, metal and glass.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, hypermodern, refined and sophisticated office, minimal furnishings, metal and glass.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/minimalistic brochure layout for new very modern villa exterior and interior archtitecture, A4 queer.txt to raw_combined/minimalistic brochure layout for new very modern villa exterior and interior archtitecture, A4 queer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno di una villa sul mare ligure, bagno open air sviluppato per m.txt to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno di una villa sul mare ligure, bagno open air sviluppato per m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/rappresentami un libro, con le pagine aperte, impaginate con stile moderno minimale e sofisticato, c.txt to raw_combined/rappresentami un libro, con le pagine aperte, impaginate con stile moderno minimale e sofisticato, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, light fiberglass frame, WERNER PANTON, stable structure, matte.txt to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, light fiberglass frame, WERNER PANTON, stable structure, matte.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door black prestigious c.png to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door black prestigious c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/rappresentami un libro, con le pagine aperte, impaginate con stile moderno minimale e sofisticato, c.png to raw_combined/rappresentami un libro, con le pagine aperte, impaginate con stile moderno minimale e sofisticato, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/F1 RACING HELMET, ARAIGP7, Red, white, very minimal old school racing livery .txt to raw_combined/F1 RACING HELMET, ARAIGP7, Red, white, very minimal old school racing livery .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, lamp with paralume and body, classic shape for inspiration shape, but very modern i.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, lamp with paralume and body, classic shape for inspiration shape, but very modern i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegno tecnico digitale 3D di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, con vista in pianta e sezioni prosp.txt to raw_combined/disegno tecnico digitale 3D di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, con vista in pianta e sezioni prosp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/front close view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white and black calaccata g.txt to raw_combined/front close view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white and black calaccata g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/vector logo of the word UMA written in Helvetica in an elegant and sophisticated font, Satin Gold .png to raw_combined/vector logo of the word UMA written in Helvetica in an elegant and sophisticated font, Satin Gold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Disegna il volto di un gorilla simpatico robotico high tech che guida una moto con un casco high tec.txt to raw_combined/Disegna il volto di un gorilla simpatico robotico high tech che guida una moto con un casco high tec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan in primo piano che suona la chitarra elettrica nello spazio stile vet.txt to raw_combined/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan in primo piano che suona la chitarra elettrica nello spazio stile vet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, metal, zaha had.txt to raw_combined/Editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, metal, zaha had.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a collaboration between DIEGO ALICE RACE DESIGN and Puma, for a future shoot avantgarde product shoo.png to raw_combined/a collaboration between DIEGO ALICE RACE DESIGN and Puma, for a future shoot avantgarde product shoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, a living room overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian c.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, a living room overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/design project house modern villa blueprint style .txt to raw_combined/design project house modern villa blueprint style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, interno di un livingroom moderno inserito in una moderna villa mediterranea sulla .txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, interno di un livingroom moderno inserito in una moderna villa mediterranea sulla .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/nike air jordan, design moderno, leggero, davanguardia, azzurro e bianco. .png to raw_combined/nike air jordan, design moderno, leggero, davanguardia, azzurro e bianco. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern twostorey villa on the Italian coast, draws the same villa from different an.png to raw_combined/editorial style, modern twostorey villa on the Italian coast, draws the same villa from different an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno sviluppato su una terrazza di una villa molto moderna sul mar.png to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno sviluppato su una terrazza di una villa molto moderna sul mar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, very modern and tech style, light shaper and forms, aluminium brushed .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, very modern and tech style, light shaper and forms, aluminium brushed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style Drone photo, from above, very modern villa in liguria coast itali, modern pool, dayl.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style Drone photo, from above, very modern villa in liguria coast itali, modern pool, dayl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand, which is about 40 of the lamp size, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand, which is about 40 of the lamp size, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica con 8 piani, inserita in midtown manhattan, Vessel Inspira.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica con 8 piani, inserita in midtown manhattan, Vessel Inspira.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/una volpe che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psichedelico .txt to raw_combined/una volpe che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psichedelico .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand and colored glass for the lampshade, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand and colored glass for the lampshade, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Nike Air Jordam Cusotm modernissima del futuro, Scarpa da basket avant garde, giallo nero, swosh Nik.txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Jordam Cusotm modernissima del futuro, Scarpa da basket avant garde, giallo nero, swosh Nik.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, detail print, accurate image, accurate manufacturing .txt to raw_combined/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, detail print, accurate image, accurate manufacturing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/rappresentami una sessione di progettazione 3D di interior design, su un computer workastion con 3 m.txt to raw_combined/rappresentami una sessione di progettazione 3D di interior design, su un computer workastion con 3 m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very large Ultramodern villa, 3 very large floors with many open space rooms and ca.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very large Ultramodern villa, 3 very large floors with many open space rooms and ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, we entered a beautiful modern villa overlooking the Ligurian sea, our eyes see a be.png to raw_combined/editorial style, we entered a beautiful modern villa overlooking the Ligurian sea, our eyes see a be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica inserita in midtown manhattan dotata di piattaforme ovali .png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica inserita in midtown manhattan dotata di piattaforme ovali .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo moderna, affacciata su salone di grande villa moderna sul mare ligu.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo moderna, affacciata su salone di grande villa moderna sul mare ligu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, rooftop terrace furnished in a modern and elegant style of a very modern and sophis.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, rooftop terrace furnished in a modern and elegant style of a very modern and sophis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 2door black prestigious P.png to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 2door black prestigious P.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/rappresentami una sessione di progettazione 3D di interior design, su un computer workastion con 3 m.png to raw_combined/rappresentami una sessione di progettazione 3D di interior design, su un computer workastion con 3 m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 3000 millimeters length 4000 millimeters wid.txt to raw_combined/contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 3000 millimeters length 4000 millimeters wid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, anycubic photon max work, 3D resin print work, clay materia.txt to raw_combined/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, anycubic photon max work, 3D resin print work, clay materia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/camera da letto molto moderna, esposta alla luce e al sole in una moderna villa sul mar ligure, arre.png to raw_combined/camera da letto molto moderna, esposta alla luce e al sole in una moderna villa sul mar ligure, arre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gorilla simpatico con casco che guida una moto, stile vettoriale poligonale, colorato psichedelico .png to raw_combined/gorilla simpatico con casco che guida una moto, stile vettoriale poligonale, colorato psichedelico .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by an overturned goblet in the diff.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by an overturned goblet in the diff.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegnami un bagno di media grandezza, con unampia finestra sulla costa ligure, vista mare, arredato.png to raw_combined/disegnami un bagno di media grandezza, con unampia finestra sulla costa ligure, vista mare, arredato.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo A FORMA CILINDRICA,.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo A FORMA CILINDRICA,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, minimal and futuristic Table lamp made from a clay and colored glass and silk or li.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, minimal and futuristic Table lamp made from a clay and colored glass and silk or li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, primo piano sulla vasca da bagno freestanding, inserita in un bagno.txt to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, primo piano sulla vasca da bagno freestanding, inserita in un bagno.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by the calla flower in the diffuser.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by the calla flower in the diffuser.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Porsche GT3 CUP 2023 .txt to raw_combined/Porsche GT3 CUP 2023 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Pool party, music, dj,8k, .txt to raw_combined/Pool party, music, dj,8k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, parametric light line and body insp.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, parametric light line and body insp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/indoor kart track, 3d sketch design, contemporary, only 3d track layout, no kart, no cars. .png to raw_combined/indoor kart track, 3d sketch design, contemporary, only 3d track layout, no kart, no cars. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/una volpe FELICE CON IL CASCO, che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psi.png to raw_combined/una volpe FELICE CON IL CASCO, che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/livingroom moderno, elegante, sofisticato, inserito in una villa molto moderna, sulla costa ligure i.png to raw_combined/livingroom moderno, elegante, sofisticato, inserito in una villa molto moderna, sulla costa ligure i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/design project house modern villa blueprint monocrome style, design on paper .png to raw_combined/design project house modern villa blueprint monocrome style, design on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, with modern pool and whater m.png to raw_combined/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, with modern pool and whater m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A 3D SMAX wireframe style project,of a modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, wi.png to raw_combined/A 3D SMAX wireframe style project,of a modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3D interior project session on multi desktop workstation computer on the white oak table dwesk,no te.txt to raw_combined/3D interior project session on multi desktop workstation computer on the white oak table dwesk,no te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, black and yellow minimal livery, ARAI GP7 CARBON, Up C.png to raw_combined/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, black and yellow minimal livery, ARAI GP7 CARBON, Up C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, mediumsized villa bathroom, total matte white material, cylinder vanity units, unco.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, mediumsized villa bathroom, total matte white material, cylinder vanity units, unco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial size, Mid Size powerboat, yacht, luxury, cabinato, dwood deck, blu and white, .png to raw_combined/Editorial size, Mid Size powerboat, yacht, luxury, cabinato, dwood deck, blu and white, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/corridoio di ingresso di una villa moderna con quadri astratti sulle due pareti. Il corridoio è alto.txt to raw_combined/corridoio di ingresso di una villa moderna con quadri astratti sulle due pareti. Il corridoio è alto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/brochures mockup by kobe, in the style of detailed architectural scenes, vray tracing, high detailed.png to raw_combined/brochures mockup by kobe, in the style of detailed architectural scenes, vray tracing, high detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edtorial style, master bedroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern, DI.png to raw_combined/edtorial style, master bedroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern, DI.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, fronnt view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, brown oak, turquoise marble, ar.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, fronnt view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, brown oak, turquoise marble, ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair oran.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair oran.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A laughing smiley emoticon wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a motorcycle .png to raw_combined/A laughing smiley emoticon wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a motorcycle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, designs a very modern and sophisticated living room, with all the furniture conceiv.png to raw_combined/editorial style, designs a very modern and sophisticated living room, with all the furniture conceiv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast and a garage architectural design drawing, i.txt to raw_combined/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast and a garage architectural design drawing, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, Minimal and clean racing graphichs, Up Class Image, St.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, Minimal and clean racing graphichs, Up Class Image, St.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Budimensional project of a architect house modern villa, 2d blueprint style, monochromatic. .txt to raw_combined/Budimensional project of a architect house modern villa, 2d blueprint style, monochromatic. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/very modern house in the middle near the beach coast, large glass windows, very futuristic pool area.png to raw_combined/very modern house in the middle near the beach coast, large glass windows, very futuristic pool area.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata con stile moderno ed elegante di una villa molto moderna.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata con stile moderno ed elegante di una villa molto moderna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, stanza di villa dedicata a lavatrici e asciugatrici, reparto lavanderia e stireria.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, stanza di villa dedicata a lavatrici e asciugatrici, reparto lavanderia e stireria.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica inserita in midtown manhattan dotata di piattaforme ovali .txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica inserita in midtown manhattan dotata di piattaforme ovali .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, karting indoor track, 500 meters lenght, perspective view, 2 levels track, billboar.png to raw_combined/editorial style, karting indoor track, 500 meters lenght, perspective view, 2 levels track, billboar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .png to raw_combined/Editorial style, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, lateral view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, white oak and glass, emtal and.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, lateral view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, white oak and glass, emtal and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a series of photographs are displayed in a magazine spread, in the style of grandiose architecture, .txt to raw_combined/a series of photographs are displayed in a magazine spread, in the style of grandiose architecture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo panoramica, moderna elega.png to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo panoramica, moderna elega.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3D cyber security illustration with high tech padlock protecting laptop computer on the table,no tex.png to raw_combined/3D cyber security illustration with high tech padlock protecting laptop computer on the table,no tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Marilyn Monroe, close up, amazed face, hair blowing in the wind, illustration style, colors, balance.txt to raw_combined/Marilyn Monroe, close up, amazed face, hair blowing in the wind, illustration style, colors, balance.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/magazine template design of architecture magazine, in the style of photorealistic renderings, dark w.txt to raw_combined/magazine template design of architecture magazine, in the style of photorealistic renderings, dark w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, parametric light line and body insp.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, parametric light line and body insp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Clean Shot, Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view o.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Clean Shot, Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, unconventional, very modern dining table, wood, metal, glass, origami style, still .png to raw_combined/editorial style, unconventional, very modern dining table, wood, metal, glass, origami style, still .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, lateral view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, white oak and glass, emtal and.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, lateral view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, white oak and glass, emtal and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegno tecnico digitale 3D di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, con vista in pianta e sezioni prosp.png to raw_combined/disegno tecnico digitale 3D di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, con vista in pianta e sezioni prosp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, fabric, wood, metal, zaha hadid, stable structure .png to raw_combined/editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, fabric, wood, metal, zaha hadid, stable structure .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an open book of different photographs with a black and white background, in the style of architectur.png to raw_combined/an open book of different photographs with a black and white background, in the style of architectur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair blu .png to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair blu .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, karting indoor track, aerial perspective view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, p.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, karting indoor track, aerial perspective view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/brochures mockup by kobe, in the style of detailed architectural scenes, vray tracing, high detailed.txt to raw_combined/brochures mockup by kobe, in the style of detailed architectural scenes, vray tracing, high detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, very modern, aluminium brushed frame, very modern, soft parts and pill.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, very modern, aluminium brushed frame, very modern, soft parts and pill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/scrivi la parola CUCINA come se fosse fatta di fili di rame, oro, argento, pervasi da luce enfatica .png to raw_combined/scrivi la parola CUCINA come se fosse fatta di fili di rame, oro, argento, pervasi da luce enfatica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, autorimessa moderna, con allinterno 2 auto sportive prestigiose, nel seminterrato .png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, autorimessa moderna, con allinterno 2 auto sportive prestigiose, nel seminterrato .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern twostory villa on the Italian coast, white, slate, wood and plants in the ex.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, modern twostory villa on the Italian coast, white, slate, wood and plants in the ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand and colored glass for the lampshade, .png to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand and colored glass for the lampshade, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 3000 millimeters length 4000 millimeters wid.png to raw_combined/contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 3000 millimeters length 4000 millimeters wid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, luxury details, only dinint table inside image, sti.txt to raw_combined/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, luxury details, only dinint table inside image, sti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, games room with modern billiards, chess game, large TV with console, every detail i.png to raw_combined/editorial style, games room with modern billiards, chess game, large TV with console, every detail i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/2D bidimensional project of a modern house villa,REVIT style, Autocad Style, 2d blueprint style, mon.png to raw_combined/2D bidimensional project of a modern house villa,REVIT style, Autocad Style, 2d blueprint style, mon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, lamp with paralume and body, classic shape for inspiration shape, but very modern i.png to raw_combined/editorial style, lamp with paralume and body, classic shape for inspiration shape, but very modern i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Budimensional project of a architect house modern villa, 2d blueprint style, monochromatic. .png to raw_combined/Budimensional project of a architect house modern villa, 2d blueprint style, monochromatic. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, corridoio dingresso di una grande villa molto moderna che si apre sulla stupenda c.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, corridoio dingresso di una grande villa molto moderna che si apre sulla stupenda c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Technical Details Kitchen island, detailed closeup view, open drawers, induction ho.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Technical Details Kitchen island, detailed closeup view, open drawers, induction ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an indoor kart track designed that can fit inside a big indoor space, in the style of light black an.png to raw_combined/an indoor kart track designed that can fit inside a big indoor space, in the style of light black an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile Editoriale, Villa molto grande Ultramoderna, 3 piani più il rooftop, Avvenirista, Ampissime ve.png to raw_combined/Stile Editoriale, Villa molto grande Ultramoderna, 3 piani più il rooftop, Avvenirista, Ampissime ve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, with modern pool and whater m.txt to raw_combined/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, with modern pool and whater m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/FORMULA ONE 2035 future racing suit upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details , ARAI, SP.png to raw_combined/FORMULA ONE 2035 future racing suit upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details , ARAI, SP.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, light blue beige, soft, stylish.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, light blue beige, soft, stylish.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, stanza di villa dedicata a lavatrici e asciugatrici, reparto lavanderia e stireria.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, stanza di villa dedicata a lavatrici e asciugatrici, reparto lavanderia e stireria.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, vista in pianta di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, vista in sezione della pianta.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, vista in pianta di una villa moderna sul mar ligure, vista in sezione della pianta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern prestigious car garage located in a modern villa basement, .png to raw_combined/editorial style, modern prestigious car garage located in a modern villa basement, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an image of the 2020 mitsubishi cross in a backyard, in the style of vray tracing, dark modernism, а.png to raw_combined/an image of the 2020 mitsubishi cross in a backyard, in the style of vray tracing, dark modernism, а.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern house with very modern pool on beautiful seaside, in the style of ray tracin.png to raw_combined/editorial style, modern house with very modern pool on beautiful seaside, in the style of ray tracin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a turqoise le.png to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a turqoise le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, locale di grande villa moderna attrezzato con lavatrici e asciugatrici modernissim.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, locale di grande villa moderna attrezzato con lavatrici e asciugatrici modernissim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern one floor villa on the catalonia coast, original modern futuristic desi.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern one floor villa on the catalonia coast, original modern futuristic desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, cucina moderna di media grandezza con isola centrale, sviluppata pe.txt to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, cucina moderna di media grandezza con isola centrale, sviluppata pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a clair blu l.png to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a clair blu l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, basement of a very modern villa with a garage for the prestigious cars. .png to raw_combined/editorial style, basement of a very modern villa with a garage for the prestigious cars. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica con 8 piani, inserita in midtown manhattan, Vessel Inspira.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, architettura futurstica con 8 piani, inserita in midtown manhattan, Vessel Inspira.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/livingroom moderno, elegante, sofisticato, inserito in una villa molto moderna, sulla costa ligure i.txt to raw_combined/livingroom moderno, elegante, sofisticato, inserito in una villa molto moderna, sulla costa ligure i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, hyper modern office of a very modern villa on the surrounding Ligurian Sea, large h.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, hyper modern office of a very modern villa on the surrounding Ligurian Sea, large h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiatore dellantica Roma che va in moto da cross stile f umettato vettoriuale poligonsle colori ps.txt to raw_combined/gladiatore dellantica Roma che va in moto da cross stile f umettato vettoriuale poligonsle colori ps.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editiriale, una splendida e ampia cabina armadio, walk in closet, situata in una villa moderna.png to raw_combined/stile editiriale, una splendida e ampia cabina armadio, walk in closet, situata in una villa moderna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, close up on large entrance door in very modern large villa, opening onto a corridor.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, close up on large entrance door in very modern large villa, opening onto a corridor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial size, Mid Size powerboat, yacht, luxury, cabinato, dwood deck, blu and white, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial size, Mid Size powerboat, yacht, luxury, cabinato, dwood deck, blu and white, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, primo piano sulla vasca da bagno freestanding, inserita in un bagno.png to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, primo piano sulla vasca da bagno freestanding, inserita in un bagno.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, in the heart of the mediterranean sea, a luxurious vacation beach house, in the sty.png to raw_combined/editorial style, in the heart of the mediterranean sea, a luxurious vacation beach house, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile Editoriale, Nike Jordan Brand, design moderno futuristico, leggero e stiloso per elevarsi nel .txt to raw_combined/Stile Editoriale, Nike Jordan Brand, design moderno futuristico, leggero e stiloso per elevarsi nel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an elegant and visionary steel and glass building is walking down a city street, in the style of Cal.txt to raw_combined/an elegant and visionary steel and glass building is walking down a city street, in the style of Cal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, tavolo da pranzo non convenzionale, modernissimo, legno, metallo, vetro, still lif.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, tavolo da pranzo non convenzionale, modernissimo, legno, metallo, vetro, still lif.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/front close view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white and black calaccata g.png to raw_combined/front close view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white and black calaccata g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern one floor villa on the catalonia coast, original modern futuristic desi.png to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern one floor villa on the catalonia coast, original modern futuristic desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, mechanic repairing motorcycle, old american style workshop, sunset light mood ar 16.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, mechanic repairing motorcycle, old american style workshop, sunset light mood ar 16.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Cinematic style, the gladiators avenue of cypresses, photographic emphasis, perfect composition, war.png to raw_combined/Cinematic style, the gladiators avenue of cypresses, photographic emphasis, perfect composition, war.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, light fiberglass frame, WERNER PANTON, stable structure, matte.png to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, light fiberglass frame, WERNER PANTON, stable structure, matte.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/vector logo, UMA Type inside logo, very minimal and elegant type .txt to raw_combined/vector logo, UMA Type inside logo, very minimal and elegant type .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/cucina molto moderna e raffinata inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligure, bianco e legno.png to raw_combined/cucina molto moderna e raffinata inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligure, bianco e legno.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, 10seat meeting table totally enclosed on 4 sides, dark glass on top, 3.5 meters lon.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, 10seat meeting table totally enclosed on 4 sides, dark glass on top, 3.5 meters lon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern Mediterranean house villa , oblo circular windows, with swimming pool, garden design plant, a.png to raw_combined/Modern Mediterranean house villa , oblo circular windows, with swimming pool, garden design plant, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom and palyroom in the s.png to raw_combined/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom and palyroom in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo A FORMA CILINDRICA,.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo A FORMA CILINDRICA,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, white, orange, black, soft, sty.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, white, orange, black, soft, sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edoitorial style contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 2000 millimeters length 300.txt to raw_combined/edoitorial style contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 2000 millimeters length 300.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/no karts in the track, the track is karting indorr track in color orange and black, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/no karts in the track, the track is karting indorr track in color orange and black, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern livingroom overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the L.png to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern livingroom overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, cylindrical body entirely in froste.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, cylindrical body entirely in froste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/camera da letto elegante, raffinata, molto moderna inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligu.txt to raw_combined/camera da letto elegante, raffinata, molto moderna inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair oran.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair oran.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata con stile moderno ed elegante di una villa molto moderna.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata con stile moderno ed elegante di una villa molto moderna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, hyper modern office of a very modern villa on the surrounding Ligurian Sea, large h.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, hyper modern office of a very modern villa on the surrounding Ligurian Sea, large h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/house villa on the liguria coast italy indesign and exterior design brochure template, in the style .png to raw_combined/house villa on the liguria coast italy indesign and exterior design brochure template, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, grey aluminium brushed light frame, very modern, soft parts and pillow.png to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, grey aluminium brushed light frame, very modern, soft parts and pillow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/una volpe FELICE CON IL CASCO, che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psi.txt to raw_combined/una volpe FELICE CON IL CASCO, che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style Drone photo, from above, very modern villa in liguria coast itali, modern pool, dayl.png to raw_combined/Editorial style Drone photo, from above, very modern villa in liguria coast itali, modern pool, dayl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, design del prodotto, divano moderno, pelle e alcantara, beige azzurro, morbido, st.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, design del prodotto, divano moderno, pelle e alcantara, beige azzurro, morbido, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom yellow granite white .txt to raw_combined/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom yellow granite white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, cucina moderna di media grandezza con isola centrale, sviluppata pe.png to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, cucina moderna di media grandezza con isola centrale, sviluppata pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, close view, very modern house close to the beach, large glass windows, detailed int.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, close view, very modern house close to the beach, large glass windows, detailed int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, very thin aluminum body, 3 thin ver.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, very thin aluminum body, 3 thin ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo circolare panoramico da 2.png to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo circolare panoramico da 2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiatore dellantica Roma, che va in moto da cross, stile vettoriale, colori psichedelici, esplosio.txt to raw_combined/gladiatore dellantica Roma, che va in moto da cross, stile vettoriale, colori psichedelici, esplosio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, close view, very modern house close to the beach, large glass windows, detailed int.png to raw_combined/editorial style, close view, very modern house close to the beach, large glass windows, detailed int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern dining room, overlooking a large living room with large windows of a la.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern dining room, overlooking a large living room with large windows of a la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an open book of different photographs with a black and white background, in the style of architectur.txt to raw_combined/an open book of different photographs with a black and white background, in the style of architectur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a white leath.png to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a white leath.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/camera da letto elegante, raffinata, molto moderna inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligu.png to raw_combined/camera da letto elegante, raffinata, molto moderna inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo, stile dark molto m.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo, stile dark molto m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern prestigious car garage located in a modern villa basement, .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, modern prestigious car garage located in a modern villa basement, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/pilota di Formula 1 che esulta sul podio, stile vettoriale, esplosione di colori psichedelica alle s.txt to raw_combined/pilota di Formula 1 che esulta sul podio, stile vettoriale, esplosione di colori psichedelica alle s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiator of ancient rome, riding motocross and running jump from colosseum in rome, vector style, p.png to raw_combined/gladiator of ancient rome, riding motocross and running jump from colosseum in rome, vector style, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern Mediterranean house villa , oblo circular windows, with swimming pool, garden design plant, a.txt to raw_combined/Modern Mediterranean house villa , oblo circular windows, with swimming pool, garden design plant, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, ony the table in the image, no objecy on table top,.txt to raw_combined/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, ony the table in the image, no objecy on table top,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, hypermodern, refined and sophisticated office, minimal furnishings, metal and glass.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, hypermodern, refined and sophisticated office, minimal furnishings, metal and glass.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, in the core of a modern mediterranean italian coast villa, adorned with white oak f.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, in the core of a modern mediterranean italian coast villa, adorned with white oak f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, design del prodotto, divano moderno, pelle e alcantara, beige azzurro, morbido, st.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, design del prodotto, divano moderno, pelle e alcantara, beige azzurro, morbido, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, villa, post modern Architectural Design, ligurian sea landscape view, curved forms,.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, villa, post modern Architectural Design, ligurian sea landscape view, curved forms,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, full very modern kitchen with island in a large window apartment, oak white, zaha h.png to raw_combined/editorial style, full very modern kitchen with island in a large window apartment, oak white, zaha h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .png to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A minimalist logo featuring a geometric loto flower and UMA type .txt to raw_combined/A minimalist logo featuring a geometric loto flower and UMA type .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Interior design of a lavish side outside garden at morning, with a teak hardwood deck and a black pe.png to raw_combined/Interior design of a lavish side outside garden at morning, with a teak hardwood deck and a black pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 2door black prestigious P.txt to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 2door black prestigious P.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, grey aluminium brushed light frame, very modern, soft parts and pillow.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, grey aluminium brushed light frame, very modern, soft parts and pillow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, disegnami un bagno molto moderno di media grandezza, minimalistico .txt to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, disegnami un bagno molto moderno di media grandezza, minimalistico .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very large Ultramodern villa, 3 very large floors with many open space rooms and ca.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very large Ultramodern villa, 3 very large floors with many open space rooms and ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile Editoriale, Villa molto grande Ultramoderna, 3 piani più il rooftop, Avvenirista, Ampissime ve.txt to raw_combined/Stile Editoriale, Villa molto grande Ultramoderna, 3 piani più il rooftop, Avvenirista, Ampissime ve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/kart track, sketch 3D style, indoor and outdoor, perspective view, detail sketch, .txt to raw_combined/kart track, sketch 3D style, indoor and outdoor, perspective view, detail sketch, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, karting indoor track, 500 meters lenght, perspective view, 2 levels track, billboar.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, karting indoor track, 500 meters lenght, perspective view, 2 levels track, billboar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern house with very modern pool on beautiful seaside, in the style of ray tracin.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, modern house with very modern pool on beautiful seaside, in the style of ray tracin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Technical details Very large kitchen island, ZAHA HADID, close detailed view, open .png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Technical details Very large kitchen island, ZAHA HADID, close detailed view, open .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door black prestigious c.txt to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door black prestigious c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern livingroom overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the L.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern livingroom overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, a medium size bathroom, very modern, with a small window, luxury, marble and pastel.png to raw_combined/editorial style, a medium size bathroom, very modern, with a small window, luxury, marble and pastel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A minimalist logo featuring a geometric loto flower and UMA type .png to raw_combined/A minimalist logo featuring a geometric loto flower and UMA type .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern Mediterranean large circular windows house villa, with swimming pool, garden design plant, at.png to raw_combined/Modern Mediterranean large circular windows house villa, with swimming pool, garden design plant, at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/minimalistic and avant garde brochure book layout for interior and exterior archtitecture about very.png to raw_combined/minimalistic and avant garde brochure book layout for interior and exterior archtitecture about very.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, light blue beige, soft, stylish.png to raw_combined/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, light blue beige, soft, stylish.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Entrance corridor of a modern villa with modern multicolored abstract paintings on the two walls. Th.txt to raw_combined/Entrance corridor of a modern villa with modern multicolored abstract paintings on the two walls. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editoria stile, minimal dining room, modern, wood and marble .txt to raw_combined/editoria stile, minimal dining room, modern, wood and marble .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, rooftop terrace furnished in a modern and elegant style of a very modern and sophis.png to raw_combined/editorial style, rooftop terrace furnished in a modern and elegant style of a very modern and sophis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno di una villa sul mare ligure, bagno open air sviluppato per m.png to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno di una villa sul mare ligure, bagno open air sviluppato per m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3D cyber security illustration with high tech padlock protecting laptop computer on the table,no tex.txt to raw_combined/3D cyber security illustration with high tech padlock protecting laptop computer on the table,no tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo molto moderna, affacciata su salone con grandi vetrate di grande vi.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo molto moderna, affacciata su salone con grandi vetrate di grande vi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, shoot fotografico su scala spettacolare a chiocciola in vetro, legno e metallo tra.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, shoot fotografico su scala spettacolare a chiocciola in vetro, legno e metallo tra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A laughing smiley emoticon wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a motorcycle .txt to raw_combined/A laughing smiley emoticon wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a motorcycle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, an elegant, ultramodern and sophisticated workfromhome study, with all the furnitur.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, an elegant, ultramodern and sophisticated workfromhome study, with all the furnitur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/una volpe che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psichedelico .png to raw_combined/una volpe che guida una moto da cross in derapata stile vettoriale colorato psichedelico .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an elegant living room with large windows overlooking the city, in the style of brutalism, dark, for.txt to raw_combined/an elegant living room with large windows overlooking the city, in the style of brutalism, dark, for.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, locale di grande villa moderna attrezzato con lavatrici e asciugatrici modernissim.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, locale di grande villa moderna attrezzato con lavatrici e asciugatrici modernissim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, calatrava, artcraf.png to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, calatrava, artcraf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Porsche GT3 CUP 2023 .png to raw_combined/Porsche GT3 CUP 2023 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, we entered a beautiful modern villa overlooking the Ligurian sea, our eyes see a be.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, we entered a beautiful modern villa overlooking the Ligurian sea, our eyes see a be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiatore dellantica Roma che va in moto da cross stile f umettato vettoriuale poligonsle colori ps.png to raw_combined/gladiatore dellantica Roma che va in moto da cross stile f umettato vettoriuale poligonsle colori ps.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, very thin aluminum body, 3 thin ver.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, very thin aluminum body, 3 thin ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, designs a very modern and sophisticated living room, with all the furniture conceiv.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, designs a very modern and sophisticated living room, with all the furniture conceiv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, fiberglass frame, WE.txt to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, fiberglass frame, WE.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/close up and front view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white calaccata gold.png to raw_combined/close up and front view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white calaccata gold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, zaha hadid, molteni, only the table in t.png to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, zaha hadid, molteni, only the table in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, in the core of a modern mediterranean italian coast villa, adorned with white oak f.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, in the core of a modern mediterranean italian coast villa, adorned with white oak f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/the spiral floor lamp glows with orange light and gives off the glow, in the style of light white an.png to raw_combined/the spiral floor lamp glows with orange light and gives off the glow, in the style of light white an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/pilota di Formula 1 che esulta sul podio, stile vettoriale, esplosione di colori psichedelica alle s.png to raw_combined/pilota di Formula 1 che esulta sul podio, stile vettoriale, esplosione di colori psichedelica alle s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, progetta uno studio per il lavoro da casa elegante, molto moderno e sofisticato, c.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, progetta uno studio per il lavoro da casa elegante, molto moderno e sofisticato, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a series of photographs are displayed in a magazine spread, in the style of grandiose architecture, .png to raw_combined/a series of photographs are displayed in a magazine spread, in the style of grandiose architecture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, 10seat meeting table totally enclosed on 4 sides, dark glass on top, 3.5 meters lon.png to raw_combined/editorial style, 10seat meeting table totally enclosed on 4 sides, dark glass on top, 3.5 meters lon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/pilota di auto da corsa con casco integrale che esulta sul podio per vittoria stile fumetto moderno..png to raw_combined/pilota di auto da corsa con casco integrale che esulta sul podio per vittoria stile fumetto moderno..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door silver car parked i.png to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door silver car parked i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an elegant and visionary steel and glass building is walking down a city street, in the style of Cal.png to raw_combined/an elegant and visionary steel and glass building is walking down a city street, in the style of Cal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, very modern, aluminium brushed frame, very modern, soft parts and pill.png to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, very modern, aluminium brushed frame, very modern, soft parts and pill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegno tecnico digitale 3D, vista top view da drone, vista in pianta ortogonale, di una villa moder.txt to raw_combined/disegno tecnico digitale 3D, vista top view da drone, vista in pianta ortogonale, di una villa moder.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a white leath.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a white leath.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, non convenzionale nel design, origami styl.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, non convenzionale nel design, origami styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, fronnt view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, brown oak, turquoise marble, ar.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, fronnt view, very modern kitchen island, aluminium, brown oak, turquoise marble, ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, a living room overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian c.png to raw_combined/editorial style, a living room overlooking the second floor of a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/big modern villa car garage with prestigious gt car. .txt to raw_combined/big modern villa car garage with prestigious gt car. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edtorial style, master bedroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern, DI.txt to raw_combined/edtorial style, master bedroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern, DI.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/karting indoor track, 3D blueprint style, drone view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, perspective.txt to raw_combined/karting indoor track, 3D blueprint style, drone view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, perspective.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/very modern house in the middle near the beach coast, large glass windows, very futuristic pool area.txt to raw_combined/very modern house in the middle near the beach coast, large glass windows, very futuristic pool area.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/magazine template design of architecture magazine, in the style of photorealistic renderings, dark w.png to raw_combined/magazine template design of architecture magazine, in the style of photorealistic renderings, dark w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/karting indoor track, 3D blueprint style, drone view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, perspective.png to raw_combined/karting indoor track, 3D blueprint style, drone view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, perspective.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/big modern villa car garage with prestigious gt car. .png to raw_combined/big modern villa car garage with prestigious gt car. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, diner chair, very modern and tech style, light shaper and forms, aluminium brushed .png to raw_combined/editorial style, diner chair, very modern and tech style, light shaper and forms, aluminium brushed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/FORMULA ONE 2035 future racing suit upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details , ARAI, SP.txt to raw_combined/FORMULA ONE 2035 future racing suit upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details , ARAI, SP.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a clair blu l.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a clair blu l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, disegnami un bagno molto moderno di media grandezza, minimalistico .png to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, disegnami un bagno molto moderno di media grandezza, minimalistico .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Pool party, beach party, music, dj,8k, .png to raw_combined/Pool party, beach party, music, dj,8k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo circolare panoramico da 2.txt to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo circolare panoramico da 2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern minimalistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with large glass windows, swimming pool with wathe.png to raw_combined/Modern minimalistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with large glass windows, swimming pool with wathe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Nike Air Jordam Cusotm modernissima del futuro, Scarpa da basket avant garde, giallo nero, swosh Nik.png to raw_combined/Nike Air Jordam Cusotm modernissima del futuro, Scarpa da basket avant garde, giallo nero, swosh Nik.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, we are entering a large pivot door of a large modern villa overlooking the Ligurian.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, we are entering a large pivot door of a large modern villa overlooking the Ligurian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, metal, zaha had.png to raw_combined/Editorial stle, chair, futuristic, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, metal, zaha had.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Porsche Gt3 Cup, Minimal Racing Livery, White, Blu, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Porsche Gt3 Cup, Minimal Racing Livery, White, Blu, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand, which is about 40 of the lamp size, .png to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp made with cream clay for the stand, which is about 40 of the lamp size, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp set in a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian sea coast, made with opaque c.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp set in a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian sea coast, made with opaque c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, anycubic photon max work, 3D resin print work, clay materia.png to raw_combined/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, anycubic photon max work, 3D resin print work, clay materia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegnami un bagno di media grandezza, con unampia finestra sulla costa ligure, vista mare, arredato.txt to raw_combined/disegnami un bagno di media grandezza, con unampia finestra sulla costa ligure, vista mare, arredato.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, black and yellow minimal livery, ARAI GP7 CARBON, Up C.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, black and yellow minimal livery, ARAI GP7 CARBON, Up C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, mechanic repairing motorcycle, old american style workshop, sunset light mood ar 16.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, mechanic repairing motorcycle, old american style workshop, sunset light mood ar 16.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, side view, very modern kitchen island, glass, brown oak, white calaccata gold, ar 4.png to raw_combined/editorial style, side view, very modern kitchen island, glass, brown oak, white calaccata gold, ar 4.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gorilla simpatico con casco che guida una moto, stile vettoriale poligonale, colorato psichedelico .txt to raw_combined/gorilla simpatico con casco che guida una moto, stile vettoriale poligonale, colorato psichedelico .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom and palyroom in the s.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom and palyroom in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, photo shoot, closeup on a spectacular and very modern internal staircase, the stair.png to raw_combined/editorial style, photo shoot, closeup on a spectacular and very modern internal staircase, the stair.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo panoramica, moderna elega.txt to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra a oblo panoramica, moderna elega.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/corridoio di ingresso di una villa moderna con quadri astratti sulle due pareti. Il corridoio è alto.png to raw_combined/corridoio di ingresso di una villa moderna con quadri astratti sulle due pareti. Il corridoio è alto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, autorimessa moderna, con allinterno 2 auto sportive prestigiose, nel seminterrato .txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, autorimessa moderna, con allinterno 2 auto sportive prestigiose, nel seminterrato .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/minimalistic brochure layout for new very modern villa exterior and interior archtitecture, A4 queer.png to raw_combined/minimalistic brochure layout for new very modern villa exterior and interior archtitecture, A4 queer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiatore dellantica Roma, che va in moto da cross, stile vettoriale, colori psichedelici, esplosio.png to raw_combined/gladiatore dellantica Roma, che va in moto da cross, stile vettoriale, colori psichedelici, esplosio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/no karts in the track, the track is karting indorr track in color orange and black, in the style of .png to raw_combined/no karts in the track, the track is karting indorr track in color orange and black, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, fiberglass frame, WE.png to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, pastel color for fabric and leather, fiberglass frame, WE.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern minilaistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with circular windows , swimming pool, garden desig.png to raw_combined/Modern minilaistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with circular windows , swimming pool, garden desig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, mediumsized villa bathroom, total matte white material, cylinder vanity units, unco.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, mediumsized villa bathroom, total matte white material, cylinder vanity units, unco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/2D bidimensional project of a modern house villa,REVIT style, Autocad Style, 2d blueprint style, mon.txt to raw_combined/2D bidimensional project of a modern house villa,REVIT style, Autocad Style, 2d blueprint style, mon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno sviluppato su una terrazza di una villa molto moderna sul mar.txt to raw_combined/stile iperrealistico editoriale, bagno sviluppato su una terrazza di una villa molto moderna sul mar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, minimal and futuristic Table lamp made from a clay and colored glass and silk or li.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, minimal and futuristic Table lamp made from a clay and colored glass and silk or li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, non convenzionale nel design, origami styl.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, non convenzionale nel design, origami styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, una grande autorimessa al piano interrato di una bellissima villa moderna esposta .txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, una grande autorimessa al piano interrato di una bellissima villa moderna esposta .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/scrivi la parola CUCINA come se fosse fatta di fili di rame, oro, argento, pervasi da luce enfatica .txt to raw_combined/scrivi la parola CUCINA come se fosse fatta di fili di rame, oro, argento, pervasi da luce enfatica .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern dining table and chairs set in titanium metal structure frame .png to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern dining table and chairs set in titanium metal structure frame .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan che suona la chitarra elettrica .png to raw_combined/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan che suona la chitarra elettrica .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Clean Shot, Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view o.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Clean Shot, Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, photo shoot, closeup on a spectacular and very modern internal staircase, the stair.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, photo shoot, closeup on a spectacular and very modern internal staircase, the stair.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, ony the table in the image, no objecy on table top,.png to raw_combined/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, ony the table in the image, no objecy on table top,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast and a garage architectural design drawing, i.png to raw_combined/A handdrawn modern house placed in meditterranean coast and a garage architectural design drawing, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern lounge room with sophisticated modern, soft and diffused lighting, room for .png to raw_combined/editorial style, modern lounge room with sophisticated modern, soft and diffused lighting, room for .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Cinematic style, the gladiators avenue of cypresses, photographic emphasis, perfect composition, war.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic style, the gladiators avenue of cypresses, photographic emphasis, perfect composition, war.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, zaha hadid, molteni, only the table in t.txt to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, zaha hadid, molteni, only the table in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a turqoise le.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame with a turqoise le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/pilota di auto da corsa con casco integrale che esulta sul podio per vittoria stile fumetto moderno..txt to raw_combined/pilota di auto da corsa con casco integrale che esulta sul podio per vittoria stile fumetto moderno..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, zaha hadid, molten.png to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, zaha hadid, molten.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, close up on large entrance door in very modern large villa, opening onto a corridor.png to raw_combined/editorial style, close up on large entrance door in very modern large villa, opening onto a corridor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern minimalistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with large glass windows, swimming pool with wathe.txt to raw_combined/Modern minimalistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with large glass windows, swimming pool with wathe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edtorial style, master livingroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern,.png to raw_combined/edtorial style, master livingroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra circolare da 2 metri di diametro.txt to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra circolare da 2 metri di diametro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/the spiral floor lamp glows with orange light and gives off the glow, in the style of light white an.txt to raw_combined/the spiral floor lamp glows with orange light and gives off the glow, in the style of light white an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, Minimal and clean racing graphichs, Up Class Image, St.png to raw_combined/editorial style, Formula 1 Motorsport Helmet, Minimal and clean racing graphichs, Up Class Image, St.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, a medium size bathroom, very modern, with a small window, luxury, marble and pastel.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, a medium size bathroom, very modern, with a small window, luxury, marble and pastel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, we are entering a large pivot door of a large modern villa overlooking the Ligurian.png to raw_combined/editorial style, we are entering a large pivot door of a large modern villa overlooking the Ligurian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Technical details Very large kitchen island, ZAHA HADID, close detailed view, open .txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Technical details Very large kitchen island, ZAHA HADID, close detailed view, open .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Marilyn Monroe, close up, amazed face, hair blowing in the wind, illustration style, colors, balance.png to raw_combined/Marilyn Monroe, close up, amazed face, hair blowing in the wind, illustration style, colors, balance.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata stile molto moderno ed elegante, di villa molto moderna .png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata stile molto moderno ed elegante, di villa molto moderna .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Porsche Gt3 Cup, Minimal Racing Livery, White, Blu, .png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Porsche Gt3 Cup, Minimal Racing Livery, White, Blu, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, zaha hadid, molten.txt to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, zaha hadid, molten.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Interior design of a lavish side outside garden at morning, with a teak hardwood deck and a black pe.txt to raw_combined/Interior design of a lavish side outside garden at morning, with a teak hardwood deck and a black pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gorilla con casco motorbiker simpatico che ride mentre guida la moto e fa salto, stile vettoriale po.txt to raw_combined/gorilla con casco motorbiker simpatico che ride mentre guida la moto e fa salto, stile vettoriale po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, full very modern kitchen with island in a large window apartment, oak white, zaha h.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, full very modern kitchen with island in a large window apartment, oak white, zaha h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, corridoio dingresso di una grande villa molto moderna che si apre sulla stupenda c.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, corridoio dingresso di una grande villa molto moderna che si apre sulla stupenda c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/camera da letto molto moderna, esposta alla luce e al sole in una moderna villa sul mar ligure, arre.txt to raw_combined/camera da letto molto moderna, esposta alla luce e al sole in una moderna villa sul mar ligure, arre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern Mediterranean large circular windows house villa, with swimming pool, garden design plant, at.txt to raw_combined/Modern Mediterranean large circular windows house villa, with swimming pool, garden design plant, at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/FORMULA ONE uniform upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details, , ARAI, SPARCO, HELMET, r.txt to raw_combined/FORMULA ONE uniform upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details, , ARAI, SPARCO, HELMET, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Pool party, music, dj,8k, .png to raw_combined/Pool party, music, dj,8k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/kart track, sketch 3D style, indoor and outdoor, perspective view, detail sketch, .png to raw_combined/kart track, sketch 3D style, indoor and outdoor, perspective view, detail sketch, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, cylindrical body entirely in froste.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, cylindrical body entirely in froste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/a sofa with a chaise, in the style of romanticized views, cinematic elegance, michael shainblum, mod.txt to raw_combined/a sofa with a chaise, in the style of romanticized views, cinematic elegance, michael shainblum, mod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, luxury details, only dinint table inside image, sti.png to raw_combined/editorial image, disruptive modern dining table, luxury details, only dinint table inside image, sti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/close up and front view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white calaccata gold.txt to raw_combined/close up and front view, very modern kitchen island, glass, aluminium anodized, white calaccata gold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/indoor kart track, 3d sketch design, contemporary, only 3d track layout, no kart, no cars. .txt to raw_combined/indoor kart track, 3d sketch design, contemporary, only 3d track layout, no kart, no cars. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, body entirely in satin aluminum and.png to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, body entirely in satin aluminum and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern twostory villa on the Italian coast, white, slate, wood and plants in the ex.png to raw_combined/editorial style, modern twostory villa on the Italian coast, white, slate, wood and plants in the ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, villa, post modern Architectural Design, ligurian sea landscape view, curved forms,.png to raw_combined/editorial style, villa, post modern Architectural Design, ligurian sea landscape view, curved forms,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gladiator of ancient rome, riding motocross and running jump from colosseum in rome, vector style, p.txt to raw_combined/gladiator of ancient rome, riding motocross and running jump from colosseum in rome, vector style, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, interno di un livingroom moderno inserito in una moderna villa mediterranea sulla .png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, interno di un livingroom moderno inserito in una moderna villa mediterranea sulla .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by the calla flower in the diffuser.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by the calla flower in the diffuser.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3D interior project session on multi desktop workstation computer on the white oak table dwesk,no te.png to raw_combined/3D interior project session on multi desktop workstation computer on the white oak table dwesk,no te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, bianco opaco totale, mobili portalavabo a .txt to raw_combined/Stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, bianco opaco totale, mobili portalavabo a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale, moderna, elegante, con una grande finestra a oblo, pian.png to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale, moderna, elegante, con una grande finestra a oblo, pian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/F1 Racing Helmet Bell Modern Design, Opaque, Pastell Chrome. .txt to raw_combined/F1 Racing Helmet Bell Modern Design, Opaque, Pastell Chrome. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern twostorey villa on the Italian coast, draws the same villa from different an.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, modern twostorey villa on the Italian coast, draws the same villa from different an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Maintaining the exact layout and details of the room shown in the image, add a modern kitchen to the.png to raw_combined/Maintaining the exact layout and details of the room shown in the image, add a modern kitchen to the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/gorilla con casco motorbiker simpatico che ride mentre guida la moto e fa salto, stile vettoriale po.png to raw_combined/gorilla con casco motorbiker simpatico che ride mentre guida la moto e fa salto, stile vettoriale po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/house villa on the liguria coast italy indesign and exterior design brochure template, in the style .txt to raw_combined/house villa on the liguria coast italy indesign and exterior design brochure template, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, Table lamp set in a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian sea coast, made with opaque c.png to raw_combined/Editorial style, Table lamp set in a hypermodern villa on the Ligurian sea coast, made with opaque c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/design project house modern villa blueprint style .png to raw_combined/design project house modern villa blueprint style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/cucina molto moderna e raffinata inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligure, bianco e legno.txt to raw_combined/cucina molto moderna e raffinata inserita in una villa molto moderna sul mare ligure, bianco e legno.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, modern lounge room with sophisticated modern, soft and diffused lighting, room for .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, modern lounge room with sophisticated modern, soft and diffused lighting, room for .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/nike air jordan, design moderno, leggero, davanguardia, azzurro e bianco. .txt to raw_combined/nike air jordan, design moderno, leggero, davanguardia, azzurro e bianco. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/basement car garare with a luxury cars, .png to raw_combined/basement car garare with a luxury cars, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by an overturned goblet in the diff.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Very modern, sophisticated floor lamp, inspired by an overturned goblet in the diff.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, detail print, accurate image, accurate manufacturing .png to raw_combined/3d resin printing of a Porsche gt3 2022, detail print, accurate image, accurate manufacturing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Disegna il volto di un gorilla simpatico robotico high tech che guida una moto con un casco high tec.png to raw_combined/Disegna il volto di un gorilla simpatico robotico high tech che guida una moto con un casco high tec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, ar 169 grande veranda di una villa sul mar ligure, bordo piscina, ore notturne, at.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, ar 169 grande veranda di una villa sul mar ligure, bordo piscina, ore notturne, at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, una bellissima cameretta per una bambina di 8 anni, inserita in una villa con un a.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, una bellissima cameretta per una bambina di 8 anni, inserita in una villa con un a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair blu .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern chair set in titanium metal structure frame, with a clair blu .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Technical Details Kitchen island, detailed closeup view, open drawers, induction ho.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Technical Details Kitchen island, detailed closeup view, open drawers, induction ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial style, an elegant, ultramodern and sophisticated workfromhome study, with all the furnitur.txt to raw_combined/Editorial style, an elegant, ultramodern and sophisticated workfromhome study, with all the furnitur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d rendering very close up of luxury homes in san diego, california, in the style of mysterious jung.txt to raw_combined/3d rendering very close up of luxury homes in san diego, california, in the style of mysterious jung.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, unconventional, very modern dining table, wood, metal, glass, origami style, still .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, unconventional, very modern dining table, wood, metal, glass, origami style, still .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Modern minilaistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with circular windows , swimming pool, garden desig.txt to raw_combined/Modern minilaistic villa in Mediterranean coast, with circular windows , swimming pool, garden desig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an elegant living room with large windows overlooking the city, in the style of brutalism, dark, for.png to raw_combined/an elegant living room with large windows overlooking the city, in the style of brutalism, dark, for.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editoria stile, minimal dining room, modern, wood and marble .png to raw_combined/editoria stile, minimal dining room, modern, wood and marble .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo molto moderna, affacciata su salone con grandi vetrate di grande vi.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo molto moderna, affacciata su salone con grandi vetrate di grande vi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, basement of a very modern villa with a garage for the prestigious cars. .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, basement of a very modern villa with a garage for the prestigious cars. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra circolare da 2 metri di diametro.png to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale con una grande finestra circolare da 2 metri di diametro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/F1 Racing Helmet Bell Modern Design, Opaque, Pastell Chrome. .png to raw_combined/F1 Racing Helmet Bell Modern Design, Opaque, Pastell Chrome. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an indoor kart track designed that can fit inside a big indoor space, in the style of light black an.txt to raw_combined/an indoor kart track designed that can fit inside a big indoor space, in the style of light black an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/3d rendering very close up of luxury homes in san diego, california, in the style of mysterious jung.png to raw_combined/3d rendering very close up of luxury homes in san diego, california, in the style of mysterious jung.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo moderna, affacciata su salone di grande villa moderna sul mare ligu.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, sala da pranzo moderna, affacciata su salone di grande villa moderna sul mare ligu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .txt to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, very modern, aluminium frame, stable and light structure, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/vector logo of the word UMA written in Helvetica in an elegant and sophisticated font, Satin Gold .txt to raw_combined/vector logo of the word UMA written in Helvetica in an elegant and sophisticated font, Satin Gold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/minimalistic and avant garde brochure book layout for interior and exterior archtitecture about very.txt to raw_combined/minimalistic and avant garde brochure book layout for interior and exterior archtitecture about very.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/an image of the 2020 mitsubishi cross in a backyard, in the style of vray tracing, dark modernism, а.txt to raw_combined/an image of the 2020 mitsubishi cross in a backyard, in the style of vray tracing, dark modernism, а.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata stile molto moderno ed elegante, di villa molto moderna .txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, terrazza rooftop arredata stile molto moderno ed elegante, di villa molto moderna .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, white, orange, black, soft, sty.png to raw_combined/editorial style, product design, modern sofa, leather and alcantara, white, orange, black, soft, sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo, stile dark molto m.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, bagno con doccia di medie dimensioni, vista frontale su lavabo, stile dark molto m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/FORMULA ONE uniform upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details, , ARAI, SPARCO, HELMET, r.png to raw_combined/FORMULA ONE uniform upgrade, helmet, NOMEX, racing suit, shoudler details, , ARAI, SPARCO, HELMET, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan in primo piano che suona la chitarra elettrica nello spazio stile vet.png to raw_combined/astronauta con Nike Air Jordan in primo piano che suona la chitarra elettrica nello spazio stile vet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, progetta uno studio per il lavoro da casa elegante, molto moderno e sofisticato, c.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, progetta uno studio per il lavoro da casa elegante, molto moderno e sofisticato, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, body entirely in satin aluminum and.txt to raw_combined/Editorial Style, Modern and sophisticated futuristic floor lamp, body entirely in satin aluminum and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/F1 RACING HELMET, ARAIGP7, Red, white, very minimal old school racing livery .png to raw_combined/F1 RACING HELMET, ARAIGP7, Red, white, very minimal old school racing livery .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, tavolo da pranzo non convenzionale, modernissimo, legno, metallo, vetro, still lif.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, tavolo da pranzo non convenzionale, modernissimo, legno, metallo, vetro, still lif.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, very modern dining room, overlooking a large living room with large windows of a la.png to raw_combined/editorial style, very modern dining room, overlooking a large living room with large windows of a la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom yellow granite white .png to raw_combined/Professional photography interior minimal villa on the liguria sea, livingroom yellow granite white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, calatrava, artcraf.txt to raw_combined/editorial image, side view, disruptive modern dining table, oak wood, soft shape, calatrava, artcraf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/design project house modern villa blueprint monocrome style, design on paper .txt to raw_combined/design project house modern villa blueprint monocrome style, design on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, games room with modern billiards, chess game, large TV with console, every detail i.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, games room with modern billiards, chess game, large TV with console, every detail i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale, moderna, elegante, con una grande finestra a oblo, pian.txt to raw_combined/stile edotoriale, cemera da letto padronale, moderna, elegante, con una grande finestra a oblo, pian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/close up view, very modern kitchen island, FENIX, wood, marble effect calaccata gold, ar 47 .txt to raw_combined/close up view, very modern kitchen island, FENIX, wood, marble effect calaccata gold, ar 47 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, shoot fotografico su scala spettacolare a chiocciola in vetro, legno e metallo tra.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, shoot fotografico su scala spettacolare a chiocciola in vetro, legno e metallo tra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/12seater meeting table, 4 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, ergonomic trapezoidal shape on the short s.txt to raw_combined/12seater meeting table, 4 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, ergonomic trapezoidal shape on the short s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, karting indoor track, aerial perspective view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, p.png to raw_combined/editorial style, karting indoor track, aerial perspective view, 600 meters lenght, 8 meters large, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/A 3D SMAX wireframe style project,of a modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, wi.txt to raw_combined/A 3D SMAX wireframe style project,of a modern house placed in meditterranean coast with sea view, wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editiriale, una splendida e ampia cabina armadio, walk in closet, situata in una villa moderna.txt to raw_combined/stile editiriale, una splendida e ampia cabina armadio, walk in closet, situata in una villa moderna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Pool party, beach party, music, dj,8k, .txt to raw_combined/Pool party, beach party, music, dj,8k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door silver car parked i.txt to raw_combined/Shot on 35mm, UltraWide Angle Photo, hyperdetailed, a straighton view of a 4door silver car parked i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edoitorial style contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 2000 millimeters length 300.png to raw_combined/edoitorial style contemporary batroom design, dimensions of the room are 2000 millimeters length 300.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, bianco opaco totale, mobili portalavabo a .png to raw_combined/Stile editoriale, bagno di una villa di medie dimensioni, bianco opaco totale, mobili portalavabo a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/disegno tecnico digitale 3D, vista top view da drone, vista in pianta ortogonale, di una villa moder.png to raw_combined/disegno tecnico digitale 3D, vista top view da drone, vista in pianta ortogonale, di una villa moder.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, una grande autorimessa al piano interrato di una bellissima villa moderna esposta .png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, una grande autorimessa al piano interrato di una bellissima villa moderna esposta .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, metal fiberglass frame, PANTON CHAIR, stable structure, .png to raw_combined/Editorial stle, dinner chair, modern, metal fiberglass frame, PANTON CHAIR, stable structure, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/12seater meeting table, 4 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, ergonomic trapezoidal shape on the short s.png to raw_combined/12seater meeting table, 4 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, ergonomic trapezoidal shape on the short s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, ar 169 grande veranda di una villa sul mar ligure, bordo piscina, ore notturne, at.png to raw_combined/stile editoriale, ar 169 grande veranda di una villa sul mar ligure, bordo piscina, ore notturne, at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, side view, very modern kitchen island, glass, brown oak, white calaccata gold, ar 4.txt to raw_combined/editorial style, side view, very modern kitchen island, glass, brown oak, white calaccata gold, ar 4.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/vector logo, UMA Type inside logo, very minimal and elegant type .png to raw_combined/vector logo, UMA Type inside logo, very minimal and elegant type .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/edtorial style, master livingroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern,.txt to raw_combined/edtorial style, master livingroom with a large circular window 2 meters in diameter, elegant modern,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/close up view, very modern kitchen island, FENIX, wood, marble effect calaccata gold, ar 47 .png to raw_combined/close up view, very modern kitchen island, FENIX, wood, marble effect calaccata gold, ar 47 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/stile editoriale, una bellissima cameretta per una bambina di 8 anni, inserita in una villa con un a.txt to raw_combined/stile editoriale, una bellissima cameretta per una bambina di 8 anni, inserita in una villa con un a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/Entrance corridor of a modern villa with modern multicolored abstract paintings on the two walls. Th.png to raw_combined/Entrance corridor of a modern villa with modern multicolored abstract paintings on the two walls. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_25/editorial style, design a very modern dining table and chairs set in titanium metal structure frame .txt to raw_combined/editorial style, design a very modern dining table and chairs set in titanium metal structure frame .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wood framed ink wash literati painting of converse all star sneakers, .png to raw_combined/wood framed ink wash literati painting of converse all star sneakers, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/epic sea battle with dark ornate steampunk ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, h.png to raw_combined/epic sea battle with dark ornate steampunk ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, h.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/glossy black milk splash art on a textured matte black background, .txt to raw_combined/glossy black milk splash art on a textured matte black background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie steampunk basement with walls made from alien artifacts, oily chains draped from the ceilin.txt to raw_combined/an eerie steampunk basement with walls made from alien artifacts, oily chains draped from the ceilin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a futuristic cybernetic warrior battl.txt to raw_combined/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a futuristic cybernetic warrior battl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an outlandishly dressed female court jester juggling flaming skulls in a medieval banquet hall, high.txt to raw_combined/an outlandishly dressed female court jester juggling flaming skulls in a medieval banquet hall, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie scene from the Paris Catacombs, a room with walls made from alien bones and skulls, a sculp.txt to raw_combined/an eerie scene from the Paris Catacombs, a room with walls made from alien bones and skulls, a sculp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at sunset, masterpiece.txt to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at sunset, masterpiece.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Air Jordan 11, highly detailed octane render.png to raw_combined/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Air Jordan 11, highly detailed octane render.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece full color illustration of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with an abandoned, stark, prim.png to raw_combined/masterpiece full color illustration of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with an abandoned, stark, prim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at midnight, masterpie.txt to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at midnight, masterpie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the upper portion of sophisticated elegant converse sneaker mounted on a Japanese inspired wooden bo.txt to raw_combined/the upper portion of sophisticated elegant converse sneaker mounted on a Japanese inspired wooden bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing a delicate, wispy red dress1 the dress is metamorphosing into smoke and fire2 .png to raw_combined/fashion model wearing a delicate, wispy red dress1 the dress is metamorphosing into smoke and fire2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a scene from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux .png to raw_combined/a scene from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/colorless, tonal, monochrome desaturated surreal Grand Canyon Landscape1.5 vivid colorful surrealist.png to raw_combined/colorless, tonal, monochrome desaturated surreal Grand Canyon Landscape1.5 vivid colorful surrealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wood framed ink wash literati painting of converse all star sneakers, .txt to raw_combined/wood framed ink wash literati painting of converse all star sneakers, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/retrofuturistic 3D printed converse high top sneakers, .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic 3D printed converse high top sneakers, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a minimalistic home office in an ominous mysterious deep dark cavern lit only by faint fireflies, .png to raw_combined/a minimalistic home office in an ominous mysterious deep dark cavern lit only by faint fireflies, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/gathering of translucent fish with head of Charlize Theron 2 in a surreal underwater fantasy dreams.png to raw_combined/gathering of translucent fish with head of Charlize Theron 2 in a surreal underwater fantasy dreams.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic chase scene from a futuristic mad max movie, intense suspenseful action shot of terrifying .txt to raw_combined/dramatic chase scene from a futuristic mad max movie, intense suspenseful action shot of terrifying .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/neanderthal Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/neanderthal Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/blue object with unexpected fun tonal pattern on the surface, black background .png to raw_combined/blue object with unexpected fun tonal pattern on the surface, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated whi.txt to raw_combined/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sub atomic view of a dragonfly wing, .png to raw_combined/sub atomic view of a dragonfly wing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense futuristic steampunk catamaran sailing on the o.png to raw_combined/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense futuristic steampunk catamaran sailing on the o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, sinister, reimagining of the 1975 Norman Jewison film rollerball with intimidating female char.png to raw_combined/dark, sinister, reimagining of the 1975 Norman Jewison film rollerball with intimidating female char.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Aztec helm with goggles, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Aztec helm with goggles, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic high tech camping hammock at the Grand Canyon at sunset, futuristic camping gear, cozy .txt to raw_combined/a futuristic high tech camping hammock at the Grand Canyon at sunset, futuristic camping gear, cozy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a minimalistic home office in an ominous mysterious deep dark cavern lit only by faint fireflies, .txt to raw_combined/a minimalistic home office in an ominous mysterious deep dark cavern lit only by faint fireflies, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark, surreal, .txt to raw_combined/post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark, surreal, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sleek, gossamer, futuristic white Nike running sneaker slowly sinking into a pool of glowing paste.txt to raw_combined/a sleek, gossamer, futuristic white Nike running sneaker slowly sinking into a pool of glowing paste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up view of a swarm of microscopic nano bots building a Nike running shoe .txt to raw_combined/close up view of a swarm of microscopic nano bots building a Nike running shoe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/steampunk minimalist home office in a clearing in the Cambodian jungle at sunset, highly detailed oc.txt to raw_combined/steampunk minimalist home office in a clearing in the Cambodian jungle at sunset, highly detailed oc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/complete kit and gear for playing an original new futuristic sport .txt to raw_combined/complete kit and gear for playing an original new futuristic sport .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dieselpunk home office in an underground bunker, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/a dieselpunk home office in an underground bunker, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a barren black, colorless landscape with vivid neon psychedelic sky .txt to raw_combined/a barren black, colorless landscape with vivid neon psychedelic sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/screenshot of a zoom call and all participants are beautiful cyborgs, highly detailed octane render,.txt to raw_combined/screenshot of a zoom call and all participants are beautiful cyborgs, highly detailed octane render,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of a graveyard for converse sneakers surrounded.png to raw_combined/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of a graveyard for converse sneakers surrounded.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie steampunk catacomb with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the fo.txt to raw_combined/an eerie steampunk catacomb with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/popular opulent ornate steampunk lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane ren.txt to raw_combined/popular opulent ornate steampunk lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane ren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/object with matte rubber with micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black background .png to raw_combined/object with matte rubber with micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view a very fit young female athletes wearing futuristic track suits and futuristic backp.png to raw_combined/wide angle view a very fit young female athletes wearing futuristic track suits and futuristic backp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic high tech camping hammock in trees near a mountaintop at sunset, futuristic camping gea.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic high tech camping hammock in trees near a mountaintop at sunset, futuristic camping gea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Nike Jordan 6, highly detailed octane render.png to raw_combined/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Nike Jordan 6, highly detailed octane render.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/red haired Milana Vayntrub as an ultra fit cyberpunk bounty Hunter, hyper realistic, .txt to raw_combined/red haired Milana Vayntrub as an ultra fit cyberpunk bounty Hunter, hyper realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing gauzelike surface, blue white silver color palet.png to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing gauzelike surface, blue white silver color palet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sailors sleeping quarters on board an ornate steampunk submarine, steampunk hammocks, .txt to raw_combined/sailors sleeping quarters on board an ornate steampunk submarine, steampunk hammocks, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, steampunk influ.png to raw_combined/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, steampunk influ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/drone view aerial photo of an organic, asymmetrical futuristic sports stadium at night, dramatic col.txt to raw_combined/drone view aerial photo of an organic, asymmetrical futuristic sports stadium at night, dramatic col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/AI shoe cobbler robots building futuristic Nike running shoes on a futuristic robotic assembly line,.txt to raw_combined/AI shoe cobbler robots building futuristic Nike running shoes on a futuristic robotic assembly line,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/colorless, black and white tonal, monochrome desaturated Grand Canyon Landscape.png to raw_combined/colorless, black and white tonal, monochrome desaturated Grand Canyon Landscape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of icebergs and penguins and a swirling stormy sky at sunset, masterpiece illustr.png to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of icebergs and penguins and a swirling stormy sky at sunset, masterpiece illustr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/object with matte rubber with micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black background .txt to raw_combined/object with matte rubber with micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a museum object in sporty pastel colors depicting uniqueness, speed, fun, expression, sport .png to raw_combined/a museum object in sporty pastel colors depicting uniqueness, speed, fun, expression, sport .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/next generation Nike air bag technology for running shoes, futuristic, high tech, blue tint .txt to raw_combined/next generation Nike air bag technology for running shoes, futuristic, high tech, blue tint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark, surreal, .png to raw_combined/post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark, surreal, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting on an ornate st.txt to raw_combined/a glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting on an ornate st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a framed painting of converse all stars by Agostino Arrivabene, .png to raw_combined/a framed painting of converse all stars by Agostino Arrivabene, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/epic sea battle with dark ornate steampunk ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, h.txt to raw_combined/epic sea battle with dark ornate steampunk ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Nike Air Max 95 running shoes built by miniature AI shoe cobbler robots on a futuristic robotic asse.txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Max 95 running shoes built by miniature AI shoe cobbler robots on a futuristic robotic asse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense futuristic steampunk catamaran sailing on the o.txt to raw_combined/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense futuristic steampunk catamaran sailing on the o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/puzzleshoe design for Jordan 6 sneaker, hyper realistic, black background, .png to raw_combined/puzzleshoe design for Jordan 6 sneaker, hyper realistic, black background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at sunset, masterpiece.png to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at sunset, masterpiece.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic organic shaped lounge chair, high gloss pastel gradient .txt to raw_combined/soft futuristic organic shaped lounge chair, high gloss pastel gradient .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of young, happy, customers wearing Victorian era goth steampunk outfits, enjoying cu.txt to raw_combined/wide angle view of young, happy, customers wearing Victorian era goth steampunk outfits, enjoying cu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Leonardo DaVincis home office, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/Leonardo DaVincis home office, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/woman competing in the triple jump at the Olympics wearing futuristic apparel .png to raw_combined/woman competing in the triple jump at the Olympics wearing futuristic apparel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/solid silver object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, bla.png to raw_combined/solid silver object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a portable futuristic personal chair for sporting events, bold colorful fun unexpected .txt to raw_combined/a portable futuristic personal chair for sporting events, bold colorful fun unexpected .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textured.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textured.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior of an impossible organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, fun, expected, high.txt to raw_combined/exterior of an impossible organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, fun, expected, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/white haired model wearing a tattered black dress with smoldering edges in a landscape surrounded by.txt to raw_combined/white haired model wearing a tattered black dress with smoldering edges in a landscape surrounded by.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic steampunk motorcycle helmet with goggles .png to raw_combined/a futuristic steampunk motorcycle helmet with goggles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a fantasy galaxy containing a collection of time portals, fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .txt to raw_combined/a fantasy galaxy containing a collection of time portals, fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense catamaran offset left below, midnight, highly d.png to raw_combined/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense catamaran offset left below, midnight, highly d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/mono lake California as a surreal dreamscape masterpiece painting with chaotic fractals and thick ov.png to raw_combined/mono lake California as a surreal dreamscape masterpiece painting with chaotic fractals and thick ov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk mini golf course in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal eng.png to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk mini golf course in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal eng.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk motorcycle boots, monochrome, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk motorcycle boots, monochrome, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/neanderthal Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/neanderthal Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic view of immense futuristic seek and destroy sailing on calm seas at midnight, highly detail.txt to raw_combined/dramatic view of immense futuristic seek and destroy sailing on calm seas at midnight, highly detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the moon, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the moon, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, low, wide, raw, in the r.txt to raw_combined/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, low, wide, raw, in the r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sparsely decorated steampunk home office in a steampunk treehouse in an immense tree, steampunk de.png to raw_combined/a sparsely decorated steampunk home office in a steampunk treehouse in an immense tree, steampunk de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic organic shaped cycling helmet, high gloss fun gradient colors .txt to raw_combined/soft futuristic organic shaped cycling helmet, high gloss fun gradient colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detaile.png to raw_combined/a steampunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, sinister, reimagining of the 1975 Norman Jewison film rollerball with intimidating female char.txt to raw_combined/dark, sinister, reimagining of the 1975 Norman Jewison film rollerball with intimidating female char.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a gathering of black stick figures silhouetted against the horizon, tonal grey background, .png to raw_combined/a gathering of black stick figures silhouetted against the horizon, tonal grey background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie scene from the Paris Catacombs, a room with walls made from alien bones and skulls, a sculp.png to raw_combined/an eerie scene from the Paris Catacombs, a room with walls made from alien bones and skulls, a sculp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/giant asymmetrical gold metallic alien monument2 tonal black dark monochromatic dreamscape with stor.txt to raw_combined/giant asymmetrical gold metallic alien monument2 tonal black dark monochromatic dreamscape with stor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/direct overhead view of an immense catamaran sailing directly below, sunset, highly detailed octane .png to raw_combined/direct overhead view of an immense catamaran sailing directly below, sunset, highly detailed octane .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tower tarot card rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tower tarot card rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic fashionable Nike womens basketball shoes, light color monochrome, black textured backgrou.png to raw_combined/futuristic fashionable Nike womens basketball shoes, light color monochrome, black textured backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/terrifying fantasy underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.png to raw_combined/terrifying fantasy underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey red color pal.png to raw_combined/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey red color pal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ancient cave walls made from stacks of fossilized converse sneakers, dramatic torch lighting, h.txt to raw_combined/dark ancient cave walls made from stacks of fossilized converse sneakers, dramatic torch lighting, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense centipedeinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, .txt to raw_combined/an immense centipedeinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Nike Air Max 95 as bubble wrap art, chaos 15 .txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Max 95 as bubble wrap art, chaos 15 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a serene lakeside campsite at sunset, campfire, camp chair, hammock, kayak, night scene .png to raw_combined/a serene lakeside campsite at sunset, campfire, camp chair, hammock, kayak, night scene .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view a very fit young female athletes wearing futuristic track suits and futuristic backp.txt to raw_combined/wide angle view a very fit young female athletes wearing futuristic track suits and futuristic backp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/cyberpunk 2077 V visiting shops on cyberpunk diagon alley, .txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk 2077 V visiting shops on cyberpunk diagon alley, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy landscape of swirling colors and frac.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy landscape of swirling colors and frac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/white haired model wearing a tattered black dress with smoldering edges in a landscape surrounded by.png to raw_combined/white haired model wearing a tattered black dress with smoldering edges in a landscape surrounded by.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy oceanfront landscape of swirling colo.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy oceanfront landscape of swirling colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sleek, minimalist futuristic formula one race car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred .txt to raw_combined/sleek, minimalist futuristic formula one race car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk bedroom with hammocks, .txt to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk bedroom with hammocks, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Roman gladiator with scary clown inspired full armor, Roman Coliseum background at sunset, highly de.png to raw_combined/Roman gladiator with scary clown inspired full armor, Roman Coliseum background at sunset, highly de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at midnight, masterpie.png to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at midnight, masterpie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia with psychedelic sky at sunset, .png to raw_combined/Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia with psychedelic sky at sunset, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of dragons dueling in the sky over the mountains, beautiful layered cut paper craft art, bl.png to raw_combined/close up of dragons dueling in the sky over the mountains, beautiful layered cut paper craft art, bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal landscape and swirling stormy sky in a blue r.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal landscape and swirling stormy sky in a blue r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a futuristic running jacket made from a collage of mixed materials and overt textures, l.txt to raw_combined/close up of a futuristic running jacket made from a collage of mixed materials and overt textures, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a beautiful red haired cyborg undergoing maintenance in a futuristic steampunk laboratory, highly de.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful red haired cyborg undergoing maintenance in a futuristic steampunk laboratory, highly de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the high priestess, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the high priestess, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece full color illustration of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with an abandoned, stark, prim.txt to raw_combined/masterpiece full color illustration of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with an abandoned, stark, prim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/spot colored neon blue fortress on a dark, desaturated colorless landscape2 .txt to raw_combined/spot colored neon blue fortress on a dark, desaturated colorless landscape2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/framed painting of converse all stars by Gudrun Morel, .txt to raw_combined/framed painting of converse all stars by Gudrun Morel, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic black and white surreal pattern vector art, .txt to raw_combined/dramatic black and white surreal pattern vector art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a futuristic running jacket made from a collage of mixed materials and overt textures, l.png to raw_combined/close up of a futuristic running jacket made from a collage of mixed materials and overt textures, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .txt to raw_combined/a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/cyberpunk 2077 mercenary,psychedelic, warped gossamer light beams, lava and steam, vivid colors, hig.txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk 2077 mercenary,psychedelic, warped gossamer light beams, lava and steam, vivid colors, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie steampunk basement with walls made from alien artifacts, oily chains draped from the ceilin.png to raw_combined/an eerie steampunk basement with walls made from alien artifacts, oily chains draped from the ceilin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sub atomic ornate vessels in an epic battle in microscopic dreamscape black, grey, red color palette.png to raw_combined/sub atomic ornate vessels in an epic battle in microscopic dreamscape black, grey, red color palette.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic asymmetric organic shaped headphones, high gloss pastel gradient, unexpected exagger.png to raw_combined/soft futuristic asymmetric organic shaped headphones, high gloss pastel gradient, unexpected exagger.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wood framed painting of Converse high top sneakers in the style Neal gaiman graphic novel still, bla.png to raw_combined/wood framed painting of Converse high top sneakers in the style Neal gaiman graphic novel still, bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy riverside village of swirling colors .png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy riverside village of swirling colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office in a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, steampunk d.txt to raw_combined/a steampunk home office in a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, steampunk d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic womens team soccer uniforms .png to raw_combined/futuristic womens team soccer uniforms .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sleek, futuristic trihull ice boat with subtle steampunk details, racing across a frozen lake at s.png to raw_combined/a sleek, futuristic trihull ice boat with subtle steampunk details, racing across a frozen lake at s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk bedroom with hammocks, .png to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk bedroom with hammocks, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medieval Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/medieval Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sleek, minimalist, retrofuturistic sports car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred back.txt to raw_combined/sleek, minimalist, retrofuturistic sports car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office in a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, steampunk d.png to raw_combined/a steampunk home office in a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, steampunk d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning colorful supercell over Texas at golden hour .txt to raw_combined/stunning colorful supercell over Texas at golden hour .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Nike Air Max 95 as bubble wrap art, chaos 15 .png to raw_combined/Nike Air Max 95 as bubble wrap art, chaos 15 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of dragons dueling in the sky over the mountains, beautiful layered cut paper craft art, bl.txt to raw_combined/close up of dragons dueling in the sky over the mountains, beautiful layered cut paper craft art, bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a thriving human colony on Jupiter at midnight, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/a thriving human colony on Jupiter at midnight, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic view of immense futuristic seek and destroy sailing on calm seas at midnight, highly detail.png to raw_combined/dramatic view of immense futuristic seek and destroy sailing on calm seas at midnight, highly detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a futuristic basketball court floor made from a collage of mixed materials and overt tex.txt to raw_combined/close up of a futuristic basketball court floor made from a collage of mixed materials and overt tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic upward angle view of an immense steampunk Neel 45 trimaran sailing on calm seas at midnight.png to raw_combined/dramatic upward angle view of an immense steampunk Neel 45 trimaran sailing on calm seas at midnight.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, low, wide, raw, in the r.png to raw_combined/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, low, wide, raw, in the r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic angle view of an immense futuristic Neels 45 steampunk catamaran sailing on calm seas at mi.txt to raw_combined/dramatic angle view of an immense futuristic Neels 45 steampunk catamaran sailing on calm seas at mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/direct overhead view of an immense catamaran sailing directly below, sunset, highly detailed octane .txt to raw_combined/direct overhead view of an immense catamaran sailing directly below, sunset, highly detailed octane .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an broken alien lands.png to raw_combined/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an broken alien lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey blue color pa.txt to raw_combined/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey blue color pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a galaxy of planets made of reflective black material, .png to raw_combined/a galaxy of planets made of reflective black material, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning colorful supercell over Nebraska at sunset .png to raw_combined/stunning colorful supercell over Nebraska at sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree engulfed in orange flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromat.txt to raw_combined/a large tree engulfed in orange flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic organic shaped lounge chair, high gloss pastel gradient .png to raw_combined/soft futuristic organic shaped lounge chair, high gloss pastel gradient .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/red haired Mila Kunis as a determined cyberpunk mercenary, in front of a futuristic armored vehicle,.png to raw_combined/red haired Mila Kunis as a determined cyberpunk mercenary, in front of a futuristic armored vehicle,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sleek, futuristic trihull ice boat with subtle steampunk details, racing across a frozen lake at s.txt to raw_combined/a sleek, futuristic trihull ice boat with subtle steampunk details, racing across a frozen lake at s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated rub.txt to raw_combined/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated rub.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream twist as a fractal swirl, black background, highly detail.txt to raw_combined/chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream twist as a fractal swirl, black background, highly detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the moon, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the moon, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree on fire, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic, tonal black la.png to raw_combined/a large tree on fire, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic, tonal black la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Roman gladiator with scary clown inspired full armor, Roman Coliseum background at sunset, highly de.txt to raw_combined/Roman gladiator with scary clown inspired full armor, Roman Coliseum background at sunset, highly de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk water shoes, monochrome, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk water shoes, monochrome, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Egyptian helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Egyptian helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sparse steampunk bedroom in a cave, hammocks, wall torches, comfy leather chairs, tapestries, camp.png to raw_combined/a sparse steampunk bedroom in a cave, hammocks, wall torches, comfy leather chairs, tapestries, camp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/puzzleshoe design for Jordan 6 sneaker, hyper realistic, black background, .txt to raw_combined/puzzleshoe design for Jordan 6 sneaker, hyper realistic, black background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/terrifying fantasy underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.txt to raw_combined/terrifying fantasy underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a dark, moody alien landscape with a .png to raw_combined/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a dark, moody alien landscape with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, in the rain, blurred bac.png to raw_combined/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, in the rain, blurred bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning colorful supercell over Nebraska at sunset .txt to raw_combined/stunning colorful supercell over Nebraska at sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a museum object in pastel colors representing uniqueness, speed, fun, expression .png to raw_combined/a museum object in pastel colors representing uniqueness, speed, fun, expression .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy cliffside landscape of swirling color.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy cliffside landscape of swirling color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy riverside village of swirling colors .txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy riverside village of swirling colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a portable futuristic personal chair for sporting events, bold colorful fun unexpected .png to raw_combined/a portable futuristic personal chair for sporting events, bold colorful fun unexpected .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense sharkinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.txt to raw_combined/an immense sharkinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with stark, bleached dri.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with stark, bleached dri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree engulfed in blue flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic.png to raw_combined/a large tree engulfed in blue flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black bac.txt to raw_combined/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/object with flowing organic granulated distressed surface .txt to raw_combined/object with flowing organic granulated distressed surface .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of icebergs and penguins and a swirling stormy sky at sunset, masterpiece illustr.txt to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of icebergs and penguins and a swirling stormy sky at sunset, masterpiece illustr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immersive colorful milk drop illustration with random colors and sizes, swirling colorful fractal.png to raw_combined/an immersive colorful milk drop illustration with random colors and sizes, swirling colorful fractal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a museum object in pastel colors representing uniqueness, speed, fun, expression .txt to raw_combined/a museum object in pastel colors representing uniqueness, speed, fun, expression .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/spot colored neon blue fortress on a dark, desaturated colorless landscape2 .png to raw_combined/spot colored neon blue fortress on a dark, desaturated colorless landscape2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/modern fantastical architecture inspired by the shape of basketball sneakers.txt to raw_combined/modern fantastical architecture inspired by the shape of basketball sneakers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with miniature civilization amongst fields of fungal fractals, dar.png to raw_combined/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with miniature civilization amongst fields of fungal fractals, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/electron microscope image of a dragonfly wing, .txt to raw_combined/electron microscope image of a dragonfly wing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sub atomic ornate vessels in an epic battle in microscopic dreamscape black, grey, red color palette.txt to raw_combined/sub atomic ornate vessels in an epic battle in microscopic dreamscape black, grey, red color palette.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/3D printed converse high top sneakers by Iris van Herpen, .png to raw_combined/3D printed converse high top sneakers by Iris van Herpen, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black bac.png to raw_combined/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro geometric granulated pattern surface, black bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the world, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the world, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a collection of futuristic sports equipment, unexpected colors and materials, black background .png to raw_combined/a collection of futuristic sports equipment, unexpected colors and materials, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/epic sea battle with dark ornate futuristic ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, .txt to raw_combined/epic sea battle with dark ornate futuristic ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Roman gladiator Batman clown, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engin.txt to raw_combined/Roman gladiator Batman clown, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ancient cave walls made from stacks of fossilized converse sneakers, dramatic torch lighting, h.png to raw_combined/dark ancient cave walls made from stacks of fossilized converse sneakers, dramatic torch lighting, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal landscape and swirling stormy sky in a blue r.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal landscape and swirling stormy sky in a blue r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/majestic trees of Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia as a psychedelic surreal fractured fractal d.txt to raw_combined/majestic trees of Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia as a psychedelic surreal fractured fractal d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk gladiator boots, monochrome, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk gladiator boots, monochrome, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the world, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the world, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic upward angle view of an immense futuristic yacht on calm seas at midnight, highly detailed .txt to raw_combined/dramatic upward angle view of an immense futuristic yacht on calm seas at midnight, highly detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with bleached driftwood .png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with bleached driftwood .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic biomimetic organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected exagge.png to raw_combined/futuristic biomimetic organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected exagge.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office with a portal that opens into a lush tropical fantasy seascape, highly detai.txt to raw_combined/a steampunk home office with a portal that opens into a lush tropical fantasy seascape, highly detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk samurai mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured backgroun.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk samurai mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/majestic trees of Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia as a psychedelic surreal fractured fractal d.png to raw_combined/majestic trees of Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia as a psychedelic surreal fractured fractal d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a wood framed painting of converse all stars with black background by Gudrun Morel,.txt to raw_combined/a wood framed painting of converse all stars with black background by Gudrun Morel,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a home office in a style that mixes art deco and cyberpunk, highly detailed octane render, unreal en.png to raw_combined/a home office in a style that mixes art deco and cyberpunk, highly detailed octane render, unreal en.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior view of a futuristic Nike store at sunset, immense front window in the shape of a Nike bask.txt to raw_combined/exterior view of a futuristic Nike store at sunset, immense front window in the shape of a Nike bask.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark textured wall with a collection of ornamental alien helmets hanging on display, dramatic ligh.png to raw_combined/a dark textured wall with a collection of ornamental alien helmets hanging on display, dramatic ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate intricate steampunk train caboosehouse in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render.png to raw_combined/an ornate intricate steampunk train caboosehouse in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the most complex, overly complicated, ornate steampunk espresso machine ever created, sitting on a b.txt to raw_combined/the most complex, overly complicated, ornate steampunk espresso machine ever created, sitting on a b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a nanopunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detailed.txt to raw_combined/a nanopunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/giant asymmetrical blue metallic alien monument2 black and white monochromatic dreamscape highly det.txt to raw_combined/giant asymmetrical blue metallic alien monument2 black and white monochromatic dreamscape highly det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate grand steampunk factory of fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .txt to raw_combined/an ornate grand steampunk factory of fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/electron microscope image of a dragonfly wing, .png to raw_combined/electron microscope image of a dragonfly wing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark, dilapidated steampunk home office with a doorway that opens into a lush tropical fantasy sea.txt to raw_combined/a dark, dilapidated steampunk home office with a doorway that opens into a lush tropical fantasy sea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/beautiful oliveskinned fashion model wearing a futuristic wispy white ethereal gown that is tattered.png to raw_combined/beautiful oliveskinned fashion model wearing a futuristic wispy white ethereal gown that is tattered.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Roman gladiator Batman clown, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engin.png to raw_combined/Roman gladiator Batman clown, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie room with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the foreground of th.txt to raw_combined/an eerie room with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the foreground of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the emperor, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the emperor, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic fashionable Nike womens basketball shoes, light color monochrome, black textured backgrou.txt to raw_combined/futuristic fashionable Nike womens basketball shoes, light color monochrome, black textured backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a gathering of black stick figures silhouetted against the horizon, tonal grey background, .txt to raw_combined/a gathering of black stick figures silhouetted against the horizon, tonal grey background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a 1972 corvette stingray as a steampunk jet, black background, highly detailed octane render, unreal.txt to raw_combined/a 1972 corvette stingray as a steampunk jet, black background, highly detailed octane render, unreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior of an impossible organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, fun, expected, high.png to raw_combined/exterior of an impossible organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, fun, expected, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/opulent ornate steampunk casino atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unr.txt to raw_combined/opulent ornate steampunk casino atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/opulent steampunk speakeasy lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, .png to raw_combined/opulent steampunk speakeasy lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a dark, moody alien landscape with a .txt to raw_combined/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a dark, moody alien landscape with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/giant asymmetrical gold metallic alien monument2 tonal black dark monochromatic dreamscape with stor.png to raw_combined/giant asymmetrical gold metallic alien monument2 tonal black dark monochromatic dreamscape with stor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a framed painting of converse all stars by Agostino Arrivabene, .txt to raw_combined/a framed painting of converse all stars by Agostino Arrivabene, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk motorcycle boots, monochrome, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk motorcycle boots, monochrome, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with bleached driftwood .txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with bleached driftwood .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning wide angle highly detailed black and white photo of Hong Kong Harbor stunning, psychedelic,.png to raw_combined/stunning wide angle highly detailed black and white photo of Hong Kong Harbor stunning, psychedelic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal alien landscape with turbulent ocean and swir.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal alien landscape with turbulent ocean and swir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/epic sea battle with dark ornate futuristic ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, .png to raw_combined/epic sea battle with dark ornate futuristic ships on a stormy dreamscape ocean, dark color palette, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of young, happy, customers wearing Victorian era goth steampunk outfits, enjoying cu.png to raw_combined/wide angle view of young, happy, customers wearing Victorian era goth steampunk outfits, enjoying cu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, steampunk influ.txt to raw_combined/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, steampunk influ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium range drone view of a bold, unexpected, asymmetrical futuristic sports complex at sunset, dra.png to raw_combined/medium range drone view of a bold, unexpected, asymmetrical futuristic sports complex at sunset, dra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting of an immense electric whale in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivid th.png to raw_combined/masterpiece painting of an immense electric whale in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivid th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Egyptian helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Egyptian helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dragon zebra hybrid .txt to raw_combined/a dragon zebra hybrid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medieval Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/medieval Batman, black textured background, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate intricate steampunk train caboosehouse in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render.txt to raw_combined/an ornate intricate steampunk train caboosehouse in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a fantasy illustration with thick vivid strokes showing a stormy sunrise over a surreal dreamscape w.png to raw_combined/a fantasy illustration with thick vivid strokes showing a stormy sunrise over a surreal dreamscape w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fully armored Spartans fighting a monstrous alien spider on a mountain pass at sunset, highly detail.txt to raw_combined/fully armored Spartans fighting a monstrous alien spider on a mountain pass at sunset, highly detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at golden hour, master.png to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at golden hour, master.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot on the barren plains of an alien landscape in the rain at su.txt to raw_combined/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot on the barren plains of an alien landscape in the rain at su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a female steampunk alien commander in front of an alien sphere, splashed with thick colorful paint s.txt to raw_combined/a female steampunk alien commander in front of an alien sphere, splashed with thick colorful paint s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, in front of an ornate highly intricate .png to raw_combined/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, in front of an ornate highly intricate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/micro civilization living in an underwater fantasy ghostcore organic cityscape fractal, dark color p.png to raw_combined/micro civilization living in an underwater fantasy ghostcore organic cityscape fractal, dark color p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sub atomic view of a dragonfly wing, .txt to raw_combined/sub atomic view of a dragonfly wing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a futuristic cybernetic warrior battl.png to raw_combined/masterpiece painting using bold thick layered paint strokes of a futuristic cybernetic warrior battl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic asymmetric organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected e.png to raw_combined/soft futuristic asymmetric organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro organic granulated pattern surface, black backg.png to raw_combined/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro organic granulated pattern surface, black backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey red color pal.txt to raw_combined/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey red color pal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, rope Bruges, catwalks, sunset, .txt to raw_combined/a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, rope Bruges, catwalks, sunset, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic upward angle view of an immense futuristic yacht on calm seas at midnight, highly detailed .png to raw_combined/dramatic upward angle view of an immense futuristic yacht on calm seas at midnight, highly detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal alien landscape with turbulent ocean and swir.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal alien landscape with turbulent ocean and swir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk alien splashed with thick colorful paint smoke and sand .txt to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk alien splashed with thick colorful paint smoke and sand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of the Paris Catacombs2 replace bones with conv.png to raw_combined/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of the Paris Catacombs2 replace bones with conv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured b.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic asymmetric organic shaped headphones, high gloss pastel gradient, unexpected exagger.txt to raw_combined/soft futuristic asymmetric organic shaped headphones, high gloss pastel gradient, unexpected exagger.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/AI shoe cobbler robots building futuristic Nike running shoes on a futuristic robotic assembly line,.png to raw_combined/AI shoe cobbler robots building futuristic Nike running shoes on a futuristic robotic assembly line,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk alien helmet made from scrap alien technology, neon green tinted m.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk alien helmet made from scrap alien technology, neon green tinted m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, industrial punk.png to raw_combined/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, industrial punk.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk gladiator boots, monochrome, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk gladiator boots, monochrome, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic angle view of an immense futuristic Neels 45 steampunk catamaran sailing on calm seas at mi.png to raw_combined/dramatic angle view of an immense futuristic Neels 45 steampunk catamaran sailing on calm seas at mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting of an immense electric jellyfish in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivi.png to raw_combined/masterpiece painting of an immense electric jellyfish in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/silver object with tonal fractal deboss pattern in the surface, black background .txt to raw_combined/silver object with tonal fractal deboss pattern in the surface, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate grand steampunk factory of fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .png to raw_combined/an ornate grand steampunk factory of fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/rubber object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, black bac.png to raw_combined/rubber object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, black bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic high tech camping hammock in trees near a mountaintop at sunset, futuristic camping gea.png to raw_combined/a futuristic high tech camping hammock in trees near a mountaintop at sunset, futuristic camping gea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/opulent ornate steampunk casino atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unr.png to raw_combined/opulent ornate steampunk casino atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated rub.png to raw_combined/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated rub.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the gunslinger walks across a bleak, barren, black, colorless desert landscape, followed by the man .txt to raw_combined/the gunslinger walks across a bleak, barren, black, colorless desert landscape, followed by the man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk playground in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk playground in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up view of a swarm of microscopic nano bots building a Nike running shoe .png to raw_combined/close up view of a swarm of microscopic nano bots building a Nike running shoe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting with vivid pronounced brushstrokes depicting an alien cathedral in a surreal fa.txt to raw_combined/masterpiece painting with vivid pronounced brushstrokes depicting an alien cathedral in a surreal fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting with vivid pronounced brushstrokes depicting an alien cathedral in a surreal fa.png to raw_combined/masterpiece painting with vivid pronounced brushstrokes depicting an alien cathedral in a surreal fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk fencing helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk fencing helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fully armored Spartans fighting a monstrous alien spider on a mountain pass at sunset, highly detail.png to raw_combined/fully armored Spartans fighting a monstrous alien spider on a mountain pass at sunset, highly detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the chariot, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the chariot, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, .png to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/popular opulent ornate steampunk lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane ren.png to raw_combined/popular opulent ornate steampunk lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane ren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sparsely decorated steampunk home office in a steampunk treehouse in an immense tree, steampunk de.txt to raw_combined/a sparsely decorated steampunk home office in a steampunk treehouse in an immense tree, steampunk de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk aviator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, red tint, black textur.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk aviator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, red tint, black textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree on fire, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic, tonal black la.txt to raw_combined/a large tree on fire, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic, tonal black la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/opulent steampunk speakeasy lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, .txt to raw_combined/opulent steampunk speakeasy lounge atop the Grand Canyon, at sunset, highly detailed octane render, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick colored vibrant paint strokes, fractured fractals, a ship on the ocean at night, .png to raw_combined/thick colored vibrant paint strokes, fractured fractals, a ship on the ocean at night, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the emperor, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the emperor, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning colorful supercell over Texas at golden hour .png to raw_combined/stunning colorful supercell over Texas at golden hour .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an outlandishly dressed female court jester juggling flaming skulls in a medieval banquet hall, high.png to raw_combined/an outlandishly dressed female court jester juggling flaming skulls in a medieval banquet hall, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wood framed painting of Converse high top sneakers in the style Neal gaiman graphic novel still, bla.txt to raw_combined/wood framed painting of Converse high top sneakers in the style Neal gaiman graphic novel still, bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium range drone view of a bold, unexpected, asymmetrical futuristic sports complex at sunset, dra.txt to raw_combined/medium range drone view of a bold, unexpected, asymmetrical futuristic sports complex at sunset, dra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a barren black, colorless landscape with vivid neon psychedelic sky .png to raw_combined/a barren black, colorless landscape with vivid neon psychedelic sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot on the barren plains of an alien landscape in the rain at su.png to raw_combined/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot on the barren plains of an alien landscape in the rain at su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick colored vibrant paint strokes, fractured fractals, a ship on the ocean at night, .txt to raw_combined/thick colored vibrant paint strokes, fractured fractals, a ship on the ocean at night, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk samurai mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured backgroun.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk samurai mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing a delicate, wispy red dress1 the dress is metamorphosing into smoke and fire2 .txt to raw_combined/fashion model wearing a delicate, wispy red dress1 the dress is metamorphosing into smoke and fire2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a 1972 corvette stingray as a steampunk jet, black background, highly detailed octane render, unreal.png to raw_combined/a 1972 corvette stingray as a steampunk jet, black background, highly detailed octane render, unreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sparse steampunk bedroom in a cave, hammocks, wall torches, comfy leather chairs, tapestries, camp.txt to raw_combined/a sparse steampunk bedroom in a cave, hammocks, wall torches, comfy leather chairs, tapestries, camp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/giant asymmetrical blue metallic alien monument2 black and white monochromatic dreamscape highly det.png to raw_combined/giant asymmetrical blue metallic alien monument2 black and white monochromatic dreamscape highly det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense praying mantisinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane ren.png to raw_combined/an immense praying mantisinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane ren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/micro civilization living in an underwater fantasy ghostcore organic cityscape fractal, dark color p.txt to raw_combined/micro civilization living in an underwater fantasy ghostcore organic cityscape fractal, dark color p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/object with flowing organic granulated distressed surface .png to raw_combined/object with flowing organic granulated distressed surface .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape on a mesmerizing alien world filled with unusual creatures, masterpiece black and.png to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape on a mesmerizing alien world filled with unusual creatures, masterpiece black and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a nanopunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detailed.png to raw_combined/a nanopunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting of an immense electric whale in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivid th.txt to raw_combined/masterpiece painting of an immense electric whale in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivid th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/anthropomorphic robot cobbler2 building a pair of futuristic Nike basketball sneakers on his workben.txt to raw_combined/anthropomorphic robot cobbler2 building a pair of futuristic Nike basketball sneakers on his workben.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a futuristic basketball court floor made from a collage of mixed materials and overt tex.png to raw_combined/close up of a futuristic basketball court floor made from a collage of mixed materials and overt tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk fencing helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk fencing helm with goggles, monochrome, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/side view of the fastest female runner in the world, sprinting across in front of the camera in full.txt to raw_combined/side view of the fastest female runner in the world, sprinting across in front of the camera in full.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/golden phoenix rising from the ashes of an ancient burned ruin of a city .txt to raw_combined/golden phoenix rising from the ashes of an ancient burned ruin of a city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of a graveyard for converse sneakers surrounded.txt to raw_combined/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of a graveyard for converse sneakers surrounded.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey blue color pa.png to raw_combined/dark ominous overgrown ancient Cambodian jungle temple, stormy fractal sky, black grey blue color pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an broken alien lands.txt to raw_combined/medium view of a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an broken alien lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/gathering of translucent fish with head of Charlize Theron 2 in a surreal underwater fantasy dreams.txt to raw_combined/gathering of translucent fish with head of Charlize Theron 2 in a surreal underwater fantasy dreams.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, mesmerizing textured background, dramat.png to raw_combined/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, mesmerizing textured background, dramat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a fantasy illustration with thick vivid strokes showing a stormy sunrise over a surreal dreamscape w.txt to raw_combined/a fantasy illustration with thick vivid strokes showing a stormy sunrise over a surreal dreamscape w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a thriving human colony on Mars at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/a thriving human colony on Mars at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of an ornate demonic steampunk church organ, in an ancient church alcove decorated w.txt to raw_combined/wide angle view of an ornate demonic steampunk church organ, in an ancient church alcove decorated w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy oceanfront landscape of swirling colo.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy oceanfront landscape of swirling colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intricate fine line high gloss raised pattern on a matte black velvet background, .txt to raw_combined/intricate fine line high gloss raised pattern on a matte black velvet background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a rich mahogany wall with a collection of sacred ornamental masks from many human and alien cultures.png to raw_combined/a rich mahogany wall with a collection of sacred ornamental masks from many human and alien cultures.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream twist as a fractal swirl, black background, highly detail.png to raw_combined/chocolate and vanilla soft serve ice cream twist as a fractal swirl, black background, highly detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a geometric bronze challenge coin, dragon skull motif on top a layered jagged line texture, black ba.txt to raw_combined/a geometric bronze challenge coin, dragon skull motif on top a layered jagged line texture, black ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/mono lake California as a surreal dreamscape masterpiece painting with chaotic fractals and thick ov.txt to raw_combined/mono lake California as a surreal dreamscape masterpiece painting with chaotic fractals and thick ov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/chaotic tank of predatory fish as a surreal chaotic dreamscape masterpiece illustration, fractured f.png to raw_combined/chaotic tank of predatory fish as a surreal chaotic dreamscape masterpiece illustration, fractured f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/high end product photography of amazingly detailed artistic bowling balls in atom punk style, black .png to raw_combined/high end product photography of amazingly detailed artistic bowling balls in atom punk style, black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Nike Air Max 95 running shoes built by miniature AI shoe cobbler robots on a futuristic robotic asse.png to raw_combined/Nike Air Max 95 running shoes built by miniature AI shoe cobbler robots on a futuristic robotic asse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Nike Jordan 6, highly detailed octane render.txt to raw_combined/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Nike Jordan 6, highly detailed octane render.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a museum object in sporty pastel colors depicting uniqueness, speed, fun, expression, sport .txt to raw_combined/a museum object in sporty pastel colors depicting uniqueness, speed, fun, expression, sport .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk aviator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, red tint, black textur.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk aviator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, red tint, black textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting on an ornate st.png to raw_combined/a glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting on an ornate st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic chase scene from a futuristic mad max movie, intense suspenseful action shot of terrifying .png to raw_combined/dramatic chase scene from a futuristic mad max movie, intense suspenseful action shot of terrifying .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immersive colorful milk drop illustration with random colors and sizes, swirling colorful fractal.txt to raw_combined/an immersive colorful milk drop illustration with random colors and sizes, swirling colorful fractal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the upper portion of sophisticated elegant converse sneaker mounted on a Japanese inspired wooden bo.png to raw_combined/the upper portion of sophisticated elegant converse sneaker mounted on a Japanese inspired wooden bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a gathering of glowing glass fish with human faces in a surreal underwater dreamscape, vibrant color.png to raw_combined/a gathering of glowing glass fish with human faces in a surreal underwater dreamscape, vibrant color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/rubber object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, black bac.txt to raw_combined/rubber object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, black bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/alien gorilla in the style of Agostino Arrivabene, .png to raw_combined/alien gorilla in the style of Agostino Arrivabene, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie steampunk catacomb with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the fo.png to raw_combined/an eerie steampunk catacomb with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textured.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textured.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic biomimetic organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected exagge.txt to raw_combined/futuristic biomimetic organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected exagge.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing meshlike surface, red white silver color palette.txt to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing meshlike surface, red white silver color palette.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the lovers, rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the lovers, rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dieselpunk home office in an underground bunker, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/a dieselpunk home office in an underground bunker, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Leonardo DaVincis home office, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/Leonardo DaVincis home office, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tower tarot card rendered in art deco style, .png to raw_combined/futuristic tower tarot card rendered in art deco style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sleek, minimalist, retrofuturistic sports car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred back.png to raw_combined/sleek, minimalist, retrofuturistic sports car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk alien helmet made from scrap alien technology, neon green tinted m.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk alien helmet made from scrap alien technology, neon green tinted m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark colo.txt to raw_combined/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/terrifying surreal underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.txt to raw_combined/terrifying surreal underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a geometric bronze challenge coin, an ankhsnake motif on top a layered waves texture, black backgrou.txt to raw_combined/a geometric bronze challenge coin, an ankhsnake motif on top a layered waves texture, black backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a thriving human colony on Jupiter at midnight, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/a thriving human colony on Jupiter at midnight, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a galaxy of planets made of reflective black material, .txt to raw_combined/a galaxy of planets made of reflective black material, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/complete kit and gear for playing an original new futuristic sport .png to raw_combined/complete kit and gear for playing an original new futuristic sport .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk military gas mask, helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textu.txt to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk military gas mask, helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sleek, minimalist futuristic formula one race car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred .png to raw_combined/sleek, minimalist futuristic formula one race car with subtle steampunk details, at sunset, blurred .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of the Paris Catacombs2 replace bones with conv.txt to raw_combined/an acrylic painting with thick layered brush strokes of the Paris Catacombs2 replace bones with conv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/colorless, black and white tonal, monochrome desaturated Grand Canyon Landscape.txt to raw_combined/colorless, black and white tonal, monochrome desaturated Grand Canyon Landscape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detaile.txt to raw_combined/a steampunk home office in a giant redwood treehouse with spectacular mountain views, highly detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/retrofuturistic 3D printed converse high top sneakers, .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic 3D printed converse high top sneakers, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense squidinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.txt to raw_combined/an immense squidinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/red haired Milana Vayntrub as an ultra fit cyberpunk bounty Hunter, hyper realistic, .png to raw_combined/red haired Milana Vayntrub as an ultra fit cyberpunk bounty Hunter, hyper realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, in front of an ornate highly intricate .txt to raw_combined/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, in front of an ornate highly intricate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/psychedelic, gossamer, warped light beams and mist, red blue grey color palette, highly detailed oct.txt to raw_combined/psychedelic, gossamer, warped light beams and mist, red blue grey color palette, highly detailed oct.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic high end performance Converse basketball shoe 2 sleek minimalist design, white upper, bol.png to raw_combined/futuristic high end performance Converse basketball shoe 2 sleek minimalist design, white upper, bol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the most complex, overly complicated, ornate steampunk espresso machine ever created, sitting on a b.png to raw_combined/the most complex, overly complicated, ornate steampunk espresso machine ever created, sitting on a b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a geometric bronze challenge coin, dragon skull motif on top a layered jagged line texture, black ba.png to raw_combined/a geometric bronze challenge coin, dragon skull motif on top a layered jagged line texture, black ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a geometric bronze challenge coin, an ankhsnake motif on top a layered waves texture, black backgrou.png to raw_combined/a geometric bronze challenge coin, an ankhsnake motif on top a layered waves texture, black backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk alien splashed with thick colorful paint smoke and sand .png to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk alien splashed with thick colorful paint smoke and sand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Mount Fuji as a surreal fantasy dreamscape with chaotic spiral fractal sky predawn, abstract paintin.txt to raw_combined/Mount Fuji as a surreal fantasy dreamscape with chaotic spiral fractal sky predawn, abstract paintin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/the gunslinger walks across a bleak, barren, black, colorless desert landscape, followed by the man .png to raw_combined/the gunslinger walks across a bleak, barren, black, colorless desert landscape, followed by the man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/silver object with tonal fractal deboss pattern in the surface, black background .png to raw_combined/silver object with tonal fractal deboss pattern in the surface, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the high priestess, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the high priestess, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk water shoes, monochrome, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk water shoes, monochrome, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with stark, bleached dri.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal oceanside dreamscape with stark, bleached dri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Air Jordan 11, highly detailed octane render.txt to raw_combined/futuristic light up steampunk roller skates inspired by Air Jordan 11, highly detailed octane render.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the chariot, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the chariot, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing gauzelike surface, blue white silver color palet.txt to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing gauzelike surface, blue white silver color palet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of an ornate demonic steampunk church organ, in an ancient church alcove decorated w.png to raw_combined/wide angle view of an ornate demonic steampunk church organ, in an ancient church alcove decorated w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic asymmetric organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected e.txt to raw_combined/soft futuristic asymmetric organic retail storefront at sunset, inspired by Nike sport, unexpected e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of Charlize Theron as a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an.png to raw_combined/medium view of Charlize Theron as a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk home office with a portal that opens into a lush tropical fantasy seascape, highly detai.png to raw_combined/a steampunk home office with a portal that opens into a lush tropical fantasy seascape, highly detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk playground in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk playground in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing futuristic impossibly shaped dress inspired by optical illusion, high quality .png to raw_combined/fashion model wearing futuristic impossibly shaped dress inspired by optical illusion, high quality .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of an underwater steampunk treehouse, .txt to raw_combined/wide angle view of an underwater steampunk treehouse, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fun, futuristic interactive retail space for womens sneakers, Nike, unique architectural details .png to raw_combined/fun, futuristic interactive retail space for womens sneakers, Nike, unique architectural details .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an eerie room with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the foreground of th.png to raw_combined/an eerie room with walls made from alien bones and alien skulls, a sculpture in the foreground of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .png to raw_combined/a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, rope Bruges, catwalks, sunset, .png to raw_combined/a steampunk jungle treehouse in an immense treehouse village, rope Bruges, catwalks, sunset, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a gathering of glowing glass fish with human faces in a surreal underwater dreamscape, vibrant color.txt to raw_combined/a gathering of glowing glass fish with human faces in a surreal underwater dreamscape, vibrant color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a beautiful red haired cyborg undergoing maintenance in a futuristic steampunk laboratory, highly de.png to raw_combined/a beautiful red haired cyborg undergoing maintenance in a futuristic steampunk laboratory, highly de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate steampunk mini golf course in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal eng.txt to raw_combined/an ornate steampunk mini golf course in a field at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal eng.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense centipedeinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, .png to raw_combined/an immense centipedeinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/framed painting of converse all stars by Gudrun Morel, .png to raw_combined/framed painting of converse all stars by Gudrun Morel, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Deadpool as terminator predator, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt to raw_combined/Deadpool as terminator predator, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree engulfed in blue flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic.txt to raw_combined/a large tree engulfed in blue flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromatic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, black red color palet.png to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, black red color palet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/glossy black milk splash art on a textured matte black background, .png to raw_combined/glossy black milk splash art on a textured matte black background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a fantasy galaxy containing a collection of time portals, fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .png to raw_combined/a fantasy galaxy containing a collection of time portals, fractured fractals, vibrant colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/sailors sleeping quarters on board an ornate steampunk submarine, steampunk hammocks, .png to raw_combined/sailors sleeping quarters on board an ornate steampunk submarine, steampunk hammocks, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic upward angle view of an immense steampunk Neel 45 trimaran sailing on calm seas at midnight.txt to raw_combined/dramatic upward angle view of an immense steampunk Neel 45 trimaran sailing on calm seas at midnight.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic steampunk motorcycle helmet with goggles .txt to raw_combined/a futuristic steampunk motorcycle helmet with goggles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick layered acrylic rainbow paint strokes, fractured mosaic fractal, tree of life, stormy skies, .png to raw_combined/thick layered acrylic rainbow paint strokes, fractured mosaic fractal, tree of life, stormy skies, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, .txt to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a thriving human colony on Mars at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/a thriving human colony on Mars at sunset, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/masterpiece painting of an immense electric jellyfish in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivi.txt to raw_combined/masterpiece painting of an immense electric jellyfish in a surreal fantasy ocean, mosaic, using vivi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a grainy scene of strange creatures from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux, ha.txt to raw_combined/a grainy scene of strange creatures from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux, ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intricate fine line high gloss raised pattern on a matte black velvet background, .png to raw_combined/intricate fine line high gloss raised pattern on a matte black velvet background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a serene lakeside campsite at sunset, campfire, camp chair, hammock, kayak, night scene .txt to raw_combined/a serene lakeside campsite at sunset, campfire, camp chair, hammock, kayak, night scene .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a sleek, gossamer, futuristic white Nike running sneaker slowly sinking into a pool of glowing paste.png to raw_combined/a sleek, gossamer, futuristic white Nike running sneaker slowly sinking into a pool of glowing paste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/medium view of Charlize Theron as a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an.txt to raw_combined/medium view of Charlize Theron as a lonely abandoned robot in a rainstorm on the barren plains of an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/woman competing in the triple jump at the Olympics wearing futuristic apparel .txt to raw_combined/woman competing in the triple jump at the Olympics wearing futuristic apparel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior view of a futuristic Nike store at sunset, immense front window in the shape of a Nike bask.png to raw_combined/exterior view of a futuristic Nike store at sunset, immense front window in the shape of a Nike bask.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a collection of futuristic sports equipment, unexpected colors and materials, black background .txt to raw_combined/a collection of futuristic sports equipment, unexpected colors and materials, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated whi.png to raw_combined/extremely thick, sculptural, overt, rounded, bulbous, massively oversized, elevated, exaggerated whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/beautiful oliveskinned fashion model wearing a futuristic wispy white ethereal gown that is tattered.txt to raw_combined/beautiful oliveskinned fashion model wearing a futuristic wispy white ethereal gown that is tattered.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense squidinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.png to raw_combined/an immense squidinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark textured wall with a collection of ornamental alien helmets hanging on display, dramatic ligh.txt to raw_combined/a dark textured wall with a collection of ornamental alien helmets hanging on display, dramatic ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk military gas mask, helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textu.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk military gas mask, helmet with goggles, monochromatic, black textu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a large tree engulfed in orange flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromat.png to raw_combined/a large tree engulfed in orange flames, offset to the side of dark, desolate, colorless, monochromat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior of an impossibly light organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, soft opaque m.txt to raw_combined/exterior of an impossibly light organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, soft opaque m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense praying mantisinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane ren.txt to raw_combined/an immense praying mantisinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane ren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark, dilapidated steampunk home office with a doorway that opens into a lush tropical fantasy sea.png to raw_combined/a dark, dilapidated steampunk home office with a doorway that opens into a lush tropical fantasy sea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with miniature civilization amongst fields of fungal fractals, dar.txt to raw_combined/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with miniature civilization amongst fields of fungal fractals, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/steampunk minimalist home office in a clearing in the Cambodian jungle at sunset, highly detailed oc.png to raw_combined/steampunk minimalist home office in a clearing in the Cambodian jungle at sunset, highly detailed oc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Viking helm with goggles, black textured background .png to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Viking helm with goggles, black textured background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/screenshot of a zoom call and all participants are beautiful cyborgs, highly detailed octane render,.png to raw_combined/screenshot of a zoom call and all participants are beautiful cyborgs, highly detailed octane render,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic tarot card, the lovers, rendered in art deco style, .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tarot card, the lovers, rendered in art deco style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/3D printed converse high top sneakers by Iris van Herpen, .txt to raw_combined/3D printed converse high top sneakers by Iris van Herpen, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, industrial punk.txt to raw_combined/close up of a heavily modified upgraded battle motorcycle from the movie rollerball, industrial punk.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Paul McCartney has tea with Barbie .png to raw_combined/Paul McCartney has tea with Barbie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a wood framed painting of converse all stars with black background by Gudrun Morel,.png to raw_combined/a wood framed painting of converse all stars with black background by Gudrun Morel,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an immense sharkinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.png to raw_combined/an immense sharkinspired alien steampunk ship orbiting the moon, highly detailed octane render, unre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured b.png to raw_combined/intimidating futuristic steampunk Roman gladiator mask with goggles, monochromatic, black textured b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Deadpool as terminator predator, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png to raw_combined/Deadpool as terminator predator, highly detailed octane render, unreal engine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/red haired Mila Kunis as a determined cyberpunk mercenary, in front of a futuristic armored vehicle,.txt to raw_combined/red haired Mila Kunis as a determined cyberpunk mercenary, in front of a futuristic armored vehicle,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dragon zebra hybrid .png to raw_combined/a dragon zebra hybrid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a scene from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux .txt to raw_combined/a scene from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark colo.png to raw_combined/dark, post apocalyptic dreamscape with micro biospheres amongst fields of fungal fractals, dark colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a home office in a style that mixes art deco and cyberpunk, highly detailed octane render, unreal en.txt to raw_combined/a home office in a style that mixes art deco and cyberpunk, highly detailed octane render, unreal en.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing impossiblyshaped, mesmerizing, fashion dress inspired by delicate structures, .txt to raw_combined/fashion model wearing impossiblyshaped, mesmerizing, fashion dress inspired by delicate structures, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, in the rain, blurred bac.txt to raw_combined/a speeding futuristic motorcycle and sidecar with ornate steampunk details, in the rain, blurred bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/golden phoenix rising from the ashes of an ancient burned ruin of a city .png to raw_combined/golden phoenix rising from the ashes of an ancient burned ruin of a city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro organic granulated pattern surface, black backg.txt to raw_combined/iridescent matte metallic cube with futuristic micro organic granulated pattern surface, black backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/stunning wide angle highly detailed black and white photo of Hong Kong Harbor stunning, psychedelic,.txt to raw_combined/stunning wide angle highly detailed black and white photo of Hong Kong Harbor stunning, psychedelic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic womens team soccer uniforms .txt to raw_combined/futuristic womens team soccer uniforms .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/wide angle view of an underwater steampunk treehouse, .png to raw_combined/wide angle view of an underwater steampunk treehouse, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting atop an.txt to raw_combined/an ornate glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting atop an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/cyberpunk 2077 mercenary,psychedelic, warped gossamer light beams, lava and steam, vivid colors, hig.png to raw_combined/cyberpunk 2077 mercenary,psychedelic, warped gossamer light beams, lava and steam, vivid colors, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape on a mesmerizing alien world filled with unusual creatures, masterpiece black and.txt to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape on a mesmerizing alien world filled with unusual creatures, masterpiece black and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Aztec helm with goggles, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Aztec helm with goggles, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Paul McCartney has tea with Barbie .txt to raw_combined/Paul McCartney has tea with Barbie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing impossiblyshaped, mesmerizing, fashion dress inspired by delicate structures, .png to raw_combined/fashion model wearing impossiblyshaped, mesmerizing, fashion dress inspired by delicate structures, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at golden hour, master.txt to raw_combined/fantasy dreamscape of a peaceful island paradise and a gentle swirling clouds at golden hour, master.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick layered acrylic rainbow paint strokes, fractured mosaic fractal, tree of life, stormy skies, .txt to raw_combined/thick layered acrylic rainbow paint strokes, fractured mosaic fractal, tree of life, stormy skies, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/next generation Nike air bag technology for running shoes, futuristic, high tech, blue tint .png to raw_combined/next generation Nike air bag technology for running shoes, futuristic, high tech, blue tint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick layered vivid paint strokes, fractured fractals, alien invasion over the Grand Canyon at sunse.png to raw_combined/thick layered vivid paint strokes, fractured fractals, alien invasion over the Grand Canyon at sunse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, black red color palet.txt to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing surface color and texture, black red color palet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fashion model wearing futuristic impossibly shaped dress inspired by optical illusion, high quality .txt to raw_combined/fashion model wearing futuristic impossibly shaped dress inspired by optical illusion, high quality .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/exterior of an impossibly light organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, soft opaque m.png to raw_combined/exterior of an impossibly light organic futuristic biomimetic sport stadium at sunset, soft opaque m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/an ornate glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting atop an.png to raw_combined/an ornate glass pyramid filled with blue water and intricate Damascus steel spheres, sitting atop an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/high end product photography of amazingly detailed artistic bowling balls in atom punk style, black .txt to raw_combined/high end product photography of amazingly detailed artistic bowling balls in atom punk style, black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark textured wall with collections of ornamental alien shields and helmets hanging on display, dr.png to raw_combined/a dark textured wall with collections of ornamental alien shields and helmets hanging on display, dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy cliffside landscape of swirling color.png to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy cliffside landscape of swirling color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Mount Fuji as a surreal fantasy dreamscape with chaotic spiral fractal sky predawn, abstract paintin.png to raw_combined/Mount Fuji as a surreal fantasy dreamscape with chaotic spiral fractal sky predawn, abstract paintin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia with psychedelic sky at sunset, .txt to raw_combined/Walakiri Beach Sumba Island Indonesia with psychedelic sky at sunset, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic steampunk Viking helm with goggles, black textured background .txt to raw_combined/futuristic steampunk Viking helm with goggles, black textured background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/chaotic tank of predatory fish as a surreal chaotic dreamscape masterpiece illustration, fractured f.txt to raw_combined/chaotic tank of predatory fish as a surreal chaotic dreamscape masterpiece illustration, fractured f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/terrifying surreal underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.png to raw_combined/terrifying surreal underwater ghostcore dreamscape fractal, dark color palette, higher detailed octa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/psychedelic, gossamer, warped light beams and mist, red blue grey color palette, highly detailed oct.png to raw_combined/psychedelic, gossamer, warped light beams and mist, red blue grey color palette, highly detailed oct.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/blue object with unexpected fun tonal pattern on the surface, black background .txt to raw_combined/blue object with unexpected fun tonal pattern on the surface, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/soft futuristic organic shaped cycling helmet, high gloss fun gradient colors .png to raw_combined/soft futuristic organic shaped cycling helmet, high gloss fun gradient colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/drone view aerial photo of an organic, asymmetrical futuristic sports stadium at night, dramatic col.png to raw_combined/drone view aerial photo of an organic, asymmetrical futuristic sports stadium at night, dramatic col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/thick layered vivid paint strokes, fractured fractals, alien invasion over the Grand Canyon at sunse.txt to raw_combined/thick layered vivid paint strokes, fractured fractals, alien invasion over the Grand Canyon at sunse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/solid silver object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, bla.txt to raw_combined/solid silver object with random unexpected tonal fractal inspired emboss pattern on the surface, bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, mesmerizing textured background, dramat.txt to raw_combined/Two impossibly shaped boxes, made from impossible materials, mesmerizing textured background, dramat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing meshlike surface, red white silver color palette.png to raw_combined/fluid object with futuristic color shifting flowing meshlike surface, red white silver color palette.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a female steampunk alien commander in front of an alien sphere, splashed with thick colorful paint s.png to raw_combined/a female steampunk alien commander in front of an alien sphere, splashed with thick colorful paint s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a grainy scene of strange creatures from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux, ha.png to raw_combined/a grainy scene of strange creatures from the 1973 animated movie Fantastic Planet by Rene Laloux, ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a futuristic high tech camping hammock at the Grand Canyon at sunset, futuristic camping gear, cozy .png to raw_combined/a futuristic high tech camping hammock at the Grand Canyon at sunset, futuristic camping gear, cozy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/side view of the fastest female runner in the world, sprinting across in front of the camera in full.png to raw_combined/side view of the fastest female runner in the world, sprinting across in front of the camera in full.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/modern fantastical architecture inspired by the shape of basketball sneakers.png to raw_combined/modern fantastical architecture inspired by the shape of basketball sneakers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/anthropomorphic robot cobbler2 building a pair of futuristic Nike basketball sneakers on his workben.png to raw_combined/anthropomorphic robot cobbler2 building a pair of futuristic Nike basketball sneakers on his workben.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy landscape of swirling colors and frac.txt to raw_combined/painting with thick layered paint strokes of a surreal fantasy landscape of swirling colors and frac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/futuristic high end performance Converse basketball shoe 2 sleek minimalist design, white upper, bol.txt to raw_combined/futuristic high end performance Converse basketball shoe 2 sleek minimalist design, white upper, bol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/cyberpunk 2077 V visiting shops on cyberpunk diagon alley, .png to raw_combined/cyberpunk 2077 V visiting shops on cyberpunk diagon alley, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a dark textured wall with collections of ornamental alien shields and helmets hanging on display, dr.txt to raw_combined/a dark textured wall with collections of ornamental alien shields and helmets hanging on display, dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/a rich mahogany wall with a collection of sacred ornamental masks from many human and alien cultures.txt to raw_combined/a rich mahogany wall with a collection of sacred ornamental masks from many human and alien cultures.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/fun, futuristic interactive retail space for womens sneakers, Nike, unique architectural details .txt to raw_combined/fun, futuristic interactive retail space for womens sneakers, Nike, unique architectural details .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/colorless, tonal, monochrome desaturated surreal Grand Canyon Landscape1.5 vivid colorful surrealist.txt to raw_combined/colorless, tonal, monochrome desaturated surreal Grand Canyon Landscape1.5 vivid colorful surrealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/dramatic black and white surreal pattern vector art, .png to raw_combined/dramatic black and white surreal pattern vector art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense catamaran offset left below, midnight, highly d.txt to raw_combined/straight down overhead wide angle view of an immense catamaran offset left below, midnight, highly d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_5/alien gorilla in the style of Agostino Arrivabene, .txt to raw_combined/alien gorilla in the style of Agostino Arrivabene, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/many white android robot swimming in the ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, .txt to raw_combined/many white android robot swimming in the ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white daisie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.png to raw_combined/white daisie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png to raw_combined/thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close u.txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/abstract artwork that uses colorful overlapping shapes to create a montain landscape. The look shoul.txt to raw_combined/abstract artwork that uses colorful overlapping shapes to create a montain landscape. The look shoul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/children, seen from behind, playing splash with their feet, at the edge of the water, on the beach, .txt to raw_combined/children, seen from behind, playing splash with their feet, at the edge of the water, on the beach, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of luxury retail camping tent mind training, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of luxury retail camping tent mind training, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a businessman in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, .png to raw_combined/photograph of a businessman in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Homemade Protein Bars with Nuts and Seeds in white plat, gourmet food, keto, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Homemade Protein Bars with Nuts and Seeds in white plat, gourmet food, keto, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with vegetables, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with vegetables, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/30 year old beautiful girl dressed in a stylish faded orange coat.Back view and moving away from the.txt to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful girl dressed in a stylish faded orange coat.Back view and moving away from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, sandwichs food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, sandwichs food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a piscine, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a piscine, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/marigold against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris.png to raw_combined/marigold against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a lonely well dressed airport employee wearing a yellow warning vest, view from the back with focus .txt to raw_combined/a lonely well dressed airport employee wearing a yellow warning vest, view from the back with focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a kitchen restaurant, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a kitchen restaurant, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Sho.txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a woman and a man, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lig.txt to raw_combined/a woman and a man, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, close up,without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, close up,without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stok photo of a dark romm, sad, open widow on a sunny ladscape, enchanted , .png to raw_combined/stok photo of a dark romm, sad, open widow on a sunny ladscape, enchanted , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an attic filled with old things, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an attic filled with old things, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photogrpah of a farmhouse chic interior, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high .txt to raw_combined/photogrpah of a farmhouse chic interior, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, jam food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, jam food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of fjords, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .png to raw_combined/photograph of fjords, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, clo.txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, clo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful brigh.txt to raw_combined/A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful brigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/beautiful photograph of a sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, sunny day, .txt to raw_combined/beautiful photograph of a sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, sunny day, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A medical professional, this is a beautiful bright advertising photo poster for the website. pharmac.png to raw_combined/A medical professional, this is a beautiful bright advertising photo poster for the website. pharmac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a white android robot, on vacation on an island, without text .txt to raw_combined/a white android robot, on vacation on an island, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a businessman in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a businessman in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, isolated white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png to raw_combined/white rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a squat where people sleep at night filled with old things, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a squat where people sleep at night filled with old things, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a chines restaurant, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a chines restaurant, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/abstract artwork that uses colorful overlapping shapes to create a montain landscape. The look shoul.png to raw_combined/abstract artwork that uses colorful overlapping shapes to create a montain landscape. The look shoul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/people dancing in a club, view from behind, with lights and crowd of people behind like a lively stu.png to raw_combined/people dancing in a club, view from behind, with lights and crowd of people behind like a lively stu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building. men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close up shot, .png to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building. men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close up shot, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, with people withe helmet and combinaison, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, with people withe helmet and combinaison, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of 2 credit cards sit on a table top view, close up, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of 2 credit cards sit on a table top view, close up, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of create a visually striking background with a bright golden color palette. Overlay the.png to raw_combined/stock photo of create a visually striking background with a bright golden color palette. Overlay the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Unveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate t.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Unveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/image for the fashion art of a woman with fancy hair and hats, in the style of retro pop art inspira.txt to raw_combined/image for the fashion art of a woman with fancy hair and hats, in the style of retro pop art inspira.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an hospital, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an hospital, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, japonese food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, japonese food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/the most beautiful landscape photo, no tree, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, high.png to raw_combined/the most beautiful landscape photo, no tree, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/russian birch wilderness, monitor wallpaper, .png to raw_combined/russian birch wilderness, monitor wallpaper, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a diver in a diving suit, with a white android robot head, swimming underwater, .txt to raw_combined/a diver in a diving suit, with a white android robot head, swimming underwater, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of of a young man, back view, view from behind, drawing a fresco with chalk, in color on.png to raw_combined/stock photo of of a young man, back view, view from behind, drawing a fresco with chalk, in color on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside factory of airplane, many machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory of airplane, many machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt to raw_combined/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh Collection of mixed fruits pattern on a bright color background flat lay, witho.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh Collection of mixed fruits pattern on a bright color background flat lay, witho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a white android robot, liying on a towel on the beach, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a white android robot, liying on a towel on the beach, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with vegetables, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with vegetables, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of create a visually striking background with a bright golden color palette. Overlay the.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of create a visually striking background with a bright golden color palette. Overlay the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a fle market , without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a fle market , without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a coffee shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a coffee shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a board meeting in progress in a company, with dobermans2 in suits, sat around the out.png to raw_combined/photograph of a board meeting in progress in a company, with dobermans2 in suits, sat around the out.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Sho.png to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a white android robot swimming underwater in a pool, in the style of highly polished surfaces, photo.png to raw_combined/a white android robot swimming underwater in a pool, in the style of highly polished surfaces, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/5 euro 5 coins are falling on a table on a black background, closeup, 8K .png to raw_combined/5 euro 5 coins are falling on a table on a black background, closeup, 8K .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Perspective of a 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible from the back as it drives along the Pacific Coast h.png to raw_combined/Perspective of a 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible from the back as it drives along the Pacific Coast h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A stunning image of a Alsatian sauerkraut, with sausages and knacks, .png to raw_combined/A stunning image of a Alsatian sauerkraut, with sausages and knacks, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of of a young man, back view, view from behind, drawing a fresco with chalk, in color on.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of of a young man, back view, view from behind, drawing a fresco with chalk, in color on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo, close up, a man with a head in happy smiley, in a bright modern office, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, close up, a man with a head in happy smiley, in a bright modern office, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/children on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lighting, hig.png to raw_combined/children on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lighting, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/national geographic photography of a fantasy town with lights guiding down the path, in the style of.png to raw_combined/national geographic photography of a fantasy town with lights guiding down the path, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs lookin at a new Modern beautiful house in c.txt to raw_combined/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs lookin at a new Modern beautiful house in c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of slices Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of slices Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt to raw_combined/white arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a grocery shop, colored, studio light, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a grocery shop, colored, studio light, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photo of a board meeting in progress in a company, with maincoons2 in suits, sat around the outside .txt to raw_combined/photo of a board meeting in progress in a company, with maincoons2 in suits, sat around the outside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Phalaenopsis orchid against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png to raw_combined/Phalaenopsis orchid against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of crates filled with apples in a warehouse, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of crates filled with apples in a warehouse, without text .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A beautiful modern startup office, three robots sitting at their desks typing away on Apple computer.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful modern startup office, three robots sitting at their desks typing away on Apple computer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a luxurious haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with embroidery .png to raw_combined/photograph of a luxurious haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with embroidery .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bitcoin tokens flying through space . creating a dark atmosphere of drama,.png to raw_combined/bitcoin tokens flying through space . creating a dark atmosphere of drama,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/modern grocery alley fridge full of charcuterie packages, .png to raw_combined/modern grocery alley fridge full of charcuterie packages, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a library Shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a library Shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of quiche lorraine, food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of quiche lorraine, food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, oriental food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, oriental food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white lili against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt to raw_combined/white lili against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt to raw_combined/thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh Collection of mixed fruits pattern on a bright color background flat lay, witho.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh Collection of mixed fruits pattern on a bright color background flat lay, witho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Colorful summer cocktails on a nature background on a sunny day, .txt to raw_combined/Colorful summer cocktails on a nature background on a sunny day, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside coronary cardiac ct scan in hospital, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside coronary cardiac ct scan in hospital, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, close up,without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside intensive care unit in hospital, close up,without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/person soundly is sleeping in the bed and the bed is on the cloud, lots of light, peace, tranquility.txt to raw_combined/person soundly is sleeping in the bed and the bed is on the cloud, lots of light, peace, tranquility.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/view of the beach, at the edge of the water, a shark fin protrudes from the water, .txt to raw_combined/view of the beach, at the edge of the water, a shark fin protrudes from the water, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/popup book white flower white branch white leaves white backdrop, cinematic lighting, highly detaile.png to raw_combined/popup book white flower white branch white leaves white backdrop, cinematic lighting, highly detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a white android robot, on vacation on an island, without text .png to raw_combined/a white android robot, on vacation on an island, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/dynamic closeup portrait, mystical cosmic rainbow goddess in an ethereal hyperdimensional prismatic .txt to raw_combined/dynamic closeup portrait, mystical cosmic rainbow goddess in an ethereal hyperdimensional prismatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo, close up, a woman in a bright modern office, handing a big happy smiley in front of his.png to raw_combined/stock photo, close up, a woman in a bright modern office, handing a big happy smiley in front of his.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/popup book white flower white branch white leaves white backdrop, cinematic lighting, highly detaile.txt to raw_combined/popup book white flower white branch white leaves white backdrop, cinematic lighting, highly detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of island, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of island, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/delphinium against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png to raw_combined/delphinium against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, Turkish food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, Turkish food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a bakery showcase with cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosphere,.png to raw_combined/photograph of a bakery showcase with cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosphere,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/pink peonie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt to raw_combined/pink peonie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/modern grocery alley fridge full of charcuterie packages, .txt to raw_combined/modern grocery alley fridge full of charcuterie packages, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, flowers and leaves decor, vivid color, copy space on th.png to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, flowers and leaves decor, vivid color, copy space on th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, riding a bicycle, with helmet, view from beh.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, riding a bicycle, with helmet, view from beh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs looking at a new Modern beautiful house in .png to raw_combined/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs looking at a new Modern beautiful house in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, luxe restaurant food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography.png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, luxe restaurant food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a moderne dark room, sad, open widow on a sunny landscape, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a moderne dark room, sad, open widow on a sunny landscape, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a cosmetic Shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a cosmetic Shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo ofan alien ufo in the sky .txt to raw_combined/stock photo ofan alien ufo in the sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Cinematic shot, father and son looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, daytime, br.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, father and son looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, daytime, br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, japonese food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, japonese food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, California, sea in the backgrou.png to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, California, sea in the backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a an untidy teenagers room, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a an untidy teenagers room, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/wide angle stock photo of outside an airport, show the tarmac, the plane taking off above me, withou.png to raw_combined/wide angle stock photo of outside an airport, show the tarmac, the plane taking off above me, withou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/the most beautiful landscape photo, no tree, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, high.txt to raw_combined/the most beautiful landscape photo, no tree, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a couple looking at a beautiful house in a garden, back view, view from behind, day l.png to raw_combined/stock photo of a couple looking at a beautiful house in a garden, back view, view from behind, day l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a collection of olds plates, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a collection of olds plates, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, vegan food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, vegan food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/wonderfull photography of landscape ofsnow, ice frozen, award winner photograph, light, .png to raw_combined/wonderfull photography of landscape ofsnow, ice frozen, award winner photograph, light, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white lili against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png to raw_combined/white lili against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, a women with her girl, back view, in a linving room, view from behind, christmas tree, .png to raw_combined/Photography, a women with her girl, back view, in a linving room, view from behind, christmas tree, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, ice cream food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, ice cream food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a lonely well dressed airport employee wearing a yellow warning vest, view from the back with focus .png to raw_combined/a lonely well dressed airport employee wearing a yellow warning vest, view from the back with focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a cafe showcase with paris cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosph.png to raw_combined/photograph of a cafe showcase with paris cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work, view from behi.txt to raw_combined/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work, view from behi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a modern cobblers workshop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a modern cobblers workshop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh cherries pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh cherries pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Indian stock market Future and option, trading charts over indian cities .png to raw_combined/Indian stock market Future and option, trading charts over indian cities .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a white android robot, liying on a towel on the beach, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a white android robot, liying on a towel on the beach, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a couple looking at a beautiful house in a garden, back view, view from behind, day l.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a couple looking at a beautiful house in a garden, back view, view from behind, day l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a painting showing a different amount of photographs, in the style of laurent grasso, animated mosai.txt to raw_combined/a painting showing a different amount of photographs, in the style of laurent grasso, animated mosai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a cafe showcase with Prague cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosp.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a cafe showcase with Prague cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside factory show manufacture largest generator transformer room, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show manufacture largest generator transformer room, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/green wall on front, in the style of romantic illustration, uhd image, antti lovag, guido borelli da.txt to raw_combined/green wall on front, in the style of romantic illustration, uhd image, antti lovag, guido borelli da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/domestic animals photo mosaic, .txt to raw_combined/domestic animals photo mosaic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Homemade Protein Bars with Nuts and Seeds in white plat, gourmet food, keto, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Homemade Protein Bars with Nuts and Seeds in white plat, gourmet food, keto, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of flowers swimming on the surface of the water, top view, .png to raw_combined/photograph of flowers swimming on the surface of the water, top view, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with beef steak isolated on white background, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with beef steak isolated on white background, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, org.png to raw_combined/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, org.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a businesman, back view, looking at hundreds of postit, .txt to raw_combined/a businesman, back view, looking at hundreds of postit, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a factory showing production of tin can industry, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a factory showing production of tin can industry, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, walking on a path in the countryside, without .png to raw_combined/stock photo of family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, walking on a path in the countryside, without .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a director in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, in a moderne office with e.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a director in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, in a moderne office with e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building. one pointing something a planning with his finger. .png to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building. one pointing something a planning with his finger. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a dentist cabinet, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a dentist cabinet, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a .png to raw_combined/stock photo of A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red tulip against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.png to raw_combined/red tulip against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a garage, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a garage, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Awardwinning oil droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gummy color .png to raw_combined/Awardwinning oil droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gummy color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, copy space on the right, .png to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, copy space on the right, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sky, clouds, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high quality, sharp focus .png to raw_combined/sky, clouds, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high quality, sharp focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside jewellery Shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside jewellery Shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue cobalt anemone against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt to raw_combined/blue cobalt anemone against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a bakery showcase with cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosphere,.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a bakery showcase with cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosphere,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/2 narcissus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png to raw_combined/2 narcissus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a fle market , without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a fle market , without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/alstroemeria against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.txt to raw_combined/alstroemeria against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dusan d.txt to raw_combined/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dusan d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photo of a repurposed space turned into a refreshing seminar environment with multiple rooms fosteri.png to raw_combined/Photo of a repurposed space turned into a refreshing seminar environment with multiple rooms fosteri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a squat, a squat, large warehouse, where people sleep at night filled with old.png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a squat, a squat, large warehouse, where people sleep at night filled with old.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white daisy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png to raw_combined/white daisy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/cute pose, cutie honey infinity, long exposure photography. Trails, after image, crt ghosting, hdr, .png to raw_combined/cute pose, cutie honey infinity, long exposure photography. Trails, after image, crt ghosting, hdr, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an airbus cockpit, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an airbus cockpit, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/green wall on front, in the style of romantic illustration, uhd image, antti lovag, guido borelli da.png to raw_combined/green wall on front, in the style of romantic illustration, uhd image, antti lovag, guido borelli da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, org.txt to raw_combined/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, org.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of the trunk of an open car, with lots of luggage in the trunk and on the roof rack, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of the trunk of an open car, with lots of luggage in the trunk and on the roof rack, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A beautiful modern startup office, three robots sitting at their desks typing away on Apple computer.png to raw_combined/A beautiful modern startup office, three robots sitting at their desks typing away on Apple computer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a white android robot swimming underwater in a pool, in the style of highly polished surfaces, photo.txt to raw_combined/a white android robot swimming underwater in a pool, in the style of highly polished surfaces, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purred rose against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png to raw_combined/purred rose against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, view fr.png to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, view fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/light pink germini against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dus.png to raw_combined/light pink germini against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an attic, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an attic, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh cherries pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh cherries pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of vegetable plot, vegetables, tools and dirt, in the style of matte background, gray an.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetable plot, vegetables, tools and dirt, in the style of matte background, gray an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue hydrangea against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt to raw_combined/blue hydrangea against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, european food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, european food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a diver in a diving suit, with a white android robot head, swimming underwater, .png to raw_combined/a diver in a diving suit, with a white android robot head, swimming underwater, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red dalhia against a black grey background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt to raw_combined/red dalhia against a black grey background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, flowers and leaves decor, vivid color, copy space on th.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, flowers and leaves decor, vivid color, copy space on th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of slices Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of slices Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photo stock of side view of worker hygienic outfit inside factory conveyor belt working with product.txt to raw_combined/photo stock of side view of worker hygienic outfit inside factory conveyor belt working with product.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Cinematic shot, father and son looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, daytime, br.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, father and son looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, daytime, br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/close up of very pretty flowers in a garden, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, photog.png to raw_combined/close up of very pretty flowers in a garden, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, .png to raw_combined/sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a big design bike shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a big design bike shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, barbecue food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, barbecue food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, green food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, green food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Sliced watermelons, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Sliced watermelons, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photography of a modern production line with a lot of people, ultra realistic .txt to raw_combined/photography of a modern production line with a lot of people, ultra realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with beef steak isolated on white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of juicy sauce splash, with beef steak isolated on white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, du.png to raw_combined/arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, du.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an attic filled with old things, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an attic filled with old things, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a cafe showcase with paris cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosph.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a cafe showcase with paris cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Two golden cranes under a light blue moon, in the style of elaborate tapestries, meticulous lush det.png to raw_combined/Two golden cranes under a light blue moon, in the style of elaborate tapestries, meticulous lush det.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a thousands of rubber ducks floating down a river, in a summer meadow, without text, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a thousands of rubber ducks floating down a river, in a summer meadow, without text, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a toys Shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a toys Shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of islande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens,.png to raw_combined/photograph of islande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dusan d.png to raw_combined/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dusan d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs lookin at a new Modern beautiful house in c.png to raw_combined/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs lookin at a new Modern beautiful house in c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on a construction site, discussing, men vien from.txt to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on a construction site, discussing, men vien from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a laboratory, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a laboratory, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an airbus plane, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an airbus plane, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, .txt to raw_combined/sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/pink chinese aster against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, will.txt to raw_combined/pink chinese aster against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, will.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/national geographic photography of a fantasy town with lights guiding down the path, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/national geographic photography of a fantasy town with lights guiding down the path, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/cute pose, cutie honey infinity, long exposure photography. Trails, after image, crt ghosting, hdr, .txt to raw_combined/cute pose, cutie honey infinity, long exposure photography. Trails, after image, crt ghosting, hdr, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a chines restaurant, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a chines restaurant, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a library Shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a library Shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a flea market, antiques dealers, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a flea market, antiques dealers, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a laboratory, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a laboratory, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/food photo mosaic, .png to raw_combined/food photo mosaic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside bakery, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bakery, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.txt to raw_combined/purple thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/anemoneagainst a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .txt to raw_combined/anemoneagainst a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as your goto platform for hiring profes.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as your goto platform for hiring profes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/back view of a peasant, wearing work clothes, cows in a barn in background, professional realistic p.png to raw_combined/back view of a peasant, wearing work clothes, cows in a barn in background, professional realistic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/eyelet against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .txt to raw_combined/eyelet against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, a women with her girl, back view, in a linving room, view from behind, christmas tree, .txt to raw_combined/Photography, a women with her girl, back view, in a linving room, view from behind, christmas tree, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on a construction site, discussing, men vien from.png to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on a construction site, discussing, men vien from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, isolated white background, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, isolated white background, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/looking down into a trashcan, .txt to raw_combined/looking down into a trashcan, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a woman and a man, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lig.png to raw_combined/a woman and a man, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a factory showing production of tin can industry, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a factory showing production of tin can industry, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a garage, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a garage, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/back view of a peasant, wearing work clothes, cows in a barn in background, professional realistic p.txt to raw_combined/back view of a peasant, wearing work clothes, cows in a barn in background, professional realistic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/vanda blue orchid against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, .png to raw_combined/vanda blue orchid against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of gold Birthday cake, food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of gold Birthday cake, food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white daisie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.txt to raw_combined/white daisie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work, view from behi.png to raw_combined/Capture a highresolution, ultrarealistic 16k photo of a professional painter at work, view from behi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/food photo mosaic, .txt to raw_combined/food photo mosaic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/young woman, smiling, looking at the camera, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, w.png to raw_combined/young woman, smiling, looking at the camera, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, sandwichs food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, sandwichs food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of vegetable plot, vegetables, tools and dirt, in the style of matte background, gray an.png to raw_combined/stock photo of vegetable plot, vegetables, tools and dirt, in the style of matte background, gray an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stok photo of a dark romm, sad, open widow on a sunny ladscape, enchanted , .txt to raw_combined/stok photo of a dark romm, sad, open widow on a sunny ladscape, enchanted , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of the trunk of an open car, with lots of luggage in the trunk and on the roof rack, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of the trunk of an open car, with lots of luggage in the trunk and on the roof rack, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a bike shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a bike shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/dynamic closeup portrait, mystical cosmic rainbow goddess in an ethereal hyperdimensional prismatic .png to raw_combined/dynamic closeup portrait, mystical cosmic rainbow goddess in an ethereal hyperdimensional prismatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a coffee shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a coffee shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Cinematic shot, mother and hies girl looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, dayti.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, mother and hies girl looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, dayti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/alstroemeria against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.png to raw_combined/alstroemeria against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building. one pointing something a planning with his finger. .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building. one pointing something a planning with his finger. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/tock photo of inside home view sink, with a dripping faucet, without text .txt to raw_combined/tock photo of inside home view sink, with a dripping faucet, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple gladiolus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.png to raw_combined/purple gladiolus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Fine Art Photography Intense A monolithic glacier under the twilight sky Reuben Wu Outdoors Geo.png to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Intense A monolithic glacier under the twilight sky Reuben Wu Outdoors Geo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from .png to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/technology photo mosaic, .png to raw_combined/technology photo mosaic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of blue Birthday cake, food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of blue Birthday cake, food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/orange tulip against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willi.txt to raw_combined/orange tulip against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a kitchen restaurant, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a kitchen restaurant, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an airbus cockpit, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an airbus cockpit, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sand background, top view, copy space on the right, seashell decor, .png to raw_combined/sand background, top view, copy space on the right, seashell decor, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red poppy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.png to raw_combined/red poppy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of finlande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens.png to raw_combined/photograph of finlande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a businesman, back view, looking at hundreds of postit, .png to raw_combined/a businesman, back view, looking at hundreds of postit, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a collection of antiques teacups with saucers, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a collection of antiques teacups with saucers, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of colorful popsicle ice cream on turquoise wooden background, high quality, sharp focus .png to raw_combined/photograph of colorful popsicle ice cream on turquoise wooden background, high quality, sharp focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a full scene, Lowangle shot, crossroad, .png to raw_combined/photograph of a full scene, Lowangle shot, crossroad, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Interior perspective of a minimal angular wooden mountain cabin, angular roof, private lounge, with .png to raw_combined/Interior perspective of a minimal angular wooden mountain cabin, angular roof, private lounge, with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Colorful summer cocktails on a nature background on a sunny day, .png to raw_combined/Colorful summer cocktails on a nature background on a sunny day, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo, close up, a man with a head in happy smiley, in a bright modern office, .png to raw_combined/stock photo, close up, a man with a head in happy smiley, in a bright modern office, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, terraformed overhanging rocky landscape, crystals alien .txt to raw_combined/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, terraformed overhanging rocky landscape, crystals alien .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/tock photo of inside home view sink, with a dripping faucet, without text .png to raw_combined/tock photo of inside home view sink, with a dripping faucet, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/ink acid mixed with epoxy, abstract 6 layers of the human soul,liquid mercury , swirling inks, gold,.png to raw_combined/ink acid mixed with epoxy, abstract 6 layers of the human soul,liquid mercury , swirling inks, gold,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/young woman, smiling, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, water drops splashing an.png to raw_combined/young woman, smiling, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, water drops splashing an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue lupine against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png to raw_combined/blue lupine against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photography of Orange and strawberry popsicles isolated on white background, high quality, sharp foc.png to raw_combined/photography of Orange and strawberry popsicles isolated on white background, high quality, sharp foc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a squat, a squat, large warehouse, where people sleep at night filled with old.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a squat, a squat, large warehouse, where people sleep at night filled with old.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as your goto platform for hiring profes.png to raw_combined/Visualize a scene that encapsulates the essence of Thumbtack as your goto platform for hiring profes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple cosmos against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william m.txt to raw_combined/purple cosmos against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, couscous food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, couscous food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, chicken food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, chicken food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside factory of airplane, many machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory of airplane, many machines arround, industrial pneumatic manipulators .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photo of a futuristic scifi hangar with parked spaceships, beautifully illuminated, intricate, depth.png to raw_combined/Photo of a futuristic scifi hangar with parked spaceships, beautifully illuminated, intricate, depth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/macrophotography of many fruits in shape of a face fibonacci .txt to raw_combined/macrophotography of many fruits in shape of a face fibonacci .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a tatoo shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a tatoo shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Birthday cake matcha, food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Birthday cake matcha, food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Birthday cake matcha, food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Birthday cake matcha, food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/russian birch wilderness, monitor wallpaper, .txt to raw_combined/russian birch wilderness, monitor wallpaper, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, vegan food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, vegan food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/young woman, smiling, looking at the camera, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, w.txt to raw_combined/young woman, smiling, looking at the camera, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white daisy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt to raw_combined/white daisy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Create an image showcasing a plethora of sugary treats such as donuts, cookies, chocolates, cakes, i.txt to raw_combined/Create an image showcasing a plethora of sugary treats such as donuts, cookies, chocolates, cakes, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/delphinium against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt to raw_combined/delphinium against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, clo.png to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, clo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, barbecue food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, barbecue food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red poppy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.txt to raw_combined/red poppy against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/30 year old beautiful girl dressed in a stylish faded orange coat.Back view and moving away from the.png to raw_combined/30 year old beautiful girl dressed in a stylish faded orange coat.Back view and moving away from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photo of a futuristic scifi hangar with parked spaceships, beautifully illuminated, intricate, depth.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a futuristic scifi hangar with parked spaceships, beautifully illuminated, intricate, depth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with fruits, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with fruits, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/children on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lighting, hig.txt to raw_combined/children on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic lighting, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of wide angle shot of a cruise ship, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of wide angle shot of a cruise ship, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of gold Birthday cake, food photography, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of gold Birthday cake, food photography, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a grocery shop, colored, studio light, .png to raw_combined/photograph of a grocery shop, colored, studio light, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a big design bike shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a big design bike shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a director in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, in a moderne office with e.png to raw_combined/photograph of a director in suit with face made up as a clown, full body, in a moderne office with e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside coronary cardiac ct scan in hospital, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside coronary cardiac ct scan in hospital, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple iris against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt to raw_combined/purple iris against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/marigold against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris.txt to raw_combined/marigold against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple iris against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png to raw_combined/purple iris against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Create an image showcasing a plethora of sugary treats such as donuts, cookies, chocolates, cakes, i.png to raw_combined/Create an image showcasing a plethora of sugary treats such as donuts, cookies, chocolates, cakes, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of an old book open, with a leather cover, inside a scientists laboratory, without peopl.png to raw_combined/stock photo of an old book open, with a leather cover, inside a scientists laboratory, without peopl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a moderne dark room, sad, open widow on a sunny landscape, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a moderne dark room, sad, open widow on a sunny landscape, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/3 white android robot swimming in the sea, in the style of highly polished surfaces, sunny day, .png to raw_combined/3 white android robot swimming in the sea, in the style of highly polished surfaces, sunny day, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a an untidy teenagers room, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a an untidy teenagers room, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png to raw_combined/bunch of pink peony against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/macrophotography of many fruits in shape of a face fibonacci .png to raw_combined/macrophotography of many fruits in shape of a face fibonacci .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of finlande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens.txt to raw_combined/photograph of finlande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cheesecake food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training in the forest, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training in the forest, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Fine Art Photography Intense A monolithic glacier under the twilight sky Reuben Wu Outdoors Geo.txt to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Intense A monolithic glacier under the twilight sky Reuben Wu Outdoors Geo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a collection of antiques teacups with saucers, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a collection of antiques teacups with saucers, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Fresh lemon pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/ink acid mixed with epoxy, abstract 6 layers of the human soul,liquid mercury , swirling inks, gold,.txt to raw_combined/ink acid mixed with epoxy, abstract 6 layers of the human soul,liquid mercury , swirling inks, gold,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/close up of very pretty flowers in a garden, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, photog.txt to raw_combined/close up of very pretty flowers in a garden, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/vanda blue orchid against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, .txt to raw_combined/vanda blue orchid against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/orange tulip against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willi.png to raw_combined/orange tulip against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/looking down into a trashcan, .png to raw_combined/looking down into a trashcan, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful brigh.png to raw_combined/A professional builder constructs with Ytong a new Modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful brigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Cinematic shot, mother and hies girl looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, dayti.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot, mother and hies girl looking at the sunrise in the beach, pov, cinematic shot, dayti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/technology photo mosaic, .txt to raw_combined/technology photo mosaic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a cosmetic Shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a cosmetic Shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/image for the fashion art of a woman with fancy hair and hats, in the style of retro pop art inspira.png to raw_combined/image for the fashion art of a woman with fancy hair and hats, in the style of retro pop art inspira.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of 2 credit cards sit on a table top view, close up, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of 2 credit cards sit on a table top view, close up, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an hospital, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an hospital, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, oriental food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, oriental food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple cosmos against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william m.png to raw_combined/purple cosmos against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/wide angle stock photo of outside an airport, show the tarmac, the plane taking off above me, withou.txt to raw_combined/wide angle stock photo of outside an airport, show the tarmac, the plane taking off above me, withou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from behind, contener, .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from behind, contener, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a collection of olds plates, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a collection of olds plates, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/young woman, smiling, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, water drops splashing an.txt to raw_combined/young woman, smiling, long soaking wet black hair, throwing head backwards, water drops splashing an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photo stock of side view of worker hygienic outfit inside factory conveyor belt working with product.png to raw_combined/photo stock of side view of worker hygienic outfit inside factory conveyor belt working with product.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple rose rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt to raw_combined/purple rose rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple rose rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png to raw_combined/purple rose rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/person soundly is sleeping in the bed and the bed is on the cloud, lots of light, peace, tranquility.png to raw_combined/person soundly is sleeping in the bed and the bed is on the cloud, lots of light, peace, tranquility.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/5 euro 5 coins are falling on a table on a black background, closeup, 8K .txt to raw_combined/5 euro 5 coins are falling on a table on a black background, closeup, 8K .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, vivid color, copy space on the rig.png to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, vivid color, copy space on the rig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, european food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, european food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue cobalt anemone against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png to raw_combined/blue cobalt anemone against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, California, sea in the backgrou.txt to raw_combined/Portrait photography by Yigal Ozeri, portrait of friends, beautiful, California, sea in the backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a girl and a boy, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic ligh.txt to raw_combined/a girl and a boy, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, copy space on the right, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, copy space on the right, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red tulip against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.txt to raw_combined/red tulip against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photography of a modern production line with a lot of people, ultra realistic .png to raw_combined/photography of a modern production line with a lot of people, ultra realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of wide angle shot of a cruise ship, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of wide angle shot of a cruise ship, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Two golden cranes under a light blue moon, in the style of elaborate tapestries, meticulous lush det.txt to raw_combined/Two golden cranes under a light blue moon, in the style of elaborate tapestries, meticulous lush det.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/magine a building in London, its roof covered with solar panels. The building should be situated in .png to raw_combined/magine a building in London, its roof covered with solar panels. The building should be situated in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue hydrangea against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png to raw_combined/blue hydrangea against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Awardwinning oil droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gummy color .txt to raw_combined/Awardwinning oil droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gummy color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, Turkish food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, Turkish food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/close up of very pretty wild flowers in a meadow, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, p.png to raw_combined/close up of very pretty wild flowers in a meadow, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, couscous food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, couscous food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.png to raw_combined/purple thistle flower against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/looking in a trash can from above, .png to raw_combined/looking in a trash can from above, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/light pink germini against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dus.txt to raw_combined/light pink germini against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light, william morris, dus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A stunning image of a Alsatian sauerkraut, with sausages and knacks, .txt to raw_combined/A stunning image of a Alsatian sauerkraut, with sausages and knacks, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, vivid color, copy space on the rig.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a pastel background, top view, dried flowers decor, vivid color, copy space on the rig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of blue Birthday cake, food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of blue Birthday cake, food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a toys Shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a toys Shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of colorful popsicle ice cream on turquoise wooden background, high quality, sharp focus .txt to raw_combined/photograph of colorful popsicle ice cream on turquoise wooden background, high quality, sharp focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a luxurious haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with embroidery .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a luxurious haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with embroidery .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of extraordinary thing, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of extraordinary thing, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close u.png to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a storage warehouse, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of crates filled with apples in a warehouse, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of crates filled with apples in a warehouse, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/blue lupine against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt to raw_combined/blue lupine against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a dentist cabinet, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a dentist cabinet, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple hyacinth against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt to raw_combined/purple hyacinth against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, du.txt to raw_combined/arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, du.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/pink chinese aster against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, will.png to raw_combined/pink chinese aster against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, will.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/3 white android robot swimming in the sea, in the style of highly polished surfaces, sunny day, .txt to raw_combined/3 white android robot swimming in the sea, in the style of highly polished surfaces, sunny day, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, with people withe helmet and combinaison, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a nuclear plant, with people withe helmet and combinaison, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Explain AR tech, transparant backgorund, .png to raw_combined/Explain AR tech, transparant backgorund, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photo of a repurposed space turned into a refreshing seminar environment with multiple rooms fosteri.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a repurposed space turned into a refreshing seminar environment with multiple rooms fosteri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of refreshing cocktail with grapefruit on a blue background. a glass glass with ice and .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of refreshing cocktail with grapefruit on a blue background. a glass glass with ice and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple gladiolus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.txt to raw_combined/purple gladiolus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/wonderfull photography of landscape ofsnow, ice frozen, award winner photograph, light, .txt to raw_combined/wonderfull photography of landscape ofsnow, ice frozen, award winner photograph, light, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photogrpah of a farmhouse chic interior, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high .png to raw_combined/photogrpah of a farmhouse chic interior, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A professional builder carries out repair work in a new modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful .txt to raw_combined/A professional builder carries out repair work in a new modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/teenagers on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, high quality, sharp focus .txt to raw_combined/teenagers on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, high quality, sharp focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a golf course, drone view, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a golf course, drone view, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a painting showing a different amount of photographs, in the style of laurent grasso, animated mosai.png to raw_combined/a painting showing a different amount of photographs, in the style of laurent grasso, animated mosai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a luxurious japanese haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with em.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a luxurious japanese haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with em.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/domestic animals photo mosaic, .png to raw_combined/domestic animals photo mosaic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of luxury retail camping tent mind training, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of luxury retail camping tent mind training, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/anemoneagainst a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .png to raw_combined/anemoneagainst a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an attic, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an attic, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a thousands of rubber ducks floating down a river, in a summer meadow, without text, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a thousands of rubber ducks floating down a river, in a summer meadow, without text, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Interior perspective of a minimal angular wooden mountain cabin, angular roof, private lounge, with .txt to raw_combined/Interior perspective of a minimal angular wooden mountain cabin, angular roof, private lounge, with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a golf course, drone view, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a golf course, drone view, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a luxurious japanese haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with em.png to raw_combined/photograph of a luxurious japanese haute couture lace background, ecru color, very detailed, with em.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/commercial photography, shipping boxes on a laptop, inventory, flat, .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, shipping boxes on a laptop, inventory, flat, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside bakery, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside bakery, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, ice cream food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, ice cream food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Sliced watermelons, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Sliced watermelons, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a flea market, antiques dealers, without people .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a flea market, antiques dealers, without people .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, terraformed overhanging rocky landscape, crystals alien .png to raw_combined/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, terraformed overhanging rocky landscape, crystals alien .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of slices Fresh kiwi pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of slices Fresh kiwi pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/commercial photography, shipping boxes on a laptop, inventory, flat, .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, shipping boxes on a laptop, inventory, flat, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, green food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, green food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, luxe restaurant food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography.txt to raw_combined/in the kitchen, luxe restaurant food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photo of a board meeting in progress in a company, with maincoons2 in suits, sat around the outside .png to raw_combined/photo of a board meeting in progress in a company, with maincoons2 in suits, sat around the outside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/bitcoin tokens flying through space . creating a dark atmosphere of drama,.txt to raw_combined/bitcoin tokens flying through space . creating a dark atmosphere of drama,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a board meeting in progress in a company, with dobermans2 in suits, sat around the out.txt to raw_combined/photograph of a board meeting in progress in a company, with dobermans2 in suits, sat around the out.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs looking at a new Modern beautiful house in .txt to raw_combined/imagine stock photo of A professional builder constructs looking at a new Modern beautiful house in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Perspective of a 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible from the back as it drives along the Pacific Coast h.txt to raw_combined/Perspective of a 1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible from the back as it drives along the Pacific Coast h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/buttercup against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt to raw_combined/buttercup against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of islande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens,.txt to raw_combined/photograph of islande, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/beautiful photograph of a sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, sunny day, .png to raw_combined/beautiful photograph of a sour kush plantation, blue and white moroccan tiles, sunny day, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Unveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate t.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Unveil the artistic essence of ubiquitous feedforward neural networks that permeate t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/people dancing in a club, view from behind, with lights and crowd of people behind like a lively stu.txt to raw_combined/people dancing in a club, view from behind, with lights and crowd of people behind like a lively stu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training in the forest, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of retail camping tent mind training in the forest, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men in a construction building. men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close up shot, .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two men in a construction building. men vien from behind, Shot on DSLR, close up shot, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/close up of very pretty wild flowers in a meadow, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, p.txt to raw_combined/close up of very pretty wild flowers in a meadow, blurred background, bokeh, sunny day, enchanted, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside jewellery Shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside jewellery Shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a full scene, Lowangle shot, crossroad, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a full scene, Lowangle shot, crossroad, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of slices Fresh kiwi pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of slices Fresh kiwi pattern on a bright color background flat lay, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a stuning highland cow, with flowers on the head, .txt to raw_combined/a stuning highland cow, with flowers on the head, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of an old book open, with a leather cover, inside a scientists laboratory, without peopl.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of an old book open, with a leather cover, inside a scientists laboratory, without peopl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/many white android robot swimming in the ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, .png to raw_combined/many white android robot swimming in the ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt to raw_combined/white rose against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of a cafe showcase with Prague cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosp.png to raw_combined/photograph of a cafe showcase with Prague cake macaroons and other sweets, photorealism, warm atmosp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/2 narcissus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt to raw_combined/2 narcissus against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with fruits, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Hands holding wooden box with fruits, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Phalaenopsis orchid against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt to raw_combined/Phalaenopsis orchid against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, wil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A medical professional, this is a beautiful bright advertising photo poster for the website. pharmac.txt to raw_combined/A medical professional, this is a beautiful bright advertising photo poster for the website. pharmac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/image of a modern production line with a lot of people, without text .txt to raw_combined/image of a modern production line with a lot of people, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photography of Orange and strawberry popsicles isolated on white background, high quality, sharp foc.txt to raw_combined/photography of Orange and strawberry popsicles isolated on white background, high quality, sharp foc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a tatoo shop, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a tatoo shop, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of refreshing cocktail with grapefruit on a blue background. a glass glass with ice and .png to raw_combined/stock photo of refreshing cocktail with grapefruit on a blue background. a glass glass with ice and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sky, clouds, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high quality, sharp focus .txt to raw_combined/sky, clouds, cinematic lighting, highly detailed, hyper realistic, high quality, sharp focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Indian stock market Future and option, trading charts over indian cities .txt to raw_combined/Indian stock market Future and option, trading charts over indian cities .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Manufacturer Power Plant High Voltage Transformers Electrical Distribution at Factor.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Manufacturer Power Plant High Voltage Transformers Electrical Distribution at Factor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray, william morris, du.png to raw_combined/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray, william morris, du.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, walking on a path in the countryside, without .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, walking on a path in the countryside, without .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a garden under water, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a garden under water, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/magine a building in London, its roof covered with solar panels. The building should be situated in .txt to raw_combined/magine a building in London, its roof covered with solar panels. The building should be situated in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside an airbus plane, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside an airbus plane, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/red dalhia against a black grey background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png to raw_combined/red dalhia against a black grey background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a stuning highland cow, with flowers on the head, .png to raw_combined/a stuning highland cow, with flowers on the head, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/concert pop, ultra detailed, 4k, .png to raw_combined/concert pop, ultra detailed, 4k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/buttercup against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png to raw_combined/buttercup against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a picnic in the country, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of a picnic in the country, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of fjords, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of fjords, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray, william morris, du.txt to raw_combined/sunflower against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray, william morris, du.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, chicken food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, chicken food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from behind, contener, .png to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a great cargo port, discussing, men vien from behind, contener, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/concert pop, ultra detailed, 4k, .txt to raw_combined/concert pop, ultra detailed, 4k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/in the kitchen, jam food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/in the kitchen, jam food, a hyper realistic photographic quality of flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of extraordinary thing, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of extraordinary thing, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/image of a modern production line with a lot of people, without text .png to raw_combined/image of a modern production line with a lot of people, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of island, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .png to raw_combined/photograph of island, hyper realistic, super detailed, cinematic, Photography, Shot on a 50mm lens, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of Manufacturer Power Plant High Voltage Transformers Electrical Distribution at Factor.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Manufacturer Power Plant High Voltage Transformers Electrical Distribution at Factor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purred rose against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt to raw_combined/purred rose against a black gray background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, willia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two men, back view, in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot .png to raw_combined/Photography, two men, back view, in a construction building, discussing, men vien from behind, Shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a squat where people sleep at night filled with old things, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a squat where people sleep at night filled with old things, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a piscine, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a piscine, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/A professional builder carries out repair work in a new modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful .png to raw_combined/A professional builder carries out repair work in a new modern beautiful house, this is a beautiful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/children, seen from behind, playing splash with their feet, at the edge of the water, on the beach, .png to raw_combined/children, seen from behind, playing splash with their feet, at the edge of the water, on the beach, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/view of the beach, at the edge of the water, a shark fin protrudes from the water, .png to raw_combined/view of the beach, at the edge of the water, a shark fin protrudes from the water, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside factory show manufacture largest generator transformer room, without people .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside factory show manufacture largest generator transformer room, without people .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/teenagers on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, high quality, sharp focus .png to raw_combined/teenagers on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, high quality, sharp focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/sand background, top view, copy space on the right, seashell decor, .txt to raw_combined/sand background, top view, copy space on the right, seashell decor, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/purple hyacinth against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png to raw_combined/purple hyacinth against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/white arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png to raw_combined/white arum against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, riding a bicycle, with helmet, view from beh.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a family, father, mother, a boy, a girl, riding a bicycle, with helmet, view from beh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on the airport tarmac, discussing, men vien from .png to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on the airport tarmac, discussing, men vien from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo ofan alien ufo in the sky .png to raw_combined/stock photo ofan alien ufo in the sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a bike shop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a bike shop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a picnic in the country, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a picnic in the country, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/a girl and a boy, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic ligh.png to raw_combined/a girl and a boy, on the beach, seen from behind, running towards the sea, sunny day, cinematic ligh.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of a garden under water, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of a garden under water, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/pink peonie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png to raw_combined/pink peonie against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william mor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/looking in a trash can from above, .txt to raw_combined/looking in a trash can from above, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo, close up, a woman in a bright modern office, handing a big happy smiley in front of his.txt to raw_combined/stock photo, close up, a woman in a bright modern office, handing a big happy smiley in front of his.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Explain AR tech, transparant backgorund, .txt to raw_combined/Explain AR tech, transparant backgorund, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/photograph of flowers swimming on the surface of the water, top view, .txt to raw_combined/photograph of flowers swimming on the surface of the water, top view, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/view of persons hand holding a mobile device doing a qr code scan, a workout gym in the background, .png to raw_combined/view of persons hand holding a mobile device doing a qr code scan, a workout gym in the background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, view fr.txt to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, in a great storage warehouse, discussing, view fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of quiche lorraine, food photography, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of quiche lorraine, food photography, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on the airport tarmac, discussing, men vien from .txt to raw_combined/Photography, two women in work clothes, back view, on the airport tarmac, discussing, men vien from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/eyelet against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .png to raw_combined/eyelet against a black background, in the style of tami bone, light gray and black, william morris, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/stock photo of inside a modern cobblers workshop, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of inside a modern cobblers workshop, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_11/view of persons hand holding a mobile device doing a qr code scan, a workout gym in the background, .txt to raw_combined/view of persons hand holding a mobile device doing a qr code scan, a workout gym in the background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Japanese minimalism cryptic humanoid studio photography, hdrfashion, cinematic like subtle texture.png to raw_combined/Japanese minimalism cryptic humanoid studio photography, hdrfashion, cinematic like subtle texture.