It still sounds high. She had, I believe it was... fifty grand on her, too. There was a cop at the hearing. Young guy with L.A.P.D. wanted her bond set at twenty- five thousand, saying there was a risk of flight. Jackie being a stewardess and all. Somebody already did. What? You didn't hear? Hear what? Somebody with a grudge blew Beaumont's brains out -- hey, that rhymes -- blew Beaumont's brains out. Did the police contact you? Very first motherfuckin' thing they did. They see I put up a big money bond on my boy, they start thinking with that where-there's-smoke-there's fire logic. They roust my ass outta bed, ten o'clock in the morning. Fuckin' scare my woman, Sherona, half to death. She thought they were gonna take my ass away for sure. The stewardess. Do you know her last name? Brown, Jackie Brown. What does she do for you? Who says she does anything for me? She's my friend. When my friends get into trouble, I like to help 'em out. Beaumont worked for you. That's what the police thought. I told them I'm unemployed, how could I have anybody work for me? Now I bail out Jackie, I'm liable to have the police on me again, huh? Wanting to know was she doing things for me, was she bringing me that money! Was she? Is this, me and you, like a lawyer- client relationship? The lawyer can't tell nothing he hears? You're not my client until you get busted and I bond you out. If there's no -- what do you call it -- confidentiality between us? Why would I tell you anything? Cause you want me to know what a slick guy you are. You got stewardesses bringing you fifty grand. Why would a stewardess bring me fifty grand? You want me to speculate on what you do. I'd say you're in the drug business, except the money's moving in the wrong direction. Whatever you're into, you seem to be getting away with it, so more power to you. Okay you want another bond, and you want to move over the ten thousand you put down on Beaumont to the stewardess. That means Jackie ain't got time for all that shit -- I'm telling you what I have to do. What you have to do, in case you forgot, is come up with premium of a thousand bucks. I got it. I just don't got it on me. Well, come back when you do, and I'll bond out the stewardess. Man, you know I'm good for it. Thousand bucks ain't shit. If I don't see it in front of me, you're right. It ain't shit. Man, you need to look at this with a little compassion. Jackie ain't no criminal. She ain't used to this kinda treatment. I mean, gangsters don't give a fuck -- but for the average citizen, coupla nights in County fuck with your mind. Ordell, this isn't a bar, an you don't have a tab. Just listen for a second. We got a forty-year-old, gainfully employed black woman, falsely accused -- Falsely accused? She didn't come back from Mexico with cocaine on her? Falsely accused of Intent. If she had that shit -- and mind you, I said "if" -- it was just her shit to get high with. Where is it? What's up with this shit. You know who this is? The bond collateral on Beaumont Livingston you moved over to cover Miss Brown, remember? She got off, huh? You still there? What the fuck you doin' knockin on the door like the goddamn police? You lookin' to get shot? I thought you might be asleep. I'm alone. That's all? I have a bond receipt for you to sign. You know what the fuck I'm talkin' about. You talk to her? She wants to give you your money. If she didn't, there'd be cops batter- ramming the door right now. How'd you find me? Winston found you. How the fuck did he find me? That's what Winston does. He finds people who don't want to be found. Well, bully for that nigga. You say she wants to give me the money, huh? Uh-huh. Well, give it to me then. She wants to give it to you herself and collect her ten percent. She also wants to explain why she had to hold on to it. Jackie didn't trust Melanie. She'd already tried to get Jackie to go in with her, split the half million amongst themselves. What she did was take quite a risk to see you get your money. Lift up your pant leg. You help her? All I did was walk out with it. And you did that to protect my interest? In a way, yes. This place stinks. You get used to it after a while. Now tell me where my money's at. My office. And where's Jackie? She's been there since Thursday night. She wanted to see me, why wasn't she home? She was afraid. That I gotta see. She still is. She doesn't want to get shot before she can tell you what happened. Have her bring the money here. It's in the safe. She can't get at it. Call her, tell her the combination. I'm telling you, you got her spooked. She won't leave there till you have your money and you're gone. You expect me to just walk in there? If she wanted to set you up, you'd be in custody right now. When you said you'd name her as an accessory she believed you. That scares her more than anything. That's why she's givin' up my money huh? Not that bullshit about Melanie. I didn't trust her ass neither, but I knew how to handle her. She was my blonde-headed little surfer gal. I fuckin' told Louis he could've just given her a punch in the mouth, he didn't need to shoot her. She's at your office. Uh-huh. By herself. That big mandingo nigga Winston ain't there, is he? She's all alone. I call your office, she better answer the phone. It's the next street. I know where it is. Turn left. My money's in that office, right? Uh-huh. She starts givin' me some bullshit about it ain't there. It's somewhere else and we can go get it. I'm shootin' you in the head right then and there. Then I'm gonna shoot her in the kneecap, find out where my godamn money is. I go walkin' in there and that nigga Winston or anybody else is in there, you're the first man shot, Yeah. Now, is there anything you want to tell me before we get out of this car? No. You sure? Yes. Get that for me, will ya baby? Who is it? We're back. Hey, hey, hey. I think somebody's got some new clothes. Ha-ha-ha. I'm serious, you smoke too much of that shit. That shit robs you of your ambition. Hello. Hey, Jackie... No, Jackie, I didn't get your message. Hope you don't mind keeping him company. No problem. Cherry Bail Bonds. He ain't here right now. He leave town? He's around. Give me his home number. Get me out of here. Where do you want to go? Take me home. Home? This is your home. You're dead. Dead? No. I just hurt my back. I'm not dead. What are you then? I'm alive. Then what are you doing here? I don't know. I don't know. This isn't happening. What isn't happening? Let me out of here! Remember? No! That was years ago! I've lived years since then. It's all been a dream. Dream on! Go on Jake. She reads 'em like a book. No, thanks. Hiya Jake. That was some dance. Della? You want to see me? Well, here I am. I see. What do you want? Just to see you. That's all. Well, how do I look? Dr. Singer. It's been a long time. Hello, Sam. Are you all right? I'm okay. Do you want some help? I can call upstairs. By who? Why? Paul didn't have an enemy in the world. How do you know? Something weird is going on here. What is it about us? Even in Nam it was always weird. Are we all crazy or something? Grass never did that to me. Too late. I've tried. I think you're right, Jake. I'm game. Daddy! Oh God! You're hurting me! Stop!!!! Daddy. Let go. What do you want from me? You have an unusual hand. I could have told you that. You know, you got a strange line here. It's short, huh? Short? It's ended. Oh, terrific. It's not funny. According to this ... you're already dead. What did he talk about when you guys went out? Did he say anything? Hello. Listen, I just got a strange call from Geary. He said the guys backed down. What's he talking about? That's right. We did. What does that mean, Frank? I don't get it. Why? It's hard to explain. Well, try, huh. I don't know if I can. It's just that war is war. Things happen. Things happen? What the fuck are you talking about? They did something to us, Frank. We have to expose this. There's nothing to expose. Jesus Christ! Who's been talking to you? What's going on? How can you just turn away? What about the others? They're not interested, Jake. Shit! You know it's not half the case if I go it alone. We're all suffering the same symptoms, Frank. The army is to blame. They've done something to us. How can you not want to know? Maybe it's not the army, Jake. What do you mean? Maybe there's a larger truth. What are you talking about? Maybe the demons are real. Goddamn it. What kind of bullshit is that? Listen, Jake. I gotta go. What the hell? What kind of mumbo jumbo ... ? I'm hanging up. Hey, wait! Daddy, what was that noise? Gabe? What are you doing ... ? There was a bang. It was the window. It's cold. Tell your mother. Wait ... Daddy. Now what? Don't go. I'm sorry, Mr. Singer, but do you have any idea how many people come to me with the injustices of the world? It'd break your heart. This isn't injustice, Mr. Geary. The army did something to us and we've got to find out what. The army. The army. What is it with you guys? We're not talking about a trip to the library here. This is the United States Government for God's sake. This is red tape coming out of your ass. You know what I mean? Exactly. And we need someone to cut through it. We hear you're the man. Doctor. Ph.D. Ah! I thought you were a mailman. I am. Then why aren't you teaching? Why aren't you in a university? I'm too messed up to teach. Who's been talking to you? The army? Have they been talking to you, huh? Listen, will you listen? They're trying to get me. They're comin' out of the walls. The army's done something to me. I need you. You need ... a doctor. You mind? I'm eating, huh? Something's going on here. You're not telling me something. What the hell's gotten into you? I'll tell you what's gotten into me. I don't know you from Adam, right? You come to my office with this bizarro story and demand I look into it. Okay. I said I'd check it out and I did. Now I don't know what kind of fool you take me for, but you have used and abused me, and I don't like it. Used you? I talked to the Army's Bureau of Records. You've never even been to Viet Nam. What the hell is that supposed to mean? It means that you and your buddies are whacko, that you were discharged on psychological grounds after some war games in Thailand. War games? Thailand? That's not true! How can you believe that? Can't you see what they're doing? It's all a lie. We were in Da Nang, for God's sake. You've got to believe me. Bullshit. Someone's covering somethin'. That was no accident. Why do you say that? Cars don't explode that way. Any simpleton knows that. But the paper ... What'd he say that for? What made him say that? Strange, huh? Strange. What do you mean, demons? He was scared. He saw these creatures coming out of the woodwork. They were tryin' to get him, he said. How long had that been going on? He say what they looked like? No. Not really ... You think they're connected? It's not worth goin' over again and again. Whatever happened, happened. It's over. ... I've seen them, too. Dr. Carlson's dead? Not me, buddy. Come on, Professor. The army's not gonna give you any answers. You'll be buttin' your head against a stone wall. Maybe that's the only way to get through. Besides, six heads'll be better than one. Not my head, buddy. Not me. I'm gettin' a headache just listenin' to you. We should get ourselves a lawyer. Come on, Jake. That didn't hurt. How do you know? I know you. How come you're so tense today? What can I tell you? I saw Sarah the other day. Her knee acting up? A bit. What did she have to say? Turn on your right side. How about the other "right?" I don't understand you philosphers. You've got the whole world figured out but you can't remember the difference between right and left. I was absent the day they taught that in school. What did she say? Who? Sarah. Ah, good. Now turn to your left. She talk about the boys? She says she can't get them new coats because you haven't sent the alimony for three months. She told you that? Did she tell you about the $2,000 I'm still paying for the orthodontist? I'll bet she didn't mention that. She said you were a son of a bitch and she regrets the day she set eyes on you. I thought you said she didn't say much. Loves me!? She hasn't said a kind word about me in years! Right. She doesn't stop talking about you. You're always on her mind. That's love, Jake. She hates me, Louis. You should go back to her. What? She threw me out, remember. She wanted some professor to carry her far away from Brooklyn. Only we didn't make it. She can't forgive me that she still lives in the same house she grew up in. Her problem is that you spent eight years getting a PhD and then went to work for the post office. What can I tell you, Louis? After Nam I didn't want to think anymore. I decided my brain was too small an organ to comprehend this chaos. If it was any other brain but yours, I might agree. Relax, this is going to be strong. I can't relax. God almighty. What did you do to me? I had to get in there. A deep adjustment. Rest a moment and let it set a bit. I had this weird flash just then. What? I don't know. I've been having them recently. You know, you look like an angel, Louis, an overgrown cherub. Anyone ever tell you that? Yeah. You. Every time I see you. No more Errol Flynn, okay? Your back won't take it. You tell your girl friend to calm down if she knows what's good for you. Louis, you're a life saver. Half an hour from now and you'll be walking out of here all by yourself. Mark my words. Well, you've done it to yourself this time, haven't you? Am I dead, Louis? Am I dead? From a slipped disc? That'd be a first. I was in Hell. I've been there. It's horrible. I don't want to die, Louis. Well, I'll see what I can do about it. I've seen it. It's all pain. Perfect. We got it. Okay. Let's just give it a little try. See if you can stand. What? By myself? What are you doing? There's something I've gotta take care of, Louis. What are you talking about? You can barely stand. I'm walking, aren't I? Jake, you need to rest. Are you in the service? The postal service. I'm a mailman. Ah. Neither snow nor sleet, nor dark of night ... I always admired that. It's good to see you. And how is your wife? Sarah, no? I haven't seen her in months. Ah! I'm with another woman now. We're both with the post office, Midtown, 34th Street branch. Hmm. I don't suppose there are too many philosophers in the post office? Oh, you'd be surprised. They just don't have their doctorates, that's all. Last I heard you were offered a posi- tion in the West somewhere. Tuscon was it? Oh, that goes way back. They had a hiring freeze, one of those last min- ute things. Bad timing for me though. Middle of the war. The draft. I'll tell you Prof, after Viet Nam ... I didn't want to think anymore. I decided my brain was just too small an organ to comprehend this chaos. Jacob, if it was any other brain but yours, I might agree. Tell me, does your lady friend know what a brilliant thinker, what a sub- lime intellect she's living with? I doubt it's my mind that interests her. I tell you Prof, she's a fiery lady. I've got a problem, Prof. More Augus- tine than Kierkegaard, if you know what I mean. I need to know about ... demons. Demons, Jacob? Why demons? Are you writing ... ? No. I see them. See them? What do you mean? Physically? I know very little about demons, Ja- cob, fleshy ones anyway. I know them as literary figures, biblical ones ... Dante, Milton ... but Jacob, this is the 20th Century. We don't see demons now. Christ, I know how it sounds. Have you considered a doctor? A psy- chiatrist? Yes. I don't want them. I'm not looking for analysis or drugs. It's too easy to dismiss as some kind of psychosis. It's more than that. I can feel it. I need you Prof. You're the only one I can talk to. I don't know what to say. Demons? I don't know what to tell you. It sounds like a spiritual mat- ter to me. The problem, Jacob, is that you have no context for it. You're a renegade Existentialist suf- fering demons a hundred years after Freud. How the hell am I supposed to make it fit? I'm afraid, Prof. Nothing makes sense. Please help me. Jacob, I don't believe in demons, not in the empirical sense. I don't be- lieve in devils fighting for our souls. I don't believe in enternal damnation. I don't believe in other- worldly creatures tormenting us. We don't need them. We do a good enough job on ourselves. But I see them. Look. I don't pretend to know what's going on inside your head. For all I know it's pathological and they should be pumping Valium into your veins by the quart. But if you're not willing to accept the help of sci- ence; and believe me, I admire you for that: then you'll have to do bat- tle on your own. What can I say? Hell, you think I am? I'd like to speak to Dr. Carlson, please. Carlson? Is he new here? Not according to my charts. Do you have an appointment? Look, I need to see him. I know where his room is. Just give me a pass. I won't be long. Ten minutes. Our doctors are seen by appointment only. Damn it. I was in the veteran's out- patient program. He knows me. What's your name? I'm sorry but there's no record of a Jacob Singer in our files. Whataya mean, no record? You want me to spell it out? There's nothing here. That's ridiculous. I've been coming here for years. Listen to me. I'm going out of my fucking mind here. I need to see him. If this is an emergency we have a staff of psychiatric social workers. There's about an hour's wait. I'll be glad to take your name. Why don't you just fill out this form? What was that? It's freezing. I'm not cold. Of course not. You have all the blankets. It must be ten degrees in here. I'm telling you, Sarah, if you want to sleep with fresh air, you sleep on the fire escape. From now on that window is closed. It's not healthy with it closed. What a dream I was having. I was living with another woman ... You know who it was? I don't want to know. Jezebel, from the post office. You remember, you met her that time at the Christmas party. I was living with her. God, it was a nightmare. There were all these demons and I was on fire. Only I was burning from ice. Guilty thoughts. See what happens when you cheat on me, even in your mind? She was good in bed, though. Go to sleep. She had these real beefy thighs. Delicious. I'm not dead. I am not dead. Jacob, what can I do? My back. I can't move. I need my chiropractor. They stole it. Who did? I don't know. Santa Claus. I had my son's picture in it. Gabe's picture. It's the only one I had. I'm going to have to move you a bit, just to check for injuries. This may hurt a little. I don't have to ask if you can feel that. Jake, is that you? What the hell did you do, move all the furniture? Why didn't you turn on the light? I didn't want to wake you. Gee, thanks a lot. Where is the lamp? Where are you? If I knew I wouldn't have to ask. What did you do? I was happy the way it was. I moved the couch. That's all. That help? What do you think? What do you mean? The room! Oh God, Jezzie, ask me tomorrow. It is tomorrow. Four A.M. How come you're so late? Roberts didn't show up. What could I say? Besides, it's double time. What happened to you? You up? No. Have you seen my glasses? Where'd you leave 'em? I don't know. Did you look around the headboard? Jezzie, I can't see. Thanks. What's that? Your kid dropped it off. Who? Jed? No. The little one. Eli. Why can't you remember their names? They're weird names. They're Biblical. They were prophets. Well, personally, I never went for church names. And where do you think Jezebel comes from? I don't let anybody call me that. You're a real heathen, you know that, Jezzie? Jesus, how did I ever get involved with such a ninny? You sold your soul, remember? That's what you told me. Yeah, but for what? A good lay. And look what I got. The best. I must have been out of my head. Jake, you are never out of your head! What's in here? Look at these, will ya? I don't believe it. Jesus, these are fantastic. Look, here's my Dad ... And here's my brother, when we were down in Florida. Lemme see. Here. Look. This is me and Sarah when I was still at City College. That's Sarah? I can see what you mean. What? Why you left. What do you mean you can see? Look at her face. A real bitch. She looked good then. Not to me. Is that the one who died? Wait. Don't. I don't like things that make you cry. Ready? Jake! I'm going home. What's wrong? I don't know. One of these days, I'm gonna see Louis. My back's killing me. Well, I'll miss riding home with you. I was looking forward to it. I'll be glad to avoid the crush. Maybe it's all the pressure, Jake. The money. Things like that. Or your wife. Why do you bring her up? 'Cause she's always on your mind. When was the last time I said a word? It's still there, Jake. Even if you never say a word about it. You can't spend two years in Vietnam ... What does that have to do with anything? Does it explain the barricaded subway stations? Does it explain those Godforsaken creatures? New York is filled with creatures. Everywhere. And lots of stations are closed. They're like demons, Jez. Demons, Jake? Come on. They're winos and bag ladies. Low life. That's all they are. The streets are crawling with 'em. Don't make em into somethin' they're not. It's the pressure, honey. That's all it is. Those guys tried to kill me tonight. They were aiming right at me. Kids on a joy ride. Happens all the time. They weren't human! You okay? I wanna leave. Get me out of here. Oh, come on. It's early. Where are we? We're at Della's. Where? What do you mean? Where do you think? Where's Della? Bring her here? Why? What for? Show me Della! Can't you stop it? What's it say? A hundred and two? What does it say? It's gone to the top. How high is that? What the hell are you doin'? Get your clothes off. What are you talking about? I'm freezing. What'd the doctor say? He's coming right over. Coming here? You're out of your mind. I'm not getting in there. I'd rather die. That's your decision. Look at me. I'm ice cold. I can't do it. Don't gimme that. Lie down! Jezzie! My feet are throbbing! Sam, Tony, come in here. Help me! Help me! Jake. You're gonna be all right, Jake. You're gonna be fine. Am I home? You're here. Home. The doctor said you're lucky your brains didn't boil. What a night, Jake. It was crazy. You kept sayin' "Sarah, close the window," over and over. And talkin' to your kids. Even the dead one. Weird. You know you melted 200 pounds of ice in 8 hours. Amazing, huh? Are we in Brooklyn? You know, you really ought to get out today. You can't just sit around like this all the time. It's not healthy. It's not good for your mind. Go take a walk, or somethin'. Go to a movie. Christ, who's gonna know? You think I care? I don't give a shit. Go. Enjoy yourself. One of us should be having a good time. Hello! Look, I'm horny. Keep it in mind. Love me a little? So tell me ... am I still an angel? We're all angels, you know ... ... and devils. It's just what you choose to see. I love you, Jez. I know. Underneath all the bullshit, just love. Remember that. You know what? I feel ... exorcised ... like the demons are gone. How come? The army? I put a frozen dinner in the oven, a Manhandler. It'll be ready at a quarter of. I threw a little salad together. It's in the fridge. I also bought some apple juice, Red Cheek. Don't drink it all. Oh, and Jake, your lawyer called. He did? When? While you were in the shower. Why didn't you call me? He didn't give me a chance. Look, honey, don't get upset, but he's not taking your case. What? What do you mean? He said you didn't have one. What's he talking about? I don't know. That's all he said. He wasn't very friendly. Oh, yeah. He said your buddies backed down. They chickened out, he said. I don't believe this. It's just me. Jezzie? Who else were you expecting? Let go! Where were you, Jake? Where've you been? Why haven't you called? Stay away from me, Jez. I want to know. You tell me! Why are you doing this to me? You can't just go away like that. Don't! It might be for me. I'm not here. You haven't seen me. Who was that? A chemist. Part of a chemical warfare unit out of Saigon. He said he knows me and that I'll know him when I see him. How? I have no idea. I was right. There were experiments. I knew it. I knew it. My God. What are you doing here? Are you all right? How do you expect to pay for this? Everyone's looking for you, Jake. I dodged people all over the place, reporters, police. I don't know what you're gonna do. I'm gonna make love to you. That's what I'm gonna do. Are you out of your mind? Yep. Finally. I love you, Jez. God, I can't keep up with all your changes. Me neither. It's amazing, you know, that a drug could change things like that, destroy a life and then give it back. It's hard to believe that the world could be so hellish on day and like heaven the next. I tell you, it was so wonderful. I felt like a little boy. I saw Paradise, Jezzie. This is one of my dreams, Jake. Ever since I was a little girl. I never thought it would happen. I want to go with you, Jake. Wherever you go. It's not practical, Jez. It'll be hard enough alone. I can waitress. I'm good. No. Things are too hot. Later. I'll send for you. Bullshit! I promise. Please. No. I'm a marked man, Jez. I'm the only one left. I don't want to expose you to that. It's not right for you or me. Be reasonable. Reasonable? Reasonable? Jake ... You're gettin' me angry. I love you when you're angry. What're you ... ? Where's Sarah? Where are the boys? Sit down, Jake. Where are they? Sit down. No! What's going on? Where's my family? It's over, Jake. It's all over. Where have they gone? What's going on? What's wrong, Jake? Forget to take your antidote? Who are you? What are you doing to me? WHO ARE YOU? How many times have you asked me that? How many times? TELL ME, DAMN YOU! So tell me ... am I still an angel? It's going to be all right, Jake. It's going to be all right. Don't be afraid. I've got you now. Why won't you answer me? Cause you know goddamn well who I am. I don't know you. You've lived with me for two years. That doesn't mean shit. Where do you come from, huh? And I don't mean Indiana. What do you want me to say? My mother's tummy? You know goddamn well what I mean. You're out of your fucking mind. I'm not gonna stand around here gettin' interrogated by you. Well leave then. Go to Hell. What'd you do that for? It's an in- teresting story. All these people are still disappearing. Right off the street. Hey, what's wrong? Are you all right? I'm okay. I just don't want to lis- ten. You look upset. I'm not upset. Jake, what is it? I'm tired. You look terrible. What happened? Jake ... is it the antidote? Goddamn it. Why do you say that? Look at yourself. You look like you've seen a ghost. Shit! Can't I just have a bad day? You can have anything you want. Then don't bug me. I'm not bugging you. Come and lie down. I'll give you a massage. Where'd you go today? Mid-town mostly. Oh yeah? What was happenin' there? I picked up my ticket. I'm leaving in the morning, Jez. Oh? Where you going? West. Where's West? New Jersey? Don't be funny. I always liked the West, west of Il- linois anyway. But you gotta give me time to pack. Stop it, Jez. Don't do that. Do what? I haven't done a thing. Where's Sarah? Where are the boys? Sit down, Jake. Where are they? Sit down! No! What's going on? Where's my family? It's over, Jake. It's all over. Where have they gone? This isn't happening. Oh God! What's wrong, Jake? Forget to take your antidote? Goddamn you! WHO ARE YOU? How many times have you asked me that? How many times? TELL ME, DAMN YOU! Surprised, huh? I told you you'd know me. I've been tracking you for a long time. I just wish I'd spoken to you before tonight. I don't get it. Who are you? Why have you been following me? So first I'm arrested, right? Best LSD I ever made, right down the drain. I figure this is it, twenty years in the joint, if I'm lucky. That was '68. Long time ago. Next thing I know I'm on Rikers Island. Ever been there? Suddenly they take me from my cell to the visitors room with those bank teller windows, you know. Four army colonels, medals up their asses, are standing on the other side. They tell me if I'll come to Vietnam for two years, no action, mind you, just work in a lab, they'll drop Shows how much you knew. No shit. They had me by the balls. Next thing I know I'm in Saigon ... in a secret lab synthesizing mind- altering drugs. Not the street stuff mind you. They had us isolating special properties. The dark side, you know? They wanted a drug that increased aggressive tendencies. Yeah, sure. We were losing the war. Right. They were worried. They figured you guys were too soft. They wanted something to stir you up, tap into your anger, you know? And we did it. The most powerful thing I ever saw. Even a bad trip, and I had my share, never compared to the fury of the Ladder. The Ladder? Anyway, this big offensive was coming up. Everyone knew it; Time Magazine, Huntley-Brinkley. And the brass was scared 'cause they knew we couldn't win. Morale was down. It was gettin' ugly in the States. Hell, you remember. Like it was yesterday. None of us can remember that night. I get flashes of it but they don't make sense. We saw shrinks for years. But nothing they did could ever touch it. What happened? Was there ever an offensive? A couple of days later. It was fierce. You guys never saw it. But there was an attack. I can still see them coming. There was a fight, wasn't there? Yeah. But not with the Cong. I always suspected the effects might come back. That's why I had to follow you. I had a hell of a time getting hold of your records. If you knew, why didn't you say anything? The truth can kill, my friend. Five hundred men died out there. This isn't a story they'd ever want out. When Paul's car blew up I realized the scope of the thing. I knew they meant business. So why tell me now? You come here often? Sometimes. When it's convenient. How do I know this isn't just some kind of, you know, seduction or something? I came up with the formula back in Nam but I never got a chance to use it. Never? I'd hoped I'd never have to. Just open your mouth and stick out your tongue. What is it? Don't worry. Take it. It'll free your head. Come on. I don't know. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil," but no one ever said I wouldn't be shittin' in my pants every step of the way, huh? Stick out your tongue. That'a boy. Now why don't you just lie down and relax. One drop? I think I'm falling asleep. I can't move. Just relax. And no more demons. I told you they'd be gone. I don't believe this. It's a miracle, Michael. A miracle. It was paradise, Michael. You showed it to me. You were there. Well that's good to know. Mike, it was real. It was glorious. Glorious. I'm not surprised. I fed you enough of that stuff to send a horse to heaven. I'm just glad you came back. I would have stayed there if I could. Here. I've got every credit card ever printed. Take this. Stay here till you can arrange to get away. It's on me. No. I couldn't. What? You want the Plaza? Don't be foolish. Here. Take this, too. This is my place on Prince Street. It's got my phone, everything. Call if you need me ... but you won't. Everything's gonna work out. You just get outta town as fast as you can. The New York police can be effective when they want to be. I don't know what to say. Excuse me, do you know if we've passed Nostrand Avenue yet? Excuse me. Look, I'm asking a simple question. Have we hit Nostrand Avenue? I fell asleep. I no from around here. How 'bout over there? No wait. Do me a favor. Bring 'em to the back room. They're awfully heavy. Where's Wong? How was Palm Springs? Hot. Where do I sign? You got a nice tan, though. No. I'll take the other one. Right. Well it's good to have you back. See you tomorrow, probably. He's burning up. Total delirium. That's some gash. His guts keep spilling out. Push 'em back. Throw that torch away, young man. Give yourself up. You're under arrest. For what? For seeking the truth? Please come quietly. You come near me and I'll blow us all up. Clear the area. This is an order! Dream on! He's burning up. Total delirium. He'll never make it. That's some gash. His guts keep spilling out. Push 'em back. I'll page him. Call my chiropractor. We're doing everything we can. Well, don't we look better this morning? That was a hard night, wasn't it? Where am I? Lennox Hospital. I'm awake? You look awake to me. Here. Drink some of this. Where's Sarah? Where did she go? She was here ... No. No. You haven't had any visitors. That's a lie. My family was here. I'm sorry. This is not a dream! This is my life. Hello. Jacob Singer? Speaking. Paul Gruneger! Paul! You son-of-a-bitch, how the hell are you? I haven't seen you in what, five, six, years? A long time. Jesus Christ. How've you been? What's happening in your life? Nothin' much. Me neither. Nothing too exciting. So tell me, to what do I owe the honor? I need to see you, Jake. Shit, Paul. I'd love to see you. But I'm kind of laid up here. I've been sick. Jesus, man, you look terrific. You must have put on twenty pounds. I work in a bakery. You're lucky. How many vets you know are even employed? Count 'em on one hand. It's almost like a conspiracy, huh? No joke. Fuckin' army! That goddamn war. I'm still fightin' it. It's not worth it. You'll never win. Still married, Jake? Nope. You and everybody else. God I hate this area. Makes me nervous. Why the hell we drivin' here? I just need to talk. You can't talk in Brownsville? I'm not sure where I can talk anymore. What's wrong? Let's get a couple drinks, okay? Hey, take a look behind us. Do you think that car is followin' us? That black car? Pull the mirror down on the sun visor. Just watch 'em. What's goin' on Paul? I don't know. You in trouble? That's as straight as I can put it. And don't tell me that I'm crazy 'cause I know I'm not. I'm goin' to Hell. They're comin' after me. Who is? Sorry. Sometimes I think I'm just gonna jump outta my skin. They're just drivin' me wild. Who, Paul? What exactly ... ? I don't know who they are, or what they are. But they're gonna get me and I'm scared, Jake. I'm so scared I can't do anything. I can't go to my sisters. I can't even go home. Why not? It's okay, Paul. It's okay. I don't know what to do. Don't do anything. Paul, I know what you're talking about. What do you mean? I've seen them too ... the demons! You've seen them? Everywhere, like a plague. God almighty. I thought I was the only one. Me, too. I had no idea. It's like I was coming apart at the seams. Oh God. I know. I know. What is it Paul? What's happening to me? They keep telling me I'm already dead, that they're gonna tear me apart, piece by piece, and throw me into the fire. I carry these everywhere but they don't help. Nothing helps. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. My mother filed a report with the army. The army? She said I haven't been the same since then. Since that night. There's still this big hole in my brain. It's so dark in there, Jake. And these creatures. It's like they're crawling out of my brain. What happened that night? Why won't they tell us? I don't know. I don't know. I'm afraid to go by myself anymore. I keep thinkin' one of 'em's gonna come up behind me. Somethin's wrong when a guy can't even take a leak by himself. I've seen 'em take people right off the street. I used to go home a different way every night. Now I can't even go home. You come home with me. What about your girlfriend? You don't think she'll mind? Can I help you? I'm so sorry. Obviously you haven't ... Dr. Carlson died. Died? A car accident. Jesus, Jesus! ... When? Last month, before Thanksgiving. How did it happen? No one knows. They say it blew up. Do you want me to get someone? I have some ice from the machine. Bring it in. Is he all right? He doesn't like it. I don't blame him. What should I do with the ice? Pour it in. On top of him? He's melting it as fast as we dump it in. Watch it punk, I'm armed. That's nine to four, geek-boy. You got lucky. You got lucky. I could have waited until he ate your head. That sucks. Why won't he go down? He's not part of the program. Asshole that does not count as a kill. Yes it does. Okay, enough of this shit. I don't have all day, kid. Duck fuckers? Forget the bridge, the shuttle's waiting! Just make a break for the door. He'll get some of us, but that's the breaks. We're not leaving Crutch! Goodbye old friend. Okay, he was a great guy, now let's move out. It's locked! What are you doing?!! If the ship goes, so does Jaso. Rizzo pull the fucking lever! What's that? When the left hull goes, so will the right. We can't lead him into the other hull! Can we blow it with just two? His mother? What? Minimal. The ship's depressurizing, the engines overheating. When it reaches the core, we're done. Hurry up, guys. We've got the rescue ship on radar. Remember, stay calm, use your thrusters. We'll be fine. Damnit to hell, you left me back there to die! Sergeant? We thought you were... Bomb? Blowing the walkway? You come up with that yourself? Can't shut em' down from here. Sergeant! Uh-oh. What?! Okay that hurt. Where have you been?!! Where the hell were you?!! Creepy. Nice touch. You see that? Better let me. Everyone okay? Shit! The hull's imploding! We're not supposed to do that. I'll need system four converters. Hey! I'm not ready. Thorgan, quit screwing around and come on! Kay-Em! As long as they're connected we can blow them all simultaneously from a safe distance. Done! Goodbye, my love. Thorgan, suit up. Brodski! Get to Lab two. We have an emergency! We'd need charges. How many? I think I speak on behalf of the group when I say this is bad news. Where is...? I'd say we have about ten minutes tops. Then what do we do?! Hurry! It bought us some time. Earth II. Boeman, the ships not here. Use the thrusters and you'll be fine. We'll huddle together out there. Get them in the lab! My god! This is way over your head, pal. We need to call some experts and . . . I am an expert! You're a teacher. Brodski I'll talk slow so you can understand me. She's thawing. If we don't get her to the lab, she'll die, and that will be on your bald fucking head! How do you know that piece of cursed rock down there doesn't carry something metal tits can't detect? Well, when we rejuvenate this one you can ask her. Damnit, Yllo! I don't like it. I don't give a shit. This one's prime for decryonization. We're brining her back. I still think we should send for a team of real scientists. I am a scientist you asshole! This could be the most important discovery in 400 years. Do you have any idea what a find like this could mean? Jesus what the hell is that? What the hell are you doing? My job. Wait a minute...I need... Yllo, what's your head count? ALL I'm saying is dock with Space Lab, couple of hours no more. Let them take a look at our friends. Not a chance. JUst don't go in there half cocked. You guys have a tendency to blow shit up and ask questions later. Got it! Let's move out girls. Yllo go to Lab two and cover out backs. Yeah, I got ya. I don't see anything inside though. You just keep an eye out. Ok Sarge, what's your status? wHAT'S My status?! I've lost three men and your worthless fuck! After I kill this asshole I'm coming your Yllo! Sergeant! I'm with you kid. Where is he? Lab two, relax. What's the matter? He's dead. He's dead. They're both dead. You don't understand what is on this ship. This is a being that kills. That's what he does. That's all he does. And he is very good at it. I doubt that. I think we can handle whatever your ancient hockey player can throw at us. I need to know what you know about this guy. Don't go out there. You can't win. We need to get off this ship. That's all there is to it. We need weapons. Jesus, God! Report to weapons. We're going on a hunt. You sumbitch! Three dead! On my watch! If that...that thing is out there, it's dead! You got it!!! Fuckin A... Kicker, anything? Jesus, Sarge, what is this thing? Where is everybody? What happened? Damnit! You scared the hell out of me! Give me a break! What happened? Jason. He's what happened. Then Grendel hit Space Lab. Space Lab?! Wait'll I get my hands on Yllo. Yllo's dead. We...we thought you were too. Pull me in! Where are you going? You just need to relax. Rizzo ti's the future. We have soldiers on board, E-X Grunts, the baddest of the bad...and their weapons? I'm sure are slightly more advanced than what you're used to. Outta here? Rizzo, he's out there. Well, I'm not hanging out here with Ms. Showtunes. Don't just stand there! Shoot him! Kkinsa, open the goddamn door! Kkinsa, Crutch is hurt! We need access to the shuttle's med-kit or he'll die. Med-kit? We're screwed! What if you miss? Rizzo?! Hey. That's a good fantasy, though. Kinky, but good. What's this? That's why I'm here. My father's company imports and exports. Archaeology is part of the business. We happen to get along just fine, smartass. Look, why don't you bust somebody else's balls for a change. I thought you meant... Jason seemed to have the right stuff. Physically, anyway. Radiation, cell damage, didn't matter. He just kept going. They were all wrong. They couldn't control him. I couldn't save them. See? We're not so bad. You know, this future shit sucks. I'll fucking do it. You? Got it. You ever space walked? His mother was killed before his eyes. That's what drove him insane. It'll work. That sounds like Rizzo having faith in some of that future shit. You wanna release your air tanks? Okay, good tip. Rizzo, you okay? No I'm not okay! I don't know what the hell I'm doing! Rizzo, did they have chinese food in your time? I think I had some when I was eight. Did you like it? Delongpre, you don't even know me. Rizzo, pull away! You okay?! Oh great...yeah, having a great time, and you? No thank you, you crazy old woman. Old woman? Well I mean, technically you are old enough to be my great, great, great... Now what? It's time. What about the others? Shouldn't we wait? Spunky . . . Well? She needs a little time. That's really funny. I'd want her statements before we reach porch. Jesus, women. God damnit! Will you stop doing that?! Shut up! She just wants this thing dead! We must assume the machete was an intricate part of the game of hockey. I'm thinking Rizzo was right. Thinking with your dick again, Delongpre? Maybe we should go with them. Like you said, your Space Lab connections can deal with this thing. At least we'll be safe. Now hold on! We should hear her out! Yuck. Go-go-go-go-go!!!! I feel better. Now how do you fire this damn thing? It's on the table where I left it! What the hell are you doing?! Hurry up! Kaboom. Okay?!! I'll help you in. Oh, shit. He's going to see us. He's trying to ask you out on a date. Push off toward us. I...I don't know what I did... You lost the charge? They're not gonna make it. Close the door before he gets us all. They'll make it. Close the fucking door! And what's with the headgear? Now that's just gross. Now this is getting exciting. You must shut down the engines. I knew you were a little sick, but Geez. I'm missing two! Hey teach! This rock's starting to freeze! Get your ass back hre! Oh my God . . . what the hell is . . . Fat Lou, we're changing courses for the Solaras Space Lab. I'll need the sergeant's okay on that. We've got a situation here! Just do as you're told! Alright, relax. 20 minutes. Soon as we've passed Tara's rings we'll make the course correction. This is what it means right here. I'm gonna spew. You think it killed . . . Yeah, I guess not. Hurry! She's lost it! You read a lot of Science Fiction didn't you? YeaH, GREAT IDEA! And I'll keep the big guy distracted with a blow job. You're so bossy. You're quicker than usual. Later. Jesus! Look ice chip, why don't you just chill out and let us handle this? What are you doing? What do we do?!! I'll tell you where he is. He's walking around this ship, killing anything that moves. Boeman don't. You know I'm right. No. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. I'm just saying. I don't know...sorry? Robot huh? Kay-em 14. Barbie from hell... Cybernetics science droid, fluent in over six... Yeah 3cpo, I saw STAR WARS, now how about you help me get out of this coffin, Barbie... I'm surrounded by idiots. No... That's the sound of the men working on the chain gang. Sumbitch won't be giving us anymore trouble. You killed him? The air's laced with type two ozone, it reads as a solid. Somebody wanted the place to stay hidden. The cryo unit leaked. The computers sealed the room. No airborne viruses no hazardous materials. I've shut down the until. Alright, stand back. I didn't say I was good at it. I'll never experience my fantasy of three sex droids, two humans, and a Knofflapod. Damn. Am I in there? It's just you and me, then. Almost done. Ow! Oh, hush. I disengaged your pain programming. Sorry, sorry. Who are you apologizing to? Do I have to? Yes, I've reprogrammed you. You are very brave. Bad ass. Kay-Em, you okay? You did good, Kay-Em. I'm proud of you. Kay-Em we made it! Kay-em you okay? I am now. I missed you, Thorgan. I missed you too. Yo, Teach, what the fuck? We're missing two of the kids! Fat Lou, bring the ship to the following coordinates. Call Grendel, have them power up the labs, we're bringing in the find of the century! Now wait a minute! I don't think you should open that door. Kicker! Leave him behind! I don't understand...what does he want? What? How do you know? Something's wrong. The power's back up! Then open the doors! Damn! Close the door! I'll be right back. What?!! I gotta go back. You son of a bitch, you know what time it is? I'm sending you the files. Yeah, yeah if this is another ancient Farrari . . . Trust me. I'm bypassing regular channels. See what kind of payday we're looking at. Hypothetically, how much are we talking? If you're for real, you're looking at a million credits for viewing rights alone. Doesn't include touring and guest lectures. When can you get them here? I'll reset our course . . . 3 hours? Where..? Who . . .? I'm alive. You brought me back. How did I get here, how did you bring me back? Nanotechnology. Nano...but nanotechnology is impossible. We've had Nano-Tech for the last 30 years. Now lay back we need to do some tests and I have some questions... We need to do some tests...I'd like to ask you a few questions. But...I...400 years? Jason? He's on this ship?! Of course he is. He's the most relevant find in 400 years...except for you, of course. Look if you're worried about PR don't be. You're walking and talking. He's a stiff. You'll get the publicity. Jason! Can't you see? He did this. Impossible! He was dead before he entered Cryo-statis. There is no possible way he could be alive. Azrael can you repeat that? That's ridiculous. You're overreacting. You're not going anywhere. You wanna die? What good will that do? They can deal with this sort of thing. More soldiers? Scientists. Very intellegent men. Guys, please come with me! How do you open the damn door? It's okay, he just wanted his machete. The hockey player? He a friend of yours? Hockey player? He's not a ... He's dead! Everyone's dead! Old Earth is dead! What have you done? So, you're saying thse guys have like, lasers and stuff? They could hack him to pieces? Yes! Listen to me. Please. Let's get off thsi ship. Come with me. Can we get through these? Guys, he's right behind us! Cut my hand. Hit by a vampire. Son! -- Out of the water now! My boat's neat, dad! You're not going to the ocean with that, are you son? I'm all checked out for light surf and look at it. Do me this favor just once. Use the ponds. Dad, the ponds are for old ladies. Just a favor for your old man. My cars. And a comic book. Did you bring a check? What? Cash? Or do we do this on a handshake and a promise? I'm authorized by the township of Amity to hire you as an independent contractor. We'll meet your price. $10,000. And my regular daily rate -- $200, whether we catch him or not. You got it. And incidental damages, if any... You got it. And you get the Mayor off my back with this zoning crap. Nobody tells me how to run my property. You got it. And, uh, a case of apricot brandy and you buy the lunch. Two cases. And dinner when you land. This is Matt Hooper... I know who he is... Hey. Knock it off. I don't want to have to listen to this while we're out there... What do you mean 'We...?' It's my charter. My party. All right, Commissioner. But when we're on my ship, I am Master, Mate and Pilot. And I want him... ...along for ballast. Keep that chum line going -- we've got five good miles. Don't break it. Who's driving the boat? Why are we way out here, when the shark's back there? You got it? The wire's showing! What's the point with hooks and Lines? -- How -- if they're gonna keep on breaking? I never saw one that big. Why don't we go in? Get another crack at him tomorrow. Let's call in -- we can radio and have a big boat here in an hour... Look a' that -- Bayonet Iwo Jima. C'mon. Middle appendix -- What's that one, there? He's busting the shaft! Start the pump! Where...? That's it! Radio in for help! Shut up! Just pump her out! Did you get him in the head? What about us? He can't stay down with three barrels on him! Where is he?! Have you ever had one do this? He's trying to sink us! He's chasing us! I don't believe it. He's comin' up -- ! How come the sun didn't used to shine in here? Right. Do you see the kids? Probably out in the back yard. In Amity, you say 'Yahd.' The kids are in the yahd, playing near the cah. How's that sound? Like you're from N'Yawk. Did you burn another kettle? Y'know you're a fire hazard? This is the third one! I never hear the whistle. You want to go through those? I'm taking them to the Thrift Shop. It's Marcia Vaughn's pet charity. Pick out what you want to keep -- it's mostly your city clothes. I used to wear this to the Garden. Garbage strikes. Dog shit. Muggers. Ship it. Don't forget these. Oh, yeah. How do I look? Older, huh? Sexy, hm? What was I before? Older, sillier. Be careful. Love ya. You're very tight, y'know? Right there. Can you stand something to eat? Mikey loves his birthday present. Where is he? It's three feet deep, Martin Michael! Come inside! It's his birthday present, and you closed the beach, Honey. I told him not to go in the water after what happened yesterday. I don't believe he'll ever do it again. How come you have to tell them that? You too, sweetheart... Why don't we have one more drink, you and I, and then we go down and cut open that old shark and see for sure what's inside him, or not. Can you do that? Home... New York? Colorful, isn't he? You going to be all right? Nothing to worry about -- I'll survive this. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum. What'll I tell the kids? Martin! Are you going to shut down the beach on your own authority? Now tell me something I don't know. All I'm saying is that Amity is a summer town -- we need summer dollars, and if they can't swim here, they'll use the beaches at Cape Cod, or Long Island. I don't think you can appreciate the gut reaction people have to these things. I can't work in a vacuum. Why don't you make Hendricks Chief? His family's been here since the Puritans -- half this island are his cousins. I'll get to that in a minute. First, I plan to start our seasonal summer help early, and to use shark spotters on beaches open to the sea. I'd like cooperation from local fishermen, and I've also contacted the Oceanographic Institute over on the mainland. Only 24 hours! Larry, if you'd see these clowns leave, you'd never believe they'd come back with anything. But they got him! That's good. That's real good. Ben Meadows getting pictures for the paper. Who's that young man? Matt Hooper, the specialist they send down from the Oceanographic Institute. Why not, Larry? We could get a positive confirmation that way. She's right. Let's all get out of here, this place stinks. He lost it on the way up. We have got to close the beaches. We have got to get someone to kill the shark, we need non-corrosive mesh netting, we need scientific support... It's gonna cost money just to keep the nuts out and save what we have. You'd love to prove that. Getting your name in the National Geographic. Larry, we can re-open the beaches in August. Got a pen on you? Why? There's only one thing you're good for anymore -- signing a damn voucher. Here. It's an authorization to employ a contractor. I don't know if I can do that without a... I'm going to hire Quint to kill the fish. I want to see that shark dead. Maybe we can save August... Forget it. This summer's had it. Next summer's had it. You're the mayor of Shark City. You wanted to keep the beaches open. What happens when the town finds out about that? I was acting in the town's best interests... The best interest in this town would be to see that fish belly-up in the water with a hole in his head. You do the right thing. You authorize me. Right there. Whatever it costs. My kids were on that beach... There's a fantail launch out there that won't make it beyond the breakwater. You're tellin' me. I swear, this town has gone crazy. Officer, I wonder if you could tell me where I could find Chief Brody? Who are you? ...height and weight may only be estimated from partial remains. Torso severed in mid-thorax, eviscerated with no major organs remaining. May I have a drink of water? Right arm severed above the elbow with massive tissue loss from upper musculature. Portions of denuded bone remaining. -- did you notify the coast guard? No, it was local jurisdiction. Left arm, head, shoulders, sternum and portions of ribcage intact. Please don't smoke. With minor post- mortem lacerations and abrasions. Bite marks indicate typical non-frenzy feeding pattern of large squali, possibly carchaninus lonimanus, or isurus glaucas. Gross tissue loss and post-mortem erosion of bite surfaces prevent detailed analysis; however, teeth and jaws of the attacking squali must be considered above average for these waters. No, we just checked the beach... Well, if one man can catch a fish in 50 days, then I guess 50 of these bozos can catch a fish in one day -- beginner's luck. I didn't say this wasn't the shark, I just said I wasn't sure this was the one... What d'ya mean? Dynamite! How was your day...? We ought to let it breathe... Whatever. Drowning. Lemme ask you something. Is it true most attacks take place in three feet of water, around 10 feet from the beach? Yeah. Like the kid on your beach. I wish I could've examined that shark they caught... Something else. Do most attacks go unreported? About half of them. A lot of 'missing swimmers' are really shark victims. There's a kind of a lone shark, called, uh... Rogue? Yeah. Rogue. Picks out an area where there's food and hangs out there as long as the food supply lasts? It's called Territoriality. It's a theory. And before 1900, when people first starting swimming for recreation, before public bathing and resorts, there were very few shark attacks, cause sharks didn't know what they were missing? ...And it was Dartmouth Winter weekend, and she was Homecoming Queen, and I was her date; then she got into the fact that her family had more money than my family, and she was right -- her great-grandfather was in mining, and my ancestors were Yankee shipbuilders. So we broke up and I went home with some beatnik from Sarah Lawrence. What stinks so bad? What's that? Half a flounder. Hmmm... a burlap bag... a paint can... aha! What? What?! Just as I thought. He drifted up here with the Gulf Stream, from southern waters. How can you tell? Florida license plate. He ate a car? ...Nothing. What do we do? If you're looking for a shark, you don't look on land. You go out and chum for him. Chum? What is all this stuff? Depth-finder, fathometer, sonar, closed-circuit TV -- fore and aft -- RDF, single side band... And two loose nuts behind the wheel. Can you tell from that if a big man- eater is around? Where'd you get all this? I Bought it. Both sets of grandparents set up trust funds for me; stocks went up, so I don't have to touch my principal. You're at the Institute full time? Or do you have a job? It is a job. I'm not fooling around like some amateur. It's my life! What happened? Don't they have lifejackets or something? An extra boat? He didn't have a dinghy aboard. I'm going down to take a look at his hull. Why don't we just tow it in? We will. There's something I've got to find out. You all right? A White! A Great White, I found a tooth buried in the hull. He must've attacked... I knew it... Gardner's dead in there. I didn't see the mate... There is a kind of shark called a Great White Shark that every expert in the world agrees is a maneater. You're situation here suggests that a Great White has staked out a claim in the waters around Amity Island, and that he will continue to feed here as long as there is food in the water. There's no limits to where he can strike, and we've had three attacks and two deaths in the past few days. It happened like this before, in 1916, when a Great White killed five swimmers at Jones Beach, in Long Island. A shark's attack is stimulated by the kind of splashing and activity that occurs whenever humans go swimming -- you can't avoid it! A 4th of July beach is like ringing a dinner bell, for Chrissake! I just pulled a shark tooth the size of a shot glass out of the hull of a wrecked boat out there. I'm familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this thing until it swims up and bites you on the ass! There are only two ways to solve this thing: you can kill it, or you can cut off its food supply... Wait a minute! I need you. I hope we get some more help. This has got to be one big violation... What's that, a ship? What the hell? Don't shoot him any more! He's crazy on his own blood already! Quint...? What day is this? Wednesday... No, it's Tuesday, I think. Think the tide's with us? Just keep kicking. Y'know, I used to hate the water... Christine what? Worthingsly... Worthington -- no one ever died on me before. You picked her up on the ferry. I didn't know her. And nobody else saw her in the water? Somebody could've -- I was sort of passed out. Think she might've run out on you? Oh, no, sir. I've never had a woman do that. I'm sure she drowned. You from around here? No. Cambridge. Harvard. My family's in Tuxedo, New York, though. You here for the summer? Some friends and me took a house. What d'you pay for a place just for the summer? A thousand apiece, something like that. There's five of us. And we each kick in a hundred a week for beer and cleaning, stuff like that. Where'd you hide the 'Beach Closed' signs? Polly told me to tell you there's a scout troop in Avril Bay doing the mile swim for their Merit Badges. I couldn't call them in, there's no phone out there. Get out of there – take these back to the office and make up some 'Beach Closed' signs, and let Polly do the printing. ...So then Denherder and Charlie sat there trying to catch their breath, and figuring out how to explain to Charlie's wife what happened to her freezer full of meat. Mrs. Kintner must've put her ad in Field and Stream. We're not even sure what it was. ...and Bill Mayhew almost caught him in his net...? Look, I've got to talk to her. This isn't a contest we want the whole country entering. I agree. If she's going to advertise, I wouldn't recommend out-of-town papers. Amity people could take care of this. I'd like to tell you what we're doing so far. These are some of the steps I've taken as Chief of Police... You wanna call it a night after here? It's only two-thirty. What, are you tired? Leg of lamb this time? Screw lamb -- let's shoot the sirloin! One more after this, then I'm going home. You do this all the time, right, Charlie? Twenty years. Look at him take it! Do I set the goddam hook? Hi. I'm Matt Hooper. If your husband is here, I'd like to talk to him. Would you like something? Some coffee? My husband tells me you're in sharks. I wouldn't put it that way. But I love sharks. You love sharks? Here's to your husband, the only other rational man on the island. Day after tomorrow, I'll be gone, and he'll be the only one. You're leaving? Going out on the 'Aurora.' Is that a boat? Is it! The best-funded research expedition to ever study the shark... around the world in 18 months. Like those Cousteau specials on television? I think it's for the kids, but I love them. Better than Cousteau, or Compagno with computers, telemetry, Defense Department funding... I saw a show with sea otters, and a big turtle... Mikey loved it. Made me promise to get him one. Will you live on the boat? Yep. ...push this? Oh. It's working. Hello, Martin? This is Quint, Missus. I just wanted to know if you were all right... the Coast Guard let me use their radio. Is Chief Brody there? He's busy. Well... is everything all right? What have you got there, Lenny? Who've you told this to, Lenny? I just found out about it -- but there's a bunch of Boy Scouts in the water a coupla miles down the coast from where we found the girl. Avril Bay, thereabouts. Chief went to dry them off. Take my car, okay? You come with us, Lenny. I've got all these signs here... I've been to sea since I was 12. I've crewed three Trans-pacs -- Transplants? -- and an America's Cup Trials... I'm not talking about day sailing or pleasure boating. I'm talking about working for a living. Sharking. And I'm not talking about hooking some poor dogfish or sand shark. I'm talking about a Great White. I don't need to pass basic seamanship. Ha. City hands. You been counting money. If you had a $5000 net and $2000 worth of fish in it, and along comes Mr. White, and makes it look like a kiddy scissors class has gone to work on it and made paper dolls. If you'd ever worked for a living, you'd know what that means. Hey, Squirt! You want to stow this gear or you want me to use it for ballast? It ain't good for much but bait. Hello, Junior. What are you? Some kind of half-assed astronaut? Jesus Christ, when I was a kid, every little squirt wanted to be a harpooner or a sword fisherman. What d'ya have there -- a portable shower? Anti-Shark cage. What's that supposed to prove? Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Watch it! Compressed air -- you screw around with one of those and Boom! Careful, huh? That's pilot whale, isn't it? Hey, you! Farmer! Half-speed there... Gettin' ready to run again -- no? No? What's he playin' here? Put the gloves on! Let's see who's gonna tease who now! Let it go, don't waste your time. I don't know what it is, but it's not a shark. A marlin, or a stingray. Huh. Don't ever tell me my business again. Get back up on the bridge. I'm okay... Over there! What do you see? 20 feet, if it's an inch... Wire burn. Trying to stop a backstay from taking my head off. Face and head scars come from amateur amusements in the bar room. This love line here... ...that's from some crazy Frenchie come after me with a knife. I caught him with a good right hand right in the snot locker and laid him amongst the sweetpeas. Bull shark scraped me while I was taking samples... I'll drink to your leg. ...Mako. Fell out of the tail rope and onto the deck. You don't get bitten by one of those bastards but twice -- your first and your last. Don't tell me -- 'Death Before Dishonor.' 'Mother.' 'Semper Fi.' Uhhh... 