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute caucasian dessous model portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry vintage villa bac.png to raw_combined/most detailed cute caucasian dessous model portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry vintage villa bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/amazing stock photo of animal .txt to raw_combined/amazing stock photo of animal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Dark and scary flooded basement with unidentified creatures staring at you in the dirty water , .png to raw_combined/Dark and scary flooded basement with unidentified creatures staring at you in the dirty water , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nigeria city, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/nigeria city, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Futuristic Latex dress, Fashion Concept, led lights. Sexy atractive pose. Hotpants. Beautiful, long .txt to raw_combined/Futuristic Latex dress, Fashion Concept, led lights. Sexy atractive pose. Hotpants. Beautiful, long .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/ anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visu.png to raw_combined/ anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful model, black latex outfit, glossy, vinyl black concept art, black and white, noir film, 16.png to raw_combined/beautiful model, black latex outfit, glossy, vinyl black concept art, black and white, noir film, 16.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Action scene. Quality photo, highly detailed, uhd 0.35 unusual situation, atypical characters, highl.txt to raw_combined/Action scene. Quality photo, highly detailed, uhd 0.35 unusual situation, atypical characters, highl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, asiatic elements, bauhaus elements, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, asiatic elements, bauhaus elements, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place passenger ship .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place passenger ship .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Une belle athlète femme déterminée franchissant la ligne darrivée, capturée en pleine action. Le sty.txt to raw_combined/Une belle athlète femme déterminée franchissant la ligne darrivée, capturée en pleine action. Le sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the art and beauty of minimalism photography .txt to raw_combined/the art and beauty of minimalism photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2024 Aston Martin DB12 in a military version .png to raw_combined/a 2024 Aston Martin DB12 in a military version .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/and suddenly there where some creatures on the moon,surreal, F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Ligh.png to raw_combined/and suddenly there where some creatures on the moon,surreal, F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/ anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visu.txt to raw_combined/ anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, oriental elements, art deco elements, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, oriental elements, art deco elements, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place mrdici villa .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place mrdici villa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A dog running around with a toy in the park in the fall is having fun with its owner. .txt to raw_combined/A dog running around with a toy in the park in the fall is having fun with its owner. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/extraordinary scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .txt to raw_combined/extraordinary scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Candid shot, Cinematic Closeup, red vintage corvette convertible, desert oasis background. Shot on a.png to raw_combined/Candid shot, Cinematic Closeup, red vintage corvette convertible, desert oasis background. Shot on a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/fantasy magical forrest with a minimal architecture platform pool surrounded by arche .txt to raw_combined/fantasy magical forrest with a minimal architecture platform pool surrounded by arche .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of a 2023 supercar, new brand .png to raw_combined/product photography of a 2023 supercar, new brand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/and suddenly there where some creatures on the moon,surreal, F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Ligh.txt to raw_combined/and suddenly there where some creatures on the moon,surreal, F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/strange street scene, New York , award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/strange street scene, New York , award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dramatic photo of african refugees in a broken inflatable boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves,.txt to raw_combined/dramatic photo of african refugees in a broken inflatable boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing. Intriguing 3D elements. Ultra realistic 8k uhd real time.txt to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing. Intriguing 3D elements. Ultra realistic 8k uhd real time.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/spiteful and dangerous spiderrat creature, sharp, detailed .txt to raw_combined/spiteful and dangerous spiderrat creature, sharp, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/spiteful and dangerous spiderrat creature, sharp, detailed .png to raw_combined/spiteful and dangerous spiderrat creature, sharp, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up on an exquisite menue in a michelin star reataurant,creative, centred, sharp fous on menue .txt to raw_combined/close up on an exquisite menue in a michelin star reataurant,creative, centred, sharp fous on menue .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Artist Name Vassily Kandinsky Russian, 18661944 Title Batman Date 1923 Medium Oil on canvas .txt to raw_combined/Artist Name Vassily Kandinsky Russian, 18661944 Title Batman Date 1923 Medium Oil on canvas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing .png to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute girl portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry city background .txt to raw_combined/most detailed cute girl portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry city background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the Medici villa at the garda Lake , a beautiful historic villa located in the town of Pag that was .txt to raw_combined/the Medici villa at the garda Lake , a beautiful historic villa located in the town of Pag that was .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a falcon looking fierce and angry .png to raw_combined/a falcon looking fierce and angry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place train station .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place train station .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal street scene in New York. at night, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal street scene in New York. at night, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Cosmic forest overgrown bioluminescent mushrooms in the moonlight5 Beautiful painting with artistic .txt to raw_combined/Cosmic forest overgrown bioluminescent mushrooms in the moonlight5 Beautiful painting with artistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a coral reef with sea animals made out of wooden toys .txt to raw_combined/a coral reef with sea animals made out of wooden toys .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring leopard in sunset backlight on top of a rock .png to raw_combined/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring leopard in sunset backlight on top of a rock .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/good looking woman, dancing tango alone on the dance floor, realistic, highest details, panoramic, .png to raw_combined/good looking woman, dancing tango alone on the dance floor, realistic, highest details, panoramic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a wolf pack in the beautiful autumn morning light, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sha.png to raw_combined/a wolf pack in the beautiful autumn morning light, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/mesmerizing Beautiful pin up girl full lips in the dark lit up by a candle below her chin in a black.txt to raw_combined/mesmerizing Beautiful pin up girl full lips in the dark lit up by a candle below her chin in a black.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/bald eagle flying, full body, black and white, noir film, 16K, Sharp focus. .png to raw_combined/bald eagle flying, full body, black and white, noir film, 16K, Sharp focus. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/extraordinary scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .png to raw_combined/extraordinary scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/derelict bus stop in a dangerous area at night .txt to raw_combined/derelict bus stop in a dangerous area at night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Paper art illustration, concept of heaven, landscape, beautiful, serene, calm, starry sky, village, .png to raw_combined/Paper art illustration, concept of heaven, landscape, beautiful, serene, calm, starry sky, village, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of mammal .png to raw_combined/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of mammal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photorealistic high detail deer caught in forest fire with huge flames at night, ground perspective,.txt to raw_combined/photorealistic high detail deer caught in forest fire with huge flames at night, ground perspective,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle through a chicken coop, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle through a chicken coop, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up, vintage luggage on a platform beside a pair of beautiful woman legs , professional product.png to raw_combined/close up, vintage luggage on a platform beside a pair of beautiful woman legs , professional product.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/surprising scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .txt to raw_combined/surprising scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/big tex riding into a small town .png to raw_combined/big tex riding into a small town .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A futurist photograph showcasing a driver and futuristic racing motorbike. Nikon AFS NIKKOR 600mm f .txt to raw_combined/A futurist photograph showcasing a driver and futuristic racing motorbike. Nikon AFS NIKKOR 600mm f .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/wild wildlife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/wild wildlife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of two girls in an office twist, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertisi.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of two girls in an office twist, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertisi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/orchid .png to raw_combined/orchid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nobless cuisine, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/nobless cuisine, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a herd of bison in the morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography .txt to raw_combined/a herd of bison in the morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an ultra modern OP room in a futuristic hightec hospital .png to raw_combined/an ultra modern OP room in a futuristic hightec hospital .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of Rob Zombie as a circus ring leaderPhoto advertising of a man wearin.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Rob Zombie as a circus ring leaderPhoto advertising of a man wearin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of two girls in a subway, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of two girls in a subway, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/detailed photography of a pompous alien cathedral in the rocky desert of a foreign planet, 2 red moo.png to raw_combined/detailed photography of a pompous alien cathedral in the rocky desert of a foreign planet, 2 red moo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware, with a backdrop of Dutchinspired setting .txt to raw_combined/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware, with a backdrop of Dutchinspired setting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively dolphin who has some fun. This breathtaki.txt to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively dolphin who has some fun. This breathtaki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/tiger underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png to raw_combined/tiger underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/hotmodel usa olive green lace workout leggings, in the style of serene oceanic vistas, lucy glendinn.txt to raw_combined/hotmodel usa olive green lace workout leggings, in the style of serene oceanic vistas, lucy glendinn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A dog running around with a toy in the park in the fall is having fun with its owner. .png to raw_combined/A dog running around with a toy in the park in the fall is having fun with its owner. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/theres a big frame in a wall of a street in old town Havanna who give you a view on the beautiful ca.txt to raw_combined/theres a big frame in a wall of a street in old town Havanna who give you a view on the beautiful ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas and Gottfried Helnwein .txt to raw_combined/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas and Gottfried Helnwein .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/vintage supercar, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .png to raw_combined/vintage supercar, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing. Intriguing 3D elements. Ultra realistic 8k uhd real time.png to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing. Intriguing 3D elements. Ultra realistic 8k uhd real time.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up, vintage luggage on a platform beside a pair of beautiful woman legs , professional product.txt to raw_combined/close up, vintage luggage on a platform beside a pair of beautiful woman legs , professional product.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Amazing tropical sanctuary , lush greenery with tall palm trees, inviting blue pools at different le.txt to raw_combined/Amazing tropical sanctuary , lush greenery with tall palm trees, inviting blue pools at different le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal circus, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal circus, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old alaska harbor at sunset, lighter morning fo.png to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old alaska harbor at sunset, lighter morning fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/canadian nature in autumn, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .txt to raw_combined/canadian nature in autumn, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a hospital room full of dollar bills .png to raw_combined/a hospital room full of dollar bills .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place car factory .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place car factory .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/landscape art, minimalistic, hamptsoms seascape .png to raw_combined/landscape art, minimalistic, hamptsoms seascape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/strange street scene, New York , award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/strange street scene, New York , award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/furious grizzly demolish a campers tent in a woodland .txt to raw_combined/furious grizzly demolish a campers tent in a woodland .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/unusual sports photography, award winning .txt to raw_combined/unusual sports photography, award winning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/jungle plants in moebius strip .txt to raw_combined/jungle plants in moebius strip .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/New York fire fighter in action , award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/New York fire fighter in action , award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal street scene in New York. at night, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal street scene in New York. at night, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photograph of a public swimming pool where a white Ferrari has been submerged underwater,a female .txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a public swimming pool where a white Ferrari has been submerged underwater,a female .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a fishing boat in a harbor at sunset backlight, dreamy atmosphere, beautiful landscape in background.png to raw_combined/a fishing boat in a harbor at sunset backlight, dreamy atmosphere, beautiful landscape in background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring lion in sunset backlight on top of a rock .png to raw_combined/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring lion in sunset backlight on top of a rock .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/jungle plants in moebius strip .png to raw_combined/jungle plants in moebius strip .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle through a chicken coop, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle through a chicken coop, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/childrens carousel with different figures to drive in a fairy tale forest, award winning photography.txt to raw_combined/childrens carousel with different figures to drive in a fairy tale forest, award winning photography.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up frontal view of a bee in flight, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, .txt to raw_combined/close up frontal view of a bee in flight, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Awardwinning imaginative droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gumm.txt to raw_combined/Awardwinning imaginative droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gumm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/crazy colorful popsicle ice cream, high quality, sharp focus .png to raw_combined/crazy colorful popsicle ice cream, high quality, sharp focus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a blonde vamp on a bar seat, , F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Lighting, ethereal light, intricat.png to raw_combined/a blonde vamp on a bar seat, , F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Lighting, ethereal light, intricat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/explode a creepy babydoll by Nychos .txt to raw_combined/explode a creepy babydoll by Nychos .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/ultra sharp, raw candid photo, in 2022, in an alley in Tianjin, China, mesmerizing, silk pantyhose, .png to raw_combined/ultra sharp, raw candid photo, in 2022, in an alley in Tianjin, China, mesmerizing, silk pantyhose, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oh, what a night, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/oh, what a night, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a coral reef with sea animals made out of wooden toys .png to raw_combined/a coral reef with sea animals made out of wooden toys .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 military concept SUV .txt to raw_combined/a 2023 military concept SUV .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute caucasian nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .txt to raw_combined/most detailed cute caucasian nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing, realistic product photography, realistic light reflections.txt to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing, realistic product photography, realistic light reflections.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a big whale in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, sharp .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography, a big whale in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, sharp .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Shark attacks scuba diver underwater, open mouth with great teeth, horror .png to raw_combined/Shark attacks scuba diver underwater, open mouth with great teeth, horror .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/hotmodel usa olive green lace workout leggings, in the style of serene oceanic vistas, lucy glendinn.png to raw_combined/hotmodel usa olive green lace workout leggings, in the style of serene oceanic vistas, lucy glendinn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/abondoned KFC ion a lost planet Use a Canon EOS R mirrorless camera with an RF 10mm f 2. 8 L USM len.png to raw_combined/abondoned KFC ion a lost planet Use a Canon EOS R mirrorless camera with an RF 10mm f 2. 8 L USM len.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A bald eagle flying high above the ocean in the dark of night, eerie, enigmatic .txt to raw_combined/A bald eagle flying high above the ocean in the dark of night, eerie, enigmatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of an 2023 concept SUV, new brand .png to raw_combined/product photography of an 2023 concept SUV, new brand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/baby raccoon, close up, cinematic, awardwinning, hyperrealism, photography .txt to raw_combined/baby raccoon, close up, cinematic, awardwinning, hyperrealism, photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/portrait close profile half body, of a beautiful cowgirl, whit long hairs, dressing white tshirt lon.txt to raw_combined/portrait close profile half body, of a beautiful cowgirl, whit long hairs, dressing white tshirt lon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/it is not easy to rule the world .txt to raw_combined/it is not easy to rule the world .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Japanese minimalism cryptic humanoid studio photography, hdrfashion, cinematic like subtle texture.txt to raw_combined/Japanese minimalism cryptic humanoid studio photography, hdrfashion, cinematic like subtle texture.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a hospital room full of dollar bills .txt to raw_combined/a hospital room full of dollar bills .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful landscape photography of the hamptons in warm summer morning light, lightly foggy, detaile.png to raw_combined/beautiful landscape photography of the hamptons in warm summer morning light, lightly foggy, detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Post apocalyptic Islamic society .txt to raw_combined/Post apocalyptic Islamic society .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/explode a creepy babydoll by Nychos .png to raw_combined/explode a creepy babydoll by Nychos .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 swat concept SUV .txt to raw_combined/a 2023 swat concept SUV .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/frontal view of a very angry cat .txt to raw_combined/frontal view of a very angry cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Colorful tropical fish coral scene background, Life in the coral reef underwater, sunlight, clear wa.png to raw_combined/Colorful tropical fish coral scene background, Life in the coral reef underwater, sunlight, clear wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/New York cops in action , award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/New York cops in action , award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a dam whose wall breaks and where the water floods everything. .png to raw_combined/drone photo of a dam whose wall breaks and where the water floods everything. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, using bold and create a dynami.png to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, using bold and create a dynami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of a Cadillac race car concept, modern futiristic design, concept elec.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a Cadillac race car concept, modern futiristic design, concept elec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed beautiful cruel woman portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry white palace background .png to raw_combined/most detailed beautiful cruel woman portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry white palace background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Neoexpressionism of a confused llama looking quizzically at viewer, in the style of pulled, scraped,.png to raw_combined/Neoexpressionism of a confused llama looking quizzically at viewer, in the style of pulled, scraped,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel in the middle of the ocean, stormy skies, large waves, .txt to raw_combined/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel in the middle of the ocean, stormy skies, large waves, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ultra wide sho.png to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ultra wide sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle in a chicken coop, chickens fly around in panic, detailed,.png to raw_combined/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle in a chicken coop, chickens fly around in panic, detailed,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Animal, Ultra wide shot Canon 300.txt to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Animal, Ultra wide shot Canon 300.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ultra wide sho.txt to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ultra wide sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/portrait of a very cute girl at the beach .png to raw_combined/portrait of a very cute girl at the beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place military base .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place military base .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dramatic photo of a broken fishing trawler boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves, storm. .txt to raw_combined/dramatic photo of a broken fishing trawler boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves, storm. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A silver handgun beautifully decorated with engravings, the grip is made of rosewood .txt to raw_combined/A silver handgun beautifully decorated with engravings, the grip is made of rosewood .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the most amazing image of a cat walking toward you, backlit warm colors .png to raw_combined/the most amazing image of a cat walking toward you, backlit warm colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful landscape photography of the hamptons in warm summer morning light, lightly foggy, detaile.txt to raw_combined/beautiful landscape photography of the hamptons in warm summer morning light, lightly foggy, detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rusty vintage motorcycle, art photography, shar.png to raw_combined/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rusty vintage motorcycle, art photography, shar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An exotic and beautiful woman wearing a glossy open latex miniskirt in a city park, she is sexy and .png to raw_combined/An exotic and beautiful woman wearing a glossy open latex miniskirt in a city park, she is sexy and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place diner.png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place diner.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an artists fantasy image of a path leading to the scene, in the style of futuristic landscapes, ligh.txt to raw_combined/an artists fantasy image of a path leading to the scene, in the style of futuristic landscapes, ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exotic blossoms and birds, realistic colors, beautiful back lighting, blurry jungle background .txt to raw_combined/exotic blossoms and birds, realistic colors, beautiful back lighting, blurry jungle background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Liubov Popova Russian, 18891924 The Traveler, 1915 Oil on canvas 56 x 4112 in. 142.2 x 105.4 cm .png to raw_combined/Liubov Popova Russian, 18891924 The Traveler, 1915 Oil on canvas 56 x 4112 in. 142.2 x 105.4 cm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an airplane in a forest, in the style of absurdist installations, uhd image, australian landscapes, .txt to raw_combined/an airplane in a forest, in the style of absurdist installations, uhd image, australian landscapes, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic miliutary suv, prototype, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio .png to raw_combined/futuristic miliutary suv, prototype, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3 black oily ink bubbles in orange and red and blue liquid acrylic paint .txt to raw_combined/3 black oily ink bubbles in orange and red and blue liquid acrylic paint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Candid shot, Cinematic Closeup, red vintage corvette convertible, desert oasis background. Shot on a.txt to raw_combined/Candid shot, Cinematic Closeup, red vintage corvette convertible, desert oasis background. Shot on a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a city block with a Atlantis and stone stairs, in the style of gothic steampunk, clear, color ful, s.txt to raw_combined/a city block with a Atlantis and stone stairs, in the style of gothic steampunk, clear, color ful, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern dentist chair .txt to raw_combined/a modern dentist chair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place motorcycle workshop .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place motorcycle workshop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/butterfly, breaking free, strength, colorful, jungle leaves surrounding, light flares from the sun .txt to raw_combined/butterfly, breaking free, strength, colorful, jungle leaves surrounding, light flares from the sun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/bronx, 1960s , street scene, award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/bronx, 1960s , street scene, award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal circus, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal circus, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/minimalism bw underwater wildlife art photography, award winner .txt to raw_combined/minimalism bw underwater wildlife art photography, award winner .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful seascape photography, warm summer morning light, rocky, a lighthouse, fishing boats leavin.txt to raw_combined/beautiful seascape photography, warm summer morning light, rocky, a lighthouse, fishing boats leavin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/baby raccoon, close up, cinematic, awardwinning, hyperrealism, photography .png to raw_combined/baby raccoon, close up, cinematic, awardwinning, hyperrealism, photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/New York fire fighter in action , award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/New York fire fighter in action , award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3 black oily ink bubbles in orange and red and blue liquid acrylic paint .png to raw_combined/3 black oily ink bubbles in orange and red and blue liquid acrylic paint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A woman surpassing obstacles realistic image .png to raw_combined/A woman surpassing obstacles realistic image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/canadian nature in autumn, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .png to raw_combined/canadian nature in autumn, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/stunning New York, wide angle view, award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/stunning New York, wide angle view, award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a dam whose wall breaks and where the water floods everything. .txt to raw_combined/drone photo of a dam whose wall breaks and where the water floods everything. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, sharp, realistic li.txt to raw_combined/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, sharp, realistic li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/sharp hug .txt to raw_combined/sharp hug .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning fashion photography of model walking to camera, wearing a Dress, m.png to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning fashion photography of model walking to camera, wearing a Dress, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern nuclear power plant on a river .txt to raw_combined/a modern nuclear power plant on a river .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old alaska harbor at sunset, lighter morning fo.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old alaska harbor at sunset, lighter morning fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Capture the excitement and energy of a ford tranisit cargo van with a fast shutter speed, using bold.png to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a ford tranisit cargo van with a fast shutter speed, using bold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place hospital .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place hospital .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place ballet school .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place ballet school .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. imme.png to raw_combined/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. imme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/New York cops in action , award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/New York cops in action , award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, sharp, realistic li.png to raw_combined/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, sharp, realistic li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place ballet school .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place ballet school .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/big tex riding into a small town .txt to raw_combined/big tex riding into a small town .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed stunning portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poste.png to raw_combined/most detailed stunning portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed beautiful cruel woman portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry white palace background .txt to raw_combined/most detailed beautiful cruel woman portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry white palace background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nobless cuisine, blurry exquisite restaurant background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/nobless cuisine, blurry exquisite restaurant background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A woman surpassing obstacles realistic image .txt to raw_combined/A woman surpassing obstacles realistic image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed beautiful stewardess portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry airplane background .png to raw_combined/most detailed beautiful stewardess portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry airplane background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a big whale in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, sharp .png to raw_combined/award winning photography, a big whale in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, sharp .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Museum worthy Black and white Fashion shoot for French Vogue in a darker alley in rome, hard contras.txt to raw_combined/Museum worthy Black and white Fashion shoot for French Vogue in a darker alley in rome, hard contras.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a humanoid ki robot eating an apple .png to raw_combined/a humanoid ki robot eating an apple .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/cute 22yo woman with white and blue hair, on a yacht, under the sun, wears blue hotpant, laying down.png to raw_combined/cute 22yo woman with white and blue hair, on a yacht, under the sun, wears blue hotpant, laying down.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a red corvette in a superrealistic setting, realistic .txt to raw_combined/a red corvette in a superrealistic setting, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3 funny baby owls on a mossy branch, blurry woodland background, warm sunny morning light .png to raw_combined/3 funny baby owls on a mossy branch, blurry woodland background, warm sunny morning light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Shark attacks scuba diver underwater, open mouth with great teeth, horror .txt to raw_combined/Shark attacks scuba diver underwater, open mouth with great teeth, horror .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a sandcastle made by children with jumps on a summer beach, with toys around, ultra realistic .txt to raw_combined/a sandcastle made by children with jumps on a summer beach, with toys around, ultra realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal beach, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal beach, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. real.txt to raw_combined/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place fightclub.txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place fightclub.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/some british schoolgirls sitting on a bech and wait for the bus, Nikon Z9, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/some british schoolgirls sitting on a bech and wait for the bus, Nikon Z9, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/unusual sports photography, award winning .png to raw_combined/unusual sports photography, award winning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/magical plave in nature, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .png to raw_combined/magical plave in nature, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Une belle athlète femme déterminée franchissant la ligne darrivée, capturée en pleine action. Le sty.png to raw_combined/Une belle athlète femme déterminée franchissant la ligne darrivée, capturée en pleine action. Le sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a bee flying towards a single magical flower lit up by a single stream of light in a dystopian solar.png to raw_combined/a bee flying towards a single magical flower lit up by a single stream of light in a dystopian solar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal promenade, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal promenade, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the very best dramatic street scene photo ever, award winning, dramatic, cinematic, breathtaking lig.png to raw_combined/the very best dramatic street scene photo ever, award winning, dramatic, cinematic, breathtaking lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cats runing through NYC street, dark dramat.png to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cats runing through NYC street, dark dramat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel at a paradise beach, sunny skies, large waves, modern d.png to raw_combined/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel at a paradise beach, sunny skies, large waves, modern d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/bald eagle flying, full body, black and white, noir film, 16K, Sharp focus. .txt to raw_combined/bald eagle flying, full body, black and white, noir film, 16K, Sharp focus. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle in a chicken coop, chickens fly around in panic, detailed,.txt to raw_combined/a grandma driving on a vintage motorcycle in a chicken coop, chickens fly around in panic, detailed,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas and Gottfried Helnwein .png to raw_combined/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas and Gottfried Helnwein .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up frontal view of a bee in flight, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, .png to raw_combined/close up frontal view of a bee in flight, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nobless cuisine, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/nobless cuisine, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Ford mustang shelby fastback in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .txt to raw_combined/Ford mustang shelby fastback in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/theres a big frame in a wall of a street in old town Havanna who give you a view on the beautiful ca.png to raw_combined/theres a big frame in a wall of a street in old town Havanna who give you a view on the beautiful ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/crazy scene in New York, award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/crazy scene in New York, award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .png to raw_combined/most detailed cute nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Baroque Banter, an oil painting portraying the grandeur of Pompeo Batonis classical work, intertwine.png to raw_combined/Baroque Banter, an oil painting portraying the grandeur of Pompeo Batonis classical work, intertwine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A captivating and determined alpha male Arctic wolf Canis lupus arctos sprinting in the wild, locked.png to raw_combined/A captivating and determined alpha male Arctic wolf Canis lupus arctos sprinting in the wild, locked.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/orchid .txt to raw_combined/orchid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/in the counter of a bank that is about to be robbed .txt to raw_combined/in the counter of a bank that is about to be robbed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/cute 22yo woman with white and blue hair, on a yacht, under the sun, wears blue hotpant, laying down.txt to raw_combined/cute 22yo woman with white and blue hair, on a yacht, under the sun, wears blue hotpant, laying down.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nigeria citylife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/nigeria citylife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Close up of an electrical circuit board with a CPU, a microchip, and other electronic components in .txt to raw_combined/Close up of an electrical circuit board with a CPU, a microchip, and other electronic components in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/furious grizzly demolish a campers tent in a woodland .png to raw_combined/furious grizzly demolish a campers tent in a woodland .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 2023 expedition mars mobile .png to raw_combined/photography of an 2023 expedition mars mobile .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a rusty Colombian bus wreck in a jungle, with vivid colors, hyperrealism, photographic, octane, 35mm.txt to raw_combined/a rusty Colombian bus wreck in a jungle, with vivid colors, hyperrealism, photographic, octane, 35mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Dark and scary flooded basement with unidentified creatures staring at you in the dirty water , .txt to raw_combined/Dark and scary flooded basement with unidentified creatures staring at you in the dirty water , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/realistic painting, fishing boat leaving an old harbor at sunset .png to raw_combined/realistic painting, fishing boat leaving an old harbor at sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/realistic painting, fishing boat leaving an old harbor at sunset .txt to raw_combined/realistic painting, fishing boat leaving an old harbor at sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nobless cuisine, blurry exquisite restaurant background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/nobless cuisine, blurry exquisite restaurant background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/frontal view of a very angry cat .png to raw_combined/frontal view of a very angry cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Zergadapted mammals manipulating alien planets magnetic fields .png to raw_combined/Zergadapted mammals manipulating alien planets magnetic fields .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An old paddle steamer is sailing on the Mississippi at sunrise, beautiful backlighting .txt to raw_combined/An old paddle steamer is sailing on the Mississippi at sunrise, beautiful backlighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/bronx, 1960s , street scene, award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/bronx, 1960s , street scene, award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, a big w.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, a big w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .txt to raw_combined/most detailed cute nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Camping in the Swiss Alps, featuring a serene lake, towering snowcapped peaks, sunrise, natural ligh.png to raw_combined/Camping in the Swiss Alps, featuring a serene lake, towering snowcapped peaks, sunrise, natural ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a fishing boat in a harbor at sunset backlight, dreamy atmosphere, beautiful landscape in background.txt to raw_combined/a fishing boat in a harbor at sunset backlight, dreamy atmosphere, beautiful landscape in background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/ultra sharp, raw candid photo, in 2022, in an alley in Tianjin, China, mesmerizing, silk pantyhose, .txt to raw_combined/ultra sharp, raw candid photo, in 2022, in an alley in Tianjin, China, mesmerizing, silk pantyhose, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/good looking woman, dancing tango alone on the dance floor, realistic, highest details, panoramic, .txt to raw_combined/good looking woman, dancing tango alone on the dance floor, realistic, highest details, panoramic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a sandcastle made by children with jumps on a summer beach, with toys around, ultra realistic .png to raw_combined/a sandcastle made by children with jumps on a summer beach, with toys around, ultra realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Minimalism, award winning futuristic bicycle product photo, incredibly detailed, sharpen details, ci.txt to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning futuristic bicycle product photo, incredibly detailed, sharpen details, ci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Capture the excitement and energy of a ford tranisit cargo van with a fast shutter speed, using bold.txt to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a ford tranisit cargo van with a fast shutter speed, using bold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/wes anderson style, A front view of the 1960s U.S. desert gas station, at blue hour, with hanging ne.txt to raw_combined/wes anderson style, A front view of the 1960s U.S. desert gas station, at blue hour, with hanging ne.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nigeria city, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/nigeria city, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware, with a backdrop of Dutchinspired setting .png to raw_combined/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware, with a backdrop of Dutchinspired setting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/stunning New York, wide angle view, award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/stunning New York, wide angle view, award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/videogame world, piramid, tech, abstract, agility, cinematic, photography .txt to raw_combined/videogame world, piramid, tech, abstract, agility, cinematic, photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Minimalism, award winning futuristic bicycle product photo, incredibly detailed, sharpen details, ci.png to raw_combined/Minimalism, award winning futuristic bicycle product photo, incredibly detailed, sharpen details, ci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dramatic photo of african refugees in a broken inflatable boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves,.png to raw_combined/dramatic photo of african refugees in a broken inflatable boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Minimalistic art photography .png to raw_combined/Minimalistic art photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of mammal .txt to raw_combined/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of mammal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Emperor skeksis portrait from the dark crystal movie, in the style of laurent baheux, realistic deta.png to raw_combined/Emperor skeksis portrait from the dark crystal movie, in the style of laurent baheux, realistic deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rotten car, art photography, sharp, detailed, n.txt to raw_combined/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rotten car, art photography, sharp, detailed, n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a dam whose wall was just broken and where all the water floods the landscape behind .txt to raw_combined/drone photo of a dam whose wall was just broken and where all the water floods the landscape behind .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age shot on Fuji Porta on a nikon F5 at a 500.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age shot on Fuji Porta on a nikon F5 at a 500.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of an 2023 concept SUV, new brand .txt to raw_combined/product photography of an 2023 concept SUV, new brand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a wolf pack in the beautiful morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sharp.txt to raw_combined/a wolf pack in the beautiful morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sharp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic autonomous concept bus, minimalistic design, skyscrapers, road paved with solar panels .png to raw_combined/futuristic autonomous concept bus, minimalistic design, skyscrapers, road paved with solar panels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Photo of a modern, sleek high end gin distillery .png to raw_combined/Photo of a modern, sleek high end gin distillery .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Action scene. Quality photo, highly detailed, uhd 0.35 unusual situation, atypical characters, highl.png to raw_combined/Action scene. Quality photo, highly detailed, uhd 0.35 unusual situation, atypical characters, highl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exlusive snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/exlusive snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of bird .txt to raw_combined/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of bird .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute caucasian dessous model portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry vintage villa bac.txt to raw_combined/most detailed cute caucasian dessous model portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry vintage villa bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place diner.txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place diner.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic miliutary suv, prototype, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio .txt to raw_combined/futuristic miliutary suv, prototype, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/surprising scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .png to raw_combined/surprising scene in New York, wide angle view, award winning street art photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, stock photo of horror .txt to raw_combined/zoom in, stock photo of horror .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute caucasian nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .png to raw_combined/most detailed cute caucasian nurse portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry hospital background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cats runing through NYC street, dark dramat.txt to raw_combined/Retro photo, Minimalism, minimal, award winning a lot of cats runing through NYC street, dark dramat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/razor sharp image of asian butterflies and vines, on a black background, detailed studio photo with .txt to raw_combined/razor sharp image of asian butterflies and vines, on a black background, detailed studio photo with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a rusty Colombian bus wreck in a jungle, with vivid colors, hyperrealism, photographic, octane, 35mm.png to raw_combined/a rusty Colombian bus wreck in a jungle, with vivid colors, hyperrealism, photographic, octane, 35mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up on an exquisite menue in a michelin star reataurant,creative, centred, sharp fous on menue .png to raw_combined/close up on an exquisite menue in a michelin star reataurant,creative, centred, sharp fous on menue .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zombie walking in an haunted house, sharp, detailed .txt to raw_combined/zombie walking in an haunted house, sharp, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/portrait close profile half body, of a beautiful cowgirl, whit long hairs, dressing white tshirt lon.png to raw_combined/portrait close profile half body, of a beautiful cowgirl, whit long hairs, dressing white tshirt lon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/crazy scene in New York, award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/crazy scene in New York, award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/minimalism bw underwater wildlife art photography, award winner .png to raw_combined/minimalism bw underwater wildlife art photography, award winner .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Humpback whale .png to raw_combined/Humpback whale .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, oriental elements, art deco elements, minimalism .png to raw_combined/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, oriental elements, art deco elements, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/anaconda underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png to raw_combined/anaconda underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/derelict bus stop in a dangerous area at night .png to raw_combined/derelict bus stop in a dangerous area at night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Rocket adorned with a vibrant yellow paint job in space with the galaxy reflecting off the surface e.txt to raw_combined/Rocket adorned with a vibrant yellow paint job in space with the galaxy reflecting off the surface e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, stock photo of horror .png to raw_combined/zoom in, stock photo of horror .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, ancient buildings, temple, terraformed overhanging rocky.png to raw_combined/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, ancient buildings, temple, terraformed overhanging rocky.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the most beautiful landscape photo, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly detail.png to raw_combined/the most beautiful landscape photo, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a swimmer in a bay pursueded by a big shark, detailed, realistic, .txt to raw_combined/drone photo of a swimmer in a bay pursueded by a big shark, detailed, realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/mesmerizing Beautiful pin up girl full lips in the dark lit up by a candle below her chin in a black.png to raw_combined/mesmerizing Beautiful pin up girl full lips in the dark lit up by a candle below her chin in a black.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Museum worthy Black and white Fashion shoot for French Vogue in a darker alley in rome, hard contras.png to raw_combined/Museum worthy Black and white Fashion shoot for French Vogue in a darker alley in rome, hard contras.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of bird .png to raw_combined/highly detailed technical drawing of a new species of bird .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively marlin. This breathtaking interaction is .txt to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively marlin. This breathtaking interaction is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a dam whose wall was just broken and where all the water floods the landscape behind .png to raw_combined/drone photo of a dam whose wall was just broken and where all the water floods the landscape behind .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 1961 farm truck .txt to raw_combined/photography of an 1961 farm truck .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exotic blossoms and birds, realistic colors, beautiful back lighting, blurry jungle background .png to raw_combined/exotic blossoms and birds, realistic colors, beautiful back lighting, blurry jungle background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Ford mustang shelby fastback in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .png to raw_combined/Ford mustang shelby fastback in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/multiple Classic Cars yunkyard in a forest, award winning photography, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age with styling and design elements of the p.png to raw_combined/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age with styling and design elements of the p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/sexy girls in swimsuits standing close together on a beach .png to raw_combined/sexy girls in swimsuits standing close together on a beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/sexy girls in swimsuits standing close together on a beach .txt to raw_combined/sexy girls in swimsuits standing close together on a beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An exotic and beautiful woman wearing a glossy open latex miniskirt in a city park, she is sexy and .txt to raw_combined/An exotic and beautiful woman wearing a glossy open latex miniskirt in a city park, she is sexy and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rusty vintage motorcycle, art photography, shar.txt to raw_combined/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rusty vintage motorcycle, art photography, shar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 concept SUV .txt to raw_combined/a 2023 concept SUV .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exlusive snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/exlusive snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photograph of a full moon over an african landscape, ultradetailed, photorealistic, 32.txt to raw_combined/award winning photograph of a full moon over an african landscape, ultradetailed, photorealistic, 32.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/, photo realistic, in the style of Gerald brom, ultra realistic, ominous, hyper realism, xenomorph, .txt to raw_combined/, photo realistic, in the style of Gerald brom, ultra realistic, ominous, hyper realism, xenomorph, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place medici villa .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place medici villa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A bald eagle flying high above the ocean in the dark of night, eerie, enigmatic .png to raw_combined/A bald eagle flying high above the ocean in the dark of night, eerie, enigmatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a blonde vamp on a bar seat, , F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Lighting, ethereal light, intricat.txt to raw_combined/a blonde vamp on a bar seat, , F2.8, high Contrast, 8K, Cinematic Lighting, ethereal light, intricat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the Medici villa at the garda Lake , a beautiful historic villa located in the town of Pag that was .png to raw_combined/the Medici villa at the garda Lake , a beautiful historic villa located in the town of Pag that was .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age shot on Fuji Porta on a nikon F5 at a 500.png to raw_combined/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age shot on Fuji Porta on a nikon F5 at a 500.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Zergadapted mammals manipulating alien planets magnetic fields .txt to raw_combined/Zergadapted mammals manipulating alien planets magnetic fields .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. real.png to raw_combined/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed beautiful stewardess portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry airplane background .txt to raw_combined/most detailed beautiful stewardess portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry airplane background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, using bold and create a dynami.txt to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, using bold and create a dynami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/amazing stock photo of animal .png to raw_combined/amazing stock photo of animal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an artists fantasy image of a path leading to the scene, in the style of futuristic landscapes, ligh.png to raw_combined/an artists fantasy image of a path leading to the scene, in the style of futuristic landscapes, ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a wolf pack in the beautiful autumn morning light, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sha.txt to raw_combined/a wolf pack in the beautiful autumn morning light, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place mrdici villa .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place mrdici villa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A silver handgun beautifully decorated with engravings, the grip is made of rosewood .png to raw_combined/A silver handgun beautifully decorated with engravings, the grip is made of rosewood .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age with styling and design elements of the p.txt to raw_combined/a photo of a retro futuristic muscle car of the modern age with styling and design elements of the p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/snobism, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/vintage cadillac, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio photograph on a wet.txt to raw_combined/vintage cadillac, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio photograph on a wet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively dolphin who has some fun. This breathtaki.png to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively dolphin who has some fun. This breathtaki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas .png to raw_combined/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a red corvette in a superrealistic setting, realistic .png to raw_combined/a red corvette in a superrealistic setting, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photo of attractive blonde girl tender kissing another girl in a subway, pretty, iconic, .png to raw_combined/photo of attractive blonde girl tender kissing another girl in a subway, pretty, iconic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/walkway to the dock with a wooden boat by a beautiful lake, enchanted forest in the background, phot.png to raw_combined/walkway to the dock with a wooden boat by a beautiful lake, enchanted forest in the background, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place car factory .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place car factory .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exploded drawing of a citroen 2cv, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, f2.2 ap.png to raw_combined/exploded drawing of a citroen 2cv, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, f2.2 ap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing .txt to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oh, what a night, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/oh, what a night, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dodge ram GTO, brutalism elements, , offroad modell, military version, .txt to raw_combined/dodge ram GTO, brutalism elements, , offroad modell, military version, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photograph of a full moon over an african landscape, ultradetailed, photorealistic, 32.png to raw_combined/award winning photograph of a full moon over an african landscape, ultradetailed, photorealistic, 32.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/detailed photography of a pompous alien cathedral in the rocky desert of a foreign planet, 2 red moo.txt to raw_combined/detailed photography of a pompous alien cathedral in the rocky desert of a foreign planet, 2 red moo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Imagine that you are in a coffee shop. and dripping fragrant coffee Happy chatting with the male bar.png to raw_combined/Imagine that you are in a coffee shop. and dripping fragrant coffee Happy chatting with the male bar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed stunning portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poste.txt to raw_combined/most detailed stunning portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, dark blue and a.png to raw_combined/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, dark blue and a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place military base .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place military base .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/crazy colorful popsicle ice cream, high quality, sharp focus .txt to raw_combined/crazy colorful popsicle ice cream, high quality, sharp focus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern sniper rifle, next generation technic, detailed .txt to raw_combined/a modern sniper rifle, next generation technic, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/anaconda underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt to raw_combined/anaconda underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the very best dramatic street scene photo ever, award winning, dramatic, cinematic, breathtaking lig.txt to raw_combined/the very best dramatic street scene photo ever, award winning, dramatic, cinematic, breathtaking lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poster .png to raw_combined/most detailed portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/childrens carousel with different figures to drive in a fairy tale forest, award winning photography.png to raw_combined/childrens carousel with different figures to drive in a fairy tale forest, award winning photography.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Futuristic Latex dress, Fashion Concept, led lights. Sexy atractive pose. Hotpants. Beautiful, long .png to raw_combined/Futuristic Latex dress, Fashion Concept, led lights. Sexy atractive pose. Hotpants. Beautiful, long .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place medici villa .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place medici villa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3 funny baby owls on a mossy branch, blurry woodland background, warm sunny morning light .txt to raw_combined/3 funny baby owls on a mossy branch, blurry woodland background, warm sunny morning light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the most beautiful landscape photo, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly detail.txt to raw_combined/the most beautiful landscape photo, award winner, cinematic still, cinematic lighting, highly detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful aesthtic landscape, twilight, warm colors, Cinematic, Photoshoot, Shot on 25mm lens, Depth.png to raw_combined/beautiful aesthtic landscape, twilight, warm colors, Cinematic, Photoshoot, Shot on 25mm lens, Depth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photo of attractive blonde girl tender kissing another girl in a subway, pretty, iconic, .txt to raw_combined/photo of attractive blonde girl tender kissing another girl in a subway, pretty, iconic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/aquarium inside glass jar, pirate ship, cinematic, hyperdetailed, photography .png to raw_combined/aquarium inside glass jar, pirate ship, cinematic, hyperdetailed, photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/fantasy magical forrest with a minimal architecture platform pool surrounded by arche .png to raw_combined/fantasy magical forrest with a minimal architecture platform pool surrounded by arche .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern sniper rifle, next generation technic, detailed .png to raw_combined/a modern sniper rifle, next generation technic, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an ultra modern OP room in a futuristic hightec hospital .txt to raw_combined/an ultra modern OP room in a futuristic hightec hospital .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring lion in sunset backlight on top of a rock .txt to raw_combined/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring lion in sunset backlight on top of a rock .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/alligator underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt to raw_combined/alligator underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful model, black latex outfit, glossy, vinyl black concept art, black and white, noir film, 16.txt to raw_combined/beautiful model, black latex outfit, glossy, vinyl black concept art, black and white, noir film, 16.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/it is not easy to rule the world .png to raw_combined/it is not easy to rule the world .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/wes anderson style, A front view of the 1960s U.S. desert gas station, at blue hour, with hanging ne.png to raw_combined/wes anderson style, A front view of the 1960s U.S. desert gas station, at blue hour, with hanging ne.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poster .txt to raw_combined/most detailed portrait photo in the world, hd, environmental disaster, call to action poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Rocket adorned with a vibrant yellow paint job in space with the galaxy reflecting off the surface e.png to raw_combined/Rocket adorned with a vibrant yellow paint job in space with the galaxy reflecting off the surface e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of an 2023 expedition concept SUV, new brand .png to raw_combined/product photography of an 2023 expedition concept SUV, new brand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Brownie, Rich chocolate fudge with gooey center, Texture, Contrast, Luxurious, Decadent, Rustic wood.png to raw_combined/Brownie, Rich chocolate fudge with gooey center, Texture, Contrast, Luxurious, Decadent, Rustic wood.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Paper art illustration, concept of heaven, landscape, beautiful, serene, calm, starry sky, village, .txt to raw_combined/Paper art illustration, concept of heaven, landscape, beautiful, serene, calm, starry sky, village, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/, photo realistic, in the style of Gerald brom, ultra realistic, ominous, hyper realism, xenomorph, .png to raw_combined/, photo realistic, in the style of Gerald brom, ultra realistic, ominous, hyper realism, xenomorph, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, asiatic elements, bauhaus elements, minimalism .png to raw_combined/futuristic luxurious designer bathroom, asiatic elements, bauhaus elements, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/mafia leader with black suit, standing near gangster limousines, all black cars, in car park, led li.png to raw_combined/mafia leader with black suit, standing near gangster limousines, all black cars, in car park, led li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Minimalistic art photography .txt to raw_combined/Minimalistic art photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a bee flying towards a single magical flower lit up by a single stream of light in a dystopian solar.txt to raw_combined/a bee flying towards a single magical flower lit up by a single stream of light in a dystopian solar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A captivating and determined alpha male Arctic wolf Canis lupus arctos sprinting in the wild, locked.txt to raw_combined/A captivating and determined alpha male Arctic wolf Canis lupus arctos sprinting in the wild, locked.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/scary zombie dog, by moebius and rembrandt .txt to raw_combined/scary zombie dog, by moebius and rembrandt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/most detailed cute girl portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry city background .png to raw_combined/most detailed cute girl portrait photo in the world, hd, blurry city background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning fashion photography of model walking to camera, wearing a Dress, m.txt to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning fashion photography of model walking to camera, wearing a Dress, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/vintage cadillac, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio photograph on a wet.png to raw_combined/vintage cadillac, dynamic composition and dramatic lighting, professional studio photograph on a wet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/exploded drawing of a citroen 2cv, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, f2.2 ap.txt to raw_combined/exploded drawing of a citroen 2cv, taking using a Canon EOS R camera with a 50 mm f1.8 lens, f2.2 ap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 swat concept SUV .png to raw_combined/a 2023 swat concept SUV .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring leopard in sunset backlight on top of a rock .txt to raw_combined/zoom in, silhouhette of a roaring leopard in sunset backlight on top of a rock .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Humpback whale .txt to raw_combined/Humpback whale .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. imme.txt to raw_combined/capture a scene where a russian aircraft carrier is hitted by two torpedos at night on the sea. imme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal beach, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal beach, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel at a paradise beach, sunny skies, large waves, modern d.txt to raw_combined/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel at a paradise beach, sunny skies, large waves, modern d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Brownie, Rich chocolate fudge with gooey center, Texture, Contrast, Luxurious, Decadent, Rustic wood.txt to raw_combined/Brownie, Rich chocolate fudge with gooey center, Texture, Contrast, Luxurious, Decadent, Rustic wood.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a blond super model, amazing body, lay down on the coach with a glass of champaigne, burlesque, cine.png to raw_combined/a blond super model, amazing body, lay down on the coach with a glass of champaigne, burlesque, cine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photorealistic high detail deer caught in forest fire with huge flames at night, ground perspective,.png to raw_combined/photorealistic high detail deer caught in forest fire with huge flames at night, ground perspective,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel in the middle of the ocean, stormy skies, large waves, .png to raw_combined/a glass wood and steel frame structure hotel in the middle of the ocean, stormy skies, large waves, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning architecture photography of Batumi city in futuristic stile, large depht of field, sha.txt to raw_combined/award winning architecture photography of Batumi city in futuristic stile, large depht of field, sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/magical plave in nature, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .txt to raw_combined/magical plave in nature, realistic photography, national geographic, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photo of a new modern train station in Taiwan, industrial architecture design, beautiful, iconic des.txt to raw_combined/photo of a new modern train station in Taiwan, industrial architecture design, beautiful, iconic des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic autonomous concept bus, minimalistic design, skyscrapers, road paved with solar panels .txt to raw_combined/futuristic autonomous concept bus, minimalistic design, skyscrapers, road paved with solar panels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 2023 mars rover .txt to raw_combined/photography of an 2023 mars rover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Awardwinning imaginative droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gumm.png to raw_combined/Awardwinning imaginative droplet creature design in a vibrant holographic gradient and electric gumm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 military concept SUV .png to raw_combined/a 2023 military concept SUV .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a wolf pack in the beautiful morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sharp.png to raw_combined/a wolf pack in the beautiful morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography, detailed, sharp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photo of a new modern train station in Taiwan, industrial architecture design, beautiful, iconic des.png to raw_combined/photo of a new modern train station in Taiwan, industrial architecture design, beautiful, iconic des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a city block with a Atlantis and stone stairs, in the style of gothic steampunk, clear, color ful, s.png to raw_combined/a city block with a Atlantis and stone stairs, in the style of gothic steampunk, clear, color ful, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place fightclub.png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place fightclub.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/landscape art, minimalistic, hamptsoms seascape .txt to raw_combined/landscape art, minimalistic, hamptsoms seascape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/aquarium inside glass jar, pirate ship, cinematic, hyperdetailed, photography .txt to raw_combined/aquarium inside glass jar, pirate ship, cinematic, hyperdetailed, photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a humanoid ki robot eating an apple .txt to raw_combined/a humanoid ki robot eating an apple .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/cigate stone portal, misty, Cinematic, ultra detailed, hyper realism, photo, octane render, 16 mm .txt to raw_combined/cigate stone portal, misty, Cinematic, ultra detailed, hyper realism, photo, octane render, 16 mm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of Rob Zombie as a circus ring leaderPhoto advertising of a man wearin.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Rob Zombie as a circus ring leaderPhoto advertising of a man wearin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Imagine that you are in a coffee shop. and dripping fragrant coffee Happy chatting with the male bar.txt to raw_combined/Imagine that you are in a coffee shop. and dripping fragrant coffee Happy chatting with the male bar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/abondoned KFC ion a lost planet Use a Canon EOS R mirrorless camera with an RF 10mm f 2. 8 L USM len.txt to raw_combined/abondoned KFC ion a lost planet Use a Canon EOS R mirrorless camera with an RF 10mm f 2. 8 L USM len.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dramatic photo of a broken fishing trawler boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves, storm. .png to raw_combined/dramatic photo of a broken fishing trawler boat at sea. night, dangerous, high waves, storm. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/dodge ram GTO, brutalism elements, , offroad modell, military version, .png to raw_combined/dodge ram GTO, brutalism elements, , offroad modell, military version, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 1961 farm truck .png to raw_combined/photography of an 1961 farm truck .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Close up of an electrical circuit board with a CPU, a microchip, and other electronic components in .png to raw_combined/Close up of an electrical circuit board with a CPU, a microchip, and other electronic components in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full shot. A group of extremely attractive women of twenty five years old having fun, Party hour. Ta.txt to raw_combined/Full shot. A group of extremely attractive women of twenty five years old having fun, Party hour. Ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/some british schoolgirls sitting on a bech and wait for the bus, Nikon Z9, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/some british schoolgirls sitting on a bech and wait for the bus, Nikon Z9, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of two girls in a subway, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of two girls in a subway, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 2023 mars rover .png to raw_combined/photography of an 2023 mars rover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place train station .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place train station .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively orca who has some fun. This breathtaking .png to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively orca who has some fun. This breathtaking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Photo like picture of the mushrooms in the forest communicate with each other after the rain .png to raw_combined/Photo like picture of the mushrooms in the forest communicate with each other after the rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up, impressive vintage car detail, beautiful woman legs in foreground, professional product ar.txt to raw_combined/close up, impressive vintage car detail, beautiful woman legs in foreground, professional product ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Camping in the Swiss Alps, featuring a serene lake, towering snowcapped peaks, sunrise, natural ligh.txt to raw_combined/Camping in the Swiss Alps, featuring a serene lake, towering snowcapped peaks, sunrise, natural ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Emperor skeksis portrait from the dark crystal movie, in the style of laurent baheux, realistic deta.txt to raw_combined/Emperor skeksis portrait from the dark crystal movie, in the style of laurent baheux, realistic deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/portrait of a very cute girl at the beach .txt to raw_combined/portrait of a very cute girl at the beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Animal, Ultra wide shot Canon 300.png to raw_combined/Full body portrait, Award winning wildlife photography of an angry Animal, Ultra wide shot Canon 300.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Colorful tropical fish coral scene background, Life in the coral reef underwater, sunlight, clear wa.txt to raw_combined/Colorful tropical fish coral scene background, Life in the coral reef underwater, sunlight, clear wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Neoexpressionism of a confused llama looking quizzically at viewer, in the style of pulled, scraped,.txt to raw_combined/Neoexpressionism of a confused llama looking quizzically at viewer, in the style of pulled, scraped,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Dutch female, standing next to a car, award winning street photography .txt to raw_combined/Dutch female, standing next to a car, award winning street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Aston Martin DB5 in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .png to raw_combined/Aston Martin DB5 in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/wild wildlife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/wild wildlife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Post apocalyptic Islamic society .png to raw_combined/Post apocalyptic Islamic society .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning architecture photography of Batumi city in futuristic stile, large depht of field, sha.png to raw_combined/award winning architecture photography of Batumi city in futuristic stile, large depht of field, sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, a big w.png to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat in a bay at sunset, lighter morning fog, detailed, a big w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/futuristic military SUV after mud racing, realistic product photography, realistic light reflections.png to raw_combined/futuristic military SUV after mud racing, realistic product photography, realistic light reflections.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a sea eagle looking fierce and angry .png to raw_combined/a sea eagle looking fierce and angry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/cigate stone portal, misty, Cinematic, ultra detailed, hyper realism, photo, octane render, 16 mm .png to raw_combined/cigate stone portal, misty, Cinematic, ultra detailed, hyper realism, photo, octane render, 16 mm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/an airplane in a forest, in the style of absurdist installations, uhd image, australian landscapes, .png to raw_combined/an airplane in a forest, in the style of absurdist installations, uhd image, australian landscapes, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, dark blue and a.txt to raw_combined/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, dark blue and a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2024 Aston Martin DB12 in a military version .txt to raw_combined/a 2024 Aston Martin DB12 in a military version .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place hospital .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place hospital .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful seascape photography, warm summer morning light, rocky, a lighthouse, fishing boats leavin.png to raw_combined/beautiful seascape photography, warm summer morning light, rocky, a lighthouse, fishing boats leavin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern nuclear power plant on a river .png to raw_combined/a modern nuclear power plant on a river .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old florida key harbor at sunset, lighter morni.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old florida key harbor at sunset, lighter morni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up, impressive vintage car detail, beautiful woman legs in foreground, professional product ar.png to raw_combined/close up, impressive vintage car detail, beautiful woman legs in foreground, professional product ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a herd of bison in the morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography .png to raw_combined/a herd of bison in the morning autumn fog, award winning wildlife photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/oil painting of surreal promenade, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png to raw_combined/oil painting of surreal promenade, by andrew wyeth, minimal elements.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of two girls in an office twist, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertisi.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of two girls in an office twist, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertisi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the art and beauty of minimalism photography .png to raw_combined/the art and beauty of minimalism photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a blond super model, amazing body, lay down on the coach with a glass of champaigne, burlesque, cine.txt to raw_combined/a blond super model, amazing body, lay down on the coach with a glass of champaigne, burlesque, cine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Photo of a modern, sleek high end gin distillery .txt to raw_combined/Photo of a modern, sleek high end gin distillery .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/drone photo of a swimmer in a bay pursueded by a big shark, detailed, realistic, .png to raw_combined/drone photo of a swimmer in a bay pursueded by a big shark, detailed, realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/in the counter of a bank that is about to be robbed .png to raw_combined/in the counter of a bank that is about to be robbed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/butterfly, breaking free, strength, colorful, jungle leaves surrounding, light flares from the sun .png to raw_combined/butterfly, breaking free, strength, colorful, jungle leaves surrounding, light flares from the sun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place passenger ship .png to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place passenger ship .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/kissing girls, art portrait. Shot using a Nikon camera. 200mm lens. dof. Professional grey grading. .txt to raw_combined/kissing girls, art portrait. Shot using a Nikon camera. 200mm lens. dof. Professional grey grading. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/L.A.sunset scene, street gang members with her dogs in south L.A., muscle cars, award winning street.png to raw_combined/L.A.sunset scene, street gang members with her dogs in south L.A., muscle cars, award winning street.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Artist Name Vassily Kandinsky Russian, 18661944 Title Batman Date 1923 Medium Oil on canvas .png to raw_combined/Artist Name Vassily Kandinsky Russian, 18661944 Title Batman Date 1923 Medium Oil on canvas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of a 2023 supercar, new brand .txt to raw_combined/product photography of a 2023 supercar, new brand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/inside a vintage lost place motorcycle workshop .txt to raw_combined/inside a vintage lost place motorcycle workshop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Liubov Popova Russian, 18891924 The Traveler, 1915 Oil on canvas 56 x 4112 in. 142.2 x 105.4 cm .txt to raw_combined/Liubov Popova Russian, 18891924 The Traveler, 1915 Oil on canvas 56 x 4112 in. 142.2 x 105.4 cm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/sharp hug .png to raw_combined/sharp hug .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Baroque Banter, an oil painting portraying the grandeur of Pompeo Batonis classical work, intertwine.txt to raw_combined/Baroque Banter, an oil painting portraying the grandeur of Pompeo Batonis classical work, intertwine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a 2023 concept SUV .png to raw_combined/a 2023 concept SUV .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a forest with animals made out of wooden toys .txt to raw_combined/a forest with animals made out of wooden toys .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Photo like picture of the mushrooms in the forest communicate with each other after the rain .txt to raw_combined/Photo like picture of the mushrooms in the forest communicate with each other after the rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/professional commercial photo of a Cadillac race car concept, modern futiristic design, concept elec.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a Cadillac race car concept, modern futiristic design, concept elec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the most amazing image of a cat walking toward you, backlit warm colors .txt to raw_combined/the most amazing image of a cat walking toward you, backlit warm colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/walkway to the dock with a wooden boat by a beautiful lake, enchanted forest in the background, phot.txt to raw_combined/walkway to the dock with a wooden boat by a beautiful lake, enchanted forest in the background, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3d model of a space ship, ingrid baars, sharp focus, dc comics, pseudorealistic, symmetrical asymmet.png to raw_combined/3d model of a space ship, ingrid baars, sharp focus, dc comics, pseudorealistic, symmetrical asymmet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a modern dentist chair .png to raw_combined/a modern dentist chair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An old paddle steamer is sailing on the Mississippi at sunrise, beautiful backlighting .png to raw_combined/An old paddle steamer is sailing on the Mississippi at sunrise, beautiful backlighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a photograph of a public swimming pool where a white Ferrari has been submerged underwater,a female .png to raw_combined/a photograph of a public swimming pool where a white Ferrari has been submerged underwater,a female .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Post apocalyptic zombie invasion in a village .txt to raw_combined/Post apocalyptic zombie invasion in a village .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/nigeria citylife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/nigeria citylife, blurry exotic background, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware .png to raw_combined/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rotten car, art photography, sharp, detailed, n.png to raw_combined/close up,wide angle view, hyperrealistic detail of a rotten car, art photography, sharp, detailed, n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/product photography of an 2023 expedition concept SUV, new brand .txt to raw_combined/product photography of an 2023 expedition concept SUV, new brand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, kerem beyit, bo.txt to raw_combined/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, kerem beyit, bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Post apocalyptic zombie invasion in a village .png to raw_combined/Post apocalyptic zombie invasion in a village .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a falcon looking fierce and angry .txt to raw_combined/a falcon looking fierce and angry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively marlin. This breathtaking interaction is .png to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively marlin. This breathtaking interaction is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Dutch female, standing next to a car, award winning street photography .png to raw_combined/Dutch female, standing next to a car, award winning street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/L.A.sunset scene, street gang members with her dogs in south L.A., muscle cars, award winning street.txt to raw_combined/L.A.sunset scene, street gang members with her dogs in south L.A., muscle cars, award winning street.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the nightmare man, you never have seen him in your dreams .txt to raw_combined/the nightmare man, you never have seen him in your dreams .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a forest with animals made out of wooden toys .png to raw_combined/a forest with animals made out of wooden toys .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/alligator underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png to raw_combined/alligator underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/videogame world, piramid, tech, abstract, agility, cinematic, photography .png to raw_combined/videogame world, piramid, tech, abstract, agility, cinematic, photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old florida key harbor at sunset, lighter morni.png to raw_combined/award winning photography, a fishing boat leaving an old florida key harbor at sunset, lighter morni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/A futurist photograph showcasing a driver and futuristic racing motorbike. Nikon AFS NIKKOR 600mm f .png to raw_combined/A futurist photograph showcasing a driver and futuristic racing motorbike. Nikon AFS NIKKOR 600mm f .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/razor sharp image of asian butterflies and vines, on a black background, detailed studio photo with .png to raw_combined/razor sharp image of asian butterflies and vines, on a black background, detailed studio photo with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/3d model of a space ship, ingrid baars, sharp focus, dc comics, pseudorealistic, symmetrical asymmet.txt to raw_combined/3d model of a space ship, ingrid baars, sharp focus, dc comics, pseudorealistic, symmetrical asymmet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/photography of an 2023 expedition mars mobile .txt to raw_combined/photography of an 2023 expedition mars mobile .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Cosmic forest overgrown bioluminescent mushrooms in the moonlight5 Beautiful painting with artistic .png to raw_combined/Cosmic forest overgrown bioluminescent mushrooms in the moonlight5 Beautiful painting with artistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively orca who has some fun. This breathtaking .txt to raw_combined/An engaging and stunningly detailed photograph of a lively orca who has some fun. This breathtaking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Full shot. A group of extremely attractive women of twenty five years old having fun, Party hour. Ta.png to raw_combined/Full shot. A group of extremely attractive women of twenty five years old having fun, Party hour. Ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful aesthtic landscape, twilight, warm colors, Cinematic, Photoshoot, Shot on 25mm lens, Depth.txt to raw_combined/beautiful aesthtic landscape, twilight, warm colors, Cinematic, Photoshoot, Shot on 25mm lens, Depth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/the nightmare man, you never have seen him in your dreams .png to raw_combined/the nightmare man, you never have seen him in your dreams .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware .txt to raw_combined/luxury liquor ad a martini served in elegant glassware .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/zombie walking in an haunted house, sharp, detailed .png to raw_combined/zombie walking in an haunted house, sharp, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, kerem beyit, bo.png to raw_combined/elephants walk on the beachbeach and wave photography, in the style of birdseyeview, kerem beyit, bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/tiger underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt to raw_combined/tiger underwater1.85 high detail, professional photographer, strong shaft lighting. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Amazing tropical sanctuary , lush greenery with tall palm trees, inviting blue pools at different le.png to raw_combined/Amazing tropical sanctuary , lush greenery with tall palm trees, inviting blue pools at different le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/a sea eagle looking fierce and angry .txt to raw_combined/a sea eagle looking fierce and angry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas .txt to raw_combined/beautiful award wiining landscape photography in style of macin sobas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/mafia leader with black suit, standing near gangster limousines, all black cars, in car park, led li.txt to raw_combined/mafia leader with black suit, standing near gangster limousines, all black cars, in car park, led li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, ancient buildings, temple, terraformed overhanging rocky.txt to raw_combined/alien landscape vaulted twisted continents, ancient buildings, temple, terraformed overhanging rocky.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/kissing girls, art portrait. Shot using a Nikon camera. 200mm lens. dof. Professional grey grading. .png to raw_combined/kissing girls, art portrait. Shot using a Nikon camera. 200mm lens. dof. Professional grey grading. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/Aston Martin DB5 in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .txt to raw_combined/Aston Martin DB5 in high speed action, biting the dust of a desert road .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/scary zombie dog, by moebius and rembrandt .png to raw_combined/scary zombie dog, by moebius and rembrandt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_18/vintage supercar, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .txt to raw_combined/vintage supercar, technical drawing project, ultradetailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yellowstone National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png to raw_combined/Yellowstone National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Maldives illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic land.txt to raw_combined/Maldives illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic land.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden gate bridge in San Francisko illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.png to raw_combined/golden gate bridge in San Francisko illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png to raw_combined/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Olympic National Park Coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt to raw_combined/Olympic National Park Coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/White Sands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt to raw_combined/White Sands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Meteora Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Meteora Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Carmel Beach California illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in t.txt to raw_combined/Carmel Beach California illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Peak District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png to raw_combined/Peak District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yosemite Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealist.txt to raw_combined/Yosemite Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Napa Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .png to raw_combined/Napa Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Barcelona illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png to raw_combined/Barcelona illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Mykonos Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden gate bridge in San Francisko illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.txt to raw_combined/golden gate bridge in San Francisko illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Glacier National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png to raw_combined/Glacier National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Matterhorn illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png to raw_combined/Matterhorn illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Great Sand Dunes National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environment.png to raw_combined/Great Sand Dunes National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environment.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Capri Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Capri Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Devils Tower illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Devils Tower illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.png to raw_combined/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mount Rainier illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png to raw_combined/Mount Rainier illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Central Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Central Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Genoa city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt to raw_combined/Genoa city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Napa Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/Napa Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Azores Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.txt to raw_combined/Azores Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Venice Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Madeira illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png to raw_combined/Madeira illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Sicily illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt to raw_combined/Sicily illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/old man of storr illustration, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh .png to raw_combined/old man of storr illustration, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png to raw_combined/California coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Santorini Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt to raw_combined/Santorini Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Peak District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt to raw_combined/Peak District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt to raw_combined/California coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of a.png to raw_combined/Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California landscape illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt to raw_combined/California landscape illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/a black hole .txt to raw_combined/a black hole .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lagos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt to raw_combined/Lagos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca skyline illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.png to raw_combined/Lucca skyline illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Cascais Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png to raw_combined/Cascais Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Devils Tower illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Devils Tower illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Saguaro National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the.png to raw_combined/Saguaro National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Split Croatia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.txt to raw_combined/Split Croatia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Banff National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.txt to raw_combined/Banff National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Cliffs of Moher Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png to raw_combined/Cliffs of Moher Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mont Blanc illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png to raw_combined/Mont Blanc illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environme.txt to raw_combined/eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Lucca Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Stanley Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Stanley Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.txt to raw_combined/Lucca illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Toronto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png to raw_combined/Toronto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lagos Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .txt to raw_combined/Lagos Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Death Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Death Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Douro Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Douro Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California landscape illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png to raw_combined/California landscape illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Mykonos Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Central Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Central Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/King Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt to raw_combined/King Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/old man of storr illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png to raw_combined/old man of storr illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Arches National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt to raw_combined/Arches National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/King Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png to raw_combined/King Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/El Capitan illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt to raw_combined/El Capitan illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Zion National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreal.txt to raw_combined/Zion National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.png to raw_combined/Lucca illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/japanese village surrounding a lake with mount fuji in the background and pink cherry blossom trees,.txt to raw_combined/japanese village surrounding a lake with mount fuji in the background and pink cherry blossom trees,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Zion National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreal.png to raw_combined/Zion National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lake District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png to raw_combined/Lake District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Isle of Skye illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Isle of Skye illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Capri Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Capri Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Graz city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png to raw_combined/Graz city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yosemite National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt to raw_combined/Yosemite National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Graz city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt to raw_combined/Graz city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Paris illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt to raw_combined/Paris illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Maldives illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic land.png to raw_combined/Maldives illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic land.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Wind Cave National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, phot.png to raw_combined/Wind Cave National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Donegal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt to raw_combined/Donegal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Joshua Tree National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt to raw_combined/Joshua Tree National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Cliffs of Moher Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt to raw_combined/Cliffs of Moher Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Redwood National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png to raw_combined/Redwood National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Jasper National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt to raw_combined/Jasper National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, snow, winter, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose e.png to raw_combined/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, snow, winter, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/sequoia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt to raw_combined/sequoia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Crete illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.txt to raw_combined/Crete illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Rhodes illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png to raw_combined/Rhodes illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos Windmills illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreali.txt to raw_combined/Mykonos Windmills illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Siena Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .png to raw_combined/Siena Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden gate bridge in San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.txt to raw_combined/golden gate bridge in San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Venice Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/red torii gate artwork by oobrykeh, in the style of surreal comic scenes, apocalypse landscape, edwa.txt to raw_combined/red torii gate artwork by oobrykeh, in the style of surreal comic scenes, apocalypse landscape, edwa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt to raw_combined/Lucca city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Ottawa Parliament Hill illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in th.png to raw_combined/Ottawa Parliament Hill illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png to raw_combined/Lucca city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Ottawa Parliament Hill illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in th.txt to raw_combined/Ottawa Parliament Hill illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/White Sands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png to raw_combined/White Sands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Great Sand Dunes National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environment.txt to raw_combined/Great Sand Dunes National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environment.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Snowdonia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.png to raw_combined/Snowdonia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Vancouver city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt to raw_combined/Mykonos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lagos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png to raw_combined/Lagos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Big Sur illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt to raw_combined/Big Sur illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/California Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca skyline illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.txt to raw_combined/Lucca skyline illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Paros Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Paros Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Douro Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Douro Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/St Louis Gateway Arch illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt to raw_combined/St Louis Gateway Arch illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Joshua Tree National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png to raw_combined/Joshua Tree National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/sequoia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png to raw_combined/sequoia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yosemite National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png to raw_combined/Yosemite National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Banff National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.png to raw_combined/Banff National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, snow, winter, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose e.txt to raw_combined/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, snow, winter, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose en.png to raw_combined/golden eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose en.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png to raw_combined/Venice illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Florence illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the s.txt to raw_combined/Florence illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking across a vast desert in the styl.png to raw_combined/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking across a vast desert in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Tuscany Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png to raw_combined/Tuscany Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vienna city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Vienna city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yosemite Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealist.png to raw_combined/Yosemite Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Seattle illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt to raw_combined/Seattle illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Madrid city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Madrid city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mont Blanc illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt to raw_combined/Mont Blanc illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/old man of storr illustration, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh .txt to raw_combined/old man of storr illustration, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Montreal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arc.txt to raw_combined/Montreal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lassen Volcanic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments.txt to raw_combined/Lassen Volcanic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Bryce Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png to raw_combined/Bryce Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Redwood National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt to raw_combined/Redwood National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Ben Nevis illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt to raw_combined/Ben Nevis illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Porto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png to raw_combined/Porto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Barcelona illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt to raw_combined/Barcelona illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden gate bridge in San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.png to raw_combined/golden gate bridge in San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/St Louis Gateway Arch illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png to raw_combined/St Louis Gateway Arch illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Orvieto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png to raw_combined/Orvieto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lassen Volcanic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments.png to raw_combined/Lassen Volcanic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/El Capitan illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png to raw_combined/El Capitan illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt to raw_combined/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Olympic National Park Coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png to raw_combined/Olympic National Park Coast illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Donegal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png to raw_combined/Donegal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lisbon Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.png to raw_combined/Lisbon Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Orvieto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt to raw_combined/Orvieto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/California Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.png to raw_combined/California Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of a.txt to raw_combined/Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Vancouver city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Crete Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Crete Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mount Rainier illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/Mount Rainier illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Bristol bridge illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .txt to raw_combined/Bristol bridge illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png to raw_combined/Mykonos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lands.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/red torii gate artwork by oobrykeh, in the style of surreal comic scenes, apocalypse landscape, edwa.png to raw_combined/red torii gate artwork by oobrykeh, in the style of surreal comic scenes, apocalypse landscape, edwa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Huntington Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.png to raw_combined/Huntington Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/golden eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose en.txt to raw_combined/golden eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose en.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Isle of Skye illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Isle of Skye illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Carmel Beach California illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in t.png to raw_combined/Carmel Beach California illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Tuscany Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/Tuscany Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Paris illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png to raw_combined/Paris illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Yellowstone National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt to raw_combined/Yellowstone National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Toronto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt to raw_combined/Toronto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/japanese village surrounding a lake with mount fuji in the background and pink cherry blossom trees,.png to raw_combined/japanese village surrounding a lake with mount fuji in the background and pink cherry blossom trees,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Seattle illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png to raw_combined/Seattle illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Big Bend National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png to raw_combined/Big Bend National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png to raw_combined/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/old man of storr illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt to raw_combined/old man of storr illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Badlands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt to raw_combined/Badlands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Madeira illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt to raw_combined/Madeira illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png to raw_combined/San Francisco illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Snowdonia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.txt to raw_combined/Snowdonia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Colosseum Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png to raw_combined/Colosseum Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Crete illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.png to raw_combined/Crete illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Paros Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Paros Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Olympic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png to raw_combined/Olympic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Genoa city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png to raw_combined/Genoa city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Ben Nevis illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png to raw_combined/Ben Nevis illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic lan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Bryce Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt to raw_combined/Bryce Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lagos Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .png to raw_combined/Lagos Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lindos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png to raw_combined/Lindos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Meteora Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Meteora Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Matterhorn illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt to raw_combined/Matterhorn illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Innsbruck city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Innsbruck city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Mykonos Windmills illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreali.png to raw_combined/Mykonos Windmills illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photoreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.txt to raw_combined/Vancouver illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Havana Cuba illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Havana Cuba illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking across a vast desert in the styl.txt to raw_combined/Arab trader caravan with elephants carrying large packages, walking across a vast desert in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt to raw_combined/Moraine Lake National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Split Croatia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.png to raw_combined/Split Croatia illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lucca Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Lucca Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Venice Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Olympic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt to raw_combined/Olympic National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Glacier National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt to raw_combined/Glacier National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Havana Cuba illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Havana Cuba illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Montreal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arc.png to raw_combined/Montreal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Jasper National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png to raw_combined/Jasper National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Crete Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Crete Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Colosseum Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt to raw_combined/Colosseum Rome Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Vienna city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png to raw_combined/Vienna city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environme.png to raw_combined/eiffel tower in Paris illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Florence illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the s.png to raw_combined/Florence illustration, in the style of romantic seascapes, blue sky,grandiose environments, in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Wind Cave National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, phot.txt to raw_combined/Wind Cave National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Bristol bridge illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .png to raw_combined/Bristol bridge illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt to raw_combined/Venice illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Huntington Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/Huntington Beach illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Sicily illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png to raw_combined/Sicily illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Stanley Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Stanley Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Siena Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/Siena Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Saguaro National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the.txt to raw_combined/Saguaro National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Big Sur illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png to raw_combined/Big Sur illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of arch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Cascais Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt to raw_combined/Cascais Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Azores Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.png to raw_combined/Azores Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Arches National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png to raw_combined/Arches National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/a black hole .png to raw_combined/a black hole .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Porto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt to raw_combined/Porto illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style of archit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lake District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt to raw_combined/Lake District National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Big Bend National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt to raw_combined/Big Bend National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Innsbruck city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Innsbruck city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Santorini Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png to raw_combined/Santorini Greece illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Madrid city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt to raw_combined/Madrid city illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Badlands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png to raw_combined/Badlands National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Death Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Death Valley illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Rhodes illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt to raw_combined/Rhodes illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lisbon Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.txt to raw_combined/Lisbon Portugal illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Venice Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Venice Italy illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_73/Lindos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt to raw_combined/Lindos illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorealistic landsc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a full body shot of a Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the .png to raw_combined/a full body shot of a Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of car factory in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of car factory in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in a big city in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in a big city in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.People in the USA often go shopping at malls .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.People in the USA often go shopping at malls .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A glamorous 30 yo blondie girl posing in an up angle shot,shorthair, she is from poland, shot on 35m.png to raw_combined/A glamorous 30 yo blondie girl posing in an up angle shot,shorthair, she is from poland, shot on 35m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/wide angle shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly .png to raw_combined/wide angle shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children spent a lot of time outdoors .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children spent a lot of time outdoors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a beautiful lady with full lips mesmerizing eyes portrait in the style of banknote engraving with co.png to raw_combined/a beautiful lady with full lips mesmerizing eyes portrait in the style of banknote engraving with co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of disco dancing club in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of disco dancing club in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old blonde, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov.txt to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old blonde, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires, cristals, wind and water, full body,.txt to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires, cristals, wind and water, full body,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette with a jogurt on her face, photo from below, in stylish g.png to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette with a jogurt on her face, photo from below, in stylish g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of disco in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of disco in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, hair, full figu.png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, hair, full figu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/beautiful 25yo woman, photo shot for below, blondie, sunny day, wind, ultrarealistic, photo from 199.png to raw_combined/beautiful 25yo woman, photo shot for below, blondie, sunny day, wind, ultrarealistic, photo from 199.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of realistic hy.txt to raw_combined/A young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of realistic hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of parachute jump in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of parachute jump in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, train station in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, train station in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Automotive mechanic repair and maintain vehicles. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Automotive mechanic repair and maintain vehicles. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/IAI vector logo .png to raw_combined/IAI vector logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a rock group .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a rock group .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. rugby match .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. rugby match .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, long legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, long legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers solving the problem .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers solving the problem .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/desert storm, Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver and dark gold w.txt to raw_combined/desert storm, Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver and dark gold w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Mia Wales from Pulp Fiction movie brunette, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex g.txt to raw_combined/Mia Wales from Pulp Fiction movie brunette, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of car factory in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of car factory in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. rugby match .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. rugby match .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of disco in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of disco in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people now play board games.. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people now play board games.. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a summer photo shot of beautiful Polish thirtyyearold woman, vogue style, very impressive photo. ext.png to raw_combined/a summer photo shot of beautiful Polish thirtyyearold woman, vogue style, very impressive photo. ext.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette with a jogurt on her face, photo from below, in stylish g.txt to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette with a jogurt on her face, photo from below, in stylish g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 45 year old shordhair blondie, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gr.png to raw_combined/Attractive 45 year old shordhair blondie, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a beautiful lady with full lips mesmerizing eyes portrait in the style of banknote engraving with co.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful lady with full lips mesmerizing eyes portrait in the style of banknote engraving with co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A full body shot of Attractive 35 year old blonde, i in the style of vougue, flat, limited shading.txt to raw_combined/A full body shot of Attractive 35 year old blonde, i in the style of vougue, flat, limited shading.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic machine parts, full b.txt to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic machine parts, full b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/drawing with crayons on a sheet of paper. the drawing shows the face of a beautiful girl. the colors.png to raw_combined/drawing with crayons on a sheet of paper. the drawing shows the face of a beautiful girl. the colors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed, EOS .txt to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed, EOS .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/extraordinary portrait of a beautiful young woman with mesmerizing, ethereal eyes. Push the boundari.txt to raw_combined/extraordinary portrait of a beautiful young woman with mesmerizing, ethereal eyes. Push the boundari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of an architect at work in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of an architect at work in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people boarding the plane. in the background, huge futur.png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people boarding the plane. in the background, huge futur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive girl, 22yo, Lomography Color Negative 800.png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive girl, 22yo, Lomography Color Negative 800.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s in a small village .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s in a small village .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. dance in the disco .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. dance in the disco .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/photo from the top. a young woman wearing is lying on the bed, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy ba.png to raw_combined/photo from the top. a young woman wearing is lying on the bed, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.People in the USA often go shopping at malls .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.People in the USA often go shopping at malls .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting,nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, i.png to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting,nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Mia Wales from Pulp Fiction movie brunette, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex g.png to raw_combined/Mia Wales from Pulp Fiction movie brunette, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a painting of a blonde wearing sunglasses, in the style of vibrant comics, light crimson, realistic .png to raw_combined/a painting of a blonde wearing sunglasses, in the style of vibrant comics, light crimson, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young laughing woman wearing sunglasses accelerated jumps, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic black a.png to raw_combined/A young laughing woman wearing sunglasses accelerated jumps, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic black a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, wide angle photo shot of very attractive girl, 24 yo, very different hairstyle, a lo.png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, wide angle photo shot of very attractive girl, 24 yo, very different hairstyle, a lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans spend a lot of time picnicking .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans spend a lot of time picnicking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of film crew shooting a movie in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of film crew shooting a movie in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/photo from the top. a young woman wearing is lying on the bed, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy ba.txt to raw_combined/photo from the top. a young woman wearing is lying on the bed, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of rocket launch at the space center in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of rocket launch at the space center in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic technological parts, .png to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic technological parts, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s in a small village .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s in a small village .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/desert storm, Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver and dark gold w.png to raw_combined/desert storm, Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver and dark gold w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting by a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of real.png to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting by a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of rocket launch at the space center in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of rocket launch at the space center in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/pphoto shot from below Attractive 35 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuv.png to raw_combined/pphoto shot from below Attractive 35 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive girl, 22yo, Lomography Color Negative 800.txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive girl, 22yo, Lomography Color Negative 800.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot of a young woman nice legs is jumping, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background,.png to raw_combined/full body shot of a young woman nice legs is jumping, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/IAI vector logo .txt to raw_combined/IAI vector logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of daily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of daily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of film crew shooting a movie in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of film crew shooting a movie in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of a daily life in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of a daily life in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of family having breakfast in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of family having breakfast in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. airport .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. airport .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in village in usa, in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in village in usa, in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of disco dancing club in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of disco dancing club in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A beautiful young woman in blue and pink, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly sue deconnick,soft ligh.png to raw_combined/A beautiful young woman in blue and pink, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly sue deconnick,soft ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sitting on the bed, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sitting on the bed, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often engage in outdoor sports. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often engage in outdoor sports. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, airport, airplanes in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, airport, airplanes in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a summer photo shot of beautiful Polish thirtyyearold woman, vogue style, very impressive photo. ext.txt to raw_combined/a summer photo shot of beautiful Polish thirtyyearold woman, vogue style, very impressive photo. ext.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans spend a lot of time picnicking .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans spend a lot of time picnicking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view computer programmer at work the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view computer programmer at work the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people boarding the plane. in the background, huge futur.txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people boarding the plane. in the background, huge futur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive woman with bright, colorful, exotic hair, full .txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive woman with bright, colorful, exotic hair, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, ufo landing, alien invasion in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, ufo landing, alien invasion in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of huge motorway in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of huge motorway in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a rock group .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a rock group .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view USA in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view USA in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic technological parts, .txt to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic technological parts, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of primary school lesson in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of primary school lesson in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of a daily life in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of a daily life in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of realistic hy.png to raw_combined/A young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of realistic hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fitness instructors lead classes and assist in achieving .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fitness instructors lead classes and assist in achieving .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory worker assembling alternative engine .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory worker assembling alternative engine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 26yo, Lomography Color .txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 26yo, Lomography Color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in a big city in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in a big city in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Interior designers create functional and aesthetic space .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Interior designers create functional and aesthetic space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of parachute jump in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of parachute jump in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, train station in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, train station in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot wide angle of Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver .txt to raw_combined/full body shot wide angle of Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. family breakfast .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. family breakfast .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 24yo, Lomography Color .txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 24yo, Lomography Color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.rock music .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.rock music .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 26yo, Lomography Color .png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 26yo, Lomography Color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires, cristals, wind and water, full body,.png to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires, cristals, wind and water, full body,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhaired brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of .png to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhaired brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a motorway .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a motorway .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot wide angle of Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver .png to raw_combined/full body shot wide angle of Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, ceramic, silver .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic full body shot of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed,.png to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic full body shot of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children spent a lot of time outdoors .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children spent a lot of time outdoors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Interior designers create functional and aesthetic space .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Interior designers create functional and aesthetic space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view USA in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view USA in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic full body shot of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed,.txt to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic full body shot of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A full body shot of Attractive 35 year old blonde, i in the style of vougue, flat, limited shading.png to raw_combined/A full body shot of Attractive 35 year old blonde, i in the style of vougue, flat, limited shading.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children in school .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children in school .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.building a house .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.building a house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of farmers cultivate the field, combine harvester mowing rye in usa in the 19.txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of farmers cultivate the field, combine harvester mowing rye in usa in the 19.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of daily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of daily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/moonshine dragons c64 demoparty, 8k, fotorealistyc, demoscene .txt to raw_combined/moonshine dragons c64 demoparty, 8k, fotorealistyc, demoscene .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, ufo landing, alien invasion in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, ufo landing, alien invasion in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/beautiful white skinned queen of ancient babylon with flowing hair, full figure, shot from bottom to.png to raw_combined/beautiful white skinned queen of ancient babylon with flowing hair, full figure, shot from bottom to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of primary school lesson in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of primary school lesson in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers preparing the shuttle for flight .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers preparing the shuttle for flight .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the style of realistic hyp.txt to raw_combined/Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the style of realistic hyp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed, EOS .png to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl, usa in the 1960s, fotorealistic, ultradetailed, EOS .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a painting of a blonde wearing sunglasses, in the style of vibrant comics, light crimson, realistic .txt to raw_combined/a painting of a blonde wearing sunglasses, in the style of vibrant comics, light crimson, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of an architect at work in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of an architect at work in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young laughing woman wearing sunglasses accelerated jumps, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic black a.txt to raw_combined/A young laughing woman wearing sunglasses accelerated jumps, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic black a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of huge motorway in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of huge motorway in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. family breakfast .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. family breakfast .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting,nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, i.txt to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting,nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/wide angle shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly .txt to raw_combined/wide angle shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot of a young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/full body shot of a young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a motorway .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a motorway .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/wide angle full body shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthet.txt to raw_combined/wide angle full body shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sitting on the bed, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sitting on the bed, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/pphoto shot from below Attractive 35 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuv.txt to raw_combined/pphoto shot from below Attractive 35 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a singer like .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a singer like .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a huGe metro station .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a huGe metro station .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, silver and dark gold with light blue accents,.txt to raw_combined/Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, silver and dark gold with light blue accents,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/beautiful 25yo woman, photo shot for below, blondie, sunny day, wind, ultrarealistic, photo from 199.txt to raw_combined/beautiful 25yo woman, photo shot for below, blondie, sunny day, wind, ultrarealistic, photo from 199.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, silver and dark gold with light blue accents,.png to raw_combined/Algorithmic techno cellular 25yo girl, technological, silver and dark gold with light blue accents,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a full body shot of a Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the .txt to raw_combined/a full body shot of a Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fitness instructors lead classes and assist in achieving .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fitness instructors lead classes and assist in achieving .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/vector logo Microloop .txt to raw_combined/vector logo Microloop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/extraordinary portrait of a beautiful young woman with mesmerizing, ethereal eyes. Push the boundari.png to raw_combined/extraordinary portrait of a beautiful young woman with mesmerizing, ethereal eyes. Push the boundari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. a lot of people.png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. a lot of people.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, airport, airplanes in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in usa, airport, airplanes in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 24yo, Lomography Color .png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, photo of full body shot of very attractive Portuguese woman, 24yo, Lomography Color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A glamorous 30 yo blondie girl posing in an up angle shot,shorthair, she is from poland, shot on 35m.txt to raw_combined/A glamorous 30 yo blondie girl posing in an up angle shot,shorthair, she is from poland, shot on 35m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in a small village in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old blonde, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov.png to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old blonde, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot of a young woman nice legs is jumping, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background,.txt to raw_combined/full body shot of a young woman nice legs is jumping, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often engage in outdoor sports. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often engage in outdoor sports. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of wedding in a catholic church, cross sign, usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of wedding in a catholic church, cross sign, usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory worker assembling alternative engine .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory worker assembling alternative engine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children play video games on commodore c64 .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children play video games on commodore c64 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 22 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gross, fla.txt to raw_combined/Attractive 22 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gross, fla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of the biggest live rock concert usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of the biggest live rock concert usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl talking on a mobile phone, cross sign, usa in the 1960s, f.png to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl talking on a mobile phone, cross sign, usa in the 1960s, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of il.txt to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of il.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.building a house .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.building a house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/vector logo Microloop .png to raw_combined/vector logo Microloop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine, wide angle photo shot of very attractive girl, 24 yo, very different hairstyle, a lo.txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine, wide angle photo shot of very attractive girl, 24 yo, very different hairstyle, a lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, colorful, exoti.txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, colorful, exoti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, hair, full figu.txt to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, hair, full figu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. a lot of people.txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. a lot of people.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl talking on a mobile phone, cross sign, usa in the 1960s, f.txt to raw_combined/A retrofuturistic view of attractive girl talking on a mobile phone, cross sign, usa in the 1960s, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of the biggest live rock concert usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of the biggest live rock concert usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fmodern farming, farmers in the fields with futuristic ma.txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fmodern farming, farmers in the fields with futuristic ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. car factory .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/drawing with crayons on a sheet of paper. the drawing shows the face of a beautiful girl. the colors.txt to raw_combined/drawing with crayons on a sheet of paper. the drawing shows the face of a beautiful girl. the colors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Electricians install and repair electrical systems. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Electricians install and repair electrical systems. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of life in village in usa, in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of life in village in usa, in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting by a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of real.txt to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting by a dynamic grey and navy background, in the style of real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fmodern farming, farmers in the fields with futuristic ma.png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Fmodern farming, farmers in the fields with futuristic ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of il.png to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhair brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of il.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the style of realistic hyp.png to raw_combined/Young woman, nice legs, high heels, dynamic gray navy blue background, in the style of realistic hyp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 22 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gross, fla.png to raw_combined/Attractive 22 year old blonde, in stylish glasses, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gross, fla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers preparing the shuttle for flight .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers preparing the shuttle for flight .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view computer programmer at work the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view computer programmer at work the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of wedding in a catholic church, cross sign, usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of wedding in a catholic church, cross sign, usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic machine parts, full b.png to raw_combined/Gorgeous schiaparelli haute couture dressed girl made of wires and futuruistic machine parts, full b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 35 year old shordhaired brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/Attractive 35 year old shordhaired brunette, photo from below, in stylish glasses, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in the big city in usa in the 1960s .png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in the big city in usa in the 1960s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of farmers cultivate the field, combine harvester mowing rye in usa in the 19.png to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of farmers cultivate the field, combine harvester mowing rye in usa in the 19.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people now play board games.. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. people now play board games.. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/full body shot of a young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the sty.png to raw_combined/full body shot of a young woman nice legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children play video games on commodore c64 .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children play video games on commodore c64 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children in school .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. children in school .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A beautiful young woman in blue and pink, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly sue deconnick,soft ligh.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful young woman in blue and pink, inspired, kawaii aesthetic, kelly sue deconnick,soft ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, colorful, exoti.png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive 20yo baroque woman with bright, colorful, exoti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a huGe metro station .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a huGe metro station .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of family having breakfast in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of family having breakfast in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in the big city in usa in the 1960s .txt to raw_combined/a retrofuturistic view of dily life in the big city in usa in the 1960s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers solving the problem .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. engineers solving the problem .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a singer like .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. a big rock concert at wembley. closeup of a singer like .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive woman with bright, colorful, exotic hair, full .png to raw_combined/Vogue magazine in baroque style, photo of attractive woman with bright, colorful, exotic hair, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Automotive mechanic repair and maintain vehicles. .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.Automotive mechanic repair and maintain vehicles. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A color full body pose photograph of a beautiful 20yo blonde woman in vougue style wearing a short .png to raw_combined/A color full body pose photograph of a beautiful 20yo blonde woman in vougue style wearing a short .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/Attractive 45 year old shordhair blondie, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gr.txt to raw_combined/Attractive 45 year old shordhair blondie, photo from below, in the style of ilya kuvshinov, alex gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.rock music .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s.rock music .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. dance in the disco .txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. dance in the disco .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Americans often eat fast food for lunch. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Electricians install and repair electrical systems. .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. Electricians install and repair electrical systems. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/beautiful white skinned queen of ancient babylon with flowing hair, full figure, shot from bottom to.txt to raw_combined/beautiful white skinned queen of ancient babylon with flowing hair, full figure, shot from bottom to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/wide angle full body shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthet.png to raw_combined/wide angle full body shot of a beautiful young woman in blue and dark gry, inspired, kawaii aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. airport .png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic daily life in USA in 1980s. airport .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, long legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt to raw_combined/A young woman wearing sunglasses sitting, long legs, stilettos, a dynamic grey and navy background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/moonshine dragons c64 demoparty, 8k, fotorealistyc, demoscene .png to raw_combined/moonshine dragons c64 demoparty, 8k, fotorealistyc, demoscene .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_68/A color full body pose photograph of a beautiful 20yo blonde woman in vougue style wearing a short .txt to raw_combined/A color full body pose photograph of a beautiful 20yo blonde woman in vougue style wearing a short .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wea.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman wearing an update of.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman wearing an update of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of a 25yearold blonde woman lawyer falling into a swimming pool as directed by Bria.txt to raw_combined/movie screenshot of a 25yearold blonde woman lawyer falling into a swimming pool as directed by Bria.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Switzerland wearing a hot up.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Switzerland wearing a hot up.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color glamour photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color glamour photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring 26yearold glamour.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring 26yearold glamour.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a scifi court.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a scifi court.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold bodycon blonde JA.txt to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold bodycon blonde JA.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anger turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman woman who loo.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anger turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman woman who loo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like a hot Statue.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like a hot Statue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Irishlooking woma.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Irishlooking woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a leggy woman who looks like science and we.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a leggy woman who looks like science and we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of Kate Beckinsale posing in a bodycon gown on the red carpet at the Oscars .png to raw_combined/full length photo of Kate Beckinsale posing in a bodycon gown on the red carpet at the Oscars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length screenshot of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon att.png to raw_combined/full length screenshot of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon att.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32yearsold d.txt to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32yearsold d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones.png to raw_combined/scifi full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick Nagel, cosplaying in a bod.txt to raw_combined/tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick Nagel, cosplaying in a bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese woman wearing a Japanese samurai armor costume, leggy bea.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese woman wearing a Japanese samurai armor costume, leggy bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body scifi romance movie screenshot updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28yearold woman wr.png to raw_combined/full body scifi romance movie screenshot updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28yearold woman wr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of Charlize Theron as an elegant lawyer in 2020 film Love Judge directed by Brian D.png to raw_combined/movie screenshot of Charlize Theron as an elegant lawyer in 2020 film Love Judge directed by Brian D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty as a 42.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty as a 42.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick Nagel, cosplaying in a bod.png to raw_combined/tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick Nagel, cosplaying in a bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the evil twin spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japane.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the evil twin spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japane.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of Sofia Vergara bodycon cosplaying as a hot 1950s waitress at the Mermaid D.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of Sofia Vergara bodycon cosplaying as a hot 1950s waitress at the Mermaid D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.png to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leg.png to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 selfie of 28yearold Louise Brooks at the Oscars .png to raw_combined/full length 2022 selfie of 28yearold Louise Brooks at the Oscars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color selfie photo of 26yearold beautiful Tricia Helfer as a bodycon ballet dancer .txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color selfie photo of 26yearold beautiful Tricia Helfer as a bodycon ballet dancer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the hot princess of the moon in the 2023 scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones .png to raw_combined/full length photo of the hot princess of the moon in the 2023 scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Japanese femme fatale mod.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Japanese femme fatale mod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese woman wearing a Japanese samurai armor costume, leggy bea.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese woman wearing a Japanese samurai armor costume, leggy bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing allure in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing allure in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/fll length portrait photo of a charity Santas booth staffed by two women models wearing bodycon Sant.txt to raw_combined/fll length portrait photo of a charity Santas booth staffed by two women models wearing bodycon Sant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a .txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress cosplaying as a p.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress cosplaying as a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Hopefulness symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Hopefulness symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anticipation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anticipation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length costume photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.png to raw_combined/full length costume photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman cosplaying in a futu.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman cosplaying in a futu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of innovation come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like innovati.txt to raw_combined/the idea of innovation come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like innovati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold French woman modelling a hot update of.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold French woman modelling a hot update of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/fll length portrait photo of a charity Santas booth staffed by two women models wearing bodycon Sant.png to raw_combined/fll length portrait photo of a charity Santas booth staffed by two women models wearing bodycon Sant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile, low c.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile, low c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold Swiss woman modelling a stereotypical .txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold Swiss woman modelling a stereotypical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a fantasy cou.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a fantasy cou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman déshabillé sty.png to raw_combined/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman déshabillé sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length cinematic screenshot at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman.png to raw_combined/full length cinematic screenshot at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz as 32yearsold as a .png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz as 32yearsold as a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into 37yearold leggy bitter corporate cy.txt to raw_combined/full length photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into 37yearold leggy bitter corporate cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/threefourths view, full length 2022 color movie screenshot of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon b.png to raw_combined/threefourths view, full length 2022 color movie screenshot of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing charisma in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing charisma in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring 26yearold glamour.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring 26yearold glamour.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/ballgown slit skirt full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who loo.txt to raw_combined/ballgown slit skirt full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who loo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color selfie photo of 26yearold beautiful Tricia Helfer as a bodycon ballet dancer .png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color selfie photo of 26yearold beautiful Tricia Helfer as a bodycon ballet dancer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of a cybernetic woman .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of a cybernetic woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale wearin.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale wearin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a bodyco.txt to raw_combined/movie screenshot of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a bodyco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing charisma in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing charisma in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque .png to raw_combined/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a fantasy cou.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a fantasy cou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones.txt to raw_combined/scifi full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde updating a.txt to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde updating a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length portrait in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful.png to raw_combined/candid color full length portrait in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like the Statue o.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like the Statue o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie screenshot of a Japanese courtesan wearing a low cut update of Japanese samur.txt to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie screenshot of a Japanese courtesan wearing a low cut update of Japanese samur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anger, turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who looks li.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anger, turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who looks li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length cinematic screenshot at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman.txt to raw_combined/full length cinematic screenshot at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a .png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anger turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman woman who loo.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anger turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman woman who loo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Egality embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Egality embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of Kate Beckinsale posing in a bodycon gown on the red carpet at the Oscars .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of Kate Beckinsale posing in a bodycon gown on the red carpet at the Oscars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis in the style of George Hurrell and Gil Elvgre.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis in the style of George Hurrell and Gil Elvgre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Irishlooking woma.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Irishlooking woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Closeup of pretty young Jane Fonda sitting outside a beautiful Cotswold cottage along a cobblestone .png to raw_combined/Closeup of pretty young Jane Fonda sitting outside a beautiful Cotswold cottage along a cobblestone .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leg.txt to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of a hot woman in glasses walking behind a book shelf, in the style of film .png to raw_combined/full length color photo of a hot woman in glasses walking behind a book shelf, in the style of film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing full body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statue.txt to raw_combined/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing full body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall woman in latex cyber sport wear, full color editorial photo, power pose in stockings,.txt to raw_combined/beautiful tall woman in latex cyber sport wear, full color editorial photo, power pose in stockings,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of worry embodied in a leggy woman who looks like worry and dresses .png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of worry embodied in a leggy woman who looks like worry and dresses .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold bodycon blonde JA.png to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold bodycon blonde JA.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 28yearsold as a sci fi assassin, atom.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 28yearsold as a sci fi assassin, atom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a hot Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai ar.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a hot Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Brian De Palm.txt to raw_combined/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Brian De Palm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale wearin.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale wearin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of a synthetic woman .png to raw_combined/full length photo of a synthetic woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde updating a.png to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde updating a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful Barbarella cosplaying in the.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful Barbarella cosplaying in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Lady Chatterly as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, a.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Lady Chatterly as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo updating Forbidden Planet pulp art space opera Robert Gibson Jones scifi style, re.png to raw_combined/full length photo updating Forbidden Planet pulp art space opera Robert Gibson Jones scifi style, re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length editorial photo of the spirit of frigidity embodied in a leggy woman who looks like frig.png to raw_combined/full length editorial photo of the spirit of frigidity embodied in a leggy woman who looks like frig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a leggy 4.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a leggy 4.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a robot from the future visiting the present disguised as a beautiful lwoman librarian in a miniskir.png to raw_combined/a robot from the future visiting the present disguised as a beautiful lwoman librarian in a miniskir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length view of a gorgeous female cyborg disguised as a beautiful woman librarian.png to raw_combined/full length view of a gorgeous female cyborg disguised as a beautiful woman librarian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of Charlize Theron as an elegant lawyer in 2020 film Love Judge directed by Brian D.txt to raw_combined/movie screenshot of Charlize Theron as an elegant lawyer in 2020 film Love Judge directed by Brian D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 42years.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 42years.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Poison Ivy turned angry hot as a 32yearsold as a .txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Poison Ivy turned angry hot as a 32yearsold as a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color portrait of Geena Davis as a Star Trek captain .txt to raw_combined/full length color portrait of Geena Davis as a Star Trek captain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of real woman Barbie .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of real woman Barbie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress in the style of G.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress in the style of G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of a cybernetic woman .png to raw_combined/full length photo of a cybernetic woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fashion photo of real Carmen Sandiego .png to raw_combined/full length fashion photo of real Carmen Sandiego .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi cour.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi cour.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman cosplaying in a futu.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman cosplaying in a futu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Anxiety symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Anxiety symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Scottish courtesan modelling a ho.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Scottish courtesan modelling a ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Japanese femme fatale mod.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Japanese femme fatale mod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like.txt to raw_combined/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Greg Hildebra.png to raw_combined/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Greg Hildebra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an Irish stereotypical 28yearold tall beautiful leggy woman wearin.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an Irish stereotypical 28yearold tall beautiful leggy woman wearin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length selfie in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful s.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length selfie in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/interior design view of modern studio apartment small bathroom all in dark blue marble and dark blue.txt to raw_combined/interior design view of modern studio apartment small bathroom all in dark blue marble and dark blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32years.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32years.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of anxiety come to life in a gorgeous leggy 28yearold woman who looks like anxiety and dres.png to raw_combined/the idea of anxiety come to life in a gorgeous leggy 28yearold woman who looks like anxiety and dres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring hot 26yearold gla.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring hot 26yearold gla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/28 year old cross between Uma Thurman and Geena Davis .txt to raw_combined/28 year old cross between Uma Thurman and Geena Davis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Innovation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Innovation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German future romantic cou.txt to raw_combined/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German future romantic cou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan, ato.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan, ato.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like.png to raw_combined/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress cosplaying as a p.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress cosplaying as a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall leggy 28yearold Irish woman with classic Irish beauty weari.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall leggy 28yearold Irish woman with classic Irish beauty weari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of worry embodied in a leggy woman who looks like worry and dresses .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of worry embodied in a leggy woman who looks like worry and dresses .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Lady Chatterly as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, a.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Lady Chatterly as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman wearing an update of.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy beautiful tall 36yearold Japanese woman wearing an update of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Leela from Futurama in real life .txt to raw_combined/Leela from Futurama in real life .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Liberty .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Liberty .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32years.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32years.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid portrait photo of a Swedish beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swedish woman wearing .png to raw_combined/full length candid portrait photo of a Swedish beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swedish woman wearing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the hot alien queen of the moon in the 2023 bodycon style of Robert Gibs.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the hot alien queen of the moon in the 2023 bodycon style of Robert Gibs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale modell.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale modell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/fantasy photo of 30yearold female model with Buste opulent .png to raw_combined/fantasy photo of 30yearold female model with Buste opulent .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy French woman, 2.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy French woman, 2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color drone photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile,.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color drone photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Sleeping Beauty 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Sleeping Beauty 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt to raw_combined/full length drone photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the idea of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold French real w.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the idea of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold French real w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Leela from Futurama in real life .png to raw_combined/Leela from Futurama in real life .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing a hot.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing a hot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful mythological Lilith 32yearsold as a bodycon scifi cour.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful mythological Lilith 32yearsold as a bodycon scifi cour.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/photo of a beautiful blonde 28yearold bodycon woman standing next to a blue robot and posing in blue.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful blonde 28yearold bodycon woman standing next to a blue robot and posing in blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Goddess Venus as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, at.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Goddess Venus as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful tango instructor cosplaying .txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful tango instructor cosplaying .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale modell.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant Irish femme fatale modell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty as a 42.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty as a 42.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese headmistress wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese headmistress wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Tiffany inspired latex body harness on a leggy 28yearold Japanese femme fatale wearing black thigh s.txt to raw_combined/Tiffany inspired latex body harness on a leggy 28yearold Japanese femme fatale wearing black thigh s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall woman in cyber cheerleader uniform, full color portrait photo, power pose in stocking.txt to raw_combined/beautiful tall woman in cyber cheerleader uniform, full color portrait photo, power pose in stocking.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese femme f.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese femme f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leggy.txt to raw_combined/full length drone photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leggy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a bodycon sci.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a bodycon sci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anticipation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anticipation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold Swiss woman modelling a stereotypical .png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold Swiss woman modelling a stereotypical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length view of harsh tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick .txt to raw_combined/full length view of harsh tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Brian De Palm.png to raw_combined/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Brian De Palm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Beach Blanket Metropolis directed by Brian De Palm.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Beach Blanket Metropolis directed by Brian De Palm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Hope symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Hope symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi portrait photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess at the .png to raw_combined/full length scifi portrait photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess at the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold French femme fatale modelling a h.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold French femme fatale modelling a h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length selfie in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful s.png to raw_combined/candid color full length selfie in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a bodyco.png to raw_combined/movie screenshot of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a bodyco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a .txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German woman modelling a l.png to raw_combined/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German woman modelling a l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Osakan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman .png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Osakan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi photo full body showing legs, updating the hot pulp art scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones, re.png to raw_combined/scifi photo full body showing legs, updating the hot pulp art scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones, re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body scifi romance movie screenshot updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28yearold woman wr.txt to raw_combined/full body scifi romance movie screenshot updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28yearold woman wr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Full length view of a gorgeous female Green Lantern DC Comics on a leather couch in the style Mona K.png to raw_combined/Full length view of a gorgeous female Green Lantern DC Comics on a leather couch in the style Mona K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German woman modelling a l.txt to raw_combined/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German woman modelling a l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon dancer in profile, lo.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon dancer in profile, lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese ninja co.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese ninja co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall woman in latex cyber sport wear, full color editorial photo, power pose in stockings,.png to raw_combined/beautiful tall woman in latex cyber sport wear, full color editorial photo, power pose in stockings,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of haughtiness embodied in a leggy woman who looks like haughtiness .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of haughtiness embodied in a leggy woman who looks like haughtiness .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/color photo portrait of beautiful femme fatale in low cut bodycon outfit .png to raw_combined/color photo portrait of beautiful femme fatale in low cut bodycon outfit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot woman c.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot woman c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Joyfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Joyfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 42years.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 42years.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color fantasy photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color fantasy photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of very tall 28yearold beautiful Japanese woman in a hot bodycon outfit that is fu.png to raw_combined/full length photo of very tall 28yearold beautiful Japanese woman in a hot bodycon outfit that is fu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant French femme fatale model.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant French femme fatale model.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Goddess Venus as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, at.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Goddess Venus as 32yearsold as a fantasy courtesan, at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/ballgown slit skirt full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who loo.png to raw_combined/ballgown slit skirt full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who loo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall cheerleader, full color advertisement photo, power pose in stockings, high heels, bla.txt to raw_combined/beautiful tall cheerleader, full color advertisement photo, power pose in stockings, high heels, bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold French femme fatale modelling a h.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold French femme fatale modelling a h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon dancer in profile, lo.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon dancer in profile, lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of Sofia Vergara bodycon cosplaying as a hot 1950s waitress at the Mermaid D.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of Sofia Vergara bodycon cosplaying as a hot 1950s waitress at the Mermaid D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.png to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale dishabille wearing a low cut update of Japan.txt to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale dishabille wearing a low cut update of Japan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length portrait photo including legs of a Swiss beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swiss woman wear.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait photo including legs of a Swiss beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swiss woman wear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi cour.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi cour.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.txt to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a robot from the future visiting the present disguised as a beautiful lwoman librarian in a miniskir.txt to raw_combined/a robot from the future visiting the present disguised as a beautiful lwoman librarian in a miniskir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful Barbarella cosplaying in the.png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful Barbarella cosplaying in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese femme f.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese femme f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a leggy 4.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a leggy 4.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leggy.png to raw_combined/full length drone photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into real Japanese 27yearold leggy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends serving coffee in Central Perk in movie directed by G.txt to raw_combined/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends serving coffee in Central Perk in movie directed by G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a leggy woman who looks like liberty and wear.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a leggy woman who looks like liberty and wear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a stereotypical Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a stereotypical Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress in the style of G.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis wearing a bodycon minidress in the style of G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into 37yearold leggy bitter corporate cy.png to raw_combined/full length photo showing the PowerPuff girls have grown up into 37yearold leggy bitter corporate cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the hot queen of the moon in the 2023 style of Robert Gibson Jones .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German future romantic cou.png to raw_combined/full length gopro fantasy photo of stunning very tall 28yearold beautiful German future romantic cou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy update of an historic outfit from Japanese history .png to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy update of an historic outfit from Japanese history .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends movie by Giger, sharp focus, intricate details .png to raw_combined/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends movie by Giger, sharp focus, intricate details .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/threefourths view, full length 2022 color movie screenshot of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon b.txt to raw_combined/threefourths view, full length 2022 color movie screenshot of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the evil twin spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japane.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the evil twin spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japane.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid screenshot symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sc.png to raw_combined/full length candid screenshot symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall leggy 28yearold Irish woman with classic Irish beauty weari.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall leggy 28yearold Irish woman with classic Irish beauty weari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall woman in cyber cheerleader uniform, full color portrait photo, power pose in stocking.png to raw_combined/beautiful tall woman in cyber cheerleader uniform, full color portrait photo, power pose in stocking.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot woman c.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot woman c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo showing the real PowerPuff girls have grown up into real 37yearold leggy bitter co.png to raw_combined/full length photo showing the real PowerPuff girls have grown up into real 37yearold leggy bitter co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/fantasy photo of 30yearold female model with Buste opulent .txt to raw_combined/fantasy photo of 30yearold female model with Buste opulent .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie screenshot of a Japanese courtesan wearing a low cut update of Japanese samur.png to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie screenshot of a Japanese courtesan wearing a low cut update of Japanese samur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body color portrait photo of beautiful 26yearold bodycon Lois Lane at her newspaper office sitt.txt to raw_combined/full body color portrait photo of beautiful 26yearold bodycon Lois Lane at her newspaper office sitt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an Irish stereotypical 28yearold tall beautiful leggy woman wearin.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an Irish stereotypical 28yearold tall beautiful leggy woman wearin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of freedom come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like freedom and.txt to raw_combined/the idea of freedom come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like freedom and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color glamour photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color glamour photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz as 32yearsold as a .txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz as 32yearsold as a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a 42yea.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a 42yea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends movie by Giger, sharp focus, intricate details .txt to raw_combined/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends movie by Giger, sharp focus, intricate details .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body candid photo of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a .png to raw_combined/full body candid photo of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of a hot woman in glasses walking behind a book shelf, in the style of film .txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of a hot woman in glasses walking behind a book shelf, in the style of film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of innovation come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like innovati.png to raw_combined/the idea of innovation come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like innovati.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science embodied in a leggy woman who looks like science and wear.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science embodied in a leggy woman who looks like science and wear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Egality embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Egality embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Fren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold real w.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold real w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon at.png to raw_combined/full length drone photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Liberty .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Liberty .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a Swiss tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swiss woman.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a Swiss tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swiss woman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body candid photo of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a .txt to raw_combined/full body candid photo of 28yearold beautiful real Snow White as a femme fatale librarian wearing a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo showing the real PowerPuff girls have grown up into real 37yearold leggy bitter co.txt to raw_combined/full length photo showing the real PowerPuff girls have grown up into real 37yearold leggy bitter co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a historic fashion style .png to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a historic fashion style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful fit secretary cosplaying in the sty.txt to raw_combined/full length drone photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful fit secretary cosplaying in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a historic fashion style .txt to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a historic fashion style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy updating of an outfit from Japanese history .txt to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy updating of an outfit from Japanese history .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/photo of a beautiful blonde 28yearold bodycon woman standing next to a blue robot and posing in blue.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful blonde 28yearold bodycon woman standing next to a blue robot and posing in blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Full length view of a gorgeous female Green Lantern DC Comics on a leather couch in the style Mona K.txt to raw_combined/Full length view of a gorgeous female Green Lantern DC Comics on a leather couch in the style Mona K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color fantasy photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color fantasy photo of 26yearold beautiful Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing allure in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing allure in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wea.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish redhead woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a scifi court.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a scifi court.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Scotland wearing a hot updat.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Scotland wearing a hot updat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Hopefulness symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Hopefulness symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety in the form of a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who look.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety in the form of a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who look.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, 28years.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, 28years.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Metropolis directed by Brian De Palma, starring ho.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Metropolis directed by Brian De Palma, starring ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of freedom come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like freedom and.png to raw_combined/the idea of freedom come to life in a beautiful leggy 28yearold hot woman who looks like freedom and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/A futurist art deco depiction of the mystery of beauty, beautiful young woman, cosmic horror, calmin.png to raw_combined/A futurist art deco depiction of the mystery of beauty, beautiful young woman, cosmic horror, calmin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science embodied in a leggy woman who looks like science and wear.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science embodied in a leggy woman who looks like science and wear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile, low c.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile, low c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi photo full body showing legs, updating the hot pulp art scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones, re.txt to raw_combined/scifi photo full body showing legs, updating the hot pulp art scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones, re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32yearsold d.png to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 32yearsold d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/the idea of anxiety come to life in a gorgeous leggy 28yearold woman who looks like anxiety and dres.txt to raw_combined/the idea of anxiety come to life in a gorgeous leggy 28yearold woman who looks like anxiety and dres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scotti.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scotti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi romance movie screenshot full body showing legs, updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28ye.txt to raw_combined/scifi romance movie screenshot full body showing legs, updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28ye.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a leggy woman who looks like science and we.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a leggy woman who looks like science and we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length view of harsh tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick .png to raw_combined/full length view of harsh tall 28yearold sleek beautiful realtor cosplaying in the style of Patrick .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the idea of anxiety symbolized in the form of a woman who looks like anxiety an.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the idea of anxiety symbolized in the form of a woman who looks like anxiety an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/scifi romance movie screenshot full body showing legs, updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28ye.png to raw_combined/scifi romance movie screenshot full body showing legs, updating Patrick Nagel scifi style, real 28ye.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a stereotypical Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a stereotypical Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful babysitter cosplaying in the.png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful babysitter cosplaying in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length glamour photo of real bodycon Carmen Sandiego .png to raw_combined/full length glamour photo of real bodycon Carmen Sandiego .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length costume photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.txt to raw_combined/full length costume photo for the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned flirty hot as a.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned flirty hot as a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing full body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statue.png to raw_combined/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing full body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful tango instructor cosplaying .png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful tango instructor cosplaying .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like the Statue o.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like the Statue o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque .txt to raw_combined/full length scifi color candid fantasy photo showing body of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 selfie of 28yearold Louise Brooks at the Oscars .txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 selfie of 28yearold Louise Brooks at the Oscars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swisslooking woma.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swisslooking woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an iconic Irish woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a h.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an iconic Irish woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Innovation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Innovation embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful CE.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful CE.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a real hot woman Statue of Liberty in the bodycon photo style of G.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a real hot woman Statue of Liberty in the bodycon photo style of G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese headmistress wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese headmistress wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant French femme fatale model.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold elegant French femme fatale model.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a leggy woman who looks like anxiety and dres.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a leggy woman who looks like anxiety and dres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful babysitter cosplaying in the.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful babysitter cosplaying in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of fearfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of fearfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing a hot.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a classic Irish woman 28yearold tall beautiful leggy wearing a hot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of real woman Barbie .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of real woman Barbie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot .txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold hot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold p.png to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy update of an historic outfit from Japanese history .txt to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy update of an historic outfit from Japanese history .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a real hot woman Statue of Liberty in the bodycon photo style of G.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a real hot woman Statue of Liberty in the bodycon photo style of G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/color photo portrait of beautiful femme fatale in low cut bodycon outfit .txt to raw_combined/color photo portrait of beautiful femme fatale in low cut bodycon outfit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy updating of an outfit from Japanese history .png to raw_combined/a Tokyo woman in 2023 wearing a hot leggy updating of an outfit from Japanese history .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of romantic symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of romantic symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Tiffany inspired latex body harness on a leggy 28yearold Japanese femme fatale wearing black thigh s.png to raw_combined/Tiffany inspired latex body harness on a leggy 28yearold Japanese femme fatale wearing black thigh s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/28 year old cross between Uma Thurman and Geena Davis .png to raw_combined/28 year old cross between Uma Thurman and Geena Davis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo for the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold woman dres.txt to raw_combined/full length photo for the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold woman dres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring hot 26yearold gla.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Fritz Langs Metropolis, starring hot 26yearold gla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the idea of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold French real w.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the idea of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold French real w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Sleeping Beauty 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Sleeping Beauty 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length editorial photo of the spirit of frigidity embodied in a leggy woman who looks like frig.txt to raw_combined/full length editorial photo of the spirit of frigidity embodied in a leggy woman who looks like frig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color movie screenshot of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque alien queen of th.txt to raw_combined/full length scifi color movie screenshot of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque alien queen of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman déshabillé sty.txt to raw_combined/full length photo at eye level of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman déshabillé sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full body color portrait photo of beautiful 26yearold bodycon Lois Lane at her newspaper office sitt.png to raw_combined/full body color portrait photo of beautiful 26yearold bodycon Lois Lane at her newspaper office sitt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 portrait of 28yearold Louise Brooks as a flapper in a bar .png to raw_combined/full length 2022 portrait of 28yearold Louise Brooks as a flapper in a bar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold French woman modelling a hot update of.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a beautiful leggy 28yearold French woman modelling a hot update of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, 28years.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of Sakura embodied in a tall beautiful leggy Japanese woman, 28years.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scotti.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scotti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of romantic symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of romantic symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a Swiss tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swiss woman.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a Swiss tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swiss woman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid screenshot symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sc.txt to raw_combined/full length candid screenshot symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Sc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold p.txt to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful fit secretary cosplaying in the sty.png to raw_combined/full length drone photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful fit secretary cosplaying in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful gardener cosplaying in the h.png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful gardener cosplaying in the h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/interior design view of modern studio apartment small bathroom all in dark blue marble and dark blue.png to raw_combined/interior design view of modern studio apartment small bathroom all in dark blue marble and dark blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful gardener cosplaying in the h.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo of frigid tall 28yearold sleek beautiful gardener cosplaying in the h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo for the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold woman dres.png to raw_combined/full length photo for the spirit of anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold woman dres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo updating Forbidden Planet pulp art space opera Robert Gibson Jones scifi style, re.txt to raw_combined/full length photo updating Forbidden Planet pulp art space opera Robert Gibson Jones scifi style, re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi color movie screenshot of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque alien queen of th.png to raw_combined/full length scifi color movie screenshot of a beautiful leggy 25yearold statuesque alien queen of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the hot alien queen of the moon in the 2023 bodycon style of Robert Gibs.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the hot alien queen of the moon in the 2023 bodycon style of Robert Gibs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a hot woman who looks like science and wear.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a hot woman who looks like science and wear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a .png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful mythological Lilith 32yearsold as a bodycon scifi cour.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful mythological Lilith 32yearsold as a bodycon scifi cour.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid fantasy photo of eros symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold.txt to raw_combined/full length candid fantasy photo of eros symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid portrait photo of a Swedish beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swedish woman wearing .txt to raw_combined/full length candid portrait photo of a Swedish beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swedish woman wearing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like a hot Statue.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a hot leggy woman who looks like a hot Statue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Hope symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Hope symbolized by a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a hot woman who looks like science and wear.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of science symbolized in a hot woman who looks like science and wear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo symbolizing hunger in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/photo audition of four beautiful 32yearold Kyoto women .png to raw_combined/photo audition of four beautiful 32yearold Kyoto women .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length glamour photo of real bodycon Carmen Sandiego .txt to raw_combined/full length glamour photo of real bodycon Carmen Sandiego .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Osakan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman .txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Osakan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a hot Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai ar.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a hot Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Beach Blanket Metropolis directed by Brian De Palm.png to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Beach Blanket Metropolis directed by Brian De Palm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length screenshot of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon att.txt to raw_combined/full length screenshot of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon att.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/A futurist art deco depiction of the mystery of beauty, beautiful young woman, cosmic horror, calmin.txt to raw_combined/A futurist art deco depiction of the mystery of beauty, beautiful young woman, cosmic horror, calmin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a bodycon sci.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a bodycon sci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis in the style of George Hurrell and Gil Elvgre.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of leggy 25yearold Geena Davis in the style of George Hurrell and Gil Elvgre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/photo audition of four beautiful 32yearold Kyoto women .txt to raw_combined/photo audition of four beautiful 32yearold Kyoto women .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of fearfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of fearfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Oskan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman w.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Oskan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Switzerland wearing a hot up.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Switzerland wearing a hot up.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends serving coffee in Central Perk in movie directed by G.png to raw_combined/a still frame of Jennifer Aniston from Friends serving coffee in Central Perk in movie directed by G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a leggy woman who looks like anxiety and dres.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety embodied in a leggy woman who looks like anxiety and dres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan, ato.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 32yearsold as a sci fi courtesan, ato.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde JANUARY jO.txt to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde JANUARY jO.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color portrait of Geena Davis as a Star Trek captain .png to raw_combined/full length color portrait of Geena Davis as a Star Trek captain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length portrait in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length portrait in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length scifi portrait photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess at the .txt to raw_combined/full length scifi portrait photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess at the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Greg Hildebra.txt to raw_combined/medium view, 2022 color action movie screenshot from Wicked Intense Desire directed by Greg Hildebra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the hot princess of the moon in the 2023 scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the hot princess of the moon in the 2023 scifi style of Robert Gibson Jones .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Oskan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman w.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot including legs of a Oskan beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Osakan woman w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png to raw_combined/full length drone photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scottis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful CE.png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful CE.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale dishabille wearing a low cut update of Japan.png to raw_combined/full length 2020 movie still of a Japanese femme fatale dishabille wearing a low cut update of Japan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fashion photo of real Carmen Sandiego .txt to raw_combined/full length fashion photo of real Carmen Sandiego .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the idea of anxiety symbolized in the form of a woman who looks like anxiety an.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the idea of anxiety symbolized in the form of a woman who looks like anxiety an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Poison Ivy turned angry hot as a 32yearsold as a .png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Poison Ivy turned angry hot as a 32yearsold as a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color drone photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile,.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color drone photo of 26yearold Louise Brooks as a bodycon ballet dancer in profile,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length drone photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon at.txt to raw_combined/full length drone photo of beautiful 28yearold leggy femme fatale hot Lunar Goddess from the Moon at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful se.png to raw_combined/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/beautiful tall cheerleader, full color advertisement photo, power pose in stockings, high heels, bla.png to raw_combined/beautiful tall cheerleader, full color advertisement photo, power pose in stockings, high heels, bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 portrait of 28yearold Louise Brooks as a flapper in a bar .txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 portrait of 28yearold Louise Brooks as a flapper in a bar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Scotland wearing a hot updat.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Miss Scotland wearing a hot updat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold d.txt to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Anxiety symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Anxiety symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful se.txt to raw_combined/candid color full length photo in style of Patrick Nagel of frigid tall 29yearold sleek beautiful se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Scottish courtesan modelling a ho.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold Scottish courtesan modelling a ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/Closeup of pretty young Jane Fonda sitting outside a beautiful Cotswold cottage along a cobblestone .txt to raw_combined/Closeup of pretty young Jane Fonda sitting outside a beautiful Cotswold cottage along a cobblestone .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of an iconic Irish woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a h.txt to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of an iconic Irish woman 28yearsold tall beautiful leggy, wearing a h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned flirty hot as a.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful tall Disney princess Snow White turned flirty hot as a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a leggy Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese ninja co.png to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a leggy Japanese woman wearing a low cut update of Japanese ninja co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt to raw_combined/full length movie screenshot of a Japanese femme fatale wearing a low cut update of Japanese samurai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde JANUARY jO.png to raw_combined/full length photo facing forward of a statuesque hot beautiful very tall 28yearold blonde JANUARY jO.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid fantasy photo of eros symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold.png to raw_combined/full length candid fantasy photo of eros symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of haughtiness embodied in a leggy woman who looks like haughtiness .png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of haughtiness embodied in a leggy woman who looks like haughtiness .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold real w.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold real w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of very tall 28yearold beautiful Japanese woman in a hot bodycon outfit that is fu.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of very tall 28yearold beautiful Japanese woman in a hot bodycon outfit that is fu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of Joyfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.txt to raw_combined/full length candid photo of Joyfulness symbolized in the form of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length fantasy photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.txt to raw_combined/full length fantasy photo of the idea of Anxiety embodied in a tall beautiful leggy 28yearsold Scott.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a 42yea.png to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit beautiful Disney princess Snow White turned angry hot as a 42yea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 28yearsold as a sci fi assassin, atom.txt to raw_combined/full length color photo of real fit Disney princess Snow White 28yearsold as a sci fi assassin, atom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of a synthetic woman .txt to raw_combined/full length photo of a synthetic woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anger, turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who looks li.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anger, turned into a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who looks li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Metropolis directed by Brian De Palma, starring ho.txt to raw_combined/full length 2022 color action movie screenshot of Metropolis directed by Brian De Palma, starring ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swisslooking woma.png to raw_combined/full length color candid photo of a tall beautiful leggy 28yearold stereotypically Swisslooking woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a leggy woman who looks like liberty and wear.txt to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of liberty embodied in a leggy woman who looks like liberty and wear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold d.png to raw_combined/candid color photo of real fit beautiful Disney villain Evil Queen from Snow White as a 37yearsold d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety in the form of a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who look.png to raw_combined/full length photo of the spirit of anxiety in the form of a beautiful leggy 28yearold woman who look.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length view of a gorgeous female cyborg disguised as a beautiful woman librarian.txt to raw_combined/full length view of a gorgeous female cyborg disguised as a beautiful woman librarian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy French woman, 2.png to raw_combined/full length candid photo of the spirit of Liberty embodied in a tall beautiful leggy French woman, 2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/movie screenshot of a 25yearold blonde woman lawyer falling into a swimming pool as directed by Bria.png to raw_combined/movie screenshot of a 25yearold blonde woman lawyer falling into a swimming pool as directed by Bria.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_3/full length portrait photo including legs of a Swiss beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swiss woman wear.png to raw_combined/full length portrait photo including legs of a Swiss beautiful tall 28yearold leggy Swiss woman wear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full l.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, add fog, hyperreal photo, film phot.png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, add fog, hyperreal photo, film phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/plaing cards on neon background, woman in a sport costume, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinn.png to raw_combined/plaing cards on neon background, woman in a sport costume, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/woman wears scary white fashion mask .png to raw_combined/woman wears scary white fashion mask .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera symme.png to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera symme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/evil eyes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Magnum photos, pink neon mask, film, portra,.txt to raw_combined/evil eyes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Magnum photos, pink neon mask, film, portra,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .txt to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, young woman with long white hair, film,.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, young woman with long white hair, film,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/at coscto, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoo.txt to raw_combined/at coscto, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png to raw_combined/close up portrait, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, .png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, phone, film, portra, camer.png to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, phone, film, portra, camer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/colorful flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, blue neon background, film phot.png to raw_combined/colorful flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, blue neon background, film phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, film photography, product photography, candles, fujicolor200, awar.png to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, film photography, product photography, candles, fujicolor200, awar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, portra, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, portra, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street of Los Angeles, photography, on film, award winning photo.txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street of Los Angeles, photography, on film, award winning photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, young woman, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photogra.txt to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, young woman, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photogra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200, zoom .png to raw_combined/portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200, zoom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, dreamy style, film photography, .txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, dreamy style, film photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon crown on the head, futuristic, mermaid style, .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon crown on the head, futuristic, mermaid style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, young woman photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zo.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, young woman photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront, zoom out 2.0 .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront, zoom out 2.0 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, film, portra, camera zoomed .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, film, portra, camera zoomed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, portra, camera z.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, portra, camera z.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background isolated photography, on film .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background isolated photography, on film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/sport clothes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portr.txt to raw_combined/sport clothes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/portrait hidden face, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra.txt to raw_combined/portrait hidden face, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, close up portrait, isolated o.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, close up portrait, isolated o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, portra, camera zoo.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, portra, camera zoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, close up portrait, isolated o.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, close up portrait, isolated o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/coca cola fridge, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera .txt to raw_combined/coca cola fridge, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/brutalism building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .png to raw_combined/brutalism building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography, building.txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography, building.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/portrait hidden face, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra.png to raw_combined/portrait hidden face, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon mask, film, portra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car on the road, award winning .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car on the road, award winning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt to raw_combined/close up portrait, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, in tropical forest, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning p.png to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, in tropical forest, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoome.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, young woman, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photogra.png to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, young woman, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photogra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/photography of young woman and alien, add textures and materials, realistic photo, neon background, .png to raw_combined/photography of young woman and alien, add textures and materials, realistic photo, neon background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon hair, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon hair, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/best way to fight depression, photorealistic, film photography 1990s, award winning photo .png to raw_combined/best way to fight depression, photorealistic, film photography 1990s, award winning photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/a scheme of an immune response in time primary and secondary antigen encounter .txt to raw_combined/a scheme of an immune response in time primary and secondary antigen encounter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, old lady portrait photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, old lady portrait photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, young realistic woman in the backgr.png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, young realistic woman in the backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, dark short hair, film, po.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, dark short hair, film, po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, fujicolor200, .png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, fujicolor200, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full l.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoome.png to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/plaing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .txt to raw_combined/plaing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/candy store, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera z.png to raw_combined/candy store, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera z.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, dressed in a sport costume, film, portr.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, dressed in a sport costume, film, portr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, ATM machine, sports costume, film, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, ATM machine, sports costume, film, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person walks along the seafront .png to raw_combined/an unusual person walks along the seafront .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, dreamy style, film photography, .png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, dreamy style, film photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, dark short hair, film, po.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, dark short hair, film, po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, fu.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, fu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/billie eilish, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, p.txt to raw_combined/billie eilish, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, close up portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ko.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, close up portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ko.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/womans close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fuji.txt to raw_combined/womans close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fuji.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Magnum photos, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Magnum photos, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera close.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera close.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car on the road, award winning .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car on the road, award winning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/zoom out 2.0, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png to raw_combined/zoom out 2.0, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, film, portra, .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, film, portra, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/wild tropical plants in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photo.png to raw_combined/wild tropical plants in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/best way to fight depression, photorealistic, film photography 1990s, award winning photo .txt to raw_combined/best way to fight depression, photorealistic, film photography 1990s, award winning photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront .png to raw_combined/an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, add fog, hyperreal photo, film phot.txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, add fog, hyperreal photo, film phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/light switches on the wall, award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs,.png to raw_combined/light switches on the wall, award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person all in blue walks along the seafront .png to raw_combined/an unusual person all in blue walks along the seafront .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/Soviet car under transparent plastic with raindrops, in a destroyed garage, trees in the background .png to raw_combined/Soviet car under transparent plastic with raindrops, in a destroyed garage, trees in the background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/woman, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portr.txt to raw_combined/woman, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront, zoom out 2.0 .png to raw_combined/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront, zoom out 2.0 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/womans close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fuji.png to raw_combined/womans close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fuji.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, dressed in a sport costume, film, portr.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, dressed in a sport costume, film, portr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/colorful flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, blue neon background, film phot.txt to raw_combined/colorful flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, blue neon background, film phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, fu.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed out, fu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/add textures, playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal p.txt to raw_combined/add textures, playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, portra, .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, portra, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, sport clothing, film, portra.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, sport clothing, film, portra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png to raw_combined/an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/horror cinematic photo, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, c.png to raw_combined/horror cinematic photo, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal photo, film pho.txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal photo, film pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, coin taker, fi.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, coin taker, fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/sport clothing, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, port.txt to raw_combined/sport clothing, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, port.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/photography of young woman and alien, add textures and materials, realistic photo, neon background, .txt to raw_combined/photography of young woman and alien, add textures and materials, realistic photo, neon background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/at coscto, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoo.png to raw_combined/at coscto, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, add car, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/womans portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200.png to raw_combined/womans portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/sport clothes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portr.png to raw_combined/sport clothes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoom.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/in the laundromat, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ca.txt to raw_combined/in the laundromat, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/circus award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out,.txt to raw_combined/circus award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/woman wears scary white fashion mask .txt to raw_combined/woman wears scary white fashion mask .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, young woman photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zo.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, young woman photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera symme.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera symme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/evil eyes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Magnum photos, pink neon mask, film, portra,.png to raw_combined/evil eyes, award winning photo portrait, photography by Magnum photos, pink neon mask, film, portra,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street, car up front, photography, on film, award winning photog.png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street, car up front, photography, on film, award winning photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront .png to raw_combined/an unusual person in a mask walks along the seafront .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, portra, cam.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, portra, cam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/zoom out 2.0, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt to raw_combined/zoom out 2.0, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, close up portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ko.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, close up portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ko.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portrait, ca.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portrait, ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/fog, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed ou.png to raw_combined/fog, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed ou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, coin taker, fi.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, coin taker, fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/light switches on the wall, award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs,.txt to raw_combined/light switches on the wall, award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Magnum photos, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Magnum photos, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full length body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/porsche car under transparent plastic with raindrops, construction frames, strong car headlights, ca.png to raw_combined/porsche car under transparent plastic with raindrops, construction frames, strong car headlights, ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoom.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Petra Collins, film, portra, camera zoom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs, dark short hair, film, port.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs, dark short hair, film, port.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon light, film, sport costume, portra, came.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon light, film, sport costume, portra, came.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/wild tropical plants in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photo.txt to raw_combined/wild tropical plants in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.png to raw_combined/close up portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/best way to fight depression, photorealistic young woman portrait, film photography 1990s, award win.txt to raw_combined/best way to fight depression, photorealistic young woman portrait, film photography 1990s, award win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, plants, dreamy style, film photo.txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, plants, dreamy style, film photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/add textures, playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal p.png to raw_combined/add textures, playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, ATM machine, sports costume, film, .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, ATM machine, sports costume, film, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/flowers in transparent box isolated, product photography, film photography, fujicolor200 .txt to raw_combined/flowers in transparent box isolated, product photography, film photography, fujicolor200 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/a scheme of an immune response in time primary and secondary antigen encounter .png to raw_combined/a scheme of an immune response in time primary and secondary antigen encounter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, plants, dreamy style, film photo.png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, plants, dreamy style, film photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.txt to raw_combined/close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background isolated still life photography, on film .png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background isolated still life photography, on film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photography, fujic.txt to raw_combined/flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photography, fujic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photography, fujic.png to raw_combined/flowers in a transparent box isolated, product photography, neon background, film photography, fujic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/womans portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200.txt to raw_combined/womans portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/dancing, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, po.png to raw_combined/dancing, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, futuristic, mermaid style, film, portra.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, futuristic, mermaid style, film, portra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, fujicolor200, .txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, fujicolor200, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street of Los Angeles, photography, on film, award winning photo.png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street of Los Angeles, photography, on film, award winning photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, film photography, product photography, candles, fujicolor200, awar.txt to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, film photography, product photography, candles, fujicolor200, awar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera close.png to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera close.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon crown on the head, futuristic, mermaid style, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon crown on the head, futuristic, mermaid style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/billie eilish, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, p.png to raw_combined/billie eilish, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, sports costume, rsvp, film, portra,.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, sports costume, rsvp, film, portra,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon light, film, sport costume, portra, came.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon light, film, sport costume, portra, came.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, in tropical forest, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning p.txt to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, in tropical forest, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Petra Collins, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out, full.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal photo, film pho.png to raw_combined/playing cards and candles, young realistic woman in the background, sunny, hyperreal photo, film pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street, car up front, photography, on film, award winning photog.txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street, car up front, photography, on film, award winning photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, young woman with long white hair, film,.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, young woman with long white hair, film,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/circus award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out,.png to raw_combined/circus award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera zoomed out,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/porsche car under transparent plastic with raindrops, construction frames, strong car headlights, ca.txt to raw_combined/porsche car under transparent plastic with raindrops, construction frames, strong car headlights, ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .png to raw_combined/playing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, futuristic, mermaid style, film, portra.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, futuristic, mermaid style, film, portra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/brutalism sphered building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .txt to raw_combined/brutalism sphered building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, portra, camera z.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, long white hair, film, portra, camera z.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, portra, camera zoo.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, portra, camera zoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.png to raw_combined/close up portrait, an unusual person in mask walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography, building.png to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography, building.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, modern c.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, modern c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, film, portra, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, woman in costume and pink neon mask, film, portra, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/plaing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .png to raw_combined/plaing cards on neon background, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/plaing cards on neon background, woman in a sport costume, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinn.txt to raw_combined/plaing cards on neon background, woman in a sport costume, film photography, fujicolor200, awardwinn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, .txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, hyperreal photo, film photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/coca cola fridge, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera .png to raw_combined/coca cola fridge, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/sport clothing, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, port.png to raw_combined/sport clothing, award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, port.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/candy store, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera z.txt to raw_combined/candy store, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera z.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/brutalism sphered building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .png to raw_combined/brutalism sphered building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/woman, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portr.png to raw_combined/woman, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, young woman .png to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, young woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/brutalism building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .txt to raw_combined/brutalism building surrounded little bonsai trees and grid fence, realistic photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon hair, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, green neon hair, film, portra, camera zoomed out, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/dancing, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, po.txt to raw_combined/dancing, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person all in blue walks along the seafront .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person all in blue walks along the seafront .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, young woman .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, young woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background on the street photography, on film, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/close up portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.txt to raw_combined/close up portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, sports costume, rsvp, film, portra,.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, sports costume, rsvp, film, portra,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, phone, film, portra, camer.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo portrait, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, phone, film, portra, camer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portrait, ca.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, close up portrait, ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, old lady portrait photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, old lady portrait photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, mermaid style, film, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/fog, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed ou.txt to raw_combined/fog, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, camera zoomed ou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, young realistic woman in the backgr.txt to raw_combined/playing cards and candles and ice cubes with neon light sources, young realistic woman in the backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, portra, cam.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, long legs, woman, film, portra, cam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background isolated still life photography, on film .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background isolated still life photography, on film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/flowers in transparent box isolated, product photography, film photography, fujicolor200 .png to raw_combined/flowers in transparent box isolated, product photography, film photography, fujicolor200 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200, zoom .txt to raw_combined/portrait in mask, an unusual person walks along the seafront, film photography, fujicolor 200, zoom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs, dark short hair, film, port.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, independent art fashion photography by Synchrodogs, dark short hair, film, port.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, film, portra, camera zoomed .png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, film, portra, camera zoomed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, sport clothing, film, portra.png to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, woman, sport clothing, film, portra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/horror cinematic photo, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, c.txt to raw_combined/horror cinematic photo, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, film, portra, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/Soviet car under transparent plastic with raindrops, in a destroyed garage, trees in the background .txt to raw_combined/Soviet car under transparent plastic with raindrops, in a destroyed garage, trees in the background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/in the laundromat, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ca.png to raw_combined/in the laundromat, award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, pink neon mask, film, portra, ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/best way to fight depression, photorealistic young woman portrait, film photography 1990s, award win.png to raw_combined/best way to fight depression, photorealistic young woman portrait, film photography 1990s, award win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/an unusual person walks along the seafront .txt to raw_combined/an unusual person walks along the seafront .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/pink tree on pink background isolated photography, on film .txt to raw_combined/pink tree on pink background isolated photography, on film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_67/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, modern c.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo, photography by Synchrodogs, neon light, boots with platform high film, modern c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/batman in ancient Japanese art style .png to raw_combined/batman in ancient Japanese art style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/The perfect blend of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in a whi.png to raw_combined/The perfect blend of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in a whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Mark pen hand drawn by Gundam robots ar 45 .png to raw_combined/Mark pen hand drawn by Gundam robots ar 45 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese style ornament .txt to raw_combined/japanese style ornament .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of samurai batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the ange.png to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of samurai batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the ange.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, darth vader,high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, co.png to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, darth vader,high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A wide angle shot of car made by 1932 Ford Coupe with, its under the lights in a car show. The car i.txt to raw_combined/A wide angle shot of car made by 1932 Ford Coupe with, its under the lights in a car show. The car i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/darth vader in ancient Japanese art style .txt to raw_combined/darth vader in ancient Japanese art style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/character concept for a female ghost hunter, 1800s fashion, cyberpunk style, dark background, cinema.png to raw_combined/character concept for a female ghost hunter, 1800s fashion, cyberpunk style, dark background, cinema.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese geisha, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt to raw_combined/japanese geisha, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett in ancient Japanese art style .png to raw_combined/boba fett in ancient Japanese art style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk female Angel, full body, holding a weapon, portrait Photography, Shot on 22mm lens, UltraW.txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk female Angel, full body, holding a weapon, portrait Photography, Shot on 22mm lens, UltraW.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, hannya mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, g.png to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, hannya mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Visualize Hokusais renowned print, godzilla, The delicate lines and traditional style of the ukiyoe .txt to raw_combined/Visualize Hokusais renowned print, godzilla, The delicate lines and traditional style of the ukiyoe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/depict the blade runner 2049 scene with the massive hologram in only grayscale and red coloring ill.png to raw_combined/depict the blade runner 2049 scene with the massive hologram in only grayscale and red coloring ill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/3d graffiti mandala by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, 1, paper quill , darker background 0.2, simple colors w.txt to raw_combined/3d graffiti mandala by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, 1, paper quill , darker background 0.2, simple colors w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a portrait showing a womans face, slightly mad, devious smile, in the style of mike deodato, luis ro.png to raw_combined/a portrait showing a womans face, slightly mad, devious smile, in the style of mike deodato, luis ro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/1930 Ford Hot Rod mixed with a big mid engine Dodge Viper str, hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/1930 Ford Hot Rod mixed with a big mid engine Dodge Viper str, hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a beautiful young woman, the queen, sits on a throne, in a fantasy style,lighting, photorealism, att.png to raw_combined/a beautiful young woman, the queen, sits on a throne, in a fantasy style,lighting, photorealism, att.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration batman samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration batman samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the angel is vic.png to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the angel is vic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, hannya mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, c.txt to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, hannya mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/stormtrooper, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profes.png to raw_combined/stormtrooper, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Anime samurai, batman, full body, cyberpunk, .txt to raw_combined/Anime samurai, batman, full body, cyberpunk, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett helmet, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic bac.txt to raw_combined/boba fett helmet, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolat.txt to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a dnd beautiful fantasy koi fish , in a smoking galaxy light sparkly night .txt to raw_combined/a dnd beautiful fantasy koi fish , in a smoking galaxy light sparkly night .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in professio.txt to raw_combined/boba fett, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in professio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a red rose, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, beau.png to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a red rose, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, beau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/oni mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic background,.png to raw_combined/oni mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/an anime girl in the style of aka akasaka, neon green and black hair, silver eyes, detailed, acidcor.txt to raw_combined/an anime girl in the style of aka akasaka, neon green and black hair, silver eyes, detailed, acidcor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Fullbody photo of a beautiful lady in leather armed with an assault rifle, dystopian landscape, fire.png to raw_combined/Fullbody photo of a beautiful lady in leather armed with an assault rifle, dystopian landscape, fire.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, hannya mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the st.txt to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, hannya mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/create a fictional movie scene, middistance, wide angle, horror movie atmosphear and design location.txt to raw_combined/create a fictional movie scene, middistance, wide angle, horror movie atmosphear and design location.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1966 ford mustang coupe, drive.png to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1966 ford mustang coupe, drive.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , colored lineart style, on clear white background, .txt to raw_combined/japanese dragon , colored lineart style, on clear white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 and r2d2 samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 and r2d2 samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, iron man, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, iron man, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png to raw_combined/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pulsepunk doodles of a person in the center, in the style of impressionistic risograph, hand drawn t.png to raw_combined/pulsepunk doodles of a person in the center, in the style of impressionistic risograph, hand drawn t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vibrant neon purple rose on a black background, top view, deviantart, abstract, ultra detail, 3D, 8K.png to raw_combined/vibrant neon purple rose on a black background, top view, deviantart, abstract, ultra detail, 3D, 8K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk samurai woman, shadows creeping, empty city street at night, neon, midriff shirt, latina .png to raw_combined/cyberpunk samurai woman, shadows creeping, empty city street at night, neon, midriff shirt, latina .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/1930 Ford Hot Rod mixed with a big mid engine Dodge Viper str, hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/1930 Ford Hot Rod mixed with a big mid engine Dodge Viper str, hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hannya mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic backgrou.txt to raw_combined/hannya mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cats dance around the fire by Hiroshige Utagawa .txt to raw_combined/cats dance around the fire by Hiroshige Utagawa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hyper realistic, HD,3d, futuristic mind of Baby Yoda in Banksy style, intricate detail, .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic, HD,3d, futuristic mind of Baby Yoda in Banksy style, intricate detail, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Caucasian woman in stunning dress in Victorian London, stunning background, digital and analog error.png to raw_combined/Caucasian woman in stunning dress in Victorian London, stunning background, digital and analog error.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of an angel with a medieval longsword in one hand and a medieval almo.txt to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of an angel with a medieval longsword in one hand and a medieval almo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, oni mask, minimalist design, using light gray, black, gra.txt to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, oni mask, minimalist design, using light gray, black, gra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese geisha, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png to raw_combined/japanese geisha, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/young japanese futuristic geisha, pale skin, minimalistic makeup, high fashion, red, cyberpunk, phot.png to raw_combined/young japanese futuristic geisha, pale skin, minimalistic makeup, high fashion, red, cyberpunk, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster black widow, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster black widow, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Picture the iconic scene of The Great Wave off Kanagawa with a powerful twist. Amidst the raging oce.png to raw_combined/Picture the iconic scene of The Great Wave off Kanagawa with a powerful twist. Amidst the raging oce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/warrior whearing samurai armor, free mason symble, .txt to raw_combined/warrior whearing samurai armor, free mason symble, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyborg mermaid with a transparent fish tail is dancing under the sea with jellyfishes with lights in.txt to raw_combined/cyborg mermaid with a transparent fish tail is dancing under the sea with jellyfishes with lights in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Picture the iconic scene of The Great Wave off Kanagawa with a powerful twist. Amidst the raging oce.txt to raw_combined/Picture the iconic scene of The Great Wave off Kanagawa with a powerful twist. Amidst the raging oce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/gloomy abstract background of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the style of Tobias Kwan, high.txt to raw_combined/gloomy abstract background of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the style of Tobias Kwan, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a women living in the 80s, listening to music, with lots of necklaces, long hair, is dress as janis .txt to raw_combined/a women living in the 80s, listening to music, with lots of necklaces, long hair, is dress as janis .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, kitsune mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the s.png to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, kitsune mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cats dance around the fire by Hiroshige Utagawa .png to raw_combined/cats dance around the fire by Hiroshige Utagawa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster superman .png to raw_combined/abstract poster superman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, samurai mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .png to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, samurai mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration joker samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration joker samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A beautiful Asian woman is closing her eyes, immersed in the memories of love. The luscious fruit re.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful Asian woman is closing her eyes, immersed in the memories of love. The luscious fruit re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a lotus flower, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, .txt to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a lotus flower, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hyper realistic, HD,3d, futuristic mind of Baby Yoda in Banksy style, intricate detail, .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic, HD,3d, futuristic mind of Baby Yoda in Banksy style, intricate detail, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, hannya mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, g.txt to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, hannya mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png to raw_combined/batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/warrior whearing samurai armor with free mason, .png to raw_combined/warrior whearing samurai armor with free mason, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, hannya mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the st.png to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, hannya mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hannya mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic backgrou.png to raw_combined/hannya mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of porsche racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png to raw_combined/pencil sketch of porsche racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/kitsune, sticker, vector, flat, basic shapes, logo design, .png to raw_combined/kitsune, sticker, vector, flat, basic shapes, logo design, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant abstract inspiration iron man samurai, .txt to raw_combined/Elegant abstract inspiration iron man samurai, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a sea with waves, ukiyo e style, plain colors, avoid using gradients .png to raw_combined/a sea with waves, ukiyo e style, plain colors, avoid using gradients .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/character concept for a female ghost hunter, 1800s fashion, cyberpunk style, dark background, cinema.txt to raw_combined/character concept for a female ghost hunter, 1800s fashion, cyberpunk style, dark background, cinema.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Futuristic samurai, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .png to raw_combined/Futuristic samurai, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese samurai mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynami.txt to raw_combined/japanese samurai mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster .png to raw_combined/abstract poster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/gloomy abstract background of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the style of Tobias Kwan, high.png to raw_combined/gloomy abstract background of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the style of Tobias Kwan, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, kitsune mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .png to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, kitsune mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod .png to raw_combined/abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/2D illustration of a gothic beautiful Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet in goth, urban background, in the sty.png to raw_combined/2D illustration of a gothic beautiful Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet in goth, urban background, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero, coloring page .txt to raw_combined/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero, coloring page .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of 1956 mercury hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png to raw_combined/pencil sketch of 1956 mercury hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration stormtrooper samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration stormtrooper samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a lotus flower, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, .png to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a lotus flower, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Monochrome white on black Poster artwork for a goth club night. Cyber. Industrial. Goth. Latex. PVC..png to raw_combined/Monochrome white on black Poster artwork for a goth club night. Cyber. Industrial. Goth. Latex. PVC..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Monochrome white on black Poster artwork for a goth club night. Cyber. Industrial. Goth. Latex. PVC..txt to raw_combined/Monochrome white on black Poster artwork for a goth club night. Cyber. Industrial. Goth. Latex. PVC..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/tattoo design of an old analogue camera .txt to raw_combined/tattoo design of an old analogue camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A black and white stick figure pencil drawing of two robots sitting on a hill, watching a vibrant su.txt to raw_combined/A black and white stick figure pencil drawing of two robots sitting on a hill, watching a vibrant su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/symmetical shot of a blonde female model like annie leonheart, looking up, wearing white biomechanic.png to raw_combined/symmetical shot of a blonde female model like annie leonheart, looking up, wearing white biomechanic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract inspiration harlequin samurai .txt to raw_combined/abstract inspiration harlequin samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Visualize Hokusais renowned print, godzilla, The delicate lines and traditional style of the ukiyoe .png to raw_combined/Visualize Hokusais renowned print, godzilla, The delicate lines and traditional style of the ukiyoe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/angela hawaiian the art of floral explosions, in the style of peter mohrbacher, caras ionut, abstra.txt to raw_combined/angela hawaiian the art of floral explosions, in the style of peter mohrbacher, caras ionut, abstra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Catrina painted neon paint,eye detail sharp 16k .png to raw_combined/Catrina painted neon paint,eye detail sharp 16k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beautiful lady who wears a studded armor mask on a.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beautiful lady who wears a studded armor mask on a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/anime sakura tree illustration by kareela sukia, phenomenal background design, ashley wood, russ mil.png to raw_combined/anime sakura tree illustration by kareela sukia, phenomenal background design, ashley wood, russ mil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration boba fett samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration boba fett samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/an anime girl in the style of aka akasaka, neon green and black hair, silver eyes, detailed, acidcor.png to raw_combined/an anime girl in the style of aka akasaka, neon green and black hair, silver eyes, detailed, acidcor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of 1956 mercury hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch of 1956 mercury hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/darth vader, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profess.txt to raw_combined/darth vader, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profess.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/two hyper real classic ford mustangs racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background of.png to raw_combined/two hyper real classic ford mustangs racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hands holding a samurai sword, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white bac.png to raw_combined/hands holding a samurai sword, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/high key photographic portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Karol Bak .txt to raw_combined/high key photographic portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Karol Bak .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/flat vector illustreation of 2 samurai fighting with each other .png to raw_combined/flat vector illustreation of 2 samurai fighting with each other .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Futuristic samurai, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .txt to raw_combined/Futuristic samurai, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk robot with neon style, girl with glasses futuristic with black suits boss like, epic pose,.txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk robot with neon style, girl with glasses futuristic with black suits boss like, epic pose,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in professio.png to raw_combined/boba fett, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in professio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/The perfect blend of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in a whi.txt to raw_combined/The perfect blend of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in a whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/In a world where fashion meets sculpture, supermodel Alexandra Von Roth unveils Gilded Silhouettes. .txt to raw_combined/In a world where fashion meets sculpture, supermodel Alexandra Von Roth unveils Gilded Silhouettes. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A black and white stick figure pencil drawing of two robots sitting on a hill, watching a vibrant su.png to raw_combined/A black and white stick figure pencil drawing of two robots sitting on a hill, watching a vibrant su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/darth vader in ancient Japanese art style .png to raw_combined/darth vader in ancient Japanese art style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/batman in ancient Japanese art style .txt to raw_combined/batman in ancient Japanese art style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett helmet, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic bac.png to raw_combined/boba fett helmet, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, contour .txt to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, contour .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a red rose, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, beau.txt to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of a red rose, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow, beau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hannya mask, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png to raw_combined/hannya mask, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration darth vader samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration darth vader samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration joker samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration joker samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/ghost rider Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png to raw_combined/ghost rider Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Caucasian woman in stunning dress in Victorian London, stunning background, digital and analog error.txt to raw_combined/Caucasian woman in stunning dress in Victorian London, stunning background, digital and analog error.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, samurai mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .txt to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, samurai mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a beautiful long haired blonde young woman is standing on a street corner at night staring at the ca.png to raw_combined/a beautiful long haired blonde young woman is standing on a street corner at night staring at the ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration boba fett samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration boba fett samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vivid colors abstract poster, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/vivid colors abstract poster, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Fullbody photo of a beautiful lady in leather armed with an assault rifle, dystopian landscape, fire.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody photo of a beautiful lady in leather armed with an assault rifle, dystopian landscape, fire.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beauty who wears a studded armor mask on a pink ba.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beauty who wears a studded armor mask on a pink ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Italy summer 2023 woman street fashion lookbook, Vshaped deep neckline to the waist on a thin transl.png to raw_combined/Italy summer 2023 woman street fashion lookbook, Vshaped deep neckline to the waist on a thin transl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster .txt to raw_combined/abstract poster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of 1932 hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png to raw_combined/pencil sketch of 1932 hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/girl in hood, face angled, fabric folds, professional photo .txt to raw_combined/girl in hood, face angled, fabric folds, professional photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/High resolution award winning photography, diving , pink and blue smoke , weird 50 , surreal, bizzar.txt to raw_combined/High resolution award winning photography, diving , pink and blue smoke , weird 50 , surreal, bizzar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/two hyper real classic dodge chargers racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background o.png to raw_combined/two hyper real classic dodge chargers racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1969 camaro, driver in driver .txt to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1969 camaro, driver in driver .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1969 camaro, driver in driver .png to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1969 camaro, driver in driver .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant abstract inspiration iron man samurai, .png to raw_combined/Elegant abstract inspiration iron man samurai, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, kitsune mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .txt to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, kitsune mask,minimalist design, using light gray, black, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Anime samurai, ghost rider, full body, cyberpunk, .png to raw_combined/Anime samurai, ghost rider, full body, cyberpunk, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background,.txt to raw_combined/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/anime sakura tree illustration by kareela sukia, phenomenal background design, ashley wood, russ mil.txt to raw_combined/anime sakura tree illustration by kareela sukia, phenomenal background design, ashley wood, russ mil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/24 year old supermodel wearing summer shoes by Dior photograph by the side, shoe advertising, shoe w.txt to raw_combined/24 year old supermodel wearing summer shoes by Dior photograph by the side, shoe advertising, shoe w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/24 year old supermodel doing a sidekick wearing tall boots sandals, action girl, editorial advertisi.png to raw_combined/24 year old supermodel doing a sidekick wearing tall boots sandals, action girl, editorial advertisi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster ghost rider .txt to raw_combined/abstract poster ghost rider .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of samurai batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the ange.txt to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of samurai batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the ange.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/ghost rider Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt to raw_combined/ghost rider Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the angel is vic.txt to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of batman and a medieval almond shield in the other, the angel is vic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, ar15 in background, high quality, gra.png to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, ar15 in background, high quality, gra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, iron man, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, iron man, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Futuristic samurai batman, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .txt to raw_combined/Futuristic samurai batman, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A wide angle shot of car made by 1932 Ford Coupe with, its under the lights in a car show. The car i.png to raw_combined/A wide angle shot of car made by 1932 Ford Coupe with, its under the lights in a car show. The car i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hannya mask, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt to raw_combined/hannya mask, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1966 ford mustang coupe, drive.txt to raw_combined/Capture the excitement and energy of a car with a fast shutter speed, 1966 ford mustang coupe, drive.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/flat vector illustreation of 2 samurai fighting with each other .txt to raw_combined/flat vector illustreation of 2 samurai fighting with each other .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, boba fett, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, boba fett, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Anime samurai, ghost rider, full body, cyberpunk, .txt to raw_combined/Anime samurai, ghost rider, full body, cyberpunk, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 samurai and r2d2 samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 samurai and r2d2 samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png to raw_combined/japanese dragon , black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/depict the blade runner 2049 scene with the massive hologram in only grayscale and red coloring ill.txt to raw_combined/depict the blade runner 2049 scene with the massive hologram in only grayscale and red coloring ill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/60s model, honey flying all over the room, model covered in honey, shot by Erwin Olaf, cinematic lig.png to raw_combined/60s model, honey flying all over the room, model covered in honey, shot by Erwin Olaf, cinematic lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/kitsune, sticker, vector, flat, basic shapes, logo design, .txt to raw_combined/kitsune, sticker, vector, flat, basic shapes, logo design, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/oni mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic background,.txt to raw_combined/oni mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynamic background,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt to raw_combined/batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt to raw_combined/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/itimatsu pattern,japanese traditional, dark blue .png to raw_combined/itimatsu pattern,japanese traditional, dark blue .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a Ford T snowmobile in 1920 on a cliff covered with a thick blanket of snow, forest in the backgroun.txt to raw_combined/a Ford T snowmobile in 1920 on a cliff covered with a thick blanket of snow, forest in the backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/colorful depression in the style of Yoshitaka Amano .png to raw_combined/colorful depression in the style of Yoshitaka Amano .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Italy summer 2023 woman street fashion lookbook, Vshaped deep neckline to the waist on a thin transl.txt to raw_combined/Italy summer 2023 woman street fashion lookbook, Vshaped deep neckline to the waist on a thin transl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/hands holding a samurai sword, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white bac.txt to raw_combined/hands holding a samurai sword, koi, black lineart style, sumi ink, tattoo design, on clear white bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk samurai woman, shadows creeping, empty city street at night, neon, midriff shirt, latina .txt to raw_combined/cyberpunk samurai woman, shadows creeping, empty city street at night, neon, midriff shirt, latina .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/darth vader, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profess.png to raw_combined/darth vader, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profess.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beautiful lady who wears a studded armor mask on a.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beautiful lady who wears a studded armor mask on a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, boba fett, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, boba fett, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/an image of a woman with gold and red skin, in the style of made of liquid metal, 32k uhd, trapped e.png to raw_combined/an image of a woman with gold and red skin, in the style of made of liquid metal, 32k uhd, trapped e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/24 year old supermodel doing a sidekick wearing tall boots sandals, action girl, editorial advertisi.txt to raw_combined/24 year old supermodel doing a sidekick wearing tall boots sandals, action girl, editorial advertisi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration stormtrooper samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration stormtrooper samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Futuristic samurai batman, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .png to raw_combined/Futuristic samurai batman, cyborg, hand sketch, black ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, oni mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studi.txt to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, oni mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster ghost rider .png to raw_combined/abstract poster ghost rider .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/warrior whearing samurai armor, free mason symble, .png to raw_combined/warrior whearing samurai armor, free mason symble, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Anime samurai, batman, full body, cyberpunk, .png to raw_combined/Anime samurai, batman, full body, cyberpunk, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract inspiration harlequin samurai .png to raw_combined/abstract inspiration harlequin samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vivid colors abstract poster, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/vivid colors abstract poster, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of cherry blossoms, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.png to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of cherry blossoms, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, ar15 in background, high quality, gra.txt to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, ar15 in background, high quality, gra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beauty who wears a studded armor mask on a pink ba.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious beauty who wears a studded armor mask on a pink ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/2D illustration of a gothic beautiful Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet in goth, urban background, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/2D illustration of a gothic beautiful Lollipop Chainsaw Juliet in goth, urban background, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, darth vader,high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, co.txt to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, darth vader,high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/warrior whearing samurai armor with free mason, .txt to raw_combined/warrior whearing samurai armor with free mason, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyborg mermaid with a transparent fish tail is dancing under the sea with jellyfishes with lights in.png to raw_combined/cyborg mermaid with a transparent fish tail is dancing under the sea with jellyfishes with lights in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/24 year old supermodel wearing summer shoes by Dior photograph by the side, shoe advertising, shoe w.png to raw_combined/24 year old supermodel wearing summer shoes by Dior photograph by the side, shoe advertising, shoe w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Catrina painted neon paint,eye detail sharp 16k .txt to raw_combined/Catrina painted neon paint,eye detail sharp 16k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , colored lineart style, on clear white background, .png to raw_combined/japanese dragon , colored lineart style, on clear white background, .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, oni mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studi.png to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, oni mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/colorful depression in the style of Yoshitaka Amano .txt to raw_combined/colorful depression in the style of Yoshitaka Amano .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero, coloring page .png to raw_combined/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero, coloring page .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A beautiful and empowering tshirt design featuring a Sapphic rose, symbolizing love and pride within.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful and empowering tshirt design featuring a Sapphic rose, symbolizing love and pride within.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a Ford T snowmobile in 1920 on a cliff covered with a thick blanket of snow, forest in the backgroun.png to raw_combined/a Ford T snowmobile in 1920 on a cliff covered with a thick blanket of snow, forest in the backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/two hyper real classic ford mustangs racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background of.txt to raw_combined/two hyper real classic ford mustangs racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Creepy tattooed woman melting through fractal smoke and fabric in a messy bedroom, the tattoo of the.png to raw_combined/Creepy tattooed woman melting through fractal smoke and fabric in a messy bedroom, the tattoo of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 and r2d2 samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 and r2d2 samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Mark pen hand drawn by Gundam robots ar 45 .txt to raw_combined/Mark pen hand drawn by Gundam robots ar 45 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/an image of a woman with gold and red skin, in the style of made of liquid metal, 32k uhd, trapped e.txt to raw_combined/an image of a woman with gold and red skin, in the style of made of liquid metal, 32k uhd, trapped e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/stormtrooper, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profes.txt to raw_combined/stormtrooper, vector style image of the literal representation of an ais internal thoughts in profes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt to raw_combined/japanese dragon , black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of porsche racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch of porsche racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vivid colors abstract poster, darth vader, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/vivid colors abstract poster, darth vader, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/photographed with hasselblad he 100mm f 2.2, Rachel Maclean Style, skin, vivid scenes, soft colors, .txt to raw_combined/photographed with hasselblad he 100mm f 2.2, Rachel Maclean Style, skin, vivid scenes, soft colors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster black widow, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster black widow, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vivid colors abstract poster, darth vader, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/vivid colors abstract poster, darth vader, infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant abstract inspiration masked rider samurai, .txt to raw_combined/Elegant abstract inspiration masked rider samurai, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/girl in hood, face angled, fabric folds, professional photo .png to raw_combined/girl in hood, face angled, fabric folds, professional photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolat.png to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, oni samurai mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, kitsune mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the s.txt to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, kitsune mask in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a beautiful young woman, the queen, sits on a throne, in a fantasy style,lighting, photorealism, att.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful young woman, the queen, sits on a throne, in a fantasy style,lighting, photorealism, att.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod infographic style without text, maximum texture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster wonder woman .png to raw_combined/abstract poster wonder woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration batman samurai .png to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration batman samurai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png to raw_combined/Batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, contour .png to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, contour .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a woman sitting on a couch facing me, very beautiful, glossy straight hair, wearing business atire, .txt to raw_combined/a woman sitting on a couch facing me, very beautiful, glossy straight hair, wearing business atire, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster wonder woman .txt to raw_combined/abstract poster wonder woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/create a fictional movie scene, middistance, wide angle, horror movie atmosphear and design location.png to raw_combined/create a fictional movie scene, middistance, wide angle, horror movie atmosphear and design location.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/angela hawaiian the art of floral explosions, in the style of peter mohrbacher, caras ionut, abstra.png to raw_combined/angela hawaiian the art of floral explosions, in the style of peter mohrbacher, caras ionut, abstra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a beautiful long haired blonde young woman is standing on a street corner at night staring at the ca.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful long haired blonde young woman is standing on a street corner at night staring at the ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, hannya mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, c.png to raw_combined/a tshirt design edgy, streetwear, aesthetic, hannya mask, high quality, graphic, vector, isolated, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Creepy tattooed woman melting through fractal smoke and fabric in a messy bedroom, the tattoo of the.txt to raw_combined/Creepy tattooed woman melting through fractal smoke and fabric in a messy bedroom, the tattoo of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/boba fett in ancient Japanese art style .txt to raw_combined/boba fett in ancient Japanese art style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a dnd beautiful fantasy koi fish , in a smoking galaxy light sparkly night .png to raw_combined/a dnd beautiful fantasy koi fish , in a smoking galaxy light sparkly night .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a woman sitting on a couch facing me, very beautiful, glossy straight hair, wearing business atire, .png to raw_combined/a woman sitting on a couch facing me, very beautiful, glossy straight hair, wearing business atire, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/vibrant neon purple rose on a black background, top view, deviantart, abstract, ultra detail, 3D, 8K.txt to raw_combined/vibrant neon purple rose on a black background, top view, deviantart, abstract, ultra detail, 3D, 8K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background,.png to raw_combined/japanese dragon , koi, black lineart style, pencil sketch, tattoo design, on clear white background,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a sea with waves, ukiyo e style, plain colors, avoid using gradients .txt to raw_combined/a sea with waves, ukiyo e style, plain colors, avoid using gradients .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod .txt to raw_combined/abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration darth vader samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration darth vader samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 samurai and r2d2 samurai .txt to raw_combined/elegant abstract inspiration c3p0 samurai and r2d2 samurai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero plane, coloring page .png to raw_combined/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero plane, coloring page .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt to raw_combined/Batman Samurai, Unique Image, Japanese Art, Pop Culture, Star Wars Inspired, Dark Warrior, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/symmetical shot of a blonde female model like annie leonheart, looking up, wearing white biomechanic.txt to raw_combined/symmetical shot of a blonde female model like annie leonheart, looking up, wearing white biomechanic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a black and white illustration of an angel with a medieval longsword in one hand and a medieval almo.png to raw_combined/a black and white illustration of an angel with a medieval longsword in one hand and a medieval almo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A beautiful Asian woman is closing her eyes, immersed in the memories of love. The luscious fruit re.png to raw_combined/A beautiful Asian woman is closing her eyes, immersed in the memories of love. The luscious fruit re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk female Angel, full body, holding a weapon, portrait Photography, Shot on 22mm lens, UltraW.png to raw_combined/cyberpunk female Angel, full body, holding a weapon, portrait Photography, Shot on 22mm lens, UltraW.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/surreal fantasy abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt to raw_combined/surreal fantasy abstract poster 1930 Ford Hot Rod infographic style without text, maximum texture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/photographed with hasselblad he 100mm f 2.2, Rachel Maclean Style, skin, vivid scenes, soft colors, .png to raw_combined/photographed with hasselblad he 100mm f 2.2, Rachel Maclean Style, skin, vivid scenes, soft colors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/young japanese futuristic geisha, pale skin, minimalistic makeup, high fashion, red, cyberpunk, phot.txt to raw_combined/young japanese futuristic geisha, pale skin, minimalistic makeup, high fashion, red, cyberpunk, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/two hyper real classic dodge chargers racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background o.txt to raw_combined/two hyper real classic dodge chargers racing through a futuristic bold anime speed line background o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/tattoo design of an old analogue camera .png to raw_combined/tattoo design of an old analogue camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/In a world where fashion meets sculpture, supermodel Alexandra Von Roth unveils Gilded Silhouettes. .png to raw_combined/In a world where fashion meets sculpture, supermodel Alexandra Von Roth unveils Gilded Silhouettes. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/abstract poster superman .txt to raw_combined/abstract poster superman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A beautiful and empowering tshirt design featuring a Sapphic rose, symbolizing love and pride within.png to raw_combined/A beautiful and empowering tshirt design featuring a Sapphic rose, symbolizing love and pride within.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant abstract inspiration masked rider samurai, .png to raw_combined/Elegant abstract inspiration masked rider samurai, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a women living in the 80s, listening to music, with lots of necklaces, long hair, is dress as janis .png to raw_combined/a women living in the 80s, listening to music, with lots of necklaces, long hair, is dress as janis .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/60s model, honey flying all over the room, model covered in honey, shot by Erwin Olaf, cinematic lig.txt to raw_combined/60s model, honey flying all over the room, model covered in honey, shot by Erwin Olaf, cinematic lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, geisha in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studio .png to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, geisha in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studio .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese style ornament .png to raw_combined/japanese style ornament .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pencil sketch of 1932 hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch of 1932 hot rod racing on a street, driving fast, dramatic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, oni mask, minimalist design, using light gray, black, gra.png to raw_combined/A modern anything mascotte logo with data, oni mask, minimalist design, using light gray, black, gra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero plane, coloring page .txt to raw_combined/black and white, clean lines, mitsubishi zero plane, coloring page .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/Elegant vector graphic illustration of cherry blossoms, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.txt to raw_combined/Elegant vector graphic illustration of cherry blossoms, dynamic composition, violet, orange, yellow,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/high key photographic portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Karol Bak .png to raw_combined/high key photographic portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Karol Bak .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/logo design, tattoo studio, geisha in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studio .txt to raw_combined/logo design, tattoo studio, geisha in the center, white background, minimalist, text for the studio .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/japanese samurai mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynami.png to raw_combined/japanese samurai mask, Alcohol ink and impasto mix painting, realistic photography, detailed, dynami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/itimatsu pattern,japanese traditional, dark blue .txt to raw_combined/itimatsu pattern,japanese traditional, dark blue .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/a portrait showing a womans face, slightly mad, devious smile, in the style of mike deodato, luis ro.txt to raw_combined/a portrait showing a womans face, slightly mad, devious smile, in the style of mike deodato, luis ro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/3d graffiti mandala by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, 1, paper quill , darker background 0.2, simple colors w.png to raw_combined/3d graffiti mandala by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, 1, paper quill , darker background 0.2, simple colors w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/cyberpunk robot with neon style, girl with glasses futuristic with black suits boss like, epic pose,.png to raw_combined/cyberpunk robot with neon style, girl with glasses futuristic with black suits boss like, epic pose,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/pulsepunk doodles of a person in the center, in the style of impressionistic risograph, hand drawn t.txt to raw_combined/pulsepunk doodles of a person in the center, in the style of impressionistic risograph, hand drawn t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_47/High resolution award winning photography, diving , pink and blue smoke , weird 50 , surreal, bizzar.png to raw_combined/High resolution award winning photography, diving , pink and blue smoke , weird 50 , surreal, bizzar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from th.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, from the wa.txt to raw_combined/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, from the wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water splashing down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Wom.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water splashing down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Wom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, red polka dot dr.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, red polka dot dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked, cartoon, wa.png to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked, cartoon, wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress, lau.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress, lau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, laug.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, laug.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, laughing .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist u.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, in the s.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Tinkerbell doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, so.png to raw_combined/Disneys Tinkerbell doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smirking .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smirking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, red polka dot dr.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, red polka dot dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full bod.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist u.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a Wo.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a Wo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a tank top and sho.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a tank top and sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smirking, from the w.txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smirking, from the w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elega.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elega.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Aurora doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked.png to raw_combined/Disneys Aurora doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Young Hwangs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Young Hwangs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full bod.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, torrential rain, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, torrential rain, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, in the s.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless black .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full body.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, strapl.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, strapl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, shocked e.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, shocked e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz, soaking wet, torrential rain, drenched, soaked, wet black hair, wearing a white t.txt to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz, soaking wet, torrential rain, drenched, soaked, wet black hair, wearing a white t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, laughing, wet blonde hair, full .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, laughing, wet blonde hair, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/A 3D Hilbert curve, intricately twisting and turning within a cube. The curve is a bright, glowing n.txt to raw_combined/A 3D Hilbert curve, intricately twisting and turning within a cube. The curve is a bright, glowing n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark gothic eye make.txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark gothic eye make.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the.txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a ts.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a ts.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .txt to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina getting showered with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a tshirt and j.txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina getting showered with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a tshirt and j.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, full b.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, full b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, from the wa.png to raw_combined/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, from the wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a wh.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing .png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, from .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing an e.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing an e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, awestruck expression, wet black .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, awestruck expression, wet black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, wearing a strapless dress .txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, wearing a strapless dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the waist up .txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the waist up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Clea Duvalls head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Clea Duvalls head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the waist up .png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the waist up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smilin.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smilin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smirking .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smirking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, wearing a strapless dress .png to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, wearing a strapless dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water splashing down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Wom.png to raw_combined/Lots of water splashing down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Wom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, wearing an elegant.png to raw_combined/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, wearing an elegant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, from the waist up .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, from the waist up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, white floral dre.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, white floral dre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cecily Strong getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .txt to raw_combined/Cecily Strong getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto young Audrey Hepburns head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto young Audrey Hepburns head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked, cartoon, wa.txt to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked, cartoon, wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rose from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rose from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, laug.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, laug.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless dress, full body.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless dress, full body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head .txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Wonde.txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Wonde.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Claudia Kims head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Claudia Kims head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Wonde.png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Wonde.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain .txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, white floral dre.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, white floral dre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, full bod.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, full bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, shocked e.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, shocked e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, weary exp.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, weary exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Billie Eilishs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Billie Eilishs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/astronauts, sharks, and human skulls .txt to raw_combined/astronauts, sharks, and human skulls .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Maisie Williams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from th.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Maisie Williams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the wai.txt to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the wai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, from the w.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, from the w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Won.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Won.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, laughing .png to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, from the waist up .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, from the waist up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, torrential rain, smiling .png to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, torrential rain, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water .png to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from t.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Maisie Williams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from th.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Maisie Williams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a Wo.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a Wo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Snow White doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.png to raw_combined/Disneys Snow White doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring on Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full length .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring on Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full length .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water .txt to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cecily Strong getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .png to raw_combined/Cecily Strong getting showered in water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smirking, wet black hair, from t.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smirking, wet black hair, from t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Billie Eilishs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Billie Eilishs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing, full bo.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing, full bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, cartoon,.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, cartoon,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, strapless black dress .txt to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, strapless black dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wea.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, excessive dark eye m.png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, excessive dark eye m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wearing a strapless dress .png to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wearing a strapless dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, full lengt.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, full lengt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smirking, from the w.png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smirking, from the w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rose from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rose from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, excessive dark eye m.txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, excessive dark eye m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from the wais.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from the wais.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea, ocean, stormy, terrifying, sea monster .png to raw_combined/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea, ocean, stormy, terrifying, sea monster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea in the distance, ocean, stormy, terrifying, gigantic sea mo.png to raw_combined/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea in the distance, ocean, stormy, terrifying, gigantic sea mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Tinkerbell doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, so.txt to raw_combined/Disneys Tinkerbell doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/astronauts, sharks, and human skulls .png to raw_combined/astronauts, sharks, and human skulls .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto young Audrey Hepburns head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto young Audrey Hepburns head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from th.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/death star style, grunge style artwork, 4k, headshot, under the bright moon in the desert, distresse.txt to raw_combined/death star style, grunge style artwork, 4k, headshot, under the bright moon in the desert, distresse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, smiling, fr.txt to raw_combined/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, smiling, fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head .png to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, wet blonde hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a ts.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a ts.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Won.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing a Won.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jennie from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jennie from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Black Widow Scarlett Johanssons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet red.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Black Widow Scarlett Johanssons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet red.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, drenched, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, drenched, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, smiling, wet blonde hair, full b.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, smiling, wet blonde hair, full b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, fu.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, fu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .png to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a gr.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair, torrential rain, smiling, cartoon, from .txt to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair, torrential rain, smiling, cartoon, from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/all ghosts to medicine counter four, because the tale as told us leaves us trapped in shadow, and pr.txt to raw_combined/all ghosts to medicine counter four, because the tale as told us leaves us trapped in shadow, and pr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Young Hwangs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Young Hwangs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, drenched, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, drenched, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, laughing, wet blonde hair, full .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, laughing, wet blonde hair, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a tank top and sho.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a tank top and sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a gr.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark eye shadow .txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark eye shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the wa.png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/A 3D Hilbert curve, intricately twisting and turning within a cube. The curve is a bright, glowing n.png to raw_combined/A 3D Hilbert curve, intricately twisting and turning within a cube. The curve is a bright, glowing n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morticia Addams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from th.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morticia Addams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .png to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the wai.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the wai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, stunned e.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, stunned e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz, soaking wet, torrential rain, drenched, soaked, wet black hair, wearing a white t.png to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz, soaking wet, torrential rain, drenched, soaked, wet black hair, wearing a white t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the wai.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the wai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, wearing an elegant.txt to raw_combined/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, wearing an elegant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, eyes closed, mouth agape, wet bl.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, eyes closed, mouth agape, wet bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Ellen Wongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Ellen Wongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, gasping, wet black hair, from th.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, gasping, wet black hair, from th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea in the distance, ocean, stormy, terrifying, gigantic sea mo.txt to raw_combined/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea in the distance, ocean, stormy, terrifying, gigantic sea mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Aurora doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked.txt to raw_combined/Disneys Aurora doused with water, soaking wet, flying in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, soaked.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .txt to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela getting doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela getting doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Woman.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Woman.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, cartoon,.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, cartoon,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the.png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from the wais.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, smiling, wet black hair, from the wais.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, smiling, fr.png to raw_combined/Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, soaking wet, drenched, wet red hair, torrential rain, smiling, fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant gown .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless black .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing, from the w.txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing, from the w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Clea Duvalls head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Clea Duvalls head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain .png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing an e.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing an e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark gothic eye make.png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark gothic eye make.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.txt to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, calm expr.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, calm expr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela getting doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela getting doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring on Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full length .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring on Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full length .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, strapless black dress .png to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, strapless black dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, shocked expression, wet black ha.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, shocked expression, wet black ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, from .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, full bod.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, wet dark blonde hair, full bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alyson Hannigans head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alyson Hannigans head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Emma Watson as Belle doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Disney Cinderellas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Woman.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadots head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing a Wonder Woman.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, gasping, wet black hair, from th.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, gasping, wet black hair, from th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/death star style, grunge style artwork, 4k, headshot, under the bright moon in the desert, distresse.png to raw_combined/death star style, grunge style artwork, 4k, headshot, under the bright moon in the desert, distresse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, laughing .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, laughing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, calm expr.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, calm expr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing a white floral dress .png to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing a white floral dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing, from the w.png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, laughing, from the w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wea.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling, wea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Tons of condensed milk pours over Disneys Cinderellas head, wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair, who.txt to raw_combined/Tons of condensed milk pours over Disneys Cinderellas head, wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair, who.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Black Widow Scarlett Johanssons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet red.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Black Widow Scarlett Johanssons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet red.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the wa.txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, smiling, from the wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Claudia Kims head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Claudia Kims head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet, drenched, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Natalie Portmans head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from t.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Natalie Portmans head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.png to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, eyes closed, mouth agape, wet bl.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, eyes closed, mouth agape, wet bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, wearing a .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, wearing a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full bod.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Anna Kendricks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Actress Stephanie Beatriz soaking wet, drenched, torrential rain, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, smiling .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, fu.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Lisa from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, fu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, surprised expression, wet black .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, surprised expression, wet black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Melissa Fumeros head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Melissa Fumeros head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, smiling, wet blonde hair, full b.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Charlize Therons head, soaking wet, smiling, wet blonde hair, full b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/all ghosts to medicine counter four, because the tale as told us leaves us trapped in shadow, and pr.png to raw_combined/all ghosts to medicine counter four, because the tale as told us leaves us trapped in shadow, and pr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing a white floral dress .txt to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair, wearing a white floral dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, awestruck expression, wet black .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, awestruck expression, wet black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, wearing a .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair, wearing a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Karen Os head, drenched, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling, wearing an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair, torrential rain, smiling, cartoon, from .png to raw_combined/Disneys Cinderella, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair, torrential rain, smiling, cartoon, from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morena Baccarins head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elega.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elega.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress, lau.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress, lau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full body.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Aubrey Plazas head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, full body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Taylor Swifts head, soaking wet, drenched, wet blonde hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless dress, full body.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, strapless dress, full body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina getting showered with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a tshirt and j.png to raw_combined/Awkwafina getting showered with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a tshirt and j.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Ellen Wongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Ellen Wongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alyson Hannigans head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alyson Hannigans head, soaking wet, wet red hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from t.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smilin.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto actress Stephanie Beatrizs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smilin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wearing a strapless dress .txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wearing a strapless dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Melissa Fumeros head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Melissa Fumeros head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant g.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, from the w.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, from the w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Tons of condensed milk pours over Disneys Cinderellas head, wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair, who.png to raw_combined/Tons of condensed milk pours over Disneys Cinderellas head, wet, laughing, wet dark blonde hair, who.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark eye shadow .png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchett as Hela, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, dark eye shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Natalie Portmans head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from t.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Natalie Portmans head, soaking wet, laughing, wet brown hair, from t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, stunned e.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, stunned e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, full b.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, full b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Mila Kunis head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the waist up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, strapl.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jisoos head, soaking wet, wet black hair, onstage performing, strapl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, surprised expression, wet black .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, surprised expression, wet black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing, full bo.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Rosario Dawsons head, soaking wet, wet black hair, laughing, full bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alexandria OcasioCortezs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Brenda Songs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, full lengt.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, waterwalls, full lengt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, weary exp.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Gal Gadot Wonder Womans head, soaking wet, wet black hair, weary exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Allison Bries head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, shocked expression, wet black ha.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, shocked expression, wet black ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet, wet black hair, smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png to raw_combined/Awkwafina pouring Aquafina on her head, soaking wet, wet black hair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cecily Strongs head, soaking wet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea, ocean, stormy, terrifying, sea monster .txt to raw_combined/Biblical Leviathan rising out of the sea, ocean, stormy, terrifying, sea monster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Jennie from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Jennie from Blackpinks head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant g.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Alison Bries head, soaking wet, wet black hair, wearing an elegant g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the wai.png to raw_combined/Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, torrential rain, from the wai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full bod.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Tulsi Gabbards head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, full bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, wet brown hair, strapless dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a wh.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Awkwafinas head, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair, wearing a wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smirking, wet black hair, from t.txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Christina Riccis head, soaking wet, smirking, wet black hair, from t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Cate Blanchett Helas head, soaking wet, wet black hair, full body .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet .png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Stephanie Beatriz head, soaking wet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Billie Eilish soaking wet, doused with water, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .txt to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Emma Watsons head, soaking wet, drenched, wet brown hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt to raw_combined/Ellen Wong as Knives Chau doused with water, soaking wet, drenched, wet black hair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Lots of water pouring down onto Morticia Addams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from th.png to raw_combined/Lots of water pouring down onto Morticia Addams head, soaking wet, laughing, wet black hair, from th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_35/Disneys Snow White doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.txt to raw_combined/Disneys Snow White doused with water, soaking wet, dancing in torrential rain, laughing, drenched, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a set for the new Mickey Mouse Club, rebooted in 2023. The set is empty, without people or f.png to raw_combined/Picture a set for the new Mickey Mouse Club, rebooted in 2023. The set is empty, without people or f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a large circular display with multiple screens, in the style of bold contrast and textural play, lig.png to raw_combined/a large circular display with multiple screens, in the style of bold contrast and textural play, lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of henry Cavill as a hardboiled detective in a white trench co.png to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of henry Cavill as a hardboiled detective in a white trench co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the arena for culture and the arts, open, brightly lit, huge led screen walls, in the style of light.png to raw_combined/the arena for culture and the arts, open, brightly lit, huge led screen walls, in the style of light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/spaces designed in collaboration with bebes, in the style of neogeo, dark aquamarine and pink, range.txt to raw_combined/spaces designed in collaboration with bebes, in the style of neogeo, dark aquamarine and pink, range.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, money, desk, david fincher, left w.png to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, money, desk, david fincher, left w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a prada pants suit, shaved head, stan.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a prada pants suit, shaved head, stan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a group of modern, multicultural young teens aged 1315. They represent different ethnicities.txt to raw_combined/Picture a group of modern, multicultural young teens aged 1315. They represent different ethnicities.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/king of scares full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, skeletal, realistic oil paint.txt to raw_combined/king of scares full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, skeletal, realistic oil paint.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a super creepy movie still photo the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic li.txt to raw_combined/a super creepy movie still photo the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/all the teens are posing for a picture in front of a musical theater, in the style of movie still, k.txt to raw_combined/all the teens are posing for a picture in front of a musical theater, in the style of movie still, k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a group of teens with their friends standing in front of a neon light sign, in the style of disney a.png to raw_combined/a group of teens with their friends standing in front of a neon light sign, in the style of disney a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage set that is modern, bright, and airy, with teens break dancing energetically in the .png to raw_combined/Picture a stage set that is modern, bright, and airy, with teens break dancing energetically in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white uber modern reception .png to raw_combined/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white uber modern reception .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an open space with a large jungle mural and a large swing, in the style of conceptual installations,.png to raw_combined/an open space with a large jungle mural and a large swing, in the style of conceptual installations,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy shiny floor stage surrounded by a large circular le.png to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy shiny floor stage surrounded by a large circular le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a young woman with pink hair taking a selfie at home, in the style of dyetransfer, loose gestures, f.txt to raw_combined/a young woman with pink hair taking a selfie at home, in the style of dyetransfer, loose gestures, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of an asian american male teen in a a hoodie and dickies, standin.png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of an asian american male teen in a a hoodie and dickies, standin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cool tweens movie still photo, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .txt to raw_combined/the cool tweens movie still photo, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern movie still photo of pom klementieff as Annie Abattoir A very gorgeous, very dangerou.png to raw_combined/an ubermodern movie still photo of pom klementieff as Annie Abattoir A very gorgeous, very dangerou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/psycodelic flower background, photorealist, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .png to raw_combined/psycodelic flower background, photorealist, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve of faceless monsters in a dark neon .txt to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve of faceless monsters in a dark neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of the ethereal albino goddess Lilith fighting a black female .txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of the ethereal albino goddess Lilith fighting a black female .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern female middle eastern teen in a colorful hajib, wit.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern female middle eastern teen in a colorful hajib, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/four ways you can help in the fashion industry, in the style of smartphone footage, joyful and optim.png to raw_combined/four ways you can help in the fashion industry, in the style of smartphone footage, joyful and optim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a set for the new Mickey Mouse Club, rebooted in 2023. The set is empty, without people or f.txt to raw_combined/Picture a set for the new Mickey Mouse Club, rebooted in 2023. The set is empty, without people or f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a large circular display with multiple screens, in the style of bold contrast and textural play, lig.txt to raw_combined/a large circular display with multiple screens, in the style of bold contrast and textural play, lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/black and white dark ages illustration only, a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type.txt to raw_combined/black and white dark ages illustration only, a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic lighting, concept art, blinkandyoum.png to raw_combined/the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic lighting, concept art, blinkandyoum.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/woman takes selfie while standing on an empty shelf, in the style of dyetransfer, light magenta and .txt to raw_combined/woman takes selfie while standing on an empty shelf, in the style of dyetransfer, light magenta and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, intricate, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tra.txt to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, intricate, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen sitting on the floor full of shoes, in the style of deconstructive, barbiecore .txt to raw_combined/a teen sitting on the floor full of shoes, in the style of deconstructive, barbiecore .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk .png to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, image .txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, drawing inspiration from the American Idol style but .png to raw_combined/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, drawing inspiration from the American Idol style but .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a black female teen at a backstage wardrobe fitting for the new Mickey Mouse Club 2023. She .txt to raw_combined/Picture a black female teen at a backstage wardrobe fitting for the new Mickey Mouse Club 2023. She .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve of faceless monsters in a dark neon .png to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve of faceless monsters in a dark neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a young black woman on her bed sitting with a laptop looking at her camera, in the style of miniatur.png to raw_combined/a young black woman on her bed sitting with a laptop looking at her camera, in the style of miniatur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull wearing an intricate crown, 34 view, dynamic, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tracin.png to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull wearing an intricate crown, 34 view, dynamic, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tracin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/teens performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aesthetic, nata.png to raw_combined/teens performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aesthetic, nata.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black male teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms down.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black male teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms down.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/many different teens people are hugging smiling next to each other, in the style of afrofuturism, co.txt to raw_combined/many different teens people are hugging smiling next to each other, in the style of afrofuturism, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/super creepy movie still photo of The Hermit A reclusive seer dwelling in the deepest corners of Ni.png to raw_combined/super creepy movie still photo of The Hermit A reclusive seer dwelling in the deepest corners of Ni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an african male teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press ph.txt to raw_combined/an african male teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern female middle eastern teen in a colorful hajib, wit.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern female middle eastern teen in a colorful hajib, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/five teens are laughing together, in the style of afrofuturisminspired, soft focus lens, close up, n.txt to raw_combined/five teens are laughing together, in the style of afrofuturisminspired, soft focus lens, close up, n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/dark and stormy night over futuristic city scape with old london stlye gothic elements mixed in, moo.png to raw_combined/dark and stormy night over futuristic city scape with old london stlye gothic elements mixed in, moo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/ineA cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the mid.txt to raw_combined/ineA cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the mid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a white female teen in a wheel chair, standing, arms down, l.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a white female teen in a wheel chair, standing, arms down, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white futuristic reception a.png to raw_combined/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white futuristic reception a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of closeup of john taylor in his white trench coat kissing Suz.txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of closeup of john taylor in his white trench coat kissing Suz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene, detailed photograph from the fictional 2023 Oscarwinning futuristic neonoir drama.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene, detailed photograph from the fictional 2023 Oscarwinning futuristic neonoir drama.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi david fincher action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coa.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi david fincher action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye sockets wearing an intricate .txt to raw_combined/a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye sockets wearing an intricate .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye sockets wearing an intricate .png to raw_combined/a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye sockets wearing an intricate .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, 34 view, dynamic, intricate, hyperdetail.txt to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, 34 view, dynamic, intricate, hyperdetail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Modern Disney style shiny floor kids sketch and talk show set, no people, no furniture, open, bright.txt to raw_combined/Modern Disney style shiny floor kids sketch and talk show set, no people, no furniture, open, bright.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Envision a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shin.txt to raw_combined/Envision a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Modern Disney style shiny floor kids sketch and talk show set, no people, no furniture, open, bright.png to raw_combined/Modern Disney style shiny floor kids sketch and talk show set, no people, no furniture, open, bright.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of an asian american male teen in a a hoodie and dickies, standin.txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of an asian american male teen in a a hoodie and dickies, standin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/in the style of light rainbow colors, stagelike environments, 32k uhd, naturalistic settings, contem.png to raw_combined/in the style of light rainbow colors, stagelike environments, 32k uhd, naturalistic settings, contem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern pink haired asian female teen in tokyo street fashi.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern pink haired asian female teen in tokyo street fashi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Visualize a modern, bright, and airy stage for the Mickey Mouse Club. The stage features a shiny flo.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a modern, bright, and airy stage for the Mickey Mouse Club. The stage features a shiny flo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/interior design for children s room, in the style of naturalistic renderings, mysterious jungle, int.png to raw_combined/interior design for children s room, in the style of naturalistic renderings, mysterious jungle, int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/photo of vin diesel giving a thumbs up .txt to raw_combined/photo of vin diesel giving a thumbs up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the update modern slick version of the mickey mouse club for 2023 .txt to raw_combined/the update modern slick version of the mickey mouse club for 2023 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a glowing luminous eye on a mans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .png to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a glowing luminous eye on a mans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/image of a group of teens dancing around onstage, in the style of striped, cartoony, orange and bron.png to raw_combined/image of a group of teens dancing around onstage, in the style of striped, cartoony, orange and bron.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/justin timberlake smiling, white background, waist up, 32k, photo .txt to raw_combined/justin timberlake smiling, white background, waist up, 32k, photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic, Neonoir scifi, movie, shot of Henry Cavill, detective wearing white trench coat, in the m.txt to raw_combined/cinematic, Neonoir scifi, movie, shot of Henry Cavill, detective wearing white trench coat, in the m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, spooky, scary, terrifying, interesting composition, b.png to raw_combined/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, spooky, scary, terrifying, interesting composition, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the update modern slick version of the mickey mouse club for 2023 .png to raw_combined/the update modern slick version of the mickey mouse club for 2023 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house photo, moody, cinematic, dark, stormy .png to raw_combined/creepy haunted house photo, moody, cinematic, dark, stormy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the teen cast of a teen tv show for teens, in the style of comical choreography, dark orange and gre.png to raw_combined/the teen cast of a teen tv show for teens, in the style of comical choreography, dark orange and gre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a childrens playroom set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic rende.txt to raw_combined/a childrens playroom set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic rende.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, an angel and winged demon in an intense battle in.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, an angel and winged demon in an intense battle in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a humorous movie still in the styling of matt damon as a 1940s doctor with a goat in his office dire.txt to raw_combined/a humorous movie still in the styling of matt damon as a 1940s doctor with a goat in his office dire.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms do.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, grand stair case, candles, spooky, scary, terrifying,.txt to raw_combined/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, grand stair case, candles, spooky, scary, terrifying,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective in a white trench coat arguing with .png to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective in a white trench coat arguing with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows and no people,.txt to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows and no people,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher .png to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic scene, Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill, detective we.png to raw_combined/cinematic scene, Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill, detective we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a purple cocktail dress and h.txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a purple cocktail dress and h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, turned away from camera, behindthebac.png to raw_combined/a full body photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, turned away from camera, behindthebac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/super creepy movie still photo of The Fae Court fairies, goblins, and other magical creatures posse.png to raw_combined/super creepy movie still photo of The Fae Court fairies, goblins, and other magical creatures posse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a creepy shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flaming eye sockets wearing an intricate gold filigre.png to raw_combined/a creepy shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flaming eye sockets wearing an intricate gold filigre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a fake tv set living room set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic .txt to raw_combined/a fake tv set living room set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of the ethereal albino goddess Lilith fighting a black female .png to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of the ethereal albino goddess Lilith fighting a black female .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/dark and stormy night over futuristic city scape with old london stlye gothic elements mixed in, moo.txt to raw_combined/dark and stormy night over futuristic city scape with old london stlye gothic elements mixed in, moo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over futuristi.png to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over futuristi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, huge anthropomorphized Cthulu gangster counting money at a desk in a futuristic .png to raw_combined/still frame, black, huge anthropomorphized Cthulu gangster counting money at a desk in a futuristic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white storage facility, half museum, half warehouse,.png to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white storage facility, half museum, half warehouse,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/disney worlds magic of lights dhana malayalam starmaking gvr, in the style of teamlab, narrativedriv.png to raw_combined/disney worlds magic of lights dhana malayalam starmaking gvr, in the style of teamlab, narrativedriv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, battle sequence, interior, night, real.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, battle sequence, interior, night, real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young people performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aestheti.txt to raw_combined/young people performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/head to toe, full body studio portrait of group of modern multiethnic tweens, posing together, some .png to raw_combined/head to toe, full body studio portrait of group of modern multiethnic tweens, posing together, some .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/photo of a trophy with a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye socket.txt to raw_combined/photo of a trophy with a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye socket.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/photo of vin diesel giving a thumbs up .png to raw_combined/photo of vin diesel giving a thumbs up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy gothic haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/creepy gothic haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a fake tv set living room set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic .png to raw_combined/a fake tv set living room set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/extreme close up photoyoung man and young woman kissing in the rain .png to raw_combined/extreme close up photoyoung man and young woman kissing in the rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/artificial caves of sctl 2014 person, in the style of light violet and white, elaborate landscapes,.png to raw_combined/artificial caves of sctl 2014 person, in the style of light violet and white, elaborate landscapes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/2023 mickey mouse club cast members, Envision a diverse group of modern teens aged 1315. They are of.png to raw_combined/2023 mickey mouse club cast members, Envision a diverse group of modern teens aged 1315. They are of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic scene, Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill, detective we.txt to raw_combined/cinematic scene, Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill, detective we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/artificial caves of sctl 2014 person, in the style of light violet and white, elaborate landscapes,.txt to raw_combined/artificial caves of sctl 2014 person, in the style of light violet and white, elaborate landscapes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/ineA cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the mid.png to raw_combined/ineA cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the mid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a super creepy movie still photo the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic li.png to raw_combined/a super creepy movie still photo the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a nonbinary gender fluid teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos.txt to raw_combined/a nonbinary gender fluid teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still of matt damon in 1940s attire standing in a Kansas field with a goat on a leas.txt to raw_combined/cinematic movie still of matt damon in 1940s attire standing in a Kansas field with a goat on a leas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern movie still photo of pom klementieff as Annie Abattoir A very gorgeous, very dangerou.txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern movie still photo of pom klementieff as Annie Abattoir A very gorgeous, very dangerou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, standing, arms down, .png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, standing, arms down, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house on hill, dark, stormy, cloudy, moon .txt to raw_combined/creepy haunted house on hill, dark, stormy, cloudy, moon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, 34 view, dynamic, intricate, hyperdetail.png to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, 34 view, dynamic, intricate, hyperdetail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a native american male teen in a blue jean tuxedo, standing, a.png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a native american male teen in a blue jean tuxedo, standing, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a modern movie still photo of barbie ferreira as the supernatural character Petit Mort A bitterswee.txt to raw_combined/a modern movie still photo of barbie ferreira as the supernatural character Petit Mort A bitterswee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a henry cavill dressed as hardboiled detective, white hat, focus on luminou.txt to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a henry cavill dressed as hardboiled detective, white hat, focus on luminou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of closeup of john taylor in his white trench coat kissing Suz.png to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of closeup of john taylor in his white trench coat kissing Suz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen in a white splatter print coat holding an orange smartphone close to camera, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/a teen in a white splatter print coat holding an orange smartphone close to camera, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, grand stair case, candles, spooky, scary, terrifying,.png to raw_combined/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, grand stair case, candles, spooky, scary, terrifying,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/four teens dressed in a funky outfit posing for the camera, in the style of animated exuberance, sta.png to raw_combined/four teens dressed in a funky outfit posing for the camera, in the style of animated exuberance, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a creepy shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flaming eye sockets wearing an intricate gold filigre.txt to raw_combined/a creepy shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flaming eye sockets wearing an intricate gold filigre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of an mexican american male teen in a cowboy hat, red button up s.txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of an mexican american male teen in a cowboy hat, red button up s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the teens are jumping in different colors and different styles of clothing, in the style of portrait.txt to raw_combined/the teens are jumping in different colors and different styles of clothing, in the style of portrait.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white uber modern reception .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white uber modern reception .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, standing, arms dow.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, standing, arms dow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/extreme close up photoyoung man and young woman kissing in the rain .txt to raw_combined/extreme close up photoyoung man and young woman kissing in the rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over neon futu.png to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over neon futu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/king of skin full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.png to raw_combined/king of skin full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a native american male teen in a blue jean tuxedo, standing, a.txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a native american male teen in a blue jean tuxedo, standing, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of an mexican american male teen in a cowboy hat, red button up s.png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of an mexican american male teen in a cowboy hat, red button up s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/4 person, multiethnic modern hiphop dance troupe in action, performing, solid white background, no s.png to raw_combined/4 person, multiethnic modern hiphop dance troupe in action, performing, solid white background, no s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Visualize a group of bright, happy, and wholesome tweens aged 1315. They are the cast members of the.png to raw_combined/Visualize a group of bright, happy, and wholesome tweens aged 1315. They are the cast members of the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, turned away from camera, behind the ba.txt to raw_combined/a full body photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, turned away from camera, behind the ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the teen cast of a teen tv show for teens, in the style of comical choreography, dark orange and gre.txt to raw_combined/the teen cast of a teen tv show for teens, in the style of comical choreography, dark orange and gre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a white american male teen with long hair in an orange adidas .txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a white american male teen with long hair in an orange adidas .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/spaces designed in collaboration with bebes, in the style of neogeo, dark aquamarine and pink, range.png to raw_combined/spaces designed in collaboration with bebes, in the style of neogeo, dark aquamarine and pink, range.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white storage facility, half museum, half warehouse,.txt to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white storage facility, half museum, half warehouse,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher .txt to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/justin timberlake smiling, white background, waist up, 32k, photo .png to raw_combined/justin timberlake smiling, white background, waist up, 32k, photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/teens performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aesthetic, nata.txt to raw_combined/teens performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aesthetic, nata.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type ink print illistration of the goddess lillit.txt to raw_combined/a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type ink print illistration of the goddess lillit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a glowing luminous eye on a mans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .txt to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a glowing luminous eye on a mans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, very sleek jean paul gaultierstyle com.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, very sleek jean paul gaultierstyle com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a modern movie still photo of barbie ferreira as the supernatural character Petit Mort A bitterswee.png to raw_combined/a modern movie still photo of barbie ferreira as the supernatural character Petit Mort A bitterswee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a childrens playroom set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic rende.png to raw_combined/a childrens playroom set with junglethemed walls with stairs and, in the style of naturalistic rende.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shiny.png to raw_combined/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shiny.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/4 person, multiethnic modern hiphop dance troupe in action, performing, solid white background, no s.txt to raw_combined/4 person, multiethnic modern hiphop dance troupe in action, performing, solid white background, no s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/fallen angel full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.txt to raw_combined/fallen angel full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective in a white trench coat arguing with .txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective in a white trench coat arguing with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still of matt damon in 1940s attire standing in a Kansas field with a goat on a leas.png to raw_combined/cinematic movie still of matt damon in 1940s attire standing in a Kansas field with a goat on a leas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cool teens poster, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .txt to raw_combined/the cool teens poster, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective fighting a huge black voodoo gangste.txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective fighting a huge black voodoo gangste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a david fincher action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, imag.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a david fincher action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/2023 mickey mouse club cast members, Envision a diverse group of modern teens aged 1315. They are of.txt to raw_combined/2023 mickey mouse club cast members, Envision a diverse group of modern teens aged 1315. They are of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage set that is modern, bright, and airy, with teens break dancing energetically in the .txt to raw_combined/Picture a stage set that is modern, bright, and airy, with teens break dancing energetically in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the teens are jumping in different colors and different styles of clothing, in the style of portrait.png to raw_combined/the teens are jumping in different colors and different styles of clothing, in the style of portrait.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms do.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, drawing inspiration from the American Idol style but .txt to raw_combined/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, drawing inspiration from the American Idol style but .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a group of modern, multicultural young teens aged 1315. They represent different ethnicities.png to raw_combined/Picture a group of modern, multicultural young teens aged 1315. They represent different ethnicities.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective fighting a huge black voodoo gangste.png to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of a hardboiled detective fighting a huge black voodoo gangste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, turned away from camera, behindthebac.txt to raw_combined/a full body photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, turned away from camera, behindthebac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/dream room for modern teens, fake room tv set, an ipad mounted next to an amusement game machine in .png to raw_combined/dream room for modern teens, fake room tv set, an ipad mounted next to an amusement game machine in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a group of teens doing handstand in a dance studio, in the style of graffiti culture, musical academ.png to raw_combined/a group of teens doing handstand in a dance studio, in the style of graffiti culture, musical academ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, spooky, scary, terrifying, interesting composition, b.txt to raw_combined/inside the great room of gothic haunted house, spooky, scary, terrifying, interesting composition, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot looking straight away from camera photo of a white female teen with a.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot looking straight away from camera photo of a white female teen with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press photo, hollywood.txt to raw_combined/a teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press photo, hollywood.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a dress and heels, standing, .png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a dress and heels, standing, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a very old womans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .txt to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a very old womans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher, left we.png to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher, left we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy shiny floor stage surrounded by a large circular le.txt to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy shiny floor stage surrounded by a large circular le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/five teens are laughing together, in the style of afrofuturisminspired, soft focus lens, close up, n.png to raw_combined/five teens are laughing together, in the style of afrofuturisminspired, soft focus lens, close up, n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white futuristic reception a.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic still frame photo of a classy, super lowkey, small gleaming white futuristic reception a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a black female teen at a backstage wardrobe fitting for the new Mickey Mouse Club 2023. She .png to raw_combined/Picture a black female teen at a backstage wardrobe fitting for the new Mickey Mouse Club 2023. She .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over neon futu.txt to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over neon futu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cover of king scares, in the style of rendered in cinema4d, skull motifs, antebellum gothic, rea.png to raw_combined/the cover of king scares, in the style of rendered in cinema4d, skull motifs, antebellum gothic, rea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and c.png to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a scifi action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle of an.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a scifi action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle of an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/in the style of light rainbow colors, stagelike environments, 32k uhd, naturalistic settings, contem.txt to raw_combined/in the style of light rainbow colors, stagelike environments, 32k uhd, naturalistic settings, contem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Visualize a group of bright, happy, and wholesome tweens aged 1315. They are the cast members of the.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a group of bright, happy, and wholesome tweens aged 1315. They are the cast members of the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Visualize a modern, bright, and airy stage for the Mickey Mouse Club. The stage features a shiny flo.png to raw_combined/Visualize a modern, bright, and airy stage for the Mickey Mouse Club. The stage features a shiny flo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/interior design for children s room, in the style of naturalistic renderings, mysterious jungle, int.txt to raw_combined/interior design for children s room, in the style of naturalistic renderings, mysterious jungle, int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen sitting on the floor full of shoes, in the style of deconstructive, barbiecore .png to raw_combined/a teen sitting on the floor full of shoes, in the style of deconstructive, barbiecore .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young people performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aestheti.png to raw_combined/young people performing a break dance routine in a studio stock photos, in the style of y2k aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a david fincher action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, imag.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a david fincher action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a male indian teen in traditional indian dress, standing, arms.png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a male indian teen in traditional indian dress, standing, arms.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows, thx 1182 .png to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows, thx 1182 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a white female teen in a wheel chair, standing, arms down, l.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a white female teen in a wheel chair, standing, arms down, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type ink print illistration of the goddess lillit.png to raw_combined/a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type ink print illistration of the goddess lillit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/psycodelic flower background, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .png to raw_combined/psycodelic flower background, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, huge anthropomorphized Cthulu gangster counting money at a desk in a futuristic .txt to raw_combined/still frame, black, huge anthropomorphized Cthulu gangster counting money at a desk in a futuristic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/five teens of different genders and races being playful, hugging, and laughing, in the style of pop .png to raw_combined/five teens of different genders and races being playful, hugging, and laughing, in the style of pop .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Imagine a press photo of the new Mickey Mouse Club cast, rebooted in 2023. The cast consists of eigh.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a press photo of the new Mickey Mouse Club cast, rebooted in 2023. The cast consists of eigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a young black woman on her bed sitting with a laptop looking at her camera, in the style of miniatur.txt to raw_combined/a young black woman on her bed sitting with a laptop looking at her camera, in the style of miniatur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a 1970s kodachrome photo of a white westie with a birthday hat on with a birthday cake in front of i.png to raw_combined/a 1970s kodachrome photo of a white westie with a birthday hat on with a birthday cake in front of i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill as a .txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill as a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot looking straight away from camera photo of a white female teen with a.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot looking straight away from camera photo of a white female teen with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, standing, arms dow.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a female middle eastern teen in a kaftan, standing, arms dow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a dress and heels, standing, .txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a dress and heels, standing, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an asian female teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, fashion.png to raw_combined/an asian female teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, fashion.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/four ways you can help in the fashion industry, in the style of smartphone footage, joyful and optim.txt to raw_combined/four ways you can help in the fashion industry, in the style of smartphone footage, joyful and optim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, turned away from camera, behind the ba.png to raw_combined/a full body photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, turned away from camera, behind the ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, standing, arms down, .txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a female asian teen in a hip hop kimono, standing, arms down, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, an angel and winged demon in an intense battle in.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, an angel and winged demon in an intense battle in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene, detailed photograph from the fictional 2023 Oscarwinning futuristic neonoir drama.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene, detailed photograph from the fictional 2023 Oscarwinning futuristic neonoir drama.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .png to raw_combined/creepy haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/open haunted house door, close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinema.png to raw_combined/open haunted house door, close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinema.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Envision a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shin.png to raw_combined/Envision a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the magic of disneys cinderella at the new york museum of fanciful history uk, in the style of proje.png to raw_combined/the magic of disneys cinderella at the new york museum of fanciful history uk, in the style of proje.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a group of teens doing handstand in a dance studio, in the style of graffiti culture, musical academ.txt to raw_combined/a group of teens doing handstand in a dance studio, in the style of graffiti culture, musical academ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over futuristi.txt to raw_combined/cinematic still frame from a movie directed by denis Villeneuve dark and stormy night over futuristi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/photo of a trophy with a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye socket.png to raw_combined/photo of a trophy with a creepy laughing shiny solid gold bejeweled skull with flames for eye socket.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of henry Cavill as a hardboiled detective in a white trench co.txt to raw_combined/an ubermodern Movie still frame photo of henry Cavill as a hardboiled detective in a white trench co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/psycodelic flower background, photorealist, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .txt to raw_combined/psycodelic flower background, photorealist, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a young woman with pink hair taking a selfie at home, in the style of dyetransfer, loose gestures, f.png to raw_combined/a young woman with pink hair taking a selfie at home, in the style of dyetransfer, loose gestures, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher, left we.txt to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk, david fincher, left we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic, Neonoir scifi, movie, shot of Henry Cavill, detective wearing white trench coat, in the m.png to raw_combined/cinematic, Neonoir scifi, movie, shot of Henry Cavill, detective wearing white trench coat, in the m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/image of a group of teens dancing around onstage, in the style of striped, cartoony, orange and bron.txt to raw_combined/image of a group of teens dancing around onstage, in the style of striped, cartoony, orange and bron.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and .png to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the ethnically diverse teen cast of a teen tv show for teen, in the style of comical choreography, p.txt to raw_combined/the ethnically diverse teen cast of a teen tv show for teen, in the style of comical choreography, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black male teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms down.txt to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black male teen in a hip hop clothing, standing, arms down.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/woman takes selfie while standing on an empty shelf, in the style of dyetransfer, light magenta and .png to raw_combined/woman takes selfie while standing on an empty shelf, in the style of dyetransfer, light magenta and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/super creepy movie still photo of The Fae Court fairies, goblins, and other magical creatures posse.txt to raw_combined/super creepy movie still photo of The Fae Court fairies, goblins, and other magical creatures posse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a photo of 12 ethnically diverse teens from around the world in clothing representing their country,.png to raw_combined/a photo of 12 ethnically diverse teens from around the world in clothing representing their country,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/disney worlds magic of lights dhana malayalam starmaking gvr, in the style of teamlab, narrativedriv.txt to raw_combined/disney worlds magic of lights dhana malayalam starmaking gvr, in the style of teamlab, narrativedriv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/in the style of skyblue and magenta, stagelike environments, light orange and light blue, 32k uhd, n.txt to raw_combined/in the style of skyblue and magenta, stagelike environments, light orange and light blue, 32k uhd, n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the arena for culture and the arts, open, brightly lit, huge led screen walls, in the style of light.txt to raw_combined/the arena for culture and the arts, open, brightly lit, huge led screen walls, in the style of light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/five teens of different genders and races being playful, hugging, and laughing, in the style of pop .txt to raw_combined/five teens of different genders and races being playful, hugging, and laughing, in the style of pop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house on hill, dark, stormy, cloudy, moon .png to raw_combined/creepy haunted house on hill, dark, stormy, cloudy, moon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Imagine a press photo of the new Mickey Mouse Club cast, rebooted in 2023. The cast consists of eigh.png to raw_combined/Imagine a press photo of the new Mickey Mouse Club cast, rebooted in 2023. The cast consists of eigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young teen stars pose in front of a sign, in the style of disney animation, intricate patterns and d.txt to raw_combined/young teen stars pose in front of a sign, in the style of disney animation, intricate patterns and d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/many different teens people are hugging smiling next to each other, in the style of afrofuturism, co.png to raw_combined/many different teens people are hugging smiling next to each other, in the style of afrofuturism, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and .txt to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright, and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cover of king scares, in the style of rendered in cinema4d, skull motifs, antebellum gothic, rea.txt to raw_combined/the cover of king scares, in the style of rendered in cinema4d, skull motifs, antebellum gothic, rea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an african male teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press ph.png to raw_combined/an african male teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a very old womans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .png to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a very old womans face, focus on eyes, very detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, battle sequence, interior, night, real.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, battle sequence, interior, night, real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cool tweens movie still photo, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .png to raw_combined/the cool tweens movie still photo, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the cool teens poster, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .png to raw_combined/the cool teens poster, in the style of spectacular backdrops, nostalgic nostalgia .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young woman standing in closet taking selfie stock footage, in the style of pastel punk, pink and ma.png to raw_combined/young woman standing in closet taking selfie stock footage, in the style of pastel punk, pink and ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows and no people,.png to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows and no people,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a scifi action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle of an.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a scifi action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle of an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill as a .png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi action movie, an over the shoulder shot of Henry Cavill as a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a black american male teen in a letter jacket and blue jeans, .png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a black american male teen in a letter jacket and blue jeans, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy gothic haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .png to raw_combined/creepy gothic haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a group of teens with their friends standing in front of a neon light sign, in the style of disney a.txt to raw_combined/a group of teens with their friends standing in front of a neon light sign, in the style of disney a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a purple cocktail dress and h.png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a blonde american female teen in a purple cocktail dress and h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/in the style of skyblue and magenta, stagelike environments, light orange and light blue, 32k uhd, n.png to raw_combined/in the style of skyblue and magenta, stagelike environments, light orange and light blue, 32k uhd, n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/head to toe, full body studio portrait of group of modern multiethnic tweens, posing together, some .txt to raw_combined/head to toe, full body studio portrait of group of modern multiethnic tweens, posing together, some .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/king of skin full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.txt to raw_combined/king of skin full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a nonbinary gender fluid teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos.png to raw_combined/a nonbinary gender fluid teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic lighting, concept art, blinkandyoum.txt to raw_combined/the lord of thorns, David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro, realistic lighting, concept art, blinkandyoum.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the ethnically diverse teen cast of a teen tv show for teen, in the style of comical choreography, p.png to raw_combined/the ethnically diverse teen cast of a teen tv show for teen, in the style of comical choreography, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press photo, hollywood.png to raw_combined/a teen on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, kawaii chic, associated press photo, hollywood.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/black and white pencil sketch of a cyclopean vulture type bird creature with one eye in the middle o.txt to raw_combined/black and white pencil sketch of a cyclopean vulture type bird creature with one eye in the middle o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a white american male teen with long hair in an orange adidas .png to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a white american male teen with long hair in an orange adidas .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/fallen angel full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.png to raw_combined/fallen angel full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, realistic oil paintings, realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a prada pants suit, shaved head, stan.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a black female teen in a prada pants suit, shaved head, stan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/king of scares full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, skeletal, realistic oil paint.png to raw_combined/king of scares full movie 2019 720p, in the style of ornate detailing, skeletal, realistic oil paint.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a teen in a white splatter print coat holding an orange smartphone close to camera, in the style of .png to raw_combined/a teen in a white splatter print coat holding an orange smartphone close to camera, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/dream room for modern teens, fake room tv set, an ipad mounted next to an amusement game machine in .txt to raw_combined/dream room for modern teens, fake room tv set, an ipad mounted next to an amusement game machine in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door photo, moody, cinematic .png to raw_combined/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door photo, moody, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a black american male teen in a letter jacket and blue jeans, .txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a black american male teen in a letter jacket and blue jeans, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/black and white dark ages illustration only, a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type.png to raw_combined/black and white dark ages illustration only, a dark ages style black and white guggenhiem bible type.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern pink haired asian female teen in tokyo street fashi.png to raw_combined/a full body behindtheback shot photo of a modern pink haired asian female teen in tokyo street fashi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, very sleek jean paul gaultierstyle com.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still, film by David Fincher and Guillermo de Toro, very sleek jean paul gaultierstyle com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows, thx 1182 .txt to raw_combined/cinematic movie still frame photo of a gleaming white museum interior with no windows, thx 1182 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a photo of 12 ethnically diverse teens from around the world in clothing representing their country,.txt to raw_combined/a photo of 12 ethnically diverse teens from around the world in clothing representing their country,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door photo, moody, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door photo, moody, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Intense Closeup photo of a henry cavill dressed as hardboiled detective, white hat, focus on luminou.png to raw_combined/Intense Closeup photo of a henry cavill dressed as hardboiled detective, white hat, focus on luminou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, intricate, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tra.png to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull with flames for eyes wearing a crown, intricate, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coat, in the middle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a 1970s kodachrome photo of a white westie with a birthday hat on with a birthday cake in front of i.txt to raw_combined/a 1970s kodachrome photo of a white westie with a birthday hat on with a birthday cake in front of i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/the magic of disneys cinderella at the new york museum of fanciful history uk, in the style of proje.txt to raw_combined/the magic of disneys cinderella at the new york museum of fanciful history uk, in the style of proje.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinematic .png to raw_combined/close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/full body behindtheback shot photo of a male indian teen in traditional indian dress, standing, arms.txt to raw_combined/full body behindtheback shot photo of a male indian teen in traditional indian dress, standing, arms.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi david fincher action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coa.png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a Neonoir scifi david fincher action movie, Henry cavil in a white trench coa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shiny.txt to raw_combined/Picture a stage for the new Mickey Mouse Club, filled with light and airiness. The stage has a shiny.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young woman standing in closet taking selfie stock footage, in the style of pastel punk, pink and ma.txt to raw_combined/young woman standing in closet taking selfie stock footage, in the style of pastel punk, pink and ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/young teen stars pose in front of a sign, in the style of disney animation, intricate patterns and d.png to raw_combined/young teen stars pose in front of a sign, in the style of disney animation, intricate patterns and d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/super creepy movie still photo of The Hermit A reclusive seer dwelling in the deepest corners of Ni.txt to raw_combined/super creepy movie still photo of The Hermit A reclusive seer dwelling in the deepest corners of Ni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an open space with a large jungle mural and a large swing, in the style of conceptual installations,.txt to raw_combined/an open space with a large jungle mural and a large swing, in the style of conceptual installations,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/psycodelic flower background, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .txt to raw_combined/psycodelic flower background, japanese paper art, 32k, unreal engine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/open haunted house door, close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinema.txt to raw_combined/open haunted house door, close up a creepy gothic haunted house front door open photo, moody, cinema.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/an asian female teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, fashion.txt to raw_combined/an asian female teen wearing pink shorts sits on the floor, in the style of organized chaos, fashion.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk .txt to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, gold, desk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/a humorous movie still in the styling of matt damon as a 1940s doctor with a goat in his office dire.png to raw_combined/a humorous movie still in the styling of matt damon as a 1940s doctor with a goat in his office dire.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/all the teens are posing for a picture in front of a musical theater, in the style of movie still, k.png to raw_combined/all the teens are posing for a picture in front of a musical theater, in the style of movie still, k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, money, desk, david fincher, left w.txt to raw_combined/still frame, black, voodoo gangster in red, speakeasy futuristic, money, desk, david fincher, left w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and c.txt to raw_combined/Create a 169 image of a modern, bright and airy stage set. The color palette should be vibrant and c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, image .png to raw_combined/A cinematic scene from a micheal bay action movie, two angels in an intense battle in midair, image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house photo, moody, cinematic, dark, stormy .txt to raw_combined/creepy haunted house photo, moody, cinematic, dark, stormy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/black and white pencil sketch of a cyclopean vulture type bird creature with one eye in the middle o.png to raw_combined/black and white pencil sketch of a cyclopean vulture type bird creature with one eye in the middle o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/creepy haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/creepy haunted house facade photo, moody, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/four teens dressed in a funky outfit posing for the camera, in the style of animated exuberance, sta.txt to raw_combined/four teens dressed in a funky outfit posing for the camera, in the style of animated exuberance, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_39/scary, laughing skull wearing an intricate crown, 34 view, dynamic, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tracin.txt to raw_combined/scary, laughing skull wearing an intricate crown, 34 view, dynamic, hyperdetailed, moody, ray tracin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Dreamy A minimalist beach with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Outd.png to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Dreamy A minimalist beach with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Outd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Dreamy A minimalist beach with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Outd.txt to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Dreamy A minimalist beach with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Outd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.png to raw_combined/black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pale light blue.txt to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pale light blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, take.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, take.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old tattooed man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson s.txt to raw_combined/portrait of an old tattooed man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black female AV crew member dressed in all black clothing using an app on their phone. Moody yellow .png to raw_combined/black female AV crew member dressed in all black clothing using an app on their phone. Moody yellow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant Nike streetwear ens.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant Nike streetwear ens.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribe traditional ceremony in the heart of the rai.png to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribe traditional ceremony in the heart of the rai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a cozy serene bedroom, overlooking majestic clouds from above, floor to .png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a cozy serene bedroom, overlooking majestic clouds from above, floor to .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of a colorful girl wearing a bubble mask with a futuristic, minimalistic, and visually stri.png to raw_combined/Portrait of a colorful girl wearing a bubble mask with a futuristic, minimalistic, and visually stri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a cozy serene hygge bedroom, overlooking the majestic clouds from high a.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a cozy serene hygge bedroom, overlooking the majestic clouds from high a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling.png to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of an attractive female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, ta.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of an attractive female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a spaceman in a white futuristic NASA room .png to raw_combined/a spaceman in a white futuristic NASA room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Old dishwasher, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mini.txt to raw_combined/Old dishwasher, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person begs for food in a city alley, su.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person begs for food in a city alley, su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Apple 1 computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.png to raw_combined/Apple 1 computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ritual, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ritual, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking aerial shot of a rugged, dramatic mountain, taken with a DJI Phantom 4 drone, f8 aper.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking aerial shot of a rugged, dramatic mountain, taken with a DJI Phantom 4 drone, f8 aper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of a street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city s.txt to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of a street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/photo Birds Eye view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .txt to raw_combined/photo Birds Eye view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old tattooed man in a room full of flamingos in the style of wes anderson, wes anders.png to raw_combined/portrait of an old tattooed man in a room full of flamingos in the style of wes anderson, wes anders.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/futuristic tool in a white room .txt to raw_combined/futuristic tool in a white room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken wit.png to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/rotary phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.png to raw_combined/rotary phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under wate.png to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under wate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Intense I A minimalist urban landscape with geometric neon light installations.txt to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Intense I A minimalist urban landscape with geometric neon light installations.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating architectural photograph of a modern, glass skyscraper reflecting the cityscape, taken.txt to raw_combined/A captivating architectural photograph of a modern, glass skyscraper reflecting the cityscape, taken.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, white airy lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, white airy lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/very beautiful skunk, silky black fur, flow, high detail, vibrant, product advertisement, white, bac.png to raw_combined/very beautiful skunk, silky black fur, flow, high detail, vibrant, product advertisement, white, bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room .txt to raw_combined/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike logo in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a .png to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike logo in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outerspace view, tall window, highangle moody ligh.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outerspace view, tall window, highangle moody ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Audio Engineer dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody .png to raw_combined/portrait of Audio Engineer dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highangle, moody lighti.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highangle, moody lighti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Fashionable Studio photography Minimalism.txt to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Fashionable Studio photography Minimalism.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting, Birds .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting, Birds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sergey jasmin, mucha contest, anastasistunning, full body shot, intereillustration, minimalistic bud.txt to raw_combined/sergey jasmin, mucha contest, anastasistunning, full body shot, intereillustration, minimalistic bud.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of space tool sitting on a table in a white room .png to raw_combined/macro closeup of space tool sitting on a table in a white room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/original Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .png to raw_combined/original Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Woman with an pink ruffled hair and colorful wig, in the style of natalie shau, colorful shapes, lig.png to raw_combined/Woman with an pink ruffled hair and colorful wig, in the style of natalie shau, colorful shapes, lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Transparent inflatable sofa, pale light blue balls inside, inflated, inflatable vellowwheels, Gradie.png to raw_combined/Transparent inflatable sofa, pale light blue balls inside, inflated, inflatable vellowwheels, Gradie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody.png to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of an unlikely street performer playing the guitar in a bustl.png to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of an unlikely street performer playing the guitar in a bustl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/very beautiful skunk, silky black fur, flow, high detail, vibrant, product advertisement, white, bac.txt to raw_combined/very beautiful skunk, silky black fur, flow, high detail, vibrant, product advertisement, white, bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sergey jasmin, mucha contest, anastasistunning, full body shot, intereillustration, minimalistic bud.png to raw_combined/sergey jasmin, mucha contest, anastasistunning, full body shot, intereillustration, minimalistic bud.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, color splash, album cover.txt to raw_combined/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, color splash, album cover.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/group of Camera Operators in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k.png to raw_combined/group of Camera Operators in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored simple shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored simple shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/collecting cash money from shovel, realistic shovel, plenty of money, realistic .png to raw_combined/collecting cash money from shovel, realistic shovel, plenty of money, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Event production crew with cameras, video, and lighting at a live event. They are dressed in all bla.txt to raw_combined/Event production crew with cameras, video, and lighting at a live event. They are dressed in all bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Macintosh computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .txt to raw_combined/First Macintosh computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, st.png to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with .txt to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Nike Air Jordan 1 High, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ra.txt to raw_combined/Nike Air Jordan 1 High, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating architectural photograph of a sleek, contemporary art museum, taken with a Canon EOS R.png to raw_combined/A captivating architectural photograph of a sleek, contemporary art museum, taken with a Canon EOS R.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of Nike in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.txt to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of Nike in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photo realism, intricate details, 16k flowercore, re.txt to raw_combined/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photo realism, intricate details, 16k flowercore, re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored simple shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored simple shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/futuristic NASA white room .png to raw_combined/futuristic NASA white room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/female AV crew member dressed in all black using an app on their phone. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, c.txt to raw_combined/female AV crew member dressed in all black using an app on their phone. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant streetwear ensemble.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant streetwear ensemble.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A tiny frog balancing on the tip of a vibrant red mushroom, highly detailed macro photography, cute,.txt to raw_combined/A tiny frog balancing on the tip of a vibrant red mushroom, highly detailed macro photography, cute,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden inspired bedroom with rocks, sand, and water above the clouds .txt to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden inspired bedroom with rocks, sand, and water above the clouds .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning drone view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .png to raw_combined/award winning drone view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black man in a Fur moth costume by fendi, pastel accent colors, in a style of surrealism, colorful g.png to raw_combined/black man in a Fur moth costume by fendi, pastel accent colors, in a style of surrealism, colorful g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal fire, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a.png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal fire, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male AV event crew member dressed in black clothing. Theyre using an app on their phone with c.txt to raw_combined/black male AV event crew member dressed in black clothing. Theyre using an app on their phone with c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/photo Birds Eye view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .png to raw_combined/photo Birds Eye view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of futuristic tool in a white room .txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of futuristic tool in a white room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal leader engaging in a traditional ceremony i.txt to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal leader engaging in a traditional ceremony i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, roaming the streets of Havana.txt to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, roaming the streets of Havana.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful business woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, f.png to raw_combined/beautiful business woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water minimal aesthetic symmetrical .txt to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water minimal aesthetic symmetrical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of The Dude from the Big Lebowski in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of The Dude from the Big Lebowski in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Vincent Vega John Travolta from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Vincent Vega John Travolta from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Full length epic portrait, Queen of vanilla exquisite detail, 30 megapixel, 4k, 85 mm lens, sharp.png to raw_combined/Full length epic portrait, Queen of vanilla exquisite detail, 30 megapixel, 4k, 85 mm lens, sharp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of a breathtaking woman with a colorful face, in the style of daz3d, bold lines, bright col.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a breathtaking woman with a colorful face, in the style of daz3d, bold lines, bright col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting in a small car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate d.txt to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting in a small car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting inside a small Volkswagen filled with flowers, photorealism, .png to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting inside a small Volkswagen filled with flowers, photorealism, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban backdrop, taken with a .txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban backdrop, taken with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.txt to raw_combined/black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Anthropomorphic Oversized, baggy clothes gold chain Fashionable Studio phot.png to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Anthropomorphic Oversized, baggy clothes gold chain Fashionable Studio phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal village in the heart of the rainforest, cap.txt to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal village in the heart of the rainforest, cap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Nike Air Jordan 1 High, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ra.png to raw_combined/Nike Air Jordan 1 High, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Jules Winnfield Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes and.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Jules Winnfield Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, revenue, data, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, revenue, data, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of The Dude from the Big Lebowski in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background.png to raw_combined/Portrait of The Dude from the Big Lebowski in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and .png to raw_combined/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/coffee mug, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.txt to raw_combined/coffee mug, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/drone photography of Oia Greece, award winning photo, realism, breathtaking, color graded .txt to raw_combined/drone photography of Oia Greece, award winning photo, realism, breathtaking, color graded .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban backdrop, taken with a .png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban backdrop, taken with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Vincent Vega John Travolta from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Vincent Vega John Travolta from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Oversized, baggy clothes Jewelry Fashionab.png to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Oversized, baggy clothes Jewelry Fashionab.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male AV event crew member dressed in black clothing. Theyre using an app on their phone with c.png to raw_combined/black male AV event crew member dressed in black clothing. Theyre using an app on their phone with c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/The perfect Rose Leslie of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in.png to raw_combined/The perfect Rose Leslie of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and .txt to raw_combined/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Tesla Cybertruck, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.txt to raw_combined/Tesla Cybertruck, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/mobile pager, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.png to raw_combined/mobile pager, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photo realism, intricate details, 16k flowercore, re.png to raw_combined/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photo realism, intricate details, 16k flowercore, re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of data, minimalism .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of data, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Old toaster, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.png to raw_combined/Old toaster, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal leader engaging in a traditional ceremony i.png to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal leader engaging in a traditional ceremony i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of.png to raw_combined/A powerful Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Mysterious A minimalist desert with geometric light installations Reuben Wu .png to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Mysterious A minimalist desert with geometric light installations Reuben Wu .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard taken at golden hour rays .png to raw_combined/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard taken at golden hour rays .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal fire, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a.txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal fire, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion male portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, u.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion male portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of a street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city s.png to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of a street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outerspace view, tall window, highangle moody ligh.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outerspace view, tall window, highangle moody ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/typewriter, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.png to raw_combined/typewriter, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room, only white black and red .png to raw_combined/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room, only white black and red .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/An overflowing suitcase full of dollar bills, representing a sudden windfall or a massive financial .txt to raw_combined/An overflowing suitcase full of dollar bills, representing a sudden windfall or a massive financial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/editorial epic wide shot realistic photoshoot shot in HD 4k color of grand luxurious minimalist arch.txt to raw_combined/editorial epic wide shot realistic photoshoot shot in HD 4k color of grand luxurious minimalist arch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic handsome male astronaut, outside view, tall window, hig.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic handsome male astronaut, outside view, tall window, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female African hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .txt to raw_combined/Female African hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ink, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a .png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ink, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/futuristic tool in a white room .png to raw_combined/futuristic tool in a white room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgr.txt to raw_combined/portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under wate.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under wate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal village in the heart of the rainforest, cap.png to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribal village in the heart of the rainforest, cap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of a local artisan working on a traditional craft in a s.png to raw_combined/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of a local artisan working on a traditional craft in a s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism, 8k .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Futuristic scene Overcast illumination Uncertainty Woman at a security check Woman being scanned.txt to raw_combined/Futuristic scene Overcast illumination Uncertainty Woman at a security check Woman being scanned.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/The perfect Rose Leslie of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in.txt to raw_combined/The perfect Rose Leslie of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning female model in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with claw, shot under wat.png to raw_combined/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with claw, shot under wat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken wit.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Oversized, baggy clothes Jewelry Fashionab.txt to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Oversized, baggy clothes Jewelry Fashionab.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Cybernetic skunk wearing LEDlit glasses playful round body graffitiladen urban background clay .txt to raw_combined/Cybernetic skunk wearing LEDlit glasses playful round body graffitiladen urban background clay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female Nigerian hybrid beauty, minimalism, wild colours, synthwave, plain background, futurism, macr.png to raw_combined/Female Nigerian hybrid beauty, minimalism, wild colours, synthwave, plain background, futurism, macr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an Urban Graffiti of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.png to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an Urban Graffiti of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic black male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highan.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic black male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room .png to raw_combined/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism, 8k .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Apple computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams.txt to raw_combined/First Apple computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, take.png to raw_combined/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, take.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling.txt to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black clothes. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic col.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black clothes. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear underwater catching a fish, shot under water, ultra detail.png to raw_combined/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear underwater catching a fish, shot under water, ultra detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Photoshoot of beautiful model girl with colored rolled hair, colorful marshmallow world, highly deta.txt to raw_combined/Photoshoot of beautiful model girl with colored rolled hair, colorful marshmallow world, highly deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lighting, rich de.png to raw_combined/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lighting, rich de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion ad portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urb.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion ad portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the styl.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of a breathtaking woman with a colorful face, in the style of daz3d, bold lines, bright col.png to raw_combined/portrait of a breathtaking woman with a colorful face, in the style of daz3d, bold lines, bright col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female Russian hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .txt to raw_combined/Female Russian hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an orange carnival of a mexican supermodel, 19yo, in the .png to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an orange carnival of a mexican supermodel, 19yo, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson.txt to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard with his face in the air, in the style of documentary photography, tati.txt to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard with his face in the air, in the style of documentary photography, tati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary photography image capturing a local artisan working on a traditional craft .png to raw_combined/A compelling documentary photography image capturing a local artisan working on a traditional craft .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant Nike streetwear ens.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant Nike streetwear ens.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgr.png to raw_combined/portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear catching a fish with mouth shot under water, ultra detailed,.png to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear catching a fish with mouth shot under water, ultra detailed,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a spaceman in a white room .txt to raw_combined/a spaceman in a white room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Mac computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, .txt to raw_combined/First Mac computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of mental patient in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, editorial qual.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of mental patient in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, editorial qual.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Tesla Cybertruck, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.png to raw_combined/Tesla Cybertruck, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, bright lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, bright lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike app in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a C.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike app in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a curved cozy small serene hygge bedroom with floor to ceiling windows l.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a curved cozy small serene hygge bedroom with floor to ceiling windows l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a spaceman in a white room .png to raw_combined/a spaceman in a white room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Three Audio Engineers in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show. Moody ligh.txt to raw_combined/Three Audio Engineers in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show. Moody ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visua.txt to raw_combined/Anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Event production crew on back of concert stage with cameras, video, and lighting. They are dressed i.txt to raw_combined/Event production crew on back of concert stage with cameras, video, and lighting. They are dressed i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic handsome male astronaut, outside view, tall window, hig.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic handsome male astronaut, outside view, tall window, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of a local artisan working on a traditional craft in a s.txt to raw_combined/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of a local artisan working on a traditional craft in a s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phone.png to raw_combined/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s with glasses smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pa.txt to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s with glasses smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water minimal aesthetic symmetrical .png to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water minimal aesthetic symmetrical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phon.txt to raw_combined/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson backdrop, cl.txt to raw_combined/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson backdrop, cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion shot showcasing a model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban graff.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion shot showcasing a model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban graff.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard taken at golden hour rays .txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard taken at golden hour rays .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and.png to raw_combined/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old VCR, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalism,.png to raw_combined/old VCR, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalism,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of an immigrant repairman fixing an 80s television set i.png to raw_combined/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of an immigrant repairman fixing an 80s television set i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Super Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ram.txt to raw_combined/Super Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ram.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Cybernetic skunk wearing LEDlit glasses playful round body graffitiladen urban background clay .png to raw_combined/Cybernetic skunk wearing LEDlit glasses playful round body graffitiladen urban background clay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Closeup portrait of Medusa, green eyes, snakes PHOTO portrait by Peter Hurley .txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Medusa, green eyes, snakes PHOTO portrait by Peter Hurley .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Fashionable Studio photography Minimalism.png to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Group Anthropomorphic Group photo Fashionable Studio photography Minimalism.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ink, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a .txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ink, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting in a small car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate d.png to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting in a small car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of space tool sitting on a table in a white room .txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of space tool sitting on a table in a white room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of mental patient in a padded room in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgroun.png to raw_combined/Portrait of mental patient in a padded room in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Children around a cake in a .txt to raw_combined/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Children around a cake in a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Transparent inflatable sofa, pale light blue balls inside, inflated, inflatable vellowwheels, Gradie.txt to raw_combined/Transparent inflatable sofa, pale light blue balls inside, inflated, inflatable vellowwheels, Gradie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, white airy lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, white airy lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black man in a Fur moth costume by fendi, pastel accent colors, in a style of surrealism, colorful g.txt to raw_combined/black man in a Fur moth costume by fendi, pastel accent colors, in a style of surrealism, colorful g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/group of Camera Operators in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k.txt to raw_combined/group of Camera Operators in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of a colorful girl wearing a bubble mask with a futuristic, minimalistic, and visually stri.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of a colorful girl wearing a bubble mask with a futuristic, minimalistic, and visually stri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden inspired bedroom with rocks, sand, and water above the clouds .png to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden inspired bedroom with rocks, sand, and water above the clouds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of wes anderson, roaming the streets of Havana Cuba, tati.png to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of wes anderson, roaming the streets of Havana Cuba, tati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Old toaster, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.txt to raw_combined/Old toaster, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lig.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic color gradi.png to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic color gradi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard with his face in the air, in the style of documentary photography, tati.png to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard with his face in the air, in the style of documentary photography, tati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear catching a fish with mouth shot under water, ultra detailed,.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear catching a fish with mouth shot under water, ultra detailed,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.txt to raw_combined/Black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/manhattan bridge in the city, in the style of dark white and light orange, photorealistic landscapes.png to raw_combined/manhattan bridge in the city, in the style of dark white and light orange, photorealistic landscapes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic color gradi.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic color gradi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking architectural photograph of a sleek, aesthetic building taken with a Canon EOS R5, f8.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking architectural photograph of a sleek, aesthetic building taken with a Canon EOS R5, f8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate details, wide angle shot, sy.txt to raw_combined/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate details, wide angle shot, sy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE 2D Game Art STYLE Fantasy Illustration CHARACTER Mega Man SETTING on a city rooftop ART Re.png to raw_combined/IMAGE 2D Game Art STYLE Fantasy Illustration CHARACTER Mega Man SETTING on a city rooftop ART Re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting inside a small Volkswagen filled with flowers, photorealism, .txt to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of giraffe sitting inside a small Volkswagen filled with flowers, photorealism, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Three diverse of Camera Operators in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show.txt to raw_combined/Three diverse of Camera Operators in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Full length epic portrait, Queen of vanilla exquisite detail, 30 megapixel, 4k, 85 mm lens, sharp.txt to raw_combined/Full length epic portrait, Queen of vanilla exquisite detail, 30 megapixel, 4k, 85 mm lens, sharp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd.txt to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinemat.png to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinemat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old record player, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, m.png to raw_combined/old record player, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Gangster HipHop Rat Anthropomorphic Oversized, baggy clothes gold chain Fashionable Studio phot.txt to raw_combined/Gangster HipHop Rat Anthropomorphic Oversized, baggy clothes gold chain Fashionable Studio phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and.txt to raw_combined/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Tyler Durden from Fight Club in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Tyler Durden from Fight Club in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A candid cinematic portrait of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city squar.png to raw_combined/A candid cinematic portrait of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city squar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Old dishwasher, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mini.png to raw_combined/Old dishwasher, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Photoshoot of beautiful model girl with colored rolled hair, colorful marshmallow world, highly deta.png to raw_combined/Photoshoot of beautiful model girl with colored rolled hair, colorful marshmallow world, highly deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a cozy serene bedroom, overlooking majestic clouds from above, floor to .txt to raw_combined/Professional photography of a cozy serene bedroom, overlooking majestic clouds from above, floor to .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, st.txt to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary photography image capturing a local artisan working on a traditional craft .txt to raw_combined/A compelling documentary photography image capturing a local artisan working on a traditional craft .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old tattooed man in a room full of flamingos in the style of wes anderson, wes anders.txt to raw_combined/portrait of an old tattooed man in a room full of flamingos in the style of wes anderson, wes anders.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of data, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of data, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant streetwear ensemble.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking fashion photography image showcasing a model dressed in a vibrant streetwear ensemble.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/typewriter, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.txt to raw_combined/typewriter, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Audio Engineer dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody .txt to raw_combined/portrait of Audio Engineer dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd. Moody .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person begs for food in a city alley, su.png to raw_combined/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person begs for food in a city alley, su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of pa giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate deta.png to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of pa giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard .png to raw_combined/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, bright lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic portrait image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, bright lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/mobile pager, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.txt to raw_combined/mobile pager, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/female AV crew member dressed in all black using an app on their phone. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, c.png to raw_combined/female AV crew member dressed in all black using an app on their phone. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew installing booths at expo hall, bright lighting .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew installing booths at expo hall, bright lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lig.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking architectural photograph of a sleek, aesthetic building taken with a Canon EOS R5, f8.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking architectural photograph of a sleek, aesthetic building taken with a Canon EOS R5, f8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Three diverse of Camera Operators in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show.png to raw_combined/Three diverse of Camera Operators in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of a female Olympic athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of a female Olympic athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike logo in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a .txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike logo in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, dressed in Nike clothing, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, dressed in Nike clothing, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon in the heart of the rainforest, capturing th.png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon in the heart of the rainforest, capturing th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/editorial epic wide shot realistic photoshoot shot in HD 4k color of grand luxurious minimalist arch.png to raw_combined/editorial epic wide shot realistic photoshoot shot in HD 4k color of grand luxurious minimalist arch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of drifit clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop,.png to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of drifit clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Jesus Christ and disciples being filmed by media and video operators. There are cameras taking pictu.txt to raw_combined/Jesus Christ and disciples being filmed by media and video operators. There are cameras taking pictu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water bonsai trees minimal aesthetic .txt to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water bonsai trees minimal aesthetic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a cozy serene hygge bedroom, overlooking the majestic clouds from high a.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a cozy serene hygge bedroom, overlooking the majestic clouds from high a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting, Birds .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together and prepping expo hall, bright lighting, Birds .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Mac computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, .png to raw_combined/First Mac computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a beautiful female Nike athlete, city view, tall window, highangle, .txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a beautiful female Nike athlete, city view, tall window, highangle, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of wes anderson, roaming the streets of Havana Cuba, tati.txt to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of wes anderson, roaming the streets of Havana Cuba, tati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of Nike app in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a C.png to raw_combined/macro closeup of Nike app in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with a C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a yellow carnival of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.txt to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a yellow carnival of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under water.txt to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under water.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Mysterious A minimalist desert with geometric light installations Reuben Wu .txt to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Mysterious A minimalist desert with geometric light installations Reuben Wu .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Professional photography of a curved cozy small serene hygge bedroom with floor to ceiling windows l.png to raw_combined/Professional photography of a curved cozy small serene hygge bedroom with floor to ceiling windows l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Futuristic scene Overcast illumination Uncertainty Woman at a security check Woman being scanned.png to raw_combined/Futuristic scene Overcast illumination Uncertainty Woman at a security check Woman being scanned.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew installing booths at expo hall, bright lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew installing booths at expo hall, bright lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, ta.png to raw_combined/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, ta.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear underwater catching a fish, shot under water, ultra detail.txt to raw_combined/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear underwater catching a fish, shot under water, ultra detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of mental patient in a padded room in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgroun.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of mental patient in a padded room in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, tatiana suarez, kenny scharf,.txt to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, tatiana suarez, kenny scharf,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water bonsai trees minimal aesthetic .png to raw_combined/Serene, peaceful Japanese Zen garden with rocks, sand, and water bonsai trees minimal aesthetic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle close up portrait of elephant sitting down inside a bus filled with flowers, photorealism.png to raw_combined/wide angle close up portrait of elephant sitting down inside a bus filled with flowers, photorealism.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under water.png to raw_combined/award winning photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with mouth shot under water.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Designer of art by ami judd and natalie shau and benjamin lacombe, sharp focus airbrush in pink and .png to raw_combined/Designer of art by ami judd and natalie shau and benjamin lacombe, sharp focus airbrush in pink and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Apple computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams.png to raw_combined/First Apple computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Woman with an pink ruffled hair and colorful wig, in the style of natalie shau, colorful shapes, lig.txt to raw_combined/Woman with an pink ruffled hair and colorful wig, in the style of natalie shau, colorful shapes, lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalis.txt to raw_combined/old phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion male portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, u.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion male portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of an immigrant repairman fixing an 80s television set i.txt to raw_combined/A compelling documentary cinematic portrait of an immigrant repairman fixing an 80s television set i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A candid cinematic portrait of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city squar.txt to raw_combined/A candid cinematic portrait of a rugged street performer playing the guitar in a bustling city squar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/original Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .txt to raw_combined/original Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard .txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking shot of Devils Tower in Wyoming, taken by Chris Burkhard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a spaceman in a white futuristic NASA room .txt to raw_combined/a spaceman in a white futuristic NASA room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a beautiful female Nike athlete, city view, tall window, highangle, .png to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a beautiful female Nike athlete, city view, tall window, highangle, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visua.png to raw_combined/Anthromorphic cuttlefish woman, holographic, mesmerizing and dangerous, astounding and complex visua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of Nike shoe in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken.txt to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of Nike shoe in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating architectural photograph of a modern, glass skyscraper reflecting the cityscape, taken.png to raw_combined/A captivating architectural photograph of a modern, glass skyscraper reflecting the cityscape, taken.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room, only white black and red .txt to raw_combined/sleeping pods in a white futuristic NASA room, only white black and red .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an orange carnival of a mexican supermodel, 19yo, in the .txt to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an orange carnival of a mexican supermodel, 19yo, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a woman white bob in minimal clothing style looking at a buffet of colorful tropical flowers in symm.txt to raw_combined/a woman white bob in minimal clothing style looking at a buffet of colorful tropical flowers in symm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/coffee mug, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.png to raw_combined/coffee mug, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/award winning drone view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .txt to raw_combined/award winning drone view of Oia Greece, drone photography, breathtaking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, tatiana suarez, kenny scharf,.png to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, tatiana suarez, kenny scharf,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of drifit clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop,.txt to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of drifit clothing in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ritual, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal ritual, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon in the heart of the rainforest, capturing th.txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon in the heart of the rainforest, capturing th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of a female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window, h.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of a female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old record player, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, m.txt to raw_combined/old record player, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, revenue, data, minimalism .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, revenue, data, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, dressed in Nike clothing, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion model, dressed in Nike clothing, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of Nike shoe in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken.png to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of Nike shoe in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson backdrop, cl.png to raw_combined/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson backdrop, cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/An overflowing suitcase full of dollar bills, representing a sudden windfall or a massive financial .png to raw_combined/An overflowing suitcase full of dollar bills, representing a sudden windfall or a massive financial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion ad portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urb.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion ad portrait, dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating candid photography image of an unlikely street performer playing the guitar in a bustl.txt to raw_combined/A captivating candid photography image of an unlikely street performer playing the guitar in a bustl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Jesus Christ and disciples being filmed by media and video operators. There are cameras taking pictu.png to raw_combined/Jesus Christ and disciples being filmed by media and video operators. There are cameras taking pictu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribe traditional ceremony in the heart of the rai.txt to raw_combined/A powerful documentary photograph of an Amazonian tribe traditional ceremony in the heart of the rai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Old hipster man around a cak.png to raw_combined/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Old hipster man around a cak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, taken wi.png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, taken wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Three Audio Engineers in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show. Moody ligh.png to raw_combined/Three Audio Engineers in black shirts and black pants. Background The Grammys Award show. Moody ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Serene A minimalist forest with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Out.txt to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Serene A minimalist forest with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Out.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of a female Olympic athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window.txt to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of a female Olympic athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinemat.txt to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinemat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion portrait dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of Wes Anderson, urban .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Black male AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipmen.txt to raw_combined/Black male AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipmen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person stands alone beside a vintage car.png to raw_combined/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person stands alone beside a vintage car.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate details, wide angle shot, sy.png to raw_combined/a giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate details, wide angle shot, sy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/macro closeup of futuristic tool in a white room .png to raw_combined/macro closeup of futuristic tool in a white room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A tiny frog balancing on the tip of a vibrant red mushroom, highly detailed macro photography, cute,.png to raw_combined/A tiny frog balancing on the tip of a vibrant red mushroom, highly detailed macro photography, cute,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with .png to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of a female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window, h.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of a female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, tall window, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Closeup portrait of Medusa, green eyes, snakes PHOTO portrait by Peter Hurley .png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait of Medusa, green eyes, snakes PHOTO portrait by Peter Hurley .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Event production crew with cameras, video, and lighting at a live event. They are dressed in all bla.png to raw_combined/Event production crew with cameras, video, and lighting at a live event. They are dressed in all bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an Urban Graffiti of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.txt to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in an Urban Graffiti of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/futuristic NASA white room .txt to raw_combined/futuristic NASA white room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson.png to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait of an old man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/group of audio engineers in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k,.png to raw_combined/group of audio engineers in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/surreal blend of Suprematism and photography of a Mexican super model in the desert, abstract geomet.txt to raw_combined/surreal blend of Suprematism and photography of a Mexican super model in the desert, abstract geomet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd.png to raw_combined/portrait of female Camera Operator dressed in plain black working at a large live event with a crowd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phone.txt to raw_combined/black male Audio Engineer dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.png to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal weapon, capturing the cultural heritage, taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female African hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .png to raw_combined/Female African hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First lightbulb, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, min.txt to raw_combined/First lightbulb, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, min.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/drone photography of Oia Greece, award winning photo, realism, breathtaking, color graded .png to raw_combined/drone photography of Oia Greece, award winning photo, realism, breathtaking, color graded .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female Nigerian hybrid beauty, minimalism, wild colours, synthwave, plain background, futurism, macr.txt to raw_combined/Female Nigerian hybrid beauty, minimalism, wild colours, synthwave, plain background, futurism, macr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/extreme macro closeup of Nike in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.png to raw_combined/extreme macro closeup of Nike in the style of Wes Anderson, urban minimalistic backdrop, taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, futuristic, photorealism.txt to raw_combined/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, futuristic, photorealism.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lighting, rich de.txt to raw_combined/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, studio lighting, rich de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking Nike fashion shot showcasing a model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban graff.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking Nike fashion shot showcasing a model dressed in Nike streetwear ensemble, urban graff.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highangle, moody lighti.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highangle, moody lighti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Old hipster man around a cak.txt to raw_combined/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Old hipster man around a cak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pale light blue.png to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pale light blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Tyler Durden from Fight Club in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Tyler Durden from Fight Club in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Audio Engineer dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with a.png to raw_combined/portrait of female Audio Engineer dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a teal carnival of a italian supermodel, 19yo, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a teal carnival of a italian supermodel, 19yo, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalis.png to raw_combined/old phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Ford ModelT, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.png to raw_combined/Ford ModelT, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of Jules Winnfield Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes and.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Jules Winnfield Samuel L Jackson from Pulp Fiction in the style of wes anderson, wes and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of an old tattooed man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson s.png to raw_combined/portrait of an old tattooed man holding a pink flamingo in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle close up portrait of elephant sitting down inside a bus filled with flowers, photorealism.txt to raw_combined/wide angle close up portrait of elephant sitting down inside a bus filled with flowers, photorealism.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A powerful Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/A powerful Nike documentary photograph of afemale athlete dressed in Nike clothing, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic image of event crew putting together eventexpo hall, moody lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/manhattan bridge in the city, in the style of dark white and light orange, photorealistic landscapes.txt to raw_combined/manhattan bridge in the city, in the style of dark white and light orange, photorealistic landscapes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Black male AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipmen.png to raw_combined/Black male AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipmen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First Macintosh computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .png to raw_combined/First Macintosh computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, futuristic, photorealism.png to raw_combined/handsome man dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, futuristic, photorealism.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of female Audio Engineer dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with a.txt to raw_combined/portrait of female Audio Engineer dressed in all black clothing working at a large live event with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a yellow carnival of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.png to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a yellow carnival of a french supermodel, 19yo, in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Children around a cake in a .png to raw_combined/Whimsical scene Soft lighting Anticipation Childrens birthday party Children around a cake in a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape indicative of revenue and data, minimalism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A captivating architectural photograph of a sleek, contemporary art museum, taken with a Canon EOS R.txt to raw_combined/A captivating architectural photograph of a sleek, contemporary art museum, taken with a Canon EOS R.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup portrait of an attractive female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, ta.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup portrait of an attractive female Nike athlete, essence of determination, city view, ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Portrait of mental patient in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, editorial qual.png to raw_combined/Portrait of mental patient in the style of wes anderson, wes anderson set background, editorial qual.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phon.png to raw_combined/black male Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Theyre using an app on their phon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/First lightbulb, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, min.png to raw_combined/First lightbulb, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, min.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE 2D Game Art STYLE Fantasy Illustration CHARACTER Mega Man SETTING on a city rooftop ART Re.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE 2D Game Art STYLE Fantasy Illustration CHARACTER Mega Man SETTING on a city rooftop ART Re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/collecting cash money from shovel, realistic shovel, plenty of money, realistic .txt to raw_combined/collecting cash money from shovel, realistic shovel, plenty of money, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s with glasses smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pa.png to raw_combined/beautiful businesswoman in her 40s with glasses smiling as she sits on a large pillow of bubbles, pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person stands alone beside a vintage car.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE Industrial park GENRE scifi MOOD dystopian SCENE A person stands alone beside a vintage car.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/A breathtaking aerial shot of a rugged, dramatic mountain, taken with a DJI Phantom 4 drone, f8 aper.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking aerial shot of a rugged, dramatic mountain, taken with a DJI Phantom 4 drone, f8 aper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/a woman white bob in minimal clothing style looking at a buffet of colorful tropical flowers in symm.png to raw_combined/a woman white bob in minimal clothing style looking at a buffet of colorful tropical flowers in symm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/old VCR, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalism,.txt to raw_combined/old VCR, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimalism,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with claw, shot under wat.txt to raw_combined/Hyper realistic photo of a grizzly bear diving underwater catching a fish with claw, shot under wat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a teal carnival of a italian supermodel, 19yo, in the sty.png to raw_combined/High fashion symmetrical portrait shoot in a teal carnival of a italian supermodel, 19yo, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/wide angle portrait of pa giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate deta.txt to raw_combined/wide angle portrait of pa giraffe sitting in a car filled with flowers, photorealism, intricate deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Intense I A minimalist urban landscape with geometric neon light installations.png to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Intense I A minimalist urban landscape with geometric neon light installations.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Fine Art Photography Serene A minimalist forest with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Out.png to raw_combined/Fine Art Photography Serene A minimalist forest with geometric light installations Reuben Wu Out.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism .png to raw_combined/hyper realistic neoncolored shape, minimalism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic black male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highan.png to raw_combined/Macro closeup photo portrait of a futuristic black male astronaut, outside view, tall window, highan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Event production crew on back of concert stage with cameras, video, and lighting. They are dressed i.png to raw_combined/Event production crew on back of concert stage with cameras, video, and lighting. They are dressed i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.png to raw_combined/Black female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/black female AV crew member dressed in all black clothing using an app on their phone. Moody yellow .txt to raw_combined/black female AV crew member dressed in all black clothing using an app on their phone. Moody yellow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black clothes. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic col.png to raw_combined/portrait of Camera Operator dressed in plain black clothes. Moody yellow lighting. 4k, cinematic col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, roaming the streets of Havana.png to raw_combined/an old gray man with a beard, in the style of documentary photography, roaming the streets of Havana.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/rotary phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.txt to raw_combined/rotary phone, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Apple 1 computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.txt to raw_combined/Apple 1 computer, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, taken wi.txt to raw_combined/closeup documentary photo of an Amazonian tribal medicine, capturing the cultural heritage, taken wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/beautiful business woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, f.txt to raw_combined/beautiful business woman in her 40s dreaming on a large bubble pillow, pale light blue background, f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Ford ModelT, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.txt to raw_combined/Ford ModelT, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter rams, minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/group of audio engineers in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k,.txt to raw_combined/group of audio engineers in black shirt and black pants. Background The Grammys. Moody lighting. 4k,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/surreal blend of Suprematism and photography of a Mexican super model in the desert, abstract geomet.png to raw_combined/surreal blend of Suprematism and photography of a Mexican super model in the desert, abstract geomet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, color splash, album cover.png to raw_combined/three women in red dresses holding balloons, in the style of wes anderson, color splash, album cover.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Female Russian hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .png to raw_combined/Female Russian hybrid beauty, wild colors, synthwave, minimalism, futurism, macro photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Designer of art by ami judd and natalie shau and benjamin lacombe, sharp focus airbrush in pink and .txt to raw_combined/Designer of art by ami judd and natalie shau and benjamin lacombe, sharp focus airbrush in pink and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_24/Super Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ram.png to raw_combined/Super Nintendo system, gradient translucent glass melt, laser effect, caustics, design by dieter ram.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/woman and a huge bag with gold sparkling coins, point to top, cinematic blue, Unreal Engine 5, brigh.png to raw_combined/woman and a huge bag with gold sparkling coins, point to top, cinematic blue, Unreal Engine 5, brigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Anthropomorphic, frontal view, a adorable kitty with a white mask on its face, two paws up, kitty we.txt to raw_combined/Anthropomorphic, frontal view, a adorable kitty with a white mask on its face, two paws up, kitty we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3D Paper quilling of a White Cockatoo Parrot and hyperrealistic 3D blue and white Flowers background.png to raw_combined/3D Paper quilling of a White Cockatoo Parrot and hyperrealistic 3D blue and white Flowers background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/robot vs. human, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture skin, texture su.txt to raw_combined/robot vs. human, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture skin, texture su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray cu.txt to raw_combined/A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray cu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/side view portrait photo of the beautiful girl .txt to raw_combined/side view portrait photo of the beautiful girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/disney princess cinderella in modern styled streetwear outfit in hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/disney princess cinderella in modern styled streetwear outfit in hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the monito.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the monito.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/strawberry background with copy space .png to raw_combined/strawberry background with copy space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man on a light background .png to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man on a light background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of a thin and not athletic young man .png to raw_combined/photo of a thin and not athletic young man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut in an urban environ.png to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut in an urban environ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful glamorous red hat and red lips of woman dressed in black with red rhinestones and scarf, i.png to raw_combined/beautiful glamorous red hat and red lips of woman dressed in black with red rhinestones and scarf, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, light black and red, leon.png to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, light black and red, leon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a jar of raspberry jam, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detai.png to raw_combined/a jar of raspberry jam, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,tiffanyblue pale.txt to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,tiffanyblue pale.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman is posing with a red and black hat, in the style of zhang jingna, realistic portrayal of lig.txt to raw_combined/a woman is posing with a red and black hat, in the style of zhang jingna, realistic portrayal of lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia, di.png to raw_combined/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia, di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/portrait of a happy smiling woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins s.png to raw_combined/portrait of a happy smiling woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/soap bottle on glass surface with the pink roses with leaf, in the style of black background, hassel.txt to raw_combined/soap bottle on glass surface with the pink roses with leaf, in the style of black background, hassel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3D Paper quilling of a White Cockatoo Parrot and hyperrealistic 3D blue and white Flowers background.txt to raw_combined/3D Paper quilling of a White Cockatoo Parrot and hyperrealistic 3D blue and white Flowers background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/breathtaking hintersee, austria nature , high resolution, high quality, high detailed .png to raw_combined/breathtaking hintersee, austria nature , high resolution, high quality, high detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A perfect female image, representing the IP image of HBN skincare brand, including smooth skin, natu.txt to raw_combined/A perfect female image, representing the IP image of HBN skincare brand, including smooth skin, natu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a girl and a huge bag of money, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture s.png to raw_combined/a girl and a huge bag of money, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture s.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/macro photo of the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comforta.png to raw_combined/macro photo of the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comforta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot .txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the.png to raw_combined/photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and olive tones.png to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and olive tones.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, light black and red, leon.txt to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, light black and red, leon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of cats in front of a ship on the shore, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed portrait.png to raw_combined/a painting of cats in front of a ship on the shore, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed portrait.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/The mischievous black kitten, dubbed Shadow, tries to unravel the mystery of the red laser dot, emba.png to raw_combined/The mischievous black kitten, dubbed Shadow, tries to unravel the mystery of the red laser dot, emba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d golden midjourney logo .txt to raw_combined/3d golden midjourney logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/woman of the night art direction, in the style of zhang jingna, bert stern, light black and red, con.txt to raw_combined/woman of the night art direction, in the style of zhang jingna, bert stern, light black and red, con.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/full body photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a comput.png to raw_combined/full body photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a comput.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white bac.png to raw_combined/cat, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a thin and not athletic young man .txt to raw_combined/a thin and not athletic young man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a shot of burlesque dancer, sitting on vintage chair with her beloved white kitty, in the style of R.txt to raw_combined/a shot of burlesque dancer, sitting on vintage chair with her beloved white kitty, in the style of R.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat flying and flying through a starry sky, in the style of gray and gold, editorial illustrations.png to raw_combined/a cat flying and flying through a starry sky, in the style of gray and gold, editorial illustrations.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia, di.txt to raw_combined/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia, di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of Happy scene in the night Paris. Close up portrait of the romantic girl . A beautiful girl w.txt to raw_combined/photo of Happy scene in the night Paris. Close up portrait of the romantic girl . A beautiful girl w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in coral color fancy pajamas stretches sweetly sitt.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in coral color fancy pajamas stretches sweetly sitt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white bac.txt to raw_combined/cat, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/chiсken background with copy space .png to raw_combined/chiсken background with copy space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting,voluminous env.png to raw_combined/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting,voluminous env.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man on a light background .txt to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man on a light background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a girl and a huge bag of money, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture s.txt to raw_combined/a girl and a huge bag of money, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, Germaine Dulac, highly polished surfaces, e.txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, Germaine Dulac, highly polished surfaces, e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrin.png to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, full body, .txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, full body, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/apple, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white background .png to raw_combined/apple, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a scenic photograph of the skyline of scotland in the evening sun, in the style of mountainous vista.txt to raw_combined/a scenic photograph of the skyline of scotland in the evening sun, in the style of mountainous vista.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen, directional light .png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen, directional light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of cats in front of a ship on the shore, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed portrait.txt to raw_combined/a painting of cats in front of a ship on the shore, in the style of realistic hyperdetailed portrait.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cute teddy bear character 3D style on a solid white background .txt to raw_combined/cute teddy bear character 3D style on a solid white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the sunsetting over the great glen of scotland, in the style of filip hodas, zigzags, light green an.png to raw_combined/the sunsetting over the great glen of scotland, in the style of filip hodas, zigzags, light green an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/sad knitted hamburger creature waiting for the bus on a rainy day. Pixar. HDR, VFX .txt to raw_combined/sad knitted hamburger creature waiting for the bus on a rainy day. Pixar. HDR, VFX .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a young lady in the style of digital art wonders, realistic animal portraits, romantic use of light,.txt to raw_combined/a young lady in the style of digital art wonders, realistic animal portraits, romantic use of light,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/some cats on the ground watching a ship, in the style of celebrity portraits, stark realism .png to raw_combined/some cats on the ground watching a ship, in the style of celebrity portraits, stark realism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/coffee being poured into a cup of coffee, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, vra.txt to raw_combined/coffee being poured into a cup of coffee, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, vra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo women with fair hair in light pink dress, silver colors .txt to raw_combined/photo women with fair hair in light pink dress, silver colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat flying and flying through a starry sky, in the style of gray and gold, editorial illustrations.txt to raw_combined/a cat flying and flying through a starry sky, in the style of gray and gold, editorial illustrations.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in a black hat and red scarf, in the style of nick knight, naoko takeuchi, double tone effec.txt to raw_combined/a woman in a black hat and red scarf, in the style of nick knight, naoko takeuchi, double tone effec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young girl designer creates an illustration on a computer. point to top, cinematic blue,.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful young girl designer creates an illustration on a computer. point to top, cinematic blue,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/watercolor beautiful fruit cake .txt to raw_combined/watercolor beautiful fruit cake .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/coffee being poured into a cup of coffee, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, vra.png to raw_combined/coffee being poured into a cup of coffee, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, vra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional studio photo of the beautiful young woman wearing top and jeans ar34 .png to raw_combined/professional studio photo of the beautiful young woman wearing top and jeans ar34 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/hulf body photo of the beautiful girl .txt to raw_combined/hulf body photo of the beautiful girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia .png to raw_combined/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d midjourney logo .txt to raw_combined/3d midjourney logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut on a light backgrou.txt to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut on a light backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the lady is standing wearing sunglasses and a pink hat, in the style of comic bookstyle art, realist.txt to raw_combined/the lady is standing wearing sunglasses and a pink hat, in the style of comic bookstyle art, realist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in the red dress, professional studio photography, A Conte.png to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in the red dress, professional studio photography, A Conte.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cherry, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white .txt to raw_combined/cherry, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the moni.png to raw_combined/a beautiful young designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the moni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Realistic photography, Waterfalls are falling in, sunbeams are touching the water and crystals and r.png to raw_combined/Realistic photography, Waterfalls are falling in, sunbeams are touching the water and crystals and r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat by Konstantin Razumov .txt to raw_combined/cat by Konstantin Razumov .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Professional studio photo, full head details of a beautiful woman from different angles .png to raw_combined/Professional studio photo, full head details of a beautiful woman from different angles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d midjourney logo .png to raw_combined/3d midjourney logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen .txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat in a hat while holding a drink and strawberries, in the style of light pink and white, fantast.png to raw_combined/a cat in a hat while holding a drink and strawberries, in the style of light pink and white, fantast.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/The mischievous black kitten, dubbed Shadow, tries to unravel the mystery of the red laser dot, emba.txt to raw_combined/The mischievous black kitten, dubbed Shadow, tries to unravel the mystery of the red laser dot, emba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen, directional light .txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen, directional light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on.txt to raw_combined/the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a girl wearing a black hat and red hat, in the style of layered translucency, elegant lines, contras.txt to raw_combined/a girl wearing a black hat and red hat, in the style of layered translucency, elegant lines, contras.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/hair, black hats, portraits, young beautiful woman, red lips, glamorous, portraits, london fashion, .txt to raw_combined/hair, black hats, portraits, young beautiful woman, red lips, glamorous, portraits, london fashion, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins sparkling in the rays of th.txt to raw_combined/a woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins sparkling in the rays of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/we are the children of the sun .txt to raw_combined/we are the children of the sun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/robot vs. human, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture skin, texture su.png to raw_combined/robot vs. human, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, bright room, texture skin, texture su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Oversize Quality Sport suit women Cashmere sweater and pants two piece set, houseplant .png to raw_combined/Oversize Quality Sport suit women Cashmere sweater and pants two piece set, houseplant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/woman of the night art direction, in the style of zhang jingna, bert stern, light black and red, con.png to raw_combined/woman of the night art direction, in the style of zhang jingna, bert stern, light black and red, con.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and red tones, .png to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and red tones, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and olive tones.txt to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and olive tones.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat in a hat while holding a drink and strawberries, in the style of light pink and white, fantast.txt to raw_combined/a cat in a hat while holding a drink and strawberries, in the style of light pink and white, fantast.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/spray bottle 3D style on a solid white background .png to raw_combined/spray bottle 3D style on a solid white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting showing a group of cats in front of an art ship, in the style of realistic, detailed rend.txt to raw_combined/a painting showing a group of cats in front of an art ship, in the style of realistic, detailed rend.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/closeup of the living room and the small vintage frame in the style of studio mcgee .png to raw_combined/closeup of the living room and the small vintage frame in the style of studio mcgee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a female character in a black outfit is on a snowy background, in the style of snapshot aesthetic, l.txt to raw_combined/a female character in a black outfit is on a snowy background, in the style of snapshot aesthetic, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, Germaine Dulac, highly polished surfaces, e.png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, Germaine Dulac, highly polished surfaces, e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/hulf body photo of the beautiful girl .png to raw_combined/hulf body photo of the beautiful girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, brigh.png to raw_combined/designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, brigh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl, half profile portrait, .png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl, half profile portrait, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/pastry background with copy space .txt to raw_combined/pastry background with copy space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, upper body, half of the bod.png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, upper body, half of the bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat walks over stars with its paws, in the style of dark gray and light gold, the stars art group .txt to raw_combined/a cat walks over stars with its paws, in the style of dark gray and light gold, the stars art group .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d silver midjourney logo .txt to raw_combined/3d silver midjourney logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a watercolor painting of kittens standing in front of a ship, in the style of realistic portrayals, .png to raw_combined/a watercolor painting of kittens standing in front of a ship, in the style of realistic portrayals, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a white cat is sitting in a pink hat while enjoying some strawberries, in the style of photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/a white cat is sitting in a pink hat while enjoying some strawberries, in the style of photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/closeup of the living room and the small vintage frame in the style of studio mcgee .txt to raw_combined/closeup of the living room and the small vintage frame in the style of studio mcgee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in pink elegant pajamas stretches sweetly sitting o.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in pink elegant pajamas stretches sweetly sitting o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/, a magical mystical photo of a lizard having a tea party with friends .txt to raw_combined/, a magical mystical photo of a lizard having a tea party with friends .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white cat playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray curtain and .txt to raw_combined/A white cat playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray curtain and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/watercolor beautiful fruit cake .png to raw_combined/watercolor beautiful fruit cake .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/white cat eating strawberries and drinking a cocktail, in the style of fanciful, dreamlike imagery, .png to raw_combined/white cat eating strawberries and drinking a cocktail, in the style of fanciful, dreamlike imagery, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, portrait .txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful young girl designer enthusiastically creates an illustration on a computer. On th.png to raw_combined/photo of beautiful young girl designer enthusiastically creates an illustration on a computer. On th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in coral color fancy pajamas stretches sweetly sitt.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in coral color fancy pajamas stretches sweetly sitt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/portrait of a happy smiling woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins s.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a happy smiling woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, white and red tones, leon.png to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, white and red tones, leon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/tropical beaches island stock photo 3061921, in the style of spectacular backdrops, art of tonga .png to raw_combined/tropical beaches island stock photo 3061921, in the style of spectacular backdrops, art of tonga .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/strawberry background with copy space .txt to raw_combined/strawberry background with copy space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a thin and not athletic young man .png to raw_combined/a thin and not athletic young man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A perfect female image, representing the IP image of HBN skincare brand, including smooth skin, natu.png to raw_combined/A perfect female image, representing the IP image of HBN skincare brand, including smooth skin, natu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Woman designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5,.txt to raw_combined/Woman designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/white cat with a blue hat on a plate, blue eyes, in the style of daz3d, detailed attention to costum.png to raw_combined/white cat with a blue hat on a plate, blue eyes, in the style of daz3d, detailed attention to costum.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Realistic photography, Waterfalls are falling in, sunbeams are touching the water and crystals and r.txt to raw_combined/Realistic photography, Waterfalls are falling in, sunbeams are touching the water and crystals and r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen .png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/eight cats in front of a ship, in the style of hyperrealistic animal illustrations, alexander millar.txt to raw_combined/eight cats in front of a ship, in the style of hyperrealistic animal illustrations, alexander millar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young girl designer creates an illustration on a computer. point to top, cinematic blue,.png to raw_combined/a beautiful young girl designer creates an illustration on a computer. point to top, cinematic blue,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on.png to raw_combined/the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat wearing a hat on top of a table and holding a drinks and strawberries, in the style of light p.png to raw_combined/a cat wearing a hat on top of a table and holding a drinks and strawberries, in the style of light p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a young lady in the style of digital art wonders, realistic animal portraits, romantic use of light,.png to raw_combined/a young lady in the style of digital art wonders, realistic animal portraits, romantic use of light,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo women with fair hair in light pink dress, silver colors .png to raw_combined/photo women with fair hair in light pink dress, silver colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrin.txt to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat wearing a hat on top of a table and holding a drinks and strawberries, in the style of light p.txt to raw_combined/a cat wearing a hat on top of a table and holding a drinks and strawberries, in the style of light p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/gossamer veil, sweet girl, full height, glitch, cloudpunk, professional photoshoot, real life .png to raw_combined/gossamer veil, sweet girl, full height, glitch, cloudpunk, professional photoshoot, real life .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white cat playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray curtain and .png to raw_combined/A white cat playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray curtain and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat background with copy space .png to raw_combined/cat background with copy space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in the red dress, professional studio photography, A Conte.txt to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in the red dress, professional studio photography, A Conte.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the monito.png to raw_combined/a beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the monito.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/eight cats in front of a ship, in the style of hyperrealistic animal illustrations, alexander millar.png to raw_combined/eight cats in front of a ship, in the style of hyperrealistic animal illustrations, alexander millar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,light pink palet.txt to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,light pink palet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant pewear with lace and embroidery stret.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant pewear with lace and embroidery stret.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/hair, black hats, portraits, young beautiful woman, red lips, glamorous, portraits, london fashion, .png to raw_combined/hair, black hats, portraits, young beautiful woman, red lips, glamorous, portraits, london fashion, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting,voluminous env.txt to raw_combined/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting,voluminous env.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut on a light backgrou.png to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut on a light backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, extremely close up portrait, commercial photo.png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, extremely close up portrait, commercial photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cherry, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white .png to raw_combined/cherry, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/, a magical mystical photo of a lizard having a tea party with friends .png to raw_combined/, a magical mystical photo of a lizard having a tea party with friends .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fiji, beachfront and treeline, in the style of light turquoise and light white, enchanting, utilizes.png to raw_combined/fiji, beachfront and treeline, in the style of light turquoise and light white, enchanting, utilizes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, upper body, half of the bod.txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, upper body, half of the bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, green and red tones, leon.png to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, green and red tones, leon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the lady is standing wearing sunglasses and a pink hat, in the style of comic bookstyle art, realist.png to raw_combined/the lady is standing wearing sunglasses and a pink hat, in the style of comic bookstyle art, realist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/enchanted landscape, fairy beach .txt to raw_combined/enchanted landscape, fairy beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, close up portrait, commercial photo, .txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, close up portrait, commercial photo, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cute kitten, emoji pack, expression sheet, multiple poses and expression, studio light, high detai.txt to raw_combined/a cute kitten, emoji pack, expression sheet, multiple poses and expression, studio light, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, portrait .png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, green and red tones, leon.txt to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, green and red tones, leon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and red tones, .txt to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, chocolate and red tones, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat graphic design, by Ichiro.txt to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat graphic design, by Ichiro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful girl in an evening dress with open shoulders and neckline ar 34 .png to raw_combined/beautiful girl in an evening dress with open shoulders and neckline ar 34 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant shirt with lace and embroidery stretc.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant shirt with lace and embroidery stretc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/tropical beaches island stock photo 3061921, in the style of spectacular backdrops, art of tonga .txt to raw_combined/tropical beaches island stock photo 3061921, in the style of spectacular backdrops, art of tonga .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo a group of friends .txt to raw_combined/photo a group of friends .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl, half profile portrait, .txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl, half profile portrait, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo women with fair hair in light blue dress, silver colors, directional backlighting .png to raw_combined/photo women with fair hair in light blue dress, silver colors, directional backlighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cute teddy bear character 3D style on a solid white background .png to raw_combined/cute teddy bear character 3D style on a solid white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins sparkling in the rays of th.png to raw_combined/a woman holds a handful of sparkling gold coins in her hands, gold coins sparkling in the rays of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful young girl designer enthusiastically creates an illustration on a computer. On th.txt to raw_combined/photo of beautiful young girl designer enthusiastically creates an illustration on a computer. On th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat gr.png to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of Happy scene in the night Paris. Close up portrait of the romantic girl . A beautiful girl w.png to raw_combined/photo of Happy scene in the night Paris. Close up portrait of the romantic girl . A beautiful girl w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray cu.png to raw_combined/A white joyful kitten playing happily and comfortably ,sitting on the windowsillб sat by the gray cu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of a kitten surrounded by several boats, in the style of realistic, detailed rendering, w.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a kitten surrounded by several boats, in the style of realistic, detailed rendering, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Design a watercolor sketch featuring a mischievous Scottish Fold cat amidst a garden of colorful flo.png to raw_combined/Design a watercolor sketch featuring a mischievous Scottish Fold cat amidst a garden of colorful flo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a shot of burlesque dancer, sitting on vintage chair with her beloved white kitty, in the style of R.png to raw_combined/a shot of burlesque dancer, sitting on vintage chair with her beloved white kitty, in the style of R.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat graphic design, by Ichiro.png to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat graphic design, by Ichiro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting, Fast shutters.txt to raw_combined/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting, Fast shutters.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/white cat eating strawberries and drinking a cocktail, in the style of fanciful, dreamlike imagery, .txt to raw_combined/white cat eating strawberries and drinking a cocktail, in the style of fanciful, dreamlike imagery, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia .txt to raw_combined/a woman in armor holding a sword,fantasy,a medieval castle,a woman in armor holding a sword,asia .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional photo of a beautiful girl with glasses .png to raw_combined/professional photo of a beautiful girl with glasses .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat by Konstantin Razumov .png to raw_combined/cat by Konstantin Razumov .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fred van vassy photograph of woman in a hat with red, in the style of juxtaposition of light and sha.txt to raw_combined/fred van vassy photograph of woman in a hat with red, in the style of juxtaposition of light and sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/forest at night, glowing lights, stone, winding pathway, waterfall, flowers, fairycore, beautiful, m.txt to raw_combined/forest at night, glowing lights, stone, winding pathway, waterfall, flowers, fairycore, beautiful, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman with a red scarf, in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,.png to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman with a red scarf, in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/little girl, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , w.txt to raw_combined/little girl, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d golden midjourney logo .png to raw_combined/3d golden midjourney logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/attractive mysterious woman holding a couple of white cats in her arms, a cats threw her neck over w.txt to raw_combined/attractive mysterious woman holding a couple of white cats in her arms, a cats threw her neck over w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/chiсken background with copy space .txt to raw_combined/chiсken background with copy space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/woman and a huge bag with gold sparkling coins, point to top, cinematic blue, Unreal Engine 5, brigh.txt to raw_combined/woman and a huge bag with gold sparkling coins, point to top, cinematic blue, Unreal Engine 5, brigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/gossamer veil, sweet girl, full height, glitch, cloudpunk, professional photoshoot, real life .txt to raw_combined/gossamer veil, sweet girl, full height, glitch, cloudpunk, professional photoshoot, real life .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,tiffanyblue pale.png to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,tiffanyblue pale.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair, professional studio photography, A Contemporary Portrait .png to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair, professional studio photography, A Contemporary Portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot .png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Cat rolling in the grass .png to raw_combined/Cat rolling in the grass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat gr.txt to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, white hair, blue eyes,White shirt,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional photo of a beautiful girl with glasses .txt to raw_combined/professional photo of a beautiful girl with glasses .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a watercolor painting of kittens standing in front of a ship, in the style of realistic portrayals, .txt to raw_combined/a watercolor painting of kittens standing in front of a ship, in the style of realistic portrayals, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/little girl, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , w.png to raw_combined/little girl, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/soap bottle on glass surface with the pink roses with leaf, in the style of black background, hassel.png to raw_combined/soap bottle on glass surface with the pink roses with leaf, in the style of black background, hassel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, dark hair, green eyes, ,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat g.png to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, dark hair, green eyes, ,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/enchanted landscape, fairy beach .png to raw_combined/enchanted landscape, fairy beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/taroa bay palm trees near turquoise waters and ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, poig.png to raw_combined/taroa bay palm trees near turquoise waters and ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, poig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in light blue dress, professional studio photography, A Con.png to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in light blue dress, professional studio photography, A Con.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in light blue dress, professional studio photography, A Con.txt to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair in light blue dress, professional studio photography, A Con.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/some cats on the ground watching a ship, in the style of celebrity portraits, stark realism .txt to raw_combined/some cats on the ground watching a ship, in the style of celebrity portraits, stark realism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/spray bottle 3D style on a solid white background .txt to raw_combined/spray bottle 3D style on a solid white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, dark hair, green eyes, ,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat g.txt to raw_combined/Simple flat vector, Face Shot, dark hair, green eyes, ,beautiful cute girl, Fashion earrings, flat g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, Beksiński and Milo Manara, by saul leiter .png to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, Beksiński and Milo Manara, by saul leiter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat playing in the starfilled sky with a bat in its basket, in the style of dark gray and light gold.txt to raw_combined/cat playing in the starfilled sky with a bat in its basket, in the style of dark gray and light gold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, Beksiński and Milo Manara, by saul leiter .txt to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, Beksiński and Milo Manara, by saul leiter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Anthropomorphic, frontal view, a adorable kitty with a white mask on its face, two paws up, kitty we.png to raw_combined/Anthropomorphic, frontal view, a adorable kitty with a white mask on its face, two paws up, kitty we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, by saul leiter .png to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, by saul leiter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a female character in a black outfit is on a snowy background, in the style of snapshot aesthetic, l.png to raw_combined/a female character in a black outfit is on a snowy background, in the style of snapshot aesthetic, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional studio photo of the beautiful young woman wearing top and jeans ar34 .txt to raw_combined/professional studio photo of the beautiful young woman wearing top and jeans ar34 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/apple, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white background .txt to raw_combined/apple, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detailed, HD , white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Spanish Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait of.png to raw_combined/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Spanish Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/pastry background with copy space .png to raw_combined/pastry background with copy space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, white and red tones, leon.txt to raw_combined/personas de fashion no 83 by eustace deavry, in the style of zhang jingna, white and red tones, leon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the mon.txt to raw_combined/photo of beautiful designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the mon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful glamorous red hat and red lips of woman dressed in black with red rhinestones and scarf, i.txt to raw_combined/beautiful glamorous red hat and red lips of woman dressed in black with red rhinestones and scarf, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful girl in an evening dress with open shoulders and neckline ar 34 .txt to raw_combined/beautiful girl in an evening dress with open shoulders and neckline ar 34 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, full body, .png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, commercial photo, full body, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a girl wearing a black hat and red hat, in the style of layered translucency, elegant lines, contras.png to raw_combined/a girl wearing a black hat and red hat, in the style of layered translucency, elegant lines, contras.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, by saul leiter .txt to raw_combined/Dior ad, epic, surrealistic, by saul leiter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/taroa bay palm trees near turquoise waters and ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, poig.txt to raw_combined/taroa bay palm trees near turquoise waters and ocean, in the style of highly polished surfaces, poig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cute kitten, emoji pack, expression sheet, multiple poses and expression, studio light, high detai.png to raw_combined/a cute kitten, emoji pack, expression sheet, multiple poses and expression, studio light, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/attractive mysterious woman holding a couple of white cats in her arms, a cats threw her neck over w.png to raw_combined/attractive mysterious woman holding a couple of white cats in her arms, a cats threw her neck over w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/disney princess cinderella in modern styled streetwear outfit in hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/disney princess cinderella in modern styled streetwear outfit in hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/forest at night, glowing lights, stone, winding pathway, waterfall, flowers, fairycore, beautiful, m.png to raw_combined/forest at night, glowing lights, stone, winding pathway, waterfall, flowers, fairycore, beautiful, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a zbrush photorealistic beautiful Circe woman with emotive eyes, body extensions, tiffanyblue palett.txt to raw_combined/a zbrush photorealistic beautiful Circe woman with emotive eyes, body extensions, tiffanyblue palett.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of a woman and cat lying on purple, in the style of kevin hill, light white, franciszek s.png to raw_combined/a painting of a woman and cat lying on purple, in the style of kevin hill, light white, franciszek s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/sad knitted hamburger creature waiting for the bus on a rainy day. Pixar. HDR, VFX .png to raw_combined/sad knitted hamburger creature waiting for the bus on a rainy day. Pixar. HDR, VFX .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man in an urban environment .txt to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man in an urban environment .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/breathtaking hintersee, austria nature , high resolution, high quality, high detailed .txt to raw_combined/breathtaking hintersee, austria nature , high resolution, high quality, high detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white cat sat by the gray curtain and looked at the blue sky. .txt to raw_combined/A white cat sat by the gray curtain and looked at the blue sky. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, extremely close up portrait, commercial photo.txt to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, extremely close up portrait, commercial photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/A white cat sat by the gray curtain and looked at the blue sky. .png to raw_combined/A white cat sat by the gray curtain and looked at the blue sky. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Woman designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5,.png to raw_combined/Woman designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair, professional studio photography, A Contemporary Portrait .txt to raw_combined/fashion for vogue . Women with fair hair, professional studio photography, A Contemporary Portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/3d silver midjourney logo .png to raw_combined/3d silver midjourney logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fiji, beachfront and treeline, in the style of light turquoise and light white, enchanting, utilizes.txt to raw_combined/fiji, beachfront and treeline, in the style of light turquoise and light white, enchanting, utilizes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen .png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant pewear with lace and embroidery stret.png to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant pewear with lace and embroidery stret.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a jar of raspberry jam, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detai.txt to raw_combined/a jar of raspberry jam, full body photo, 3d, digital artwork, game style, 8k unrealistic, very detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful tropical beach in the talapata national park, fiji, in the style of light teal and light w.png to raw_combined/beautiful tropical beach in the talapata national park, fiji, in the style of light teal and light w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful young designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the moni.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful young designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the moni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/closeup shot of a pretty Asian woman looking out of the window of a Hong Kong tramway on a rainy nig.png to raw_combined/closeup shot of a pretty Asian woman looking out of the window of a Hong Kong tramway on a rainy nig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat playing in the starfilled sky with a bat in its basket, in the style of dark gray and light gold.png to raw_combined/cat playing in the starfilled sky with a bat in its basket, in the style of dark gray and light gold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo women with fair hair in light blue dress, silver colors, directional backlighting .txt to raw_combined/photo women with fair hair in light blue dress, silver colors, directional backlighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/beautiful tropical beach in the talapata national park, fiji, in the style of light teal and light w.txt to raw_combined/beautiful tropical beach in the talapata national park, fiji, in the style of light teal and light w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen .txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the country style kitchen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/we are the children of the sun .png to raw_combined/we are the children of the sun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, brigh.txt to raw_combined/designer works on an interactive graphic tablet, point to top, cinematic blue,Unreal Engine 5, brigh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a zbrush photorealistic beautiful Circe woman with emotive eyes, body extensions, tiffanyblue palett.png to raw_combined/a zbrush photorealistic beautiful Circe woman with emotive eyes, body extensions, tiffanyblue palett.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo a group of friends .png to raw_combined/photo a group of friends .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a white cat is sitting in a pink hat while enjoying some strawberries, in the style of photorealisti.png to raw_combined/a white cat is sitting in a pink hat while enjoying some strawberries, in the style of photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/side view portrait photo of the beautiful girl .png to raw_combined/side view portrait photo of the beautiful girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of a thin and not athletic young man .txt to raw_combined/photo of a thin and not athletic young man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a scenic photograph of the skyline of scotland in the evening sun, in the style of mountainous vista.png to raw_combined/a scenic photograph of the skyline of scotland in the evening sun, in the style of mountainous vista.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Design a watercolor sketch featuring a mischievous Scottish Fold cat amidst a garden of colorful flo.txt to raw_combined/Design a watercolor sketch featuring a mischievous Scottish Fold cat amidst a garden of colorful flo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting, Fast shutters.png to raw_combined/Fantastically Fabulous Rainbow Face portrait in photorealism with silhouette lighting, Fast shutters.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Brazilian Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait .txt to raw_combined/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Brazilian Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/closeup shot of a pretty Asian woman looking out of the window of a Hong Kong tramway on a rainy nig.txt to raw_combined/closeup shot of a pretty Asian woman looking out of the window of a Hong Kong tramway on a rainy nig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man in an urban environment .png to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young bald man in an urban environment .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of a kitten surrounded by several boats, in the style of realistic, detailed rendering, w.png to raw_combined/a painting of a kitten surrounded by several boats, in the style of realistic, detailed rendering, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman is posing with a red and black hat, in the style of zhang jingna, realistic portrayal of lig.png to raw_combined/a woman is posing with a red and black hat, in the style of zhang jingna, realistic portrayal of lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Spanish Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait of.txt to raw_combined/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Spanish Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/cat background with copy space .txt to raw_combined/cat background with copy space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/threequarter portrait of beautiful girl .txt to raw_combined/threequarter portrait of beautiful girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Cat rolling in the grass .txt to raw_combined/Cat rolling in the grass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, volumetric evening light .txt to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, volumetric evening light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/full body photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a comput.txt to raw_combined/full body photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a comput.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman with a red scarf, in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,.txt to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman with a red scarf, in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting showing a group of cats in front of an art ship, in the style of realistic, detailed rend.png to raw_combined/a painting showing a group of cats in front of an art ship, in the style of realistic, detailed rend.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/the sunsetting over the great glen of scotland, in the style of filip hodas, zigzags, light green an.txt to raw_combined/the sunsetting over the great glen of scotland, in the style of filip hodas, zigzags, light green an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Oversize Quality Sport suit women Cashmere sweater and pants two piece set, houseplant .txt to raw_combined/Oversize Quality Sport suit women Cashmere sweater and pants two piece set, houseplant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/Professional studio photo, full head details of a beautiful woman from different angles .txt to raw_combined/Professional studio photo, full head details of a beautiful woman from different angles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, volumetric evening light .png to raw_combined/product photo of the teapot in the modern style kitchen, volumetric evening light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/white cat with a blue hat on a plate, blue eyes, in the style of daz3d, detailed attention to costum.txt to raw_combined/white cat with a blue hat on a plate, blue eyes, in the style of daz3d, detailed attention to costum.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/fred van vassy photograph of woman in a hat with red, in the style of juxtaposition of light and sha.png to raw_combined/fred van vassy photograph of woman in a hat with red, in the style of juxtaposition of light and sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a cat walks over stars with its paws, in the style of dark gray and light gold, the stars art group .png to raw_combined/a cat walks over stars with its paws, in the style of dark gray and light gold, the stars art group .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Brazilian Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait .png to raw_combined/realist portrait and fashion for vogue Brazilian Women with her beloved cat A Contemporary Portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a woman in a black hat and red scarf, in the style of nick knight, naoko takeuchi, double tone effec.png to raw_combined/a woman in a black hat and red scarf, in the style of nick knight, naoko takeuchi, double tone effec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut in an urban environ.txt to raw_combined/professional portrait of an attractive positive young woman with a short haircut in an urban environ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant shirt with lace and embroidery stretc.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in an elegant shirt with lace and embroidery stretc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in pink elegant pajamas stretches sweetly sitting o.txt to raw_combined/an anthropomorphic beautiful white kitty dressed in pink elegant pajamas stretches sweetly sitting o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a painting of a woman and cat lying on purple, in the style of kevin hill, light white, franciszek s.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a woman and cat lying on purple, in the style of kevin hill, light white, franciszek s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/macro photo of the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comforta.txt to raw_combined/macro photo of the kitten is delighted and happy, A white joyful kitten playing happily and comforta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the.txt to raw_combined/photo of beautiful young artist girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful woman in a hat and red cloth scarf, in the style of ethereal photograms, mori kei, contr.png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in a hat and red cloth scarf, in the style of ethereal photograms, mori kei, contr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,light pink palet.png to raw_combined/a very beautiful woman , in the style of light and color effects, graphic contrasts,light pink palet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/a beautiful woman in a hat and red cloth scarf, in the style of ethereal photograms, mori kei, contr.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in a hat and red cloth scarf, in the style of ethereal photograms, mori kei, contr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, close up portrait, commercial photo, .png to raw_combined/very beautiful positive girl in hoodies, coral colors, close up portrait, commercial photo, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/photo of beautiful designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the mon.png to raw_combined/photo of beautiful designer girl enthusiastically looks at an illustration on a computer. On the mon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_31/threequarter portrait of beautiful girl .png to raw_combined/threequarter portrait of beautiful girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask on a face, in the style o.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask on a face, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric posthuman girl w.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric posthuman girl w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beau.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, fine art print, the smooth bodies of t.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, fine art print, the smooth bodies of t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model representing ophelia floating under the water surfa.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model representing ophelia floating under the water surfa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open primordial .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open primordial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in theatrical.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in theatrical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, edi.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, edi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric albino goth girl with editorial makeup, ic.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric albino goth girl with editorial makeup, ic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito x anton semenov, an eccentr.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito x anton semenov, an eccentr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, a young lady a woman lies nex.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, a young lady a woman lies nex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with editorial makeup in expres.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with editorial makeup in expres.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic bo.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic female with ritualistic mask and black editorial makeup against the backgroun.png to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic female with ritualistic mask and black editorial makeup against the backgroun.png\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .png, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two eccentric girls merged we.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two eccentric girls merged we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial full color photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, editorial ma.txt to raw_combined/commercial full color photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, editorial ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears an abstraction .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears an abstraction .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with editorial mat.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with editorial mat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, three completely different mysterious eccentric b.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, three completely different mysterious eccentric b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an japanese oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expre.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an japanese oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, three completely different mysterious eccentric beautiful ladie.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, three completely different mysterious eccentric beautiful ladie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and yellow editorial makeup she.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and yellow editorial makeup she.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, a got.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, a got.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell of an eccentric girl lying down merged to another crouch.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell of an eccentric girl lying down merged to another crouch.txt\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.txt, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, delev.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, delev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, edito.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, edito.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic al.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric albino goth girl with editorial makeup, ic.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric albino goth girl with editorial makeup, ic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl lying down with alternative make.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl lying down with alternative make.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, the smooth bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstr.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, the smooth bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, the bodies of two girls in the style o.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, the bodies of two girls in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei woman with expressive pose with editorial ma.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei woman with expressive pose with editorial ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty submerged water, in black with in .png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty submerged water, in black with in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup is lying d.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup is lying d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric neogothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric neogothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with editorial makeup in expres.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with editorial makeup in expres.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior with multiple horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask .png to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior with multiple horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/gothic man with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black editorial ma.txt to raw_combined/gothic man with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black editorial ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl wearing smo.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl wearing smo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in editorial .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in editorial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, trichroma.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, trichroma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/Commercial trichromatic photography by robert mapplethorpe, dynamic unusual composition, an eccentri.png to raw_combined/Commercial trichromatic photography by robert mapplethorpe, dynamic unusual composition, an eccentri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, edi.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, edi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beau.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a young lady laying in pool chair on her back, expressive eyes,.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a young lady laying in pool chair on her back, expressive eyes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric posthuman girl w.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric posthuman girl w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two eccentric girls merged we.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, two eccentric girls merged we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent film er.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent film er.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic poster, the bodies of two girls in the style of flu.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic poster, the bodies of two girls in the style of flu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, three completely different mysterious eccentric b.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, three completely different mysterious eccentric b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, iconic al.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, iconic al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by marilyn minter, girl with red hair and green eyes with a neogothic platinu.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by marilyn minter, girl with red hair and green eyes with a neogothic platinu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of anton semenov, low angle side view pe.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of anton semenov, low angle side view pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a glowing objec.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a glowing objec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, underwater photography, a model .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, underwater photography, a model .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears an abstraction .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears an abstraction .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden studded mask with industrial metal .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden studded mask with industrial metal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman, an eccentric silent film.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman, an eccentric silent film.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl lying down with alternative make.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl lying down with alternative make.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with editorial mat.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with editorial mat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric neogothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric neogothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, glimm.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, glimm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent film er.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent film er.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of gabriel pacheco, an eccentric silent .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of gabriel pacheco, an eccentric silent .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/Commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, trichromatic, azur and broze and platinum, dyna.txt to raw_combined/Commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, trichromatic, azur and broze and platinum, dyna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, trichroma.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, trichroma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, fine art print, the smooth bodies of t.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, fine art print, the smooth bodies of t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, a got.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, a got.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial trichromatic color studio photoshoot by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman,.png to raw_combined/commercial trichromatic color studio photoshoot by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of gabriel pacheco, an eccentric silent .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of gabriel pacheco, an eccentric silent .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, edito.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, edito.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a glowing objec.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a glowing objec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x roger ballen x brooke didonato, trichromatic, an eccen.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x roger ballen x brooke didonato, trichromatic, an eccen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and blue editorial makeup she h.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and blue editorial makeup she h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beautiful girls biomorph.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beautiful girls biomorph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/mediaeval warrior with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black edito.txt to raw_combined/mediaeval warrior with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black edito.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito x anton semenov, an eccentr.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito x anton semenov, an eccentr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x roger ballen x brooke didonato, trichromatic, an eccen.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x roger ballen x brooke didonato, trichromatic, an eccen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady laying in a chair on her back, looki.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady laying in a chair on her back, looki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a young lady laying in pool chair on her back, expressive eyes,.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a young lady laying in pool chair on her back, expressive eyes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glitter and haz.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glitter and haz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, three completely different mysterious eccentric beautiful ladie.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, three completely different mysterious eccentric beautiful ladie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty in black with in editorial black m.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty in black with in editorial black m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask with metal chains on a fa.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask with metal chains on a fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito, an eccentric silent film e.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito, an eccentric silent film e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl on a biomor.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl on a biomor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful gothic lad.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful gothic lad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, a young lady a woman lies nex.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, a young lady a woman lies nex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, pop inspo, a young lady a wom.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, pop inspo, a young lady a wom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, the bodies of two girls in the style o.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic album cover, the bodies of two girls in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, trichroma.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, trichroma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial pastel m.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial pastel m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with alternative makeup in expr.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with alternative makeup in expr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial trichromatic color studio photoshoot by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman,.txt to raw_combined/commercial trichromatic color studio photoshoot by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying down merged.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying down merged.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl wearing smo.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl wearing smo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of austin osman spare, an eccentric sile.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of austin osman spare, an eccentric sile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, three mysterious eccentric beautiful ladies who wear smooth and.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, three mysterious eccentric beautiful ladies who wear smooth and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears a smooth and li.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears a smooth and li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial matte pa.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial matte pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, night luxe, gli.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, night luxe, gli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in editorial .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in editorial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, a model with mega cool girl vibe.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, a model with mega cool girl vibe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a wet girl laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, expr.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a wet girl laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, expr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden sharp studded mask with industrial .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden sharp studded mask with industrial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of austin osman spare, an eccentric sile.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of austin osman spare, an eccentric sile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a hidden glowin.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a hidden glowin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by bunny yeager, a gothic girl on a fritz lang movie set, fantastical backgro.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by bunny yeager, a gothic girl on a fritz lang movie set, fantastical backgro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask with metal chains on a fa.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask with metal chains on a fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model representing ophelia floating under the water surfa.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model representing ophelia floating under the water surfa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, three mysterious eccentric beautiful ladies who wear smooth and.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, three mysterious eccentric beautiful ladies who wear smooth and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito, an eccentric silent film e.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of Junji Ito, an eccentric silent film e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial pastel m.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial pastel m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman, an eccentric silent film.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman, an eccentric silent film.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by bunny yeager, a gothic girl on a fritz lang movie set, fantastical backgro.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by bunny yeager, a gothic girl on a fritz lang movie set, fantastical backgro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, the bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstraction .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, the bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstraction .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a wet girl laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, expr.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a wet girl laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, expr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, trichroma.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, trichroma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior with multiple horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask .txt to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior with multiple horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic bo.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying down merged.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying down merged.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and yellow editorial makeup she.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and yellow editorial makeup she.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears a smooth and li.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who wears a smooth and li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open, unusual co.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open, unusual co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty under water, in black with in edit.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty under water, in black with in edit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, a model with mega cool girl vibe.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, a model with mega cool girl vibe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic boar head mask wit.png to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic boar head mask wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup is lying d.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup is lying d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric si.png to raw_combined/commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric si.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in theatrical.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, an eccentric silent film era movie star in theatrical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of pyke koch, unusual composition, an ec.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of pyke koch, unusual composition, an ec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/gothic man with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black editorial ma.png to raw_combined/gothic man with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black editorial ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial full color photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, editorial ma.png to raw_combined/commercial full color photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl leaning, editorial ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl posing with alternative makeup, .