'Don't Tread on Me.' C'mon -- what? Easy! It'll tear right out! Coming right to us! He's heading under -- ! Follow him! What can that gun of yours do? That's disgusting! This is the largest, meanest, most vicious shark ever landed off Amity Island, and a known maneater! I'm sorry, Martin. She's in a sick, terrible state. Is that tooth here? Did anyone see it? Carcaradon carcharias. A Great White. Sick vandalism! Brody, that's a deliberate mutilation of a public service message! I want those little paint-happy bastards caught and hung up by their baby Buster Browns! Paul? Are you coming downstairs to eat? I don't think so. You ran eight miles today, Puppy. I'm not hungry, oddly. Juno MacGuff called while you were out running. She wants to know if you're coming to her little coffeehouse performance on Saturday. Thanks for the message. You know how I feel about her. You've mentioned it about fifty times. Hey Bleek. Hey, cool tiger. Looks proud. Yeah, I swiped it from Ms. Rancick. Cool. Your shorts are looking especially gold today. My mom uses color-safe bleach. Go Carole. So, guess what? I don't know... When I see them all running like that, with their things bouncing around in their shorts, I always picture them naked, even if I don't want to. I have intrusive thoughts all the time. I'm supposed to be running. So, what do you think we should do? I thought I might, you know, nip it in the bud before it gets worse. Because I heard in health class that pregnancy often results in an infant. Yeah, typically. That's what happens when our moms and teachers get pregnant. So that's cool with you, then? Yeah, wizard, I guess. I mean do what you think is right. I'm real sorry I had sex with you. I know it wasn't your idea. Whose idea was it? Well! Nothing like experimenting. Oh, I couldn't copy your work. But you copy my work every week. Oh yeah. I'm kind of a deadbeat lab partner, huh? I don't mind. You definitely bring something to the table. Charisma? Hey Juno... A couple of us are going to the cineplex after school to donut that movie with the guy with eighteen kids. Sorry, Bleek... Going for my ultrasound. Gotta note and everything. Okay, cool. What's up? I just wanted to come over. You know, say hi. I miss hanging out with you on school nights. So, it looks like you're getting pregnant-er these days. Really? What are they like? The guy is super cool! His name is Mark and he's into old horror movies and he plays guitar. I actually hung out with him today. Is that normal? I asked my dad and Bren not to narc us out to your folks, so we should be safe. I'm going to really start looking like a dork soon. Will you still think I'm cute if I'm huge? Jesus, Bleek. Hey Junebug, when all this is over we should get the band back together again. Yeah. Sure. Once Tino gets a new drumhead we should be good to go. We could get back together too. Well, we were once. You know, that time. What about Katrina De Voort? You could go out with Katrina De Voort. I don't like Katrina. I totally heard you did. Are you honestly and truly going to prom with Katrina De Voort? Um, hi? Leah just told me you were going with her. We're getting a stretch limo. Your mom must be really glad you're not taking me. You're mad. Why are you mad? I'm not mad. I'm in a fucking great mood. Despite the fact that I'm trapped in a fat suit I can't take off, despite the fact that everyone is making fun of me behind my back, despite the fact that your little girlfriend gave me the stinkeye in art class yesterday... You're being really immature. That's not how our thing works! I hurl the accusations and you talk me down, remember? Not this time. You don't have any reason to be mad at me. You broke my heart. I should be royally ticked at you, man. I should be really cheesed off. I shouldn't want to talk to you anymore. Why? Because I got bored and had sex with you one day, and then I didn't, like, marry you? Like I'd marry you! You would be the meanest wife of all time. And anyway, I know you weren't bored that day because there was a lot of stuff on TV. The Blair Witch Project was on Starz, and you were like, "Oh, I want to watch this, but we should make out instead. La la la." Forget it, Bleek. Take Katrina the Douche Packer to the prom. I'm sure you guys will have a really bitchin' time! Yeah, well... I still have your underwear. I still have your virginity! Oh my God, SHUT UP! What? Are you ashamed that we did it? No... Wait, let me take that. Huh? You shouldn't be carrying that heavy bag. I'll take it. Did you put like a hundred things of Tic Tacs in my mailbox? Yeah. That was me. Why? Because they're your fave. And you can never have too much of your favorite one-calorie breath mint. Well... thanks. I think I'm pretty much set until college on the Tic Tac front. You know, I've been thinking. I'm really sorry I was such a huge bitch to you. You didn't deserve that. You never deserve any of the poo I unload on you. You know it's okay. Also, I think I'm in love with you. What, you mean as friends? No, for real. I think you are the coolest person I've ever met. And you don't even have to try. I try really hard, actually... No, you're naturally smart. You always think of the funniest things to do. Remember when you passed me that postcard during Spanish class, and it was addressed like, "Junebug MacGuff, Row 4, Third Seat From the Blackboard"? And it said, "I'm having fun in Barcelona -- wish you were here"? That was hilarious. I was just bored. I only think school is awesome like, 80% of the time. Plus, you're the only person who doesn't stare at my stomach all the fucking time. You actually look at my face. And every time I look at you, the baby starts kicking me super hard. Wizard! I think it's because my heart starts pounding when I see you. Mine too. Basically, I'm completely smitten with you, and I don't care if I'm making an ass out of myself right now, because you've seen me make an ass out of myself a million times, and you still want to be my friend. Well, yeah. You're the best friend I've ever had, even when you're being kind of evil. That's all I need from you. That's more than I could ever ask for. You're just golden, dude. Can we make out now? You're a part time lover and a fulltime friend. The monkey on your back is the latest trend. I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. Here is the church and here is the steeple. We sure are cute for two ugly people. I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. We both have shiny happy fits of rage. You want more fans, I want more stage. I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. You are always trying to keep it real. I'm in love with how you feel. I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train. I kiss you all starryeyed, my body's swinging from side to side. I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. Hey man. Oh, hey Vijay. Did you hear Juno MacGuff is pregnant? Yup. Just like our moms and teachers! Yup. Did you hear it's yours? Yup. What a trip, man. I don't really know anything about it. You should grow a moustache. You're a real man now. I can't grow a moustache. It never comes in evenly. What? I'm not made of stone. Wait, what's that supposed to mean? They could be utterly negligent. Maybe they'll do a far shittier job of raising a kid than my dumbass stepdaughter ever would. Have you considered that? No... I guess not. What is your job title, exactly? Excuse me? I said, what-is-your-job-title, Missy? I'm an ultrasound technician, ma'am. Well I'm a nail technician, and I think we both ought to stick to what we know. What are you talking about? Nails? Really? Just tell it to me straight, Bren. Do you think this is my fault? Her mother's fault? I think kids get bored and have intercourse. And I think Junebug was a dummy about it. But we have to move on from here and help her figure it out. I'm not ready to be a Pop-Pop. You're not going to be a Pop-Pop. And Juno's not going to be a ma. Somebody else is going to find a precious blessing from Jesus in this garbage dump of a situation. I friggin' hope. Did you see it coming when she sat us down here? Oh God yeah. But I was hoping she was expelled or into hard drugs. That was my first instinct too. Or D.W.I. Anything but this. And I'm going to punch that Bleeker kid in the weiner the next time I see him. Juno? Did you happen to barf in my urn? Mac, you know that nice urn by the front door, the one I got up in Stillwater? I found some weird blue shit, I mean stuff, gunk, in there this morning. I have no idea how to spit this out. Hon, did you get expelled? No. The school would probably contact you in the event of my expulsion. Oh, God... But they have a real lawyer and everything. I'm going to meet with them next weekend. Junebug, that is a tough, tough thing to do. Probably tougher than you can understand right now. No. Well, you're a brave young lady. You're made of stronger stuff than I thought. You're a little Viking! Cool it. First things first, we have to get you healthy. You need prenatal vitamins. Incidentally, they'll do incredible things for your nails, so that's a plus. Oh, and we need to schedule a doctor's appointment. Find out where you're going to deliver. Where the hell have you been, Junebug? I drove to St. Cloud to show Mark and Vanessa the ultrasound. And I wound up staying for a couple of hours. A couple of hours? Why are you going up there in the first place? They said they wanted to know about this stuff. They said to keep them updated, so I did! You could have sent it to them. Why would you drive an hour out to East Jesus, Nowhere? That was a mistake, Juno. Mark is a married stranger. You overstepped a boundary. Listen, Bren-duhhh, I think you're the one overstepping boundaries. You're acting like you're the one who has to go through this and get huge and push a baby out of your vag for someone else. Besides, who cares if he's married? I can have friends who are married. It doesn't work that way, kiddo. You don't know squat about the dynamics of marriage. You don't know anything about me! We don't even have a dog! Yeah, because you're allergic to their saliva. I've made a lot of sacrifices for you, Juno. And in a couple years you're going to move out -- and I'm getting Weimaraners. Wow, dream big! Ow, ow, fuckity-ow. Bren, when do I get that Spinal Tap thing? It's called a spinal block, and you can't have it yet, honey. The doctor said you're not dilated enough. You mean I have to wait for it to get even worse? Why can't they just give it to me now? Shit. Hey, can we give my kid the damn spinal tap already? So, Juno. First off, how far along are you? I'm a junior. No, I mean in your pregnancy. Yeah. Yeah! The way people used to do it. Quick and dirty, like ripping off a Band-Aid. Well, then we agree a traditional closed adoption would be best for all involved, then? Amanda, I told you to go to the infirmary and lie down. You never listen. No Josh, I don't take orders. Not from you and not from any man. You know, you've been acting like this ever since I went up to see my brother at Mankato. I told you, nothing happened! Something happened. Because your eyes? Are very cold? They're very cold, Josh. They're cold, lying eyes. What? My eyes are not lying! Good. Call me when you're OFF the rag. Fine. Call me when you learn how to love just one person and not cheat at your brother's college just because you had four Smirnoff Ices and a bottle of Snow Peak Peach flavored Boone's! This is our attorney, Gerta Rauss. No. So, let's discuss how we're gonna do this... thing. Whoah. I don't want to see pictures. I don't need to be notified of anything. Can't we just kick it old school? I could just put the baby in a basket and send it your way. You know, like Moses in the reeds. Whoops! Yikes, I didn't expect to see you up here. Sorry. I was just getting something. Did your wife send you up here to spy on me? What? No! Do we come off like paranoid yuppies or something? Well, you don't just invite a random pregnant teenager into your house and leave her unsupervised. I could be a total klepto, for all you know. I don't get a klepto vibe from you. Evil genius? Maybe. Arsonist? Wouldn't rule it out. Am I supposed to feel happy now? You should be happy, Holmes. I'm giving you and Vanessa the gift of life. Sweet, screaming, pooping life! And you don't even have to be there when the baby comes out of me all covered in... Viscera? Blood and guts. Oh. That's, uh, my room. Vanessa lets me have a room for all my old stuff. Wow, you get a whole room in your own house? She's got you on a long leash there, Mark. It's beautiful. I've always liked Gibson better than Fender. What do you play? I rock a Harmony. Oh. What? I'm a pawn shop rocker. What is that, Mahogany? What happens if you crack the neck? Tell me about it. I used to play in a really tight band back when I lived in Chicago, and one night we opened for the Melvins... do you know who the Melvins are? Yeah. Well, we were playing with them and I busted this guitar onstage. It cost me $800 and a dime bag just to have it fixed. When was this, like '96? '93. I'm telling you that was the best time for rock and roll. Nuh-uh, 1977! Punk Volume 1. You weren't there, so you can't understand the magic. Your guitar is named Kimber? Yeah. Juno? Wow, I didn't expect to see you here. I've got something really cool to show you guys. Is Vanessa here? Right. I hear they can be kind of a time-suck. Come on in. You wanna Ginseng Cooler? Sure. What is it with you rich people and your herb-infused juices? Why aren't you at work? I mostly work from home. I'm a composer. No shit. Like Johannes Brahms? No, more commercial stuff. Like what? Commercials. Oh. Have you seen those ads for Titanium Power men's deodorant? Titanium Power! Get more snatch by the batch! I wrote that. You're kind of a sellout, aren't you? What would the Melvins say? Behold, good sir! The very first photo of your future child. I think it kind of looks like my friend, Paulie. Oh, is he bald and amorphous? Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl? The doctor can tell, but I decided not to know. I want it to be a big surprise. Well, it can really only go two ways. That's what you think. I drink tons of booze so you might get one of those scary neuter-babies that's born without junk. Junk? You know... it's parts... I know what junk is. Yeah? We definitely want it to have junk. What is it? It's only my favorite song. It's Sonic Youth doing "Superstar" by the Carpenters. I've heard the Carpenters before. Chick drummer and freaky dude. Not unlike the White Stripes. Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby... Hey, I like this. This album is all Carpenters covers by alt-rock bands. It's called If I Were a Carpenter. It is God. I'll rip a copy for you before you leave. You don't have to do that. It's the least I can do. What did you say your favorite band was? I didn't. But it's a three-way tie between the Stooges, Patti Smith and the Runaways. The Wizard of Gore? Oh yeah. It's Herschel Gordon Lewis. He's the ultimate master of horror. Argento's good, but Lewis is completely demented. We're talking buckets of goo. Red corn syrup everywhere. And fake brains up the yin-yang. This is even better than Suspiria. You've got decent taste in slasher movies, Mark. So, have you and Vanessa thought of a name for the baby yet? Well, sort of. Vanessa likes Madison for a girl. Madison? Isn't that kind of... I don't know, gay? God, pretentious much? I guess everyone should have a mysterious name like Juno, huh? My dad went through this phase where he was obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology. He named me after Zeus's wife. I mean, Zeus had other lays, but I'm pretty sure Juno was his only wife. She was supposed to be really beautiful but really mean. Like Diana Ross. That suits you. Uh, thanks. You know, not many teenage girls in your situation would actually go through with this. I weighed my options. But after all this, I'm glad I didn't, you know, get rid of it. I want to have it. For you guys. Vanessa. Shit, you better get out of here. Why? What the big deal? Nothing. She just hates when I sit around watching movies and 'not contributing.' Juno was nice enough to bring this by for us. Hey, what kind of swag did you score? I doubt anyone's throwing us a shower. Cold feet. Hello? Oh really? What's the verdict? I sort of like it. I mean, it's cute. Cute? Well, when you're used to the raw power of Iggy and the Stooges, everything else sounds kind of precious by comparison. I imagine you have a collection of punk chestnuts to prove your point. Consider it your musical education. I'm dying to see what you've got to teach me. Okay, stop surfing porn and get back to work. Just wanted to say hi. Wow. That shirt is working hard. Is Vanessa here? Cool. Oh, Mark! Is this the baby's room? It's beautiful! Hilarious. No, I just keep all of my old comics down here, and I want to show you one of them. Oh God, you're one of those guys... "Most Fruitful Yuki"? What is... Oh my god, she's a pregnant superhero! Wow, I actually feel like less of a fat dork now. What? I actually know this one. You do? Yeah, this song's older than me, if you can believe that. I danced to it at my senior prom. That's almost interesting, Mark. Who did you dance with? Her name was Cynthia Vogel and she was a good dance partner. Even let me put my hands on her butt. Oh, okay. Like this. You've never been to a dance, have you? Only squares and nerds go to dances. What are you? I'm leaving Vanessa. What? No. No? No. No, you definitely cannot do that, Mark. That's a big, fat sack of no! What's the matter? But I thought you'd be cool if... I want you guys to adopt the Buglet. I wanted everything to be perfect. Not shitty and broken like everyone else's family. Listen, once I have the baby, Vanessa is going to finally be happy, and everything will be all right. Believe me on this one! A baby is not going to fix everything. Besides, I don't know if I'm ready to be a father. But you're old! I... How do you think of me, Juno? Why are you here? I don't know. I just liked being your friend. I sort of liked becoming furniture in your weird life. This... ...this is what my life has become. Stuff in boxes. Stuff underground. Is that so appealing to you? Yeah, I guess... Is this my fault? Is Vanessa mad at you because of me? That's not the point. We're just not in love anymore. Please don't get a divorce! God, Mark, just do me a solid and stay with your wife. God, you're so young. Uh, hi Su-Chin. Oh, hi Juno. How are you? Good. I'm good. Did you finish that paper for Worth's class yet? No, not yet. I tried to work on it a little last night, but I'm having trouble concentrating. You should try Adderall. No thanks. I'm off pills. Wise move. I know this girl who had a huge crazy freakout because she took too many behavioral meds at once. She took off her clothes and jumped into the fountain at Ridgedale Mall and she was like, "Blaaaaah! I'm a kraken from the sea!" I heard that was you. Juno! Your baby probably has a beating heart, you know. It can feel pain. And it has fingernails. Hi! I'm Vanessa. You must be Juno and Mr. MacGuff. I'm Vanessa. Can I take your coats? Wicked pic in the Penny Saver, by the way. Super classy. Not like those other people with the fake woods in the background. Like I'm really going to fall for that, you know? I'll get drinks. What would everyone like? I've got Pellegrino, Vitamin Water... Oh, that's marvelous. So you're almost into your second trimester, then? Yeah, apparently. I'm having it on May 4. The tough part's almost over for you. I mean, my girlfriends always tell me the first couple months are the hardest. Yeah, but I hardly noticed it. I'm more worried about the part where I have to start wearing jeans with an elastic panel in the front. I think pregnancy is beautiful. Well, shall we start looking over the paperwork? Gerta has already drafted some preliminary documents. Can I use the facilities first? Being pregnant makes you pee like Seabiscuit. Sure. The powder room down here is being re-tiled, but you can use the master bath upstairs. Go up, then turn left and on your right... Oh. Sure. Of course you'd want to know how your kid is cooking. I'm going to say I'm 104% sure. Oh really? Juno! God, you startled me. What are you doing here? What's wrong? Nothing... Then what's going on? Is the baby okay? What... Oh my God... Doesn't it look like it's waving? It's kind of like it's saying "Hi, Vanessa. Will you be my mommy?" Oh it's just some stuff I picked up. For, you know, the baby. Babies need a lot of things. I want everything to be just right. Um, I think people are kind of unsure about the situation because it's not, you know, set in stone. What do you mean? You mean... Do you think I'm going to flake out on you? Right. Well, Juno, your parents must be wondering where you are. You might want to head home. Well hi Vanessa! What brings you to the mall today? No... Please excuse Leah. She's mentally challenged. Oh, okay. So... how are you feeling? Um... Juno, can I -- Can I touch it? Oh my God -- It moved! I felt it! Elbow. Juno? What's going on? Mark? Why is Juno crying? Hi. I'm here for the big show? Your name, please? Would you like some free condoms? They're boysenberry. No thank you. I'm off sex. My partner uses these every time we have intercourse. They make his balls smell like pie. You should have seen this octopus furnace. I had to get out my Hazmat suit just to get up in there... So Juno, how did your maneuver go last night? Do you need a large sum of money? Legal counsel? No, no, I'm definitely not asking for anything. Except maybe mercy. Like, it would be really great if nobody hit me. They say they're going to pay my medical expenses and everything. I promise this will all be resolved in thirty-odd weeks, and we can pretend it never happened. You're pregnant? Who is the kid? What? Okay, this is no laughing matter. Did you say you were thinking about adoption? Damn skippy, you're not! You don't even remember to give Liberty Bell her breathing meds. I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when. She's joking. Junebug has a wonderful sense of humor, which is just one of her many genetic gifts. Excuse me? Hi Dad. Hey, big puffy version of Junebug. Where have you been? Dealing with stuff way beyond my maturity level. Where is everyone? Bren took Liberty Bell to her tot ice skating class. Tot ice skating? Tots can't ice skate. Liberty Bell's still getting the hang of stairs. No, but you know Bren. She dreams big. Yeah, she does. You look a little morose, honey. What's eating you? I'm losing my faith in humanity. Think you can narrow it down for me. I guess I wonder sometimes if people ever stay together for good. You mean like couples? Yeah, like people in love. Are you having boy trouble? I gotta be honest; I don't much approve of you dating in your condition, 'cause... well, that's kind of messed up. Dad, no! Well, it's kind of skanky. Isn't that what you girls call it? Skanky? Skeevy? Please stop now. Tore up from the floor up? Dad, it's not about that. I just need to know that it's possible for two people to stay happy together forever. Or at least for a few years. I sort of already have. What?! Either I just pissed my pants or... Or... Well, well. If it isn't MacGuff the Crime Dog! Back for another test? Maybe you're having twins. Maybe your little boyfriend's got mutant sperms and he knocked you up twice! Well, you know where the lavatory is. You pay for that pee stick when you're done! Don't think it's yours just because you've marked it with your urine! Jesus, I didn't say it was. So what's the prognosis, Fertile Myrtle? Minus or plus? Yo-yo-yiggity-yo. I am a suicide risk. Is this Juno? No it's Morgan Freeman. Got any bones that need collecting? Only the one in my pants. Dude, I'm pregnant. Maybe it's just a food baby. Did you have a big lunch? It's not a food baby. I took three pregnancy tests today. I am definitely up the spout. How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? I drank like ten tons of Sunny Delight. Anyway, yeah. I'm pregnant. And you're shockingly cavalier. Is this for real? Like for real, for real? Unfortunately, yes. Oh my God! Oh shit! Phuket Thailand! That's the kind of emotion I was looking for in the first take. Well, are you going to go to Havenbrooke or Women Now for the abortion? You need a note from your parents for Havenbrooke. I know. Women Now, I guess. The commercial says they help women now. Want me to call for you? I called for Becky last year. Heavy lifting can only help you at this point. So, you were bored? Is that how this blessed miracle came to be? Nah, it was a premeditated act. The sex, I mean, not getting pregnant. When did you decide you were going to do Bleeker? Aha! You love him. So, what was it like humping Bleeker's bony bod? What are you doing here, dumbass? I thought I was supposed to pick you up at four. I couldn't do it, Leah! It smelled like a dentist in there. They had these really horrible magazines, with, like, spritz cookie recipes and bad fiction and water stains, like someone read them in the tub. And the receptionist tried to give me these weird condoms that looked like grape suckers, and she told me about her boyfriend's pie balls, and Su-Chin Kuah was Oh, gruesome. I wonder if the baby's claws could scratch your vag on the way out? I'm staying pregnant, Le. Keep your voice down dude, my mom's around here somewhere. She doesn't know we're sexually active. What does that even mean? Anyway, I got to thinking on the way over. I was thinking maybe I could give the baby to somebody who actually likes that kind of thing. You know, like a woman with a bum ovary or something. Or some nice lesbos. But then you'll get huge. Your chest is going to milktate. And you have to tell everyone you're pregnant. I know. Maybe they'll canonize me for being so selfless. Maybe they'll totally shit and be super mad at you and not let you graduate or go to Cabo San Lucas for spring break. Well, maybe you could look at one of those adoption ads. I see them all the time in the Penny Saver. There are ads? For parents? Oh yeah! "Desperately Seeking Spawn." They're right by the ads for like, iguanas and terriers and used fitness equipment. It's totally legit. The Penny Saver sucks. Look at this one "Wholesome, spiritually wealthy couple have found true love with each other." "All that's missing is your bastard." There's a guy in here who's giving away a piano. Free for the hauling! We should put it in Bleeker's yard. You're not listening to me. No, I heard you. I just can't give the baby to people who describe themselves as "wholesome." I'm looking for something a little edgier. What did you have in mind, a family of disturbed loners who are into gunplay and incest? I was thinking a graphic designer, mid-thirties, and his cool Asian wife who dresses awesome and plays bass. But I'm trying to not be too particular. All right, how about this one? "Healthy, educated couple seeking infant to join our family of five. You will be compensated. Help us complete the circle of love." Yeesh, they sound like a cult. Besides, they're greedy bitches. They already have three kids! Best to just tell them, man. Rip off the Band-Aid and let it bleed. Check out Baby Big-Head. That kid is scary! Hey, I'm a sacred vessel. All you've got in your belly is Taco Bell! Touche. Aw, please Junebug? How do you know I'm so poisonous? Like, what if the adoptive parents turn out to be evil molesters? Yum. This pretzel tastes like a friggin' donut! Hly shht! That's her. That's Vanessa Loring. No way! She's pretty. You sound shocked or something. She's gonna steal that kid for her collection. I want a huge cookie. And like, a lamb kebob. Simultaneously. God, you're getting huge. How many months has it been now? Almost eight. You wouldn't believe how weird I look naked. I wish my funbags would get bigger. Trust me, you don't. I actually have to wear a bra now. And I have to rub this nasty cocoa butter stuff all over myself or my skin could get stretched too far and explode. God, why is everyone always staring at me? Wow, someone's been actually doing her geometry homework for once! I don't have a choice. Keith's been grading me really hard lately. Please do not refer to Mr. Conyers as "Keith," okay? My barf reflex is already heightened these days. Keith's hot. Did you hear Bleek is going to prom with Katrina De Voort? Katrina? Pfft, no way. He doesn't like Katrina. It must be a pity date. He asked her. I heard they were going to Benihana, then the prom, then to Vijay's parents' cabin. Bleeker told me Katrina's whole house reeks of soup! Oh, it totally does. I was there for her birthday about four years ago and it was like Lipton Landing. But you know, boys have endured worse things for nookie. There's no way in hell they're having sex or even holding hands. I wouldn't be so sure about that. He did it with you. He's a man now. Yeah, well, Bleek trusted me. We're best friends. Are you jealous? I thought you said you didn't care what he did. I'm not jealous, and I don't care. I just know he doesn't like Katrina and I don't think he should toy with her emotions like that. She seems so nice and all. Okay Juno, I'm really convinced. Hello. Thank you for having me and my irresponsible child over to your home. You don't say. Well, haven't you ever felt like you were born to do something? Yes. Heating and air conditioning. So. What's that thing? A Pilates machine? What do you make with that? Obviously, we'll compensate you for your medical expenses. You're doing an amazing and selfless thing for us. Vanessa has wanted a baby since we got married. You guys are playing music? What do you think? Custard or Cheesecake? They're yellow. Well, I wanted to pick something gender-neutral for now. Once we get the baby, God willing, we can create a more decisive palette. Why do people think yellow is gender- neutral? I don't know one man with a yellow bedroom. I think I'm leaning toward Custard in this light. I don't know. I should paint a small area... Or you could just wait a couple months. It's not like the baby's going to storm in here any second and demand dessert-colored walls. What to Expect says that readying the baby's room is an important process for women. It's called "nesting." Nesting, huh? Are you planning to build the crib out of twigs and saliva? You should read the book. I even flagged the "daddy chapters" for you. I just think it's too early to paint. That's my opinion. That wall is going to need something. Maybe we could put our first family picture there. Hm. Juno, what's the matter? What did you do? I didn't do anything... I just... I've just been thinking. What? Just thinking if this is really the right thing for us. I've been just wondering if we're, you know, ready. Of course we're ready. We've taken all the classes. The nursery. The books -- Why don't we let Juno go home and we can discuss this later on, okay? It all just happened so fast. We put that ad in the paper. I thought it would take months if, you know, ever and then -- boom -- Two weeks later, she's in our living room. She answered our prayers. What would be a good time for you? I don't know. There's just things I still want to do. Like what? Be a rock star? I called Gerta Rauss. She says she can represent both of us. They call it "collaborative divorce." It's apparently all the rage right now. And it's easy because we don't have children. We're actually, finally doing this? Looks like it, yeah. Have you found a place to stay? Yeah, downtown. A hotel? It's a loft. No. You lose! ...You can forget about 'em forever and then look at 'em and they're doin' even better than before. ...There ain't nothin' can kill 'em. They can live for two even three hundred years. Adele for god sake please lis... Hi, I'm Adele. ...Pardon? ...I said, I like your hair. One night we figured out how much bad luck he must have comin' from all them mirrors he broke... Four hundred and ninety four years to work it all off... After he dies, he'll have to keep coming back to earth over and over and over... What? Karma... You know, if you do something bad to somebody fate will pay you back by something bad happening to you. Are you takin' the pictures? ...Yeah. Is it hard to learn? You wouldn't have any color film, would ya? You dropped this. Early don't think women should smoke or curse or drink liquor. Better not, or Early'd whip me. ...Hey you're good. Thought you said you never played before? I told you how Early feels 'bout a woman drinking. You know I can fix that haircut for you, if you want? I'm cool. What's this? It's a portfolio of my work. Your pictures. Can I see 'em? You took this picture? That's me. No it is not! Hold still. You shouldn't let him do that to you... Do what? Adele... are you serious? You think Early's bad to me, don't you? My momma's a beautician. Guess that's where I get it from. She wouldn't hear of my moving in with Early... on account of his just getting out of jail and all. Ain't seen her in nearly a year now. I wish she'd call me, just once. What's Early been in jail for? Carryin' a gun. ...Anything else? An' resistin' arrest... At least that's what the Police said. The police are after him, he's a murderer! ...That's not true. What? ...I wouldn't lie to you, Adele. . . I saw him kill that man. Happy birthday Adele. I feel kind of like the wizard of oz, you know when she gets the red shoes. What's up Adele? Dinner ready? Well... for one thing... They think faster out there, on account of all that warm weather they got; cold weather makes people stupid, that's a fact. I guess that'd explain why there's so many stupid people around here. Yeah, and in California you never have to buy fruit 'cause it's all on the trees everywhere you turn... ...and, 'course there ain't no speed limit out there, and all drugs are legal... And I heard your first month's rent is free; state law. I figure 'til we get settled we can just move around month to month... What'll we do out there? You know... I read once... Ain't nothin' on that big old moon 'cept some old golf balls those astronauts left behind. Don't be long now, dinner's 'bout ready. What if they're dangerous? Did you settle things with Mr. Diebold? Geez, they look kinda weird. You just smile, let me do all the talking. How many times you gonna tell me that? Shush, Adele. Can you believe thirty bucks for this room... for what? A lumpy mattress, that crummy TV and a crapper. Early, what're you doin'? What the hell is this stuff? Yeah but, what is it? ...thank you. Thank you for what? What are you thanking me for Adele? ...I don't know. What's wrong with her? Nobody wants to hurt you Peaches! Oh, n'jus what in hell you crying 'bout? I'm the one got hit. What's your name, boy? Walter Livesy. Think. I might just have to kill you Walter. How do you feel about that? Not so good. You sure you have to? Where you from Walter? Vernon, Florida. Never heard of it, any huntin'? Turkey mostly. ...Mind if I hold that Bible? You think I'm goin' to kill you. Well that'd make me a liar then wouldn't it? Tight fit. Uh, we can stop somewhere if you and Adele haven't had time for breakfast, Early. Well, it's like this, Mr. Kessler. Brian. So what do you do Early? You gonna talk to the people who did those murders? That's a good idea. Unfortunately most of them have been executed. Can't hurt. How much do I owe you? This the book your writing? It's just a work in progress, kinda rough. This guy killed a mess of people. Who? Henry Lucas. Henry Lee Lucas. Well he was only convicted of killing eleven but he claimed to have killed over three hundred. How did he get away with it for so long anyhow? That bad? ...They never caught that Black Dolya Killer, huh? Dahlia, no. Now why is that? Some people think it's because he never killed again. He just disappeared back into society. You don't sound too convinced 'bout that? I always thought it was the work of a serial killer. Anyone who took that much time and care bisecting another human being must have been enjoying it and would have done it again. And again. Until someone stopped him. That your... "theory", ain't that what they call it? Yeah. Sure. By the way, I'm not much of a pool player. Shit, it ain't hard to play pool. I can teach you everything ya need ta know. Yeah? Hell yeah! I'll even spot ya a few points first game. Wait a minute. You're gonna hustle me? ...Well I probably drunk more than my share, anyway... you go on an' have it. ...Well then, that's how many I killed. If you say so. Ya see what I'm sayin'? Ha! Hey... Ain't we getting near the next murder site... Bri? Forget about it, doesn't matter. So tell me... what happened here? ...and? You two been busy in here. What happened to Adele? Executing the killer wouldn't bring my mother back. Okay, now you want to talk about good versus evil? Well then let's start with Adam and Eve and the snake. Who do I have to blow to get out of here? Tonight turned out to be pretty interesting. The warehouse. I'm not that drunk. Just being there where it really happened. It was different... more visceral. I thought you wanted to be a writer. ...I do. Then you can write anywhere. Let's get out of here, while we still can. Carrie, come on... we can leave anytime we... No we can't. We can never leave once you start talking about tenure... and vacation pay... and parking privileges and... oh shit! let's just go to California now, right now, before it's too late. ...just like that? Hey. I didn't have the heart to wake you. Thanks. What are you doing? So how's it going? ...and I think I know why. Why? Because I was there. And for a moment that night I understood how she came to pull the trigger. This mean your finally going to finish your thesis? Look, fuck the thesis. I think there's a book here. Your photographs and my research, together. A book on the warehouse murders? What I'm thinking is, we can drop down through Tennessee, across Arkansas and into Texas, from there it's a straight shot into California. "We don't stop... until we hit the fucking ocean." It's about fucking time, Kessler! I'd just about given up on you. What did he sound like on the phone? I like that. I still think we should have met them first. Oh, yeah... He had a real thick accent right outta "Deliverance." "Still? Who said anything about a still? Get ya ass up in them woods!" Jesus... They've probably got five bucks between them. Turn around. We could have been in and out of there in less than ten minutes... You mean because I object to having somebody take off their shoe and scratch their foot while I'm eating I'm prejudiced? Feel sorry for him? Obviously you didn't get a whiff of that sock? Bitch, bitch, bitch! Up yours. ...And all I'm saying is I think we ought to try and get along with them. That's all. You try, I'm gonna pretend they're with somebody else. Carrie. All set? Fuck! Who said he's my good buddy? Yeah, and you should've seen how terrified she was that he'd find out. He beats her. How do you know that? Stop being so fucking melodramatic! If it was murder he'd still be locked up or on parole, in which case he wouldn't be allowed to leave the state. What is it? What's that? There's more... I'm scared. A week ago you would never have even thought to pick up that gun. This afternoon you're out there wielding it around like Clyde fucking Barrow, for Christ's sake! What's with you? Okay, it was a cheap thrill, it was stupid, I admit it, alright? But let's not blow this. Not now... Let's just get the photos. I can't believe I agreed to do this. Oh come on, don't give me that shit... you wanted to take these photos as much as I wanted you too. Brian I want him out of our car! Why, what did he do? Carrie... stop it. What the fuck is wrong with you Brian!? If you'll stop taking notes for once and open your eyes... you'll see that he is a homicidal fucking killer. He is... for real! You gotta talk to her. She looks up to you, she'll listen to you. I tried talking to her at the mine. It didn't work. Carrie, watch for Early. What are you going to do? What about you? Any word from that gallery? Not yet. Nervous? ...Apprehensive. Let's not forget these are the people who banned the Mapplethorpe show. Anyway, California's loaded with galleries. ...Soon as he finishes his thesis. I'm sorry, but I just can't see you veggin' out in LA-LA LAND. Bri'. Where's Adele? ...Need a hand with those bags? Ain't you done enough drinking for tonight? Sometimes... Don't know why it is... I get so hot I can't stand it. I just start sweating like a dog. You ever get like that? ...never? Tell ya Bri., I'm still a little sleepy,... think Adele and me are gonna take us a fiesta. Early, just think... He's a killer, Brian... He's fucking insane. Darlin' you were 'bout that far from spendin' the night at the morgue. You understand? Who d'ya think you're foolin'? I know you better than you think... You were plenty hot. ...You know what I mean? You're supposed to call me when you lose your job Early. I stopped by the mirror factory today, you left quite a mess behind there. ...The police were way out of line when they stopped you from beating that bartender half to death. And no doubt God'll be pickin' on you on Judgement Day... You be at this personnel office, Friday, three o'clock sharp. What is it? ...Janitor's job. What happened? Who are you? His Parole Officer. Right, I talked to you on the phone. They say it's a torch job, that sound like your boy? Could be. Where would we find him? Hell if I know, crazy son of a bitch said he was thinking of moving to Texas. What about the owner of the house... ...this John Diebold, any idea where he might be? ...Diebold? ...That'd be my guess. Looks like somebody cut off his ring finger. How old you? How many people have you had vaginal intercourse with? Umm. Altogether? Yes. Altogether. Hmm. I'd say eight, maybe nine. How many times have you gone unprotected? Have you ever had anal intercourse? Yes. With how many people? Umm. Three I believe. But I'm not sure. Were they wearing condoms? Well, girl. You tested negative for all sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Yes! You're clean. Oh my God. I can't tell you how nervous I've been. I couldn't sleep last night. Shit. What do you think? I knew you fucked it! I sat out here for like two hours! That girl was like twelve, and you hit it up! Well, how was it? Oh my god, so good. That girl can fuck. She can fuck? Hell yeah. That bitch was bleeding. When I first put it in she screamed real loud. I saw her bite down on the pillow. Oh shit. How long did it take? Did what take? Well it took me longer than I thought it would take. It took like 15 minutes to talk her into it. But once it was on, we fucked for a good half an hour. I had to keep taking it out and putting it back in. It hurts the first time. Yeah. But then when she got into it. She really got into it. It was good. Oh man, it smells like butterscotch. Hell's yeah. She was so clean. Oh man, that's the best. You could tell she took care of herself. She had all these powders and creams in her bathroom. You know what else? What? I can tell that she had just entered puberty. How? Well, I was flipping through a picture book of her and her family, right. Right. And there was this picture of her painting Easter eggs or something. And I said, you were cute when you were little. Yeah. And I looked at her, and thought to myself Oh my god, this girl is a baby. Yeah. I'm telling you Casper. I think I'm getting addicted to that shit. To what? Virgins? Yeah. It's like all I think about now. Not just that, it's like lately during sex, I start dreaming about these complex fantasies. What do you mean? I mean I'm dreaming about going all out, crazy shit. You mean like fucking two virgins at once. That would be good. But I mean more like. I don't know. Like when I was having sex with her, I kept thinking how much I would like to put it in her ass. Just to see what would happen. She's probably smash you in the fucking face. I don't know about that. She was pretty into it. But I wasn't gonna try. The whole thing is, you just gotta take it slow. Show 'em some respect. Did you tell her that you loved her? Shit. What do you want? Get another forty. Smoke a blunt. Are you hungry? You wanna go to Paul's house? What for? That guys a dick. I'm sure he's got food. He's always got those microwave burrito things in his freezer. You think he's got any herb? I don't know, he quit dealin' but I'll bet he'll smoke us out. You think? Probably. He lives on 76th? 78th. Telly. Yeah. Did she suck your dick? A little bit. But I didn't really want her to. Why? I don't know. That's too easy. I mean getting a virgin to suck your dick. That's so easy. It is right. I want to knock her guard down. I mean there's a whole philosophy behind it. Having a virgin suck your dick, that's basic because there's nothing lost. It's no big deal, right? Right. But when you deflower a girl, that's it. You did it. You were the one. No one else can ever do it. Yeah. The way I see it. My outlook on the this situation is. It's like getting fame, you know what I'm saying. It's like, if you died tomorrow, and fifty years from now all the virgins you fucked are gonna remember you because you were their first. Yep. You thirsty? Yeah, I feel dehydrated. You got any money? Three pennies and a ball of lint. You down with the boost? You know like in "The Wonder Twins" they share everything. The cartoon? Yeah. "The Wonder Twins". You know. Activate in the form of, a glass of water. Yeah. Well, those guys share everything, right? Right. And once I saw this episode where they pretended they were each other. Where they lived the other's life for a day. You know those guys share everything, right? Right. And it got me thinkin'. How fun it would be to share each other's girl. Yeah, that would be fun but I don't like any of the girls you go out with. Like that one girl with two teeth and a clit ring. Can you do it man? That girl you boned last year. Remember? But that's the thing. Girl's like it slow. They like romance. They like things to be sweet and romantic. Yep. I mean I've been with a lot of girls I know. I hate this game. Man, this guy is really good. I wanna fuck Darcy. Who? Darcy. Benny's little sister. Oh. You like her? Yeah. I like her. I've wanted to get with her for a while now. Darcy? Yeah. She's so little, so pretty, and innocent. Yeah. She's only 13. It's funny. Last weekend at that block party. Remember? Yeah. She was handing out those watermelon slices. And I sat down over on the other side, And I watched her. Yeah. I watched her eat the watermelon. And all this juice started running down her chin and onto her shirt. Yeah. I'm not joking. I wanted to take my dick out and start jacking right there. At that point and moment, Darcy was like a vision of perfection. I know what you mean. At that moment, at that block party, she represented everything holy about a virgin. She hangs out at Nasa. She promotes for them. I'm gonna fuck her tonight. I swear to God I'm gonna fuck her. How are you gonna fuck two virgins in a day? That shits gotta be against the law. I don't care motha fucka. I'll bet you money she fucks me. You wanna run by the park and see what everybody's doing? Get zooted? I don't understand why you do that. Why I do what? That. Why I give pennies? Yeah. Why you give money. Did you look at that guy? What the fuck. He had no legs. He had no half his lower body. He's gotta shit out of his ribcage. That's just it. It's elitist. It's reverse elitism. Because you give money to whoever is the most fucked up. I notice what you do. What are you talking about? Whenever you see someone who's really messed up, especially amputees and retards. You give them money. But if it's just a regular bum, you pass them by. So. So. These people live on the same streets. It's just that you reserve your money for those people who are massively fucked up. The regular bums aren't poor enough for you, you gotta give it to the bottom of the barrel scum fucks. So. You never know when you can end up like that. Right. I'll tell you why. Because when I was little, I had a fat cousin, cousin Luke. And he used to make fun of the handicapped. And one day he had a bad stomachache. So he drank a bottle of Pepto and his ass blew off. Shut up. So really, it's good luck. Good luck? Man, Telly, your little brother is getting big. Holy shit man, your mom's got good titties. How much you gonna take? About ten. Fifteen is good. You think Darcy is gonna be at Nasa tonight? Yo, you got any weed around here? Yo. I'm gonna get buff dude. You are? Nah. Why not? You stink. Hurry up man. Let's be out. I wanna go swimmin'. Casper. Hey Jennie. Long time no see. What are you doing here? Casper, where's Telly. What do ya want with Telly? That guy has enough bitches. Casper, where is he? Casper! Was up kid? Nothen' B. Where you at? Right here. Where you goin' tonight? Maybe Nasa. I don't know. You goin'? Yeah. I'm goin'. You on the list? Probably. Fuck that, I'll sneak in. I need some female vagina tonight. Yo, you think we killed that guy? Na. You sure? I don't know. But all I know is that I kicked him so many times my fuckin' toe feels broken. Man we fucked him up. No I'm serious. Can I suck your tit? Either of you guys. I don't care. I don't know. I just never seen girls that did that shit before. But I think it looks nice. Yeah watch the fuck where you skate. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, watch where you walk dukes. What? Nuffin' G. Just forget it. Sup then? Sup? Sup. Sup. Come on nigga. Sup, sup then? Stop faking moves. Hey. Hey. What are you doin' right now? I was just getting ready to take a bath. Come on. Come swimmin' with us. Right now? Yeah. Come on. Ooh. You're gonna give me goose bumps. You know I've been thinking about you lately. You have? Yeah. After I saw you last week. At the block party? I was lookin' for you all day today. You were? I thought you had a girlfriend. Naw. I'm not seeing anybody. What about you? No. I can't. My mom won't let me have boyfriends. She won't? Why not? I don't know. I guess it's cause my sister Nicki had a baby when she was like 15. She was really young so my mom is like very protective over me. You should come back with me to Steven's house. Tonight? Yeah. His parents are away. It's gonna be a bug out. I don't know. I'm supposed to go to Nasa tonight. Come on. It'll be fun. We'll just bug out. There should be a bunch of people. It'll be fun I promise. Yeah? Do you like kissing me? Uh huh. I don't even want to talk, but I gotta tell you that when I first saw you last week, I, I couldn't stop thinking about you. You've been stuck in my head. Come on. No. No, I'm serious. I'm not joking. I just like you. That's all. I'm nervous. I like you so much. I think you're beautiful. I think if we fucked you would love it. You wouldn't believe it. How do you know? I just know. I know you'll love it. But I'm scared Telly. I'm telling you. There's nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing. I'm telling you I just want to make you happy. That's all. Just trust me. I don't want you to hurt me. I don't want you to hurt you. I'll be gentle. Do you care about me? Jennie, Jennie. How do you feel? Fine Fidget. What's all this? Who are they? What is it? This makes Special K look weak. It's a euphoric blockbuster. No, Fidget, I... Come on Jennie. You look sad. Just take it. No... You know what I want to do? Yeah. What do I want to do? You want to fuck me. But you can't fuck me. Why? Because, you know why. You know. Because your a virgin? Because I'm a virgin and I don't want no baby. You think I want a baby? When you're with me, you don't have to worry about that kinda stuff. Why is that? Because I like you. I think you're beautiful. I think if we fucked you would love it. You wouldn't even believe it. I wouldn't believe it? I don't know. I just think that you would love it. But, I don't know. I'm just scared that things would change. Between us. You know it won't hurt. I'll be gentle. I promise. Do you care about me? Dance! What? Come dance. I don't feel so well. Have you seen Telly anywhere? Telly is at Steven's? How old are you? How many people have you had vaginal intercourse with? One. Have you ever had anal intercourse? Jennie. You've tested positive for the HIV infection. What? The test isn't one hundred percent accurate. You should... I tested positive? I'm sorry. Can I ask you a question? I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a pest. What? No. I'm OK. Thanks. You're OK? Yeah. Because gee, you don't look OK. I mean you're a very beautiful young lady. It's just that you look troubled that's all... Yeah well, it's been a bad day. Sorry. Miss, would I be prying? Everything is wrong. No, not everything? The sun is still shinning. It's a beautiful day out. Some things are OK. Right? Yeah, I guess so. Did you and your boyfriend just break up? No. Are you in trouble with the law? No. Now that's it. A smile. You look like a prom queen when you smile. Like a glamour girl. Yeah? Oh yeah, sure. When I was a kid I had a crush on the prom queen. Darlene Louis. She had a big black mole in the center of her face that used to get me so excited. Darlene Louis. You know you look a little bit like her. Thanks. I swear to God. Sometimes he barks. I can hear him straight off my arm. Ruff, ruff, he goes. Yeah? Yeah. I'm not saying you should get a tattoo. But you should make yourself happy. What if you can't make yourself happy? What if everything falls apart? Your a real philosopher. Hello. Hello Paul. Is Telly inside? Is Telly there? This is Paul. Who is this? It's Jennie. Just tell me if Telly is there. Oh hi Jennie. Do you want to come make out with me? I'm fucking serious. Where's Telly? Telly says was up. I knew he wouldn't want to speak to me. That dick. You still mad at him? The pain. The fucking pain! And you feel like you're being ripped open inside. You are being ripped open. I know. Did you bleed? I didn't bleed. You didn't? Hell yeah. I love. I love sex. Right. You're like it's just this instinct. It's like this animal instinct is taking over you. It's like... Passion... Yep, yep. But he has to know what he's doing and where he's going. Because they can like touch you for hours and they won't ever know. Like where are your erogenous zones? Mine? I hate sucking dick! Yeah. 