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl posing with alternative makeup, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, night luxe, gli.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, night luxe, gli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, carnival in rio.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, carnival in rio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty in black with in editorial black m.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty in black with in editorial black m.txt\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with expressive pose with alternative m.png, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/mediaeval warrior with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black edito.png to raw_combined/mediaeval warrior with smooth horns and weathered and corroded ritualistic iron mask and black edito.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who w.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of anton semenov, low angle side view pe.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of anton semenov, low angle side view pe.txt\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, model with mega cool girl vibes .txt, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric si.txt to raw_combined/commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric si.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, fresh, night lu.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, fresh, night lu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and blue editorial makeup she h.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is wearing pink and blue editorial makeup she h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a goth girl representing ophelia floating under the water s.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a goth girl representing ophelia floating under the water s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an japanese oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expre.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an japanese oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expressive pos.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expressive pos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expressive pos.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial makeup in expressive pos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, carnival in rio.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, carnival in rio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of pyke koch, unusual composition, an ec.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of pyke koch, unusual composition, an ec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a figure in a cloudy green sky a silhouetted woman with a pink coat, hollywo.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a figure in a cloudy green sky a silhouetted woman with a pink coat, hollywo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a goth girl representing ophelia floating under the water s.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a goth girl representing ophelia floating under the water s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a woman laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, express.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a woman laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, express.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, pop inspo, a young lady a wom.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, iconic album cover, pop inspo, a young lady a wom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman x anton semenov, an eccen.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman x anton semenov, an eccen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beauti.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beauti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a woman laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, express.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a woman laying on her back near a swimming pool in her, express.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glipse of carni.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glipse of carni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by rupert vandervell of an eccentric girl lying down merged to another crouch.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by rupert vandervell of an eccentric girl lying down merged to another crouch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial color photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.png to raw_combined/commercial color photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden sharp studded mask with industrial .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden sharp studded mask with industrial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, medium closeup intensity, glitter .png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, medium closeup intensity, glitter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who w.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful lady who w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by marilyn minter, girl with red hair and green eyes with a neogothic platinu.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by marilyn minter, girl with red hair and green eyes with a neogothic platinu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic female with ritualistic mask and black editorial makeup against the backgroun.txt to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic female with ritualistic mask and black editorial makeup against the backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic hog mask with iron.txt to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic hog mask with iron.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glipse of carni.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glipse of carni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, glimm.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, glimm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a figure in a cloudy green sky a silhouetted woman with a pink coat, hollywo.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a figure in a cloudy green sky a silhouetted woman with a pink coat, hollywo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic hog mask with iron.png to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic hog mask with iron.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open primordial .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open primordial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman x anton semenov, an eccen.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by robert mapplethorpe, in the style of bill carman x anton semenov, an eccen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, fresh, night lu.txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, fresh, night lu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl on a biomor.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, iconic album cover, trichromatic, an eccentric girl on a biomor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, the bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstraction .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, the bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstraction .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei woman with expressive pose with editorial ma.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei woman with expressive pose with editorial ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl posing with alternative makeup, .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl posing with alternative makeup, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial matte pastel makeup, mac.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial matte pastel makeup, mac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is under the water surface is wearing pink and .png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is under the water surface is wearing pink and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beauti.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beauti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl with digital lavender eyes in .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl with digital lavender eyes in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is under the water surface is wearing pink and .txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a model who is under the water surface is wearing pink and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial full color photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying .png to raw_combined/commercial full color photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, underwater photography, a model .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, fine art prints, underwater photography, a model .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic boar head mask wit.txt to raw_combined/photoshoot of a gothic warrior in weathered scale armour and corroded ritualistic boar head mask wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty submerged water, in black with in .txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty submerged water, in black with in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a hidden glowin.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady a woman lies next to a hidden glowin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask on a face, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a man who wears a golden studded mask on a face, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic fi.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial full color photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying .txt to raw_combined/commercial full color photography by rupert vandervell x brooke didonato of an eccentric girl lying .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, the smooth bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstr.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, the smooth bodies of two girls in the style of fluid abstr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beautiful girls biomorph.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, two mysterious eccentric beautiful girls biomorph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden studded mask with industrial metal .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, a female who wears a golden studded mask with industrial metal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/Commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, trichromatic, azur and broze and platinum, dyna.png to raw_combined/Commercial color photography by robert mapplethorpe, trichromatic, azur and broze and platinum, dyna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic fi.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl in alternative makeup, iconic fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open, unusual co.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a model who is wearing blue and green makeup, has her mouth open, unusual co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl with digital lavender eyes in .png to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl with digital lavender eyes in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic poster, the bodies of two girls in the style of flu.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by daria endresen, iconic poster, the bodies of two girls in the style of flu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/Commercial trichromatic photography by robert mapplethorpe, dynamic unusual composition, an eccentri.txt to raw_combined/Commercial trichromatic photography by robert mapplethorpe, dynamic unusual composition, an eccentri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, medium closeup intensity, glitter .txt to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, medium closeup intensity, glitter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with alternative makeup in expr.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl leaning with alternative makeup in expr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic al.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric gothic girl in editorial makeup, iconic al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glitter and haz.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, close up of womans lips, closeup intensity, glitter and haz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty under water, in black with in edit.png to raw_combined/commercial photoshoot by marilyn minter, a mysterious goth beauty under water, in black with in edit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial matte pa.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl expressive pose with editorial matte pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, delev.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, in the style of miroslav tichý x guy aroch, delev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial color photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.txt to raw_combined/commercial color photography by mario testino, in the style of hajime isayama, an eccentric silent f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, iconic al.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by brooke didonato of an eccentric goth girl with editorial makeup, iconic al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady laying in a chair on her back, looki.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, trichromatic, a young lady laying in a chair on her back, looki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful gothic lad.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography by ian abela, macro perspectives, a mysterious eccentric beautiful gothic lad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_30/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial matte pastel makeup, mac.png to raw_combined/commercial photography by gabriel isak of an oshare kei girl with editorial matte pastel makeup, mac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Beautiful woman wearing colorful glasses and clingy yellow jacket, in the style of nicolas delort, i.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful woman wearing colorful glasses and clingy yellow jacket, in the style of nicolas delort, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a frightening alien monster being operated on by doctors, realistic, cinematic film still, fujifilm .png to raw_combined/a frightening alien monster being operated on by doctors, realistic, cinematic film still, fujifilm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic scene of doctors and scientists operating a giant large monster, realistic, cinematic film s.png to raw_combined/dynamic scene of doctors and scientists operating a giant large monster, realistic, cinematic film s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a cactus, white wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a cactus, white wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/white shapes on an unlit surface, in the style of illuminated interiors, whiplash curves, streamline.png to raw_combined/white shapes on an unlit surface, in the style of illuminated interiors, whiplash curves, streamline.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, Very warm light a.txt to raw_combined/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, Very warm light a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/extreme macro shot of a dog, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.txt to raw_combined/extreme macro shot of a dog, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of New York City subway conductor looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, por.txt to raw_combined/photo of New York City subway conductor looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, por.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, blackpink liminal spac.png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, blackpink liminal spac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man reading newspaper on a ferry, fujif.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man reading newspaper on a ferry, fujif.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Wakanda cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos t.png to raw_combined/Wakanda cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup portrait, fashion and glamorous photo of a beautiful woman with fancy hair and hats, in the .txt to raw_combined/closeup portrait, fashion and glamorous photo of a beautiful woman with fancy hair and hats, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/striking portrait of woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra.txt to raw_combined/striking portrait of woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man sleeping on train, fujifilm colors Minimali.png to raw_combined/Cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man sleeping on train, fujifilm colors Minimali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, orange liminal space .txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, orange liminal space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a flower, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a flower, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a public bus, fuji.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a public bus, fuji.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2 .txt to raw_combined/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of tired businessman looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak .png to raw_combined/photo of tired businessman looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, color graded, moody lighting .txt to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, color graded, moody lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Conceptual art, solid color background, graphic, 4d rendered image of an oblong colored object .png to raw_combined/Conceptual art, solid color background, graphic, 4d rendered image of an oblong colored object .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a closeup portrait of a captivating model, her gaze directly meeting the camera. Her look is inspire.txt to raw_combined/a closeup portrait of a captivating model, her gaze directly meeting the camera. Her look is inspire.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by large military unit using chains.txt to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by large military unit using chains.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/extreme macro shot of a fly, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.png to raw_combined/extreme macro shot of a fly, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/astronaut looking down at earth from spaceship window wide shot, indoor spaceship lighting, clear g.png to raw_combined/astronaut looking down at earth from spaceship window wide shot, indoor spaceship lighting, clear g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of subway driver looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.txt to raw_combined/photo of subway driver looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Depth of field photography. Cinematic lighting. Close up. Artistic cropping. Dynamic composition. Al.png to raw_combined/Depth of field photography. Cinematic lighting. Close up. Artistic cropping. Dynamic composition. Al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of ape in white astronaut uniform, white background .png to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of ape in white astronaut uniform, white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Portrait image of native norway captured by canon R8 8K HD result, more realistic detail of depth .png to raw_combined/Portrait image of native norway captured by canon R8 8K HD result, more realistic detail of depth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, color graded, moody lighting .png to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, color graded, moody lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, purple liminal space .png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, purple liminal space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by pirate ship crew using chains an.png to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by pirate ship crew using chains an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a flower, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a flower, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Closeup portrait shot of zen monk with surprised look, looing upwards, white cloths. Background Mini.txt to raw_combined/Closeup portrait shot of zen monk with surprised look, looing upwards, white cloths. Background Mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/black male model astronaut with reflective visor .png to raw_combined/black male model astronaut with reflective visor .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage. Backg.txt to raw_combined/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage. Backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of ape in white astronaut uniform, white background .txt to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of ape in white astronaut uniform, white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large monster being trapped by large military unit using chains and.png to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large monster being trapped by large military unit using chains and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic scene of doctors and scientists operating a giant large monster, realistic, cinematic film s.txt to raw_combined/dynamic scene of doctors and scientists operating a giant large monster, realistic, cinematic film s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cleopatra cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos.png to raw_combined/Cleopatra cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of a woman amongst a bunch of golden demons, in the style of hyperrealistic portraiture, trash.png to raw_combined/photo of a woman amongst a bunch of golden demons, in the style of hyperrealistic portraiture, trash.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Letter S logo, video play button and audiowaves, in the style of Jessica Walsh, modern, minimal, whi.png to raw_combined/Letter S logo, video play button and audiowaves, in the style of Jessica Walsh, modern, minimal, whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Mesmerizing fashion photography of a cute quirky female model with a translucent bioluminescent medu.png to raw_combined/Mesmerizing fashion photography of a cute quirky female model with a translucent bioluminescent medu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro shot of a snail, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intricate de.png to raw_combined/macro shot of a snail, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intricate de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A bloodhound in a suit on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant, hyperrealistic, .txt to raw_combined/A bloodhound in a suit on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant, hyperrealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Darth Vader in a black room in symmetry .txt to raw_combined/Darth Vader in a black room in symmetry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and orange .png to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and orange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a ferry, fujifilm color.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a ferry, fujifilm color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Portrait of black beautiful woman with beautiful natural make up, wearing white hijab whos also cov.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of black beautiful woman with beautiful natural make up, wearing white hijab whos also cov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Surrealistic female model with glasses looks like a tiger and a tiger teeth mask about the mouth, po.png to raw_combined/Surrealistic female model with glasses looks like a tiger and a tiger teeth mask about the mouth, po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait, abnormal accesories, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, h.png to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait, abnormal accesories, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a newspaper on a bus seat, fujifilm colors .txt to raw_combined/a newspaper on a bus seat, fujifilm colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/portrait of ugly skinny wrinkly old guy with deep eyes looking straight to the camera, highlydetaile.txt to raw_combined/portrait of ugly skinny wrinkly old guy with deep eyes looking straight to the camera, highlydetaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Portrait of black beautiful woman with beautiful natural make up, wearing white hijab whos also cov.png to raw_combined/Portrait of black beautiful woman with beautiful natural make up, wearing white hijab whos also cov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a ferry in open water, fujifilm colors minimalist doc.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a ferry in open water, fujifilm colors minimalist doc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform .png to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, all purple, Avant.txt to raw_combined/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, all purple, Avant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic shot of zen monk kneeing in the middle of circular room, white cloth. Background Minimalis.png to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of zen monk kneeing in the middle of circular room, white cloth. Background Minimalis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A plastic head is pink and decorated with different colors, in the style of hyperrealistic oil, drip.png to raw_combined/A plastic head is pink and decorated with different colors, in the style of hyperrealistic oil, drip.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of tired businessman looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak .txt to raw_combined/photo of tired businessman looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro shot of a snail, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intricate de.txt to raw_combined/macro shot of a snail, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intricate de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage.txt to raw_combined/female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of humanoid dog wearing a big glass dome, troubadour style, white and aquam.png to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of humanoid dog wearing a big glass dome, troubadour style, white and aquam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a public bus, fuji.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a public bus, fuji.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Letter S logo, video play button and audiowaves, in the style of Jessica Walsh, modern, minimal, whi.txt to raw_combined/Letter S logo, video play button and audiowaves, in the style of Jessica Walsh, modern, minimal, whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Seneca cinematic shot taken by hasselblad incredibly detailed, sharpen, details professional lig.png to raw_combined/Seneca cinematic shot taken by hasselblad incredibly detailed, sharpen, details professional lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Lighting Designer AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage. Backgrou.png to raw_combined/Lighting Designer AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage. Backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipment. Backgrou.png to raw_combined/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipment. Backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, white liminal space .txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, white liminal space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Mesmerizing fashion photography of a cute quirky female model with a translucent bioluminescent medu.txt to raw_combined/Mesmerizing fashion photography of a cute quirky female model with a translucent bioluminescent medu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2 .png to raw_combined/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Award winning photo of a Doberman dog diving underwater catching a tennis ball with its mouth, Shot .png to raw_combined/Award winning photo of a Doberman dog diving underwater catching a tennis ball with its mouth, Shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of asian influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar .txt to raw_combined/photo of asian influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A fashion woman dressed super complex and stylish, insane accessories, gold chains, colorful shapes,.txt to raw_combined/A fashion woman dressed super complex and stylish, insane accessories, gold chains, colorful shapes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, detailed, minimalistic .txt to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, detailed, minimalistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A plastic head is pink and decorated with different colors, in the style of hyperrealistic oil, drip.txt to raw_combined/A plastic head is pink and decorated with different colors, in the style of hyperrealistic oil, drip.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro closeup of new york times newspaper sitting on bus seat, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors.png to raw_combined/macro closeup of new york times newspaper sitting on bus seat, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on an empty subway ca.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on an empty subway ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, purple liminal space .txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, purple liminal space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, Greek island landscape .txt to raw_combined/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, Greek island landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and olive green .png to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and olive green .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on an empty subway ca.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on an empty subway ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd, cave paintings, long shot, a blunt, giraffe adhesive mask, photobashing mask to .png to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd, cave paintings, long shot, a blunt, giraffe adhesive mask, photobashing mask to .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of blonde young woman, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.png to raw_combined/photo of blonde young woman, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of european model, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar 10.txt to raw_combined/photo of european model, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar 10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Extreme Closeup, Minimalism, award winning future luxury fashion female by star wars for entertainme.png to raw_combined/Extreme Closeup, Minimalism, award winning future luxury fashion female by star wars for entertainme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, orange liminal space .png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, orange liminal space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Wakanda cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos t.txt to raw_combined/Wakanda cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Napoleon cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos .png to raw_combined/Napoleon cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Depth of field photography. Cinematic lighting. Close up. Artistic cropping. Dynamic composition. Al.txt to raw_combined/Depth of field photography. Cinematic lighting. Close up. Artistic cropping. Dynamic composition. Al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Arrogant and pretty woman with glasses, flower hair, 8k, surreal .png to raw_combined/Arrogant and pretty woman with glasses, flower hair, 8k, surreal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Beautiful woman wearing colorful glasses and clingy yellow jacket, in the style of nicolas delort, i.png to raw_combined/Beautiful woman wearing colorful glasses and clingy yellow jacket, in the style of nicolas delort, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A bloodhound in a suit smoking a cigar, on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant,.png to raw_combined/A bloodhound in a suit smoking a cigar, on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/extreme macro shot of a dog, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.png to raw_combined/extreme macro shot of a dog, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A bloodhound in a suit on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant, hyperrealistic, .png to raw_combined/A bloodhound in a suit on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant, hyperrealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro closeup of new york times newspaper, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors Minimalist document.png to raw_combined/macro closeup of new york times newspaper, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors Minimalist document.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Feral hunter, close up shot, looking into the camera .png to raw_combined/Feral hunter, close up shot, looking into the camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2, moody lighting, dynamic p.png to raw_combined/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2, moody lighting, dynamic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/VOGUE portrait photo of a highfashion model with modern sunglasses, vivid colors, cinematik, fotorea.txt to raw_combined/VOGUE portrait photo of a highfashion model with modern sunglasses, vivid colors, cinematik, fotorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Feral hunter, close up shot, looking into the camera .txt to raw_combined/Feral hunter, close up shot, looking into the camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a frightening alien monster being operated on by doctors, realistic, cinematic film still, fujifilm .txt to raw_combined/a frightening alien monster being operated on by doctors, realistic, cinematic film still, fujifilm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a ferry, fujifilm color.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a ferry, fujifilm color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic macro shot of monk prayer beads, shot on Nikon D850 camera with a Nikkor 2470mm f2.8E ED V.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic macro shot of monk prayer beads, shot on Nikon D850 camera with a Nikkor 2470mm f2.8E ED V.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/portrait of ugly skinny wrinkly old guy with deep eyes looking straight to the camera, highlydetaile.png to raw_combined/portrait of ugly skinny wrinkly old guy with deep eyes looking straight to the camera, highlydetaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/astronaut looking down at earth from spaceship window wide shot, indoor spaceship lighting, clear g.txt to raw_combined/astronaut looking down at earth from spaceship window wide shot, indoor spaceship lighting, clear g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/epic side view portrait of a professional wildlife photographer, set in a snowy mountain environment.png to raw_combined/epic side view portrait of a professional wildlife photographer, set in a snowy mountain environment.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a ferry, fujifilm .png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a ferry, fujifilm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/extreme macro shot of a fly, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.txt to raw_combined/extreme macro shot of a fly, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, intric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/shot of Darth Vader, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, moody lighting.png to raw_combined/shot of Darth Vader, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, moody lighting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, detailed, minimalistic .png to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform, cinematic, detailed, minimalistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by large military unit using chains.png to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by large military unit using chains.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a grumpy old finance CEO in a science fiction movie, wearing a classy suit in a luxurious boardroom,.png to raw_combined/a grumpy old finance CEO in a science fiction movie, wearing a classy suit in a luxurious boardroom,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A girl covered by a bee hive, in the style of dark and brooding designer, photobashing, made of inse.png to raw_combined/A girl covered by a bee hive, in the style of dark and brooding designer, photobashing, made of inse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, all purple, Avant.png to raw_combined/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, all purple, Avant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, Very warm light a.png to raw_combined/Minimalistic hyper futuristic image, Organic inflated membranes, Fashion approach, Very warm light a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/black male model astronaut with reflective visor .txt to raw_combined/black male model astronaut with reflective visor .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and orange .txt to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and orange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Extreme Closeup, Minimalism, award winning future luxury fashion female by star wars for entertainme.txt to raw_combined/Extreme Closeup, Minimalism, award winning future luxury fashion female by star wars for entertainme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Kaleidoscope unsplash imagination bioluminescent lavender paper art illustration, forward facing fas.png to raw_combined/Kaleidoscope unsplash imagination bioluminescent lavender paper art illustration, forward facing fas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/VOGUE portrait photo of a highfashion model with modern sunglasses, vivid colors, cinematik, fotorea.png to raw_combined/VOGUE portrait photo of a highfashion model with modern sunglasses, vivid colors, cinematik, fotorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Award winning architectural photography Interior back shot of a soft diffuse daylit minimalist cozy .png to raw_combined/Award winning architectural photography Interior back shot of a soft diffuse daylit minimalist cozy .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/epic side view portrait of a professional wildlife photographer, set in a snowy mountain environment.txt to raw_combined/epic side view portrait of a professional wildlife photographer, set in a snowy mountain environment.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a sitting chair, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a sitting chair, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, breathtaking landscape .png to raw_combined/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, breathtaking landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a sitting chair, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a sitting chair, yellow wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, breathtaking landscape .txt to raw_combined/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, breathtaking landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a public bus, fujifilm .png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a public bus, fujifilm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and olive green .txt to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of black hound weaing VR headset, troubadour style, white and olive green .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and stage at a.png to raw_combined/Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and stage at a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man sleeping on train, fujifilm colors Minimali.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man sleeping on train, fujifilm colors Minimali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform .txt to raw_combined/sideview headshot portrait of monkey in astronaut uniform .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large monster being trapped by large military unit using chains and.txt to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large monster being trapped by large military unit using chains and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a public bus, fujifilm .txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man with dog on a public bus, fujifilm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Surrealistic female model with glasses looks like a tiger and a tiger teeth mask about the mouth, po.txt to raw_combined/Surrealistic female model with glasses looks like a tiger and a tiger teeth mask about the mouth, po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space, soft m.txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space, soft m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Memphis, concept furniture, interior background, Insane Details, C4D, octane render, behance, FHD, 3.png to raw_combined/Memphis, concept furniture, interior background, Insane Details, C4D, octane render, behance, FHD, 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a closeup portrait of a captivating model, her gaze directly meeting the camera. Her look is inspire.png to raw_combined/a closeup portrait of a captivating model, her gaze directly meeting the camera. Her look is inspire.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic photography of young woman wearing adventure survivalist sit down, brown eyes, brown wavy .txt to raw_combined/Cinematic photography of young woman wearing adventure survivalist sit down, brown eyes, brown wavy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, white liminal space .png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, white liminal space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Fullbody woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra sharp 5 , f.png to raw_combined/Fullbody woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra sharp 5 , f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Award winning architectural photography Interior back shot of a soft diffuse daylit minimalist cozy .txt to raw_combined/Award winning architectural photography Interior back shot of a soft diffuse daylit minimalist cozy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Napoleon cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos .txt to raw_combined/Napoleon cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of New York City subway conductor looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, por.png to raw_combined/photo of New York City subway conductor looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, por.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a public city bus on empty street, fujifilm colors mi.txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a public city bus on empty street, fujifilm colors mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space .png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/striking portrait of woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra.png to raw_combined/striking portrait of woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, haunting, ja.txt to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, haunting, ja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Kaleidoscope unsplash imagination bioluminescent lavender paper art illustration, forward facing fas.txt to raw_combined/Kaleidoscope unsplash imagination bioluminescent lavender paper art illustration, forward facing fas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait, abnormal accesories, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, h.txt to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait, abnormal accesories, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup minimalist photo of humanoid dog wearing a big glass dome, troubadour style, white and aquam.txt to raw_combined/closeup minimalist photo of humanoid dog wearing a big glass dome, troubadour style, white and aquam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of blonde young woman, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.txt to raw_combined/photo of blonde young woman, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2, moody lighting, dynamic p.txt to raw_combined/award winning Photo of beautiful woman with makeup tribal full colors, f2, moody lighting, dynamic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of Instagram influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ek.png to raw_combined/photo of Instagram influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ek.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro closeup of new york times newspaper sitting on bus seat, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of new york times newspaper sitting on bus seat, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Lighting Designer AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage. Backgrou.txt to raw_combined/Lighting Designer AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage. Backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage. Backg.png to raw_combined/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage. Backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic photography of young woman wearing adventure survivalist sit down, brown eyes, brown wavy .png to raw_combined/Cinematic photography of young woman wearing adventure survivalist sit down, brown eyes, brown wavy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Award winning photo of a Doberman dog diving underwater catching a tennis ball with its mouth, Shot .txt to raw_combined/Award winning photo of a Doberman dog diving underwater catching a tennis ball with its mouth, Shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, haunting, ja.png to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, haunting, ja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of european model, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar 10.png to raw_combined/photo of european model, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar 10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A bloodhound in a suit smoking a cigar, on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant,.txt to raw_combined/A bloodhound in a suit smoking a cigar, on the cover of VOGUE fashion magazine, regal pose, elegant,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipment. Backgrou.txt to raw_combined/AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up a stage with AV equipment. Backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Portrait image of native norway captured by canon R8 8K HD result, more realistic detail of depth .txt to raw_combined/Portrait image of native norway captured by canon R8 8K HD result, more realistic detail of depth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by pirate ship crew using chains an.txt to raw_combined/dynamic battle scene of a giant, large sea monster being trapped by pirate ship crew using chains an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage.png to raw_combined/female AV crew member dressed in black shirt and black pants setting up and building a lighted stage.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic macro shot of monk prayer beads, shot on Nikon D850 camera with a Nikkor 2470mm f2.8E ED V.png to raw_combined/Cinematic macro shot of monk prayer beads, shot on Nikon D850 camera with a Nikkor 2470mm f2.8E ED V.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cleopatra cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos.txt to raw_combined/Cleopatra cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos taken by canon, photos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of a woman amongst a bunch of golden demons, in the style of hyperrealistic portraiture, trash.txt to raw_combined/photo of a woman amongst a bunch of golden demons, in the style of hyperrealistic portraiture, trash.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a ferry, fujifilm .txt to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old man reading the newspaper on a ferry, fujifilm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Viking warrior, close up shot, looking at camera .txt to raw_combined/Viking warrior, close up shot, looking at camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a public city bus on empty street, fujifilm colors mi.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a public city bus on empty street, fujifilm colors mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/macro closeup of new york times newspaper, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors Minimalist document.txt to raw_combined/macro closeup of new york times newspaper, Cinematic film still, fujifilm colors Minimalist document.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A girl covered by a bee hive, in the style of dark and brooding designer, photobashing, made of inse.txt to raw_combined/A girl covered by a bee hive, in the style of dark and brooding designer, photobashing, made of inse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a grumpy old finance CEO in a science fiction movie, wearing a classy suit in a luxurious boardroom,.txt to raw_combined/a grumpy old finance CEO in a science fiction movie, wearing a classy suit in a luxurious boardroom,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, blackpink liminal spac.txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture closeup, blackpink liminal spac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/shot of Darth Vader, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, moody lighting.txt to raw_combined/shot of Darth Vader, shot with a Nikkon Z7 II and Nikkon NIKKOR 105mm f2.8 VR S lens, moody lighting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man reading newspaper on a ferry, fujif.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of an old bearded man reading newspaper on a ferry, fujif.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, surreal cybe.txt to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, surreal cybe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/white shapes on an unlit surface, in the style of illuminated interiors, whiplash curves, streamline.txt to raw_combined/white shapes on an unlit surface, in the style of illuminated interiors, whiplash curves, streamline.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/a newspaper on a bus seat, fujifilm colors .png to raw_combined/a newspaper on a bus seat, fujifilm colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Fullbody woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra sharp 5 , f.txt to raw_combined/Fullbody woman, bumble bee, floating honeycomb, dome, hyper realistic photography, ultra sharp 5 , f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of subway driver looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.png to raw_combined/photo of subway driver looking through a subway window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ekta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Conceptual art, solid color background, graphic, 4d rendered image of an oblong colored object .txt to raw_combined/Conceptual art, solid color background, graphic, 4d rendered image of an oblong colored object .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and stage at a.txt to raw_combined/Camera Operator dressed in black shirt and black pants. Background cameras, lighting, and stage at a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/minimalist shot of a cactus, white wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png to raw_combined/minimalist shot of a cactus, white wall, comfy, pastel color palette .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Viking warrior, close up shot, looking at camera .png to raw_combined/Viking warrior, close up shot, looking at camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Closeup portrait shot of zen monk with surprised look, looing upwards, white cloths. Background Mini.png to raw_combined/Closeup portrait shot of zen monk with surprised look, looing upwards, white cloths. Background Mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Arrogant and pretty woman with glasses, flower hair, 8k, surreal .txt to raw_combined/Arrogant and pretty woman with glasses, flower hair, 8k, surreal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Darth Vader in a black room in symmetry .png to raw_combined/Darth Vader in a black room in symmetry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of asian influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar .png to raw_combined/photo of asian influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ektar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Cinematic shot of zen monk kneeing in the middle of circular room, white cloth. Background Minimalis.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic shot of zen monk kneeing in the middle of circular room, white cloth. Background Minimalis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/closeup portrait, fashion and glamorous photo of a beautiful woman with fancy hair and hats, in the .png to raw_combined/closeup portrait, fashion and glamorous photo of a beautiful woman with fancy hair and hats, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space, soft m.png to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space, soft m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/A fashion woman dressed super complex and stylish, insane accessories, gold chains, colorful shapes,.png to raw_combined/A fashion woman dressed super complex and stylish, insane accessories, gold chains, colorful shapes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd, cave paintings, long shot, a blunt, giraffe adhesive mask, photobashing mask to .txt to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd, cave paintings, long shot, a blunt, giraffe adhesive mask, photobashing mask to .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Memphis, concept furniture, interior background, Insane Details, C4D, octane render, behance, FHD, 3.txt to raw_combined/Memphis, concept furniture, interior background, Insane Details, C4D, octane render, behance, FHD, 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of Instagram influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ek.txt to raw_combined/photo of Instagram influencer, through an outdoor window, glares and reflections, portrait, kodak ek.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, Greek island landscape .png to raw_combined/photo of birds eye view, drone photography, Greek island landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, surreal cybe.png to raw_combined/Bizarre and absurd portrait long shot, frame, a underpass, afternoon, brush, rangecore, surreal cybe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a ferry in open water, fujifilm colors minimalist doc.png to raw_combined/cinematic film still editiorial photograph of a ferry in open water, fujifilm colors minimalist doc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space .txt to raw_combined/Detailed minimalist fashion photography, cinematic lighting, couture, lavender liminal space .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_77/Seneca cinematic shot taken by hasselblad incredibly detailed, sharpen, details professional lig.txt to raw_combined/Seneca cinematic shot taken by hasselblad incredibly detailed, sharpen, details professional lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie spawn and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, mugshot f.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie spawn and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, mugshot f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s skatepark by hiroshi nagai .txt to raw_combined/70s skatepark by hiroshi nagai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surf expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai and giger .txt to raw_combined/a surf expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai and giger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white .txt to raw_combined/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by noma bar and toshio saeki .txt to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by noma bar and toshio saeki .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a carambole alien queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/a carambole alien queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by toshio saeki, a collage with photos by clau.txt to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by toshio saeki, a collage with photos by clau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dr.txt to raw_combined/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian psychedelic art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png to raw_combined/indian psychedelic art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/covid 19 microscopic photo .png to raw_combined/covid 19 microscopic photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a y2K intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.png to raw_combined/a y2K intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian giger art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png to raw_combined/indian giger art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene .png to raw_combined/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/minimal one line drawing by toshio saeki, vasarely and mark kostabi .txt to raw_combined/minimal one line drawing by toshio saeki, vasarely and mark kostabi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange pineapple mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a wh.txt to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange pineapple mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a star wars endor retrofuturist brutalist architecture .txt to raw_combined/a star wars endor retrofuturist brutalist architecture .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a star wars endor retrofuturist brutalist architecture .png to raw_combined/a star wars endor retrofuturist brutalist architecture .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange pineapple bee fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white.png to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange pineapple bee fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/banana eldritch fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png to raw_combined/banana eldritch fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an abstract sculpture of a skateboarder by frida khalo ona white background .txt to raw_combined/an abstract sculpture of a skateboarder by frida khalo ona white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an minimal surf oil painting by hiroshi nagai .png to raw_combined/an minimal surf oil painting by hiroshi nagai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by kazemir malevich.txt to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by kazemir malevich.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/minimal tiger eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .txt to raw_combined/minimal tiger eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a modernist logo by vasarely, minimal, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry .png to raw_combined/a modernist logo by vasarely, minimal, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/model model made with various designs for chinese fashion industry, in the style of organically insp.png to raw_combined/model model made with various designs for chinese fashion industry, in the style of organically insp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .png to raw_combined/a surrealist collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/Moon Ra by sun ra .txt to raw_combined/Moon Ra by sun ra .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/pineapple bee queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/pineapple bee queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of yoda darth maul humanoid star wars editorial, screenshot from a ja.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of yoda darth maul humanoid star wars editorial, screenshot from a ja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, analog street photography .txt to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, analog street photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.txt to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and savage dragon psychedelic editorial.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and savage dragon psychedelic editorial.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/albinos fashion editorial by giger, Romare Bearden and petra collins .png to raw_combined/albinos fashion editorial by giger, Romare Bearden and petra collins .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist painting of a microscopic views of the covid 19 .png to raw_combined/a surrealist painting of a microscopic views of the covid 19 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/Y2K intricate biopunk collage editorial by John Stezaker, giger and petra collins .txt to raw_combined/Y2K intricate biopunk collage editorial by John Stezaker, giger and petra collins .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/kiwi fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png to raw_combined/kiwi fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .png to raw_combined/eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/banana eldritch fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt to raw_combined/banana eldritch fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/bespin cloud city in star wars the epire strikes back, kodak porta 300 .png to raw_combined/bespin cloud city in star wars the epire strikes back, kodak porta 300 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by ed roth .png to raw_combined/by ed roth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist painting of the covid 19, microspic view, expressive .png to raw_combined/a surrealist painting of the covid 19, microspic view, expressive .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/japanese 70s star wars death star brutalist cyberpunk interior, salle de controle .txt to raw_combined/japanese 70s star wars death star brutalist cyberpunk interior, salle de controle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by toshio saeki, a collage with photos by clau.png to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by toshio saeki, a collage with photos by clau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/one line drawing by mondrian and toshio saeki, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .png to raw_combined/one line drawing by mondrian and toshio saeki, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white .png to raw_combined/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/impossible shape by escher, impossible future .txt to raw_combined/impossible shape by escher, impossible future .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s star wars tatooine brutalist giger concrete building, kodak portra 500, in the style of japane.txt to raw_combined/a 70s star wars tatooine brutalist giger concrete building, kodak portra 500, in the style of japane.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/latex indian art deco editorial by petra collins, ren hang and malik sidibe, screenshot from a 70s h.txt to raw_combined/latex indian art deco editorial by petra collins, ren hang and malik sidibe, screenshot from a 70s h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/surf skate punk pattern by ed roth .png to raw_combined/surf skate punk pattern by ed roth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist psychedelic collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .png to raw_combined/a surrealist psychedelic collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a minimal concrete brutalist skatepark drawing by ettore sotsass and nathalie du pasquier, isometric.txt to raw_combined/a minimal concrete brutalist skatepark drawing by ettore sotsass and nathalie du pasquier, isometric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of robocop alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movi.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of robocop alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies .txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and matisse .txt to raw_combined/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and matisse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/model ing in korean spider pattern photoshoot rachel mah, in the style of eyecatching resin jewelry,.png to raw_combined/model ing in korean spider pattern photoshoot rachel mah, in the style of eyecatching resin jewelry,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1972 skatepark, architecture photography, hilford .png to raw_combined/a 1972 skatepark, architecture photography, hilford .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/collage editorial by robert rauschenberg and petra collins .png to raw_combined/collage editorial by robert rauschenberg and petra collins .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/punk collage editorial .png to raw_combined/punk collage editorial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a new age collage wi.txt to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a new age collage wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/lizard queen sofubi with legs, action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/lizard queen sofubi with legs, action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an minimal surf oil painting by hiroshi nagai .txt to raw_combined/an minimal surf oil painting by hiroshi nagai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by vasarely on a wh.png to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by vasarely on a wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/fig fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png to raw_combined/fig fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70s, in the .txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70s, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/humanoid reptilians matrix hellraiser fashion editorial by Romare Bearden and misha gordin, Y2K quee.png to raw_combined/humanoid reptilians matrix hellraiser fashion editorial by Romare Bearden and misha gordin, Y2K quee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/covid 19 microscopic photo .txt to raw_combined/covid 19 microscopic photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dr.png to raw_combined/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a zoom shared screen meeting with 6 people 2 cats, 2 dogs and 2 squirrels .png to raw_combined/a zoom shared screen meeting with 6 people 2 cats, 2 dogs and 2 squirrels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and savage dragon psychedelic editorial.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and savage dragon psychedelic editorial.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a y2K intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.txt to raw_combined/a y2K intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/Y2K intricate biopunk collage editorial by John Stezaker, giger and petra collins .png to raw_combined/Y2K intricate biopunk collage editorial by John Stezaker, giger and petra collins .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of chewbacca humanoid terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanes.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of chewbacca humanoid terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian giger art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt to raw_combined/indian giger art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of matrix alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movie.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of matrix alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a star wars endor brutalist architecture .txt to raw_combined/a star wars endor brutalist architecture .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/watermelon lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/watermelon lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s star wars tatooine brutalist giger concrete building, kodak portra 500, in the style of japane.png to raw_combined/a 70s star wars tatooine brutalist giger concrete building, kodak portra 500, in the style of japane.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/lizard queen sofubi with legs, action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/lizard queen sofubi with legs, action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an abstract sculpture of a skateboarder by frida khalo ona white background .png to raw_combined/an abstract sculpture of a skateboarder by frida khalo ona white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a vintage japanese movie, in .txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a vintage japanese movie, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai .txt to raw_combined/an expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/one line drawing by mondrian and toshio saeki, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .txt to raw_combined/one line drawing by mondrian and toshio saeki, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/kiwi fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt to raw_combined/kiwi fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki , vaporising sun album cover .txt to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki , vaporising sun album cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by kazemir malevich.png to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by kazemir malevich.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist painting of the covid 19, microspic view, expressive .txt to raw_combined/a surrealist painting of the covid 19, microspic view, expressive .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .txt to raw_combined/a surrealist collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/surf skate punk pattern by ed roth .txt to raw_combined/surf skate punk pattern by ed roth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass a.txt to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a fruit superhero action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/a fruit superhero action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/surfing tsunami album cover .png to raw_combined/surfing tsunami album cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white, 1970s ph.png to raw_combined/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white, 1970s ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a fruit superhero action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/a fruit superhero action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/humanoid reptilians matrix hellraiser fashion editorial by Romare Bearden and misha gordin, Y2K quee.txt to raw_combined/humanoid reptilians matrix hellraiser fashion editorial by Romare Bearden and misha gordin, Y2K quee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by pedro friedeberg and vasarely .txt to raw_combined/by pedro friedeberg and vasarely .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a minimal concrete brutalist skatepark drawing by ettore sotsass and nathalie du pasquier, isometric.png to raw_combined/a minimal concrete brutalist skatepark drawing by ettore sotsass and nathalie du pasquier, isometric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/impossible shape by escher, impossible future .png to raw_combined/impossible shape by escher, impossible future .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a new age collage wi.png to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a new age collage wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene, padme .png to raw_combined/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene, padme .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki .png to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/minimal one line drawing by toshio saeki, vasarely and mark kostabi .png to raw_combined/minimal one line drawing by toshio saeki, vasarely and mark kostabi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese movie poster of the remake of japanese star wars with japanese actors .txt to raw_combined/a 70s japanese movie poster of the remake of japanese star wars with japanese actors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, analog street photography .png to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, analog street photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/an expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai .png to raw_combined/an expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/albinos fashion editorial by giger, Romare Bearden and petra collins .txt to raw_combined/albinos fashion editorial by giger, Romare Bearden and petra collins .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/model model made with various designs for chinese fashion industry, in the style of organically insp.txt to raw_combined/model model made with various designs for chinese fashion industry, in the style of organically insp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/watermelon lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/watermelon lizard queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a modernist logo by vasarely, minimal, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry .txt to raw_combined/a modernist logo by vasarely, minimal, vertical symmetry, horizontal symmetry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a fruit kaiju action figure by miro and giger on a white background .png to raw_combined/a fruit kaiju action figure by miro and giger on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass a.png to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and sav.png to raw_combined/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and sav.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese movie poster of the remake of japanese star wars with japanese actors .png to raw_combined/a 70s japanese movie poster of the remake of japanese star wars with japanese actors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/japanese 70s star wars death star interior design .png to raw_combined/japanese 70s star wars death star interior design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange kiwi mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white b.png to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange kiwi mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/fig fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt to raw_combined/fig fruit sofubi action figure on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surfing tsunami death metal airbrush 80s album cover .png to raw_combined/a surfing tsunami death metal airbrush 80s album cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and miro .png to raw_combined/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and miro .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1972 skatepark, architecture photography, hilford .txt to raw_combined/a 1972 skatepark, architecture photography, hilford .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, kodak portra 400 grain .png to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, kodak portra 400 grain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/latex indian art deco editorial by petra collins, ren hang and malik sidibe, screenshot from a 70s h.png to raw_combined/latex indian art deco editorial by petra collins, ren hang and malik sidibe, screenshot from a 70s h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/bespin cloud city in star wars the epire strikes back, kodak porta 300 .txt to raw_combined/bespin cloud city in star wars the epire strikes back, kodak porta 300 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/90s california skate punk mugshot by ren hang and malick sidibe, kodak portra 400, Fujifilm Neopan 1.png to raw_combined/90s california skate punk mugshot by ren hang and malick sidibe, kodak portra 400, Fujifilm Neopan 1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a vintage japanese movie, in .png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a vintage japanese movie, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/one line drawing by mondrian and mark kostabi, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .png to raw_combined/one line drawing by mondrian and mark kostabi, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a carambole alien queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt to raw_combined/a carambole alien queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of chewbacca humanoid terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanes.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of chewbacca humanoid terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white, 1970s ph.txt to raw_combined/a 24yo zboy from dogtown with long blond hair, portrait, kodak portra 400, black and white, 1970s ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a cartoon by paul rand .png to raw_combined/a cartoon by paul rand .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie spawn and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, mugshot f.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie spawn and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, mugshot f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by malick sidibe an.png to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by malick sidibe an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a man from indonesia wearing a navy tshirt with a red rectangle printed on the chest, photography by.png to raw_combined/a man from indonesia wearing a navy tshirt with a red rectangle printed on the chest, photography by.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of robocop alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movi.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of robocop alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/skateboarding by henri cartier bresson .png to raw_combined/skateboarding by henri cartier bresson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, scre.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, scre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass o.txt to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surfing tsunami death metal airbrush 80s album cover .txt to raw_combined/a surfing tsunami death metal airbrush 80s album cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by noma bar and toshio saeki .png to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card by noma bar and toshio saeki .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by Taiyō Matsumoto .png to raw_combined/by Taiyō Matsumoto .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70s, in the .png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70s, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a one line drawing by basquiat, picasso, uderzo and norma bar for a stussy tshirt .png to raw_combined/a one line drawing by basquiat, picasso, uderzo and norma bar for a stussy tshirt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a futurnist 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surreali.txt to raw_combined/a futurnist 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/90s california skate punk mugshot by ren hang and malick sidibe, kodak portra 400, Fujifilm Neopan 1.txt to raw_combined/90s california skate punk mugshot by ren hang and malick sidibe, kodak portra 400, Fujifilm Neopan 1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/asian woman in blue and red wearing spider web makeup, in the style of postmodern sculptures, eyecat.png to raw_combined/asian woman in blue and red wearing spider web makeup, in the style of postmodern sculptures, eyecat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and matisse .png to raw_combined/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and matisse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, scre.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of the movie hellraiser and savage dragon psychedelic editorial, scre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a model showing and a spider web on her face, in the style of xiaofei yue, detailed anatomy, red and.txt to raw_combined/a model showing and a spider web on her face, in the style of xiaofei yue, detailed anatomy, red and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a cartoon by paul rand .txt to raw_combined/a cartoon by paul rand .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by Taiyō Matsumoto .txt to raw_combined/by Taiyō Matsumoto .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies .png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars terminator editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.png to raw_combined/a 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surrealist collage.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .txt to raw_combined/eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, kodak portra 400 grain .txt to raw_combined/indian cyberpunk art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe, kodak portra 400 grain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange pineapple bee fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white.txt to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange pineapple bee fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by ed roth .txt to raw_combined/by ed roth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a star wars endor brutalist architecture .png to raw_combined/a star wars endor brutalist architecture .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a model showing and a spider web on her face, in the style of xiaofei yue, detailed anatomy, red and.png to raw_combined/a model showing and a spider web on her face, in the style of xiaofei yue, detailed anatomy, red and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surf expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai and giger .png to raw_combined/a surf expressive oil painting by hiroshi nagai and giger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a drawing by tom of finland and giger .txt to raw_combined/a drawing by tom of finland and giger .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/minimal tiger eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .png to raw_combined/minimal tiger eldritch sofubi action figure on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 60.png to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 60.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki , vaporising sun album cover .png to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki , vaporising sun album cover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a futurnist 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surreali.png to raw_combined/a futurnist 60s intricate psychedelic pastel drawing tarot card anatomical chakra ukiyoe, a surreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/indian psychedelic art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt to raw_combined/indian psychedelic art deco editorial by ren hang and malik sidibe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and miro .txt to raw_combined/a 1970s expressive realistic skateboard oil pastel drawing by david hockney and miro .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/Moon Ra by sun ra .png to raw_combined/Moon Ra by sun ra .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/japanese 70s star wars death star brutalist cyberpunk interior, salle de controle .png to raw_combined/japanese 70s star wars death star brutalist cyberpunk interior, salle de controle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist psychedelic collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .txt to raw_combined/a surrealist psychedelic collage with photos by sun ra and drawings by toshio saeki .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/model ing in korean spider pattern photoshoot rachel mah, in the style of eyecatching resin jewelry,.txt to raw_combined/model ing in korean spider pattern photoshoot rachel mah, in the style of eyecatching resin jewelry,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of yoda darth maul humanoid star wars editorial, screenshot from a ja.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of yoda darth maul humanoid star wars editorial, screenshot from a ja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 70.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene .txt to raw_combined/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/punk collage editorial .txt to raw_combined/punk collage editorial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki .txt to raw_combined/a 60s psychedelic pastel drawing by noma bar and toshio saeki .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/skateboarding by henri cartier bresson .txt to raw_combined/skateboarding by henri cartier bresson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/surfing tsunami album cover .txt to raw_combined/surfing tsunami album cover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by vasarely on a wh.txt to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by vasarely on a wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/pineapple bee queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png to raw_combined/pineapple bee queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange pineapple mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a wh.png to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange pineapple mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/eldritch sofubi action figure by picasso on a white background .txt to raw_combined/eldritch sofubi action figure by picasso on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/japanese 70s star wars death star interior design .txt to raw_combined/japanese 70s star wars death star interior design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by mark kostabi and magritte .png to raw_combined/by mark kostabi and magritte .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene, padme .txt to raw_combined/a 70s japanese star wars, inside death star scene, padme .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by mark kostabi and magritte .txt to raw_combined/by mark kostabi and magritte .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/one line drawing by mondrian and mark kostabi, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .txt to raw_combined/one line drawing by mondrian and mark kostabi, black and white marker minimal expressive drawing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/collage editorial by robert rauschenberg and petra collins .txt to raw_combined/collage editorial by robert rauschenberg and petra collins .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/asian woman in blue and red wearing spider web makeup, in the style of postmodern sculptures, eyecat.txt to raw_combined/asian woman in blue and red wearing spider web makeup, in the style of postmodern sculptures, eyecat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a drawing by tom of finland and giger .png to raw_combined/a drawing by tom of finland and giger .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/eldritch sofubi action figure by picasso on a white background .png to raw_combined/eldritch sofubi action figure by picasso on a white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and sav.txt to raw_combined/70s movie poster of the low budget psychedelic japanese remake of the movie fantastic planet and sav.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a fruit kaiju action figure by miro and giger on a white background .txt to raw_combined/a fruit kaiju action figure by miro and giger on a white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a one line drawing by basquiat, picasso, uderzo and norma bar for a stussy tshirt .txt to raw_combined/a one line drawing by basquiat, picasso, uderzo and norma bar for a stussy tshirt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a zoom shared screen meeting with 6 people 2 cats, 2 dogs and 2 squirrels .txt to raw_combined/a zoom shared screen meeting with 6 people 2 cats, 2 dogs and 2 squirrels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a man from indonesia wearing a navy tshirt with a red rectangle printed on the chest, photography by.txt to raw_combined/a man from indonesia wearing a navy tshirt with a red rectangle printed on the chest, photography by.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 60.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movies from the 60.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s low budget japanese remake of matrix alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movie.txt to raw_combined/70s low budget japanese remake of matrix alien star wars editorial, screenshot from a japanese movie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/by pedro friedeberg and vasarely .png to raw_combined/by pedro friedeberg and vasarely .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/70s skatepark by hiroshi nagai .png to raw_combined/70s skatepark by hiroshi nagai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass o.png to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by ettore sotsass o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a surrealist painting of a microscopic views of the covid 19 .txt to raw_combined/a surrealist painting of a microscopic views of the covid 19 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/yellow, green and orange kiwi mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white b.txt to raw_combined/yellow, green and orange kiwi mantis fruit queen sofubi action figure by akira toriyama on a white b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_72/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by malick sidibe an.txt to raw_combined/a set of chess sofubi action figure, including the tower, the king and the queen by malick sidibe an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, loseup sh.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, loseup sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, closeup s.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, closeup s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light correctly holding a bottle of white wine is pou.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light correctly holding a bottle of white wine is pou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaiss.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaiss.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, quirky model, un.png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, quirky model, un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, macro closeup eye shot, breathe lif.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, macro closeup eye shot, breathe lif.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid o.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, dreamy ethereal.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, dreamy ethereal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in skintight bodysuit, aggressive, with color.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in skintight bodysuit, aggressive, with color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme macro close shot, breathe l.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme macro close shot, breathe l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman under water, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman under water, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion documentary photography style photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion documentary photography style photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a woman with blue eye wear and shoulders, Photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful.png to raw_combined/a woman with blue eye wear and shoulders, Photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver and bl.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver and bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of lace, in the style of ritualistic hex ma.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of lace, in the style of ritualistic hex ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photography, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerulean blue color ba.txt to raw_combined/editorial photography, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerulean blue color ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, SS23 by Dilara Findikog.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, SS23 by Dilara Findikog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles exploring the.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles exploring the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photography, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerulean blue color ba.png to raw_combined/editorial photography, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerulean blue color ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubber, e.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubber, e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the movie t.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the movie t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an eccentric model poses in a futuristic luxury location, a woman with integ.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, an eccentric model poses in a futuristic luxury location, a woman with integ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of lace, in the style of ritualistic hex ma.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of lace, in the style of ritualistic hex ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, a female model in biomorphic suit armor.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, a female model in biomorphic suit armor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, un.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two women posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, minimalism, .txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two women posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, minimalism, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, trichromatic, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, d.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, trichromatic, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaissance paint.png to raw_combined/a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaissance paint.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion documentary style photoshoot by nan goldin, couple, witches throw a coven feast, u.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion documentary style photoshoot by nan goldin, couple, witches throw a coven feast, u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty running in a in black thighlength bodysuit,.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty running in a in black thighlength bodysuit,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/the girl is wearing pink nail polish and two white rings, in the style of joana vasconcelos, 32k uhd.txt to raw_combined/the girl is wearing pink nail polish and two white rings, in the style of joana vasconcelos, 32k uhd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion group photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the m.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion group photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of a felt fabric textured ritualis.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of a felt fabric textured ritualis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of a felt fabric textured ritualis.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of a felt fabric textured ritualis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, dreamy ethereal.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, dreamy ethereal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of plastic, in the style of ritualistic hex.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of plastic, in the style of ritualistic hex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in bodysuit, with colorful projections, in th.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in bodysuit, with colorful projections, in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, inspired by the.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, inspired by the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, breathe life in.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, breathe life in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubber, e.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubber, e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the style of .png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in minimalistic pagantribal full body tattoo, in the style o.png to raw_combined/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in minimalistic pagantribal full body tattoo, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, inspired by the.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, inspired by the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconven.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconven.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength suit, in the style of rubber, edito.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength suit, in the style of rubber, edito.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconventional poses, iconic album co.txt to raw_combined/neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconventional poses, iconic album co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek mask, photoshoot by be.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek mask, photoshoot by be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of stainless steel, in the style of rituali.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of stainless steel, in the style of rituali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic vanitas mask, photoshoot by .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic vanitas mask, photoshoot by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion documentary style photoshoot by nan goldin, couple, witches throw a coven feast, u.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion documentary style photoshoot by nan goldin, couple, witches throw a coven feast, u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an eccentric model poses in a futuristic luxury location, a woman with integ.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, an eccentric model poses in a futuristic luxury location, a woman with integ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of night luxe, animal intensity, photoshoot.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of night luxe, animal intensity, photoshoot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in skintight bodysuit, aggressive, with color.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in skintight bodysuit, aggressive, with color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/SS23, NYFW, studio beauty photoshoot shot by Steven Klein, styling by Ai Kamoshita, makeup by Isamay.png to raw_combined/SS23, NYFW, studio beauty photoshoot shot by Steven Klein, styling by Ai Kamoshita, makeup by Isamay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek mask, photoshoot by be.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek mask, photoshoot by be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, hollywood doll, creativ.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, hollywood doll, creativ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome molten metal mask on her face, aggressive, al.txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome molten metal mask on her face, aggressive, al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black, in the style of ritualistic bronze trojan mask.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black, in the style of ritualistic bronze trojan mask.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion documentary photography style photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion documentary photography style photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, body closeup por.png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, body closeup por.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of night luxe, animal intensity, photoshoot.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of night luxe, animal intensity, photoshoot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic body with a molten metal biomorphi.txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic body with a molten metal biomorphi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty passing by in a in black thighlength bodysu.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty passing by in a in black thighlength bodysu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a glass of white wine on a luxuriously.png to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a glass of white wine on a luxuriously.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two women posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, minimalism, .png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two women posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, minimalism, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial studio photography, a man in a helmet with biomechanical appendages on his face and ski g.txt to raw_combined/commercial studio photography, a man in a helmet with biomechanical appendages on his face and ski g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman under water, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman under water, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style of ritualist.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style of ritualist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, shot while walking, m.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, shot while walking, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot woman in pink on a yellow background, breathe life into the eyes, unusual compo.txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot woman in pink on a yellow background, breathe life into the eyes, unusual compo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome molten metal mask on her face, aggressive, al.png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome molten metal mask on her face, aggressive, al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a girl sits in her futuristic home, with a brain helmet and anatomical head .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a girl sits in her futuristic home, with a brain helmet and anatomical head .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic vanitas mask, photoshoot by .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic vanitas mask, photoshoot by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in gloves and black bodysuit, with colorful p.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in gloves and black bodysuit, with colorful p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/fairystasia fairytail paintover fashion shoot, editorial, miu miu model, night luxe, animal intensit.png to raw_combined/fairystasia fairytail paintover fashion shoot, editorial, miu miu model, night luxe, animal intensit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, breathe life into the.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, breathe life into the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial studio photography, a man in a helmet with biomechanical appendages on his face and ski g.png to raw_combined/commercial studio photography, a man in a helmet with biomechanical appendages on his face and ski g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, loosely inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, loosely inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in minimalistic pagantribal full body tattoo, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in minimalistic pagantribal full body tattoo, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/the girl is wearing pink nail polish and two white rings, in the style of joana vasconcelos, 32k uhd.png to raw_combined/the girl is wearing pink nail polish and two white rings, in the style of joana vasconcelos, 32k uhd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal body with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the styl.png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal body with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in gloves and black bodysuit, with colorful p.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in gloves and black bodysuit, with colorful p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic body with a molten metal biomorphi.png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic body with a molten metal biomorphi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in full body tattoo, commercial photoshoot by bertil nilsson.txt to raw_combined/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in full body tattoo, commercial photoshoot by bertil nilsson.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, unusual compo.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, unusual compo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, shot while walking, m.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, shot while walking, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, breathe life into the.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, closeup shot, eccentric Paris Fashion Week model, breathe life into the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of ritualistic medusa mask, editor.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of ritualistic medusa mask, editor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, unusual compo.png to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, unusual compo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme macro close shot, breathe l.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme macro close shot, breathe l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, body closeup por.txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, body closeup por.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconventional poses, iconic album co.png to raw_combined/neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconventional poses, iconic album co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in full body tattoo, commercial photoshoot by bertil nilsson.png to raw_combined/a glimpse of a mysterious beauty posing in full body tattoo, commercial photoshoot by bertil nilsson.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, m.png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, hollywood doll, creativ.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, hollywood doll, creativ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light correctly holding a bottle of white wine is pou.png to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light correctly holding a bottle of white wine is pou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a girl sits in her futuristic home, with a brain helmet and anatomical head .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a girl sits in her futuristic home, with a brain helmet and anatomical head .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in a in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubb.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in a in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of stainless steel, in the style of rituali.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of stainless steel, in the style of rituali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaiss.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaiss.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style of ritualist.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of liquid chrome, in the style of ritualist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles, a daring traveler exploring the dept.png to raw_combined/a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles, a daring traveler exploring the dept.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek theatre mask, hecuba, .txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek theatre mask, hecuba, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, a female model in biomorphic suit armor.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, a female model in biomorphic suit armor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a woman with blue eye wear and shoulders, Photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful.txt to raw_combined/a woman with blue eye wear and shoulders, Photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid t.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid o.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a mask made of liquid metal on her face, in the s.png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a mask made of liquid metal on her face, in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot woman in pink on a yellow background, breathe life into the eyes, unusual compo.png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot woman in pink on a yellow background, breathe life into the eyes, unusual compo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photography, album cover art, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerul.png to raw_combined/editorial photography, album cover art, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, m.txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek theatre mask, hecuba, .png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic greek theatre mask, hecuba, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic hex mask, photoshoot by bert.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic hex mask, photoshoot by bert.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, un.png to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a drink on a luxuriously set table, un.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, macro closeup eye shot, breathe lif.txt to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, macro closeup eye shot, breathe lif.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomech.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomech.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic molten metal biomorphic mask on he.png to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic molten metal biomorphic mask on he.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty passing by in a in black thighlength bodysu.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty passing by in a in black thighlength bodysu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, quirky model, un.txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, quirky model, un.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of plastic, in the style of ritualistic hex.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of plastic, in the style of ritualistic hex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt a.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, trichromatic, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, d.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, trichromatic, creative concept, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/SS23, NYFW, studio beauty photoshoot shot by Steven Klein, styling by Ai Kamoshita, makeup by Isamay.txt to raw_combined/SS23, NYFW, studio beauty photoshoot shot by Steven Klein, styling by Ai Kamoshita, makeup by Isamay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaissance paint.txt to raw_combined/a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian renaissance paint.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid t.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomechanoid t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black, in the style of ritualistic bronze trojan mask.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black, in the style of ritualistic bronze trojan mask.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion group photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the m.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion group photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual albino lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual albino lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, closeup s.txt to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, closeup s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, commercial photoshoot, creative concept, random.txt to raw_combined/a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, commercial photoshoot, creative concept, random.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt a.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, a landscape photoshoot session, inspired by gustav klimt a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconven.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow yellow chair, unusual composition, unconven.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, loseup sh.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, neon girl sits in neon glow transparent chair, eero saarinen, loseup sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, s.txt to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a mask made of liquid metal on her face, in the s.txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal with a mask made of liquid metal on her face, in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty running in a in black thighlength bodysuit,.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a glimpse of a mysterious beauty running in a in black thighlength bodysuit,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the movie t.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, inspired by the movie t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, commercial photoshoot, creative concept, random.png to raw_combined/a mysterious female beauty posing in lace nightwear, commercial photoshoot, creative concept, random.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal body with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model in biomorphic metal body with a liquid metal mask on her face, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, s.png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot, closeup shot, two eccentric models posing together in tightfitting bodysuit, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic hex mask, photoshoot by bert.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman, in the style of ritualistic hex mask, photoshoot by bert.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomech.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, studio photoshoot by bertil nilsson, an eccentric humanoid female in biomech.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/fairystasia fairytail paintover fashion shoot, editorial, miu miu model, night luxe, animal intensit.txt to raw_combined/fairystasia fairytail paintover fashion shoot, editorial, miu miu model, night luxe, animal intensit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a glass of white wine on a luxuriously.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful vogue model in a lucite dress with light enjoying a glass of white wine on a luxuriously.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles, a daring traveler exploring the dept.txt to raw_combined/a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles, a daring traveler exploring the dept.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, SS23 by Dilara Findikog.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, close shot, SS23 by Dilara Findikog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver and bl.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver and bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles exploring the.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a man in a helmet with studsspikes on his face and ski goggles exploring the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength suit, in the style of rubber, edito.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in black thighlength suit, in the style of rubber, edito.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in a in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubb.txt to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious beauty in a in black thighlength bodysuit, in the style of rubb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, creative concept, loosely inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, creative concept, loosely inspired by gustav klimt adele blochbauer, italian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual albino lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, an aggressive virtual albino lady with a smooth flawlessly integrated silver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, breathe life in.png to raw_combined/Editorial fashion photoshoot by nan goldin, unusual composition, extreme close shot, breathe life in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of ritualistic medusa mask, editor.png to raw_combined/commercial photography, a mysterious woman in black, in the style of ritualistic medusa mask, editor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic molten metal biomorphic mask on he.txt to raw_combined/an eccentric female model with silver and black chrome cybernetic molten metal biomorphic mask on he.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in bodysuit, with colorful projections, in th.png to raw_combined/editorial studio photoshoot, two women posing together in bodysuit, with colorful projections, in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, in the style of .png to raw_combined/editorial photoshoot by patrick demarchelier in the style of playful juxtaposition, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_46/editorial photography, album cover art, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerul.txt to raw_combined/editorial photography, album cover art, flirty woman with false eyelashes and eye makeup, on a cerul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight in cyberpunk medieval.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight in cyberpunk medieval.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, in medieval castle, medieval Europea.png to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, in medieval castle, medieval Europea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standing stones on .txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standing stones on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .txt to raw_combined/Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with one visible hand outstretched, in medieval cloister.png to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with one visible hand outstretched, in medieval cloister.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval cloister, D.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval cloister, D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arabian aesthet.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arabian aesthet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background .txt to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief, medieval city, buildings .txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief, medieval city, buildings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsuto.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsuto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by wheat fields, beautiful medieval woman in foregro.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by wheat fields, beautiful medieval woman in foregro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, expressive, cyberpunk2.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, expressive, cyberpunk2.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval nave, D and.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval nave, D and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, high angle shot, cyberpunk male Vikin.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, high angle shot, cyberpunk male Vikin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, in medieval castle, medieval European aesthetic, e.txt to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, in medieval castle, medieval European aesthetic, e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval apothecary, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthe.png to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval apothecary, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, handsome male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, bodhran, frame drum.txt to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, handsome male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, bodhran, frame drum.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in left of frame, among No.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in left of frame, among No.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a talisman with a blue jewel, in unlit medieval steet, D an.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a talisman with a blue jewel, in unlit medieval steet, D an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman in medieval room, high fantasy, highly detailed .txt to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman in medieval room, high fantasy, highly detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detaile.png to raw_combined/cloaked Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Midjourney Bot BOT Today at 1848 high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautif.txt to raw_combined/Midjourney Bot BOT Today at 1848 high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautif.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, mysterious, v.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, mysterious, v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman in foregr.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman in foregr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, mysterious, v.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, mysterious, v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, highly detailed, close head shot of Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewelle.png to raw_combined/cinematic, highly detailed, close head shot of Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewelle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, evocative, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manusc.txt to raw_combined/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, evocative, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manusc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk Dutc.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk Dutc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, no hood, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European.png to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, no hood, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, cybernetic organism, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, K.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, cybernetic organism, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard with anatomically correct hands troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval .png to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard with anatomically correct hands troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in medieval tavern, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieva.txt to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in medieval tavern, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieva.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk cran.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk cran.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, banners on walls, in the style of mediev.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, banners on walls, in the style of mediev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.png to raw_combined/portrait of female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground, sharp, 4k, photo, real .png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground, sharp, 4k, photo, real .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight in cyberpunk medieval.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight in cyberpunk medieval.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .png to raw_combined/female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in right of frame, among N.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in right of frame, among N.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detaile.txt to raw_combined/cloaked Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk myst.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk myst.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsuto.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsuto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, amo.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, amo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, .txt to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dark Ages, myth.png to raw_combined/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dark Ages, myth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying a Norse spear, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative,.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying a Norse spear, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman with a ca.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman with a ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman in fores.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman in fores.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, c.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of very beautiful Viking woman looking directly towards viewer, Norse aesthetic, cyberpunk,.txt to raw_combined/portrait of very beautiful Viking woman looking directly towards viewer, Norse aesthetic, cyberpunk,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high angle, male Viking musician, bard .png to raw_combined/high angle, male Viking musician, bard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard with anatomically correct hands troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval .txt to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard with anatomically correct hands troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, birds eye shot, cyberpunk male Viking.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, birds eye shot, cyberpunk male Viking.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standings tone son .png to raw_combined/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standings tone son .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying Viking axe, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, ex.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying Viking axe, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, ex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman, Völva, .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman, Völva, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman standing in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fa.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman standing in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard .png to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.txt to raw_combined/portrait of female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpun.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viking warrior wearing.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viking warrior wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, m.png to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying a Norse spear, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative,.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying a Norse spear, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with visible outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with visible outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike Mig.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike Mig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in left of frame, among No.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in left of frame, among No.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in right of frame, among N.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman in right of frame, among N.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, she is in medieval cloister, da.png to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, she is in medieval cloister, da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, buildings .png to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, buildings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, he is hol.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, he is hol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Celtic shaman Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .png to raw_combined/Celtic shaman Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, m.txt to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, beast of burden with cyber attachments Arabian cyberpunk Arabian science fiction, ori.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, beast of burden with cyber attachments Arabian cyberpunk Arabian science fiction, ori.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a talisman with a blue jewel, in unlit medieval steet, D an.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a talisman with a blue jewel, in unlit medieval steet, D an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druid in sacred grove, sun rising .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druid in sacred grove, sun rising .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viki.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS,rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male Vi.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS,rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male Vi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.png to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, birds eye shot, cyberpunk male Viking.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, birds eye shot, cyberpunk male Viking.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male V.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male V.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high angle, male Viking musician, bard .txt to raw_combined/high angle, male Viking musician, bard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit medieval s.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit medieval s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative, expressive,.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative, expressive,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, in .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, high angle shot, beautiful veiled .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, high angle shot, beautiful veiled .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval banqueting hall, in the style of medieval fant.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval banqueting hall, in the style of medieval fant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman in foregr.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman in foregr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arabian aesthet.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arabian aesthet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, in the style of medieval fantasy, mediev.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, in the style of medieval fantasy, mediev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground, sharp, 4k, photo, real .txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground, sharp, 4k, photo, real .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background .png to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, anatomically correct hands, in medie.txt to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, anatomically correct hands, in medie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval cloister, D.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval cloister, D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, Dutch angle shot, beautiful veiled.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, Dutch angle shot, beautiful veiled.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, she is in medieval cloister, da.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, she is in medieval cloister, da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval nave, D and.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval woman wearing a small talisman with a blue jewel, in medieval nave, D and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, cybernetic organism, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, K.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, cybernetic organism, beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in sunlit medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medie.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in sunlit medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval inn, Dungeons and.txt to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval inn, Dungeons and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman in medieval room, high fantasy, highly detailed .png to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman in medieval room, high fantasy, highly detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, cyberpun.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, cyberpun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, sharp, 4k.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, sharp, 4k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyb.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druidess in horned head dress, Maria Franz, in sacred grove, sun rising .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druidess in horned head dress, Maria Franz, in sacred grove, sun rising .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/medieval fantasy city, highly detailed, Skyrim, the Witcher, .png to raw_combined/medieval fantasy city, highly detailed, Skyrim, the Witcher, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca sa.txt to raw_combined/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca sa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standings tone son .txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standings tone son .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit medieval s.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit medieval s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with visible outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.png to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with visible outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, beast of burden with cyber attachments Arabian cyberpunk Arabian science fiction, ori.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, beast of burden with cyber attachments Arabian cyberpunk Arabian science fiction, ori.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, drone shot, cyberpunk , high fantasy,.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, drone shot, cyberpunk , high fantasy,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk Dutc.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk Dutc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval scholar wearing 12th century monk attire, in medieval monastery, cyberpunk medieval Eu.txt to raw_combined/male medieval scholar wearing 12th century monk attire, in medieval monastery, cyberpunk medieval Eu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, he is hol.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, he is hol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, Dutch angle shot, beautiful veiled.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, Dutch angle shot, beautiful veiled.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpun.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, Celt, Gael, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dar.png to raw_combined/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, Celt, Gael, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, highly detailed, close head shot of Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewelle.txt to raw_combined/cinematic, highly detailed, close head shot of Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewelle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca sa.png to raw_combined/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca sa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike Mig.txt to raw_combined/Desert planet, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike Mig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in sunlit medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medie.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in sunlit medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman among Norse villagers, Völ.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman among Norse villagers, Völ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit deserted m.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit deserted m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, high angle shot, beautiful veiled .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS 5D, high angle shot, beautiful veiled .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/mysterious hooded thief in fantasy medieval city, high fantasy, fashion shoot aesthetic, evocative, .txt to raw_combined/mysterious hooded thief in fantasy medieval city, high fantasy, fashion shoot aesthetic, evocative, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path with a low.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path with a low.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background, digital art .png to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background, digital art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior wearing conical Viking helmet on windswept shoreline near a forest, Nors.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior wearing conical Viking helmet on windswept shoreline near a forest, Nors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of very beautiful Viking woman looking directly towards viewer, Norse aesthetic, cyberpunk,.png to raw_combined/portrait of very beautiful Viking woman looking directly towards viewer, Norse aesthetic, cyberpunk,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, drone shot, cyberpunk , high fantasy,.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, drone shot, cyberpunk , high fantasy,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, technomanc.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, technomanc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk cran.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk cran.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, anatomically correct hands, in medie.png to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, anatomically correct hands, in medie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, in medieval castle, medieval Europea.txt to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, face visible, in medieval castle, medieval Europea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, sunlight shining through high window, dark, c.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, sunlight shining through high window, dark, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .txt to raw_combined/female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, stormy sky, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative,.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, stormy sky, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viking warrior wearing.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viking warrior wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline near a forest, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocativ.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline near a forest, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocativ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in medieval tavern, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieva.png to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in medieval tavern, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieva.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman standing in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fa.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman standing in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval scholar wearing 12th century monk attire, in medieval monastery, cyberpunk medieval Eu.png to raw_combined/male medieval scholar wearing 12th century monk attire, in medieval monastery, cyberpunk medieval Eu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, no hood, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European.txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, no hood, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline near a forest, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocativ.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline near a forest, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocativ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in unlit medieval street.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in unlit medieval street.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dutch angle shot, medieval cyberp.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dutch angle shot, medieval cyberp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dark colours, medieva.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dark colours, medieva.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druid in dark sacred grove, sun rising and shining through trees .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druid in dark sacred grove, sun rising and shining through trees .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior in a forest, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior in a forest, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, expressive, cyberpunk2.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, expressive, cyberpunk2.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of beautiful Sami woman .txt to raw_combined/portrait of beautiful Sami woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk , high fa.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk , high fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standing stones on .png to raw_combined/bluecloaked wizard, druid, Celtic, pagan, Ancient Briton, D and D, high fantasy, standing stones on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in unlit medieval street.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in unlit medieval street.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit deserted m.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman wearing a talisman with a small blue jewel, in dark unlit deserted m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk my.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk my.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Midjourney Bot BOT Today at 1848 high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautif.png to raw_combined/Midjourney Bot BOT Today at 1848 high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautif.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path with a low.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path with a low.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, face visib.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, face visib.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro.png to raw_combined/Desert planet, half organic beast of burden, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard .txt to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, highly detailed, Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewellery inside a cave, D.png to raw_combined/cinematic, highly detailed, Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewellery inside a cave, D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk mysterio.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk mysterio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druidess in horned head dress, Maria Franz, in sacred grove, sun rising .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druidess in horned head dress, Maria Franz, in sacred grove, sun rising .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk mysterio.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval women twins, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk mysterio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in medieval room, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .png to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in medieval room, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with one visible hand outstretched, in medieval cloister.txt to raw_combined/portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with one visible hand outstretched, in medieval cloister.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, low angle shot, in the style of medieval fantasy, wearing dark colo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, low angle shot, in the style of medieval fantasy, wearing dark colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/blue, female, medieval, high fantasy, .txt to raw_combined/blue, female, medieval, high fantasy, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manuscript, runes.png to raw_combined/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manuscript, runes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval banqueting hall, in the style of medieval fant.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval banqueting hall, in the style of medieval fant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/blue, female, medieval, high fantasy, .png to raw_combined/blue, female, medieval, high fantasy, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk , high fa.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk , high fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, .png to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior among standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior among standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, Celt, Gael, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dar.txt to raw_combined/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, Celt, Gael, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman in fores.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman in fores.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/masked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, me.png to raw_combined/masked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, me.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, face visib.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, face visib.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.png to raw_combined/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute anatomically correct hands, troubadour, in medieval taver.txt to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute anatomically correct hands, troubadour, in medieval taver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Celtic shaman Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .txt to raw_combined/Celtic shaman Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background, digital art .txt to raw_combined/beautiful medieval woman with fields and a Norman castle keep in the background, digital art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.txt to raw_combined/profile portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman with outstretched hand in medieval cloister, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/The Empty Quarter, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike.txt to raw_combined/The Empty Quarter, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying Viking axe, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, ex.txt to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior carrying Viking axe, in ancient Norse surroundings, Norse, evocative, ex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman, Völva, .txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, Dutch angle shot, beautiful Norse shaman woman, Völva, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful medieval woman in foreground, 4.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful medieval woman in foreground, 4.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/DD medieval princess, Cinematic beautiful medieval princess, by Yoshitaka Amano, Ink, d high quality.png to raw_combined/DD medieval princess, Cinematic beautiful medieval princess, by Yoshitaka Amano, Ink, d high quality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dark colours, medieva.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dark colours, medieva.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/mysterious hooded thief in fantasy medieval city, high fantasy, fashion shoot aesthetic, evocative, .png to raw_combined/mysterious hooded thief in fantasy medieval city, high fantasy, fashion shoot aesthetic, evocative, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, highly detailed, Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewellery inside a cave, D.txt to raw_combined/cinematic, highly detailed, Smaugstyle dragon coiled on hoard of gold and jewellery inside a cave, D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, sunlight shining through high window, dark, c.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in castle, sunlight shining through high window, dark, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, c.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druid in dark sacred grove, sun rising and shining through trees .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druid in dark sacred grove, sun rising and shining through trees .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, in .png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk sunb.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk sunb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cinematic, high angle, handsome male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, bodhran, frame drum.png to raw_combined/cinematic, high angle, handsome male Viking musician, bard, shaman, ritual drum, bodhran, frame drum.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk sunb.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk sunb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful medieval woman in foreground, 4.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful medieval woman in foreground, 4.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk my.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk my.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a misty day, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, in the style of medieval fantasy, mediev.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, in the style of medieval fantasy, mediev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval apothecary, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthe.txt to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in fantasy medieval apothecary, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior wearing conical Viking helmet on windswept shoreline near a forest, Nors.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior wearing conical Viking helmet on windswept shoreline near a forest, Nors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manuscript, runes.txt to raw_combined/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manuscript, runes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative, expressive,.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative, expressive,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by wheat fields, beautiful medieval woman in foregro.txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by wheat fields, beautiful medieval woman in foregro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyb.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, in medieval castle, medieval European aesthetic, e.png to raw_combined/male medieval knight wearing 12th century armour, in medieval castle, medieval European aesthetic, e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, buildings .txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, buildings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior among standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior among standing stones, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viki.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, dutch angle shot, cyberpunk male Viki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman with a ca.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle keep surrounded by fields, beautiful veiled medieval woman with a ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, sharp, 4k, photo, real .png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, sharp, 4k, photo, real .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/cloaked female thief in medieval room, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .txt to raw_combined/cloaked female thief in medieval room, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, medieval .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman among Norse villagers, Völ.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman among Norse villagers, Völ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk myst.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk myst.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dutch angle shot, medieval cyberp.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, in the style of medieval fantasy, dutch angle shot, medieval cyberp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, low angle shot, in the style of medieval fantasy, wearing dark colo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, low angle shot, in the style of medieval fantasy, wearing dark colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic druid in sacred grove, sun rising .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic druid in sacred grove, sun rising .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, sharp, 4k.png to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, cloaked medieval traveller in foreground on winding path, sharp, 4k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, evocative, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manusc.png to raw_combined/matte painting 2d concept art conceptual, abstract, evocative, electric runes, Ansuz, Norse, manusc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk beautiful.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/DD medieval princess, Cinematic beautiful medieval princess, by Yoshitaka Amano, Ink, d high quality.txt to raw_combined/DD medieval princess, Cinematic beautiful medieval princess, by Yoshitaka Amano, Ink, d high quality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/high fantasy, Norman era castle, sharp, 4k, photo, real .txt to raw_combined/high fantasy, Norman era castle, sharp, 4k, photo, real .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk beautiful.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, Dutch angle shot, cyberpunk beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male V.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male V.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/The Empty Quarter, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike.png to raw_combined/The Empty Quarter, cyberpunk science fiction, orientalist, Arab, Katsuhiro Otomo, Tsutomu Nihei,Mike.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval cloister, dark, cyberpunk, rebeca saray .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief, medieval city, buildings .png to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief, medieval city, buildings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, highly detailed, mysterious .png to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior on a windswept hilltop, highly detailed, mysterious .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .png to raw_combined/Celtic shaman playing carnyx Norse, Celtic, Druid, ritual stag horns, forest, highly detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, high angle shot, cyberpunk male Vikin.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS, high angle shot, cyberpunk male Vikin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dark Ages, myth.txt to raw_combined/matte painting 2d Celtic Warrior, Ancient Briton, concept art conceptual, abstract, Dark Ages, myth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, technomanc.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene in the style of Jordan Cronenweth, cyberpunk medieval knight cyberpunk, technomanc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Ancient Celtic warrior in a forest, highly detailed, mysterious .txt to raw_combined/Ancient Celtic warrior in a forest, highly detailed, mysterious .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute anatomically correct hands, troubadour, in medieval taver.png to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute anatomically correct hands, troubadour, in medieval taver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Portrait of Beautiful medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, cyberpun.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Beautiful medieval woman, medieval, dark colours, cyberpunk, rebeca saray, uhd, cyberpun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval inn, Dungeons and.png to raw_combined/White bearded medieval bard playing a lute troubadour, in medieval tavern medieval inn, Dungeons and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS,rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male Vi.txt to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, canon cinema EOS,rule of thirds shot, cyberpunk male Vi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/medieval fantasy city, highly detailed, Skyrim, the Witcher, .txt to raw_combined/medieval fantasy city, highly detailed, Skyrim, the Witcher, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/portrait of beautiful Sami woman .png to raw_combined/portrait of beautiful Sami woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, stormy sky, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative,.png to raw_combined/male cloaked Viking warrior on windswept shoreline, stormy sky, Norse, Gaelic, NorseGael, evocative,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.txt to raw_combined/bluecloaked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aestheti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/masked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, me.txt to raw_combined/masked female thief in fantasy medieval city, D and D, high fantasy, medieval European aesthetic, me.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, amo.png to raw_combined/a cinematic scene directed by Robert Eggars, beautiful Norse shaman woman facing right of frame, amo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_44/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, banners on walls, in the style of mediev.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman in medieval hall, banners on walls, in the style of mediev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong teach from pagoda, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mi.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong teach from pagoda, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/The year is 1590. A bunch of reveller who have plundered Incan gold. Wide view, a rugged Renaissance.png to raw_combined/The year is 1590. A bunch of reveller who have plundered Incan gold. Wide view, a rugged Renaissance.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warriors, tatoo on body and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .txt to raw_combined/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warriors, tatoo on body and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tro.png to raw_combined/A hotel bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, costumes inspired by w.txt to raw_combined/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, costumes inspired by w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/a scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, pe.txt to raw_combined/a scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden on a Vietnamese market, Saigon Vietnam, design studio Eye Level, interior d.txt to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden on a Vietnamese market, Saigon Vietnam, design studio Eye Level, interior d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/An elegant hotel reception in a luxurious high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha lon.txt to raw_combined/An elegant hotel reception in a luxurious high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha lon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II M.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II M.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.txt to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, born from broken quartz, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Ma.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, born from broken quartz, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pa.txt to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus chinese warriors, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus chinese warriors, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/The Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnamese year 1800, full length full character vietnamese soldiers in conica.txt to raw_combined/The Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnamese year 1800, full length full character vietnamese soldiers in conica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A gym house in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical,.txt to raw_combined/A gym house in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Aquarium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical, or.txt to raw_combined/Aquarium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical, or.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bathroom Eye Level, interior design, tropi.png to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bathroom Eye Level, interior design, tropi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Dragon Ball Z Charaters in real life .txt to raw_combined/Dragon Ball Z Charaters in real life .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Wide view, A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic.png to raw_combined/Wide view, A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.png to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/small bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropi.png to raw_combined/small bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market under LONG BIEN bri.txt to raw_combined/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market under LONG BIEN bri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, living room EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Fost.png to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, living room EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Fost.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have no eyes and nose but only big smiling lips .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have no eyes and nose but only big smiling lips .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, living room Eye Level, interior design, tr.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, living room Eye Level, interior design, tr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of korean girl in K card, King card .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting of korean girl in K card, King card .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, cyberpunk style .txt to raw_combined/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, cyberpunk style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of girl with hairstyle wonder women kissing a frog robot .png to raw_combined/abstract painting of girl with hairstyle wonder women kissing a frog robot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pa.png to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/ancient asian battle, Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in pho.txt to raw_combined/ancient asian battle, Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/small bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropi.txt to raw_combined/small bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury beautiful korean girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .txt to raw_combined/luxury beautiful korean girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, 2 pheasant feathers on hea.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, 2 pheasant feathers on hea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury apartment in cave, highend bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman .txt to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury apartment in cave, highend bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/a scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, pe.png to raw_combined/a scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, asian tribal King, indochina ancien.png to raw_combined/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, asian tribal King, indochina ancien.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .png to raw_combined/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus titan, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorl.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus titan, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Architect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitch.png to raw_combined/Architect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartement in underground, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 M.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartement in underground, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 M.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rus.txt to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bedroom and bathroom Eye Level, interior d.png to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bedroom and bathroom Eye Level, interior d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Wide view, A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic.txt to raw_combined/Wide view, A luxurous high tech restaurant built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury underground apartment, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 Mark .txt to raw_combined/luxury underground apartment, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 Mark .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A big luxurous president suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views .txt to raw_combined/A big luxurous president suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, Art Magazine style, .png to raw_combined/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, Art Magazine style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietcongs Charles in Vietnam War 1965, old plastic films, .png to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietcongs Charles in Vietnam War 1965, old plastic films, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1800, a so.png to raw_combined/scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1800, a so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/photograph of teabreak mood board ideas red, asian art .png to raw_combined/photograph of teabreak mood board ideas red, asian art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury beautiful girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .txt to raw_combined/luxury beautiful girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bedroom and bathroom Eye Level, interior d.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bedroom and bathroom Eye Level, interior d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroo.png to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel president room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.png to raw_combined/A hotel president room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury penhouse on top of buiding, architect design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6.txt to raw_combined/luxury penhouse on top of buiding, architect design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market in Hanoi in 1920, r.png to raw_combined/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market in Hanoi in 1920, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/The Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnamese year 1800, full length full character vietnamese soldiers in conica.png to raw_combined/The Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnamese year 1800, full length full character vietnamese soldiers in conica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury photography award, chinese phoenix fly to the sun, cinematic lighting, epic and detailed, .png to raw_combined/Luxury photography award, chinese phoenix fly to the sun, cinematic lighting, epic and detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have faceless but only big smiling lips .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have faceless but only big smiling lips .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietnam China War 1979, old plastic films, .png to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietnam China War 1979, old plastic films, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, lacquer picture, art lighting by Bi.txt to raw_combined/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, lacquer picture, art lighting by Bi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Generate image showcasing a large, elegant room bathed in warm, ambient light. The main focus is a b.txt to raw_combined/Generate image showcasing a large, elegant room bathed in warm, ambient light. The main focus is a b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warriors, tatoo on body and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .png to raw_combined/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warriors, tatoo on body and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/12 Batuk Minangkabau peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, o.txt to raw_combined/12 Batuk Minangkabau peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress asian girl .txt to raw_combined/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress asian girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming garden, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical .png to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming garden, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietnam War with China 1979, old plastic films, .txt to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietnam War with China 1979, old plastic films, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset la.txt to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have faceless but only big smiling lips .png to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have faceless but only big smiling lips .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong born from ancient quazt, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Over.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong born from ancient quazt, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Over.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong born from ancient quazt, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Over.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong born from ancient quazt, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Over.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the NorthViet in Vietnam War 1979, live in trend, old plastic films, .txt to raw_combined/Vivid images of the NorthViet in Vietnam War 1979, live in trend, old plastic films, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, Art Magazine style, .txt to raw_combined/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, Art Magazine style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury Eco bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, .png to raw_combined/Luxury Eco bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese in 1800, full charater, full length of three ancient vietname.txt to raw_combined/the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese in 1800, full charater, full length of three ancient vietname.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxury swimming pool in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.txt to raw_combined/A luxury swimming pool in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous high tech hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pa.txt to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous high tech hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have no eyes and nose but only big smiling lips .png to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn, both have no eyes and nose but only big smiling lips .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, full character, Canon EOS .txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, full character, Canon EOS .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha long bay.txt to raw_combined/A luxurous suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha long bay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/award photo shoot by Dan Peter, Arcchitect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoo.txt to raw_combined/award photo shoot by Dan Peter, Arcchitect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tro.txt to raw_combined/A hotel bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Landscape wideview, A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pano.txt to raw_combined/Landscape wideview, A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury bathroom in cave, living room EyeLevel, tropical decor, landscaping, Norman Foster.png to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury bathroom in cave, living room EyeLevel, tropical decor, landscaping, Norman Foster.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/template design, flat, empty space in the center, tropical serenade, hot tone, oriental, whimsical, .png to raw_combined/template design, flat, empty space in the center, tropical serenade, hot tone, oriental, whimsical, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, highend design, modern tr.txt to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, highend design, modern tr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress Hair tufts asian girl .png to raw_combined/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress Hair tufts asian girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, born from broken quartz, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Ma.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, born from broken quartz, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/An elegant hotel reception in a luxurious high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha lon.png to raw_combined/An elegant hotel reception in a luxurious high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha lon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury abtract picture by Klim, Vintage Vietnamese lady are smoking shisa, indochine interior, fanta.txt to raw_combined/luxury abtract picture by Klim, Vintage Vietnamese lady are smoking shisa, indochine interior, fanta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury penhouse on top of buiding, architect design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6.png to raw_combined/luxury penhouse on top of buiding, architect design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, Gym house pool Eye Level, highend design, modern t.png to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, Gym house pool Eye Level, highend design, modern t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress asian girl .png to raw_combined/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress asian girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warrior, feathers on head and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .txt to raw_combined/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warrior, feathers on head and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietnam War with China 1979, old plastic films, .png to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietnam War with China 1979, old plastic films, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/12 Batuk Minangkabau peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, o.png to raw_combined/12 Batuk Minangkabau peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Batuk Minangkabau people from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, old s.png to raw_combined/Batuk Minangkabau people from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, old s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, so.txt to raw_combined/A scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury apartment in cave, highend bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman .png to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury apartment in cave, highend bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Foster, .txt to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Foster, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of.png to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, costumes inspired by w.png to raw_combined/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, costumes inspired by w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical eco spa, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset landsca.png to raw_combined/Luxury tropical eco spa, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset landsca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury Eco bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, .txt to raw_combined/Luxury Eco bungalows in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Landscape wideview, A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pano.png to raw_combined/Landscape wideview, A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn both have faceless but only big smiling lips .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn both have faceless but only big smiling lips .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort and Spa in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo.txt to raw_combined/treetop resort and Spa in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, organi.txt to raw_combined/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, organi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel luxury in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.png to raw_combined/A hotel luxury in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.png to raw_combined/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/award photo shoot by Dan Peter, Arcchitect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoo.png to raw_combined/award photo shoot by Dan Peter, Arcchitect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pal.png to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous rustic hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.png to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous rustic hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bathroom Eye Level, interior design, tropi.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, bathroom Eye Level, interior design, tropi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.txt to raw_combined/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury beautiful girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .png to raw_combined/luxury beautiful girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of korean girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .png to raw_combined/abstract artwork of korean girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Foster, .png to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, bedroom EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Foster, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha lo.txt to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/ancient asian battle, Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in p.txt to raw_combined/ancient asian battle, Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous resort hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.png to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous resort hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Wide view, A rugged Renaissance era tavern filled with drunk conquistadors built into the cliffs kar.txt to raw_combined/Wide view, A rugged Renaissance era tavern filled with drunk conquistadors built into the cliffs kar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Generate image showcasing a large, elegant room bathed in warm, ambient light. The main focus is a b.png to raw_combined/Generate image showcasing a large, elegant room bathed in warm, ambient light. The main focus is a b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel luxury in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.txt to raw_combined/A hotel luxury in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rus.png to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/30 ancient vietnamese peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, .txt to raw_combined/30 ancient vietnamese peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress Hair tufts asian girl .txt to raw_combined/Poker playing card king heart Royalty with black dress Hair tufts asian girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Dragon Ball Z Charaters in real life .png to raw_combined/Dragon Ball Z Charaters in real life .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/ancient asian battle, Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in p.png to raw_combined/ancient asian battle, Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of girl with hairstyle wonder women kissing a frog robot .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting of girl with hairstyle wonder women kissing a frog robot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .txt to raw_combined/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous high tech hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pa.png to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous high tech hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of.txt to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming garden, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical .txt to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming garden, Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealistic .png to raw_combined/Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxury swimming pool in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.png to raw_combined/A luxury swimming pool in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A big luxurous president suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views .png to raw_combined/A big luxurous president suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, fogs and photography l.png to raw_combined/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, fogs and photography l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, highend design, modern tr.png to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, swimming pool Eye Level, highend design, modern tr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus chinese warriors, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus chinese warriors, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong teach from pagoda, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mi.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong teach from pagoda, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury abtract picture by Klim, Vintage Vietnamese lady are smoking shisa, indochine interior, fanta.png to raw_combined/luxury abtract picture by Klim, Vintage Vietnamese lady are smoking shisa, indochine interior, fanta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous highend swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.png to raw_combined/A luxurous highend swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartement in underground, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 M.png to raw_combined/luxury apartement in underground, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 M.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset la.png to raw_combined/Luxury tropical swimming pot, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pal.txt to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, pal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II M.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II M.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/The year is 1590. A bunch of reveller who have plundered Incan gold. Wide view, a rugged Renaissance.txt to raw_combined/The year is 1590. A bunch of reveller who have plundered Incan gold. Wide view, a rugged Renaissance.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Architect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitch.txt to raw_combined/Architect Magazine professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn both have faceless but only big smiling lips .png to raw_combined/abstract painting of Joker and Harley Quinn both have faceless but only big smiling lips .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroom archi.txt to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroom archi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Batuk Minangkabau people from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, old s.txt to raw_combined/Batuk Minangkabau people from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, old s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous highend swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.txt to raw_combined/A luxurous highend swiming pool built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury tropical eco spa, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset landsca.txt to raw_combined/Luxury tropical eco spa, Vietnam, Eye Level, Minimalism Eco design, tropical rustic, sunset landsca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, home office Eye Level, interior design, tr.png to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, home office Eye Level, interior design, tr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus Heavenly Generals, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mar.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus Heavenly Generals, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus titan, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorl.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus titan, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, cyberpunk style .png to raw_combined/abstract artwork of luxury asian girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, cyberpunk style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/30 ancient vietnamese peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, .png to raw_combined/30 ancient vietnamese peoples from Indochina in their village making a ceremony for their ancestor, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese in 1800, full charater, full length of three ancient vietname.png to raw_combined/the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese in 1800, full charater, full length of three ancient vietname.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, so.png to raw_combined/A scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1850, so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury underground apartment, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 Mark .png to raw_combined/luxury underground apartment, interior design, sunset landscaping, Norman Foster, Canon EOS R6 Mark .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietnam China War 1979, old plastic films, .txt to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietnam China War 1979, old plastic films, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Overcas.txt to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Overcas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical.txt to raw_combined/A hotel room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, organi.png to raw_combined/A hotel atrium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, organi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroo.txt to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel president room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.txt to raw_combined/A hotel president room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, fogs and photography l.txt to raw_combined/Balenciaga fashion show in Hanoi old street market, model walks on the stair, fogs and photography l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A hotel room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical.png to raw_combined/A hotel room in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warrior, feathers on head and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .png to raw_combined/full length of an ancient Vietnamese warrior, feathers on head and making a bronze DONG SON drum, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Montage of training sequences for epic, Images of asian ancients warrior training in warrior school .txt to raw_combined/Montage of training sequences for epic, Images of asian ancients warrior training in warrior school .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Wide view, A rugged Renaissance era tavern filled with drunk conquistadors built into the cliffs kar.png to raw_combined/Wide view, A rugged Renaissance era tavern filled with drunk conquistadors built into the cliffs kar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market in Hanoi in 1920, r.txt to raw_combined/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market in Hanoi in 1920, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1800, a so.txt to raw_combined/scene captured in a Tarantino film, the Nguyen Dynasty with the Vietnamese capital Hue in 1800, a so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, lacquer picture, art lighting by Bi.png to raw_combined/luxury indochine restaurant with Tiffany Lamp, Rattan furniture, lacquer picture, art lighting by Bi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market under LONG BIEN bri.png to raw_combined/detailed images as taken with a Kodak film camera, a scene of a riverside market under LONG BIEN bri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, Gym house pool Eye Level, highend design, modern t.txt to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden sundeck, Saigon Vietnam, Gym house pool Eye Level, highend design, modern t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/night view of Ha Long Bay, desolate Oriental with a canal, a bridge, and the distinctive belfry1 In .txt to raw_combined/night view of Ha Long Bay, desolate Oriental with a canal, a bridge, and the distinctive belfry1 In .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury apartment hidden on a Vietnamese market, Saigon Vietnam, design studio Eye Level, interior d.png to raw_combined/Luxury apartment hidden on a Vietnamese market, Saigon Vietnam, design studio Eye Level, interior d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, vietnam tribal King, indochina anci.png to raw_combined/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, vietnam tribal King, indochina anci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, home office Eye Level, interior design, tr.txt to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, home office Eye Level, interior design, tr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha long bay.png to raw_combined/A luxurous suite room built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha long bay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract painting of korean girl in K card, King card .png to raw_combined/abstract painting of korean girl in K card, King card .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous resort hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.txt to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous resort hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, 2 pheasant feathers on hea.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, 2 pheasant feathers on hea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, asian tribal King, indochina ancien.txt to raw_combined/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, asian tribal King, indochina ancien.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Overcas.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong, Journey to the West, sunrise, Canon EOS R6 Mark II Mirrorless, Overcas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/abstract artwork of korean girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .txt to raw_combined/abstract artwork of korean girl having glowing plate in a luxury restaurant, fantasy style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha lo.png to raw_combined/A luxurous high tech lounge built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panoramic views of ha lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Images of vietnam ancients warrior training in a ludus, Bun hair, or warrior school in photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/ancient asian battle, Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in pho.png to raw_combined/ancient asian battle, Images of asian ancients warrior training in a ludus, or warrior school in pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/A gym house in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical,.png to raw_combined/A gym house in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, full character, Canon EOS .png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong golden full outfit, full length head to toe, full character, Canon EOS .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the Vietcongs Charles in Vietnam War 1965, old plastic films, .txt to raw_combined/Vivid images of the Vietcongs Charles in Vietnam War 1965, old plastic films, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, living room EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Fost.txt to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury aparyment in cave, living room EyeLevel, interior design, landscaping, Norman Fost.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/photograph of teabreak mood board ideas red, asian art .txt to raw_combined/photograph of teabreak mood board ideas red, asian art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort and Spa in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo.png to raw_combined/treetop resort and Spa in Dalat Vietnam by Bill Bensley, bungalows top, swimming pool on top, bamboo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, living room Eye Level, interior design, tr.png to raw_combined/luxury apartment hidden in stone cave, Ha Giang Vietnam, living room Eye Level, interior design, tr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Universal movie about Wukong versus Heavenly Generals, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mar.png to raw_combined/Universal movie about Wukong versus Heavenly Generals, full length, full character, Canon EOS R6 Mar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Aquarium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical, or.png to raw_combined/Aquarium in an elegant high tech hotel built into a karst island cavern in ha long bay, tropical, or.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/night view of Ha Long Bay, desolate Oriental with a canal, a bridge, and the distinctive belfry1 In .png to raw_combined/night view of Ha Long Bay, desolate Oriental with a canal, a bridge, and the distinctive belfry1 In .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/template design, flat, empty space in the center, tropical serenade, hot tone, oriental, whimsical, .txt to raw_combined/template design, flat, empty space in the center, tropical serenade, hot tone, oriental, whimsical, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, vietnam tribal King, indochina anci.txt to raw_combined/full length, full character, a scene of Universal ancient movie, vietnam tribal King, indochina anci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Vivid images of the NorthViet in Vietnam War 1979, live in trend, old plastic films, .png to raw_combined/Vivid images of the NorthViet in Vietnam War 1979, live in trend, old plastic films, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/luxury beautiful korean girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .png to raw_combined/luxury beautiful korean girl kissing a cyborg frog, cyberpunk style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Halong Bay luxury bathroom in cave, living room EyeLevel, tropical decor, landscaping, Norman Foster.txt to raw_combined/Halong Bay luxury bathroom in cave, living room EyeLevel, tropical decor, landscaping, Norman Foster.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Montage of training sequences for epic, Images of asian ancients warrior training in warrior school .png to raw_combined/Montage of training sequences for epic, Images of asian ancients warrior training in warrior school .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/Luxury photography award, chinese phoenix fly to the sun, cinematic lighting, epic and detailed, .txt to raw_combined/Luxury photography award, chinese phoenix fly to the sun, cinematic lighting, epic and detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/architect World Award, A luxurous rustic hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.txt to raw_combined/architect World Award, A luxurous rustic hotel built into the cliffs karst islands with curved panor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_59/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroom archi.png to raw_combined/treetop resort in Dalat Vietnam, luxury rustic, bungalows top, bamboo hut, palm roof, mushroom archi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene straight out of a classic film a young, blondehaired Denise Richards, resplendent in.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene straight out of a classic film a young, blondehaired Denise Richards, resplendent in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/denise richards wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown kissing her tall and handsome husband at t.png to raw_combined/denise richards wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown kissing her tall and handsome husband at t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewelry, st.txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewelry, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an Oscar de la Renta strapless wedding gow.txt to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an Oscar de la Renta strapless wedding gow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the British supermodel, wearing a breatht.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the British supermodel, wearing a breatht.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a bride who is a fusion of young denise richards and doutzen krous wearing a white silk Oscar de la .png to raw_combined/a bride who is a fusion of young denise richards and doutzen krous wearing a white silk Oscar de la .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kis.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an Oscar de la Renta strapless wedding gow.png to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an Oscar de la Renta strapless wedding gow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite embellished Oscar de la .png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite embellished Oscar de la .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Jasmine Tookes wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown on the stairs in the garden at the Hotel du.png to raw_combined/Jasmine Tookes wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown on the stairs in the garden at the Hotel du.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, adorned in an exquisit.txt to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, adorned in an exquisit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at.png to raw_combined/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite embellished Oscar de la .txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite embellished Oscar de la .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip wedding dress and a diamond ch.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip wedding dress and a diamond ch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Jasmine Tookes wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the s.png to raw_combined/Jasmine Tookes wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, st.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garden at the H.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garden at the H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, wearing a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, wearing a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress and a diamond chok.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress and a diamond chok.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k image of a young Denise Richards at La Fontelina in Capr.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k image of a young Denise Richards at La Fontelina in Capr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Jasmine Tookes in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.png to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Jasmine Tookes in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment of a young Denise Richards, with her blonde hair styled elegantly, wearing.png to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment of a young Denise Richards, with her blonde hair styled elegantly, wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.txt to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of lalisa Manoban dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, sta.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of lalisa Manoban dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring an 80s90s style ralph lauren model who.txt to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring an 80s90s style ralph lauren model who.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standin.txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and a diamond choker in the gard.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and a diamond choker in the gard.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewel.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond cho.png to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond cho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Jasmine Tookes wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the s.txt to raw_combined/Jasmine Tookes wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garde.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garde.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress and a diamond chok.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress and a diamond chok.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.png to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where a youthful Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering, is dressed in a black .txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where a youthful Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering, is dressed in a black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta wedding silk dress and a diamond c.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta wedding silk dress and a diamond c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk wedding dress and a diamond choker .png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk wedding dress and a diamond choker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Jasmine Tookes in a breathtaking Oscar de.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Jasmine Tookes in a breathtaking Oscar de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white f.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, dressed in an .png to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, dressed in an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta top.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta top.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standin.png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamon.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of naomi campbell, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .txt to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of naomi campbell, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene straight out of a classic film a young, blondehaired Denise Richards, resplendent in.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene straight out of a classic film a young, blondehaired Denise Richards, resplendent in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewel.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .txt to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta wedding silk dress and a diamond c.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless Oscar de la Renta wedding silk dress and a diamond c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and long blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la rent.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and long blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la rent.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .txt to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kis.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring an 80s90s style ralph lauren model who.png to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring an 80s90s style ralph lauren model who.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with thick blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with thick blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her .png to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/envision a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Ren.png to raw_combined/envision a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Ren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where a tall and attractive man is sharing a tender kiss with his wife, who is a ble.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where a tall and attractive man is sharing a tender kiss with his wife, who is a ble.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garde.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garde.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment between a young Denise Richards, with her radiant blonde hair, and her tal.txt to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment between a young Denise Richards, with her radiant blonde hair, and her tal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta .txt to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamon.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of lalisa Manoban dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, sta.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of lalisa Manoban dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a young Denise Richards with her blonde hair perfectl.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a young Denise Richards with her blonde hair perfectl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless white Oscar de la Renta silk dress and di.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless white Oscar de la Renta silk dress and di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .png to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a scene reminiscent of a classic film, featuring a young woman who is a fusion of Denise Ric.png to raw_combined/Capture a scene reminiscent of a classic film, featuring a young woman who is a fusion of Denise Ric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in th.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/denise richards wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown kissing her tall and handsome husband at t.txt to raw_combined/denise richards wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown kissing her tall and handsome husband at t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry dancing w.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry dancing w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene of a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the soft lighting, as s.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene of a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the soft lighting, as s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing h.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, poised on the grand staircase.png to raw_combined/Capture Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, poised on the grand staircase.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with thick blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with thick blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, poised on the grand staircase.txt to raw_combined/Capture Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, poised on the grand staircase.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the gard.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the gard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Jasmine Tookes, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .txt to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Jasmine Tookes, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment between a tall, handsome man and his wife, who bears a striking resemblanc.txt to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment between a tall, handsome man and his wife, who bears a striking resemblanc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a dia.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a dia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of lalisa manoban dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gow.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of lalisa manoban dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip wedding dress and a diamond ch.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk slip wedding dress and a diamond ch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.png to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, standing at t.txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, standing at t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a moment of young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled perfectly, as she dances with her .txt to raw_combined/Capture a moment of young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled perfectly, as she dances with her .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a moment of pure bliss as Denise Richards, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding.png to raw_combined/Capture a moment of pure bliss as Denise Richards, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with floral .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .txt to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a young model who embodies the striking features of a young Denise Richards and Rosie Huntin.png to raw_combined/Capture a young model who embodies the striking features of a young Denise Richards and Rosie Huntin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar d.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Jasmine Tookes wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown on the stairs in the garden at the Hotel du.txt to raw_combined/Jasmine Tookes wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown on the stairs in the garden at the Hotel du.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, in an Oscar de la Renta we.png to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, in an Oscar de la Renta we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a bride who is a fusion of young denise richards and doutzen krous wearing a white silk Oscar de la .txt to raw_combined/a bride who is a fusion of young denise richards and doutzen krous wearing a white silk Oscar de la .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a di.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k image of a young Denise Richards at La Fontelina in Capr.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic, highresolution 16k image of a young Denise Richards at La Fontelina in Capr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a young model who embodies the striking features of a young Denise Richards and Rosie Huntin.txt to raw_combined/Capture a young model who embodies the striking features of a young Denise Richards and Rosie Huntin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, dressed in an .txt to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, dressed in an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry kissing her.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry kissing her.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, in an Oscar de la Renta we.txt to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, in an Oscar de la Renta we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk top with white floral d.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk top with white floral d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a young Denise Richards with her blonde hair perfectl.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a young Denise Richards with her blonde hair perfectl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a fusion of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, a model with blonde hair tha.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a fusion of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, a model with blonde hair tha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, wearing a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, wearing a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta embellished wed.txt to raw_combined/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta embellished wed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Jasmine Tookes in a breathtaking Oscar de.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Jasmine Tookes in a breathtaking Oscar de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in th.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a fairy tale wedding, with Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley as the radiant bride in an .png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a fairy tale wedding, with Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley as the radiant bride in an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an .png to raw_combined/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment of a young Denise Richards, with her blonde hair styled elegantly, wearing.txt to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment of a young Denise Richards, with her blonde hair styled elegantly, wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wed.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.png to raw_combined/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a young woman who is a harmonious blend of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhitele.png to raw_combined/Capture a young woman who is a harmonious blend of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhitele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where lalisa manoban, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking w.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene where lalisa manoban, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .png to raw_combined/Lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and voluminous platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless o.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and voluminous platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.txt to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk top with white floral d.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk top with white floral d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Jasmine Tookes in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.txt to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Jasmine Tookes in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a girl who is a fusion of young Denise Richards and d.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a girl who is a fusion of young Denise Richards and d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a breathtaking scene at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley is getting m.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a breathtaking scene at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley is getting m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/apture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an e.txt to raw_combined/apture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring lalisa manoban in a breathtaking Oscar de.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring lalisa manoban in a breathtaking Oscar de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and long blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la rent.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and long blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la rent.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and a diamond choker kissing .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and a diamond choker kissing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtakin.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtakin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta weddin.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta weddin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wed.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley on her wedding day at the Hotel du CapEdenR.txt to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley on her wedding day at the Hotel du CapEdenR.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a brea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the Monaco sun, is dressed in a black, str.txt to raw_combined/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the Monaco sun, is dressed in a black, str.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, standing at t.png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, standing at t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing her t.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing her t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding go.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and a diamond choker in the gard.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white strapless chanel wedding gown and a diamond choker in the gard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta weddin.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta weddin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring lalisa manoban in a breathtaking Oscar de.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring lalisa manoban in a breathtaking Oscar de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wedding gown and di.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wedding gown and di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a di.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs of th.txt to raw_combined/lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs .txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a young woman who is a harmonious blend of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhitele.txt to raw_combined/Capture a young woman who is a harmonious blend of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhitele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/apture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an e.png to raw_combined/apture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment between a young Denise Richards, with her radiant blonde hair, and her tal.png to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment between a young Denise Richards, with her radiant blonde hair, and her tal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a fusion of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, a model with blonde hair tha.png to raw_combined/Imagine a fusion of young Denise Richards and Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, a model with blonde hair tha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, adorned in an exquisit.png to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, adorned in an exquisit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewelry, st.png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewelry, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring young Denise Richards with her blonde hair, wearing a.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring young Denise Richards with her blonde hair, wearing a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic scene featuring a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled elegantly. She is.png to raw_combined/Capture a romantic scene featuring a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled elegantly. She is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a moment of pure bliss as Denise Richards, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding.txt to raw_combined/Capture a moment of pure bliss as Denise Richards, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a d.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond cho.txt to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond cho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a d.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing her t.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing her t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring young Denise Richards with her blonde hair, wearing a.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring young Denise Richards with her blonde hair, wearing a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic moment between a tall, handsome man and his wife, who bears a striking resemblanc.png to raw_combined/Capture a romantic moment between a tall, handsome man and his wife, who bears a striking resemblanc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning lalisa manoban in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.txt to raw_combined/Capture the stunning lalisa manoban in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs .png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a girl who is a fusion of young Denise Richards and d.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, featuring a girl who is a fusion of young Denise Richards and d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .txt to raw_combined/Lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where Jasmine Tookes, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking O.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene where Jasmine Tookes, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking O.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta top.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta top.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, st.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the British supermodel, wearing a breatht.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the British supermodel, wearing a breatht.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta w.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.txt to raw_combined/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a dia.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with long blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and a dia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and voluminous platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless o.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and voluminous platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene of a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the soft lighting, as s.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene of a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the soft lighting, as s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk wedding dress and a diamond choker .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk wedding dress and a diamond choker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding go.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Jasmine Tookes, dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .png to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garden at the H.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white chanel wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the garden at the H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, is captured in a moment of af.txt to raw_combined/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, is captured in a moment of af.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond choker.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond choker.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a drone shot of an orca swimming of the coast of new zealand, 8k, .png to raw_combined/a drone shot of an orca swimming of the coast of new zealand, 8k, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where lalisa manoban, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking w.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene where lalisa manoban, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .png to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film by the ocean in Monaco, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her .txt to raw_combined/Capture the stunning Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar d.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs of th.png to raw_combined/lalisa manoban wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelr at the stairs of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta weddin.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtaking Oscar de la Renta weddin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta .png to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, adorned in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewel.txt to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a fairy tale wedding, with Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley as the radiant bride in an .txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a fairy tale wedding, with Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley as the radiant bride in an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and a diamond choker kissing .png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and a diamond choker kissing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar de la .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a moment of young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled perfectly, as she dances with her .png to raw_combined/Capture a moment of young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled perfectly, as she dances with her .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley on her wedding day at the Hotel du CapEdenR.png to raw_combined/Capture a breathtaking scene of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley on her wedding day at the Hotel du CapEdenR.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a romantic scene featuring a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled elegantly. She is.txt to raw_combined/Capture a romantic scene featuring a young Denise Richards, her blonde hair styled elegantly. She is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of lalisa manoban dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gow.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of lalisa manoban dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta wedding gow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.txt to raw_combined/youthful denise richards with long hair wearing a black strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the Monaco sun, is dressed in a black, str.png to raw_combined/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering under the Monaco sun, is dressed in a black, str.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry kissing her.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry kissing her.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the gard.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a white Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry in the gard.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a breathtaking scene at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley is getting m.png to raw_combined/Imagine a breathtaking scene at the Hotel du CapEdenRoc, where Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley is getting m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of naomi campbell, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .png to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of naomi campbell, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta weddin.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta weddin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewel.png to raw_combined/Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley wearing a white silk Oscar de la Renta wedding slip dress and diamond jewel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry dancing w.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry dancing w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene where Jasmine Tookes, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking O.png to raw_combined/imagine a scene where Jasmine Tookes, the epitome of grace and elegance, is wearing a breathtaking O.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta embellished wed.png to raw_combined/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta embellished wed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/envision a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Ren.txt to raw_combined/envision a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la Ren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and thick platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar .png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and thick platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.png to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Os.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress with white floral.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress with white floral.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and diamond jewelry in the gard.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and diamond jewelry in the gard.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .txt to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a young Denise Richards with her long .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture the stunning lalisa manoban in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.png to raw_combined/Capture the stunning lalisa manoban in an exquisite Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at her wedding, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtakin.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a scene from a highend fashion magazine, featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in a breathtakin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond choker.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with long hair wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta gown and a diamond choker.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where a tall and attractive man is sharing a tender kiss with his wife, who is a ble.png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where a tall and attractive man is sharing a tender kiss with his wife, who is a ble.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white f.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk slip dress with white f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Imagine a scene where a youthful Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering, is dressed in a black .png to raw_combined/Imagine a scene where a youthful Denise Richards, her blonde hair shimmering, is dressed in a black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a scene reminiscent of a classic film, featuring a young woman who is a fusion of Denise Ric.txt to raw_combined/Capture a scene reminiscent of a classic film, featuring a young woman who is a fusion of Denise Ric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the .png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a Oscar de la Renta wedding gown and diamond jewelry, standing at the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress with white floral.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a black strapless black Oscar de la Renta silk dress with white floral.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an .txt to raw_combined/capture a stunning image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley, the renowned model and actress, adorned in an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a drone shot of an orca swimming of the coast of new zealand, 8k, .txt to raw_combined/a drone shot of an orca swimming of the coast of new zealand, 8k, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .png to raw_combined/a scene from a classic film in The South of France, featuring a fusion of young Denise Richards and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and diamond jewelry in the gard.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk top and diamond jewelry in the gard.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing h.png to raw_combined/young denise richards wearing a strapless Oscar de la Renta silk dress and diamond jewelry kissing h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes and thick platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar .txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes and thick platinum blonde hair wearing a white strapless oscar .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, is captured in a moment of af.png to raw_combined/A young Denise Richards, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, is captured in a moment of af.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta w.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley dressed in an exquisite white Oscar de la Renta w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.txt to raw_combined/imagine a scene from a classic film, where a young Denise Richards is getting married at the prestig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a stunning image of Jasmine Tookes, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .png to raw_combined/Capture a stunning image of Jasmine Tookes, the renowned model, dressed in an exquisite Oscar de la .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta silk wedding gown a.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta silk wedding gown a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wedding gown and di.txt to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta wedding gown and di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at.txt to raw_combined/Capture a timeless moment featuring Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley in an Oscar de la Renta wedding gown at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless white Oscar de la Renta silk dress and di.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blonde hair wearing a strapless white Oscar de la Renta silk dress and di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_42/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta silk wedding gown a.png to raw_combined/young denise richards with blue eyes wearing a white strapless oscar de la renta silk wedding gown a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a modern futuristic Apple store Photo of a historic church in Miami .txt to raw_combined/Photo of a modern futuristic Apple store Photo of a historic church in Miami .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female mechanicprofessional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney weari.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female mechanicprofessional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney weari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a new modern BMW electric 8 series concept luxury flagship car, dri.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a new modern BMW electric 8 series concept luxury flagship car, dri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful kinetic art scupture, gears, mechanicalsea turtle .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful kinetic art scupture, gears, mechanicalsea turtle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie , hot , desert Scene from a modern dramatic movieNomad RV life,.txt to raw_combined/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie , hot , desert Scene from a modern dramatic movieNomad RV life,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vigilante network administrator greying beard hanging off a building on ethernet cables, serious exp.txt to raw_combined/vigilante network administrator greying beard hanging off a building on ethernet cables, serious exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Sydney Sweeney Gigi Hadid Burning Man Fest.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Sydney Sweeney Gigi Hadid Burning Man Fest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Very beautiful and unbelievable and colorful dome and arch of the mosque, stone, steel frame, art de.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful and unbelievable and colorful dome and arch of the mosque, stone, steel frame, art de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a Washington DC Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a rome .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a Washington DC Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a rome .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, women .txt to raw_combined/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, women .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Cryptid nanobot, nanotechnology, boston dynamics, minimalist designa robot made by Lamborghini .png to raw_combined/Cryptid nanobot, nanotechnology, boston dynamics, minimalist designa robot made by Lamborghini .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass Monster bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass Monster bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A beautiful woman with a small dogs in the backgroundscene from a moden commercial for outdoor sport.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful woman with a small dogs in the backgroundscene from a moden commercial for outdoor sport.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern Waterpark Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern Waterpark Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wedn.png to raw_combined/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wedn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional commercial photo of a beautiful asian young woman playing with a Monkey, beautiful scen.txt to raw_combined/Professional commercial photo of a beautiful asian young woman playing with a Monkey, beautiful scen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, shot from directly aboverealistic photograph of a be.png to raw_combined/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, shot from directly aboverealistic photograph of a be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/incredible beautiful photo of a beautiful young Hawiian woman underneath a waterfall scene from a mo.png to raw_combined/incredible beautiful photo of a beautiful young Hawiian woman underneath a waterfall scene from a mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial vintage black and white photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Bartende.png to raw_combined/professional commercial vintage black and white photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Bartende.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage film photo of quantum psychosisscene from a modern movie directed by Christopher Nolan .png to raw_combined/vintage film photo of quantum psychosisscene from a modern movie directed by Christopher Nolan .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/incredible photo of a luxurious modern apartment building in Seoul KoreaPhoto of exclusive luxury re.txt to raw_combined/incredible photo of a luxurious modern apartment building in Seoul KoreaPhoto of exclusive luxury re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Miamiphoto of a historic fount.png to raw_combined/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Miamiphoto of a historic fount.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at th.txt to raw_combined/Realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of street festival, fun, vendors, music, foodphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainp.png to raw_combined/photo of street festival, fun, vendors, music, foodphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage 1960s photo of a UFO crash recovery by secret agents, debris, smoke, damage, burntbody cam f.txt to raw_combined/vintage 1960s photo of a UFO crash recovery by secret agents, debris, smoke, damage, burntbody cam f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a Tiger as a house pet in living room .png to raw_combined/Photo of a Tiger as a house pet in living room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female gangster from the 1930s, wearing pinstripe suit professional commercial .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female gangster from the 1930s, wearing pinstripe suit professional commercial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful woman wearing a tanktop, Gigi Hadid Scarlette Johanssonscene from a modern comm.png to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful woman wearing a tanktop, Gigi Hadid Scarlette Johanssonscene from a modern comm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A realistic photo of a beautiful woman sitting on a couch infographic of fashion scene from a class.png to raw_combined/A realistic photo of a beautiful woman sitting on a couch infographic of fashion scene from a class.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/design an indesign template for marketing 3D bim content that includes symbols used in architectural.txt to raw_combined/design an indesign template for marketing 3D bim content that includes symbols used in architectural.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful Native American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoo.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful Native American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass Monster bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass Monster bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed at th.png to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed at th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie , hot , desert Scene from a modern dramatic movieNomad RV life,.png to raw_combined/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie , hot , desert Scene from a modern dramatic movieNomad RV life,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, wearin.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, wearin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design, white backgroundAdve.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design, white backgroundAdve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern Corona Beer commercial .txt to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern Corona Beer commercial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, steel f.png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, steel f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting on the Beach at dawn, Cali.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting on the Beach at dawn, Cali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/cinematic movie still photo of Jolene Blalock as an elven sorceress, highly detailed, low cut dress,.png to raw_combined/cinematic movie still photo of Jolene Blalock as an elven sorceress, highly detailed, low cut dress,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern boathouse Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern boathouse Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial design, bar, wine cellarrealistic photograph of.png to raw_combined/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial design, bar, wine cellarrealistic photograph of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a cave house, construction site, all white Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a cave house, construction site, all white Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a lobby of a luxury hotel, atruim, chandelierPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, stonephoto.txt to raw_combined/photo of a lobby of a luxury hotel, atruim, chandelierPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, stonephoto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial designrealistic photograph of a beautiful tropi.txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial designrealistic photograph of a beautiful tropi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, steel f.txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, steel f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patriotic, 4th of Julyscene from a modern liquor commerc.png to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patriotic, 4th of Julyscene from a modern liquor commerc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on patio lounge chair with p.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on patio lounge chair with p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of 30 year old french woman wearing edgy designer clothes by isabel ma.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of 30 year old french woman wearing edgy designer clothes by isabel ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Jesus built my hotrod .png to raw_combined/Jesus built my hotrod .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Spanish Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Spanish Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living roo.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living roo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Jesus built my hotrod .txt to raw_combined/Jesus built my hotrod .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Sydney Sweeney Gigi Hadid Burning Man Fest.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Sydney Sweeney Gigi Hadid Burning Man Fest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of an Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgePhoto of a luxury Ho.png to raw_combined/Photo of an Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgePhoto of a luxury Ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie, hot mess, tatoos, bad girlscene from a modern dramatic movie .txt to raw_combined/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie, hot mess, tatoos, bad girlscene from a modern dramatic movie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/1900s jouralism photo of pirate ship, london haven 18th century, thunderstorm, lightning, historic, .txt to raw_combined/1900s jouralism photo of pirate ship, london haven 18th century, thunderstorm, lightning, historic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Blake Lively wearing an exoskeleton suit at a constructi.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Blake Lively wearing an exoskeleton suit at a constructi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Sydney Sweeney photographed by Tiziano Lugli .png to raw_combined/Sydney Sweeney photographed by Tiziano Lugli .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a Tiger as a house pet in living room .txt to raw_combined/Photo of a Tiger as a house pet in living room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress A professi.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress A professi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/award winning vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful woman at the beach, realistic, very detailedscen fr.png to raw_combined/award winning vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful woman at the beach, realistic, very detailedscen fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial aerial photo of a modern Las Vegas casino designed by Zaha HadidPhoto of a t.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial aerial photo of a modern Las Vegas casino designed by Zaha HadidPhoto of a t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, dar red hair,smiling, sitting at a beachfront restaurant, image for an .txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, dar red hair,smiling, sitting at a beachfront restaurant, image for an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion , New York townhouse .txt to raw_combined/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion , New York townhouse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the beach house at.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the beach house at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. at the Beach house at doing yoga, .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. at the Beach house at doing yoga, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern scifi NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, s.png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern scifi NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old, California, Sydney .png to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old, California, Sydney .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fashion brandphoto of.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fashion brandphoto of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings A professional commercial photo of a historic l.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings A professional commercial photo of a historic l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed.png to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, goth s.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, goth s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build an alien flying saucer technical instructions, 3d animation .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build an alien flying saucer technical instructions, 3d animation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at the bea.txt to raw_combined/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at the bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional commercial of a modern Ford 2025 GT350 Mustang Tesla Eleanor, Black SunshineScene from .txt to raw_combined/Professional commercial of a modern Ford 2025 GT350 Mustang Tesla Eleanor, Black SunshineScene from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of secret FBI headquarter operations roomscene from a modern dramatic movie .png to raw_combined/photo of secret FBI headquarter operations roomscene from a modern dramatic movie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/a vinatge 1950s photo of a kid playing with furry Alien monster .txt to raw_combined/a vinatge 1950s photo of a kid playing with furry Alien monster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, eating breakfast, in the morning, messy hair, just .png to raw_combined/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, eating breakfast, in the morning, messy hair, just .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a professional Hockey player, 35mm.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a professional Hockey player, 35mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/metallic plate artworkBanksy graffiti stylepropeganda poster, Shepard Fairey art stylescene from a m.txt to raw_combined/metallic plate artworkBanksy graffiti stylepropeganda poster, Shepard Fairey art stylescene from a m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/a vinatge 1950s photo of a kid playing with furry Alien monster .png to raw_combined/a vinatge 1950s photo of a kid playing with furry Alien monster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman at home scene from a modern sofa commercial .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman at home scene from a modern sofa commercial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s ,smiling, at a theme park in Orlando, image for an ad for a lifestyle br.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s ,smiling, at a theme park in Orlando, image for an ad for a lifestyle br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/design an indesign template for marketing 3D bim content that includes symbols used in architectural.png to raw_combined/design an indesign template for marketing 3D bim content that includes symbols used in architectural.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern Theme Park, Super Mario Bros. style Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern Theme Park, Super Mario Bros. style Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern Corona Beer commercial .png to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern Corona Beer commercial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/a beautiful student around 20, with blue eyes, in front of the Cathedral in the spanish city of Lugo.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful student around 20, with blue eyes, in front of the Cathedral in the spanish city of Lugo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/luxury hotelCandid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, Gigi Hadid Lily Rose.txt to raw_combined/luxury hotelCandid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, Gigi Hadid Lily Rose.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a lobby of a luxury hotel, atruim, chandelierPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, stonephoto.png to raw_combined/photo of a lobby of a luxury hotel, atruim, chandelierPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, stonephoto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad , bad girl, mischievous .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad , bad girl, mischievous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Florence Pugh photographed by Tiziano Lugl, artistic .txt to raw_combined/Florence Pugh photographed by Tiziano Lugl, artistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, beautiful women .png to raw_combined/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, beautiful women .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fashion brandphoto of.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fashion brandphoto of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s ,smiling, at a theme park in Orlando, image for an ad for a lifestyle br.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s ,smiling, at a theme park in Orlando, image for an ad for a lifestyle br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Addams style, curly hai.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Addams style, curly hai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Biopunk stormtrooper darth vader, starwarsscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie, epic .png to raw_combined/Biopunk stormtrooper darth vader, starwarsscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie, epic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn,.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/emotional professional photo of a young Iranian woman, beautiful eyes, striking beauty scene from a .png to raw_combined/emotional professional photo of a young Iranian woman, beautiful eyes, striking beauty scene from a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, playful, relaxed, zen, surfer gir.png to raw_combined/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, playful, relaxed, zen, surfer gir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful young woman Lifegaurd Photo of a beautiful tropical beach professional commerci.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful young woman Lifegaurd Photo of a beautiful tropical beach professional commerci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern liquor commercial .txt to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern liquor commercial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/incredible beautiful photo of a beautiful young Hawiian woman underneath a waterfall scene from a mo.txt to raw_combined/incredible beautiful photo of a beautiful young Hawiian woman underneath a waterfall scene from a mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photography of electronic component with neutral background, 3 dstyle, 8k resolution logo, artifici.txt to raw_combined/photography of electronic component with neutral background, 3 dstyle, 8k resolution logo, artifici.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. at the Lake house at dusk, crowded.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. at the Lake house at dusk, crowded.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern military base Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern military base Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A beautiful woman who is from middle europe long blond hair and blue eyes two small dogs in the back.png to raw_combined/A beautiful woman who is from middle europe long blond hair and blue eyes two small dogs in the back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, cool UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo of a Ver.png to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, cool UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo of a Ver.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Chef at an luxurios restaurant, .png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Chef at an luxurios restaurant, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea , Zaha Hadid architecture, Foster and Partners .txt to raw_combined/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea , Zaha Hadid architecture, Foster and Partners .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying in hammock, in a luxurious beach patio, ima.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying in hammock, in a luxurious beach patio, ima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgeluxury Hotel in Dubai .png to raw_combined/Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgeluxury Hotel in Dubai .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern minimal cigar and win.png to raw_combined/photo of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern minimal cigar and win.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed.png to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s , purple hair, smiling, at Ozzfest, 1990s style, image for an ad for a l.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s , purple hair, smiling, at Ozzfest, 1990s style, image for an ad for a l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie, hot mess, tatoos, bad girlscene from a modern dramatic movie .png to raw_combined/Vintage photo of trailer park barbie, hot mess, tatoos, bad girlscene from a modern dramatic movie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern military base Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern military base Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/cinematic movie still photo of Jolene Blalock as an elven sorceress, highly detailed, low cut dress,.txt to raw_combined/cinematic movie still photo of Jolene Blalock as an elven sorceress, highly detailed, low cut dress,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .png to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake, wearing tanktop, r.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake, wearing tanktop, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial vintage black and white photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Bartende.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial vintage black and white photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Bartende.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a rock bandvintage news pho.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a rock bandvintage news pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, legs, shot from directly aboverealistic top down pho.txt to raw_combined/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, legs, shot from directly aboverealistic top down pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum as a circus ring leader, Wednesday Addam.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum as a circus ring leader, Wednesday Addam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful asian woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fas.txt to raw_combined/beautiful asian woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of glass bottle of premium hot sauce, rustic, black label Photo of glass bottle of Whiskey des.txt to raw_combined/Photo of glass bottle of premium hot sauce, rustic, black label Photo of glass bottle of Whiskey des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a travel bus Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a travel bus Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photo of the 911 memorial, realistic photo of the tomb of the unknown soldierphoto of a na.png to raw_combined/realistic photo of the 911 memorial, realistic photo of the tomb of the unknown soldierphoto of a na.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/award winning vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful woman at the beach, realistic, very detailedscen fr.txt to raw_combined/award winning vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful woman at the beach, realistic, very detailedscen fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion , New York townhouse .png to raw_combined/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion , New York townhouse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass Pepsi bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass Pepsi bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, shot from directly aboverealistic photograph of a be.txt to raw_combined/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, shot from directly aboverealistic photograph of a be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings A professional commercial photo of a historic l.png to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings A professional commercial photo of a historic l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design, white backgroundAdve.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass RedBull bottle, modern product design, white backgroundAdve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, dar red hair,smiling, sitting at a beachfront restaurant, image for an .png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, dar red hair,smiling, sitting at a beachfront restaurant, image for an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/News photo of beautiful female East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean, raining, wi.png to raw_combined/News photo of beautiful female East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean, raining, wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Luxury resort Hotel in New York Cityrealistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old.txt to raw_combined/Luxury resort Hotel in New York Cityrealistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean scene from a mode.png to raw_combined/Vintage photo of brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean scene from a mode.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of 30 year old french woman wearing edgy designer clothes by isabel ma.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of 30 year old french woman wearing edgy designer clothes by isabel ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Joe Biden as a lead singer of a heavy metal band .png to raw_combined/Photo of Joe Biden as a lead singer of a heavy metal band .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/an 1880s photo of a Joe Biden, sepia, film burn, faded photo, dust and scratches .png to raw_combined/an 1880s photo of a Joe Biden, sepia, film burn, faded photo, dust and scratches .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying in hammock, in a luxurious beach patio, ima.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying in hammock, in a luxurious beach patio, ima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/LOOSE SKETCH OF FUTURISTIC SPACE SUIT, PENCIL DRAWING, IN THE STYLE OF MICHELANGELO, 8Kmetallic plat.png to raw_combined/LOOSE SKETCH OF FUTURISTIC SPACE SUIT, PENCIL DRAWING, IN THE STYLE OF MICHELANGELO, 8Kmetallic plat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/metallic plate artworkBanksy graffiti stylepropeganda poster, Shepard Fairey art stylescene from a m.png to raw_combined/metallic plate artworkBanksy graffiti stylepropeganda poster, Shepard Fairey art stylescene from a m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful human eye with Mandala inside of it hyper realistic 8kblackhole sun .txt to raw_combined/beautiful human eye with Mandala inside of it hyper realistic 8kblackhole sun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea .png to raw_combined/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a concept Mack pickup truck, driving of road in tundra, greenland, advertisement for a pick.txt to raw_combined/photo of a concept Mack pickup truck, driving of road in tundra, greenland, advertisement for a pick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum, curly crimson red hair, dressed in a.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum, curly crimson red hair, dressed in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on a dock at the lake at dusk, .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on a dock at the lake at dusk, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, freckles, dressed in a rock band ts.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, freckles, dressed in a rock band ts.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn,.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living roo.txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living roo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/a beautiful student around 20, with blue eyes, in front of the Cathedral in the spanish city of Lugo.png to raw_combined/a beautiful student around 20, with blue eyes, in front of the Cathedral in the spanish city of Lugo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, cool UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo of a Ver.txt to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, cool UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo of a Ver.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, dressed in a rock band tshirt, goth.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, dressed in a rock band tshirt, goth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photography of electronic component with neutral background, 3 dstyle, 8k resolution logo, artifici.png to raw_combined/photography of electronic component with neutral background, 3 dstyle, 8k resolution logo, artifici.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/layered paper art, hanoi old street, diorama, volumetric lighting .png to raw_combined/layered paper art, hanoi old street, diorama, volumetric lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photograph of a stealth bomber traveling at light speedscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie .png to raw_combined/photograph of a stealth bomber traveling at light speedscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a h.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build an alien flying saucer technical instructions, 3d animation .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build an alien flying saucer technical instructions, 3d animation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Cryptid nanobot, nanotechnology, boston dynamics, minimalist designa robot made by Lamborghini .txt to raw_combined/Cryptid nanobot, nanotechnology, boston dynamics, minimalist designa robot made by Lamborghini .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX photo of a Very Attractive beau.png to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX photo of a Very Attractive beau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Javier Bardem with a wire connected to his head, half cyborg, in the style of ritualistic masks, arm.txt to raw_combined/Javier Bardem with a wire connected to his head, half cyborg, in the style of ritualistic masks, arm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful Asian American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Kelly Hu Olivia Munn, Tatto.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful Asian American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Kelly Hu Olivia Munn, Tatto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old Asian woman , dressed with a white soft robe, back laid on the couch, a.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old Asian woman , dressed with a white soft robe, back laid on the couch, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photo of the 911 memorial, realistic photo of the tomb of the unknown soldierphoto of a na.txt to raw_combined/realistic photo of the 911 memorial, realistic photo of the tomb of the unknown soldierphoto of a na.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern mountain ville Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a cabin house, .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern mountain ville Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a cabin house, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand, rustic.png to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand, rustic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass wine bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new .txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass wine bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scarletteSpider, ghosyspider, Mary Jane Watson, Marvelscene from a modern comic book scifi movie dir.txt to raw_combined/scarletteSpider, ghosyspider, Mary Jane Watson, Marvelscene from a modern comic book scifi movie dir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful Asian American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Kelly Hu Olivia Munn, Tatto.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful Asian American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Kelly Hu Olivia Munn, Tatto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic Cadid photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the lake beach at.txt to raw_combined/realistic Cadid photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the lake beach at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s , purple hair, smiling, at Ozzfest, 1990s style, image for an ad for a l.png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s , purple hair, smiling, at Ozzfest, 1990s style, image for an ad for a l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand, rustic.txt to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand, rustic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living room.txt to raw_combined/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living room.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A beautiful woman with a small dogs in the backgroundscene from a moden commercial for outdoor sport.png to raw_combined/A beautiful woman with a small dogs in the backgroundscene from a moden commercial for outdoor sport.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living room.png to raw_combined/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, laying on a couch, in a luxurious white living room.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Add.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Add.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting in bed at the Beach house .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting in bed at the Beach house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, at night, psychedelic .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, at night, psychedelic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old, California, Sydney .txt to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old, California, Sydney .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial designrealistic photograph of a beautiful tropi.png to raw_combined/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial designrealistic photograph of a beautiful tropi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a modern castle on an island in New York City Photo of an historic train station professio.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a modern castle on an island in New York City Photo of an historic train station professio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, legs, shot from directly aboverealistic top down pho.png to raw_combined/photo from a fashion magazine, soft, full body, legs, shot from directly aboverealistic top down pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/high contrast surreal double exposure photo, NYC night, Harley Quinn, Banksy style professional com.png to raw_combined/high contrast surreal double exposure photo, NYC night, Harley Quinn, Banksy style professional com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a beautifu.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a beautifu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of an industrial construction AI robotscene from a modern dramatic sci.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of an industrial construction AI robotscene from a modern dramatic sci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage film photo of quantum psychosisscene from a modern movie directed by Christopher Nolan .txt to raw_combined/vintage film photo of quantum psychosisscene from a modern movie directed by Christopher Nolan .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo .txt to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful kinetic art scupture, gears, mechanicalsea turtle .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful kinetic art scupture, gears, mechanicalsea turtle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.txt to raw_combined/beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum, curly crimson red hair, dressed in a.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum, curly crimson red hair, dressed in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Dwayne Johnson as a Publix supermarket Employeescene from a modern comedy movie starring th.png to raw_combined/Photo of Dwayne Johnson as a Publix supermarket Employeescene from a modern comedy movie starring th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern boathouse Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern boathouse Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of an Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgePhoto of a luxury Ho.txt to raw_combined/Photo of an Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgePhoto of a luxury Ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Gal Gadot as a professional Basketball player, 35mm .txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Gal Gadot as a professional Basketball player, 35mm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Gal Gadot as a professional Basketball player, 35mm .png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Gal Gadot as a professional Basketball player, 35mm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a iPhone, deconstructed parts, OLED screen, hologram Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a iPhone, deconstructed parts, OLED screen, hologram Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Very beautiful and unbelievable and colorful dome and arch of the mosque, stone, steel frame, art de.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful and unbelievable and colorful dome and arch of the mosque, stone, steel frame, art de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .txt to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake house at .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake house at .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a grunge rock band, wearing.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a grunge rock band, wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress A professi.png to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress A professi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of an industrial construction AI robotscene from a modern dramatic sci.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of an industrial construction AI robotscene from a modern dramatic sci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a family shoppingphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futurist.png to raw_combined/Photo of a family shoppingphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futurist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/emotional professional photo of a young Iranian woman, beautiful eyes, striking beauty scene from a .txt to raw_combined/emotional professional photo of a young Iranian woman, beautiful eyes, striking beauty scene from a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of street festival, fun, vendors, music, foodphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainp.txt to raw_combined/photo of street festival, fun, vendors, music, foodphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a mountain lion as a house pet, sleeping on the couch .txt to raw_combined/photo of a mountain lion as a house pet, sleeping on the couch .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at th.png to raw_combined/Realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitchen, outdoor barPhot.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitchen, outdoor barPhot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, glass, indoor waterfalla simple .txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, glass, indoor waterfalla simple .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a iPhone, deconstructed parts, OLED screen, hologram Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a iPhone, deconstructed parts, OLED screen, hologram Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed.txt to raw_combined/realistic imposing angle photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/logo, artificial intelligence, bookblack thick lines, simple, modern, white background, no backgroun.txt to raw_combined/logo, artificial intelligence, bookblack thick lines, simple, modern, white background, no backgroun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/super luxurious yacht, very detailed surrounding, UHD scene from a modern scifi movie .png to raw_combined/super luxurious yacht, very detailed surrounding, UHD scene from a modern scifi movie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional promotional commercial photo of mordern luxury sports car, elegant, snowy road in Aspen.png to raw_combined/professional promotional commercial photo of mordern luxury sports car, elegant, snowy road in Aspen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wedn.txt to raw_combined/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wedn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Jennifer Lawrence as a Publix supermarket Employee scene from a modern comedy movie .txt to raw_combined/Photo of Jennifer Lawrence as a Publix supermarket Employee scene from a modern comedy movie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/police boy cam footagemuppets robbing bank .png to raw_combined/police boy cam footagemuppets robbing bank .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a dystopian city, postapocalyptic, fire, smoke, trash, debrisscene from a modern dramatic s.txt to raw_combined/photo of a dystopian city, postapocalyptic, fire, smoke, trash, debrisscene from a modern dramatic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female gangster from the 1930s, wearing pinstripe suit professional commercial .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female gangster from the 1930s, wearing pinstripe suit professional commercial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting on the Beach at dawn, Cali.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting on the Beach at dawn, Cali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/an impenetrable fortress, based on the words of psalm 46, fog, epic, cineamatic, photorealisticscene.txt to raw_combined/an impenetrable fortress, based on the words of psalm 46, fog, epic, cineamatic, photorealisticscene.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A beautiful woman who is from middle europe long blond hair and blue eyes two small dogs in the back.txt to raw_combined/A beautiful woman who is from middle europe long blond hair and blue eyes two small dogs in the back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad, bad girl, mischievous , tempting .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad, bad girl, mischievous , tempting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage 1960s photo of a UFO crash recovery by secret agents, debris, smoke, damage, burntbody cam f.png to raw_combined/vintage 1960s photo of a UFO crash recovery by secret agents, debris, smoke, damage, burntbody cam f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Joe Biden as a lead singer of a heavy metal band .txt to raw_combined/Photo of Joe Biden as a lead singer of a heavy metal band .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. at the Beach house at doing yoga, .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. at the Beach house at doing yoga, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a modern castle on an island in New York City Photo of an historic train station professio.png to raw_combined/Photo of a modern castle on an island in New York City Photo of an historic train station professio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Jennifer Lawrence as a Publix supermarket Employee scene from a modern comedy movie .png to raw_combined/Photo of Jennifer Lawrence as a Publix supermarket Employee scene from a modern comedy movie .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on a dock at the lake at dusk, .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on a dock at the lake at dusk, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/an 1880s photo of a Joe Biden, sepia, film burn, faded photo, dust and scratches .txt to raw_combined/an 1880s photo of a Joe Biden, sepia, film burn, faded photo, dust and scratches .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage black and white photo of Jessica Chobot as a construction worker, 35mm .txt to raw_combined/vintage black and white photo of Jessica Chobot as a construction worker, 35mm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad , bad girl, mischievous .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad , bad girl, mischievous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a Japanse denphoto of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern.png to raw_combined/Photo of a Japanse denphoto of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Blake Lively wearing an exoskeleton suit at a constructi.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Blake Lively wearing an exoskeleton suit at a constructi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of secret FBI headquarter operations roomscene from a modern dramatic movie .txt to raw_combined/photo of secret FBI headquarter operations roomscene from a modern dramatic movie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/iPhone photo of a monkey as a construction worker, at night, blurry photo , real photo, dim lighting.png to raw_combined/iPhone photo of a monkey as a construction worker, at night, blurry photo , real photo, dim lighting.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. at the Lake house at dusk, crowded.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. at the Lake house at dusk, crowded.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern luxury home office , rustic, wood, black iron, glass Ikea instr.txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern luxury home office , rustic, wood, black iron, glass Ikea instr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a Washington DC Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a rome .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a Washington DC Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a rome .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern mansion patio with infinity edge pool, outdoor furniture, outdoor bar, stone blocks, fire pit.txt to raw_combined/Modern mansion patio with infinity edge pool, outdoor furniture, outdoor bar, stone blocks, fire pit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion .txt to raw_combined/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a dark skin latina Arabic moroccan lebanese woman model with a dark.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a dark skin latina Arabic moroccan lebanese woman model with a dark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass Pepsi bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass Pepsi bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build an woman technical instructions, Ikea, 3d animationmedical diagram .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build an woman technical instructions, Ikea, 3d animationmedical diagram .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Miamiphoto of a historic fount.txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Miamiphoto of a historic fount.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a family shoppingphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futurist.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a family shoppingphoto of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futurist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a rock bandvintage news pho.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a rock bandvintage news pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Luxury resort Hotel in New York Cityrealistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old.png to raw_combined/Luxury resort Hotel in New York Cityrealistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a Gucci fashion brandphoto .txt to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a Gucci fashion brandphoto .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of an art museum in New YorkPhoto of a modern surf shopPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, sto.png to raw_combined/Photo of an art museum in New YorkPhoto of a modern surf shopPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, sto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/luxury hotelCandid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, Gigi Hadid Lily Rose.png to raw_combined/luxury hotelCandid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, Gigi Hadid Lily Rose.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a Japanse denphoto of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a Japanse denphoto of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, women .png to raw_combined/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, women .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, Ca.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, Ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Biopunk stormtrooper darth vader, starwarsscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie, epic .txt to raw_combined/Biopunk stormtrooper darth vader, starwarsscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie, epic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, Ca.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, Ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Im sittin on the dock of the bay Watchin the tide roll away, ooh Im just sittin on the dock of the b.png to raw_combined/Im sittin on the dock of the bay Watchin the tide roll away, ooh Im just sittin on the dock of the b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern electric guitar, carbon fiber, chrome, woodcomputer circuit board .png to raw_combined/photo of a modern electric guitar, carbon fiber, chrome, woodcomputer circuit board .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern Theme Park, Super Mario Bros. style Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern Theme Park, Super Mario Bros. style Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman at home scene from a modern sofa commercial .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman at home scene from a modern sofa commercial .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a h.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful outdoor restaurant in Spainphoto of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Laying in bed at the lake house at d.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Laying in bed at the lake house at d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vintage black and white photo of Jessica Chobot as a construction worker, 35mm .png to raw_combined/vintage black and white photo of Jessica Chobot as a construction worker, 35mm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional commercial of a modern Ford 2025 GT350 Mustang Tesla Eleanor, Black SunshineScene from .png to raw_combined/Professional commercial of a modern Ford 2025 GT350 Mustang Tesla Eleanor, Black SunshineScene from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful young woman at a partyHome Video footage of a backyard 4th of Jul.png to raw_combined/Vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful young woman at a partyHome Video footage of a backyard 4th of Jul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed at th.txt to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed at th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo .png to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX, Billabong surfing brand photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful young woman Lifegaurd Photo of a beautiful tropical beach professional commerci.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful young woman Lifegaurd Photo of a beautiful tropical beach professional commerci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney in a luxurious private jet, 35mmscene fro.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney in a luxurious private jet, 35mmscene fro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .txt to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial design, bar, wine cellarrealistic photograph of.txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern minimal rustic kitchen, industrial design, bar, wine cellarrealistic photograph of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/vigilante network administrator greying beard hanging off a building on ethernet cables, serious exp.png to raw_combined/vigilante network administrator greying beard hanging off a building on ethernet cables, serious exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Laying in bed.txt to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Laying in bed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed.txt to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. laying in bed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern electric guitar, carbon fiber, chrome, woodcomputer circuit board .txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern electric guitar, carbon fiber, chrome, woodcomputer circuit board .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. laying in bed at the bea.txt to raw_combined/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. laying in bed at the bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid Emmy Rossum, curly hair, dresse.png to raw_combined/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid Emmy Rossum, curly hair, dresse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, beautiful women .txt to raw_combined/scene from a crazy Japanese game show, dangerous, stunts, beautiful women .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Englandphoto of a historic fou.txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Englandphoto of a historic fou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, eating breakfast, in the morning, messy hair, just .txt to raw_combined/beautiful brown hair woman, in her 30s, smiling, eating breakfast, in the morning, messy hair, just .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a Gucci fashion brandphoto .png to raw_combined/beautiful woman, in her 30s, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a Gucci fashion brandphoto .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old Asian woman , dressed with a white soft robe, back laid on the couch, a.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old Asian woman , dressed with a white soft robe, back laid on the couch, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of an art museum in New YorkPhoto of a modern surf shopPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, sto.txt to raw_combined/Photo of an art museum in New YorkPhoto of a modern surf shopPhoto of an indoor waterfall, cave, sto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake, wearing tanktop, r.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beatiful German Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake, wearing tanktop, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, playful, relaxed, zen, surfer gir.txt to raw_combined/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, vacation, playful, relaxed, zen, surfer gir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional photo of 30 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.png to raw_combined/Professional photo of 30 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a dark skin latina Arabic moroccan lebanese woman model with a dark.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a dark skin latina Arabic moroccan lebanese woman model with a dark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Javier Bardem with a wire connected to his head, half cyborg, in the style of ritualistic masks, arm.png to raw_combined/Javier Bardem with a wire connected to his head, half cyborg, in the style of ritualistic masks, arm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a notebook full of pen doodlespen drawing of disney pixar monsters, Tim Burton style .txt to raw_combined/photo of a notebook full of pen doodlespen drawing of disney pixar monsters, Tim Burton style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/logo, artificial intelligence, bookblack thick lines, simple, modern, white background, no backgroun.png to raw_combined/logo, artificial intelligence, bookblack thick lines, simple, modern, white background, no backgroun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea , Zaha Hadid architecture, Foster and Partners .png to raw_combined/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea , Zaha Hadid architecture, Foster and Partners .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Addams style, curly hai.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Addams style, curly hai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.png to raw_combined/beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at the bea.png to raw_combined/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at the bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, surf shopa simple modern generat.png to raw_combined/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, surf shopa simple modern generat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .png to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful A American Woman, 25 years old. laying in bed at .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patriotic, 4th of Julyscene from a modern liquor commerc.txt to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patriotic, 4th of Julyscene from a modern liquor commerc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the beach house at dawn, .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the beach house at dawn, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/award winning vintage photo of a beautiful American woman at the beach, realistic, very detailed .txt to raw_combined/award winning vintage photo of a beautiful American woman at the beach, realistic, very detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/award winning vintage photo of a beautiful American woman at the beach, realistic, very detailed .png to raw_combined/award winning vintage photo of a beautiful American woman at the beach, realistic, very detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, paradise, Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney, playfu.txt to raw_combined/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, paradise, Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney, playfu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean scene from a mode.txt to raw_combined/Vintage photo of brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean scene from a mode.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of a very tall and large brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, m.txt to raw_combined/Vintage photo of a very tall and large brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea .txt to raw_combined/photo of luxury skyscraper hotel concept South Korea .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial action photo of Jenna Ortega Olivia Munn as a heavy equipment operator, 35mm.png to raw_combined/professional commercial action photo of Jenna Ortega Olivia Munn as a heavy equipment operator, 35mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress Scene from.png to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress Scene from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, glass, indoor waterfalla simple .png to raw_combined/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, glass, indoor waterfalla simple .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the beach house at dawn, .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the beach house at dawn, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/geometric line drawing, black on white, represnting humanityrabbit logo, Banksy grafitti style .png to raw_combined/geometric line drawing, black on white, represnting humanityrabbit logo, Banksy grafitti style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional photo of 20 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.txt to raw_combined/Professional photo of 20 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Chef at an luxurios restaurant, .txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a Chef at an luxurios restaurant, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build an woman technical instructions, Ikea, 3d animationmedical diagram .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build an woman technical instructions, Ikea, 3d animationmedical diagram .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion .png to raw_combined/details sheet minimal style architectural competition, modern mansion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful asian woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fas.png to raw_combined/beautiful asian woman, in her 30s, curly hair, smiling, on a sailboat, image for an ad for a GAP fas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/emotional professional photo of a young German woman, waving german flag a soccer game, striking bea.txt to raw_combined/emotional professional photo of a young German woman, waving german flag a soccer game, striking bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Add.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 30 years old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesday Add.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of George W Bush as a Publix supermarket Employee .png to raw_combined/Photo of George W Bush as a Publix supermarket Employee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial action photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a heavy equipment operator,.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial action photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a heavy equipment operator,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/News photo of beautiful female East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean, raining, wi.txt to raw_combined/News photo of beautiful female East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, mean, raining, wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional commercial photo of a beautiful asian young woman playing with a Monkey, beautiful scen.png to raw_combined/Professional commercial photo of a beautiful asian young woman playing with a Monkey, beautiful scen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern luxury home office , rustic, wood, black iron, glass Ikea instr.png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern luxury home office , rustic, wood, black iron, glass Ikea instr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern mountain ville Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a cabin house, .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern mountain ville Ikea instructionsaeriel photo of a cabin house, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial action photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a heavy equipment operator,.png to raw_combined/professional commercial action photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a heavy equipment operator,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. laying in bed at the bea.png to raw_combined/realistic low angle photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 35 years old. laying in bed at the bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/beautiful human eye with Mandala inside of it hyper realistic 8kblackhole sun .png to raw_combined/beautiful human eye with Mandala inside of it hyper realistic 8kblackhole sun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, at night, psychedelic .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, at night, psychedelic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/layered paper art, hanoi old street, diorama, volumetric lighting .txt to raw_combined/layered paper art, hanoi old street, diorama, volumetric lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/incredible photo of a luxurious modern apartment building in Seoul KoreaPhoto of exclusive luxury re.png to raw_combined/incredible photo of a luxurious modern apartment building in Seoul KoreaPhoto of exclusive luxury re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional photo of 30 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.txt to raw_combined/Professional photo of 30 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern Waterpark Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern Waterpark Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, paradise, Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney, playfu.png to raw_combined/Candid photo of beautiful woman laying in bed waking up, paradise, Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney, playfu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/geometric line drawing, black on white, represnting humanityrabbit logo, Banksy grafitti style .txt to raw_combined/geometric line drawing, black on white, represnting humanityrabbit logo, Banksy grafitti style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad, bad girl, mischievous , tempting .txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil being bad, bad girl, mischievous , tempting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/1900s jouralism photo of pirate ship, london haven 18th century, thunderstorm, lightning, historic, .png to raw_combined/1900s jouralism photo of pirate ship, london haven 18th century, thunderstorm, lightning, historic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of George W Bush as a Publix supermarket Employee .txt to raw_combined/Photo of George W Bush as a Publix supermarket Employee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/A realistic photo of a beautiful woman sitting on a couch infographic of fashion scene from a class.txt to raw_combined/A realistic photo of a beautiful woman sitting on a couch infographic of fashion scene from a class.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, Tattoos, rebel Bu.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, Tattoos, rebel Bu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful African American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake h.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful African American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid Emmy Rossum, curly hair, dresse.txt to raw_combined/candid Polariod photo of 30 years old woman, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid Emmy Rossum, curly hair, dresse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, Tattoos, rebel Bu.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, Tattoos, rebel Bu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Laying in bed.png to raw_combined/realistic top down angle photograph of a beautiful Asian American Woman, 30 years old. Laying in bed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a grunge rock band, wearing.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a beautiful young female lead singer of a grunge rock band, wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Florence Pugh photographed by Tiziano Lugl, artistic .png to raw_combined/Florence Pugh photographed by Tiziano Lugl, artistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a dystopian city, postapocalyptic, fire, smoke, trash, debrisscene from a modern dramatic s.png to raw_combined/photo of a dystopian city, postapocalyptic, fire, smoke, trash, debrisscene from a modern dramatic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial aerial photo of a modern Las Vegas casino designed by Zaha HadidPhoto of a t.png to raw_combined/professional commercial aerial photo of a modern Las Vegas casino designed by Zaha HadidPhoto of a t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful Native American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoo.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful Native American woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful African American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake h.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful African American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitchen, outdoor barPhot.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo a beautiful outdoor patio, furniture, outdoor kitchen, outdoor barPhot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, goth s.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, goth s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a notebook full of pen doodlespen drawing of disney pixar monsters, Tim Burton style .png to raw_combined/photo of a notebook full of pen doodlespen drawing of disney pixar monsters, Tim Burton style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern minimal cigar and win.txt to raw_combined/photo of a chandelier centerpiecePhoto of a modern restaurantphoto of a modern minimal cigar and win.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful woman wearing a tanktop, Gigi Hadid Scarlette Johanssonscene from a modern comm.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful woman wearing a tanktop, Gigi Hadid Scarlette Johanssonscene from a modern comm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.png to raw_combined/Beautiful egyptian woman in egyptian costume, foreground of an extatic face, soft lighting, shimmeri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a modern futuristic Apple store Photo of a historic church in Miami .png to raw_combined/Photo of a modern futuristic Apple store Photo of a historic church in Miami .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/an impenetrable fortress, based on the words of psalm 46, fog, epic, cineamatic, photorealisticscene.png to raw_combined/an impenetrable fortress, based on the words of psalm 46, fog, epic, cineamatic, photorealisticscene.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photograph of a stealth bomber traveling at light speedscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie .txt to raw_combined/photograph of a stealth bomber traveling at light speedscene from a modern dramatic scifi movie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney in a luxurious private jet, 35mmscene fro.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney in a luxurious private jet, 35mmscene fro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial action photo of Jenna Ortega Olivia Munn as a heavy equipment operator, 35mm.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial action photo of Jenna Ortega Olivia Munn as a heavy equipment operator, 35mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting in bed at the Beach house .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting in bed at the Beach house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a professional Hockey player, 35mm.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Scarlett Johansson as a professional Hockey player, 35mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, freckles, dressed in a rock band ts.txt to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, freckles, dressed in a rock band ts.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a mountain lion as a house pet, sleeping on the couch .png to raw_combined/photo of a mountain lion as a house pet, sleeping on the couch .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a beautifu.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams stylePhoto advertising of a beautifu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/super luxurious yacht, very detailed surrounding, UHD scene from a modern scifi movie .txt to raw_combined/super luxurious yacht, very detailed surrounding, UHD scene from a modern scifi movie .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Im sittin on the dock of the bay Watchin the tide roll away, ooh Im just sittin on the dock of the b.txt to raw_combined/Im sittin on the dock of the bay Watchin the tide roll away, ooh Im just sittin on the dock of the b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern mansion patio with infinity edge pool, outdoor furniture, outdoor bar, stone blocks, fire pit.png to raw_combined/Modern mansion patio with infinity edge pool, outdoor furniture, outdoor bar, stone blocks, fire pit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the beach house at.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the beach house at.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/police boy cam footagemuppets robbing bank .txt to raw_combined/police boy cam footagemuppets robbing bank .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/iPhone photo of a monkey as a construction worker, at night, blurry photo , real photo, dim lighting.txt to raw_combined/iPhone photo of a monkey as a construction worker, at night, blurry photo , real photo, dim lighting.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a cave house, construction site, all white Ikea instructions .png to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a cave house, construction site, all white Ikea instructions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, surf shopa simple modern generat.txt to raw_combined/photo of a modern office reception area, rustic, industrial design, surf shopa simple modern generat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, dressed in a rock band tshirt, goth.png to raw_combined/candid photo of 25 years old woman, curly dark crimson red hair, dressed in a rock band tshirt, goth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/scarletteSpider, ghosyspider, Mary Jane Watson, Marvelscene from a modern comic book scifi movie dir.png to raw_combined/scarletteSpider, ghosyspider, Mary Jane Watson, Marvelscene from a modern comic book scifi movie dir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, wearin.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful woman, luxurious, elegant, stunning, Hadid Blake Lively, Tattoos, rebel, wearin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/emotional professional photo of a young German woman, waving german flag a soccer game, striking bea.png to raw_combined/emotional professional photo of a young German woman, waving german flag a soccer game, striking bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on patio lounge chair with p.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting on patio lounge chair with p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake house at .png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Sitting in bed at the lake house at .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Sydney Sweeney photographed by Tiziano Lugli .txt to raw_combined/Sydney Sweeney photographed by Tiziano Lugli .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional promotional commercial photo of mordern luxury sports car, elegant, snowy road in Aspen.txt to raw_combined/professional promotional commercial photo of mordern luxury sports car, elegant, snowy road in Aspen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Englandphoto of a historic fou.png to raw_combined/photo of a modern futuristic Apple storePhoto of a historic church in Englandphoto of a historic fou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgeluxury Hotel in Dubai .txt to raw_combined/Amazing skyscraper design, beautiful architectural design, skybridgeluxury Hotel in Dubai .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of Dwayne Johnson as a Publix supermarket Employeescene from a modern comedy movie starring th.txt to raw_combined/Photo of Dwayne Johnson as a Publix supermarket Employeescene from a modern comedy movie starring th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous , myste.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous , myste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a travel bus Ikea instructions .txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a travel bus Ikea instructions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage photo of a very tall and large brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, m.png to raw_combined/Vintage photo of a very tall and large brutish East End gangster wearing suit, intimidating stare, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Professional photo of 20 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.png to raw_combined/Professional photo of 20 year old woman, Scarlette Johansson Jessica Alba Gigi Hadid, goth, Wednesda.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Laying in bed at the lake house at d.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of beautiful American Woman, 25 years old. Laying in bed at the lake house at d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/high contrast surreal double exposure photo, NYC night, Harley Quinn, Banksy style professional com.txt to raw_combined/high contrast surreal double exposure photo, NYC night, Harley Quinn, Banksy style professional com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum as a circus ring leader, Wednesday Addam.txt to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of Sydney Sweeney Emmy Rossum as a circus ring leader, Wednesday Addam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house at dawn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of glass bottle of premium hot sauce, rustic, black label Photo of glass bottle of Whiskey des.png to raw_combined/Photo of glass bottle of premium hot sauce, rustic, black label Photo of glass bottle of Whiskey des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress Scene from.txt to raw_combined/Photo of a beautiful female dark angel, black wings, epic, wearing luxurious black dress Scene from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female mechanicprofessional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney weari.txt to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female mechanicprofessional commercial photo of Gigi Hadid Sydney Sweeney weari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX photo of a Very Attractive beau.txt to raw_combined/Modern Website Landing page for Nike Surfboards, minimalistic UI UX photo of a Very Attractive beau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Spanish Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, .txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Spanish Woman, 25 years old. Sitting at the lake house at dawn, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a glass wine bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new .png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a glass wine bottle, modern product design Advertisement for a new .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a concept Mack pickup truck, driving of road in tundra, greenland, advertisement for a pick.png to raw_combined/photo of a concept Mack pickup truck, driving of road in tundra, greenland, advertisement for a pick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/LOOSE SKETCH OF FUTURISTIC SPACE SUIT, PENCIL DRAWING, IN THE STYLE OF MICHELANGELO, 8Kmetallic plat.txt to raw_combined/LOOSE SKETCH OF FUTURISTIC SPACE SUIT, PENCIL DRAWING, IN THE STYLE OF MICHELANGELO, 8Kmetallic plat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous , myste.png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous , myste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous .png to raw_combined/photo of a beautiful female Devil changing her ways tring to be good , bad girl, mischievous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic Cadid photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the lake beach at.png to raw_combined/realistic Cadid photograph of a beautiful American Woman, 30 years old. Sitting at the lake beach at.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful young woman at a partyHome Video footage of a backyard 4th of Jul.txt to raw_combined/Vintage 1990s photo of a beautiful young woman at a partyHome Video footage of a backyard 4th of Jul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/infographic on how to build a modern scifi NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, s.txt to raw_combined/infographic on how to build a modern scifi NFL stadium, tiltshift photo, Zaha Hadid design, glass, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern liquor commercial .png to raw_combined/Photo of the beautiful woman, Blake Lively, patrioticscene from a modern liquor commercial .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.png to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/realistic photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.txt to raw_combined/realistic photograph of a beautiful Latin American Woman, 23 years old. Sitting at the Beach house a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_1/professional commercial photo of a new modern BMW electric 8 series concept luxury flagship car, dri.png to raw_combined/professional commercial photo of a new modern BMW electric 8 series concept luxury flagship car, dri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman beneath window with sunbeams shining htrough, fashion photoshoot, su.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman beneath window with sunbeams shining htrough, fashion photoshoot, su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a Norman archway Anglo Saxo.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a Norman archway Anglo Saxo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monaste.txt to raw_combined/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monaste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, in the .png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, cyber implants.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, cyber implants.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman looking to her left , medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evoc.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman looking to her left , medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evoc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of medieval fantasy, c.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of medieval fantasy, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, black clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, black clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Viking pagan ritual, Norse pagan ritual, abstract, digital art, expressive, .png to raw_combined/Viking pagan ritual, Norse pagan ritual, abstract, digital art, expressive, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, evocative, expressive, supermodel pose, supermodel photoshoot2 cybe.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, evocative, expressive, supermodel pose, supermodel photoshoot2 cybe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room with sunbeams shining in .png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room with sunbeams shining in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runic facial tattoos, fashion photoshoot, supermodel.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runic facial tattoos, fashion photoshoot, supermodel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothin.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval library, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval library, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a simple crown, Anglo Saxon.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a simple crown, Anglo Saxon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible in medieval cloister, cyberpunk, s.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible in medieval cloister, cyberpunk, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction cloiste.txt to raw_combined/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction cloiste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in backgroud, highly detailed, high fantas.png to raw_combined/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in backgroud, highly detailed, high fantas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of young medieval warrior, in castle, 8k, aesthetically pleasing details, high .txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of young medieval warrior, in castle, 8k, aesthetically pleasing details, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Close frontal portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, .txt to raw_combined/Close frontal portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/two medieval monks with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, mediev.txt to raw_combined/two medieval monks with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, mediev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, science fiction,.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, science fiction,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winc.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle towers, evocative, expressi.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle towers, evocative, expressi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is in cyberpunk version of a mediev.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is in cyberpunk version of a mediev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval castle science fiction, medieval, futuristic, evocative, e.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval castle science fiction, medieval, futuristic, evocative, e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, supermodel pho.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, supermodel pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/portrait of a viking looking straight at viewer. .txt to raw_combined/portrait of a viking looking straight at viewer. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, standings tones with Pictish in.png to raw_combined/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, standings tones with Pictish in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/profile portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mo.png to raw_combined/profile portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is in cyberpunk version of a mediev.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is in cyberpunk version of a mediev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Viking pagan ritual, Norse pagan ritual, abstract, digital art, expressive, .txt to raw_combined/Viking pagan ritual, Norse pagan ritual, abstract, digital art, expressive, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled cyberpunk medieval woman, in Arabian palace, in dark room, in the style of medieval.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled cyberpunk medieval woman, in Arabian palace, in dark room, in the style of medieval.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fictionmonastery, medieval Eur.txt to raw_combined/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fictionmonastery, medieval Eur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cy.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is wearing medieval clothes, she is.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is wearing medieval clothes, she is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, bl.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, in the .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, medieval Eu.png to raw_combined/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, medieval Eu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman in ancient high tech science fiction city, evocative, expressive, su.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman in ancient high tech science fiction city, evocative, expressive, su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, standing stones, barrow mounds, .png to raw_combined/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, standing stones, barrow mounds, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is wearing medieval clothes, she is.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman with face visible, she is wearing medieval clothes, she is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/two medieval monks with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, mediev.png to raw_combined/two medieval monks with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, mediev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman, Anglo Saxon clothesw, Saxon hall in background, medie.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman, Anglo Saxon clothesw, Saxon hall in background, medie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a simple crown, Anglo Saxon.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a simple crown, Anglo Saxon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face visible .png to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face visible .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, re.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, re.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of young medieval warrior, in castle, 8k, aesthetically pleasing details, high .png to raw_combined/full length portrait of young medieval warrior, in castle, 8k, aesthetically pleasing details, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in backgroud, highly detailed, high fantas.txt to raw_combined/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in backgroud, highly detailed, high fantas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle towers, evocative, expressi.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle towers, evocative, expressi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, supermodel pho.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, supermodel pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoot, model p.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoot, model p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gorgeous futuristic dress, beau.txt to raw_combined/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gorgeous futuristic dress, beau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face visible .txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face visible .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman looking to her left , medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evoc.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman looking to her left , medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evoc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room, she is looking to her ri.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room, she is looking to her ri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of Norse pagan musician playing stringed instrument, he is looking straight towards the vie.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of Norse pagan musician playing stringed instrument, he is looking straight towards the vie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the styl.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, medieval, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, medieval, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman beneath window with sunbeams shining htrough, fashion photoshoot, su.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman beneath window with sunbeams shining htrough, fashion photoshoot, su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monaste.png to raw_combined/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monaste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber augmentation, wearing medieval clothes, beautiful face, i.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber augmentation, wearing medieval clothes, beautiful face, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, evocative,.txt to raw_combined/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, evocative,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoot, model p.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoot, model p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot2 .txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot2 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, supermodel pho.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, supermodel pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is looking to her right, mo.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is looking to her right, mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman holding a rolled scroll, in medieval castle, in the style of medieva.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman holding a rolled scroll, in medieval castle, in the style of medieva.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a candlelit medieval room A.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a candlelit medieval room A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room with sunbeams shining in .txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room with sunbeams shining in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle, evocative, expressive, sup.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle, evocative, expressive, sup.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cyber enhancements, in med.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cyber enhancements, in med.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a medieval castle, supermo.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a medieval castle, supermo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in a medieval castle with heraldic banners on.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in a medieval castle with heraldic banners on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, standings tones with Pictish in.txt to raw_combined/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, standings tones with Pictish in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a s.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mona.png to raw_combined/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mona.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face v.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashion.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashion.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is sitting on medieval thro.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is sitting on medieval thro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, he is facing to the right of shot, in medi.txt to raw_combined/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, he is facing to the right of shot, in medi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark medieval room Anglo .txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark medieval room Anglo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, evocative, expressive, supermodel pose, supermodel photoshoot2 cybe.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, evocative, expressive, supermodel pose, supermodel photoshoot2 cybe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/profile portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mo.txt to raw_combined/profile portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Close frontal portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, .png to raw_combined/Close frontal portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing i.txt to raw_combined/close portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face v.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil but with face v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night, warrior in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, e.txt to raw_combined/medieval night, warrior in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, supermodel photo.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, supermodel photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/a cover Vogue magazine with an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gor.png to raw_combined/a cover Vogue magazine with an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, in medieval castle, medieval, evocative, expressive, supe.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, in medieval castle, medieval, evocative, expressive, supe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of Norse pagan musician playing stringed instrument, he is looking straight towards the vie.png to raw_combined/Portrait of Norse pagan musician playing stringed instrument, he is looking straight towards the vie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evocative, expressive, su.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evocative, expressive, su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, medieval head .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, medieval head .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, v.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman holding a rolled scroll, in medieval castle, in the style of medieva.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman holding a rolled scroll, in medieval castle, in the style of medieva.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, pe.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/a cover Vogue magazine with an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gor.txt to raw_combined/a cover Vogue magazine with an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cloaked medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runes painted on her face, fashion photoshoo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runes painted on her face, fashion photoshoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, high tech medieval science fiction city clearly visible in backgrou.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, high tech medieval science fiction city clearly visible in backgrou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/portrait of a viking looking straight at viewer. .png to raw_combined/portrait of a viking looking straight at viewer. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle with banners on w.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle with banners on w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, cyber implants.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, cyber implants.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle with banners on w.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle with banners on w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashion.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashion.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/lightly armoured medieval man with cyber augmentations, in ancient high tech science fiction city, m.txt to raw_combined/lightly armoured medieval man with cyber augmentations, in ancient high tech science fiction city, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, cyberpunk, science.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, cyberpunk, science.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing in a gorgeous futur.png to raw_combined/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing in a gorgeous futur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, medieval Eu.txt to raw_combined/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction monastery, medieval Eu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, evocative, expressive .txt to raw_combined/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, evocative, expressive .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing i.png to raw_combined/close portrait of an extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, .png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval Arabian woman in medieval castle, she is holding a leatherbound grimoire, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, supermodel photoshoot2 cy.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, supermodel photoshoot2 cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, .png to raw_combined/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, v.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyberpunk, v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval Norse pagan woman, homespun clothes, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in th.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval Norse pagan woman, homespun clothes, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman, Anglo Saxon clothesw, Saxon hall in background, medie.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman, Anglo Saxon clothesw, Saxon hall in background, medie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, bl.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, .txt to raw_combined/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, dark clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion .png to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, dark clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/lightly armoured medieval man with cyber augmentations, in ancient high tech science fiction city, m.png to raw_combined/lightly armoured medieval man with cyber augmentations, in ancient high tech science fiction city, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, evocative,.png to raw_combined/medieval night in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, evocative,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/portrait of an old viking witha white beard, looking straight at viewer. .png to raw_combined/portrait of an old viking witha white beard, looking straight at viewer. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothing, medi.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothing, medi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval Norse pagan woman, homespun clothes, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in th.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval Norse pagan woman, homespun clothes, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil in medieval clo.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil in medieval clo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval library, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval library, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister with sunbea.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister with sunbea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cyber enhancements, in med.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cyber enhancements, in med.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, supermodel photoshoot2 cy.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, supermodel photoshoot2 cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, supermodel pho.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, supermodel pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark medieval room Anglo .png to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark medieval room Anglo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, medieval head .png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval cloister, black clothing, medieval head .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evocative, expressive, su.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval surroundings, medieval cloister, evocative, expressive, su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mona.txt to raw_combined/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction mona.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle, she is looking to her right, .txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle, she is looking to her right, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, em.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, em.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, em.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, em.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runic facial tattoos, fashion photoshoot, supermodel.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runic facial tattoos, fashion photoshoot, supermodel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is sitting on medieval thro.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is sitting on medieval thro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, re.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, re.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a medieval castle, supermo.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a medieval castle, supermo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, dark room in early medieval Winch.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, dark room in early medieval Winch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, high tech medieval science fiction city clearly visible in backgrou.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, high tech medieval science fiction city clearly visible in backgrou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winchester, captiv.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winchester, captiv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot2 .png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot2 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, medieval, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, medieval, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion shoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashi.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister with sunbea.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister with sunbea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, black clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, black clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a s.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a dark cloister wearing a s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing in a gorgeous futur.txt to raw_combined/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman wearing a cloak, posing in a gorgeous futur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, science fiction,.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, science fiction,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a Norman archway Anglo Saxo.png to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a Norman archway Anglo Saxo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a candlelit medieval room A.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a candlelit medieval room A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle, evocative, expressive, sup.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, cyberpunk medieval architecture, castle, evocative, expressive, sup.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gorgeous futuristic dress, beau.png to raw_combined/An extremely beautiful dark haired medieval cyborg woman posing in a gorgeous futuristic dress, beau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, in medieval castle, medieval, evocative, expressive, supe.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, in medieval castle, medieval, evocative, expressive, supe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, dark hair uncovered, black and dar.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, dark hair uncovered, black and dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, cyberpunk, science.png to raw_combined/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, cyberpunk, science.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cloaked medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runes painted on her face, fashion photoshoo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful cloaked medieval Norse pagan woman with Norse runes painted on her face, fashion photoshoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, glamourous, supe.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, glamourous, supe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, cyberounk version of medieval architecture in backround, .txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, cyberounk version of medieval architecture in backround, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber augmentation, wearing medieval clothes, beautiful face, i.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber augmentation, wearing medieval clothes, beautiful face, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction cloiste.png to raw_combined/cowled bearded medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fiction cloiste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashi.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in medieval cloister, supermodel photoshoot, fashi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman in ancient high tech science fiction city, evocative, expressive, su.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman in ancient high tech science fiction city, evocative, expressive, su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, he is facing to the right of shot, in medi.png to raw_combined/close portrait of medieval monk with cyber augmentations, he is facing to the right of shot, in medi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, standing stones, barrow mounds, .txt to raw_combined/Gandalfr, Norse wizard holding a staff, Norse mythology, standing stones, barrow mounds, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil in medieval clo.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman wearing black veil in medieval clo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, dark hair uncovered, black and dar.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, dark hair uncovered, black and dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, su.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, pe.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful Arabian medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.png to raw_combined/Beautiful Arabian medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room, she is looking to her ri.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle room, she is looking to her ri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, evocative, expressive .png to raw_combined/dark age warrior in forest, realistic weapons, Iron age, Celt, Pict, evocative, expressive .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible in medieval cloister, cyberpunk, s.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible in medieval cloister, cyberpunk, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, supermodel photosh.png to raw_combined/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, supermodel photosh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is looking to her right, mo.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments, in a castle, she is looking to her right, mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in a medieval castle with heraldic banners on.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in a medieval castle with heraldic banners on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, dark room in early medieval Winch.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, dark room in early medieval Winch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, dark clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful cyberpunk pagan shaman woman, dark clothes, fashion model aesthetic, fashionista, fashion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval night, warrior in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, e.png to raw_combined/medieval night, warrior in white surcoat with Norman period castle in background, highly detailed, e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fictionmonastery, medieval Eur.png to raw_combined/medieval monk with cyber augmentations, in medieval high tech science fictionmonastery, medieval Eur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle, she is looking to her right, .png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in dark castle, she is looking to her right, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothing, medi.png to raw_combined/Beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothing, medi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval castle science fiction, medieval, futuristic, evocative, e.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman, medieval castle science fiction, medieval, futuristic, evocative, e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, supermodel photo.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, supermodel photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/portrait of an old viking witha white beard, looking straight at viewer. .txt to raw_combined/portrait of an old viking witha white beard, looking straight at viewer. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, supermodel photosh.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of beautiful young veiled Persian woman, veil is black, face is visible, supermodel photosh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, su.txt to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments in medieval castle, evocative, expressive, su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, cyberounk version of medieval architecture in backround, .png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval cyberpunk woman, cyberounk version of medieval architecture in backround, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyber.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyber.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, glamourous, supe.png to raw_combined/veiled beautiful medieval woman with cyber attachments at the entrance to a castle, glamourous, supe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyber.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cyber.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the styl.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman pointing towards viewer, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of medieval fantasy, c.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval woman, fashion photoshoot, supermodel, in the style of medieval fantasy, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled cyberpunk medieval woman, in Arabian palace, in dark room, in the style of medieval.png to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled cyberpunk medieval woman, in Arabian palace, in dark room, in the style of medieval.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winc.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman in a cloister Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winchester, captiv.png to raw_combined/Beautiful dark haired AngloSaxon veiled woman Anglo Saxon clothes, early medieval Winchester, captiv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful Arabian medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful Arabian medieval woman in medieval castle, in the style of medieval fantasy, medieval cybe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothin.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful veiled medieval cyberpunk woman walking in dark medieval room, black and dark blue clothin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_65/full length portrait of beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cy.txt to raw_combined/full length portrait of beautiful medieval woman wearing black veil but with face visible she has cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo full body view of a perfect woman .txt to raw_combined/color photo full body view of a perfect woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid portrait photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplay.png to raw_combined/color candid portrait photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplay.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female medical doctor cospla.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female medical doctor cospla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale dresse.png to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale dresse.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek female secretary in the style o.png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek female secretary in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in the style of.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color studio photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon sec.txt to raw_combined/real color studio photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon sec.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/1998 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt to raw_combined/1998 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale as the bodyc.txt to raw_combined/scifi photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale as the bodyc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/1988 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png to raw_combined/1988 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque secretary in the photo style of 2023 .png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque secretary in the photo style of 2023 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot cosplaying i.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot cosplaying i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/1978 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png to raw_combined/1978 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/full body handsome female model with blonde hair, age 28, swedish origin, cosplaying as a musician i.txt to raw_combined/full body handsome female model with blonde hair, age 28, swedish origin, cosplaying as a musician i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque mistress as the que.txt to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque mistress as the que.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt to raw_combined/scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon secretary in the style .png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon secretary in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo of a beatiful woman combining Hedy Lamarr, Gene Tierney, and Vivian Leigh .txt to raw_combined/color photo of a beatiful woman combining Hedy Lamarr, Gene Tierney, and Vivian Leigh .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/imagine color candid photo of real 21yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cospl.png to raw_combined/imagine color candid photo of real 21yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cospl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/idealized 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon elegant female musician cosplaying in the.txt to raw_combined/idealized 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon elegant female musician cosplaying in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo full body view of one beautiful real woman who looks like a hybrid of Hedy Lamarr, Gene .png to raw_combined/color photo full body view of one beautiful real woman who looks like a hybrid of Hedy Lamarr, Gene .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color movie screenshot full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon.png to raw_combined/real color movie screenshot full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female medical doctor cospla.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female medical doctor cospla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor cosplaying in t.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor cosplaying in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/a 28yearold bodycon Japanese woman in shorts is posing for a portrait, in the style of gongbi, slend.png to raw_combined/a 28yearold bodycon Japanese woman in shorts is posing for a portrait, in the style of gongbi, slend.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque mistress as the que.png to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque mistress as the que.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fa.txt to raw_combined/scifi color movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo portrait of a beautiful real woman with makeup in the style of Patrick Nagel .txt to raw_combined/color photo portrait of a beautiful real woman with makeup in the style of Patrick Nagel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/a realtors interior photo of an ultramodern studio apartment for a cool bachelor that loves art deco.png to raw_combined/a realtors interior photo of an ultramodern studio apartment for a cool bachelor that loves art deco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon secretary cosplayi.txt to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon secretary cosplayi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale as the bodyc.png to raw_combined/scifi photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale as the bodyc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color action movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque d.png to raw_combined/scifi color action movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque real woman as the q.txt to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque real woman as the q.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo portrait of a beautiful real woman with makeup in the style of Patrick Nagel .png to raw_combined/color photo portrait of a beautiful real woman with makeup in the style of Patrick Nagel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/a beautiful statuesque blonde 28yearold French ballerina photographed in a deserted Paris garden at .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful statuesque blonde 28yearold French ballerina photographed in a deserted Paris garden at .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplaying in th.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplaying in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female nurse cosplaying in t.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female nurse cosplaying in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/the perfect woman of your dreams .png to raw_combined/the perfect woman of your dreams .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2008 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png to raw_combined/2008 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in the sty.png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2008 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt to raw_combined/2008 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot Christina He.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot Christina He.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo of a beatiful woman combining Hedy Lamarr, Gene Tierney, and Vivian Leigh .png to raw_combined/color photo of a beatiful woman combining Hedy Lamarr, Gene Tierney, and Vivian Leigh .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon chanteuse cosplaying in the .txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon chanteuse cosplaying in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color studio photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon sec.png to raw_combined/real color studio photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon sec.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2023 real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in th.txt to raw_combined/2023 real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek female secretary in the style o.txt to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek female secretary in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon lifeguard in the style .png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon lifeguard in the style .png\n", "Copying 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bodycon female jazz singer cosplaying in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon lifeguard in the style .txt to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon lifeguard in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot Christina He.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon woman pilot Christina He.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female nurse cosplaying in t.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon female nurse cosplaying in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color action movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque f.png to raw_combined/scifi color action movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo full body view of one beautiful real woman who looks like a hybrid of Hedy Lamarr, Gene .txt to raw_combined/color photo full body view of one beautiful real woman who looks like a hybrid of Hedy Lamarr, Gene .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold stunning statuesque elegant cool sleek bodycon chanteuse cospla.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold stunning statuesque elegant cool sleek bodycon chanteuse cospla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque secretary in the photo style of 2023 .txt to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque secretary in the photo style of 2023 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color photo of one beautiful 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se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon French ballerina in the.txt to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon French ballerina in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2028 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt to raw_combined/2028 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/full body view of the perfect woman of your dreams .png to raw_combined/full body view of the perfect woman of your dreams .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon trashy female jazz singer cosplaying in the st.txt to raw_combined/real 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon trashy female jazz singer cosplaying in the st.txt\n", "Copying 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age 28, swedish origin, cosplaying as a musician i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon secretary cosplayi.png to raw_combined/real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon secretary cosplayi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2018 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt to raw_combined/2018 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid portrait photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplay.txt to raw_combined/color candid portrait photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon heiress cosplay.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/full body selfie of 28yearold Margot Robbie in a bodycon tennis dress .png to raw_combined/full body 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"Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale Marlen.png to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale Marlen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/idealized 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon elegant female musician cosplaying in the.png to raw_combined/idealized 28yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon elegant female musician cosplaying in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale dresse.txt to raw_combined/scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale dresse.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/a beautiful woman in the style of Patrick Nagel .png to raw_combined/a beautiful woman in the style of Patrick Nagel .png\n", "Copying 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a hybrid of Hedy Lamarr, Gene Tierney, and Vivien .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png to raw_combined/scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/full body view of the perfect woman of your dreams .txt to raw_combined/full body view of the perfect woman of your dreams .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/1958 scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fat.png to raw_combined/1958 scifi movie screenshot full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/1968 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png to raw_combined/1968 scifi color photo full body view of an aggressive beautiful 25yearold statuesque femme fatale a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor cosplaying in t.png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor cosplaying in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon chanteuse cosplaying in the .png to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon chanteuse cosplaying in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/2023 real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in th.png to raw_combined/2023 real color candid photo of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek bodycon woman doctor in th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/a realtors interior photo of an ultra modern studio apartment with builtin modular Scandinavian wall.png to raw_combined/a realtors interior photo of an ultra modern studio apartment with builtin modular Scandinavian wall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/imagine color candid photo of real 21yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cospl.txt to raw_combined/imagine color candid photo of real 21yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cospl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/real color catalog photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon se.png to raw_combined/real color catalog photo full body view of real 28yearold beautiful statuesque sleek very bodycon se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_40/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cosplaying in.txt to raw_combined/color candid photo of real 38yearold stunning statuesque cool sleek bodycon stewardess cosplaying in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral .txt to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, inspiration fro.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, inspiration fro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/art deco inspired dream home .txt to raw_combined/art deco inspired dream home .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside bathroom .png to raw_combined/french countryside bathroom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral colo.png to raw_combined/modern luxury Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small entrance with door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 do.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small entrance with door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral .png to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, livingroom .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, livingroom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, livingroom .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, livingroom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of dining room in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, livingroom .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, livingroom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modernist inspired 1970s villa home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .png to raw_combined/modernist inspired 1970s villa home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, wash.txt to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, wash.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom with workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert St.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom with workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert St.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in 1960s style, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medalli.txt to raw_combined/a diningroom in 1960s style, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medalli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/lush Palm Beach surroundings, designer Katie Ridder sows the seeds for a sophisticated gardeninspire.png to raw_combined/lush Palm Beach surroundings, designer Katie Ridder sows the seeds for a sophisticated gardeninspire.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist, en.png to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist, en.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, modernist inspired 1970s v.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, modernist inspired 1970s v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom with workspace in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom with workspace in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of luxury livingroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler and billy bensl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury livingroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler and billy bensl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/big french countryside mansion .png to raw_combined/big french countryside mansion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a ba.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral colo.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom and kitchen designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle R.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom and kitchen designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle R.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modernist inspired 1970s villa home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .txt to raw_combined/modernist inspired 1970s villa home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of home office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of home office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Hollywood Mansion,architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot, high resolution .png to raw_combined/Hollywood Mansion,architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot, high resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of lush Palm Beach Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of lush Palm Beach Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist powder room in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollin.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist powder room in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a kitchen with a large open cabinets, in the style of , maximalist, english countryside, , washingto.txt to raw_combined/a kitchen with a large open cabinets, in the style of , maximalist, english countryside, , washingto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, light and vibrant,.txt to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, light and vibrant,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of french countryside tiny house, vibrant .txt to raw_combined/interior of french countryside tiny house, vibrant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modernist castle .png to raw_combined/modernist castle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and kitchen in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, big.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and kitchen in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, big.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/tropical architecture combined with japandi desing, in a very sustainable way inside the tropics of .txt to raw_combined/tropical architecture combined with japandi desing, in a very sustainable way inside the tropics of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside livingroom .png to raw_combined/french countryside livingroom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of mansion exterior in the style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of mansion exterior in the style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of a cozy french countryside interior, big luxurious cottage, livingroom, diningroo.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of a cozy french countryside interior, big luxurious cottage, livingroom, diningroo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small Livingroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robe.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small Livingroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from th.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of luxury livingroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler and billy bensl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury livingroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler and billy bensl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of entrance designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle Rollins, retro,.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of entrance designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle Rollins, retro,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist powder room in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollin.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist powder room in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, office .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, office .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a living room with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist.png to raw_combined/a living room with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, .txt to raw_combined/modern luxury kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, French Riviera, retro furnitur.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, French Riviera, retro furnitur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of dining room in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside kitchen .txt to raw_combined/french countryside kitchen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/art deco inspired single family home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .txt to raw_combined/art deco inspired single family home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on the left and.png to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on the left and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, wash.png to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, wash.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an american masculine lux.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an american masculine lux.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in modern 1970s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.png to raw_combined/a diningroom in modern 1970s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/cozy french countryside cottage, pool .png to raw_combined/cozy french countryside cottage, pool .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons maxim.txt to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons maxim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Mondern Bali bamboo Villas, in the middle of forest, pool, ocean view panorama , sun sky, superl lig.txt to raw_combined/Mondern Bali bamboo Villas, in the middle of forest, pool, ocean view panorama , sun sky, superl lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo Do.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo Do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Mondern Bali bamboo Villas, in the middle of forest, pool, ocean view panorama , sun sky, superl lig.png to raw_combined/Mondern Bali bamboo Villas, in the middle of forest, pool, ocean view panorama , sun sky, superl lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/stock photo of russian skewers on kitchen table, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of russian skewers on kitchen table, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small entrance with door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 do.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small entrance with door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/big french countryside mansion .txt to raw_combined/big french countryside mansion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury Livingroom and Diningroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoo.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury Livingroom and Diningroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior photography of a beautiful minimal wodden villa by zaha hadid in angelfalls venezuela, an i.png to raw_combined/interior photography of a beautiful minimal wodden villa by zaha hadid in angelfalls venezuela, an i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/lush Palm Beach surroundings, designer Katie Ridder sows the seeds for a sophisticated gardeninspire.txt to raw_combined/lush Palm Beach surroundings, designer Katie Ridder sows the seeds for a sophisticated gardeninspire.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/ogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Danielle Rollins, inspira.txt to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Danielle Rollins, inspira.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, insp.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, insp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in modern 1960s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.png to raw_combined/a diningroom in modern 1960s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom, canopy bed, soft color, floral.png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom, canopy bed, soft color, floral.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside villa .txt to raw_combined/french countryside villa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in 1960s style, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medalli.png to raw_combined/a diningroom in 1960s style, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medalli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a canopy bed, chairs, and couch in master bedroom, in the style of intricate floral prints, paris sc.txt to raw_combined/a canopy bed, chairs, and couch in master bedroom, in the style of intricate floral prints, paris sc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small Livingroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robe.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small Livingroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, light and vibrant,.png to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, light and vibrant,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, babynursery .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, babynursery .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, ligh.png to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo Do.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo Do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french luxurious countryside big cottage, pool .txt to raw_combined/french luxurious countryside big cottage, pool .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of luxury master bedroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler in new york.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury master bedroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler in new york.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of french countryside tiny house, vibrant .png to raw_combined/interior of french countryside tiny house, vibrant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, ligh.txt to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of maximalist, english countryside, ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom with workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert St.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom with workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert St.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of a cozy french countryside interior, big luxurious cottage, livingroom, diningroo.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of a cozy french countryside interior, big luxurious cottage, livingroom, diningroo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an america.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an america.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a ba.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist entrance in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist entrance in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral color,.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral color,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, office .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, office .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Hollywood Mansion, late 70s and early 80s hollywood mansion, architecture shot .txt to raw_combined/Hollywood Mansion, late 70s and early 80s hollywood mansion, architecture shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, i.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury big walkin closet in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury big walkin closet in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior photography of a beautiful minimal wodden villa by zaha hadid in angelfalls venezuela, an i.txt to raw_combined/interior photography of a beautiful minimal wodden villa by zaha hadid in angelfalls venezuela, an i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons, eart.png to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons, eart.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy be.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral c.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bathroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bathroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from th.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of french countryside tiny house .png to raw_combined/interior of french countryside tiny house .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in modern 1960s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/a diningroom in modern 1960s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, i.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, livingroom .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, livingroom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a small rural modern house with huge windows and a nice summer garden on a hill side with great view.png to raw_combined/a small rural modern house with huge windows and a nice summer garden on a hill side with great view.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/tropical architecture combined with japandi desing, in a very sustainable way inside the tropics of .png to raw_combined/tropical architecture combined with japandi desing, in a very sustainable way inside the tropics of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a living room with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist.txt to raw_combined/a living room with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of entrance of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of entrance of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside bathroom .txt to raw_combined/french countryside bathroom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside powder room .txt to raw_combined/french countryside powder room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons, eart.txt to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons, eart.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, French Riviera, retro furnitur.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, French Riviera, retro furnitur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, pool .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, pool .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and kitchen in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, big.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and kitchen in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, big.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury big walkin closet in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a.png to raw_combined/modern luxury big walkin closet in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy be.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/art deco inspired single family home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .png to raw_combined/art deco inspired single family home, architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small homeoffice with bed in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Ster.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small homeoffice with bed in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Ster.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/stock photo of russian skewers on kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of russian skewers on kitchen table, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom and livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Verv.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom and livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Verv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small Livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, Angelo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, work desk, inspiration from t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom and kitchen designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle R.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom and kitchen designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle R.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, .png to raw_combined/modern luxury kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom and livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Verv.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom and livingroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Verv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modernist castle .txt to raw_combined/modernist castle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of entrance designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle Rollins, retro,.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of entrance designed by jenna lyons style katie ridder and Danielle Rollins, retro,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral color,.png to raw_combined/modern luxury bathroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral color,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, modernist inspired 1970s v.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, modernist inspired 1970s v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside kitchen .png to raw_combined/french countryside kitchen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Hollywood Mansion,architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot, high resolution .txt to raw_combined/Hollywood Mansion,architecture from late 70s and early 80s, architecture shot, high resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of french countryside tiny house .txt to raw_combined/interior of french countryside tiny house .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Hollywood Mansion, late 70s and early 80s hollywood mansion, architecture shot .png to raw_combined/Hollywood Mansion, late 70s and early 80s hollywood mansion, architecture shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, sophisticated ga.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, sophisticated ga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/front door of chalet, mountain atmosphere, luxury, winter landscape, in the style of Danielle Rollin.txt to raw_combined/front door of chalet, mountain atmosphere, luxury, winter landscape, in the style of Danielle Rollin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Daniell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french luxurious countryside big cottage, pool .png to raw_combined/french luxurious countryside big cottage, pool .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of mansion exterior in the style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of mansion exterior in the style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury Livingroom and Diningroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoo.png to raw_combined/modern luxury Livingroom and Diningroom with a Workdesk in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, inspiration fro.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of diningroom in the interior, modernist inspired 1970s villa home, inspiration fro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of blue bedroom of a huge manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, m.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of blue bedroom of a huge manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an america.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an america.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of hallway in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, pool .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside cottage, pool .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a kitchen with a large open cabinets, in the style of , maximalist, english countryside, , washingto.png to raw_combined/a kitchen with a large open cabinets, in the style of , maximalist, english countryside, , washingto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an american masculine lux.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an american masculine lux.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance front door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance front door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of kitchen in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/ogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Danielle Rollins, inspira.png to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of diningroom and livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Danielle Rollins, inspira.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a bed.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a bed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral c.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, neutral c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance front door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on.png to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance front door of a small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of luxury master bedroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler in new york.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury master bedroom interior design in the style of Jonathan Adler in new york.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/cozy french countryside cottage, pool .txt to raw_combined/cozy french countryside cottage, pool .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small homeoffice with bed in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Ster.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small homeoffice with bed in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Ster.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons maxim.png to raw_combined/a hallway with a large bookcase, in the style of Angelo Donghia, Danielle Rollins, Jenna Lyons maxim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, babynursery .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, babynursery .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, entrance .png to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, entrance .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of entrance of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of entrance of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside livingroom, in the style paris school, french countryside, mirror rooms, natural .png to raw_combined/french countryside livingroom, in the style paris school, french countryside, mirror rooms, natural .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom with workspace in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.png to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom with workspace in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, entrance .txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, entrance .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of home office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of home office in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a small rural modern house with huge windows and a nice summer garden on a hill side with great view.txt to raw_combined/a small rural modern house with huge windows and a nice summer garden on a hill side with great view.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside powder room .png to raw_combined/french countryside powder room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a diningroom in modern 1970s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.txt to raw_combined/a diningroom in modern 1970s style, big diningtable, with a large bookcase and furniture, in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside livingroom .txt to raw_combined/french countryside livingroom .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of small walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of small walkin closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small kitchen and diningroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, sophisticated ga.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, sophisticated ga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/front door of chalet, mountain atmosphere, luxury, winter landscape, in the style of Danielle Rollin.png to raw_combined/front door of chalet, mountain atmosphere, luxury, winter landscape, in the style of Danielle Rollin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, insp.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom designed by jenna lyons style Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, insp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of blue bedroom of a huge manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, m.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of blue bedroom of a huge manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of lush Palm Beach Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of lush Palm Beach Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bathroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bathroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late 70.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on the left and.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury entrance in small luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, 1 door on the left and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside livingroom, in the style paris school, french countryside, mirror rooms, natural .txt to raw_combined/french countryside livingroom, in the style paris school, french countryside, mirror rooms, natural .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of Bedroom in the interior style of Katie Ridder, retro furniture, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/french countryside villa .png to raw_combined/french countryside villa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom, canopy bed, soft color, floral.txt to raw_combined/interior of a cozy french countryside big luxurious cottage, bedroom, canopy bed, soft color, floral.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/art deco inspired dream home .png to raw_combined/art deco inspired dream home .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of maximalist entrance in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of maximalist entrance in the interior style of Amanda Lindroth, Danielle Rollins, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/vogue photoshoot of livingroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of livingroom in the interior style of Danielle Rollins, inspiration from the late .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a bed.txt to raw_combined/modern luxury small bedroom in luxury apartment, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Robert Stern, 32k a bed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons and billy bensley .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a canopy bed, chairs, and couch in master bedroom, in the style of intricate floral prints, paris sc.png to raw_combined/a canopy bed, chairs, and couch in master bedroom, in the style of intricate floral prints, paris sc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_43/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist, en.txt to raw_combined/a bedroom with a large bookcase and furniture, in the style of terracotta medallions, maximalist, en.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of abandoned city where cerberus can be seen, professional color grading, .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of abandoned city where cerberus can be seen, professional color grading, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/200 years old filipina baba yaga holding a needle and a doll, professional color grading .png to raw_combined/200 years old filipina baba yaga holding a needle and a doll, professional color grading .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a large filipino man like creature holding two balls on his hands, omin.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a large filipino man like creature holding two balls on his hands, omin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in the middle of nowhere an abandoned church in the philippines beside the cemetery, award winning p.png to raw_combined/in the middle of nowhere an abandoned church in the philippines beside the cemetery, award winning p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost bride with black eyes and long hair inside the church, horro.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost bride with black eyes and long hair inside the church, horro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s got wrapped his mouth by roots of a tree, nig.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s got wrapped his mouth by roots of a tree, nig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of the streets in manila where a delivery box of a motorcycle can be seen .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of the streets in manila where a delivery box of a motorcycle can be seen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an abandoned garage in the philippines where there is a sign of crime s.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of an abandoned garage in the philippines where there is a sign of crime s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful 30 year old filipina in the pihlippines who is a witch hold.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful 30 year old filipina in the pihlippines who is a witch hold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s got wrapped his mouth by roots of a tree, nig.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s got wrapped his mouth by roots of a tree, nig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a white wedding dress while carrying a suitcas.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a white wedding dress while carrying a suitcas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/LONELY HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE DEAD TREES CAN BE SEEN, FOGGY .txt to raw_combined/LONELY HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE DEAD TREES CAN BE SEEN, FOGGY .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an abandoned warehouse in a compound and a building in the philippines, red moon, ominous, hd, profe.png to raw_combined/an abandoned warehouse in a compound and a building in the philippines, red moon, ominous, hd, profe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old man in the philippines holding a jar with a g.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old man in the philippines holding a jar with a g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino conductor of a bus got shocked because of evil ghost inside .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino conductor of a bus got shocked because of evil ghost inside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a factory in manila philippines where there are evil faces and spirits,.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a factory in manila philippines where there are evil faces and spirits,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old man in the philippines holding a jar with a g.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old man in the philippines holding a jar with a g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform surrounded by evil ghosts, profes.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform surrounded by evil ghosts, profes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a swing, om.txt to raw_combined/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a swing, om.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a white wedding dress while carrying a suitcas.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a white wedding dress while carrying a suitcas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an filipino man with a pointed ears meet a woman mermaid in the philippiens, ominous, professional c.txt to raw_combined/an filipino man with a pointed ears meet a woman mermaid in the philippiens, ominous, professional c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a wedding banquet at the long table where skulls and flowers can be see.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a wedding banquet at the long table where skulls and flowers can be see.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/nightmare scene, asian horror scene, stunning filipipina woman in the forest, extremely scary, sever.png to raw_combined/nightmare scene, asian horror scene, stunning filipipina woman in the forest, extremely scary, sever.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a 40 year old man in the pihlippines who dress as a beggar at the sq.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a 40 year old man in the pihlippines who dress as a beggar at the sq.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a filipina woman whose eyes have the stars while screaming in pain, professional color grading, omin.png to raw_combined/a filipina woman whose eyes have the stars while screaming in pain, professional color grading, omin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 25 year old probinsyano man in the philippines holding a dark gnome o.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 25 year old probinsyano man in the philippines holding a dark gnome o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost in the water, horror,professional grading, sadako, ominous .txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost in the water, horror,professional grading, sadako, ominous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a filipina wearing white dress lying on the road like a crime scene while holding a sampaguita, hd, .txt to raw_combined/a filipina wearing white dress lying on the road like a crime scene while holding a sampaguita, hd, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by evil spirits, ominous, p.png to raw_combined/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by evil spirits, ominous, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a filipino photographer in the 1990s using a Panavision Panaflex Gol.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a filipino photographer in the 1990s using a Panavision Panaflex Gol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an abandoned warehouse in a compound and a building in the philippines, red moon, ominous, hd, profe.txt to raw_combined/an abandoned warehouse in a compound and a building in the philippines, red moon, ominous, hd, profe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,professio.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,professio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a dark scary place where evil spirits and demons resides, ominous, hd, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/a dark scary place where evil spirits and demons resides, ominous, hd, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of a handsome man in the Philippines wearing a school uniform while ripping a .txt to raw_combined/a winning photography of a handsome man in the Philippines wearing a school uniform while ripping a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of an asian ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,pr.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of an asian ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,pr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a banquet in the philippines in the long table the guests are skeletons but on the middle a beautifu.txt to raw_combined/a banquet in the philippines in the long table the guests are skeletons but on the middle a beautifu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/nightmare scene, asian horror scene, stunning filipipina woman in the forest, extremely scary, sever.txt to raw_combined/nightmare scene, asian horror scene, stunning filipipina woman in the forest, extremely scary, sever.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as like witch doctor DOTA2 at the cem.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as like witch doctor DOTA2 at the cem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an abandoned garage in the philippines where there is a sign of crime s.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of an abandoned garage in the philippines where there is a sign of crime s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a village in the philippines that is abandoned and the moon is reddi.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a village in the philippines that is abandoned and the moon is reddi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a wedding dress outside at the cemetery while .png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a wedding dress outside at the cemetery while .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina beautiful woman who is screaming, behind her is a swamp crea.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina beautiful woman who is screaming, behind her is a swamp crea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a man from the philippines protecting an aswang, ominous, profession.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a man from the philippines protecting an aswang, ominous, profession.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino architect holding a ruler and papers while on the background.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino architect holding a ruler and papers while on the background.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino delivery guy with his motorbike holding a big cockroach on h.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino delivery guy with his motorbike holding a big cockroach on h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photographhy of a lesbian from the philippines on the drivers seat while on the bac.png to raw_combined/an award winning photographhy of a lesbian from the philippines on the drivers seat while on the bac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform i.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as a witch doctor at the cemetery, om.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as a witch doctor at the cemetery, om.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a bahay kubo in the philippines beside a large mango tree, ominous, .png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a bahay kubo in the philippines beside a large mango tree, ominous, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a woman in the philippines who experienced any kind of suffering and.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a woman in the philippines who experienced any kind of suffering and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of inside a building where a crime scene of horrors is the theme, professi.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of inside a building where a crime scene of horrors is the theme, professi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/inside of a masters bedroom where an evil looking creature lurks, ominous, professional color gradin.png to raw_combined/inside of a masters bedroom where an evil looking creature lurks, ominous, professional color gradin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a banquet in the philippines in the long table the guests are skeletons but on the middle a beautifu.png to raw_combined/a banquet in the philippines in the long table the guests are skeletons but on the middle a beautifu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome Filipino man holding a mask near his face inside of a bah.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome Filipino man holding a mask near his face inside of a bah.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning of a bedroom where a computer can be seen in the window where the moonlight can be see.txt to raw_combined/award winning of a bedroom where a computer can be seen in the window where the moonlight can be see.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a 25 years old filipina carrying a black chic on her hands with the expression of being afraid, awar.png to raw_combined/a 25 years old filipina carrying a black chic on her hands with the expression of being afraid, awar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning award horror photography about a handsome 24 years old filipino playing with some old doll.txt to raw_combined/a winning award horror photography about a handsome 24 years old filipino playing with some old doll.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of an elevator from a post office for a horror movie, professional colo.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of an elevator from a post office for a horror movie, professional colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a place in manila where there is a lot of moss and raining, professiona.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a place in manila where there is a lot of moss and raining, professiona.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of a woman in the philippines standing at the elevator wearing her uniform whi.png to raw_combined/a winning photography of a woman in the philippines standing at the elevator wearing her uniform whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHY OF A LOST CITY IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE CREATURES LIKE GOLLUM CAN BE SEEN .png to raw_combined/AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHY OF A LOST CITY IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE CREATURES LIKE GOLLUM CAN BE SEEN .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning award horror photography about a handsome 24 years old filipino playing with some old doll.png to raw_combined/a winning award horror photography about a handsome 24 years old filipino playing with some old doll.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in a foggy river there is a broken row b oat, professional color grading, ominous .png to raw_combined/in a foggy river there is a broken row b oat, professional color grading, ominous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina beautiful woman who is screaming, behind her is a swamp crea.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina beautiful woman who is screaming, behind her is a swamp crea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a picture f.png to raw_combined/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a picture f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful middleaged filipina ghost who was a factory worker in Taiwa.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful middleaged filipina ghost who was a factory worker in Taiwa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an aswang in the philippines making a painting, hd, professional color grading .txt to raw_combined/an aswang in the philippines making a painting, hd, professional color grading .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography in the outskirts of manila where trash can be seen on the road and rainy s.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography in the outskirts of manila where trash can be seen on the road and rainy s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/200 years old filipina baba yaga holding a needle and a doll, professional color grading .txt to raw_combined/200 years old filipina baba yaga holding a needle and a doll, professional color grading .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/two beautiful Masseuse women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful Masseuse women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of inside of an old mansion in the philippines where there is an altar and a k.txt to raw_combined/a winning photography of inside of an old mansion in the philippines where there is an altar and a k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is o.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of a woman in the philippines standing at the elevator wearing her uniform whi.txt to raw_combined/a winning photography of a woman in the philippines standing at the elevator wearing her uniform whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 30 year old student in the philippines doing a teambuilding with his .png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 30 year old student in the philippines doing a teambuilding with his .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a horror theme massage place in the philippines, professional color .png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a horror theme massage place in the philippines, professional color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a haunted house in the philippines where there is an aswang under the m.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a haunted house in the philippines where there is an aswang under the m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino that looks like satan who lives in the depths of tartarus, h.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino that looks like satan who lives in the depths of tartarus, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a place in manila where there is a lot of moss and raining, professiona.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a place in manila where there is a lot of moss and raining, professiona.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a ghost figure inside of a factory, the factories equipments are rusted, old and has moss, ominous, .png to raw_combined/a ghost figure inside of a factory, the factories equipments are rusted, old and has moss, ominous, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a minimalistic image of a playground and foggy at the center is a dark image of a human like creatur.png to raw_combined/a minimalistic image of a playground and foggy at the center is a dark image of a human like creatur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of an elevator from a post office for a horror movie, professional colo.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of an elevator from a post office for a horror movie, professional colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman who is a caregiver in the philippines while taking care in a mi.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman who is a caregiver in the philippines while taking care in a mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a close view on inside of a theater that is abandoned and horror, pr.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a close view on inside of a theater that is abandoned and horror, pr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 30 year old student in the philippines doing a teambuilding with his .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 30 year old student in the philippines doing a teambuilding with his .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a wedding banquet at the long table where skulls and flowers can be see.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a wedding banquet at the long table where skulls and flowers can be see.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as a witch doctor at the cemetery, om.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as a witch doctor at the cemetery, om.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of abandoned city where cerberus can be seen, professional color grading, .png to raw_combined/award winning photography of abandoned city where cerberus can be seen, professional color grading, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a place where sacrifice will be made to people, ominous, hd .txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a place where sacrifice will be made to people, ominous, hd .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/empty, negative space, minimalistic photography of a filipino, possessed by a demon by the window si.txt to raw_combined/empty, negative space, minimalistic photography of a filipino, possessed by a demon by the window si.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a playground in the philippines where a big balite tree can be seen and.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a playground in the philippines where a big balite tree can be seen and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a a road torn between an ominous one and normal, hd, horror .png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a a road torn between an ominous one and normal, hd, horror .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino that looks like satan who lives in the depths of tartarus, h.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino that looks like satan who lives in the depths of tartarus, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an aswang in the philippines making a painting, hd, professional color grading .png to raw_combined/an aswang in the philippines making a painting, hd, professional color grading .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old filipino in the philippines surrounded by fir.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old filipino in the philippines surrounded by fir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,professio.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,professio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of inside a building where a crime scene of horrors is the theme, professi.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of inside a building where a crime scene of horrors is the theme, professi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a a road torn between an ominous one and normal, hd, horror .txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a a road torn between an ominous one and normal, hd, horror .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an engkanto and a mermaid in the philippines holding each others face about to kiss, romantic view, .png to raw_combined/an engkanto and a mermaid in the philippines holding each others face about to kiss, romantic view, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino delivery guy with his motorbike holding a big cockroach on h.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino delivery guy with his motorbike holding a big cockroach on h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful filipina that has a thirdeye holding a headset, professiona.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful filipina that has a thirdeye holding a headset, professiona.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an engkanto and a mermaid in the philippines holding each others face about to kiss, romantic view, .txt to raw_combined/an engkanto and a mermaid in the philippines holding each others face about to kiss, romantic view, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning and cinematic photography, in a place of the Philippines at Vigan City, garden of blac.png to raw_combined/award winning and cinematic photography, in a place of the Philippines at Vigan City, garden of blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino conductor of a bus got shocked because of evil ghost inside .png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino conductor of a bus got shocked because of evil ghost inside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a horror movie of a kitchen look of a restaurant where they cook eye.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a horror movie of a kitchen look of a restaurant where they cook eye.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an old filipina woman wearing a beautiful dress lying inside of a coffi.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of an old filipina woman wearing a beautiful dress lying inside of a coffi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an inside house of a fortuneteller where all of the witchcraft equipmen.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of an inside house of a fortuneteller where all of the witchcraft equipmen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a wedding dress outside at the cemetery while .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman wearing a wedding dress outside at the cemetery while .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman doing an exorcism in the philippines while giving a creepy smil.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman doing an exorcism in the philippines while giving a creepy smil.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old filipino in the philippines surrounded by fir.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome 30 year old filipino in the philippines surrounded by fir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in a bario in the philippines there is a hammock hanging on the tree, professional color grading, hd.png to raw_combined/in a bario in the philippines there is a hammock hanging on the tree, professional color grading, hd.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a bahay kubo in the philippines beside a large mango tree, ominous, .txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a bahay kubo in the philippines beside a large mango tree, ominous, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a haunted house in the philippines where there is an aswang under the m.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a haunted house in the philippines where there is an aswang under the m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an asian woman covered her mouth with stamps from different countries .txt to raw_combined/an asian woman covered her mouth with stamps from different countries .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an old filipina woman wearing a beautiful dress lying inside of a coffi.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of an old filipina woman wearing a beautiful dress lying inside of a coffi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of a handsome man in the Philippines wearing a school uniform while ripping a .png to raw_combined/a winning photography of a handsome man in the Philippines wearing a school uniform while ripping a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of different places of doing satan rituals, ominous, professional color gr.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of different places of doing satan rituals, ominous, professional color gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful 30 year old filipina in the pihlippines who is a witch hold.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful 30 year old filipina in the pihlippines who is a witch hold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost bride with black eyes and long hair inside the church, horro.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost bride with black eyes and long hair inside the church, horro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines wearing white sando with a towel o.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines wearing white sando with a towel o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a old ancestral houise in the philippines in the middle of a village.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a old ancestral houise in the philippines in the middle of a village.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photogaphy of inside of the bus where dead bodies of zombie can be found, hd, ominous,.png to raw_combined/award winning photogaphy of inside of the bus where dead bodies of zombie can be found, hd, ominous,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an old woman in the philippines in her 70s in the background her house burning, hd , professional co.txt to raw_combined/an old woman in the philippines in her 70s in the background her house burning, hd , professional co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino architect holding a ruler and papers while on the background.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino architect holding a ruler and papers while on the background.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome lesbian in the philippines inside a car screaming, ominou.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome lesbian in the philippines inside a car screaming, ominou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a bed in the hospital where a dark creature lurking with red eyes and l.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a bed in the hospital where a dark creature lurking with red eyes and l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of different scary places in hd, ominous, haunted, professional color grad.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of different scary places in hd, ominous, haunted, professional color grad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a ghost in the water, horror,professional grading, sadako, ominous .png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a ghost in the water, horror,professional grading, sadako, ominous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a village in the philippines that is abandoned and the moon is reddi.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a village in the philippines that is abandoned and the moon is reddi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman in the philippines doing a witchcraft on a red moon, hd, profes.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman in the philippines doing a witchcraft on a red moon, hd, profes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/two beautiful women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each other wi.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each other wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a filipino photographer in the 1990s using a Panavision Panaflex Gol.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a filipino photographer in the 1990s using a Panavision Panaflex Gol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an alien goddess of horror smiling with large fangs has a black hairy appearance, 8k, ominous, profe.png to raw_combined/an alien goddess of horror smiling with large fangs has a black hairy appearance, 8k, ominous, profe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in the philippines in a dark aery forest where dead plants reside the stars can be seen at night, om.png to raw_combined/in the philippines in a dark aery forest where dead plants reside the stars can be seen at night, om.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful woman in the philippines who got lost in a dark forest wher.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful woman in the philippines who got lost in a dark forest wher.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful middleaged filipina ghost who was a factory worker in Taiwa.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful middleaged filipina ghost who was a factory worker in Taiwa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a large filipino man like creature holding two balls on his hands, omin.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a large filipino man like creature holding two balls on his hands, omin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photogaphy of inside of the bus where dead bodies of zombie can be found, hd, ominous,.txt to raw_combined/award winning photogaphy of inside of the bus where dead bodies of zombie can be found, hd, ominous,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a beautiful filipina wearing a barong at saya while holding a cross surrounded by ghost faces, profe.png to raw_combined/a beautiful filipina wearing a barong at saya while holding a cross surrounded by ghost faces, profe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a 40 year old man in the pihlippines who dress as a beggar at the sq.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a 40 year old man in the pihlippines who dress as a beggar at the sq.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of an inside house of a fortuneteller where all of the witchcraft equipmen.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of an inside house of a fortuneteller where all of the witchcraft equipmen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/empty, negative space, minimalistic photography of a filipino, possessed by a demon by the window si.png to raw_combined/empty, negative space, minimalistic photography of a filipino, possessed by a demon by the window si.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning of a bedroom where a computer can be seen in the window where the moonlight can be see.png to raw_combined/award winning of a bedroom where a computer can be seen in the window where the moonlight can be see.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a spaniard ship in the 1950s destroyed, professional color grading, ominous .txt to raw_combined/a spaniard ship in the 1950s destroyed, professional color grading, ominous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a bed in the hospital where a dark creature lurking with red eyes and l.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a bed in the hospital where a dark creature lurking with red eyes and l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a swing, om.png to raw_combined/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a swing, om.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a chinese ghost bride wearing qipao, ominous, .png to raw_combined/a chinese ghost bride wearing qipao, ominous, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a university with a big acacia tree, with rope hanging on it, scary,.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a university with a big acacia tree, with rope hanging on it, scary,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a man in the philippines trying to hide behind the door with its scared.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a man in the philippines trying to hide behind the door with its scared.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a winning photography of inside of an old mansion in the philippines where there is an altar and a k.png to raw_combined/a winning photography of inside of an old mansion in the philippines where there is an altar and a k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a handsome filipino man with an elf appearance meet a beautiful queen of mermaid in the philippiens,.txt to raw_combined/a handsome filipino man with an elf appearance meet a beautiful queen of mermaid in the philippiens,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a horror movie of a kitchen look of a restaurant where they cook eye.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a horror movie of a kitchen look of a restaurant where they cook eye.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by dark spirits and evil fa.png to raw_combined/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by dark spirits and evil fa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome lesbian in the philippines inside a car screaming, ominou.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome lesbian in the philippines inside a car screaming, ominou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a place where sacrifice will be made to people, ominous, hd .png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a place where sacrifice will be made to people, ominous, hd .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is l.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a ghost figure inside of a factory, the factories equipments are rusted, old and has moss, ominous, .txt to raw_combined/a ghost figure inside of a factory, the factories equipments are rusted, old and has moss, ominous, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an alien goddess of horror smiling with large fangs has a black hairy appearance, 8k, ominous, profe.txt to raw_combined/an alien goddess of horror smiling with large fangs has a black hairy appearance, 8k, ominous, profe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photographhy of a lesbian from the philippines on the drivers seat while on the bac.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photographhy of a lesbian from the philippines on the drivers seat while on the bac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines in the 1990s playing with a cre.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines in the 1990s playing with a cre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in a bario in the philippines there is a hammock hanging on the tree, professional color grading, hd.txt to raw_combined/in a bario in the philippines there is a hammock hanging on the tree, professional color grading, hd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines wearing white sando with a towel o.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines wearing white sando with a towel o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of filipina whistling got possessed by the demon wind, ominous, profess.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of filipina whistling got possessed by the demon wind, ominous, profess.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography where in manila inside of a tailoring factory a filipina got shocked by a .txt to raw_combined/award winning photography where in manila inside of a tailoring factory a filipina got shocked by a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform i.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is l.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an old elementary classroom in the philippines an award winning photography, ominous, broken chairs .txt to raw_combined/an old elementary classroom in the philippines an award winning photography, ominous, broken chairs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning of a beautiful filipina with the age of 60 a fortuneteller using her crystal ball, .png to raw_combined/an award winning of a beautiful filipina with the age of 60 a fortuneteller using her crystal ball, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a horror theme massage place in the philippines, professional color .txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a horror theme massage place in the philippines, professional color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a room filled with computers that destroys the mental health of a person crawling on the center, cla.png to raw_combined/a room filled with computers that destroys the mental health of a person crawling on the center, cla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a dungeon of torment where a nipa hut can be seen, hd, professional col.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a dungeon of torment where a nipa hut can be seen, hd, professional col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a man in the philippines trying to hide behind the door with its scared.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a man in the philippines trying to hide behind the door with its scared.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an filipino man with a pointed ears meet a woman mermaid in the philippiens, ominous, professional c.png to raw_combined/an filipino man with a pointed ears meet a woman mermaid in the philippiens, ominous, professional c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a playground in the philippines where a big balite tree can be seen and.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a playground in the philippines where a big balite tree can be seen and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a room filled with computers that destroys the mental health of a person crawling on the center, cla.txt to raw_combined/a room filled with computers that destroys the mental health of a person crawling on the center, cla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a university with a big acacia tree, with rope hanging on it, scary,.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a university with a big acacia tree, with rope hanging on it, scary,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHY OF A LOST CITY IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE CREATURES LIKE GOLLUM CAN BE SEEN .txt to raw_combined/AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHY OF A LOST CITY IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE CREATURES LIKE GOLLUM CAN BE SEEN .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s facing a monitor got shocked when there is.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s facing a monitor got shocked when there is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman doing an exorcism in the philippines while giving a creepy smil.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman doing an exorcism in the philippines while giving a creepy smil.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 20 year old filipino man who plays at the playground but surrounded w.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 20 year old filipino man who plays at the playground but surrounded w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful woman in the philippines who got lost in a dark forest wher.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful woman in the philippines who got lost in a dark forest wher.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 20 year old filipino man who plays at the playground but surrounded w.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 20 year old filipino man who plays at the playground but surrounded w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography in the outskirts of manila where trash can be seen on the road and rainy s.png to raw_combined/award winning photography in the outskirts of manila where trash can be seen on the road and rainy s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a handsome filipino man with an elf appearance meet a beautiful queen of mermaid in the philippiens,.png to raw_combined/a handsome filipino man with an elf appearance meet a beautiful queen of mermaid in the philippiens,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a beautiful filipina wearing a barong at saya while holding a cross surrounded by ghost faces, profe.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful filipina wearing a barong at saya while holding a cross surrounded by ghost faces, profe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a minimalistic image of a playground and foggy at the center is a dark image of a human like creatur.txt to raw_combined/a minimalistic image of a playground and foggy at the center is a dark image of a human like creatur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in the philippines in a dark aery forest where dead plants reside the stars can be seen at night, om.txt to raw_combined/in the philippines in a dark aery forest where dead plants reside the stars can be seen at night, om.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography where in manila inside of a tailoring factory a filipina got shocked by a .png to raw_combined/award winning photography where in manila inside of a tailoring factory a filipina got shocked by a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of an asian ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,pr.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of an asian ghost with black eyes and long hair in the water, horror,pr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by dark spirits and evil fa.txt to raw_combined/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by dark spirits and evil fa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of different places of doing satan rituals, ominous, professional color gr.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of different places of doing satan rituals, ominous, professional color gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by evil spirits, ominous, p.txt to raw_combined/A jollibee crew wearing a uniform while cooking fried chicken surrounded by evil spirits, ominous, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a filipina wearing white dress lying on the road like a crime scene while holding a sampaguita, hd, .png to raw_combined/a filipina wearing white dress lying on the road like a crime scene while holding a sampaguita, hd, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a beautiful filipina that has a thirdeye holding a headset, professiona.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a beautiful filipina that has a thirdeye holding a headset, professiona.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a woman in the philippines who experienced any kind of suffering and.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a woman in the philippines who experienced any kind of suffering and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an asian woman covered her mouth with stamps from different countries .png to raw_combined/an asian woman covered her mouth with stamps from different countries .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a factory in manila philippines where there are evil faces and spirits,.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a factory in manila philippines where there are evil faces and spirits,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines in the 1990s playing with a cre.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a 25 year old man in the philippines in the 1990s playing with a cre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman in the philippines doing a witchcraft on a red moon, hd, profes.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman in the philippines doing a witchcraft on a red moon, hd, profes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a close view on inside of a theater that is abandoned and horror, pr.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a close view on inside of a theater that is abandoned and horror, pr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as like witch doctor DOTA2 at the cem.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino 30 years old who dress as like witch doctor DOTA2 at the cem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a dungeon of torment where a nipa hut can be seen, hd, professional col.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a dungeon of torment where a nipa hut can be seen, hd, professional col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino playing on a computer but his face is depressed, with blacke.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino playing on a computer but his face is depressed, with blacke.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in the middle of nowhere an abandoned church in the philippines beside the cemetery, award winning p.txt to raw_combined/in the middle of nowhere an abandoned church in the philippines beside the cemetery, award winning p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an old elementary classroom in the philippines an award winning photography, ominous, broken chairs .png to raw_combined/an old elementary classroom in the philippines an award winning photography, ominous, broken chairs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a dark scary place where evil spirits and demons resides, ominous, hd, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/a dark scary place where evil spirits and demons resides, ominous, hd, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is o.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipina woman laying down in her old graveyard half of her face is o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/two beautiful women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each other wi.png to raw_combined/two beautiful women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each other wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a filipina woman whose eyes have the stars while screaming in pain, professional color grading, omin.txt to raw_combined/a filipina woman whose eyes have the stars while screaming in pain, professional color grading, omin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a picture f.txt to raw_combined/1990s near a church in the philippines where there is a park and a huge balite tree with a picture f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of different scary places in hd, ominous, haunted, professional color grad.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of different scary places in hd, ominous, haunted, professional color grad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 25 year old probinsyano man in the philippines holding a dark gnome o.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 25 year old probinsyano man in the philippines holding a dark gnome o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a handsome Filipino man holding a mask near his face inside of a bah.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a handsome Filipino man holding a mask near his face inside of a bah.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a woman who is a caregiver in the philippines while taking care in a mi.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a woman who is a caregiver in the philippines while taking care in a mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of the streets in manila where a delivery box of a motorcycle can be seen .png to raw_combined/award winning photography of the streets in manila where a delivery box of a motorcycle can be seen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/two beautiful Masseuse women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each.png to raw_combined/two beautiful Masseuse women who works at the philippines looking sketchy on their face holding each.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a students teacher o.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a students teacher o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 28 year old beautiful filipina running in the hall wearing a school u.txt to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 28 year old beautiful filipina running in the hall wearing a school u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s facing a monitor got shocked when there is.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a filipino man in his 30s facing a monitor got shocked when there is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/in a foggy river there is a broken row b oat, professional color grading, ominous .txt to raw_combined/in a foggy river there is a broken row b oat, professional color grading, ominous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an old woman in the philippines in her 70s in the background her house burning, hd , professional co.png to raw_combined/an old woman in the philippines in her 70s in the background her house burning, hd , professional co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning and cinematic photography, in a place of the Philippines at Vigan City, garden of blac.txt to raw_combined/award winning and cinematic photography, in a place of the Philippines at Vigan City, garden of blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning of a beautiful filipina with the age of 60 a fortuneteller using her crystal ball, .txt to raw_combined/an award winning of a beautiful filipina with the age of 60 a fortuneteller using her crystal ball, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a filipino playing on a computer but his face is depressed, with blacke.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a filipino playing on a computer but his face is depressed, with blacke.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of filipina whistling got possessed by the demon wind, ominous, profess.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of filipina whistling got possessed by the demon wind, ominous, profess.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a students teacher o.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a students teacher o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a spaniard ship in the 1950s destroyed, professional color grading, ominous .png to raw_combined/a spaniard ship in the 1950s destroyed, professional color grading, ominous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a old ancestral houise in the philippines in the middle of a village.png to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a old ancestral houise in the philippines in the middle of a village.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/LONELY HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE DEAD TREES CAN BE SEEN, FOGGY .png to raw_combined/LONELY HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE IN THE PHILIPPINES WHERE DEAD TREES CAN BE SEEN, FOGGY .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a chinese ghost bride wearing qipao, ominous, .txt to raw_combined/a chinese ghost bride wearing qipao, ominous, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/inside of a masters bedroom where an evil looking creature lurks, ominous, professional color gradin.txt to raw_combined/inside of a masters bedroom where an evil looking creature lurks, ominous, professional color gradin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/an award winning photography of a man from the philippines protecting an aswang, ominous, profession.txt to raw_combined/an award winning photography of a man from the philippines protecting an aswang, ominous, profession.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/award winning photography of a 28 year old beautiful filipina running in the hall wearing a school u.png to raw_combined/award winning photography of a 28 year old beautiful filipina running in the hall wearing a school u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a 25 years old filipina carrying a black chic on her hands with the expression of being afraid, awar.txt to raw_combined/a 25 years old filipina carrying a black chic on her hands with the expression of being afraid, awar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_60/a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform surrounded by evil ghosts, profes.png to raw_combined/a beautiful filipina in the philippines wearing a teachers uniform surrounded by evil ghosts, profes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning light, abstra.png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning light, abstra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a new orleans street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcgin.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a new orleans street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcgin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 rober.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 rober.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic Honda spaceship in a hangar, type S, type R, in the style of .png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic Honda spaceship in a hangar, type S, type R, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a beverly hills street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcg.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a beverly hills street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful fit female volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful fit female volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima3 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima3 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a bella ragazzi volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .png to raw_combined/a bella ragazzi volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a berlin germany city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a berlin germany city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a red 1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt to raw_combined/a red 1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima1 tim layzell3 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima1 tim layzell3 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcgi.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcgi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a hollywood street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a hollywood street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm sony camera .png to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm sony camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a cyclist on a road bike being chased by a huge terrifying cat like creature, pixar5 studio ghibli3 .png to raw_combined/a cyclist on a road bike being chased by a huge terrifying cat like creature, pixar5 studio ghibli3 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, Gulf St.png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, Gulf St.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, hot wheels 2 high speed, very fast, mo.txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, hot wheels 2 high speed, very fast, mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/concept car, Hot Wheels5 Ford4, painting, John Berkey, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires, symmetrical l.png to raw_combined/concept car, Hot Wheels5 Ford4, painting, John Berkey, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires, symmetrical l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis6 liberty wa.png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis6 liberty wa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli4 john berkey8 robert mcginnis5.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli4 john berkey8 robert mcginnis5.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto1 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto1 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/driving on a road in a lush green forest, in the style of a 1972 honda civic, high speed, very fast,.txt to raw_combined/driving on a road in a lush green forest, in the style of a 1972 honda civic, high speed, very fast,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles, in the style of betrayal .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles, in the style of betrayal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcgi.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcgi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, Gulf St.txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, Gulf St.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/mechanic, confident, robust, vaporwave gothic beauty, smoky eye makeup, 40 megapixel, infrared black.png to raw_combined/mechanic, confident, robust, vaporwave gothic beauty, smoky eye makeup, 40 megapixel, infrared black.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a bella ragazzi volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .txt to raw_combined/a bella ragazzi volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera .txt to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a new orleans street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcgin.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a new orleans street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcgin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen2 in the st.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen2 in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 .png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a busy marketplace, anime style, studio ghibli .txt to raw_combined/a busy marketplace, anime style, studio ghibli .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli5 john berkey9 .txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli5 john berkey9 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 p.png to raw_combined/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1972 Datsun 240Z, daisuke tajima5 syd mead2 john berkey1 hot w.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1972 Datsun 240Z, daisuke tajima5 syd mead2 john berkey1 hot w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/superman in the style of fortnite .txt to raw_combined/superman in the style of fortnite .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.png to raw_combined/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/driving on a road in a lush green forest, in the style of a 1972 honda civic, high speed, very fast,.png to raw_combined/driving on a road in a lush green forest, in the style of a 1972 honda civic, high speed, very fast,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of shiny paint .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of shiny paint .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm sony camera .txt to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm sony camera .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1980 liberty walk porsche 911 turbo super speed, drawn by daisuke tajima7 john berkey3 pixar2 stud.txt to raw_combined/a 1980 liberty walk porsche 911 turbo super speed, drawn by daisuke tajima7 john berkey3 pixar2 stud.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of the batmobile6, by dasuke tajima.png to raw_combined/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of the batmobile6, by dasuke tajima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat, in the style of paperbook f.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat, in the style of paperbook f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a berlin germany city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a berlin germany city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed sketch of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3.png to raw_combined/a detailed sketch of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1969 AMC Rambler, by dasuke tajima5 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the style of str.txt to raw_combined/1969 AMC Rambler, by dasuke tajima5 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the style of str.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey2 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey2 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt to raw_combined/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed image of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 .png to raw_combined/a detailed image of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/suzuki rc 100, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf Stream c.txt to raw_combined/suzuki rc 100, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf Stream c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a red 1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed.txt to raw_combined/a red 1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis5 .txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis5 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a realistic photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/a realistic photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a las vegas street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a las vegas street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed drawing of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell.png to raw_combined/a detailed drawing of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1975 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1975 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf.txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/retro race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .png to raw_combined/retro race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of the batmobile6, by dasuke tajima.txt to raw_combined/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of the batmobile6, by dasuke tajima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1961 Ford Thunderbird in the style of the Jetsons, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of s.txt to raw_combined/1961 Ford Thunderbird in the style of the Jetsons, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey1 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey1 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/concept car, Hot Wheels, Ford, painting, John Berkey style, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires with whit.txt to raw_combined/concept car, Hot Wheels, Ford, painting, John Berkey style, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires with whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima1 tim layzell3 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima1 tim layzell3 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, in the .png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of big bubbles in a breeze .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of big bubbles in a breeze .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.png to raw_combined/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, american city, pixar2 studio ghibli3 john berkey7 robert.png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, american city, pixar2 studio ghibli3 john berkey7 robert.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto2 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto2 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, telepho.png to raw_combined/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, telepho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed painting of an ancient miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 rob.txt to raw_combined/a detailed painting of an ancient miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 rob.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 r.txt to raw_combined/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic drawn in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic drawn in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/suzuki rc 100, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf Stream c.png to raw_combined/suzuki rc 100, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf Stream c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a red 1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png to raw_combined/a red 1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/mechanic, confident, robust, vaporwave gothic beauty, smoky eye makeup, 40 megapixel, infrared black.txt to raw_combined/mechanic, confident, robust, vaporwave gothic beauty, smoky eye makeup, 40 megapixel, infrared black.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen3 in the style of Boeing5 in the styl.txt to raw_combined/a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen3 in the style of Boeing5 in the styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .png to raw_combined/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning light, abstra.txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning light, abstra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .txt to raw_combined/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic beverly hills mansion.txt to raw_combined/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic beverly hills mansion.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars going around a track in a lush green forest .txt to raw_combined/futuristic race cars going around a track in a lush green forest .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1960s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png to raw_combined/a 1960s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf.png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, daisuke tajima style, street racer, Gulf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 SMC Rambler by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 SMC Rambler by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk .txt to raw_combined/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png to raw_combined/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed sketch of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3.txt to raw_combined/a detailed sketch of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles, in the style of betrayal .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles, in the style of betrayal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli4 john berkey8 robert mcginnis5.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli4 john berkey8 robert mcginnis5.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a honda s2000 type R driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt to raw_combined/a honda s2000 type R driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey9 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey9 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen5 in the st.png to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen5 in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat dragon, pixar7 studio ghibli.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat dragon, pixar7 studio ghibli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/superman in the style of fortnite .png to raw_combined/superman in the style of fortnite .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars going around a track in a lush green forest .png to raw_combined/futuristic race cars going around a track in a lush green forest .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto1 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto1 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels2 in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels2 in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1961 Ford Thunderbird in the style of the Jetsons, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of s.png to raw_combined/1961 Ford Thunderbird in the style of the Jetsons, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the s.png to raw_combined/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the s.txt to raw_combined/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk, by dasuke tajima6 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima and john berkey, in the style of street ra.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima and john berkey, in the style of street ra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning.png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli8 norman rockwe.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli8 norman rockwe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt to raw_combined/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman in the style of a stenographer .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman in the style of a stenographer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of a burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of a burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .png to raw_combined/futuristic race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1961 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .png to raw_combined/1961 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a female james bond, infrared black and white photograph, early morning light, by Krenz Cushart and .txt to raw_combined/a female james bond, infrared black and white photograph, early morning light, by Krenz Cushart and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed painting of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwel.txt to raw_combined/a detailed painting of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, misty morning.txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, misty morning.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a chicago street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a chicago street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman in the style of a steampunk librarian .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman in the style of a steampunk librarian .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman in the style of a stenographer .png to raw_combined/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman in the style of a stenographer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1972 honda civic by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1972 honda civic by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of shiny paint .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of shiny paint .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli6 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli6 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman, in the style of anne hathaway .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman, in the style of anne hathaway .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.txt to raw_combined/a 1950s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a gulf stream 1980 porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcg.txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a gulf stream 1980 porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars racing around a track in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blu.txt to raw_combined/futuristic race cars racing around a track in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto5 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima4 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto5 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima4 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a beverly hills street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcg.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a beverly hills street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisys, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, abstract .txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisys, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, abstract .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima and hobrath in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima and hobrath in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto8 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima6 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto8 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima6 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima2 tim layzell1 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima2 tim layzell1 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen5 in the st.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen5 in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john be.txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli8 norman rockwe.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli8 norman rockwe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/superman in the style of the mad magazine .png to raw_combined/superman in the style of the mad magazine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a perfect burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a perfect burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima and hobrath in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima and hobrath in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey2 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey2 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 .txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera, in the style of glamorous inversion .txt to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera, in the style of glamorous inversion .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed drawing of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell.txt to raw_combined/a detailed drawing of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisys, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, abstract .png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisys, stencil, texture, heavy impasto2, abstract .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of an insanely beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in the style of a librarian .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1970s Datsun 240Z sports car, Gulf Stream colors, daisuke taji.png to raw_combined/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1970s Datsun 240Z sports car, Gulf Stream colors, daisuke taji.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a chicago street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a chicago street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with blonde hair made of bubbles, in the style of katharine mcphee .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with blonde hair made of bubbles, in the style of katharine mcphee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1972 Datsun 240Z, daisuke tajima5 syd mead2 john berkey1 hot w.png to raw_combined/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1972 Datsun 240Z, daisuke tajima5 syd mead2 john berkey1 hot w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey9 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey9 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 SMC Rambler by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 SMC Rambler by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a new york city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 robert mcg.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a new york city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 robert mcg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 p.txt to raw_combined/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, american city, pixar2 studio ghibli3 john berkey7 robert.txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, american city, pixar2 studio ghibli3 john berkey7 robert.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen3 in the style of Boeing5 in the styl.png to raw_combined/a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen3 in the style of Boeing5 in the styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with blonde hair made of bubbles, in the style of katharine mcphee .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with blonde hair made of bubbles, in the style of katharine mcphee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/a photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/retro race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .txt to raw_combined/retro race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of a burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of a burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic type R racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion b.txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic type R racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a honda s2000 type R driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png to raw_combined/a honda s2000 type R driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, telepho.txt to raw_combined/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, telepho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning.txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, early morning.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very.txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 rober.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 rober.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a hollywood street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a hollywood street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera .png to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis3.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis6 liberty wa.txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis6 liberty wa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars racing around a track in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blu.png to raw_combined/futuristic race cars racing around a track in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic type R racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion b.png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic type R racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, a.txt to raw_combined/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey3 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey3 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey3 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey3 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1976 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima9 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .txt to raw_combined/a 1976 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima9 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a female james bond, infrared black and white photograph, early morning light, by Krenz Cushart and .png to raw_combined/a female james bond, infrared black and white photograph, early morning light, by Krenz Cushart and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 r.png to raw_combined/a hyperdetailed rendering of a futuristic space port, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4 r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed painting of an ancient miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 rob.png to raw_combined/a detailed painting of an ancient miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 rob.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze, in the style of outside .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze, in the style of outside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/concept car, Hot Wheels, Ford, painting, John Berkey style, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires with whit.png to raw_combined/concept car, Hot Wheels, Ford, painting, John Berkey style, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires with whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat, in the style of paperbook f.png to raw_combined/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat, in the style of paperbook f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john be.png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli3 john be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman, in the style of anne hathaway .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman, in the style of anne hathaway .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic Honda spaceship in a hangar, type S, type R, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic Honda spaceship in a hangar, type S, type R, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, te.txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman in the style of a steampunk librarian .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman in the style of a steampunk librarian .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1976 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima9 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1976 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima9 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/futuristic race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .txt to raw_combined/futuristic race cars going around a track as crowds cheer, heavy rain .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk .png to raw_combined/1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/superman in the style of the mad magazine .txt to raw_combined/superman in the style of the mad magazine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1972 honda civic by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1972 honda civic by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the style of str.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed painting of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwel.png to raw_combined/a detailed painting of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 j.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 j.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis3.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto2 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto2 Maksimov Stepan1 John Berkey1 street racer, Gulf Stream colors, full .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a red 1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed.png to raw_combined/a red 1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a london england city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a london england city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the sty.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/grayscale drawing of a 1972 honda civic by daisuke tajima in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic drawn in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic drawn in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 rober.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 rober.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, a.png to raw_combined/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, in the .txt to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto style, Maksimov Stepan style, John Berkey style, street racer, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels2 in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels2 in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, misty morning.png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, misty morning.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey5 in the style of perfection, trending on ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png to raw_combined/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto5 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima4 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto5 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima4 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima3 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima3 john berkey5 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by tim layzell3 hot wheels4 in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1980 liberty walk porsche 911 turbo super speed, drawn by daisuke tajima7 john berkey3 pixar2 stud.png to raw_combined/a 1980 liberty walk porsche 911 turbo super speed, drawn by daisuke tajima7 john berkey3 pixar2 stud.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic beverly hills mansion.png to raw_combined/a science fiction paperback book cover of a detailed rendering of a futuristic beverly hills mansion.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a london england city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a london england city street, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a busy marketplace, anime style, studio ghibli .png to raw_combined/a busy marketplace, anime style, studio ghibli .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1970s Datsun 240Z sports car, Gulf Stream colors, daisuke taji.txt to raw_combined/oil painting of an automotive garage, 1970s Datsun 240Z sports car, Gulf Stream colors, daisuke taji.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very.png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic, stance nation, slammed, driving on a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png to raw_combined/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima and john berkey, in the style of street ra.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima and john berkey, in the style of street ra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4.png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the sty.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a 1969 AMC Rambler American by dasuke tajima, in the style of street racing3 in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis5 .png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a sports car, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcginnis5 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, evening light.txt to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, evening light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto8 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima6 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.png to raw_combined/1980 Porsche 911 Turbo, kyoto8 Maksimov Stepan5 daisuke tajima6 John Berkey2 street racer, in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/concept car, Hot Wheels5 Ford4, painting, John Berkey, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires, symmetrical l.txt to raw_combined/concept car, Hot Wheels5 Ford4, painting, John Berkey, 5 spoke rims, black Toyo tires, symmetrical l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli3 john berkey9 robert mcginnis4.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli5 john berkey9 .png to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a futuristic miami beach resort, american city, studio ghibli5 john berkey9 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima2 tim layzell1 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .txt to raw_combined/1970s muscle car drawn by daisuke tajima2 tim layzell1 john berkey1 in the style of street racing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1975 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1975 honda civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey4 in the style of a burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, te.png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur, te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a perfect burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a perfect burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a cyclist on a road bike being chased by a huge terrifying cat like creature, pixar5 studio ghibli3 .txt to raw_combined/a cyclist on a road bike being chased by a huge terrifying cat like creature, pixar5 studio ghibli3 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, hot wheels 2 high speed, very fast, mo.png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, hot wheels 2 high speed, very fast, mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1969 AMC Rambler, by dasuke tajima5 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the style of str.png to raw_combined/1969 AMC Rambler, by dasuke tajima5 john berkey2, in the style of street racing9 in the style of str.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1961 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .txt to raw_combined/1961 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of big bubbles in a breeze .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of big bubbles in a breeze .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a las vegas street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a las vegas street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 robert mcginni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 j.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 j.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli6 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt to raw_combined/a detailed rendering of a beverly hills, american city, studio ghibli6 john berkey5 robert mcginnis3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen2 in the st.txt to raw_combined/a photorealistic image of a futuristic spaceship in a hangar, in the style of Dairy Queen2 in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat dragon, pixar7 studio ghibli.png to raw_combined/a beautiful jungle queen with a huge sword standing next to her pet cat dragon, pixar7 studio ghibli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 rober.txt to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a san francisco city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey5 rober.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .png to raw_combined/a 1974 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima10 john berkey3 in the style of a burnout .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a beautiful fit female volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .png to raw_combined/a beautiful fit female volleyball player washing a porsche 911 turbo, in the style of a car wash .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed image of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 .txt to raw_combined/a detailed image of a new york suburban city street, american city, studio ghibli7 norman rockwell3 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a hyperrealistic rendering of a gulf stream 1980 porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcg.png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic rendering of a gulf stream 1980 porsche 911 turbo, pixar3 studio ghibli3 robert mcg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, evening light.png to raw_combined/oil painting by Mandy Disher, daisies, stencil, deep shadows, texture, heavy impasto2, evening light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt to raw_combined/sports cars racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a detailed renering of a new york city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 robert mcg.png to raw_combined/a detailed renering of a new york city street, american city, studio ghibli7 john berkey3 robert mcg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze, in the style of outside .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a beautiful woman with hair made of bubbles in a light breeze, in the style of outside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera, in the style of glamorous inversion .png to raw_combined/a press photo of a beautiful brunette holding a 35mm camera, in the style of glamorous inversion .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a realistic photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .png to raw_combined/a realistic photograph of a 1972 honda civic in the style of street racing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey1 in the style of perfection .txt to raw_combined/a 1973 Honda Civic drawn by daisuke tajima11 john berkey1 in the style of perfection .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1960s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt to raw_combined/a 1960s style black and white technical illustration of a man sitting at a desk filling out his dail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .png to raw_combined/1967 Ford Thunderbird, in the style of the Jetsons5 in the style of Batman7, by dasuke tajima6 john .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png to raw_combined/1972 honda civic racing around a road in a lush green forest, high speed, very fast, motion blur .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_45/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.txt to raw_combined/a 1940s style black and white technical illustration of a man working in a factory on a production l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/abandoned lokomotive sitting in overgrown forest, dusty and dirty, wide angle shot with shallow dept.png to raw_combined/abandoned lokomotive sitting in overgrown forest, dusty and dirty, wide angle shot with shallow dept.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning street photography of a goodlooking young lady in a chanel suit, waiting for the train.png to raw_combined/award winning street photography of a goodlooking young lady in a chanel suit, waiting for the train.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/image of future farmer tools of flying drone spraying pesticides on wet agriculture field with rows .txt to raw_combined/image of future farmer tools of flying drone spraying pesticides on wet agriculture field with rows .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing node beach scene, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png to raw_combined/amazing node beach scene, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/portrait of a ww1 pilot .png to raw_combined/portrait of a ww1 pilot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/military truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png to raw_combined/military truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning art photograph, cute .png to raw_combined/award winning art photograph, cute .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/this is an image of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper with an aluminum roof and wheels,.png to raw_combined/this is an image of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper with an aluminum roof and wheels,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a classic car is shown parked in san francisco at night, in the style of spectacular backdrops, gold.txt to raw_combined/a classic car is shown parked in san francisco at night, in the style of spectacular backdrops, gold.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/land rover 109 in the 1960s, savannah, realistic, detailed, award winning photography taken with a n.png to raw_combined/land rover 109 in the 1960s, savannah, realistic, detailed, award winning photography taken with a n.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a vintage motorcycle, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/close up detail of a vintage motorcycle, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a woman wearing diamonds and black lipstick, in the style of crimson and beige, rendered in maya, pi.txt to raw_combined/a woman wearing diamonds and black lipstick, in the style of crimson and beige, rendered in maya, pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, vintage barber shop in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best interior photography, vintage barber shop in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful girls standing under a stars and stripes flagphotography detailedrealistic epicdetail8K pi.txt to raw_combined/beautiful girls standing under a stars and stripes flagphotography detailedrealistic epicdetail8K pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Cyprus impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, raw, detailed .txt to raw_combined/Cyprus impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, raw, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a freaky car at the beach, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/a freaky car at the beach, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of wildlife photography, photo taken with.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of wildlife photography, photo taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby chimps on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt to raw_combined/3 baby chimps on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/front view on a business jet on airfield. symmetric shape, intricate realistic, intricate detailed, .png to raw_combined/front view on a business jet on airfield. symmetric shape, intricate realistic, intricate detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a mega yacht. Extremely lux interior and exterior with a very modern design in a beautiful tropical .txt to raw_combined/a mega yacht. Extremely lux interior and exterior with a very modern design in a beautiful tropical .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, animal, beautiful, elegant, .txt to raw_combined/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, animal, beautiful, elegant, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a classic car is shown parked in san francisco at night, in the style of spectacular backdrops, gold.png to raw_combined/a classic car is shown parked in san francisco at night, in the style of spectacular backdrops, gold.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photo of a financial desaster taken with a sony a7 r4 .txt to raw_combined/a photo of a financial desaster taken with a sony a7 r4 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/if the goat is the goal, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .txt to raw_combined/if the goat is the goal, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, close up of 3 Cocktails on a vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magica.txt to raw_combined/best interior photography, close up of 3 Cocktails on a vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magica.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a leice m10 monochrome, detailed, long exposure.txt to raw_combined/award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a leice m10 monochrome, detailed, long exposure.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wildlife animal, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/wildlife animal, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning dwarf in the forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, taken using.png to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning dwarf in the forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, taken using.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/national geographic photo, epic africa, 8k resolution .png to raw_combined/national geographic photo, epic africa, 8k resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the waterfalls and mountains in a valley set against sunset, in the style of photobash, prairiecore,.png to raw_combined/the waterfalls and mountains in a valley set against sunset, in the style of photobash, prairiecore,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/abstract and imaginary, architecture photography, dark fantasy photo realism .txt to raw_combined/abstract and imaginary, architecture photography, dark fantasy photo realism .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a gourmet buffet, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/close up detail of a gourmet buffet, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing street photography, in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, collaborations and collectives .png to raw_combined/amazing street photography, in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, collaborations and collectives .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a guy is in an empty bus looking out an window, in the style of disintegrated, sepia tone, trapped e.txt to raw_combined/a guy is in an empty bus looking out an window, in the style of disintegrated, sepia tone, trapped e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/imagine Realistic photography. New York street photograpy. award winning art photo, unusual scene, I.png to raw_combined/imagine Realistic photography. New York street photograpy. award winning art photo, unusual scene, I.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a rotten vintage caroussell in the savannah, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lan.txt to raw_combined/a rotten vintage caroussell in the savannah, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/breathtaking babe , Margot Robbie chapter design, large buns, beautiful girl,sauna, ultra feminine, .png to raw_combined/breathtaking babe , Margot Robbie chapter design, large buns, beautiful girl,sauna, ultra feminine, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a charismatic revolution leader, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, hi.txt to raw_combined/a charismatic revolution leader, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/japanese vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K,.png to raw_combined/japanese vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, realistic photo. .txt to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, realistic photo. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between alien warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.png to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between alien warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/thuna fish by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/thuna fish by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up, a big ugly poison spider on the beautiful face of a sleeping woman .txt to raw_combined/close up, a big ugly poison spider on the beautiful face of a sleeping woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yummy, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/yummy, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/masterclass portrait photo of a beautiful woman, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m1.png to raw_combined/masterclass portrait photo of a beautiful woman, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m1.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a gate to a beautiful tropical garden, warm early afternoon sunlight, detailed, award winning photog.txt to raw_combined/a gate to a beautiful tropical garden, warm early afternoon sunlight, detailed, award winning photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic aircraft carrier, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high res.txt to raw_combined/futuristic aircraft carrier, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high res.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the gunslinger cowboy, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolutio.txt to raw_combined/the gunslinger cowboy, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolutio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up, a big ugly poison spider on the beautiful face of a sleeping woman .png to raw_combined/close up, a big ugly poison spider on the beautiful face of a sleeping woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/maine coast, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .txt to raw_combined/maine coast, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of modern medicine, photo taken with a so.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of modern medicine, photo taken with a so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a teenager rebelious pig, he is a badass, sort of humanized, he is smoking and has a defying attitud.png to raw_combined/a teenager rebelious pig, he is a badass, sort of humanized, he is smoking and has a defying attitud.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two lanterns in black and white, in the style of joão artur da silva, light skyblue and light white,.png to raw_combined/two lanterns in black and white, in the style of joão artur da silva, light skyblue and light white,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the kiss by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/the kiss by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a woman wearing diamonds and black lipstick, in the style of crimson and beige, rendered in maya, pi.png to raw_combined/a woman wearing diamonds and black lipstick, in the style of crimson and beige, rendered in maya, pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/apacalypse girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hally.png to raw_combined/apacalypse girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hally.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wedding, grirls, 35mm, photorealistic, ultrahigh definition .png to raw_combined/wedding, grirls, 35mm, photorealistic, ultrahigh definition .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/technical developement .png to raw_combined/technical developement .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the beach is blue with a red building beside it, in the style of tabletop photography, quadratura .png to raw_combined/the beach is blue with a red building beside it, in the style of tabletop photography, quadratura .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/person looks out someones window in a subway, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, disint.txt to raw_combined/person looks out someones window in a subway, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, disint.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful beach girl, blonde hair, blue eye, girl in black mesh tights dress, open fit abs, shorts, .png to raw_combined/beautiful beach girl, blonde hair, blue eye, girl in black mesh tights dress, open fit abs, shorts, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cowboy on his horse in the middle of a running bison herd .txt to raw_combined/cowboy on his horse in the middle of a running bison herd .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/abstract and imaginary, architecture photography, dark fantasy photo realism .png to raw_combined/abstract and imaginary, architecture photography, dark fantasy photo realism .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a rotten vintage caroussell in the savannah, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lan.png to raw_combined/a rotten vintage caroussell in the savannah, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/luxury car splashed with mud in front of a luxury victorian hotel, , photographed with a Sony alpha .txt to raw_combined/luxury car splashed with mud in front of a luxury victorian hotel, , photographed with a Sony alpha .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, s.png to raw_combined/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vestibule, detailed .png to raw_combined/vestibule, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Mercedes Benz EQG Concept mixed with a VW Beetle, hyper realistic .txt to raw_combined/Mercedes Benz EQG Concept mixed with a VW Beetle, hyper realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/elderly man has a surprised face while experiencing virtual reality. realistic photo taken with a so.png to raw_combined/elderly man has a surprised face while experiencing virtual reality. realistic photo taken with a so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vespa 125, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt to raw_combined/vespa 125, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning dwarf in the forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, taken using.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning dwarf in the forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, taken using.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photo of a death metal concert where all in audience are ghosts.txt to raw_combined/photo of a death metal concert where all in audience are ghosts.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Futuristic aircraft carrier in a bay at night, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdet.png to raw_combined/Futuristic aircraft carrier in a bay at night, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the kiss by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/the kiss by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/estonian women with traditional folk dresses riding a bike on an island through a forest, summer wea.txt to raw_combined/estonian women with traditional folk dresses riding a bike on an island through a forest, summer wea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/imagine Realistic photography. New York girls, award winning street photo, unusual scene, Its photog.png to raw_combined/imagine Realistic photography. New York girls, award winning street photo, unusual scene, Its photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of the creepy horror nightmare man, photo.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of the creepy horror nightmare man, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes AMG GT 63S as an army SUV version, showcar, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/mercedes AMG GT 63S as an army SUV version, showcar, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wildlife, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/wildlife, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two kissing girls, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/two kissing girls, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing street photography, girls in rome in the 1960s , in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, co.png to raw_combined/amazing street photography, girls in rome in the 1960s , in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bee collecting pollen from a beautiful intricate elaborate flower an intricate detailed bee colle.txt to raw_combined/a bee collecting pollen from a beautiful intricate elaborate flower an intricate detailed bee colle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cute feminine pin up girl, design by hajime sorayama and fantasy art, symmetric .txt to raw_combined/cute feminine pin up girl, design by hajime sorayama and fantasy art, symmetric .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/gotham girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hallyu, u.txt to raw_combined/gotham girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hallyu, u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dryness, award winning photography taken with a nikon d850, national geographic style .png to raw_combined/dryness, award winning photography taken with a nikon d850, national geographic style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best interior photography, vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage TV in an abandoned hotel room from the 1960s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic light.png to raw_combined/vintage TV in an abandoned hotel room from the 1960s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hand on the gun .png to raw_combined/hand on the gun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/knights in a heavy battle, , Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/knights in a heavy battle, , Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/shark attack, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/shark attack, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/antique cars on the side of the road, in the style of light blue and silver, detailoriented, elegant.png to raw_combined/antique cars on the side of the road, in the style of light blue and silver, detailoriented, elegant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic aircraft carrier, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high res.png to raw_combined/futuristic aircraft carrier, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high res.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/view from top, product photo extremely detailed luxury candy box with belgium chocolate candies insi.txt to raw_combined/view from top, product photo extremely detailed luxury candy box with belgium chocolate candies insi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/portrait of a cute hippie girl from the 1970s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, awar.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a cute hippie girl from the 1970s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, awar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, an agressive hyena in background, hyperealistic, ambient lig.txt to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, an agressive hyena in background, hyperealistic, ambient lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/frontal view, rusty steampunk post apocalyptic amtrain racing through a snowy landscape, photo taken.png to raw_combined/frontal view, rusty steampunk post apocalyptic amtrain racing through a snowy landscape, photo taken.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Photograph in the style of Ben Thouard .txt to raw_combined/Photograph in the style of Ben Thouard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a deer sourrounded by a wolf pack in winter landscape, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme d.txt to raw_combined/a deer sourrounded by a wolf pack in winter landscape, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/running steam locomotive, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealistic, cinematic .png to raw_combined/running steam locomotive, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealistic, cinematic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yellow Automatic Guided Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distribution war.png to raw_combined/yellow Automatic Guided Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distribution war.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes 600 pick up, showcar design style, photorealist .txt to raw_combined/mercedes 600 pick up, showcar design style, photorealist .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/antique cars on the side of the road, in the style of light blue and silver, detailoriented, elegant.txt to raw_combined/antique cars on the side of the road, in the style of light blue and silver, detailoriented, elegant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive running on rails through a mysterious rain forest, dangerous situation, , wide angl.png to raw_combined/steam locomotive running on rails through a mysterious rain forest, dangerous situation, , wide angl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of wildlife photography, photo taken with.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of wildlife photography, photo taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two old pakistani men skateboarding down a street in pakistan, photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .png to raw_combined/two old pakistani men skateboarding down a street in pakistan, photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/agressive mushrooms, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution,.png to raw_combined/agressive mushrooms, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best product photography, hyper futuristic expedition SUV, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best product photography, hyper futuristic expedition SUV, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a charismatic rockstar in concert, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt to raw_combined/a charismatic rockstar in concert, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Photorealistic image, two beautiful girls kiss passionately with tongues, hyperrealism, intricate de.txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic image, two beautiful girls kiss passionately with tongues, hyperrealism, intricate de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Ultra futurist tech abstract background. .png to raw_combined/Ultra futurist tech abstract background. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/imagine Realistic photography. New York girls, award winning street photo, unusual scene, Its photog.txt to raw_combined/imagine Realistic photography. New York girls, award winning street photo, unusual scene, Its photog.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed .txt to raw_combined/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a mega yacht. Extremely lux interior and exterior with a very modern design in a beautiful tropical .png to raw_combined/a mega yacht. Extremely lux interior and exterior with a very modern design in a beautiful tropical .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of street photography, photo taken with a.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of street photography, photo taken with a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/war dogs, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy atm.png to raw_combined/war dogs, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy atm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Photograph in the style of Ben Thouard .png to raw_combined/Photograph in the style of Ben Thouard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/african village, heavy used and rusty overland bus, on a rotten vintage gas ststion, waiting for the.png to raw_combined/african village, heavy used and rusty overland bus, on a rotten vintage gas ststion, waiting for the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two kissing girls, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/two kissing girls, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of the creepy horror nightmare man, photo.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of the creepy horror nightmare man, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby chimps on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png to raw_combined/3 baby chimps on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hyper modern and futuristic mercedes supercar design study, , showcar, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/hyper modern and futuristic mercedes supercar design study, , showcar, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A young girl sitting on the branch of a willow tree, reading a book, branches sway in the summer bre.png to raw_combined/A young girl sitting on the branch of a willow tree, reading a book, branches sway in the summer bre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bar full of alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detail, golden ratio, co.png to raw_combined/a bar full of alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detail, golden ratio, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mexican vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .txt to raw_combined/mexican vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/goth instagram model sitting on the floor in a dark corner, engulfed in many small ravens sitting on.png to raw_combined/goth instagram model sitting on the floor in a dark corner, engulfed in many small ravens sitting on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/australian outback bushfire cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos take.txt to raw_combined/australian outback bushfire cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos take.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between animal zombies and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.png to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between animal zombies and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/an underwater photo of two tall floating reeds, in the style of george digalakis, minimalist grids, .txt to raw_combined/an underwater photo of two tall floating reeds, in the style of george digalakis, minimalist grids, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Blurred silhouette of office employees in a modern friendly business building, realistic photo taken.png to raw_combined/Blurred silhouette of office employees in a modern friendly business building, realistic photo taken.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Blurred silhouette of office employees in a modern friendly business building, realistic photo taken.txt to raw_combined/Blurred silhouette of office employees in a modern friendly business building, realistic photo taken.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/everything is under control high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high reso.png to raw_combined/everything is under control high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high reso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/national geographic photo, epic africa, 8k resolution .txt to raw_combined/national geographic photo, epic africa, 8k resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Shiny colorful pastel glass marbles in a Mesmerizing pattern, photo, hd wallpaper, Sharp .png to raw_combined/Shiny colorful pastel glass marbles in a Mesmerizing pattern, photo, hd wallpaper, Sharp .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a young ballerina in white tutu,ballet dancer,a studio,a ballet dancer in a white tutu,a medium clos.txt to raw_combined/a young ballerina in white tutu,ballet dancer,a studio,a ballet dancer in a white tutu,a medium clos.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A young girl sitting on the branch of a willow tree, reading a book, branches sway in the summer bre.txt to raw_combined/A young girl sitting on the branch of a willow tree, reading a book, branches sway in the summer bre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/spaceship, abandoned, jungle, dark, 2080, realistic, unreal engine, epic, no humans left, sharp focu.txt to raw_combined/spaceship, abandoned, jungle, dark, 2080, realistic, unreal engine, epic, no humans left, sharp focu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning red panda in the rain forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, ta.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning red panda in the rain forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/zoom in Portrait of amazing, stunning cavalier king in a luxurious villa, marble tiles, minimalism i.txt to raw_combined/zoom in Portrait of amazing, stunning cavalier king in a luxurious villa, marble tiles, minimalism i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/on a beach where clothes are not necessary, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, r.png to raw_combined/on a beach where clothes are not necessary, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vespa 125, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png to raw_combined/vespa 125, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a vintage car, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/close up detail of a vintage car, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing portrait art photography of firefighter after a shocking mission, in the style of ilford sfx.png to raw_combined/amazing portrait art photography of firefighter after a shocking mission, in the style of ilford sfx.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/running steam locomotive, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealistic, cinematic .txt to raw_combined/running steam locomotive, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealistic, cinematic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hyper modern and futuristic mercedes supercar design study, , showcar, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/hyper modern and futuristic mercedes supercar design study, , showcar, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the sunset around a jumping whale in the water, in the style of janek sedlar, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/the sunset around a jumping whale in the water, in the style of janek sedlar, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/concrete and wooden bauhaus architecture, award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a lei.txt to raw_combined/concrete and wooden bauhaus architecture, award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a lei.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wildlife, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/wildlife, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, design by hajime sorayama and medieval fantasy art, symmetri.png to raw_combined/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, design by hajime sorayama and medieval fantasy art, symmetri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a leice m10 monochrome, detailed, long exposure.png to raw_combined/award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a leice m10 monochrome, detailed, long exposure.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/model legs, detail, macro lens, , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png to raw_combined/model legs, detail, macro lens, , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, animal, beautiful, elegant, .png to raw_combined/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, animal, beautiful, elegant, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/zoom in Portrait of amazing, stunning cavalier king in a luxurious villa, marble tiles, minimalism i.png to raw_combined/zoom in Portrait of amazing, stunning cavalier king in a luxurious villa, marble tiles, minimalism i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/foggy summer morning light at the hamptons, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with.txt to raw_combined/foggy summer morning light at the hamptons, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, hig.txt to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/person looks out someones window in a subway, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, disint.png to raw_combined/person looks out someones window in a subway, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, disint.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of street photography, photo taken with a.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of street photography, photo taken with a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Jordi El Nino Polla, relaxed, in the dance studio, photo of a beautiful ballerina girl , doing the s.txt to raw_combined/Jordi El Nino Polla, relaxed, in the dance studio, photo of a beautiful ballerina girl , doing the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/missouri fire truck car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography .png to raw_combined/missouri fire truck car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/forrest truck at nabors park, california, in the style of ndebele art, uhd image .png to raw_combined/forrest truck at nabors park, california, in the style of ndebele art, uhd image .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/masterclass portrait photo of a beautiful woman, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m1.txt to raw_combined/masterclass portrait photo of a beautiful woman, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m1.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yellow Automatic Guided forklift Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distrib.txt to raw_combined/yellow Automatic Guided forklift Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distrib.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Orchestration of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and fish, in perfect harmony professional.png to raw_combined/Orchestration of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and fish, in perfect harmony professional.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a clown in action, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .txt to raw_combined/a clown in action, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the priestly monk travels to the bottom of hell, The red Prince of darkness trying to break the seal.txt to raw_combined/the priestly monk travels to the bottom of hell, The red Prince of darkness trying to break the seal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/some beautiful but creepy girls, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .txt to raw_combined/some beautiful but creepy girls, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Mercedes Benz EQG Concept mixed with a VW Beetle, hyper realistic .png to raw_combined/Mercedes Benz EQG Concept mixed with a VW Beetle, hyper realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/land rover 109 in the 1960s, savannah, realistic, detailed, award winning photography taken with a n.txt to raw_combined/land rover 109 in the 1960s, savannah, realistic, detailed, award winning photography taken with a n.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/picture of delicate young plant growing from soil. realistic photo taken with a sony a7 r4 .png to raw_combined/picture of delicate young plant growing from soil. realistic photo taken with a sony a7 r4 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/abandoned lokomotive sitting in overgrown forest, dusty and dirty, wide angle shot with shallow dept.txt to raw_combined/abandoned lokomotive sitting in overgrown forest, dusty and dirty, wide angle shot with shallow dept.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/funny fruit transformer .png to raw_combined/funny fruit transformer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/weathered explorer comes across gigantic 1000 ft tall eldritch ruin monuments remnants amongst the d.png to raw_combined/weathered explorer comes across gigantic 1000 ft tall eldritch ruin monuments remnants amongst the d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, a hungry hyenna in background, hyperealistic, ambient light,.png to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, a hungry hyenna in background, hyperealistic, ambient light,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/colorful sculpture made of sea glass sand water driftwood, balance, zen, .txt to raw_combined/colorful sculpture made of sea glass sand water driftwood, balance, zen, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby owls on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png to raw_combined/3 baby owls on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/prehistoric family in front of a cave, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, phot.txt to raw_combined/prehistoric family in front of a cave, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/missouri fire truck car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography .txt to raw_combined/missouri fire truck car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best product photography, hyper futuristic pick up truck, gorgeous magical photography .txt to raw_combined/best product photography, hyper futuristic pick up truck, gorgeous magical photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/italian vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .txt to raw_combined/italian vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/masterclass portrait photo of a broker who lost all his money, bw high class art photography taken w.txt to raw_combined/masterclass portrait photo of a broker who lost all his money, bw high class art photography taken w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/shark attack, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/shark attack, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, design by hajime sorayama and medieval fantasy art, symmetri.txt to raw_combined/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, design by hajime sorayama and medieval fantasy art, symmetri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning art photography .txt to raw_combined/award winning art photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/very cute 24yearold girl .txt to raw_combined/very cute 24yearold girl .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dryness, award winning photography taken with a nikon d850, national geographic style .txt to raw_combined/dryness, award winning photography taken with a nikon d850, national geographic style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hungry animal, award winning art photography, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/hungry animal, award winning art photography, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/an underwater photo of two tall floating reeds, in the style of george digalakis, minimalist grids, .png to raw_combined/an underwater photo of two tall floating reeds, in the style of george digalakis, minimalist grids, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vestibule, detailed .txt to raw_combined/vestibule, detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the sunset around a jumping whale in the water, in the style of janek sedlar, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/the sunset around a jumping whale in the water, in the style of janek sedlar, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/goth instagram model sitting on the floor in a dark corner, engulfed in many small ravens sitting on.txt to raw_combined/goth instagram model sitting on the floor in a dark corner, engulfed in many small ravens sitting on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a group of girls doing Burpees during a class, sweating but calm, group of girls like a community, w.png to raw_combined/a group of girls doing Burpees during a class, sweating but calm, group of girls like a community, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Jordi El Nino Polla, relaxed, in the dance studio, photo of a beautiful ballerina girl , doing the s.png to raw_combined/Jordi El Nino Polla, relaxed, in the dance studio, photo of a beautiful ballerina girl , doing the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a beautiful and pensive little girl, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome.png to raw_combined/a beautiful and pensive little girl, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a people in a train looking at the station, in the style of disintegrated, emotive imagery, sepia to.txt to raw_combined/a people in a train looking at the station, in the style of disintegrated, emotive imagery, sepia to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the death as a golfer .txt to raw_combined/the death as a golfer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, futuristic anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .txt to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, futuristic anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/realistic, award winning dark and mysterious breathtaking good fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850.png to raw_combined/realistic, award winning dark and mysterious breathtaking good fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/barbiecore, using hamonious multi colors, concrete wall background, floral, vines, hd background ima.png to raw_combined/barbiecore, using hamonious multi colors, concrete wall background, floral, vines, hd background ima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a vintage motorcycle, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/close up detail of a vintage motorcycle, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Five beautiful girls stand under a fivestar red flagphotography detailed4K8Koctane render realistic .txt to raw_combined/Five beautiful girls stand under a fivestar red flagphotography detailed4K8Koctane render realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yellow Automatic Guided forklift Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distrib.png to raw_combined/yellow Automatic Guided forklift Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distrib.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/realistic, award winning dark and mysterious breathtaking good fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850.txt to raw_combined/realistic, award winning dark and mysterious breathtaking good fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hungry animal, award winning art photography, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/hungry animal, award winning art photography, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/picture of delicate young plant growing from soil. realistic photo taken with a sony a7 r4 .txt to raw_combined/picture of delicate young plant growing from soil. realistic photo taken with a sony a7 r4 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a beautifull high class black model in an open fur coat and silky stockings walk down the 5th avenue.png to raw_combined/a beautifull high class black model in an open fur coat and silky stockings walk down the 5th avenue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a gate to a beautiful tropical garden, warm early afternoon sunlight, detailed, award winning photog.png to raw_combined/a gate to a beautiful tropical garden, warm early afternoon sunlight, detailed, award winning photog.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning australian shephard dog in front of some blurred sheeps, no trademark,.png to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning australian shephard dog in front of some blurred sheeps, no trademark,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/spaceship, abandoned, jungle, dark, 2080, realistic, unreal engine, epic, no humans left, sharp focu.png to raw_combined/spaceship, abandoned, jungle, dark, 2080, realistic, unreal engine, epic, no humans left, sharp focu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/hand on the gun .txt to raw_combined/hand on the gun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/knights in a heavy battle, , Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/knights in a heavy battle, , Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of street photography, photo taken w.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of street photography, photo taken w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing street photography, in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, collaborations and collectives .txt to raw_combined/amazing street photography, in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, collaborations and collectives .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/foggy summer morning light at the hamptons, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with.png to raw_combined/foggy summer morning light at the hamptons, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of modern medicine, photo taken with a so.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of modern medicine, photo taken with a so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yummy, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/yummy, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/portrait of a cute hippie girl from the 1970s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, awar.png to raw_combined/portrait of a cute hippie girl from the 1970s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, awar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of fashion, photo taken with a sony .png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of fashion, photo taken with a sony .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Aerial view of a tropical Caribbean island shaped like a heart, realistic photo taken with a sony a7.txt to raw_combined/Aerial view of a tropical Caribbean island shaped like a heart, realistic photo taken with a sony a7.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, realistic photo. .png to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, realistic photo. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/passenger ship in heavy storm, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png to raw_combined/passenger ship in heavy storm, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, s.txt to raw_combined/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/engineering survey expertise .txt to raw_combined/engineering survey expertise .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/ultra luxury yacht, explorer yacht type, trawler style , futuristic , huracan style, style mclaren,y.txt to raw_combined/ultra luxury yacht, explorer yacht type, trawler style , futuristic , huracan style, style mclaren,y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A professional frontal shot of a tabby cat walking down an alley with red brick houses. Lots of natu.png to raw_combined/A professional frontal shot of a tabby cat walking down an alley with red brick houses. Lots of natu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning art photograph, cute .txt to raw_combined/award winning art photograph, cute .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/frontal view on amazing, stunning Greyhound dogs on a race track, no trademark, hight details, no bl.png to raw_combined/frontal view on amazing, stunning Greyhound dogs on a race track, no trademark, hight details, no bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the bronx, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .txt to raw_combined/the bronx, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/gotham girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hallyu, u.png to raw_combined/gotham girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hallyu, u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best product photography, hyper futuristic pick up truck, gorgeous magical photography .png to raw_combined/best product photography, hyper futuristic pick up truck, gorgeous magical photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes cla 63 AMG as a pick up, showcar design style, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/mercedes cla 63 AMG as a pick up, showcar design style, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/minimalist great blue heron, Inception portrait full body profile in sky blue and brown 3D tromp loe.png to raw_combined/minimalist great blue heron, Inception portrait full body profile in sky blue and brown 3D tromp loe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/old railways bridge deck Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/old railways bridge deck Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photo straight from back, beautiful woman legs in stockings, intricate details, ultra highly realist.txt to raw_combined/photo straight from back, beautiful woman legs in stockings, intricate details, ultra highly realist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage art nouveau espresso macine on a bar counter, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional f.png to raw_combined/vintage art nouveau espresso macine on a bar counter, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a modern hydrogen powered vehicle .txt to raw_combined/a modern hydrogen powered vehicle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two ballet dancers in pink tutus,ballet,a stage,love and passion,closeup,midafternoon,ballet dancers.txt to raw_combined/two ballet dancers in pink tutus,ballet,a stage,love and passion,closeup,midafternoon,ballet dancers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the beach is blue with a red building beside it, in the style of tabletop photography, quadratura .txt to raw_combined/the beach is blue with a red building beside it, in the style of tabletop photography, quadratura .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning street photography of a goodlooking young lady in a chanel suit, waiting for the train.txt to raw_combined/award winning street photography of a goodlooking young lady in a chanel suit, waiting for the train.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/tree hd wallpaper, floats, tree, in the style of ethereal seascapes, indonesian art, backlit photogr.png to raw_combined/tree hd wallpaper, floats, tree, in the style of ethereal seascapes, indonesian art, backlit photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes AMG GT 63S as an army SUV version, showcar, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/mercedes AMG GT 63S as an army SUV version, showcar, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best street photography close up, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best street photography close up, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/round and round and round and round .png to raw_combined/round and round and round and round .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .txt to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/garbage truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png to raw_combined/garbage truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dramatic boxing , close up, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high .png to raw_combined/dramatic boxing , close up, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/N.Y. fire truck car in action, in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photo.png to raw_combined/N.Y. fire truck car in action, in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between animal zombies and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.txt to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between animal zombies and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best landscape photography, the most amazing and beautiful landscape on earth, gorgeous magical phot.png to raw_combined/best landscape photography, the most amazing and beautiful landscape on earth, gorgeous magical phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a people in a train looking at the station, in the style of disintegrated, emotive imagery, sepia to.png to raw_combined/a people in a train looking at the station, in the style of disintegrated, emotive imagery, sepia to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mosses lichens flowers nano world detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights.txt to raw_combined/mosses lichens flowers nano world detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up on a rattlesnake on a desert road, a blurry truck in background which comes nearer .txt to raw_combined/close up on a rattlesnake on a desert road, a blurry truck in background which comes nearer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, l fantasy art, symmetric .txt to raw_combined/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, l fantasy art, symmetric .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, close up, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, close up, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Picture an isolated bus shelter under the cloak of night. The scene is eerie, reminiscent of a suspe.txt to raw_combined/Picture an isolated bus shelter under the cloak of night. The scene is eerie, reminiscent of a suspe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/roaring lion silhouette between two baobabs in african savanna at sunset, professional master class .png to raw_combined/roaring lion silhouette between two baobabs in african savanna at sunset, professional master class .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a rotten vintage caroussel in the forest, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lantin.txt to raw_combined/a rotten vintage caroussel in the forest, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lantin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/businesswoman explaining whiteboard background photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/businesswoman explaining whiteboard background photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a girl portrait, photo taken with a so.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a girl portrait, photo taken with a so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Orchestration of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and fish, in perfect harmony professional.txt to raw_combined/Orchestration of marine life, including dolphins, whales, and fish, in perfect harmony professional.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/acicuzirrow hitobeno, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/acicuzirrow hitobeno, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/monster, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/monster, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a pirate treasure, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional food photo, .txt to raw_combined/a pirate treasure, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional food photo, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful young woman bodybuilder of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning femal.txt to raw_combined/beautiful young woman bodybuilder of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning femal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic hightech surfers SUV, easy livin style, on a natural wild beach, summer, award winning ph.png to raw_combined/futuristic hightech surfers SUV, easy livin style, on a natural wild beach, summer, award winning ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Luminism oil painting, punk rock anthropomorphic golden retriever wearing a leather jacket, mohawk, .png to raw_combined/Luminism oil painting, punk rock anthropomorphic golden retriever wearing a leather jacket, mohawk, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best landscape photography, the most amazing and beautiful landscape on earth, gorgeous magical phot.txt to raw_combined/best landscape photography, the most amazing and beautiful landscape on earth, gorgeous magical phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wildlife animal, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/wildlife animal, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/garbage truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt to raw_combined/garbage truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a nightly car race in tokyo, photo tak.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a nightly car race in tokyo, photo tak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic robot welding metal details with professional equipment in modern dark workshop. realisti.png to raw_combined/futuristic robot welding metal details with professional equipment in modern dark workshop. realisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed .png to raw_combined/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a nightly car race in tokyo, photo tak.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a nightly car race in tokyo, photo tak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best street photography, wide angle, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best street photography, wide angle, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/if the goat is the goal, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .png to raw_combined/if the goat is the goal, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/large rock is standing on a sandy beach with trees, in the style of hdr, postmodern sculptures, ligh.png to raw_combined/large rock is standing on a sandy beach with trees, in the style of hdr, postmodern sculptures, ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/luxury car splashed with mud in front of a luxury victorian hotel, , photographed with a Sony alpha .png to raw_combined/luxury car splashed with mud in front of a luxury victorian hotel, , photographed with a Sony alpha .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/swan, animation, c4d,studio light,clean bright background .txt to raw_combined/swan, animation, c4d,studio light,clean bright background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a new design concept for an inflatable and collapsible lounge chair, high gloss commercial shot, tre.png to raw_combined/a new design concept for an inflatable and collapsible lounge chair, high gloss commercial shot, tre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/national geographic photo, epic technology, 8k resolution .png to raw_combined/national geographic photo, epic technology, 8k resolution .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a perfect cocktail on a bar counter .txt to raw_combined/a perfect cocktail on a bar counter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dynamic overhead front view of an orange sports car porrargini developed in 2057, streamlined and ae.png to raw_combined/dynamic overhead front view of an orange sports car porrargini developed in 2057, streamlined and ae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, hig.png to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/thuna fish by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/thuna fish by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a new design concept for an inflatable and collapsible lounge chair, high gloss commercial shot, tre.txt to raw_combined/a new design concept for an inflatable and collapsible lounge chair, high gloss commercial shot, tre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/blue whale 8k,reality, .png to raw_combined/blue whale 8k,reality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/In the early morning, Baikal, the morning light is lingering, the mist is like gauze, the shadow of .txt to raw_combined/In the early morning, Baikal, the morning light is lingering, the mist is like gauze, the shadow of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dramatic boxing , close up, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high .txt to raw_combined/dramatic boxing , close up, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/an alien dictator, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/an alien dictator, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful young woman bodybuilder of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning femal.png to raw_combined/beautiful young woman bodybuilder of cute and dreamy, this exquisite image features a stunning femal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/scenes in an early morning subway in new york, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 .png to raw_combined/scenes in an early morning subway in new york, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Shiny colorful pastel glass marbles in a Mesmerizing pattern, photo, hd wallpaper, Sharp .txt to raw_combined/Shiny colorful pastel glass marbles in a Mesmerizing pattern, photo, hd wallpaper, Sharp .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two old pakistani men skateboarding down a street in pakistan, photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .txt to raw_combined/two old pakistani men skateboarding down a street in pakistan, photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A young woman dressed in a silk body suit is sitting on a barstool holding a camera on a tripod, pea.txt to raw_combined/A young woman dressed in a silk body suit is sitting on a barstool holding a camera on a tripod, pea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive running on rails over the top of a hill, dangerous situation, , wide angle lens, hi.txt to raw_combined/steam locomotive running on rails over the top of a hill, dangerous situation, , wide angle lens, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/realistic modern film Camera, photo realistic, blank background .txt to raw_combined/realistic modern film Camera, photo realistic, blank background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/engineering survey expertise .png to raw_combined/engineering survey expertise .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/old railways bridge deck Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/old railways bridge deck Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a car race from 1936s. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fineart print. Stock phot.txt to raw_combined/a car race from 1936s. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fineart print. Stock phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, an agressive hyena in background, hyperealistic, ambient lig.png to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, an agressive hyena in background, hyperealistic, ambient lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage heavy used slot machines in an abondoned casino from the 1950s , high details, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/vintage heavy used slot machines in an abondoned casino from the 1950s , high details, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/apacalypse girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hally.txt to raw_combined/apacalypse girl , model pose, street life scenes, neo street punk style, canon eos 5d mark iv, hally.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best street photography close up, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best street photography close up, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cinematic macro, wildlife photography .png to raw_combined/cinematic macro, wildlife photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best animal underwater photography, gorgeous magical nature photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best animal underwater photography, gorgeous magical nature photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two ballet dancers in pink tutus,ballet,a stage,love and passion,closeup,midafternoon,ballet dancers.png to raw_combined/two ballet dancers in pink tutus,ballet,a stage,love and passion,closeup,midafternoon,ballet dancers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/scenes in an early morning subway in new york, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 .txt to raw_combined/scenes in an early morning subway in new york, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photo of a financial desaster taken with a sony a7 r4 .png to raw_combined/a photo of a financial desaster taken with a sony a7 r4 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Futuristic military camp, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdetailed, stylized, cine.txt to raw_combined/Futuristic military camp, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdetailed, stylized, cine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two large dead trees that are standing on a beach near the beach, in the style of monochromatic geom.txt to raw_combined/two large dead trees that are standing on a beach near the beach, in the style of monochromatic geom.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/elderly man has a surprised face while experiencing virtual reality. realistic photo taken with a so.txt to raw_combined/elderly man has a surprised face while experiencing virtual reality. realistic photo taken with a so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Futuristic aircraft carrier in a bay at night, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdet.txt to raw_combined/Futuristic aircraft carrier in a bay at night, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning red panda in the rain forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, ta.png to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning red panda in the rain forest, no trademark, hight details, no blur, ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/african village, heavy used and rusty overland bus, on a rotten vintage gas ststion, waiting for the.txt to raw_combined/african village, heavy used and rusty overland bus, on a rotten vintage gas ststion, waiting for the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a girl portrait, photo taken with a so.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of a girl portrait, photo taken with a so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/der papst sitzt mit dem teufel bei einer tasse Tee in seinem arbeitszimmer, beide lachen, award winn.txt to raw_combined/der papst sitzt mit dem teufel bei einer tasse Tee in seinem arbeitszimmer, beide lachen, award winn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/concrete and wooden bauhaus architecture, award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a lei.png to raw_combined/concrete and wooden bauhaus architecture, award winning bw architecture photography taken witk a lei.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/prehistoric family in front of a cave, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, phot.png to raw_combined/prehistoric family in front of a cave, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Luminism oil painting, punk rock anthropomorphic golden retriever wearing a leather jacket, mohawk, .txt to raw_combined/Luminism oil painting, punk rock anthropomorphic golden retriever wearing a leather jacket, mohawk, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes cla 63 AMG as a pick up, showcar design style, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/mercedes cla 63 AMG as a pick up, showcar design style, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/golf sport, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png to raw_combined/golf sport, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of organic farming, photo taken with a so.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of organic farming, photo taken with a so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the side of a car, in the style of white and silver, imax, vintage lens, precisionist lines, truls e.png to raw_combined/the side of a car, in the style of white and silver, imax, vintage lens, precisionist lines, truls e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, forest grounds, brittle, bea.txt to raw_combined/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, forest grounds, brittle, bea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage heavy used slot machines in an abondoned casino from the 1950s , high details, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/vintage heavy used slot machines in an abondoned casino from the 1950s , high details, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the priestly monk travels to the bottom of hell, The red Prince of darkness trying to break the seal.png to raw_combined/the priestly monk travels to the bottom of hell, The red Prince of darkness trying to break the seal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two young women kissing each other in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, close up .png to raw_combined/two young women kissing each other in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, close up .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Ultra futurist tech abstract background. .txt to raw_combined/Ultra futurist tech abstract background. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a teenager rebelious pig, he is a badass, sort of humanized, he is smoking and has a defying attitud.txt to raw_combined/a teenager rebelious pig, he is a badass, sort of humanized, he is smoking and has a defying attitud.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/japanese vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K,.txt to raw_combined/japanese vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a beautiful and pensive little girl, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful and pensive little girl, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view on a battle scene between alien warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.txt to raw_combined/close up view on a battle scene between alien warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/missouri police car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography take.txt to raw_combined/missouri police car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography take.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing portrait art photography of firefighter after a shocking mission, in the style of ilford sfx.txt to raw_combined/amazing portrait art photography of firefighter after a shocking mission, in the style of ilford sfx.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a perfect cocktail on a bar counter .png to raw_combined/a perfect cocktail on a bar counter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bridge to nowhere, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/a bridge to nowhere, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a car race from 1936s. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fineart print. Stock phot.png to raw_combined/a car race from 1936s. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fineart print. Stock phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby owls on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt to raw_combined/3 baby owls on a rainforest branch, blurry jungle in background, hyperealistic, ambient light, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/colorful sculpture made of sea glass sand water driftwood, balance, zen, .png to raw_combined/colorful sculpture made of sea glass sand water driftwood, balance, zen, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/portrait of a ww1 pilot .txt to raw_combined/portrait of a ww1 pilot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/everything is under control high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high reso.txt to raw_combined/everything is under control high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high reso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a pirate treasure, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional food photo, .png to raw_combined/a pirate treasure, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional food photo, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage art nouveau espresso macine on a bar counter, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional f.txt to raw_combined/vintage art nouveau espresso macine on a bar counter, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, professional f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a non funny clown, Contemporary abstract painting A Tale from Ko Samet Somphong Adulyasarapan and Ka.txt to raw_combined/a non funny clown, Contemporary abstract painting A Tale from Ko Samet Somphong Adulyasarapan and Ka.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/blue whale 8k,reality, .txt to raw_combined/blue whale 8k,reality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/yellow Automatic Guided Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distribution war.txt to raw_combined/yellow Automatic Guided Vehicle amidst shelves with cardboard boxes in contemporary distribution war.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the death as a golfer .png to raw_combined/the death as a golfer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photography of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper, in the style of apocalypse, raw versu.png to raw_combined/photography of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper, in the style of apocalypse, raw versu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed, .png to raw_combined/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/tree hd wallpaper, floats, tree, in the style of ethereal seascapes, indonesian art, backlit photogr.txt to raw_combined/tree hd wallpaper, floats, tree, in the style of ethereal seascapes, indonesian art, backlit photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, futuristic anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .png to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, futuristic anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a gourmet buffet, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt to raw_combined/close up detail of a gourmet buffet, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best product photography, hyper futuristic expedition SUV, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best product photography, hyper futuristic expedition SUV, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/national geographic photo, epic technology, 8k resolution .txt to raw_combined/national geographic photo, epic technology, 8k resolution .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/model legs, detail, macro lens, , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt to raw_combined/model legs, detail, macro lens, , high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/ultra realistic 4k tropical paradise beach background wide angle shot on digital DSLR camera, cinema.png to raw_combined/ultra realistic 4k tropical paradise beach background wide angle shot on digital DSLR camera, cinema.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a row of black benches outside of a glass building, in the style of religious iconography, ilford sf.txt to raw_combined/a row of black benches outside of a glass building, in the style of religious iconography, ilford sf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a charismatic rockstar in concert, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png to raw_combined/a charismatic rockstar in concert, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two lanterns in black and white, in the style of joão artur da silva, light skyblue and light white,.txt to raw_combined/two lanterns in black and white, in the style of joão artur da silva, light skyblue and light white,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/passenger ship in heavy storm, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt to raw_combined/passenger ship in heavy storm, , bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/round and round and round and round .txt to raw_combined/round and round and round and round .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing street photography, girls in rome in the 1960s , in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, co.txt to raw_combined/amazing street photography, girls in rome in the 1960s , in the style of ilford sfx, villagecore, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/forrest truck at nabors park, california, in the style of ndebele art, uhd image .txt to raw_combined/forrest truck at nabors park, california, in the style of ndebele art, uhd image .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/golf sport, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt to raw_combined/golf sport, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, close up, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, close up, hyperealistic, ambient light, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two blonde girls hugging eachother as friends, realistic photo style .txt to raw_combined/two blonde girls hugging eachother as friends, realistic photo style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Cyprus impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, raw, detailed .png to raw_combined/Cyprus impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, raw, detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive running on rails through a mysterious rain forest, dangerous situation, , wide angl.txt to raw_combined/steam locomotive running on rails through a mysterious rain forest, dangerous situation, , wide angl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a deer sourrounded by a wolf pack in winter landscape, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme d.png to raw_combined/a deer sourrounded by a wolf pack in winter landscape, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Portrait of amazing, stunning australian shephard dog in front of some blurred sheeps, no trademark,.txt to raw_combined/Portrait of amazing, stunning australian shephard dog in front of some blurred sheeps, no trademark,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a freaky car at the beach, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/a freaky car at the beach, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/imagine Realistic photography. New York street photograpy. award winning art photo, unusual scene, I.txt to raw_combined/imagine Realistic photography. New York street photograpy. award winning art photo, unusual scene, I.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/swan, animation, c4d,studio light,clean bright background .png to raw_combined/swan, animation, c4d,studio light,clean bright background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive running on rails over the top of a hill, dangerous situation, , wide angle lens, hi.png to raw_combined/steam locomotive running on rails over the top of a hill, dangerous situation, , wide angle lens, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of a vintage car, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png to raw_combined/close up detail of a vintage car, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, detailed, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/full body, Electrified flowing particle fashion, ethereal fabrics, in the style of Diety, fashion we.png to raw_combined/full body, Electrified flowing particle fashion, ethereal fabrics, in the style of Diety, fashion we.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A young woman dressed in a silk body suit is sitting on a barstool holding a camera on a tripod, pea.png to raw_combined/A young woman dressed in a silk body suit is sitting on a barstool holding a camera on a tripod, pea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/der papst sitzt mit dem teufel bei einer tasse Tee in seinem arbeitszimmer, beide lachen, award winn.png to raw_combined/der papst sitzt mit dem teufel bei einer tasse Tee in seinem arbeitszimmer, beide lachen, award winn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful beach girl, blonde hair, blue eye, girl in black mesh tights dress, open fit abs, shorts, .txt to raw_combined/beautiful beach girl, blonde hair, blue eye, girl in black mesh tights dress, open fit abs, shorts, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed, .txt to raw_combined/a navy seals operation, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, realistic, detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, forest grounds, brittle, bea.png to raw_combined/Professional photography by Helgisa, realistic close up, photo realism, forest grounds, brittle, bea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/funny fruit transformer .txt to raw_combined/funny fruit transformer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two blonde girls hugging eachother as lovers, realistic photo style .txt to raw_combined/two blonde girls hugging eachother as lovers, realistic photo style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mexican vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .png to raw_combined/mexican vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/getting energy in the future, national geographic style, realistic, photo taken with a nikon d 850, .png to raw_combined/getting energy in the future, national geographic style, realistic, photo taken with a nikon d 850, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a hand insert a coin into a piggy bank .png to raw_combined/a hand insert a coin into a piggy bank .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a clown in action, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .png to raw_combined/a clown in action, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/bubble gum by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png to raw_combined/bubble gum by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/maine coast, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .png to raw_combined/maine coast, seascape, detailed, national geographic photo taken with a sony a7 rIV .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/N.Y. fire truck car in action, in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photo.txt to raw_combined/N.Y. fire truck car in action, in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/monster, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/monster, by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a charismatic revolution leader, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, hi.png to raw_combined/a charismatic revolution leader, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/agressive mushrooms, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution,.txt to raw_combined/agressive mushrooms, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Picture an isolated bus shelter under the cloak of night. The scene is eerie, reminiscent of a suspe.png to raw_combined/Picture an isolated bus shelter under the cloak of night. The scene is eerie, reminiscent of a suspe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the bronx, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .png to raw_combined/the bronx, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, high contrast .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the waterfalls and mountains in a valley set against sunset, in the style of photobash, prairiecore,.txt to raw_combined/the waterfalls and mountains in a valley set against sunset, in the style of photobash, prairiecore,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of an electric guitar played during a rock concert, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, d.png to raw_combined/close up detail of an electric guitar played during a rock concert, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of street photography, photo taken w.png to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of street photography, photo taken w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/view from top, product photo extremely detailed luxury candy box with belgium chocolate candies insi.png to raw_combined/view from top, product photo extremely detailed luxury candy box with belgium chocolate candies insi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/missouri police car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography take.png to raw_combined/missouri police car in the 1960s, small village, realistic, detailed, award winning photography take.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/if jesus was a girl, model pose, cinematic, photography .txt to raw_combined/if jesus was a girl, model pose, cinematic, photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mosses lichens flowers nano world detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights.png to raw_combined/mosses lichens flowers nano world detail, macro lens, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the gunslinger cowboy, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolutio.png to raw_combined/the gunslinger cowboy, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolutio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of organic farming, photo taken with a so.txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary art interpretation of organic farming, photo taken with a so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/amazing node beach scene, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt to raw_combined/amazing node beach scene, bw high class art photography taken with a leice m10 monochrome, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/bubble gum by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt to raw_combined/bubble gum by Mert Alas, moody lighting, large contrast, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, l fantasy art, symmetric .png to raw_combined/2 caress lesbian feminine pin up girls, l fantasy art, symmetric .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/ultra luxury yacht, explorer yacht type, trawler style , futuristic , huracan style, style mclaren,y.png to raw_combined/ultra luxury yacht, explorer yacht type, trawler style , futuristic , huracan style, style mclaren,y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a modern hydrogen powered vehicle .png to raw_combined/a modern hydrogen powered vehicle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/alien poker round, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/alien poker round, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/military truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt to raw_combined/military truck, high details, photorealistic, cinematic lights .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/in the style of the game modern warfare, anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .png to raw_combined/in the style of the game modern warfare, anti alien squad team, realistic photo. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/wedding, grirls, 35mm, photorealistic, ultrahigh definition .txt to raw_combined/wedding, grirls, 35mm, photorealistic, ultrahigh definition .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/the side of a car, in the style of white and silver, imax, vintage lens, precisionist lines, truls e.txt to raw_combined/the side of a car, in the style of white and silver, imax, vintage lens, precisionist lines, truls e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/on a beach where clothes are not necessary, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, r.txt to raw_combined/on a beach where clothes are not necessary, hd, shot from a camera, 35 mm, wide angle, upper shot, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/weathered explorer comes across gigantic 1000 ft tall eldritch ruin monuments remnants amongst the d.txt to raw_combined/weathered explorer comes across gigantic 1000 ft tall eldritch ruin monuments remnants amongst the d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photography of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper, in the style of apocalypse, raw versu.txt to raw_combined/photography of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper, in the style of apocalypse, raw versu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cinematic macro, wildlife photography .txt to raw_combined/cinematic macro, wildlife photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage TV in an abandoned hotel room from the 1960s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic light.txt to raw_combined/vintage TV in an abandoned hotel room from the 1960s , high details, photorealistic, cinematic light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/estonian women with traditional folk dresses riding a bike on an island through a forest, summer wea.png to raw_combined/estonian women with traditional folk dresses riding a bike on an island through a forest, summer wea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/realistic modern film Camera, photo realistic, blank background .png to raw_combined/realistic modern film Camera, photo realistic, blank background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a non funny clown, Contemporary abstract painting A Tale from Ko Samet Somphong Adulyasarapan and Ka.png to raw_combined/a non funny clown, Contemporary abstract painting A Tale from Ko Samet Somphong Adulyasarapan and Ka.