'Cause they fucking shoot you in the eye, the face, the ear. And sometimes it takes a long time, and you're fucking gagging. Yeah. And then it hits that little thing. That little punch bag. What is it? The tonsils. The esophagus, whatever. Yeah. And you're not getting anything out of it. Wish me luck. Shh. Come on, it's gonna be OK. That's it. I'm gonna have to tell my little brother, I'm gonna die. I can't make him his lunches anymore. Come on. Don't cry. We'll work it out. I gotta go. I gotta find Telly. Don't go anywhere. Stay with me. I'm coming. Just a lot of crazy shit. Yeah? Yeah. Have you seen Telly around? Yeah. Speaking of stupid shit. Him and his ape ass of a friend Casper, they all just almost killed some kid. What happened? I don't know. Just some messy little scrap. You know that bullshit. Do you know where he went? I'm not sure. He said something about meeting Darcy. I think he likes her now. Who, Benny's little sister? Uh, let's see here, would you happen to have diss digg? Whah? Diss digg. I'm curious if you have it? Diss digg, diss digg, diss digg. I'll ask you one last time. Do you have diss digg? Yeah. And sex is just like, yeah let's have sex. You know... You know a lot of times sex gets in the way. Has that ever happened to you? Yep. I was like yes! I'm going out with him! That's right. That's why foreplay is better than sex. Yep. And you don't get shit out of it. Yep. That's the best way. It's that boom boom boom. Right. You know it's not like... You know there's a difference between sex, making love, and fucking! Yep. Making love is like. Yeah. It's like... You know what it's like. It's like when you really love someone, it's like awww. Yeah. Its like. But it gets boring. It's boring. Yeah. Mine are my toes. Oh my God if someone sucks my toes I'll come in like ten seconds! Yeah. It depends. Cause like this one time with Eric, when we got blasted at his house. And Smash J and DJ Flipper was there... Oh shit. Yep. But then the sex gets into the way and you're like: What happened! What the hell happened?! Yeah. The shit gets wacked. Fifteen minutes. Yeah. Fifteen minutes to a half an hour. Hard and deep. Me. I can only take it up to fifteen minutes. Cause I get bored. Yeah I get bored. I've known the past of all the people I've fucked without a condom. Like I know one of the people got tested and was negative. Yeah. And I know that one of them fucked like two other girls, who were both virgins, so I knew he was safe. Yeah. I made her get tested with me because I didn't want to go alone. How can you hang out with Casper? He's such a jerk. You think so? Yeah. I've always hated that kid. He used to eat glue in like seventh grade. He still does. I hate 'em. It's not his fault. He had a hard life. Yeah? You've heard the stories right? So that's why Casper is how he is. Yep. Holy shit. That's all true? No. I was just kidding. What?! Hi mom. Sorry. Dad made me promise not to give you any money until you find a job. But then I won't need your money. Mom. Shh. I'm gonna go out for a little while. When are you gonna be back? Not too late. Four-thirty in the morning? Hey Mom. Are you sure I can't get any money? Just a few bucks. If I had it, maybe. But right now I don't have a penny to my name. Hello? It's me. Telly. Hello? What are you guys doing? Nothing. We just wanted to come by and see what you were up to. You want a wip-it? So, how many people live here now? I don't know, eight or nine. Where does everyone sleep? That's the whole thing. You know if you look at it. I mean all you hear about is disease this and disease that. And everyone's dying. And you better wear a condom or else. But the truth is. I don't know any kids with AIDS. No one I know has ever died from that shit. It's like some weird make-believe story that the whole First times are always wacked. Just be glad you didn't lose your virginity in the backseat of a rental car. Slow. Yeah. Right. And we were like underneath the sheets. We were going at it like crazy. Oh my God that shit was so good! It was like hard... Yeah. Yeah. And it takes them either too long or too short to come. Have you ever had someone that took forever To come? It was... it was. It's like sweet and sour, and salty butter. No, no, no. You can't get that taste out of your mouth. Until you eat something. Yeah. What man? What is it? Yo, let me get in your parent's room man. Just fir a little while. I can't man. Come on Steven hook me up. Do me this solid. Come on man. I gotta get Darcy alone. She's gonna let me fuck her man. Please. Shit. All right. But don't fuck with anything OK? I've talked to a few people who say you and her were... friendly? By yourself? We seem to have a little problem here? What kind of problem? I think you're lying. That's what kind of problem. Casual. Casual? You were boning her weren't you? It wasn't serious. What's your problem? You are! I don't like you. What's that supposed to mean? It means, if I were a killer and I thought the police were closing in on me I might invent someone to try and put them off the scent. That's crazy! Why would I draw attention to myself like that? You like to play games, don't you, Peter? He says on the photo he'll call tomorrow at eleven. Why not come back then and listen for yourself. Meaning, it looks like his victims are chosen at random. What do you mean, no? He says it's a game. All games have a strategy. All you gotta do is look at the map. Morpheus. What? Are you crazy? What in the hell do you think you're doing? Slamming down the phone in the middle of the trace. We didn't ask for your opinion, Doctor. You don't tell us how to run our investigation. You got that? You know, I figure that's pretty much how these girl's feel just before they get it. You think I'm right? I wouldn't know. That's right. I guess only the killer would know that. How'd you get in here? The door was open. No it wasn't. Of course it was. Otherwise I'd be breaking and entering. That's a felony. What do you want? No. I used to. With my old man. He taught me how to hunt and trap. Trapping's a lot harder than most people think. We used to go after Raccoons mostly. They'd get into our garbage, our fields. When an animal can't live peacefully with those around it, it has to be destroyed. But they're crafty little devils. You see the trick is, you can What if he doesn't bite? What if he's an exceptionally bright Raccoon? You got it on the board. No, I need the original note. He's not talking about himself. Then what's he talking about? Then let's narrow it down. We're interested in where you were from the time you left the auditorium until you got there. You sure you weren't over on Pine Road? I'm positive. You're a lying bastard! Fuck you! I'm tired of your goddam accusations! If you want to arrest me go ahead! Otherwise back off. Yes you are. You set yourself up tonight when you attacked Kathy, you crazy fuck! The message! I figured out-- You want me to what? I want you to feed every street in this grid into your computer. It'll take hours. You can't make me do this. You're right, I can't make you do it. Besides, you're probably gonna be too busy with the Franchise Tax Board anyway. What are you talking about? I gotta friend over there. He was telling me things are kind of slow. So, I figured I'd give him a call, have him come down here and look through your records. You know, give him something to do. Sorry to ruin your trip to the city, but we got a real nut on our hands, Frank. Debi Rutlege. Female. Caucasian. Twenty four. Worked over at the Four Oaks Hotel. Local? What do you think? He's got an answer for everything, but he doesn't have an alibi. You think he's dirty? We wouldn't want someone's death to interfere with your games. Take it easy. Both of you. No shit! Sorry. The F.B.I. has nothing remotely similar to this guy. I think he's a first- timer. You still having a problem with this? We've checked. There's no one with the last name of Emma on the Island. How is she? She's unconscious, but they think she's going to make it. You alright? I've seen a lot of things in my time on the job, but nothing like this. Yurilivich? I was with him the whole time until I got the call at the hotel. I spoke to Jeremy. He's watching Sanderson's kid. Sanderson went out after the match and hasn't come back since. What is it? Ready for round two? You should be an actor, Frank. You looked like you were really mad. The veins popping out on your neck was a really nice touch. Why does he call Sanderson? Sending yourself anonymous notes in the mail is one thing -- but who called him today? I don't know. Maybe there's two of them. Maybe he hired some Wino to make the calls. A few people. Did anyone stand out? What do you mean, stand out? Did anyone look suspicious? Think! Now that you mention it there was somebody who looked suspicious. It doesn't make sense because we don't understand it. Don't fuck with us! Where did you go! Remember eventually revenge is carefully... Have you tired juxtaposing the words? Oh, c'mon. We're not going to spend any more time on this crap, are we? It doesn't mean anything. It's Sanderson! It isn't him. Frank, you brought me in on this in the beginning because you wanted my opinion if he was capable of doing this. We'll find the evidence. Hello, Peter. Who is this? Someone who's going to become an important part of your life. I want to play a game with you. Hello, Peter. Very amateurish, Peter. I'm surprised you would use such an obvious tactic. I'm not an idiot! Don't treat me as one! I'll call you everyday... You get one minute, whether you put me on hold or talk is up to you! Are you ready to play? Yes. Why did you kill Debi Rutlege? To get your attention. Did you know her? And -- what path is that? We all have paths to follow. You hope yours will lead you to me. Why did you write remember on the wall? That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. Really, Peter, you can't expect me to answer such direct questions. Why not? You don't want to think and that's why I'll win! I'm already two points ahead. I did another one last night. You might have saved her, but you didn't want to play. Where is she? You'll find her. I suppose you want to know where I'm going to kill tonight, Peter? You're not going to tell me that. Hello? Do you know what I'm doing right now, Peter? I'm looking at the name of the girl I'm going to kill tonight. You know her? Not really. Why her? Because she's the type. But you said you didn't know her. I know what I said! She looks just like... Just like who? I really wish you'd stop trying to maneuver me. I find it irritating, not to mention insulting. I'm just trying to play the game. I'm sure there are other people who would be interested in what I have to say. Just for that no hint today. Why are you doing this? You must have some idea of the pain you're causing people. And you want these girls to feel your pain? Please, I don't want to get into the psychological aspects of my actions. It would detract from the game. How? Huxley's quote also says, "his play is always fair and just." Have you any idea what the message is? If it's so important, why don't you just tell me? I couldn't tell you that. It would ruin the game. Not that you're playing it very well. What? You heard me. Why did you go out to the institute looking for her? What makes you think I was there? I couldn't tell you that. It would ruin the game. It's you who's running out of time. You're starting to make mistakes now. You're wondering just how much I really know. Just how close I'm getting? Well, I'm closer than you think, pal -- and I'm gonna nail your ass to the wall! Hello. Last night was very exciting, wasn't it? Have you figured out what I'm doing? You're playing the Tarakoss opening. Very good. You're next move should have been e2- e3. I used a variation. You should have anticipated that. Have you figured out the message? What word did you leave last night? The police haven't told you? Interesting concept. I hadn't thought of that. If you think about how Anton Berger plays chess you might get it. I'm beginning to think it doesn't mean anything. Remember eventually revenge- - Hello, Peter. You sonofabitch! Emotional? I expected more from you. If you kill tonight and I'm in jail the police will know I'm innocent. By that time the game will be over. I've figured out the message. Yes? Congratulations on your daring escape. You just missed me by a few seconds. It's check, Peter. Let me speak to my daughter. She's in the other room. I just wanted you to know she wasn't dead... yet. But it's time for her to die now. Please... wait. The game's over. You lost. It's me you want. Not her. That wouldn't be very sporting. Remember Huxley? "His play is always fair and just." You're groping. I have been fair. It's my move now. I'll give you anything you want. Anything! Please! I was thinking about leaving the phone line open so you could hear her die -- but I've decided it's better if you don't know exactly when I kill her. Good-bye Peter. I know where you are. Very good. How did you know? How'd you know I wouldn't be in the same room with her? This isn't going to help, David. You're mother's dead. You can't undo it. You don't understand. Yes, I do. I found your file. I know what happened. They took away the game because of him. My father left and my mother... There was so much blood... It covered everything. Don't you see? I had to make it right. I ignored my mother's crossing. I sat with them all. I held their hands. I stroked their hair. I was with them to the end. I took away the blood. I washed them. Their crossing was peaceful. Naw, it's all fixed. I also loaded up a program that'll analyze your games three hundred percent faster. What's this? Oh, I put a few games on for your daughter. I hope you don't mind. Sure. We've got a modem line hooked up with the data base in New York. Can we correlate data? Look for specific things, like player's ages... stuff like that? No problem. We're in. Nope. Nothing. D2-d4... b1-c3... and c1-f4. It's the number two variation of the Tarakoss opening. David, can you bring up the tournament records for the last ten years. Now what? There's three. The first is 1983. Lionel Baines. The Boston... Never mind. He died two years ago. 1985. Hans Korshaud. What is it? Computers. That's how you got into Homesearchers records. You can get into anything. But why? Why? You still haven't figured it out, have you? You think that I've put you through an ordeal. My scars run so much deeper than yours. What scars? You might not have done it had you known. You're damn right! I'm a child psychologist and you send me into a room with someone who could be a murderer! Would you mind keeping your voice down? I have guests. The police came to me for help. What could I do? You could have been honest with me for starters. We work together. I have to be able to trust you. I admit I handled it badly. Sanderson wasn't going to talk to me... but you're young, attractive-- --the same type as the girl who got killed. Jesus, Alan, the guy could be a psychopath. They asked who would be best suited for this and you-- It worked out alright, didn't it? Feeling better? I just can't believe it. You don't want to believe it. It's a normal reaction. Kathy, please. You're going to wear a hole in the carpet. I'm just nervous. Sorry. You're safe. He wouldn't come here. Why did he? Why did he what? Come here. He was watching you. Yeah -- that's what we've always thought -- but what if he wasn't? What if I had nothing to do with the reason he came here? You must be Erica. Uh huh. Is your dad here? So, are you having a good time on the Island? Not really. It's pretty boring. That's only because you don't know where to go. You like hiking? Fishing? Sailing? What do you like? Do you like my dad? I know he really likes you. How do you know that? Did he say something? Okay. Nice meeting you. Congratulations, dad. What are you doing up? I can't sleep. My beds lumpy. I see. You forgot to bring you're night-light, didn't you? That has nothing to do with it. You want to sleep in my bed tonight? Who told you that? Mrs. Lutz. She also told me that Mr. Lutz goes to a medium to try and contact great Grandmasters in the spirit world. Has he gotten through to any? What is it, dad? Don't you have something you want to say to David? You ready? For what? You told me you'd take me over to Seattle today. I'm sorry, honey, I can't. Not today. It isn't Kathy. Whaddaya got, Nolan? Not much. There's no sign of a break in. I think she let him in. How long has she been dead? Six, eight hours tops. Any sign of rape? There's no blood. Where's the fuckin' blood? Anything? Not much. I don't think she was raped. There's no bruising, or any signs of trauma to the pelvic region -- and no trace of sperm which makes sense because she took a bath. What about prints? No prints. You mean, no prints but hers? He tapes their mouths shut. We found traces of adhesive around the victims mouths. We're doing a chemical analysis for components, but it's probably a standard brand you can buy in any hardware store. There's only two hardware stores on the whole Island. We'll check that out. What about the blood? This is where he forced his way in. We found some fibers on the windowsill, probably particles of clothing that rubbed off when he climbed through. I'll know more once I get it under the microscope. That's great. Same as the others? Yeah. How long she been dead? I'd say at least eighteen hours. Well? Well what? I told you this was a stupid idea. You can't learn anything from someone in a few minutes. You didn't pick up any vibes from the guy? I'm a psychologist, Frank... not a psychic. What's this all about anyway? Only that you wanted someone from the institute to talk to Sanderson for some case you're working on. What'd he do? We're not sure. What do you think he did? I'm busy right now. I see you're still having problems with your openings. And this Jeremy-- No. I told him to. I wanted to make sure there was someone on the other end. But we heard him. Kathy? Well, the fact that he views this as a game suggests that he is trying to prove some sense of superiority -- and the way he murders confirms a need to be in complete control of his victim. That would indicate he's playing out a fantasy. Power-control killers usually fantasize about their actions long before they commit them. Once they become a reality though, they reach a sense of euphoria and need to repeat the act to sustain it. But, in all the research I've read on Serial Killers, I've never heard of one moving so fast. It's as if the game Anything else? Yes. Why disguise your voice if no one knows it? I was thinking the same thing. He must be local. It's logical for him to assume that the police would be there, but he recognized Andy's voice and called him by name. What about this? I don't think it matters. Last nights victim, Christie Eastman was found in a warehouse on the outskirts of town. The night before, Debi Rutlege was found in the center. His home would be... Mount Olympus. Before we go in I gotta tell you this isn't going to be pretty. I know that. I've seen the photo's. You never know how you're going to catch a suspect. Well, I think you have to play to his ego. He thinks he's superior. The more secure he feels, the more chances he'll take. Maybe we should back up a minute and take a look at what we do have. All the girls that have been killed have been killed at night. They're all the same type. All moved into their homes within the last three months -- and all of them found their homes through Homesearchers. I thought that Homesearchers was a dead end? It can't be a coincidence. The woman that owns it has a son. She says he's been on vacation in Montana for the last ten days. We're trying to locate him. There's also a cleaning service that comes in once a week. We're checking that out too. Each of those grids represents almost a square mile. As large as castles. What time did he get there? He's right, Kathy. We can't rely on your judgement anymore. And what if he's wrong. If you were one hundred percent sure it was Peter you would've arrested him. If it is someone else then he's going to kill again tonight and you're sitting here ignoring the message. We're going to work on the message. This stinks! You want to know what I think? I think there have been five murders and you've got shit to go on. You need to blame someone and he's the easiest choice. The most logical choice. Did you see his face? No. He was wearing a mask... but I saw the cut on his wrist. It was Peter. I can't arrest someone for having a cut on their wrist. Do you have someone you can stay with tonight? I've got a room at the institute I use when I stay late. If you can think of anything else give us a call. Excuse me... you said earlier that Mary Albert just moved in. How long ago was that? Ten days ago. Do you know how she found the apartment? Through a rental agency. I know you're busy so I'll get right to it. Did you know her? Could you tell me where you were last night? Here. I played Gregory Lutz. I know. You won two games against him and left the auditorium at eight forty five. Where did you go after that? This is a printout from the hotel computer for all the messages logged to your room. Here's one at 9:04 pm. It says: From Debi. Please call me at home. She called to give me my schedule for tomorrow. What's interesting about it is you say you only knew her in passing. Yet, she says on her message for you to call her at home and she doesn't leave a number. That would imply you already knew the number. Why didn't you tell us you were there earlier? Mister Sanderson, this is Doctor Sheppard. She's a psychologist helping us out. You want me to go with you? Maybe I can help. What have you come up with on the riddle? "Wee Willie Winkie runs though the street." We think he might be making a reference to himself. Maybe, but I don't think so. I think it's just a tease. That's it? We think he might be making a reference to drugs? Miss Emma is a street term used by junkies for Morphine. Another one? What word did he leave? As large as castles. You are still light as air, one hundred men can't move me. He's using the map as a chessboard! The sonofabitch is playing chess with me!! How can he be playing Chess with you? You're not making any moves against him. I still don't see how he could be playing chess against you. There's only enough grids on the map to be half a board. It's a commercial area. No one lives there. As large as castles, you are still light as the air, one hundred men can't move me. It's posed as a question. What am I? A building? He's not going to give us direct hints. He's going to skirt around it. A shadow. What's as big a castle? As light as air , but one hundred men can't move it? The shadow of the castle. Are there any buildings that have the name Castle in it that cast a shadow long enough to fall across another building? Wait a minute. There's an apartment in that area called the Castle Arms. Where were you last night? Are we going to go through this again? Answer the question. Jeremy would have never killed himself. Maybe he just got tired of covering for you. Don't you understand what I'm telling you? That's why he wants me out of the way. I understand that this is just another one of your games. Alright, c'mon Peter. We're moving you to a cell. Did you send the car? You opened with the English. Lutz won't use it. He opened his first game with it. He knows you're aware of that. Then I'll transpose. On a variation, yes -- but it must be a variation that is unique. It's a good play, but risky. We got a problem? Our computer went on the fritz again. David came up to fix it. Peter... I've got be here for the police when they come. Then I've got to practise. In case you forgot I'm in the middle of a match right now. You're always in the middle of a match. You have something you want to say? Just thought you might want to talk. About what? Whatever's on your mind. What do you see here? Mate in five. She went into town with Mrs. Lutz. Did they get him? No. Feel like practicing? Bainbridge Books. Hi, Sara. This is Doctor Sheppard. I was wondering if you could tell me if you have a book on chess called "Principals and Tactics" by Anton Berger. I can check and call you back. Thank you. I'm at 639-7393. Bainbridge Books. Sara, this is Doctor Sheppard. I called you earlier about a book. Yes, Doctor Sheppard. We called you back but you weren't home. We have the book. Could you please do me a big favor? In the first chapter the author mentions his three rules of chess. Could you look and tell me what they are? Of course. Yes, here it is. Why, they're all the same? What are they, please? Sorry. I thought it was empty. Is this your first time here? I love this hotel. I stay here every time I visit my parents. How come you don't stay with them? Because I love them, but they drive me crazy. You know how parents are? Are you with the tournament? Uh huh. Are you one of the players? Yes. I've always wanted to learn how to play chess. I don't have the patience for it. When did you start playing? When I was very young. It seems like such a complicated game. Not really. You see your goal and you go after it. Anything that gets in the way is an obstacle and must be destroyed. Sounds very violent. --but you enjoy being the stronger one? You like the control. If you're asking me if I'm passionate about what I do, the answer is yes. Without passion, nothing moves us. What's your passion? That's a very personal question. I see. This is going to be a very polite conversation. What shall we discuss? The weather? Movies? Are you disappointed that I won't answer you? I had just hoped there would be more substance to the conversation. I thought opening too quickly was a fatal mistake in chess. It is. Do you always open quickly? Are we talking about me, or chess? You. Each circumstance requires a different tactic. Well, I think I've had enough. What are you looking for? Nothing. I just came in for a steam. They couldn't break the riddle. Did you think it was going to be easy? You think he was going to lay it out at your feet? We need your help. I offered my help this morning and Sedman turned me down. But you're the key. The one he wants to play the game with. I can't right now. I've got a game. She could be dead after the game. She could be dead now. You sure you don't want to eat something? It's going to be a long night. It could take hours before we know something. You should try to eat. You sound like my mother. It wasn't intentional. I think it's interesting. Another kind of game? In a way. This isn't a game. Oh, but it is. He's killing a person everyday and challenging us to catch him. That's a game. It has rules and objectives. How can you look at it so clinically? Take your average cop. They deal with death everyday. If they let emotions get in the way it would cloud their judgement. That's true -- but the emotion is still there. They just learn to control it. What about you? Aren't there times when a young child is telling you a story so sad you just want to cry? Of course. Do you? Let's change the subject. I'm just curious. I think it's best if we don't ask too many personal questions -- I want to keep things on a professional level. You mean like in the steam room? That's not fair! You're projecting your own desires and reading more into what happened than what actually did. You have to win every point, don't you? I just wanted to know if you're involved with anyone? Let me ask you something? Do your colleagues know if you're involved or not? Of course. Why? No. You're not? Relax. How the hell can I relax after seeing what I just saw. I know it was bad. I know you didn't You know, Andy thinks you're doing this. Doesn't that scare you? No. Why? Can you go fifteen minutes without thinking about it? No. But I'm open to distractions. You know, you're not the easiest person in the world to get close to. You always want to talk about me. What about you? Wasn't I just talking about me? No. You were talking about chess. Alright. What about me? I dunno. Where's Erica mother? She died in a car accident. I'm sorry. It's alright. It was a long time ago. It must've been very hard on Erica? It was. What? Have you noticed that every time we start to talk about something serious you start to play games. I'm not playing a game now. Yes you are. You're playing word games. What is this? I'm just trying to get to know you, Peter. Nobody could attack you. You set your life up like one of your chessboards. You're impregnable -- but at the same time you've become trapped behind your own defenses. You're cut off from everyone around you. What are you talking about? You don't even know me. I just don't want to fight with you. This frightens me -- because I'm starting to feel things I haven't felt in a long time. You've got to face the things you feel. I thought you were the woman who didn't want to get involved. You can turn everything around so easily. This is not just another game, is it? I'm hungry. Fine. What do you want on it? You. Would you settle for pepperoni? Did you call? They're not delivering. I'm going to go pick up the pizza. I thought you said the line was busy? I tried again and got through. What's wrong? Nothing. Peter, you have to admit-- Peter... In a fierce magazine you'll find a hint of my actions to come... Why does he set this line apart? For emphasis? Exactly. It's the key. But what does he mean by a fierce magazine? Violent? A fierce magazine... brutal... An angry magazine... A war magazine... a mercenary magazine... fierce... Mad. What? He's replaying the game I played against him move by move, using these girls as the Chess pieces. All the girls have been found in their homes except Christie Eastman, who was found in back of a warehouse. Why? Because to follow the game he played he had to move to that grid? Hi. The other night -- I said some things that maybe I shouldn't have. I mean, you haven't known me very long and I can see how you thought what you did. I'm not looking for an apology, Peter. I was thinking that... maybe when this is all over we could... I want someone I can get close to. I don't know if that's possible with you. Peter... No, listen. You have no idea of the kind of pressure I'm under right now. That's still no excuse. You treat everything like a game. I can't think any more, unless it's about you. I'll be in the middle of a match and instead of thinking about my next move, I think about how you look when you smile. Remember how you said that I hide behind my chessboard? Ever since my wife died I've been... I've been afraid of getting too close to someone again -- afraid of You're wife died. You can't feel responsible for that. You don't understand. Then help me to understand. I want to understand. It's not that easy. Of course it isn't. It's always difficult when someone you love dies. But you can't feel responsible because she had a car accident. But I do. Why? This letter. I've never opened it. Why not? Because I know what it says. If we could just figure out what the next word is going to be. He said the game's going to end tonight so there's only going to be one more word. It could be anything. How did you know it was "carefully"? Frank told me. You're right. The killer told me. This isn't going to be like the phone book, is it? You're going to be late for your match. Are you going to come tonight? You beat him. I got lucky. It's over now. I just wanted you to know in case you thought about it in the future. Hello, Peter. You played an interesting game last night. Even though sacrificing your Queen at b-5 is the game I played against Valsney in '82. I'm glad it helped you. I'm sure you are. No, I want you to do good. That way when I beat you at the end I'll look that much better. You're getting sloppy, Yurilivich. You're nervous? I'm not nervous. Well, you should be, because this time I'm going to win. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I don't have to go through with it either. You don't understand. I'm just so relieved. I was sure you'd turn out to be short and fat and gimpy. Oh. That. I know what you mean. I had nightmares all week. Me too. Last night was the worst. I dreamt you had one leg shorter than the other, and walked like a penguin. Mine was worse: I dreamt you picked your nose in public. That's worse. You're really not bad looking. Almost handsome. Well, you're beautiful. You might be handsome. I can't tell through all that grime. Besides, you reek of sweat and horses. If you're going to marry a warrior, you'd best get used to it. Take off your clothes. I'm going to scrub you down. What? We're almost married. We're not married yet. I don't trust you to wash behind your ears. There. Now you look like someone I might want to marry. Maybe you'd better look around for another candidate. I don't think my skin is tough enough to survive a lifetime of you and your brush. I don't have to look around. I've found the husband I want. You can kiss me now. Thank you, but I can wait. I lied. About what? Lyssa ... Lyssa ... Have they harmed you? Lyssa. Where are they keeping you? Lyssa ... Colwyn ... Where is the Fortress? I don't know. It's a maze of tunnels. I can't see out. I will find you. I will be with you. I know it. I love you, Lyssa, I love you ... Colwyn ... You must move away from the Center. Will your power outward. I don't know how. Take the western passage. Yes. Move quickly. We are coming for you. We are in the Fortress. Lyssa ... In the Arctic ice. That's a better one. You'll both wait. At least for five hours. The wedding is at three. It was a platonic kiss, Father. They have Lyssa! You will go alone. I won't leave you here. You will do as I tell you. You will try to reach Ynyr, the old one. I must follow the Slayers. They've taken Lyssa. The White Castle has fallen. Does the Queen live? The new Queen lives. Turold's son was to marry her. We were married. Then she was taken by the Slayers. You must help me. This is not the first time the Dark Ones have attacked our world. They came once before, a thousand years ago. A young king and queen, with extraordinary powers, were given to us then, to lead the struggle. My fore-father was their Councilor, as I will be yours. I have no extraordinary powers. Your powers are greater than you know. Have you ever seen one of these? With two or three days' practice, you'll be able to use it as well as I can. Then we'll have a chance of fighting our way out of here. Two or three days! While Lyssa is in their hands? There is no other way. But it opens onto the sheer wall of the Needle. There's no way down. You have rope? I am too old to climb down a rope. There is nothing. Reach out farther. Call to her. You must break when the strain becomes too great, or you will harm yourself. And you must concentrate your powers for when they are needed most. What did she answer? She was in a great fortress, first in the mountains, then in the jungle. How is that possible? It is the Fortress of Krull. I know it only from the stories of wars on other worlds. They did not use it on our world in the first great war, for it costs them enormous power. This time they mean to conquer, at all costs. The Fortress moves? Yes. Each dawn it rises in a different land: sometimes in the mountains, sometimes in the jungle, sometimes the desert, sometimes the sea. Never in the same place twice. Then even if Lyssa tells us where she is, we'll never be able to reach her, for they will never allow the Fortress to rise near us. No. They occupy the Fortress, but they cannot control its movement. It is moved by Fate. And, sooner or later, Fate will place it near us. Then we must be ready. Five leagues from here is the Eastern Tower. I know the Barons who hold it. Good men, and brave. They will help us. You have not slept in two days. You choose these? They know when they're going to die? I can't reach her. What do you see? She can't see out. She can't tell us where the Fortress is. Yes, they knew of your first contact, so they drove her below. She was very faint. I was barely able to reach her. The deeper she goes, the harder it is to contact her. Once she is below the second level, you will not be able to reach her at all. I cannot reach her. The first time, when they attacked long ago, was The Beast here? No. Then they were led by his underlings. But I knew he had come this time, from the ferocity of their onslaught, from their use of The Fortress. They use up much of their strength to do these things. They are taking great risks. Why? I'm not sure. But you suspect. No. We will find another way to locate the Fortress. There is no other way. You asked me why the Beast had come this time. Yes. He has come for Lyssa. Lyssa? Why? Like you, she has extraordinary powers. He would make her his Queen. Can she be forced? No. She must agree of her own free will. Never. You are young. You don't understand the attraction of great power, and you forget the pain of long waiting. Then we must reach her before she feels that pain. Traitor! She'll marry you in hell! I will melt that gold and pour it down your throat, old man! From here, I must go alone. You will tell me her name and we will go together. He ran a great risk, helping us today. If he opposes his fate, his death will be terribly painful. They will hold Lyssa in the Center of the Vortex, the place of the Beast, where its power is greatest. No man can match it there. Lyssa must try to move toward us. For as we enter the Vortex and move closer ... The Beast will kill her. She must make a glaive. The spiral begins in the west. She's on the other side of this wall. I can feel it! I chose the wrong passage. She can see the Beast! Use your sword. What use is my sword? I can't reach her! You must move quickly. The Beast will stop at nothing now. You're coming with us. It is my fate to die in the Fortress. No! You cannot know that! I can. Because I choose it. How did you know? Slayers! Do not let the waters touch you. They can be saddled. You have done it? I road them often in my youth. It is today? Each to his fate. I know the cruelty of such a fate. Perhaps you think no man would return to me. Am I not worth returning to? Yes. Am I not beautiful enough to be loved? Yes. Even by you? You too are lonely. I ache with it. Let me comfort you. I cannot take comfort when she has none. Then give me comfort. Sleep with me tonight. I cannot betray my bride. I feel your pain, but I cannot betray her. You will not, then? Help! Help! I'm drowning! I doubt it. The water is only an inch deep. It could have been quicksand! I might have been sucked to my death. Where is this place? A forest near the Valley of Needles. Blast! A thousand miles off course. Well, I was rushed. There was a certain difference of opinion concerning a venison pie. The foolish man left it sitting on his windowsill. What did he expect? Perhaps he expected to eat it. I just remembered I have urgent business in this direction. What business? Once is enough, thank you. Your kingship ... your lord high mightiness ... when I called you a ... a ... whatever I called you, I didn't realize that you were ... were ... I was hoping I might be your friend. My friend. I have need of friends. Not yet, my friend. It's your tomato that's dying. Try your tricks on me and I'll turn myself back into a snake and bite you. You and I will guard the fire. I don't think you'll grow careless. Smart as well as quick. Now what do you have to give us? Fame. Fame? Thank you, no. Fame is the burial ground of contentment. Eat it and go hungry; count it and go broke; seek it and grow mad. Fame is what fools yearn for and wise men shun. Fame is what you leave to your sons. How did you know I had sons? Because you would not rob if you had no children to provide for. Hah! You don't know me, boy. They stand at the edge of the grave and make jokes. Do you know who I am, sprout? I am Torquil, Lord of the forest. My men follow no man but me, and I follow no man at all. You will follow me. And in the few seconds before I dice you to crow-food, tell me why I am going to follow you. And where do you lead, boy? To the place where Death lives. It should be an interesting journey, then. That I promise you. When did you last sleep, boy? They burn many villages. Even walled cities fall to them. I'm not hungry. Not sleepy, either? Forgive me. It's childish to cry. Well, I'm not impressed. You've eaten nothing. We must try to get horses. Yes. It will double our range. I know at least a dozen ways to get horses. All cheap. These we'll pay for. Lad, you have an unnatural desire to pay for things. It stunts the mind and shrivels the imagination. Hand over your dinner. Forgive me, my friends. I saw terrible things. Go, join them. What kind of friend do you think I am? The best. But my unhappiness is not made lighter by adding your's to it. Well, it is true that if I received a royal command I couldn't very well disobey it, could I? Go. I command you. We could reach it on fire-mares. We must cover a hundred leagues before sunrise. You're resourceful, my lad. I tell you, one year under my tutelage and I could make you the Prince of Thieves. Subject to the King, no doubt. A good thrust, my friend. Another second and there'd have been nothing between my head and shoulders but bad memories. I intend to keep you alive, your majesty. So you can abdicate your throne and become my Warlord. Make for the wall. I'll catch up. Colwyn, don't be a fool. You can't do battle with that thing. Nothing worse than lower-class boors with upper-class morals. Would you settle for a boar? You! Me. May I eat with you tonight? Tonight and every night, my friend, for this is the second time you've saved my life. I am Ergo the Magnificent, short in stature, tall in power, etcetera, etcetera. What is that awful looking place? The Swamp of Betrayal. Be glad we don't have to cross it. Where are you going? We'll meet you at the inn. Can't I come, too? A venison pie as big as a house. A small house. Quell? My heart stays here. Bread is for peasants, and wine makes me sneeze. Got any gumdrops? No. Sugarballs? No. What kind of a boy are you? Boys always have candy. I have a cinnamon bar. You do? I am Ergo the Magnificent ... ... short in stature ... ... tall in power ... ... narrow of purpose ... ... wide of vision. I'm hungry. If I could wish ... ... for anything, I'd wish for a venison pie the size of a ... ... mountain. No, that's too greedy. I'd settle for one the size of a house. I'd wish for a puppy. One puppy? Why not wish for a hundred? I only want one. Sir Ergo? ... My honorable Lord Ergo? ... What? Now you poke me in the nose as well? I don't think it's working. Not working? This nose? This nose works day and night. This nose has never loafed an hour in its life. This nose ... What? Impossible. This nose asleep while venison fills the air? Where is it, boy? Tell me where it is and I forgive you everything. We meant only to please you. Oh, she was so beautiful - and I was so ugly. Would you desert your friends? But also very young. Six to one is no odds, boy. Put me down, you lout! You had better manners as a pig. What are you doing with my dear? Stop! Thieves! Many villagers are hiding in the forest. They need food. And do you think I live on air? We have plenty of hares. Food for crows. Surely a sorcerer of the sauce pan can make rabbit taste like venison. I am being exploited! Where are you going? Oh, my poor stew! Passable, pimple, very passable. The greatest boon of your otherwise worthless life, blockhead, is the privilege of dining on boar roasted by the hand of Ergo the Magnificent. I can't hold the weight of both of you! Look at its beauty. Look at its grace. Look at its insides. My spells always go wrong when I am observed. Be gone! The forest is not safe these days. You'd best travel with us. One with red eyes, the other with one eye, both trying to kill me. The one with red eyes was a Dark One, the other was a Cyclops, and it was not you he meant to kill. He was aiming a huge spear right at me! He didn't join them. They joined him. And who is he that they should join him? He is the King. They'll trample him to death! I do not want your power. It is hideous. I do not want your worlds or your slaves. It's a lie! These walls do not lie! He will betray you. He will not! He will come for me. What news from our friends? Barak is still strong in the north, and Tendo holds the high passes. But the great desert forts have fallen. Freylag's stronghold? It has been taken, Freylag and all his people slaughtered. It is only a few weeks and already half our strong places have fallen. The attacks are unceasing: by night, the Dark Ones; by day, those of our people who have sold themselves to them, those traitors who are called the Slayers. It is the way of all invaders. Those they would conquer they divide, buying allies with promises of land and power. Lord Rowan is one of Lyssa's godfathers. He will defend her in the ceremony. I wish that Lord Modred were here. He is a godfather of her own blood. For some, the lure of power is stronger than the ties of blood. No matter. I had hoped to have the wedding next spring, Lord Turold, with all the nobles of the kingdom in attendance. But Fate and this war have ordained otherwise. It is important to assure the succession. I will tell you something you did not know, Turold. Had it been my choice, all those years ago, I would have chosen you for my king. But my parents chose otherwise. I knew. You knew! You are a rude bumpkin! A girl of some spirit, your daughter. A match for your son, I think. A fine match. You were attacked in the forest? Yes. We lost five. I tried to reach Ynyr, the old one. I led a hundred men to his place in Granite Needle, but it was surrounded. The Dark Ones guard it by night and by day they call out the Slayers. Ynyr cannot get out and no one can get in. How many did you lose? Sixty at the needle, another thirty in the forest. Only ten of us made it back. Modred! Impossible! We seek the Fortress of Krull. Such a vision will be opposed. Who seeks it? The new King. With an old voice? You know the voice. Yes. You have left your place in the Needle. It is the time, then. It is the time. Can you see? The Dark Ones will appose you with all their power. Knowledge I wouldn't want. We'll seek an Emerald Seer. They have great powers of vision. We can save half a day by crossing the Stone Lake. Many have perished in that maze. The leader of the Dark Ones? I must go to the widow. Perhaps she will help. The Widow of the Web? Yes. That creature helps no one. And none who go there return. She has the power of vision. She has the power to kill. Perhaps she will not kill me, for I know her name. Her name is Death. Few have survived it. Each to his fate, lad. We must reach the Valley of Reeds before the next dawn. I'll stay behind and keep them busy. Look. Kegan! Go now. Quell was wise. He knew that a man cannot ask more of his death than it help his friends. Who speaks that name! It is fifty years since I heard that name. It is fifty years since I spoke it to you. I was beautiful then. The most beautiful woman in the world. But you would not stay with me. Could not. Could not betray the girl to whom I was betrothed. She was not as beautiful. No, she was not as beautiful. She bore you many children? We had no children. You had a son. You said nothing. You told me nothing. You had left me! I kept silent out of rage. Where is he? My son. Do not try your trickery on me! It is no trickery. You see? Memory is no trick, it is a power. The power to see. Power you have given me. What can my power give you? Knowledge. Of what? The Fortress of Krull. When will it come near here? Why must you know? There is a girl there. Her name is Lyssa. You lie! Could I lie to you and still see your beauty? No. A young man seeks her. A young man about the age I was when I met you. It will not help. I cannot stop the sand. You cannot stop time. Go now, before it runs out. You will come with me. What's that man's name? Why do you want to know? He forgot his money... My mother's got a pub, behind the corner, and he forgot his money, about 100$. Give me his name, I will mail him. OK. Mister Stansfield, Norman STANSFIELD. ...Office 2702. Yeah... How do you know it? Yeah, pal! And I didn't say anything, I said I don't know you. But do you know what did she say, that stupid Raphaella? No? She told them you wanted her things and that she wasn't surprised police looked for you! Can you believe it?! Asshole. But she won't miss anything, that. You'll see. Good, what are you going to do? Do you come back? YEAH! I was sure! Come on, tell me! I know him? No. I can't believe it! "Yes I think"... How she kids me! I can't believe it! And did he pass your threshold or not? ...What? Well... Did you sleep with him or not? No... Not yet. He's very shy... and very sensitive. ...Good... But what's special in him? ...You moved too, didn't you? Yeah. Huh!? Because of the slaughter at your same floor? ...Not at all. It's better... You see, it's my turf, so I don't want contracts I'm not informed about, on my turf. I'm not opposing, but the least they can do is informing me, isn't it? At a certain moment I thought: maybe Leon would like working on his own? So he makes some little extras? Dirty work, and I kill no women and no kids. Tell me... The money I earn and you keep for me... Do you need money? No, no. Pay attention to women, Leon. They are dangerous, you know? Yeah... Well... I don't know.. I don't know any. Why can't I have a bank account? Take... Well, I don't need them... OK, I'm fine. Here, this is the light scoop for night shooting. There, you fix client's distance... How much to the bench down there in the park? Huh... 500 meters? 130... 140... How can you say it? Look. When you can see his fingers, it's 50 meters. When you just see his hands, it's about 80 meters. When you distinguish arms from body, it's 120-130. When you see nothing more than a shape, you don't shoot. Not very sure. You have one chance out of five to miss. A contract means getting all chances on your side. 5 out of 5. What, for example? Well, if the guy is far, in a car, and I know weather is going to be bad, rain for example, I think I would plastic the car, with a remote here. I shoot from the distance and if I miss I plastic. Rocket launcher. Wow! It's brilliant! Who'll I aim at? The fat man down there, on the bench. Good! First shot! Yeah, but I didn't get him, I got his case and now he's behind the tree. What can I do? It's not serious, it's just training. You have to learn from the beginning to hit the target, then, to improve precision, you'll train, but on cardboards. OK. The yellow and pink. What's up? I don't feel you're concentrated. It's incredible! How did you do it? What? Five minutes. Keep in front of the window. Come on, get down! You were scared, weren't you? I was nervous, that's all! Where is the guy? It's strange, being in love... It's the first time for me... How do you know it's love, if you've never been in love before?... It may be friendship... or the love you can have with a brother or a father... How can you know? Mathilda? May I come in? Why don't you take me with you?... I'm ready, now. You said I learn very quickly. May I go to the cinema? No. For musicals? That's part of the job! You see, five minutes ago you said you loved me and now you hate me... but I prefer this! ...You can leave whenever you want. I don't refrain you. Not taken. Why? Well... Then may you rent me your gear for the day? If you knew, Leon...! I killed one thousand in my head... And this never disturbed my sleep. It's true... But a first contract, it's an exception. ...I'm going to kiss you. Stop. Everyone is looking. ...You don't believe me, don't you? What? When I say I love you. Mathilda, don't resume, please. ....Change subject, OK? ...OK. I love you anyway. Mathilda?! OK, OK! Excuse me! How old were you when you had your first contract? ...Shit!! We'd found him. We waited for him to get upstairs and he got out of the window. What shall we do? Where are you going? Piddle. She smiles and looks for the bathroom. She finds it and is going to go in when she sees the head of a man in the bath, walkman on. She withholds a shout and gets against the wall, without moving. She doesn't dare passing before the open door again to join Leon. In the living room, Leon still thinks. It's cool departing this way... warm... music... There are better things. You see the importance of the "moment". Ten minutes early or late, he'd have seen death. He'd have suffered it. This way, he already departed. Without knowing. ...I'd like knowing what he's listening to... Mathilda, hadn't you told that bullshit to the receptionist, we'd still be in the hotel, I make you notice. That wasn't bullshit, I said we love each other. ...I prefer apartments... Furthermore, there are always kids in a building. What about getting some friends? Friends? You're crazy! In my building, before, they just cared drugs all day and you couldn't get one, or they just cared video games and you couldn't get one, no more. You're darkening the picture, aren't you? A little... Is there a normal 13 or 14 year old boy? It's too big. Risky business, isn't it? ...You're young, Mathilda... You still have a chance to get out. You can't give up this chance. You have to protect it. There's a lot of things to do in life, a lot of other jobs... Mathilda... There's equally a lot of other things! No, excuse me... It's the yogurt that made me laugh. You've just to love me and I'll be the happiest woman around. Yeah, I know! But for the moment you're not yet a woman. So, be patient... I need time... And you too. You have to grow up. I'm here, I'll never leave you again, Mathilda, never. I swear. I love you so much, Leon. Poor darling, and then? Well... I don't know, suddenly, the make up... All this... How are you? Are you OK? ...Don't you drink? ...No... How many girlfriends did you have? ...I don't know. Well... 1... 2... 10... 100... 1000? How many, approximately? ...Mathilda, I don't feel like talking about this. Why? Did you have too many and you fear it may shock me? I won't get shocked. I'm used to this! My father was a true pig. He fucked the bitch I'd as mother all around the apartment. Whenever a door was closed, you could be sure they were making sex behind it! And my sister, if you didn't sleep with her, you're building's ...I had a girlfriend... A long time ago. Before coming here, in my country. I was 14-year-old... We flirted like kids... Her father didn't want her to meet me. My family was not very respectable. ...That's awful. I hope you killed, that asshole? You... You knock the code, when you come back, OK? Yes. May I ask you a personal question? ...Yes. What do you do, with the money you earn? Nothing, for the moment. Maybe it's the time to do something, isn't it? Yeah, what? Why did you unleash the pipe, I don't know? It will take them five minutes! How long ago did they arrive? I don't know... Five minutes. How shall we get out now, Leon? No! I don't want to leave you!! Mathilda, listen! You say it just to calm me! Yes? Good morning, Mister... It's Danielle! Huh! You made an error, baby. I don't know any Danielle. ...I got lost, Mister. Huh? Move back, baby, I can't see anything. ...Yes? Excuse me, Mister... I'm looking for Mister Rubens' apartment, but it's dark out here and I got lost... Don't fear. How are you, Miss? I'm sick with practicing, that's it... I see. You're good, because I didn't hear anything. Yeah. I put a rag on the strings, to lessen noise. Huh? That's smart! I'm used to it. Not everyone likes music. Yeah, true. But what does your father exactly do for living? ...Composer. Huh, that's good! Yeah, but he's not exactly my father... Huh? You can't sit here like that. Huh? Why? Because you have to pay. It's like a parking meter: if you stay, you pay. It's the rule... ...And how much is it? ...OK... Good. Can I sit on the stairways now? Rinaldi... Rinaldi... What region do you come from? Messina. But... He works for your same employer? Yeah, but I don't give a shit about. I trade at left, at right and that's dangerous in there... It's a little out of the world coming to visit me this way, on mid afternoon. It really isn't the usual procedure... ...Who sent you? Is he still alive? Yeah... And still in Messina. He's my uncle. Huh? Are you Alfredo's son, then? Have you ever been in Messina, son? Yes... Twice. Did you fish in Messina? The "pesce spada"? No... I think I will get back in Messina this summer... It's too long I haven't been there. You're right, son. You must care the links with your family, always. It's the only important thing in the world. Salute. You'd better talk good, son, because, for the moment, I've got a quite bad opinion about you. Norman smiles. I respect your business, Mister Tony. Every time we asked your help, we were very happy with the result. It's right this that makes me nervous, now. I hope you'll excuse my temporary bad mood? Do you recognize him? Listen, son, you know as well as me this kind of hitmen: they come from nowhere, get the contract and disappear. They're lonely, worse than wolves. May we have this wolf's name and address? He probably just went somewhere. Where? What is it? This smells good. Why am I such an authority? Here comes the resume. Uncle Maurice, you're wearing sneakers? And your store? What about your new store? What about all your dreams? I have new dreams now. I don't accept that. Maybe one day -- after you've been married twenty years you'll understand. Uncle Maurice -- I spent all our frequent flyer miles on a one way ticket here... I have a rented car outside, just listen to me. Come back with me now, and if you still want to do something like this in a year -- maybe we'll plan a car trip across the country -- Gerald and I will come along -- I have to walk -- by myself -- all the way -- every inch. It's impossible. It's what she asked for... It's what I'm going to do. She was being symbolic. What if she asked you to fly to the moon? What if you don't make it? I'll make it. If you really want to do this... plan it out. Rest up. Train for it. Build up your body. Plan every stop along the way. How much money? Time? Really do it properly. This is all so -- by the seat of your pants. No it's not. I've all ready gone six hundred miles... I can't do it again. Nothing's going to happen. Are you two planning kids? Maybe later. I don't think you realize how serious this is Uncle. Then it'll have to wait until I finish. What? Listen to me very carefully, because I don't want you to misunderstand me... The walk is over Uncle Maurice. Done. Finished. You've made it to California, it was a miracle, now let's try to save your life. I have to finish first. What would you like us to do? Put out a P.B.S.... Or whatever it's called. A.P.B.... He isn't breaking any law. He's a grown man... He can crawl on his hands and knees to China if that's what he wants to do. Sergeant, I'm a psychologist and I know the difference between normal whims people have and actions that clearly display psychological problems... My uncle lost his wife and it devastated him. We're very sorry about that. Some of our men were on the scene of the accident. I think my uncle is suffering from a condition called Mania which is linked with depression. It is a time when an individual will act over-confident, and will act out impractical, grandiose plans. Sometimes these plans can be dangerous. How long does this... Mania last? Look, I'll see if anyone has spotted him recently. If I get any information, I'll call you. Thank you. Mine. Are you a preacher? This is Indiana -- nothing's going to happen to you. A wife?... Did someone piss drunk run into your wife? Crushed her like a bug. Snapped her bones? Oh the preacher's getting angry again... Tell me something. Did she die instantly or did she feel every torn muscle and shattered bone? Were you there to help her? Or were you safe at home when the windshield sliced into her face -- The normal amount of build up in your arteries has been aggravated by over exertion. This is called, "Claudication," As a result, there isn't enough circulation to your body. That accounts for the discoloration in your extremities and the muscle spasms I'm sure you've encountered. Can it kill me? What steps do we take now? We operate. We find the artery in the brain and close the bleeding... I just did this procedure on a Senator and he's doing fine. What are the odds? Do I have a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the operation? So what's the deal Maurice? Pardon? I mean why the sudden voluntary visit -- usually it takes gun- point to get you in here... Routine, I assure you. I just wanted to gage my health. Am I healthy? Yes -- you are. I know what you're getting at. You do? I've seen it before. You have? You're feeling old and you want to start exercising. A lot of men your age feel the need to recapture their youth. Don't feel embarrassed about it. Okay. You should start slow and easy -- fifteen minutes a day. Just for curiosity sake that's all? I don't know -- maybe twenty miles... Of course I'm not recommending that... if someone like you had to I mean... that's how far they'd probably get before encountering serious physical walls. Yes? You thought I sent them? Have I forgotten something? Is this a special day? It's a special day isn't it? Ellen? What? The new store? Honey, I told you. If it makes you happy, we should just do it. It's a tremendous amount of work -- moving. ... Love is shown through actions not just words. What's that? That's not a fortune... You will be rich... That's a fortune. What you have is a statement. What it is -- is the truth. Is this going to be similar to the flower incident? Sometimes people need to see things done for them -- because sooner or later they don't believe the words anymore. I want to be shown... Maurice would you do anything for me? Yes. Anything? What do you want from me? Would I swim across an ocean for you?... Would I walk across the United States for you? Yes... Yes I would. You know that. Why do you polish that thing all the time? You're talking to me? A Book Society Award is a very prestigious thing. Why are you polishing it -- in bed -- in your pajamas -- at 11:15 at night? Are you going to show it to someone? No. Then why? There's no reason. I do love you... very, very much. Show me. Walk with me? You like to take walks? It's one of those thoughts you keep to yourself. I thought we both wanted the same things. I've changed my mind. I want children. You've just decided, is that right? Ellen, there are two kinds of people in the world -- Please not, 'The two kinds of people' speech. ... People that were made to be parents, and people who were not made to be parents... My parents, were people who were not made to be parents but had kids anyway. I don't want us to be that way Ellen. You can change. Face it Ellen, I'm not the type of person who reads bedtime stories. But you love me anyway. It must've hit the window... I think its neck is broken. It isn't going to make it Ellen. Let the poor thing go quietly. Your father? He's plastered. That's okay -- really it is. I don't know. I think it's a different place for each person. I know where my heaven is. Where? Why there? Maurice? Yes. If I die, you'll know where to look for me? Go to sleep Ellen. The beach of Pacifica, California. What did they ask? If I had seen you. By the way I'm sorry about your wife. They told me. Thank you... I'm sorry you had to lie. It must have been difficult. To where? Pacifica, California. From where? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Why? Do you believe a person's soul lives on after their death? Most certainly. And that that soul takes part of the person they were on this earth with them. That's a reasonable assumption. I don't want my wife's soul having any doubts. Doubts? About what? You don't have to prove anything to her. What's his story? His name is Maurice. He's dancing around everything else. Red flag, man. Red flags man. Not our problem. Why so vague? Why so evasive? He could be somebody hot. Not our problem. It's going to look beautiful when he turns out to be that animal who paid a visit to the Steadman's house. This guy's not a murderer. A marriage certificate? Who the hell carries their marriage certificate around? Hansen's whipped. Has to call his wife every two hours or she'll go ballistic when he gets home. I'm going to drop off Tandy at the station and then drop you back. Shit! He jumped! Jumped where? Well, hello. I'm Isaac... I'm three. You know what, I can play baseball with my brothers when I'm bigger. Is that right? You know what... I'm just little now, but I'll be big soon. You'll probably be bigger than your brothers. I thought you were asleep. Your parents would want you to be in bed. You tell stories? There was a boy named Isaac who wanted to play baseball, but he was too small and no one would let him play... but he kept practicing by himself -- waiting... He went to every game and sat in the stands with his glove. You know what... maybe I ran onto the field and hit a home run. Anyway, Big Billy needed another player so he yelled into the stands. 'Who can play baseball?' And there was a little voice that yelled out, 'Me, I can play.' Everyone turned to see a little boy standing with a glove. That's me. Right. But everyone saw how small Isaac was and laughed... but not Big Billy. He stared at Isaac carefully and then told him to join the game. It came to the end of the game. It was the eleventh or twelfth inning or whatever is the last inning of a game... Nine. Okay nine. Big Billy's team was losing and he was on base. That's when Isaac came up. He could barely hold the bat... Big Billy winked at Isaac... The ball was pitched -- Isaac hit the ball hard. It soared up and out over the stadium. Everyone cheered. Isaac hit a home run and won the game. After the game, Isaac asked Big Billy Each inch represents 150 miles... Making the grand total? Three thousand miles?... How many times does twenty go into three thousand? What was that? Perhaps there's another route? Don't worry baby, it shouldn't take you more than five days if you just stop to sleep and eat. This story is big huh? Mammoth. What are you saying? This story is too big for this paper? Umm, no. It's just that -- Michelle, breathe... that's it, what is it, talk to me. Umm, he's going to make it isn't he? Lizy, Eliza... Elizabeth Bennett... Pride and Prejudice. You're amazing. It has to be a full character's name. They called her 'Lizy' in the book... Sorry I was late. My jeep died on the way over from the paper. They printed your article on, 'Dry Verses Can Dog Food'... Very enlightening. What happened? I want to reach people. Nobody listens to me. This is my way to reach them. To reach people, you have to feel something first... You write about the wrong things. How can you feel for dog food? The people at the Gazette don't respect it, and neither do you. This is a ghost town. Nothing ever happens. Are you firing me? You going on a trip Mr. Parker? Yes. Where? When are you leaving? I'm walking there Kris. Walking where? The hairs on my arm are standing up... Something strange is happening. Phileas Fogg? ... Round The World In Eighty Days. ... Hello Kris. You're amazing... What are you doing Mr. Parker? You're walking to California? Pacifica, California -- it's a coastal city. Ellen told me that she didn't know if I loved her. She knew you loved her. I'm really lost. What does this have to do with walking? I need to show her how much I love her Kris. Why know? Pacifica, California... that's a long ways away. Ellen got up every morning and went to the corner store to get me my bread for breakfast... Everyday. Now that's about a quarter mile each way... 17 years... that comes to about three thousand miles... And you know what Kris? What Mr. Parker? Tom Joad? ... The Grapes of Wrath. I missed you Kris. I missed you to Mr. Parker. Adelle told me, your writing is going well. The Crusader for social issues and all. I haven't been too punctual with the rent. Are they standing? Come on Mr. Parker. What, come on? We do the operation after I finish. I can't risk not finishing... I thought you understood what I was doing. I do. Why in God's name did you fly all the way here then? Don't do this. Mr. Parker, you can yell at me, if it'll help. But I'm not risking your life. She knows you love her Mr. Parker. She knows now. There are a lot of people worried about you. Where am I? In a hospital. What do your friends call you? Steph. You're in pain. I need your help. They told me, you might try to talk me into something... You need to rest Mr. Parker... It's for your own good. I've been following your story for a long while. It's a beautiful thing you did. You ever lose somebody Stephanie? ... My father. You're going to have a lot of work to do when I get back. Good morning. Is it a boy or a girl? I don't have kids. You look so happy -- how long have you been married? Where did he go? May I ask you a question that might sound strange? Hello, Mr. Parker. Hello. How are you feeling? Confused. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm not sure what he wants for me. He wants to reward you... That's why I'm here. What do you mean? What's your shoe size? If that ain't fate?... Hi, I'm Dave Caldwell. I do the copy for the anchor on the evening news down here. Evening News? I've always wanted a watch like that. It's yours. I really want that watch. This isn't right. There's a one-drink minimum per show, I hope you saw the sign when you came in. Anyway, they're supposed to tell you. Yes, I heard, and it's not a problem. What do you want? What are my choices? Everything's ten dollars, and there's no alcohol. No alcohol? No alcohol. You gotta get something else. Everything's ten dollars. What do you want? What do you think I should get? Non-alcoholic malt beverage? ...Noooo. Orange soda? No. Coffee? No. Sparkling apple cider? No. Water? Water? One drink minimum per show. Everything's ten dollars. Now... tell me what you want or I'll eighty- six you. Hello! Hello. Are you working? Isn't it illegal to drink and drive? That is, if you'll come to my room for an hour, I will give you five hundred dollars. You're pretty drunk. Sarah -- with an H? I'm sort of curious... if you're willing to pay me two-fifty... not that I mind... I mean, I'm OK with that -- why aren't you staying in a hotel? We can go to one if you'd prefer. Umm. We can stay in the car for an hour if you want. But I really have to go then. It's your time. Right, I'll get your door. I tend to fade in and out lately. I guess I do too. You what? I sometimes fade out. Oh... well, maybe we better synchronize our spells... or stagger them. Mind if I use the bathroom? Want a drink? I'm having one. A shot of tequila, if you can spare it. Do you want to fuck now? Maybe another drink first. More tequila? What's the story? Are you too drunk to come? No, I came here to drink... myself... you know... To death? I cashed in all of my money, paid my AmEx card, gonna sell the car tomorrow. How long's it gonna take, for you to drink yourself to death? I think about four weeks, and I've got enough for about two hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars a day. Yes... that should do it. What am I? A luxury? If I was I'm sorry. No, just drunk... but that's OK. Where's your car? Don't run away. What's up? ...or a girlfriend, but if you have some free time... maybe we could have dinner. Are you serious. I think you know I'm serious. I'll pay you if you like... but I'd like to see you. Yes. We should pick up a bottle of tequila on the way. I owe you one. This is the home of an angel. You OK out there? You OK? Of course. Wow... you look extremely beautiful. Thank you. What time is it? I'm rambling. I really like you. You make me want to talk... I don't know what time it is. I like hearing you talk. If you feel up to a short walk, there's a place to eat around the corner. All the food in Vegas is terrible so the place doesn't really matter. How does that sound to you? I'm from the East. I went to college, did an arts course. I now live in Vegas. I think of it as home. I came here deliberately to carve out a life. I was in LA before, but I'll come back to that later. The tough times are behind me now. I can deal with the bad things that happen. There will always be Is that really what you want to ask me? Yes. Well, then I guess this is our first date... or our last. Until now, I wasn't sure it was either. First. It's our first. I'm just concerned. So... why are you killing yourself? Interesting choice of words. I don't remember. I just know that I want to. It wasn't so important to me. I mean, he never asked me why I was a hooker, and that was impressive. I really liked him. So I decided to just play my part. I mean... it's good to help someone once in a while, it's a bonus to being alive, and that was my plan... to stay alive. I suddenly came to a decision. What are you thinking? Are you angry with me? Ben, why don't you stay at my place tonight? I mean... look, you're so drunk. I like you. I trust you. That's astonishing. Sera, look... Let's face it, what the fuck are you doing in Las Vegas? I'm going to move to a smart hotel, tomorrow if it'll make you feel better. Let's talk about tomorrow. Wanna do something? Sure... tonight. Then please stay at my place. Sera... you know I'm not much good in the sack. How long have I been here? Three nights, two days. When is your rent coming up at the motel? I don't know. I'll go and sort it out today. Why don't you come?... We'll find a real room for me. You can pick it out, a tower on the strip. There's no reason to blow all your money on a hotel room. What do you mean? What I mean is that you should bring your stuff over here. We're spending all this time together... what the fuck! Sera... Let's face it, Ben, we're having fun here. I've never done so much talking in my life. Me neither. So! Let's dispense with the formalities. I want you here... now! Sera you are crazy. So... I'm not too concerned with long term plans. Don't you think you'll get a little bored living with a drunk? That is what I want. Why don't you go and get your stuff? Don't you like me, Ben? Sera... what you don't understand is... You can never... never... ask me to stop drinking. Do you understand? Hi! Why don't you go in and sit down. I have some gifts for you. Want a drink? Great nap. Wanna go out tonight? Seriously, Ben... I need to keep pretty low-key around here. Maybe next time you could nap this side of the door. That was the landlord. Ben? Sera, I love that name... S.E.R.A. Before we proceed onwards, there is something I need to say. OK? OK. Why? Because... it's better for me that way. OK? Sera... I hope that you understand how I feel about this. First of all, you're welcome to my money. We can buy a couple of cases of liquor and you can have the rest. But I don't think you're talking to me right now about money. No? No. I think you're talking about you. I'll tell you right now that I'm in love with you... but, be that as it may, I'm not here to force my twisted life into your soul. I know that... ...and I'm not here to demand your attention to the point where it changes your life. We know I'm a drunk... but that seems to be all right with you. And I know that you're a hooker. I hope you understand that I'm a person who is totally at ease with this... which is not to say that I'm indifferent or that I don't Thanks, I do understand. I was worried about how that would be... but now I'm not. And you should know that included with the rent here is a complimentary blow job. Ah, yes... I suppose sooner or later we ought to fuck. Right... the suitcase was clinking. So what did you do with your clothes? I threw them into the garbage, which was perhaps immoral, but I wanted to come to you clean, so to speak. I thought we could go shopping and pick up a pair of jeans and forty- five pairs of underwear and just throw them out each day. I'm going to fill it right now. Giving you money makes me want to come. I am planning to go out and do some work. When? I like women who wear mismatched earrings. Well, then... I hope we don't run into any tonight. What do you mean? How are you doing? Very well... umm... I never expected to have to ask you this again... but how did our evening go? I remember getting to the casino... I remember kissing you... that was really nice but everything after that is a blank. Well -- I was prepared for worse, but it wasn't so bad. We were sitting at the bar, talking about blackjack. You seemed just fine, a little drunker than usual, but nothing really strange, but then your head started to droop and I put my arm on your shoulder and then, wham, you swung you arm at me, and fell backwards off your stool Oh, and what did you do? I tried to shut you up and help you to your feet but you kept swinging at me -- not like you wanted to hit me, but more just waving me away. Security came and when you saw them you stopped yelling. They wanted to carry you out and dump you on the street, but I talked them into letting me walk you out. That's impressive. How did you do that? I told them you were an alcoholic and I would take you home. I also promised that we would never come in there again. You were OK for a while, so we walked for about a block and then you said you wanted to go home and fuck, but I think even you knew that wasn't going to happen. We got a cab and you asked him to stop at a liquor store, even though I told you that we had plenty at home. In the store you I warned you... ...but I'm sorry. Here's my speech... ...I know this shouldn't be acceptable to me, but it is. Don't ask me why. I sense that your trouble is very big... and I'm scared for you... and so I'm doing what I think you need me to do. Falling down in casinos is little stuff. It doesn't bother me. It has nothing to do with us. Why don't you go back to sleep. I'll go out and buy us some breakfast. Very creative. Now we can get you a black bow tie and you can look like one of those casino dealers. Your color. What was that all about? Can we just forget it? I don't understand any of that. Please! Yes... I'll give you that. Thank you, Sera. Do you want me not to go tonight? Maybe I should follow you around and ask one of your tricks what it's like to sleep with you. I'll be back home around three. If you're back by then we can watch TV or something... I guess what I'm saying is... that I hope you are back when I get home. Please be careful. You be careful to. I'm going to miss you. Shall we go away for a couple of days? Years ago, in LA, I turned a trick on Sunset and Western. The guy was polite and didn't argue about the price. He parked his car and I took him to a house that I had an arrangement with. A fat Mexican woman was watching a TV and I told him to give her the twenty for the room. There were three or four Last spring I happened to walk past a house that I had once patronized. There was a cool breeze blowing off the ocean and through the window I could see a bare leg. The girl must have been taking a break between customers. It was a strange moment for me because it reminded me of my mother and despite the fact that I was Where was that house? The one in LA, I mean. Fifth and Mayflower. You know it? I like it here with you. Let's stay for a while. I've missed the best sun. Why did you have to pawn your watch? Maybe it's time I moved to a hotel. And do what... rot away in a room? We're not going to talk about that. Fuck you! I will not talk about that. You're staying here. You are not moving to a hotel. Will you lighten up, please? There are limits. I wanted to see you... You know I love you... yeah? Hey, Brad... how's it going? Hey Ben. There were a couple of guys looking for you. What did they look like? How'd this happen? I was going real fast down on the beach and something slipped and everything got jammed up. The news is not good, kid. This bit here... see there... it's broken. You need a new one. How much, do you think? About ready for another drink? Yes, that would be great. Are you her for the convention? So... are you alone, or are you just using me to make someone else jealous? Alone. Alone. I'm here alone. Where are you staying? Right here at the hotel. Why? Well... I thought you might be looking for a date. A date. What, are you a hooker? What do you mean a date? I've got a wife back home. I just came over to talk for a few minutes. Please don't raise your voice. I won't bother you about it again. I don't want this. Yuri, please. I really don't want this. You know I don't like to do groups. I want this, Sera. I need this! You have been lonely? I've been all right. You have been lonely? I'm pleased with you, Sera... how you have moved up in the world. I showed you a glamorous world when I took you off the streets... and how you repay me. Where have you been staying? It is, after all, Sera, my money. Yes, of course. How much do you need? Where have you been? A full night on the street and this is all? Don't hit me. Yes? What? Have you told anyone that I'm here? Go, Sera. Go. Stay at home. I will call you tomorrow. Yuri... are you... Harvard Law School? That's right. But it's a top three school -- I have a 4.0. Yes, but your major is Fashion Merchandising. Harvard won't be impressed that you aced "History of Lycra". What are your backups? Well, then. You'll need excellent recommendations from your professors, a heck of an admissions essay and at least a one-seventy-five on your LSATs. What alibi? I can't tell you. You understand you're on trial for murder? I didn't do it! I walked in, saw my husband lying on the floor, bent down to check his heart, screamed my head off and Chutney and Enrique ran inside. Why would I kill my husband? Insurance? A love affair? Pure unadulterated hatred? Believe me, the DA will come up with plenty of reasons. I loved him! Brooke, I believe you. But a jury is gonna want an alibi. Were you with another man? Go to hell. I'll take that as a no. Are we done for today? What're you so happy about? You're on trial for murder. Get up. What? You're fired. I have new representation. Is he always such an ass? He's the top defense attorney in the state. Of course he's an ass. But is he an ass that's gonna win my case? He's an ass that's gonna try. He thinks I'm guilty, doesn't he? That's not what's important. I'm a Delta Gamma and I'm a huge fan of yours! You took my class in LA. You had the best high kick I've ever seen. Are you one of my lawyers? Are you okay? You look so sad... and so orange. I'm glad it's you and not Donovan. Elle, I can't. You don't understand. It's so shameful... Whatever it is -- it could save you. That's just it -- it would ruin me! I have made my fortune on my ability to teach women how to perfect their bodies with the Brooke's Butt Buster workout. No! I'm not having an affair with Enrique -- you know a Delta Gamma would never sleep with a man who wears a thong! I just liked watching him bend over to clean the filter -- What's going on? Enrique's gay. I'm sure of it. I got out of the shower, walked downstairs, saw her standing over my father, and called the police. Did she have a weapon in her hand? No. Was there any reason for you to believe she had discarded a weapon? Uh, yeah, because the bitch shot him. Was there any evidence that Mrs. Windham shot him? Okay -- Ms. Windham, when you uh arrived back at the house? Was your father there? Not that I saw. But like I said, I went straight upstairs to take a shower. And when you came downstairs, what happened? I saw Brooke standing over his body, drenched in his blood. But Mrs. Windham didn't have a gun? Did you hear a shot fired? No. I was in the shower. So at some point in the -- twenty minutes you were in the shower, your father was shot? But you didn't hear the shot, because you were in the shower. Miss Windham, can you tell us what you'd been doing earlier in the day? I got up, went to Starbucks, went to the gym, got a perm, and came home. Where you got in the shower. Yes, Your Honor. Had you ever gotten a perm before, Miss Windham? How many, would you say? Two a year since I was twelve. You do the math. Chutney, why is it that Tracy Marcinko's curls were ruined when she got hosed down? Because they got wet. And if you in fact, heard the gunshot, then Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun before you got downstairs. Which would mean that you would've had to have found Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story sound plausible. Isn't that right? She's younger than I am. Did she tell you that? How would you feel if your father married someone younger than you? Dewey Newcomb? Who's askin'? Come again? Due to the fact that you retained the residence, Ms. Bonafante is entitled to full ownership of the canine property in question and we will be enforcing said ownership immediately. Huh? All I know is -- it's not Brooke. Did you get it? Why the hell not? What are you talking about? Good work today, Ms. Woods. Sit down. Is everything okay? You followed your intuition today and you were right on target. I should've listened. Thank you. I'm sorry, but -- I think it's time discuss your career path. Have you thought about where you might be a summer associate? You're hitting on me? You're a beautiful girl, Elle. So everything you just said -- You're not going up there. I do. I'm not allowing it. What did you see when you entered the house? I saw Mrs. Windham standing over the body of Mr. Windham. Was she carrying a weapon? So she was distraught that her husband was dead? Mr. Salvatore, do you have any proof that you and Mrs. Windham were having an affair? What's going on? Donovan's firm is defending a major murder case and his caseload is so heavy he's taking on first year interns. Why didn't you call me? What? We spend a beautiful night together and then I never hear from you again? I'm sorry? For what? Breaking my heart or ruining sex for me with any other man? Uh -- both? Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:03. Yes? Yes? Would you be willing to stake your life on it? I think so... -- his life? I don't know. You can't even imagine. After you went to all that trouble? Well, what am I supposed to do? He's engaged! She's got the family six- carat on her bony, unpolished finger. You're asking the wrong girl. I'm with my guy eight years and then one day it's "I met someone else. Move out." What'd you do? I didn't even get to go to his birthday party. No! What could I do? He's a man who followed his pecker to greener pastures. I'm a middle- aged high-school dropout with stretch marks and a fat ass. Happens every day. At least to women like me. That's terrible! So, what's this Sarah got that you don't? Three tits? She's from Connecticut. She belongs to his stupid country club. Is she? Could I be anymore goddamn spastic? So you're sure, this Warner guy is "the one"? You showed up Warner in class? You're supposed to be showing up Sarah. You ready? No. God, that felt great! Look at him. He's still scratching his head. I feel so bad for her. I mean, she's in jail! And she's innocent. But I'm the only one who believes her. Donovan totally thinks she's guilty. So, this is the only interaction you two have ever had? No. Sometimes I say "Okay" instead of "Fine". Have you ever considered asking him if he'd like a cold beverage? Or perhaps a neck massage? What's the point? Look at me. Good one. And after they set his nose, he came back for his truck and I offered to drive for him since he was still on pain-killers and we spent the whole afternoon together! He was unconscious for part of it, but it was really fun! I'm so happy for you! How'd it go at the trial? Great. Donovan actually said the words "Good work, Ms. Woods". He takes me seriously! Can you believe it? You can't go home! I'm here to see Brooke Windham. Licensed attorney or family member? Uh -- family. Relation? I'm her sister. Name? Hi. Sarah Knottingham. Our group is full. The idiot speaks. I believe her, too. I don't think she's having an affair with Enrique. Too bad you and I are the only ones. It's not my alibi to tell -- I know. I thought that was very -- classy of you. Warner can't even do his own laundry. I know. He has it sent out. Did you know he got wait-listed when he applied? His father had to make a call. Donovan asked to see you before you leave. Really? You almost had me fooled. What? I'm a bitch. Yes, you are. And Donovan's a scumbag for coming on to you. You're pawning The Rock?! Can someone please tell Rick that he is not the only Sigma Chi with a big penis? Why else would she have flown in from Newport? It's not like she'd Fed Ex a six carat diamond. Too demure? I think you should go with red. It's the color of confidence. What if -- you know -- it's not the night? I don't know! Everything was normal at first and then he said he needed someone more -- Serious! We still love you. Sisters forever! Honey, stop! You have to leave this room -- it's been a week. Once Warner sees me as a serious law student, he'll want me back. It's a completely brilliant plan! But isn't it kind of hard to get into law school? Here. You're gonna need this. Your scrunchie? Elle, do you know what happened on "Days of Our Lives" yesterday? It's Elle! Guess what I'm doing right this second? Power yoga? Picking out my wedding dress! What?! Josh proposed! Keep June first open -- you're one of my bridesmaids. And give Warner our love. Oh, how sweet! You made friends with a nerdy girl. Speaking of which, can you please put on some party clothes? You look like someone rolled you in something sticky and dragged you through a K- Mart. Hello! You're like, a lawyer. Do they just -- put you on the spot like that? Like, all the time? The professors? Yeah, they tend to do that. Socratic method. You have Stromwell. Did she do that to you, too? No, but she made me cry once. Not in class -- I waited until I got to my room, but yeah, she can pretty much shrivel your balls -- or you know, your whatevers. Neat. Donovan, Royalton and Levinson. And make sure you read the footnotes in Levinson's class. That's where all her exam questions come from. Good luck. Don't ask. Okay, if Brooke didn't kill the guy, who did? Explain to me why you're so anti- Brooke. Uh, for starters, she won't give us an alibi -- Aside from that. She's completely untrustworthy. Why? She married an old man, she's made a living on telling women they're too fat, she hawks her crap on the Home Shopping Network... A) He's an old man with a really big penis. B) She never told me I was fat. And C) Victoria Principal sells on that network. And D) Brooke is obviously hiding something. But maybe it's not what you think. You're kind of being a butt-head right now. How do you figure? I can't believe you called me a butthead. No one's called me a butt- head since ninth grade. Damn. We can't see her for an hour? Mrs. Windham Vandermark? She's not! How can you still believe she's innocent? You're going to trust the word of a woman who named her child after a condiment? She's ly-ing. And you know this for a fact? Did you see the icky black color of her hair? So? The what? Blondes are discriminated against worldwide! Brooke's a blonde, and people are saying she's sleeping with the cheesy pool boy and shooting her husband. If she was a mousy brunette, it would be, "Oh, the poor widow." Okay, how would it work? It would be a full-service law firm, by and for blondes, providing positive blonde role models and community outreach in high blonde areas. I mean, think about it -- name one blonde intellectual role model. I can't. That is a direct result of anti- blonde discrimination! Wait -- Hilary Clinton. In that case, maybe Heyworth got fellated by a brunette and Brooke caught him. Exactly how much gorilla sex do you think a sixty-year-old man can take? What the hell is that for? The bags under your eyes. You're an attractive man, but you need to take better care of yourself. I don't -- Do that stuff. Well, you should -- If you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you project joy into the world. Projecting joy is not my job. You really think I'm attractive? He's gay! Enrique is gay! Back up. How do you know he's gay? Hey -- Whoa -- Why? Law school was a mistake. Getting this internship was a mistake. So now you're -- ? Going back to LA. Maybe I can fulfill my destiny as a useless bimbo and join the Swedish Bikini Team. No more navy blue suits. No more panty- hose. No more trying to be something I'm not. Oh, my God! Up for a celebration dinner? Are you asking me on a date? As long as you realize I'm not just some man-toy you can show off like a trophy. Then, forget it. Besides, I have an early class tomorrow. Someone missed you. Is he the only one? But I'm not positive it's gonna happen tonight -- No -- it's just -- not me. I'm canceling the mixer. We'll blacklist Sigma Chi. Thank you, Serena, but I don't think it'll do any good. Oh, he is so over on this campus. How could this happen? I don't know! I don't know anything any more! I just need to be by myself. Girls -- I'm going to Harvard! Calvin Klein's spring line is atrocious. Don't you agree? Almost. Well, hurry up so you can come home! We miss you! I miss you guys! The people here are so vile! Hardly anyone even talks to me unless it's to say something that's not nice. Law school sucks! Oh, my God! I completely forgot to tell you! What? I got bangs! What're you doing here?! You guys -- I can't. We're in the middle of a trial. I wish we could stay longer, but I have a game. Neither. Why not? Yes? Ms. Woods? I did? You're applying for my internship, aren't you? I don't know -- You should. Do you have a resume? It's pink. Maiden name -- Daniels. You know her? Amazing how? She could make you drop three pounds in one class. She's completely gifted! His twenty-seven year old daughter and the pool boy. Maybe she found him like that. You don't really believe she's innocent? Class schedule, map, book list. Has Warner Huntington checked in yet? Wait -- my social events schedule is missing. Your what? You know -- mixers, formals, beach trips. There's a pizza welcome lunch in twenty minutes. Does that count? You're beautiful. I'm fully amenable to that discussion. I mean, we're having a lot of fun now -- but things are gonna be different when I'm at Harvard. Law school is a completely different world. I need to be serious. Of course. My family expects a lot from me. And I expect a lot from me. I plan on running for office some day. And I fully support that. But the thing is, if I'm gonna be a senator by the time I'm thirty -- I can't keep dicking around. I completely agree. I'm sorry, Elle, I just -- You're breaking up with me?! I thought you were proposing. Proposing?! Elle, If I'm going to be a politician, I need to marry a Jackie, not a -- Marilyn. You're breaking up with me because I'm too -- blonde? That's not entirely -- Then what? My boobs are too big? C'mon. Let me take you home. No. Elle, believe me, I never expected to be doing this, but I think it's the right thing to do. How can it be the right thing if we're not together? I have to think about my future. And what people expect from me. So you're breaking up with me because you're afraid your family won't like me? Everybody likes me! East coast people are different. Just because I'm not a Vanderbilt, all of a sudden I'm white trash? I grew up in Bel Air, Warner! Across the street from Aaron Spelling! I think most people would agree that's way better than a Vanderbilt -- I told you, Elle. I need someone -- serious. What're you talking about? You're not here to see me? No, silly. I go here. You go where? Harvard. Law school. You got into Harvard Law? Oops! Time for class. Meet me after? On the benches? So -- uh -- how was your first class? Good. Good. I'm sorry, I just hallucinated. Wow. You're a walking felony. Thank you. Having fun? Now I am. I feel like we've barely spent any time together since we got here. That's because I spend all my time with case studies and hypos. Tell me about it. I can't imagine doing all this and Donovan's internship next year. I didn't mean -- Am I on glue, or did I not get into the same law school you did, Warner? Well, yeah, but -- But what? We took the same LSAT, we take the same classes -- You look -- nice. If you tell him, you'll probably make summer associate. Who cares about Brooke? Think about yourself. Pink ones. Thanks for the backup. It made me realize something. I'm an idiot. In court. On opposing sides. Are you serious? Did you ever take Mrs. Windham on a date? Yes. Where? A restaurant in Oakland. Where no one would recognize us. And how long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham? Three months. And what is your boyfriend's name? She's naked. So, I hear the tart from California shot Heyworth. Well, that's what we're trying to prove didn't happen. Do you have any reason to believe it did? Aside from the fact that he found her on an infomercial? She said they humped like gorillas. Chutney could hear them all the way in the pool house. I' m sure that was very awkward for Chutney. Much as it is for me, hearing you tell about it. But I guess it wasn't enough for Brooke. Why do you say that? Hovering? Elle? Is it a Kappa? Oh, God. What if Josh doesn't think I'm serious enough? Helloo... you let him have anal sex with you. Helloo... you let him videotape you diddling yourself. What's the thing that always makes us feel better, no matter what? Let's all go! Road trip! Why?! You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a hand-job after the final. There he is! Why so few? Fool's magic. Fight's over before it's begun... soon the survivors will be in full retreat. Then we smash 'em? You go? Not watch fun? We come watch... we come watch... Nay. This is a private affair, no audience welcome... Better you watch the dismantling of our enemies... and, look you, see the moat is set aflame. Fire moat... why do that? What? Dumb magic. Giant smash peewee. Always. We go out, smash 'em now? Birdies... pretty... We watch... good fun... More fun win battle? This is another victory, my friends. What began with the lash shall be concluded with a caress. You go to lady now? My generosity is not so large as that. What do you want with me? Your love. Your words sting more sharply than your whip. I speak of love, and you think only of the lash. You are cruel! Your heartless jesting worse than torture! How can you speak of love when you see what I am! I like well what I see. It pleases me. But I'm hideous! You're magnificent. Grotesque... monstrous... On the contrary! The puling, pallid creature you were before was truly something disgusting. Now you are splendid... a fierce goddess... the embodiment of all that is strong and beautiful. You lie! You wish to humiliate me, as if the form I'm forced to bear were not punishment enough! God protect me. Not from me, surely... You... you're a beast! We're all of us beasts, my dear. Only most are afraid to show it. And you... are you not also afraid? I am afraid of nothing. Then why hide behind a mask? You are ashamed! I know no more of shame than I do of fear. I wear this mask not for concealment but protection. Protection? I am a creature of darkness. I require the shadow's solace and the black of night... Sunlight is abhorrent to me... I cover myself completely whenever I venture forth in daylight... Sunshine is my destroyer. Like some vile toadstool. I prefer to think, more like the sagacious owl. Do you feed on mice and rats? I prefer a plump capon, but will happily serve you rats if they're to your liking. Why have you brought me here? To be my bride, of course. Damn you! When the time's come, you won't need to jump, I'll throw you out myself! Do it now! Jack... Oh, Jack... Help me... Your moans seem almost pleasurable, my dear... developing a taste for the lash? Kill me... I want... so nice... No more... please... I can keep a victim alive for weeks... months, if I desire it... it's an art. They beg for death... I keep it just out of their reach. The pain remains constant. Sweet Princess, you begin to sound most reasonable. What do you want from me? We'll get you cleaned up, find a suitable gown... I imagine you'll enjoy a good meal? Oh, yes... A few day's nourishment will see your strength returning. And then? Yes? What will become of me then? When you are ripe for my pleasure, I will enjoy the harvest. I see... I'm pleased you're not troubled by the prospect... Do as you wish with my body, you'll never possess my soul! Your soul...? Why should I bother with such a paltry trifle? I don't expect you'd understand. You're a beast! What was that? Did you hear that? It's nothing. My men take great delight in routing the enemy. Don't trouble yourself, beauty. It sounded like it came from the courtyard. From the parapets most likely. The men are amused by a battlefield entertainment of my own contriving. Might we watch, too? And I with you... I never dreamed life held such pleasures... Pleasure is for those who seize it! Do you think those insipid, pale- skinned mortals will ever know such rapture? It's odd... when I first found myself... changing... I was sick with loathing and disgust. I thought I was so ugly I wanted to die... And, now? Now I want to live forever. I've never felt so strong or happy. Or looked so beautiful... Yes. I feel that, too. Weakness is what is ugly. Precisely, my darling. Your animal strength, your primitive power has surfaced... you are what you desire. To be strong and free... that is all I desire. What you do, boy? You be velly solly, come here intellupt my sleep. I didn't know... I -- What? Speakee loud! No hear velly good. I said, I mean no harm... I thought this as empty tomb. You come stealee tleasoo? Oh, no, never... nothing like that... never crossed my mind. No need lie, boy. I no hurt you. Do I look like I wanna hurt you? Well, er... no. I mean, you don't look like dragons I've heard of. Course not. I no flum here. I come flum Cathay. Cathay? Country fa' fa' away. To the East, beyond the lising sun... East of Mercia? You got no idee. People there lookee diffelent; speakee diffelent. Nothing the same. In my countlee I bling good luck. Makee lain and thunder. You don't ravage the countryside, devouring maidens and burning the crops? Dlagon not like that. Dlagon is spilit of life... spilit of stlength and goodness. Then you'll understand my quest. An ogre named Blackheart has killed the last stag unicorn and stolen his horn. The world outside is cursed, plunged into eternal winter. Unless I return the alicorn, the earth will be frozen forever. Flozen foleva not good. It's terrible. An' how you do it? How you rift cuss? I need your help. In order to fight Blackheart, I must wear the armor of Achilles. I -- You come stealee tleasoo? No, wait... please... listen... Friend Ogg. Excuse our enthusiasm, occasioned as it was by a fondness for you. Honeythorn Gump, is it? I've not seen your ugly face since you sold me a jug of cow piss claiming it was dragon's tears. Well, bygones're bygones, I always say. Or was it the time you and Jimmy Squarefoot stole the golden apples I'd forged. Twas Jimmy done that, I merely stood for the blame unfairly... but, here now, Ogg, this be no time to rehash old differences, I've friends along in need of safe haven for the night. Who might these friends be? Baron Couer de Noir is a blight 'gainst all nature. We dwarves be not fighters; still we are with you in this battle. Some of our handiwork may be of assistance. We be honored, friend Ogg. So, Jack... think you be a Green Man and not know Gump. Gump, is it? Aye, Honeythorn Gump, come to serenade you, Jack... come to make you dance. I'm in no mood for dancing. Oh, but you will be, Jack... Think you to sleep in a faerie ring and not spend the night a-dancing? Faerie ring? No! Tis not the time! I want no part of your frolic. Enough! And how is it a mortal dare dictate to the faerie folk? Is me music not to your liking? Mayhap the dance of death by more your pleasure. No... I... I need to rest. You'll have a long, long rest in the tomb, me lad. I meant no disrespect. Didn't you now? Well then, answer me this riddle and all be forgiven. And if I cannot? It's bluebells! What! Damnation! Codfish and cockles! Gammon and trotters! You've bested me, Jack. A riddle without an answer is but an empty cup when you're thirsty for wine. You be our guest, Jack. I'm honored, Honeythorn Gump... but no more tricks. You have me word, lad. To answer a faerie riddle deserves as much. Twas the Princess Lili gave me the answer... have you seen her, by chance? I've laid eyes on no mortal but you this day, Jack. I fear she's lost. Why, Jack-lad, she likes you, is all. And what hot-blooded hero wouldn't welcome the affections of a fair nymph like Oona here...? If your blood runs so cold, boy, you be a corpse before your time. Elderberry wine. No finer drink under heaven. It looks... er, delicious... Such a fine bouquet... very aromatic... Are ye afraid of me wine? Did your momma tell ye never to take food nor drink from the Wee Folk? Think if ye sup with the faeries you'll be enchanted? Well... I... I don't want to be rude, but... it's generally known that -- Generally known! What general ever knew more than to lace up his boots? Please don't misunderstand. I am grateful for your hospitality and -- But... but, why? Big question that, lad. Why what? Why has this happened to the world? Why is it winter now, and dark? Aye. Honeythorn Gump'd be a powerful wizard indeed could he answer. Don't you know? That much magic I can offer ye, a small measure of entertainment at best. Making the world a frozen hell is beyond me modest powers. Then, what's gone wrong? Why did it happen? If ye want more tricks, I'm your man, but for big questions ye must go elsewhere. Don't you care about what's happened? Course we care. What good's the world locked in a season of death. Frozen up, no folks to scare out of their wits on a summer's night; no babies to tickle; no more spells to cast... Think that's an enjoyable prospect? There must be an answer somewhere. True... But it won't come easy or free. If ye want to ask, ask Jenny Greenteeth. Someone worthy of respect, lad. She be a water spirit, lives in a bog down at sea-side. Hideous creature to look at, even by my doubtful standards; devours little children, she does, when she can catch them. How is it this hag knows the truth? Think there be truth only in beauty, lad? If you've the courage to ask and take care to avoid her terrible claws, Jenny Greenteeth has the answers you seek. Will you lead me to her? Are we here? Aye. That foul wallow be where Jenny Greenteeth dwells. Oona... lure her out. Play the part of a girl-child. What do I do? Here now. Toss her this when you've the chance. Jenny Greenteeth can't resist the sight of herself in a glass. She's terribly vain. Praise her beauty and you'll lull her sweet as a babe in a cradle. And if she thinks me a liar? The princess is dead. Lamentable news, Jack... but tis the fate of the living concerns us now. Did you hear? Twas the killing of the unicorn caused it. Aye. Black Baron's mischief. If the horn be restored the curse is ended. Time for a champion. Can you do more than pick acorns and rob bird's nests, Jack? I'll do what I have to do, for Princess Lili's sake! Bravely spoke. You've the heart of a champion, true enough. Twill take more than heart. Where do we find the armor of Achilles, for a start? There it be, lad. The Lindfarne Mound. Kings long forgotten lie there, lost in their final sleep. Have we turned grave-robber, then? A tomb it once was, boy, and a tomb it may yet be... There's another in residence at Lindfarne now. And who might that be? So I'm to be a dragon-slayer, is that it? Now, Jack-lad, no one's asking ye to skewer the worm. Even St. Michael'd have a job on his hands for all that. But the serpent hoards a pile of booty, Achilles' armor among his treasures... if we find our way within the mound and him asleep... Better pray the worm's a sound sleeper, Jack. You do the praying. I've work ahead. There's the spirit, lad. If ye run into trouble, give a yank here and we'll haul ye up. What's left of me... How do I recognize the armor of Achilles? There be no finer victuals than worm flesh, lad. By the grace of God. I believe this is a sword such as the archangels wield. Surely St. Michael had so fine a blade when he drove the serpent from heaven. Shhhh! What is it? Pregnant, is she? Damn them! Don't see why I can't ride, too! I'm second in command, damn it! The colt's still too small. I'm small... and I can make myself smaller still... Small as a bee! Small as dust...! Want to see me do it? We've no time for tricks this day, Honeythorn Gump. Tricks, is it? Why I'll trick ye! Ungrateful whelp! I'll sour your milk and bird droppings'll fall from the sky wherever ye walk. Save your mischief for the Black Baron. Aye! That too. You'll need more than bird droppings for Blackheart. I'll drop a cow on the knave! Fine-looking army. We march on Castle Couer de Noir within the hour. How do you plan on finding this here castle, if ye don't mind me asking? A true and troubling question, Gump... We'll start from where the unicorn was killed. The Baron must have left a trail. Track the demon to his lair. We must follow that bird. Whatever for? Jenny Greenteeth said: "Follow the raven in her flight..." Aye. Said to follow it to the edge of night. But is this the right bird? I'm sure. It spoke to me. Birds speak to me all the time. What did it say? Beware. How do we follow a raven we can't even see? Send Oona up above the tree tops. She be our eyes. This is ogre's magic. Blackheart? Aye. He's enchanted the lot of them. His reward for delivering the unicorn. Foul fellow, this Couer de Noir. The foulest. Mayhap I can cut them free. Worse than the battlefield. What know you of fields of war? There... it seems to quit... I'll wager that war held other attractions quite apart from nursing. Well... if the knight be already dead; what harm is there in... borrowing a thing or two? Oona tells me the raven has roosted for the night on a sharp stone spire some half a mile distance. Good. Twould appear other travelers precede us. Nay, Jack, tis not what you're thinking. I trust our own welcome will be more hospitable. And this? Some of their handiwork? Nay. That's but to distract the casual visitor. A dwarf is too busy to suffer fools gladly. Better to kill than be disturbed. Your imagination runs away with you, Jack... Those bones be but battlefield gleanings, like I mentioned. A wee bit of carrion to frighten off the uninvited. Nice piece of work. My God! Look! Something the matter? Shhh! Not so loud, mayhap he'll hear ye. Dwarves be very sensitive about their feet. Certainly understandable. I should hope not! I pray always to be worthy of it. Don't let this talk of heroes upset you, Jack. Sigurd's sword is no great thing. The Volsung killed Fafnir. You killed Lindfarne. That's one worm apiece... I'd say you and Sigurd were neck-and-neck. We're not in a tournament, Gump. Ah, but a sword twice tempered in the blood of living dragons... Tis not the sword that counts, but the man what swings it. Rest easy, Jack. God protect you, Honeythorn Gump. Make haste! We've a hard day's march ahead. ... this rate... we'll all be in our graves... 'fore we reach the Baron's fortress... We'll surely be in our graves if we don't. God's blessing. What make ye of that, Jack? Wait! Archers! Bring down that spider! I'll deal with this other creature... Is she... dead? No, thank the Lord, but she be sore envenomed by the spider's bite. We're blind now. Oona was our eyes and ears. How do we find the Castle Couer de Noir without her? We'll find it. Easily said... the raven passed this way hours ago. Heading true north. We continue in that direction. Never knowing when it takes a turn or changes course. We'll trust in faith, Gump. Why not admit it, Honeythorn Gump. We've lost our way entirely. Long as we don't lose heart, Jack... We'll never find the Baron's castle. Wait, Jack. Hold, Jack! Don't strike! Nay. I show no pity to imps and fiends. Aye. We be on a quest to set the world aright -- Can we trust him? Never felt so cold in all me born days... Don't like the feel of it, Jack. Give in to despair and all is lost. It feels wrong, Jack... like a trap. There's more than one way to spring a trap. That be so, better you pinch yourself now, Jack. On the morrow I'll be awake enough to see if dreams come true. Tells you something 'bout him what lives there... We'll need more siege machinery and longer scaling ladders. Why not mine the damned walls? A fine mess this is... horrid, nipping creatures... What do we now, Jack? Defend ourselves. We've bested far worse already. Easily spoken... Don't loose heart... Assemble the archers. Have everyone not holding a shield man a bow. Shoot the damned things as they fly. There aren't enough arrows. Water doesn't burn... And frog don't fly and bite like tomcats. It be magic, Jack... powerful ogre's magic. There isn't much time! Been telling you that all along, lad. What magic have we on our side? Faerie magic's no match for a sorcerer's power... We have Ogg's gifts, the key and the -- That's it! The unbreakable line! We'll tie it to an arrow and fire it up into the timbers above the portculis... then, I'll climb up and chop down the drawbridge. Will you chance a miss? One more turn... Have the engineers corrected for alignment and trajectory? Aye. Before the wee pesties attacked. Then it's Godspeed, Screwball. He'll be atop the portculis ere long. Best get down close to the moat, lad. Aye. We're good as inside. Jack! The courtyard's been taken... The Baron's forces are besieged in the south tower. No sign of... Jack? Do you hear what I'm saying? We've won, lad. It doesn't matter. Nonsense! Course it matters. She's sore hurt, Jack, tis true, but not dead yet. The wound is mortal. Nay. You've not reckoned with the powers of faerie medicine. Can you save her? Easily... The question is, can we save ourselves? Be a shame to win the battle only to lose the war. I don't... understand. The Baron hides in the dark in a passage under the Castle... Quick, give me the dwarf's key... the one which opens any lock... In the dark, lad? Why should he do that? Because sunlight will kill him. Quickly now, give me the key. Sunlight, you say? Aye. Hurry now, Gump, the key! Mean you to seek him out below? I'm not afraid of the dark. The kitchen be the most important room in a palace, for if the victuals ain't right, little else is likely to be so. Did you bring me here to sup? Nay, lad, we're here to collect a weapon you'll need fighting the Baron. What weapon? Sunlight. Plan on carrying some away in a kettle? Will you explain what's going on? Hey! Stop it! I can't see. Can't we move any faster? Seems to be some sort of vaulted chamber up ahead... Don't get too far! He's getting away! He was at my mercy! Never show mercy! Ever wondered why Jenny Greenteeth said you needed the fastest steed on earth? Ride like wild fire, Jack. He'll not escape me. A good day for singing... I've not heard a note out of you. Not in the mood, I'm afraid. Listen to him. Not in the mood... On a day like none other the blessed earth has ever seen... A day so fair as forty springtimes -- I'm not denying it's a joyous day -- Where's your joy if you cannot sing? Were the Princess Lili to join me I would sing till my lungs burst! She lives... isn't that worth singing about? The quest's at an end and where's the good of it? A faerie festival over a pile of bones? Tis not the wound, that's sure. Not a scar remains... we're talking about a spell; harder to repair than sword-work. I'll do anything... face any challenge! Might not need a gesture quite so grand. What were you doing the very moment the Baron's curse fell on the world? I was with the Princess. Where? By the pond. She was teasing me. Go on... go on... She tossed her ring in the pond and bid me fetch it. Said she'd marry me if I did. And did you? Nay. It was lost. When I came up for air the pond was frozen over. You must find the ring... It completes the cycle; answers the riddle... I'll try. Keep me belly full, Jack. Kill us another worm. Hush up, Screwball. Do your own worm-sticking if you like the taste so well. Well done, lad. Stout heart. Barely living, from the looks of it. You see! You see! Ogg lives there...! And Thurgis! We seek to undo the curse. Well done, lad. Look at that shot! Three at once! I can't miss! Sweet slippers of Oisin! Someone like Floki... or Squarefoot... or -- Aye... my Lord... Start acting like you're worthy of this mission... Here. Whatever you do, don't dare drop it. Nay, Sire, I'll cling to it as to life itself... How're these? Dolt! Greetings, my lady, the green wood is honored. These for me? You promised! Never. But you did... you did! I may have said perhaps... Liar! It's my father, gone a-hunting. The Baron Couer de Noir is his guest and must be provided with some sport. Sport, indeed. The Baron is a frightful man. They say he's an ogre. He wears a mask so none may see his face. Blackheart. Aptly named. Oh, fie. What about the unicorn? Unicorn? A promise is a sacred oath. Let's rest a minute. I'm so thirsty. Stop complaining. A gentleman would offer water. Only were he a fool to boot. See yon viper? I detest serpents. That viper has envenomed the water. No animal will drink here now. What shall we do? Oh, dear. What's the matter? I've lost my napkin. It was all elf-work and lace... I must have dropped it when you startled me so. I'll go search for it. Don't leave me now. I fear the unicorn won't show himself without you. I'm not its master. The napkin will keep. I'd rather not be alone. How much longer? Shhh! I am a princess. You have no right to order me about. Such grace... and their smell; it's ambrosia. They rival the angels of paradise. Oh Jack, mightn't I touch one? It would thrill me so. Are you honest? Jack! Tis a fair question. If you be a virtuous maid the unicorn will lay his head in your lap. He'll not flee if I show myself? Not if you be chaste. Tis an awesome test of virginity. I've no fear of failure. Your implications are most unbecoming. Where are you going? What happened? I don't know. They've hurt the unicorn. Who? My father and the Baron. Damned hunters. It was a trap, and you were the bait! I didn't know... I didn't... It was so lovely... he was in my lap like... like a baby... and... I... They tricked you. My own father... How bad was the unicorn's wound? It happened so fast. He was hurt and ran away. He did run? Oh, yes, and the mare with him. There are many would pay a king's ransom for a few drops of unicorn blood. I don't want it on me. Its powers are strong. I don't want to be reminded of what happened. Not even the birds sing sweet as you. Jack... Green Jack, you mustn't flatter me so. Tis the truth. A maid must beware of flattery... Methinks you want to kiss me. There's no happier thought under heaven. If I were your bride, would the kissing ever stop...? Do you wish to marry me, Jack? My lady mocks me. Nay, Jack, I'm but wary of your intentions. My heart intends no more than that you love me as I do you. I'm afraid it may storm. Let it. Haven't you a cozy bower we might hide in? Tis not fit for a princess. Be it fit for your wife, Green Jack? I have no wife. Then, perchance you'll me. If wishes were horses even beggars would ride. Do you wish it, Jack? Wish you this our wedding band? Lili! No! What have I done? I thought you were dead... I -- I was bewitched... it's better this way... No! I won't let it happen... You've freed me, Jack... It's the Baron's damnable work! Too cowardly to stand and fight... he used you to save himself. No... it's not you he's afraid of, it's... light... What? Sunlight... It destroys him. Sunlight? That's why he goes masked during the day... So, he's hiding in the dark... In the dark... where I join him... No! Don't let go... you mustn't! I love you! Oh! Green Jack! What a dream I've had... proper nightmare. Sweet Jack. I'm so sorry you found me asleep. Don't know what came over me. I can't have been under much more than a minute. Seemed like weeks and weeks. Such a terrible dream... I could never tell you... Is what you said about the ring but another dream? Oh no, dearest Jack... I meant every word. Nay, dearest Jack... you are to be my husband. I want none other. But... I am a Green Man. I have no title, nor lands... scarce even a few vines and threads to keep the cold from my body. You wear your weeds as well as golden armor, Jack. Like a true Prince... a champion! Lili... I love you! What's the matter? Ouch! Something's biting me. Biting you? Pinching me! Pinching? Where? Everywhere! Ow! I can't see a thing. Nor can I. Damn! It's buzzing all around me. Ouch! I can hear it like a fly trapped inside my ear... Says its name is Oona! Oona? Do you suppose it's a faerie? Honored to make your acquaintance. Grand champion, is it? And what great cause leads you to me? We seek the ogre, Baron Couer de Noir. He slew a unicorn and plunged the world into eternal winter. Step lively now! Sigurd's sword... What's this now? I bring you the only treasure worthy of your loveliness... for naught else in the universe rivals the reflected glory of your beauty. Well spoke, boy. You have discerning taste for one so young... Just who might you be? They call me Green Jack, ma'am. Come closer then, Jack, that I might give you proper thanks. Think me fair, do you, Jack? The moon herself would hide behind a cloud rather than dare comparison with you... The moon is too round of face, methinks. The sight of you makes flowers seem like dross. All the heavenly angels must envy your grace. I like well your conceit, Jack. Tis rare to find an honest lad in this troubled world. Aye. And it is the trouble befallen us that brings me here. I entreat you to tell me the cause of our surrounding sorrow, most lovely of the lovely. Dear lad, what does winter bespeak but death? It is a time of mourning. This calamity is a curse. Something wondrous and beautiful has been taken from the world. A unicorn's been slain. The last stallion in all the country. Here be the death weapon; the unicorn's blood dry upon it. Couer de Noir! A demon if the Devil ever made one. He chopped off the horn and left the rest to rot. That would be the Baron's way. There'll be no light or life in the world until the alicorn is taken from him and he vanquished. How do I get the horn back? You'll need the fastest steed alive, for Couer de Noir's castle rests at the very edge of the earth. Only the sharpest sword and the golden armor of Achilles will protect you from his fury. Where do I find the Baron's castle? Follow the raven in her flight, Follow old black wing to the edge of night... Not very precise directions. Come sit beside me, sweet boy, and I'll draw you a map. Nay. Tempting as your invitation be. Tell me one thing more. Ask away, sweet man. What became of the princess? Princess? I know of no princess. Princess Lili, Godwin's daughter. She was with me when calamity struck, but after I could find no trace of her. Is she fair, this princess? Exceeding fair. As fair as me? Twould be to compare one star with another in the summer sky. She's dead! No! Dead, dead, dead. I don't believe you. This is sad news, be it true. Don't be sad, Jack, not with me here to give you cheer. Tis not the time to speak of cheer. You'll visit again? As a hummingbird returns to the fairest blossom. Courage, Jack. This is not the time for squabbling. Were I a mortal girl, Jack, methinks I'd be in love with you. Then I'd kiss you without turning my garments inside-out and sewing bells all over. Such a sad world, be there no unicorns to brighten it. Never even had a sword in my hand until yesterday. Then, tis not for chastity? Methought you kept a naked blade twixt you and any maiden chanced spend the night. I live in an abandoned fox den neath the roots of a thousand-year-old oak. My bed is pine boughs and rabbit skins. There's no need of weaponry to keep the maids away. I'm partial to oaks, as are all faerie folk. Mayn't I come visit sometime? I'd be honored. Only that? And charmed, of course. Fie! Don't speak of charms. I should charm you for being so dull- witted. I had no thought of offending you, Oona. Do I not please you, Jack? In every way. And am I not fair? Wondrously so. Then why do you speak sweeter words to Jenny Greenteeth? That was in jest. Jest with me then. How so? Tell me I'm fair, as you did the hag. You are fair as the first new flower of spring... And sweet? Sweeter than bee pollen on a summer wind. Nay, Oona, tis not possible. A faerie's love makes anything possible. I'm promised to another! Oona... don't cry... please, you mustn't... You... you... you mortal you! Please... Why should I feel such pain? Should be the other way round... I could vex you... make you dance your life away... What care I for the human heart! Such a soft, spiritless thing it is. I prefer the hearts of hawks and wolves; fierce and free and keen as steel! And as barren of love as stone. I would build a wall around me with such stone, so the likes of you might never enter. Be fair, Oona. Is this a May Day pageant? Are you all off on a lark...? The raven passed this way hours ago! Heading north still? The fastest in the world. What do we do now? What's she doing? I'm in your debt, Screwball. Praise be to God. Master Jack! Master Jack! These woods are alive! They're alive! Where? Up ahead! What can you steal from a man already lost his life? What care the bones when the soul is free? Maybe there's a better idea... What about birds... get a lift from some friendly bird... Haven't heard a bird sing in days... Hello, Jack. Sorry, Jack. Your fond wishes give me strength, dear friends. Each fit for a hero... My uncle fashioned a hammer for Thor. Twas he named it Mjolnir. Grandfather forged Excalibur... You won't ever see finer craftsmanship. How came you by this blade? The Avatar. I like the sound of it. Uhm... fine work. Achilles wore it before the gates of Troy. You're with us in battle. No hurt Jimmy, sir... oh no, please, sir... Is he a friend, then? Forgive my blood haste, Jimmy Squarefoot, but I want no more surprises from Couer de Noir. Lost? Much good we do the world, for all our noble quest... Simple as that, eh? Castle Couer de Noir built with magic... simple as death... strong as hate... Can you show us the way? To Castle Couer de Noir? There'll be spoils aplenty if you guide us there. Once we breach the walls, help yourself to all you can carry. Let that be our problem, just get us there. It be the castle... we feel the castle... it be that close... A castle's but stone and mortar -- Plenty treasure inside... Jimmy seen it once. You've been inside? In a dream. Marco! What are you doing? Dad's disappeared! And we got to take all the old paint off all the doors and then George taught us how to stain everything and he even let me choose the color I liked best! And he said he loved me! We did a lot of the wiring too. Are you going to see Sam again? You can go back to bed...or Lois might let you go swimming. I wanna be with you today. Oh, honey. There's not much to do there. I mean, it's all work. I woke up this morning at three and couldn't fall back asleep. Everyday I think I see more of Sam than I've seen in years. Did you know him before you knew Dad? And video games after! That's how you get things right is to always try and never give up. Huh, Mom? He's not there. He's here. Check the bathroom. When does George get to come see his house? What's that for? Mom said I should. Oh. So put your plans of my room in the trash. He hasn't called? Do you guys feel like painting? What color? Red. Mom? I put him to work. I couldn't get it to go down. And why was the alarm on? Oh...I set it to see if it would work. You'd better call and cancel. What are you doing up so early? I couldn't sleep last night. Why? What do you mean? I'm going to bed. I'd be more comfortable if he slept in the guestroom. Atonement. Sorry I got you into trouble. He must. He seems lonely. Are you his friend? No. Why? Alyssa. Why have you put a toilet and a bed in your garage? I'm living here while I build another house. Don't you have school? What's today? My keys. I had them in my pocket. Can you keep Sam straight? He's not gay. I found out purely by accident, believe me. I mean drugs. I thought you said he was? He wouldn't use around me. I don't like any of it. You're a good girl. You have to ask like that? I want you to try something with me, okay? Did you feel anything? My mother would die. It's not what I was expecting. What did you think it would be? I'm hungry! Where's my dinner? Who ate my dinner? Huh? Who's in trouble now? Hey. They're trying to make me spend the summer here. I'm leaving in the morning. Where to? I'm supposed to be in Tahoe. Your dad's really gonna build his house? I don't know. You should stay. I don't know. Where's your dad? He jumped into the ocean. He's a freak. You look better without make-up. I can't even take a shower here. Come over to my house whenever you want. I'll tell my mom. I might not stay, anyway. I'll get your back. Do you remember me from when you lived here? Yeah. Your dad dated my mom after her divorce. Really? I wanted him to marry her. Why? Josh and I are going to South Coast. Wanna ride? Maybe see a movie? Huh? I can use your mom's. Not really. No. Kinda. He got busted? Really? He asked me to tell you that you owe him a hundred dollars. This is serious! I don't have my license. He was my ride. I've seen lots of people. It's not a big thing for me. Hand me a towel. I'm getting out. I'm coming in. I don't want you to! We're not gonna do anything. Why are you so stupid? Why are you so uptight? I don't even...what do you mean? I don't even know what that means. It means I'm gonna shampoo my hair and stay out of your way. What's the point of this? Does everything have to have a point? Are you sure you're totally into guys? What are you talking about? Josh said... I was wondering. You're driving me crazy! Do you know what it's like trying to jack-off in an armoire? Not really. You're off, you know? You're way, way off. I thought I was helping you. It would help me if I could kiss you. No, I don't...NO. I thought we were just friends. What you think, you know, doesn't have much to do with reality. I mean, I hope I'm not the first to say that about you. Okay, but then we'll just be friends. Okay? On the handlebars or your shoulders? Hey, I can get you three hundred cash for two hours. You hate your father. If he tricked me into loving him, is what I meant. You'd hate him for the trick. I don't wanna go. He asked where you were! He wants you with him. Where are you?! Floating to Catalina. You're so nice to let Sam use your shower. Why is that? Just, I mean, well, you're here every single day. He's at work while I'm here. I guess I'd just be jealous if I were him. Well, he doesn't need to worry. If my kids and my wife were always at an ex-husband's house, I'd worry. He won't leave my room. Will he talk to me? This is such a street of whiners. From Tuesday to yesterday, not including Monday or today. Okay...Mrs. Dokos is repeatedly running over her lawn. The Corliss' have attributed the increase in rat population in their environs to the state of your...structure. And of course the Beck's, with the... It could have been a squirt gun. Are you guys' friends? We've known each other since grade school. I wouldn't want you as a friend. Funny how he's the architect and you're just a loud mouth cop. Mr. Dokos says that your father missed his height envelope by six inches. Mr. Stevens? Bob Larson. Do you happen to have an unenclosed toilet in close proximity to a kitchen? A violation? Oh, yes. And if I enclosed it? An exhaust system or a window is code. A sink? I hate to ask about a window. I assume you'll fill the...uh, window, with glass? Mr. Stevens. One of your neighbors is adamant your home has exceeded its approved height. He's filed to have construction stopped immediately. It's thirty feet. I have the permit. After your last extension request and with Design Review and the Board of Adjustment and the appeals to the city council, was there an amended permit? That would take weeks. I'm good, thanks. What are you on? Pardon me? how much weight have you lost? Oh...nothing. Thirty pounds. I just haven't been very hungry. How's your wife? Right...she married...what was he? He buys and sells the world. Peter Webber! Right. Quite the spotlight on that guy. I did tell you, didn't I? That I'd be ready to start the Berlin model today? This isn't me. We can show clients endless options, change anything in a matter of hours on the computer. But you won't change. Typing and clicking myself to renderings isn't why I started building models. All of us are typing and clicking, George. Whether we want to, or not. I'm not. I've been here twenty years. Maybe that's too long. Maybe...? Oh. How old are you? Forty. Class of eighty-six! I didn't know you were there. Listen...maybe I can get you a year. I hate this job. What are you talking about? You love your job. Then it sounds like I'm doing you a favor. It may sound that way, but I react out of fear. My life has nothing to do with what I like or don't like. You haven't been listening, have you? I didn't know there would be a quiz, George. For everything. Well, I feel better about this now. I've got one favor to ask. What can I do for you, George? Oh, well...those are...I mean, we don't get to keep our work. I could maybe ask them if you could choose one. But, you know, frankly George, you were the best. Computer models can't begin to match the beauty you gave yours. They're a part of this firm. They inspire me. I go out there and sometimes just stare at something I've designed. It amazes Thank you. Well, it's the least I can do. Is Alyssa home? She's out with a friend. you know when she'll be home? She didn't really say. Sam? Uh huh. I didn't recognize you! I'm sorry. Alyssa said you don't even have plumbing over there. Thanks for the shower. Come over anytime you need to, Sam. If she's not up, you can use my shower. Thank you. You're here early today. Is Alyssa here? It's midnight. What's the matter, Sam? This has got to stop! He escaped. He's going back in. Does it give you some sort of perverse pleasure to expose your...penis in plain view of my sixteen year-old daughter? There are no windows facing my...exposure. George, this is the third time. The plumber's due out on Friday. You'll have to explain that to the police. You were the only neighbor I could tolerate. I did warn you. I forgot where I put my keys. Hello? The whole summer, man. Party in Tahoe. I don't know. It'll just be my brother the dweeb on weekends. All we gotta do is sand and paint the cabin, dude. My dad's gonna let me use the boat and my charm is gonna let me use my rod. Income village is the place to hook up with hump. I'll ask. I never said anything. I haven't done anything. I know what the deal is. Josh is a pimp. I'm not stupid. Your mom and the boys can drop by anytime. To check up on me? I'll be around to check up on you. Why would you be there? Because I live there. Did you tell him he's spending the summer with me? Who are you, anyway? I don't even know you. You'll know me by the time we're through. I'm not going! Mom, tell him I'm not going. You already promised me! I'm not going! You don't have a choice. Your nose ring comes out of your nose. If you've got them in your nipples, they come out, too. And there's no make-up at my house. No glue sniffing. Huffing. No pills, no grass. If you hit me, I'll call the police. You've worn out your welcome at this house, Sam. I won't ever hit you. This may well be the worst three months of your life, but you've earned it. So, pick up your suitcase and go get in the truck. Now. I'll hate you forever. Are you totally insane?! Probably in the bible. What are you doing?! I warned you yesterday. Do you ever get like the slightest inkling that you might want to help me instead of doing absolutely nothing? No. I hate turkey. I want you to take out your nose ring and leave it out. Why? It bugs me. You snore at night. That bugs me. Can I take you out? I don't know. I'm gonna take a walk. I need some money. You'll have money when you work. No one would blame me if I left! I'd blame you. I want