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/large rock is standing on a sandy beach with trees, in the style of hdr, postmodern sculptures, ligh.txt to raw_combined/large rock is standing on a sandy beach with trees, in the style of hdr, postmodern sculptures, ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/technical developement .txt to raw_combined/technical developement .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/roaring lion silhouette between two baobabs in african savanna at sunset, professional master class .txt to raw_combined/roaring lion silhouette between two baobabs in african savanna at sunset, professional master class .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photo straight from back, beautiful woman legs in stockings, intricate details, ultra highly realist.png to raw_combined/photo straight from back, beautiful woman legs in stockings, intricate details, ultra highly realist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Futuristic military camp, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdetailed, stylized, cine.png to raw_combined/Futuristic military camp, in the style of Syd Mead and Shusei Nagaoka, Hyperdetailed, stylized, cine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bee collecting pollen from a beautiful intricate elaborate flower an intricate detailed bee colle.png to raw_combined/a bee collecting pollen from a beautiful intricate elaborate flower an intricate detailed bee colle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/frontal view, rusty steampunk post apocalyptic amtrain racing through a snowy landscape, photo taken.txt to raw_combined/frontal view, rusty steampunk post apocalyptic amtrain racing through a snowy landscape, photo taken.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up on a rattlesnake on a desert road, a blurry truck in background which comes nearer .png to raw_combined/close up on a rattlesnake on a desert road, a blurry truck in background which comes nearer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/some beautiful but creepy girls, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .png to raw_combined/some beautiful but creepy girls, realistic, award winning fantasy photo taken with a nikon d850 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/italian vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .png to raw_combined/italian vintage village architecture impression, professional lifestyle photography, realistic, 8K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/minimalist great blue heron, Inception portrait full body profile in sky blue and brown 3D tromp loe.txt to raw_combined/minimalist great blue heron, Inception portrait full body profile in sky blue and brown 3D tromp loe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, close up of 3 Cocktails on a vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magica.png to raw_combined/best interior photography, close up of 3 Cocktails on a vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magica.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/barbiecore, using hamonious multi colors, concrete wall background, floral, vines, hd background ima.txt to raw_combined/barbiecore, using hamonious multi colors, concrete wall background, floral, vines, hd background ima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/frontal view on amazing, stunning Greyhound dogs on a race track, no trademark, hight details, no bl.txt to raw_combined/frontal view on amazing, stunning Greyhound dogs on a race track, no trademark, hight details, no bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two young women kissing each other in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, close up .txt to raw_combined/two young women kissing each other in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, close up .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/an alien dictator, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/an alien dictator, photographed with a Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bar full of alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detail, golden ratio, co.txt to raw_combined/a bar full of alien insect warriors and high tech soldiers from earth, high detail, golden ratio, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cute feminine pin up girl, design by hajime sorayama and fantasy art, symmetric .png to raw_combined/cute feminine pin up girl, design by hajime sorayama and fantasy art, symmetric .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/acicuzirrow hitobeno, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png to raw_combined/acicuzirrow hitobeno, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two blonde girls hugging eachother as lovers, realistic photo style .png to raw_combined/two blonde girls hugging eachother as lovers, realistic photo style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view architectural arch of a gothic castle, dark fantasy, series ancient stone, moss, antiq.txt to raw_combined/close up view architectural arch of a gothic castle, dark fantasy, series ancient stone, moss, antiq.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/alien poker round, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/alien poker round, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic hightech surfers SUV, easy livin style, on a natural wild beach, summer, award winning ph.txt to raw_combined/futuristic hightech surfers SUV, easy livin style, on a natural wild beach, summer, award winning ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a bridge to nowhere, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt to raw_combined/a bridge to nowhere, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lanting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/getting energy in the future, national geographic style, realistic, photo taken with a nikon d 850, .txt to raw_combined/getting energy in the future, national geographic style, realistic, photo taken with a nikon d 850, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/ultra realistic 4k tropical paradise beach background wide angle shot on digital DSLR camera, cinema.txt to raw_combined/ultra realistic 4k tropical paradise beach background wide angle shot on digital DSLR camera, cinema.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/beautiful girls standing under a stars and stripes flagphotography detailedrealistic epicdetail8K pi.png to raw_combined/beautiful girls standing under a stars and stripes flagphotography detailedrealistic epicdetail8K pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage heavy used saxophone in an abondoned jazz club from the 1930s , high details, photorealistic.txt to raw_combined/vintage heavy used saxophone in an abondoned jazz club from the 1930s , high details, photorealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/In the early morning, Baikal, the morning light is lingering, the mist is like gauze, the shadow of .png to raw_combined/In the early morning, Baikal, the morning light is lingering, the mist is like gauze, the shadow of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/image of future farmer tools of flying drone spraying pesticides on wet agriculture field with rows .png to raw_combined/image of future farmer tools of flying drone spraying pesticides on wet agriculture field with rows .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/businesswoman explaining whiteboard background photorealistic .png to raw_combined/businesswoman explaining whiteboard background photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/mercedes 600 pick up, showcar design style, photorealist .png to raw_combined/mercedes 600 pick up, showcar design style, photorealist .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/photo of a death metal concert where all in audience are ghosts.png to raw_combined/photo of a death metal concert where all in audience are ghosts.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, vintage barber shop in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best interior photography, vintage barber shop in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/this is an image of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper with an aluminum roof and wheels,.txt to raw_combined/this is an image of a mean hot rod apocalyptic recreational camper with an aluminum roof and wheels,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/very cute 24yearold girl .png to raw_combined/very cute 24yearold girl .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/masterclass portrait photo of a broker who lost all his money, bw high class art photography taken w.png to raw_combined/masterclass portrait photo of a broker who lost all his money, bw high class art photography taken w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best street photography, wide angle, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png to raw_combined/best street photography, wide angle, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two large dead trees that are standing on a beach near the beach, in the style of monochromatic geom.png to raw_combined/two large dead trees that are standing on a beach near the beach, in the style of monochromatic geom.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of fashion, photo taken with a sony .txt to raw_combined/a photography which show a contemporary abstract interpretation of fashion, photo taken with a sony .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up detail of an electric guitar played during a rock concert, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, d.txt to raw_combined/close up detail of an electric guitar played during a rock concert, photo taken with a sony a7 r4, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a guy is in an empty bus looking out an window, in the style of disintegrated, sepia tone, trapped e.png to raw_combined/a guy is in an empty bus looking out an window, in the style of disintegrated, sepia tone, trapped e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/vintage heavy used saxophone in an abondoned jazz club from the 1930s , high details, photorealistic.png to raw_combined/vintage heavy used saxophone in an abondoned jazz club from the 1930s , high details, photorealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/full body, Electrified flowing particle fashion, ethereal fabrics, in the style of Diety, fashion we.txt to raw_combined/full body, Electrified flowing particle fashion, ethereal fabrics, in the style of Diety, fashion we.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/steam locomotive belches smoke detail, wide angle lens, high details, view from below, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a row of black benches outside of a glass building, in the style of religious iconography, ilford sf.png to raw_combined/a row of black benches outside of a glass building, in the style of religious iconography, ilford sf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/cowboy on his horse in the middle of a running bison herd .png to raw_combined/cowboy on his horse in the middle of a running bison herd .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/if jesus was a girl, model pose, cinematic, photography .png to raw_combined/if jesus was a girl, model pose, cinematic, photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a hand insert a coin into a piggy bank .txt to raw_combined/a hand insert a coin into a piggy bank .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/front view on a business jet on airfield. symmetric shape, intricate realistic, intricate detailed, .txt to raw_combined/front view on a business jet on airfield. symmetric shape, intricate realistic, intricate detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a beautifull high class black model in an open fur coat and silky stockings walk down the 5th avenue.txt to raw_combined/a beautifull high class black model in an open fur coat and silky stockings walk down the 5th avenue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/close up view architectural arch of a gothic castle, dark fantasy, series ancient stone, moss, antiq.png to raw_combined/close up view architectural arch of a gothic castle, dark fantasy, series ancient stone, moss, antiq.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a rotten vintage caroussel in the forest, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lantin.png to raw_combined/a rotten vintage caroussel in the forest, Sony alpha a7r, extreme detail, HDR, photo by Frans Lantin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best animal underwater photography, gorgeous magical nature photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best animal underwater photography, gorgeous magical nature photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/best interior photography, vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt to raw_combined/best interior photography, vintage bar counter in rome, gorgeous magical photography, by Bujbal .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/eliminated, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy a.txt to raw_combined/eliminated, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/eliminated, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy a.png to raw_combined/eliminated, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Five beautiful girls stand under a fivestar red flagphotography detailed4K8Koctane render realistic .png to raw_combined/Five beautiful girls stand under a fivestar red flagphotography detailed4K8Koctane render realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/breathtaking babe , Margot Robbie chapter design, large buns, beautiful girl,sauna, ultra feminine, .txt to raw_combined/breathtaking babe , Margot Robbie chapter design, large buns, beautiful girl,sauna, ultra feminine, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/award winning art photography .png to raw_combined/award winning art photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Photorealistic image, two beautiful girls kiss passionately with tongues, hyperrealism, intricate de.png to raw_combined/Photorealistic image, two beautiful girls kiss passionately with tongues, hyperrealism, intricate de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/A professional frontal shot of a tabby cat walking down an alley with red brick houses. Lots of natu.txt to raw_combined/A professional frontal shot of a tabby cat walking down an alley with red brick houses. Lots of natu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/futuristic robot welding metal details with professional equipment in modern dark workshop. realisti.txt to raw_combined/futuristic robot welding metal details with professional equipment in modern dark workshop. realisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a young ballerina in white tutu,ballet dancer,a studio,a ballet dancer in a white tutu,a medium clos.png to raw_combined/a young ballerina in white tutu,ballet dancer,a studio,a ballet dancer in a white tutu,a medium clos.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/war dogs, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy atm.txt to raw_combined/war dogs, high detail, golden ratio, correct proportions, perfect photo, high resolution, gloomy atm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/Aerial view of a tropical Caribbean island shaped like a heart, realistic photo taken with a sony a7.png to raw_combined/Aerial view of a tropical Caribbean island shaped like a heart, realistic photo taken with a sony a7.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, a hungry hyenna in background, hyperealistic, ambient light,.txt to raw_combined/3 baby lion cubs in the savannah grass, a hungry hyenna in background, hyperealistic, ambient light,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/dynamic overhead front view of an orange sports car porrargini developed in 2057, streamlined and ae.txt to raw_combined/dynamic overhead front view of an orange sports car porrargini developed in 2057, streamlined and ae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/a group of girls doing Burpees during a class, sweating but calm, group of girls like a community, w.txt to raw_combined/a group of girls doing Burpees during a class, sweating but calm, group of girls like a community, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/two blonde girls hugging eachother as friends, realistic photo style .png to raw_combined/two blonde girls hugging eachother as friends, realistic photo style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_9/australian outback bushfire cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos take.png to raw_combined/australian outback bushfire cinematic shot photos taken by ARRI, photos taken by sony, photos take.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone sheer lace on C.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone sheer lace on C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, shee.txt to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, shee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink and white organza .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink and white organza .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short tutu, bob haircut, sheer bridal white organza, in La Per.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short tutu, bob haircut, sheer bridal white organza, in La Per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, brunette short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, brunette short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short brunette bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short brunette bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, smiling happy, sheer bridal lace, white p.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, smiling happy, sheer bridal lace, white p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiel.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, organ.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, organ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy haute couture clothes lingeri .png to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy haute couture clothes lingeri .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pi.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, extreme.txt to raw_combined/ Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, extreme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/girl, red hair, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, drop waist p.png to raw_combined/girl, red hair, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, drop waist p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, underbust, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, underbust, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant w.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer detailed bridal lace, sheer white p.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer detailed bridal lace, sheer white p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, b.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion modesl Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace,.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion modesl Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink and white organza .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink and white organza .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pin.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink o.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, organza Calais bridal lace, sheer white pi.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, organza Calais bridal lace, sheer white pi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, i.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Etam catwalk .png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Etam catwalk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models in backstage dressing room in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models in backstage dressing room in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink or.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink or.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal la.png to raw_combined/style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant .png to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina A.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.txt to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander asstunning fantasy fashion models wearing L.png to raw_combined/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander asstunning fantasy fashion models wearing L.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink o.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, s.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all whi.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all whi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/girl, red hair, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, drop waist p.txt to raw_combined/girl, red hair, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, drop waist p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillia.png to raw_combined/ Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel organza.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel organza.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white organza, dr.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white organza, dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, dressed in sheer Calais bridal lace, white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, dressed in sheer Calais bridal lace, white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink pastel organza, d.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink pastel organza, d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink pastel organza, d.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink pastel organza, d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, bri.png to raw_combined/goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, bri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone sheer lace on C.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone sheer lace on C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Etam catwalk .txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Etam catwalk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, shee.png to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, shee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models in backstage dressing room in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models in backstage dressing room in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.txt to raw_combined/alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Kendal Jenner wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Kendal Jenner wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer all white o.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer all white o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brillia.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brillia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink pastel orga.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink pastel orga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture i.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/stunning fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt to raw_combined/stunning fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer detailed bridal lace, sheer white p.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer detailed bridal lace, sheer white p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.txt to raw_combined/Alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/detailed cinematic photo of gal gadot and kendall jenner la perla neoprene couture desire , fantasy .txt to raw_combined/detailed cinematic photo of gal gadot and kendall jenner la perla neoprene couture desire , fantasy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in elite Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cris.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in elite Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cris.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture i.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, organ.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, organ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pink.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal intricate lace, b.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal intricate lace, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, .png to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri on Et.png to raw_combined/ beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri on Et.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Gal Gadot and Alicia Vikander as fashion model, couture, fantasy, in La Perla Neoprene Desire, lace,.txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot and Alicia Vikander as fashion model, couture, fantasy, in La Perla Neoprene Desire, lace,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haricut, orga.txt to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haricut, orga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel o.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, lace underbust, sheer w.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, lace underbust, sheer w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short organza tutu, bob hairc.txt to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short organza tutu, bob hairc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, all .txt to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, all .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza drop wais.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza drop wais.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink organza, dr.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink organza, dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel o.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, brunette short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, brunette short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant w.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway Rome, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway Rome, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all whi.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all whi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, bralette, lace, sheer organza.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, bralette, lace, sheer organza.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, shee.png to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, shee.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel organza.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer pink and pastel organza.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.png to raw_combined/Alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/detailed cinematic photo of gal gadot and kendall jenner la perla neoprene couture desire , fantasy .png to raw_combined/detailed cinematic photo of gal gadot and kendall jenner la perla neoprene couture desire , fantasy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Chantilly bridal lace, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Chantilly bridal lace, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ smiling aluringfashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Ling.png to raw_combined/ smiling aluringfashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Ling.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri on Et.txt to raw_combined/ beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri on Et.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, lace underbust, sheer w.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, lace underbust, sheer w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, smiling happy, sheer bridal lace, white p.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, smiling happy, sheer bridal lace, white p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillia.txt to raw_combined/ Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Lingeri ,o.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Lingeri ,o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink or.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink or.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fashion La Perla Neoprene desire and Cr.txt to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fashion La Perla Neoprene desire and Cr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Kendal Jenner wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Kendal Jenner wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway Rome, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway Rome, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Crist.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Crist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cristina Aaielli Couture in la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander asstunning fantasy fashion models wearing L.txt to raw_combined/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander asstunning fantasy fashion models wearing L.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, organza Calais bridal lace, sheer white pi.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, organza Calais bridal lace, sheer white pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, dr.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza drop wais.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza drop wais.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel pink orga.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel pink orga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cl.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer bodice Calais bridal lace, brilliant white .txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer bodice Calais bridal lace, brilliant white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink organza peplum, in.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink organza peplum, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, bri.txt to raw_combined/goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, bri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.png to raw_combined/alicia vikander Kendal Jenner as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, b.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal butterfly lace, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal butterfly lace, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Lise Charm.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Lise Charm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Crist.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Crist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal Chantilly lace, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, year 2050 dressed in La Perla Neoprene Des.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, year 2050 dressed in La Perla Neoprene Des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white.txt to raw_combined/ style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone lace on Catwa.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone lace on Catwa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Chantilly bridal lace, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Chantilly bridal lace, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri ,on Et.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri ,on Et.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Lingeri ,o.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Lingeri ,o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant .txt to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, br.txt to raw_combined/ goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes .txt to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina A.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/fashion shoot, sheer fantasy lace, Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot in white and pale pink short dress,.png to raw_combined/fashion shoot, sheer fantasy lace, Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot in white and pale pink short dress,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Et.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Et.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short peplum tutu, bob haircut, a.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short peplum tutu, bob haircut, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short organza tutu, bob hairc.png to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short organza tutu, bob hairc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haricut, orga.png to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haricut, orga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy haute couture clothes lingeri .txt to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy haute couture clothes lingeri .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer bodice Calais bridal lace, brilliant white .png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer bodice Calais bridal lace, brilliant white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fashion La Perla Neoprene desire and Cr.png to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fashion La Perla Neoprene desire and Cr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cl.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Cl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink organza, dr.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink organza, dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer w.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, happy.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, happy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short tutu, bob haircut, sheer bridal white organza, in La Per.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short tutu, bob haircut, sheer bridal white organza, in La Per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white pink organ.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white pink organ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, underbust, sheer white .txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, underbust, sheer white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal butterfly lace, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal butterfly lace, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashions model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white p.png to raw_combined/goddess fashions model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Et.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli Couture Lingeri ,on Et.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillian.txt to raw_combined/Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, .txt to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.txt to raw_combined/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Gandalf the grey fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aie.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Gandalf the grey fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Gandalf the grey fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aie.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Gandalf the grey fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ alicia vikander and Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desi.txt to raw_combined/ alicia vikander and Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, i.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all pink organza,.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all pink organza,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dr.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, dr.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, bridal lace, sheer white pink organza, dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion modesl Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace,.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion modesl Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white .txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal la.txt to raw_combined/style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white pink organ.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white pink organ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla .png to raw_combined/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white organ.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white organ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Lise Charm.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Lise Charm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer w.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes .png to raw_combined/high detail raw color photo, beautiful fashion models wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, extreme.png to raw_combined/ Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, extreme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dr.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink organza, dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, all .png to raw_combined/goddess and fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short tutu, bob haircut, all .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashions model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white p.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashions model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, shee.txt to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, shee.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace bodice, blous.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace bodice, blous.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, br.png to raw_combined/ goddess Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, happy.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, teddy, happy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza tutu pepl.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza tutu pepl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillian.png to raw_combined/Goddess Gal Gadot Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brillian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza tutu pepl.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza tutu pepl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in elite Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cris.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on catwalk runway in elite Milan, dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cris.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Gal Gadot and Alicia Vikander as fashion model, couture, fantasy, in La Perla Neoprene Desire, lace,.png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot and Alicia Vikander as fashion model, couture, fantasy, in La Perla Neoprene Desire, lace,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white .png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed in La.png to raw_combined/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed in La.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, year 2050 dressed in La Perla Neoprene Des.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models on Etam catwalk runway in Milan, year 2050 dressed in La Perla Neoprene Des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pi.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white pi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.png to raw_combined/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desire, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white.png to raw_combined/ style raw, goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal intricate lace, b.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal intricate lace, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ smiling aluringfashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Ling.txt to raw_combined/ smiling aluringfashion models wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aielli chantilly lace Ling.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiel.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, bralette, lace, sheer organza.png to raw_combined/beautiful fashion model wearing fantasy fashion haute couture clothes, bralette, lace, sheer organza.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all pink organza,.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer all pink organza,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, extremely sheer bridal lace, sheer white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/fashion shoot, sheer fantasy lace, Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot in white and pale pink short dress,.txt to raw_combined/fashion shoot, sheer fantasy lace, Alicia Vikander and Gal Gadot in white and pale pink short dress,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace bodice, blous.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace bodice, blous.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.png to raw_combined/ Rebecca Bagno Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer all white o.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer all white o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri ,on Et.txt to raw_combined/beautiful fashion models La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture, Cristina Aielli lace Lingeri ,on Et.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white organ.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white organ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white organza, dr.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer white organza, dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pin.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer white pin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/ alicia vikander and Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desi.png to raw_combined/ alicia vikander and Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway in La Perla Neoprene Desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink organza peplum, in.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, pink organza peplum, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone lace on Catwa.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Patrice Catanzaro wearing La Perla Neoprene Desire and Claire Pettibone lace on Catwa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, s.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, white organza peplum, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brillia.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander Gal Gadot short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer brillia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla .txt to raw_combined/raw detailed photo of Rebecca Bagnol and Alicia Vikander as fantasy fashion models wearing La Perla .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel pink orga.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pastel pink orga.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, dressed in sheer Calais bridal lace, white .png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short bob haircut, dressed in sheer Calais bridal lace, white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink pastel orga.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Alicia Vikander, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, sheer pink pastel orga.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed in La.txt to raw_combined/alicia vikander Gal Gadot as fantasy fashion models on catwalk runway Italian Mansion, dressed in La.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short peplum tutu, bob haircut, a.png to raw_combined/goddess fashion model La Perla Neoprene Desire Haute Couture Lace, short peplum tutu, bob haircut, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol in fine photograph, fantasy fashion in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Bordelle, Claire Pet.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol in fine photograph, fantasy fashion in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Bordelle, Claire Pet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander short bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer brilliant white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol in fine photograph, fantasy fashion in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Bordelle, Claire Pet.png to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol in fine photograph, fantasy fashion in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Bordelle, Claire Pet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/stunning fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png to raw_combined/stunning fashion models Alicia Vikander fantasty dressed in La Perla Neoprene Desire, Cristina Aiell.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.txt to raw_combined/Rebecca Bagnol Alicia Vikander as fashion models, short bob haircut, sheer bridal lace, brilliant w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_22/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short brunette bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.txt to raw_combined/goddess fashion model Rebecca Bagnol, short brunette bob haircut, sheer Calais bridal lace, sheer wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/crazy fine art, little psyche, anime and cartoon art, landscape, picnic installation, artistic .png to raw_combined/crazy fine art, little psyche, anime and cartoon art, landscape, picnic installation, artistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon surface, view of earth .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon surface, view of earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of thailand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of thailand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of pirate ship, orange and black, sunset .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of pirate ship, orange and black, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/watercolor painting, carcassonne pastel bright and smooth colors, fine art , ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/watercolor painting, carcassonne pastel bright and smooth colors, fine art , ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, clear background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, clear background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a jeep on planet mars, space view, stars .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a jeep on planet mars, space view, stars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a ford mustang .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a ford mustang .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, zebra portrait .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, zebra portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract painting fine art, forrest, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/abstract painting fine art, forrest, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/illustration of Lorne is a town on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. Across from Lorne Be.png to raw_combined/illustration of Lorne is a town on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. Across from Lorne Be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn of yin and yand symbol, orange and black, graffiti painting outline, b.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn of yin and yand symbol, orange and black, graffiti painting outline, b.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a lake and.txt to raw_combined/a kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a lake and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a dolphin with 3d effect, black background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a dolphin with 3d effect, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an african landscape with a rhino charging in center, day lig.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an african landscape with a rhino charging in center, day lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a boxer with 3d effect, black background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a boxer with 3d effect, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon, orange and black, graffiti painting outline.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon, orange and black, graffiti painting outline.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a dolphin .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a dolphin .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, corgi portrait .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, corgi portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a boxer. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ultra.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a boxer. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ultra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a lake and.png to raw_combined/a kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a lake and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a football player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a football player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old classic vintage car .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old classic vintage car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti painting with watercolor outline of new york city .txt to raw_combined/graffiti painting with watercolor outline of new york city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a guitar player. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a guitar player. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors, psychedeli.png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors, psychedeli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract painting fine art, lake and flowers, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/abstract painting fine art, lake and flowers, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of grand canyon landscape, sunset, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of grand canyon landscape, sunset, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art, paris street scene, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art, paris street scene, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/crazy fine art, little psyche, anime and cartoon art, landscape, picnic installation, artistic .txt to raw_combined/crazy fine art, little psyche, anime and cartoon art, landscape, picnic installation, artistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art, paris street scene, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art, paris street scene, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of amazonia jungle, sunset, orange .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of amazonia jungle, sunset, orange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Beautiful sunflowers fields, view from a rustic kitchen with big patio door, cute, poetic, watercolo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful sunflowers fields, view from a rustic kitchen with big patio door, cute, poetic, watercolo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a classic car in street city, sunset, palm trees, orange and .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a classic car in street city, sunset, palm trees, orange and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a baseball player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a baseball player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a baseball player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a baseball player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a very detailed portrait of mona lisa with a cat .txt to raw_combined/a very detailed portrait of mona lisa with a cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a classic car in street city, sunset, palm trees, orange and .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a classic car in street city, sunset, palm trees, orange and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger30 and black panther35 , day and night20 , jungle20 , chi.png to raw_combined/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger30 and black panther35 , day and night20 , jungle20 , chi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Acadia National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png to raw_combined/Acadia National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, incas spirit .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, incas spirit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art .txt to raw_combined/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Yellowstone Caldera illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.png to raw_combined/Yellowstone Caldera illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a classic vintage car with 3d effect, clear background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a classic vintage car with 3d effect, clear background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a man boxing .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a man boxing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of new zealand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of new zealand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic elements and hi.txt to raw_combined/Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic elements and hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage mustang soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ul.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage mustang soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a boxer with 3d effect, black background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a boxer with 3d effect, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn cartoon scene of car race in the street of San Francisco, sunset .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn cartoon scene of car race in the street of San Francisco, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of gutave klimt, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of gutave klimt, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a american football player running with a ball in his hands. He is .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a american football player running with a ball in his hands. He is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a race with very fast cool cars .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a race with very fast cool cars .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a hollywood landscape with 3d effect, clear background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a hollywood landscape with 3d effect, clear background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a basketball player dunking with a ball in his hand. He is soaring .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a basketball player dunking with a ball in his hand. He is soaring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/mona lisa with headphones on, pop art style .txt to raw_combined/mona lisa with headphones on, pop art style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a grand piano, standing in a luxury appartment, with a big window giving a stunning view on a citysc.txt to raw_combined/a grand piano, standing in a luxury appartment, with a big window giving a stunning view on a citysc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, young man watching iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape from a wood bri.txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, young man watching iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape from a wood bri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old 1950 cadillac car .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old 1950 cadillac car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a grand piano, standing in a luxury appartment, with a big window giving a stunning view on a citysc.png to raw_combined/a grand piano, standing in a luxury appartment, with a big window giving a stunning view on a citysc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, black background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful hand drawn portrait of frida kahlo .txt to raw_combined/colorful hand drawn portrait of frida kahlo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/samurai on a galloping horse, dust, cinematic lighting, isolated, texas orange background, tritone, .png to raw_combined/samurai on a galloping horse, dust, cinematic lighting, isolated, texas orange background, tritone, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art, Georges Mathieu style, grey and pink .txt to raw_combined/abstract art, Georges Mathieu style, grey and pink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art on Georges Mathieu style .png to raw_combined/abstract art on Georges Mathieu style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/NFT desert 1 Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic el.txt to raw_combined/NFT desert 1 Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic el.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a classic vintage car with 3d effect, clear background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a classic vintage car with 3d effect, clear background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art on Georges Mathieu style .txt to raw_combined/abstract art on Georges Mathieu style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a guitar player. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a guitar player. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, picnic installation .png to raw_combined/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, picnic installation .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, path in the stars, constellation, goat, planets in the sky .txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, path in the stars, constellation, goat, planets in the sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/illustration of a futuristic astronaut profile pic, floating in the vastness of the universe .txt to raw_combined/illustration of a futuristic astronaut profile pic, floating in the vastness of the universe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, leopard walking in jungle .png to raw_combined/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, leopard walking in jungle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/mona lisa with headphones on, pop art style .png to raw_combined/mona lisa with headphones on, pop art style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic elements and hi.png to raw_combined/Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic elements and hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, black background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a beautiful fox with 3d effect, black background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a beautiful fox with 3d effect, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Grand Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt to raw_combined/Grand Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of marc chagall, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of marc chagall, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of mona lisa .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of mona lisa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors, psychedeli.txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors, psychedeli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/lowangle, photorealistic fashion photography, fullbody, wrapped in vines, water on the lens, glass s.txt to raw_combined/lowangle, photorealistic fashion photography, fullbody, wrapped in vines, water on the lens, glass s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of grand canyon landscape, sunset, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of grand canyon landscape, sunset, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Chicago cityscape, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Chicago cityscape, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/lowangle, photorealistic fashion photography, fullbody, wrapped in vines, water on the lens, glass s.png to raw_combined/lowangle, photorealistic fashion photography, fullbody, wrapped in vines, water on the lens, glass s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy hand drawn scene of a small library room in space, with a view in stars, planets and earth.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy hand drawn scene of a small library room in space, with a view in stars, planets and earth.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Acadia National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt to raw_combined/Acadia National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of eugene delacroix, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of eugene delacroix, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a jeep on planet mars, space view, stars .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a jeep on planet mars, space view, stars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of thailand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of thailand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, young man watching iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape from a wood bri.png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, young man watching iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape from a wood bri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Phone background of a surreal dreamscape with floating islands, in the style of fantastical and drea.png to raw_combined/Phone background of a surreal dreamscape with floating islands, in the style of fantastical and drea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a cat playing, clear background, .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a cat playing, clear background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon surface, view of earth .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon surface, view of earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art, Georges Mathieu paiting style, .txt to raw_combined/abstract art, Georges Mathieu paiting style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, black background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, clear background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, clear background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, lost island, water all around, tropical landscape, planets in the sky .png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, lost island, water all around, tropical landscape, planets in the sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Chicago cityscape, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Chicago cityscape, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, young man going down stairs in a greek coastal town in Santorini. unbelieva.png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, young man going down stairs in a greek coastal town in Santorini. unbelieva.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of new zealand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of new zealand landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, meditation, yoga .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, meditation, yoga .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, young man going down stairs in a greek coastal town in Santorini. unbelieva.txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, young man going down stairs in a greek coastal town in Santorini. unbelieva.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon, desert, view of earth, orange.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon, desert, view of earth, orange.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, jazz guitarist portrait .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, jazz guitarist portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art .png to raw_combined/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, yin and yang symbol .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, yin and yang symbol .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a rustic kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a s.png to raw_combined/a rustic kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a ford mustang with 3d effect, clear background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a ford mustang with 3d effect, clear background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a ford mustang .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a ford mustang .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors .png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of camille pissaro, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of camille pissaro, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a dolphin .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a dolphin .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Créer une interprétation abstraite de la musique, en utilisant des formes et des couleurs pour repré.png to raw_combined/Créer une interprétation abstraite de la musique, en utilisant des formes et des couleurs pour repré.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti painting with watercolor outline of new york city .png to raw_combined/graffiti painting with watercolor outline of new york city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of georges seurat, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of georges seurat, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of dolphins, orange, blue and black, sunset .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of dolphins, orange, blue and black, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of gutave klimt, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of gutave klimt, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of mona lisa .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of mona lisa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a panda in bamboo jungle .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a panda in bamboo jungle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of dolphins, orange, blue and black, sunset .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of dolphins, orange, blue and black, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a american football player running with a ball in his hands. He is .txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a american football player running with a ball in his hands. He is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/NFT desert 1 Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic el.png to raw_combined/NFT desert 1 Create a highresolution digital artwork in a square format that incorporates dynamic el.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of bora bora landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange, blue and bla.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of bora bora landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange, blue and bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Beautiful sunflowers fields, view from a rustic kitchen with big patio door, cute, poetic, watercolo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful sunflowers fields, view from a rustic kitchen with big patio door, cute, poetic, watercolo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art, home decor, yellow, abstract, creative, letter H, frames.png to raw_combined/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art, home decor, yellow, abstract, creative, letter H, frames.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, clear background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a wild desert landscape with 3d effect, clear background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn of yin and yand symbol, orange and black, graffiti painting outline, b.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn of yin and yand symbol, orange and black, graffiti painting outline, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a ford mustang with 3d effect, clear background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a ford mustang with 3d effect, clear background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, lost island, water all around, tropical landscape, planets in the sky .txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, lost island, water all around, tropical landscape, planets in the sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art, Georges Mathieu paiting style, .png to raw_combined/abstract art, Georges Mathieu paiting style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of pirate ship, orange and black, sunset .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of pirate ship, orange and black, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a very detailed portrait of mona lisa with a cat .png to raw_combined/a very detailed portrait of mona lisa with a cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of bora bora landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange, blue and bla.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of bora bora landscape, sunset, palm trees, orange, blue and bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/watercolor painting, carcassonne pastel bright and smooth colors, fine art , ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/watercolor painting, carcassonne pastel bright and smooth colors, fine art , ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, picnic installation .txt to raw_combined/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, picnic installation .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract painting fine art, forrest, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting fine art, forrest, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a cowboy on his horse .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a cowboy on his horse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a boxer. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ultra.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a boxer. He is soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ultra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, leopard walking in jungle .txt to raw_combined/anime luxury art, cartoon outline, drawing, artistic, digital, landscape, leopard walking in jungle .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old classic vintage car .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old classic vintage car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a beautiful fox with 3d effect, black background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a beautiful fox with 3d effect, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art, home decor, yellow, abstract, creative, letter H, frames.txt to raw_combined/colorful artistic vector logo for wall art, home decor, yellow, abstract, creative, letter H, frames.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old 1950 cadillac car .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a old 1950 cadillac car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a rustic kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a s.txt to raw_combined/a rustic kitchen that inspire comfort and creativity with a big window giving a stunning view on a s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, clear background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, clear background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/movie Seven Samurai 1954, illustration style, Japanese abstract style, .png to raw_combined/movie Seven Samurai 1954, illustration style, Japanese abstract style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Paris cityscape, sunset, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Paris cityscape, sunset, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage classic car soaring above a cityscape. The style should b.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage classic car soaring above a cityscape. The style should b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Cartoon colorful luxury art of a rhino drinking water in an african landscape .png to raw_combined/Cartoon colorful luxury art of a rhino drinking water in an african landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a man boxing .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a man boxing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of lake como, sunset, orange .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of lake como, sunset, orange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of claude monet, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of claude monet, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of georges seurat, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of georges seurat, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an african landscape with a rhino charging in center, day lig.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an african landscape with a rhino charging in center, day lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, incas spirit .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, incas spirit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/movie Seven Samurai 1954, illustration style, Japanese abstract style, .txt to raw_combined/movie Seven Samurai 1954, illustration style, Japanese abstract style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Phone background of a surreal dreamscape with floating islands, in the style of fantastical and drea.txt to raw_combined/Phone background of a surreal dreamscape with floating islands, in the style of fantastical and drea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors .txt to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, iguazu waterfalls unbelievable landscape, poetic, smooth colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a soccer pkayer shooting in a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a soccer pkayer shooting in a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/sky, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh Agle style, highly detaile.png to raw_combined/sky, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh Agle style, highly detaile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Grand Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png to raw_combined/Grand Canyon National Park illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of amazonia jungle, sunset, orange .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of amazonia jungle, sunset, orange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, black background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a man boxing with 3d effect, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn cartoon scene of car race in the street of San Francisco, sunset .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn cartoon scene of car race in the street of San Francisco, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/samurai on a galloping horse, dust, cinematic lighting, isolated, texas orange background, tritone, .txt to raw_combined/samurai on a galloping horse, dust, cinematic lighting, isolated, texas orange background, tritone, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Créer une interprétation abstraite de la musique, en utilisant des formes et des couleurs pour repré.txt to raw_combined/Créer une interprétation abstraite de la musique, en utilisant des formes et des couleurs pour repré.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger and black panther, day and night, jungle, sharp focus, m.txt to raw_combined/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger and black panther, day and night, jungle, sharp focus, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of eugene delacroix, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of eugene delacroix, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, yin and yang symbol .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, yin and yang symbol .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of claude monet, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of claude monet, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger and black panther, day and night, jungle, sharp focus, m.png to raw_combined/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger and black panther, day and night, jungle, sharp focus, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, corgi portrait .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, corgi portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/anime quality wallpaper, path in the stars, constellation, goat, planets in the sky .png to raw_combined/anime quality wallpaper, path in the stars, constellation, goat, planets in the sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/illustration of a futuristic astronaut profile pic, floating in the vastness of the universe .png to raw_combined/illustration of a futuristic astronaut profile pic, floating in the vastness of the universe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a old 1950 cadillac convertible car .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a old 1950 cadillac convertible car .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Yellowstone Caldera illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.txt to raw_combined/Yellowstone Caldera illustration, in the style of romantic blue sky,grandiose environments, photorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint of a hollywood landscape with 3d effect, clear background .txt to raw_combined/graffiti paint of a hollywood landscape with 3d effect, clear background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a panda in bamboo jungle .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a panda in bamboo jungle .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Watercolour small boat in beautiful lake beautifully detailed perfect details, watercolor styles, wh.png to raw_combined/Watercolour small boat in beautiful lake beautifully detailed perfect details, watercolor styles, wh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/illustration of Lorne is a town on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. Across from Lorne Be.txt to raw_combined/illustration of Lorne is a town on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. Across from Lorne Be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a soccer pkayer shooting in a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a soccer pkayer shooting in a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a old 1950 cadillac convertible car .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a old 1950 cadillac convertible car .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, meditation, yoga .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury abstract art, meditation, yoga .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/graffiti paint dripping painting of a dolphin with 3d effect, black background .png to raw_combined/graffiti paint dripping painting of a dolphin with 3d effect, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a cat playing, clear background, .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a cat playing, clear background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a relaxing bathroom with bathtube full of water, with a big window giving a stunning view on a lagoo.png to raw_combined/a relaxing bathroom with bathtube full of water, with a big window giving a stunning view on a lagoo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/colorful hand drawn portrait of frida kahlo .png to raw_combined/colorful hand drawn portrait of frida kahlo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a basketball player dunking with a ball in his hand. He is soaring .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a basketball player dunking with a ball in his hand. He is soaring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a fox and a wolf, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a fox and a wolf, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a fox and a wolf, orange and black .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a fox and a wolf, orange and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a relaxing bathroom with bathtube full of water, with a big window giving a stunning view on a lagoo.txt to raw_combined/a relaxing bathroom with bathtube full of water, with a big window giving a stunning view on a lagoo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a football player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a football player hitting a ball. He is soaring above a cityscape. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Paris cityscape, sunset, orange and black .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of Paris cityscape, sunset, orange and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract art, Georges Mathieu style, grey and pink .png to raw_combined/abstract art, Georges Mathieu style, grey and pink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon, orange and black, graffiti painting outline.png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of beautiful dragon, orange and black, graffiti painting outline.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger30 and black panther35 , day and night20 , jungle20 , chi.txt to raw_combined/double exposure yin and yang50, white tiger30 and black panther35 , day and night20 , jungle20 , chi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/abstract painting fine art, lake and flowers, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/abstract painting fine art, lake and flowers, pastel and soft colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, zebra portrait .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, zebra portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/sky, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh Agle style, highly detaile.txt to raw_combined/sky, grandiose environments, photorealistic landscapes, captivating, Josh Agle style, highly detaile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Watercolour small boat in beautiful lake beautifully detailed perfect details, watercolor styles, wh.txt to raw_combined/Watercolour small boat in beautiful lake beautifully detailed perfect details, watercolor styles, wh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, jazz guitarist portrait .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn luxury watercolor art, jazz guitarist portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a cowboy on his horse .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a cowboy on his horse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of camille pissaro, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of camille pissaro, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Cartoon colorful luxury art of a rhino drinking water in an african landscape .txt to raw_combined/Cartoon colorful luxury art of a rhino drinking water in an african landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage classic car soaring above a cityscape. The style should b.txt to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage classic car soaring above a cityscape. The style should b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage mustang soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ul.png to raw_combined/Create a photorealistic image of a vintage mustang soaring above a cityscape. The style should be ul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of lake como, sunset, orange .png to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of lake como, sunset, orange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a race with very fast cool cars .txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of a race with very fast cool cars .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy hand drawn scene of a small library room in space, with a view in stars, planets and earth.png to raw_combined/a sketchy hand drawn scene of a small library room in space, with a view in stars, planets and earth.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/painting fine art in the style of marc chagall, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt to raw_combined/painting fine art in the style of marc chagall, landscape, pastel colors, ultra detailed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_70/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon, desert, view of earth, orange.txt to raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn scene of an old classic car on the moon, desert, view of earth, orange.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic happy shot with no look to camera of a flirty, gorgeous Indonesian female.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic happy shot with no look to camera of a flirty, gorgeous Indonesian female.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Hobby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt to raw_combined/David Hobby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindbending scenario, with the captivating.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindbending scenario, with the captivating.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of an electrifying image featuring a stunning white Ragdoll cat embarki.png to raw_combined/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of an electrifying image featuring a stunning white Ragdoll cat embarki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Amos Chapple extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .txt to raw_combined/Amos Chapple extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions t.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Joe McNally Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png to raw_combined/Joe McNally Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Shot reverse shot capturing a tense exchange between the a beautiful Indonesian female ma.png to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Shot reverse shot capturing a tense exchange between the a beautiful Indonesian female ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale unique shot of At the far end, silhouettes of the 10 female mages steadily move forward i.txt to raw_combined/Ami Vitale unique shot of At the far end, silhouettes of the 10 female mages steadily move forward i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism Upon the auda.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism Upon the auda.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindbending scenario, with the captivating.png to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindbending scenario, with the captivating.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the 3 female Indonesian mages .png to raw_combined/Scott Kelby medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the 3 female Indonesian mages .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Sebastião Salgado high fashion minimalism glamour shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll c.png to raw_combined/Sebastião Salgado high fashion minimalism glamour shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpunk warr.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpunk warr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita close up shot with the creative expression of maximalism A closer look at one empt.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita close up shot with the creative expression of maximalism A closer look at one empt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow victory .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow victory .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/An enchanting image of a beautiful white Ragdoll cat with blue eyes engaged in fun and cute activiti.png to raw_combined/An enchanting image of a beautiful white Ragdoll cat with blue eyes engaged in fun and cute activiti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of a cyberpunk alley being attacked by unimaginable nightmarish creatures.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of a cyberpunk alley being attacked by unimaginable nightmarish creatures.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the 3 female Indonesian mages .txt to raw_combined/Scott Kelby medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the 3 female Indonesian mages .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/An enchanting image of a beautiful white Ragdoll cat with blue eyes engaged in fun and cute activiti.txt to raw_combined/An enchanting image of a beautiful white Ragdoll cat with blue eyes engaged in fun and cute activiti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of Every spark fro.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of Every spark fro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of Upon the a.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of Upon the a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the Indonesian female cyberpunk warriors circle the .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the Indonesian female cyberpunk warriors circle the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot of th.txt to raw_combined/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot of th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A unique pointofview shot, the camera serves as the creaturekings eyes. The vast hall of the throne .png to raw_combined/A unique pointofview shot, the camera serves as the creaturekings eyes. The vast hall of the throne .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of Though the creature king shadow still loomed, t.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of Though the creature king shadow still loomed, t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Wide shot framing a beautiful Indonesian female mage and the behemoth swathed hellish dar.png to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Wide shot framing a beautiful Indonesian female mage and the behemoth swathed hellish dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest was perturbed by evil creatures horde i.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest was perturbed by evil creatures horde i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of a cyberpunk alley being attacked by unimaginable nightmarish creatures.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of a cyberpunk alley being attacked by unimaginable nightmarish creatures.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot of a stunning cute white Ragdoll cat in a jawdropping and unimaginable scena.png to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot of a stunning cute white Ragdoll cat in a jawdropping and unimaginable scena.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of 10 Indonesian female mages seate.txt to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of 10 Indonesian female mages seate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against the creaturek.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against the creaturek.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of damaged evil fo.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of damaged evil fo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpunk warr.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpunk warr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of three gorgeous Indo.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of three gorgeous Indo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous I.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous I.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expression of In the fortress.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expression of In the fortress.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the .txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita long shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pulling away from the holy.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita long shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pulling away from the holy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of 10 Indonesian female mages seate.png to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of 10 Indonesian female mages seate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of The creature King hollow victory met audacious war c.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of The creature King hollow victory met audacious war c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of the la.png to raw_combined/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of the la.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot of a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindblowing scenario. Witness the cat d.png to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot of a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindblowing scenario. Witness the cat d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot of a stunning cute white Ragdoll cat in a jawdropping and unimaginable scena.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot of a stunning cute white Ragdoll cat in a jawdropping and unimaginable scena.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A unique pointofview shot, the camera serves as the creaturekings eyes. The vast hall of the throne .txt to raw_combined/A unique pointofview shot, the camera serves as the creaturekings eyes. The vast hall of the throne .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of evil creatures horde infiltrating the sanctuary, seeking .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of evil creatures horde infiltrating the sanctuary, seeking .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Wide shot framing a beautiful Indonesian female mage and the behemoth swathed hellish dar.txt to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Wide shot framing a beautiful Indonesian female mage and the behemoth swathed hellish dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of the creatureking roared a hollow victory, his heart craving affirmatio.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of the creatureking roared a hollow victory, his heart craving affirmatio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow victory .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow victory .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of Though the creature king shadow still loomed, t.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of Though the creature king shadow still loomed, t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic full wide angle shot of a gorgeous Indonesian warrior firing her intricat.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic full wide angle shot of a gorgeous Indonesian warrior firing her intricat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of damaged evil fo.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of damaged evil fo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Richard Silver medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions to a.png to raw_combined/Richard Silver medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions to a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Closeup shot of a Indonesian female mages hand, placing markers and tokens on the detail.png to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Closeup shot of a Indonesian female mages hand, placing markers and tokens on the detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic full wide angle shot of a gorgeous Indonesian warrior firing her intricat.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic full wide angle shot of a gorgeous Indonesian warrior firing her intricat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fear, .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fear, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita close up shot with the creative expression of maximalism A closer look at one empt.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita close up shot with the creative expression of maximalism A closer look at one empt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Closeup shot of a Indonesian female mages hand, placing markers and tokens on the detail.txt to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Closeup shot of a Indonesian female mages hand, placing markers and tokens on the detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita dolly shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera smoothly glide.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita dolly shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera smoothly glide.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered as Indonesian female cyberpunk war.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered as Indonesian female cyberpunk war.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of .txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the gorgeous female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors ci.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the gorgeous female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors ci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro group selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpun.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro group selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fea.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Grave Chon high fashion minimalism of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes, capturing its .txt to raw_combined/Grave Chon high fashion minimalism of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes, capturing its .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot of th.png to raw_combined/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot of th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fear, .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fear, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A view of the whole hall f.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A view of the whole hall f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic shot female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors courage became the antidote to .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic shot female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors courage became the antidote to .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic shot for creative expression of maximalism of heavy discussion of 5 gorge.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic shot for creative expression of maximalism of heavy discussion of 5 gorge.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creatures hollow victory met .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creatures hollow victory met .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of evil fortress b.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of evil fortress b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful mythical forest hummed with unspoken secrets. .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful mythical forest hummed with unspoken secrets. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of an electrifying image featuring a stunning white Ragdoll cat embarki.txt to raw_combined/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of an electrifying image featuring a stunning white Ragdoll cat embarki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A view of the whole hall f.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A view of the whole hall f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creatures hollow victory met .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered. The creatures hollow victory met .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Joe McNally Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt to raw_combined/Joe McNally Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of the creatureking roared a hollow victory, his heart craving affirmatio.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of the creatureking roared a hollow victory, his heart craving affirmatio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful mythical forest hummed with unspoken secrets. .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful mythical forest hummed with unspoken secrets. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the holy t.txt to raw_combined/David Lazar pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the holy t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Sebastião Salgado high fashion minimalism glamour shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll c.txt to raw_combined/Sebastião Salgado high fashion minimalism glamour shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of a mage pointofview .txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of a mage pointofview .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildings owned by evil creature king.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildings owned by evil creature king.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde build a fortress inside of a peacefu.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde build a fortress inside of a peacefu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the Indonesian female cyberpunk warriors circle the .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the Indonesian female cyberpunk warriors circle the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde forcely build a fortress inside of a.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde forcely build a fortress inside of a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism Upon the auda.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism Upon the auda.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using the futuristic .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using the futuristic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of the la.txt to raw_combined/David Lazar wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of the la.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the gorgeous female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors ci.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of the gorgeous female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors ci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism ofThe camera transitions to a clo.png to raw_combined/David Lazar medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism ofThe camera transitions to a clo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warri.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the holy t.png to raw_combined/David Lazar pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the holy t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big mythical battle shot for the for creative expression of maxim.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big mythical battle shot for the for creative expression of maxim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous Indonesian.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous Indonesian.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Jimmy Nelson extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .png to raw_combined/Jimmy Nelson extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of .png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of A stunning aerial shot of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous I.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous I.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of evil fortress b.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of evil fortress b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of every flash of .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of every flash of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of This melody broke under the creaturekings arrival. Their roar, a chill.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of This melody broke under the creaturekings arrival. Their roar, a chill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of three gorgeous Indo.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of three gorgeous Indo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Close up shot of a beautiful Indonesian female mages face in the stretches out dimly lit .png to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Close up shot of a beautiful Indonesian female mages face in the stretches out dimly lit .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty aesthetic a.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty aesthetic a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde build a fortress inside of a peacefu.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde build a fortress inside of a peacefu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big mythical battle shot for the for creative expression of maxim.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big mythical battle shot for the for creative expression of maxim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Richard Silver medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions to a.txt to raw_combined/Richard Silver medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions to a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde footsteps shattered the serenity of .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde footsteps shattered the serenity of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildingsowned by evil creature king .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildingsowned by evil creature king .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Jimmy Nelson extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .txt to raw_combined/Jimmy Nelson extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/high fashion minimalism long shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll cat with striking blue.png to raw_combined/high fashion minimalism long shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll cat with striking blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered as Indonesian female cyberpunk war.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic big battle shot of the balance wavered as Indonesian female cyberpunk war.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Shot reverse shot capturing a tense exchange between the a beautiful Indonesian female ma.txt to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Shot reverse shot capturing a tense exchange between the a beautiful Indonesian female ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expression of In the fortress.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expression of In the fortress.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/A cinematic action shot of a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindblowing scenario. Witness the cat d.txt to raw_combined/A cinematic action shot of a stunning white Ragdoll cat in a mindblowing scenario. Witness the cat d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of evil creatures horde infiltrating the sanctuary, seeking .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of evil creatures horde infiltrating the sanctuary, seeking .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Richard Silver extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structur.txt to raw_combined/Richard Silver extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against the creaturek.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors against the creaturek.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildingsowned by evil creature king .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildingsowned by evil creature king .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous Indonesian.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of gorgeous Indonesian.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic shot for creative expression of maximalism of heavy discussion of 5 gorge.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic shot for creative expression of maximalism of heavy discussion of 5 gorge.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of a .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpu.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Hobby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png to raw_combined/David Hobby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Grave Chon high fashion minimalism of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes, capturing its .png to raw_combined/Grave Chon high fashion minimalism of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes, capturing its .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest hummed with unspoken secrets. Yet the h.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest hummed with unspoken secrets. Yet the h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest was perturbed by evil creatures horde i.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest was perturbed by evil creatures horde i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest hummed with unspoken secrets. Yet the h.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of a peaceful forest hummed with unspoken secrets. Yet the h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of a whimsical image of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes,.txt to raw_combined/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of a whimsical image of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic happy shot with no look to camera of a flirty, gorgeous Indonesian female.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic happy shot with no look to camera of a flirty, gorgeous Indonesian female.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour heavy discussion shot of the for creative expression of maximalis.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour heavy discussion shot of the for creative expression of maximalis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita long shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pulling away from the holy.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita long shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pulling away from the holy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty ancient Ber.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty ancient Ber.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty ancient Ber.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty ancient Ber.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/high fashion minimalism long shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll cat with striking blue.txt to raw_combined/high fashion minimalism long shot of An adorable image of a beautiful Ragdoll cat with striking blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of Upon the a.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour symbolic shot for creative expression of maximalism of Upon the a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using the futuristic .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic battle shot of female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors using the futuristic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/David Lazar medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism ofThe camera transitions to a clo.txt to raw_combined/David Lazar medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism ofThe camera transitions to a clo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Scott Kelby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png to raw_combined/Scott Kelby Lowangle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the illuminated chandelier a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita dolly shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera smoothly glide.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita dolly shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera smoothly glide.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of Every spark fro.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of Every spark fro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of every flash of .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour big battle shot of the for creative expressive of every flash of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the .png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of pointofview of the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Amos Chapple extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .png to raw_combined/Amos Chapple extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structure .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale unique shot of At the far end, silhouettes of the 10 female mages steadily move forward i.png to raw_combined/Ami Vitale unique shot of At the far end, silhouettes of the 10 female mages steadily move forward i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of a .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of a Within serenity, a cyberpunk city bloomed, untouched by war, kissed .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of a Within serenity, a cyberpunk city bloomed, untouched by war, kissed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of a Within serenity, a cyberpunk city bloomed, untouched by war, kissed .png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of a Within serenity, a cyberpunk city bloomed, untouched by war, kissed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions t.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita medium shot with the creative expression of maximalism of The camera transitions t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Ami Vitale Close up shot of a beautiful Indonesian female mages face in the stretches out dimly lit .txt to raw_combined/Ami Vitale Close up shot of a beautiful Indonesian female mages face in the stretches out dimly lit .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warri.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpunk warri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro group selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpun.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of realistic GoPro group selfie of many gorgeous Indonesia woman cyberpun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of go.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildings owned by evil creature king.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of Otherworldly landscape, close up buildings owned by evil creature king.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic of This melody broke under the creaturekings arrival. Their roar, a chill.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic of This melody broke under the creaturekings arrival. Their roar, a chill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Richard Silver extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structur.png to raw_combined/Richard Silver extreme long shot of the creaturekings ominous fortress looms. This majestic structur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic shot female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors courage became the antidote to .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic shot female Indonesian cyberpunk warriors courage became the antidote to .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of go.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot for creative expression of maximalism of symbolization of go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde footsteps shattered the serenity of .txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde footsteps shattered the serenity of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpu.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos glamour shot of the battle of female Indonesian cyberpu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of a mage pointofview .png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita pointofview shot with the creative expression of maximalism of a mage pointofview .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour heavy discussion shot of the for creative expression of maximalis.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour heavy discussion shot of the for creative expression of maximalis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty aesthetic a.png to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita low angle shot with the creative expression of maximalism of the empty aesthetic a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the for creative expression of maximalism of The forest w.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the for creative expression of maximalism of The forest w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of a whimsical image of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes,.png to raw_combined/Walter Chandoha glamour shot of a whimsical image of a white Ragdoll cat with mesmerizing blue eyes,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the balance wavered. The creature King hollow v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot.txt to raw_combined/Michael Yamashita wide shot with the creative expression of maximalism of An expansive interior shot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the for creative expression of maximalism of The forest w.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of the for creative expression of maximalism of The forest w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fea.png to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devastating chaos shot of the cyberpunk city that had been cloaked in fea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde forcely build a fortress inside of a.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic glamour shot of Evil creatures horde forcely build a fortress inside of a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_58/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of The creature King hollow victory met audacious war c.txt to raw_combined/Thrilling action cinematic devaststing chaos of The creature King hollow victory met audacious war c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bedroom moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master be.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bedroom moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, beau.png to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, beau.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an am.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracott.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracott.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of library in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of library in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with open closet in manhattan designed by jenna lyo.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with open closet in manhattan designed by jenna lyo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, go.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, red.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, red.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terr.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern mansion entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern mansion entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern luxury bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern luxury bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/IMAGE portrait GENRE art MOOD abstract SCENE A natural model poses in a pinktoned studio, her fac.png to raw_combined/IMAGE portrait GENRE art MOOD abstract SCENE A natural model poses in a pinktoned studio, her fac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an amer.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an amer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft Blue, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft Blue, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer manhattan penthouse master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interi.png to raw_combined/Mens designer manhattan penthouse master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an am.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by je.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by je.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master.png to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png to raw_combined/four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer penthouse office designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous .png to raw_combined/Mens designer penthouse office designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu kitchen i.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu kitchen i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american lux.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american lux.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons s.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terr.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern luxury bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern luxury bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior front door of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior front door of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in jenna loys and Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansio.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in jenna loys and Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, bro.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, bro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, green, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, green, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa rooftop penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury s.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa rooftop penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of an equestrian estate and wine property, huge italian stone manor.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of an equestrian estate and wine property, huge italian stone manor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, br.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance room with cloakroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyon.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance room with cloakroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta, an american l.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta, an american l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green , .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of redmnarble entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarbl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of redmnarble entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarbl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/an american luxury style interior design if a master bedroom in newyorl with the newest materialluxu.txt to raw_combined/an american luxury style interior design if a master bedroom in newyorl with the newest materialluxu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, marblerossol.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, marblerossol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracott.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracott.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons sty.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Shades of orange dominate the majestic Mediterranean Estate at Dusk, with the landscape lighting as .png to raw_combined/Shades of orange dominate the majestic Mediterranean Estate at Dusk, with the landscape lighting as .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american m.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyon.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft Blue, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft Blue, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrracot.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrracot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior front door of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior front door of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna lyons.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna lyons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebric.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion with pool designed by jenna lyons sty.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion with pool designed by jenna lyons sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, tiled fl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, tiled fl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american luxury st.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american luxury st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, co.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a little girl hugging a horse,a portrait of a young girl with a horse,in a wooded area,love and affe.png to raw_combined/a little girl hugging a horse,a portrait of a young girl with a horse,in a wooded area,love and affe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury private home bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury private home bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ame.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse atelier in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse atelier in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyon.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, green, an american luxury style int.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, green, an american luxury style int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the Monte Carlo Casino, a married couple poses i.txt to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the Monte Carlo Casino, a married couple poses i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu maste.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu maste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the livingroom of beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an america.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the livingroom of beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an america.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/A cozy dining room of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill.txt to raw_combined/A cozy dining room of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/attractive 22 year old blonde hair women in luxurious setting of Dubai hotel, standing near expensiv.txt to raw_combined/attractive 22 year old blonde hair women in luxurious setting of Dubai hotel, standing near expensiv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy bl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ameri.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ameri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of nursery in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of nursery in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an amer.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an amer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy bl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta, an american l.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta, an american l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons styl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the interior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the interior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern mansion entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern mansion entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.png to raw_combined/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, go.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown manhattan hotel lobby designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, elevator, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown manhattan hotel lobby designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, elevator, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern home spa designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, indoor pool and .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern home spa designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, indoor pool and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, red, an american mas.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, red, an american mas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury maximalist bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, daylight , deluxe interior design hotel .png to raw_combined/luxury maximalist bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, daylight , deluxe interior design hotel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown manhattan hotel designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown manhattan hotel designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building lobby, elevator, in manhattan designed by jenna lyons s.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building lobby, elevator, in manhattan designed by jenna lyons s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/A cozy dining room of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill.png to raw_combined/A cozy dining room of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.txt to raw_combined/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bathrooml in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bathrooml in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous ph.txt to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color f.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, br.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home beach atelier in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home beach atelier in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury modern penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury modern penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of grand piano in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, col.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of grand piano in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, col.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, g.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ameri.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ameri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury maximalist bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, daylight , deluxe interior design hotel .txt to raw_combined/luxury maximalist bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, daylight , deluxe interior design hotel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury A.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/DJ evening party of many models dressed casually but luxuriously dancing wildly and happily on a lar.png to raw_combined/DJ evening party of many models dressed casually but luxuriously dancing wildly and happily on a lar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/los angeles real estate villa on the cliff, modern architecture, luxurious materials, minimalist app.txt to raw_combined/los angeles real estate villa on the cliff, modern architecture, luxurious materials, minimalist app.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interio.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxuriopenthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxuriopenthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of redmnarble entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarbl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of redmnarble entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarbl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern green powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, gre.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern green powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, gre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa rooftop penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury s.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa rooftop penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance hallway in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance hallway in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, tiled floor, gorgeous photo.txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, tiled floor, gorgeous photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/attractive 22 year old blonde hair women in luxurious setting of Dubai hotel, standing near expensiv.png to raw_combined/attractive 22 year old blonde hair women in luxurious setting of Dubai hotel, standing near expensiv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interi.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ameri.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ameri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, grand pia.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, grand pia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, red.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, red.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the garden exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the garden exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, daylight, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hot.txt to raw_combined/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, daylight, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/modern maximalist luxury karma astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoor.png to raw_combined/modern maximalist luxury karma astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine manor with an Italianate architecture design designed .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine manor with an Italianate architecture design designed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern powder room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american l.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern powder room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, ter.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, ter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/uxurious four horse outdoor stalls, wood, in the style of tuscaninspired, high ceilings .png to raw_combined/uxurious four horse outdoor stalls, wood, in the style of tuscaninspired, high ceilings .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estatel with an Italianate architecture design designe.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estatel with an Italianate architecture design designe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of open concept billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of open concept billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building lobby, elevator, in manhattan designed by jenna lyons s.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building lobby, elevator, in manhattan designed by jenna lyons s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, per.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, b.txt to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, navy blue, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, navy blue, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse spa in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an americ.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse spa in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an americ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master.txt to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons s.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse office in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse office in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, green, an american luxury style int.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, green, an american luxury style int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american lu.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american lu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ame.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Experimental Architecture Design, Creative, pure luxury, Beautiful Lighting, The Whodunit Architectu.txt to raw_combined/Experimental Architecture Design, Creative, pure luxury, Beautiful Lighting, The Whodunit Architectu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse spa in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an americ.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse spa in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an americ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, br.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american luxury.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american luxury.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terracotta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of open concept billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of open concept billiardroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, an ameri.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, an ameri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom in a manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, int.png to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom in a manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern green powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, gre.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern green powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, gre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a woman standing next to a horse,equestrian,an equestrian facility,a woman petting a horse,a close u.txt to raw_combined/a woman standing next to a horse,equestrian,an equestrian facility,a woman petting a horse,a close u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, manh.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, manh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/A cozy livingroom of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill .png to raw_combined/A cozy livingroom of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, br.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse building elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home beach atelier in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home beach atelier in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern terracotta powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern terracotta powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, gr.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, gr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the interior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the interior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, br.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a lettermark of lettersJSwith two crossed squares on it, company logo, in the style of blackandwhite.txt to raw_combined/a lettermark of lettersJSwith two crossed squares on it, company logo, in the style of blackandwhite.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, stairc.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, stairc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/DJ evening party of many models dressed casually but luxuriously dancing wildly and happily on a lar.txt to raw_combined/DJ evening party of many models dressed casually but luxuriously dancing wildly and happily on a lar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of open concept terrace with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by je.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of open concept terrace with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by je.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of open concept terrace with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by je.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of open concept terrace with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by je.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa with pool and billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons styl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa with pool and billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, bro.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, bro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Shades of orange dominate the majestic Mediterranean Estate at Dusk, with the landscape lighting as .txt to raw_combined/Shades of orange dominate the majestic Mediterranean Estate at Dusk, with the landscape lighting as .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance hallway in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance hallway in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/los angeles real estate villa on the cliff, modern architecture, luxurious materials, minimalist app.png to raw_combined/los angeles real estate villa on the cliff, modern architecture, luxurious materials, minimalist app.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green , .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons sty.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of baby nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of baby nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estate with stunning pool with an Italianate architect.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estate with stunning pool with an Italianate architect.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home beach bar in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color g.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home beach bar in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior d.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown manhattan hotel designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown manhattan hotel designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, terracotta, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, terracotta, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, color .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american m.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an america.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an america.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance room with cloakroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyon.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance room with cloakroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer manhattan penthouse master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interi.txt to raw_combined/Mens designer manhattan penthouse master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, tiled floor, gorgeous photo.png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, tiled floor, gorgeous photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in jenna loys and Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansio.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in jenna loys and Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine manor with an Italianate architecture design designed .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine manor with an Italianate architecture design designed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, green, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, green, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of tenniscourt of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color gree.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of tenniscourt of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color gree.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious modern maximalist astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt,.txt to raw_combined/luxurious modern maximalist astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse atelier in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse atelier in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with open closet in manhattan designed by jenna lyo.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with open closet in manhattan designed by jenna lyo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, stairc.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, stairc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of dining room mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the garden exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the garden exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft B.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft B.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american m.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interi.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury dining room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bathroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blu.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansion, an american .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansion, an american .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.png\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .txt, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a hyperrealistic black Lamborghini Aventador. Important aspects of the car, especially the alternato.png to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic black Lamborghini Aventador. Important aspects of the car, especially the alternato.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt to raw_combined/luxurious four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor terrace in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, balc.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor terrace in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, balc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.txt to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style interio.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style interio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, red, an american mas.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, red, an american mas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu maste.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury open closet moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu maste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, manh.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, manh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, gr.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, gr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, ter.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, ter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu kitchen i.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu kitchen i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Experimental Architecture Design, Creative, pure luxury, Beautiful Lighting, The Whodunit Architectu.png to raw_combined/Experimental Architecture Design, Creative, pure luxury, Beautiful Lighting, The Whodunit Architectu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a hyperrealistic black Lamborghini Aventador. Important aspects of the car, especially the alternato.txt to raw_combined/a hyperrealistic black Lamborghini Aventador. Important aspects of the car, especially the alternato.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of living room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of living room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a woman standing next to a horse,equestrian,an equestrian facility,a woman petting a horse,a close u.png to raw_combined/a woman standing next to a horse,equestrian,an equestrian facility,a woman petting a horse,a close u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a little girl hugging a horse,a portrait of a young girl with a horse,in a wooded area,love and affe.txt to raw_combined/a little girl hugging a horse,a portrait of a young girl with a horse,in a wooded area,love and affe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern navy blue penthouse bathroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge stone beach manor in the hamptons designed by jenna lyons.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge stone beach manor in the hamptons designed by jenna lyons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom in a manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, int.txt to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom in a manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion with pool designed by jenna lyons sty.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a terracotta beach mansion with pool designed by jenna lyons sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american lu.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american lu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terrac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of tenniscourt of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color gree.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of tenniscourt of manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color gree.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bathrooml in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bathrooml in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge brown beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrracot.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, terrracot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/IMAGE portrait GENRE art MOOD abstract SCENE A natural model poses in a pinktoned studio, her fac.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE portrait GENRE art MOOD abstract SCENE A natural model poses in a pinktoned studio, her fac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, grand pia.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, grand pia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, per.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/A cozy livingroom of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill .txt to raw_combined/A cozy livingroom of K11 Artus in Hong Kong, grant and luxury design, inspired from André Fu, chill .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, terracotta, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, terracotta, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ameri.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ameri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an america.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an america.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of living room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of living room Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior desi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bedroom moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master be.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury bedroom moody modern and artsy, contemporary and classic malibu master be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/modern maximalist luxury apartment with asia wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Kelly Wearstler,.txt to raw_combined/modern maximalist luxury apartment with asia wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Kelly Wearstler,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green front door in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green front door in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/modern maximalist luxury karma astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoor.txt to raw_combined/modern maximalist luxury karma astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/uxurious four horse outdoor stalls, wood, in the style of tuscaninspired, high ceilings .txt to raw_combined/uxurious four horse outdoor stalls, wood, in the style of tuscaninspired, high ceilings .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entertainment area in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entertainment area in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green diningroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, hyperrealistic interior photography, Wes A.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, hyperrealistic interior photography, Wes A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer penthouse office designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous .txt to raw_combined/Mens designer penthouse office designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entertainment area in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse entertainment area in manhattan designed by jenna lyons sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo, colorfirebr.png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo, colorfirebr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury A.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of a green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an american luxury A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, navy blue, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, navy blue, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, an ameri.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, an ameri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of nursery in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of nursery in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt to raw_combined/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, interior shot, gorgeous photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estate with stunning pool with an Italianate architect.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estate with stunning pool with an Italianate architect.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of diningroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious four horse outdoor stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt to raw_combined/luxurious four horse outdoor stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, co.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern kitchen in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american lux.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american lux.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, terraco.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an amer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green front door in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green front door in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt to raw_combined/four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious four horse outdoor stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png to raw_combined/luxurious four horse outdoor stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ame.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an ame.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, an american.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna lyons.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna lyons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa in penthouse designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury private home bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury private home bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt\n", "Skipping ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, .png, as it exists in the destination.\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of dining room mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of dining room mansion in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/an american luxury style interior design if a master bedroom in newyorl with the newest materialluxu.png to raw_combined/an american luxury style interior design if a master bedroom in newyorl with the newest materialluxu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, co.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the Monte Carlo Casino, a married couple poses i.png to raw_combined/realistic street style photo , 35 mm lens, front of the Monte Carlo Casino, a married couple poses i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom with outdoor pool in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind New York, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, be.txt to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind New York, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous ph.png to raw_combined/Mens designer master bedroom designed by jenna lyons, brown, tiled floor, interior shot, gorgeous ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, hyperrealistic interior photography, Wes A.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, hyperrealistic interior photography, Wes A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, marblerossol.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, marblerossol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern home spa designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, indoor pool and .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern home spa designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, indoor pool and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/mens designer master closet designed by jenna lyons, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury modern penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury modern penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/modern maximalist luxury apartment with asia wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Kelly Wearstler,.png to raw_combined/modern maximalist luxury apartment with asia wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt, Kelly Wearstler,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind New York, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, be.png to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind New York, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons styl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, daylight, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hot.png to raw_combined/luxury living room in penthhouse, behind London, daylight, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo, colorfirebr.txt to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, brown, gorgeous photo, colorfirebr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge stone beach manor in the hamptons designed by jenna lyons.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge stone beach manor in the hamptons designed by jenna lyons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/ogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, b.png to raw_combined/ogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor roof garden in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, br.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown office in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern terracotta powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern terracotta powder room in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse bedroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, beau.txt to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind London, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, beau.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american luxury st.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, navy blue, an american luxury st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an ameri.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an ameri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american m.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown manhattan hotel lobby designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, elevator, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown manhattan hotel lobby designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, elevator, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxuriopenthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxuriopenthouse walkin closet in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, co.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom with closet in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of library in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of library in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.png to raw_combined/luxury bed room in penthhouse, behind Manhattan, warm lighting, deluxe interior design hotel room, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ame.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown entrance in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an ame.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, color .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, staircase, color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern powder room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american l.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern powder room designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an american l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an ameri.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick, an ameri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft B.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of child nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, Diamond Soft B.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of a huge green stone mansion in the hamptons designed by jenna lyo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of bedroom Design in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior design i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of kitchen in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color green, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american luxury.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an american luxury.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse front door entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/a lettermark of lettersJSwith two crossed squares on it, company logo, in the style of blackandwhite.png to raw_combined/a lettermark of lettersJSwith two crossed squares on it, company logo, in the style of blackandwhite.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of luxury penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interio.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of luxury penthouse kitchen in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of grand piano in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, col.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of grand piano in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of home beach bar in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color g.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of home beach bar in manhattan beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa with pool and billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons styl.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern spa with pool and billiard room in penthouse designed by jenna lyons styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, g.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style interio.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of private home bar designed by jenna lyons style, an american luxury style interio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, tiled fl.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style,green, tiled fl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blu.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of navy blue penthouse kitchen in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, navy blu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the livingroom of beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an america.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the livingroom of beach mansion designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an america.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by je.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of periwinkle lavender 8 year old child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by je.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor terrace in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, balc.txt to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse outdoor terrace in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, balc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png to raw_combined/luxurious four horse stalls with wooden panels, in the style of tuscaninspired lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse office in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern brown penthouse office in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna .png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of terracotta penthouse bedroom with dressing table in manhattan designed by jenna .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebric.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of child bedroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png to raw_combined/custom organized closet designed by saint laurent, interior shot, gorgeous photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of baby nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of baby nursery in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, color firebrick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse diningroom in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, colo.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, green, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/luxurious modern maximalist astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt,.png to raw_combined/luxurious modern maximalist astrologist office with horoscope wallpaper, interior by Axel Vervoordt,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, a.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of modern bathroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, redmarble, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color f.png to raw_combined/vogue photoshoot of firebrick penthouse elevator in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, color f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior d.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of penthouse private bar in Wes Anderson style, an american luxury style interior d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansion, an american .txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of green luxury walkin closet in Wes Anderson style Manhattan Mansion, an american .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of an equestrian estate and wine property, huge italian stone manor.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of the exterior of an equestrian estate and wine property, huge italian stone manor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of brown penthouse entrance in manhattan designed by jenna lyons style, brown, an a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estatel with an Italianate architecture design designe.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of ultra luxury italian wine estatel with an Italianate architecture design designe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_20/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, colo.txt to raw_combined/Vogue photoshoot of livingroom in manhattan mansion designed by jenna lyons style, grand piano, colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Most beautiful sand dunes in the world .png to raw_combined/Most beautiful sand dunes in the world .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a void leads to a singularity, cinematic lighting , in the style of decay .png to raw_combined/a void leads to a singularity, cinematic lighting , in the style of decay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Hyper realistic octane render, a hyper realistic exploding semi truck on fire on the side of the roa.png to raw_combined/Hyper realistic octane render, a hyper realistic exploding semi truck on fire on the side of the roa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/chryslers illustration of a 45 year old black woman in the style of milo manara, light white and bro.png to raw_combined/chryslers illustration of a 45 year old black woman in the style of milo manara, light white and bro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/glass tiger art , in the style of airbrush art, incisioni series, himalayan art, hard edge, animalie.png to raw_combined/glass tiger art , in the style of airbrush art, incisioni series, himalayan art, hard edge, animalie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a girl with glasses and red sweater, in the style of ethereal portraits, colorized, poetcore, soft f.txt to raw_combined/a girl with glasses and red sweater, in the style of ethereal portraits, colorized, poetcore, soft f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/art nouveau reflections .txt to raw_combined/art nouveau reflections .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/snail bird .txt to raw_combined/snail bird .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a white horse pulling a carriage down an cobblestone street, in the style of black and white mastery.png to raw_combined/a white horse pulling a carriage down an cobblestone street, in the style of black and white mastery.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a large ship is hauling cargo in the water, in the style of aerial abstractions, dark green and indi.txt to raw_combined/a large ship is hauling cargo in the water, in the style of aerial abstractions, dark green and indi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a colorful train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink and blac.png to raw_combined/a colorful train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink and blac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of a black woman wearing a white dress with jewelry, in the style of daniel f. gerhartz, .txt to raw_combined/a painting of a black woman wearing a white dress with jewelry, in the style of daniel f. gerhartz, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Argument of Perihelion city .txt to raw_combined/Argument of Perihelion city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/imagine the earth with no oceans .png to raw_combined/imagine the earth with no oceans .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped worlds, ethereal scenes landscape .png to raw_combined/intricately mapped worlds, ethereal scenes landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an image of a black helicopter flying in the sky, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, ni.png to raw_combined/an image of a black helicopter flying in the sky, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, ni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/half human half snail blended .txt to raw_combined/half human half snail blended .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/metannoia enigma ocean .png to raw_combined/metannoia enigma ocean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/art nouveau reflections .png to raw_combined/art nouveau reflections .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a lighthouse on a cliff near a rocky cliff, in the style of light white and gold, urban culture expl.png to raw_combined/a lighthouse on a cliff near a rocky cliff, in the style of light white and gold, urban culture expl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cosmic energy cloud and bright yellow light, in the style of structured chaos, dark orange and gol.txt to raw_combined/a cosmic energy cloud and bright yellow light, in the style of structured chaos, dark orange and gol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/1950 magnum style photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street in 1950 .txt to raw_combined/1950 magnum style photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street in 1950 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/whiplash curves highway .png to raw_combined/whiplash curves highway .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The cybernetically enhanced soldiers stood sentinel in the shattered ruins of civilization, their me.txt to raw_combined/The cybernetically enhanced soldiers stood sentinel in the shattered ruins of civilization, their me.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman is sitting in the desert with camels, in the style of video art, afrocolombian themes, kitty.png to raw_combined/a woman is sitting in the desert with camels, in the style of video art, afrocolombian themes, kitty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a handsome young man black airline pilot looks at the camera, in the style of dark bronze and white,.png to raw_combined/a handsome young man black airline pilot looks at the camera, in the style of dark bronze and white,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a yellow and gold painting abstract design with circle swirls, in the style of dark skyblue and dark.txt to raw_combined/a yellow and gold painting abstract design with circle swirls, in the style of dark skyblue and dark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark night view of waves crashing, in the style of hyperrealistic marine life, detailed atmospheri.txt to raw_combined/a dark night view of waves crashing, in the style of hyperrealistic marine life, detailed atmospheri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/All three crew members begin throwing switches. The lights it the complex control room starts to com.txt to raw_combined/All three crew members begin throwing switches. The lights it the complex control room starts to com.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sunset over an ocean wave in an abstract way, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, deta.png to raw_combined/the sunset over an ocean wave in an abstract way, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/apocalypse cats .txt to raw_combined/apocalypse cats .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a drawing of a black man outside a building with hoodies, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, .png to raw_combined/a drawing of a black man outside a building with hoodies, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people looking over clouds and a landscape, in the style of james c. christensen, dark orange an.txt to raw_combined/two people looking over clouds and a landscape, in the style of james c. christensen, dark orange an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of a black woman wearing a white dress with jewelry, in the style of daniel f. gerhartz, .png to raw_combined/a painting of a black woman wearing a white dress with jewelry, in the style of daniel f. gerhartz, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/3d art of a colorful flower flying on a black background, in the style of abstract expressionist exp.png to raw_combined/3d art of a colorful flower flying on a black background, in the style of abstract expressionist exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the night time is full of various shaped fabrics, in the style of spatial concept art, light orange .txt to raw_combined/the night time is full of various shaped fabrics, in the style of spatial concept art, light orange .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/crocheted mens suits .txt to raw_combined/crocheted mens suits .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/abstract circles by ivanshark, in the style of dark gold and dark amber, astronaut floating, kinetic.txt to raw_combined/abstract circles by ivanshark, in the style of dark gold and dark amber, astronaut floating, kinetic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/by clemente drew, an abstract painting depicts clouds and clouds, in the style of cyril rolando, ola.png to raw_combined/by clemente drew, an abstract painting depicts clouds and clouds, in the style of cyril rolando, ola.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the black men are wearing suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, digital painting, ed freeman, ul.txt to raw_combined/the black men are wearing suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, digital painting, ed freeman, ul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the fog over the forest. photograph by johnson hancox on 500px, in the style of papua new guinea art.png to raw_combined/the fog over the forest. photograph by johnson hancox on 500px, in the style of papua new guinea art.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a butterfly made from colored floral paper, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic composit.txt to raw_combined/a butterfly made from colored floral paper, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic composit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait onyx and black .png to raw_combined/portrait onyx and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma, city , winter,.txt to raw_combined/enigma, city , winter,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/painting for jane harrand, in the style of digital painting and drawing, everyday life depiction, bl.txt to raw_combined/painting for jane harrand, in the style of digital painting and drawing, everyday life depiction, bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Immortalizing Oncogene city .png to raw_combined/Immortalizing Oncogene city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped oceans ,.png to raw_combined/intricately mapped oceans ,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/entropy wildlife .png to raw_combined/entropy wildlife .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/entropy wildlife .txt to raw_combined/entropy wildlife .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped landscape, jet in the sky .png to raw_combined/intricately mapped landscape, jet in the sky .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/whiplash curves highway .txt to raw_combined/whiplash curves highway .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a girl in a red dress with hands covering her face, in the style of duffy sheridan, softfocus portra.txt to raw_combined/a girl in a red dress with hands covering her face, in the style of duffy sheridan, softfocus portra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Cinematic film still shot abstract landscape, person in long coat standing in front abstract archit.png to raw_combined/Cinematic film still shot abstract landscape, person in long coat standing in front abstract archit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the interior of a disused mansion with lots of windows, in the style of mat collishaw, grandiose rui.png to raw_combined/the interior of a disused mansion with lots of windows, in the style of mat collishaw, grandiose rui.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a variety of cartoon sheltie faces with different expressions, in the style of worthington whittredg.png to raw_combined/a variety of cartoon sheltie faces with different expressions, in the style of worthington whittredg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a horse, .txt to raw_combined/a horse, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/martin van dubbelen instinyen on 500px, in the style of sciencefiction dystopias, pilesstacks, kuang.png to raw_combined/martin van dubbelen instinyen on 500px, in the style of sciencefiction dystopias, pilesstacks, kuang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a black colored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk train , in the style of greeble, crossproces.txt to raw_combined/a black colored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk train , in the style of greeble, crossproces.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/manned prototype designed to bore to the center of the earth .txt to raw_combined/manned prototype designed to bore to the center of the earth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a car is floating in space by an alien light source, in the style of cryptid academia, silver and az.txt to raw_combined/a car is floating in space by an alien light source, in the style of cryptid academia, silver and az.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/30 cats, an illustration in the style of Gustav Klimt .png to raw_combined/30 cats, an illustration in the style of Gustav Klimt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a blackcolored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk clock, in the style of greeble, crossprocessi.png to raw_combined/a blackcolored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk clock, in the style of greeble, crossprocessi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the people are looking out to the cloud tops, in the style of richly detailed genre paintings, fanta.png to raw_combined/the people are looking out to the cloud tops, in the style of richly detailed genre paintings, fanta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/clown in a dress suit in the style of Dali .txt to raw_combined/clown in a dress suit in the style of Dali .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/hudson river school dogs .txt to raw_combined/hudson river school dogs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/comic art landscape .txt to raw_combined/comic art landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/threatening skies over the waters, in the style of gritty textures, mallgoth, sabattier filter, fant.txt to raw_combined/threatening skies over the waters, in the style of gritty textures, mallgoth, sabattier filter, fant.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tifani zabihais illustration is in the square format like a face, in the style of art deco geometric.png to raw_combined/tifani zabihais illustration is in the square format like a face, in the style of art deco geometric.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait red and black .png to raw_combined/portrait red and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark night view of waves crashing, in the style of hyperrealistic marine life, detailed atmospheri.png to raw_combined/a dark night view of waves crashing, in the style of hyperrealistic marine life, detailed atmospheri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/scene of otter riding motorcycle with huge explosion behind him, 50mm film, .png to raw_combined/scene of otter riding motorcycle with huge explosion behind him, 50mm film, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Diagrammatic clown portrait .txt to raw_combined/Diagrammatic clown portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/aerial view of amazon rainforest in the early morning fog, in the style of tokina atx 1116mm f2.8 pr.txt to raw_combined/aerial view of amazon rainforest in the early morning fog, in the style of tokina atx 1116mm f2.8 pr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of two horses, in the style of steve henderson, light white and gold, digital art techniq.txt to raw_combined/a painting of two horses, in the style of steve henderson, light white and gold, digital art techniq.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/digital arts the art of motion, in the style of minimalist stage designs, detailed ship sails, light.txt to raw_combined/digital arts the art of motion, in the style of minimalist stage designs, detailed ship sails, light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Cinematic film still shot abstract landscape, person in long coat standing in front abstract archit.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic film still shot abstract landscape, person in long coat standing in front abstract archit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a majestic male lion is walking in the field, in the style of peter lippmann, captures raw emotions .png to raw_combined/a majestic male lion is walking in the field, in the style of peter lippmann, captures raw emotions .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/stone wallpaper 5 wallpapers to make your desktop look creative, in the style of dark turquoise and .txt to raw_combined/stone wallpaper 5 wallpapers to make your desktop look creative, in the style of dark turquoise and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/moleculemotion city .png to raw_combined/moleculemotion city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/girl with red sweater and glasses, in the style of dark tonalities, poetcore, preraphaeliteinspired,.png to raw_combined/girl with red sweater and glasses, in the style of dark tonalities, poetcore, preraphaeliteinspired,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/aerial view of amazon rainforest in the early morning fog, in the style of tokina atx 1116mm f2.8 pr.png to raw_combined/aerial view of amazon rainforest in the early morning fog, in the style of tokina atx 1116mm f2.8 pr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young biracial man with freckles looking into the camera, in the style of danny roberts, shadowy i.txt to raw_combined/a young biracial man with freckles looking into the camera, in the style of danny roberts, shadowy i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sunset over an ocean wave in an abstract way, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, deta.txt to raw_combined/the sunset over an ocean wave in an abstract way, in the style of hyperrealistic illustrations, deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/biomorphic giant hornet .txt to raw_combined/biomorphic giant hornet .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/crumbling wall with a portrait of an old man in the background, in the style of cybersteampunk, dark.png to raw_combined/crumbling wall with a portrait of an old man in the background, in the style of cybersteampunk, dark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/imagine the earth with no oceans .txt to raw_combined/imagine the earth with no oceans .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a elegant black man textured with color, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, psychedelic il.png to raw_combined/a elegant black man textured with color, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, psychedelic il.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the ice is covered with color and i am looking through it, in the style of organic sculpting, tooth .png to raw_combined/the ice is covered with color and i am looking through it, in the style of organic sculpting, tooth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tourist visiting the english yorkshire moors takes selfie with the infamous monster of the moors, .txt to raw_combined/tourist visiting the english yorkshire moors takes selfie with the infamous monster of the moors, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photo taken at 12000 th of a second freezing water being pored on the head of a surprised woman .png to raw_combined/photo taken at 12000 th of a second freezing water being pored on the head of a surprised woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a yellow and gold painting abstract design with circle swirls, in the style of dark skyblue and dark.png to raw_combined/a yellow and gold painting abstract design with circle swirls, in the style of dark skyblue and dark.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of woman with eyes of a horse .txt to raw_combined/portrait of woman with eyes of a horse .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/snail bird .png to raw_combined/snail bird .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mountainous coastal city, massive storm clouds, .txt to raw_combined/mountainous coastal city, massive storm clouds, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/rocky landscapes, in the style of dynamic brushwork vibrations, global illumination, orange and beig.png to raw_combined/rocky landscapes, in the style of dynamic brushwork vibrations, global illumination, orange and beig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cloudy sky over water and the sun rising, in the style of light cyan and dark amber, minimalistic .txt to raw_combined/a cloudy sky over water and the sun rising, in the style of light cyan and dark amber, minimalistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mulder and scully xfiles at the beach.png to raw_combined/mulder and scully xfiles at the beach.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tifani zabihais illustration is in the square format like a face, in the style of art deco geometric.txt to raw_combined/tifani zabihais illustration is in the square format like a face, in the style of art deco geometric.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of an explosion over the ocean, in the style of ethereal and dreamlike atmosphere, spheri.txt to raw_combined/a painting of an explosion over the ocean, in the style of ethereal and dreamlike atmosphere, spheri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark sky, in the style of hyperspace noir, abstract figuration, light bronze and white, uhd image,.png to raw_combined/a dark sky, in the style of hyperspace noir, abstract figuration, light bronze and white, uhd image,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cliff edge overlooking a light house and ocean, in the style of light white and gold, archaeologic.txt to raw_combined/a cliff edge overlooking a light house and ocean, in the style of light white and gold, archaeologic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/busy los angeles city street flooded with huy fong sriracha chili sauce .png to raw_combined/busy los angeles city street flooded with huy fong sriracha chili sauce .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a white horse pulling a carriage down an cobblestone street, in the style of black and white mastery.txt to raw_combined/a white horse pulling a carriage down an cobblestone street, in the style of black and white mastery.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/rocky landscapes, in the style of dynamic brushwork vibrations, global illumination, orange and beig.txt to raw_combined/rocky landscapes, in the style of dynamic brushwork vibrations, global illumination, orange and beig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the fog over the forest. photograph by johnson hancox on 500px, in the style of papua new guinea art.txt to raw_combined/the fog over the forest. photograph by johnson hancox on 500px, in the style of papua new guinea art.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cityscape at the Edge of infinity, cinematic, .png to raw_combined/cityscape at the Edge of infinity, cinematic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/letterbox sideview of a man walking along a coastal path .txt to raw_combined/letterbox sideview of a man walking along a coastal path .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a elegant black man textured with color, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, psychedelic il.txt to raw_combined/a elegant black man textured with color, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, psychedelic il.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a large ship is hauling cargo in the water, in the style of aerial abstractions, dark green and indi.png to raw_combined/a large ship is hauling cargo in the water, in the style of aerial abstractions, dark green and indi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/group of men, at sunset, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic deta.txt to raw_combined/group of men, at sunset, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of a young black man ,short hair, in an abstract image, in the style of martin ansin, geome.txt to raw_combined/portrait of a young black man ,short hair, in an abstract image, in the style of martin ansin, geome.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of a moon with clouds over it, in the style of light silver and light aquamarine, crosspr.txt to raw_combined/a painting of a moon with clouds over it, in the style of light silver and light aquamarine, crosspr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of Human with aligator eyes .txt to raw_combined/portrait of Human with aligator eyes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cats in garden in style of Todd A. Williams .txt to raw_combined/cats in garden in style of Todd A. Williams .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/crumbling wall with a portrait of an old man in the background, in the style of cybersteampunk, dark.txt to raw_combined/crumbling wall with a portrait of an old man in the background, in the style of cybersteampunk, dark.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cityscape at the Edge of infinity, cinematic, .txt to raw_combined/cityscape at the Edge of infinity, cinematic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an image of a wolf with flowers and foliage, in the style of monochromatic graphic design, hyperreal.txt to raw_combined/an image of a wolf with flowers and foliage, in the style of monochromatic graphic design, hyperreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a girl with glasses and red sweater, in the style of ethereal portraits, colorized, poetcore, soft f.png to raw_combined/a girl with glasses and red sweater, in the style of ethereal portraits, colorized, poetcore, soft f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Portrait of man with 2 differently shaped eyes. .png to raw_combined/Portrait of man with 2 differently shaped eyes. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Occlusion attempt imminent with supercell .txt to raw_combined/Occlusion attempt imminent with supercell .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a paper butterfly with flowers and flowers adorned, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, oleksandr.png to raw_combined/a paper butterfly with flowers and flowers adorned, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, oleksandr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a sketch depicting a woman on the porch, in the style of digital mixed media, realist detail, layere.txt to raw_combined/a sketch depicting a woman on the porch, in the style of digital mixed media, realist detail, layere.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/aerial boat with shacks on it, in the style of transportcore, dark white and emerald, bertil nilsson.png to raw_combined/aerial boat with shacks on it, in the style of transportcore, dark white and emerald, bertil nilsson.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of man with freakishly large eyes .txt to raw_combined/portrait of man with freakishly large eyes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a blue LED fan in a white space, in the style of colorful vibrations, hd mod, spirals, dark gray and.png to raw_combined/a blue LED fan in a white space, in the style of colorful vibrations, hd mod, spirals, dark gray and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a womans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations.txt to raw_combined/an abstract image of a womans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a wolf head with geometrics on a white background, in the style of alejandro burdisio, dark pink and.txt to raw_combined/a wolf head with geometrics on a white background, in the style of alejandro burdisio, dark pink and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/modern young men walking on the beach wearing dress suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, van go.png to raw_combined/modern young men walking on the beach wearing dress suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, van go.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/modern young men walking on the beach wearing dress suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, van go.txt to raw_combined/modern young men walking on the beach wearing dress suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, van go.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/impossible things cities .png to raw_combined/impossible things cities .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma city , cinematic lighting, .png to raw_combined/enigma city , cinematic lighting, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the desert, in the style of karol bak, cinematic elegance, magali villeneuve, zhang jingn.txt to raw_combined/a woman in the desert, in the style of karol bak, cinematic elegance, magali villeneuve, zhang jingn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/neuron waterfall .txt to raw_combined/neuron waterfall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the people are looking out to the cloud tops, in the style of richly detailed genre paintings, fanta.txt to raw_combined/the people are looking out to the cloud tops, in the style of richly detailed genre paintings, fanta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/clouds and dark sky, in the style of heatwave, manapunk, matte photo, light gold and pink, radiant c.txt to raw_combined/clouds and dark sky, in the style of heatwave, manapunk, matte photo, light gold and pink, radiant c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the photo of a dark wall showing streaks of sunlight, in the style of abstract forms in motion, epic.png to raw_combined/the photo of a dark wall showing streaks of sunlight, in the style of abstract forms in motion, epic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/All three crew members begin throwing switches. The lights it the complex control room starts to com.png to raw_combined/All three crew members begin throwing switches. The lights it the complex control room starts to com.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger sculpture glass art, in the style of opaque resin panels, white and beige, surreal illustratio.png to raw_combined/tiger sculpture glass art, in the style of opaque resin panels, white and beige, surreal illustratio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/joey and katie, black and white, in the style of pop colorism, photo taken with fujifilm superia, da.txt to raw_combined/joey and katie, black and white, in the style of pop colorism, photo taken with fujifilm superia, da.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/metannoia enigma landscape .png to raw_combined/metannoia enigma landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wolf , intricate wooden jigsaw puzzle, black background .txt to raw_combined/wolf , intricate wooden jigsaw puzzle, black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,zebras , in the style andrew wyeth .txt to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,zebras , in the style andrew wyeth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the forest with a gorilla behind her, in the style of actionpacked scenes, emotive faces,.png to raw_combined/a woman in the forest with a gorilla behind her, in the style of actionpacked scenes, emotive faces,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/fridge of eyes .txt to raw_combined/fridge of eyes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a man staring at the sky , in the style of gray and bronze, balcomb greene, strong facial expression.txt to raw_combined/a man staring at the sky , in the style of gray and bronze, balcomb greene, strong facial expression.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an old lighthouse sits on an edge of a cliff that is in front of a cliff, in the style of tarsila do.txt to raw_combined/an old lighthouse sits on an edge of a cliff that is in front of a cliff, in the style of tarsila do.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/moleculemotion city .txt to raw_combined/moleculemotion city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/blue green ocean .png to raw_combined/blue green ocean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two horses running through a field of grass, in the style of speedpainting, white and amber, 8k, dep.png to raw_combined/two horses running through a field of grass, in the style of speedpainting, white and amber, 8k, dep.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a man in blue shirt with a blue light, in the style of figures in motion, black arts movement, photo.txt to raw_combined/a man in blue shirt with a blue light, in the style of figures in motion, black arts movement, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a photo of an angry dog with a collar, in the style of andreas rocha, grotesque caricatures, dmitri .png to raw_combined/a photo of an angry dog with a collar, in the style of andreas rocha, grotesque caricatures, dmitri .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/micro view of grains of sand on a beach .png to raw_combined/micro view of grains of sand on a beach .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/styilzed desert mountain terrain, in the style of brushstroke abstractions, bold reds and browns, 8k.png to raw_combined/styilzed desert mountain terrain, in the style of brushstroke abstractions, bold reds and browns, 8k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/sky with clouds, moutains in the background, in the style of manapunk, light pink and dark amber, ra.txt to raw_combined/sky with clouds, moutains in the background, in the style of manapunk, light pink and dark amber, ra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/ship in distress by iortanis nyamu on 500px, in the style of cyberpunk dystopia, traditional vietnam.png to raw_combined/ship in distress by iortanis nyamu on 500px, in the style of cyberpunk dystopia, traditional vietnam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/sky with clouds, moutains in the background, in the style of manapunk, light pink and dark amber, ra.png to raw_combined/sky with clouds, moutains in the background, in the style of manapunk, light pink and dark amber, ra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait biomorphic .png to raw_combined/portrait biomorphic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/herder and taylor laying between each other on the hardwood floor, in the style of colorstreaked, sp.png to raw_combined/herder and taylor laying between each other on the hardwood floor, in the style of colorstreaked, sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a pinto horse is running at full gallop in the desert landscape .png to raw_combined/a pinto horse is running at full gallop in the desert landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/amazing abstract art , P 4s or 2s 2s Area A s2 s s Rectangle l w Perimeter P 2w 2l Area A l w .png to raw_combined/amazing abstract art , P 4s or 2s 2s Area A s2 s s Rectangle l w Perimeter P 2w 2l Area A l w .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a photo with a blue whale under water with ice, in the style of irregular forms, detailed hyperreali.txt to raw_combined/a photo with a blue whale under water with ice, in the style of irregular forms, detailed hyperreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a brown horse galloping through a dark field, in the style of uniformly staged images, dark brown an.png to raw_combined/a brown horse galloping through a dark field, in the style of uniformly staged images, dark brown an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The advanced space shioship clears the top of the cloud layer. Bursts out into starsprinkled space. .txt to raw_combined/The advanced space shioship clears the top of the cloud layer. Bursts out into starsprinkled space. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a photo with a blue whale under water with ice, in the style of irregular forms, detailed hyperreali.png to raw_combined/a photo with a blue whale under water with ice, in the style of irregular forms, detailed hyperreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped worlds, enigmatic color, portrait .png to raw_combined/intricately mapped worlds, enigmatic color, portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/biomorphic giant hornet .png to raw_combined/biomorphic giant hornet .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The things that break your heart .png to raw_combined/The things that break your heart .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/high speed dramatic photo taken at 15000 of a second of two cars colliding head on at 50 mph on a de.txt to raw_combined/high speed dramatic photo taken at 15000 of a second of two cars colliding head on at 50 mph on a de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of man with freakishly large eyes .png to raw_combined/portrait of man with freakishly large eyes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/urban space with golden lights, in the style of striking digital surrealism, symmetric compositions,.txt to raw_combined/urban space with golden lights, in the style of striking digital surrealism, symmetric compositions,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman with glasses surrounded by a dark stormy sky, in the style of dark amber and red, relatable .txt to raw_combined/a woman with glasses surrounded by a dark stormy sky, in the style of dark amber and red, relatable .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a horse on the beach, .txt to raw_combined/a horse on the beach, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wedding photography, bride in vintage flapper style, lace, fringes, pearls and deep back, .png to raw_combined/wedding photography, bride in vintage flapper style, lace, fringes, pearls and deep back, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/top ten photographs of sky over the chilean Andes, in the style of monstrous surrealism, joyful cele.txt to raw_combined/top ten photographs of sky over the chilean Andes, in the style of monstrous surrealism, joyful cele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/clown in a dress suit in the style of Dali .png to raw_combined/clown in a dress suit in the style of Dali .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/astronaut free image of astronaut in space i ckl, in the style of beeple, uhd image, pictorial spac.txt to raw_combined/astronaut free image of astronaut in space i ckl, in the style of beeple, uhd image, pictorial spac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/create an image of a futuristic bullet going at ludicrous speed, cinematic lighting , speed motion v.txt to raw_combined/create an image of a futuristic bullet going at ludicrous speed, cinematic lighting , speed motion v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/futuristic high speed black cooper mini car hd wallpaper, in the style of luminous brushwork, dark g.txt to raw_combined/futuristic high speed black cooper mini car hd wallpaper, in the style of luminous brushwork, dark g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/image of a black swimmer, in the style of ultra hd, translucent water, poured, simplified polar bear.txt to raw_combined/image of a black swimmer, in the style of ultra hd, translucent water, poured, simplified polar bear.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger glass art, in the style of contemporary animal sculptures, james bullough, light white and amb.txt to raw_combined/tiger glass art, in the style of contemporary animal sculptures, james bullough, light white and amb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a lighthouse on a cliff near a rocky cliff, in the style of light white and gold, urban culture expl.txt to raw_combined/a lighthouse on a cliff near a rocky cliff, in the style of light white and gold, urban culture expl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Where do broken shipwrecks go .png to raw_combined/Where do broken shipwrecks go .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract painting of ships navigating the ocean, in the style of digital fantasy landscapes, colo.txt to raw_combined/an abstract painting of ships navigating the ocean, in the style of digital fantasy landscapes, colo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young girl with green eyes covering her face with her hands, in the style of light crimson and lig.png to raw_combined/a young girl with green eyes covering her face with her hands, in the style of light crimson and lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/crocheted mens suits .png to raw_combined/crocheted mens suits .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mountainous coastal city, massive storm clouds, .png to raw_combined/mountainous coastal city, massive storm clouds, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the desert, in the style of karol bak, cinematic elegance, magali villeneuve, zhang jingn.png to raw_combined/a woman in the desert, in the style of karol bak, cinematic elegance, magali villeneuve, zhang jingn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a lion standing in a field with his mouth open, in the style of stefan gesell, ahmed morsi, photorea.txt to raw_combined/a lion standing in a field with his mouth open, in the style of stefan gesell, ahmed morsi, photorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/painting for jane harrand, in the style of digital painting and drawing, everyday life depiction, bl.png to raw_combined/painting for jane harrand, in the style of digital painting and drawing, everyday life depiction, bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,cheetah in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .png to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,cheetah in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/threatening skies over the waters, in the style of gritty textures, mallgoth, sabattier filter, fant.png to raw_combined/threatening skies over the waters, in the style of gritty textures, mallgoth, sabattier filter, fant.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/joey and katie, black and white, in the style of pop colorism, photo taken with fujifilm superia, da.png to raw_combined/joey and katie, black and white, in the style of pop colorism, photo taken with fujifilm superia, da.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a steam engine type of art, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pat.txt to raw_combined/a steam engine type of art, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an older steampunk couple in tennis stands on a court, in the style of floral surrealism, stylish co.txt to raw_combined/an older steampunk couple in tennis stands on a court, in the style of floral surrealism, stylish co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/explosions around a man on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Its sunrise. He is exhausted, Shot on .txt to raw_combined/explosions around a man on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Its sunrise. He is exhausted, Shot on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark sky, in the style of hyperspace noir, abstract figuration, light bronze and white, uhd image,.txt to raw_combined/a dark sky, in the style of hyperspace noir, abstract figuration, light bronze and white, uhd image,.txt\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/pencil sketch of stampeding horses on parchment, line drawing, textured, style of michelangelo, bruc.txt to raw_combined/pencil sketch of stampeding horses on parchment, line drawing, textured, style of michelangelo, bruc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/martin van dubbelen instinyen on 500px, in the style of sciencefiction dystopias, pilesstacks, kuang.txt to raw_combined/martin van dubbelen instinyen on 500px, in the style of sciencefiction dystopias, pilesstacks, kuang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark cloud above a grassy field, in the style of dark navy and light gray, multilayered, manapunk,.png to raw_combined/a dark cloud above a grassy field, in the style of dark navy and light gray, multilayered, manapunk,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/high speed photo taken at 15000 th of a second of water being poured on the head of a surprised woma.txt to raw_combined/high speed photo taken at 15000 th of a second of water being poured on the head of a surprised woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/herder and taylor laying between each other on the hardwood floor, in the style of colorstreaked, sp.txt to raw_combined/herder and taylor laying between each other on the hardwood floor, in the style of colorstreaked, sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Occlusion attempt imminent with supercell .png to raw_combined/Occlusion attempt imminent with supercell .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/old crumbling wall painting of a steampunk character with a giant robot, in the style of bronze and .png to raw_combined/old crumbling wall painting of a steampunk character with a giant robot, in the style of bronze and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/blue green ocean .txt to raw_combined/blue green ocean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a steam engine type of art, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pat.png to raw_combined/a steam engine type of art, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/four black men in suits standing on the beach, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed rendering.txt to raw_combined/four black men in suits standing on the beach, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed rendering.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a butterfly made from colored floral paper, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic composit.png to raw_combined/a butterfly made from colored floral paper, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic composit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The things that break your heart .txt to raw_combined/The things that break your heart .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cloud art by kristen wainaby the dark cloud, in the style of dan matutina, swirling colors .png to raw_combined/cloud art by kristen wainaby the dark cloud, in the style of dan matutina, swirling colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/new york city , in the style of steampunkinspired designs, 32k uhd, pilesstacks, dark cyan and brown.txt to raw_combined/new york city , in the style of steampunkinspired designs, 32k uhd, pilesstacks, dark cyan and brown.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Full frame, wide angle bionic futurism character design, with a symmetrical and dynamic pose, utiliz.png to raw_combined/Full frame, wide angle bionic futurism character design, with a symmetrical and dynamic pose, utiliz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Storm blowing across the nightshrouded surface. The futuristic space tanker,,,,,,, hovers on glowing.txt to raw_combined/Storm blowing across the nightshrouded surface. The futuristic space tanker,,,,,,, hovers on glowing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/create an image of a futuristic bullet going at ludicrous speed, cinematic lighting , speed motion v.png to raw_combined/create an image of a futuristic bullet going at ludicrous speed, cinematic lighting , speed motion v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/architexture City in the abstract styles of physics, mathematics .png to raw_combined/architexture City in the abstract styles of physics, mathematics .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cats in garden in style of Todd A. Williams .png to raw_combined/cats in garden in style of Todd A. Williams .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/hudson river school dogs .png to raw_combined/hudson river school dogs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,horses in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .txt to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,horses in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped oceans ,.txt to raw_combined/intricately mapped oceans ,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a car is floating in space by an alien light source, in the style of cryptid academia, silver and az.png to raw_combined/a car is floating in space by an alien light source, in the style of cryptid academia, silver and az.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/high speed photo taken at 15000 th of a second of water being poured on the head of a surprised woma.png to raw_combined/high speed photo taken at 15000 th of a second of water being poured on the head of a surprised woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a majestic male lion is walking in the field, in the style of peter lippmann, captures raw emotions .txt to raw_combined/a majestic male lion is walking in the field, in the style of peter lippmann, captures raw emotions .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a blue LED fan in a white space, in the style of colorful vibrations, hd mod, spirals, dark gray and.txt to raw_combined/a blue LED fan in a white space, in the style of colorful vibrations, hd mod, spirals, dark gray and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/styilzed desert mountain terrain, in the style of brushstroke abstractions, bold reds and browns, 8k.txt to raw_combined/styilzed desert mountain terrain, in the style of brushstroke abstractions, bold reds and browns, 8k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped worlds, enigmatic color, portrait .txt to raw_combined/intricately mapped worlds, enigmatic color, portrait .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/A lion sized giant stray mainecoone walks down a dark street in the city .png to raw_combined/A lion sized giant stray mainecoone walks down a dark street in the city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photo taken at 12000 th of a second freezing water being pored on the head of a surprised woman .txt to raw_combined/photo taken at 12000 th of a second freezing water being pored on the head of a surprised woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Storm blowing across the nightshrouded surface. The futuristic space tanker,,,,,,, hovers on glowing.png to raw_combined/Storm blowing across the nightshrouded surface. The futuristic space tanker,,,,,,, hovers on glowing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a mosaic of blue, shiny stones, in the style of dark turquoise and dark navy, naturalistic yet surre.png to raw_combined/a mosaic of blue, shiny stones, in the style of dark turquoise and dark navy, naturalistic yet surre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/half human half snail blended .png to raw_combined/half human half snail blended .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two horses running through a field of grass, in the style of speedpainting, white and amber, 8k, dep.txt to raw_combined/two horses running through a field of grass, in the style of speedpainting, white and amber, 8k, dep.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/light wave projector, in the style of acrobatic selfportraits, gerard sekoto, ronald wimberly, joel .png to raw_combined/light wave projector, in the style of acrobatic selfportraits, gerard sekoto, ronald wimberly, joel .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cat ,onyx and black .txt to raw_combined/cat ,onyx and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/koi in the style of Queezes Stromathing .png to raw_combined/koi in the style of Queezes Stromathing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/ocean waves, blue green water, lava flowing into the water, ultra realistic, .png to raw_combined/ocean waves, blue green water, lava flowing into the water, ultra realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,zebras , in the style andrew wyeth .png to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,zebras , in the style andrew wyeth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/preserving ambiguity city .txt to raw_combined/preserving ambiguity city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wallpaper of a person walking down the road at night, in the style of sacha goldberger, hiphop inspi.png to raw_combined/wallpaper of a person walking down the road at night, in the style of sacha goldberger, hiphop inspi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/blue and gold stones in a wallpaper, in the style of dark turquoise and dark emerald, mesmerizing co.txt to raw_combined/blue and gold stones in a wallpaper, in the style of dark turquoise and dark emerald, mesmerizing co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/top ten photographs of sky over the chilean Andes, in the style of monstrous surrealism, joyful cele.png to raw_combined/top ten photographs of sky over the chilean Andes, in the style of monstrous surrealism, joyful cele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intangible city .png to raw_combined/intangible city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/matrix binary code, mondrian, concept car on highway, desert, sunset .png to raw_combined/matrix binary code, mondrian, concept car on highway, desert, sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Create an abstract, generative AIdriven image. Design a visual that showcases the transformative pow.txt to raw_combined/Create an abstract, generative AIdriven image. Design a visual that showcases the transformative pow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/white clouds hover over the mountains in the morning, in the style of monstrous surrealism, i cant b.txt to raw_combined/white clouds hover over the mountains in the morning, in the style of monstrous surrealism, i cant b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Immortalizing Oncogene city .txt to raw_combined/Immortalizing Oncogene city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a wolf head and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, .png to raw_combined/an abstract image of a wolf head and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Award winning photo which shows a large cloud with a white circle in the middle, in the style of imp.png to raw_combined/Award winning photo which shows a large cloud with a white circle in the middle, in the style of imp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Argument of Perihelion city .png to raw_combined/Argument of Perihelion city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/astronaut free image of astronaut in space i ckl, in the style of beeple, uhd image, pictorial spac.png to raw_combined/astronaut free image of astronaut in space i ckl, in the style of beeple, uhd image, pictorial spac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of a young black man ,short hair, in an abstract image, in the style of martin ansin, geome.png to raw_combined/portrait of a young black man ,short hair, in an abstract image, in the style of martin ansin, geome.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a drawing of a black man outside a building with hoodies, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, .txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a black man outside a building with hoodies, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/paper craft paper flowers and butterflies, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic compositi.txt to raw_combined/paper craft paper flowers and butterflies, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic compositi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Massive waves at sea , cinematic lighting, brooding skies .png to raw_combined/Massive waves at sea , cinematic lighting, brooding skies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/high speed dramatic photo taken at 15000 of a second of two cars colliding head on at 50 mph on a de.png to raw_combined/high speed dramatic photo taken at 15000 of a second of two cars colliding head on at 50 mph on a de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait onyx and black .txt to raw_combined/portrait onyx and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/man wearing glasses, full smile in the style of documentary travel photography, candid, carnivalesqu.png to raw_combined/man wearing glasses, full smile in the style of documentary travel photography, candid, carnivalesqu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Overhead, colossal hangars host a mesmerizing spectacle of starships in various stages of preparatio.txt to raw_combined/Overhead, colossal hangars host a mesmerizing spectacle of starships in various stages of preparatio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a horse, .png to raw_combined/a horse, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a wolf head with geometrics on a white background, in the style of alejandro burdisio, dark pink and.png to raw_combined/a wolf head with geometrics on a white background, in the style of alejandro burdisio, dark pink and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/f16 interceptor on runway near storm clouds, in the style of flickr, frieke janssens, green and bron.png to raw_combined/f16 interceptor on runway near storm clouds, in the style of flickr, frieke janssens, green and bron.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wallpaper of a person walking down the road at night, in the style of sacha goldberger, hiphop inspi.txt to raw_combined/wallpaper of a person walking down the road at night, in the style of sacha goldberger, hiphop inspi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Full frame, wide angle bionic futurism character design, with a symmetrical and dynamic pose, utiliz.txt to raw_combined/Full frame, wide angle bionic futurism character design, with a symmetrical and dynamic pose, utiliz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/astronaut standing in front of space, in the style of scifi realism, imax, precisionism influence .txt to raw_combined/astronaut standing in front of space, in the style of scifi realism, imax, precisionism influence .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/preserving ambiguity city .png to raw_combined/preserving ambiguity city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an image of a black helicopter flying in the sky, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, ni.txt to raw_combined/an image of a black helicopter flying in the sky, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, ni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Dark storm clouds blanketed the sky, crackling with the energy of an impending cataclysm that would .png to raw_combined/Dark storm clouds blanketed the sky, crackling with the energy of an impending cataclysm that would .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the hand on the door has on it, in the style of realism with surrealistic elements, environmental aw.txt to raw_combined/the hand on the door has on it, in the style of realism with surrealistic elements, environmental aw.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the heart is a lonely hunter .png to raw_combined/the heart is a lonely hunter .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a variety of cartoon sheltie faces with different expressions, in the style of worthington whittredg.txt to raw_combined/a variety of cartoon sheltie faces with different expressions, in the style of worthington whittredg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,horses in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .png to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,horses in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/orange and teal coastal city, the style of jessica rossier, data visualization, chiaroscuro sketches.png to raw_combined/orange and teal coastal city, the style of jessica rossier, data visualization, chiaroscuro sketches.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/yellow and brown circles surround an abstract black background, in the style of james jean, cosmic a.txt to raw_combined/yellow and brown circles surround an abstract black background, in the style of james jean, cosmic a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of an explosion over the ocean, in the style of ethereal and dreamlike atmosphere, spheri.png to raw_combined/a painting of an explosion over the ocean, in the style of ethereal and dreamlike atmosphere, spheri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a set of emoji animation of cats, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, comic art, group f.txt to raw_combined/a set of emoji animation of cats, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, comic art, group f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Dark storm clouds blanketed the sky, crackling with the energy of an impending cataclysm that would .txt to raw_combined/Dark storm clouds blanketed the sky, crackling with the energy of an impending cataclysm that would .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/sunset with white clouds to the left a long stretch of water, in the style of muted colorscape maste.txt to raw_combined/sunset with white clouds to the left a long stretch of water, in the style of muted colorscape maste.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/new york city , in the style of steampunkinspired designs, 32k uhd, pilesstacks, dark cyan and brown.png to raw_combined/new york city , in the style of steampunkinspired designs, 32k uhd, pilesstacks, dark cyan and brown.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/astronaut standing in front of space, in the style of scifi realism, imax, precisionism influence .png to raw_combined/astronaut standing in front of space, in the style of scifi realism, imax, precisionism influence .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two dogs sleeping on the floor of a room, in the style of varying wood grains, cottagepunk, light br.png to raw_combined/two dogs sleeping on the floor of a room, in the style of varying wood grains, cottagepunk, light br.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intangible city .txt to raw_combined/intangible city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the valley is seen under dark skies and green grass, in the style of dimitry roulland, god rays, ita.png to raw_combined/the valley is seen under dark skies and green grass, in the style of dimitry roulland, god rays, ita.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman is sitting in the desert with camels, in the style of video art, afrocolombian themes, kitty.txt to raw_combined/a woman is sitting in the desert with camels, in the style of video art, afrocolombian themes, kitty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/30 year old black and white men are wearing armani suits , in the style of thomas blackshear, full f.png to raw_combined/30 year old black and white men are wearing armani suits , in the style of thomas blackshear, full f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an iceberg above and under the water, with the ocean surrounding it, in the style of photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/an iceberg above and under the water, with the ocean surrounding it, in the style of photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/desert mountains image in the style of topographical realism, juxtaposition of hard and soft lines, .png to raw_combined/desert mountains image in the style of topographical realism, juxtaposition of hard and soft lines, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a handsome young man black airline pilot looks at the camera, in the style of dark bronze and white,.txt to raw_combined/a handsome young man black airline pilot looks at the camera, in the style of dark bronze and white,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of Human with aligator eyes .png to raw_combined/portrait of Human with aligator eyes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a womans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations.png to raw_combined/an abstract image of a womans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/glass tiger art , in the style of airbrush art, incisioni series, himalayan art, hard edge, animalie.txt to raw_combined/glass tiger art , in the style of airbrush art, incisioni series, himalayan art, hard edge, animalie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Massive waves at sea , cinematic lighting, brooding skies .txt to raw_combined/Massive waves at sea , cinematic lighting, brooding skies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/metannoia enigma landscape .txt to raw_combined/metannoia enigma landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/yellow and brown circles surround an abstract black background, in the style of james jean, cosmic a.png to raw_combined/yellow and brown circles surround an abstract black background, in the style of james jean, cosmic a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cloudscape city .png to raw_combined/cloudscape city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of two horses, in the style of steve henderson, light white and gold, digital art techniq.png to raw_combined/a painting of two horses, in the style of steve henderson, light white and gold, digital art techniq.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/man wearing glasses, full smile in the style of documentary travel photography, candid, carnivalesqu.txt to raw_combined/man wearing glasses, full smile in the style of documentary travel photography, candid, carnivalesqu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Kathy bates as an evil librarian .txt to raw_combined/Kathy bates as an evil librarian .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/f16 interceptor on runway near storm clouds, in the style of flickr, frieke janssens, green and bron.txt to raw_combined/f16 interceptor on runway near storm clouds, in the style of flickr, frieke janssens, green and bron.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a colorful bullet train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink a.png to raw_combined/a colorful bullet train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/urban space with golden lights, in the style of striking digital surrealism, symmetric compositions,.png to raw_combined/urban space with golden lights, in the style of striking digital surrealism, symmetric compositions,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a f16 jet airplane flying through a dark weather, in the style of hyperrealistic portraits, i cant b.png to raw_combined/a f16 jet airplane flying through a dark weather, in the style of hyperrealistic portraits, i cant b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma city .txt to raw_combined/enigma city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/orange and teal coastal city, the style of jessica rossier, data visualization, chiaroscuro sketches.txt to raw_combined/orange and teal coastal city, the style of jessica rossier, data visualization, chiaroscuro sketches.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the desert sun with curly red hair looking towards the camera, in the style of soft edges.txt to raw_combined/a woman in the desert sun with curly red hair looking towards the camera, in the style of soft edges.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photographer gheorghe vasilev on 500px, Charging elephant, in the style of endurance art, ivory, exp.png to raw_combined/photographer gheorghe vasilev on 500px, Charging elephant, in the style of endurance art, ivory, exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/explosions around a man on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Its sunrise. He is exhausted, Shot on .png to raw_combined/explosions around a man on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Its sunrise. He is exhausted, Shot on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a paper butterfly with flowers and flowers adorned, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, oleksandr.txt to raw_combined/a paper butterfly with flowers and flowers adorned, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, oleksandr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract and futuristic picture of a landscape with clouds, in the style of anime art, realistic .png to raw_combined/an abstract and futuristic picture of a landscape with clouds, in the style of anime art, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the black men are wearing suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, digital painting, ed freeman, ul.png to raw_combined/the black men are wearing suits, in the style of thomas blackshear, digital painting, ed freeman, ul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a colorful train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink and blac.txt to raw_combined/a colorful train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink and blac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a set of emoji animation of cats, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, comic art, group f.png to raw_combined/a set of emoji animation of cats, in the style of vintage sepiatoned photography, comic art, group f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/group of men, at sunset, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic deta.png to raw_combined/group of men, at sunset, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheric environments, detailed marine views,.png to raw_combined/photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheric environments, detailed marine views,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Man with excessive tooth decay .png to raw_combined/Man with excessive tooth decay .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Where do broken shipwrecks go .txt to raw_combined/Where do broken shipwrecks go .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the forest with a gorilla behind her, in the style of actionpacked scenes, emotive faces,.txt to raw_combined/a woman in the forest with a gorilla behind her, in the style of actionpacked scenes, emotive faces,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cherry red helicopter on a black background, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, glitc.txt to raw_combined/a cherry red helicopter on a black background, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, glitc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a steam engine train, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pattern a.txt to raw_combined/a steam engine train, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pattern a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cloudy sky over water and the sun rising, in the style of light cyan and dark amber, minimalistic .png to raw_combined/a cloudy sky over water and the sun rising, in the style of light cyan and dark amber, minimalistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a f16 military aircraft on the runway ready to take off, in the style of associated press photo, mul.txt to raw_combined/a f16 military aircraft on the runway ready to take off, in the style of associated press photo, mul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Diagrammatic clown portrait .png to raw_combined/Diagrammatic clown portrait .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/group of men, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic details, decons.txt to raw_combined/group of men, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic details, decons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sky is covered in storm clouds, in the style of light navy and dark bronze, whirly, underexposur.png to raw_combined/the sky is covered in storm clouds, in the style of light navy and dark bronze, whirly, underexposur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/micro view of grains of sand on a beach .txt to raw_combined/micro view of grains of sand on a beach .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cliff edge overlooking a light house and ocean, in the style of light white and gold, archaeologic.png to raw_combined/a cliff edge overlooking a light house and ocean, in the style of light white and gold, archaeologic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/clouds and dark sky, in the style of heatwave, manapunk, matte photo, light gold and pink, radiant c.png to raw_combined/clouds and dark sky, in the style of heatwave, manapunk, matte photo, light gold and pink, radiant c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the interior of a disused mansion with lots of windows, in the style of mat collishaw, grandiose rui.txt to raw_combined/the interior of a disused mansion with lots of windows, in the style of mat collishaw, grandiose rui.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photograph lion print photo wallpaper print, in the style of intense action scenes, zeiss milvus 25m.txt to raw_combined/photograph lion print photo wallpaper print, in the style of intense action scenes, zeiss milvus 25m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an image of a wolf with flowers and foliage, in the style of monochromatic graphic design, hyperreal.png to raw_combined/an image of a wolf with flowers and foliage, in the style of monochromatic graphic design, hyperreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Landscapes slide by. Reduced by altitude to abstractions river deltas, forests and flood plains. A r.png to raw_combined/Landscapes slide by. Reduced by altitude to abstractions river deltas, forests and flood plains. A r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/busy los angeles city street flooded with huy fong sriracha chili sauce .txt to raw_combined/busy los angeles city street flooded with huy fong sriracha chili sauce .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/man in a desert .png to raw_combined/man in a desert .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/paper craft paper flowers and butterflies, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic compositi.png to raw_combined/paper craft paper flowers and butterflies, in the style of colorful woodcarvings, majestic compositi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/group of men, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic details, decons.png to raw_combined/group of men, in the style of kadir nelson, sean yoro, paul corfield, hyperrealistic details, decons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a man staring at the sky , in the style of gray and bronze, balcomb greene, strong facial expression.png to raw_combined/a man staring at the sky , in the style of gray and bronze, balcomb greene, strong facial expression.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/30 year old black and white men are wearing armani suits , in the style of thomas blackshear, full f.txt to raw_combined/30 year old black and white men are wearing armani suits , in the style of thomas blackshear, full f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a void leads to a singularity, cinematic lighting , in the style of decay .txt to raw_combined/a void leads to a singularity, cinematic lighting , in the style of decay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/white clouds hover over the mountains in the morning, in the style of monstrous surrealism, i cant b.png to raw_combined/white clouds hover over the mountains in the morning, in the style of monstrous surrealism, i cant b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma city .png to raw_combined/enigma city .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a black mans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrat.txt to raw_combined/an abstract image of a black mans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait of woman with eyes of a horse .png to raw_combined/portrait of woman with eyes of a horse .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an iceberg above and under the water, with the ocean surrounding it, in the style of photorealistic .png to raw_combined/an iceberg above and under the water, with the ocean surrounding it, in the style of photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/man in a desert .txt to raw_combined/man in a desert .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Portrait of man with 2 differently shaped eyes. .txt to raw_combined/Portrait of man with 2 differently shaped eyes. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma, city , winter,.png to raw_combined/enigma, city , winter,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped worlds, ethereal scenes landscape .txt to raw_combined/intricately mapped worlds, ethereal scenes landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger glass art, in the style of translucent resin waves, grisaille, white and amber, porcelain, nao.txt to raw_combined/tiger glass art, in the style of translucent resin waves, grisaille, white and amber, porcelain, nao.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tourist visiting the english yorkshire moors takes selfie with the infamous monster of the moors, .png to raw_combined/tourist visiting the english yorkshire moors takes selfie with the infamous monster of the moors, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young biracial man with freckles looking into the camera, in the style of danny roberts, shadowy i.png to raw_combined/a young biracial man with freckles looking into the camera, in the style of danny roberts, shadowy i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the heart is a lonely hunter .txt to raw_combined/the heart is a lonely hunter .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the night time is full of various shaped fabrics, in the style of spatial concept art, light orange .png to raw_combined/the night time is full of various shaped fabrics, in the style of spatial concept art, light orange .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/snail bird hybrid .txt to raw_combined/snail bird hybrid .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/desert mountains image in the style of topographical realism, juxtaposition of hard and soft lines, .txt to raw_combined/desert mountains image in the style of topographical realism, juxtaposition of hard and soft lines, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a mosaic of blue, shiny stones, in the style of dark turquoise and dark navy, naturalistic yet surre.txt to raw_combined/a mosaic of blue, shiny stones, in the style of dark turquoise and dark navy, naturalistic yet surre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/new fashion trend of actual earthworm coats for women .png to raw_combined/new fashion trend of actual earthworm coats for women .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a painting of a moon with clouds over it, in the style of light silver and light aquamarine, crosspr.png to raw_combined/a painting of a moon with clouds over it, in the style of light silver and light aquamarine, crosspr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the ice is covered with color and i am looking through it, in the style of organic sculpting, tooth .txt to raw_combined/the ice is covered with color and i am looking through it, in the style of organic sculpting, tooth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Topographic map background .png to raw_combined/Topographic map background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tornado above a field in soutonosa by mike dollin, in the style of isaac julien, telephoto lens, dus.png to raw_combined/tornado above a field in soutonosa by mike dollin, in the style of isaac julien, telephoto lens, dus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman in the desert sun with curly red hair looking towards the camera, in the style of soft edges.png to raw_combined/a woman in the desert sun with curly red hair looking towards the camera, in the style of soft edges.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/girl with red sweater and glasses, in the style of dark tonalities, poetcore, preraphaeliteinspired,.txt to raw_combined/girl with red sweater and glasses, in the style of dark tonalities, poetcore, preraphaeliteinspired,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/3d art of a colorful flower flying on a black background, in the style of abstract expressionist exp.txt to raw_combined/3d art of a colorful flower flying on a black background, in the style of abstract expressionist exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wolf , intricate wooden jigsaw puzzle, black background .png to raw_combined/wolf , intricate wooden jigsaw puzzle, black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/letterbox sideview of a man walking along a coastal path .png to raw_combined/letterbox sideview of a man walking along a coastal path .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a lion standing in a field with his mouth open, in the style of stefan gesell, ahmed morsi, photorea.png to raw_combined/a lion standing in a field with his mouth open, in the style of stefan gesell, ahmed morsi, photorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/new fashion trend of actual earthworm coats for women .txt to raw_combined/new fashion trend of actual earthworm coats for women .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a drawing of a girl on a bench, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, enki bilal, close up, virt.png to raw_combined/a drawing of a girl on a bench, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, enki bilal, close up, virt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Hyper realistic octane render, a hyper realistic exploding semi truck on fire on the side of the roa.txt to raw_combined/Hyper realistic octane render, a hyper realistic exploding semi truck on fire on the side of the roa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people looking over clouds and a landscape, in the style of james c. christensen, dark orange an.png to raw_combined/two people looking over clouds and a landscape, in the style of james c. christensen, dark orange an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people smiling at each other in black and white, in the style of selfportrait, multicultural fus.txt to raw_combined/two people smiling at each other in black and white, in the style of selfportrait, multicultural fus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/four black men in suits standing on the beach, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed rendering.png to raw_combined/four black men in suits standing on the beach, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed rendering.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Topographic map background .txt to raw_combined/Topographic map background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an artistic and abstract representation of the ocean, in the style of monumental architecture, dark .png to raw_combined/an artistic and abstract representation of the ocean, in the style of monumental architecture, dark .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a black mans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrat.png to raw_combined/an abstract image of a black mans face and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cherry red helicopter on a black background, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, glitc.png to raw_combined/a cherry red helicopter on a black background, in the style of kodak elite chrome extra color, glitc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/stone wallpaper 5 wallpapers to make your desktop look creative, in the style of dark turquoise and .png to raw_combined/stone wallpaper 5 wallpapers to make your desktop look creative, in the style of dark turquoise and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sky is covered in storm clouds, in the style of light navy and dark bronze, whirly, underexposur.txt to raw_combined/the sky is covered in storm clouds, in the style of light navy and dark bronze, whirly, underexposur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sky has dark clouds, in the style of hyperrealistic scifi, tumblewave, paul lehr, ocean academia.png to raw_combined/the sky has dark clouds, in the style of hyperrealistic scifi, tumblewave, paul lehr, ocean academia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/image of a black swimmer, in the style of ultra hd, translucent water, poured, simplified polar bear.png to raw_combined/image of a black swimmer, in the style of ultra hd, translucent water, poured, simplified polar bear.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an older steampunk couple in tennis stands on a court, in the style of floral surrealism, stylish co.png to raw_combined/an older steampunk couple in tennis stands on a court, in the style of floral surrealism, stylish co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/light wave projector, in the style of acrobatic selfportraits, gerard sekoto, ronald wimberly, joel .txt to raw_combined/light wave projector, in the style of acrobatic selfportraits, gerard sekoto, ronald wimberly, joel .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two dogs sleeping on the floor of a room, in the style of varying wood grains, cottagepunk, light br.txt to raw_combined/two dogs sleeping on the floor of a room, in the style of varying wood grains, cottagepunk, light br.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/ship in distress by iortanis nyamu on 500px, in the style of cyberpunk dystopia, traditional vietnam.txt to raw_combined/ship in distress by iortanis nyamu on 500px, in the style of cyberpunk dystopia, traditional vietnam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/pencil sketch of stampeding horses on parchment, line drawing, textured, style of michelangelo, bruc.png to raw_combined/pencil sketch of stampeding horses on parchment, line drawing, textured, style of michelangelo, bruc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/southern minnrsota bluff country ,cheetah in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .txt to raw_combined/southern minnrsota bluff country ,cheetah in the field , in the style andrew wyeth .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two dogs sleeping on a hardwood floor, in the style of tagginglike marks, staining .txt to raw_combined/two dogs sleeping on a hardwood floor, in the style of tagginglike marks, staining .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a girl in a red dress with hands covering her face, in the style of duffy sheridan, softfocus portra.png to raw_combined/a girl in a red dress with hands covering her face, in the style of duffy sheridan, softfocus portra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photographer gheorghe vasilev on 500px, Charging elephant, in the style of endurance art, ivory, exp.txt to raw_combined/photographer gheorghe vasilev on 500px, Charging elephant, in the style of endurance art, ivory, exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a horse on the beach, .png to raw_combined/a horse on the beach, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Most beautiful sand dunes in the world .txt to raw_combined/Most beautiful sand dunes in the world .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/old crumbling wall painting of a steampunk character with a giant robot, in the style of bronze and .txt to raw_combined/old crumbling wall painting of a steampunk character with a giant robot, in the style of bronze and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Mountaineering Seashells .png to raw_combined/Mountaineering Seashells .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mulder and scully xfiles at the beach.txt to raw_combined/mulder and scully xfiles at the beach.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a drawing of a girl on a bench, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, enki bilal, close up, virt.txt to raw_combined/a drawing of a girl on a bench, in the style of crossprocessingprocessed, enki bilal, close up, virt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Landscapes slide by. Reduced by altitude to abstractions river deltas, forests and flood plains. A r.txt to raw_combined/Landscapes slide by. Reduced by altitude to abstractions river deltas, forests and flood plains. A r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a beautiful drawing of an urban city, in the style of steampunkinspired designs .png to raw_combined/a beautiful drawing of an urban city, in the style of steampunkinspired designs .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cat ,onyx and black .png to raw_combined/cat ,onyx and black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger sculpture glass art, in the style of opaque resin panels, white and beige, surreal illustratio.txt to raw_combined/tiger sculpture glass art, in the style of opaque resin panels, white and beige, surreal illustratio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a colorful bullet train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink a.txt to raw_combined/a colorful bullet train on tracks made of sound waves on a black screen, in the style of dark pink a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a cosmic energy cloud and bright yellow light, in the style of structured chaos, dark orange and gol.png to raw_combined/a cosmic energy cloud and bright yellow light, in the style of structured chaos, dark orange and gol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/futuristic high speed black cooper mini car hd wallpaper, in the style of luminous brushwork, dark g.png to raw_combined/futuristic high speed black cooper mini car hd wallpaper, in the style of luminous brushwork, dark g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The cybernetically enhanced soldiers stood sentinel in the shattered ruins of civilization, their me.png to raw_combined/The cybernetically enhanced soldiers stood sentinel in the shattered ruins of civilization, their me.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an artistic and abstract representation of the ocean, in the style of monumental architecture, dark .txt to raw_combined/an artistic and abstract representation of the ocean, in the style of monumental architecture, dark .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/American Shorthair .txt to raw_combined/American Shorthair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/ocean waves, blue green water, lava flowing into the water, ultra realistic, .txt to raw_combined/ocean waves, blue green water, lava flowing into the water, ultra realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract painting of ships navigating the ocean, in the style of digital fantasy landscapes, colo.png to raw_combined/an abstract painting of ships navigating the ocean, in the style of digital fantasy landscapes, colo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a man in blue shirt with a blue light, in the style of figures in motion, black arts movement, photo.png to raw_combined/a man in blue shirt with a blue light, in the style of figures in motion, black arts movement, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the clouds and clouds are depicted above a red circle, in the style of detailed fantasy art, dark cy.txt to raw_combined/the clouds and clouds are depicted above a red circle, in the style of detailed fantasy art, dark cy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/aerial boat with shacks on it, in the style of transportcore, dark white and emerald, bertil nilsson.txt to raw_combined/aerial boat with shacks on it, in the style of transportcore, dark white and emerald, bertil nilsson.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/numerous boats on the beach at sunrise, in the style of aerial photography, sigma 105mm f1.4 dg hsm .png to raw_combined/numerous boats on the beach at sunrise, in the style of aerial photography, sigma 105mm f1.4 dg hsm .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger glass art, in the style of contemporary animal sculptures, james bullough, light white and amb.png to raw_combined/tiger glass art, in the style of contemporary animal sculptures, james bullough, light white and amb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the clouds and clouds are depicted above a red circle, in the style of detailed fantasy art, dark cy.png to raw_combined/the clouds and clouds are depicted above a red circle, in the style of detailed fantasy art, dark cy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an old lighthouse sits on an edge of a cliff that is in front of a cliff, in the style of tarsila do.png to raw_combined/an old lighthouse sits on an edge of a cliff that is in front of a cliff, in the style of tarsila do.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/wedding photography, bride in vintage flapper style, lace, fringes, pearls and deep back, .txt to raw_combined/wedding photography, bride in vintage flapper style, lace, fringes, pearls and deep back, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/amazing abstract art , P 4s or 2s 2s Area A s2 s s Rectangle l w Perimeter P 2w 2l Area A l w .txt to raw_combined/amazing abstract art , P 4s or 2s 2s Area A s2 s s Rectangle l w Perimeter P 2w 2l Area A l w .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photograph lion print photo wallpaper print, in the style of intense action scenes, zeiss milvus 25m.png to raw_combined/photograph lion print photo wallpaper print, in the style of intense action scenes, zeiss milvus 25m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a pinto horse is running at full gallop in the desert landscape .txt to raw_combined/a pinto horse is running at full gallop in the desert landscape .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/architexture City in the abstract styles of physics, mathematics .txt to raw_combined/architexture City in the abstract styles of physics, mathematics .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cartoon scene artscapes vector background, in the style of vibrant neotraditional, 3840x2160, precis.txt to raw_combined/cartoon scene artscapes vector background, in the style of vibrant neotraditional, 3840x2160, precis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/koi in the style of Queezes Stromathing .txt to raw_combined/koi in the style of Queezes Stromathing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait red and black .txt to raw_combined/portrait red and black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sun is burning with colorful mountains in the background, in the style of intricate illustration.txt to raw_combined/the sun is burning with colorful mountains in the background, in the style of intricate illustration.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a photo of an angry dog with a collar, in the style of andreas rocha, grotesque caricatures, dmitri .txt to raw_combined/a photo of an angry dog with a collar, in the style of andreas rocha, grotesque caricatures, dmitri .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/this is a group of people inblue tee shirts standing in front of a blue image, in the style of light.png to raw_combined/this is a group of people inblue tee shirts standing in front of a blue image, in the style of light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sky has dark clouds, in the style of hyperrealistic scifi, tumblewave, paul lehr, ocean academia.txt to raw_combined/the sky has dark clouds, in the style of hyperrealistic scifi, tumblewave, paul lehr, ocean academia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a blackcolored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk clock, in the style of greeble, crossprocessi.txt to raw_combined/a blackcolored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk clock, in the style of greeble, crossprocessi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/sunset with white clouds to the left a long stretch of water, in the style of muted colorscape maste.png to raw_combined/sunset with white clouds to the left a long stretch of water, in the style of muted colorscape maste.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/intricately mapped landscape, jet in the sky .txt to raw_combined/intricately mapped landscape, jet in the sky .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/enigma city , cinematic lighting, .txt to raw_combined/enigma city , cinematic lighting, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/digital arts the art of motion, in the style of minimalist stage designs, detailed ship sails, light.png to raw_combined/digital arts the art of motion, in the style of minimalist stage designs, detailed ship sails, light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cartoon scene artscapes vector background, in the style of vibrant neotraditional, 3840x2160, precis.png to raw_combined/cartoon scene artscapes vector background, in the style of vibrant neotraditional, 3840x2160, precis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/blue and gold stones in a wallpaper, in the style of dark turquoise and dark emerald, mesmerizing co.png to raw_combined/blue and gold stones in a wallpaper, in the style of dark turquoise and dark emerald, mesmerizing co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/models wearing oversized knited clothes .txt to raw_combined/models wearing oversized knited clothes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a f16 military aircraft on the runway ready to take off, in the style of associated press photo, mul.png to raw_combined/a f16 military aircraft on the runway ready to take off, in the style of associated press photo, mul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people standing on a cliff, looking at clouds, in the style of james c. christensen, dark teal a.png to raw_combined/two people standing on a cliff, looking at clouds, in the style of james c. christensen, dark teal a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/American Shorthair .png to raw_combined/American Shorthair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/manned prototype designed to bore to the center of the earth .png to raw_combined/manned prototype designed to bore to the center of the earth .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/30 cats, an illustration in the style of Gustav Klimt .txt to raw_combined/30 cats, an illustration in the style of Gustav Klimt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the sun is burning with colorful mountains in the background, in the style of intricate illustration.png to raw_combined/the sun is burning with colorful mountains in the background, in the style of intricate illustration.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people standing on a cliff, looking at clouds, in the style of james c. christensen, dark teal a.txt to raw_combined/two people standing on a cliff, looking at clouds, in the style of james c. christensen, dark teal a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/portrait biomorphic .txt to raw_combined/portrait biomorphic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tiger glass art, in the style of translucent resin waves, grisaille, white and amber, porcelain, nao.png to raw_combined/tiger glass art, in the style of translucent resin waves, grisaille, white and amber, porcelain, nao.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Clown sleepover .txt to raw_combined/Clown sleepover .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/neuron waterfall .png to raw_combined/neuron waterfall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the hand on the door has on it, in the style of realism with surrealistic elements, environmental aw.png to raw_combined/the hand on the door has on it, in the style of realism with surrealistic elements, environmental aw.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheric environments, detailed marine views,.txt to raw_combined/photo of a lake against a mountain, in the style of atmospheric environments, detailed marine views,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/The advanced space shioship clears the top of the cloud layer. Bursts out into starsprinkled space. .png to raw_combined/The advanced space shioship clears the top of the cloud layer. Bursts out into starsprinkled space. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/numerous boats on the beach at sunrise, in the style of aerial photography, sigma 105mm f1.4 dg hsm .txt to raw_combined/numerous boats on the beach at sunrise, in the style of aerial photography, sigma 105mm f1.4 dg hsm .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a brown horse galloping through a dark field, in the style of uniformly staged images, dark brown an.txt to raw_combined/a brown horse galloping through a dark field, in the style of uniformly staged images, dark brown an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/chryslers illustration of a 45 year old black woman in the style of milo manara, light white and bro.txt to raw_combined/chryslers illustration of a 45 year old black woman in the style of milo manara, light white and bro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/tornado above a field in soutonosa by mike dollin, in the style of isaac julien, telephoto lens, dus.txt to raw_combined/tornado above a field in soutonosa by mike dollin, in the style of isaac julien, telephoto lens, dus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/comic art landscape .png to raw_combined/comic art landscape .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cloud art by kristen wainaby the dark cloud, in the style of dan matutina, swirling colors .txt to raw_combined/cloud art by kristen wainaby the dark cloud, in the style of dan matutina, swirling colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/apocalypse cats .png to raw_combined/apocalypse cats .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two people smiling at each other in black and white, in the style of selfportrait, multicultural fus.png to raw_combined/two people smiling at each other in black and white, in the style of selfportrait, multicultural fus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/snail bird hybrid .png to raw_combined/snail bird hybrid .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/impossible things cities .txt to raw_combined/impossible things cities .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/A lion sized giant stray mainecoone walks down a dark street in the city .txt to raw_combined/A lion sized giant stray mainecoone walks down a dark street in the city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a beautiful drawing of an urban city, in the style of steampunkinspired designs .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful drawing of an urban city, in the style of steampunkinspired designs .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/matrix binary code, mondrian, concept car on highway, desert, sunset .txt to raw_combined/matrix binary code, mondrian, concept car on highway, desert, sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a sketch depicting a woman on the porch, in the style of digital mixed media, realist detail, layere.png to raw_combined/a sketch depicting a woman on the porch, in the style of digital mixed media, realist detail, layere.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/fridge of eyes .png to raw_combined/fridge of eyes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mona lisa shopping for jewelry an a expensive parisian shop .png to raw_combined/mona lisa shopping for jewelry an a expensive parisian shop .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/1950 magnum style photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street in 1950 .png to raw_combined/1950 magnum style photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street in 1950 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a dark cloud above a grassy field, in the style of dark navy and light gray, multilayered, manapunk,.txt to raw_combined/a dark cloud above a grassy field, in the style of dark navy and light gray, multilayered, manapunk,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Man with excessive tooth decay .txt to raw_combined/Man with excessive tooth decay .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/two dogs sleeping on a hardwood floor, in the style of tagginglike marks, staining .png to raw_combined/two dogs sleeping on a hardwood floor, in the style of tagginglike marks, staining .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young Thomas Jefferson walking on a harlem in 1950 .png to raw_combined/a young Thomas Jefferson walking on a harlem in 1950 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Clown sleepover .png to raw_combined/Clown sleepover .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/this is a group of people inblue tee shirts standing in front of a blue image, in the style of light.txt to raw_combined/this is a group of people inblue tee shirts standing in front of a blue image, in the style of light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the photo of a dark wall showing streaks of sunlight, in the style of abstract forms in motion, epic.txt to raw_combined/the photo of a dark wall showing streaks of sunlight, in the style of abstract forms in motion, epic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the head of a tiger painted in 3d graphics, in the style of kilian eng, dark white and light red, in.png to raw_combined/the head of a tiger painted in 3d graphics, in the style of kilian eng, dark white and light red, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/models wearing oversized knited clothes .png to raw_combined/models wearing oversized knited clothes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a steam engine train, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pattern a.png to raw_combined/a steam engine train, in the style of dan mumford, george christakis, metallic rectangles, pattern a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young Thomas Jefferson walking on a harlem in 1950 .txt to raw_combined/a young Thomas Jefferson walking on a harlem in 1950 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a black colored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk train , in the style of greeble, crossproces.png to raw_combined/a black colored modern abstract abstract of a steampunk train , in the style of greeble, crossproces.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/abstract circles by ivanshark, in the style of dark gold and dark amber, astronaut floating, kinetic.png to raw_combined/abstract circles by ivanshark, in the style of dark gold and dark amber, astronaut floating, kinetic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract image of a wolf head and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, .txt to raw_combined/an abstract image of a wolf head and geometric shapes, in the style of hyperdetailed illustrations, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/magnum styke photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street .txt to raw_combined/magnum styke photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Mountaineering Seashells .txt to raw_combined/Mountaineering Seashells .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a f16 jet airplane flying through a dark weather, in the style of hyperrealistic portraits, i cant b.txt to raw_combined/a f16 jet airplane flying through a dark weather, in the style of hyperrealistic portraits, i cant b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a young girl with green eyes covering her face with her hands, in the style of light crimson and lig.txt to raw_combined/a young girl with green eyes covering her face with her hands, in the style of light crimson and lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/a woman with glasses surrounded by a dark stormy sky, in the style of dark amber and red, relatable .png to raw_combined/a woman with glasses surrounded by a dark stormy sky, in the style of dark amber and red, relatable .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/mona lisa shopping for jewelry an a expensive parisian shop .txt to raw_combined/mona lisa shopping for jewelry an a expensive parisian shop .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/by clemente drew, an abstract painting depicts clouds and clouds, in the style of cyril rolando, ola.txt to raw_combined/by clemente drew, an abstract painting depicts clouds and clouds, in the style of cyril rolando, ola.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Overhead, colossal hangars host a mesmerizing spectacle of starships in various stages of preparatio.png to raw_combined/Overhead, colossal hangars host a mesmerizing spectacle of starships in various stages of preparatio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Kathy bates as an evil librarian .png to raw_combined/Kathy bates as an evil librarian .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/metannoia enigma ocean .txt to raw_combined/metannoia enigma ocean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/an abstract and futuristic picture of a landscape with clouds, in the style of anime art, realistic .txt to raw_combined/an abstract and futuristic picture of a landscape with clouds, in the style of anime art, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/magnum styke photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street .png to raw_combined/magnum styke photo of 38 year old Labron James walking down a busy harlem street .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Create an abstract, generative AIdriven image. Design a visual that showcases the transformative pow.png to raw_combined/Create an abstract, generative AIdriven image. Design a visual that showcases the transformative pow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the head of a tiger painted in 3d graphics, in the style of kilian eng, dark white and light red, in.txt to raw_combined/the head of a tiger painted in 3d graphics, in the style of kilian eng, dark white and light red, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/cloudscape city .txt to raw_combined/cloudscape city .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/the valley is seen under dark skies and green grass, in the style of dimitry roulland, god rays, ita.txt to raw_combined/the valley is seen under dark skies and green grass, in the style of dimitry roulland, god rays, ita.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/Award winning photo which shows a large cloud with a white circle in the middle, in the style of imp.txt to raw_combined/Award winning photo which shows a large cloud with a white circle in the middle, in the style of imp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_6/scene of otter riding motorcycle with huge explosion behind him, 50mm film, .txt to raw_combined/scene of otter riding motorcycle with huge explosion behind him, 50mm film, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caraway powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of caraway powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest view.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest view.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo welding workplace desk with stuff and equipment, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo welding workplace desk with stuff and equipment, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Gift box with satin ribbon and price tag bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birt.txt to raw_combined/Gift box with satin ribbon and price tag bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, memphis illustrated nail art .txt to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, memphis illustrated nail art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, evening view, natural l.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, evening view, natural l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of sesame on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of sesame on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper, withou.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper, withou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of turmeric powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of turmeric powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of takoyaki japanes food on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of takoyaki japanes food on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of turnips vegetables on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of turnips vegetables on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/modern fish market display Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fi.png to raw_combined/modern fish market display Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of almond on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of almond on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of jeju orange fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of jeju orange fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of Brown sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/Design of Brown sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of a avandgarde bookshelf full of books. The design is modern and the colour of the shelf is .png to raw_combined/Design of a avandgarde bookshelf full of books. The design is modern and the colour of the shelf is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of zen black bedroom, realistic, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock foto of zen black bedroom, realistic, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a white background isolated, ultra realistic, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a white background isolated, ultra realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/a flat design of 3d map of south korea, without text .txt to raw_combined/a flat design of 3d map of south korea, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of matcha powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of matcha powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pears fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pears fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, LOVE HEART illustrated nail art .txt to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, LOVE HEART illustrated nail art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/3d render, electrical panel, without text .txt to raw_combined/3d render, electrical panel, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/pool happy hour, party, chain light bulbs, summer, few flowers around the pool, no people, sunset, .txt to raw_combined/pool happy hour, party, chain light bulbs, summer, few flowers around the pool, no people, sunset, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Gift box with satin ribbon and bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birthday or Ch.txt to raw_combined/Gift box with satin ribbon and bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birthday or Ch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/luggage suitcase at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .png to raw_combined/luggage suitcase at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cheese on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cheese on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of rice flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of rice flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, flower illustrated nail art .png to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, flower illustrated nail art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of salt on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of salt on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Kitchen with pink Interior shelf in modern kitchen room and black mockup wall , without text , .txt to raw_combined/Kitchen with pink Interior shelf in modern kitchen room and black mockup wall , without text , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chessnut fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chessnut fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Coriander Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Coriander Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, ABSTRACT LINE illustrated nail art .txt to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, ABSTRACT LINE illustrated nail art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, evening vie.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, evening vie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caviar on the can, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of caviar on the can, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of zen black and red bedroom, realistic, without text .png to raw_combined/stock foto of zen black and red bedroom, realistic, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer spiral. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristi.png to raw_combined/Digital data transfer spiral. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on white background, without text , .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on white background, without text , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of bed room for honey moon in the hotel. There is a mix of simply construction with wodden fu.png to raw_combined/Design of bed room for honey moon in the hotel. There is a mix of simply construction with wodden fu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical researchers and doctors, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical researchers and doctors, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of colorfull marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of colorfull marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cabbages on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cabbages on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, without text .txt to raw_combined/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cinnamon Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cinnamon Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, without tex.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, without tex.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of peanut on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of peanut on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of heat flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of heat flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/a flat design of 3d map of south korea, without text .png to raw_combined/a flat design of 3d map of south korea, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Seafood Splendor Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fish market..txt to raw_combined/Seafood Splendor Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fish market..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer wave. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic .txt to raw_combined/Digital data transfer wave. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of garlic powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of garlic powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a black background isolated, ultra realistic, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a black background isolated, ultra realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Large cardboard boxes are lifted by a electric forklift machine in the factory wareho.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Large cardboard boxes are lifted by a electric forklift machine in the factory wareho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caviar on the can, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of caviar on the can, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of blue colored and white capsules in a black background, break in one large pill halfwa.png to raw_combined/stock photo of blue colored and white capsules in a black background, break in one large pill halfwa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of sage green suede leather sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/Design of sage green suede leather sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a white background isolated, ultra realistic, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a white background isolated, ultra realistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial black topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial black topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of Early summer, blue sky, little leaves, little sunlight, very few clouds, very very lig.png to raw_combined/stock foto of Early summer, blue sky, little leaves, little sunlight, very few clouds, very very lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Modern public place with stylish interior, without text .txt to raw_combined/Modern public place with stylish interior, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial blue topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial blue topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Gift box with satin ribbon and price tag bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birt.png to raw_combined/Gift box with satin ribbon and price tag bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of illustration 3D temps réel, abstract, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock foto of illustration 3D temps réel, abstract, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, flower illustrated nail art .txt to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, flower illustrated nail art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of blue colored and white capsules in a black background, break in one large pill halfwa.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of blue colored and white capsules in a black background, break in one large pill halfwa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of honey moon room in the hotel. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and col.png to raw_combined/Design of honey moon room in the hotel. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Industrial Vintage Ceiling Lamp Shade Metal Cage Wire Frame Pendant, without text .png to raw_combined/Industrial Vintage Ceiling Lamp Shade Metal Cage Wire Frame Pendant, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/pool happy hour, party, chain light bulbs, summer, few flowers around the pool, no people, sunset, .png to raw_combined/pool happy hour, party, chain light bulbs, summer, few flowers around the pool, no people, sunset, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Chili Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Chili Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of takoyaki japanes food on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of takoyaki japanes food on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Oregano powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Oregano powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Waiter serving orange juice on a tray, Summer beach sunset holiday vacation, without text .txt to raw_combined/Waiter serving orange juice on a tray, Summer beach sunset holiday vacation, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Candlenut powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Candlenut powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Seamless white paper background texture, without text .png to raw_combined/Seamless white paper background texture, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/a flat design of 3d map of korea, without text .txt to raw_combined/a flat design of 3d map of korea, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of 3d modern sofa on a white background, ultra realistic, hyper detailed, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock foto of 3d modern sofa on a white background, ultra realistic, hyper detailed, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construct.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construct.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/3d render, electrical panel, without text .png to raw_combined/3d render, electrical panel, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, hanging, , without text .png to raw_combined/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, hanging, , without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/go green A seed is buried under light colored dark soil with some leaves on which germination begins.png to raw_combined/go green A seed is buried under light colored dark soil with some leaves on which germination begins.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of salt powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of salt powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest tree.png to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest tree.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caviar, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of caviar, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Cloves, Cardamom, Coriander, Anise, Candlenut, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, Cloves, Saffron pow.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Cloves, Cardamom, Coriander, Anise, Candlenut, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, Cloves, Saffron pow.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of yellow sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/Design of yellow sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial yellow topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial yellow topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, hanging, , without text .txt to raw_combined/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, hanging, , without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of heat flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of heat flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of colorfull marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of colorfull marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on black background, without text , .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on black background, without text , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol puzzel shape, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol puzzel shape, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of Brown sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/Design of Brown sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Coriander Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Coriander Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Blank white picture frame mockup on a rustic dark brick wall. Artwork template mock up in interior d.png to raw_combined/Blank white picture frame mockup on a rustic dark brick wall. Artwork template mock up in interior d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial black topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial black topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pap.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of honey moon room in the inn. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and colod.txt to raw_combined/Design of honey moon room in the inn. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and colod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern kitchen countertop with domestic culinary utensils on it, home healthy cooking.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern kitchen countertop with domestic culinary utensils on it, home healthy cooking.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, night view, natural lig.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, night view, natural lig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial blue topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial blue topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/big frame for mockup with Design of red sofa and white wall in modern living room, without text .txt to raw_combined/big frame for mockup with Design of red sofa and white wall in modern living room, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caviar, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of caviar, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic wallp.png to raw_combined/Digital data transfer. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic wallp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of salt powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of salt powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Seamless white paper background texture, without text .txt to raw_combined/Seamless white paper background texture, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern kitchen countertop with domestic culinary utensils on it, home healthy cooking.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern kitchen countertop with domestic culinary utensils on it, home healthy cooking.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pomegranate dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pomegranate dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, natural lighting .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, natural lighting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pomegranate on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pomegranate on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Gift box with satin ribbon and bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birthday or Ch.png to raw_combined/Gift box with satin ribbon and bow on white background. Holiday gift with copy space. Birthday or Ch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/big frame for mockup with Design of red sofa and white wall in modern living room, without text .png to raw_combined/big frame for mockup with Design of red sofa and white wall in modern living room, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of rattan furniture sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/Design of rattan furniture sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, night view,.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, night view,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, evening vie.png to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, evening vie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of nutmeg powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of nutmeg powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Cardamom Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Cardamom Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Chili Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Chili Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Large cardboard boxes are lifted by a electric forklift machine in the factory wareho.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Large cardboard boxes are lifted by a electric forklift machine in the factory wareho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/luggage suitcases at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .txt to raw_combined/luggage suitcases at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of Early summer, blue sky, little leaves, little sunlight, very few clouds, very very lig.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of Early summer, blue sky, little leaves, little sunlight, very few clouds, very very lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/luggage suitcase at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .txt to raw_combined/luggage suitcase at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/luggage suitcases at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .png to raw_combined/luggage suitcases at the airport, for vacations and holiday travel concepts .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of honey moon room in the inn. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and colod.png to raw_combined/Design of honey moon room in the inn. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and colod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Arabic gold vintage luminous lantern, without text .txt to raw_combined/Arabic gold vintage luminous lantern, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/3d render, podium for product display, without text .png to raw_combined/3d render, podium for product display, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Cloves, Cardamom, Coriander, Anise, Candlenut, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, Cloves, Saffron pow.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Cloves, Cardamom, Coriander, Anise, Candlenut, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, Cloves, Saffron pow.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Modern public place with stylish interior, without text .png to raw_combined/Modern public place with stylish interior, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of walnut on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of walnut on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pear on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pear on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a black background isolated, ultra realistic, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of 3d kitchen on a black background isolated, ultra realistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol shape, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol shape, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Truffle on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Truffle on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, evening view, natural l.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, evening view, natural l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial red topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, withou.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial red topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, withou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, natural lighting .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, natural lighting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of garlic powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of garlic powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pape.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of masala powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of masala powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cinnamon Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cinnamon Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of bed room for honey moon in the hotel. There is a mix of simply construction with wodden fu.txt to raw_combined/Design of bed room for honey moon in the hotel. There is a mix of simply construction with wodden fu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Arabic gold vintage luminous lantern, without text .png to raw_combined/Arabic gold vintage luminous lantern, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of sesame on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of sesame on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of yellow sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/Design of yellow sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of matcha powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of matcha powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of honey moon room in the hotel. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and col.txt to raw_combined/Design of honey moon room in the hotel. There is a mix of classical construction with modern and col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of mile Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of mile Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pomegranate on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pomegranate on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol puzzel shape, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol puzzel shape, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of zen black and red bedroom, realistic, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock foto of zen black and red bedroom, realistic, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of peanut on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of peanut on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Waiter serving orange juice on a tray, Summer beach sunset holiday vacation, without text .png to raw_combined/Waiter serving orange juice on a tray, Summer beach sunset holiday vacation, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of salt on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of salt on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Kitchen with pink Interior shelf in modern kitchen room and black mockup wall , without text , .png to raw_combined/Kitchen with pink Interior shelf in modern kitchen room and black mockup wall , without text , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cabbages on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of cabbages on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, ABSTRACT LINE illustrated nail art .png to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, ABSTRACT LINE illustrated nail art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on white background, without text , .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on white background, without text , .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of caraway powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of caraway powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of clove powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of clove powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest tree.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest tree.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chessnut fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of chessnut fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Cardamom Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Cardamom Powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, without tex.png to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, without tex.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of 3d modern sofa on a white background, ultra realistic, hyper detailed, without text .png to raw_combined/stock foto of 3d modern sofa on a white background, ultra realistic, hyper detailed, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of white lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, memphis illustrated nail art .png to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, memphis illustrated nail art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Industrial Vintage Ceiling Lamp Shade Metal Cage Wire Frame Pendant, without text .txt to raw_combined/Industrial Vintage Ceiling Lamp Shade Metal Cage Wire Frame Pendant, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Candlenut powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Candlenut powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, LOVE HEART illustrated nail art .png to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, LOVE HEART illustrated nail art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of masala powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of masala powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, without text .png to raw_combined/antique Edison style light bulbs, retro style, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical researchers and doctors, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical researchers and doctors, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of candy gummy on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of candy gummy on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of marshmallow on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Seafood Splendor Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fish market..png to raw_combined/Seafood Splendor Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fish market..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer wave. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic .png to raw_combined/Digital data transfer wave. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of a avandgarde bookshelf full of books. The design is modern and the colour of the shelf is .txt to raw_combined/Design of a avandgarde bookshelf full of books. The design is modern and the colour of the shelf is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, smile emoticon illustrated nail art .txt to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, smile emoticon illustrated nail art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of rice flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of rice flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pear on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of pear on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of clove powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of clove powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of almond on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of almond on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of turmeric powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of turmeric powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of cheese on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of cheese on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo welding workplace desk with stuff and equipment, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo welding workplace desk with stuff and equipment, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol shape, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo couple hand holding heart love symbol shape, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Truffle on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of Truffle on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer spiral. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristi.txt to raw_combined/Digital data transfer spiral. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pomegranate dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pomegranate dragon fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of black pepper powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of black pepper powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of white lump sugar on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of turnips vegetables on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of turnips vegetables on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of black pepper powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of black pepper powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construct.png to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construct.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artficial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artficial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/go green A seed is buried under light colored dark soil with some leaves on which germination begins.txt to raw_combined/go green A seed is buried under light colored dark soil with some leaves on which germination begins.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, night view,.png to raw_combined/stock photo of design a functional office for medical chemistry researchers and doctors, night view,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer morning. Train tracks travel concept with Coast causewa.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer morning. Train tracks travel concept with Coast causewa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial purple topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial purple topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/3d render, podium for product display, without text .txt to raw_combined/3d render, podium for product display, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on black background, without text , .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate splash, isolated on black background, without text , .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper, withou.png to raw_combined/stock photo of white, red, safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction paper, withou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/modern fish market display Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fi.txt to raw_combined/modern fish market display Capture the vibrant colors and textures of fresh seafood at a bustling fi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of rattan furniture sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/Design of rattan furniture sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of zen black bedroom, realistic, without text .png to raw_combined/stock foto of zen black bedroom, realistic, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of nutmeg powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of nutmeg powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pape.png to raw_combined/stock photo of white, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, smile emoticon illustrated nail art .png to raw_combined/nail art, polkadot nail design, pop, glitter nails, smile emoticon illustrated nail art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest view.png to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer afternoon. Train tracks travel concept with Forest view.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Oregano powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Oregano powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artficial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artficial green topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, witho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of aroma therapy with diffuser, without text .png to raw_combined/stock photo of aroma therapy with diffuser, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of tapioca flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of tapioca flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/big frame for mockup with Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/big frame for mockup with Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of tapioca flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of tapioca flour on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of chocolate powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of chocolate powder on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial yellow topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.png to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial yellow topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of illustration 3D temps réel, abstract, without text .png to raw_combined/stock foto of illustration 3D temps réel, abstract, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of sage green suede leather sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt to raw_combined/Design of sage green suede leather sofa and white wall in modern living room, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of mile Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of mile Crêpe on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Digital data transfer. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic wallp.txt to raw_combined/Digital data transfer. 3d render, abstract neon background. Colorful glowing lines. Futuristic wallp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Blank white picture frame mockup on a rustic dark brick wall. Artwork template mock up in interior d.txt to raw_combined/Blank white picture frame mockup on a rustic dark brick wall. Artwork template mock up in interior d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial red topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, withou.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial red topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, withou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of aroma therapy with diffuser, without text .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of aroma therapy with diffuser, without text .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Yellow, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pap.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Yellow, red, and blue safety helmet on workplace desk with blueprint construction pap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of candy gummy on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png to raw_combined/stock photo of candy gummy on the kitchen, flat lay photography, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of pears fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png to raw_combined/stock photo of pears fruit on the kitchen, flat lay photography .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of jeju orange fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of jeju orange fruits on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/a flat design of 3d map of korea, without text .png to raw_combined/a flat design of 3d map of korea, without text .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/big frame for mockup with Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/big frame for mockup with Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock foto of an horizontal artificial purple topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.txt to raw_combined/stock foto of an horizontal artificial purple topography, and seveal metalic structure emerging, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer morning. Train tracks travel concept with Coast causewa.png to raw_combined/stock photo of along a railroad on an summer morning. Train tracks travel concept with Coast causewa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of walnut on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of walnut on the kitchen, flat lay photography .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, night view, natural lig.txt to raw_combined/stock photo of Modern apartment and some exotic plants as part of the decor, night view, natural lig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_49/Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png to raw_combined/Design of blue sofa and white wall in modern living room, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons composition on white background. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons composition on white background. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric abstract composition on white background. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric abstract composition on white background. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cerami.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cerami.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spanish forest.. 8K. RAW image. High qua.png to raw_combined/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spanish forest.. 8K. RAW image. High qua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes mediumshot. Colorful brushstrokes. Dy.png to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes mediumshot. Colorful brushstrokes. Dy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Car parked in a remote, hidden place at night. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. F.txt to raw_combined/Car parked in a remote, hidden place at night. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. F.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/graffities over graffities. text. front view. closeup .png to raw_combined/graffities over graffities. text. front view. closeup .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial purple smoke particles. neon. black background .txt to raw_combined/radial purple smoke particles. neon. black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of nice little girl in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cer.png to raw_combined/Closeup of nice little girl in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cer.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics ribbons exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution im.txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics ribbons exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution im.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean house. A modern luxury style interior. Hy.txt to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean house. A modern luxury style interior. Hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine a.txt to raw_combined/closeup of rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright Mediterranean style kitchen eating a clementine. 8.txt to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright Mediterranean style kitchen eating a clementine. 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative mediumshot image of an emotional childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. D.txt to raw_combined/Creative mediumshot image of an emotional childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons composition on white background. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons composition on white background. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of four people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.txt to raw_combined/hands of four people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/happy middleage woman in their first day at new job on a grocery. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High .txt to raw_combined/happy middleage woman in their first day at new job on a grocery. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes mediumshot. Colorful brushstrokes. Dy.txt to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes mediumshot. Colorful brushstrokes. Dy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons composition. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons composition. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial purple smoke particles. neon. black background .png to raw_combined/radial purple smoke particles. neon. black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spain.. 8K. RAW image. High quality. Hig.png to raw_combined/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spain.. 8K. RAW image. High quality. Hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial blue smoke particles. neon. black background .png to raw_combined/radial blue smoke particles. neon. black background .png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics ball performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.txt to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics ball performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Happy person in their first day at job. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, Fin.png to raw_combined/Happy person in their first day at job. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, Fin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons and clubs composition. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons and clubs composition. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics ribbons exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution im.png to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics ribbons exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution im.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry lights on the tartan floor where the rhythmic gymnastics.png to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry lights on the tartan floor where the rhythmic gymnastics.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. A modern luxury style inter.png to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. A modern luxury style inter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of smiling female child in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful.png to raw_combined/Closeup of smiling female child in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of five people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.png to raw_combined/hands of five people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics balls exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics balls exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics hoop performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.png to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics hoop performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a modern kitchen countertop. 8K. RAW image..txt to raw_combined/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a modern kitchen countertop. 8K. RAW image..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/front view of neo little girl defiant face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.txt to raw_combined/front view of neo little girl defiant face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/square simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/square simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a marble kitchen countertop. Modernrustic k.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a marble kitchen countertop. Modernrustic k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High qua.png to raw_combined/Woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High qua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality..txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is tuscany .png to raw_combined/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is tuscany .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementines orchard between mountains and sea. Landscape. Aerial view. Bucholic. Mediterranean. Summ.png to raw_combined/Clementines orchard between mountains and sea. Landscape. Aerial view. Bucholic. Mediterranean. Summ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light gray A8A7A5 color studio background. 8.txt to raw_combined/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light gray A8A7A5 color studio background. 8.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete on white background .png to raw_combined/isolated headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete on white background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face with tears in his eyes closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy .png to raw_combined/neo little girl face with tears in his eyes closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/A Bliss of Colors An abstract wallpaper that blends vibrant shades and fluid shapes to create an exp.txt to raw_combined/A Bliss of Colors An abstract wallpaper that blends vibrant shades and fluid shapes to create an exp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementines orchard between mountains and sea. Landscape. Aerial view. Bucholic. Mediterranean. Summ.txt to raw_combined/Clementines orchard between mountains and sea. Landscape. Aerial view. Bucholic. Mediterranean. Summ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. Hig.txt to raw_combined/closeup of Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. Hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon lights, C.png to raw_combined/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon lights, C.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/spark particles. neon. black background .txt to raw_combined/spark particles. neon. black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light studio background. 8K. RAW image. High.txt to raw_combined/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light studio background. 8K. RAW image. High.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/mediterranean clementines orchard, beautiful light, DOF, summer afternoon mood. .txt to raw_combined/mediterranean clementines orchard, beautiful light, DOF, summer afternoon mood. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes closeup. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynam.png to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes closeup. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics hoop performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.txt to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics hoop performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics clubs exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics clubs exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Car parked in a remote, hidden place at night. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. F.png to raw_combined/Car parked in a remote, hidden place at night. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. F.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.png to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/happy middleage woman in their first day at new job on a grocery. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High .png to raw_combined/happy middleage woman in their first day at new job on a grocery. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of a patient in a hospital office. The office looks cozy and bright. The nurse is pleasant a.png to raw_combined/Closeup of a patient in a hospital office. The office looks cozy and bright. The nurse is pleasant a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/view of the outer space, espectacular .png to raw_combined/view of the outer space, espectacular .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/poorlooking and sick person on city suburb. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine.png to raw_combined/poorlooking and sick person on city suburb. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Young man wearing a blank tshirt mockup in urban environment. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.png to raw_combined/Young man wearing a blank tshirt mockup in urban environment. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Hyperrealistic interior pho.png to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Hyperrealistic interior pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Home medical device with a neominimalist look, shaped like a small wall cabinet in which there is a .txt to raw_combined/Home medical device with a neominimalist look, shaped like a small wall cabinet in which there is a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is tuscany .txt to raw_combined/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is tuscany .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.png to raw_combined/Neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons and clubs composition. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons and clubs composition. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/five people of different ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidarity. casual.png to raw_combined/five people of different ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidarity. casual.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.png to raw_combined/Closeup of mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful ceramic.png to raw_combined/Mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful ceramic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Home medical device with a neominimalist look, shaped like a small wall cabinet in which there is a .png to raw_combined/Home medical device with a neominimalist look, shaped like a small wall cabinet in which there is a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment. Neon makeu.png to raw_combined/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment. Neon makeu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. A modern luxury style inter.txt to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. A modern luxury style inter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementine with leaf in a farmer hand. .txt to raw_combined/Clementine with leaf in a farmer hand. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of four people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.png to raw_combined/hands of four people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful ceramic.txt to raw_combined/Mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful ceramic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Isolated sympathetic woman pointing to camera in a friendly gesture on flat dark colored studio back.txt to raw_combined/Isolated sympathetic woman pointing to camera in a friendly gesture on flat dark colored studio back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cerami.png to raw_combined/Closeup of healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cerami.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise with a purple ball. 8K. RAW i.txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise with a purple ball. 8K. RAW i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of a friendly gay men couple on urban environment. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolut.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of a friendly gay men couple on urban environment. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolut.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of a patient in a hospital office. The office looks cozy and bright. The nurse is pleasant a.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of a patient in a hospital office. The office looks cozy and bright. The nurse is pleasant a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful and dramatic image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image..txt to raw_combined/Beautiful and dramatic image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of healthy middleage woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of healthy middleage woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics clubs performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environmen.txt to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics clubs performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environmen.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.png to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete on white background .txt to raw_combined/isolated headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete on white background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/a bunch of clementines with leafs over a vintage old rustic wood. beautiful and dramatic light, DOF .png to raw_combined/a bunch of clementines with leafs over a vintage old rustic wood. beautiful and dramatic light, DOF .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is mediterr.png to raw_combined/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is mediterr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Happy person in their first day at job. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, Fin.txt to raw_combined/Happy person in their first day at job. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, Fin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry lights on the tartan floor where the rhythmic gymnastics.txt to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry lights on the tartan floor where the rhythmic gymnastics.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/spark particles. neon. black background .png to raw_combined/spark particles. neon. black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of smiling female child in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of smiling female child in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.txt to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise with a purple ball. 8K. RAW i.png to raw_combined/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise with a purple ball. 8K. RAW i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementine with leaf in a farmer hand. .png to raw_combined/Clementine with leaf in a farmer hand. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.txt to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine a.png to raw_combined/closeup of rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated handshake with white background. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, F.png to raw_combined/isolated handshake with white background. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, F.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Zara Home. Tricia Guild. Hy.png to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Zara Home. Tricia Guild. Hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Zara Home. Tricia Guild. Hy.txt to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Zara Home. Tricia Guild. Hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Poorlooking and sick person sitting in an alleyway and sitting on cardboards. 8K. RAW image. High qu.txt to raw_combined/Poorlooking and sick person sitting in an alleyway and sitting on cardboards. 8K. RAW image. High qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes extremely closeup. Colorful brushstro.png to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes extremely closeup. Colorful brushstro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medical device with a neominimalist look, in the style of Dieter Rams or Jonathan Ive, in the form o.png to raw_combined/Medical device with a neominimalist look, in the style of Dieter Rams or Jonathan Ive, in the form o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a modern kitchen countertop. 8K. RAW image..png to raw_combined/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a modern kitchen countertop. 8K. RAW image..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon .txt to raw_combined/isolated rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. Hig.png to raw_combined/closeup of Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. Hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/square simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/square simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative mediumshot image of an emotional childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. D.png to raw_combined/Creative mediumshot image of an emotional childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon .png to raw_combined/isolated rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medical device with a neominimalist look, in the style of Dieter Rams or Jonathan Ive, in the form o.txt to raw_combined/Medical device with a neominimalist look, in the style of Dieter Rams or Jonathan Ive, in the form o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics hoops exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics hoops exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.png to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/front view of neo little girl defiant face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.png to raw_combined/front view of neo little girl defiant face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. High quality. .png to raw_combined/Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. High quality. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean house. A modern luxury style interior. Hy.png to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean house. A modern luxury style interior. Hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.txt to raw_combined/Neo rhythmic gymnastics ribbon performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environme.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Poorlooking and sick person sitting in an alleyway and sitting on cardboards. 8K. RAW image. High qu.png to raw_combined/Poorlooking and sick person sitting in an alleyway and sitting on cardboards. 8K. RAW image. High qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High qua.txt to raw_combined/Woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High qua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynamic strok.txt to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynamic strok.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynamic strok.png to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynamic strok.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful smiling ethnic woman wearing a blank tshirt mockup. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.png to raw_combined/Beautiful smiling ethnic woman wearing a blank tshirt mockup. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics balls exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics balls exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidari.png to raw_combined/hands of people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete .txt to raw_combined/headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial particles. neon. black background .png to raw_combined/radial particles. neon. black background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup creative illustration of a joyful and excited little girls face with tears in her eyes. Neon.png to raw_combined/closeup creative illustration of a joyful and excited little girls face with tears in her eyes. Neon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Young man wearing a blank tshirt mockup in urban environment. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.txt to raw_combined/Young man wearing a blank tshirt mockup in urban environment. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/poorlooking and sick person on city suburb. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine.txt to raw_combined/poorlooking and sick person on city suburb. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl defiant face closeup in front view, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.txt to raw_combined/neo little girl defiant face closeup in front view, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.txt to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of mediumage healthy woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.txt to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of healthy middleage woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.png to raw_combined/Closeup of healthy middleage woman in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beauti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of a march of people for people rights and gender equality. ethnicy and gender diversity, al.png to raw_combined/closeup of a march of people for people rights and gender equality. ethnicy and gender diversity, al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric abstract composition. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/a bunch of clementines with leafs over a vintage old rustic wood. beautiful and dramatic light, DOF .txt to raw_combined/a bunch of clementines with leafs over a vintage old rustic wood. beautiful and dramatic light, DOF .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics clubs performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environmen.png to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics clubs performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environmen.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementine with leaf in a soil dirty farmer hand. .txt to raw_combined/Clementine with leaf in a soil dirty farmer hand. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes extremely closeup. Colorful brushstro.txt to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes extremely closeup. Colorful brushstro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of graffitis over graffitis composition on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.txt to raw_combined/Video projection of graffitis over graffitis composition on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon lights, C.txt to raw_combined/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon floating in the air making beautiful spiral forms closeup. Neon lights, C.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the carpet floor where the rhythmic gymn.png to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the carpet floor where the rhythmic gymn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of graffitis over graffitis composition on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.png to raw_combined/Video projection of graffitis over graffitis composition on the square carpet floor where the rhythm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/graffities over graffities. front view. closeup .png to raw_combined/graffities over graffities. front view. closeup .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .txt to raw_combined/Neo Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spanish forest.. 8K. RAW image. High qua.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spanish forest.. 8K. RAW image. High qua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of a friendly gay men couple on urban environment. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolut.png to raw_combined/Closeup of a friendly gay men couple on urban environment. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolut.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidari.txt to raw_combined/hands of people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/graffities over graffities. text. front view. closeup .txt to raw_combined/graffities over graffities. text. front view. closeup .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face with tears in his eyes closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy .txt to raw_combined/neo little girl face with tears in his eyes closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright Mediterranean style kitchen eating a clementine. 8.png to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright Mediterranean style kitchen eating a clementine. 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes closeup. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynam.txt to raw_combined/Creative image of an thrilled childrens face with tearful eyes closeup. Colorful brushstrokes. Dynam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric hoops and balls composition. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric hoops and balls composition. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo rhythmic gymnastics ball performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.png to raw_combined/neo rhythmic gymnastics ball performance, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Isolated sympathetic woman pointing to camera in a friendly gesture on flat dark colored studio back.png to raw_combined/Isolated sympathetic woman pointing to camera in a friendly gesture on flat dark colored studio back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/group of people of various ages, genders and ethnicities casually looking at the camera against a co.png to raw_combined/group of people of various ages, genders and ethnicities casually looking at the camera against a co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Clementine with leaf in a soil dirty farmer hand. .png to raw_combined/Clementine with leaf in a soil dirty farmer hand. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spain.. 8K. RAW image. High quality. Hig.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of Filmmaker shooting a movie in a rural setting in Spain.. 8K. RAW image. High quality. Hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful smiling ethnic woman wearing a blank tshirt mockup. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful smiling ethnic woman wearing a blank tshirt mockup. 8K. RAW image. Vogue Magazine style, H.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Studio photo of a woman eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fin.txt to raw_combined/Studio photo of a woman eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/mediterranean clementines orchard, beautiful light, DOF, summer afternoon mood. .png to raw_combined/mediterranean clementines orchard, beautiful light, DOF, summer afternoon mood. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/hands of five people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.txt to raw_combined/hands of five people of different ages, ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of sol.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality..png to raw_combined/Medium shot of a beautiful girl playing a rhythmic gymnastics exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo squared Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .txt to raw_combined/Neo squared Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a marble kitchen countertop. Modernrustic k.png to raw_combined/Closeup of ceramic plate with clementines with leaves on a marble kitchen countertop. Modernrustic k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/A Bliss of Colors An abstract wallpaper that blends vibrant shades and fluid shapes to create an exp.png to raw_combined/A Bliss of Colors An abstract wallpaper that blends vibrant shades and fluid shapes to create an exp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete .png to raw_combined/headshot of a Rhythmic Gymnastics Athlete .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/graffities over graffities. front view. closeup .txt to raw_combined/graffities over graffities. front view. closeup .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Closeup of nice little girl in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cer.txt to raw_combined/Closeup of nice little girl in a bright Mediterranean cozy style kitchen in front of a beautiful cer.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon making beautiful spirals in the air. Closeup. Neon lights, Cinematic, hyp.png to raw_combined/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon making beautiful spirals in the air. Closeup. Neon lights, Cinematic, hyp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the carpet floor where the rhythmic gymn.txt to raw_combined/Video projection of fantasy radial simmetry illustration on the carpet floor where the rhythmic gymn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup of a march of people for people rights and gender equality. ethnicy and gender diversity, al.txt to raw_combined/closeup of a march of people for people rights and gender equality. ethnicy and gender diversity, al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K.png to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/far outer space with nebulosas and galaxies .txt to raw_combined/far outer space with nebulosas and galaxies .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/group of people of various ages, genders and ethnicities casually looking at the camera against a co.txt to raw_combined/group of people of various ages, genders and ethnicities casually looking at the camera against a co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image. 8K. RAW imag.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image. 8K. RAW imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. High quality. .txt to raw_combined/Volunteers working on a program to help people affected by hate crime. 8K. RAW image. High quality. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup with tears in his eyes in an fantasy .txt to raw_combined/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup with tears in his eyes in an fantasy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial particles. neon. black background .txt to raw_combined/radial particles. neon. black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful and dramatic image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image..png to raw_combined/Beautiful and dramatic image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/five people of different ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidarity. casual.txt to raw_combined/five people of different ethnicities and genders joining together in a gesture of solidarity. casual.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics hoops exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics hoops exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric ribbons composition. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric ribbons composition. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo squared Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .png to raw_combined/Neo squared Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Studio photo of a woman eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fin.png to raw_combined/Studio photo of a woman eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. Fin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/far outer space with nebulosas and galaxies .png to raw_combined/far outer space with nebulosas and galaxies .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/view of the outer space, espectacular .txt to raw_combined/view of the outer space, espectacular .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a rustic and elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image..png to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a rustic and elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon making beautiful spirals in the air. Closeup. Neon lights, Cinematic, hyp.txt to raw_combined/Rhythmic gymnastics ribbon making beautiful spirals in the air. Closeup. Neon lights, Cinematic, hyp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a rustic and elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image..txt to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a rustic and elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW image..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Neo Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .png to raw_combined/Neo Mandala illustration. Futurist. Intrincated. Neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics clubs exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png to raw_combined/Medium shot of rhythmic gymnastics clubs exercise. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is mediterr.txt to raw_combined/Twostory residential building with Lshaped floor plan. Lshaped plant building, The style is mediterr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/closeup creative illustration of a joyful and excited little girls face with tears in her eyes. Neon.txt to raw_combined/closeup creative illustration of a joyful and excited little girls face with tears in her eyes. Neon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial blue smoke particles. neon. black background .txt to raw_combined/radial blue smoke particles. neon. black background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light studio background. 8K. RAW image. High.png to raw_combined/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light studio background. 8K. RAW image. High.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.png to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright elegant style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K. RAW.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment. Neon makeu.txt to raw_combined/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup in an fantasy environment. Neon makeu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric abstract composition on white background. colorful. neon .png to raw_combined/radial simmetric abstract composition on white background. colorful. neon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K.txt to raw_combined/Mediumage attractive woman in a modern and bright contemporary style kitchen eating a clementine. 8K.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Hyperrealistic interior pho.txt to raw_combined/Stunning Vogue photoshoot of kids bedroom in Mediterranean modern house. Hyperrealistic interior pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light gray A8A7A5 color studio background. 8.png to raw_combined/casual man mediumshot for a staff section on a website. light gray A8A7A5 color studio background. 8.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/isolated handshake with white background. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, F.txt to raw_combined/isolated handshake with white background. 8K. RAW image. High quality. High resolution image. DOF, F.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/radial simmetric hoops and balls composition. colorful. neon .txt to raw_combined/radial simmetric hoops and balls composition. colorful. neon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/Beautiful image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image. 8K. RAW imag.png to raw_combined/Beautiful image of the universe with the small planet earth in the center of the image. 8K. RAW imag.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl defiant face closeup in front view, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.png to raw_combined/neo little girl defiant face closeup in front view, with beautiful performer closeup on black backgr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_66/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup with tears in his eyes in an fantasy .png to raw_combined/neo little girl face closeup, with beautiful performer closeup with tears in his eyes in an fantasy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez as Mad Ma.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez as Mad Ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Annunaki For King, their gaze unwavering and se.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Annunaki For King, their gaze unwavering and se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as scared Beetlejuice in the style of arti.png to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as scared Beetlejuice in the style of arti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper.png to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life text.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life text.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/divination scrying apparatus, blueprint ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt to raw_combined/divination scrying apparatus, blueprint ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Frankenstein , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real .txt to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Frankenstein , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel scrying device, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt to raw_combined/time travel scrying device, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Mr Meeseeks, as Mad Ma.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Mr Meeseeks, as Mad Ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez, in the a.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez, in the a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Lucifer ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Lucifer ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Riding a 1920s Harley Davids.png to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Riding a 1920s Harley Davids.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real.png to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Freddy Krueger , ultra realistic hype.png to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Freddy Krueger , ultra realistic hype.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen sitting on a magnificent th.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen sitting on a magnificent th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech laser gun future weapon ultra realistic 20 megapixels .png to raw_combined/HighTech laser gun future weapon ultra realistic 20 megapixels .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Freddy Krueger , ultra realistic hype.txt to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Freddy Krueger , ultra realistic hype.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech laser gun future weapon ultra realistic 20 megapixels .txt to raw_combined/HighTech laser gun future weapon ultra realistic 20 megapixels .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez, in the a.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez, in the a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life texture.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life texture.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez with Blue Hair Driving A 196.png to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez with Blue Hair Driving A 196.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, drive.png to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, drive.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life text.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life text.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/grey digital camouflage Volkswagen Baja built as a Mad Max Battle Vehicle lifted with weapons all te.txt to raw_combined/grey digital camouflage Volkswagen Baja built as a Mad Max Battle Vehicle lifted with weapons all te.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, and u.png to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, and u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as scared Beetlejuice in the style of arti.txt to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as scared Beetlejuice in the style of arti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as insane Beetlejuice in the style of arti.txt to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as insane Beetlejuice in the style of arti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Dracula , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life .txt to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Dracula , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Silver 1966 Dodge Charger built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of view.txt to raw_combined/Silver 1966 Dodge Charger built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of view.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer, standing on a Temple their .png to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer, standing on a Temple their .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, divination, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt to raw_combined/time travel device, divination, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer God, standing on a magnifice.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer God, standing on a magnifice.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/alien character from the movie They Live with Roddy Piper created in style of Artist Brian Despain w.txt to raw_combined/alien character from the movie They Live with Roddy Piper created in style of Artist Brian Despain w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMorty Smith portrayed as Mad Max in the st.png to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMorty Smith portrayed as Mad Max in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Silver 1966 Dodge Charger built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of view.png to raw_combined/Silver 1966 Dodge Charger built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of view.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character wonder woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textu.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character wonder woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Birdperson, as Mad Max.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Birdperson, as Mad Max.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character wonder woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textu.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character wonder woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen, sitting on a magnificent t.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen, sitting on a magnificent t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, built out of easy to find parts, step by step instructions, blueprint ultra real.txt to raw_combined/time travel device, built out of easy to find parts, step by step instructions, blueprint ultra real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Driving A 1969 Dodge Charger.txt to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Driving A 1969 Dodge Charger.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyBirdperson portrayed as Mad Max in the sty.txt to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyBirdperson portrayed as Mad Max in the sty.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, drive.txt to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, drive.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer God, standing on a magnifice.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer God, standing on a magnifice.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMr Meeseeks portrayed as Mad Max in the st.txt to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMr Meeseeks portrayed as Mad Max in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Annunaki God remastered 20 megapixels 16k style .png to raw_combined/Annunaki God remastered 20 megapixels 16k style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Jason Voorhees , ultra realistic hype.txt to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Jason Voorhees , ultra realistic hype.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen sitting on a magnificent th.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen sitting on a magnificent th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/ak 47 side view every individual part created by marble stone ultra realistic high resolution realis.png to raw_combined/ak 47 side view every individual part created by marble stone ultra realistic high resolution realis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/alien character from the movie They Live with Roddy Piper created in style of Artist Brian Despain w.png to raw_combined/alien character from the movie They Live with Roddy Piper created in style of Artist Brian Despain w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Dracula , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life .png to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Dracula , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, divination, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png to raw_combined/time travel device, divination, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character the Flash ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, ac.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, ac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Birdperson, as Mad Max.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Birdperson, as Mad Max.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Annunaki God remastered 20 megapixels 16k style .txt to raw_combined/Annunaki God remastered 20 megapixels 16k style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to be a combat vehicle with weapons.txt to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to be a combat vehicle with weapons.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Mr Meeseeks, as Mad Ma.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Mr Meeseeks, as Mad Ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as Happy Beetlejuice in the style of artis.png to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as Happy Beetlejuice in the style of artis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to be a combat vehicle with weapons.png to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to be a combat vehicle with weapons.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Riding a 1920s Harley Davids.txt to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Riding a 1920s Harley Davids.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer, standing on a Temple their .txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Sorcerer, standing on a Temple their .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life te.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life te.txt\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/absurd surrealism, full view, flat earth theory in matching environment, wonderland a balanced mix o.png to raw_combined/absurd surrealism, full view, flat earth theory in matching environment, wonderland a balanced mix o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character pans labyrinth the Pale Man , ultra r.png to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character pans labyrinth the Pale Man , ultra r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real.txt to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen, sitting on a magnificent t.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki God Queen, sitting on a magnificent t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel scrying device, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png to raw_combined/time travel scrying device, ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, built out of easy to find parts, step by step instructions, blueprint ultra real.png to raw_combined/time travel device, built out of easy to find parts, step by step instructions, blueprint ultra real.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Lucifer ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Lucifer ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life te.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Green Lantern ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Silver 1975 Dodge Power Wagon built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of .txt to raw_combined/Silver 1975 Dodge Power Wagon built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a advanced high tech charismatic Annunaki God King, their gaz.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a advanced high tech charismatic Annunaki God King, their gaz.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez as Mad Ma.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Rick and Morty character Rick Sanchez as Mad Ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as insane Beetlejuice in the style of arti.png to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as insane Beetlejuice in the style of arti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/absurd surrealism, full view, flat earth theory in matching environment, wonderland a balanced mix o.txt to raw_combined/absurd surrealism, full view, flat earth theory in matching environment, wonderland a balanced mix o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a advanced high tech charismatic Annunaki God King, their gaz.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a advanced high tech charismatic Annunaki God King, their gaz.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez with Blue Hair Driving A 196.txt to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez with Blue Hair Driving A 196.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as Happy Beetlejuice in the style of artis.txt to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as Happy Beetlejuice in the style of artis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMorty Smith portrayed as Mad Max in the st.txt to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMorty Smith portrayed as Mad Max in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, ac.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character bat girl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, ac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Supergirl ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, and u.txt to raw_combined/HighTech vehicle based on silver 1966 Dodge Charger but designed to drive on land, fly in air, and u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Warrior God, sitting on a magnificent.txt to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Warrior God, sitting on a magnificent.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Driving A 1969 Dodge Charger.png to raw_combined/Ultra Realistic Skin hair eyes teeth textures on Character Rick Sanchez Driving A 1969 Dodge Charger.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyBirdperson portrayed as Mad Max in the sty.png to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyBirdperson portrayed as Mad Max in the sty.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Silver 1975 Dodge Power Wagon built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of .png to raw_combined/Silver 1975 Dodge Power Wagon built in amazing style of a Mad Max Battle Car seen from the point of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Green Arrow ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as sad Beetlejuice in the style of artist .txt to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as sad Beetlejuice in the style of artist .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Pinhead , ultra realistic hyper reali.png to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Pinhead , ultra realistic hyper reali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Annunaki For King, their gaze unwavering and se.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white portrait of a charismatic Annunaki For King, their gaze unwavering and se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as sad Beetlejuice in the style of artist .png to raw_combined/Rick and Morty TV series character Rick Sanchez portrayed as sad Beetlejuice in the style of artist .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper.txt to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Michael Myers , ultra realistic hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/divination scrying apparatus, blueprint ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png to raw_combined/divination scrying apparatus, blueprint ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/ak 47 side view every individual part created by marble stone ultra realistic high resolution realis.txt to raw_combined/ak 47 side view every individual part created by marble stone ultra realistic high resolution realis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/grey digital camouflage Volkswagen Baja built as a Mad Max Battle Vehicle lifted with weapons all te.png to raw_combined/grey digital camouflage Volkswagen Baja built as a Mad Max Battle Vehicle lifted with weapons all te.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png to raw_combined/Baby DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Pinhead , ultra realistic hyper reali.txt to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Pinhead , ultra realistic hyper reali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Cat woman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textures.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/super fat DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life texture.png to raw_combined/super fat DC Comics Character superman ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life texture.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Warrior God, sitting on a magnificent.png to raw_combined/A striking black and white full body of a charismatic Annunaki Warrior God, sitting on a magnificent.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMr Meeseeks portrayed as Mad Max in the st.png to raw_combined/birds eye view of Rick and Morty TV series character HappyMr Meeseeks portrayed as Mad Max in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Old age DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png to raw_combined/Old age DC Comics Character Swamp Thing ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real life textur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character pans labyrinth the Pale Man , ultra r.txt to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character pans labyrinth the Pale Man , ultra r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, technique ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt to raw_combined/time travel device, technique ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/time travel device, technique ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png to raw_combined/time travel device, technique ultra realistic, 20 megapixels, English language .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Jason Voorhees , ultra realistic hype.png to raw_combined/Friendly happy nice guy version classic horror movie character Jason Voorhees , ultra realistic hype.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_17/Baby classic horror movie character Frankenstein , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real .png to raw_combined/Baby classic horror movie character Frankenstein , ultra realistic hyper realism 20 megapixels real .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman walking in.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman walking in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, middle aged man jogging wearing head pho.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, middle aged man jogging wearing head pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of apothecary elements, in Sp.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of apothecary elements, in Sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman weight .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman weight .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged girl with .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged girl with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with s.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady smiling hugg.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady smiling hugg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/annoyed lady searching through pile of red flags looking for something, 3d caricature, unreal engine.txt to raw_combined/annoyed lady searching through pile of red flags looking for something, 3d caricature, unreal engine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman hugg.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman hugg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/lady surrounded by heap of solid red flags, teary eyed, blonde hair in bun, golden hour, 3d caricatu.txt to raw_combined/lady surrounded by heap of solid red flags, teary eyed, blonde hair in bun, golden hour, 3d caricatu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Huaier mushroom, by Carlot.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Huaier mushroom, by Carlot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman with bald .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman with bald .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of 100 year old asian man.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of 100 year old asian man.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 16mm lens f1.8, apothecary lab with white walls an.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 16mm lens f1.8, apothecary lab with white walls an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with g.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, up clopse shot of apothecary room,.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, up clopse shot of apothecary room,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of great dane dog, strong.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of great dane dog, strong.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white man lookin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white man lookin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman saili.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman saili.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman with 3.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman with 3.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/podium display with tropical plant and stone on water background, Cosmetics or beauty product promot.txt to raw_combined/podium display with tropical plant and stone on water background, Cosmetics or beauty product promot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Glutathione, by .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Glutathione, by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older woman making som.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older woman making som.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman hikin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman hikin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of african american woman .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of african american woman .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman in ar.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman in ar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old man and his dog, in.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old man and his dog, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old jamaican woman fixi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old jamaican woman fixi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a boxer, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanel.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a boxer, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, middle aged man jogging wearing head pho.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, middle aged man jogging wearing head pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of apothecary bowls, in Ha.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of apothecary bowls, in Ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man fishin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man fishin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/annoyed lady searching through pile of red flags looking for something, 3d caricature, unreal engine.png to raw_combined/annoyed lady searching through pile of red flags looking for something, 3d caricature, unreal engine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/holding blank notecard with old church in background, minimalist, negative space, style of wes ander.png to raw_combined/holding blank notecard with old church in background, minimalist, negative space, style of wes ander.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swimming in po.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swimming in po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed, fine ed.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed, fine ed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree centered i.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree centered i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black woma.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic w.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man riding.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man riding.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white woman look.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white woman look.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older woman wi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older woman wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older woman making som.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older woman making som.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic m.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black woma.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swinging golf .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swinging golf .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, chewing on a squeakie toy, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, chewing on a squeakie toy, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, surrounded by munster cheese, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, surrounded by munster cheese, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman drivi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman drivi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged palestinia.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged palestinia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman with 3.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman with 3.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman walki.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman walki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged girl with .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged girl with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, wearing rapper outfit, sunglasses, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, wearing rapper outfit, sunglasses, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of chocolate lab on boat i.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of chocolate lab on boat i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman with .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age bald man ma.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age bald man ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery man with beard .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery man with beard .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian woma.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of wolfhound dog, strong, .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of wolfhound dog, strong, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady smiling hugg.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady smiling hugg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, sad, covered in dripping mustard, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely shar.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, sad, covered in dripping mustard, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely shar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman planti.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman planti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Maitake mushroom, by Carlo.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Maitake mushroom, by Carlo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, excited, eating trash, ina dumpster, trash surrounding, insanely detailed, fin.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, excited, eating trash, ina dumpster, trash surrounding, insanely detailed, fin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, sad, covered in dripping mustard, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely shar.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, sad, covered in dripping mustard, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely shar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age man smiling .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age man smiling .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, glass .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, glass .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/hands holding jasmine flower, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resolution, hyper .png to raw_combined/hands holding jasmine flower, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resolution, hyper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man riding.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man riding.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/holding blank notecard with old church in background, minimalist, negative space, style of wes ander.txt to raw_combined/holding blank notecard with old church in background, minimalist, negative space, style of wes ander.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman makin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman makin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older woman wi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older woman wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, surrounded by munster cheese, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, surrounded by munster cheese, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of english bulldog by airs.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of english bulldog by airs.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman setti.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman setti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary table w.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary table w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/holding blank notecard with old church on card, style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, widescreen, .png to raw_combined/holding blank notecard with old church on card, style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, widescreen, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/podium display with tropical plant and stone on water background, Cosmetics or beauty product promot.png to raw_combined/podium display with tropical plant and stone on water background, Cosmetics or beauty product promot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman saili.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman saili.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age man smiling .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age man smiling .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man jogging, .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man jogging, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery man with beard .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery man with beard .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man fishing.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man fishing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian woma.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, funny expression, wearing boxing gloves, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, .png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, funny expression, wearing boxing gloves, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman playing.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman playing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman jogging.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman jogging.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white man lookin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white man lookin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Reishi mushroom, by Carlot.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Reishi mushroom, by Carlot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, apothecary table, by Carlota Guerrero, h.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, apothecary table, by Carlota Guerrero, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged couple smi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged couple smi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery couple, wearing.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery couple, wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, view from above, laying on back asleep in bed, insanely detailed, fine edges, .png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, view from above, laying on back asleep in bed, insanely detailed, fine edges, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman planti.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman planti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman paint.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman paint.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary loft wi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary loft wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/wavy, distorted and colorful checkerboard aged, retro, faded style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, .txt to raw_combined/wavy, distorted and colorful checkerboard aged, retro, faded style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, mushroom harvesting workshop, very.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, mushroom harvesting workshop, very.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old man and his dog, in.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old man and his dog, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman hugg.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman hugg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman hikin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman hikin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman with .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary table w.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary table w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/holding blank notecard with old church on card, style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, widescreen, .txt to raw_combined/holding blank notecard with old church on card, style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, widescreen, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older african american.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older african american.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, apothecary table, by Carlota Guerrero, h.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, apothecary table, by Carlota Guerrero, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman exercis.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman exercis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older man in art studi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older man in art studi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black man .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a boxer, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanel.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a boxer, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, wearing rapper outfit, sunglasses, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, wearing rapper outfit, sunglasses, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Glutathione, by .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Glutathione, by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing acoust.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing acoust.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman setti.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman setti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree centered i.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree centered i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of apothecary bowls, in Ha.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of apothecary bowls, in Ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman playing.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman playing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman in ar.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman in ar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman weight .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman weight .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age bald man ma.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age bald man ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing acoust.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing acoust.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, funny expression, wearing boxing gloves, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, .txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, funny expression, wearing boxing gloves, in a boxing ring, insanely detailed, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree, by Carlot.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree, by Carlot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman paint.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman paint.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Agaricus blazei mushrooms,.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Agaricus blazei mushrooms,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Curcumin, by Car.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Curcumin, by Car.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, chewing on a squeakie toy, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, chewing on a squeakie toy, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man lifting w.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man lifting w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged african am.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged african am.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Curcumin, by Car.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Liposomal Curcumin, by Car.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, mushrooms surrounding amber bottles in w.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, mushrooms surrounding amber bottles in w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swimming in po.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swimming in po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, up clopse shot of apothecary room,.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, up clopse shot of apothecary room,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman walking in.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman walking in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man riding .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man riding .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman makin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of middle age woman makin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young man smiling next .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young man smiling next .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/yellow liquid dripping off tree branch, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resoluti.txt to raw_combined/yellow liquid dripping off tree branch, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resoluti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Maitake mushroom, by Carlo.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Maitake mushroom, by Carlo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white woman look.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older white woman look.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary loft wi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, extremely large apothecary loft wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Huaier mushroom, by Carlot.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Huaier mushroom, by Carlot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame dressed colonial, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, h.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame dressed colonial, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, excited, eating trash, ina dumpster, trash surrounding, insanely detailed, fin.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, excited, eating trash, ina dumpster, trash surrounding, insanely detailed, fin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/wavy, distorted and colorful checkerboard aged, retro, faded style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, .png to raw_combined/wavy, distorted and colorful checkerboard aged, retro, faded style of wes anderson, nostalgic mood, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Reishi mushroom, by Carlot.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Reishi mushroom, by Carlot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady hugging fren.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady hugging fren.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing golf, .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing golf, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/hands holding jasmine flower, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resolution, hyper .txt to raw_combined/hands holding jasmine flower, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resolution, hyper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman doing y.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman doing y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of indian couple riding b.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of indian couple riding b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of chocolate lab on boat i.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of chocolate lab on boat i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age bald man wea.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age bald man wea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 16mm lens f1.8, apothecary lab with white walls an.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 16mm lens f1.8, apothecary lab with white walls an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, Reishi mushrooms in Greece, by Carlota G.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, Reishi mushrooms in Greece, by Carlota G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic c.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman walki.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle age woman walki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery couple, wearing.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of eldery couple, wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs cuddled together.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs cuddled together.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of young asian woman with.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of young asian woman with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older man in art studi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of older man in art studi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs sitting together.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs sitting together.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with g.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of group of dogs running .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of group of dogs running .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old lady smiling huggin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old lady smiling huggin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic m.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of young asian woman with.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of young asian woman with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady hugging fren.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young lady hugging fren.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of wolfhound dog, strong, .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of wolfhound dog, strong, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame dressed colonial, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, h.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame dressed colonial, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged palestinia.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged palestinia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic w.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with s.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man with s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man fishing.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man fishing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman making .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman making .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman drivi.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman drivi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/lady surrounded by heap of solid red flags, teary eyed, blonde hair in bun, golden hour, 3d caricatu.png to raw_combined/lady surrounded by heap of solid red flags, teary eyed, blonde hair in bun, golden hour, 3d caricatu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, 4th of july neighborhood get to.txt to raw_combined/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, 4th of july neighborhood get to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swinging golf .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man swinging golf .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of african american woman .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of african american woman .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs cuddled together.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs cuddled together.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman with bald .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older woman with bald .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of younger bald man making.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of younger bald man making.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, mushroom harvesting workshop, very.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with zeiss 35mm lens f1.8, mushroom harvesting workshop, very.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man fishin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged man fishin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed, fine ed.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed, fine ed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame on wall as post malone, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sh.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame on wall as post malone, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, 4th of july neighborhood get to.png to raw_combined/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, 4th of july neighborhood get to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, mushrooms surrounding amber bottles in w.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, mushrooms surrounding amber bottles in w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man jogging, .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man jogging, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of great dane dog, strong.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of great dane dog, strong.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old man hugging golden .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old man hugging golden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man lifting w.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age man lifting w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old man hugging golden .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old man hugging golden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of indian couple riding b.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, full body shot of indian couple riding b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, scared eyes, hiding under blanket, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, scared eyes, hiding under blanket, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, Reishi mushrooms in Greece, by Carlota G.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, Reishi mushrooms in Greece, by Carlota G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of apothecary elements, in Sp.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of apothecary elements, in Sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman jogging.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman jogging.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman making .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman making .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman pickin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman pickin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged couple smi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged couple smi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age bald man wea.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age bald man wea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young man smiling next .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of young man smiling next .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of older african american .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of older african american .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, scared eyes, hiding under blanket, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.png to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, scared eyes, hiding under blanket, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old jamaican woman fixi.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of old jamaican woman fixi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian man .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman driv.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman driv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, middle aged dad wearing white t.txt to raw_combined/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, middle aged dad wearing white t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/yellow liquid dripping off tree branch, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resoluti.png to raw_combined/yellow liquid dripping off tree branch, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sharp, high resoluti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, view from above, laying on back asleep in bed, insanely detailed, fine edges, .txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, view from above, laying on back asleep in bed, insanely detailed, fine edges, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Agaricus blazei mushrooms,.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, macro shot of Agaricus blazei mushrooms,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree, by Carlot.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, massive avatar style oak tree, by Carlot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman doing y.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman doing y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs sitting together.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of 4 dogs sitting together.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old lady smiling huggin.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of old lady smiling huggin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame on wall as post malone, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sh.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog art in frame on wall as post malone, insanely detailed, fine edges, insanely sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman pickin.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle age woman pickin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed.txt to raw_combined/tilt shift., bulldog, smiling, dressed like a king. sitting on a throne in palace, insanely detailed.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, middle aged dad wearing white t.png to raw_combined/1950s, Old vintage 35mm film photo, light leaks, scratches and dust, middle aged dad wearing white t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of 100 year old asian man.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of 100 year old asian man.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman exercis.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman exercis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman weari.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman weari.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older african american.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of older african american.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older man with.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older man with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of group of dogs running .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of group of dogs running .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, painti.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, painti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian man .png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged asian man .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of older african american .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of older african american .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, painti.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, painti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older man with.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of elegant older man with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman weari.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged woman weari.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man riding .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of middle aged man riding .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic c.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged hispanic c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing golf, .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of older man playing golf, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged african am.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged african am.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman driv.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged woman driv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, glass .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8,close up shot of middle age woman, glass .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of english bulldog by airs.txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, close up shot of english bulldog by airs.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black man .txt to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f2.8, full body shot of middle aged black man .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_50/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of younger bald man making.png to raw_combined/film photography, taken on mamiya rz67 with 35mm lens f1.8, close up shot of younger bald man making.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green Swiss chard sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green Swiss chard sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Cafe latte .txt to raw_combined/Cafe latte .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail glass , white isolated background, without text, realistic .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail glass , white isolated background, without text, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/trex playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studi.png to raw_combined/trex playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.png to raw_combined/dog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene Egyptian Cleopatra cat perched atop a sunkissed sand dune in the vast desert, a gentle bree.txt to raw_combined/A serene Egyptian Cleopatra cat perched atop a sunkissed sand dune in the vast desert, a gentle bree.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green peas sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green peas sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A retroinspired 60s cat lounging on a vibrant psychedelic rug, adorned with geometric patterns and b.png to raw_combined/A retroinspired 60s cat lounging on a vibrant psychedelic rug, adorned with geometric patterns and b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear Mafia sitting on the couch smoking cigar wearing sunglasses and hat .png to raw_combined/polar bear Mafia sitting on the couch smoking cigar wearing sunglasses and hat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.txt to raw_combined/cat playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/empty white background and tree shadow .png to raw_combined/empty white background and tree shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cappuccino .txt to raw_combined/cappuccino .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax trax in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/relax trax in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/balck tea honey lemon .txt to raw_combined/balck tea honey lemon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/koala bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .txt to raw_combined/koala bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A tropical paradise unfolds before your eyes as you come across a hidden onsen nestled on a pristine.txt to raw_combined/A tropical paradise unfolds before your eyes as you come across a hidden onsen nestled on a pristine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Picture a single photo of a cow anthropomorphic donning a trendy and fashionable ensemble. The cow s.png to raw_combined/Picture a single photo of a cow anthropomorphic donning a trendy and fashionable ensemble. The cow s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail grass, white isolated background, without text, realistic .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail grass, white isolated background, without text, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.txt to raw_combined/dog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sakura branch on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of sakura branch on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax cows in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/relax cows in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cow star .txt to raw_combined/cow star .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Beautiful mosk in Saudi Arabia .png to raw_combined/Beautiful mosk in Saudi Arabia .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, .png to raw_combined/frog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/small pool villa resort on slide of the beach with coconut tree and plant .txt to raw_combined/small pool villa resort on slide of the beach with coconut tree and plant .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A quaint kitchen setting featuring a wooden bowl brimming with a delightful mix of aromatic herbs, s.png to raw_combined/A quaint kitchen setting featuring a wooden bowl brimming with a delightful mix of aromatic herbs, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of palm tree on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of palm tree on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/small pool villa resort on slide of the beach with coconut tree and plant .png to raw_combined/small pool villa resort on slide of the beach with coconut tree and plant .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/fashioness polar bear in arctic catwalk .png to raw_combined/fashioness polar bear in arctic catwalk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of small cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of small cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Independence Day .png to raw_combined/Independence Day .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with fashionable attire and anthropomorphic features, photographed in a minimalist studio set.png to raw_combined/A bull with fashionable attire and anthropomorphic features, photographed in a minimalist studio set.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with vibrant, anthropomorphic features, adorned with colorful ribbons and accessories, posing.txt to raw_combined/A bull with vibrant, anthropomorphic features, adorned with colorful ribbons and accessories, posing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A striking abstract curve art consisting of sharp, angular lines intersecting at various angles, for.txt to raw_combined/A striking abstract curve art consisting of sharp, angular lines intersecting at various angles, for.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/broccoli tree isolated on white .png to raw_combined/broccoli tree isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene Egyptian Cleopatra cat perched atop a sunkissed sand dune in the vast desert, a gentle bree.png to raw_combined/A serene Egyptian Cleopatra cat perched atop a sunkissed sand dune in the vast desert, a gentle bree.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green asparagus or bunches of green asparagus isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green asparagus or bunches of green asparagus isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying cat .txt to raw_combined/flying cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Americano .txt to raw_combined/Americano .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/abstract polka dot array book illustrations .txt to raw_combined/abstract polka dot array book illustrations .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Guava isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Guava isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isometric food .txt to raw_combined/isometric food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Broccoli isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Broccoli isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/man statue isolated .txt to raw_combined/man statue isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Spinach isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Spinach isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In tranquil Zen gardens embrace I stand, Bathed in moonlights touch, a mystical brand. The waterfall.txt to raw_combined/In tranquil Zen gardens embrace I stand, Bathed in moonlights touch, a mystical brand. The waterfall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/carbon composite fabric isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/carbon composite fabric isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/assorted grilled vehetable .png to raw_combined/assorted grilled vehetable .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/monkey in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sand on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of sand on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Donkey musicians performing on a stage in a whimsical circus tent, the audience consisting of divers.txt to raw_combined/Donkey musicians performing on a stage in a whimsical circus tent, the audience consisting of divers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/playground isometric isolated .png to raw_combined/playground isometric isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light .txt to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In this whimsical depiction, imagine a polar bear playfully driving a brightly colored submarine thr.png to raw_combined/In this whimsical depiction, imagine a polar bear playfully driving a brightly colored submarine thr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/iguana playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, stu.txt to raw_combined/iguana playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, stu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog on tree trunk isolated .txt to raw_combined/frog on tree trunk isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mesmerizing abstract curve art composed of sharp, jagged lines and bold, contrasting colors, resem.png to raw_combined/A mesmerizing abstract curve art composed of sharp, jagged lines and bold, contrasting colors, resem.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/abstract polka dot array book illustrations .png to raw_combined/abstract polka dot array book illustrations .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mouthwatering chocolate cake, freshly baked and frosted with velvety smooth dark chocolate ganache.txt to raw_combined/A mouthwatering chocolate cake, freshly baked and frosted with velvety smooth dark chocolate ganache.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A sizzling platter of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection, with vibrant colors and enticing textur.txt to raw_combined/A sizzling platter of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection, with vibrant colors and enticing textur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/butter flying .txt to raw_combined/butter flying .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene set in a highsecurity corporate building..png to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene set in a highsecurity corporate building..png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax trex in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/relax trex in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/koala bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .png to raw_combined/koala bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost flamingo .txt to raw_combined/lost flamingo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying cow .png to raw_combined/flying cow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/snow in the morning .png to raw_combined/snow in the morning .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mystical Egyptian Cleopatra cat, exploring the hidden chambers of an ancient temple, illuminated b.png to raw_combined/A mystical Egyptian Cleopatra cat, exploring the hidden chambers of an ancient temple, illuminated b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In the tranquil Zen garden, moonlight cascades, Whispering secrets through the nights cool shades. J.png to raw_combined/In the tranquil Zen garden, moonlight cascades, Whispering secrets through the nights cool shades. J.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in giant snow timer, .txt to raw_combined/polar bear in giant snow timer, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Prickly pear cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Prickly pear cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A playful 60s cat wearing a colorful tiedye shirt, sitting on a bean bag chair in a vibrant and psyc.txt to raw_combined/A playful 60s cat wearing a colorful tiedye shirt, sitting on a bean bag chair in a vibrant and psyc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in sand timer, change and to snow .png to raw_combined/polar bear in sand timer, change and to snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isometric food .png to raw_combined/isometric food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mud monster .png to raw_combined/mud monster .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light, wooden platform .txt to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light, wooden platform .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A birdseye view of an assortment of aromatic herbs nestled in an artisanal wooden bowl, positioned o.txt to raw_combined/A birdseye view of an assortment of aromatic herbs nestled in an artisanal wooden bowl, positioned o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/many honey bees are on a sheet of honey, in the style of uhd image, wimmelbilder, queencore .png to raw_combined/many honey bees are on a sheet of honey, in the style of uhd image, wimmelbilder, queencore .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cow anthropomorphic wearing vibrant colors and fashionable clothing, captured in a cool and minima.txt to raw_combined/A cow anthropomorphic wearing vibrant colors and fashionable clothing, captured in a cool and minima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cappuccino .png to raw_combined/cappuccino .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A modern minimal Thai interior with an openconcept layout, featuring a spacious living room and kitc.txt to raw_combined/A modern minimal Thai interior with an openconcept layout, featuring a spacious living room and kitc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/butter flying .png to raw_combined/butter flying .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Hedgehog cactus .txt to raw_combined/Hedgehog cactus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/1 An intriguing abstract curve art piece with intricate patterns and geometric shapes, resembling a .txt to raw_combined/1 An intriguing abstract curve art piece with intricate patterns and geometric shapes, resembling a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Independence Day .txt to raw_combined/Independence Day .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool,.png to raw_combined/polar bear playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cow anthropomorphic wearing vibrant colors and fashionable clothing, captured in a cool and minima.png to raw_combined/A cow anthropomorphic wearing vibrant colors and fashionable clothing, captured in a cool and minima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/snow playground in autumn .txt to raw_combined/snow playground in autumn .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of pothole on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of pothole on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/wedding of polar bear bride and groom walking down the aisle in an outdoor ceremony, in the style of.png to raw_combined/wedding of polar bear bride and groom walking down the aisle in an outdoor ceremony, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Collard greens cabbage sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Collard greens cabbage sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A minimalist yet captivating sculpture of an anthropomorphic bull, showcasing vibrant colors and fas.txt to raw_combined/A minimalist yet captivating sculpture of an anthropomorphic bull, showcasing vibrant colors and fas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax trex in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/relax trex in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .png to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/The abstract curve art portrays a bustling cyberpunk cityscape, with holographic advertisements, neo.txt to raw_combined/The abstract curve art portrays a bustling cyberpunk cityscape, with holographic advertisements, neo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green Asparagus chard sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green Asparagus chard sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/As the moon ascends to its zenith, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the world, you find yourself o.txt to raw_combined/As the moon ascends to its zenith, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the world, you find yourself o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Echinocactus grusonii on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Echinocactus grusonii on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In tranquil Zen gardens embrace I stand, Bathed in moonlights touch, a mystical brand. The waterfall.png to raw_combined/In tranquil Zen gardens embrace I stand, Bathed in moonlights touch, a mystical brand. The waterfall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An adorable 60s cat with a mischievous gaze, wearing a bowtie and stylish sunglasses, lounging on a .txt to raw_combined/An adorable 60s cat with a mischievous gaze, wearing a bowtie and stylish sunglasses, lounging on a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/pinky milk .png to raw_combined/pinky milk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/fashioness polar bear in arctic catwalk .txt to raw_combined/fashioness polar bear in arctic catwalk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Brussels sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Brussels sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A graceful 60s cat with long, flowing fur, elegantly posing on a retro record player, surrounded by .txt to raw_combined/A graceful 60s cat with long, flowing fur, elegantly posing on a retro record player, surrounded by .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/vegan food .txt to raw_combined/vegan food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of tree and rock on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of tree and rock on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of rathalo on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of rathalo on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog statue isolated .txt to raw_combined/dog statue isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.png to raw_combined/cat playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/king frog on tree trunk .png to raw_combined/king frog on tree trunk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Cauliflower chard sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Cauliflower chard sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of pothole on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of pothole on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/vegan beef .txt to raw_combined/vegan beef .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Hedgehog cactus .png to raw_combined/Hedgehog cactus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cluster of ripe strawberries arranged in a symmetrical pattern, glistening with dewdrops, nestled .png to raw_combined/A cluster of ripe strawberries arranged in a symmetrical pattern, glistening with dewdrops, nestled .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of young plant on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of young plant on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/panda playing ice hockey .png to raw_combined/panda playing ice hockey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Organ pipe cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Organ pipe cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene garden oasis showcasing a wooden bowl filled with a carefully curated selection of herbs, s.png to raw_combined/A serene garden oasis showcasing a wooden bowl filled with a carefully curated selection of herbs, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/anaconda python .png to raw_combined/anaconda python .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A delectable assortment of grilled vegetables on a rustic wooden platter, the warm glow of a sunset .png to raw_combined/A delectable assortment of grilled vegetables on a rustic wooden platter, the warm glow of a sunset .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/snow in the morning .txt to raw_combined/snow in the morning .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Fishhook cactus .png to raw_combined/Fishhook cactus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/photo stock chicken attack .png to raw_combined/photo stock chicken attack .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Carnegiea gigantea on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Carnegiea gigantea on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/snow playground in autumn .png to raw_combined/snow playground in autumn .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost fish .txt to raw_combined/lost fish .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/balck tea honey lemon .png to raw_combined/balck tea honey lemon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy rish raccoon .png to raw_combined/crazy rish raccoon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of grass on white background,realistic .txt to raw_combined/isolated of grass on white background,realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Americano .png to raw_combined/Americano .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/bees and honey on large yellow hexagonal hive, in the style of associated press photo, 32k uhd, berr.png to raw_combined/bees and honey on large yellow hexagonal hive, in the style of associated press photo, 32k uhd, berr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee .png to raw_combined/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, co.png to raw_combined/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isometric food isolated .png to raw_combined/isometric food isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/espresso .txt to raw_combined/espresso .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cozy Brazilian family gathering, taking place in a rustic countryside farmhouse, surrounded by lus.txt to raw_combined/A cozy Brazilian family gathering, taking place in a rustic countryside farmhouse, surrounded by lus.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/man statue isolated .png to raw_combined/man statue isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of grass on white background,realistic .png to raw_combined/isolated of grass on white background,realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/green tea latte .png to raw_combined/green tea latte .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A minimalist yet captivating sculpture of an anthropomorphic bull, showcasing vibrant colors and fas.png to raw_combined/A minimalist yet captivating sculpture of an anthropomorphic bull, showcasing vibrant colors and fas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of grass on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of grass on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool,.txt to raw_combined/polar bear playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/trex playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studi.txt to raw_combined/trex playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/carbon composite fabric isolated on white .png to raw_combined/carbon composite fabric isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An intricate abstract curve art showcasing fluid movements and vibrant colors, with graceful arcs in.txt to raw_combined/An intricate abstract curve art showcasing fluid movements and vibrant colors, with graceful arcs in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/gold background .png to raw_combined/gold background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Visualize a cow anthropomorphic captured in a cool and fashionable studio photography. The cows atti.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a cow anthropomorphic captured in a cool and fashionable studio photography. The cows atti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/symbol logo .txt to raw_combined/symbol logo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/The abstract curve art portrays a bustling cyberpunk cityscape, with holographic advertisements, neo.png to raw_combined/The abstract curve art portrays a bustling cyberpunk cityscape, with holographic advertisements, neo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A single photo capturing the essence of a bull with vibrant and contrasting colors. The anthropomorp.txt to raw_combined/A single photo capturing the essence of a bull with vibrant and contrasting colors. The anthropomorp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/3d engraved art .txt to raw_combined/3d engraved art .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An elegant Egyptian Cleopatra cat with shimmering golden fur, adorned with intricate jewelry and a r.png to raw_combined/An elegant Egyptian Cleopatra cat with shimmering golden fur, adorned with intricate jewelry and a r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost duck .png to raw_combined/lost duck .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy money .txt to raw_combined/crazy money .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Beets chard sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Beets chard sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/photo stock chicken attack .txt to raw_combined/photo stock chicken attack .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mafia pig with gold .txt to raw_combined/mafia pig with gold .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/viking boat in open sea .txt to raw_combined/viking boat in open sea .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Cauliflower chard sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Cauliflower chard sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/bees gather on a layer of honeycombs, in the style of dark yellow and light gold, queencore .txt to raw_combined/bees gather on a layer of honeycombs, in the style of dark yellow and light gold, queencore .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Kale sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Kale sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A closeup of fresh aromatic herbs, neatly arranged in a wooden bowl, each herb distinct and vibrant,.txt to raw_combined/A closeup of fresh aromatic herbs, neatly arranged in a wooden bowl, each herb distinct and vibrant,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/president panda .png to raw_combined/president panda .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of cookie on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of cookie on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dinner .txt to raw_combined/dinner .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Titanic sinking isolated .png to raw_combined/Titanic sinking isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/house underground in Iceland .txt to raw_combined/house underground in Iceland .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Kale sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Kale sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of hand on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of hand on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in sand timer, change and to snow .txt to raw_combined/polar bear in sand timer, change and to snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax trax in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/relax trax in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A breathtaking scene of a polar bear confidently maneuvering a sleek and futuristic submarine throug.txt to raw_combined/A breathtaking scene of a polar bear confidently maneuvering a sleek and futuristic submarine throug.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden .txt to raw_combined/zen garden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A modern minimal Thai interior with sleek wooden furniture, clean lines, and a neutral color palette.txt to raw_combined/A modern minimal Thai interior with sleek wooden furniture, clean lines, and a neutral color palette.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene and dreamlike setting where a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and ele.txt to raw_combined/A serene and dreamlike setting where a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and ele.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene with shattered glass scattered across the.png to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene with shattered glass scattered across the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/fish statue .png to raw_combined/fish statue .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A rustic ceramic bowl filled with an assortment of aromatic dried herbs, sitting on a weathered wood.png to raw_combined/A rustic ceramic bowl filled with an assortment of aromatic dried herbs, sitting on a weathered wood.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A detailed image of a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and colorful attire, sta.png to raw_combined/A detailed image of a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and colorful attire, sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An elegant 60s cat sitting on a midcentury modern armchair, featuring sleek lines and teak wood, wit.txt to raw_combined/An elegant 60s cat sitting on a midcentury modern armchair, featuring sleek lines and teak wood, wit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A rustic ceramic bowl filled with an assortment of aromatic dried herbs, sitting on a weathered wood.txt to raw_combined/A rustic ceramic bowl filled with an assortment of aromatic dried herbs, sitting on a weathered wood.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying cow .txt to raw_combined/flying cow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of young plant on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of young plant on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A sizzling platter of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection, with vibrant colors and enticing textur.png to raw_combined/A sizzling platter of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection, with vibrant colors and enticing textur.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Fishhook cactus .txt to raw_combined/Fishhook cactus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/monkey in onsen, winter, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/hay bale in field isolated .txt to raw_combined/hay bale in field isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/turtle eating plastic .png to raw_combined/turtle eating plastic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying dog .png to raw_combined/flying dog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of palm tree on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of palm tree on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with vibrant, anthropomorphic features, adorned with colorful ribbons and accessories, posing.png to raw_combined/A bull with vibrant, anthropomorphic features, adorned with colorful ribbons and accessories, posing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/black tea honey .txt to raw_combined/black tea honey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashion.txt to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashion.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/whole building exterior look minimal and stylish natural light, in style of Fujifilm pro 400h, 4k .txt to raw_combined/whole building exterior look minimal and stylish natural light, in style of Fujifilm pro 400h, 4k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An adorable 60s cat with a mischievous gaze, wearing a bowtie and stylish sunglasses, lounging on a .png to raw_combined/An adorable 60s cat with a mischievous gaze, wearing a bowtie and stylish sunglasses, lounging on a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Cafe latte .png to raw_combined/Cafe latte .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax cows in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/relax cows in onsen, winter, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/high dimensional .txt to raw_combined/high dimensional .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A disciplined German Shepherd in a serene outdoor gym amidst a lush forest, balancing on a tree bran.txt to raw_combined/A disciplined German Shepherd in a serene outdoor gym amidst a lush forest, balancing on a tree bran.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/black coffee honey .png to raw_combined/black coffee honey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/japanese bamboo garden .png to raw_combined/japanese bamboo garden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green peas sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green peas sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A quaint kitchen setting featuring a wooden bowl brimming with a delightful mix of aromatic herbs, s.txt to raw_combined/A quaint kitchen setting featuring a wooden bowl brimming with a delightful mix of aromatic herbs, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Organ pipe cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Organ pipe cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zombie house flipper .txt to raw_combined/zombie house flipper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/high dimensional .png to raw_combined/high dimensional .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Brussels sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Brussels sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/1 An intriguing abstract curve art piece with intricate patterns and geometric shapes, resembling a .png to raw_combined/1 An intriguing abstract curve art piece with intricate patterns and geometric shapes, resembling a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A group photo of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, showcasing their fashionable and cool attir.png to raw_combined/A group photo of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, showcasing their fashionable and cool attir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of grass on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of grass on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A disciplined German Shepherd in a serene outdoor gym amidst a lush forest, balancing on a tree bran.png to raw_combined/A disciplined German Shepherd in a serene outdoor gym amidst a lush forest, balancing on a tree bran.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene featuring shattered glass and disarrayed .txt to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene featuring shattered glass and disarrayed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey hockey .png to raw_combined/monkey hockey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/energy .txt to raw_combined/energy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/king frog on tree trunk .txt to raw_combined/king frog on tree trunk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/symbol logo .png to raw_combined/symbol logo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on wed land realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on wed land realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/vegan beef .png to raw_combined/vegan beef .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/espresso .png to raw_combined/espresso .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Visualize a cow anthropomorphic captured in a cool and fashionable studio photography. The cows atti.png to raw_combined/Visualize a cow anthropomorphic captured in a cool and fashionable studio photography. The cows atti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of muscle cat isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo of muscle cat isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cow star .png to raw_combined/cow star .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Overhead perspective of a medley of fragrant herbs, meticulously arranged in a vintage wooden bowl, .png to raw_combined/Overhead perspective of a medley of fragrant herbs, meticulously arranged in a vintage wooden bowl, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail grass, white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail grass, white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/minimal copper staff office .txt to raw_combined/minimal copper staff office .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog on tree trunk isolated .png to raw_combined/frog on tree trunk isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Thai tea fresh milk .png to raw_combined/Thai tea fresh milk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Step into a delightful felt world where children are gleefully flying kites in a picturesque spring .png to raw_combined/Step into a delightful felt world where children are gleefully flying kites in a picturesque spring .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/super vegan food .txt to raw_combined/super vegan food .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cozy Brazilian family gathering, taking place in a rustic countryside farmhouse, surrounded by lus.png to raw_combined/A cozy Brazilian family gathering, taking place in a rustic countryside farmhouse, surrounded by lus.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Red cabbage sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Red cabbage sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy cow .png to raw_combined/crazy cow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/animals playing ice hockey .txt to raw_combined/animals playing ice hockey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/playground .png to raw_combined/playground .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow, highest resolution, highly detailed, w.txt to raw_combined/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow, highest resolution, highly detailed, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost fish .png to raw_combined/lost fish .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear Mafia sitting on the couch smoking cigar wearing sunglasses and hat .txt to raw_combined/polar bear Mafia sitting on the couch smoking cigar wearing sunglasses and hat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A contemplative 60s cat perched on a windowsill overlooking a peaceful garden, with blooming flowers.png to raw_combined/A contemplative 60s cat perched on a windowsill overlooking a peaceful garden, with blooming flowers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mocha .png to raw_combined/mocha .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, co.txt to raw_combined/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, group photo, fashionable, co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/minimal copper staff office .png to raw_combined/minimal copper staff office .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A charismatic 60s cat with a bowler hat, holding a vintage microphone, standing on a stage adorned w.txt to raw_combined/A charismatic 60s cat with a bowler hat, holding a vintage microphone, standing on a stage adorned w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with vibrant colors, anthropomorphic features, and fashionable attire, standing confidently i.png to raw_combined/A bull with vibrant colors, anthropomorphic features, and fashionable attire, standing confidently i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of running shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of running shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Guava isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Guava isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Thai tea fresh milk .txt to raw_combined/Thai tea fresh milk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat statue isolated .png to raw_combined/cat statue isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/3d engraved art sushi .txt to raw_combined/3d engraved art sushi .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of hay bale on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of hay bale on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/rainforest playground .png to raw_combined/rainforest playground .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In a minimalistic and stylish studio, imagine a cow anthropomorphic dressed in vibrant and fashionab.txt to raw_combined/In a minimalistic and stylish studio, imagine a cow anthropomorphic dressed in vibrant and fashionab.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost cow .png to raw_combined/lost cow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mud monster .txt to raw_combined/mud monster .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Beets chard sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Beets chard sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/black tea honey .png to raw_combined/black tea honey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of hand on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of hand on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A majestic Egyptian Cleopatra cat, walking gracefully on the banks of the Nile River, the setting su.png to raw_combined/A majestic Egyptian Cleopatra cat, walking gracefully on the banks of the Nile River, the setting su.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing guitar, anthropomorphic, hipster, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photo.png to raw_combined/cat playing guitar, anthropomorphic, hipster, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/vegan food .png to raw_combined/vegan food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying happy bull .png to raw_combined/flying happy bull .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost flamingo .png to raw_combined/lost flamingo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An intricate abstract curve art showcasing fluid movements and vibrant colors, with graceful arcs in.png to raw_combined/An intricate abstract curve art showcasing fluid movements and vibrant colors, with graceful arcs in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A detailed image of a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and colorful attire, sta.txt to raw_combined/A detailed image of a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and colorful attire, sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy rish cat .png to raw_combined/crazy rish cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/president panda .txt to raw_combined/president panda .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A striking abstract curve art consisting of sharp, angular lines intersecting at various angles, for.png to raw_combined/A striking abstract curve art consisting of sharp, angular lines intersecting at various angles, for.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/hay bale in field isolated .png to raw_combined/hay bale in field isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A group photo of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, showcasing their fashionable and cool attir.txt to raw_combined/A group photo of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, showcasing their fashionable and cool attir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A vibrant plate of hot vegetables, consisting of roasted red peppers, sautéed zucchini, grilled aspa.txt to raw_combined/A vibrant plate of hot vegetables, consisting of roasted red peppers, sautéed zucchini, grilled aspa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/wedding of polar bear bride and groom walking down the aisle in an outdoor ceremony, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/wedding of polar bear bride and groom walking down the aisle in an outdoor ceremony, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green Swiss chard sprouts isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green Swiss chard sprouts isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog on palm frond .txt to raw_combined/frog on palm frond .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .txt to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail, white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail, white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bountiful collection of fragrant herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, nestled on a sunlit ki.png to raw_combined/A bountiful collection of fragrant herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, nestled on a sunlit ki.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/many honey bees are on a sheet of honey, in the style of uhd image, wimmelbilder, queencore .txt to raw_combined/many honey bees are on a sheet of honey, in the style of uhd image, wimmelbilder, queencore .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/pinky milk .txt to raw_combined/pinky milk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of flower field on white background,realistic .txt to raw_combined/isolated of flower field on white background,realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog on palm frond .png to raw_combined/frog on palm frond .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mesmerizing abstract curve art composed of sharp, jagged lines and bold, contrasting colors, resem.txt to raw_combined/A mesmerizing abstract curve art composed of sharp, jagged lines and bold, contrasting colors, resem.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/bees gather on a layer of honeycombs, in the style of dark yellow and light gold, queencore .png to raw_combined/bees gather on a layer of honeycombs, in the style of dark yellow and light gold, queencore .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Carnegiea gigantea on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of Carnegiea gigantea on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green asparagus or bunches of green asparagus isolated on white .png to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green asparagus or bunches of green asparagus isolated on white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/gold background .txt to raw_combined/gold background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in giant snow timer, weed .png to raw_combined/polar bear in giant snow timer, weed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isometric food isolated .txt to raw_combined/isometric food isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying cat .png to raw_combined/flying cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost plastic bottles .txt to raw_combined/lost plastic bottles .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/fish statue .txt to raw_combined/fish statue .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Cocoa .txt to raw_combined/Cocoa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/full shot, alpaca in onsen .png to raw_combined/full shot, alpaca in onsen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog statue isolated .png to raw_combined/dog statue isolated .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with vibrant colors, anthropomorphic features, and fashionable attire, standing confidently i.txt to raw_combined/A bull with vibrant colors, anthropomorphic features, and fashionable attire, standing confidently i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Green Asparagus chard sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Green Asparagus chard sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.png to raw_combined/cat playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall .png to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/green tea latte .txt to raw_combined/green tea latte .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/shark playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool,.txt to raw_combined/shark playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy rish raccoon .txt to raw_combined/crazy rish raccoon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A super cute felt world where kids are joyfully flying kites in a spring meadow. The meadow is fille.txt to raw_combined/A super cute felt world where kids are joyfully flying kites in a spring meadow. The meadow is fille.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A cluster of ripe strawberries arranged in a symmetrical pattern, glistening with dewdrops, nestled .txt to raw_combined/A cluster of ripe strawberries arranged in a symmetrical pattern, glistening with dewdrops, nestled .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A single photo capturing the essence of a bull with vibrant and contrasting colors. The anthropomorp.png to raw_combined/A single photo capturing the essence of a bull with vibrant and contrasting colors. The anthropomorp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/animals playing ice hockey .png to raw_combined/animals playing ice hockey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In a minimalistic and stylish studio, imagine a cow anthropomorphic dressed in vibrant and fashionab.png to raw_combined/In a minimalistic and stylish studio, imagine a cow anthropomorphic dressed in vibrant and fashionab.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bustling street market in Brazil, with food stalls lined up on both sides, showcasing an array of .txt to raw_combined/A bustling street market in Brazil, with food stalls lined up on both sides, showcasing an array of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail glass , white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail glass , white isolated background, without text, realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An energetic and lively scene featuring a group of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, gathered .png to raw_combined/An energetic and lively scene featuring a group of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, gathered .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Traditional Brazilian food served on a vibrant wooden table, featuring feijoada with rich black bean.txt to raw_combined/Traditional Brazilian food served on a vibrant wooden table, featuring feijoada with rich black bean.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A playful 60s cat wearing a colorful tiedye shirt, sitting on a bean bag chair in a vibrant and psyc.png to raw_combined/A playful 60s cat wearing a colorful tiedye shirt, sitting on a bean bag chair in a vibrant and psyc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy money .png to raw_combined/crazy money .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/3d engraved art sushi .png to raw_combined/3d engraved art sushi .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee .txt to raw_combined/cat coffee barista, cat making coffee .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat in onsen .txt to raw_combined/cat in onsen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A graceful 60s cat with long, flowing fur, elegantly posing on a retro record player, surrounded by .png to raw_combined/A graceful 60s cat with long, flowing fur, elegantly posing on a retro record player, surrounded by .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A closeup view from above of an assortment of aromatic herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, cr.png to raw_combined/A closeup view from above of an assortment of aromatic herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, cr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bustling street market in Brazil, with food stalls lined up on both sides, showcasing an array of .png to raw_combined/A bustling street market in Brazil, with food stalls lined up on both sides, showcasing an array of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A charismatic 60s cat with a bowler hat, holding a vintage microphone, standing on a stage adorned w.png to raw_combined/A charismatic 60s cat with a bowler hat, holding a vintage microphone, standing on a stage adorned w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A single photograph capturing the essence of a vibrant and fashionable bull with anthropomorphic tra.txt to raw_combined/A single photograph capturing the essence of a vibrant and fashionable bull with anthropomorphic tra.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/broccoli tree isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/broccoli tree isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/The abstract curve art illustrates an underground realm, with bioluminescent plants illuminating the.png to raw_combined/The abstract curve art illustrates an underground realm, with bioluminescent plants illuminating the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of running shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of running shoe ad on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A tropical paradise unfolds before your eyes as you come across a hidden onsen nestled on a pristine.png to raw_combined/A tropical paradise unfolds before your eyes as you come across a hidden onsen nestled on a pristine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/egyptian cleopatra cat .png to raw_combined/egyptian cleopatra cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/juices .png to raw_combined/juices .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in giant snow timer, .png to raw_combined/polar bear in giant snow timer, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A delicate pink cherry blossom tree in full bloom, its branches covered with vibrant flowers, petals.png to raw_combined/A delicate pink cherry blossom tree in full bloom, its branches covered with vibrant flowers, petals.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy rish cat .txt to raw_combined/crazy rish cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/full shot, alpaca in onsen, heavy snow .png to raw_combined/full shot, alpaca in onsen, heavy snow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashion.png to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashion.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/matcha fresh milk .txt to raw_combined/matcha fresh milk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A single photograph capturing the essence of a vibrant and fashionable bull with anthropomorphic tra.png to raw_combined/A single photograph capturing the essence of a vibrant and fashionable bull with anthropomorphic tra.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mocha .txt to raw_combined/mocha .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of rathalo on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of rathalo on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A breathtaking scene of a polar bear confidently maneuvering a sleek and futuristic submarine throug.png to raw_combined/A breathtaking scene of a polar bear confidently maneuvering a sleek and futuristic submarine throug.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of rock and moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of rock and moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/shark playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool,.png to raw_combined/shark playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Independence Day of the moon .png to raw_combined/Independence Day of the moon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Freshly picked aromatic lavender blossoms delicately arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, the morning s.txt to raw_combined/Freshly picked aromatic lavender blossoms delicately arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, the morning s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of flower field on white background,realistic .png to raw_combined/isolated of flower field on white background,realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy cat .png to raw_combined/crazy cat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost duck .txt to raw_combined/lost duck .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/full shot, alpaca in onsen .txt to raw_combined/full shot, alpaca in onsen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/viking boat in open sea .png to raw_combined/viking boat in open sea .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An energetic and lively scene featuring a group of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, gathered .txt to raw_combined/An energetic and lively scene featuring a group of anthropomorphic cows in vibrant colors, gathered .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A modern minimal Thai interior with sleek wooden furniture, clean lines, and a neutral color palette.png to raw_combined/A modern minimal Thai interior with sleek wooden furniture, clean lines, and a neutral color palette.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/black coffee honey .txt to raw_combined/black coffee honey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/anaconda python .txt to raw_combined/anaconda python .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/super leo .txt to raw_combined/super leo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing ice hockey .txt to raw_combined/dog playing ice hockey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In this whimsical depiction, imagine a polar bear playfully driving a brightly colored submarine thr.txt to raw_combined/In this whimsical depiction, imagine a polar bear playfully driving a brightly colored submarine thr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat statue isolated .txt to raw_combined/cat statue isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/whole building exterior look minimal and stylish natural light, in style of Fujifilm pro 400h, 4k .png to raw_combined/whole building exterior look minimal and stylish natural light, in style of Fujifilm pro 400h, 4k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/muscle dog in gym .txt to raw_combined/muscle dog in gym .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/japanese bamboo garden .txt to raw_combined/japanese bamboo garden .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/muscle dog in gym .png to raw_combined/muscle dog in gym .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of cookie on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of cookie on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/minimal office .png to raw_combined/minimal office .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/playground isometric isolated .txt to raw_combined/playground isometric isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.txt to raw_combined/cat playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light, wooden platform .png to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light, wooden platform .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.txt to raw_combined/dog playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/In the tranquil Zen garden, moonlight cascades, Whispering secrets through the nights cool shades. J.txt to raw_combined/In the tranquil Zen garden, moonlight cascades, Whispering secrets through the nights cool shades. J.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Overhead perspective of a medley of fragrant herbs, meticulously arranged in a vintage wooden bowl, .txt to raw_combined/Overhead perspective of a medley of fragrant herbs, meticulously arranged in a vintage wooden bowl, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/full shot, alpaca in onsen, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/full shot, alpaca in onsen, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A contemplative 60s cat perched on a windowsill overlooking a peaceful garden, with blooming flowers.txt to raw_combined/A contemplative 60s cat perched on a windowsill overlooking a peaceful garden, with blooming flowers.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mouthwatering medley of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection on an open flame, the charred edges .png to raw_combined/A mouthwatering medley of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection on an open flame, the charred edges .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with anthropomorphic features and a ribbon mic pattern covering its body, set against a backd.png to raw_combined/A bull with anthropomorphic features and a ribbon mic pattern covering its body, set against a backd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Top view of freshly harvested culinary herbs neatly arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, showcasing a v.txt to raw_combined/Top view of freshly harvested culinary herbs neatly arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, showcasing a v.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost plastic bottles .png to raw_combined/lost plastic bottles .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Carmel macchiato .txt to raw_combined/Carmel macchiato .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/3d engraved art .png to raw_combined/3d engraved art .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/playground .txt to raw_combined/playground .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene in a futuristic setting. The shattered gl.txt to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene in a futuristic setting. The shattered gl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/super vegan food .png to raw_combined/super vegan food .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photogr.png to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mystical Egyptian Cleopatra cat, exploring the hidden chambers of an ancient temple, illuminated b.txt to raw_combined/A mystical Egyptian Cleopatra cat, exploring the hidden chambers of an ancient temple, illuminated b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A group photo of anthropomorphic donkeys in vibrant colors, each donkey wearing fashionable outfits .txt to raw_combined/A group photo of anthropomorphic donkeys in vibrant colors, each donkey wearing fashionable outfits .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/thunder dog .txt to raw_combined/thunder dog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/energy .png to raw_combined/energy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A modern minimal Thai interior with an openconcept layout, featuring a spacious living room and kitc.png to raw_combined/A modern minimal Thai interior with an openconcept layout, featuring a spacious living room and kitc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/alligator playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, c.txt to raw_combined/alligator playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Donkey musicians performing on a stage in a whimsical circus tent, the audience consisting of divers.png to raw_combined/Donkey musicians performing on a stage in a whimsical circus tent, the audience consisting of divers.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene arrangement of fresh mint leaves and sprigs, gracefully placed in a polished wooden bowl, r.txt to raw_combined/A serene arrangement of fresh mint leaves and sprigs, gracefully placed in a polished wooden bowl, r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sakura branch on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of sakura branch on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/egyptian cleopatra cat .txt to raw_combined/egyptian cleopatra cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A fit Doberman Pinscher in a futuristic virtual reality gym, wearing an advanced exoskeleton suit th.txt to raw_combined/A fit Doberman Pinscher in a futuristic virtual reality gym, wearing an advanced exoskeleton suit th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A birdseye view of an assortment of aromatic herbs nestled in an artisanal wooden bowl, positioned o.png to raw_combined/A birdseye view of an assortment of aromatic herbs nestled in an artisanal wooden bowl, positioned o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A closeup of fresh aromatic herbs, neatly arranged in a wooden bowl, each herb distinct and vibrant,.png to raw_combined/A closeup of fresh aromatic herbs, neatly arranged in a wooden bowl, each herb distinct and vibrant,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat barista .png to raw_combined/cat barista .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Cocoa .png to raw_combined/Cocoa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light .png to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time, lantern light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/panda playing ice hockey .txt to raw_combined/panda playing ice hockey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bountiful collection of fragrant herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, nestled on a sunlit ki.txt to raw_combined/A bountiful collection of fragrant herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, nestled on a sunlit ki.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Abstract curve art resembling a cosmic dance of colors, swirling nebulae and galaxies, interwoven wi.png to raw_combined/Abstract curve art resembling a cosmic dance of colors, swirling nebulae and galaxies, interwoven wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy cow .txt to raw_combined/crazy cow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/honey cafe latte .png to raw_combined/honey cafe latte .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Spinach isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Spinach isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A powerful bulldog, muscles bulging, lifting weights in a wellequipped gym, sweat glistening on its .txt to raw_combined/A powerful bulldog, muscles bulging, lifting weights in a wellequipped gym, sweat glistening on its .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of fox tail, white isolated background, without text, realistic .png to raw_combined/stock photo of fox tail, white isolated background, without text, realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of tree and rock on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of tree and rock on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat in onsen .png to raw_combined/cat in onsen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Independence Day of the moon .txt to raw_combined/Independence Day of the moon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/mafia pig with gold .png to raw_combined/mafia pig with gold .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/matcha fresh milk .png to raw_combined/matcha fresh milk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A closeup view from above of an assortment of aromatic herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, cr.txt to raw_combined/A closeup view from above of an assortment of aromatic herbs gathered in a weathered wooden bowl, cr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying happy bull .txt to raw_combined/flying happy bull .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/minimal office .txt to raw_combined/minimal office .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mouthwatering chocolate cake, freshly baked and frosted with velvety smooth dark chocolate ganache.png to raw_combined/A mouthwatering chocolate cake, freshly baked and frosted with velvety smooth dark chocolate ganache.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/rainforest playground .txt to raw_combined/rainforest playground .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene in a futuristic setting. The shattered gl.png to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene in a futuristic setting. The shattered gl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of hay bale on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of hay bale on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A heavenly platter of hot vegetables, gently steaming in a silver bowl, the vibrant colors popping a.png to raw_combined/A heavenly platter of hot vegetables, gently steaming in a silver bowl, the vibrant colors popping a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zombie house flipper .png to raw_combined/zombie house flipper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time .txt to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/As the moon ascends to its zenith, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the world, you find yourself o.png to raw_combined/As the moon ascends to its zenith, casting a soft, ethereal glow upon the world, you find yourself o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/house underground in Iceland .png to raw_combined/house underground in Iceland .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/crazy cat .txt to raw_combined/crazy cat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/bees and honey on large yellow hexagonal hive, in the style of associated press photo, 32k uhd, berr.txt to raw_combined/bees and honey on large yellow hexagonal hive, in the style of associated press photo, 32k uhd, berr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh green Broccoli isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh green Broccoli isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey in onsen .txt to raw_combined/monkey in onsen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing ice hockey .png to raw_combined/dog playing ice hockey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A fit Doberman Pinscher in a futuristic virtual reality gym, wearing an advanced exoskeleton suit th.png to raw_combined/A fit Doberman Pinscher in a futuristic virtual reality gym, wearing an advanced exoskeleton suit th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Collard greens cabbage sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Collard greens cabbage sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A retroinspired 60s cat lounging on a vibrant psychedelic rug, adorned with geometric patterns and b.txt to raw_combined/A retroinspired 60s cat lounging on a vibrant psychedelic rug, adorned with geometric patterns and b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Echinocactus grusonii on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Echinocactus grusonii on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of soil on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of soil on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden .png to raw_combined/zen garden .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene featuring shattered glass and disarrayed .png to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene featuring shattered glass and disarrayed .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow, highest resolution, highly detailed, w.png to raw_combined/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow, highest resolution, highly detailed, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of soil on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of soil on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/thunder dog .png to raw_combined/thunder dog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A majestic Egyptian Cleopatra cat, walking gracefully on the banks of the Nile River, the setting su.txt to raw_combined/A majestic Egyptian Cleopatra cat, walking gracefully on the banks of the Nile River, the setting su.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sunflower on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of sunflower on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/iguana playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, stu.png to raw_combined/iguana playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, stu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A powerful bulldog, muscles bulging, lifting weights in a wellequipped gym, sweat glistening on its .png to raw_combined/A powerful bulldog, muscles bulging, lifting weights in a wellequipped gym, sweat glistening on its .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey in onsen .png to raw_combined/monkey in onsen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/The abstract curve art illustrates an underground realm, with bioluminescent plants illuminating the.txt to raw_combined/The abstract curve art illustrates an underground realm, with bioluminescent plants illuminating the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Carmel macchiato .png to raw_combined/Carmel macchiato .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat barista .txt to raw_combined/cat barista .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene Colombian coffee plantation nestled in the rolling hills, with neat rows of coffee plants s.png to raw_combined/A serene Colombian coffee plantation nestled in the rolling hills, with neat rows of coffee plants s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Traditional Brazilian food served on a vibrant wooden table, featuring feijoada with rich black bean.png to raw_combined/Traditional Brazilian food served on a vibrant wooden table, featuring feijoada with rich black bean.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dog playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.png to raw_combined/dog playing drums, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, cool, studio.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene Colombian coffee plantation nestled in the rolling hills, with neat rows of coffee plants s.txt to raw_combined/A serene Colombian coffee plantation nestled in the rolling hills, with neat rows of coffee plants s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall, night time .png to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall, night time .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/honey cafe latte .txt to raw_combined/honey cafe latte .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A vibrant plate of hot vegetables, consisting of roasted red peppers, sautéed zucchini, grilled aspa.png to raw_combined/A vibrant plate of hot vegetables, consisting of roasted red peppers, sautéed zucchini, grilled aspa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/empty white background and tree shadow .txt to raw_combined/empty white background and tree shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/juices .txt to raw_combined/juices .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear in giant snow timer, weed .txt to raw_combined/polar bear in giant snow timer, weed .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An elegant Egyptian Cleopatra cat with shimmering golden fur, adorned with intricate jewelry and a r.txt to raw_combined/An elegant Egyptian Cleopatra cat with shimmering golden fur, adorned with intricate jewelry and a r.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow .txt to raw_combined/relax alpaca in onsen wearing sunglasses, winter, heavy snow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A heavenly platter of hot vegetables, gently steaming in a silver bowl, the vibrant colors popping a.txt to raw_combined/A heavenly platter of hot vegetables, gently steaming in a silver bowl, the vibrant colors popping a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo, Fresh Red cabbage sprouts isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo, Fresh Red cabbage sprouts isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene and dreamlike setting where a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and ele.png to raw_combined/A serene and dreamlike setting where a group of anthropomorphic cows, dressed in fashionable and ele.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/frog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, .txt to raw_combined/frog playing guitar on stool , anthropomorphic, vibrant colors, single photo, hipster, fashionable, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/stock photo of muscle cat isolated on white .txt to raw_combined/stock photo of muscle cat isolated on white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Abstract curve art resembling a cosmic dance of colors, swirling nebulae and galaxies, interwoven wi.txt to raw_combined/Abstract curve art resembling a cosmic dance of colors, swirling nebulae and galaxies, interwoven wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of small cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of small cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sand on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of sand on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/polar bear playing guitar, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photogr.txt to raw_combined/polar bear playing guitar, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/monkey hockey .txt to raw_combined/monkey hockey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene set in a highsecurity corporate building..txt to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene set in a highsecurity corporate building..txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Top view of freshly harvested culinary herbs neatly arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, showcasing a v.png to raw_combined/Top view of freshly harvested culinary herbs neatly arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, showcasing a v.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Beautiful mosk in Saudi Arabia .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful mosk in Saudi Arabia .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/assorted grilled vehetable .txt to raw_combined/assorted grilled vehetable .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene with shattered glass scattered across the.txt to raw_combined/A meticulously detailed diorama of an office breakin scene with shattered glass scattered across the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A delicate pink cherry blossom tree in full bloom, its branches covered with vibrant flowers, petals.txt to raw_combined/A delicate pink cherry blossom tree in full bloom, its branches covered with vibrant flowers, petals.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on wed land realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Hiking shoe ad on wed land realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with anthropomorphic features and a ribbon mic pattern covering its body, set against a backd.txt to raw_combined/A bull with anthropomorphic features and a ribbon mic pattern covering its body, set against a backd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/flying dog .txt to raw_combined/flying dog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Titanic sinking isolated .txt to raw_combined/Titanic sinking isolated .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/An elegant 60s cat sitting on a midcentury modern armchair, featuring sleek lines and teak wood, wit.png to raw_combined/An elegant 60s cat sitting on a midcentury modern armchair, featuring sleek lines and teak wood, wit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of Prickly pear cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png to raw_combined/isolated of Prickly pear cactus on white background, realistic, no shadow .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Step into a delightful felt world where children are gleefully flying kites in a picturesque spring .txt to raw_combined/Step into a delightful felt world where children are gleefully flying kites in a picturesque spring .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/turtle eating plastic .txt to raw_combined/turtle eating plastic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Freshly picked aromatic lavender blossoms delicately arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, the morning s.png to raw_combined/Freshly picked aromatic lavender blossoms delicately arranged in a rustic wooden bowl, the morning s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A super cute felt world where kids are joyfully flying kites in a spring meadow. The meadow is fille.png to raw_combined/A super cute felt world where kids are joyfully flying kites in a spring meadow. The meadow is fille.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/cat playing guitar, anthropomorphic, hipster, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photo.txt to raw_combined/cat playing guitar, anthropomorphic, hipster, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, cool, studio photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/lost cow .txt to raw_combined/lost cow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/zen garden with water fall .txt to raw_combined/zen garden with water fall .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A bull with fashionable attire and anthropomorphic features, photographed in a minimalist studio set.txt to raw_combined/A bull with fashionable attire and anthropomorphic features, photographed in a minimalist studio set.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/dinner .png to raw_combined/dinner .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/Picture a single photo of a cow anthropomorphic donning a trendy and fashionable ensemble. The cow s.txt to raw_combined/Picture a single photo of a cow anthropomorphic donning a trendy and fashionable ensemble. The cow s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A mouthwatering medley of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection on an open flame, the charred edges .txt to raw_combined/A mouthwatering medley of hot vegetables, grilled to perfection on an open flame, the charred edges .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of rock and moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of rock and moss on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A group photo of anthropomorphic donkeys in vibrant colors, each donkey wearing fashionable outfits .png to raw_combined/A group photo of anthropomorphic donkeys in vibrant colors, each donkey wearing fashionable outfits .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A delectable assortment of grilled vegetables on a rustic wooden platter, the warm glow of a sunset .txt to raw_combined/A delectable assortment of grilled vegetables on a rustic wooden platter, the warm glow of a sunset .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene arrangement of fresh mint leaves and sprigs, gracefully placed in a polished wooden bowl, r.png to raw_combined/A serene arrangement of fresh mint leaves and sprigs, gracefully placed in a polished wooden bowl, r.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/super leo .png to raw_combined/super leo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/isolated of sunflower on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt to raw_combined/isolated of sunflower on white background, realistic, no shadow .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/alligator playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, c.png to raw_combined/alligator playing guitar wearing hipster hat, anthropomorphic, vibrant colors,single, fashionable, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_19/A serene garden oasis showcasing a wooden bowl filled with a carefully curated selection of herbs, s.txt to raw_combined/A serene garden oasis showcasing a wooden bowl filled with a carefully curated selection of herbs, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grey wolf alphamale standing in a scorched forest, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png to raw_combined/Huge grey wolf alphamale standing in a scorched forest, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long hair latex gloves, toned body, captivating look, .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long hair latex gloves, toned body, captivating look, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, rersting, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, rersting, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, singing, performing when sitting on top of a piano, w.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, singing, performing when sitting on top of a piano, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long slit red satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long slit red satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Machu Picchu if it wasnt ruins but prospering city, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Machu Picchu if it wasnt ruins but prospering city, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grizzly alphamale, raised on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealis.png to raw_combined/Huge grizzly alphamale, raised on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle gliding around top of very high mountain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt to raw_combined/Eagle gliding around top of very high mountain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, light dress and hi.png to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, light dress and hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight outfit, tanned and toned body, captivating look .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight outfit, tanned and toned body, captivating look .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from a long distance, fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of .txt to raw_combined/Seen from a long distance, fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant swordfish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt to raw_combined/Giant swordfish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light dress and satin gloves, tanned a.txt to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light dress and satin gloves, tanned a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mountain goat alphamale standing in a distance on a snowy mountainside, hyperrealistic, photore.txt to raw_combined/Huge mountain goat alphamale standing in a distance on a snowy mountainside, hyperrealistic, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant dolphin deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt to raw_combined/Giant dolphin deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grizzly alphamale, on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.txt to raw_combined/Huge grizzly alphamale, on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge boar alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge boar alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alphamale standing in a distance on a green hillside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alphamale standing in a distance on a green hillside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/sweating and shiny Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin with hood and showing underarms, tanned a.png to raw_combined/sweating and shiny Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin with hood and showing underarms, tanned a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, sneaking, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, sneaking, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male african elephant, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png to raw_combined/Huge male african elephant, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, with very long hair, in the spotlight of a big scene, s.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, with very long hair, in the spotlight of a big scene, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, hunting, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, hunting, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Japanese sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Japanese sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/gorgeous blonde woman in portrait on a couch, hazel eyes, in the style of panasonic lumix s pro 50mm.png to raw_combined/gorgeous blonde woman in portrait on a couch, hazel eyes, in the style of panasonic lumix s pro 50mm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and short golden dress, A.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and short golden dress, A.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant crab deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Giant crab deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge hippo alphamale standing by a river, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt to raw_combined/Huge hippo alphamale standing by a river, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Rhino huge alphamale, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png to raw_combined/Rhino huge alphamale, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamalerunning, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.png to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamalerunning, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge bison alphamale charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge bison alphamale charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, in the spotlight of a big scene, sensual pose, wearing .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, in the spotlight of a big scene, sensual pose, wearing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine attacking grizzly, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png to raw_combined/Wolverine attacking grizzly, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Icy landscape, full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.png to raw_combined/Icy landscape, full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge water buffalo alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt to raw_combined/Huge water buffalo alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil albino sorceress, toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves, captivat.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil albino sorceress, toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves, captivat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alligator, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.png to raw_combined/Huge alligator, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, performing on a big scene .txt to raw_combined/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, performing on a big scene .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight outfit, tanned and toned body, captivating look .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight outfit, tanned and toned body, captivating look .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long g.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tanned and toned.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tanned and toned.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge rhino alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt to raw_combined/Huge rhino alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male african elephant, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt to raw_combined/Huge male african elephant, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress, tanned and toned body, captivating loo.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress, tanned and toned body, captivating loo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, short slit golden dress, African origin, to.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, short slit golden dress, African origin, to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest and the widest cave in the world, located in green plain, birds eye view, hyperrealistic.txt to raw_combined/The biggest and the widest cave in the world, located in green plain, birds eye view, hyperrealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and skintight dress, Afri.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and skintight dress, Afri.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alpha male reindeer, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Huge alpha male reindeer, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/African landscape with multiple animals, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.png to raw_combined/African landscape with multiple animals, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual gorgeous beautiful muscular evil catwoman, tanned and toned body, dynamic pose, captivating .txt to raw_combined/Sensual gorgeous beautiful muscular evil catwoman, tanned and toned body, dynamic pose, captivating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil alien sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil alien sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Birds eye view on entire Manhattan in far future, futuristic huge city, hyperrealistic, photorealist.png to raw_combined/Birds eye view on entire Manhattan in far future, futuristic huge city, hyperrealistic, photorealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alphamale grizzly bear, fishing, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png to raw_combined/Huge alphamale grizzly bear, fishing, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight s.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge lion alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt to raw_combined/Huge lion alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, sensual pose, wearing tight .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, sensual pose, wearing tight .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Powerful and mysterious, muscular build, wide angle, young evil sorceress with an hourglass body, sm.png to raw_combined/Powerful and mysterious, muscular build, wide angle, young evil sorceress with an hourglass body, sm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tanned and toned.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tanned and toned.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine in attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Wolverine in attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale standing in the middle of a large meadow, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale standing in the middle of a large meadow, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city. Yellow dress, blue w.png to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city. Yellow dress, blue w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge white bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.txt to raw_combined/Huge white bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wreck of the biggest ship in the world, abandoned at desert, wide angle, birds eye view, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/Wreck of the biggest ship in the world, abandoned at desert, wide angle, birds eye view, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant male orca deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/Giant male orca deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grizzly alphamale, on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.png to raw_combined/Huge grizzly alphamale, on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, captivati.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, captivati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 25 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.txt to raw_combined/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 25 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, toned body, captivating look, .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, toned body, captivating look, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Cobra attacking, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt to raw_combined/Cobra attacking, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female dance singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female dance singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge polar bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Huge polar bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Pack of grey wolves in forest, hunting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png to raw_combined/Pack of grey wolves in forest, hunting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual muscular gorgeous female gymnast as evil fantasy queen of assassins, dynamic pose, .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual muscular gorgeous female gymnast as evil fantasy queen of assassins, dynamic pose, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale, raised on rear paws and roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrea.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale, raised on rear paws and roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant porcupinefish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Giant porcupinefish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Robotic Bob Dylan playing a concert in the spotlight of a big scene in year 2100, hyperrealistic, ph.txt to raw_combined/Robotic Bob Dylan playing a concert in the spotlight of a big scene in year 2100, hyperrealistic, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned bo.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high .txt to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Alligator from under water, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt to raw_combined/Alligator from under water, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Alligator from under water, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png to raw_combined/Alligator from under water, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, sneaking, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, sneaking, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en bikini en la playa .png to raw_combined/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en bikini en la playa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge water buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealist.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge water buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female gymnast, dynamic pose, .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female gymnast, dynamic pose, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, satin gloves, tanned and toned body, capt.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, satin gloves, tanned and toned body, capt.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male albino syberian husky, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Huge male albino syberian husky, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tan.txt to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge gaur alphamale standing in a steep track, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Huge gaur alphamale standing in a steep track, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Yak in snowy valley, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Yak in snowy valley, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Japanese sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Japanese sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil albino sorceress, toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves, captivat.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil albino sorceress, toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves, captivat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge anaconda, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt to raw_combined/Huge anaconda, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer in long slit dress sitting on top of a piano in jazz c.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer in long slit dress sitting on top of a piano in jazz c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge polar bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.png to raw_combined/Huge polar bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, sensual pose, wearing tight .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, sensual pose, wearing tight .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wall of China but ten times bigger, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Wall of China but ten times bigger, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Coyote sneaking at night in a forest, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt to raw_combined/Coyote sneaking at night in a forest, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Lightnings over huge lake at night, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot.png to raw_combined/Lightnings over huge lake at night, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en lenceria en la playa .txt to raw_combined/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en lenceria en la playa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest sperm whale ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.png to raw_combined/The biggest sperm whale ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and high stiletto heels, tanned and .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and high stiletto heels, tanned and .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, sneaking, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, sneaking, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, performing when sitting on top of a piano, holding a .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, performing when sitting on top of a piano, holding a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight s.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock singer, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock singer, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant turkey in defending pose, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Giant turkey in defending pose, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detail.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detail.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Rhino huge alphamale, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt to raw_combined/Rhino huge alphamale, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 25 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.png to raw_combined/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 25 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detail.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detail.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alligator, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.txt to raw_combined/Huge alligator, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating in the air, high above a destroyed city. Blue wings. Yellow dress .png to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating in the air, high above a destroyed city. Blue wings. Yellow dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alpha male gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt to raw_combined/Huge alpha male gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long gloves and slit dress, tanned and toned body, .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long gloves and slit dress, tanned and toned body, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight outfit and gloves, cap.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight outfit and gloves, cap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, tight shiny dress .txt to raw_combined/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, tight shiny dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from behind, beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city . Y.txt to raw_combined/Seen from behind, beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city . Y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge water buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealist.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge water buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Yak in snowy valley, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Yak in snowy valley, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gigantic fantastic turtle deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photore.png to raw_combined/Gigantic fantastic turtle deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Robotic Bob Dylan playing a concert in the spotlight of a big scene in year 2100, hyperrealistic, ph.png to raw_combined/Robotic Bob Dylan playing a concert in the spotlight of a big scene in year 2100, hyperrealistic, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/African landscape with multiple animals, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.txt to raw_combined/African landscape with multiple animals, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Reindeers herd running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high.txt to raw_combined/Reindeers herd running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, captivati.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, captivati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female heavy metal vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female heavy metal vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, ta.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giraffe, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot .txt to raw_combined/Giraffe, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant crab deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Giant crab deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, resting, side view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, resting, side view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light dress and satin gloves, tanned a.png to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light dress and satin gloves, tanned a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photore.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Life deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png to raw_combined/Life deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant dolphin deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png to raw_combined/Giant dolphin deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil redhead sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil redhead sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock singer, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock singer, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Lightnings over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Lightnings over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Egyptian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Egyptian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, performing when sitting on top of a piano, holding a .png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, performing when sitting on top of a piano, holding a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and satin gloves, tanned and toned body.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and satin gloves, tanned and toned body.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil goddess of assassins, tanned and toned body, wearing tight silk and long glo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil goddess of assassins, tanned and toned body, wearing tight silk and long glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Honey badger, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt to raw_combined/Honey badger, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female disco dancer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female disco dancer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and satin gloves, tanned and toned body.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and satin gloves, tanned and toned body.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant octopus deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt to raw_combined/Giant octopus deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male african elephant, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt to raw_combined/Huge male african elephant, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating high above a destroyed city, her wings are blue, and her dress is yel.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating high above a destroyed city, her wings are blue, and her dress is yel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorea.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long t.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Coyote sneaking at night in a forest, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png to raw_combined/Coyote sneaking at night in a forest, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual gorgeous beautiful muscular evil catwoman, tanned and toned body, dynamic pose, captivating .png to raw_combined/Sensual gorgeous beautiful muscular evil catwoman, tanned and toned body, dynamic pose, captivating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge moose alphamale standing in a beautiful green plain by a water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Huge moose alphamale standing in a beautiful green plain by a water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress, tanned and toned body, captivating loo.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress, tanned and toned body, captivating loo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed predator alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, phot.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed predator alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Landscape with an ancient amphitheater, surrounded by green mountains, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Landscape with an ancient amphitheater, surrounded by green mountains, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long hair latex gloves, toned body, captivating look, .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long hair latex gloves, toned body, captivating look, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Oarfish deep under water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon .txt to raw_combined/Oarfish deep under water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge velociraptor alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant swordfish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png to raw_combined/Giant swordfish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long tight gloves, .png to raw_combined/Beautiful muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long tight gloves, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giraffe, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot .png to raw_combined/Giraffe, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine in attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Wolverine in attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Herd of deers in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt to raw_combined/Herd of deers in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Puma in a chase, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png to raw_combined/Puma in a chase, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long gloves and slit dress, tanned and toned body, .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long gloves and slit dress, tanned and toned body, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, in the spotlight of a big scene, sensual pose, wearing .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, in the spotlight of a big scene, sensual pose, wearing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle captured in the moment of attack on a fox, 200 mm lens, 14000 shutter time, Bence Máté style, .txt to raw_combined/Eagle captured in the moment of attack on a fox, 200 mm lens, 14000 shutter time, Bence Máté style, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Herd of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png to raw_combined/Herd of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Desert with dunes, high noon, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.txt to raw_combined/Desert with dunes, high noon, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight dress, captivating loo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight dress, captivating loo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and short golden dress, A.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and short golden dress, A.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, resting, side view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, resting, side view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous senual evil female assassin android, full body shot, futuristic style, captivatin.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous senual evil female assassin android, full body shot, futuristic style, captivatin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed predator alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, phot.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed predator alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gigantic fantastic turtle deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photore.txt to raw_combined/Gigantic fantastic turtle deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photore.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress a.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge alphamale boar, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sh.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge alphamale boar, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Darth Vader in underwear .txt to raw_combined/Darth Vader in underwear .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Storm over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Storm over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle attacking from the air. A hare running on the ground. Dynamic scene, 8k, photorealistic, hyper.txt to raw_combined/Eagle attacking from the air. A hare running on the ground. Dynamic scene, 8k, photorealistic, hyper.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge polar bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Huge polar bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male dragon, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high deta.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male dragon, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high deta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Extremely picturesque village on green plain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qua.txt to raw_combined/Extremely picturesque village on green plain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tan.png to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress and long gloves, tan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photore.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very young Anita Ekberg as a dark evil angel with golden wings and extremely long hair, in slit mini.png to raw_combined/Very young Anita Ekberg as a dark evil angel with golden wings and extremely long hair, in slit mini.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant batoidea deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.png to raw_combined/Giant batoidea deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, running, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/African landscape with zebras, giraffes, lions and springboks, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/African landscape with zebras, giraffes, lions and springboks, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge hippo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Huge hippo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine attacking grizzly, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt to raw_combined/Wolverine attacking grizzly, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Solar system compressed, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Solar system compressed, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, ta.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, tight shiny dress .png to raw_combined/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, tight shiny dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress a.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Egyptian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Egyptian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant squid deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.png to raw_combined/Giant squid deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long red satin dress, Arabian origin, tanned and to.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long red satin dress, Arabian origin, tanned and to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, in gallop along a rainbow meadow, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, in gallop along a rainbow meadow, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, tanned and toned bod.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, tanned and toned bod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves and sports bra, tan.png to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves and sports bra, tan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Pack of sneaking angry grey wolves, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png to raw_combined/Pack of sneaking angry grey wolves, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female dance singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female dance singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular evil woman in spandex outfit and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned b.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular evil woman in spandex outfit and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male dragon, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high deta.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male dragon, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high deta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Landscape of agriculture fields, spreading widely up to horizon, high noon, wide angle, hyperrealist.txt to raw_combined/Landscape of agriculture fields, spreading widely up to horizon, high noon, wide angle, hyperrealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, cap.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, cap.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest whale ever deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photoreali.png to raw_combined/The biggest whale ever deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photoreali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The enitre flat world on a tortoises shell, floating through cosmic space, hyperrealistic, photoreal.png to raw_combined/The enitre flat world on a tortoises shell, floating through cosmic space, hyperrealistic, photoreal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.png to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, performing on a big scene .png to raw_combined/Gorgeous beautiful evil female dancer, sensual pose, performing on a big scene .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from behind, beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city . Y.png to raw_combined/Seen from behind, beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city . Y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge moose alphamale, running, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge moose alphamale, running, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A couple of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png to raw_combined/A couple of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned bo.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Desert with dunes, high noon, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.png to raw_combined/Desert with dunes, high noon, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil alien sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil alien sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long gloves.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sho.png to raw_combined/Wolverine, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge bison alphamale charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge bison alphamale charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, cap.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, skintight dress, Arabian origin, tanned and toned body, cap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light sheer slit dress, tanned and.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light sheer slit dress, tanned and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city. Yellow dress, blue w.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating high in the air, looking down at destroyed city. Yellow dress, blue w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alligator alphamale standing in a distance by a riverside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt to raw_combined/Huge alligator alphamale standing in a distance by a riverside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating lo.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Powerful and mysterious, muscular build, wide angle, young evil sorceress with an hourglass body, sm.txt to raw_combined/Powerful and mysterious, muscular build, wide angle, young evil sorceress with an hourglass body, sm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Jabberwock, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon D6, Galen Rowe.png to raw_combined/Jabberwock, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon D6, Galen Rowe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge hippo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Huge hippo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale, raised on rear paws and roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrea.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale, raised on rear paws and roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned bo.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing tight dress and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very young Anita Ekberg as a dark evil angel with golden wings and extremely long hair, in slit mini.txt to raw_combined/Very young Anita Ekberg as a dark evil angel with golden wings and extremely long hair, in slit mini.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge hippo alphamale standing by a river, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png to raw_combined/Huge hippo alphamale standing by a river, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge white bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Huge white bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Cobra attacking, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png to raw_combined/Cobra attacking, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorea.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge sabertoothed tiger alphamale, resting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular evil woman in spandex outfit and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned b.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular evil woman in spandex outfit and fishnet gloves, tanned and toned b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Canyon with vertical walls, 5000 meters deep,, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/Canyon with vertical walls, 5000 meters deep,, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant octopus deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png to raw_combined/Giant octopus deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil Pakistani sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil Pakistani sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, hunting, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, hunting, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant turkey in defending pose, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Giant turkey in defending pose, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous senual evil female assassin android, full body shot, futuristic style, captivatin.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous senual evil female assassin android, full body shot, futuristic style, captivatin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grizzly alphamale, raised on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealis.txt to raw_combined/Huge grizzly alphamale, raised on the hind legs, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle captured in the moment of attack on a fox, 200 mm lens, 14000 shutter time, Bence Máté style, .png to raw_combined/Eagle captured in the moment of attack on a fox, 200 mm lens, 14000 shutter time, Bence Máté style, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing long satin gloves, captivating lo.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing long satin gloves, captivating lo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Landscape of agriculture fields, spreading widely up to horizon, high noon, wide angle, hyperrealist.png to raw_combined/Landscape of agriculture fields, spreading widely up to horizon, high noon, wide angle, hyperrealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female opera singer, performing in a big hall, wearing tight shiny dress an.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female opera singer, performing in a big hall, wearing tight shiny dress an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, singing, performing when sitting on top of a piano, w.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer, singing, performing when sitting on top of a piano, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.txt to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qual.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge red deer alphamale standing in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Huge red deer alphamale standing in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long slit red satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long slit red satin dress, tanned and toned body, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge lion alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Huge lion alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Herd of deers in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png to raw_combined/Herd of deers in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alpha male, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alpha male, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Oarfish deep under water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon .png to raw_combined/Oarfish deep under water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant squid deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Giant squid deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating lo.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned body, captivating lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, rersting, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, rersting, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Birds eye view on entire Manhattan in far future, futuristic huge city, hyperrealistic, photorealist.txt to raw_combined/Birds eye view on entire Manhattan in far future, futuristic huge city, hyperrealistic, photorealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Pack of grey wolves in forest, hunting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt to raw_combined/Pack of grey wolves in forest, hunting, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge white bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.png to raw_combined/Huge white bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, roaring, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Puma in a chase, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt to raw_combined/Puma in a chase, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qualit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Cyborg with Bob Dylans face .txt to raw_combined/Cyborg with Bob Dylans face .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Reindeers herd running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high.png to raw_combined/Reindeers herd running, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating in the air, high above a destroyed city. Blue wings. Yellow dress .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating in the air, high above a destroyed city. Blue wings. Yellow dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on .png to raw_combined/Gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Ostrich in run, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png to raw_combined/Ostrich in run, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The enitre flat world on a tortoises shell, floating through cosmic space, hyperrealistic, photoreal.txt to raw_combined/The enitre flat world on a tortoises shell, floating through cosmic space, hyperrealistic, photoreal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest white whale ever, deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, pho.png to raw_combined/The biggest white whale ever, deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long g.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female gymnast, dynamic pose, .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female gymnast, dynamic pose, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest whale ever deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photoreali.txt to raw_combined/The biggest whale ever deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photoreali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Jewish sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Jewish sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge lion alphamale, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge lion alphamale, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, with very long hair, in the spotlight of a big scene, s.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, with very long hair, in the spotlight of a big scene, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing in a small club, sensual pose, wearing tight.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing in a small club, sensual pose, wearing tight.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long t.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop star, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight shi.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop star, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight shi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/African landscape with zebras, giraffes, lions and springboks, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/African landscape with zebras, giraffes, lions and springboks, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight dress, captivating loo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight dress, captivating loo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant porcupinefish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Giant porcupinefish deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle attacking from the air. A hare running on the ground. Dynamic scene, 8k, photorealistic, hyper.png to raw_combined/Eagle attacking from the air. A hare running on the ground. Dynamic scene, 8k, photorealistic, hyper.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Machu Picchu if it wasnt ruins but prospering city, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Machu Picchu if it wasnt ruins but prospering city, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge moose alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png to raw_combined/Huge moose alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alphamale leopard seal, deep under water, attacking a fish, dynamic scene, epic composition, hy.png to raw_combined/Huge alphamale leopard seal, deep under water, attacking a fish, dynamic scene, epic composition, hy.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female disco dancer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female disco dancer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Jewish sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Jewish sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A family of polar bears in a distance, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt to raw_combined/A family of polar bears in a distance, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamalerunning, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.txt to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamalerunning, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and high stiletto heels, tanned and .png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and high stiletto heels, tanned and .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Lightnings over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Lightnings over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png to raw_combined/Huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, photorealistic, .png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, photorealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge gaur alphamale standing in a steep track, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt to raw_combined/Huge gaur alphamale standing in a steep track, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, c.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned bo.txt to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge white bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Huge white bear alphamale charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge polar bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.txt to raw_combined/Huge polar bear alphamale roaring, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high .png to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Solar system compressed, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png to raw_combined/Solar system compressed, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female opera singer, performing in a big hall, wearing tight shiny dress an.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female opera singer, performing in a big hall, wearing tight shiny dress an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, tanned and toned bod.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves and long dress, tanned and toned bod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale standing in the middle of a large meadow, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale standing in the middle of a large meadow, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge alphamale boar, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sh.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge alphamale boar, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alphamale leopard seal, deep under water, attacking a fish, dynamic scene, epic composition, hy.txt to raw_combined/Huge alphamale leopard seal, deep under water, attacking a fish, dynamic scene, epic composition, hy.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge grey wolf alphamale standing in a scorched forest, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt to raw_combined/Huge grey wolf alphamale standing in a scorched forest, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wreck of the biggest ship in the world, abandoned at desert, wide angle, birds eye view, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/Wreck of the biggest ship in the world, abandoned at desert, wide angle, birds eye view, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge moose alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt to raw_combined/Huge moose alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alphamale standing in a distance on a green hillside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alphamale standing in a distance on a green hillside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil redhead sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil redhead sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glov.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge lion alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Huge lion alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil Pakistani sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil Pakistani sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Icy landscape full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png to raw_combined/Icy landscape full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer in long slit dress sitting on top of a piano in jazz c.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual jazz female singer in long slit dress sitting on top of a piano in jazz c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, short slit golden dress, African origin, to.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, short slit golden dress, African origin, to.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gal Gadot as evil goddess of ice and frost, with extremely long hair, in slit minidress, natural col.png to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as evil goddess of ice and frost, with extremely long hair, in slit minidress, natural col.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long s.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, photorealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, photorealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil Arabian sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing black cloak and long glove.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop star, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight shi.txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female pop star, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight shi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alpha male gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png to raw_combined/Huge alpha male gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge lion alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png to raw_combined/Huge lion alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.png to raw_combined/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alphamale grizzly bear, fishing, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt to raw_combined/Huge alphamale grizzly bear, fishing, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest sperm whale ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.txt to raw_combined/The biggest sperm whale ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mouflon alpha male, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt to raw_combined/Huge mouflon alpha male, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant male orca deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/Giant male orca deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge yak alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png to raw_combined/Huge yak alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant moray deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Giant moray deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gal Gadot as evil goddess of ice and frost, with extremely long hair, in slit minidress, natural col.txt to raw_combined/Gal Gadot as evil goddess of ice and frost, with extremely long hair, in slit minidress, natural col.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Pack of sneaking angry grey wolves, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt to raw_combined/Pack of sneaking angry grey wolves, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male african elephant, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png to raw_combined/Huge male african elephant, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Honey badger, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png to raw_combined/Honey badger, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing in a small club, sensual pose, wearing tight.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing in a small club, sensual pose, wearing tight.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful giant angel floating high above a destroyed city, her wings are blue, and her dress is yel.png to raw_combined/Beautiful giant angel floating high above a destroyed city, her wings are blue, and her dress is yel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Lightnings over huge lake at night, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot.txt to raw_combined/Lightnings over huge lake at night, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, satin gloves, tanned and toned body, capt.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, satin gloves, tanned and toned body, capt.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en lenceria en la playa .png to raw_combined/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en lenceria en la playa .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A highway elevated high over a valley in very green mountains, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photo.txt to raw_combined/A highway elevated high over a valley in very green mountains, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge water buffalo alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png to raw_combined/Huge water buffalo alphamale standing in a swamp land, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female jazz singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual muscular gorgeous female gymnast as evil fantasy queen of assassins, dynamic pose, .png to raw_combined/Megasexual muscular gorgeous female gymnast as evil fantasy queen of assassins, dynamic pose, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and skintight dress, Afri.txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, very long hair, long satin gloves and skintight dress, Afri.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, c.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in fishnet gloves, tanned and toned body, c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A couple of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt to raw_combined/A couple of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge bison alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png to raw_combined/Huge bison alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Crouching puma, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt to raw_combined/Crouching puma, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful ultrasensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing satin .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful ultrasensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing satin .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Icy landscape, full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.txt to raw_combined/Icy landscape, full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Eagle gliding around top of very high mountain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png to raw_combined/Eagle gliding around top of very high mountain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high q.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A family of polar bears in a distance, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png to raw_combined/A family of polar bears in a distance, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A highway elevated high over a valley in very green mountains, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photo.png to raw_combined/A highway elevated high over a valley in very green mountains, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long .png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female alien from another planet, toned body, wearing black cloak and long .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long red satin dress, Arabian origin, tanned and to.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing long red satin dress, Arabian origin, tanned and to.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge male albino syberian husky, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Huge male albino syberian husky, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alligator alphamale standing in a distance by a riverside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png to raw_combined/Huge alligator alphamale standing in a distance by a riverside, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Landscape with an ancient amphitheater, surrounded by green mountains, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png to raw_combined/Landscape with an ancient amphitheater, surrounded by green mountains, hyperrealistic, photorealisti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, tanned and toned b.txt to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, tanned and toned b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Icy landscape full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt to raw_combined/Icy landscape full of hills and faults, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant moray deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.png to raw_combined/Giant moray deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Jabberwock, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon D6, Galen Rowe.txt to raw_combined/Jabberwock, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Nikon D6, Galen Rowe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, tanned and toned b.png to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, tanned and toned b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female dance singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female dance singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge alpha male reindeer, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Huge alpha male reindeer, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest white whale ever, deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, pho.txt to raw_combined/The biggest white whale ever, deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, defending, raised on rear legs, dynamic scene, hyperrealis.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, defending, raised on rear legs, dynamic scene, hyperrealis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on .txt to raw_combined/Gaur, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, light dress and hi.txt to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves, light dress and hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned bo.png to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, long blonde hair, wearing satin gloves, tanned and toned bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest white shark ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.png to raw_combined/The biggest white shark ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge moose alphamale standing in a beautiful green plain by a water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Huge moose alphamale standing in a beautiful green plain by a water, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous blonde evil goddess of sweat and tanning, shapely and toned body, light dress, hi.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous blonde evil goddess of sweat and tanning, shapely and toned body, light dress, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Storm over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png to raw_combined/Storm over huge lake at night, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mountain goat alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png to raw_combined/Huge mountain goat alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil goddess of assassins, tanned and toned body, wearing tight silk and long glo.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil goddess of assassins, tanned and toned body, wearing tight silk and long glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Herd of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt to raw_combined/Herd of deers chased by pack of wolves, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wall of China but ten times bigger, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt to raw_combined/Wall of China but ten times bigger, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/gorgeous blonde woman in portrait on a couch, hazel eyes, in the style of panasonic lumix s pro 50mm.txt to raw_combined/gorgeous blonde woman in portrait on a couch, hazel eyes, in the style of panasonic lumix s pro 50mm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A view from top of a mountain into valley below, with very winding road climbing to the top, hyperre.png to raw_combined/A view from top of a mountain into valley below, with very winding road climbing to the top, hyperre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female dance singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female dance singer, performing on a big scene, dynamic pose, wearing tight.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing long satin gloves, captivating lo.png to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil sorceress, tanned and toned body, wearing long satin gloves, captivating lo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge yak alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt to raw_combined/Huge yak alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 30 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light sheer slit dress, tanned and.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light sheer slit dress, tanned and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, in gallop along a rainbow meadow, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic,.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, in gallop along a rainbow meadow, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge boar alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge boar alphamale, charging, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge male unicorn, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge brown bear alphamale standing on a snowy hill, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Crouching puma, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png to raw_combined/Crouching puma, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long tight gloves, .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long tight gloves, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge moose alphamale, running, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge moose alphamale, running, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge anaconda, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png to raw_combined/Huge anaconda, in an attack, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quali.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt to raw_combined/Megasexual gorgeous evil female rock vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mountain goat alphamale standing in a distance on a snowy mountainside, hyperrealistic, photore.png to raw_combined/Huge mountain goat alphamale standing in a distance on a snowy mountainside, hyperrealistic, photore.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge rhino alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png to raw_combined/Huge rhino alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high detai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gigantic sea monster deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png to raw_combined/Gigantic sea monster deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long s.png to raw_combined/Very beautiful sensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing long s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt to raw_combined/Huge cape buffalo alphamale, charging, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Darth Vader in underwear .png to raw_combined/Darth Vader in underwear .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of an ocean, hyperrealistic, p.txt to raw_combined/Fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of an ocean, hyperrealistic, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge red deer alphamale standing in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Huge red deer alphamale standing in a beautiful green valley, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Gigantic sea monster deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Gigantic sea monster deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Ostrich in run, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt to raw_combined/Ostrich in run, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous blonde evil goddess of sweat and tanning, shapely and toned body, light dress, hi.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous blonde evil goddess of sweat and tanning, shapely and toned body, light dress, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Ancient Rome, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.txt to raw_combined/Ancient Rome, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, toned body, captivating look, .txt to raw_combined/Evil woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing fishnet gloves, toned body, captivating look, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Giant batoidea deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.txt to raw_combined/Giant batoidea deep under water, dynamic scene, epic composition, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, hi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Cyborg with Bob Dylans face .png to raw_combined/Cyborg with Bob Dylans face .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/sweating and shiny Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin with hood and showing underarms, tanned a.txt to raw_combined/sweating and shiny Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin with hood and showing underarms, tanned a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.txt to raw_combined/Very beautiful gorgeous muscular 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and toned.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge tiger alphamale, sneaking, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic.txt to raw_combined/Huge tiger alphamale, sneaking, side view, dynamic scene, wide angle, hyperrealistic, photorealistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Life deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt to raw_combined/Life deep in the ocean, photorealistic, hyperrealistic, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Wolverine, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sho.txt to raw_combined/Wolverine, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from a long distance, fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of .png to raw_combined/Seen from a long distance, fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.txt to raw_combined/Very muscular, beautiful gorgeous 21 years old evil woman, wearing light slit dress, tanned and tone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female heavy metal vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female heavy metal vocalist, performing on a big scene, wearing short dress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest and the widest cave in the world, located in green plain, birds eye view, hyperrealistic.png to raw_combined/The biggest and the widest cave in the world, located in green plain, birds eye view, hyperrealistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Ancient Rome, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.png to raw_combined/Ancient Rome, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high quality, shot on Ni.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Honey badger in an attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.txt to raw_combined/Honey badger in an attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful ultrasensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing satin .png to raw_combined/Beautiful ultrasensual muscular gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing satin .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous sensual female pop singer, performing on a big scene, wearing tight shiny dress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Honey badger in an attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.png to raw_combined/Honey badger in an attack, side view, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge mountain goat alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt to raw_combined/Huge mountain goat alphamale, in a jump, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Canyon with vertical walls, 5000 meters deep,, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt to raw_combined/Canyon with vertical walls, 5000 meters deep,, birds eye view, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/A view from top of a mountain into valley below, with very winding road climbing to the top, hyperre.txt to raw_combined/A view from top of a mountain into valley below, with very winding road climbing to the top, hyperre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, defending, raised on rear legs, dynamic scene, hyperrealis.txt to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge red deer alphamale, defending, raised on rear legs, dynamic scene, hyperrealis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/The biggest white shark ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.txt to raw_combined/The biggest white shark ever deep under water, attacking, side view, dynamic scene, epic composition.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves and sports bra, tan.txt to raw_combined/Sensual beautiful gorgeous muscular 25 years old evil woman in long tight gloves and sports bra, tan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of an ocean, hyperrealistic, p.png to raw_combined/Fantastic fairtalelike monumental underwater metropolis on the bottom of an ocean, hyperrealistic, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge elk alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt to raw_combined/Huge elk alphamale with insanely huge antlers, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Seen from aside, huge lion alphamale, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png to raw_combined/Seen from aside, huge lion alphamale, roaring, dynamic scene, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en bikini en la playa .txt to raw_combined/preciosa y sensual modelo rubia posando en bikini en la playa .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png to raw_combined/Huge cape buffalo alphamale standing on a savannah, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, hi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Extremely picturesque village on green plain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qua.png to raw_combined/Extremely picturesque village on green plain, hyperrealistic, photorealistic, high details, high qua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned bo.png to raw_combined/Evil 30 years old woman, very beautiful and gorgeous, wearing light satin dress, tanned and toned bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_21/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight outfit and gloves, cap.png to raw_combined/Beautiful gorgeous evil female assassin, tanned and toned body, wearing tight outfit and gloves, cap.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Geometric embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key c.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Geometric embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display featuring a luxurious red kaftan, gracefully hanging from a designer hanger. The el.png to raw_combined/Clothing display featuring a luxurious red kaftan, gracefully hanging from a designer hanger. The el.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered golden line initials MFS in a serif font embroidery on chr.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered golden line initials MFS in a serif font embroidery on chr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist brocade embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist brocade embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An evocative image showcasing a plain set of bedding and an identical set enhanced with minimalist e.txt to raw_combined/An evocative image showcasing a plain set of bedding and an identical set enhanced with minimalist e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A stunning picture showcasing a before and after look at two towels the same fluffy towel, one untou.png to raw_combined/A stunning picture showcasing a before and after look at two towels the same fluffy towel, one untou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a high end Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on.txt to raw_combined/Website mockup of a high end Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger. Behind it is a beige medite.png to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger. Behind it is a beige medite.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, the subtle arches and tadel.txt to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, the subtle arches and tadel.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered sea reef embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered sea reef embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a perfe.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a perfe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A traditional and elegant red kaftan hanging on a sleek metal hanger, set against a nearly empty bei.png to raw_combined/A traditional and elegant red kaftan hanging on a sleek metal hanger, set against a nearly empty bei.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A compelling photo showcasing a plain and an embroidered towel lying side by side on a polished bath.png to raw_combined/A compelling photo showcasing a plain and an embroidered towel lying side by side on a polished bath.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, .txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockups of custom embroidery moroccan e commerce offering table runners on a rectangle bone.png to raw_combined/Website mockups of custom embroidery moroccan e commerce offering table runners on a rectangle bone.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered brocade embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered brocade embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist art deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist art deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed closeup of two identical pillows, one plain and one with a beautiful embroidery, set on m.png to raw_combined/A detailed closeup of two identical pillows, one plain and one with a beautiful embroidery, set on m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/centered, luxury embroidered border pattern in a rectangle embroidery on chroma key background, shot.png to raw_combined/centered, luxury embroidered border pattern in a rectangle embroidery on chroma key background, shot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed photo portraying two towels draped over an elegant bathtub. One towel remains untouched, .png to raw_combined/A detailed photo portraying two towels draped over an elegant bathtub. One towel remains untouched, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An eyecatching image portraying two identical plush towels arranged side by side on a sleek marble c.png to raw_combined/An eyecatching image portraying two identical plush towels arranged side by side on a sleek marble c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Tribal embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key canv.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Tribal embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key canv.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Art Deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Art Deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a pe.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a pe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Craft an image of a bedroom thats as real as a photograph, filled with the cheerful glow of a sunny .png to raw_combined/Craft an image of a bedroom thats as real as a photograph, filled with the cheerful glow of a sunny .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/centered, luxury embroidered border pattern in a rectangle embroidery on chroma key background, shot.txt to raw_combined/centered, luxury embroidered border pattern in a rectangle embroidery on chroma key background, shot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the beauty of a real line embroidery of minimalist Islamic design, centered against a Chroma.png to raw_combined/Capture the beauty of a real line embroidery of minimalist Islamic design, centered against a Chroma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered brocade embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a p.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered brocade embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Iris flower embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Iris flower embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockups of custom embroidery moroccan e commerce offering table runners on a rectangle bone.txt to raw_combined/Website mockups of custom embroidery moroccan e commerce offering table runners on a rectangle bone.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Generate a photorealistic depiction of a bedroom in the soft, tranquil glow of morning sun. The bed,.png to raw_combined/Generate a photorealistic depiction of a bedroom in the soft, tranquil glow of morning sun. The bed,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist brocade embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist brocade embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fro.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, sh.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, sh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Oriental embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Oriental embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower bouquet embroidery on chroma key background, s.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower bouquet embroidery on chroma key background, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan ecommerce store, specializing in custom embroidery. The showcas.png to raw_combined/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan ecommerce store, specializing in custom embroidery. The showcas.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Balkan embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Balkan embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A red kaftan, a symbol of elegance, hanging from a stylish hanger against a backdrop subtly reminisc.png to raw_combined/A red kaftan, a symbol of elegance, hanging from a stylish hanger against a backdrop subtly reminisc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Geometric embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect top.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Geometric embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect top.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered sea reef embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered sea reef embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A traditional and elegant red kaftan hanging on a sleek metal hanger, set against a nearly empty bei.txt to raw_combined/A traditional and elegant red kaftan hanging on a sleek metal hanger, set against a nearly empty bei.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, shot .txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Visualize a bedroom scene bathed in the warm, vibrant light of a summer morning, as if shot with a S.png to raw_combined/Visualize a bedroom scene bathed in the warm, vibrant light of a summer morning, as if shot with a S.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower collage embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fr.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower collage embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Islamic line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Islamic line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Islamic embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Islamic embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Visualize a bedroom scene bathed in the warm, vibrant light of a summer morning, as if shot with a S.txt to raw_combined/Visualize a bedroom scene bathed in the warm, vibrant light of a summer morning, as if shot with a S.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectan.txt to raw_combined/Website mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectan.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a perfe.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a perfe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging on a hanger, traditional kaftan not touching.png to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging on a hanger, traditional kaftan not touching.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Tribal embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key canv.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Tribal embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key canv.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Generate a hyperrealistic portrayal of a bedroom under the tender luminescence of a morning sun. The.png to raw_combined/Generate a hyperrealistic portrayal of a bedroom under the tender luminescence of a morning sun. The.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A crisp, detailed photograph of a trio of premium towels in small, medium, and large sizes, casually.png to raw_combined/A crisp, detailed photograph of a trio of premium towels in small, medium, and large sizes, casually.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An inviting image capturing two towels, identical in size and color, neatly folded on a luxurious sp.txt to raw_combined/An inviting image capturing two towels, identical in size and color, neatly folded on a luxurious sp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, illuminated by soft light t.txt to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, illuminated by soft light t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan, swaying slightly as it hangs from a highend brass hanger, tak.txt to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan, swaying slightly as it hangs from a highend brass hanger, tak.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered ogee line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A modern room bathed in sunlight, holding an empty table adorned by a black leather table runner. Th.png to raw_combined/A modern room bathed in sunlight, holding an empty table adorned by a black leather table runner. Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An intriguing picture presenting two identical beds in a contemporary bedroom. The left bed is adorn.png to raw_combined/An intriguing picture presenting two identical beds in a contemporary bedroom. The left bed is adorn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perf.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed closeup of two identical pillows, one plain and one with a beautiful embroidery, set on m.txt to raw_combined/A detailed closeup of two identical pillows, one plain and one with a beautiful embroidery, set on m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Islamic embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Islamic embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key can.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Iris flower embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Iris flower embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot f.