you here. I'm not doing it! It'll be fine. Why don't you just beg some money off my dad and move into something decent with a real kitchen and a real bathroom? I don't beg. And I don't take a shower in the middle of the yard. I can promise you complete privacy. If you had a stupid phone or I could use your truck, mom would give me some money. I'm leaving. Where are you going? I don't know. When are you going to be back? I don't know. Well, until you know, you can't go. Where is it? A friend of yours is here. Did you got through my pants? I've been using since I was twelve! You're all so unbelievably stupid. You didn't give a shit about anything I did until now! I'll apologize for everything but today...Today I give a shit. You're too fucking late. The gloves on the table are for you. You can't make me do a thing. Sit down for a second. Oh, so you're in the big shit now! Child abuse. People go to prison for what you just did to me. I was holding for someone. That wasn't even mine. I'll have to pay him back. I won't ever hit you. I don't want you smaller. I want you to be happy. You're not. Not here with me. Not home with your mother. Not up in Tahoe. Not alone. Not anywhere. You're what I was most of my life, Sam. I see it in your eyes. In your sleep. In your answer to everything. You're barely alive. I'm not even listening. Twenty years of hating what you live in...what you are. This is the end of it, Sam. I'm gonna build something of me here that I can be proud to give to you. Do whatever you want with it. I don't care. All I want from you is for you to remember we built this house together. We haven't build shit. You're just tearing down your father. Hi, Alyssa. I took some of your Vicodin. I know. Why? I know the feeling. How do you become something you're not? What would you like to be? What I'm not. What are you now? Nothing. That's not true. See, that's the thing...I am what I say I am. I know parts of who you are. When you started first grade and your mom went to work, it was so she could save for an apartment. But then she met Peter and skipped the idea of renting. He's got nothing to do with me. I couldn't imagine how I could compete with him for any part of you. So, I didn't. He wanted you to have his last name...I let him even take that. I wish you had told me then. I'm telling you now. I gave up on you. I'd be in Tahoe having fun if you had given up. What would you be doing now? Getting high, I guess. If I asked you to stop, would you? I haven't used anything for two days. I'm trying. I'm proud of you, Sam. Are you talking? I was just thinking about my mom. She wouldn't leave him. I remember one time she made us dinner wearing sunglasses. I mean it was dark outside and in. But we never talked about it. Sun glasses? To hide a black eye. Why wouldn't she leave? I think she was terrified of living with him...but maybe even more terrified of life without him. I would have killed him. Everything would have been better if you had. You'd have liked your grandmother. And there'd be a girl out there that'd have her mother. I remember reading about her in the paper. They couldn't find her father and her mother was dead. I still feel guilty about that. I loved him too much. After everything he did to you and your mom? After everything. Dale wants to know if we should run an outside outlet for Christmas lights with a switch inside? You look better than ever. I don't think Mom cares that much that my...that Peter left. She seemed upset. I mean, do you need to have surgery on it or what? Because those pills you're taking are for a lot of pain. And you're going through them quick. Are you taking them still? I don't know what that means. What kind of problem? The kind where there isn't really an answer. I still don't know what that means. I don't know what that means. What kind of problem? The kind where there isn't really an answer. I still don't know what that means. And you told Mom today? We're all dying from the start. I just got picked for Advanced Placement. You lied to me! I would have lied to me if I thought I'd believe it. This was all for your sake, wasn't it? Having me here? Trying to get me to like you. I never tried to get you to like me. I tried to get you to love me. I don't wanna go, Sam. I'd eat a lot of red meat. What would you do? What kind of house? No one's really said four months is all you have, have they? Stage four pancreatic cancer. They haven't even pretended to offer treatment. You tell me, when would you start eating red meat? Can you build a house in four months? Good for you. I'm sorry, I don't know what that was. A handshake, or you know, someone pats you on your back through clothes. Doctors, people who have to touch you. But not by people who want to. No. A friend... your mother? Everybody gets touched by someone they love. I aimed high. Was bankrupt and dead before I was twenty. Left you this place. It was in my name so he wouldn't lose it. He stole it from everyone that deserved it by putting me on title. Your kid was down around Diver's Cover again, smoking pot. I didn't write him up...told him I wouldn't tell you... Thanks for telling me. Ah! Oh.... Mr. Dokos called to complain that you and a boy are squatting illegally in the garage of your house. I'm surprised he hasn't left. It's my day off. I thought I'd help with the plumbing. I need you to do me a favor. God, you look like crap, George. Why do you let your dog crap on his lawn, day after day? How many bedrooms will your house have? I just wanted to know where Mom was? Oh. Sorry. It's okay. She needs to be alone, I think. Because Dad left? She's a little sad, is all. You should lock your doors. Did Sam call to tell you he wouldn't be over this weekend? Lock the door behind you. Where is he? What are you doing? He never answers. Why does he have a lock on his door? I called everyone, everywhere! You just vanished! You could be dead! Thanks for waking me up. Picking me up. You're loud today. You're inconsiderate and absolutely devoid of emotion! What? I didn't think you'd know I went missing. You didn't think someone from your office would call and tell me you wrecked the entire building and threatened people with a baseball bat?! A blueprint spool. Where have you been for a week?! Four days. I left to think. What did you do with your dog? Kurt's been feeding him. But you can't call me while you think? I need to talk to you. Why would they tow your truck? I was parked in day parking. Why call me? I'm going to tear down the shack and build my house. You've been saying that for twenty years. While we were dating, you said it. There's nothing anymore to stop me. Money? Severance pay. And I'm going to cash in my life insurance policy. How many years did I live with your beams and boards? First in the garage, then in the living room. We're going to do it, Robin. Next year. Next year. Salvaged floorboards from a house in Pasadena. Doors from a church in New Hampshire... I love those doors. Where will you live? The garage. Look, I wasn't serious about you taking Sam, so you don't have to get into any actual construction to get out of it. When's school over? Friday...God, I hate the thought of him home all day. I'll be by Saturday to pick him up. He doesn't want to spend the weekends with you anymore. You and Sam are going to live in a garage without plumbing for the summer? The garage is plumbed. I'll put in a toilet. We'll survive. Thank you for at least sounding sincere. Sounding? I need help. He's cheap labor. One of you would end up dead. At least we'll have a house to show for it. Forget it, really. I'll survive. I want him with me. Hey, hey! What was I supposed to do? When you didn't show up Saturday, I tried to call. Your phone isn't working. I don't have a phone. I drove over and you were gone. I can't leave the house? Last time you were gone for a week! Did you tell him he was spending the summer with me? No. I was going to let you do that. I did say he could go. George -- We're fine. Turkey sandwiches. It makes me sad. What? I used to live here. But you hated four out of the five you did. I was here six years. And I only hated two. Which? I don't even like turkey sandwiches. What kind of pizza? I was up on the roof this morning, tearing it down and it struck me as strong as anything ever has. That I'm happy today. What have you been before today? It was just that, maybe the way the sun struck the ocean, the sound of the waves. It was simple, whatever it was. Then I started thinking about the last time I felt this good. It's been a long time. Do you remember? You head was pressed against my chest. I could feel your heart racing. And I remember I kissed your hair. What is it? It's not breakfast yet. I dreamed about your house last night. Finished or unfinished? It was perfect, George. Amazing. It was so real. Didn't you once dream you could lick people well, though? That wasn't a dream. That was Sam. Oh...with his ear infection! Go in there and lick his attitude. I've been wrong a lot in my life. With your hands or your tongue? I thought you'd be up with the sun. Do you need anything? I'll go to the pharmacy. I have some Demerol at home. Where's Sam? You brought your kids? I kind of said that maybe they could do something. Help. I'm sorry. They really wanted to come. I really wanted to come and they wanted to be with me. I don't think they'll be too much trouble. I'll find something that won't kill them. Or wound. Let them keep their eyes and fingers. Do you need help? It's been a while. Tell him how you made me fall in love with you. I smiled at him. Let's see if you've gotten any better. Maybe you shouldn't come everyday. No. Why? I like to be with Sam. I know they're not much help, but they love coming here, George. How much time do they get to spend with their dad? Do you know Alyssa thinks something is up with us? She's giving me crap about being away from Peter and now you're trying to do the same thing! What no one seems to realize is that Peter isn't there! He's not there! And when he is, he isn't! So, if you don't want me here, or you don't want my kids here, just tell I thought we were helping. Nothing is going on with us, is it? Going on? When I picked you up from the train station...what you said. What did I say? That thing about I was the most, you know, beautiful person you had ever known. What was that? That was the truth. You've never said that before. I'll say a lot of things I've never said before. It's habit. It sounded like a pick-up line. I'm married. You bit my finger. Let's not do this, okay? I need to know. Is your back still killing you? I didn't think you'd come today. I kept thinking about it, what you said... I hope you were trying to keep me away fro the sake of me. No. Mostly me. Peter left me yesterday. Left you? No goodbye. No fuck you. No 'Are you in love with George?' What did he say? Back. Neck. Back. I could die. Are you going to kiss me? Don't move! I better get the kids home. Been thinking? It'll take you like twenty, thirty minutes. Does Alyssa know? Nothing. You got any weed? What's your deal with Alyssa? Don't even...I'm there. I wasn't sure. He already knows everything about what he can't do. You can tell him not to even look at you, if you want. It's just a joke. A stupid joke. He said he heard hammering. What are you talking about? What the fuck? Everything happens for a reason. That's what my dad said. Then you tell me, what just happened? I don't have a clue anymore. I wish you'd talk to him. He needs a man. His father is a man. We've eaten. Is Lois still here? I'm starved. Do you think it's odd your kids don't hug you? Should I? If I let everything that should worry me, worry me, I'd be dead from worry. What would you be if you asked Adam and Ryan to run in now and hug you? To shave your chest? The biggest waste of time since television. I'd love to drive through New England in the Fall. After the kids are back in school. I'm helping George build his house. What? I've been helping for the last few days. Weeks. Sam's working. I told you Sam was working. I mean, he really is. I can't go right now. You can't go because of Sam? We haven't been away together for three years. What difference does a few months make? You can't go with me because of Sam? Sam is working at something for the first time in his life. Once in a while he even talks to me. I want to be around for that. I was talking about our marriage. That sounds pathetic, doesn't it? What are you doing home? You never really trusted me. You live a fabulous life, Robin. Despite you. I never asked for more. That's the problem. Where are the kids? Sam took them to a movie. I hardly recognize you with a beard. That was my be hardly recognizable to you as me. Thanks for talking about me behind my back...useful in court. No. Do it now! You don't look like you. I thought I might be able to help, but it looks like you have all you can handle. Hey. Hey. You got a dog? I've missed you guys. Do you know anything about building a house? No. I guess I could teach you some things. What are you doing in my room? I didn't go in your room. There were no PG's. So I just gave them money to play games. Can you stay for dinner? The door was open. I don't know what I'm doing. You're sure about this? Yeah. You could keep it and rent it out? This is what he wants. I read the letter. You read the will. He wants you to keep it. To live in it some day. Run downstairs and give your dad a hug. Why? Queer. What did you say? Why do we have to get up and eat with you this early? All day again? Ryan, would you rather swim or work? I brought a few of my own. Adam, that's not true! Yes, it is. Nothing R, okay? Go tell your father we're eating. Dad's home, already? They ain't men, Mae Rose. They're convicts. And nigger convicts to boot. Can you say nigger? Nagger? No, nigger. Nigger. A night in the hole? She'll be fine. She just had a bit of a shock. Is Mae Rose okay? She's doing just fine. And the baby? He's a big one. Biscuit, when you're done with Jangle Leg, you think you could squeeze me in? Thought you'd never ask. Biscuit needs some gravy. I'm talking about a haircut. Don't take it so hard, Biscuit. She don't mean nothin' to him. These are free papers. What am I gonna do out there, Ray? I can't go home to my mama like this. I'll get the strap for sure. It's 1945. It's a different world now. Not for me, it ain't. We get the games on the radio sometimes. We played down in Jackson yesterday. Heard a rumor you've got a boy up here who can hit the ball a ton. You probably mean Can't Get Right. That's him over there. Can't Get Right? That's the kid's name? Can I talk to him? You can try, but you won't get too far. Why you interested? Crawford's are always looking for new talent. Maybe you didn't notice, but this is a prison. Yo, Blocker, what's going on here? Kid's getting out. I got him a pardon. Yeah, but what about me and Ray? I didn't see our names on that pardon. You said you were gonna put in a good word for us. Look, I am truly sorry about this. I'd like to help you... But you can't. Oh, no, Ray. Not tonight. Spanky's not happy with you. Is Spanky here? No, but... Then what's the problem? Do yourself a favor and find another place where they let you in the front door. But this is where the action is and I have to be where the action is. Look, when your old lady wanted those alligator shoes, didn't I come through for you? Ain't she stepping in style now? Yeah... Well, alright then. What do you think about this new tie? Sharp. Yeah. My name's Yvette. Sylvia sent me. You look just like she said. She's alright, isn't she? Oh, she's fine. She's just not coming today. Why not? She got married last month. Married? She always said that if you were on the outside... But I'm not on the outside. I'm in here. I know she's sorry she won't be seeing you anymore. Anyway, she wanted me to take care of you. Take care of me? You know, go to the tonk or whatever. I'm too old for you. Besides, I'm not much in the mood. Want me to come back some other time? Damn dentures slipping again. Everything falls apart when you grow old, eh, Claude? Time sure marches on. Yes, boss. I apologize, Claude. That was rude of me. That's alright, boss. Takes a lot more than a colorful brochure to hurt my feelings. You been on the farm for quite a spell, haven't you? Forty years. That's a long time for any crime, even murder. It's a hell of a lot longer when you're innocent. Half the men in this prison swear they're innocent. Don't you think that's kinda funny? You know I trust you, Claude. Yes, sir. Goodnight, Mr. Wilkins. Mr. Pike. Cool it, Ray. You're gonna get us in a lot of trouble. Claude, mind helping me to the bathroom? Sure, boss. I got it... boss. I don't see no wedding ring, Banks. Conjugal visits are for married prisoners only. You think you could make an exception just this once, boss? She came all the way down from New York. Craddock!... Williams... Henshaw!... Banks! Comfortable? As a pair of fur-lined bedroom slippers, boss. For the kind of money they charge here, you'd think they could hire somebody to actually wash the dishes. Claude. Here's to your new job down at the bank. I always knew you'd make something of yourself. Season tickets to the Yankees. Right there on the first base line. What's wrong, baby? Engagement ring! That's what respectable folks do. Get a job, get married, start having babies. That's what you want, isn't it? Come on, honey, let's get out of here. Did you go see my cousin Maynard like I asked you in my letter? Of course I did. He said he'd file an appeal right away. You didn't tell me he was so good looking. Yeah, that side of the family has all the looks and none of the brains. I hope he don't mess things up. He seemed like a pretty good lawyer to me. His offices take up an entire floor of that big, new building on 125th Street, and he was using all these words I never heard before. He even offered me a job. Listen, Claude, Maynard wanted to know if he should file the appeal on behalf of your friend, too. Ray Gibson? No, no. He's the reason I'm in here, Daisy. For all I know, he's got a record a mile long. I got a better shot of getting out of here on my own. You tell Maynard to think about me, concentrate on me. Understand? I've never seen you in here before. That's because I've never been here before. Can't you remember your own name? I know it begins with a "C"... Well, Mr. "C", how about buying a girl a drink? Two bourbons. I really shouldn't. I gotta keep an eye on my friend. Claude. That's my name. Claude. That's never happened before. You're cute. You have any money, Claude? Ten dollars. But I need it to get home. Don't I know you? I don't think so. Sure I do. What's your name again? Claude Banks. Claude Banks. How could I forget that? You've got to remember me. Ray Gibson. We went to high school together. You went to Monroe? Here, this belongs to you. It was empty when I found it. What I want to know is what happened to your cush between the time that you got up from the table and when I caught up with you in the Johnny? I don't see where that's any of your business. Where they taking us, anyway? Probably to Spanky's headquarters down at the pier. Good, I'm looking forward to meeting this Spanky. Give me a chance to straighten out this whole mess. What are they gonna do to us? You? Dine and ditch, right? Over ten bucks? You're probably looking at a thumb. Come on, daddy-o. You haven't said a word since we started. Least you could do is make some friendly conversation. Look, man, I don't want friendly conversation. I don't want to be your friend. I've seen your friends and I don't like them. I just want to do this thing and get back to New York in time to start my job. Start your job? What kind of job? Well, if you must know, bank teller at First Federal of Manhattan. I'm responsible for keeping track of hundreds, occasionally thousands of dollars. That's some long green. What? Nothing. No, tell me what's so funny. I don't know. Bank teller. Sounds like ladies work to me. Well, maybe I should dig around in other people's clothes for money. It's obviously been highly successful for you. Hey, you'd be surprised what you find in other people's pockets. Just gotta avoid them deadbeat bank tellers. Get you every time. I didn't start out to be a bank teller. I was gonna be a ballplayer. Even had an offer to play short for the Newark Eagles. Why didn't you take it? The Negro League don't pay so good. And you're always on the road. That don't wash with Daisy. You gave up baseball to be a bank teller? I can't latch on to that. At some point a man's got to get serious about his future. I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about. You're talking about giving up baseball to be a bank teller. Bank teller's just a start. I got plans. Real plans. Not opening some Zoom-Boom Room. This time next year I'll be a loan officer. A loan officer? That's right, a loan officer. So you mean, if I needed some jack to get my nightclub up and running, I'd have to hype some square like you? How would I get a loan, anyway? You need collateral. Like this? That thing? Who'd you steal it from? My daddy gave me this watch. Yeah? Who'd he steal it from? My daddy is dead so watch your mouth. You can say what you want about me, but don't be dragging my daddy into it. This watch means the world to me. Solid gold. Keeps perfect time. Ah, go chase yourself. I'll take my business elsewhere. And for future reference, you are no longer welcome at Ray's Boom-Boom Room. There is no Boom-Boom Room. When there is, you can forget about it. And I swear to God, you ever talk about my daddy again I'm gonna kick your bank-telling, loan-denying ass, you got me? Oooh... Maybe we oughta find another place. Are you kidding? Tell me you don't want a slice of that pie right over there. You mean this sign? The one that says "No Coloreds Allowed." That's a good question. Ray, how come we missed the sign? Thanks for backing me up here, Uncle Claude. Don't Uncle Claude me. You get a load of those crackers? Couldn't be a mouthful of teeth among the bunch of 'em. Why you want to pick a fight with people like that for? You're soft. I said you're soft. Hey, man, don't ever call me that. Alright. You want some pie? Yeah, I want some pie. Nice meeting you? You've been here before, haven't you? What gave you that idea? Oh, I don't know, maybe because our lives depend on it, I just sort of thought you knew what you were doing! Don't get all agitated on me. I bought a bottle of rum from a couple of dudes, I heard 'em talking... Let me get this straight. We drove all the way down to Klan country 'cause you heard a couple of guys talking? What are you complaining about? It worked out. Everything's cool. Now, come on, let's head down there and see what's shaking. We deserve a little reward. Reward? Hey, Ray. I've been looking for you. Here I am. Guess we better get going, huh? Still got that ten dollars? Well, not exactly. See, I met this girl. Real nice girl. God-fearing girl. Her name's Sylvia. That jelly you were talking to right here? She's in a tight spot. Her mama needs this operation, and they ain't got the money for it. Their church took up a collection but they were still short... So you made a generous contribution. What can I say? When the spirit moves me. That was mighty charitable of you, Claude. Looks like we both got fucked tonight. What are you talking about? While you were upstairs doing God's work, I was getting jack-legged by a fool with four threes. You lost all our money in a card game? He even got my daddy's watch. Fuck that cheap-ass watch -- I mean, how the hell are we gonna get home without any money? I think he's hurt pretty bad. He's dead. What do you think you're doing?! The man's been dead for two seconds! Don't you have any respect? It ain't here. What ain't there? Yeah, nobody puts 'em away like old what's-his-name. Winston. His name's Winston. Would you look at that, Ray. Winston up and died on us. Man, this is gonna delay everything. Spanky's gonna be pissed. Spanky's gonna be pissed? Poor Spanky. Fuck Spanky! What the hell kind of a name is Spanky, anyway? You're responsible for this situation. I blame you for everything. If it wasn't for you, I'd be home having a hot meal right now. Life?! How long is life? We were just walking back to the truck. We didn't do nothing! Fuck life! I wouldn't do that if I was you. Why do you think they call him Jangle Leg? Somebody just told me he wins the three-legged race every year. So? This fork is filthy. What a second, you've been in here since you were thirteen? I kinda lost track of how many people we killed that night. Must have been 15 or twenty -- not counting women and children. It was a real bloodbath. All that screaming... Pack of lies. Don't listen to him. We didn't kill nobody. We were railroaded. And we gonna prove that. No, man. I want you to have it. Cookie drew me a map to Greenville. So? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, I know what your saying. And I'm saying if you made it that far, they'd be watching every train that pulls out of that station. That's why we won't take the train. Cookie showed me where there's a farm house. They got a boat there. What I know about boats is they take you to freedom. Come on, man. I think we can do this. You want out of this place, don't you? Don't tell me you're starting to like it here. No, I don't like it here. Look around. There's nothing but ass. Male ass! Balls and ass! Believe you me, I'm getting out of here. What does that mean? Forget it. I'm not gonna forget it. What does that mean? If you've got a plan, I think I have a right to know about it. I told you my plan. Maynard Banks, Esquire. Attorney at law. Gimme that. That doesn't concern you. What's up, Ray? Claude. Sure is hot today. Think it'll rain later? What do you want, Claude? What do I want? What makes you think I want something? My daddy always said when a man starts talking about the weather keep you hand on your wallet. Your daddy must have been a helluva guy, a deep man, a wise man. Sure wish I could have met him -- Cut the bullshit. What do you want, Claude? You still got that map? Yeah. Well, if you're still thinking about booking it, I want in. I think we can make it. We? Did I hear you say we? As I recall, you're the one who said there is no we. Guess we got some bad news in that letter, huh? Look, my cousin Maynard is a lawyer. He filed an appeal on my behalf -- On your behalf. What happened to we? The appeal was denied. Then Daisy went and fell for Maynard. They're engaged to be married, can you believe that? Well, let's just think about that for a moment. He's a successful lawyer up in New York City and you're down here with a bright future in the cotton picking business. Eeny, meeny, miney, Maynard. Come on, man. Don't shut me out. I'm telling you, you and me, that map, we can go places. No. At least you're honest for once. So now you want to be my friend? Well, let me tell you something, Claude-my- shit-don't-stink-Banks. You got a lot to learn about friendship. Does that mean I'm in? I don't think so, Claude. You'd just slow me down. We'd have to stop every five minutes so you could polish your silverware. There's no way around it, you're soft. What'd you say? I said you're soft. You did it, man! You got us out! Next stop, New York City! I know these trees all look the same, but I'm getting an awful familiar vibration from this one right here. You sure you know where we're going? Absolutely. The map is very clear. You call this a map? What was Cookie smoking when he drew this? Cookie didn't draw it. I did. You drew this?! I knew you wouldn't come if I didn't have a map. Come on, Ray, time to go! Don't mention it. Hell, you'd probably be half way to New York by now... Keep it together, Claude. You wake up the man, he'll shoot you for sure. All right, man, just settle down. We'll get outta here, Claude. We'll get outta here real soon. We'll just get off at the next stop. Say what? That's right, we'll get off at the next stop. The train's pulling into the station right now. The hell you talking about? What train? Hundred and Sixty First Street? That's Yankee Stadium. Hell, yes, Yankee Stadium. Bombers are playing a double-header against the Red Sox. Red Sox... Who's on the mound? I don't know. Who do you want? Allie Reynolds. He's my boy. Sure, it says Allie Reynolds right here in the program. He's warming up right now. Man, we're so close to the field I need cleats. How'd you get such good seats? I know people. They must be the right people. Whoa, there goes the hot dog man. Let's get a couple. Damn, that smells good. Nothing like a ballpark hot dog, huh? You get ketchup? Ketchup? Who eats ketchup on a hot dog? Mustard's what you want. Give me back that hot dog. I'll eat it myself. What am I gonna eat? You can starve to death for all I care. Now shut up, the game's about to start. Hey, man, is Babe Ruth in the lineup today? What you're dealing with here is a complete lack of talent. You want to hit? Yo, Claude. Give Can't Get Right a shot. Him? Can't be worse than any of these other fools. Judge must have money riding on the championship. It's amazing what Ray here can do with a couple of pounds of potato skins and some molasses. What about us? Don't forget to mention us. God may have given it, but Claude Banks spotted it and nurtured it. Damn straight. I expect those Pittsburgh Crawdads to remember that. Crawfords. It's a pardon from the governor. Let it go, Claude. You show them Crawfords how to play ball. One of the new kids said they're farming those acres just north of the swamp. He said he saw a crop duster flying around the place. I'm not in the mood right now, Ray. He said they keep it parked out behind the barn. Can't be that hard to fly a plane. Lots of people do it. They're called pilots! I'm serious, Ray. I'm not in the mood for one of your stupid, fucked-up plans right now. I don't see you coming up with any plans. My plan is on his way to Pittsburgh right now. That congenital idiot just got himself a pardon signed by the governor thanks to us, but we can't seem to do nothing for ourselves. Don't you feel a little disgusted right now? Crop duster. My daddy died in prison. He gave up hope and hung himself. What you're talking about is the same damn thing. That ain't how I'm going. Maybe you're fooling yourself, Ray. Maybe you're just a chip off the old block. Take that back or we ain't friends no more, Claude Banks. Better watch yourself Claude, before you say something you regret. The only thing I regret is the day I met you. Well, if that's the way it is... That's the way it is. You're a sucker. I'd have taken that deal. Excuse me? Are you talking to me? I'd have knocked you off those bottles, put a bullet in your ass and be half way to New York right now. After all these years of blissful silence, I almost forgot how annoying the sound of your voice can be. I hope you don't think I owe you anything. Because I don't owe you a damn thing. I was sorry to hear about your mama passing. That was five years ago. I know, but since we're talking, I thought I'd mention it. What?! You sure looked funny running for those pies, bullets flying all around you. You and Wilkins sure are getting chummy. You two planning on going steady, or something? He's just a lonely old man. He likes to talk. Hey, I'm a lonely old man. I like to talk, too. So why don't we start by talking about what kind of a plan you're working on? I'm not working on a plan. You can't fool me, Claude. I know you got something brewing. What the hell are you doing? Wilkins' driver's got the flu, so he asked me to fill in for him. You haven't driven in 40 years, you ain't even got a license. Man's taking his life in his hands, putting you behind the wheel! Where you taking him? Damn, it was getting hot in there. What the hell are you doing in that trunk?! You didn't think I was gonna let you escape alone, did you? I ain't escaping! We're picking up the new super just like I told you. Then you're lucky I came along. Doesn't take a visionary to spot a golden opportunity like this. Now help me out of this trunk. You ain't getting out of that trunk. Come on, man, I'm starting to cramp up here. We have the chance right here, right now, I say we go! Go where, Ray? Back to New York for starters. And what will we do when we get there? I'm sixty-five years old, Ray. So are you. What are we gonna do out here? Get married, have kids, settle down? That boat sailed without us, man. This boat's gonna sail without you, too. I don't care if I last one day out here. At least it's one day of freedom. Now gimme those keys. Forget about that. You run if you want to, but you're not taking this car. Claude, man, I'm serious. Give me those keys. I ain't spending a month in the hole so you can take a joy ride. Don't make me take them away from you. You sure it was him? Some faces you just don't forget. Warren Pike's is one of 'em. I don't like it, I don't like it one bit. We shoulda taken that car when we had the opportunity. We'd be half way to New York by now. We'd be in the hole by now. Hey, man, you're peeing on my shoe. Don't shoot, sir. I can deal with this. Ray, buddy, you don't want to shoot this white man. See, you do that, they'll kill you for sure. And it's not that I like you or anything, but I've kinda gotten used to having you around. No, I'm gonna kill him -- I can't do it. That's because you're soft. Gimme the gun. What'd you say? I said you're soft. Why don't he just tell 'em the truth? Nurse Humphries was checking my prostate this morning. I got an erection. An erection, huh? Haven't had one of those in a while. Sure would like to see the house that Ruth built one more time. Well, Ruth shoulda built it a little better. Damn thing's falling to pieces. Gonna hurt somebody. What do you expect? It's almost as old as we are. They oughta tear that shit down and ship them Yankees cross the river to Jersey. Over to the morgue and up the hill to the cemetery. Never thought I'd admit it, Claude, but you were right. 'Course I was right. About what? Are you trying to tell me after all this time you finally have a plan for busting out of here? Shh! Is that so hard to believe? Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it. It's probably all fucked up, anyway. You don't want to hear it, you don't want to hear it. There's no shame in that. It's too late for plans. I can't eat this. Why the hell not? Just put some mustard on it and eat it. You didn't get ketchup? Hell of a day for a ballgame, huh, Claude? No, this ain't gonna work either. It's half chocolate, half vanilla. So? If you don't eat that ice cream right now, I'm gonna strangle you until you are completely dead. Yeah? You and what army? Next thing, you're gonna be complaining about the seats. Well, if you must know, they could be closer. I know you're not talking to me... How you doin'? I'm all right. You ever done time before? You kidding? I've been in and out of prison my entire life. Mostly in. I'm hard-core. Then you won't have no problem making the adjustment. You need anything, help of any kind, gimme a holler. Name's Jangle Leg. Soft and supple. Like a lady's. What is that? Creamed chip beef on toast. Except we're outta beef, so I had to improvise. Can't I get one of those steaks you got grilling back there? At least he didn't kill Santa Claus with his bare hands. Alright, well, let's say you make it to Greenville. What's there, anyway? You got your own nightclub? Ray, my man, this steak is like butter! Made just for you, Cookie. How about some steak sauce? Why ain't his pick swinging? Too hot, huh? Well, you tell that lazy jiggaboo the state of Mississippi ain't interested in his meteorological assessments. Listen up, jiggaboo! State of Mississippi ain't interested in your... in your... metropolitan assets! Tell him the state of Mississippi is only interested in getting this ditch cleared by sundown. He's from New York City. That one, too. Looks like we got a couple of live ones. How long these boys in for? Judge gave 'em the long ride. We lost yesterday on accounta the rain. That means we gotta make up for it today, so put your backs to it. All in, boss! Move it out. We don't need no fences at Camp 8, boss. Alright, listen up! I want every man lined up out here in the yard on the double! Let's move it! Maybe I oughta eat your corn bread. So it don't exist. You mean Louis Armstrong? That's right, fellas. Catch any cab heading uptown. All the drivers know Ray's Boom-Boom Room. Where am I at, man? Hey, the dude's holdin'. Hell of a way to get out. Heard they burned up in that fire yesterday. So Ray and Claude got their pardons, right? No, they didn't get their pardons, you dumb shit! If they'd got their pardons way back then, we wouldn't be burying them today, would we? That musta messed 'em up pretty bad. Man, you really bummed me out. That's a terrible story. Nigger, you crying? What do you think about that? Why do I get the feeling when you say some time, you mean some time. I was already here a good many years when they came in in 1932. 1932? That's like, that's like... Ray's special recipe. He always had exacting standards where the hooch was concerned. Old man Wilkins' never came out of that bathroom. Died right there on the crapper. Just like Elvis. It's alright for a man to cry once in awhile. Just don't make a habit of it. Hey, Willie, what was Claude's plan, anyway? Mama? What are you doing here, mama? I heard some things so I went to see Spanky Johnson. He told me what happened and gave me some money to get down here. What happened to your face? Rayford, I wanted so much more for you than this. Don't cry, mama. This place ain't so bad as it looks. Sure, we work hard, but there's plenty fresh air and sunshine... And you know something else, I've taken to going to church regular. They got services every Sunday right there in the mess hall. I can't take that, mama. I can't believe this. I always said I'd never end up like this. I thought I'd make something of myself, do something with my life. You know, be successful. Have a big house, a family. Now I'm gonna end up just like daddy. Don't say that, Rayford. Don't ever say that. He gave up hope. That's where you gotta be different. They gave me life, mama. Is everyone here? Hey, where's Claude? I don't see Claude! Stay calm, Ray. We'll find him. Claude! Has anyone seen Claude? Wait for the firemen! It'll be too late. You can't go in there, Ray! You'll never make it! Lemonade? I prefer bourbon. I'm sorry, I don't keep any liquor in the house. Hunting's been pretty good on the farm the last few years. It's one of the perks of the job. If you're interested, tomorrow I could show you some of my favorite spots. You don't have to twist my arm. Say now, that gumbo has quite a kick. If you don't mind my saying, you seem mighty familiar with your house boy. I believe in treating the convicts with respect, if that's what you mean. Respect? Well, isn't that progressive. What's going on here? He's crazy. Don't listen to him, Wilkins. Is there any truth to what he's saying, Pike? Besides, why bother with bootlegging when we got us a clear cut case of murder? Mr. Johnson is very well connected. If you were to let us go, I guarantee he would show you his appreciation, if you know what I mean. Are you offering me a bribe? I'm just trying to pay the toll on the road to justice. Yeah, it's getting late. I could sure use a bath. That's a real nice watch you got there, sir. Fancy old thing even plays a little tune. Yeah, it's special. They don't make 'em like this anymore. Sure don't. Mind if I ask where you got it? Must have been some time ago. Maybe forty years? Something like that, yes. I oughta shoot you for that comment, boy. I'm gonna work this man's brains out the back of his head. That watch was the only thing my daddy ever gave me. It meant the world to me. Goddamn it, Wilkins, would you please just shoot the nigger! Apparently, your sister died. Jenny? Appreciate it. Hey, Ray, Goldmouth don't believe me. Ain't it so they got trains up in New York City that run under the streets? Who? Couple years back, Cookie made it clear to Greenville. Hey, Ray, you ever been to the Cotton Club? Hey, Ray, what's the name of that nightclub of yours? You mean the Boom-Boom Room? That's it. The Boom-Boom Room. Sure would like to see that place when you get it up and running. What's your name? Me? Willie Long. What are you in for, Willie? Goldmouth? They say he was born out back behind the shithouse. That's what they say. You all been here a long time. Doesn't anybody ever escape from this place? What's the Boom Boom Room? Last night? What are you talking about, Ray? Alright Willie, I think I got everything. I'll talk to Dillard, see if I can get up to the infirmary and check up on you. Make sure they're changing your diapers regular. They'll be sending you up there soon enough. And not just for a visit, neither. How you doing? We're looking for Slim. Man, that music is hot. What goes on down there, Slim? That's Natchez-under-the-Hill. Blacks welcome there? Green's the only color that matters under the hill. They got gambling, girls. You oughta check it out. You don't have to drown that fella, Spanky. You already scared him half to death. He didn't know who he was fucking with. But you do. What does that say about you, Ray? What does that say about me? I've given you a lot of leeway over the years on account of your father. But he didn't last long enough to teach you the meaning of the word respect so I guess I'm gonna have to school you myself. What's that, some of your bathtub brew? Where'd you get this? I'm interested. Keep talking. If you fuck me on this one, I'll spare no expense. Understood. I'll take the little choirboy, if you don't mind. If I was you, I'd want somebody who can handle himself in a tight spot. ADRIAN! You shouldn't have come here. Adrian, you gotta come back to Hell. Dad's sick. He's sick? He should have thought of that before he denied me my birthright. Well maybe you should go back and talk it over with him. Of course I can. Drink or she dies. Unlike you, she won't come back from where she's going. Let her go. Welcome to the party. It's so nice to see all of you here. Little Nicky. Adrian, I'm asking you nicely, in the name of all that is good: release my friends and get in the flask. Is this a joke? Now will you get in the flask? I knew it. He's finally retiring. You work your ass off for ten thousand years, hurting people, helping others hurt people, then you get a decision like that. And he's dead serious. Um, excuse me, we're having a private conversation here. That's what I thought! Could you concentrate for five seconds? I am concentrating. Where can we rule? We could create our own hell there. You saying we go up there and kill everyone? Eventually, Cassius. But first we corrupt as many as we can so that when we do destroy them... ...their damned souls will be ours. "Let the sin begins" -- that was a good one. Well, we must get people sinning if we want to fill up our New Hell. How are things going down at City Hall? I lowered the drinking age to ten. Brilliant. This is so much fun. I never want it to end. Hello, Cassius. All right. Let me out. You know, New Hell really only needs one new Satan. Thank you, Nicky. Cause now I'm gonna bust Adrian's head wide open. No! Ta-da. So what time is my brother expected back? But what about the cash? Can we keep it or what? It is awfully hot down here. How do you manage to stay so cool? And give you a good buzz. Or maybe it will trap me inside for all eternity. Oh, Nicky, I've missed you. Come on out and say hello... Urr... uggg... errr... Keep it up and I just might make you my Queen for a night or two. Oh. My. God. I can't believe you're here. Welcome. Can I just tell you, I am so excited right now. I remember that night, you had like four daiquiris. I'll call her later. All these good people have totally been led astray. She goes to Parson's, right? The home of eternal damnation, house of Hades, H.E. double toothpicks... Okay, can I just ask you something? What do you know about your mom? My brothers told me my mother was a mountain goat. Which would explain my chronic halitosis. A mountain goat? That's really sweet. My mom wasn't a goat? Try an angel. An angel? Wow. What... what did she look like? How come you're not older? Where did you meet my father? Hello... yes, he's here with me now... I don't know if he's hot, he's my son, you perv! I'll call you back... Oh my God, I will call you back, goodbye. That was my friend, Michelle, she says "hi." How did you see me? Valerie's crying! I gotta help her. I gotta help Dad. I gotta help everybody. But how can I win? Adrian is stronger and smarter than me. Stronger, yes. Smarter, definitely. But you have something he doesn't have. What is it? Well, nice meeting you, Jenna, Christa. Would it be okay if I called you Mommy? Well, Mommy, get me to the big apple cause I'm gonna rock that town like a hurricane. What's Nicky doing down there? Did you just talk? Where is he? He's late. They castrated him. He can't shoot arrows, he can't piss smoke. Oh my God, he just opened his mouth and swallowed that spit. My name's Beefy. I'm an old friend of your father's. He's asked me to help you out. I just need to find my brothers and be on my way, Beefy. Okay, "bro," this jig is up... Just get in the bottle. Just slide right on in there. It's not me, moron. Makin' friends already. It's freezing up here, Beefy. You're on Earth now, kid. Gonna have the same physical needs and limitations a human has. We'll stop by K-mart. Get you some warm clothes. I also have this odd pain in my mid section. Kind of a hollow feeling... So far, so good. Now what? Hey... Popeye's chicken is ass kickin'! It sure is. Now eat it up. You're gonna need your energy. From now on. I'm just going to avoid all moving metal objects. You'll be alright. Go on. Big day tomorrow. Don't forget to do that sleep thing I told you about. This is intense! And it happens every day? Sometimes twice? I gotta tip my hat to you people! Look, it's okay for me to shit the street. But you gotta use a toilet. Okay, just point me in the right direction next time. Come on, there's like ten million people in this city and the clock is ticking. All that running and chasing is making the sleep thing want to come early. Your brothers are upsetting the balance of good and evil. What can I do about it? You can't do jack shit... unless you learn your evil powers. Nobody's as evil as my brothers. Those dudes put the wick in wicked. Go get a soda out of the fridge. But those are my roommate's sodas... You have the power to change the cola in that can into any other liquid -- engine oil, bat's blood, moose piss. You just have to release the evil within you. Release the evil? We had the greatest afternoon of my life until Adrian made me tell her she had a heart-shaped ass. I seem to be in trouble, Beefy. I didn't murder anybody Look. You were really high. Things happen. I was with Valerie, I swear. This is Adrian's work. I've got to find him. This is baloney! What's with all the whoo-whoo noises? Everything's fine, pop. Last time you said that the renaissance happened. Please, pop, just go back to your room. Can I take him with me and have sex with his head? I'm sorry. After careful consideration, I regretfully have to decline. C'mon, man, I'm just asking for one Superbowl ring. In exchange for eternal damnation of your soul? You're too nice of a guy for me to want to do that to you, Mr. Marino. You did it for Namath. Yeah, but Joe was coming here anyways. Just go back to Earth and enjoy your records and the Hall of Fame and the beautiful family and all that. This is bullshit, man. I'm gonna win the Superbowl this year, with or without you! Knock, knock. No, no, that's not what I said. He can keep his thumbs, but the fingers gotta go. I got no ears! I can't hear! Check one-two. Check one-two. Put it back on my head. I'm falling apart here. Nothing, Dad. Just re-arranging the furniture. Now everybody sit down. Hey, Dad, I'm almost finished laying down my monsters of metal compilation tape. I really think it's a masterpiece. This was a very difficult decision, because I have three wonderful sons. I mean, Adrian, so smart, so ruthless. And Cassius, so strong, so tough. And Nicky, so... so... Don't worry about coming up with anything. It's cool. I mean... tough break. Now that was an experience. "You are only coming through in waves." That line blows my mind every time. Definitely. I don't care what kind of mood you're in at the start of that song. When it's over, that mood has been altered. Wow. Great shit. What's next? Who is this, Metal-lick-a? Metallica, Dad. Come on. You're a good devil, Dad. This is bad, Nicky. How bad? To do that Cassius and Adrian have to come back through the other way. So go get 'em, Dad! Nicky, the worst thing that could happen on Earth is you get killed, in which case, boom, you end up back here. No. This can't be happening. That's a train, son. Don't stand in front of them. Well, I guess I'm going to have to take a mulligan on this one. Dad, Adrian's got the whole city after me. He's always a step ahead. What am I gonna do? Uh, I'll do my best, Dad. Do you have any advice at all for me? You came through, Nicky. I came through for you, Mom and the butterflies, Dad. You're back in Hell now, kid. There's no butterflies here. If you want butterflies, you need to be on Earth. What about you and Grandpa and everyone in Hell? Listen, I got down low. Your mom's got up high. You take care of the middle. I'm lucky to get away with just the head boobs, right? Coulda been much worse. Hey. That's a pretty brassiere. Thanks. Could you maybe not tell anyone about this? You got it. Could you maybe not tell anyone about this? Bus? You know, I was the one who created Hell. I know, your wickedness. You know what was in Hell when I came down here, Cassius? It's Stanley, sir. Nothing. No mountains. No castles. Looked like a giant parking lot. It wasn't even called Hell. What was it called, sir. Boogerland! That's nice, Grandpa. Why don't you just enjoy the fishing? Hey... Your father wants to see you and your brothers in the throne room. Nothing's getting through that. The fire is solid as a rock. So go get 'em, Jimmy! I'm just a demon, Nicky. I don't got devil blood in me. I'd last two minutes up there with your brothers. I've never been to Earth. I've never even slept over at some other dude's house! You were gone ten seconds. What happened? No wonder your uncle's so weird... I was in love one time but she said I wasn't financially reliable enough. And she needed that. By she, do you mean he? Easy, Liberace. His name is Andrew. I know that guy. Sounds like our devil dance actually worked this time. There's our man. What's with that guy? Yo, man, I think that devil guy just got ripped off. Should we wake him up? Did you check out the dragon mouth? Look who's back from the dead. That's a big pass, Elton John. You sure you're down with this? Looking for the chief. Schnapps... This don't look good. Which way did he go? What's Ozzy trying to say there? Come on. One more time. No thanks. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to give Ozzy the focus he deserves. Whoa, that chick must be the real deal, then. Later on. So I was driving to work today, and some bozo in a Cadillac cut me off... Oh, that's terrible, Reege... So I followed him... You followed him? I followed him all the way downtown, and when he gets out of the car, I reach under my seat and pull out an aluminum bat. You keep a bat under your seat? Recently, yes! So I run up behind this guy, and start bashing his brains in with this bat, and it made me feel happy! Did you ever see THE UNTOUCHABLES? Yes, great movie... Please. You got to. I'm not Nicky. I'm not home! I don't live here! Good idea... kill me. Dude. Seriously? You gotta kill yourself. Hello. You smell like coconuts. It's "Comptoir Sud Pacific." Makes me feel like a hula girl. Which is kinda what I'm going for. Wanna come in? No thanks. I'm looking for a girl named Valerie who also smells like coconuts. Valerie Doran? Two floors up, one window over. Thanks, much. Good luck with the genital tucking. Adrian? You got the wrong window again, man. That was amazing. Thanks so much. You didn't have to do that. That's okay. I get messed with all the time and when I saw him doing that to you I just lost it. I hate when people take advantage of tourists. It ruins it for the rest of us. You think I'm a tourist? I'm sorry. I just assumed. Your accent maybe. Where are you from? The South. Really? Yeah. Deep south. She laughs along with him, not sure why. Why are you laughing? I don't know, but I like it. Say. Your glasses are nice. They make your eyes look sparkly and big. It's fun to look at them. My dad's an optometrist. My dad's in hell, and he's falling apart. I'm sorry. It's really tough when your parents get older. If I don't save him, I don't know what I'm gonna do. Here, have a Popeye's. This drumstick ain't for beatin' it's for eatin'. That's alright. I already ate lunch. I actually wouldn't mind getting a Gelati. Could I come with you to getting a Gelati? If you want to. Want to? A million angry octopus people couldn't hold me back! "Octopus people?" It's freezing my hands. This town is really going to hell lately. So what part of the city do you live in? I have an apartment. I don't remember exactly where. My dog knows, though. You have a dog? What kind? I'd love to have a dog. But I go to school full time. It wouldn't be fair to the dog. School? Parsons School of Design. I knew growing up I wasn't much to look at, so I put my energy into making things that are pretty. What's that pleasant smell coming from, your skin? Valerie, it feels like there's a bunch of butterflies flapping around in my stomach. Is that normal? Sometimes, sure. So you're saying, make all pants with a drawstring, then heavier set gals don't have to feel humiliated by telling their waist size in front of the whole store? Basically, yeah. You know what's nice about you? You just seem happy being yourself. You don't try to act cool. Thanks much. You know what's nice about you, Valerie? Your juicy, heart-shaped ass. What was that? Hey. What were you thinking coming here? Valerie? Are you dead? No. What are you doing? I think I'm floating. Why would you be floating? I don't know. Maybe it's because of your sweet voice. Look, just because you're floating doesn't mean I'm gonna forget about you giving me the finger. That wasn't me. I was being possessed by my brother, Adrian. He's the one who call you a gross pig. What do you mean, "possessed?" Remember when I told you my Dad was in Hell? Yes... Well, that's because he's the Devil. And he wants to keep his throne for another ten-thousand years. Which is fine with me, but not with my brothers, so they broke out of Hell, causing my dad... ..."The Devil?"... You gotta believe me. You gotta believe in the butterflies. Can we go fly over Central Park? We're going to Jersey? I never thought I'd ever see Ozzy live until he was dead. Please tell me you like metal. Don't do it. Nicky! Where'd a sweet Southern boy learn to fight like that? Do me. I love you. Hello, friend, my name is Nicky. I understand you're seeking a roommate, as per your advertisement in the Village Voice. Would it be possible for me to fill the slot? Yes. What is rent? Eight-hundred, split down the middle. Tuesdays and Thursdays I rehearse with my scene partner so the living room will be off limits. Off limits. Right. And as far as household items: we can share the soap, but we'll split the cost 60/40. Cause the person who physically goes out and buys the soap shouldn't have to pay as much as the other guy. Aren't you boiling in that outfit? No. It's like eighty degrees in this hallway. You from the South? Why is that funny? I don't know. It looks like the work of a brother... A black guy? A little strange. I can't stop thinking about this girl, Valerie. That just hurt a lot. Hey... See something you like, my man? You callin' me a thief, my man? No, I'm just calling you... a guy who has my flask. And if that is your so-called "flask," how would I have it unless I was, in fact, a thief? Okay, now you gone and done it. You done messed with my business bitch! I'm a Sandman! I cut up a Sandman yesterday. They said I'd never get him... but I cut him up good, I did. For me? Better feel sorry for yourself, Sandman! Fourteen? Fifteen? Your days are running out. How long can you last? A year. Six months? What happens when you're sixteen and you go green? Nothing will happen! I make the rules as I go!! Cubs do what I say! Always have! Always will! I got Cathedral and I'll never let go! No cubs over fifteen, Billy! Ever heard of a cub with a green flower? You'll leave Cathedral then, Billy, when you're on green, because they won't let a green stay here. If you try to stay the young ones will gut-rip you apart! Are you too startled? Am I too removed from your ken? I'm neither machine nor man... but a perfect fusion of the two... and better than either. No human sculptor could match this greatness... don't you agree? All right -- what are you? We're hungry do you have anything to eat? How do you think we got here??!! Where do you think we came from? From? From? From? Hiding? Yes! Hiding, hiding. Is that the wind? Not yet... You must hear my birds sing. You know about Sanctuary! I know you do! You have to help us! You don't have a choice! It isn't your decision!! Tell us. Never a pair. I have never had a pair. Where do you send them? Answer the question! Do you know how long all this will last? Not thirty years... or thirty thousand years... but thirty thousand years... and you'll be part of it. Ages will roll... Ages. And you'll be here... the two of you... eternally frozen... frozen... beautiful. There must be somebody else up here. I can't believe that he's -- Let me sculpt you and I will show you where the others have gone. That's better. How do you want us? Nude. Imagine, a pair. How do you want us? All right. Now you keep your bargain. Wait for the wind! Wait and hear the birds sing over you! How did they get in here? Regular storage procedure... the same as the other food... The other food stopped coming and they started. What other food? It's a real privilege, Sandman. Thanks. I thought you'd be older. I expected a Red. I am. Your own work? I designed it myself. What'll it be... a face job or a full-body job? Just the face. Do you have anything special in mind? I don't care... Just get it over with. You are here. I couldn't believe it when they told me. What are you doing? You should've seen me take my last Runner... perfect. I backed him up against a residence pool and when he terminated... his hand... So now you've seen him... what's the difference awake or asleep? Open your eyes once, idiot. It's not every day that a Sandman son is born. I'm telling you, Francis -- that's him! Had enough? You need a lift. Let's go to Arcade and celebrate... your alert successor... Logan-6. Has anyone ever broken in to where the babies are? Why? Just wondered... what happens? But you don't know, you just say what everyone says. "One for one. One for one." Well, why not!? That's exactly how everything works. How else could the city stay in balance -- You have a better idea? No, but at least I wonder sometimes -- instead of doing that "one for one" song of yours. You sound like a sleepteacher with a stuck tape. Did you ever see Francis-8? I don't know what makes you so curious. You have any idea who his seed-mother was? You missed something special. The damned Yellows are getting out of hand. Those three ought to be in Cathedral. No business scrambling in Arcade... You should have been with us in Nursery, Daniel. I'm positive I recognized him -- Now there's a few who could have been his seed-mother. Who invited you? That was a great shot you made. I just might look in on New You 483 myself. You? Why? You're already beautiful. What the hell took you so long? Did you ever see anybody renew? I think you've been skulling out too much. First Nursery and now stupid questions. Did you? Of course. Anybody we know? Look... why don't you get into the water... you need it... more than I do. I'm fine... See you... What's going on, Logan?! It has nothing to do with you. Why did you do that??!! I didn't do anything, Francis! They've made us believe that... It's him! The first Sandman. He killed... Doc. No, Holly -- wait! He's running. Tell them the rest! He's the one. You too. I remember. He was in a hurry. Just a face job. Dark hair, I said. Then he killed Doc and you grabbed me -- and the machine blew up and I ran... I ran. That's right. The other one came after. The older one. Smashing, killing, burning! ...and he was hunting the first one, this one. Wasn't he? Wasn't he? This one was running, the other one was hunting him... What's your name? I'm Mary 2. Where do you live, Mary? Here. Why aren't you in Nursery? I'm very smart. When do you go up? What's wrong, Available? Please... no? You mean "not here" -- that's it? You're a private Available but particular. Don't worry. There's no one here but me. And you. No. Just no. You prefer women? No. Well then...? Nothing. I felt sad, I put myself on the circuit. It was a mistake. Sad? What made you sad? A friend of mine went on Carousel tonight. Now he's gone. Yes... probably he was renewed? He was killed. Killed? Why do you use that word? Isn't it right? Isn't that what you do? Kill. I never 'killed' anybody in my life. Sandmen terminate Runners. Who brought you? Nobody. I felt sad... I put myself on the circuit. You felt sad. What's your name? Jessica. You're beautiful. Let's have sex. No. Later. No. But you put yourself on the circuit! I thought I had to do something. And? I changed my mind. And now? Curious. About what? Let's have sex. I thought you were curious. Not about that. I'm listening. I'm afraid to tell you. I'm not armed. Well? Why is it wrong to run? You shouldn't even think such things... And you picked a strange person to say them to -- I suppose. But what if you want to live? But if you're one of the misfits... that's where I come in. I didn't say that I would run... I just... Are you a 5 or a 6? Six. I go red next year. What Quad do you live in? K. You could have called me yourself. But I wasn't sure you'd come. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I'm the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, I suppose? Maybe... sure... Thanks... but I have the choice. Of course. You can have any woman in the city. What do you really want? You know. I don't believe you. There has to be more. Why show me? I'm going to run. Why tell me? You know something. About running, dying what? Both... running's what I'm interested in. I know what everyone knows. Try like hell for Renewal. You have the same chance everyone else has. It's different now. Help me. Where did you get that? A Runner gave it to me. And then you killed him, right? I let him go... believe me. I don't.. Speak to your friends for me, Jessica... please... Please? What friends? I don't have much time. I never heard of a Sandman running... ever... Are you here to help me? What're you going to do? That's tomorrow. I wish I could help you. Maybe you'll think of something... If you did know, you'd tell me. Of course -- If you trusted me, you'd know. A Runner... Cathedral. A woman. You're not going, are you? I'd rather be with you. They're like beasts. Wild. Maybe they're angry because they're grown in meccano-breeders. Instead of what? Nine months inside a woman: We're all raised the same but most of us don't become cubs in Cathedral. Some people say children need human mothering. Insane. Nurseries are better than any mother could be. I'm only telling you what I've heard... Haven't you ever wondered what your seed-mother was Like...? Uh-uh. I have. When did you begin to question Lastday? I don't remember exactly... except I was a Green. What would you like to relive, Logan? Just follow -- no matter how it seems... But what is this -- why? The Cubs. When they're flying on muscle there's no way to catch up. Without the dazzle, they'd just go past us -- -- too fast I'm ashamed. I was bringing you to be killed. Where? Sanctuary? Can you take me there? Logan, I don't know where Sanctuary is. But if I take you to them, they'll kill you. All right. But why? I didn't kill the Runner. Yes, but they won't know that... or care. They're hunting you, Logan. Maybe me too, now... That's nothing... there's a Sandman behind us, too and there'll be more soon. Take me to them. I -- I can't. Then -- why don't you leave me -- go to them -- explain Are you taking me to them? Yes. I don't know what else to do -- with him following us. Why do you keep running from your -- Because he's my friend -- and I don't want to be killed by him -- or anyone. He's good, isn't he? Will he find us and kill us? Yes... or one of the others. You know there's only one place to go now... They won't believe us. I'd rather take my chances with them... than with Francis. They won't listen. You think Sandmen will? There's no other way for me, Exactly four steps now. Let me lead you. Now to the right. It's narrow here, you'll have to get behind me. How will they know we're coming? Will you take me with you? How do we know this is the right way? What do you suppose this was...? Some kind of breeding pens... I suppose... They say people used to breed animals, fish, anything... eat, of course. I'm afraid. I don't know what's going to happen to us Logan but -- Are you glad you didn't kill him? It doesn't make any difference anymore. You're really one of us now, aren't you? You knew that I wasn't before, didn't you? Why did you stay with me? I wanted to... ...And you... what made you kill Sandmen? I had to. I did kill... for the first time in my life I killed. Because you felt like a Runner, didn't you. I guess so... I know I felt something I never felt before... and I didn't like it... not a bit. I'll tell you one thing... Sanctuary better be worth it. That's the last place for me to live now. What's that? It feels like breath. It makes everything move. Your hair is moving. I hate outside! I hate it! Don't! It's getting dark and cold. I'm tired. Do you think everything's going to turn to ice? I doubt it. Don't ever let go. It all seemed to make sense until Box. Maybe we're the first ones to get through... Maybe Sanctuary is near, now... another protected place. It couldn't be outside. You're right... it must be near now. We'll find it. What does it mean? You can have any woman in the city. What do you really want? You know, Jessica. ...But I still have the choice...? Of course. I have never seen a face like that before. It must be the look of great age. Whoever he was he was terribly old. They all have names and numbers on them. I wonder what they are? Look at his face... and his hair... Is that what it is to grow old? That sweet madman -- how could he come to exist? He had a mother and father -- and he knew them. There's a Sanctuary... there is! You want there to be one... that doesn't... There has to be! I know it exists! It has to!! No, there doesn't. Not really -- just so many want it to exist... so many who don't want to die... want it so much that a place called Sanctuary becomes "real". But it doesn't exist. It never existed. Just the hope. What are we promising him? What can we possibly give him? He asked if we would bury him when his time comes. We can't. We're going back. To what? I'm going to try and tell people what we've seen and -- You're lying! You'll never have the chance to tell anybody anything! You'll be killed the moment you're seen! Do you expect me to let things go on without trying to change them?! Things won't change... you know that! We can live here together, Logan... have a life as long as his... together! Things change! Jessica... listen to me... listen to me... The Lifeclocks made me kill Francis. They make people die or be killed every day. If I didn't try and destroy that... I couldn't live here or anywhere. Do you understand? "Beloved son"... So people stayed together for that feeling of love... They would live and raise children together and be remembered. I think I feel that way, Logan. Can we be that way? Yes. You and I, Jessica. And Sanctuary? Beloved husband... What does that water do? It's part of the hydrogalvanic system. The ocean tides are changed into energy somehow. Is it inside the city? Yes, cats, of course. What else could they be? Cats. Of course each one has his own name too. But there are so many of them. Do you know each one separately. And... and how were you grown? Inside your mother? Yes... Are you sure? What kind of jewel is this? I don't know. You're both full of secrets like Macavity. Did you steal this? No. What belongs to the people? All this. All of it. What people? We'll have to bury him. What's that? I'll make the arrangements. Of course... that's settled then. But just you remember your promise... Come with us. Goodbye. Hello, Sandman. Hello. We don't get many Sandmen. I think we've only had one other since I've been here. A Sandman can get as sick of his face as anyone else. Where's the doctor? I like your face. Would you mind if Doc took a picture? I'd like him to give your face to somebody else. It's all right with me. Is he here? My name's Holly... Holly 13. In ancient times they said my number was unlucky. Do you believe in luck? How long have you been living here? For as long as I can remember. What kind of place is this? How did you get here? I have always been here... Are there any other humans? Gracious... no. But there may be a few around somewhere. What makes you think so? My parents thought so. Mother and Father. You know? Where are they? They're beautiful. May I have one too please? No -- I'm sorry. It's not possible. It isn't fair. I'll give you one of my favorite cats... a Jellicle cat. "Jellicle cats have cheerful faces, Jellicle cats have bright black eyes; They like to practice their airs and graces And wait for the Jellicle Moon to rise." What's beyond this place -- do you know? No, no, no Did your Mother or Father ever mention another place? May we stay here for a while? We'd like to rest. Are you ready to put him in? Not yet. We're leaving. To a city with thousands and thousands of people. Thousands and thousands... as many as my cats? More... many more. Is that really it? It doesn't seem very far. Will we be there soon? That's better than gold when it's cold. Thank you. Tell me -- what do those words mean? "Beloved husband"... "Beloved son"... "Beloved wife"... My father was the husband and my mother was the wife. "Beloved" is a word they used -- to stay together. Stay? They lived together all their years? I know... We're going to try and get in this way. I don't think you can make it. Oh... I did so look forward to seeing all those people. I'm sorry. Yes... Can you make it back? Break-in scanners report intrusion, identify. Logan-5... Francis-7, authorized duty quadrant. Intrusion accidental. I don't know who you are. I'd like to thank someone. It doesn't matter who we are. Follow the tunnel to the end. Someone will follow. When you come to the lock, he will tell you how to go on the other side. Jessica may go with you as far as the lock. Well? How do you like it? I don't know. The cheeks maybe... look a little -- Cheeks? Cheeks? Right. Too much, you think? Too little. No -- just there -- on the first level. Don't look for us. We'll see you. You're not contagious are you? I don't think so. Good... You up for a drive? Just goin' up'ta "Tops"... Maybe the "Ten Pin". Sheila'll be at "Tops". Sure, what's wrong with that? This rod is a fuckin', embarrassment, Carl. Whatiya burn in this thing, "V"? Texaco... What's wrong with that? Listen. You want somethin'? What's happenin'? They're comin' with us. You okay, man? What? Pete... You okay? I'm, okay... You okay? Do you always sleep here?... In this room?... Both of you? You're a musician? I like to remember things my own way. What do you mean by that? Why not? Why not? Very strange. What is? Do you own a video camera? No. Maid? Relative? We'll see that the patrol of the house is doubled. How'd the camera get so high like that? And smooth... Almost no movement - back and forth, I mean. Like you'd get if it was hand held. Might be a good time to try using it again. We'll keep a watch on the house. As best we can. You don't remember being awakened? It looks like you were aware of someone. Has anyone made any threats to either of you recently? Now we'll see what this son of a bitch is up to. You recognize that guy? What a fuckin' job. His or ours? We've got Pete Dayton's prints all over this place. You know what I think? What's that, Ed? I was here yesterday. Yeah, I remember. How would you like to take me to dinner? I don't know. Where's your phone? I have to call another taxi. I want more. Me, too. Can I call you? Yeah... Call me at home. I'll give you the number. Hello. It's me... Hi. I can't see you tonight. Okay... I have to go somewhere with Mr. Eddy. Sure. Pete? Me, too. Hello. Meet me at the Starlight Motel on Sycamore... I'll be there in twenty minutes. He'll kill us. Are you positive he knows? I'm not positive... but... he knows. So what do we do? I don't know. We should stop seeing each other. Have you partied with him? You like it? No, honey... It was part of the deal. What deal? He works for Mr. Eddy. What's he do? He makes films for Mr. Eddy. Pornos. Yeah. How'd you get in with these fuckin' people? Pete... Don't... How'd it happen, Alice? It was a long time ago... I met someone at this place called Moke's... we became friends. He told me about a job... In pornos? You liked it. So, should I call Andy? Andy? That's his name... Andy. Our ticket out of here. I'll set it up for tomorrow night. You'll meet me at his place at eleven o'clock... Don't drive there... Take a bus... Make sure no one follows you... His address is easy to remember... It's 2224 Deep Dell Place... It's a white stucco job on the south side of the street... I'll be upstairs with Andy... The back door will be open... That leads Okay... Lemme call him now. Make sure he's not already busy tomorrow night. Set. Why are ya goin' so early? 'Cause that's how long it's gonna take, baby. What if Andy tips off Mr. Eddy? Are you kidding?... I've got so much on Andy, it isn't funny. What about tonight?... Whatiya gonna do about Mr. Eddy tonight? I'm not goin' home tonight... I'm goin' somewhere else... To a girlfriend's house. But, we still have a coupla things to take care of... Are you my man? Yes. You got him. You all right? We killed him. You killed him. Alice... Where's the bathroom? Look at all this shit... I know a fence... he'll give us money and get us passports in exchange for this and the car... We can go anywhere. Andy, who is that guy? I don't know his name. He's a friend of Dick Laurent's, I think. Dick Laurent? Yes, I believe so. But Dick Laurent is dead, isn't he? I don't. I don't know him. Wonderful!!... Wonderful to see you, Pete. How are you? Feeling good, Arnie. Ready to get to work. Mr. Smith has been waiting for you and Mrs. Trueworthy. Can you take care of Mr. Smith now? Sure. Mr. Eddy's called every day... Can I call him to come in? Better. Arnie called this morning while you were sleepin'. They miss you pretty bad down at the garage. I told 'im you still had a "fever". Okay. Thanks. Nice to know they can't seem to get along without ya. Yeah. You really don't remember the other night, do you? What night is that? Goin' out with these clowns for a while. Hey. Sit down a minute. What's up? You don't look so good. I gotta headache... What's goin' on? The police called us. Yeah? what did they want? They wanted to know if we'd had a chance to find out what happened to you the other night. They wanted to know if you remembered anything. Sheila? Yes, there was a man with you... She brought you here... She didn't know what else to do. Never saw him before in my life. Did you tell the police this? We're not saying anything about that night to the police. We should all forget that night. Please tell me. A cell that was supposed to be occupied by an inmate named Fred Madison. The wife killer? His condition? What do you mean? His physical condition. Have you made any charges against him? No. Then he's coming home with his mother and me. Just rest easy, Pete. You're gonna be okay. Where's Pete? Out in back. You talk to him? We saw you that night, Pete. Repeat that, Bill. Warden, it's not him. It was not Fred Madison in that cell. Of course, it's Madison!!! Who else could it be? I don't know. The guards say they've never seen him before. Where is he now? He's in the infirmary, being examined. Did you ask him who he is? He... He can't talk. it appears as if he can't talk, anyway. If he's not Madison, then where's Madison? How about Madison? Have we had even a hint of his whereabouts? One of the guards must have leaked it. You just gonna let him go? Now, Mack, what's the situation? That's not Fred Madison? No, sir, it's not. Who is it? I couldn't say, sir... Captain Henderson? Yeah, Mack? I wouldn't know how. You say you haven't seen your son since the day before yesterday? When he went to work, right. What about yesterday? I want to see him. Pete, can you tell us now, anything about this? No... I don't feel so good. I would like some aspirin. Do you remember? What's the matter? We know that. Who is it? What is this, Rogoff? Who is this man? He's not Madison? I examined Madison last night, Marshall. He had a headache. A headache? WHAT DID YOU SAY? I won't ever tailgate. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FUCKIN' CAR LENGTHS IT TAKES TO STOP A CAR AT 35 M.P.H.? No. SIX FUCKIN' CAR LENGTHS... THAT'S ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIX FUCKIN' FEET, MISTER! YOU WERE FOLLOWING TEN FEET BEHIND ME... IF I'D HAD TO STOP SUDDENLY, YOU WOULD HAVE HIT ME. I WANT YOU TO GET A DRIVER'S MANUAL, AND I WANT YOU TO STUDY THAT MOTHERFUCKER... AND I WANT YOU TO OBEY THE GOD DAMN RULES. FIFTY FUCKIN' THOUSAND PEOPLE WERE KILLED ON I'll get a manual. and study it. That's it. There's no other bedroom? What's your axe? Tenor... Tenor saxophone. Do you... Did you use the alarm system since we were here last? Something wrong? My... My head. Headache, huh? Too much sun, I guess. You want to come in? Still got forty- five minutes outside if you want it. What's bothering you, Madison? The pain is getting worse. I need more aspirin. What is it? Aspirin... fly head. I gotta have more aspirin. The doctor said not to give you anything. You can see him in the morning. We've met before, haven't we? I don't think so. Where was it that you think we've met? At your house. Don't you remember? No, no I don't. Are you sure? Of course. In fact, I'm there right now. What do you mean? You're where right now? At your house. Where's Alice? You don't mind that I'm not coming tonight? What are you going to do? It's nice to know I can still make you laugh. I like to laugh, Fred. That's why I married you. What's that? A videotape. Who's it from? I don't know... There's no return address on the envelope... In fact, there's no address on it. Does it say anything on the tape? It must be from a real estate agent. Good book, huh? Huh?... oh, yeah, it is. Same one you were reading the other night? What night? When you didn't come to the club. Oh. Oh, yeah. No. This is a different one. I called, you know. Called? When? From the club. You didn't answer. I must have fallen asleep. I was asleep when you got home, wasn't I? I had a dream about you last night... Yeah? You're up early. That dog woke me. I lay there for a while, then decided to get up. What's that? Another tape? Don't you want to watch it? We've got to call the police. So? We will. What the hell is going on?! What was that?!!! What? No, I don't remember anything. it looks like I... but... I don't remember. Where would you feel safe? I'll make sure the alarm is set from now on. I thought you were getting me a drink? Let's go home. But... It was a long time ago... I met him at this place called Moke's... We... became friends... He told me about a job... What job? I don't remember... Anyway, Andy's okay... I told you to stay in the car! Why? what is it? Why did you make me wait out here? I thought there might be somebody inside. Was there? Did you see that about the guy who chopped up his wife into a million pieces? How could I miss it? The TV won't quit with that stuff. They're gonna cook him. Andy's from Utah. He says there you have a choice... You can die by hanging or by firing squad. Andy would go for this, don't you think?... Firing squad, definitely. Do they aim for the head or for the heart? The heart, I guess. What happened? Somebody givin' you trouble? No, it's nothin'... I'm all right. Because if anybody's givin' you trouble, Pete, I can take care of the problem... like that. No, no... It's okay, Mr. Eddy. I mean it, Pete... Like THAT!! Thanks, Mr. Eddy... whatiya need? Just the regular tune-up? I want you to ride with me. Somethin' doesn't sound right. Okay... Lemme clear it with... Give that a try. Beautiful! Smooth as shit from a duck's ass. Let's take a ride. Sorry about that, Pete, but tailgating is one thing I can't tolerate. I can see that. I'll bet you know how many car lengths it takes to stop at... say 45 m.p.h. Eight, nine car lengths. A hundred and sixty-two feet. At sixty? Fifteen car lengths. About two hundred and seventy feet. Thanks, Mr. Eddy. You like pornos? Pornos? Yeah. Give ya a boner. Suit yourself, champ. Okay... Well, I'll see ya then. I'm leavin' the Caddy, like I told you. Think you'll get a chance to give her a once over today? Sure... Sure, Mr. Eddy. You gonna pick it up later, or tomorrow? If you think you can finish it, I'll be back later today. It'll be ready. How ya doin', Pete? Okay. Her name is Alice. You know I love that girl to death. If I ever found out somebody was makin' out with her, I'd take this... ...and shove it so far up his ass it would come out his mouth... Then you know what?... What? Hello. Hey, Pete... How ya doin'? Who is this? Mr. Eddy? Yeah... How ya doin', Pete? Okay. You're doin, okay? That's good, Pete. Look... It's late, Mr. Eddy... I ... You sure you're doin' okay? Everything all right? Yeah. I don't think so. Where was it that you think we've met? At your house. Don't you remember? No. No, I don't. We just killed a couple of people... What's goin' on? I missed you. Yeah?... What are you guys doin'? Guess we're goin' over to the "Ten Pin". You want some company? Why haven't you called me? What's happening to you? What happened to your face? I don't know. What do you mean?... You've been acting strange lately... Like the other night. What night? Last time I saw you. I don't remember... What happened that night? You sure weren't acting like the Pete Dayton I've always known. Whatiya mean? You still care about me? What else about that night?... Did anything happen? You really don't remember? No... I told you. It was weird... Whatiya mean, Sheila? I don't want to talk about it... Sheila?! What do you want? Nothin'... You want to go for a drive? I don't know. Why don't you like me? Where'd you come from? I've been here. You were lookin, right at me. I was? I didn't know you cared. Sheila, what is it?... What are you doin' here? You've been fucking somebody else haven't you? Sheila... Hey... Sheila. What's the BITCH'S name?! Look Sheila... I'm sorry... YOU'RE SORRY!! Sheila... Stop... Cable from Gainsford. Oh, read it! All of it? Yes. Might as well - all of it. Yes, sir. Conway's gone again! Run out! Listen to this! From Gainsford. Where's the girl? Miss Stone. Well, there's certainly nothing wrong with that meal! Not even a radio? What about those men we met this morning? Two years!? I beg your pardon, brother. What did you say you were hunting? Fossils. Fossils, huh? I'm a paleontologist. A what? A paleontologist. I have here a discovery that will startle the world. It's the vertebrae from the lumbar of a Megatherium,[4] found in Asia. Well, what do you know about that! Found in Asia! Uh-huh. When I get home I shall probably be knighted for it. Knighted! You don't say. Do you mind if I take a look at it? Sorry. This is the only thing I was able to save when those heathens surrounded me. Uh-huh. You see, from this vertebrae I shall be able to reconstruct the entire skeleton. Wait a minute, you expect to be knighted for finding that soupbone? It was the vertebrae of a Megatherium - found in Asia. Yeah, I remember. You said that before. Yes, it just shows— I don't know why I'm talking to you. I don't know you. Who are you? Okay, brother. Don't call me brother. Good morning, Lovey. I beg your pardon. I say, good morning, Lovey. I didn't care for 'sister' last night, and I don't like 'Lovey' this morning. My name is Lovett - Alexander, P. I see. I see. Well, it's a good morning, anyway. Wait a minute. Is it a good morning? Say, we're supposed to be traveling east, aren't we? Why, of course. Yes. Well, it looks to me as if we're traveling west. That's ridiculous. Is it? It certainly is. Look here— Any child knows how to tell direction. Any child. I don't care where the child is - in the air, on the earth, or in the sea. If you face the rising sun, your right hand is the north, and your left hand is the south— I always get it twisted because I'm left-handed. Oh, really? Yes. Well, you just reverse it. Your left hand is— What difference does it make what 'hand' you are? The north is the north! Uh-huh. All I know is - the sun rises in the east, and we're going away from it. He might have lost his way. Yes. And who is he ? How'd he get there? Left us here to rot. That's what they've done. Heroes of the newspapers! Where are they? Do you see them? Yes! Mr. Barnard, I do not like this place. I definitely do not like this place. Will you stop squawking! Look at me. Look at what they gave me to wear. Something tells me this means food. Come on! Yeah? If this be execution, lead me to it. That's what they do with cattle just before the slaughter. Fatten them. Uh-huh. You're a scream, Lovey. Some layout they got here. Did you get a load of the rooms? You couldn't do better at the Ritz. Don't mind Lovey. He's got the misery. How about you Lovey? Come on. Let's you and I play a game of honeymoon bridge. I'm thinking. Thinking? What about some double solitaire? As a matter of fact, I'm very good at double solitaire. No kidding? Yes. And say, honey, you look a million per cent better. Wholesome, kind of - and clean. You take a tip from me, and don't you ever put that stuff on your face again. Why, it's like hiding behind a mask. Ha, ha - who are you to be talking about a mask? What do you mean? You've been wearing a mask ever since we met you. Have I? Certainly not. Believe me, it's no fun. When you fellas picked me up at Baskul, they'd been on my tail for a year. The police? That's too bad. I got a half million shares. My whole foundation! And now look at me! colossal nerve you have sitting there and talking about it so calmly - you, the swindler of thousands of people— You know, that's what makes the whole thing so funny. A guy like me starts out in life as a plumber - an ordinary, everyday, slew-footed plumber - and by the use of a little brains, mind you, he builds up a gigantic institution, employs thousands of people, becomes a great civic leader. And then the crash comes - and overnight he's the biggest Yes. I don't know why I associate with you, Mr. Barnard - or Mr. Chalmers Bryant - or Mr. Embezzler - or whatever your name may be. Just call me Barney. Barney? Why should I? Never! We have nothing in common. Hmmpf, Barney! What effrontery! Okay, Lovey. And this trip to the valley. I can't imagine why I'd allow you to drag me down here. Why, we don't know anything about these people. We're not even armed! They're very nice people - except that they've got horns. Yeah. You know. Hey Lovey, come here! Lovey, I asked for a glass of wine and look what I got. Come on, sit down. So that's where you are. I might of known it. No wonder you couldn't hear me. You were asked to have a glass of wine. Sit down! And be poisoned out here in the open? There you are! —then the bears came right into the bedroom and the little baby bear said, "Oh, somebody's been sleeping in my bed." And then the mama bear said, "Oh dear, somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" And then the big papa bear, he roared, "And somebody's been sleeping in my bed!" Well, you have to admit the poor little bears were in a quandary! I'm going to sleep in my bed. Come on, Lovey! They were in a quandary, and— Come on, Lovey. Why? Why 'come on' all the time? What's the matter? Are you going to be a fuss budget all your life? Here, drink it up! Aren't you having any fun? Where was I? Oh my, isn't that pretty! What is it? Charming chap. Well, that's that, I guess. What are we going to do? It's better than freezing to death down below, isn't it? That's what I say. What do you say to a rubber of bridge? I saw some cards in the other room. Hey, hurry up, you slow-pokes - I'm starved! Yes. Unbosom yourself, Mr. Hyde.[11] Chalmers Bryant! Yeah. I though you ran this joint. You see? You get the idea? From this reservoir here I can pipe in the whole works. Oh, I'm going to get a great kick out of this. Of course it's just to keep my hand in, but with the equipment we have here, I can put a plumbing system in for the whole village down there. Can rig it up in no time. It's unbelievable. Think of it! In times like these. Say, what about that gold deal? Huh? Gold. You were going to— Oh - that! That can wait. Nobody's going to run off with it. Say, I've got to get busy. I want to show this whole layout to Chang. So long. Don't you take any wooden nickels. I say, will you have a cigarette? No. Say, you're an American, aren't you? Hey, what's happened to you? Nothing. Why? Look, honey. We run the pipes through here, and we connect with the main water line here. Pipes? Where are you going to get pipes? If you want me to! Cave, eh? Where? Hey - look! There you are! Barnard, you'd better get your things together. We're leaving. Leaving? Yes. I've just been talking with the porters. They're going to take us. We've got clothing, food, everything. Come on! When are you going to start? Right this very minute! The porters are waiting for us on the plateau. And that Chinaman thought he could stop me. Come along. I think I'll stick around. I'll leave with the porters on their next trip. You mean you don't want to go? Well - I'm— I see. You're afraid of going to jail, eh? Well, no. You see, I got this plumbing business— All right! If you insist on being an idiot, I'm not going to waste time coaxing you. How about you? And mine's Conway. How do you do? Where is your mad pilot? You will need suitable clothes for the journey. It is not particularly far, but quite difficult. And the wine - excellent. It's three thousand feet, practically straight down to the floor of the valley. The Valley of the Blue Moon, as we call it. There are over two thousand people in the Valley besides those here in Shangri-La. Who and what is Shangri-La? You? Goodness, no! So there are others? Oh, yes. Who, for instance? For a man who talks a great deal, it's amazing how unenlightening you can be. There are some things, my dear Conway, I deeply regret I may not discuss. You know, that's the fourth time you've said that today. You should have a record made of it. By the way, what religion do you follow here? To put it simply, I should say that our general belief was in moderation. We preach the virtue of avoiding excesses of every kind, even including— —the excess of virtue itself. That's intelligent. We find, in the Valley, it makes for better happiness among the natives. We rule with moderate strictness and in return we are satisfied with moderate obedience. As a result, our people are moderately honest and moderately chaste and somewhat more than moderately happy. How about law and order? You have no soldiers or police? Oh, good heavens, no! How do you deal with incorrigibles? Criminals? Why, we have no crime here. What makes a criminal? Lack, usually. Avariciousness, envy, the desire to possess something owned by another. There can be no crime where there is a sufficiency of everything. You have no disputes over women? Only very rarely. You see, it would not be considered good manners to take a woman that another man wanted. Suppose somebody wanted her so badly that he didn't give a hang if it was good manners or not? Well, in that event, it would be good manners on the part of the other man to let him have her. That's very convenient. I think I'd like that. But Mr. Chang, all these things - books, instruments, sculpture - do you mean to say they were all brought in over those mountains by porters? They were. Well, it must have taken– Centuries. Centuries! Where did you get the money to pay for all those treasures? That would suit me perfectly. I'm always broke. How did you pay for them? Our Valley is very rich in a metal called gold, which fortunately for us is valued very highly in the outside world. So we merely . . . —buy and sell? Buy and - sell? No, no, pardon me, exchange . I see. Gold for ideas. You know Mr. Chang, there's something so simple and naive about all of this that I suspect there has been a shrewd, guiding intelligence somewhere. Whose idea was it? How did it all start? That, my dear Conway, is the story of a remarkable man. Who? A Belgian priest by the name of Father Perrault, the first European to find this place, and a very great man indeed. He is responsible for everything you see here. He built Shangri-La, taught our natives, and began our collection of art. In fact, Shangri-La is Father Perrault. When was all this? Oh, let me see - way back in 1713, I think it was, that Father Perrault stumbled into the Valley, half frozen to death. It was typical of the man that, one leg being frozen, and of course there being no doctors here, he amputated the leg himself. He amputated his own leg? Yes. Oddly enough, later, when he had learned to understand their language, the natives told him he could have saved his leg. It would have healed without amputation. Well, they didn't actually mean that. Yes, yes. They were very sincere about it too. You see, a perfect body in perfect health is the rule here. They've never known anything different. So what was true for them they thought would naturally be true for anyone else living here. Well, is it? Rather astonishingly so, yes. And particularly so in the case of Father Perrault himself. Do you know when he and the natives were finished building Shangri-La, he was 108 years old and still very active, in spite of only having one leg? 108 and still active? You're startled? Oh, no. Just a little bowled over, that's all. Forgive me. I should have told you it is quite common here to live to a very ripe old age. Climate, diet, mountain water, you might say. But we like to believe it is the absence of struggle in the way we live. In your countries, on the other hand, how often do you hear the expression, "He worried himself to death?" or, "This Very often. And very true. Your lives are therefore, as a rule, shorter, not so much by natural death as by indirect suicide. That's all very fine if it works out. A little amazing, of course. Why, Mr. Conway, you surprise me! I surprise you? Now that's news. I mean, your amazement. I could have understood it in any of your companions, but you - who have dreamed and written so much about better worlds. Or is it that you fail to recognize one of your own dreams when you see it? Mr. Chang, if you don't mind, I think I'll go on being amazed - in moderation, of course. One moment. You say the High Lama is the only one who can give us any information? The only one. And he can arrange for the porters to take us back? The High Lama arranges everything, Mr. Conway. Yes. I'm afraid it does. Shall we have another? Charming, isn't she? Yes, charming. Your brother seems quite fascinated by her. Why not? She's an attractive young woman. Young? She arrived here in 1888. She was 20 at the time. She was on her way to join her betrothed - when her carriers lost their way in the mountains. The whole party would have perished but for meeting some of our people. Amazing! She still doesn't look over 20. When is she likely to grow old in appearance? Not for years. Shangri-La will keep her youthful indefinitely. Suppose she should leave it? Leave Shangri-La! That's not likely. You couldn't drive her out. No, I mean about her appearance. If she should leave the valley - what would happen? Oh, she'd quickly revert in her appearance to her actual age. It's weird. Chang, how old are you? You must prevail upon him not to attempt the journey. He could never get through that country alive. What do you want? I've offered you some warm broth. I thought perhaps- Please calm yourself. You'll soon be well if you do. I don't need any advice from you! Get me a doctor! I'm sorry, but we have no doctors here. No doctors? That's fine. That's just fine. Please let me help you. Sure, you can help me! You can help me jump over that cliff! I've been looking and looking at the bottom of that mountain, but I haven't got the nerve to jump! You shouldn't be looking at the bottom of the mountain. Why don't you try looking up at the top sometimes? Of course, the porters will be very well paid - that is, within reason. I'm afraid that wouldn't help. You see, we have no porters here. No porters here!! What exactly do you mean by "almost any time now"? You know, it's very, very strange, but when you saw me in the corridor, I was actually on my way to you. I bring the most amazing news. The High Lama wishes to see you, Mr. Conway. Amazing, Mr. Chang. This place is amazing! And that marble quarry in the valley is simply magnificent. Oh, I've looked around. I've seen everything. Your woodworkers and your cloth-weavers - they all seem so very, very happy. Yes. You may not know it, Mr. Chang, but right here you have Utopia.[15] You've very kind Mr. Lovett. I don't mean it in that sense. I only give credit where credit is due. Er, Mr. Chang, I'm very anxious to have you realize that I never for a moment believed that ridiculous kidnapping story. Oh, I'm so glad. Simply preposterous. Do you know what I did last night? Last night, Mr. Chang, I held a sort of a self- inventory. I said to myself last night, Mr. Chang, I said, "Lovey"— Mr. Lovett! "Mr. Lovett," I said, "you are an ungrateful fool . . . " Why, no. "Ungrateful fool . . . !" Those were my very words to myself last night. "Here are these people in Shangri-La doing everything in their power to make our stay comfortable and happy and I haven't done one single thing to show my appreciation." Now, what would you like to do? Well, Mr. Chang, I thought, with your permission of course, and while I'm waiting for these porters, I would like to organize classes for those children in the valley and teach them something practical and something useful. Geology. Splendid! Isn't it? Isn't it! You know I was a professor for twenty years? - and a very good one. I'm sure you were. When would you like to start? Oh, immediately. Then it's done. Oh, thank you. Thank you! We were just going to bury him when you came along. In that event, we better make arrangements to get some porters immediately. Some means to get us back to civilization. Are you so certain you are away from it? As far away as I ever want to be. Oh, yes. There is a tribe of porters some five hundred miles from here. That is our only contact with the outside world. Every now and again, depending upon favorable weather of course, they make the journey. How can we get in touch with them? The High Lama is the only one from whom any information can come. A fine trick! Smart, aren't you? What a pack of lies you told us about those porters! Of course the minute they arrive, we can make arrangements to leave. If they take us. But you knew very well you'd tell them not to! Now, my dear boy. You shouldn't— It's all your fault! It was all arranged until he spoke to you! Why can't you leave us alone? Do you mean to tell me you want to leave Shangri-La? I'll die if I have to stay here another minute! I've waited a long time for this chance to go, and you're not going to stop me now. If I have to, I'll go alone. It was I who bribed the porters. If it weren't for me, you'd never get out! I thought the porters had instructions from the High Lama not to take anyone. The High Lama? Who pays any attention to him? The porters laugh at the High Lama. All they want to know is how much gold he will give them. Well, I gave them more gold. I've been stealing it for a year. I'd do anything to get out of this place. To get away from that High Lama - the one who calls himself Father Perrault is dead. He's dead? That's fine. You won't see me shedding any tears over him! Oh George, you must take me with you! Aren't you afraid to leave? You don't want to look like an old woman, do you? Old woman? Chang told you that, didn't he? Yes. You're lying, aren't you? Are you taking me? No, I can't! I can't! You've got to let me rest! You've got to let me rest! Sit here, near me. I am an old man and can do no one any harm. Are you the High Lama? I trust you have been comfortable at Shangri-La, since your arrival. It's astonishing - and incredible, but— What is it, my son? You're the man Chang told me about! You're the first - who - two hundred years ago— —you're still alive, Father Perrault! That Conway seemed to belong here. In fact, it was suggested that someone be sent to bring him here. That I be brought here? Who had that brilliant idea? Sondra Bizet. Oh, the girl at the piano? Yes. She has read your books and has a profound admiration for you, as have we all. Of course I have suspected that our being here is no accident. Furthermore, I have a feeling that we're never supposed to leave. But that, for the moment, doesn't concern me greatly. I'll meet that when it comes. What particularly interests me at present is, why was I brought here? What possible use can I be to an already thriving community? We need men like you here, to be sure that our community will continue to thrive. In return for which, Shangri-La has much to give you. You are still, by the world's standards, a youngish man. Yet in the normal course of existence, you can expect twenty or thirty years of gradually diminishing activity. Here, however, in Shangri- La, by our standards your life But to be candid, Father, a prolonged future doesn't excite me. It would have to have a point. I've sometimes doubted whether life itself has any. And if that is so, then long life must be even more pointless. No, I'd need a much more definite reason for going on and on. Yes, of course, your brother is a problem. It was to be expected. I knew you'd understand. That's why I came to you for help. You must not look to me for help. Your brother is no longer my problem. He is now your problem, Conway. Mine? I have waited for you, my son, for a long time. I have sat in this room and seen the faces of newcomers. I have looked into their eyes and heard their voices - always in hope that I might find you . My friend, it is not an arduous task that I bequeath, for our order knows only silken bonds. To be gentle Bob! I think I hear motors! Colonel, wait a minute, they may be here now! Say George, get down on that field and guide those planes in when they get here. And be sure that none of the natives get in. Yes. The power house - they've blown it up! The planes can't land without lights. All right, go ahead! We go on to the next plane. Bring out any people that are left. Bob, these are all that are left. The next time you're in wild country like this, keep in touch with the British Consul. Just what I needed too. You? Hurray! How I'm going to bask in reflected glory! People are going to point to me and say, "There goes George Conway - brother of the Foreign Secretary." Hello, Freshie. Did you make that report out yet? Yes, Bob. Did you say we saved ninety white people? Yes. Hurray for us. Did you say that we left ten thousand natives down there to be annihilated? No, you wouldn't say that. They don't count. You'd better try to get some sleep, Bob. Don't worry, George. Nothing's going to happen. I'll fall right into line. I'll be the good little boy that everybody wants me to be. I'll be the best little Foreign Secretary we ever had, just because I haven't the nerve to be anything else. Do try to sleep, Bob. Oh, stop it! George, what are you going to do? What are these people? Oh George, come on. What is it? Has he fainted? He's dead. What is it? See that spot? Yes. That's where we were this morning. He had it marked. Right on the border of Tibet. Here's where civilization ends. We must be a thousand miles beyond it - just a blank on the map. What's it mean? Hello, George. Cigarette? Thanks. I suppose all this comes under the heading of adventure. We've had plenty of it the last few days. It's far from over, from what I can see. This place gives me the creeps, hidden away like this - no contact with civilization. Bob, you don't seem concerned at all. Oh, I'm feeling far too peaceful to be concerned about anything. I think I'm going to like it here. You talk as though you intend on staying. Something happened to me, when we arrived here, George, that - well - did you ever go to a totally strange place, and feel certain that you've been there before? What are you talking about? I don't know. Don't you ever want to see what's on the other side of the hill? What could there be except just another hill? In any event, I'm not curious. At the moment, it seems to me we should be concerned about getting home. I'd give anything to be in London right now. Of course you would. If ever we get out of this place, the thing for you to do is to take that job with Helen's father. What do you mean if we should get out? Did I say "if"? That's what you said. Well - I mean— What's on your mind, Bob? You talk as though we're going to have trouble getting out of here. George, I've been putting things together. Do you notice the resemblance between those natives and the pilot? And why did those clothes materialize so conveniently when they met us at the plane? Chang himself just said that they never venture beyond that point. What brought them there? Unless it was to meet us? Chang's first question was about the pilot. Uh-huh. There must be some connection between the plane and this place. They must have deliberately brought us here. Why, Bob? What reason could they have for doing a thing like that? Well - I heard that if you want a man's wife, she's yours, if he's got any manners. Nothing about the porters yet? Porters? Good heavens, Bob, we've been here two weeks and we haven't found out a thing. Well, we haven't been murdered in our beds yet, George, have we? I'm afraid the porters are just a myth. I guess we never will know why we're here, or how long we're going to be held prisoners. George, what do you think you're doing? George, come back! Let me up! Let me up! What about the porters? Porters? Didn't you find out anything about the porters? For heaven's sake, Bob, what's the matter with you? You went out there for the purpose of— George - you're behaving like a child. You haven't opened your mouth in two weeks. I said we're getting out of here. Back to civilization. I made a deal with the porters. They brought in a load of books or something, and they're leaving tomorrow at dawn. They're waiting for us five miles outside the valley. Come on, get your things together. Where's your top coat? You can't leave, George. Why not? What's going to stop me? You mustn't. You've got to stay here now. Something grand and beautiful, George. Something I've been searching for all my life. The answer to the confusion and bewilderment of a lifetime. I've found it, George, and I can't leave it. You mustn't either. I don't know what you're talking about. You're carrying around a secret that seems to be eating you up. If you'll only tell me about it. Well, I - I really don't know what to say. Except that you must be completely mad. So you think I'm mad? What else can I think after a tale like that? Good heavens, Bob, things like that don't happen today. We're living in the twentieth century. So you think it's all nonsense, huh? I think you've been hypnotized by a lot of loose-brained fanatics. Why, I wouldn't believe it if I heard it in an English monastery. Why should I swallow it here in Tibet? How do you know the things they told you are true? Did they show you any proof? I don't need any proof. I knew there was a reason I hated this place. I'd give half my life to fly over it with a load of bombs just for what they've done to you. How do you know the things they told you are true? Did they show you any proof? All this talk about the Lamas being hundreds of years old. How do you know? Did Is that all my story meant to you? What else could it mean to me? It's obviously a lot of bunk. Then you'd better go, George. This is no place for you. It's no place for you, Bob. Think of what's waiting for you. Do you want to stay here until you're half dead? Until your mind starts corroding like the rest of them? Please, George. I don't want to talk about it anymore. You've got to talk about it. What about me? You said they stole that plane to bring you here. I didn't want to come. You owe me some responsibility. I'm tired of owing you things. You're free to go. Go ahead. It's that girl - that girl has twisted and turned— Look here, Bob, Ever since I can remember, you've looked after me. Now I think you're the one that needs looking after. I'm your brother, Bob. If there's something wrong with you, let me help you. Oh, George . . . Besides, I - I don't feel like making that trip alone, Bob. George, you couldn't possibly stay here, could you? I'd go mad! George, I may be wrong, I may be a maniac. But I believe in this, and I'm not going to lose it. You know how much I want to help you, but this is bigger, stronger if you like than brotherly love. I'm sorry, George. I'm staying. George, are you sure of the porters? About their taking care of you, I mean? Oh yes. It's all set. Maria made the arrangements. Maria? Yes, the little Russian girl. What's she got to do with it? You can't take her away from here! Why not? Because you can't. Do you know what will happen to her if she leaves Shangri-La? She's a fragile thing that can only live where fragile things are loved. Take her out of this valley and she'll fade away like an echo. What do you mean - "fade away like an echo"? This would be funny - if it wasn't so pathetic. Why, she isn't a day over twenty! You're wrong, George. So everyone is serenely happy in Shangri-La? Nobody would ever think of leaving? It's all just so much rot! She's pleaded with me ever since I came here to take her away from this awful place. She's cried in my arms for hours, for fear I'd leave her behind. And what's more, she's made two trips to the plateau to bribe the porters - I don't believe it! I don't believe a word of it! She was kidnapped and brought here two years ago just as we were, Bob. You say the porters are waiting for us? Yes. The clothes? Yes, everything! What about the others? I've already asked them. They're afraid to make the trip. We'll have to send an expedition back after them. Lucky thing for me you snapped out of it, too. You saved my life. I never could have made it alone. What was that? was saying— Bob, can't you get them to wait for us? They're leaving us farther behind every day. Target practice again! One of these days they're going to hit us. Where did you come from? I'm Alexander P. Lovett, sir. Where were you hiding? Hiding? Oh, no. Hunting - I was in the interior - hunting fossils. This morning I looked up suddenly— No. That's not possible! If we had landed, we all would have been awakened. Of course. We never left the air. I know - I didn't sleep the whole night long. That fellow got on at Baskul. Good. What if he refuses? We'll smash his face in. That's what we'll do. I guess we're in for it. In for what? I don't know. He must have had some purpose in taking the plane away from Fenner. When he lands, we'll find out. You mean to tell me you're not going to do anything until we land? What do you suggest? Why, you - you— Look here - he may dash us to pieces! Imagine having all that fuel there, waiting for us! George, something tells me our journey is just beginning. Huh? I give it up. But this not knowing where you're going is exciting anyway. At the mercy of a mad pilot. Oh, please. I hope you're not going to run away this time. My name's Sondra. You know, each time I see you, I hear that music. What is it? Was this your idea? Yes. Hold this pigeon. You suggested my being brought here, didn't you? What gave you the idea I'd fit in? That was easy. I read your books. Oh, you've read my books. You do more things! What have my books got to do with it? I saw a man whose life was empty. A man whose life was empty! As a matter of fact, all I saw was a little boy whistling in the dark. A little boy whistling in the dark!? Do you realize that there is a British cruiser waiting at Shanghai, smoke pouring out of its funnels, tugging at its moorings, waiting to take Mr. Conway back to London? Do you know that at this minute there are headlines shrieking all over the world the news that Conway is missing? Does that look like a man Yes. I really only brought you here to show you my pigeons! There are so many questions I'd like to ask you, I hardly know where to begin. I'll help you. To begin with, you'd like to know what I'm doing here. Whether I was born here. Thank you. Well, I was almost born here. It took place in that wild country beyond the pass. My father and mother were in a party of explorers who got lost and wandered around for a year. When Chang found us, only Father and I were alive. But he was too weak to climb the pass. He died on the way. I was brought up here Father Perrault! I envy you. I talked to him last night. Yes, I know. I'm thirty. What is? All of it. Father Perrault and his magnificent history. This place, hidden away from the rest of the world, with its glorious concepts, and now you come along and confuse me entirely. I'm sorry. I thought I was to be the light. But why do I confuse you? Am I so strange? On the contrary, you're not strange. And that in itself is confusing. I have the same idea about Shangri- La. The sense that I've been here before, that I belong here. I'm so glad. I can't quite explain it, but everything is somehow familiar. The very air that I breathe. The Lamasery, with its feet rooted in the good earth of this fertile valley, while its head explores the eternal. All the beautiful things I see, these cherry blossoms, you - all somehow familiar. I've been kidnapped and brought here against my will. A crime, a great crime, Perhaps because you've always been a part of Shangri-La without knowing it. I wonder. I'm sure of it. Just as I'm sure there's a wish for Shangri-La in everyone's heart. I have never seen the outside world. But I understand there are millions and millions of people who are supposed to be mean and greedy. Yet I just know that secretly they are all hoping to find a garden spot where there is peace and security, where there's Beautiful! I'm waiting for the bump. Bump? Ouch! You see, it's not a dream. You know, sometimes I think that it's the other that's the dream. The outside world. Have you never wanted to go there? Goodness, no. From what you tell me about it, it certainly doesn't sound very attractive. It's not so bad, really. Some phases are a little sordid, of course. That's only to be expected. Why? Oh, the usual reasons. A world full of people struggling for existence. Struggling, why? Well, everybody naturally wants to make a place for himself, accumulate a nest egg, and so on. Why? You know, if you keep on asking that, we're not going to get anywhere. And don't ask me why. I was just going to. It's the most annoying word in the English language. Did you ever hear a child torture his parent with it? Mother's little darling musn't stick her fingers in the salad bowl. Why? Because it isn't lady- like to do that. Why? Because that's what forks are made for, darling. Why, mother? Would you like to wring my little neck? I'd love it! I've thought about it for years. I knew you'd come. And I knew if you did - you'd never leave. Am I forgiven for sending for you? It would serve you right if you were left behind. Couldn't you arrange to make a little less noise? I tell you, we're going west, and Shanghai is east of here! Be quiet! Fenner's the best pilot in China. He knows what he's doing. What do you want him to do? What is it? Why, he's speaking English. Now that dinner is over, if you'll excuse us, we're very anxious to discuss ways and means of getting back home. That's what I mean - mysterious. Mr. Conway, I don't like that man. He's too vague. How about you? Do you want to go? Go? Where? Home. Away from here. I've got porters to take us back. Oh, my dear boy, I'm sorry. That's impossible. Why, I have my classes all started. I don't care what you've got started. Do you want to go? Well - no - I think I'd better wait. Yes, yes. I will. I'll wait. You'll wait till you rot! EXCUSE ME– You promised to come for tea yesterday. I waited for so long. I'm sorry. I haven't even got any cigarettes left! I'll make some for you! You will come today? Perhaps. Please say you will. The days are so very long and lonely without you. Please . . . All right, I'll be there. Thank you. The hell happened? Hesitated, sir. You shot an eight year old girl. Uh... yes. Apparently I did, air. The hell were you thinking? Well, I dunno. I mean, when you looked at all the other options... it just seemed sorta obvious. Sir, before you boot me, I just want to explain. I mean, okay, you got a goat-guy with a hook for a head... Cowan-- Wait. Uh-- sir. Please. Anyway. Hook-head-guy. I'm thinking "how can he think with a hook for a head?" Answer: that's not his head. Then I think-- Cowan-- of course not, cause his head is that thing way on the other side of the road, cause, if you looked at it, the entire sidewalk full of stuff was actually ONE GUY and-- Yes. That's true. Actually, at this point, I just want A job. Wait. What do you mean... yet? So... this door. It's... not an exit... ? ...touch that. What the hell... Kids' game a couple galaxies over. I guess I lost: We have one motto: Peace on Earth. And Goodwill Toward Man? No. just peace on Earth. Once I thought the biggest thing I'll ever do was guard the president. It's easy. You work your way up the secret service, one day stand with the President, meet the most important people on the planet, fulfill your dreams, live happily ever after. And if I say yes? ... think that maybe my supervisors referred me here because of certain issues which I assure you I have spent a good deal of time working very hard to correct-- Your supervisors have no idea why you're here. They don't? What's so funny, cadet Cowan? Well... you know, when you say "normal," what, exactly... For instance... It says here you lost your parents at 15, and, since then... Sir. I thought those records were sealed. You think we're nuts. No-- it makes sense. Cause I gotta tell ya, when I was in third grade they told me I was crazy cause I swore that our teacher was from, like, Venus or something. Only the damn guy won't know it. From now on, you'll respond only to the name "Jay." You'll dress in appropriate attire specially sanctioned by the INS Special Services. You're not to stand out in any way. Understand? Everybody, listen up: we've had a tremendous amount of movement lately. Be aware. Be safe. Have a good day. Oh, uh... Cowan? Hell of an assistant, isn't he? Damn guy moves so fast, he actually gets there before you even ask for him. Sorta literally gets ahead of himself. So... wait. You just asked... but he goes so fast, he actually brought what you asked for before you asked for it. His physics are a little different than ours. Don't worry It'll make sense later? Sorry, Cowan, I found out literally just before the ceremony.' Apparently you're to report for further review. Further... what are you talking about, air? That makes no sense-- I hold three cadet class records-- Bull... loney- Sir. I'm sorry. Sir, I'm sorry. Sir. I just, I find it hard to believe that it didn't come from you. I mean, everything here comes from you. Well this didn't. Look. I don't know why. I could guess, however. Maybe it's your attitude. Or that you're not even close to a team player. Or that you always seen to think you know more than your supervisors. Actually, sir-- Cowan. Do you ever think that maybe, just maybe, other people might be right and you might be wrong? All the time, sir. You do? Which do you have your money on, Dee? I'd go with number three. Mikey. Hold it, Mikey-- I want you to talk to me. Mikey. I'm telling you.. don't make me... Mikey Gimme the 140. Oh. Shit. it's in the car-- Little more burn on the perimeter-they weren't roasting smores here. Dig out this hole a little. Cmon, I know it's late, but the sooner we get it right, the sooner we'll all be home. Kay, I'm sorry... Kay, listen, I dunno what got into-- I wasn't scared... Grab the coffee, will ya? I told Zed I'd give him a buzz. Listen-- do me a favor-- don't mention the 140 thing-- Helluva night, isn't it? 'Hell, I may as well do something useful. Dee, you've been useful for 50 years. We're clueless, you're tired. Why don't you go home and get some rest. Dee. God damn it. I told you to go home. We'll take it from here. What? Who the hell are you? Vayanse. You others, go on. Sir-- Pasen al-furgon v larguense de aqui! Take the van and go. Sir, you can't just-- This is a neurelyser. it was a gift from some friends from out of town. I need you to look at it. This red eye here isolates and measures the nature of the electronic impulses currently in your brain. More specifically, the ones -for memory, which it will then block. I said I need you to look right here. Why? What are you gonna do? Underground gas vein. Next time, be more careful when you shoot off your guns. What? Well, how about if I guess, then? Black: Vast space. Deep. Spiritual. The essence of infinity. We wear black. The point is to not call attention to ourselves. It's a bug. Right. So... lemme get this straight. We got the use of all sorts of technology from all sorts of other planets. We got information no one else in the world is privy to. And we're in a 1986 Ford LTD about to go look at an insect? So what's the problem? I tell you, if we really wanted to bland in, that'd what we'd be wearing. I think it'd be a good look for you, too. I'll even help you choose a tattoo. It's the way we do it. The way we've always done it. I know, but we're on a college campus... I think she's the alien. In any case, she's clearly spent my too much time alone in this room. Keep her out of here while I check it out. I'm just saying it was cold. I think she kind of liked me. She didn't even know you. . I know, that's usually the only time I actually have a shot. And what if I wanted to see her again? I'd have to completely re-introduce myself. Such a shame, too. Cause you made such a good impression the first time. Hey, I was workin' her. I was workin' my thing. Just so I understand... you're "thing" is... acting like an idiot? Or is it actually being an idiot? Besides-- I know, I know. I read the manual. No attachments. We work alone. Blah. blah. If you don't have anyone to tell, you won't tell anyone. Believe me, you get used to it. I think you're too used to it. If you ask me, you've been doing this job too long. You don't know the half of it. What'd you do before this, anyway? Wait-- let me guess. Ice sculpture? Rock? I taught kindergarten. Ha ha. No, really. Well, one thing's for sure. You could certainly lighten up. Why? Why? Well, it wouldn't hurt you to have a little more fun. I know I don't know you all that well, but-- You don't know me at all. Kay, um... how, uh, fast does this thing actually go ... ? What? Something seem unusual to you about that? Uh... you mean... a family of sixeyed, red-faced space creatures travelling to New Mexico to have dinner with their cousins, the invertebrates? Seemed pretty god damned ordinary to me. If it was just a meal, why did they have so much luggage? I dunno. Maybe it was baby supplies, Kay starts the car, starts to pull a U-turn. what's this? Well, Mr. Intuition... When the neighbors report screaming and we hear nothing but silence, what does that lead you to believe? I guess it's simple, huh? They're either gone... or dead. Or someone has a nitrogenizer. Now what? A signazoid's eleven thousand pounds. I think we'd know if held left. Then wouldn't we also know if he's here? He's a slimy little slithering scumwad is what he is. There's gotta be a hundred pawn shops in downtown Philadelphia. I take it there's a reason we're going to this one. Something's wrong here. Gee. You really think? Jeebs is eager to have me deport him. But would rather kill himself than go downtown. Why? I dunno. Why did that family need all their luggage for a dinner?. Why did Mikey leave Nazca? And what's this ... ? Looks like a train ticket. What's going on, Kay? I don't want to rattle you, but Dee was here for the War of the Worlds. The radio show? No. The aliens organized, all of them, and tried a coup. They made it seem like a radio show afterwards. You think that's what's-happening? Ernie Goose? Cynthia? Jesus... Jesus Christ... Where's it coming? Where's he landing? "Perhaps we shoulld take a lesson from our dinosaurs..." Oh, yeah? Fill us in, why don't you. What if he's telling the truth? Kay-- He's here to help!? Yes. Well, in his own mind, yeah. What if, from his point of view, he is? How does that help me? Great. Fine. Listen, why don't we call the pentagon, maybe they'll take you back with the new age well wishers. I'll stay here and go extinct with the dinosaurs. Kay. All I'm saying-- I know what you're saying. And I'm telling you I don't trust him-- I know you don't trust him. You don't trust anybody-- Cause I've been doing this thirty years and if I don't know when something doesn't feel right by now-- What are you doing? Since how long? Maybe they didn't get here. Maybe they've been here. We saw it in the office. It went from this big... to big... in a day. It's marble. Would you call this a code 100? I'm going to try and cut him off at the hotel. You guys get to the Memorial. Keep this stuff hidden. The last thing we need is some over-zealous Secret Service twirp to... Do his job. Wow... this one's cool. And it looks just like a shotgun. Actually, it is a shotgun. Hold onto it-- in case I need it? Do IT! SHOOT HIM! You were saying? After I got the shit beat out of me! And I almost got digested. It goes with the job. You coulda told me what you were doing. Who's she gonna tell, anyway? She only hangs out with dead people. Not her. Me. They're beautiful, aren't they? The stars. I never just look anymore and they're beautiful. Kay, you're scaring your partner. I haven't been training a partner -- I've been training a replacement. I'm just wondering what's so great out there that everyone's trying to get to it? Or what's no horrible down here that everyone's trying to avoid It? Yeah. His dream and our worst nightmare. Sure. I put word out-- you know how long it takes to get the signals across. So, I guess you could say you're really into insects... Or when someone has a hideous birthmark and all you do is stare. I really like that. Let the other girls have the guys like you. Chiseled jaw, perfect nose, quirky dimples. I find you all so boring. So... how'd you hear about this? Oh, yeah, well, you know. I'm a big fan. I've read all your work. Right, right-- I like that stuff. With exclusionary frecto-inhibitors? Exactly. I very much enjoy that. Once-- just once-- I thought I'd made the discovery of a lifetime... It's hard to find. It's an old civil war cemetery. Nobody ever goes there. So... what is it you say you do? I guess you could say we're entopologists of a sort. I don't think so. I mean, him, he could be a scientist, maybe. But you... Exterminator, I'd understand. But entopolgist? No way. Why not? I swear to God, that was not here two days ago... What is it? It's the most amazing insect nest I've ever seen. And I'll tell you one thing, it sure as hell ain't the Andean Mollatoosa. But it's definitely a nest, isn't it? When? It would've had to have been recently-- within a few weeks. What do we do? What do we do? Lean into it. What the hell does that mean? Is it my eyes... or is that thing a little... Okay. If you've got a bug problem-a big one. And they're swarming and there's no way to shoot them all individually... how do you get rid of them? The only thing I could think of would be... you'd have to get rid of the queen. What if you have the foggiest clue as to where the queen is? What are you doing? They respond to fear, right? Yeah ... ? What a coincidence, cause I was just thinking about you, too, Jack. Recognize this? No. The kid looked desperate. I figured... You figured what? Your licence is revoked. Permanently. And I'm arranging deportation papers. Yes. Yes, that's eminently fair of you. Let's go, Jeebs. Downtown. Pardon me. I hate to break up this lovely little group hug, but we people aren't ready for what we have. How is this going to help? How could it not? Why don't you ask the Mosebacke? Brazil. Until 44 years ago they ate with their hands, lived in huts, and didn't even know the rest of the world existed. 44 years ago a well intentioned missionary gave them a fork. Today, they don't exist. Come on now. People are smart. Not bad. Briliiant, actually. You come unarmed, and alone. Cause your army's been growing underground for what? 100 years? 150? Goodwill... Nowhere. Er. well, nowhere special. I don't believe you, Mikey. And you know why I don't believe you? Cause last time you said that you and your pals left eight dozen empty beer cans on the other side of the moon. Oh yeah? Well if you're suddenly such a good samaritan, why didn't you file a departure report, like you're supposed to? You know how many rules you've just broken? I dunno. One? Try seven. From unauthorized mobilization to appearing unconcealed before a resident. You wanna tell me what's going on? Huh? It's... coming. So... now what? Cattle call again? We've got about eight or nine prospects I want you look-- ... recent landings within a hundred mile radius of Sudbury, Virginia? Nothing. Nothing at all? Now? Last month? Anything in the last few years? I know what this is. Zed, you in? Yeah, Kay? Did our friend announce when he's making his speech? Noon exactly. Did he say where? Actually, yeah-- Wouldn't happen to be the Lincoln Memorial, would it? How'd you know that? Kay? Listen to me. You're holding something very very dangerous. You've just iced 350 of your pals-- They're not my pals-- They're not even gonna be your enemie-a if you don't give that to me really soon. What if I don't? In about 10 seconds they're gonna start losing brain cells at the rate of about a million a minute. Will it lower the curve? I don't think it's a tradeoff you really want to make. Now give it to me-- I can reverse the effects if you give it to me now. Found it. Tell us the truth. You don't just find these things, at least not in this neighborhood. I just wanted to scare em. So I go in to buy a starter's pistol-- you know, the kind they use at track meets that shoot blanks-- and this guy, he said if I really wanted to mess with with them, he had just the thing... We're from Scientific American. We read about your discovery. We'd like to take a look. This it? I mean, I dunno. I've seen insects with really great camoflauge ability. But never like this. We're with the immigration and Naturalization Service, Intergalactic Bureau. We monitor all-alien activity in and around Earth and its enveloping atmosphere. Hmnn... wall, it's funny, cause usually I'm not all that attracted to stupid guys, but-- We need to talk to you about the alien. Which way? Really nice wheels, by the way. How's Dee? Jupiter, actually. well, one of the moons. Kay? What's your 20? Highway 119, just west of Smith. Why? I need you in Philadelphia. I got a code 90, in a-high school. He's gone, too. What about the other agents? Ella? Tee? Even that little bug you found in Sudbury seems to have taken off. Jesus, everyone's moving. Could be an assembly. Does it look aggressive? Hard to tell. I hope not. They're gone. I'm getting a trajectory... And they're buying it? They went right to the President. As far as I can tell, the guy's what he says he is - alone, and unarmed. All he wants is five minutes to introduce himself to the public. Where's he making his big speech? Well, it wasn't in the jar... Did it leave? Actually, I don't know... Yeah? What's up? And get this: you know how humans evolved from primates? Well guess what the dominant life form on planet evolved from? How'd you know? Now, what are we looking at? Keys. Look at them all. Why do we have them? Mr. President? Well, uh... so we can got into things, I guess. Why, you might ask? Because you're ready. Because you've finally gone as far as you can go without it. If I may, sir... what exactly are you offering? A good question. And a simple answer. No more hunger. No more smog. No more overpopulation. No more war. And I assume you're bringing this to us because we're the most powerful country on the planet... Wally! I'm sorry, but I need your help. You contain information. I need to know how to get it. Can you just tell me who Leo Crow is? Can you tell me if -- Is it now? What? What? They're inside. Take it. Agatha -- Can you see the balloon man? Drop some money. Forget that guy -- No. Follow him. He'll turn around. Agatha... He's here. I can't. I have to know. Please -- Oh, God... Every day for the last six years I've thought about only two things. The first was what my son would look like if he were alive today. If I would even recognize him if I saw him on the street. The second was what I would do to the man who took him. Anderton -- Please, I want to go back... I can't leave. You said so yourself, there is no Minority Report. I don't have an alternative future. Where are we going? Someplace safe. I have to go back. Why? The other two will die without me. I always wondered what the world would be like. But now that I've seen it, I don't need to see any more. It's all right. Once I'm in the tank, I won't remember any of this. Agatha, you're never going back there. Can't you see? She just wanted her little girl back. Who wanted her little girl back? The drowning woman. Anne... But it was too late. Her little girl was already gone. She died? She grew up. She's not alive, but she didn't die. I'm sorry, John, but you have to run again. What -- -- but he didn't. Then who was he? Just some guy... they found. Found? Where? Think, John. Why would they set you up? Because I found out about her... About who? I'm so sorry... I just want him back... I want him back so bad... John? What is it? Don't worry. I could cut open your chest, sew a dead cat in there and you'd never get an infection. Not with the spectrum of antibios I'll be shooting into you. That's comforting. You do understand I can't just give you new irises. The scanners will read the scar tissue. Alarms will go off. Large men with guns will appear... Anesthesia. Try to relax, John. I'm saying I'll have to remove your eyes. Completely. Yeah -- And replace them with new ones. I know that, but I wanna keep the old ones. Why? Because my mother gave them to me. What do you care? They're no good to you on the secondary market anyway. That's not much. It's all I could safely move. You don't remember me, do you? We know each other? From where? D.C.? I put you away -- Yes, you did. You made those tapes... They were performance pieces. You set your patients on fire! So uh, if you were a plastic surgeon before... There's food in the refrigerator. Make sure you drink a lot of water. How do I find the -- It goes from the bathroom to the kitchen. I can't even stand up -- I know you're in a hurry, so I juiced up the nano-reconstruction around your new eyes. The nano... what? I'm setting up a timer. When it goes off tomorrow, take off your bandages and get the hell out of here. But not before then, or you'll -- You the sentry? I don't ever see any of you precops down here, I'm not in trouble am I? No, you're not in trouble. I'm interested in a murder. Kill type? Victim's a white female. That's an old one. One of our first. This is the official composite of the three precogs? That's right. It's a combined data stream based on all three previsions. Show me just Agatha's data stream. You the only sentry? Hence the expression... ... Graveyard shift. Why's he still a John Doe? Why wasn't he ever ID's from an EYEscan? Huh, we don't seem to have her data. Try again. Hey, you wanna know where the word came from, "glitch?" Looks like she was a neuroin addict like John Doe here, but I show an address history that includes the Beaton Clinic. You're part of my flock now, John. Welcome. Lara -- Tell me not to worry, John. Don't worry, Lamar. Which makes this the worst possible time to show that we're only human. Uh-huh... Has the observer from Justice shown up yet? And this is exactly the kind of behavior that will give them an excuse to do it. Lamar, I'm sorry. I don't know what -- You understand that a week from now people are going to vote on whether or not what we've been doing down here has been some noble-minded enterprise or a chance to change the way this country fights crime. I need you to do two things for me. One, watch Danny Witwer. Yes, sir. You can let him look around, answer his questions, but watch him. If there's any problems, make sure we know about it first. I understand. What's the other thing? And you say the third prevision was, what, a little fuzzy or something? Danny Witwer is scheduled for a tour of Containment tomorrow -- So give him a tour. He doesn't know enough to ask the right questions. If he's looking for a flaw in the system -- Lara called me. What? She's worried about you. And, quite frankly, so am I. I'm fine. I hear you've been spending a lot of time in the sprawl. I go running down there. What if Danny Witwer came to you right now and insisted on a full chem run? You understand, John, that the minute Precrime goes national, they're going to take it away from us. We won't let them. Just so you know, I've overridden the vehicle locator. I just wanted to talk to you before Justice -- Justice already knows. Talk to me, John. Tell me what's happening? This is all Witwer. He's setting me up. Stop. Just wait. Who's the victim? Somebody named Leo Crow. And who the hell is that? I have no idea. I've never heard of him. But I'm supposed to kill him in less than thirty-six hours. All right, John, just take a breath, let's think about this... I'm out of breath! I'm a fucking fugitive! Then come to my house. We'll talk -- I can't. They're following me right now. They'll meet me there. They'll halo me. How could Witwer have accessed the case file? Can you fake the cerebral output? We're years from that. John, I'm asking you: please, come in, we'll shut down the system until we get this thing figured out. You know I can't do that. You can't do that... Lamar, I need you to talk to Wally, see if Witwer's gone inside the temple again. Then ask Jad for any off hour EYEdents into the analytical room -- John. Please. Listen to me -- I'm not getting halo'd. You can't run -- John -- People want to believe in the system. That's the beauty of it... No doubt the Precogs have already seen this. No doubt. Seventeen minutes. Chief, the investigator from the Fed is here. You're kidding, that's today? I wrote it down in your calendar, then left a message at your house -- All I need, some twink from the Fed poking around right now. Check again with the paper, they had it forwarded. See if the neighbors know where they went, check all relations -- Uh, sir... What he's doing now, we call "scrubbing the image", looking for clues as to where the murder's going to happen. The brick has been repointed, the glass is original with new glazing bars. I show composite mouldings with dentils. Someone took care in the renovation. Let's find the architect... Victims are pronounced here. Killers here. We never touch anything. Don't run, Chief. You know we'll catch you. You trained us. Everybody runs. You don't have to do this, Chief. Okay, Jad, what's coming? We need confirmation on the time frame. Location still uncertain. Remote witnesses are hooked in... We can't grab it... Got him in the Foxhall. 4421 Gainsborough. Send a DCPD blue & white out there, set up a perimeter and tell 'em we're en route. What's our confirmed time? Somewhere near the capital? No maglev system. The mall? Look at the kid. In this one, he's on the left of the man in the suit. Yeah? So? Go ahead. Did he close the front door? What? You guys are nodding your heads like you actually know what the hell he's talking about. Come on, Chief, you think about it, the way we work -- changing destiny and all -- we're more like clergy than cops. Uh-huh. Jad? Sir? Jad. How come you're not out there with Father Witwer? Red Ball? Nope. Somebody's thinking about this one. The victim's name is Leo Crow. Start a location run and a contact search for future victim Leo Crow. And, Jad, I'll need a Last Known Sheet when you get it. I've got no address -- last known or otherwise -- no tax returns for the last five years. I show time of occurrence, Friday at fifteen-zero-six hours. Confirm with trig and image. Any ID on the shooter yet? Uh, yeah, you mind getting me a piece of that cake they're eating down there? I'm starving. Sure, Chief. I think I'll grab one for myself while I'm at it... I'm sorry Danny, but I'll have to give you the full tour later on. As I recall, they outlawed compression firearms in the District ten years ago. They did. Make yourself comfortable. We'll be back in an hour. But it's not the future if you stop it. Isn't that a fundamental paradox? Why did you catch that? Because it was going to fall. You're certain? Yes. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was going to happen. You ever get any false positives? Someone intends to kill his boss or his wife, but they never go through with it. How do the precogs tell the difference? The Precogs don't see what you intend to do, only what you will do. It was Iris Hineman. She developed the Precogs, designed the system and pioneered the interface. Speaking of interfacing, I'd love to say hello. To them. Cops aren't allowed inside the temple. Really? You've never been inside? We keep a strict separation so that no one can accuse us of tampering. So I'll be the first one to go in then? Maybe you didn't hear me. If it's a question of authority. There's no question. You don't have any. I find it interesting that some people have begun to deify the precogs. The precogs are pattern recognition filters, nothing more. But you call this room the "temple". Just a nickname. Sorry. Old habit. I spent three years at Fuller Seminary before I became a cop. My father was a minister. Lutheran. What does he think of your chosen line of work? At least now you -- and I -- have the chance to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen to anyone ever again. Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny, and tell me exactly what it is you're looking for? Flaws. There hasn't been a murder in six years. There's nothing wrong with the system. It's perfect. You set me up... It seems I've found a flaw, John You. You gonna tell on me? I can't touch you! And John, you can't be in here! You'll confuse them! They're not in any pain. We keep their heads pretty well stocked with dopamine and endorphins. Plus, we maintain careful control over their serotonin levels -- don't want 'em to drift off to sleep, but they can't be kept too awake either. Her pituitary dumped a week's worth into her system... What did you do to her? Nothing... she grabbed me, and then there was an image on the screen... She was looking right at me. She spoke to me. To you? I don't think so... What'd she say? Wally, listen to me... I like you, Wally, so I'm not gonna kick you, or hit you with anything, but only if you promise to help me... Are these all of her previsions? Just go to the beginning! Detective. Nice of you to come down here. Seeing as every cop in the world is looking for you right now. Jesus, what's up with your eye? I need your help. Well, hey, you didn't have to come all the way down here. For you, Chief, I make housecalls... I need help with her. I'm impressed, Anderton. You're on the lam, but you still got the time and energy to slice off a little jerky for yourself. Rufus. She's a precog. She's a precog? Are you reading my mind right now? Rufus, for Christ's sake, get up. She's got information inside of her. I need you to get it out. No. No way. I wouldn't even know where to begin! Those thoughts about my cousin Elena -- they were just thoughts. I would never -- C'mon, Rufus, you've been busted twice for felony hacking. So? I tell you what. I do this, I get to keep whatever images I get from her head. They don't belong to anybody. Stop -- What happened? Where's the rest? Rufus, play it back... I scored a goal! I won! Four. Wow. What a big boy. I love you, Sean. Okay... now let me time you. Are you kidding? There's absolutely positively no way, on my best day, I could ever beat twelve seconds! Come on! Sean -- you're not real. You gotta have faith, Dad. It's a little late for that. Wanna hear something funny? What the hell. You're alive? No. He got tired of pretending. Oh, Sean -- The funny thing is, I started to believe he really was my Dad. Sean -- I feel bad about that. I need you to forgive me. I forgive you. Once I even told him I loved him. I forgive you... The more you want to believe something, the easier it is to be fooled. I was looking for you... I know that. I know you would have done anything to find me. I know you would have died for me. I wanted to. Who are you? I'm your son. I'm you. Sean, wait... Six years ago. Baltimore. You grabbed a kid at Francis public pool in the West End. Do you know who I am? Some -- somebody's father? ... and that I needed his help. It wasn't so bad really. I sang him a song, made him laugh, bought him a pretzel. I took care of him. I made him happy. Where've you got him? Is he all right? Tell me, you fuck -- WHERE IS HE?! It floated back up. I had to take him out and -- You're not gonna kill me? But you have to. They said you would. The precogs were wrong. You're supposed to kill me. He said you would. Look, I've put my family through enough misery. You gotta kill me! This way I can leave 'em something. Crow. I'm not gonna kill you. Look, believe me, I know it's hard, but you gotta do it -- I'm asking you again, who made you do this? I don't know -- I never saw his face. All I know is, the next day I was out, so the guy must've had juice somewhere. Look, man, you gotta go through with this. What about the picture -- Fake. He gave it to me. Now -- -- shoot me, Goddammit, before I lose my nerve! Tell me, who was it, set this up? If I tell you, my family gets nothing. Who made you do this? Kill me! Let go of the gun. You're not gonna kill me... Something wrong? Yes, I'm afraid that would be from the Doll's Eye. The what? You have three minutes to tell me what you're doing here before I feed you to a few of my more predacious plants. Just what is it you think I can do for you? You can tell me how someone... could fake a prevision. What's so funny? If the unintended consequences of a series of genetic mistakes and science gone haywire can be called invention, then yes, I invented precrime. You don't seem all that proud. I'm not. I was trying to heal them, not turn them into... something else. Heal who? The innocents we now use to stop the guilty. You're talking about the precogs... It began as play. A guessing game like you play with any toddler, except these children always guessed right. And then the nightmares started. They were all different, but all the same. They were all about murder. And the murders were all happening. And how did Lamar become involved? Back then, he was still a DA, and quite a few parents of my patients had passed through his courtroom. You have to understand, these people were the dregs of society. But once they saw their children... he decided he would do whatever he could for them. He's that way, you know, paternal about certain things. Precrime. The precogs. You. You say some of the children died? So many of them... despite what we did for them. Or maybe because of what we did to them. It doesn't matter. It's a perfect system now, isn't it? I'm not a murderer. I've never even met the man I'm supposed to kill. And, yet, a chain of events has started. A chain that will lead inexorably to his death. Not if I stay away from him. How can you avoid a man you've never met? So you won't help me? What? Most of the time, all three Precognitives will see an event in the same way. But once in a while, one of them will see things differently than the other two. Jesus Christ -- why didn't I know about this? Because these Minority Reports are destroyed the instant they occur. Why? You're saying that I've halo'd innocent people? I'm saying that every so often those accused of a precrime might, just might, have an alternate future. Does Burgess know about this? About the Minority Report? I used to joke with Lamar that we were the mother and father of Precrime. Well, in my experience, parents often see their children as they want them to be, not as they are. Answer my question. Did Lamar Burgess know about the Minority Report? Yes, of course, he knew, but at the time, he felt -- we both felt their existence was... an insignificant variable. Insignificant to you maybe, but what about those people I put away with alternate futures? My God, if the country knew there was a chance they might not -- The system would collapse. I believe in that system... You want to bring it down. But you will bring it down if you kill Leo Crow. Why, that will be the most spectacular public display of how Precrime... didn't work. I'm not gonna kill anybody. Hold that thought. Why should I trust you? You shouldn't. You shouldn't trust anyone... certainly not the Attorney General who wants it all for himself. Not the young federal agent who wants your job. Not even the old man who just wants to hang onto what he's created. Don't trust anyone. Just find the Minority Report. You said they're destroyed. I said the record is destroyed. The original report exists for all time. I designed the system so that whenever a report occurred, it would be stored in a safe place -- but not declared. What safe place is that? Where? Inside the Precog who predicted it. All you have to do is download it. That's all, huh? Just walk right into Precrime, go into the Temple, somehow tap into the Precogs, and then download this Minority Report... If... you have one. -- and then walk out. Actually, I think you'll have to run out, but yes, that's what you have to do. I'll get EYEscanned a dozen times before I get within ten miles of Precrime. They'll pick me up... How do I even know which one has it? It's always in the more gifted of the three. Which one is that? John? He's dead, Lara. Oh, God, what did you do? Nothing. I didn't kill him. Then how did he -- This is all my fault. I haven't worn this damn thing in years. I just wanted to make sure it fits before tonight. It's insanity around here. I thought you were retiring? Who? Anne Lively. John was talking about her right before they took him. John said something about him being set up because he "found out about her." We know why John was tagged. Lamar, do you know the reason why John came here to work with you? Sean -- I understand. But I also know why he married you: you're as stubborn as he is. Lamar -- All right. Tell you what I'll do. First thing Monday, I'll look over the Witwer evidence and I'll have Gideon run the Containment files, see if anyone drowned a woman named -- what did you say her name was? The guy from USA Today is here. Tell him not now. He just wanted a few minutes before -- Sir, the press conference is starting. Congratulations, sir. How did you get this? You have an emergency call on your private line. He came to see you yesterday. Right before he got tagged. What did you talk about? The Mets. John doesn't think they've got a deep enough pitching roster this year, and I'm inclined to agree. Why are you protecting him? You knew he was doping, yet you did nothing about it. The man lost a child, for Christ's sake... Six years ago. What did you two talk about yesterday afternoon? None of your damn business. Oh, it's all my damn business now, Lamar. Investigation of a supervising office for a capital crime falls under federal jurisdiction... so as to rule out any possibility of conspiracy. He's my suspect. Shall we call the Attorney General? I'm sure he'd be happy to clarify the issue for you. Lamar, I found something. What? I don't wanna say over the phone, but I think we may be chasing the wrong man. Good God. What was that? He told me about this. You got this from Containment? It's the same prevision. Now the second image. Watch the water. The wind's changed. The ripples are going the other way. I don't understand -- According to the Sentry, Anderton was watching this at Containment right before he was tagged. I know. He came to me, told me about the missing data stream. He was concerned that you might find it. I did find it. It was inside of Agatha all this time. So the question is, why would someone want this erased from the data file? Danny, tell me what you're thinking. I'm thinking someone got away with murder. By fooling the system. All someone would have to do is wait for Precrime to stop the murder from taking place, then, a few minutes later, commit the crime in exactly the same way. Yes... It's called an echo. The act of murder is such a violent disturbance in the future continuum that it sometimes repeats to the Precogs. Precog Deja Vu... So there is a way to fool the system? Of course, it would have to be someone with access to the Prevision in the first place, someone fairly high up -- Shhh. You know what I hear? What? Near Death's real popular right now, which includes everything from getting hit by a car, to falling off a high building to plane crashes. It's a big rush, you come out the other side without a heart attack. I wanna kill my boss. Uh-huh. Okay. You got some images I can work with? Right here. Uh, yeah, being concert master of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra is one of our most popular choices... No, I wanna kill my boss! This is Evanna, the team pilot. So if you wanna kill someone, you take him to Miami. Can't they shut that off? Crime of passion. No premeditation. They show up late. Most of our scrambles are flash events like this one. We rarely see anything with premeditation anymore. The information we need is embedded in the grain of wood. And since each piece is unique, the shape and grain is impossible to duplicate. Because of the nature of murder. "There's nothing more destructive to the metaphysical fabric that binds us than the untimely murder of one human being by another". Don't worry. I'll bring him in unharmed. Actually, Gordon, you're not gonna do that. I'm taking control of the team. Sir, the team's gonna be light without those men. Here's where we're at. Three men in a room. The victims here. Anderton here, and this unidentified male out the window. The exterior of the adjacent building suggests public housing, but I can't make out the location. Government architecture is modern/conformist which means -- There's thousands of units like this one. Anderton's smart enough to go where electronic billboards and other media can't ID him to pick his pocket. There's fewer consumers down there, which means fewer scanners to target him. No offense, sir, but why wouldn't he just run? There are two others in the room besides Anderton and Crow. It doesn't matter. He wins. We can stop him. He's trying to prove his innocence. He can't download her without a lot of technical help. There a maid in this hotel? I don't know, why? If you were a child killer, you took these pictures, would you leave them out on the bed for anyone to find? They could have been put away. Anderton could have found them. What kind of cop were you before this? I was a Treasury Agent for eight years. Why? I worked homicide before I went federal. This is what we would've called an "orgy of evidence". Do you know how many orgies I had as a homicide copy, Gordon? How many? That's why you asked to partner with me on this little sortie, isn't it? I think you're swell company, Knott. People, if you don't let the spyder scan you, we'll have to come in and arrest you. Why don't I feel like celebrating? John Anderton was my friend! He looks familiar. Who? The man across the street. I've seen him before... What about your meeting? We could have lunch together. I'd love to, but I've got an open house today at the Ressler place. Raincheck? Howard -- My name is Danny Witwer. I'm -- This your work? I like it. Thanks. You take anything in your coffee? Cream and sugar. I don't have any cream. Sorry. Just sugar then. You and John ever come here? We used to, every summer. I don't have any sugar either. Thank you. He hasn't tried to contact you? No. You ever heard him mention the name Leo Crow? No, but then I don't talk to John that much anymore. So you haven't seen his apartment? That was our apartment. Since right after we lost our son. You mean after he lost your son. It was nobody's fault. But John was with him at the pool? You said in your divorce papers that he tried to kill himself. It wasn't a suicide attempt. I regret ever saying that. What was it then? The FBI found something that belonged to my son. A sandal... Anyway, John was upset. He... he... He took out his gun and sat down to watch his home movies. This is all in your statement, Lara... He shot a hole in the damn ceiling. So what? You lose your son, let's see how well you handle it. Lamar Burgess thinks that you left John because he lost himself in Precrime instead of you. You know I need to use you. To what? Trap him? To prevent a murder. Sooner or later, he's going to contact you. I haven't seen him in two years. Nice to meet you, Wally. Shhh! They're sleeping. They've never been separated before. What does he want with a precog? What do you think? So he can kill whoever he wants to without anyone knowing about it. Wally, the other two can still function, right? You don't understand... they're a hive mind. It takes all three for their predictive abilities to work. Are you telling me they can't see murders anymore? Maybe if he'd taken one of the males. But the female, she's the key. She's the one they listen to, the one with the most talent. The one who takes care of the other two. Look, Bobby, I don't know what happened, and I don't want to know what happened, but something's up. What are you talking about? Maxie wants me to replace you on the job tomorrow. He wants you to come by the office today. They were grabbing her fucking ass -- Hey. I don't know, I don't want to know. Far as I'm concerned, you're a good kid. I got news, though, without you here I can't keep on your friend. I got enough people pretending to sweep. Do me a favor, Arthur, keep him on til I see what's happening. Hi, uh, excuse me. I'm here to see Mr. Reuben. You're Bobby, right? Yeah. He'll be a minute, hon. You want some coffee? No thank you. You sure? I just made it. Martel's and coke. One ice cube. In a snifter this time. Snifter are for warm drinks -- Yeah, snifters are for cognac -- When served warm -- What's the matter? You ain't got no snifters in this motherfucker? We have snifters ...And here is the key to the mini- bar. Room and tax has been picked up by Cardiff Giant, as well as one fifty in incidentals. What's 'incidentals?' Now, Mr. Slade, you're in room 315. Just give me the key. I'm gonna stay here. Yes, sir. Is it a good room? I can take you down there. Just tell me. Wait, here... Do you have change of a hundred? Not on me, sir. Here. Take it. Bring me back eighty. Are you sure? Yeah. Take it. Thank you very much, sir. So? What, sir? Is it the good room? All the suites are about the same. Come on. Just tell me. It'll save all the trouble of you showing me all the rooms. Honestly, the suites are all about the same. What if I gave you forty? It's as good a suite as we have, unless you want two bedrooms. No. That's cool. Bring me back eighty. Thank you, sir. Where's the place to go tonight? As far as...? Nightlife. Where's the hot ass? Women? Yeah 'women.' If I was a fag I could get laid in a subway. I don't know, Forum's pretty hot tonight. It might be hard to get in, though. Don't worry about me getting in. Just tell me where it is. It's on West Broadway. So, wait, you're from where? Manhattan. You girls aren't from Brooklyn or anything? I don't get it. What do you do? We're in Fashion. I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to feel a really sexual vibe here. What happened? I thought we were playing Truth or Dare. Okay. We got a lot happening here. Here comes the good part... Okay... Will you leave me alone, already...? No, Sean, it's over... I don't care... As a matter of fact, I am... Yeah. In his hotel room... Holy shit. Is he cute? He's okay. Should I fuck him? I don't know. Do whatever you want. He's great, right. Is he great? He's alright. I know. Oh no. What is it this time. We used to take baths together. What the fuck was that about? You wanna get us busted? If Max found out you were turning tricks -- I got news for you, Bobby, he don't give a shit. Bullshit. You think he don't know? I give him his cut of seventeen hundred, I think he knows I can't make that lap dancing. Nobody's fuckin talking to you. And how could you fucking leave Horrace hanging? I got news for you, Horrace got his ass out of there before you did. Bullshit. Ricky's not wearing one. A elephant seal. Where's mommy? She's, uh, sleeping. It's daytime. Mommy works hard so you can have all your pretty clothes. Don't you like your pretty clothes? No. What's wrong, baby? It's a poison arrow tree frog. You're not my daddy. You gonna bust my horns, or you want spaghetti Hello. Chloe? Uncle Bobby? Hi, baby. What are you doing awake? Where's mommy? I don't know. Mommy's not home? No. What time is it there? Can you take me to Color Me Mine? I gotta go, baby. I love you. Tell mommy I called. You be a big girl and be careful when you're alone. Honey? So, what kind of gig is this? Easy night. Bachelor party. Can we give Wendy a ride? No. What kind of bachelor party? Oh my god. What happened? A draw. What makes you think they're well mannered? Bobby, this is a plumb gig. It's a bunch of young agents and it's at a restaurant. It's gonna be easy and we'll make a lot of money. I don't like you working with Wendy. Why are you working with Wendy? They requested her. It was her gig. Max put me on as a favor. Some favor. I hope they know you're not like Wendy. Oh, please. If they asked for her, they're probably expecting blowjobs all around. Will you cut it out! Get ready, we're already late. Who's watching the baby? She's downstairs with Ruth. Get ready. I'm ready. Bullshit. These are classy customers. You can't show up all fucked up with a Fila running suit on. You talk to Max today? I'm not gonna mention Ricky to him. Don't expect you to mention it to him. I'm just saying, if -- The only way he'll go with Ricky is if you're in too. Well, that's not gonna happen. Fine. You want to help Ricky, talk to Maxie yourself. I feel weird asking him. You shouldn't. He likes you. I just wish he never brought it up. Ricky won't shut up about it. Forget Ricky. You should be glad Max got you driving for me. No coke tonight. Right? Go finish getting ready. I'll take care of dinner. Yeah? You sure? No way that cocksucker's driving you. Maybe if you didn't go Rambo every time I did a lapdance, you'd still be doing it yourself. Meantime, I gotta feed my little girl. Maxie's fucking with me. He put you with the spook to get under my skin. Ho's a good guy -- Ho's a fucking pimp! He encourages Wendy to turn tricks. And she's his fucking wife! Shhh. He'll hear you. Good! It'll save me the trouble of repeating myself. He's not fucking driving you! Listen to me, Bobby. This is my job. It puts a roof over me and my daughter and you for as long as you want to stay. I want you to quit. Look at the bills. I can't. I'm not gonna put my daughter through what I went through. I'll support you. With what? Max offered to stake me. She needs a family. A dad. I'll give her what you never had. I never promised you anything. How could you let her see this? Goodbye, Bobby. Just so you know, I bought you out with Maxie. I suggest you leave while you can. Don't you get it? I don't want to leave. This is who I am. Take her. What'd you say? Whu -- There's no touching. But what about them? I said no touching. Look, man, I'm the bachelor, alright? I gave her a hundred bucks in tips alone -- Get your hands off of her. Dude, listen, man. I'm cool. How much for the treatment? Your dance is over. I -- I -- I... Don't... It's already been a hell of a night. Where you been? I had a fight up at Sportsman's. Well, you look it. You win? Draw. What's your record at? 5-5-1. Yeah, well you let me know when you wanna start makin the real money. Yeah, sure. What's up? Jess ready? You driving her? Yeah. C'mon girl. Eat up. Get away from her. What's up. You all ready to meet Ruiz? He making the drop? Nah, man. He's just making contact. That's our man. The Welsh guy. What's his name? Ruiz don't like using names on cell phones. He refers to him as the Red Dragon. So, when's the drop. How bad is it? It's bad. Before you even showed up, he said you were Maxie's 'token goons', and not to be trusted. He wanted to TCB alone. I was gonna ride shotgun to keep the English dude above board. Now he's spooked. This shit's snowballing. When's it going down? Was gonna be tomorrow morning. Now, who knows? Why isn't Ruiz coming? This Welsh dude is tripping on Ruiz cause he's a Shot Caller. What's that? A Shot Caller. A boss, a Capo. He's running shit. So what do we do? We go and hang out with the dude, make him happy, drink some tea, whatever it takes, until he feels comfortable enough to bring it up on his own. We make the drop, go home to California. Where is this happening? Now, here's what worries me. He said he wants to meet up at a bar in Red Hook. You know where that is? No. Brooklyn. Yeah? He must have that shit troughed. What do you mean 'troughed?' Troughed off. Protected. Like, you know, like he got a moat around it. Ruiz tied in out there? Heard of them. They ran shit back in the Eighties. Used to cut motherfuckers heads off and sit them on the bar. That's back when the Irish was making a play against the Italians. I don't know if they still around, but I don't fuck with those motherfuckers just in case. It sounds to me like everybody's just a little jumpy. And since all it is is a drop, the Welshman's got nothing at stake. I say we go to his 'troughed off' bar. It'll calm his nerves, we drop the bag, and we all get back to our lives. Where we going? Quick drop. In and out. Where's Ricky? Ricky's taken care of. How so? He was uptown when I paged him. I gave him the address. He's meeting us there. That it? This is it. Where's Ricky. You like the ponies? Sure. Yeah. You bet the ponies? Me? No. Not really. Smart. Hard as hell to handicap. You know what I like? Hai Alai. Fast game. You know why I like it? Why? It's fixed. That's the only way to win. A sure thing. See that horse. The blaze. This one? Yeah. The blaze. I bought her in '66. Hired a trainer, stall, whatever it was. That horse made me over a hundred grand. In 'sixties' dollars. You know what that is today? Pshhh... A million. Easy. She was fast, huh? Never won a race. But it got me in with the trainer. We'd have a thing, I don't remember, some fucking thing. The jockey would raise his whip, it meant the fix was in, we'd all go running. People get greedy. First they bet small, they keep their mouth shut. Within a month's time, everyone and their brother was in on it. The odds I like you, kid. Why do you gotta make it so hard for me to take care of you? Mr. Reuben, I swear to God, they were out of line. Last time, maybe, with the Puerto Ricans, but these were nice Jewish boys. They were out of line -- They're fucking yeshiva buchas. You didn't have to tear up the goddamn place. You knocked out a guys teeth. That prick tried to get Jessica to blow him in the bathroom -- Bobby, I love Jessica like she's my own daughter. I would kill anyone so much as lays a finger on her or her beautiful daughter, but that fucking pisher you socked in the mouth has the most expensive dentist in Beverly Hills and wants I should buy him an implant. Your silverback horseshit's gonna cost me eight grand. I'll work it off. Not driving Jess, you won't. What? You're not driving Jess no more. Two strikes, Bobby, and this last one was big. The bachelor's father goes to my schul. So, that's it. I'm out? I didn't say that. Then what are you saying? Bobby. You're a bull terrier and I got you herding sheep. I don't understand. It's my fault. I send you out to watch scum drool all over the love of your life, then I wonder why you seered. It's my fault. The tooth is on me. But no more. I'm 'reassigning' you. I don't want to drive another girl, Max. The only reason I'm -- Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? This ain't a fucking democracy. You want out? No. Don't I put food on you're table? I sponsor your training, I take care of your girl and her little baby. I even pay that deadbeat friend of yours to push a goddamn broom. I know. Now you wanna shut up and listen and hear what I got to say? Yeah. Sorry. I got a way we make everybody happy. Yeah. We try something out. There's someone I'm in business with named Ruiz. I want you to accompany him on a drop. Just as scenery. Ruiz has his boys. I just want a big guinea with a busted up face to give him a deep bench. As a deterrent. Ruiz knows about this? Ruiz wants to go alone, but it's not up to Ruiz. It's up to me, and I like a sure thing. Just go and we're square on the tooth. What about Ricky? He'd jump at the opportunity. Ricky? Ricky 'I lost the truck' Ricky? You told him you liked him. That was before he lost my carpet cleaning van. He'll work it off. I don't know the kid, and what little I do scares me. He's good people, Mr. Reuben. I swear. Yeah. Sure. How 'bout this. If you're in, he's in. I gotta tell you, Mr. Reuben, I'm not comfortable getting in any deeper. It's one thing to look after Jess... You're ready to move up. Christ, the way you busted up the place, you're doing worse already. May as well get paid instead of punished. It's not that I don't appreciate the offer... Do me a favor. Think about it. Is that too much too ask? Yes, for expenses and such. Now, you'll be contacted on your pager as to where you should go. You each have been given an extra battery, so there is absolutely no excuse as to why a page would not be immediately returned. Am I making myself abundantly clear? Yes. What is it? You want -- I already told you, I parked it for five minutes and I locked it with the club -- You want us to be wherever you want us to be, ASAP, no questions asked. There won't be a next thing. Take a few days -- I don't need a few days. I'm gonna settle down with Jess. She's through dancing. We're opening a restaurant. That's him. Now you all know the drill, right? 'Dis?' 'Dis?' You're not in a position to 'dis', or 'give props', or whatever your Real World sense of fucking decorum tells you to do. You're nothing. You're wallpaper. You're not here to make fucking friends. Asking a motherfucker where he lives. And who the fuck told you 'Red Dragon'?. We get it. We're sorry. Jesus Christ, where the fuck you been all night? You look like you got shit out in the gorilla house. Don't 'easy Ruiz' me. Y'all turned a Easter egg hunt into a butt-fuck-a- thon. Bring me four eggs Benedict and a mimosa. You all want mimosas? A bad heart. What's the plan? Now listen. The gig couldn't be simpler. You carry the money to the Welshman, he checks it, hands you his marker, you're done. The washed money goes directly to Maxie. Long as you hand off the bag, you're tight. Where's the drop? Hi. I, uh, think that's us. Hi. I'm Jimmy. What's that? You're going to the Soho Grand hotel, right? I'm not sure. All I know is the account is Cardiff Giant. Yeah. You're staying at the Soho Grand. You got anything checked? Nah. Where is the Soho Grand? So, Jimmy, you know where this address is? Yeah. I'll find it. It's in Harlem. Harlem? What is it, a restaurant? You don't know where you're going? No. Just the cross streets. I can wait around if you want. Spa? Yeah. 'Trustafarians?' This Ruiz guy, what's his deal? Don't know much. I hear he runs a tight ship. Yeah? Understand me? Aren't we waiting for Ricky? Ricky's taken care of. Taken care of? Yeah... Mmmm, that sounds good... Uhu... Excuse me, we need to make a call. I'm on the phone. It's important. So's this. Hey baby... Oh, nothing. What were you saying? Listen, man, we really gotta... We're with Ruiz. Ruiz isn't here. We're supposed to meet him here. Is Ruiz on the list? Ruiz is always on the list. He just ain't here, though. Can you check? Sorry, man, but... Thanks a lot. Don't worry about it. Any time, bro. Did Max mention anything about any jobs? What about boxing? What about it? What are you saying? You said if you didn't have a winning record after eleven fights, you'd talk to Max. So? So, it was a draw. Yeah, I'm 5-5 and 1. So, it's not a winning record. It's not losing record. That's not what you said. You said if you didn't have a winning record -- Don't be shitty. How am I being shitty? Don't be shitty. I wouldn't keep bugging you, but you said he said he would have a job for us. I'm not gonna bring it up to him. Of course I don't want you to bring it up to him... But if it comes up... I'll page you. Yeah. Page me. You know the number? Yeah. I know the number. Cause if you don't know the number, I can page you with the number so you'll have the number. I know the number. I'll page you with the number. I'll see you later. What time you done? I got no idea. Ask if he said anything to her. I will. I'll page you with the number. So I'm like, 'Maybe I'm not on the list cause I'm not a fuckin Persian.' I thought you hate that club. I do. It's a fuckin Persian Palace. Then why do you try to get in? Fuck them. Come on, man. Not with the owners here. We need guns. We don't need guns. I think we might. He didn't say we need guns. He implied it. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. What are you? Nuts? You've been waiting for this kind of opportunity. No. You've been waiting for this kind of opportunity. Damn right, I have. You think I like living on fucking Yucca? We do a good job on this, we're in. What happened to boxing? I thought we made a vow. Shit. Who we kidding? I know I suck, and I held you up for ten rounds -- Bullshit... Please. I got three inches on you. You wouldn't have landed a punch if I didn't let you. You wanna go right now? Sorry coach. We look good this year. We'll kill Fairfax this year. I still can't believe you missed the fucking team bus. Fuck him. Your first start at DB, it's against Fairfax, and you miss the fucking bus. What are we delivering? We're not delivering shit. Ruiz is delivering something, and whatever it is is his business. Who is this fucking Ruiz? Maxie says he runs a tight ship. I wouldn't fuck with him. Some Mexican? How much could he weigh? A buck fifty, tops? I'd kick his fucking ass. I gotta pick up the baby. Why do you always get stuck taking care of the kid. I like it. It's not even yours. Nice work. Shhh... Yeah, yeah... No. No. I'll be there. You gotta get me to the Magic Castle at four. How'd you unlock my phone? I tried your ATM PIN. I gotta kill an hour. Let's grab a beer. No, man. It wrinkles my shit. Let's grab a fuckin beer -- C'mon, man, not in front of the baby. Put on your seat belt before I get another ticket. Jesus Christ, fine. Alright? Why can't we just grab a goddamn beer. I promised Chloe we'd come here. Oh, give me a break. Look at her. She don't even know where the hell she is. She'd have more fun at Bordner's. I'm not taking her to a bar. What? Did she say something? She wants you to paint the ashtray. Max won't let me drive Jess to dance anymore. Who's driving her? I don't know. Right here's fine. Is that the woman from..? It's ours. Holy shit. Can you believe this? Pretty nice. See, man. Maxie fuckin takes care of you when you're in. Beats cleaning carpets. What's the movie? I'll get the girl. You hear that? You can drink as much as you want up here. We're not supposed to get drunk. We're on call. Unless we're supposed to whack out the fuckin' pilot, I don't think we're gonna have to work in the next five hours. I don't want to show up hammered. We're supposed to be representing Max. Shit. No new pages. I don't even know where the fuck we're supposed to go. Maybe we should call for a cab. 'Cardiff Giant.' That's us. You sure? Who you calling? Shhh... Hello, room service? C'mon, man... Yeah, bring up two burgers and a couple of Heinekens. I'm in room... How'd you know? Oh. Yeah. How long? Cool. How much is it? How much? Okay. Make it fifteen minutes and you can add on a ten dollar tip. Bye. How much was it? Forty-six. Jesus, man. Plus ten? Yeah, I guess. Great. On my fucking room. Relax. You got one-fifty. You heard the guy. Ricky, who knows how long we're gonna have to be here. We gotta make it last. Fine. I'll put it on my room. Okay? Don't worry about it. Just be smart. But let me tell you, man, I don't like your attitude already. Oh really. Why's that? We just got moved up in the world. You gotta let go of that blue collar mentality that was drummed into your head. You gotta start owning it man, or they'll smell you a mile away like a cheap suit. Who's gonna smell me a mile away? What are you doing? What are you doing? I know you're not calling Jimmy. As a matter of fact I was. You got a problem with that? We're here representing Max. You're acting like a Puerto Rican on the fifteenth of the month. It's on West Broadway. We can walk. Shit. It's thirty-five cents. You got a dime? What exactly did they say? They said a hundred thirty-fifth and Twelfth. They didn't say an address? I told you what they said. Nothing else. Nothing. How'd they know who you were? They asked who it was. So they said more than the address. No. They asked who I was, then told me what corner. This is bullshit, man. What the fuck do you have to complain about? Don't even start. No. Tell me. What's so fucking horrible about this gig? You've been crawling up my ass for six months to get your name on Maxie's list, and here we are. Look, man, I never met Ruiz, okay? I don't know what the fuck I'm picking up, what the fuck I'm dropping off, who the fuck I'm meeting. All I know is Maxie's still pissed at me cause I sold his fucking van. You sold it? I thought they stole it. Sold it, stole it, whatever... Motherfucker... Oh, give me a break. Don't tell me you feel bad for the guy. You gotta be kidding me. I vouched for you. Relax. I'll do right by him. You know that. You just don't fucking get it, do you? You know he fucks all his girls, don't you? What the fuck is that supposed -- I mean, that's what I heard -- You know this guy? This shit's sketchy. Why do they drop us in the middle of nowhere to have the guy we're supposed to meet come meet us just to tell us we have to meet the same guy somewhere else? I don't know. Well, I thought you understood and I was just missing it. Missing what? He didn't say shit. Yeah, but you know Horrace. What did you get off him? What did I 'get?' Yeah. What vibe? I detected no vibe other than that Ruiz thinks you're a fucking idiot. Yo, fuck him, man. Calling us guineas... So is this the drop? Like I said, I don't know. He woulda told us right? Yeah. You happy? About what? Why you gotta make everything difficult? You too? Yeah, me too. You're a fucking bull in a china shop. Where do you think you're going? Back in. You fucking nuts? Work's over. I'm gonna party. You can't go in there. They know you're with Ruiz. You got that right. Fuck you. Go then. I'm taking the car. Look who's back? Want some champagne? Do not put this on Ruiz's tab. Start a new one. What the fuck's going on? Dude, get back out there. You gotta help me get them in the hot tub. Hang on girls! Just get out there. I'll be right out. You know how I do. What the hell did you do? What the fuck was that about? Hi. It's Ruiz. Yeah. So the driver knows where to go? When? We'll be down in five. No, I'll tell him. He's right there. Bye. What's up? He wants to see us now. Where? He said it's being arranged. He said Jimmy will know. We're getting whacked. We're not getting whacked. Why else you think he won't tell us where the sit down is? What are you doing. I got a bad feeling, man. I don't want to go in naked. You gonna shank him in the shower? Is it so unrealistic to think Ruiz, who doesn't even want us here, is throwing us to the wolves? As an apology? And I don't even know what we're dropping off or picking up -- Put that shit out... C'mon, man... I swear to God, I'll fucking puke. Hey, Jimmy, where they taking us? Nothing, man. Let's do it. Let's check out the penguins. The what? The penguin house. Wait a minute. You want to look at fucking penguins now? Yeah. Let's look at the penguins. Did you hear what he just said? Whatever. We're here. We may as well go to the penguin house. We need guns. We don't need guns. I'm pretty sure we do. I listened extremely carefully. Nothing was even vaguely implied. He even laughed in your face when you asked him All the more reason. You wouldn't even know where to get one. Wanna bet? You couldn't even get a hand job from bridge and tunnel posse, how you gonna get a gun? That's cause you decided to get all tired all of a sudden. It was six in the fucking morning. Float me a hundred bucks. Why? You wanna see how fast I get a gun? You're out of money? No. What do you have left? Eighty. Eighty bucks?!? Eighty five. What happened to the fifteen hundred? You coulda picked up a tab every once in a while. I did! I paid for half the fuckin drinks! You did? Yes I did. You asshole! What about the room? What about it? Calm down. I fucking vouched for you. I vouched for you and you fucked me. This shit's peanuts compared to what we're gonna make with Maxie. Ricky. I'm trying to save this money. Understand? I'm trying to make it so my girlfriend doesn't have to grind her ass into other men's erections so her daughter can go to private school. I'm sorry... This is horseshit. It coulda been so easy. It's gonna be fine. No more, man. Let's get some sleep. That's what we need, man. Sleep. How we gonna sleep? We only got a few hours til dinner. So what do we do? Let's just go now and wait. Three and a half hours? I don't want to take any more chances. Let's just go get guns, I'd feel better. Don't fuck around. You're gonna get us all killed. Think about it: You knocked out that Jewish kid's tooth, cost him eight grand, maybe more. Maybe lost his whole line of clientele? He knows you're fucking up Jess' dancing, and I got a feeling he knows I stole his carpet cleaning van by the way he looks at me. He can't kill us in LA cause that leads to too many questions. So Where do you get this shit? Scenario B. I think I'm getting under Ruiz's skin. I'm no dummy. He doesn't like how it went down with the Red Drag -- Welshman, whatever. Now I got Fruitpie the Magician telling me I can't call my man Max? And that Welshman's sketchy. Whatever, I don't know where it's coming, which way it's coming from, I'm telling you one thing right now, I'm Look. They're together. You telling me this ain't a set-up? Holy shit. Get me back to Manhattan. Dude, we were practically made... I'll drop you off in a minute. I want to see if the baby's up. You wanna come in? No. I'll wait here. Hey, boys. Tom. How's it going? Fine, fine. And you were...? Bobby and Ricky. C'mon... We rep lines? You know? Fashion? And you grew up in Manhattan? Kinda. Yeah. I don't wear a white wig, I don't carry a gavel. Where's the surprise? You want your surprise? Yeah. I want it. You want to come splash around. I want to leave right now. Watch out, man. Sorry. I'm on the list, man. Hey, bro. The line's over there. Yeah, but, we're good. You know what I mean? How is it you're good? You on a list? Yeah. Ricky Slade. Cardiff Giant? What? Cardiff Giant. Just check. Maybe you wanna try the China Club. Again with the fucking China Club! What do I look like a fucking Persian to you? Did you see that shit? Motherfucker. You let in fucking Screech, dude? I'm waiting and you let in Screech? He's on the list. What's up, man. S'up. You look big, man. Diesel. You been lifting? A little. You look good, man. Cool. See you later. Yes? Yeah, uh, what's the movie? It's in your copy of Hemispheres. I believe it's Mickey Blue Eyes. Ugh... I'll get you the list of videos, if you don't mind, I'll offer the other passengers a beverage. Yeah, sure. How much are they? How much is what? The videos. Yes? Drinks are free, right? Yes. Would you care for another one? Yes. Where do you live? Excuse me. Where do you live? I operate out of the Chicago O'Hare hub. Can I help you with anything else? Where's Spa. How do you know it's not drugs? Maxie knows I don't go near drugs. I did a minute in Quentin for possession with intent. And it ain't now cause he woulda told me. You strapped? 'Strapped?' It means you got a gun? Don't drag my ass into this -- I'm not saying shit to neither of you. Why? What I say bad? What the fuck, 'Red Dragon?' See you later. You really in trouble? Stop. I'll tell him someone else told me. The Welsh dude, sees all these niggers in perms and diamonds and shit, he gets nervous. But you motherfuckers, he just laughs. All beat up in your babaloo suit like Fruitpie the Magician. So we just go eat with him and that's gonna solve everything? Dude, you just gotta settle your shit down. You gotta go and say all that 'Red Dragon' shit. Make him think he's on Barretta. Ow, shit... I'm half Irish. And where is...? Ruiz? Oh, he ain't here. No? Nah, see, Maxie just asked him to set that shit up as a favor. He, you know, he tied in with the club. Set us up so, you know, you feel at home. Well, I didn't care for the club much. And, I must say, I didn't care for him either. Well, he ain't gonna be around no more. No shit? Does anyone want another? Sure. Anyplace in particular? What do you want? A little Charlie, perhaps. Coke? I've heard you've got the best coke in the States. The shit back home is pants. Sorry, mates. Now there isn't even enough to go around... Don't worry, man. It's all for you. No, really, mate? Here they are, then. How's it going? Brilliantly. Care for a pint? No, thanks, man. We got to head out. Come, now. You just got here. Sorry about that. Where's your mate? I can't yet vouch for the amount, unless you want me to sit here and count. I... I just hired these guys to watch my back... Yeah. Good morning. You think this shit's funny, Ho? Nah, man... Last thing I want is you with a gun. Ricky. Is it nice? The Soho Grand? Yeah. You're from LA, right? Yeah. So whenever we want... Yeah. Grab one of the cards behind you. Call that number. It's my cell. So you're our own private guy? I handle most of Cardiff Giant's stuff. You know my pager number? No. What is it? I don't know. I thought you might. Any idea what the job is? A lot of Persians? I call 'em wiggers. Sure. You boys want anything? Yeah, bring us four fernet. Nigger, please. Don't even order that artichoke shit. West side guineas. Forget the drinks, Leo. We gotta roll. What do I owe you? We're square. Thanks, man. You need anything, you call. Thanks. Can I borrow a piece of -- dollars in c-notes, a numeric pager, a double-A battery, and a first class round-trip ticket to JFK. We're going to New York? Yes. You're going to New York. And the money. Where do we bring the money? That money is your per diem. Yeah. You will not carry any other pagers with you. You will not carry anything, for that matter, that I have not just given you. Keys. What? What about my keys? You can carry your keys. You will not mention my name or imply that you are in my employ. You will not speak to anyone while you are working. When you are not working, you are considered to be 'on call' and available twenty-four hours a day. This means you will not get drunk or do anything that will prevent you from operating in I get it. Tell me. Don't worry. I get it. So tell me how it is. You want... Why are you picking on me? So, wait, what are we dropping off? I never intended to test you two to that extent, but you both came through. I should've been informed there was a flag on the play, but I'll take that up with Ruiz. I made a few calls back East. Those punks weren't tied in with anyone. As for the Welshman, he wasn't in on it. He was just plain dumb. As for you, But, Max -- We're square. Yes, sir. No. I'll take a strega. What, motherfucker? You drinking 'the witch' after dinner? Yeah. That fernet tastes like tar. My grandfather tried to give me that. Some fuckin guineas he sent me. It's midnight and the motherfucker's ordering an apertif. We don't know any drill. Nobody told us anything. What the fuck you think, I wanna 'hang' with you motherfuckers? Yeah you're working. And put down the champagne. She poured it for -- What the fuck was you told? Don't talk, right? No... Four mimosas. You'll love them. So here's the plan. I didn't say shit to Maxie, cause the man has acute angina, and I don't want to get him all worked up. Who's gonna outfit us? The Red Dragon. Shut it, man. Shut it. Tom is a square. He don't but dabble in shit. Maxie had me hook up a loan-back with him, through an Austrian passbook account. So, we're talking money laundering... Yeah. What? When all this is over and we're not working for Maxie, I'd love to run into you on the street. Why aren't you coming? And here I thought you flew in some out of town muscle. How's it going, men? Well, that's news to me. The name's Tom. Mmmm-hmm. Where's the, uh, 'Dragon's lair?' Where do you live? Edinburgh. And where might that be? Scotland. Well, word on the street is you're Welsh. I am. Dip? I'll get it. Sit down. We ain't fixing to eat you. You look brand new in town. Pretty handy with a bottle. What they call you? Red, and I ain't no punk. I'm working trains. Selling. Bet you like that shit. Keeps me out of the army. When they want your ass, won't nothing keep you out. Not this boy... I ain't fighting their war. I got my own. Right chere. Heard tell you're a good man to know. Heard where? Sombitch and I ain't never been to Beantown. Man's rep travels. You ain't bullshitting me, is you, boy? Is your papa West Indian? No, my mama. She's from Grenada. Where can I get a hold of you? YOU can't. I'll get a hold of you. Don't never write nothing down. File it up here, like I do. 'Cause if they can't find no paper they ain't got no proof. Ya dig? Did you just now con me? Yes, sir. Why? I like your heart and I like your style. You might just do, Little. Lessen you got to git back to that train job. I done told the man what he could do with his train. When? You looking good, Little. Real clean. Clean as the Board of Health. But you missing something. What? How's it feel? Solid, daddy. Okay, baby. Now you outfitted. You ready to tackle the street? I told you less paper, less trouble. I'm working on it. It hit? Ain't nuthin' in the world to give you that real deep cool. Like girl. You there? I'm there, daddy. Wheww. I'm cool enough to kill. Sometimes you got a big ugly mouth. 1, 2, 8; 2, 8, 1. I git 'em all? Daddy, where's my money? What you talking? 1, 2, 8 hit, didn't it? You din't have no 1, 2, 8. Was you that high? Old man, I threw the slats at you. I said to combinate me. You never had it. Shit, what else she gonna say? Oh, sit down, man. What you tasting? I'm buying. You're a damn liar. You _took_ me, you bastard, and now I'm taking you. It's me or you, ain't it, Pops? You know it. I'll give you back the 600. I don't want your money. I'm wearing, Archie. And every cat's watching, ain't they? It's a toe-down. That's what it is. Walk on out. Let Billie finish. Take it easy, baby. You saved my life, Archie. Running me out of Harlem. When I think how close we came to gunning each other down, I have to thank Allah. I wasn't gonna shoot you, baby. It was just my rep, that's all. And don't shit me now, but did you have that number? Tell me. I don't know. It doesn't matter. The thing is we got to get you back on your feet. Yeah. I got a couple a new angles ain't been figured yet. All I need's a stake and a chance -- Can you use a few bucks? I ain't got much, but -- No, man, I'm doing okay. Thanks. Take it easy. Lay down and don't think about it. Yeah. Man live by his rep. Yeah, got to do something about you. The dirty yellow rat bastard. Don't push it. You way ahead. You back on top. That boy loves you, man. What you say? Who the hell are you? Put it in a cup of water. It's nutmeg. Man, what do you want? You need something. It's not a reefer, but it'll help some. If you ain't trying to punk me, what's your hype? I can show you how to get out of prison. And it's no hype. Talk, daddy, I'm listening. Hey that ain't bad. You got some more? That's the last stuff you'll ever get from me. What did you give it to me for then? You ain't lying. Putting all that poison in your hair. Man, you been locked up too long, everybody conks. All the cats. Why? Why does everybody conk? Cause I don't want to walk around with my head all nappy, looking like -- Like what? Looking like me? Like a nigger?! Why don't you want to look like what you are? What makes you ashamed of being black? Leggo. I got to wash it out. Sure, burn yourself, pain yourself, put all that poison into your hair, into your body -- trying to be white. Man, I don't want to hear all that. The question is, who are you? You are in the darkness, but it's not your fault. Elijah Muhammad can bring you into the light. Elijah who? What you sniffing around for? I told you I gave you your last fix. I ain't never seen a cat like you. Ain't you scared talking like that in front of an ofay? What's he gonna do to me he ain't already done? You the only cat don't come on with that "Whatcha know, daddy" jive; and you don't cuss none. I respect myself. A man cuss because he hasn't got the words to say what's on his mind. Tell you this: you ain't no fool. Don't con me. Don't try... Okay, okay. Don't con me. What do you do with your time? I read. I study. Because the first thing a black man has to do is respect himself. Respect his body and his mind. Quit taking the white man's poison into your body: his cigarettes, his dope, his liquor, his white woman, his pork. That's what Mama used to say. Come on, daddy, pull my coat. What happens if you give all that up? You get sick or somethin'? I pulled a hustle once and got out of the draft. I'm telling you God's words, not no hustle. I'm talking the words of Elijah, the black man's God. I'm telling you, boy, that God is black. What? Everybody knows God is White. But everything the white man taught you, you learned. He told you you were a black heathen and you believed him. He told you how he took you out of darkness and brought you to the light. And you believed him. He taught you to worship a blond, blue-eyed God with white skin -- and you believed him. He told you black was a What for? Did you ever study anything wasn't part of some con? What the hell for, man? Go on, fool; the marble shooters are waiting for you. I can't make out that shit. That's bullshit. That's a white man's book. Ain't all these white man's books? They sure ain't no black man's books in here. Then what you telling me to study in them for? You got to learn everything the white man says and use it against him. The truth is laying there if you smart and read behind their words. It's buried there. You got to dig it out. Man, I'm studying in the man's book. I don't dig half the words. Look 'em up and and out what they mean. Where am I gonna start? Aardvark, noun. An earth pig; an ant- eating African mammal. Man, that sounds like the dozens. Ole Pete ain't much in the head, but he can lay in there with the wood. You pitch, baby; I'll ketch. Sure, white man throw us a bone and that's supposed to make us forget 400 years. A black man playing big league ball is something. Little. I'm not Malcolm Little and I'm not Satan. Allah has sent us a prophet, a black man named Elijah Muhammad. For if God is black, Malcolm -- Then the devil is white. I knew you'd hear me. The white man is the devil. All white men are devils. I sure met some. The body is a holy repository. I will not touch the white man's poison: his drugs, his liquor, his carrion, his women. I will do it. I can't. For evil to bend its knee, admit its guilt, implore His forgiveness, is the hardest thing on earth -- I want to, Bembry, but I can't. -- the hardest and the greatest. I can't. For evil to bend its knee, admit its guilt, implore His forgiveness, is the hardest thing on earth -- I want to, Bembry, but I can't. -- the hardest and the greatest. I don't know what to say to Allah. Yeah. When I was picking a lock to rob somebody's house. Tell Him that. I don't know how. You can grovel and crawl for sin, but not to save your soul. Pick the lock, Malcolm; pick it. Brother Bembry, can we fix it so our loudspeaker is heard on the street? Now about our coming up in the world a little. You're not naive. You're a man of the world. The Movement's grown; we've grown with it. You know folks. They want their leaders to be prosperous. One hand washes the other. "I'm telling you God's words, not to hustle." What can I do for you? Do you? Not exactly, but I want to be one, like you. We need more young warriors like yourself, stick around and we shall see if your heart is true. I'll have it tomorrow. You are now Benjamin 2X. All praises are due to Allah. Thank you, Brother Minister. Is the program ready? No, Brother Minister. Folks are sitting out there today, not next week, expecting to hear our program. Next week, Brother Minister. Make it plain. What? Sure I'll speak to your class. But I'm a hard man on women. You want to know why? Women talk too much. To tell a woman not to talk is like telling Jesse James not to carry a gun or a hen not to cackle. And Samson, the strongest man that ever lived, was destroyed by the woman who slept in his arms. What points? Considering today's standards of animal raising and curing meats, I don't fully understand the restriction on pork. I see your point. Could we sit down someplace? I'm sorry. I've had you on your feet for hours. That's something I haven't done in fifteen years. What? Sat down with a pretty girl and had an ice cream soda. How do you like it? Let's talk about you for a change. There's nothing to talk about. Oh, yes, there is. I know a lot about you. Brother Bembry briefed me. Oh? Purely scientific interest I'm sure. You're from Detroit, near where I come from. You majored in education at Tuskegee. You're studying nursing and having trouble with your family. I can handle it. They want you to quit the Muslims or they won't pay your tuition, isn't that it? You have enough worries of your own. No, good Sisters are rare. We need every one. Tell me something: how tall are you? Why do you ask? Just an idle question. But Brother Bembry says I'm tall enough for a tall man. How old are you, Betty? There's a few things you don't know about women, Brother Malcolm. They're possessive and vain. Are you? And dogged when I set my mind to something. What have you set your mind to? I'm in Detroit. I know. At a gas station. Will you marry me? Yes. Did you hear what I said? Yes I did. Did you hear my answer? I think so. Can you catch a plane? Yes. Did you eat? It won't be easy. Just hold me. It will be rough. Hush your mouth. I'll be away a lot. I never told you, but when I first saw you on the podium, cleaning your glasses, I felt sorry for you. Nobody as young as you should be that serious. But I don't think that anymore. What do you think? Why are you looking at me like that? Because you're in trouble. I don't want to bring my troubles home. You know that. I'm not made of glass. I just want to sit here and be still. We've never had a fight. Not a real one. But we're going to have one right now if you don't talk about it. Talk about what? The talk is everywhere! There's always talk, always been talk, and always will be talk. Don't they say how I'm trying to take over the Nation, how I'm getting rich off the Nation? "Los Angeles, UPI: Elijah Muhammad, 67-year-old leader of the Black Muslim Movement, today faced paternity suits from two former secretaries who charged he fathered their four children..." There are always slanders, always lies. You're reading the devil's lies. Can't you see they're trying to bring us down, bring down the Messenger. "Both women, in their 20's, charged they had had intimacies with Elijah Muhammad since 1957..." I was going to talk to Bembry about it tonight. To Bembry? Is Bembry your friend? No, what's the matter with you? Wake up! Are you so dedicated that you have blinded yourself? Are you so committed you cannot face the truth? Bembry is the editor of the newspaper you established. Ask him why your name hasn't been in "Muhammad Speaks" in over a year? Ask him why you rate front page in every paper in the country, but not I'm not interested in personal publicity. Our people know what I'm doing. Do you know what Bembry is doing? You're so blind, everyone can see this but you!!! Bembry saved my Life. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad saved my life. A long time ago. You've repaid them many times over. Ask them why they have new cars and houses full of new furniture. Is that what this is about? Material wealth? What do we have, Malcolm. A broken- down jalopy and the clothes on our backs. We don't even own our own home. What about our children? What about me? You don't even own life insurance. The Nation will provide for you and the children if anything happens to me. Dear heart, you have to help me. I'm raising our kids practically by myself, while you're running all over the world. You don't know how many times the girls ask me when is daddy coming home? What do you want me to do? Our people need me. We need you too! What do you want me to do? Get some sleep. I'm sorry. I haven't been the best husband or father. Shhh! Families shouldn't be separated. I'll never make another long trip without you and the kids. We'll all be together. Dear heart, I love you. Stop calling us. Leave us alone. Leave us alone. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. Malcolm, they keep calling, threatening us. I'm going crazy, when is this going to stop? Don't answer the phone. It's all right. It's all right. Nothing is gonna happen to anybody. Dear heart, where are you? At the Hilton. The girls asleep? I just put them to bed. Can we come to the meeting tomorrow? I want to also, but until we are instructed by the Messenger to do so, we will just wait and pray. I'm tired of praying. I don't care about myself, my wife and four children were sleeping in their beds, they have nothing to do with this. Brother Earl. I'm gonna try and get some work done tonight. Let some of us come down there. No, that won't be necessary. I'll be all right. I wish you'd listen to us. What about the meeting tomorrow? We need to frisk people. Reverend Chickenwing called last night and said he wouldn't be able to attend. So now we have no opening speaker? Why wasn't I informed last night? I called Sister Betty, she didn't tell you? Since when do you start telling Sister Betty my business? Since when? She has nothing to do with this. You tell me, not her, not anybody else. I assumed... Brother Minister, what is wrong? The way I feel, I ought not to go out there today. In fact, I'm going to ease some of this tension by telling the black man not to fight himself -- that's all a part of the white man's big maneuver, to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, against each other. I'm not fighting anyone, that's not what we're here for. Let's cancel. Is my family here yet? Do you know what a friend you have in Jesus, son? Why don't you just ask your question? You've been talking about the disciples. What color were they? They were Hebrew, weren't they? That's right. As Jesus was. Jesus was also a Hebrew. Just what is your question? What color were the original Hebrews? I told you we don't know for certain. Now just a moment, just a moment -- But we do know that the people of that region of Asia Minor, from the Tigris-Euphrates valley to the Mediterranean, are dark-skinned people. I've studied drawings and photographs and seen newsreels. I have never seen a native of that area who was not black. Just what are you saying? Mr. X is a demagogue. He has no place to go, so he exaggerates. He's a disservice to every good law-abiding Negro in the country. Can I ask you a question? Please, go ahead. Mr. Malcolm X, why do you teach black supremacy? Why do you teach hate? Stop me if I'm wrong. I "polarize the community." I "erroneously appraise the racial picture." You put it very well. You left one phrase out. Another educated Kneegrew said to me and I quote: "Brother Malcolm oversimplifies the dynamic interstices of the Negro subculture." Would you agree? Entirely. Let him finish. If you want to tell me. If I surprise you, let me explain. Menial work teaches us humility. Let me do it then. No, each of us must relearn that work is the only worthwhile thing. Allah has given you a great gift. Use it wisely, never forgetting that we are nothing, while He is all. Did you see the papers today? Yes, sir, I did. Can I ask you something? Sure, man. Are you Elijah's pimp? What? "His greatest greatness." Say what you're saying. I thought you said we were going to the movies last night. I say a lot of things. And like a fool I believe it. You know that gal? Mind your own goddamn business... She comes in a lot? 'Bout every other night, Red. She know? Is she hooking? The average first offender gets two years for burglary. We were all first offenders. That's what Sophia and Peg drew -- Two years in the Women's Reformatory at Framingham. But our crime wasn't burglary. It was balling white girls. They gave us the book. Fourteen counts of 8 to 10 years. The sentences to run concurrently. 'Lo. I've got to freshen up. I better not come in. I ain't stupid. I mean it's late, baby. I know where you're going. Baby, I'll call you tomorrow. Malcolm, you can be anything you want. You got class and you're smart. All them books you read and you still don't know nuthin. Let's go. Why? Is it because of your white gal? Folks say you're running around town with her. It's the same questions, Mrs. Little. Since the death of your husband -- Murder. -- there is a serious question as to whether -- These are my children. Mine. And they ain't no question. None. I think sometimes, Mrs. Little, candor is the only kindness. All of your children are delinquent, Mrs. Little, and one, at least, Malcolm is a thief. Get out. Your control over your children, therefore -- Did you hear me?! You'll regret this, Mrs. Little. How many you turning out? 500. Make it 1000. We got a lot of fishing to do. Thank you, Brother; Sister, how are you? Another one? How long has this been going on? All day since you and Betty left. Brother Minister, I have to level with you. They gave me a mission. But I couldn't do it. I love y'all. What mission? To wire your car so it would explode when you turned the ignition. The Ministers say you are spreading untruths about the Messenger. The Ministers say you are a great hypocrite, Judas, Benedict Arnold. The Ministers say your tongue should be cut out and delivered to the Messenger's doorstep. What does Sidney say? I'm with you, Brother Minister. No. You'll be marked for death. Let me die then. I won't let myself come between you and your father. Go home. You're my father. Sheeet, you ain't. I had aplenty. That's alright. Baby, take your time. Sophia's not going anywhere. I told you to walk, don't run. You like 'em scrambled soft or hard, sweetie? Sweetie, they're almost ready. You the man. You evil this morning. Yeah, girl; that's your story. When you gonna holler "rape," sister? Me? You will, baby -- if the time come. Baby, I was gonna give it to you. You had the number. Well, all right, then. Hey, man, gimme some skin. That's a fine chick. Fine as May wine. Except she live on the hill and got a grandma. Don't you know, you can't hump the Bogart. Bang, bang. You're dead. I forgot to tell you I'm wearing a bulletproof vest. The hell you are. I'm tired of always playing the cops. I wanna be Bogart sometimes. You're too small to be Bogart. Yeah and get a slave, too, huh, baby? I ain't doing bad. Jesus, Red, she's just a kid. That ain't bad. Don't never try to cross someone who ain't afraid to die. What did you do, Homey, palm it? Palmed it right in the goddam chamber. I got to hand it to you, Homey. That's the best preacher hype I ever did hear. It isn't a hype, Shorty. And I meant what I said: join us. Come on, baby. I don't pay that shit no mind. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says you should pay it all your mind. If you got a mind. Baby, I love you. Take it easy, greasy. How about a snort? I've been clean for twelve years, Shorty. You is something, Homeboy. My trouble is -- I ain't had enough stuff yet, I ain't et all the ribs I want and I sure ain't had enough white tail yet. How's the rest of the gang? You seen anyone? I'm half wop, half nigger and ain't afraid of no one. Then I put him to bed and pour talcum powder on him like a baby. He gets his jollies off. So what about him? So? The man got silver, china, rugs -- Might be all right. You want to be the head man? That's right. Head nigger in charge? I'm the man. Your turn, Rudy. You want me to flip for you? I'm Minister Malcolm X. Two witnesses saw him brought in. He was not brought out. Who the hell are they? Brothers of Brother Johnson. Only a pig could do a thing like that. Watch your tongue, boy. Brother Minister he often talked about you. He loves you, loves you like his own son. Says you are the best, his greatest Minister but that someday you would leave him and turn against him. He told you that? Yes sir. Are you sure? Yes, I am, Brother Minister. All I want is support for my children. He should provide for his children. That's all I want. We were parceled out, all five of us. I went to this reform school and lived at this woman's house. She was in charge. This is your room, Malcolm. I know you'll keep it clean. This is Malcolm, our new guest. We'll treat him like a brother. I was special. The only colored kid in class. I became a sort of mascot. Like a pink poodle. I didn't know then that I was a nigger. He's bright. They talked about me like Good grades. Fine athlete. President of his class. What am I doing here? Believe it or not, you're safe here. The Judicial police will kill you. If they can. This page? You have a rather checkered past. Mr. Creasy. Your Interpol file is six pages long. Am I a suspect? Show me mugshots of Mexican policemen. Maybe then we'll get somewhere. Hombre en fuego. Man On Fire. That's what the papers have named you. It's what you and Rosanna named me. Right? The last few days may represent the best police work of my life. What do you want? The same thing as you. Except, my reach isn't as long as yours. My father was a policemen, did you know that? I don't know shit about you. My family lives in Miami. Because of the death threats. It's not worth it. Be with them instead. It galls me to watch you. You can do as much in days as I can in years. Men like the 'The Dreamer' are protected. Out of everyone's grasp it seems, but yours. My country needs justice. Proper justice. Gunning men down in the street only feeds the violence. They need to be brought to trial. Dealt with properly. Then people will respect the law. When they see it works. So you are going to talk me to death. You walk out and deal justice. You're what I wish I could be. The policemen who kills you, his family will have all they want. Then I hope the one who gets me has got lots of kids. What do you want? I want to arrest you for murder! I want to shake your hand and reload your gun! I want to kill my pride and give you my blessing. My deal is with Rosanna. I knew you guys were up to something. Are you two fucking? No, but I have to admit I thought about it. Liar. Just tell me who the bank card belongs to. Name and address. You have no interest in making things easy, do you? Creasy... I'd have liked to have known you under different circumstances. [Where are you coming from?] [South America.] [Where are you staying in Mexico?] [I'm on to Juarez.] [Why?] [Senor?] A lot of people are looking for you. I guess that makes you the smart one. It's Santa Muerte. Death worship. The religion of La Hermanidad. There's a curse on you. Maybe I can help your situation and you mine. So where do we begin? I need the name and address of the owner of a Toyota Corolla, license number ME31704... We didn't get the last digit so I need the ten possible matches. So what do I get in return? I need something. Do you have banking connections? Where do I find you? What do you know about the cop? Tazinari. The one who made the ransom drop with Samuel Ramos? He's an old fashioned patrone with the worst reputation. He's high on my hit list. Where does he live? He lives in a Judicial Compound. He travels by motorcade. He has better protection than George Bush. Even more importantly he is part of La Hermanidad. His reach is far and wide. Another favor... get me banking info on Jordan Kalfus. U.S. deposits or withdrawals. Thanks. Oh, get me the same on Samuel Ramos. How do I contact you? We still don't have the ATM info. I traced the PIN. I have an address for you. But I need to see you. I show, you give me the information? Deal. [Reina Rosas.] [Si.] [We page him and he calls back on this cell phone.] [What is his name?] [Daniel.] [Daniel Rosas Sanchez.] [What is his name?] [How does it work?] [Who pays you?] [What's the PIN number?] [The what?] [The number you use at the bank machine.] [Four-seven-four-seven.] [Who killed her? You?] [No!] [Don't lie to me.] [The boss did or his brother.] [Who's the boss?] [What money?] [The ransom money. At the drop. He said Tazinari, one of the policemen had taken it. He was crazy.] [Who's Tazinari?] [She's late, Mr. Creasy.] [Yeah, I've got to get used to the routes. I -- It won't happen again.] [No offense, but I'm sorry that your profession needs to exist.] [So am I, Sister.] [Do you ever see the hand of God in what you do?] [Not for a long time, sister.] [The bible says, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."] [Drive.] [Do you know who I am?] [Do you know who I am?] [Who are you?] [The Ramos kidnapping. How did it work?] [I don't know. We were just given instructions to take her.] [I don't know! We work in parts. A voice calls in a kidnapping. We deliver the target to the guardians. We don't even know them. They might transfer to other guardians. The negotiators and the bosses don't even see the target. They just make the deal!] [Who ordered it?] [The cops call him 'The Dreamer'.] [Where do I find him?] [I don't know, I swear.] [I believe you.] [I'm professional. I just do my job.] [Me, too. Tell me about the guardians.] [He called me on the cell phone to set a time and location for the switch.] [Who's he?] Who's he? [I see him sometimes at the handball court in Chapultepec on a Saturday afternoon.] [How do I recognize him.] [He has a tattoo covering two-thirds of his back. He is part of the Brotherhood.] [In the next hour, where do I find your partner?] [Hello Daniel. I've got your family and I want to negotiate.] [Mr. Creasy. What do you want?] [How much do you want?] [It's non-negotiable.] [Two million U.S.... Three million U.S.?] [The most important thing in life is family. And there you are. You have my family. What do you want?] [I want you.] [This is not possible. But in that house I have money. If I tell you where --] [Yeah. Yes.] [Listen! I will give you a life for a life.] [What do you mean?] [The girl's. Pinta's.] [You're a liar. Pinta's dead.] [Do you know who I am? I am the commandante of the Judicial anti- kidnapping division.] [And one of the founding members of La Hermanidad.] [Please, don't...] [I don't know him. I saw the opportunity and got lucky.] [Lucky how?] [That he used policemen. That you killed them, it made it a police matter. The Ramos family couldn't refuse our involvement.] [And?] [And I had my men ready.] [Yes. Many times.] [O.K. So tell me more.] [There was no ten million dollars.] [The ransom was ten.] [Two and a half. That's how much there was.] [Don't lie to me!] [Maybe your men stole from you.] [No. Whoever took the rest took it before the exchange.] [Who gave the bags to Ramos?] [That's all I know! Please. I'm sorry for the girl. But it was business! I'm a professional.] Were you provided with a gun? Yes. What is it? Nine millimeter. A Sig Sauer 226. Is it loaded? Your resume is impressive. Nine years in the Army. Extensive counter terrorism work. I shouldn't be able to afford you in my current state. What's the catch? I drink. How does it affect you? My coordination. Reaction time. If top professionals try to kidnap your daughter, the service will be on par with the pay. And what if amateurs try it? I'll probably kill them. Is that likely? When did Mexican Customs start getting smart? Creasy??? Where the fuck are you? I'm here. What do you mean, I'm here? You got a secondary search and you had a gun. Listen it was a calculated risk. I've done it a million times and never got caught. Everything happens once if you live long enough. It doesn't make sense to x-ray your bags coming off the plane. So what's wrong? Nothing wrong. So how's business? Japanese are here in a big way. Cheap labor. Factory space. But they feel a lot safer living over the border in El Paso. I ferry 'em back and forth. They think I'm John-fucking- Wayne. But don't you stay in El Paso? Yeah, right... Oh, like you haven't been in worse places. You been working? Not for eight months. I was in Columbia looking around, but, nothing seemed interesting. How long you staying, Crease? You did something on impulse? Your Spanish is good enough. You certainly look the part. You're crazy. People would hire a has-been, Ray? A drunk? Well, you'd have to keep it under control. And what if, just say, there was a kidnap attempt? It's not exactly a scam, Crease. Even at half speed you're pretty damn good. A bodyguard has to be close to someone all the time. Willing to talk. I'm not good at that. What are you doing here? I came to visit you. Bullshit. I've known you fifteen years. You don't visit. A bodyguard... Who's the guy? Samuel Ramos. Owns one of the plants in Juarez. The Jap car industry is in the toilet. He's trying to persuade Ford to partner with him. I think he's in trouble. He asked me if I knew anyone he could trust. Oh, now you think I can be trusted. There's still ink on my fingers from last week. You mean a misfire? I mean nothing. The hammer came down and nothing happened. Dimple on the primer. I've heard of it. Never happened to me though. Maybe the firing pin's off. Creasy? Then one day, he calls and says, 'I'm in love and I'm moving to Mexico.' I said what happened to the plan? You got three of the fuckers. All dead. Pinta... Stomach's gone. But... okay. Fuck. Look at you; you won't last a day the shape you're in. Unless you stop bleeding you should have your spleen removed. Yes or no? I'll take the .45 and the Webley .32. Cut the stock here. The barrel here. Make sure you file it smooth. Rocket launchers? Do you like dogs, Mr. Creasy? If they like me. Frank doesn't take to most people. Do you speak German? Ein Klines Bisschen. [A tiny bit.] That's 'Bird.' Emilio forgot to take him with when he left. Who's Emilio? In between you can take Mom shopping and to lunch. Does that sound alright, Mr. Creasy? Creasy. Just call me Creasy. Where are you from, Creasy? The United States. No. You can drive and talk at the same time, can't you? No. Why not? Potential? I don't understand. Places where the road bends, places away from buildings, places where the traffic thins out. But you don't have to understand. I do. So no talking. Are you going to quit? My last bodyguard quit. Let me guess, you wouldn't stop talking? Someone gave him more money than we could. I'm a bargain. Being black, is that a positive or negative for a bodyguard in Mexico? Time will tell. There were 24 kidnappings in Mexico City in the last six days. Four a day. What do you think about that, Mr. Creasy? We're taking a different way home. Did you like school, Creasy? No. Not at all? No. Hmmm? It wasn't a school like yours and there was no Sister Anna. So you were unhappy? Being unhappy is a state of mind. I never thought about it. And don't start crying. Pinta, do you have a pencil? You're fast. What are you doing? Calling for Emilio's macaw. I thought I heard him. Do you think he'll come back? Maybe. Did you hear him? No. How do you think he got out? Well, I let him go. It's better to be free, right? They'll be back in a week. It hurts. Where? I don't think they're broken. Anywhere else? The night you arrived, Mom asked you if you had a family and you lied, didn't you? Do you always sleep with him? I'm too old for him. Don't tell my friends. Did you sleep alright? Yes. How's the ankle? Can you put your weight on it? It's not too bad. Will it take a long time before it's better? Our big swim meet is in three weeks. Interschools. I was going to swim in the one hundred meter freestyle. Doesn't matter. I always finish second. Why do you ask? Well, it's a sort of wife. But the Emperor of China had 1000 of them! How can that be? In the West, it's one wife for one husband, but different cultures have different rules. It must be difficult having lots of wives. You feel sorry for the husband? So how come you know so much about those countries? I had to do my homework on them when I worked there. Also I enjoy history. What did you do in Asia? Is that where you met the man with cigarettes? You don't flinch when a gun goes off; you react. You go. Don't listen for the sound; don't anticipate it. Concentrate on the sound itself. I don't understand. Remember you asked me what state I was from? Yes. Where you're from isn't so much about geography; it's about events. Where you're from is what happened to you. Good things happen, too, Creasy. Like meeting me. Do you have a girlfriend, Creasy? No. Did you used to? You're late. I'm sorry. Where's my mother? I dropped her at home. I'm not afraid you, Creasy. I know you're not. The gunshot holds no fear. Say it. The gunshot holds no fear. I'm tough, Creasy. I'm tough as you. What's so important in Los Angeles? Your father has business. The blocks. Could I ask you a question? Could I stop you? You don't drink like you used to. That's not a question. I know because I go in your room and check the bottles. Still not a question. My mom drinks, too... Why do people drink, Creasy? Now that's a question. I don't know about your Mom. For me, the problem isn't in the glass. The problem's in between my ears. You think too much? Pinta, we've got to go. Travel sucks at this time. That's strange. Frank was a no-show. Not like him to miss a ride. You should break all my fingers, Creasy, then tape them back together. I won't be able to play the piano, but I could still swim. Don't be a baby. You're tougher than that. There's no such thing as tough, Creasy. Just trained and untrained. Then be trained. I'm going to keep people safe someday. Just like you. Be a swimmer. Continue to play in the wrong key, like you're dyslexic. Dyslexic? Like St. Jude. A hopeless case that has a complete block about 'C' Minor. But remember, "Whoever resists authority will bring judgement upon themselves." New Testament, Romans 13. You got that right. The world of our children. How dare they? It's war. The weakest suffer the most. You're American. You've done much of this work before? Mr. Creasy, I wanted to make sure you have everything you need. I'm fine. Is the food alright? Maria tells me that you didn't eat. The food's fine. Sometimes I don't eat. How are you getting along with Pinta? We'll be okay once she realizes I'm not a new toy. Yes, she told me. Do you have children, Mr. Creasy? No. You should know they're tenacious when they want something. And Pinta wants to be friends. Look. Maybe this isn't going to work. Maybe you should ask your husband to hire someone... more sociable. It makes it all seem so serious. It is serious, Mrs. Ramos. Sorry. Jordan! Why are you here? Why didn't you die? They planned it, Samuel and Kalfus. Planned what? I don't believe you. I want you to get into your car now and meet me on the south end of the footbridge between Reforma and the freeway junction. In 45 minutes. You're lying. I don't believe you. Creasy... Wait. Rosanna Guerrero. It's Creasy. Where are you? Los Arcos. Was a little girl kidnapped recently? About twelve maybe? Last night. Do you know something? What was her name? The family paid the ransom and he was returned two days later. His father still hasn't gotten up the nerve to ask him if they fucked him up the ass. And now every mother with money in Mexico City wants bigger and better bodyguards. My own wife included. If she pisses you off, you get another one. Of course I care about Pinta. She'll be as beautiful as her mother one day. All my clients have kidnap and ransom insurance. I have a policy, AIG. It covers me and my family and when it runs out in sixty days, without a bodyguard, I will not be able to renew it. I know you need to please Lisa. An ass like that is hard to find. Good bodyguards are even harder. You need a bodyguard of some description. It's a dangerous world we live in. But you will get what you pay for. He doesn't need to be Superman, does he? Can you go fifteen grand? For a year? And Lisa will be able to save face. We won't be the only family without a bodyguard. Her beauty fucks with your mind. For an American she understands this country very well. [You have the money.] [Yes.] [OK, repeat the drop instructions.] [The money, 10 million U.S. will be divided into two 15 gallon black canvas bags each containing five million which will be checked at the bank by the K&R agent. Then driven to the house in an armored car where it will be transferred to the delivery car.] [I need a driver to drive Samuel, the father.] [No. Why?] [He has a heart condition. Angina. He responds badly to stress.] You should be sleeping, baby. Good news. You're going back to school. When? Could he speak English? Emilio couldn't speak English. Yes, mom? I like him, Mom. You do? I think he's been sick. He's alright now, but I think he's been very, very sick. Bye, Mom. I'll call you from Detroit, baby. A man's worth can be judged by what he has or what he owes. Only the amount matters. And bankruptcy. Where will that put me in the social strata? I'm only asking for one thing. And it's not an extravagance. It's not even for me; it's for our daughter. Our child's safety is at stake. These people are professionals. They don't waste their time taking children whose fathers are virtually bankrupt. My wife, Mr. Creasy. He has experience in related work. A great deal of it. I think it's nice he's American. I think it's fantastic. She likes him. Hmm? Creasy. Pinta likes him. He has to go, Samuel. What? Who? Creasy. Why? You were so pleased with him. Pinta likes him too much. She thinks of him as a father. That's ridiculous. I've just been so busy, Lisa. It will be a hard break. She's young. She'll get over it. [A bodyguard was shot trying to protect a 9 year old. The bodyguard's American. Not only that he's black.] [Is that good or bad?] [He'll die of his wounds; bleed to death before he can do anything.] [Because he's outside. Because he's not tied to the same system we are.] [I know this. Your point?] [Then what do you have to lose?] [Is it true? Creasy saved the little girl that was kidnapped yesterday.] [When you talked to him, did he look sane?] [No. Not by the rules of polite society at least.] [You only fuck me to get information.] [You only give information so you can fuck me.] [And as long as we're talking information, there's something else as well.] [Who's that?] He's not a cop killer. I'm sure he isn't. Though he's certainly adept at killing. He was doing his job, protecting the girl. If police were involved, you figure it out. I'm here for him. Pollo Pibil. Chicken and chorizo sausage. Hmmmh. They marinate it in lemon and orange juice. It's a stew really. Tell me about your friend Creasy. You just said it. He's my friend. Nothing else to say. I read the file. You and Creasy have been seen quite a bit together. Two tourists who never went home. You helped him get this job. That's what friends do. Yes. But if I traced Creasy to you, others will do it as well. Their facilities are as good as my own, if not better. I can take care of myself. You and Creasy both. A two man army according to Interpol. Panama. Lebanon with the Druze. Desert Storm. Where you were contracted by the U.S. Army to hunt down elite Iraqi military commanders. You two were a married couple. The kind that gets divorced, but still stay friends. None of your business. Or mine for that matter. I got nothing more to say. This is my jurisdiction. I want these men as much as Creasy does. He'll deliver more justice in a weekend, than ten years of your courts and tribunals. So stay out of his way. I plan to. I'll even help him if I can. He's going to lead me to the 'The Dreamer'. Someone I want very badly. But I'd like to understand him. Give me that. Pinta Martin Ramos is just a number to you. Tragic, a public outcry, but a number. One more dead. What was she to Creasy then? Light. At the end of a long, dark tunnel. Somehow, she showed him it was alright to live again. And they took that away. I told you she wasn't especially attractive, but that she had a good deal of charm, and she's really a real nice girl... She's all right, Andy. It's just that I get one Saturday night off every three weeks, and I was expecting something better, that's all. I told you she wasn't attractive... You told me that she was a little tall, but that she wasn't bad looking at all. Millie's been after me to fix her up with a date, so I... Hey, Herbie... What? You wanna have a drink before we start dancing? So waddaya feel like doing tonight? I don't know, Ang'. Wadda you feel like doing? Well, we oughta do something. It's Saturday night. I don't wanna go bowling like last Saturday. How about calling up that big girl we picked up inna movies about a month ago in the RKO Chester? Which one was that? That big girl that was sitting in front of us with the skinny friend. Oh, yeah. We took them home alla way out in Brooklyn. Her name was Mary Feeney. What do you say? You think I oughta give her a ring? I'll take the skinny one. She probably got a date by now, Angie. Well, let's call her up. What can we lose? I didn't like her, Angie. I don't feel like calling her up. Well, what do you feel like doing tonight? I don't know. What do you feel like doing? Well, we're back to that, huh? I say to you, "What do you feel like doing tonight?" And you say to me, "I don't know, what do you feel like doing?" And then we wind up sitting around your house with a coupla cansa beer, watching Sid Caesar on television. Well, I tell you what I feel like doing. I feel like calling up What makes you say that? I could see she likes you. Yeah, sure. I'll call her up. Boy, you're getting to be a real drag, you know that? Angie, I'm thirty-four years old. I been looking for a girl every Saturday night of my life. I'm tired of looking. Everybody's always telling me to get married. Get married. Get married. Don't you think I wanna get married? I wanna get married. They drive me crazy. Now, I don't wanna wreck your Saturday night for you, Angie. You wanna go somewhere, you go My old lady, every word outta her mouth, when you gonna get married? So what do you feel like doing tonight? Not a bad crowd tonight, you know? There was one nice-looking one there inna black dress and beads, but she's dancing now. There's a nice-looking little short one for you right now. Where? Yeah, she looks all right from here. Well, waddaya say, you wanna ask them? I'll take the one inna green dress. Where you been, for Pete sakes?! I been looking all over for you. I looked for you, Angie, before I cut out, but I couldn't find you. Waddaya gonna do now? I'm gonna take Clara home. It's close to one. You want me to ride down with you? What for? It's early. It must be one o'clock. It's Saturday night! There's still plenty-a action around! All right, I'll see you! We gotta whole pot inna kitchen. We give you a plate-a your own. Who you gonna call? I was gonna call that girl from last night. Take her to a movie tonight. Are you kidding? Listen, Angie, I wanna tell you, you were very impolite last night. I introduced you to the girl, you just turned and walked off. Now, why did you do that? Marty, let's go downna Seventy-Second Street area tonight. I don't feel like going, Angie. I thought I'd take this girl to a movie. Boy, you really musta made out good last night. We just talked. I didn't think she was so bad-looking. I told this dog I was gonna call her today about two-thirty. Brush her. Listen, you wanna come with me tonight, or you wanna go with this dog? Waddaya getting so sore about? Marty, your mother wants you onna phone. Hello, Lou, Angie come in yet? He was here last night till about two o'clock. I hear you really got stuck with a dog last night. Who told you that? Angie. He says she was a real scrawny- looking thing. Hey! What are you doing here? I gotta pain in my left side, and my leg throbs like a drum. I been getting a pain in my shoulder. I gotta pains in my shoulder too. I have a pain in my hip, and my right arm aches so much I can't sleep. It's a curse to be old. How you feel? I feel fine. We gotta postcard from my son Nickie and his bride. They're inna big hotel in Florida on their honeymoon. Everything is very nice. That's nice. I gotta letter from my husband's cousin in Abruzzi. His mother died. Oh. Do you remember Emilio DiGiorgio, owned the tavern in Abruzzi? I don't think I remember him. Well, he died. You know who else died? Who? You know the old man upstairs in this house. Old Irishman, always drunk. He got pleurisy. He was inna hospital two weeks. He died yesterday. I wake up this morning, I hear the baby crying. So I wake up. I come in their room. That girl is shaking her hand atta baby. I said, "You brute! Don't you strike that baby! That's my son's baby!" It's her baby too, you know. That's my son Thomas's baby. Well, it ain't your baby. Did I tell you she threw the bottle- a milk at me? You told me. She's a witch, that one. I tell you what happen yesterday? What happen? Ufa! I keep one eye open when I sleep, because she's gonna come in, stab me in my bed. Ah? You son Thomas and Virginia, they come to my house this afternoon... Who? Your son Thomas and his wife Virginia... When was this? This afternoon, about four, five o'clock. What they say? My son Thomas came to see you this afternoon, and he said to you he wants to cast his mother from his house? So I am an old garbage bag, put inna street. Oh, Catherine, please! Don't make a tragedy. You come to my house where you know you be happier yourself. It pains that they should do this. Catherine, you are very dear to me. We have cried many times together. When my husband died, I would have gone insane if it were not for you. I ask you to come to my house, because I can make you happy. Please come to my house. These are the worst years. I tell you. It's gonna happen to you. I'm afraida look inna mirror. I'm afraid I'm gonna see an old lady with white hair, like the old ladies inna park, little bundles inna black shawl, waiting for the coffin. I'm fifty- six years old. What am I to do with myself? I have strength in my hands. I wanna Hey, I come home from your house last night, Marty was here with a girl. Who? Marty. Your son Marty? Well, what Marty you think is gonna be here in this house with a girl? Were the lights on? Oh sure. This girl is a college graduate. They're the worst. College girls are one step from the streets. They smoke like men inna saloon. My son Joseph, his wife, you know, she types onna typewriter. One step from the streets, I tell you. Mrs. Pilletti ponders this philosophy for a moment. Well, that's all. You will see. Today, tomorrow, inna week, he's gonna say to you, "Hey, Ma, it's no good being a single man. I'm tired-a running around." Then he's gonna say, "Hey, Ma, wadda we need this old house? Why don't we sell this old house, move into a nicer parta town? A nice little apartment?" I don't sell this house, I tell you that. This is my husband's house. I had six children in this house. You will see. A coupla months, you gonna be an old lady, sleeping onna couch in her daughter-in-law's house. You come up here often? I was up here twice before. Once with a friend of mine and once I came up alone. The last time... do you see that girl in the gray dress sitting over there? Yeah. Well, the last time I was up here, that's where I sat. I sat there for an hour and a half, without moving a muscle. Now and then, some fellow would sort of walk up to me and then change his mind. I'll never forget just sitting there for an hour and a half with my hands in my lap. Then I began to I cry a lot too. I'm a big cryer. This is something recent with me, this bursting into tears at the least thing. Oh, I cry all the time, any little thing. My brothers, my brother-in- laws, they're always telling me what a goodhearted guy I am. Well, you don't get goodhearted by accident. You get kicked around long enough, you get to be a real professor of pain. I know exactly how you feel. And I also want you to know I'm having a very good I'm having a very good time, too. So there you are. So I guess I'm not such a dog as I think I am. You're a very nice guy, and I don't know why some girl hasn't grabbed you off long ago. I'm twenty-nine years old. How old are you? teach chemistry? That's funny. Where? What school? Benjamin Franklin High School. You gotta real nice face, you know? It's really a nice face. ...When I got outta the army, Clara, I was lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was twenny-five years old, what was I gonna do, go back to my old job, forty cents an hour. I thought maybe I go to college under the G.I. Biller Rights, you know? But I wouldn't graduate till I was twenny-eight, twenny-nine years old, even Yes, I know. I'm a Catholic, you know, and even to think about suicide is a terrible sin. Yes, I know. So then Mr. Gazzara -- he was a frienda my father -- he offered me this job in his butcher shop, and everybody pleaded with me to take it. So that's what happened. I didn't wanna be a butcher. There's nothing wrong with being a butcher. Well, I wouldn't call it an elegant profession. It's in a lower social scale. People look down on butchers. Well, the point is Mr. Gazzara wantsa sell his shop now, because he and his wife are lonely, and they wanna move out to California in Los Angeles and live near their married daughter. Because she's always writing them to come out there. So it's a nice little shop. I handle his books for him, so I know he has a thirty-five percent markup It's my feeling that you really want to buy this shop, Marty. Wadda you think? I only got about three bucks on me now, but I just live about eight blocks from here on the other side of Webster Avenue. Why don't we walk back to my house? I'll run in, pick up some dough, and let's step out somewhere. It's only a quarter of twelve. The clock's right over there. ...It's really a fine opportunity for me. But I'm not sure I want to be a department head. It's mostly executive and administrative work. Well, anyway, I told you about my father, and he depends on me a great deal, and... Why don't you just move out to Portchester? I think you're kidding yourself, Clara. I used to think about moving out, you know? And that's what I used to say. "My mother needs me." But when you really get down to it, that ain't it at all. Actually, you need your father. You know what I mean? You're living at home, and you got your father and mother there, and you can I'm afraid of being lonely. Oh, you won't be so lonely. You'll make friends right away. Actually, I don't make friends easily. This is the kitchen. Yes, I know. Siddown, take off your coat. You want something to eat? We gotta whole half-chicken in the icebox. No, thank you. I don't think I should stay very long. So I was telling you, my kid brother Nickie got married last Sunday. That was a very nice affair. And they had this statue of some woman, and they had whiskey spouting outta her mouth. I never saw anything so grand in my life. And watta meal. I'm a butcher, so I know a good hunka steak when I see one. That was choice Oh, I'm fine. You want me to take you home, I'll take you home. No, Marty, please... I like you. I like you. I been telling you all night, I like you... Marty... No... Please... No... Please... Waddaya doing tomorrow night? Nothing. I'll call you up tomorrow morning. Maybe, we'll go see a movie. I'd like that very much. The reason I can't be definite about it now is my Aunt Catherine is probably coming over tomorrow, and I may have to help out. I'll wait for your call. We better get started to your house, because the buses only run about one an hour now. Waddaya doing New Year's Eve? What happened, Angie, was that we thought we were just gonna go for a short walk, and then we thought we were gonna come right back, but we got to talking. Listen, Angie, I want you to meet Clara... Clara, this is my best friend, Angie. I told you about him. You got an elevator in this house? We just live one flight up. So I'll call you tomorrow. Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow night then. Siddown, siddown. You want some chicken? We got some chicken in the ice box. No, Mrs. Pilletti. We were just going home. Thank you very much anyway. No, thank you, really, Mrs. Pilletti. It's a very sad business, I tell you. A woman, fifty-six years old, all her life, she had her own home. Now she's just an old lady, sleeping on her daughter-in-law's couch. It's a curse to be a mother, I tell you. Your children grow up and then what is left for you to do? What is a mother's life but her children? It Couldn't she find some sort of hobby to fill out her time? Hobby! What can she do? She cooks and she cleans. You gotta have a house to clean. You gotta have children to cook for. These are the terrible years for a woman, the terrible years. You don't think my sister Catherine should live in her daughter-in-law's house? Well, I don't know the people, of course, but as a rule, I don't think a mother-in-law should live with a young couple. Where do you think a mother-in-law should go? I don't think a mother should depend so much upon her children for her rewards in life. Well, maybe that's what they teach you in New York University. In real life, it don't work out that way. You wait till you are a mother. It was very nice meeting you, Mrs. Pilletti. I hope I'll see you again. Goodnight, Mrs. Pilletti. You say something? Yeah. I was just asking you if you was here stag or with a girl. I'm stag. Well, I'll tell you. I got stuck on a blind date with a dog, and I just met an old girl I used to know, and I was wondering how I'm gonna get rid of the girl I'm with. Somebody to take her home, you know what I mean? I'd be glad to pay you five bucks if you take her home for me. What? I'll take you over, and I'll introduce you as an old army buddy of mine, and then I'll cut out. Because I got this other girl waiting for me out by the hatcheck, and I'll pay you five bucks. Are you kidding? No, I'm not kidding. Herbie! Wadda you doing here?! I came up to dance, wadda you think? You here with somebody? I'm just here with another girl. Where you going now? I'm just gonna get my cigarettes. I left them in my coat. I'll see you around. She was always a bit thin in the hips... And that husband of hers is a skinny bit of a fellow, isn't he? Oh, that's nice. So the doctor was wrong, wasn't he? Oh, no! She died right in the hospital... Oh, that's a sad story. And her husband is that little fellow, works in Peter Reeves. That's the one. the whole book winds up, Mike Hammer, he's inna room there with this doll. So he says, "You rat, you are the murderer." So she begins to con him, you know? She tells him how she loves him. And then Bam! He shoots her in the stomach. So she's laying there, gasping for breath, and she says, "How could you do that?" And What I like about Mickey Spillane is he knows how to handle women. In one book, he picks up a tomato who gets hit with a car, and she throws a pass at him. And then he meets two beautiful twins, and they throw passes at him. And then he meets some beautiful society leader, and she throws a pass at him, and... I always figure a guy oughta marry a girl who's twenny years younger than he is so that when he's forty, his wife is a real nice-looking doll. That means he'd have to marry the girl when she was one year old. What time is it? Tommy, before you go, I wonder if you gimme a little advice. Sure, what? All right, I'll see you, Thomas, because he wants an answer by Monday. Sure. Thanks a lot about my mother. We'll work out some arrangement, because naturally I want to pay... Don't worry about it. Boy, beautiful day, hey, Thomas? Tommy, gimme a coupla minutes, because I promised Mr. Gazzara I'd let him know tomorrow. See, what I wanna know, Tom, if a buncha individual retail merchants get together, how does it operate? On individual mark- ups? You know what I mean? Say I'm the butcher and Aldo Capelli, he's the dairyman and grocer, so suppose I mark up thirty-five percent, but he works Waddaya talking about, do you know what you're talking about? Wadda you wanna buy a shop for, will you tell me? You gotta good job, you got no wife, you got no responsibilities. Boy, I wish I was you, boy. Waddaya wanna tie yourself down with a shop? What's he want? Five thousand down? You're gonna have to carry a mortgage sixty, seventy bucks a month. A mortgage anna note from the bank. For Well, you see, Thomas I figure the big problem is the supermarkets. But Patsy's shop, that's a specialized trade. The supermarkets don't carry Italian meat. Well, I understand the problem about the supermarkets, but I was talking to this girl last night, and she made the point that a likeable personality is a valuable business asset. Marty, see that my mother is nice and comfortable, eh? Sure. This girl said... Hello, Marty, when you coming home? Where you now? Because your cousin Thomas and his wife Virginia, they're here. They had another fight with your Aunt Catherine... I don't know... Hello, Ma. Marty, Thomas and Virginia are here. They had another fight with your Aunt Catherine. So they ask me, would it be all right if Catherine come to live with us. So I said, all right with me, but we have to ask you. Marty, she's a lonely old lady. Nobody wants her. Everybody's throwing her outta their house... Sure, Ma, it's okay with me. Oh, we got plenny-a room here. So what are you gonna do tonight, Marty? What? It's loaded with what? Tomatoes. Ha! Who told you about the Stardust Ballroom? Thomas. He told me it was a very nice place. Oh, Thomas. Ma, it's just a big dance hall, and that's all it is. I been there a hundred times. Loaded with tomatoes. Boy, you're funny, Ma. Marty, I don't want you hang arounna house tonight. I want you to go take a shave and go out and dance. Ma, when are you gonna give up? You gotta bachelor on your hands. I ain't never gonna get married. You gonna get married. Sooner or later, there comes a point in a man's life when he gotta face some facts, and one fact I gotta face is that whatever it is that women like, I ain't got it. I chased enough girls in my life. I went to enough dances. I got hurt enough. I don't wanna get hurt no more. I just called a girl just Marty... Ma, I'm gonna stay home and watch Jackie Gleason. You gonna die without a son. So I'll die without a son. Put on your blue suit... Blue suit, gray suit, I'm still a fat man. A fat ugly man. You not ugly. I'm ugly... I'm ugly! I'm UGLY! Marty... Hello, Marty, when you come home? How'd you come home, Ma? Thomas give you a ride? Oh, it's a sad business. My sister, Catherine, she don't get along with her daughter-in-law, so she's gonna come live with us. Oh, she's coming, eh, Ma? Oh, sure. Siddown, siddown. Marty, tell her siddown. Did you offer the young lady some fruit? Ma, I'm gonna take her home now. It's getting late, and the buses only run about one an hour. All right, Ma. I'll be back in about an hour, an hour anna half. Hello, Ma, waddaya say, it's getting a little late. That was a nice girl last night, Marty. She wasn't a very good-looking girl, but she looks like a nice girl. I said, she wasn't a very good-looking girl... not very pretty... I heard you, Ma. She looks a little old for you. About thirty-five, forty years old? She's more than twenty-nine years old, Marty. That's what she tells you. What, Ma? I said, is she Italian girl? What are you talking about? She's a nice girl. I don't like her. You don't like her. You only met her for two minutes. Don't bring her to the house no more. What didn't you like about her? I don't know! She don't look like Italian to me. Plenny a nice Italian girls around. So what are you gonna do tonight, Marty? So these two girls come over to the bar... Hey, Ang'... ...and they sit down right next to me... You want a beer, Ang'? I look over at this one nexta me, not bad, about thirty-five -- Hiya, Marty... Hiya, Ralph... ...I been talking about two nurses Leo and me picked up in a bar on Seventy-First Street. Hey, Lou, gimme two bottles-a beer... So, Marty, lemme tell you about these nurses, Marty... So, Marty, let me tell you about these nurses... What nurses? The nurses Leo and me picked up last night. We got a date with them tonight. Hello, Ralph. Waddaya mean, Ralph? Hey, Louise, I want you to meet Marty Pilletti. Marty, that's Louise Kelly, inna back seat there. I'm with a girl, Ralph. Get ridda her. This is money inna bank. I can't do that, Ralph, because somebody already brushed her off once tonight. Hello, Ralph. How'd you make out with those nurses last night, Ralph? Your kid brother got married last Sunday, eh, Marty? That's right, Missus Fusari. It was a very nice affair. That's the big tall one, the fellow with the moustache. No, that's my other brother, Freddie. My other brother Freddie, he's been married four years already. He lives down on Webb Avenue. The one who got married Sunday, that was my little brother, Nickie. No, that's my sister Margaret's husband, Frank. My sister Margaret, she's married to the insurance salesman, and my sister Rose, she married a contractor. They moved to Detroit last year. And my other sister Frances, she got married about two and a half years ago in Saint John's Church on Kingsbridge Avenue. Oh, that was a big affair. Well, let's see now, that'll be When you gonna get married, Marty? You should be ashamed of yourself. All your brothers and sisters, they all younger than you, they married and they got children. I just saw your mother inna fruit shop, and she says to me, "Hey, you know a nice girl for my boy Marty?" Watsa matter with you? That's no way. Now you get married. My son Frank, he was married when he was nineteen years old. Watsa matter with you? That's swell, Missus Fusari. All right, Ginnie, don't get so excited. That's very nice-a you, Aunt Theresa. We gotta ask Marty, of course. Sure. Oh, he'll get married, don't worry, Aunt Theresa. Well, I don't know. He sits arounna house alla time. You know a place he can go where he can find a bride? Well, there's the Stardust Ballroom. That's a kind of a big dance hall. Every Saturday night, it's just loaded with girls. It's a nice place to go. You pay seventy-seven cents. It used to be seventy-seven cents. It must be about a buck and half now. And you go in and you ask some girl to dance. That's how I met Virginia. Nice, respectable The Stardust Ballroom. It's loaded with tomatoes. He says okay, it's all right Catherine comes here. I just wanna thank you people again, because the situation was just becoming impossible. Hello, Aunt Theresa. Hello, Thomas. Aunt Theresa, we figure the best way to ask her is you say that you're very lonely, see? And wouldn't she come and keep you company, because that way, you see... Ma, you want something to eat, some tuna fish? Hello, Aunt Theresa. Hello, Thomas, how do you feel? He coming home right now. So what happened, Aunt Theresa, about the milk bottle was my mother-in- law, she comes inna kitchen, Aunt Theresa, and she begins poking her head over my shoulder here and poking her head over my shoulder there, so then she begins telling me how I waste money and how I can't cook, and how I'm raising my baby all wrong, so she got me She was here, you know, Wednesday, and I said, "Catherine, my sister..." So she say, "You're spilling the milk." So she kept talking