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet real embroidered line Magnolia flowers embroidery on chroma key background, sho.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet real embroidered line Magnolia flowers embroidery on chroma key background, sho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A highresolution photo showcasing two identical towels, one stark in its simplicity and the other en.txt to raw_combined/A highresolution photo showcasing two identical towels, one stark in its simplicity and the other en.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product shot of a white leather table runner, sitting alone on a vacant table. A small, Moroccaninsp.txt to raw_combined/Product shot of a white leather table runner, sitting alone on a vacant table. A small, Moroccaninsp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet real Magnolia flowers line embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet real Magnolia flowers line embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a high end Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on.png to raw_combined/Website mockup of a high end Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, the subtle arches and tadel.png to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, the subtle arches and tadel.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fro.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, subtly contrasted against .png to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, subtly contrasted against .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet real embroidered Magnolia flowers embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png to raw_combined/Simple yet real embroidered Magnolia flowers embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, traditional kaftan with a .txt to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, traditional kaftan with a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Showcase an opulent red kaftan, hanging elegantly against a simplistic beige Mediterranean canvas. T.txt to raw_combined/Showcase an opulent red kaftan, hanging elegantly against a simplistic beige Mediterranean canvas. T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a pe.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a pe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Create a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, showcasing a small, intricate Moroccan embroid.png to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, showcasing a small, intricate Moroccan embroid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectangular, b.png to raw_combined/mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectangular, b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Islamic embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topdo.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Islamic embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topdo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockups of custom embroidery e commerce offering embroidered table runners on a long wooden.txt to raw_combined/Website mockups of custom embroidery e commerce offering embroidered table runners on a long wooden.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist orange initials LR in a sans serif font embroidery design, pr.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist orange initials LR in a sans serif font embroidery design, pr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectangular, b.txt to raw_combined/mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectangular, b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display featuring a luxurious red kaftan, gracefully hanging from a designer hanger. The el.txt to raw_combined/Clothing display featuring a luxurious red kaftan, gracefully hanging from a designer hanger. The el.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, sh.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower Wreath embroidery on chroma key background, sh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan, swaying slightly as it hangs from a highend brass hanger, tak.png to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan, swaying slightly as it hangs from a highend brass hanger, tak.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A crisp photograph presenting two identical hand towels on a stylish wooden table. The left towel is.txt to raw_combined/A crisp photograph presenting two identical hand towels on a stylish wooden table. The left towel is.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Magnolia embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topd.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Magnolia embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, shot .png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perf.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered minimal logo embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered minimal logo embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, traditional kaftan with a .png to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, traditional kaftan with a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, detailed Moroccan motif in the middle of a crimso.png to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, detailed Moroccan motif in the middle of a crimso.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An eyecatching image portraying two identical plush towels arranged side by side on a sleek marble c.txt to raw_combined/An eyecatching image portraying two identical plush towels arranged side by side on a sleek marble c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed macro shot of two pillows side by side on a hardwood floor. One pillow, made of fine whit.png to raw_combined/A detailed macro shot of two pillows side by side on a hardwood floor. One pillow, made of fine whit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A compelling photo showcasing a plain and an embroidered towel lying side by side on a polished bath.txt to raw_combined/A compelling photo showcasing a plain and an embroidered towel lying side by side on a polished bath.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower ensemble line embroidery centered on chroma key background, s.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower ensemble line embroidery centered on chroma key background, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A red kaftan, a symbol of elegance, hanging from a stylish hanger against a backdrop subtly reminisc.txt to raw_combined/A red kaftan, a symbol of elegance, hanging from a stylish hanger against a backdrop subtly reminisc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered black initials KC in a serif font embroidery on chroma key.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered black initials KC in a serif font embroidery on chroma key.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A highresolution photo showcasing two identical towels, one stark in its simplicity and the other en.png to raw_combined/A highresolution photo showcasing two identical towels, one stark in its simplicity and the other en.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot f.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Moroccan Berber embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Premium product shot, focusing on an unoccupied black leather table runner spread across an empty ta.png to raw_combined/Premium product shot, focusing on an unoccupied black leather table runner spread across an empty ta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed photo portraying two towels draped over an elegant bathtub. One towel remains untouched, .txt to raw_combined/A detailed photo portraying two towels draped over an elegant bathtub. One towel remains untouched, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Present a sumptuous red kaftan, poised against a minimalist Mediterranean backdrop of beige. The kaf.txt to raw_combined/Present a sumptuous red kaftan, poised against a minimalist Mediterranean backdrop of beige. The kaf.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A modern room bathed in sunlight, holding an empty table adorned by a black leather table runner. Th.txt to raw_combined/A modern room bathed in sunlight, holding an empty table adorned by a black leather table runner. Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Create a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, showcasing a small, intricate Moroccan embroid.txt to raw_combined/Create a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, showcasing a small, intricate Moroccan embroid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Render a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, accentuated by a small, intricate Moroccan emb.txt to raw_combined/Render a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, accentuated by a small, intricate Moroccan emb.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet real Magnolia flowers line embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a per.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet real Magnolia flowers line embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered butterflies and flowers line embroidery centered on chroma key backg.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered butterflies and flowers line embroidery centered on chroma key backg.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, illuminated by soft light t.png to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger, illuminated by soft light t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered minimal logo embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered minimal logo embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A stunning picture showcasing a before and after look at two towels the same fluffy towel, one untou.txt to raw_combined/A stunning picture showcasing a before and after look at two towels the same fluffy towel, one untou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line butterflies and flowers embroidery on chroma key back.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line butterflies and flowers embroidery on chroma key back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, detailed Moroccan motif in the middle of a crimso.txt to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, detailed Moroccan motif in the middle of a crimso.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet real embroidered Magnolia flowers embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet real embroidered Magnolia flowers embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Iris flower embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect t.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Iris flower embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant bedroom scene, a white cotton bedsheet neatly folded on a vintage wooden dresser, the dre.txt to raw_combined/An elegant bedroom scene, a white cotton bedsheet neatly folded on a vintage wooden dresser, the dre.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired design in the middle o.txt to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired design in the middle o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered brocade line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered brocade line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Showcase an opulent red kaftan, hanging elegantly against a simplistic beige Mediterranean canvas. T.png to raw_combined/Showcase an opulent red kaftan, hanging elegantly against a simplistic beige Mediterranean canvas. T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Art Deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Art Deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A stunning and lifelike photo of three plush towels of varying sizes, neatly arranged on a rustic wo.png to raw_combined/A stunning and lifelike photo of three plush towels of varying sizes, neatly arranged on a rustic wo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A crisp, detailed photograph of a trio of premium towels in small, medium, and large sizes, casually.txt to raw_combined/A crisp, detailed photograph of a trio of premium towels in small, medium, and large sizes, casually.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan ecommerce store, specializing in custom embroidery. The showcas.txt to raw_combined/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan ecommerce store, specializing in custom embroidery. The showcas.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired embroidery in the midd.txt to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired embroidery in the midd.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Art Deco embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Balkan embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Balkan embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan Berber embroidery design, presented against a Chroma.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan Berber embroidery design, presented against a Chroma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist business logo embroidery design, presented against a Chroma k.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist business logo embroidery design, presented against a Chroma k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Jacquard embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Jacquard embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered brocade line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered brocade line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An inviting image capturing two towels, identical in size and color, neatly folded on a luxurious sp.png to raw_combined/An inviting image capturing two towels, identical in size and color, neatly folded on a luxurious sp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower bouquet embroidery on chroma key background, s.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Flower bouquet embroidery on chroma key background, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A detailed macro shot of two pillows side by side on a hardwood floor. One pillow, made of fine whit.txt to raw_combined/A detailed macro shot of two pillows side by side on a hardwood floor. One pillow, made of fine whit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot of a black leather table runner, resting on an unoccupied table. The only adornm.png to raw_combined/Product beauty shot of a black leather table runner, resting on an unoccupied table. The only adornm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Jacquard embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Jacquard embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot of a black leather table runner, resting on an unoccupied table. The only adornm.txt to raw_combined/Product beauty shot of a black leather table runner, resting on an unoccupied table. The only adornm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the beauty of a real line embroidery of minimalist Islamic design, centered against a Chroma.txt to raw_combined/Capture the beauty of a real line embroidery of minimalist Islamic design, centered against a Chroma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Oriental embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Oriental embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Highlighting the luxury of a red kaftan elegantly hanging from a stylish hanger, the backdrop subtly.txt to raw_combined/Highlighting the luxury of a red kaftan elegantly hanging from a stylish hanger, the backdrop subtly.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant bedroom scene, a white cotton bedsheet neatly folded on a vintage wooden dresser, the dre.png to raw_combined/An elegant bedroom scene, a white cotton bedsheet neatly folded on a vintage wooden dresser, the dre.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line butterflies and flowers embroidery on chroma key back.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line butterflies and flowers embroidery on chroma key back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a.png to raw_combined/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired embroidery in the midd.png to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired embroidery in the midd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Present a sumptuous red kaftan, poised against a minimalist Mediterranean backdrop of beige. The kaf.png to raw_combined/Present a sumptuous red kaftan, poised against a minimalist Mediterranean backdrop of beige. The kaf.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered golden line initials MFS in a serif font embroidery on chr.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered golden line initials MFS in a serif font embroidery on chr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Imagine a premium product shot, highlighting a black leather table runner sprawled across an empty t.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a premium product shot, highlighting a black leather table runner sprawled across an empty t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower ensemble line embroidery centered on chroma key background, s.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower ensemble line embroidery centered on chroma key background, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Aztec embroidery on chroma key background, shot from .txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Aztec embroidery on chroma key background, shot from .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a.txt to raw_combined/Website mockup of a highend Moroccan e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist orange initials LR in a sans serif font embroidery design, pr.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist orange initials LR in a sans serif font embroidery design, pr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet real embroidered line Magnolia flowers embroidery on chroma key background, sho.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet real embroidered line Magnolia flowers embroidery on chroma key background, sho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist art deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist art deco embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key ca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product shot of a white leather table runner, sitting alone on a vacant table. A small, Moroccaninsp.png to raw_combined/Product shot of a white leather table runner, sitting alone on a vacant table. A small, Moroccaninsp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, .png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Moroccan Berber embroidery on chroma key background, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Aztec line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Aztec line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Craft an image of a bedroom thats as real as a photograph, filled with the cheerful glow of a sunny .txt to raw_combined/Craft an image of a bedroom thats as real as a photograph, filled with the cheerful glow of a sunny .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Imagine a premium product shot, highlighting a black leather table runner sprawled across an empty t.png to raw_combined/Imagine a premium product shot, highlighting a black leather table runner sprawled across an empty t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line ogee embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging on a hanger, traditional kaftan not touching.txt to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging on a hanger, traditional kaftan not touching.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockups of custom embroidery e commerce offering embroidered table runners on a long wooden.png to raw_combined/Website mockups of custom embroidery e commerce offering embroidered table runners on a long wooden.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Aztec line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Aztec line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric design, without line elements, centered on chroma key back.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric design, without line elements, centered on chroma key back.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Iris flower embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect t.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Iris flower embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Highlighting the luxury of a red kaftan elegantly hanging from a stylish hanger, the backdrop subtly.png to raw_combined/Highlighting the luxury of a red kaftan elegantly hanging from a stylish hanger, the backdrop subtly.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Website mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectan.png to raw_combined/Website mockup of a high end e commerce store offering table runners, elegantly draped on a rectan.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A crisp photograph presenting two identical hand towels on a stylish wooden table. The left towel is.png to raw_combined/A crisp photograph presenting two identical hand towels on a stylish wooden table. The left towel is.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired design in the middle o.png to raw_combined/Product beauty shot An extreme closeup of a small, intricate Moroccaninspired design in the middle o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist business logo embroidery design, presented against a Chroma k.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist business logo embroidery design, presented against a Chroma k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Magnolia embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topd.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Magnolia embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topd.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Tribal embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a per.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower collage embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fr.txt to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Flower collage embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An intriguing picture presenting two identical beds in a contemporary bedroom. The left bed is adorn.txt to raw_combined/An intriguing picture presenting two identical beds in a contemporary bedroom. The left bed is adorn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Geometric embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect top.png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Geometric embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect top.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, subtly contrasted against .txt to raw_combined/Clothing display, red elegant kaftan, elegantly hanging high on a hanger, subtly contrasted against .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Geometric embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key c.txt to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Geometric embroidery design, presented against a Chroma key c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed Islamic embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topdo.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed Islamic embroidery on chroma key background, shot from a perfect topdo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Generate a hyperrealistic portrayal of a bedroom under the tender luminescence of a morning sun. The.txt to raw_combined/Generate a hyperrealistic portrayal of a bedroom under the tender luminescence of a morning sun. The.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Aztec embroidery on chroma key background, shot from .png to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Aztec embroidery on chroma key background, shot from .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Islamic line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Islamic line embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric design, without line elements, centered on chroma key back.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Geometric design, without line elements, centered on chroma key back.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A highresolution photograph featuring three luxurious towels, each of a different size, carefully dr.png to raw_combined/A highresolution photograph featuring three luxurious towels, each of a different size, carefully dr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Render a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, accentuated by a small, intricate Moroccan emb.png to raw_combined/Render a hyperrealistic image of a decorative pillow, accentuated by a small, intricate Moroccan emb.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Generate a photorealistic depiction of a bedroom in the soft, tranquil glow of morning sun. The bed,.txt to raw_combined/Generate a photorealistic depiction of a bedroom in the soft, tranquil glow of morning sun. The bed,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan Berber embroidery design, presented against a Chroma.png to raw_combined/Capture the raw beauty of a minimalist Moroccan Berber embroidery design, presented against a Chroma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A stunning and lifelike photo of three plush towels of varying sizes, neatly arranged on a rustic wo.txt to raw_combined/A stunning and lifelike photo of three plush towels of varying sizes, neatly arranged on a rustic wo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/A highresolution photograph featuring three luxurious towels, each of a different size, carefully dr.txt to raw_combined/A highresolution photograph featuring three luxurious towels, each of a different size, carefully dr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Premium product shot, focusing on an unoccupied black leather table runner spread across an empty ta.txt to raw_combined/Premium product shot, focusing on an unoccupied black leather table runner spread across an empty ta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered Oriental embroidery centered on chroma key background, shot from a p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered black initials KC in a serif font embroidery on chroma key.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered black initials KC in a serif font embroidery on chroma key.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An evocative image showcasing a plain set of bedding and an identical set enhanced with minimalist e.png to raw_combined/An evocative image showcasing a plain set of bedding and an identical set enhanced with minimalist e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt to raw_combined/Centered, simple yet detailed embroidered line Oriental embroidery on chroma key background, shot fr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/Simple yet detailed embroidered butterflies and flowers line embroidery centered on chroma key backg.png to raw_combined/Simple yet detailed embroidered butterflies and flowers line embroidery centered on chroma key backg.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_61/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger. Behind it is a beige medite.txt to raw_combined/An elegant and traditional red kaftan hanging on a stylish metal hanger. Behind it is a beige medite.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg with small intricate patterns on .txt to raw_combined/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg with small intricate patterns on .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a black sphynxcat looking up into the sky background eve.png to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a black sphynxcat looking up into the sky background eve.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/realistic black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple sky with san.png to raw_combined/realistic black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple sky with san.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/in the foreground a cat licks its paw, in the background an epic rocket launch into space at a space.txt to raw_combined/in the foreground a cat licks its paw, in the background an epic rocket launch into space at a space.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, 32k .txt to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, 32k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber, brutal cyborgrobot by Antonio Gaudi, with Gaudi signature patterns, Super detalied, dynamic p.txt to raw_combined/cyber, brutal cyborgrobot by Antonio Gaudi, with Gaudi signature patterns, Super detalied, dynamic p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg in golden and silver armor with s.txt to raw_combined/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg in golden and silver armor with s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Vladimir Putin riding a Tyrannosaurus, bright colors, 4k, photo, photorealism, high detail, .png to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin riding a Tyrannosaurus, bright colors, 4k, photo, photorealism, high detail, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/45yo woman in miniskirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, perfect ma.txt to raw_combined/45yo woman in miniskirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, perfect ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very fat overweight woman screaming into a microphone like a vocalist of a black metal band, commerc.png to raw_combined/very fat overweight woman screaming into a microphone like a vocalist of a black metal band, commerc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the kitchen of Russian Khrushchev, 90s, khrushchevka, .png to raw_combined/Pikachu in the kitchen of Russian Khrushchev, 90s, khrushchevka, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A black and white watercolor painting of an angry black sphinx cat wearing a skull hat, disappearing.png to raw_combined/A black and white watercolor painting of an angry black sphinx cat wearing a skull hat, disappearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Cinematic still, filmed by Christopher Nolan, foreground washing cat background dozens of nuclear ro.png to raw_combined/Cinematic still, filmed by Christopher Nolan, foreground washing cat background dozens of nuclear ro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black color sphynxcat, a kind of transience and a stopped moment, whether in mature glances or captu.txt to raw_combined/black color sphynxcat, a kind of transience and a stopped moment, whether in mature glances or captu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl with a styli.png to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl with a styli.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu made out of pieces of paper .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu made out of pieces of paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Pu.png to raw_combined/Putin, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Pu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old man with a stylish haircut .txt to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old man with a stylish haircut .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin dj on party .png to raw_combined/Putin dj on party .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat like generation z model is wearing gorpcore style colorful The north face windbreak,.png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat like generation z model is wearing gorpcore style colorful The north face windbreak,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink, purple vibe .txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink, purple vibe .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, burnout, the.txt to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, burnout, the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/screengrab of dramatic movie, black sphynxcat under snowfall , in the style of Katsuhiro Otomo Akira.txt to raw_combined/screengrab of dramatic movie, black sphynxcat under snowfall , in the style of Katsuhiro Otomo Akira.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot, mechanical horse in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning mounta.txt to raw_combined/robot, mechanical horse in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning mounta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Tatar boy holding a cake with candles in his hands, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, gro.txt to raw_combined/Tatar boy holding a cake with candles in his hands, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, gro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a white porsche taycan is parked in front taped off crime scene, in the sytle of satoshi kon, fujifi.txt to raw_combined/a white porsche taycan is parked in front taped off crime scene, in the sytle of satoshi kon, fujifi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A old soviet machine, rust metal and broken photorealistic, shot by CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 10.txt to raw_combined/A old soviet machine, rust metal and broken photorealistic, shot by CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 10.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/full body Russian singer Natalia Ilyinichna Ionova Glyukoza, Glyukoza, photo for mens magazine MAXIM.txt to raw_combined/full body Russian singer Natalia Ilyinichna Ionova Glyukoza, Glyukoza, photo for mens magazine MAXIM.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mechanical steampunk robot knight, on the background of a steampunk steam locomotive, Super detalied.png to raw_combined/mechanical steampunk robot knight, on the background of a steampunk steam locomotive, Super detalied.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a close up portrait of a realistic mannequin made of Mayte black material. The mannequin is in a des.txt to raw_combined/a close up portrait of a realistic mannequin made of Mayte black material. The mannequin is in a des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/modern agriculture machine, steampunk, shot on CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 100mm f2, uhd image, 8k.png to raw_combined/modern agriculture machine, steampunk, shot on CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 100mm f2, uhd image, 8k.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Ryan Gosling, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrai.txt to raw_combined/Ryan Gosling, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .txt to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot, mechanical horse in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning mounta.png to raw_combined/robot, mechanical horse in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning mounta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/modern agriculture machine, steampunk, shot on CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 100mm f2, uhd image, 8k.txt to raw_combined/modern agriculture machine, steampunk, shot on CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 100mm f2, uhd image, 8k.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A old soviet machine, rust metal and broken photorealistic, shot by CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 10.png to raw_combined/A old soviet machine, rust metal and broken photorealistic, shot by CANON EOS 4000D CAMERA LENSE 10.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, purple vibe, more, .png to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, purple vibe, more, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin Doused with lemonade from a glass jar in a hospital, wet face splashed with lemonade, polyclin.txt to raw_combined/Putin Doused with lemonade from a glass jar in a hospital, wet face splashed with lemonade, polyclin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Closeup shot, medium focal length, 50mm, subject centered, stage ground perspective, Lionel Messi, s.txt to raw_combined/Closeup shot, medium focal length, 50mm, subject centered, stage ground perspective, Lionel Messi, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Analog wide shot realistic photo of Kodak of a very beautiful 1950s scifi female super model wearing.txt to raw_combined/Analog wide shot realistic photo of Kodak of a very beautiful 1950s scifi female super model wearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot under snowfall in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a wor.png to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot under snowfall in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a wor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, Super detalied, dyna.txt to raw_combined/mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, Super detalied, dyna.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a man with a stylish haircut and beard in a black .png to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a man with a stylish haircut and beard in a black .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of 19 years old supermodel girl, sunset, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up,.png to raw_combined/street photo of 19 years old supermodel girl, sunset, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/slot machines inside a subway car, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Cano.png to raw_combined/slot machines inside a subway car, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Cano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/filmed by Christopher Nolan background dozens of nuclear rockets taking off from the ground up, mult.txt to raw_combined/filmed by Christopher Nolan background dozens of nuclear rockets taking off from the ground up, mult.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very beautiful Russian nurse in beautiful shoes, high heels, soothes a crying Tatar guy, in a shabby.png to raw_combined/very beautiful Russian nurse in beautiful shoes, high heels, soothes a crying Tatar guy, in a shabby.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/people throw a basketball inside a subway car, a basketball hoop in a subway car, many people, wide .txt to raw_combined/people throw a basketball inside a subway car, a basketball hoop in a subway car, many people, wide .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/purple catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, p.txt to raw_combined/purple catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A room of weird family members wearing metal Masks, alienpunk, retro SciFi scenes, Pop surrealism, a.txt to raw_combined/A room of weird family members wearing metal Masks, alienpunk, retro SciFi scenes, Pop surrealism, a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/two 3d people, a boy and a girl, in red and black plaid shirts with badges of store employees, smile.png to raw_combined/two 3d people, a boy and a girl, in red and black plaid shirts with badges of store employees, smile.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/two 3d people, a boy and a girl, in red and black plaid shirts with badges of store employees, smile.txt to raw_combined/two 3d people, a boy and a girl, in red and black plaid shirts with badges of store employees, smile.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/billiard table inside a subway car with a lot of people, wide angle photo .png to raw_combined/billiard table inside a subway car with a lot of people, wide angle photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of frightening evil Siamese cat, frightening monster. hunting aquatic mut.png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of frightening evil Siamese cat, frightening monster. hunting aquatic mut.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/FC Barcelona fan room .txt to raw_combined/FC Barcelona fan room .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K .png to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, int.png to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, int.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a wonderland scene with trees and rose and Siamese cat in the style of layered paper art,beige and c.txt to raw_combined/a wonderland scene with trees and rose and Siamese cat in the style of layered paper art,beige and c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Vladimir Putin caressing a giant beetle, 4k, photo, realism, high detail, doing something bealtiful,.txt to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin caressing a giant beetle, 4k, photo, realism, high detail, doing something bealtiful,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/the cutest Pikachu holded by two hands, magical, bokeh, red knit sweater fluffy, backlight, romantic.png to raw_combined/the cutest Pikachu holded by two hands, magical, bokeh, red knit sweater fluffy, backlight, romantic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a strange incomprehensible metal structure hovers over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog .txt to raw_combined/a strange incomprehensible metal structure hovers over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a strange incomprehensible metal structure hovers over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog .png to raw_combined/a strange incomprehensible metal structure hovers over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an eerie image of a sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of The Matr.png to raw_combined/an eerie image of a sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of The Matr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Analog wide shot realistic photo of Kodak of a very beautiful 1950s scifi female super model wearing.png to raw_combined/Analog wide shot realistic photo of Kodak of a very beautiful 1950s scifi female super model wearing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/55yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .txt to raw_combined/55yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the Russian village .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu in the Russian village .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic photo of cyber, robotgladiator cyborg in golden and black armor by Louis Vuitton, signature.png to raw_combined/dramatic photo of cyber, robotgladiator cyborg in golden and black armor by Louis Vuitton, signature.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Vladimir Putin riding a Tyrannosaurus, bright colors, 4k, photo, photorealism, high detail, .txt to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin riding a Tyrannosaurus, bright colors, 4k, photo, photorealism, high detail, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Lionel Messi and a lot of golden balls, golden shiny soccer balls surround Lionel Messi from all sid.txt to raw_combined/Lionel Messi and a lot of golden balls, golden shiny soccer balls surround Lionel Messi from all sid.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up, tattoo between th.txt to raw_combined/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up, tattoo between th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber robot in the form of a molecule,Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, group shot, Shot .txt to raw_combined/cyber robot in the form of a molecule,Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, group shot, Shot .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K, .png to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat in the style of andy warhol mixed with JeanMichel Basquiat .png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat in the style of andy warhol mixed with JeanMichel Basquiat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/amazing pathos graffiti in the form of the FC Barcelona logo, beautiful gradients, reflection in pud.txt to raw_combined/amazing pathos graffiti in the form of the FC Barcelona logo, beautiful gradients, reflection in pud.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern robot of the future, closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms, a lot o.txt to raw_combined/a very complex modern robot of the future, closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms, a lot o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/party in the club, party of cyber robotgladiators, cyborgs in golden and black armor by Antonio Gaud.png to raw_combined/party in the club, party of cyber robotgladiators, cyborgs in golden and black armor by Antonio Gaud.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of .png to raw_combined/Pikachu, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelman with a stylis.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelman with a stylis.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, Super detalied, dynamic .png to raw_combined/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, Super detalied, dynamic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink .txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/full body Russian singer Natalia Ilyinichna Ionova Glyukoza, Glyukoza, photo for mens magazine MAXIM.png to raw_combined/full body Russian singer Natalia Ilyinichna Ionova Glyukoza, Glyukoza, photo for mens magazine MAXIM.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu made of pieces of paper, super detalied .png to raw_combined/Pikachu made of pieces of paper, super detalied .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/thick pink paint pours abundantly from a white lamb hovering in the air, pink paint flows from the t.png to raw_combined/thick pink paint pours abundantly from a white lamb hovering in the air, pink paint flows from the t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelman with a stylis.png to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelman with a stylis.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid pink fluffy evil wild rabbit hunting monst.txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid pink fluffy evil wild rabbit hunting monst.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, photo shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered with.png to raw_combined/interior photo, photo shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cover art, watercolor, black sphynxcat in cyberpunk fallout apocalypse world, circular arrangement, .png to raw_combined/cover art, watercolor, black sphynxcat in cyberpunk fallout apocalypse world, circular arrangement, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/man hanged himself from a tree by a tranquil lake. The scene is beautifully composed, with the coupl.png to raw_combined/man hanged himself from a tree by a tranquil lake. The scene is beautifully composed, with the coupl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/drawing should depict a woman holding a child. She has completely white eyes and hands that look lik.png to raw_combined/drawing should depict a woman holding a child. She has completely white eyes and hands that look lik.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/FC Barcelona fan room .png to raw_combined/FC Barcelona fan room .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/frame from the film, a beautiful wife at home rpdomtno meets a bearded husband who returned from the.png to raw_combined/frame from the film, a beautiful wife at home rpdomtno meets a bearded husband who returned from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short medical gown, in a.png to raw_combined/very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short medical gown, in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern VRglasses of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanism.txt to raw_combined/a very complex modern VRglasses of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanism.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Ryan Gosling, rasta style, high, stoned, rolling joint, in front of sea, bright beach, sunny day, be.txt to raw_combined/Ryan Gosling, rasta style, high, stoned, rolling joint, in front of sea, bright beach, sunny day, be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/watercolor retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Y.txt to raw_combined/watercolor retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Y.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a modern house inside a cave, professional interior photo for a magazine .png to raw_combined/interior of a modern house inside a cave, professional interior photo for a magazine .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a Tall humanoïde frightening evil catsphynx frightening monster. hunti.png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a Tall humanoïde frightening evil catsphynx frightening monster. hunti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/one white sheep in the air, many sheep look up below, thick beautiful pink paint flows down from the.png to raw_combined/one white sheep in the air, many sheep look up below, thick beautiful pink paint flows down from the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the kitchen of a Russian apartment .png to raw_combined/Pikachu in the kitchen of a Russian apartment .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/slot machines inside a subway car, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Cano.txt to raw_combined/slot machines inside a subway car, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Cano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, tattoo between the shoulder blades of the ba.png to raw_combined/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, tattoo between the shoulder blades of the ba.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/multiple floors giant large big mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beac.txt to raw_combined/multiple floors giant large big mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beac.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Coat of arms of Russia a doubleheaded eagle, a metal coat of arms on the front of the hood of a bla.png to raw_combined/Coat of arms of Russia a doubleheaded eagle, a metal coat of arms on the front of the hood of a bla.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink .png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a darkskinned man with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyl.png to raw_combined/a darkskinned man with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/realistic black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple sky with san.txt to raw_combined/realistic black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple sky with san.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, front view, burnout, JDM Style, trunk spoiler, maximum tuning, black carbon, raci.txt to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, front view, burnout, JDM Style, trunk spoiler, maximum tuning, black carbon, raci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot playing acoustic guitar in Seattle circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable cam.png to raw_combined/robot playing acoustic guitar in Seattle circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable cam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphynxcat, sky background everything is painted li.png to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphynxcat, sky background everything is painted li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/antigravity bus, wireless, levitating 20 feet in the air, in Seattle in 1993, Space Needle in the di.txt to raw_combined/antigravity bus, wireless, levitating 20 feet in the air, in Seattle in 1993, Space Needle in the di.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a white porsche taycan is parked in front taped off crime scene, in the sytle of satoshi kon, fujifi.png to raw_combined/a white porsche taycan is parked in front taped off crime scene, in the sytle of satoshi kon, fujifi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Create a creative composition that combines the spirit of the UEFA Champions League and the grandeur.png to raw_combined/Create a creative composition that combines the spirit of the UEFA Champions League and the grandeur.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphynxcat, sky background everything is painted li.txt to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphynxcat, sky background everything is painted li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Group of sphynxcats in Downtown Seattle in the 90s, grunge clothing, 1990s, foggy, cloudy, misty, St.png to raw_combined/Group of sphynxcats in Downtown Seattle in the 90s, grunge clothing, 1990s, foggy, cloudy, misty, St.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/woman with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyle, dreadlock.png to raw_combined/woman with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyle, dreadlock.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, 8k .txt to raw_combined/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/realistic watercolor black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple s.png to raw_combined/realistic watercolor black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple s.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of retrofuturistic robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn.txt to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of retrofuturistic robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/snow leopard, photo by Canon 5D Mark IV with a Canon 85mm f1.2 lens, ISO 300, Aperture f2.5, Shutter.png to raw_combined/snow leopard, photo by Canon 5D Mark IV with a Canon 85mm f1.2 lens, ISO 300, Aperture f2.5, Shutter.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat, pain and suffering, uffering, art, arthouse psychedelic poster 1932, in the style o.png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat, pain and suffering, uffering, art, arthouse psychedelic poster 1932, in the style o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/45yo woman in miniskirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, perfect ma.png to raw_combined/45yo woman in miniskirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, perfect ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin dj on party .txt to raw_combined/Putin dj on party .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple logo design of golden star and letter A, black background, minimalist, simple, vector, flat d.txt to raw_combined/simple logo design of golden star and letter A, black background, minimalist, simple, vector, flat d.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an astronaut rides a camel on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.png to raw_combined/an astronaut rides a camel on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain black sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, in.png to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain black sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, ultrawide shooting angle, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains co.txt to raw_combined/interior photo, ultrawide shooting angle, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Coat of arms of Russia a doubleheaded eagle, a metal coat of arms on the front of the hood of a bla.txt to raw_combined/Coat of arms of Russia a doubleheaded eagle, a metal coat of arms on the front of the hood of a bla.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/knitted pikachu .png to raw_combined/knitted pikachu .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/fullbody photo of very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short .png to raw_combined/fullbody photo of very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern VRhelmet of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms.txt to raw_combined/a very complex modern VRhelmet of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat wearing fashionable engineered garment yohji yamamoto supreme focus for the developm.txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat wearing fashionable engineered garment yohji yamamoto supreme focus for the developm.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/minimalist gradient wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .png to raw_combined/minimalist gradient wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo of Viking, schematic logo, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color gradie.txt to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo of Viking, schematic logo, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color gradie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid black bald evil wild sphynxcat hunting mon.txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid black bald evil wild sphynxcat hunting mon.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/woman with completely white eyes, holding a child. She looks like a monster, with abnormally long an.txt to raw_combined/woman with completely white eyes, holding a child. She looks like a monster, with abnormally long an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beach, 32 k, multiple floors, cinema.png to raw_combined/mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beach, 32 k, multiple floors, cinema.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Tatar boy holding a cake with candles in his hands, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, gro.png to raw_combined/Tatar boy holding a cake with candles in his hands, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, gro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot virus, microscopic chip, nanotech ultramodern robot inside the dna chain, robot, against the b.txt to raw_combined/robot virus, microscopic chip, nanotech ultramodern robot inside the dna chain, robot, against the b.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Metallic Macro Photography 4k .png to raw_combined/Metallic Macro Photography 4k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE fullbody , job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl w.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE fullbody , job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, wide angle shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered.txt to raw_combined/interior photo, wide angle shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of Picachu, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Canon camera E.txt to raw_combined/street photo of Picachu, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Canon camera E.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/taxi car concept, sports car, supercar, future, hyperrealism, doing something bealtiful, photoretrai.txt to raw_combined/taxi car concept, sports car, supercar, future, hyperrealism, doing something bealtiful, photoretrai.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a scene from a drama film, shot from the ground, a hundredeyed giant frightening terrifying creepy h.png to raw_combined/a scene from a drama film, shot from the ground, a hundredeyed giant frightening terrifying creepy h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sad Pikachu among Russian panel houses .png to raw_combined/sad Pikachu among Russian panel houses .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A hyperrealistic, 8K rendering of old Soviet robot armor in a cinematic, actionpacked scene. The ima.png to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic, 8K rendering of old Soviet robot armor in a cinematic, actionpacked scene. The ima.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin has chocolate sauce poured on his face, he is covered in chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce cove.png to raw_combined/Putin has chocolate sauce poured on his face, he is covered in chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce cove.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black color sphynxcat, a kind of transience and a stopped moment, whether in mature glances or captu.png to raw_combined/black color sphynxcat, a kind of transience and a stopped moment, whether in mature glances or captu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/purple catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, p.png to raw_combined/purple catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/minimalist gradient wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .txt to raw_combined/minimalist gradient wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/POV looking down the stairs to a dark, creepy, abandoned basement, sphynxcat standing at the end of .png to raw_combined/POV looking down the stairs to a dark, creepy, abandoned basement, sphynxcat standing at the end of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with a monocle grins at its owner, style of Stephen Gammell .txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with a monocle grins at its owner, style of Stephen Gammell .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of retrofuturistic robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn.png to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of retrofuturistic robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very beautiful Russian nurse in beautiful shoes, high heels, soothes a crying Tatar guy, in a shabby.txt to raw_combined/very beautiful Russian nurse in beautiful shoes, high heels, soothes a crying Tatar guy, in a shabby.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Yoh Nagao, l.txt to raw_combined/retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Yoh Nagao, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/pikachu from the future, Cyberpunk, TRON, 8k, octane render, hyper realistic, photo realistic .txt to raw_combined/pikachu from the future, Cyberpunk, TRON, 8k, octane render, hyper realistic, photo realistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sad Pikachu at the Russian factory .png to raw_combined/sad Pikachu at the Russian factory .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/pool table inside a subway car, wide angle photo .png to raw_combined/pool table inside a subway car, wide angle photo .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/screengrab of dramatic movie, black sphynxcat under snowfall , in the style of Katsuhiro Otomo Akira.png to raw_combined/screengrab of dramatic movie, black sphynxcat under snowfall , in the style of Katsuhiro Otomo Akira.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid pink fluffy evil wild rabbit hunting monst.png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid pink fluffy evil wild rabbit hunting monst.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short medical gown, in a.txt to raw_combined/very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short medical gown, in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logoof Viking with glass of wine, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color grad.txt to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logoof Viking with glass of wine, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color grad.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sphinxcat, wonderland scene with trees and rose and sphynxcat in layered paper art style, real and t.txt to raw_combined/sphinxcat, wonderland scene with trees and rose and sphynxcat in layered paper art style, real and t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, 8k .png to raw_combined/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/woman with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyle, dreadlock.txt to raw_combined/woman with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyle, dreadlock.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg with small intricate patterns on .png to raw_combined/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg with small intricate patterns on .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot, standing in a dark hallway with flick.png to raw_combined/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot, standing in a dark hallway with flick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/two guys in a parachute jump kissing holding hands, professional photo, 8k .png to raw_combined/two guys in a parachute jump kissing holding hands, professional photo, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sad Pikachu among Russian panel houses .txt to raw_combined/sad Pikachu among Russian panel houses .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/drawing should depict a woman holding a child. She has completely white eyes and hands that look lik.txt to raw_combined/drawing should depict a woman holding a child. She has completely white eyes and hands that look lik.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/frame from the film, a beautiful wife at home rpdomtno meets a bearded husband who returned from the.txt to raw_combined/frame from the film, a beautiful wife at home rpdomtno meets a bearded husband who returned from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/modern stylish postcard with the feast of the Holy Trinity, modern design, 8k .png to raw_combined/modern stylish postcard with the feast of the Holy Trinity, modern design, 8k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/professional full body photo of Karma Rx in skirt, in style of Everlasting Summer game character, st.png to raw_combined/professional full body photo of Karma Rx in skirt, in style of Everlasting Summer game character, st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/studio photography, soft light turquoise and orangecoral color, soft abstract shapes, light coming f.txt to raw_combined/studio photography, soft light turquoise and orangecoral color, soft abstract shapes, light coming f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic photo of cyber, robotgladiator cyborg in golden and black armor by Louis Vuitton, signature.txt to raw_combined/dramatic photo of cyber, robotgladiator cyborg in golden and black armor by Louis Vuitton, signature.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of 19 years old supermodel girl, sunset, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up,.txt to raw_combined/street photo of 19 years old supermodel girl, sunset, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, flat logo desig.txt to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, flat logo desig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/strange incomprehensible metal structure hovering over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog, other.txt to raw_combined/strange incomprehensible metal structure hovering over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog, other.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening siamese cat with evil glowing eyes. Muddy water .txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening siamese cat with evil glowing eyes. Muddy water .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/horsehelicopter, EOS 5D Mark IV, f2.8 .png to raw_combined/horsehelicopter, EOS 5D Mark IV, f2.8 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber robot in the form of a molecule in signature Antonio Gaudi style, against the background of co.png to raw_combined/cyber robot in the form of a molecule in signature Antonio Gaudi style, against the background of co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a man with a beard and white dreadlocks, European appearance, big brown eyes, against the backdrop o.txt to raw_combined/a man with a beard and white dreadlocks, European appearance, big brown eyes, against the backdrop o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 8K wall.txt to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 8K wall.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/pool table inside a subway car, wide angle photo .txt to raw_combined/pool table inside a subway car, wide angle photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A close up of a us astronaut through his space suits visor, with the reflection of mars surface supe.png to raw_combined/A close up of a us astronaut through his space suits visor, with the reflection of mars surface supe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K, .txt to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cover art, watercolor, black sphynxcat in cyberpunk fallout apocalypse world, circular arrangement, .txt to raw_combined/cover art, watercolor, black sphynxcat in cyberpunk fallout apocalypse world, circular arrangement, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/make a simple and clean logo for a rainy cloud in a animation style with bright gradient colors .png to raw_combined/make a simple and clean logo for a rainy cloud in a animation style with bright gradient colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a man with a stylish haircut and beard in a black .txt to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a man with a stylish haircut and beard in a black .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, Super detalied, dyna.png to raw_combined/mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, Super detalied, dyna.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic photo of cyber, Spider Man by Marvel, cyborg in golden and black armor with small intricate.png to raw_combined/dramatic photo of cyber, Spider Man by Marvel, cyborg in golden and black armor with small intricate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an eerie image of a black sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of Th.txt to raw_combined/an eerie image of a black sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of Th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening two sphynxcats of opposite colors, with evil glo.png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening two sphynxcats of opposite colors, with evil glo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot in smoke, standing in a dark hallway w.png to raw_combined/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot in smoke, standing in a dark hallway w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/thick pink paint pours abundantly from a white lamb hovering in the air, pink paint flows from the t.txt to raw_combined/thick pink paint pours abundantly from a white lamb hovering in the air, pink paint flows from the t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/snow leopard, photo by Canon 5D Mark IV with a Canon 85mm f1.2 lens, ISO 300, Aperture f2.5, Shutter.txt to raw_combined/snow leopard, photo by Canon 5D Mark IV with a Canon 85mm f1.2 lens, ISO 300, Aperture f2.5, Shutter.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Donald Trumpstyle capybara, photo in oval office, signing documents, photography, 4k, photorealism, .png to raw_combined/Donald Trumpstyle capybara, photo in oval office, signing documents, photography, 4k, photorealism, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Ryan Gosling, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrai.png to raw_combined/Ryan Gosling, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an astronaut rides a zebra on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.png to raw_combined/an astronaut rides a zebra on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin Doused with lemonade from a glass jar in a hospital, wet face splashed with lemonade, polyclin.png to raw_combined/Putin Doused with lemonade from a glass jar in a hospital, wet face splashed with lemonade, polyclin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a Tall humanoïde frightening evil catsphynx frightening monster. hunti.txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a Tall humanoïde frightening evil catsphynx frightening monster. hunti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, flat logo desig.png to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, flat logo desig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Holly Irwin style abstract oil painting, palette knife, heavy detail and texture, black sphynxcat .txt to raw_combined/Holly Irwin style abstract oil painting, palette knife, heavy detail and texture, black sphynxcat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Vladimir Putin caressing a giant beetle, 4k, photo, realism, high detail, doing something bealtiful,.png to raw_combined/Vladimir Putin caressing a giant beetle, 4k, photo, realism, high detail, doing something bealtiful,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a childrens room, a small hut made of a blanket on the bed, as in childhood, a hut on th.png to raw_combined/interior of a childrens room, a small hut made of a blanket on the bed, as in childhood, a hut on th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/plague doctor indian in the middle of autumn forest, fog, dusk .png to raw_combined/plague doctor indian in the middle of autumn forest, fog, dusk .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the Russian village .png to raw_combined/Pikachu in the Russian village .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .png to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/elaine selbys watercolor painting of a catsphynx, in the style of drips and splatters, dark gold and.txt to raw_combined/elaine selbys watercolor painting of a catsphynx, in the style of drips and splatters, dark gold and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/man hanged himself from a tree by a tranquil lake. The scene is beautifully composed, with the coupl.txt to raw_combined/man hanged himself from a tree by a tranquil lake. The scene is beautifully composed, with the coupl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern VRhelmet of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms.png to raw_combined/a very complex modern VRhelmet of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/woman with completely white eyes, holding a child. She looks like a monster, with abnormally long an.png to raw_combined/woman with completely white eyes, holding a child. She looks like a monster, with abnormally long an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo of rooster with a mug of beer, mexican day of the dead style, flat logo des.txt to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo of rooster with a mug of beer, mexican day of the dead style, flat logo des.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the kitchen of a Russian apartment .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu in the kitchen of a Russian apartment .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/19yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .txt to raw_combined/19yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/studio photography, soft light turquoise and orangecoral color, soft abstract shapes, light coming f.png to raw_combined/studio photography, soft light turquoise and orangecoral color, soft abstract shapes, light coming f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain black sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, in.txt to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain black sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/multiple floors giant large big mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beac.png to raw_combined/multiple floors giant large big mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beac.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/steampunk mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, dieselpunc.txt to raw_combined/steampunk mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, dieselpunc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot, mechanical parking in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning moun.txt to raw_combined/robot, mechanical parking in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning moun.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a large modern mobile home, coziness and comfort, inside view .png to raw_combined/interior of a large modern mobile home, coziness and comfort, inside view .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot, standing in a dark hallway with flick.txt to raw_combined/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot, standing in a dark hallway with flick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a close up portrait of a realistic mannequin made of Mayte black material. The mannequin is in a des.png to raw_combined/a close up portrait of a realistic mannequin made of Mayte black material. The mannequin is in a des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/thick saturated pink paintenamel pours on a white lamb, beautiful highlights on spreading paint, wat.png to raw_combined/thick saturated pink paintenamel pours on a white lamb, beautiful highlights on spreading paint, wat.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/billiard table inside a subway car with a lot of people, wide angle photo .txt to raw_combined/billiard table inside a subway car with a lot of people, wide angle photo .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, burnout, the.png to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, burnout, the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/hyper realistic photo of Salvador Dali driving a pink convertible, cinematic lighting, wallpaper for.txt to raw_combined/hyper realistic photo of Salvador Dali driving a pink convertible, cinematic lighting, wallpaper for.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin has chocolate sauce poured on his face, he is covered in chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce cove.txt to raw_combined/Putin has chocolate sauce poured on his face, he is covered in chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce cove.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu made of pieces of paper, super detalied .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu made of pieces of paper, super detalied .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a huge inflatable Pikachu with a silly look in the middle of the library .png to raw_combined/a huge inflatable Pikachu with a silly look in the middle of the library .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a messy collection of data, geometric, madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract paintin.png to raw_combined/a messy collection of data, geometric, madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract paintin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a hut from a blanket on the bed, lights inside the hut, evening, atmospheric .txt to raw_combined/a hut from a blanket on the bed, lights inside the hut, evening, atmospheric .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/stylish bearded man, dark hair, black and red plaid shirt, holding red and white balloons and a bouq.png to raw_combined/stylish bearded man, dark hair, black and red plaid shirt, holding red and white balloons and a bouq.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a black sphynxcat looking up into the sky background eve.txt to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a black sphynxcat looking up into the sky background eve.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3dmodel of black sphinxcat robot, purple background .txt to raw_combined/3dmodel of black sphinxcat robot, purple background .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Donald Trumpstyle capybara, photo in oval office, signing documents, photography, 4k, photorealism, .txt to raw_combined/Donald Trumpstyle capybara, photo in oval office, signing documents, photography, 4k, photorealism, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Albert Einstein, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Alber.png to raw_combined/Albert Einstein, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Alber.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, purple vibe, more, .txt to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, purple vibe, more, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, 32k .png to raw_combined/macro shot minimalist wallpaper for smartphones, volumetric colors, clear image, 32k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu in the kitchen of Russian Khrushchev, 90s, khrushchevka, .txt to raw_combined/Pikachu in the kitchen of Russian Khrushchev, 90s, khrushchevka, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo of rooster with a mug of beer, mexican day of the dead style, flat logo des.png to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo of rooster with a mug of beer, mexican day of the dead style, flat logo des.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn out spacesuit.png to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn out spacesuit.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/elaine selbys watercolor painting of a catsphynx, in the style of drips and splatters, dark gold and.png to raw_combined/elaine selbys watercolor painting of a catsphynx, in the style of drips and splatters, dark gold and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, Super detalied, dynamic .txt to raw_combined/3d FC Barcelona logo, falls rapidly in unknown space, speed, octane render, Super detalied, dynamic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening siamese cat with evil glowing eyes. Muddy water .png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening siamese cat with evil glowing eyes. Muddy water .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, wide angle shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered.png to raw_combined/interior photo, wide angle shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening two sphynxcats of opposite colors, with evil glo.txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a jumping frightening two sphynxcats of opposite colors, with evil glo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/young woman, brown hair, beautiful supermodel, holding a huge giant caterpillar in her hands, a heav.txt to raw_combined/young woman, brown hair, beautiful supermodel, holding a huge giant caterpillar in her hands, a heav.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/strange incomprehensible metal structure hovering over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog, other.png to raw_combined/strange incomprehensible metal structure hovering over a mountain lake, autumn, twilight, fog, other.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot playing acoustic guitar in Seattle circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable cam.txt to raw_combined/robot playing acoustic guitar in Seattle circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable cam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a darkskinned man with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyl.txt to raw_combined/a darkskinned man with an octopus on his head, octopus tentacles like dreadlocks are a mans hairstyl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting .png to raw_combined/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg in golden and silver armor with s.png to raw_combined/dramatic steampunk photo of cyber, steampunk robotgladiator cyborg in golden and silver armor with s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphinx cats of different colors, sky background ev.txt to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphinx cats of different colors, sky background ev.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/two guys in a parachute jump kissing holding hands, professional photo, 8k .txt to raw_combined/two guys in a parachute jump kissing holding hands, professional photo, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern complex cyber robot,standing in a dark hallway with flickering lights, fullbody, 4K, dar.png to raw_combined/ultramodern complex cyber robot,standing in a dark hallway with flickering lights, fullbody, 4K, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/19yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .png to raw_combined/19yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a large modern mobile home, coziness and comfort, inside view .txt to raw_combined/interior of a large modern mobile home, coziness and comfort, inside view .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, photo shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered with.txt to raw_combined/interior photo, photo shooting, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains covered with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/futuristic, parametric designed tram in Hong Kong, twofloors tram, 32 k, cinematic lighting, promo p.txt to raw_combined/futuristic, parametric designed tram in Hong Kong, twofloors tram, 32 k, cinematic lighting, promo p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/POV looking down the stairs to a dark, creepy, abandoned basement, sphynxcat standing at the end of .txt to raw_combined/POV looking down the stairs to a dark, creepy, abandoned basement, sphynxcat standing at the end of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/highquality photorealistic apocalyptic Kremlin on fire, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading,.txt to raw_combined/highquality photorealistic apocalyptic Kremlin on fire, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an eerie image of a sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of The Matr.txt to raw_combined/an eerie image of a sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of The Matr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber robot in the form of a molecule in signature Antonio Gaudi style, against the background of co.txt to raw_combined/cyber robot in the form of a molecule in signature Antonio Gaudi style, against the background of co.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 8K wall.png to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 8K wall.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink, purple vibe .png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with sunglasses and a top hat, by Lisa Frank, sumie ink, purple vibe .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A close up of a us astronaut through his space suits visor, with the reflection of mars surface supe.txt to raw_combined/A close up of a us astronaut through his space suits visor, with the reflection of mars surface supe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/party in the club, party of cyber robotgladiators, cyborgs in golden and black armor by Antonio Gaud.txt to raw_combined/party in the club, party of cyber robotgladiators, cyborgs in golden and black armor by Antonio Gaud.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/knitted pikachu .txt to raw_combined/knitted pikachu .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Create a creative composition that combines the spirit of the UEFA Champions League and the grandeur.txt to raw_combined/Create a creative composition that combines the spirit of the UEFA Champions League and the grandeur.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, the sun refl.png to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, the sun refl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber robot in the form of a molecule,Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, group shot, Shot .png to raw_combined/cyber robot in the form of a molecule,Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading, group shot, Shot .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, int.txt to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal, int.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robots sitting on front steps circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable camera photogr.png to raw_combined/robots sitting on front steps circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable camera photogr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern robot of the future, closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms, a lot o.png to raw_combined/a very complex modern robot of the future, closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanisms, a lot o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/make a simple and clean logo for a rainy cloud in a animation style with bright gradient colors .txt to raw_combined/make a simple and clean logo for a rainy cloud in a animation style with bright gradient colors .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robots sitting on front steps circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable camera photogr.txt to raw_combined/robots sitting on front steps circa 1990, Grunge fashion, foggy, overcast, Disposable camera photogr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of Picachu, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Canon camera E.png to raw_combined/street photo of Picachu, High quality, sharp image, commercial photography, shot with Canon camera E.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, red robot with .txt to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, red robot with .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/steampunk mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, dieselpunc.png to raw_combined/steampunk mechanical diesel robot airship, multicomponent structure, stunning cloudy sky, dieselpunc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/thick saturated pink paintenamel pours on a white lamb, beautiful highlights on spreading paint, wat.txt to raw_combined/thick saturated pink paintenamel pours on a white lamb, beautiful highlights on spreading paint, wat.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Metallic Macro Photography 4k .txt to raw_combined/Metallic Macro Photography 4k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Yoh Nagao, l.png to raw_combined/retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Yoh Nagao, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, po.txt to raw_combined/black catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, po.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logoof Viking with glass of wine, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color grad.png to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logoof Viking with glass of wine, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color grad.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/stylish bearded man, dark hair, black and red plaid shirt, holding red and white balloons and a bouq.txt to raw_combined/stylish bearded man, dark hair, black and red plaid shirt, holding red and white balloons and a bouq.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a modern house inside a cave, professional interior photo for a magazine .txt to raw_combined/interior of a modern house inside a cave, professional interior photo for a magazine .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat in the style of andy warhol mixed with JeanMichel Basquiat .txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat in the style of andy warhol mixed with JeanMichel Basquiat .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/professional full body photo of Karma Rx in skirt, in style of Everlasting Summer game character, st.txt to raw_combined/professional full body photo of Karma Rx in skirt, in style of Everlasting Summer game character, st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/in the foreground a cat licks its paw, in the background an epic rocket launch into space at a space.png to raw_combined/in the foreground a cat licks its paw, in the background an epic rocket launch into space at a space.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl with a styli.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl with a styli.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, red robot with .png to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo, in side view of Sektor from Mortal Kombat view in profile, red robot with .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/cyber, brutal cyborgrobot by Antonio Gaudi, with Gaudi signature patterns, Super detalied, dynamic p.png to raw_combined/cyber, brutal cyborgrobot by Antonio Gaudi, with Gaudi signature patterns, Super detalied, dynamic p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/plague doctor indian in the middle of autumn forest, fog, dusk .txt to raw_combined/plague doctor indian in the middle of autumn forest, fog, dusk .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain dark grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal.txt to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain dark grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Putin, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Pu.txt to raw_combined/Putin, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Pu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn out spacesuit.txt to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a worn out spacesuit.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid black bald evil wild sphynxcat hunting mon.png to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of a tall frightening humanoid black bald evil wild sphynxcat hunting mon.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat wearing fashionable engineered garment yohji yamamoto supreme focus for the developm.png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat wearing fashionable engineered garment yohji yamamoto supreme focus for the developm.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/young woman, brown hair, beautiful supermodel, holding a huge giant caterpillar in her hands, a heav.png to raw_combined/young woman, brown hair, beautiful supermodel, holding a huge giant caterpillar in her hands, a heav.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/filmed by Christopher Nolan background dozens of nuclear rockets taking off from the ground up, mult.png to raw_combined/filmed by Christopher Nolan background dozens of nuclear rockets taking off from the ground up, mult.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, tattoo between the shoulder blades of the ba.txt to raw_combined/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, tattoo between the shoulder blades of the ba.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up, tattoo between th.png to raw_combined/street photo of woman 45 years old, sitting halfturned, arms gracefully raised up, tattoo between th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Group of sphynxcats in Downtown Seattle in the 90s, grunge clothing, 1990s, foggy, cloudy, misty, St.txt to raw_combined/Group of sphynxcats in Downtown Seattle in the 90s, grunge clothing, 1990s, foggy, cloudy, misty, St.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Salvador Dali, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Salvado.png to raw_combined/Salvador Dali, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Salvado.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a man with a beard and white dreadlocks, European appearance, big brown eyes, against the backdrop o.png to raw_combined/a man with a beard and white dreadlocks, European appearance, big brown eyes, against the backdrop o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Ryan Gosling, rasta style, high, stoned, rolling joint, in front of sea, bright beach, sunny day, be.png to raw_combined/Ryan Gosling, rasta style, high, stoned, rolling joint, in front of sea, bright beach, sunny day, be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Albert Einstein, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Alber.txt to raw_combined/Albert Einstein, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Alber.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot, mechanical parking in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning moun.png to raw_combined/robot, mechanical parking in the lake, mountain lake, turquoise water, Canadian lakes, stunning moun.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beach, 32 k, multiple floors, cinema.txt to raw_combined/mobile water shelter on wheels, future rider, on the white sand beach, 32 k, multiple floors, cinema.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot in smoke, standing in a dark hallway w.txt to raw_combined/ultramodern ultramodern complex powerful military cyber robot in smoke, standing in a dark hallway w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a huge inflatable Pikachu with a silly look in the middle of the library .txt to raw_combined/a huge inflatable Pikachu with a silly look in the middle of the library .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a very complex modern VRglasses of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanism.png to raw_combined/a very complex modern VRglasses of the future, ultra closeup, a lot of small parts, modern mechanism.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/editorial, detailed closeup of a black sphinxcat face, angry, centered, rain, superresolution, opal,.png to raw_combined/editorial, detailed closeup of a black sphinxcat face, angry, centered, rain, superresolution, opal,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K .txt to raw_combined/abstract. Creation. high tech. AI. The beginning. Abstract. Taosim. Daosim. Hyper Realistic. 4K .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/55yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .png to raw_combined/55yo woman in skirt and stockings barefoot, ankle tattoo, stylishly unbuttoned shirt, High quality, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old man with a stylish haircut .png to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old man with a stylish haircut .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/very fat overweight woman screaming into a microphone like a vocalist of a black metal band, commerc.txt to raw_combined/very fat overweight woman screaming into a microphone like a vocalist of a black metal band, commerc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple minimalistic logo of Viking, schematic logo, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color gradie.png to raw_combined/simple minimalistic logo of Viking, schematic logo, flat logo design, vector, beautiful color gradie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Pikachu made out of pieces of paper .png to raw_combined/Pikachu made out of pieces of paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat with a monocle grins at its owner, style of Stephen Gammell .png to raw_combined/black sphynxcat with a monocle grins at its owner, style of Stephen Gammell .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sad Pikachu at the Russian factory .txt to raw_combined/sad Pikachu at the Russian factory .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/modern stylish postcard with the feast of the Holy Trinity, modern design, 8k .txt to raw_combined/modern stylish postcard with the feast of the Holy Trinity, modern design, 8k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A room of weird family members wearing metal Masks, alienpunk, retro SciFi scenes, Pop surrealism, a.png to raw_combined/A room of weird family members wearing metal Masks, alienpunk, retro SciFi scenes, Pop surrealism, a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, front view, burnout, JDM Style, trunk spoiler, maximum tuning, black carbon, raci.png to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, front view, burnout, JDM Style, trunk spoiler, maximum tuning, black carbon, raci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/IMAGE_TYPE fullbody , job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl w.png to raw_combined/IMAGE_TYPE fullbody , job in trade EMOTION happiness SCENE a stylish 20 years old supermodelgirl w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain dark grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal.png to raw_combined/zoomed out from the side a full view of detailed mountain dark grey sphinxcat, superresolution, opal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a hut from a blanket on the bed, lights inside the hut, evening, atmospheric .png to raw_combined/a hut from a blanket on the bed, lights inside the hut, evening, atmospheric .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot under snowfall in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a wor.txt to raw_combined/Detailed realistic portrait of a robot under snowfall in a vibrant coastal environment wearing a wor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/antigravity bus, wireless, levitating 20 feet in the air, in Seattle in 1993, Space Needle in the di.png to raw_combined/antigravity bus, wireless, levitating 20 feet in the air, in Seattle in 1993, Space Needle in the di.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Closeup shot, medium focal length, 50mm, subject centered, stage ground perspective, Lionel Messi, s.png to raw_combined/Closeup shot, medium focal length, 50mm, subject centered, stage ground perspective, Lionel Messi, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/sphinxcat, wonderland scene with trees and rose and sphynxcat in layered paper art style, real and t.png to raw_combined/sphinxcat, wonderland scene with trees and rose and sphynxcat in layered paper art style, real and t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, po.png to raw_combined/black catsphinx, light saber, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still,ю, po.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/one white sheep in the air, many sheep look up below, thick beautiful pink paint flows down from the.txt to raw_combined/one white sheep in the air, many sheep look up below, thick beautiful pink paint flows down from the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an astronaut rides a zebra on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.txt to raw_combined/an astronaut rides a zebra on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting, turquoise and brown tones .png to raw_combined/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting, turquoise and brown tones .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A hyperrealistic, 8K rendering of old Soviet robot armor in a cinematic, actionpacked scene. The ima.txt to raw_combined/A hyperrealistic, 8K rendering of old Soviet robot armor in a cinematic, actionpacked scene. The ima.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Salvador Dali, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Salvado.txt to raw_combined/Salvador Dali, wet jungle, cinematic, canon eos, 35mm f1.8, hexagon, film still, portrait of Salvado.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/mechanical steampunk robot knight, on the background of a steampunk steam locomotive, Super detalied.txt to raw_combined/mechanical steampunk robot knight, on the background of a steampunk steam locomotive, Super detalied.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Cinematic still, filmed by Christopher Nolan, foreground washing cat background dozens of nuclear ro.txt to raw_combined/Cinematic still, filmed by Christopher Nolan, foreground washing cat background dozens of nuclear ro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat, pain and suffering, uffering, art, arthouse psychedelic poster 1932, in the style o.txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat, pain and suffering, uffering, art, arthouse psychedelic poster 1932, in the style o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/perfect glass ball with a lot of fine shiny dust and various particles inside, golden pollen inside .txt to raw_combined/perfect glass ball with a lot of fine shiny dust and various particles inside, golden pollen inside .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/hyper realistic photo of Salvador Dali driving a pink convertible, cinematic lighting, wallpaper for.png to raw_combined/hyper realistic photo of Salvador Dali driving a pink convertible, cinematic lighting, wallpaper for.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphinx cats of different colors, sky background ev.png to raw_combined/photograph real film using after effects of a two sphinx cats of different colors, sky background ev.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/horsehelicopter, EOS 5D Mark IV, f2.8 .txt to raw_combined/horsehelicopter, EOS 5D Mark IV, f2.8 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Reportage fine photography of frightening evil Siamese cat, frightening monster. hunting aquatic mut.txt to raw_combined/Reportage fine photography of frightening evil Siamese cat, frightening monster. hunting aquatic mut.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/ultramodern complex cyber robot,standing in a dark hallway with flickering lights, fullbody, 4K, dar.txt to raw_combined/ultramodern complex cyber robot,standing in a dark hallway with flickering lights, fullbody, 4K, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/people throw a basketball inside a subway car, a basketball hoop in a subway car, many people, wide .png to raw_combined/people throw a basketball inside a subway car, a basketball hoop in a subway car, many people, wide .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/editorial, detailed closeup of a black sphinxcat face, angry, centered, rain, superresolution, opal,.txt to raw_combined/editorial, detailed closeup of a black sphinxcat face, angry, centered, rain, superresolution, opal,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a scene from a drama film, shot from the ground, a hundredeyed giant frightening terrifying creepy h.txt to raw_combined/a scene from a drama film, shot from the ground, a hundredeyed giant frightening terrifying creepy h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/black sphynxcat like generation z model is wearing gorpcore style colorful The north face windbreak,.txt to raw_combined/black sphynxcat like generation z model is wearing gorpcore style colorful The north face windbreak,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/realistic watercolor black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple s.txt to raw_combined/realistic watercolor black sphynxcat at background abstract painting Jackson Pollok style , purple s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Lionel Messi and a lot of golden balls, golden shiny soccer balls surround Lionel Messi from all sid.png to raw_combined/Lionel Messi and a lot of golden balls, golden shiny soccer balls surround Lionel Messi from all sid.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior photo, ultrawide shooting angle, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains co.png to raw_combined/interior photo, ultrawide shooting angle, ultramodern house in the middle of snowcapped mountains co.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/watercolor retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Y.png to raw_combined/watercolor retrofuturistic robot fantasy, realistic, art By Jean Baptiste Monge, Takashi Murakami, Y.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/amazing pathos graffiti in the form of the FC Barcelona logo, beautiful gradients, reflection in pud.png to raw_combined/amazing pathos graffiti in the form of the FC Barcelona logo, beautiful gradients, reflection in pud.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/A black and white watercolor painting of an angry black sphinx cat wearing a skull hat, disappearing.txt to raw_combined/A black and white watercolor painting of an angry black sphinx cat wearing a skull hat, disappearing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/taxi car concept, sports car, supercar, future, hyperrealism, doing something bealtiful, photoretrai.png to raw_combined/taxi car concept, sports car, supercar, future, hyperrealism, doing something bealtiful, photoretrai.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an astronaut rides a camel on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.txt to raw_combined/an astronaut rides a camel on the lunar surface, a stunning space landscape in the background, Super.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting .txt to raw_combined/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/futuristic, parametric designed tram in Hong Kong, twofloors tram, 32 k, cinematic lighting, promo p.png to raw_combined/futuristic, parametric designed tram in Hong Kong, twofloors tram, 32 k, cinematic lighting, promo p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/dramatic photo of cyber, Spider Man by Marvel, cyborg in golden and black armor with small intricate.txt to raw_combined/dramatic photo of cyber, Spider Man by Marvel, cyborg in golden and black armor with small intricate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/highquality photorealistic apocalyptic Kremlin on fire, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading,.png to raw_combined/highquality photorealistic apocalyptic Kremlin on fire, Super detalied, dynamic pose, Color Grading,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/perfect glass ball with a lot of fine shiny dust and various particles inside, golden pollen inside .png to raw_combined/perfect glass ball with a lot of fine shiny dust and various particles inside, golden pollen inside .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/an eerie image of a black sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of Th.png to raw_combined/an eerie image of a black sphynxcat emerging from a background of falling letters in the style of Th.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a messy collection of data, geometric, madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract paintin.txt to raw_combined/a messy collection of data, geometric, madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract paintin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting, turquoise and brown tones .txt to raw_combined/madness abstract, Vivid cognitive distortion abstract painting, turquoise and brown tones .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, the sun refl.txt to raw_combined/Skoda Rapid sedan, racing tuning, black carbon fiber, driving on a mountain serpentine, the sun refl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/pikachu from the future, Cyberpunk, TRON, 8k, octane render, hyper realistic, photo realistic .png to raw_combined/pikachu from the future, Cyberpunk, TRON, 8k, octane render, hyper realistic, photo realistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/fullbody photo of very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short .txt to raw_combined/fullbody photo of very beautiful supermodel nurse in a short medical gown, fashion model in a short .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/a wonderland scene with trees and rose and Siamese cat in the style of layered paper art,beige and c.png to raw_combined/a wonderland scene with trees and rose and Siamese cat in the style of layered paper art,beige and c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/interior of a childrens room, a small hut made of a blanket on the bed, as in childhood, a hut on th.txt to raw_combined/interior of a childrens room, a small hut made of a blanket on the bed, as in childhood, a hut on th.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/robot virus, microscopic chip, nanotech ultramodern robot inside the dna chain, robot, against the b.png to raw_combined/robot virus, microscopic chip, nanotech ultramodern robot inside the dna chain, robot, against the b.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/simple logo design of golden star and letter A, black background, minimalist, simple, vector, flat d.png to raw_combined/simple logo design of golden star and letter A, black background, minimalist, simple, vector, flat d.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/3dmodel of black sphinxcat robot, purple background .png to raw_combined/3dmodel of black sphinxcat robot, purple background .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/the cutest Pikachu holded by two hands, magical, bokeh, red knit sweater fluffy, backlight, romantic.txt to raw_combined/the cutest Pikachu holded by two hands, magical, bokeh, red knit sweater fluffy, backlight, romantic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_29/Holly Irwin style abstract oil painting, palette knife, heavy detail and texture, black sphynxcat .png to raw_combined/Holly Irwin style abstract oil painting, palette knife, heavy detail and texture, black sphynxcat .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Ant Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Ant Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/children enemy soldiers, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/children enemy soldiers, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military paratrooper outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Three Children in military paratrooper outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/children enemy soldiers, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/children enemy soldiers, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Hal 9000 from 2001 a space odyssey. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic elega.txt to raw_combined/Hal 9000 from 2001 a space odyssey. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic elega.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers Tower, Gothic City, directed by Tim Burton, .txt to raw_combined/Avengers Tower, Gothic City, directed by Tim Burton, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army badge, youth battalion, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Army badge, youth battalion, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Young Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy sitting on couch living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young boy sitting on couch living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a Hal 9000 in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic.txt to raw_combined/Photograph of a Hal 9000 in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Loki in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Loki in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a beautiful android meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre sta.png to raw_combined/Photograph of a beautiful android meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre sta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Imagine a sprawling factory complex made entirely out of colorful Lego bricks. The factorys exterior.txt to raw_combined/Imagine a sprawling factory complex made entirely out of colorful Lego bricks. The factorys exterior.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Uma Thurman as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .txt to raw_combined/Uma Thurman as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Young Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military nurses, charming, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Military nurses, charming, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Compass on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Compass on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cate Blanchet as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Cate Blanchet as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cute teddy bear toy in US flag military outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Cute teddy bear toy in US flag military outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Michael Keaton as Captain America in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Michael Keaton as Captain America in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Owen Wilson as army colonel, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Owen Wilson as army colonel, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Child in military outfit in the desert, army jeeps, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Child in military outfit in the desert, army jeeps, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Angelina Jolie as Black Widow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Angelina Jolie as Black Widow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/jason schwartzman as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/jason schwartzman as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Hand Grenade on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Hand Grenade on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Will Smith as Black Panther superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Young Will Smith as Black Panther superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Woman holding gun, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Woman holding gun, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Loki in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Loki in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy sitting on couch living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young boy sitting on couch living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/USA badge, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/USA badge, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Output high fashion shot. Subject Bizarre supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall w.txt to raw_combined/Output high fashion shot. Subject Bizarre supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Uma Thurman as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .png to raw_combined/Uma Thurman as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .txt to raw_combined/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers Logo Tim Burton style .txt to raw_combined/Avengers Logo Tim Burton style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Scarlet Witch in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Scarlet Witch in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy sitting on couch living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young boy sitting on couch living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in military clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young african american boy in military clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american girl in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young african american girl in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Adrien Brody as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Adrien Brody as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children with guns in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Three Children with guns in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy watching TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young boy watching TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cute teddy bear toy in US flag military outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Cute teddy bear toy in US flag military outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in military clothes, portrait, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes .png to raw_combined/Young african american boy in military clothes, portrait, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Scarlett Johanson as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Scarlett Johanson as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young girl in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young girl in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Adrien Brody as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Adrien Brody as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army headquarters, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Army headquarters, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tom Cruise as American Superhero in a stars and stripes costume in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film.png to raw_combined/Tom Cruise as American Superhero in a stars and stripes costume in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army badge with teddy bar, US flag, yclose up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Army badge with teddy bar, US flag, yclose up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits in the desert, explosions behind, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Children in military outfits in the desert, explosions behind, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy watching TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young boy watching TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bright colored pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Bright colored pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Beautiful android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimal.png to raw_combined/Beautiful android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army badge with teddy bar, US flag, yclose up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Army badge with teddy bar, US flag, yclose up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Matt Damon as Hawkere in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Matt Damon as Hawkere in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Compass on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Compass on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Scarlett Johanson as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Scarlett Johanson as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young boy staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gun, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Gun, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Scarlett Johanson as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Scarlett Johanson as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/USA badge, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/USA badge, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young african american boy in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as US army general, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as US army general, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy sitting on couch living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young boy sitting on couch living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Brad Pitt as Thor in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Brad Pitt as Thor in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Ant Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Ant Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Awkwafina as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Awkwafina as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/night vision goggles on table, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/night vision goggles on table, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .txt to raw_combined/Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/night vision goggles on table, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/night vision goggles on table, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Angelina Jolie as Black Widow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Angelina Jolie as Black Widow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young girl in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young girl in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cute teddy bear, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Cute teddy bear, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, US flag, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, US flag, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton.txt to raw_combined/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Dr. Strange in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Dr. Strange in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Brad Pitt as Thor in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Brad Pitt as Thor in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military building, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Military building, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Scarlet Witch in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Scarlet Witch in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Dr. Strange in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Dr. Strange in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman dressed in pink military general outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman dressed in pink military general outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tom Cruise as Captain America in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Tom Cruise as Captain America in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Frances McDormand as army general, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Frances McDormand as army general, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bangkok photographed by matthew barney, .txt to raw_combined/Bangkok photographed by matthew barney, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in pink military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Three Children in pink military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Scarlett Johanson as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Scarlett Johanson as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military building, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Military building, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Angelina Jolie as superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Angelina Jolie as superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Montreal photographed by matthew barney, .txt to raw_combined/Montreal photographed by matthew barney, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Beautiful android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimal.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Building made of a lego, factory, industrial, colorful, lego blocks, .txt to raw_combined/Building made of a lego, factory, industrial, colorful, lego blocks, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Matt Damon as Hawkere in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Matt Damon as Hawkere in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/First aid kit on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/First aid kit on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hulk in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hulk in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bubble Gum on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Bubble Gum on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits, summer camp, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Children in military outfits, summer camp, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military pilot outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Three Children in military pilot outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Nicolas Cage as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as superhero with bow and arrow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as superhero with bow and arrow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gun, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Gun, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits, summer camp, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Children in military outfits, summer camp, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Owen Wilson as army colonel, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Owen Wilson as army colonel, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children with guns in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Three Children with guns in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers Tower, Gothic City, directed by Tim Burton, .png to raw_combined/Avengers Tower, Gothic City, directed by Tim Burton, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawk man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawk man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Child in military outfit in the desert, army jeeps, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Child in military outfit in the desert, army jeeps, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young boy in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military man, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Military man, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young girl staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young girl staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young african american boy in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers Logo Tim Burton style .png to raw_combined/Avengers Logo Tim Burton style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bubble Gum on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Bubble Gum on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as army general, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as army general, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/army jeep, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/army jeep, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Three Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as army general, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as army general, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Frances McDormand as army general, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Frances McDormand as army general, sunglasses, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/large TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/large TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Awkwafina as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Awkwafina as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in military clothes, portrait, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes .txt to raw_combined/Young african american boy in military clothes, portrait, pastel colors, symmetric, directed by Wes .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Output high fashion shot. Subject Male supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall woma.txt to raw_combined/Output high fashion shot. Subject Male supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall woma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in pink military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Three Children in pink military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/IMAGE stunning editorial photography in the style of space age retrofuturism, inspired by 2001 A Spa.txt to raw_combined/IMAGE stunning editorial photography in the style of space age retrofuturism, inspired by 2001 A Spa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/jason schwartzman as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/jason schwartzman as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/signet ring, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/signet ring, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as war reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as war reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png to raw_combined/Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Beautiful male android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with mi.png to raw_combined/Beautiful male android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with mi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers tower in a film directed by Tim Burton .png to raw_combined/Avengers tower in a film directed by Tim Burton .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Three Children in military outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/First aid kit on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/First aid kit on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as war reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as war reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Michael Keaton as Captain America in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Michael Keaton as Captain America in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/War guide book, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/War guide book, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military pilot outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Three Children in military pilot outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, US flag, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, US flag, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hulk in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hulk in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/IMAGE stunning editorial photography in the style of space age retrofuturism, inspired by 2001 A Spa.png to raw_combined/IMAGE stunning editorial photography in the style of space age retrofuturism, inspired by 2001 A Spa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bright colored pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Bright colored pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army badge, youth battalion, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Army badge, youth battalion, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Army headquarters, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Army headquarters, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Montreal photographed by matthew barney, .png to raw_combined/Montreal photographed by matthew barney, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/War guide book, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/War guide book, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Helena Bonham Carter as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Output high fashion shot. Subject Bizarre supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall w.png to raw_combined/Output high fashion shot. Subject Bizarre supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/TV in a living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american girl in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young african american girl in army clothes, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/army jeep, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/army jeep, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Bill Murray as Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/flare gun, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/flare gun, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as superhero with bow and arrow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as superhero with bow and arrow in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Angelina Jolie as superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Angelina Jolie as superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Child playing with lego, photography, stock, catalogue, .txt to raw_combined/Child playing with lego, photography, stock, catalogue, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Willem Dafoe as Enemy Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Willem Dafoe as Enemy Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawk man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawk man in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young girl staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young girl staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Woman holding gun, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Woman holding gun, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Hand Grenade on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Hand Grenade on table, symmetric, overhead, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Children in military outfits in the desert, explosions behind, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Children in military outfits in the desert, explosions behind, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Thanos in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Thanos in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Bangkok photographed by matthew barney, .png to raw_combined/Bangkok photographed by matthew barney, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Margot Robbie as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Margot Robbie as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/flare gun, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/flare gun, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young boy in army clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as US army general, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as US army general, whimsical, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Willem Dafoe as Enemy Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Willem Dafoe as Enemy Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a beautiful android meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre sta.txt to raw_combined/Photograph of a beautiful android meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre sta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Output high fashion shot. Subject Male supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall woma.png to raw_combined/Output high fashion shot. Subject Male supermodel, 25Y O, wearing black Balenciaga outfit, tall woma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tom Cruise as American Superhero in a stars and stripes costume in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film.txt to raw_combined/Tom Cruise as American Superhero in a stars and stripes costume in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman dressed in pink military general outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman dressed in pink military general outfit, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military woman, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Military woman, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tilda Swinton as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Tilda Swinton as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Will Smith as Black Panther superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Young Will Smith as Black Panther superhero in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a beautiful woman meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage.png to raw_combined/Photograph of a beautiful woman meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a Hal 9000 in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic.png to raw_combined/Photograph of a Hal 9000 in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Uncle Sam, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png to raw_combined/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/large TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/large TV in a living room, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cate Blanchet as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Cate Blanchet as reporter, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Avengers tower in a film directed by Tim Burton .txt to raw_combined/Avengers tower in a film directed by Tim Burton .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tilda Swinton as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Tilda Swinton as Soldier, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young african american boy in military clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Young african american boy in military clothes, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military woman, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Military woman, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Sandra Bullock as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .txt to raw_combined/Sandra Bullock as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Hal 9000 from 2001 a space odyssey. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic elega.png to raw_combined/Hal 9000 from 2001 a space odyssey. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with minimalistic elega.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton.png to raw_combined/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Loki in a Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Child playing with lego, photography, stock, catalogue, .png to raw_combined/Child playing with lego, photography, stock, catalogue, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military nurses, charming, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png to raw_combined/Military nurses, charming, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Horned Green Villain in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Horned Green Villain in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Baroque punk type young adult female character design of Leda in greek mythology with a syntwave.txt to raw_combined/Baroque punk type young adult female character design of Leda in greek mythology with a syntwave.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Pills on table, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Tom Cruise as Captain America in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Tom Cruise as Captain America in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Iron Man in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/signet ring, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/signet ring, overhead, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Christopher Walken as Hulk in a Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Young Keanu Reeves as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Military man, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Military man, close up, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Imagine a sprawling factory complex made entirely out of colorful Lego bricks. The factorys exterior.png to raw_combined/Imagine a sprawling factory complex made entirely out of colorful Lego bricks. The factorys exterior.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Baroque punk type young adult female character design of Leda in greek mythology with a syntwave.png to raw_combined/Baroque punk type young adult female character design of Leda in greek mythology with a syntwave.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Beautiful male android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with mi.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful male android looking at camera. Portrait. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage with mi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Leonardo DiCaprio as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Photograph of a beautiful woman meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage.txt to raw_combined/Photograph of a beautiful woman meditating in a black void. Set on a stylish black box theatre stage.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Cute teddy bear, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Cute teddy bear, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Young boy staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Young boy staring at camera, living room, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Arnold Schwarzenegger as Iron Man in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Sandra Bullock as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .png to raw_combined/Sandra Bullock as Black Widow in a Gothic Tim Burton Avengers film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as Nick Fury in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as Nick Fury in a Gothic Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Jim Carrey as Thanos in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Jim Carrey as Thanos in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Morgan Freeman as Nick Fury in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png to raw_combined/Morgan Freeman as Nick Fury in a Gothic Tim Burton film .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Leonardo DiCaprio as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Leonardo DiCaprio as Hawkeye in a 90s Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Building made of a lego, factory, industrial, colorful, lego blocks, .png to raw_combined/Building made of a lego, factory, industrial, colorful, lego blocks, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Three Children in military paratrooper outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt to raw_combined/Three Children in military paratrooper outfits, symmetric, directed by Wes Anderson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_57/Johnny Depp as Horned Green Villain in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt to raw_combined/Johnny Depp as Horned Green Villain in a Gothic Avengers Tim Burton film .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two b sitting beautiful red hair ladies sitting inside a red telephone booth, outside the boot we se.png to raw_combined/Two b sitting beautiful red hair ladies sitting inside a red telephone booth, outside the boot we se.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an assortment of colorful Mexican Alebrijes standing next to each other, in the style of todd schorr.png to raw_combined/an assortment of colorful Mexican Alebrijes standing next to each other, in the style of todd schorr.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman stands in front of a wall with metal circles, in the style of made of liquid metal, de.png to raw_combined/a young woman stands in front of a wall with metal circles, in the style of made of liquid metal, de.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl 48 years of age in a style a the new york school of beautiful posh.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl 48 years of age in a style a the new york school of beautiful posh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full body advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.png to raw_combined/Full body advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional photo of a young female woman looking at a street in a crowded Piccadilly circus street.txt to raw_combined/Professional photo of a young female woman looking at a street in a crowded Piccadilly circus street.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a surreal costume in a field with animals around, in the style .png to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a surreal costume in a field with animals around, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fire and dark smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .png to raw_combined/fire and dark smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/abstract concept art by dan harvey for the song waste time,, in the style of mark henson, jaume ple.png to raw_combined/abstract concept art by dan harvey for the song waste time,, in the style of mark henson, jaume ple.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, lots of dark smoke from the volcano .png to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, lots of dark smoke from the volcano .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a billboard street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photorealistic accura.png to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a billboard street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photorealistic accura.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dark emerald .txt to raw_combined/portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dark emerald .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/four woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style .txt to raw_combined/four woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a shark swimming in the water, in the style of video glitches, dark white and light aquamarine, 32k .txt to raw_combined/a shark swimming in the water, in the style of video glitches, dark white and light aquamarine, 32k .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in the car posing in the window, in the style of guy aroch, light amber and teal, captivatin.png to raw_combined/a woman in the car posing in the window, in the style of guy aroch, light amber and teal, captivatin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/four woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style .png to raw_combined/four woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/daylight Photo of someone stick a whole wall of a tall Manhattan building with Billions of colorful .txt to raw_combined/daylight Photo of someone stick a whole wall of a tall Manhattan building with Billions of colorful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful girlfriends surrounded by water spewing out, in the style of ethereal abstract, tangle.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful girlfriends surrounded by water spewing out, in the style of ethereal abstract, tangle.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women kiss while underwater with goldfish, in the style of aquamarine and amber, photorealistic .png to raw_combined/two women kiss while underwater with goldfish, in the style of aquamarine and amber, photorealistic .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady is in front very fast running in a large pink dress in an abandoned warehouse a gho.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is in front very fast running in a large pink dress in an abandoned warehouse a gho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three young woman and two man lip kiss and hug standing next to some horses, in the style of postapo.txt to raw_combined/three young woman and two man lip kiss and hug standing next to some horses, in the style of postapo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/image of an Irish beautiful gal in a raincoat and rain boots, in the style of jeremy mann, grunge ch.png to raw_combined/image of an Irish beautiful gal in a raincoat and rain boots, in the style of jeremy mann, grunge ch.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/sharks are swimming near each other in the ocean, in the style of video glitches, surrealistic disto.png to raw_combined/sharks are swimming near each other in the ocean, in the style of video glitches, surrealistic disto.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real photographer in the world of a Photorealistic macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly.txt to raw_combined/A real photographer in the world of a Photorealistic macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love holding hands and kissing dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a.txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love holding hands and kissing dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love looking into each other eyes and kissing in the water a glass ball hooverin.txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love looking into each other eyes and kissing in the water a glass ball hooverin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the moon has a big head in the clouds, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, 19001917, animated gifs, l.txt to raw_combined/the moon has a big head in the clouds, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, 19001917, animated gifs, l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the outside wall of a moder.png to raw_combined/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the outside wall of a moder.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/close up of a wall of the outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick.png to raw_combined/close up of a wall of the outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys love each other lip kiss are in a costume in a field with animals around, i.txt to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys love each other lip kiss are in a costume in a field with animals around, i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two b sitting beautiful red hair ladies sitting inside a red telephone booth, outside the boot we se.txt to raw_combined/Two b sitting beautiful red hair ladies sitting inside a red telephone booth, outside the boot we se.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls wearing plaid grey vest and braided hair, in the style of light white and yellow, religiou.txt to raw_combined/two girls wearing plaid grey vest and braided hair, in the style of light white and yellow, religiou.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/orange, blue, and blue hair women kiss in the blue and orange balloons, in the style of photorealist.txt to raw_combined/orange, blue, and blue hair women kiss in the blue and orange balloons, in the style of photorealist.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick to the walls of the build.png to raw_combined/outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick to the walls of the build.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration, teal light, light orang.txt to raw_combined/The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration, teal light, light orang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a computer the head of a man, in the style of pop culture mashup, forced perspective, celebrity phot.txt to raw_combined/a computer the head of a man, in the style of pop culture mashup, forced perspective, celebrity phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Popocatepetl Volcanic eruption in Mexico City shoot from space, massive volcanic eruption, in the le.txt to raw_combined/Popocatepetl Volcanic eruption in Mexico City shoot from space, massive volcanic eruption, in the le.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a man looking up at a computer screen, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick mchale, konica big m.txt to raw_combined/a man looking up at a computer screen, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick mchale, konica big m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful ladies are in water is floating in seaweed or jellyfish, in the style of daria endrese.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful ladies are in water is floating in seaweed or jellyfish, in the style of daria endrese.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/one woman holding a skull in a Mezcal jar, in the style of ominous, strong use of contrast, stark bl.png to raw_combined/one woman holding a skull in a Mezcal jar, in the style of ominous, strong use of contrast, stark bl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real flydog is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photographe.png to raw_combined/A real flydog is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photographe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a movie poster for caveman, in the style of large canvas paintings, retrocore, mark catesby, toyen, .txt to raw_combined/a movie poster for caveman, in the style of large canvas paintings, retrocore, mark catesby, toyen, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a mermaid woman swimming in the water and sewing, in the style of surreal fashion photography, Carav.png to raw_combined/a mermaid woman swimming in the water and sewing, in the style of surreal fashion photography, Carav.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/orange, blue, and blue hair women kiss in the blue and orange balloons, in the style of photorealist.png to raw_combined/orange, blue, and blue hair women kiss in the blue and orange balloons, in the style of photorealist.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing inside of a modern.png to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing inside of a modern.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls wearing plaid grey vest and braided hair, in the style of light white and yellow, religiou.png to raw_combined/two girls wearing plaid grey vest and braided hair, in the style of light white and yellow, religiou.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, volumetric,.txt to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, volumetric,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a billboard guy lip kisses street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photor.txt to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a billboard guy lip kisses street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in white dress standing by a fireplace near a mirror, in the style of moody chiaroscuro ligh.txt to raw_combined/a woman in white dress standing by a fireplace near a mirror, in the style of moody chiaroscuro ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Darth Vader hugging a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .png to raw_combined/Darth Vader hugging a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A mini human photographer is shooting with a mini camera at the macro level a Macro shot of a very f.png to raw_combined/A mini human photographer is shooting with a mini camera at the macro level a Macro shot of a very f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the wall of a modern buildi.txt to raw_combined/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the wall of a modern buildi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/best shark movie images on pc desktop backgrounds free wallpapers 1920x1080, in the style of terrorw.png to raw_combined/best shark movie images on pc desktop backgrounds free wallpapers 1920x1080, in the style of terrorw.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/mermaid by peter patrick jonathan allen, in the style of matte photo, scott adams, greg olsen, iconi.txt to raw_combined/mermaid by peter patrick jonathan allen, in the style of matte photo, scott adams, greg olsen, iconi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexican grotesque very fat bellylooking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.png to raw_combined/Mexican grotesque very fat bellylooking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.png to raw_combined/two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a pond, in the style of got.png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a pond, in the style of got.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman standing in front of mirror, in the style of enchanting lighting, depictions of aristocracy, s.png to raw_combined/woman standing in front of mirror, in the style of enchanting lighting, depictions of aristocracy, s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a model in a car with blond hair and brown eyes, in the style of dreamlike hues, golden light, green.txt to raw_combined/a model in a car with blond hair and brown eyes, in the style of dreamlike hues, golden light, green.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, made of wood in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, m.txt to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, made of wood in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/kassandra ulii in a field with a beautiful man are deeply in love and hugging they are with a horse,.png to raw_combined/kassandra ulii in a field with a beautiful man are deeply in love and hugging they are with a horse,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the mermaid art by anakin, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed renderings, reefwave, water a.txt to raw_combined/the mermaid art by anakin, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed renderings, reefwave, water a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a movie poster for caveman, in the style of large canvas paintings, retrocore, mark catesby, toyen, .png to raw_combined/a movie poster for caveman, in the style of large canvas paintings, retrocore, mark catesby, toyen, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/man practicing swimming or snorkel in the ocean near rocks, in the style of stefan gesell, urban cul.png to raw_combined/man practicing swimming or snorkel in the ocean near rocks, in the style of stefan gesell, urban cul.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing ad poster two guys who lip kissing the three women in the lips in the style .txt to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing ad poster two guys who lip kissing the three women in the lips in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/beautiful twin sisters are wearing a yellow shirt and vest is looking at each other and visible in l.png to raw_combined/beautiful twin sisters are wearing a yellow shirt and vest is looking at each other and visible in l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/redheads deeply in love to each other looking in gheir eyes srtyle by kristiane t, in the style of e.txt to raw_combined/redheads deeply in love to each other looking in gheir eyes srtyle by kristiane t, in the style of e.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photography, street Photography of an Aztec tlatoani called Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.png to raw_combined/Professional Photography, street Photography of an Aztec tlatoani called Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman posing with a gun on a bed, in the style of historical romanticism, eve ventrue, aleja.txt to raw_combined/a young woman posing with a gun on a bed, in the style of historical romanticism, eve ventrue, aleja.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/close up of a wall of the outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick.txt to raw_combined/close up of a wall of the outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cyan inside of a modern cyan room we see a cyan beast with cyan puffed hair that is walking in a cya.txt to raw_combined/cyan inside of a modern cyan room we see a cyan beast with cyan puffed hair that is walking in a cya.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses from a religious boarding school in their rich parent.txt to raw_combined/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses from a religious boarding school in their rich parent.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women deeply in love to each other sit in the hood of an old blue car in a grungy alley, in the .txt to raw_combined/two women deeply in love to each other sit in the hood of an old blue car in a grungy alley, in the .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the moon has a big head in the clouds, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, 19001917, animated gifs, l.png to raw_combined/the moon has a big head in the clouds, in the style of bmovie aesthetics, 19001917, animated gifs, l.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/advertisement full body flash photography of an Irish femme fatale beautiful gal, raining, haze, in .png to raw_combined/advertisement full body flash photography of an Irish femme fatale beautiful gal, raining, haze, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .txt to raw_combined/daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Macro shot of an eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .txt to raw_combined/Macro shot of an eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional studio Photography vintage wedding in April, in the style of yigal ozeri, dark turquois.txt to raw_combined/Professional studio Photography vintage wedding in April, in the style of yigal ozeri, dark turquois.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional studio Photography vintage wedding in April, in the style of yigal ozeri, dark turquois.png to raw_combined/Professional studio Photography vintage wedding in April, in the style of yigal ozeri, dark turquois.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman standing in front of mirror, in the style of enchanting lighting, depictions of aristocracy, s.txt to raw_combined/woman standing in front of mirror, in the style of enchanting lighting, depictions of aristocracy, s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, volumetric,.png to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, volumetric,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women deeply in love to each other sit in the hood of an old blue car in a grungy alley, in the .png to raw_combined/two women deeply in love to each other sit in the hood of an old blue car in a grungy alley, in the .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/abstract concept art by dan harvey for the song waste time,, in the style of mark henson, jaume ple.txt to raw_combined/abstract concept art by dan harvey for the song waste time,, in the style of mark henson, jaume ple.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/beautiful twin sisters are wearing a yellow shirt and vest is looking at each other and visible in l.txt to raw_combined/beautiful twin sisters are wearing a yellow shirt and vest is looking at each other and visible in l.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/advertisement full body flash photography of an Irish femme fatale beautiful gal, raining, haze, in .txt to raw_combined/advertisement full body flash photography of an Irish femme fatale beautiful gal, raining, haze, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful glasgow chicks deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern orang.png to raw_combined/three beautiful glasgow chicks deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern orang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman in a pink dress in an abandoned building a ghostly building, in the style of rashad al.txt to raw_combined/a young woman in a pink dress in an abandoned building a ghostly building, in the style of rashad al.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at the popoca.txt to raw_combined/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at the popoca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/An eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .png to raw_combined/An eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A cinematographer with a Titan 360 vr camera this camera has 6 lenses around the camera and is one o.txt to raw_combined/A cinematographer with a Titan 360 vr camera this camera has 6 lenses around the camera and is one o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two blue doll kissing standing in a lake covered in trees and plants, in the style of nostalgic roma.txt to raw_combined/two blue doll kissing standing in a lake covered in trees and plants, in the style of nostalgic roma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see two beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue i.png to raw_combined/on a full shot we see two beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a cute lady in a white skirt and a plaid tie, in the style of horror academia, the new york school, .png to raw_combined/a cute lady in a white skirt and a plaid tie, in the style of horror academia, the new york school, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Advertisement photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on Times Square, in the style of rococ.png to raw_combined/Advertisement photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on Times Square, in the style of rococ.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a image of a moon with a gun, in the style of max fleischer, animated gifs, ivan albright, hannah ho.png to raw_combined/a image of a moon with a gun, in the style of max fleischer, animated gifs, ivan albright, hannah ho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a cute lady in a white skirt and a plaid tie, in the style of horror academia, the new york school, .txt to raw_combined/a cute lady in a white skirt and a plaid tie, in the style of horror academia, the new york school, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A cinematographer with a futuristic camera with multiple cameras shooting at the same place This is .txt to raw_combined/A cinematographer with a futuristic camera with multiple cameras shooting at the same place This is .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real photographer inside the world of a macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly on a flowe.txt to raw_combined/A real photographer inside the world of a macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly on a flowe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional National Geographic Photograph of Mexico City valley and in the horizon the Popocatepet.txt to raw_combined/Professional National Geographic Photograph of Mexico City valley and in the horizon the Popocatepet.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful girl with colorful hair in the city, in the style of digital airbrushing, light crimson .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful girl with colorful hair in the city, in the style of digital airbrushing, light crimson .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys love each other lip kiss are in a costume in a field with animals around, i.png to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys love each other lip kiss are in a costume in a field with animals around, i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Photoshoot in a cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing.txt to raw_combined/Photoshoot in a cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl 48 years of age in a style a the new york school of beautiful posh.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl 48 years of age in a style a the new york school of beautiful posh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Photorealistic, cinematic brozo el payaso con dientes de vampiro .png to raw_combined/Photorealistic, cinematic brozo el payaso con dientes de vampiro .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Darth Vader getting married with a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .png to raw_combined/Darth Vader getting married with a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/High angle Three girls in the enchanted garden sleeping inside a garden fountain, in the style of ma.txt to raw_combined/High angle Three girls in the enchanted garden sleeping inside a garden fountain, in the style of ma.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and white picture of an old horse with a futuristic design, in the style of intricate citysc.txt to raw_combined/a black and white picture of an old horse with a futuristic design, in the style of intricate citysc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in red, she is in a .txt to raw_combined/Professional advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in red, she is in a .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/green inside of a modern green room we see a green beast with green puffed hair that is walking in a.txt to raw_combined/green inside of a modern green room we see a green beast with green puffed hair that is walking in a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full body advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.txt to raw_combined/Full body advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses madly in love to each other are looking in each other.png to raw_combined/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses madly in love to each other are looking in each other.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/bride in bridal gown standing by a black and white mirror she stares to herself who she is deeply in.txt to raw_combined/bride in bridal gown standing by a black and white mirror she stares to herself who she is deeply in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love hugging and kissing, homosexual themes, by michael mori.txt to raw_combined/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love hugging and kissing, homosexual themes, by michael mori.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dar.png to raw_combined/Full shot portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dar.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young nort.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young nort.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European woman standing in front of a silver shell pattern decoration that she .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European woman standing in front of a silver shell pattern decoration that she .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of posta.txt to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of posta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful young ladies in red and blue dresses, in the style of renaissance chiaroscuro, marta.png to raw_combined/three beautiful young ladies in red and blue dresses, in the style of renaissance chiaroscuro, marta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Photorealistic, cinematic brozo el payaso con dientes de vampiro .txt to raw_combined/Photorealistic, cinematic brozo el payaso con dientes de vampiro .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady mermaid is playing with and putting them into a basket, in the style of intricate u.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful lady mermaid is playing with and putting them into a basket, in the style of intricate u.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a upper west side posh manhattan school for ladies from Gossip G.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a upper west side posh manhattan school for ladies from Gossip G.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young nort.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young nort.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Advertisement low angle fisheye ultrawide angle photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on T.txt to raw_combined/Advertisement low angle fisheye ultrawide angle photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on T.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful girlfriends surrounded by water spewing out, in the style of ethereal abstract, tangle.png to raw_combined/two beautiful girlfriends surrounded by water spewing out, in the style of ethereal abstract, tangle.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in the car posing in the window, in the style of guy aroch, light amber and teal, captivatin.txt to raw_combined/a woman in the car posing in the window, in the style of guy aroch, light amber and teal, captivatin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl on a yellow and white plaid boarding school uniform in a plaid dress, grainy .png to raw_combined/a girl on a yellow and white plaid boarding school uniform in a plaid dress, grainy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful girls in boarding school uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aesthetics, fairy tale.png to raw_combined/two beautiful girls in boarding school uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aesthetics, fairy tale.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women hugging and gun in destroyed building stock foto, in the style of realism with fanta.txt to raw_combined/two young women hugging and gun in destroyed building stock foto, in the style of realism with fanta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two rebel beautiful innocent freckles redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing an.png to raw_combined/full shot of two rebel beautiful innocent freckles redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/kassandra ulii in a field with horse, in the style of folk punk, leatherhide, organic material, whim.png to raw_combined/kassandra ulii in a field with horse, in the style of folk punk, leatherhide, organic material, whim.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a mod.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a mod.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful women holding weapons against a grungy wall, in the style of bill gekas, romantic dram.png to raw_combined/two beautiful women holding weapons against a grungy wall, in the style of bill gekas, romantic dram.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an image of a beautiful northern European lady standing in a silver jacket in front of a wall with m.png to raw_combined/an image of a beautiful northern European lady standing in a silver jacket in front of a wall with m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photography, street Photography of an Aztec tlatoani called Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photography, street Photography of an Aztec tlatoani called Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot Advertising Photo shoot of a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearin.png to raw_combined/Full shot Advertising Photo shoot of a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two disney princesses in the water looking outward, in the style of light emerald and dark crimson, .png to raw_combined/two disney princesses in the water looking outward, in the style of light emerald and dark crimson, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two rebel beautiful innocent freckles redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing an.txt to raw_combined/full shot of two rebel beautiful innocent freckles redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, lots of dark smoke from the volcano .txt to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, lots of dark smoke from the volcano .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and h.txt to raw_combined/full shot of two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a billboard guy lip kisses street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photor.png to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a billboard guy lip kisses street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot full body Advertising photoshoot a young long red hair woman standing inside of a large ha.txt to raw_combined/Full shot full body Advertising photoshoot a young long red hair woman standing inside of a large ha.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two Beautiful young ladies deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style .png to raw_combined/two Beautiful young ladies deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the house with no doors, in the style of psychological depth in characters, twisted, horror academia.txt to raw_combined/the house with no doors, in the style of psychological depth in characters, twisted, horror academia.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful redhead women are sleeping side by side, in the style of fairytaleinspired, ethereal.txt to raw_combined/three beautiful redhead women are sleeping side by side, in the style of fairytaleinspired, ethereal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of two 46 years old beautiful woman in love from Gossip Girl a new york school of.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of two 46 years old beautiful woman in love from Gossip Girl a new york school of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the wall of a modern buildi.png to raw_combined/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the wall of a modern buildi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Kitsch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, ci.png to raw_combined/Kitsch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, ci.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Advertisement photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on Times Square, in the style of rococ.txt to raw_combined/Advertisement photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on Times Square, in the style of rococ.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Macro shot of an eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .png to raw_combined/Macro shot of an eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young Lati.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young Lati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman stands in front of a wall with metal circles, in the style of made of liquid metal, de.txt to raw_combined/a young woman stands in front of a wall with metal circles, in the style of made of liquid metal, de.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy .png to raw_combined/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful ladies deeply in love with each other are hugging and kissing in the water with white .txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful ladies deeply in love with each other are hugging and kissing in the water with white .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see two beautiful english girls deeply in love hugging qnd loving it blue inside o.png to raw_combined/on a full shot we see two beautiful english girls deeply in love hugging qnd loving it blue inside o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dar.txt to raw_combined/Full shot portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dar.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing vatican rococo painting bilboard three women looking at kissers lip kissing .png to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing vatican rococo painting bilboard three women looking at kissers lip kissing .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses madly in love to each other are looking in each other.txt to raw_combined/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses madly in love to each other are looking in each other.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two european rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love .png to raw_combined/full shot of two european rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/this is an old black and white photograph of j n watts 1950s plan for the city of the future, in the.png to raw_combined/this is an old black and white photograph of j n watts 1950s plan for the city of the future, in the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a large and massive volcanic eruption of the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico City that looks like the.png to raw_combined/a large and massive volcanic eruption of the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico City that looks like the.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a man out her nose on the side of a big billboard, in the style of realistic anam.txt to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a man out her nose on the side of a big billboard, in the style of realistic anam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/one boy and two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing miniskirt school lacy uniforms softly kissi.txt to raw_combined/one boy and two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing miniskirt school lacy uniforms softly kissi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful girls in boarding school uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aesthetics, fairy tale.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful girls in boarding school uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aesthetics, fairy tale.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Imagine yourself as a human macro photographer, but suddenly, you shrink down to the size of a fly i.txt to raw_combined/Imagine yourself as a human macro photographer, but suddenly, you shrink down to the size of a fly i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and white cartoon of a moon with smoke, in the style of stopmotion animation, reginald marsh.txt to raw_combined/a black and white cartoon of a moon with smoke, in the style of stopmotion animation, reginald marsh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, in the style of Eyjafjallajökull, lots of dark smoke f.txt to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, in the style of Eyjafjallajökull, lots of dark smoke f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/person, who directed the movie caveman, is featured in this scene, in the style of shaped canvas, mo.txt to raw_combined/person, who directed the movie caveman, is featured in this scene, in the style of shaped canvas, mo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful young twin sisters hugging and delicate kissing in their lips in a yellow gingham vest.png to raw_combined/two beautiful young twin sisters hugging and delicate kissing in their lips in a yellow gingham vest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/mermaid by peter patrick jonathan allen, in the style of matte photo, scott adams, greg olsen, iconi.png to raw_combined/mermaid by peter patrick jonathan allen, in the style of matte photo, scott adams, greg olsen, iconi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses from a religious boarding school in their rich parent.png to raw_combined/photo studio shot of two 20 year old heiresses from a religious boarding school in their rich parent.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.txt to raw_combined/Full shot advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Beautiful Lady with red hair standing in a rainy street, in the style of lit kid, duffy sheridan, ti.txt to raw_combined/Beautiful Lady with red hair standing in a rainy street, in the style of lit kid, duffy sheridan, ti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an image of a man with purple ears and twisted hair, in the style of fantastical otherworldly vision.png to raw_combined/an image of a man with purple ears and twisted hair, in the style of fantastical otherworldly vision.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional National Geographic Photograph of Mexico City valley and in the horizon the Popocatepet.png to raw_combined/Professional National Geographic Photograph of Mexico City valley and in the horizon the Popocatepet.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/one woman holding a skull in a Mezcal jar, in the style of ominous, strong use of contrast, stark bl.txt to raw_combined/one woman holding a skull in a Mezcal jar, in the style of ominous, strong use of contrast, stark bl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful girl with colorful hair in the city, in the style of digital airbrushing, light crimson .png to raw_combined/a beautiful girl with colorful hair in the city, in the style of digital airbrushing, light crimson .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/daylight Photo of someone stick a whole wall of a tall Manhattan building with Billions of colorful .png to raw_combined/daylight Photo of someone stick a whole wall of a tall Manhattan building with Billions of colorful .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/bride in bridal gown standing by a black and white mirror she stares to herself who she is deeply in.png to raw_combined/bride in bridal gown standing by a black and white mirror she stares to herself who she is deeply in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes with monster heads on them, in the style of aztec art, ph.png to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes with monster heads on them, in the style of aztec art, ph.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful ladies are in water is floating in seaweed or jellyfish, in the style of daria endrese.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful ladies are in water is floating in seaweed or jellyfish, in the style of daria endrese.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of postapocalyptic, portraits with.png to raw_combined/a woman in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of postapocalyptic, portraits with.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, out of Gossip Girl we see Blair and.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, out of Gossip Girl we see Blair and.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous g.png to raw_combined/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous g.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Times Square advertisement adds all around a beautiful image of a costumed woman in a psychedelic sa.txt to raw_combined/Times Square advertisement adds all around a beautiful image of a costumed woman in a psychedelic sa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue.png to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style.png to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women holding polaroid pictures up to their faces, in the style of dark and gritty, color .png to raw_combined/two young women holding polaroid pictures up to their faces, in the style of dark and gritty, color .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a blonde in a car looking over a window, in the style of light orange and emerald, portraits with so.png to raw_combined/a blonde in a car looking over a window, in the style of light orange and emerald, portraits with so.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/national geographic professional photography colorful buildings in a colorful city, in the style of .png to raw_combined/national geographic professional photography colorful buildings in a colorful city, in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women kiss while underwater with goldfish, in the style of aquamarine and amber, photorealistic .txt to raw_combined/two women kiss while underwater with goldfish, in the style of aquamarine and amber, photorealistic .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Popocatepetl Volcanic eruption in Mexico City shoot from space, massive volcanic eruption, in the le.png to raw_combined/Popocatepetl Volcanic eruption in Mexico City shoot from space, massive volcanic eruption, in the le.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young Lati.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young Lati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low dresses kissing each other in a small space inside a futuris.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low dresses kissing each other in a small space inside a futuris.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a billboard street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photorealistic accura.txt to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a billboard street art, in the style of futuristic glamour, photorealistic accura.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in red dresses kissing in a mirror, in the style of womancore, photorealistic techniques, .png to raw_combined/two women in red dresses kissing in a mirror, in the style of womancore, photorealistic techniques, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a tiny mini human size of the fly is shooting with at thhis macro level a Macro shot of a very fat m.png to raw_combined/a tiny mini human size of the fly is shooting with at thhis macro level a Macro shot of a very fat m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing bilboard ad poster two guys lip kissing the women lips kissing the guys lip .png to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing bilboard ad poster two guys lip kissing the women lips kissing the guys lip .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style.txt to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing ad poster guy who is deeply in love lip kissing her in the lips in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at a very tal.png to raw_combined/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at a very tal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two ladies holding up some polaroid pictures in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, cinematic compo.png to raw_combined/two ladies holding up some polaroid pictures in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, cinematic compo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/one boy and two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing miniskirt school lacy uniforms softly kissi.png to raw_combined/one boy and two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing miniskirt school lacy uniforms softly kissi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful glasgow chicks deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern orang.txt to raw_combined/three beautiful glasgow chicks deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern orang.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/We see a miniature real human photographer in the world of a Realistic Photorealistic macro shot of .png to raw_combined/We see a miniature real human photographer in the world of a Realistic Photorealistic macro shot of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a upper west side posh manhattan school for ladies from Gossip G.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a upper west side posh manhattan school for ladies from Gossip G.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick to the walls of the build.txt to raw_combined/outside of a large apartment building millions of little 3m stickies stick to the walls of the build.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real flyhuman is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photograp.png to raw_combined/A real flyhuman is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photograp.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in white dress standing by a fireplace near a mirror, in the style of moody chiaroscuro ligh.png to raw_combined/a woman in white dress standing by a fireplace near a mirror, in the style of moody chiaroscuro ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real photographer in the world of a Photorealistic macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly.png to raw_combined/A real photographer in the world of a Photorealistic macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/person, who directed the movie caveman, is featured in this scene, in the style of shaped canvas, mo.png to raw_combined/person, who directed the movie caveman, is featured in this scene, in the style of shaped canvas, mo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing inside of a modern.txt to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing inside of a modern.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/awardwinning photo, hazy sunlight, two beautiful twin European girls embracing in a tentative kiss, .txt to raw_combined/awardwinning photo, hazy sunlight, two beautiful twin European girls embracing in a tentative kiss, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a mod.png to raw_combined/two beautiful redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a mod.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ful shot of two beautiful innocent redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.txt to raw_combined/ful shot of two beautiful innocent redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women holding polaroid pictures while she looks up at one another, in the style of dark an.txt to raw_combined/two young women holding polaroid pictures while she looks up at one another, in the style of dark an.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each other in.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each other in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Photoshoot in a cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing.png to raw_combined/Photoshoot in a cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/teal inside of a modern teal room we see a teal beast with teal puffed hair that is walking in a tea.txt to raw_combined/teal inside of a modern teal room we see a teal beast with teal puffed hair that is walking in a tea.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love holding hands and kissing, homosexual themes, by michae.png to raw_combined/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love holding hands and kissing, homosexual themes, by michae.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European woman standing in front of a silver shell pattern decoration that she .png to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European woman standing in front of a silver shell pattern decoration that she .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous gown in times square, in the style of rococo p.png to raw_combined/Psychedelic Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous gown in times square, in the style of rococo p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl from a religious boarding school in a yellow plaid, in the style of grainy, handheld, trenchc.png to raw_combined/a girl from a religious boarding school in a yellow plaid, in the style of grainy, handheld, trenchc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A cinematographer with a futuristic camera with multiple cameras shooting at the same place This is .png to raw_combined/A cinematographer with a futuristic camera with multiple cameras shooting at the same place This is .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a posh manhattan school for gurls from Gossip Girl we see Blair .txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a posh manhattan school for gurls from Gossip Girl we see Blair .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous gown in times square, in the style of rococo p.txt to raw_combined/Psychedelic Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous gown in times square, in the style of rococo p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water with a crystal in their hands, in .txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water with a crystal in their hands, in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/kassandra ulii in a field with a beautiful man are deeply in love and hugging they are with a horse,.txt to raw_combined/kassandra ulii in a field with a beautiful man are deeply in love and hugging they are with a horse,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women deeply and madly in love to each other hugging one another in front of a room with red wal.png to raw_combined/two women deeply and madly in love to each other hugging one another in front of a room with red wal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/image of an Irish beautiful gal in a raincoat and rain boots, in the style of jeremy mann, grunge ch.txt to raw_combined/image of an Irish beautiful gal in a raincoat and rain boots, in the style of jeremy mann, grunge ch.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women holding polaroid pictures up to their faces, in the style of dark and gritty, color .txt to raw_combined/two young women holding polaroid pictures up to their faces, in the style of dark and gritty, color .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/man pouring skull in bottle of Mezcal stock photo, in the style of ominous vibe, uhd image, blackand.png to raw_combined/man pouring skull in bottle of Mezcal stock photo, in the style of ominous vibe, uhd image, blackand.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at a very tal.txt to raw_combined/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at a very tal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/green inside of a modern green room we see a green beast with green puffed hair that is walking in a.png to raw_combined/green inside of a modern green room we see a green beast with green puffed hair that is walking in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a mermaid woman swimming in the water and sewing, in the style of surreal fashion photography, Carav.txt to raw_combined/a mermaid woman swimming in the water and sewing, in the style of surreal fashion photography, Carav.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy, a tungsten lamp visible i.txt to raw_combined/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy, a tungsten lamp visible i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls are in deep love pink sage by the red velvet, in the style of orange and azure, playful bo.png to raw_combined/two girls are in deep love pink sage by the red velvet, in the style of orange and azure, playful bo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman in a pink dress in an abandoned building a ghostly building, in the style of rashad al.png to raw_combined/a young woman in a pink dress in an abandoned building a ghostly building, in the style of rashad al.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman facing front toward cam.png to raw_combined/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman facing front toward cam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European dressed in silver is in front of several silver circles, in the style .png to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European dressed in silver is in front of several silver circles, in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearing a large hat of several silver circl.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearing a large hat of several silver circl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a large full body shot of the greatest statue of a very imponent and strong poseidon, low angle, out.txt to raw_combined/a large full body shot of the greatest statue of a very imponent and strong poseidon, low angle, out.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three renaissance women are laying down with their faces close to one other, in the style of romanti.txt to raw_combined/three renaissance women are laying down with their faces close to one other, in the style of romanti.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Kitch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cin.txt to raw_combined/Kitch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the outside wall of a moder.txt to raw_combined/Millions of colorful postit stickers with a red heart written on them on the outside wall of a moder.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/redheads deeply in love to each other kissing style by kristiane t, in the style of eric zener, aqua.txt to raw_combined/redheads deeply in love to each other kissing style by kristiane t, in the style of eric zener, aqua.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/sharks are swimming near each other in the ocean, in the style of video glitches, surrealistic disto.txt to raw_combined/sharks are swimming near each other in the ocean, in the style of video glitches, surrealistic disto.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/best shark movie images on pc desktop backgrounds free wallpapers 1920x1080, in the style of terrorw.txt to raw_combined/best shark movie images on pc desktop backgrounds free wallpapers 1920x1080, in the style of terrorw.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a man looking up at a computer screen, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick mchale, konica big m.png to raw_combined/a man looking up at a computer screen, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick mchale, konica big m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, sun behind,.png to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, sun behind,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/19 hd wallpapers shark attacks that ripple the ocean, in the style of movie poster, dragon art, phot.txt to raw_combined/19 hd wallpapers shark attacks that ripple the ocean, in the style of movie poster, dragon art, phot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing vatican rococo painting bilboard three women looking at kissers lip kissing .txt to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing vatican rococo painting bilboard three women looking at kissers lip kissing .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman in a car is riding on motorcycle with lights flashing behind, in the style of marta be.png to raw_combined/a young woman in a car is riding on motorcycle with lights flashing behind, in the style of marta be.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful women holding weapons against a grungy wall, in the style of bill gekas, romantic dram.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful women holding weapons against a grungy wall, in the style of bill gekas, romantic dram.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl an upper west side posh high school of beautiful posh ladies Blair.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl an upper west side posh high school of beautiful posh ladies Blair.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful redhead women are sleeping side by side, in the style of fairytaleinspired, ethereal.png to raw_combined/three beautiful redhead women are sleeping side by side, in the style of fairytaleinspired, ethereal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography head to knees Times Square advertisement adds all aro.txt to raw_combined/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography head to knees Times Square advertisement adds all aro.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/High angle Three girls in the enchanted garden sleeping inside a garden fountain, in the style of ma.png to raw_combined/High angle Three girls in the enchanted garden sleeping inside a garden fountain, in the style of ma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real flyhuman is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photograp.txt to raw_combined/A real flyhuman is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photograp.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, monumental fig.png to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, monumental fig.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and blue poster with a face covered in purple and blue stripes, in the style of jon foster, .txt to raw_combined/a black and blue poster with a face covered in purple and blue stripes, in the style of jon foster, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women holding polaroid pictures while she looks up at one another, in the style of dark an.png to raw_combined/two young women holding polaroid pictures while she looks up at one another, in the style of dark an.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women kissing from behind an underwater goldfish, in the style of light amber and azure, p.txt to raw_combined/two young women kissing from behind an underwater goldfish, in the style of light amber and azure, p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a lady is standing in a pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and destroyed building, in t.png to raw_combined/a lady is standing in a pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and destroyed building, in t.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing bilboard ad poster two guys lip kissing the women lips kissing the guys lip .txt to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing bilboard ad poster two guys lip kissing the women lips kissing the guys lip .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of two 46 years old beautiful woman in love from Gossip Girl a new york school of.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of two 46 years old beautiful woman in love from Gossip Girl a new york school of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A cinematographer with a Titan 360 vr camera this camera has 6 lenses around the camera and is one o.png to raw_combined/A cinematographer with a Titan 360 vr camera this camera has 6 lenses around the camera and is one o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see two beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue i.txt to raw_combined/on a full shot we see two beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue i.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/image of a woman standing above a skull in a glass vase, in the style of stark black and white photo.txt to raw_combined/image of a woman standing above a skull in a glass vase, in the style of stark black and white photo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep in.txt to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl from a religious boarding school in a yellow plaid, in the style of grainy, handheld, trenchc.txt to raw_combined/a girl from a religious boarding school in a yellow plaid, in the style of grainy, handheld, trenchc.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cyborg city by henry k, in the style of imposing monumentality, precisionist lines, inverted black a.png to raw_combined/cyborg city by henry k, in the style of imposing monumentality, precisionist lines, inverted black a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love sitting by a body of water hugging and holding a crystal ball, in the style.png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love sitting by a body of water hugging and holding a crystal ball, in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/art hippocampus by francisco garry, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, detailed monochrome, magali .png to raw_combined/art hippocampus by francisco garry, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, detailed monochrome, magali .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women deeply and madly in love to each other hugging one another in front of a room with red wal.txt to raw_combined/two women deeply and madly in love to each other hugging one another in front of a room with red wal.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each other in.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each other in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a large and massive volcanic eruption of the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico City that looks like the.txt to raw_combined/a large and massive volcanic eruption of the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico City that looks like the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young lati.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young lati.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the mermaid art by anakin, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed renderings, reefwave, water a.png to raw_combined/the mermaid art by anakin, in the style of realistic and hyperdetailed renderings, reefwave, water a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Kitsch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, ci.txt to raw_combined/Kitsch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, ci.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/women kissing against an orange background with balloons, in the style of light aquamarine and azure.png to raw_combined/women kissing against an orange background with balloons, in the style of light aquamarine and azure.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful big english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep inside of a modern red room.txt to raw_combined/three beautiful big english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep inside of a modern red room.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful ladies deeply in love with each other are hugging and kissing in the water with white .png to raw_combined/Two beautiful ladies deeply in love with each other are hugging and kissing in the water with white .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two hyperrealistic lions madly in love with each other are kissing and hugging in this irrealistic s.png to raw_combined/two hyperrealistic lions madly in love with each other are kissing and hugging in this irrealistic s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, monumental fig.txt to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, monumental fig.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters that are deeply in love to each other are in front of a futuristic mirror.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters that are deeply in love to each other are in front of a futuristic mirror.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an image of a man with purple ears and twisted hair, in the style of fantastical otherworldly vision.txt to raw_combined/an image of a man with purple ears and twisted hair, in the style of fantastical otherworldly vision.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two twin sisters little mermaid, are deeply in love with each other and are hugging underwater, arie.png to raw_combined/two twin sisters little mermaid, are deeply in love with each other and are hugging underwater, arie.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot Advertising Photo shoot of a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearin.txt to raw_combined/Full shot Advertising Photo shoot of a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful nurse twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each ot.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful nurse twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each ot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a image of a moon with a gun, in the style of max fleischer, animated gifs, ivan albright, hannah ho.txt to raw_combined/a image of a moon with a gun, in the style of max fleischer, animated gifs, ivan albright, hannah ho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two red hair ladies deeply in love kissing are sitting inside a red telephone booth, in the style of.txt to raw_combined/Two red hair ladies deeply in love kissing are sitting inside a red telephone booth, in the style of.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two red hair ladies deeply in love kissing are sitting inside a red telephone booth, in the style of.png to raw_combined/Two red hair ladies deeply in love kissing are sitting inside a red telephone booth, in the style of.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls are in deep love pink sage by the red velvet, in the style of orange and azure, playful bo.txt to raw_combined/two girls are in deep love pink sage by the red velvet, in the style of orange and azure, playful bo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/redheads deeply in love to each other looking in gheir eyes srtyle by kristiane t, in the style of e.png to raw_combined/redheads deeply in love to each other looking in gheir eyes srtyle by kristiane t, in the style of e.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman holding woman skull in a Mezcal bottle, in the style of realistic still lifes with dramatic li.txt to raw_combined/woman holding woman skull in a Mezcal bottle, in the style of realistic still lifes with dramatic li.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/redheads deeply in love to each other kissing style by kristiane t, in the style of eric zener, aqua.png to raw_combined/redheads deeply in love to each other kissing style by kristiane t, in the style of eric zener, aqua.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/actress on the street with dark coat and yellow handbag, in the style of dark green and yellow, styl.png to raw_combined/actress on the street with dark coat and yellow handbag, in the style of dark green and yellow, styl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an assortment of colorful Mexican Alebrijes standing next to each other, in the style of todd schorr.txt to raw_combined/an assortment of colorful Mexican Alebrijes standing next to each other, in the style of todd schorr.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/An eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .txt to raw_combined/An eye made out of liquified wire on top of each other colorful .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/an image of a beautiful northern European lady standing in a silver jacket in front of a wall with m.txt to raw_combined/an image of a beautiful northern European lady standing in a silver jacket in front of a wall with m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful young twin sisters hugging and delicate kissing in their lips in a yellow gingham vest.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful young twin sisters hugging and delicate kissing in their lips in a yellow gingham vest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and white picture of an old horse with a futuristic design, in the style of intricate citysc.png to raw_combined/a black and white picture of an old horse with a futuristic design, in the style of intricate citysc.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexican grotesque very fat bellylooking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.txt to raw_combined/Mexican grotesque very fat bellylooking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional advertisement photography of a young female Gal looking at a street in Times Square in .txt to raw_combined/Professional advertisement photography of a young female Gal looking at a street in Times Square in .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Close up daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric explosive, explosion, lava, fir.png to raw_combined/Close up daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric explosive, explosion, lava, fir.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful young ladies in red and blue dresses, in the style of renaissance chiaroscuro, marta.txt to raw_combined/three beautiful young ladies in red and blue dresses, in the style of renaissance chiaroscuro, marta.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love holding hands and kissing, homosexual themes, by michae.txt to raw_combined/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love holding hands and kissing, homosexual themes, by michae.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a lady is standing in a pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and destroyed building, in t.txt to raw_combined/a lady is standing in a pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and destroyed building, in t.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two european rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love .txt to raw_combined/full shot of two european rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Imagine yourself as a human macro photographer, but suddenly, you shrink down to the size of a fly i.png to raw_combined/Imagine yourself as a human macro photographer, but suddenly, you shrink down to the size of a fly i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing school short uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aes.png to raw_combined/two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing school short uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aes.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexican grotesque very fat tire looking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.png to raw_combined/Mexican grotesque very fat tire looking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle advertisement Photography shoot of the beauty of a young woman in.txt to raw_combined/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle advertisement Photography shoot of the beauty of a young woman in.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady is fast running in a large pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and dest.txt to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is fast running in a large pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and dest.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a blonde in a car looking over a window, in the style of light orange and emerald, portraits with so.txt to raw_combined/a blonde in a car looking over a window, in the style of light orange and emerald, portraits with so.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three young woman and two man lip kiss and hug standing next to some horses, in the style of postapo.png to raw_combined/three young woman and two man lip kiss and hug standing next to some horses, in the style of postapo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love sitting by a body of water hugging and holding a crystal ball, in the style.txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love sitting by a body of water hugging and holding a crystal ball, in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, sun behind,.txt to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City, the volcano is spewing smoke at the city, daylight, sun behind,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a boarding school, a group of gorgeous 18yearold young northern .txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a boarding school, a group of gorgeous 18yearold young northern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two norwegian rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love.png to raw_combined/full shot of two norwegian rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a boarding school, a group of gorgeous 18yearold young northern .png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a boarding school, a group of gorgeous 18yearold young northern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water with a crystal in their hands, in .png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water with a crystal in their hands, in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/image of a woman standing above a skull in a glass vase, in the style of stark black and white photo.png to raw_combined/image of a woman standing above a skull in a glass vase, in the style of stark black and white photo.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio of two beautiful ladies deeply and madly in love hugging and kissing softly in the wate.png to raw_combined/photo studio of two beautiful ladies deeply and madly in love hugging and kissing softly in the wate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two norwegian rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love.txt to raw_combined/full shot of two norwegian rebel beautiful freckles innocent red hair girls deeply and madly in love.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two Beautiful young sisters deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style.txt to raw_combined/two Beautiful young sisters deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle advertisement Photography shoot of the beauty of a young woman in.png to raw_combined/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle advertisement Photography shoot of the beauty of a young woman in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, out of Gossip Girl we see Blair and.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, out of Gossip Girl we see Blair and.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman and two man lip kiss in a leather outfit who walks among horses with her belt, in the st.png to raw_combined/three woman and two man lip kiss in a leather outfit who walks among horses with her belt, in the st.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful nurse twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each ot.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful nurse twin sisters in an aquatic futuristic mirror wearing high skirts kissing each ot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman posing with a gun on a bed, in the style of historical romanticism, eve ventrue, aleja.png to raw_combined/a young woman posing with a gun on a bed, in the style of historical romanticism, eve ventrue, aleja.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in army uniforms holding guns in the background, in the style of macabre romanticism, rust.txt to raw_combined/two women in army uniforms holding guns in the background, in the style of macabre romanticism, rust.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the house with no doors, in the style of psychological depth in characters, twisted, horror academia.png to raw_combined/the house with no doors, in the style of psychological depth in characters, twisted, horror academia.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman is kissing an ad poster shaped like an eye who is lip kissing her in the lips in the style of .txt to raw_combined/woman is kissing an ad poster shaped like an eye who is lip kissing her in the lips in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white photograph of a native mexican dad and his family at 430am looking at the Popocate.txt to raw_combined/A black and white photograph of a native mexican dad and his family at 430am looking at the Popocate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Darth Vader hugging a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .txt to raw_combined/Darth Vader hugging a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/actress on the street with dark coat and yellow handbag, in the style of dark green and yellow, styl.txt to raw_combined/actress on the street with dark coat and yellow handbag, in the style of dark green and yellow, styl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing they are in a h.txt to raw_combined/cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing they are in a h.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing school short uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aes.txt to raw_combined/two beautiful identical twin sisters wearing school short uniforms kissing, in the style of lofi aes.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearing a large hat of several silver circl.png to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European red hair dressed in silver wearing a large hat of several silver circl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/full shot of two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and h.png to raw_combined/full shot of two beautiful innocent redhair irish rebel girls deeply and madly in love kissing and h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl an upper west side posh high school of beautiful posh ladies Blair.png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of Gossip Girl an upper west side posh high school of beautiful posh ladies Blair.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of posta.png to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of posta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, in the style of Eyjafjallajökull, lots of dark smoke f.png to raw_combined/popocatepetl volcano eruption in mexico city, in the style of Eyjafjallajökull, lots of dark smoke f.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a computer the head of a man, in the style of pop culture mashup, forced perspective, celebrity phot.png to raw_combined/a computer the head of a man, in the style of pop culture mashup, forced perspective, celebrity phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/businessman in office looking at computer inside his head, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick .txt to raw_combined/businessman in office looking at computer inside his head, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Close up daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric explosive, explosion, lava, fir.txt to raw_combined/Close up daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric explosive, explosion, lava, fir.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing they are in a h.png to raw_combined/cinematic set with split lighting, Two beautiful girls are madly in love and kissing they are in a h.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real flydog is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photographe.txt to raw_combined/A real flydog is sniffing a super small human the fly is embracing the mini human A real photographe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a model in a car with blond hair and brown eyes, in the style of dreamlike hues, golden light, green.png to raw_combined/a model in a car with blond hair and brown eyes, in the style of dreamlike hues, golden light, green.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl next to a billboard lip kisses a woman in a mouth, in the style of realistic anamorphic art, .png to raw_combined/a girl next to a billboard lip kisses a woman in a mouth, in the style of realistic anamorphic art, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady mermaid is playing with and putting them into a basket, in the style of intricate u.png to raw_combined/a beautiful lady mermaid is playing with and putting them into a basket, in the style of intricate u.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women hugging and gun in destroyed building stock foto, in the style of realism with fanta.png to raw_combined/two young women hugging and gun in destroyed building stock foto, in the style of realism with fanta.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and blue poster with a face covered in purple and blue stripes, in the style of jon foster, .png to raw_combined/a black and blue poster with a face covered in purple and blue stripes, in the style of jon foster, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, made of wood in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, m.png to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes, made of wood in the style of aztec art, photo bashing, m.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a large full body shot of the greatest statue of a very imponent and strong poseidon, low angle, out.png to raw_combined/a large full body shot of the greatest statue of a very imponent and strong poseidon, low angle, out.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in red dresses kissing in a mirror, in the style of womancore, photorealistic techniques, .txt to raw_combined/two women in red dresses kissing in a mirror, in the style of womancore, photorealistic techniques, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two twin sisters little mermaid, are deeply in love with each other and are hugging underwater, arie.txt to raw_combined/two twin sisters little mermaid, are deeply in love with each other and are hugging underwater, arie.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman and two man lip kiss in a leather outfit who walks among horses with her belt, in the st.txt to raw_combined/three woman and two man lip kiss in a leather outfit who walks among horses with her belt, in the st.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/young woman deeply in love to each other sitting in the top of an old blue car with lights, in the s.txt to raw_combined/young woman deeply in love to each other sitting in the top of an old blue car with lights, in the s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two young women kissing from behind an underwater goldfish, in the style of light amber and azure, p.png to raw_combined/two young women kissing from behind an underwater goldfish, in the style of light amber and azure, p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman holding woman skull in a Mezcal bottle, in the style of realistic still lifes with dramatic li.png to raw_combined/woman holding woman skull in a Mezcal bottle, in the style of realistic still lifes with dramatic li.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .png to raw_combined/daylight photography fire and ash smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional closeup advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in a way a V.txt to raw_combined/Professional closeup advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in a way a V.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/kassandra ulii in a field with horse, in the style of folk punk, leatherhide, organic material, whim.txt to raw_combined/kassandra ulii in a field with horse, in the style of folk punk, leatherhide, organic material, whim.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue.txt to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love hugging and loving it blue.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low skirt kissing each other in a small space inside a futuristi.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low skirt kissing each other in a small space inside a futuristi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy, a tungsten lamp visible i.png to raw_combined/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy, a tungsten lamp visible i.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low dresses kissing each other in a small space inside a futuris.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low dresses kissing each other in a small space inside a futuris.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a tiny mini human size of the fly is shooting with at thhis macro level a Macro shot of a very fat m.txt to raw_combined/a tiny mini human size of the fly is shooting with at thhis macro level a Macro shot of a very fat m.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.png to raw_combined/Full shot advertisement portrait of an Irish femme fatale lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Kitch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cin.png to raw_combined/Kitch Mexican fat superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/red inside of a modern red room we see a red beast with red puffed hair that is walking in a red wor.txt to raw_combined/red inside of a modern red room we see a red beast with red puffed hair that is walking in a red wor.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful northern European dressed in silver is in front of several silver circles, in the style .txt to raw_combined/a beautiful northern European dressed in silver is in front of several silver circles, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a black and white cartoon of a moon with smoke, in the style of stopmotion animation, reginald marsh.png to raw_combined/a black and white cartoon of a moon with smoke, in the style of stopmotion animation, reginald marsh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cyborg city by henry k, in the style of imposing monumentality, precisionist lines, inverted black a.txt to raw_combined/cyborg city by henry k, in the style of imposing monumentality, precisionist lines, inverted black a.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady is in front very fast running in a large pink dress in an abandoned warehouse a gho.png to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is in front very fast running in a large pink dress in an abandoned warehouse a gho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/beautiful three red headed girls sleeping in bed, in the style of mystical portraits, dark aquamarin.txt to raw_combined/beautiful three red headed girls sleeping in bed, in the style of mystical portraits, dark aquamarin.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water, in the style of ethereal and othe.png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water, in the style of ethereal and othe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two disney princesses deeply in love are hugging in the water looking outward, in the style of light.png to raw_combined/two disney princesses deeply in love are hugging in the water looking outward, in the style of light.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three beautiful big english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep inside of a modern red room.png to raw_combined/three beautiful big english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep inside of a modern red room.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two blue doll kissing standing in a lake covered in trees and plants, in the style of nostalgic roma.png to raw_combined/two blue doll kissing standing in a lake covered in trees and plants, in the style of nostalgic roma.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a surreal costume in a field with animals around, in the style .txt to raw_combined/eight woman and six guys lip kiss in a surreal costume in a field with animals around, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional closeup advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in a way a V.png to raw_combined/Professional closeup advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in a way a V.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two Beautiful young ladies deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style .txt to raw_combined/two Beautiful young ladies deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman lip kisses a man out her nose on the side of a big billboard, in the style of realistic anam.png to raw_combined/a woman lip kisses a man out her nose on the side of a big billboard, in the style of realistic anam.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love looking into each other eyes and kissing in the water a glass ball hooverin.png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love looking into each other eyes and kissing in the water a glass ball hooverin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two disney princesses in the water looking outward, in the style of light emerald and dark crimson, .txt to raw_combined/two disney princesses in the water looking outward, in the style of light emerald and dark crimson, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water, in the style of ethereal and othe.txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love hugging and kissing are in blue in water, in the style of ethereal and othe.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love holding hands and kissing dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a.png to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love holding hands and kissing dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a beautiful lady is fast running in a large pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and dest.png to raw_combined/a beautiful lady is fast running in a large pink dress in the abandoned warehouse a ghostly and dest.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/photo studio of two beautiful ladies deeply and madly in love hugging and kissing softly in the wate.txt to raw_combined/photo studio of two beautiful ladies deeply and madly in love hugging and kissing softly in the wate.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional photo of a young female woman looking at a street in a crowded Piccadilly circus street.png to raw_combined/Professional photo of a young female woman looking at a street in a crowded Piccadilly circus street.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a woman in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of postapocalyptic, portraits with.txt to raw_combined/a woman in a costume in a field with animals around, in the style of postapocalyptic, portraits with.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/young woman deeply in love to each other sitting in the top of an old blue car with lights, in the s.png to raw_combined/young woman deeply in love to each other sitting in the top of an old blue car with lights, in the s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl on a yellow and white plaid boarding school uniform in a plaid dress, grainy .txt to raw_combined/a girl on a yellow and white plaid boarding school uniform in a plaid dress, grainy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young lati.txt to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a religious boarding school, three gorgeous 18yearold young lati.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Advertisement low angle fisheye ultrawide angle photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on T.png to raw_combined/Advertisement low angle fisheye ultrawide angle photo shoot of a woman in a high dress standing on T.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman in a car is riding on motorcycle with lights flashing behind, in the style of marta be.txt to raw_combined/a young woman in a car is riding on motorcycle with lights flashing behind, in the style of marta be.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fire and dark smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .txt to raw_combined/fire and dark smoke volcanic volumetric dual lighting shadow area .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/this is an old black and white photograph of j n watts 1950s plan for the city of the future, in the.txt to raw_combined/this is an old black and white photograph of j n watts 1950s plan for the city of the future, in the.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low skirt kissing each other in a small space inside a futuristi.txt to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters mirrored low skirt kissing each other in a small space inside a futuristi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a shark swimming in the water, in the style of video glitches, dark white and light aquamarine, 32k .png to raw_combined/a shark swimming in the water, in the style of video glitches, dark white and light aquamarine, 32k .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/woman is kissing an ad poster shaped like an eye who is lip kissing her in the lips in the style of .png to raw_combined/woman is kissing an ad poster shaped like an eye who is lip kissing her in the lips in the style of .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman standing next to some horses, in the style of postapocalyptic backdrops, ecofriendly c.txt to raw_combined/a young woman standing next to some horses, in the style of postapocalyptic backdrops, ecofriendly c.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Two beautiful twin sisters that are deeply in love to each other are in front of a futuristic mirror.png to raw_combined/Two beautiful twin sisters that are deeply in love to each other are in front of a futuristic mirror.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration.txt to raw_combined/Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep in.png to raw_combined/on a full shot we see three beautiful modern english girls deeply in love kissing each other deep in.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three woman lip kissing ad poster two guys who lip kissing the three women in the lips in the style .png to raw_combined/three woman lip kissing ad poster two guys who lip kissing the three women in the lips in the style .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/teal inside of a modern teal room we see a teal beast with teal puffed hair that is walking in a tea.png to raw_combined/teal inside of a modern teal room we see a teal beast with teal puffed hair that is walking in a tea.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a young woman standing next to some horses, in the style of postapocalyptic backdrops, ecofriendly c.png to raw_combined/a young woman standing next to some horses, in the style of postapocalyptic backdrops, ecofriendly c.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography head to knees Times Square advertisement adds all aro.png to raw_combined/ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography head to knees Times Square advertisement adds all aro.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/19 hd wallpapers shark attacks that ripple the ocean, in the style of movie poster, dragon art, phot.png to raw_combined/19 hd wallpapers shark attacks that ripple the ocean, in the style of movie poster, dragon art, phot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a posh manhattan school for gurls from Gossip Girl we see Blair .png to raw_combined/Professional Photo of a bathroom of a posh manhattan school for gurls from Gossip Girl we see Blair .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two Beautiful young sisters deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style.png to raw_combined/two Beautiful young sisters deeply falling in love holding each other are in the water, in the style.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in formal attire kissing close to the window, in the style of schoolgirl lifestyle, light .png to raw_combined/two women in formal attire kissing close to the window, in the style of schoolgirl lifestyle, light .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes with monster heads on them, in the style of aztec art, ph.txt to raw_combined/a group of colorful toys Mexican Alebrijes with monster heads on them, in the style of aztec art, ph.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/red inside of a modern red room we see a red beast with red puffed hair that is walking in a red wor.png to raw_combined/red inside of a modern red room we see a red beast with red puffed hair that is walking in a red wor.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/national geographic professional photography colorful buildings in a colorful city, in the style of .txt to raw_combined/national geographic professional photography colorful buildings in a colorful city, in the style of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at the popoca.png to raw_combined/A black and white asger carlsen photograph of a native mexican mother at 430am looking at the popoca.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration.png to raw_combined/Mexico City Mexican flag The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/art hippocampus by francisco garry, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, detailed monochrome, magali .txt to raw_combined/art hippocampus by francisco garry, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, detailed monochrome, magali .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A real photographer inside the world of a macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly on a flowe.png to raw_combined/A real photographer inside the world of a macro shot, The human looks up at the giant fly on a flowe.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two hyperrealistic lions madly in love with each other are kissing and hugging in this irrealistic s.txt to raw_combined/two hyperrealistic lions madly in love with each other are kissing and hugging in this irrealistic s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful english modern ladies deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern .png to raw_combined/two beautiful english modern ladies deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in army uniforms holding guns in the background, in the style of macabre romanticism, rust.png to raw_combined/two women in army uniforms holding guns in the background, in the style of macabre romanticism, rust.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy .txt to raw_combined/susan simones the haunted house, in the style of Gregory Crewdson, gloomy .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous g.txt to raw_combined/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman is wearing a gorgeous g.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/businessman in office looking at computer inside his head, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick .png to raw_combined/businessman in office looking at computer inside his head, in the style of jamie baldridge, patrick .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Darth Vader getting married with a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .txt to raw_combined/Darth Vader getting married with a pink storm trooper, lesbian kiss pink walls, homosexual style .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two women in formal attire kissing close to the window, in the style of schoolgirl lifestyle, light .txt to raw_combined/two women in formal attire kissing close to the window, in the style of schoolgirl lifestyle, light .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in red, she is in a .png to raw_combined/Professional advertisement photoshoot of a standing goth beautiful lady dressed in red, she is in a .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration, teal light, light orang.png to raw_combined/The guelaguetza in Oaxaca, cinematic light, cinematic, flowers, celebration, teal light, light orang.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/cyan inside of a modern cyan room we see a cyan beast with cyan puffed hair that is walking in a cya.png to raw_combined/cyan inside of a modern cyan room we see a cyan beast with cyan puffed hair that is walking in a cya.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/women kissing against an orange background with balloons, in the style of light aquamarine and azure.txt to raw_combined/women kissing against an orange background with balloons, in the style of light aquamarine and azure.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two disney princesses deeply in love are hugging in the water looking outward, in the style of light.txt to raw_combined/two disney princesses deeply in love are hugging in the water looking outward, in the style of light.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Professional advertisement photography of a young female Gal looking at a street in Times Square in .png to raw_combined/Professional advertisement photography of a young female Gal looking at a street in Times Square in .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two beautiful english modern ladies deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern .txt to raw_combined/two beautiful english modern ladies deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside of a modern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Full shot full body Advertising photoshoot a young long red hair woman standing inside of a large ha.png to raw_combined/Full shot full body Advertising photoshoot a young long red hair woman standing inside of a large ha.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/man practicing swimming or snorkel in the ocean near rocks, in the style of stefan gesell, urban cul.txt to raw_combined/man practicing swimming or snorkel in the ocean near rocks, in the style of stefan gesell, urban cul.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A mini human photographer is shooting with a mini camera at the macro level a Macro shot of a very f.txt to raw_combined/A mini human photographer is shooting with a mini camera at the macro level a Macro shot of a very f.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/awardwinning photo, hazy sunlight, two beautiful twin European girls embracing in a tentative kiss, .png to raw_combined/awardwinning photo, hazy sunlight, two beautiful twin European girls embracing in a tentative kiss, .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/three renaissance women are laying down with their faces close to one other, in the style of romanti.png to raw_combined/three renaissance women are laying down with their faces close to one other, in the style of romanti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/beautiful three red headed girls sleeping in bed, in the style of mystical portraits, dark aquamarin.png to raw_combined/beautiful three red headed girls sleeping in bed, in the style of mystical portraits, dark aquamarin.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love hugging and kissing, homosexual themes, by michael mori.png to raw_combined/fairy tale photography of two ladies in love hugging and kissing, homosexual themes, by michael mori.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/We see a miniature real human photographer in the world of a Realistic Photorealistic macro shot of .txt to raw_combined/We see a miniature real human photographer in the world of a Realistic Photorealistic macro shot of .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/A black and white photograph of a native mexican dad and his family at 430am looking at the Popocate.png to raw_combined/A black and white photograph of a native mexican dad and his family at 430am looking at the Popocate.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/man pouring skull in bottle of Mezcal stock photo, in the style of ominous vibe, uhd image, blackand.txt to raw_combined/man pouring skull in bottle of Mezcal stock photo, in the style of ominous vibe, uhd image, blackand.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Beautiful Lady with red hair standing in a rainy street, in the style of lit kid, duffy sheridan, ti.png to raw_combined/Beautiful Lady with red hair standing in a rainy street, in the style of lit kid, duffy sheridan, ti.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/on a full shot we see two beautiful english girls deeply in love hugging qnd loving it blue inside o.txt to raw_combined/on a full shot we see two beautiful english girls deeply in love hugging qnd loving it blue inside o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/a girl next to a billboard lip kisses a woman in a mouth, in the style of realistic anamorphic art, .txt to raw_combined/a girl next to a billboard lip kisses a woman in a mouth, in the style of realistic anamorphic art, .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the three models daniel, lj, janet, in the style of bella kotak, pseudohistorical fiction, matte pho.png to raw_combined/the three models daniel, lj, janet, in the style of bella kotak, pseudohistorical fiction, matte pho.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/the three models daniel, lj, janet, in the style of bella kotak, pseudohistorical fiction, matte pho.txt to raw_combined/the three models daniel, lj, janet, in the style of bella kotak, pseudohistorical fiction, matte pho.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two girls deeply in love dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a pond, in the style of got.txt to raw_combined/two girls deeply in love dressed in blue standing on a wooden walkway in a pond, in the style of got.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/two ladies holding up some polaroid pictures in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, cinematic compo.txt to raw_combined/two ladies holding up some polaroid pictures in the dark, in the style of guy aroch, cinematic compo.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman facing front toward cam.txt to raw_combined/Psychedelic saturated ultralow fish lens ultrawide angle Photography a woman facing front toward cam.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Mexican grotesque very fat tire looking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.txt to raw_combined/Mexican grotesque very fat tire looking superhero Mexico City Mexican flag The Guelaguetza in Oaxaca.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/ful shot of two beautiful innocent redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.png to raw_combined/ful shot of two beautiful innocent redhair girls deeply and madly in love kissing and hugging inside.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dark emerald .png to raw_combined/portrait of an Irish lady in the rain, in the style of ethereal urban scenes, lit kid, dark emerald .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_8/Times Square advertisement adds all around a beautiful image of a costumed woman in a psychedelic sa.png to raw_combined/Times Square advertisement adds all around a beautiful image of a costumed woman in a psychedelic sa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Claude Cahun, in the style of digital.txt to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Claude Cahun, in the style of digital.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A monster, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaotic city, cyberpunk, lighting, night.png to raw_combined/A monster, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaotic city, cyberpunk, lighting, night.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpio by Sailor Jerry .txt to raw_combined/Scorpio by Sailor Jerry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on pa.png to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on pa.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twi.png to raw_combined/A woman in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fashion model in avantgarde outfit, sleek hairstyle, symmetrical face, backlit by bright studio ligh.txt to raw_combined/fashion model in avantgarde outfit, sleek hairstyle, symmetrical face, backlit by bright studio ligh.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Arthur Tress .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Arthur Tress .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Slim Aarons .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Slim Aarons .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Arthur Tress .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Arthur Tress .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash tribal. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash tribal. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Richard Avedon .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Richard Avedon .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Slim Aarons .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Slim Aarons .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths Head Sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths Head Sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/silhouetted female armed and sugar skulls calavera black tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/silhouetted female armed and sugar skulls calavera black tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull new school tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull new school tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style Old School. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style Old School. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/arm holding an ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo s.txt to raw_combined/arm holding an ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo s.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpio by Sailor Jerry .png to raw_combined/Scorpio by Sailor Jerry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Guy Aroch .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Guy Aroch .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A crown of roses around the words strong and brave tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A crown of roses around the words strong and brave tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Claude Cahun, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.png to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Claude Cahun, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs wi.txt to raw_combined/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs wi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A young man and girl, in the knittedpunk style, wearing patterned clothing invented with interwoven .txt to raw_combined/A young man and girl, in the knittedpunk style, wearing patterned clothing invented with interwoven .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Claude Cahun, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.txt to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Claude Cahun, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaos city, cyberpunk, lighting, night life.txt to raw_combined/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaos city, cyberpunk, lighting, night life.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Zdzisław Beksiński .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Zdzisław Beksiński .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Dragon tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Dragon tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Bill Brandt .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Bill Brandt .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/arm holding an ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo s.png to raw_combined/arm holding an ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo s.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Bill Durgin, in the style of digital expressionism, transluce.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Bill Durgin, in the style of digital expressionism, transluce.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jamie Baldridge .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jamie Baldridge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a young lady in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism,.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a young lady in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism,.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Richard Avedon .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Richard Avedon .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Claude Cahun, in the style of digital.png to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Claude Cahun, in the style of digital.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A man in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twine.png to raw_combined/A man in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twine.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jamie Baldridge .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jamie Baldridge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Diane Arbus .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Diane Arbus .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black roses and sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by bert stern .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by bert stern .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Chuck Close .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Chuck Close .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by James Bidgood .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by James Bidgood .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Dave McKean, ww2 german outfit wearing a humano.png to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Dave McKean, ww2 german outfit wearing a humano.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dawoud Bey .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dawoud Bey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Gottfried Helnwein .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Gottfried Helnwein .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by tim walker .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by tim walker .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twi.txt to raw_combined/A woman in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twi.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a young lady in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism,.png to raw_combined/a photograph of a young lady in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism,.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/The seductive mystery of the Taurus goddess represented by a young woman in the knittedpunk style, w.png to raw_combined/The seductive mystery of the Taurus goddess represented by a young woman in the knittedpunk style, w.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/8pm, a winter day in Central Park, New York City, USA. The park is teeming with people of all ages. .png to raw_combined/8pm, a winter day in Central Park, New York City, USA. The park is teeming with people of all ages. .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Paolo Pellegrin .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Paolo Pellegrin .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies trash polka tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies trash polka tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, surrealism tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, surrealism tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A polar bear with sharp teeth and flaming eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A polar bear with sharp teeth and flaming eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Hans Bellmer .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Hans Bellmer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies tribal tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies tribal tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Miles Aldridge .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Miles Aldridge .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A crown of roses around the words strong and brave tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A crown of roses around the words strong and brave tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. D.png to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. D.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Old School.. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Old School.. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/8pm, a winter day in Central Park, New York City, USA. The park is teeming with people of all ages. .txt to raw_combined/8pm, a winter day in Central Park, New York City, USA. The park is teeming with people of all ages. .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a man in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism, transl.png to raw_combined/a photograph of a man in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism, transl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo style. Drawing o.png to raw_combined/ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo style. Drawing o.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/calavera tattoo. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/calavera tattoo. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash tribal. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash tribal. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. D.txt to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. D.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.png to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Robby Cavanaugh .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Robby Cavanaugh .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Anka Zhuravleva .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Anka Zhuravleva .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marianne Breslauer .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marianne Breslauer .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Old School.. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Old School.. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Old School.. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Old School.. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx1 and red poppies4 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx1 and red poppies4 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Chuck Close .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Chuck Close .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a woman with red hair wearing a blue dress, a photo, by Nathalie Rattner, finn wolfhard, floral clot.png to raw_combined/a woman with red hair wearing a blue dress, a photo, by Nathalie Rattner, finn wolfhard, floral clot.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Bill Brandt .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Bill Brandt .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A dragon spewing flames with lightening shooting out of its eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing o.txt to raw_combined/A dragon spewing flames with lightening shooting out of its eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Arthur Tress, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.png to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Arthur Tress, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black sphinx skull and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black sphinx skull and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Un portrait surréaliste dune fille sur une balançoire, entourée dun motif floralpunk coloré et compl.txt to raw_combined/Un portrait surréaliste dune fille sur une balançoire, entourée dun motif floralpunk coloré et compl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaos city, cyberpunk, lighting, night life.png to raw_combined/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaos city, cyberpunk, lighting, night life.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of fashion women, close up, in the style of mixed media poetry, collage, mixed med.txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of fashion women, close up, in the style of mixed media poetry, collage, mixed med.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/woman high key portrait photography, halflength portrait, by Alvin Langdon Coburn .txt to raw_combined/woman high key portrait photography, halflength portrait, by Alvin Langdon Coburn .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs wi.png to raw_combined/A girl, model, high fashion, tall, in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs wi.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by David Bailey .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by David Bailey .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/silhouetted female armed calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/silhouetted female armed calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx1, red poppies2 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx1, red poppies2 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Walter Van Beirendonck .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Walter Van Beirendonck .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and Scorpion line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and Scorpion line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Glamour shot DVD screengrab of black Balenciaga cyberpunk style outfit wearing lone average New York.txt to raw_combined/Glamour shot DVD screengrab of black Balenciaga cyberpunk style outfit wearing lone average New York.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/black sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.txt to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and silhouetted female armed line tattoo style. Drawing on white p.txt to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and silhouetted female armed line tattoo style. Drawing on white p.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jeremy Cowart .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jeremy Cowart .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Dragon tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Dragon tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Gottfried Helnwein .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Gottfried Helnwein .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Bill Durgin, in the style of digital expressionism, transluce.png to raw_combined/a photograph of a girl in a blouse, by Bill Durgin, in the style of digital expressionism, transluce.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A phoenix that rises out of the ashes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A phoenix that rises out of the ashes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths Head Sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths Head Sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx1 and red poppies4 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx1 and red poppies4 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dave McKean .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dave McKean .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci golden spiral, red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/Fibonacci golden spiral, red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A monster, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaotic city, cyberpunk, lighting, night.txt to raw_combined/A monster, model, high fashion, tall, with tentacles hands, chaotic city, cyberpunk, lighting, night.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by bert stern .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by bert stern .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dawoud Bey .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dawoud Bey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/8pm, a night of celebration in the traditional fishing village of Mýkonos, Greece. Through the cobbl.png to raw_combined/8pm, a night of celebration in the traditional fishing village of Mýkonos, Greece. Through the cobbl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, floral tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, floral tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A phoenix that rises out of the ashes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A phoenix that rises out of the ashes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Roger Ballen .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Roger Ballen .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A polar bear with sharp teeth and flaming eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A polar bear with sharp teeth and flaming eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a photograph of a man in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism, transl.txt to raw_combined/a photograph of a man in a blouse, by Robby Cavanaugh, in the style of digital expressionism, transl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.txt to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Paolo Pellegrin .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Paolo Pellegrin .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, anatomical tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, anatomical tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Deaths Head Sphinx line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/Deaths Head Sphinx line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fashion model in avantgarde outfit, sleek hairstyle, symmetrical face, backlit by bright studio ligh.png to raw_combined/fashion model in avantgarde outfit, sleek hairstyle, symmetrical face, backlit by bright studio ligh.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black sugar skulls calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Walter Van Beirendonck .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Walter Van Beirendonck .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Diane Arbus .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Diane Arbus .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black sphinx skull and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black sphinx skull and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies trash polka tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies trash polka tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/silhouetted female armed and sugar skulls calavera black tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/silhouetted female armed and sugar skulls calavera black tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a woman with red hair wearing a blue dress, a photo, by Nathalie Rattner, finn wolfhard, floral clot.txt to raw_combined/a woman with red hair wearing a blue dress, a photo, by Nathalie Rattner, finn wolfhard, floral clot.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style dotwork by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Zdzisław Beksiński .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Zdzisław Beksiński .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral roses, and scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral roses, and scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Roger Ballen .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Roger Ballen .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, anatomical tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, anatomical tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Anka Zhuravleva .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Anka Zhuravleva .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Guy Aroch .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Guy Aroch .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Ansel Adams .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Ansel Adams .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull new school tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull new school tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of fashion women, close up, in the style of mixed media poetry, collage, mixed med.png to raw_combined/high key portrait of fashion women, close up, in the style of mixed media poetry, collage, mixed med.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper ar 49 .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper ar 49 .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on pa.txt to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on pa.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci golden spiral, red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/Fibonacci golden spiral, red roses and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and dragon line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and dragon line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and phoenix line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Glamour shot DVD screengrab of black Balenciaga cyberpunk style outfit wearing lone average New York.png to raw_combined/Glamour shot DVD screengrab of black Balenciaga cyberpunk style outfit wearing lone average New York.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Ansel Adams .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Ansel Adams .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marta Bevacqua .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marta Bevacqua .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Dave McKean, ww2 german outfit wearing a humano.txt to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Dave McKean, ww2 german outfit wearing a humano.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marianne Breslauer .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marianne Breslauer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/calavera tattoo. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/calavera tattoo. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo style. Drawing o.txt to raw_combined/ornate dagger with a spiral of red poppies wrapped around arm and blade line tattoo style. Drawing o.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Claude Cahun .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Claude Cahun .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Un portrait surréaliste dune fille sur une balançoire, entourée dun motif floralpunk coloré et compl.png to raw_combined/Un portrait surréaliste dune fille sur une balançoire, entourée dun motif floralpunk coloré et compl.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black yakuza tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black yakuza tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry .png to raw_combined/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Ben Templesmith, ww2 german outfit wearing a hu.png to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Ben Templesmith, ww2 german outfit wearing a hu.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A hand of justice holding a weight of the scales tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A hand of justice holding a weight of the scales tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies tribal tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies tribal tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by David Bailey .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by David Bailey .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Old School.. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A iron cross with chains tattoo style trash Old School.. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black neo traditional tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A man in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twine.txt to raw_combined/A man in the knittedpunk style, wearing clothes of elaborate designs with intertwined yarn and twine.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.png to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral, red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white pape.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/8pm, a night of celebration in the traditional fishing village of Mýkonos, Greece. Through the cobbl.txt to raw_combined/8pm, a night of celebration in the traditional fishing village of Mýkonos, Greece. Through the cobbl.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dave McKean .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Dave McKean .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Deaths Head Sphinx line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/Deaths Head Sphinx line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A young man and girl, in the knittedpunk style, wearing patterned clothing invented with interwoven .png to raw_combined/A young man and girl, in the knittedpunk style, wearing patterned clothing invented with interwoven .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and Scorpion line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and Scorpion line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Arthur Tress, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.txt to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Arthur Tress, ww2 german outfit wearing a human.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A silhouetted female armed with a sword tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style Yakuza. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/The seductive mystery of the Taurus goddess represented by a young woman in the knittedpunk style, w.txt to raw_combined/The seductive mystery of the Taurus goddess represented by a young woman in the knittedpunk style, w.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Miles Aldridge .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Miles Aldridge .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry .txt to raw_combined/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, floral tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, floral tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marta Bevacqua .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Marta Bevacqua .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and silhouetted female armed line tattoo style. Drawing on white p.png to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and silhouetted female armed line tattoo style. Drawing on white p.png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jeremy Cowart .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Jeremy Cowart .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and sugar skulls calavera line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Ben Templesmith, ww2 german outfit wearing a hu.txt to raw_combined/a black and white fashion photomontage of a girl, by Ben Templesmith, ww2 german outfit wearing a hu.txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Claude Cahun .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Claude Cahun .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci black spiral roses, and scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/fibonacci black spiral roses, and scorpio line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper ar 49 .txt to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and red poppies line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper ar 49 .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by James Bidgood .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by James Bidgood .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/black deaths head sphinx1, red poppies2 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/black deaths head sphinx1, red poppies2 line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/woman high key portrait photography, halflength portrait, by Alvin Langdon Coburn .png to raw_combined/woman high key portrait photography, halflength portrait, by Alvin Langdon Coburn .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Dragon tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Dragon tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and dragon line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/fibonacci spiral, red poppies and dragon line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by tim walker .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by tim walker .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Hans Bellmer .txt to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Hans Bellmer .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, surrealism tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, surrealism tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/spiral of ten red poppies and small black skull, line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/Fibonacci black spiral, red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Infinity tattooed into the heart tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A hand of justice holding a weight of the scales tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A hand of justice holding a weight of the scales tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A dragon spewing flames with lightening shooting out of its eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing o.png to raw_combined/A dragon spewing flames with lightening shooting out of its eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing o.png\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A grey wolf with pitiless eyes tattoo style trash polka. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/silhouetted female armed calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/silhouetted female armed calavera tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Dragon tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Dragon tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/deaths head sphinx and poppies black yakuza tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png to raw_combined/deaths head sphinx and poppies black yakuza tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Robby Cavanaugh .png to raw_combined/high key portrait of the fashion woman, halflength portrait, by Robby Cavanaugh .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/red roses and skull tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/A woman with long real hair intertwined with snakes or vines tattoo style tribal. Drawing on paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/A female armed with a sword tattoo style Old School. Drawing on paper .png to raw_combined/A female armed with a sword tattoo style Old School. Drawing on paper .png\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt to raw_combined/red roses and skull line tattoo style. Drawing on white paper .txt\n", "Copying ./clean_raw_dataset/rank_51/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt to raw_combined/Scorpion tattoo by Sailor Jerry. Drawing on paper .txt\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import os\n", "import shutil\n", "\n", "source_dir = \"./clean_raw_dataset/\"\n", "destination_dir = \"raw_combined\" # A relative path which should be in your current working directory\n", "\n", "if not os.path.exists(destination_dir):\n", " os.makedirs(destination_dir, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", "for foldername, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(source_dir):\n", " for filename in filenames:\n", " file_path = os.path.join(foldername, filename)\n", " destination_path = os.path.join(destination_dir, filename)\n", " \n", " # Ensure the destination file doesn't already exist.\n", " if not os.path.exists(destination_path):\n", " print(f\"Copying {file_path} to {destination_path}\")\n", " shutil.copy(file_path, destination_path)\n", " else:\n", " print(f\"Skipping {file_path}, as it exists in the destination.\")\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 100, "id": "42cc13ce", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Total number of paired files: 11481\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import os\n", "\n", "# Specify the directory to check\n", "directory_path = \"raw_combined\"\n", "\n", "# Get all files in the directory\n", "all_files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, f))]\n", "\n", "# Categorize files into image files and text files\n", "image_files = [f for f in all_files if f.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.tiff'))]\n", "text_files = [f for f in all_files if f.endswith('.txt')]\n", "\n", "# Extract base names (without extensions) for easy comparison\n", "image_basenames = set(os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in image_files)\n", "text_basenames = set(os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in text_files)\n", "\n", "# Determine paired files\n", "paired_files = image_basenames.intersection(text_basenames)\n", "\n", "# Check for images without corresponding text files\n", "images_without_texts = image_basenames - text_basenames\n", "for img_base in images_without_texts:\n", " print(f\"Image without corresponding text file: {img_base}.[image_extension]\")\n", "\n", "# Check for text files without corresponding images\n", "texts_without_images = text_basenames - image_basenames\n", "for txt_base in texts_without_images:\n", " print(f\"Text file without corresponding image: {txt_base}.txt\")\n", "\n", "# Print the count of paired files\n", "print(f\"\\nTotal number of paired files: {len(paired_files)}\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 101, "id": "0164b804", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/Fresh baked pizza closeup, traditional wood fired oven background .png\n", "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/hyperrealistic photography extreme closeup of one heron, heron colors, loving look.png\n", "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/image of heart beating , Digital collage, .png\n", "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/lightning thunder strike, centered in image on black background .png\n", "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/a sketchy colorful hand drawn portrait of a beautiful dragon, orange and black, yin and yang.png\n", "Image file not found: /home/irakli/FoxJourney/raw_combined/Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png\n", "Moved 9758 pairs to training_data\n", "Moved 1723 pairs to validation_data\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import os\n", "import shutil\n", "import random\n", "import hashlib\n", "\n", "# Specify the directory containing the data and directories for training and validation datasets\n", "source_directory = \"raw_combined\"\n", "training_directory = \"training_data\"\n", "validation_directory = \"validation_data\"\n", "\n", "# Ratio for the split. For example, 0.8 means 80% for training and 20% for validation\n", "split_ratio = 0.85\n", "\n", "# Extract base names (pairs) from earlier code\n", "paired_files_list = list(image_basenames.intersection(text_basenames))\n", "\n", "# Shuffle and split the paired base filenames\n", "random.shuffle(paired_files_list)\n", "split_index = int(len(paired_files_list) * split_ratio)\n", "training_pairs = paired_files_list[:split_index]\n", "validation_pairs = paired_files_list[split_index:]\n", "\n", "# Create training and validation directories if they don't exist\n", "os.makedirs(training_directory, exist_ok=True)\n", "os.makedirs(validation_directory, exist_ok=True)\n", "\n", "def generate_hashed_name(base_name, extension):\n", " \"\"\"Generate a hashed filename using the original base_name.\"\"\"\n", " hash_name = hashlib.md5(base_name.encode()).hexdigest()\n", " return f\"{hash_name}.{extension}\"\n", "\n", "# Helper function to move paired files\n", "def move_paired_files(pairs, target_directory):\n", " for base_name in pairs:\n", " # Strip whitespaces and match based on exact base name and extension\n", " img_file = next(f for f in image_files if os.path.splitext(f)[0].strip() == base_name.strip())\n", " txt_file = next(f for f in text_files if os.path.splitext(f)[0].strip() == base_name.strip())\n", " \n", " # Construct absolute paths\n", " source_img_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(source_directory, img_file))\n", " source_txt_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(source_directory, txt_file))\n", " target_img_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_directory, generate_hashed_name(base_name, \"png\")))\n", " target_txt_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_directory, generate_hashed_name(base_name, \"txt\")))\n", " \n", " # Check if the files exist before moving\n", " if not os.path.exists(source_img_path):\n", " print(f\"Image file not found: {source_img_path}\")\n", " continue\n", " if not os.path.exists(source_txt_path):\n", " print(f\"Text file not found: {source_txt_path}\")\n", " continue\n", " \n", " # Move the files\n", " shutil.move(source_img_path, target_img_path)\n", " shutil.move(source_txt_path, target_txt_path)\n", "\n", "\n", "# Move files to training and validation directories\n", "move_paired_files(training_pairs, training_directory)\n", "move_paired_files(validation_pairs, validation_directory)\n", "\n", "print(f\"Moved {len(training_pairs)} pairs to {training_directory}\")\n", "print(f\"Moved {len(validation_pairs)} pairs to {validation_directory}\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 98, "id": "ea8b9a14", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "['Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .txt', 'Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton .png']\n" ] } ], "source": [ "problematic_file = 'Gothic Infinity Gauntlet directed by Tim Burton '\n", "matching_files = [f for f in all_files if problematic_file in f]\n", "print(matching_files)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "c8e366bf", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.10.11" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }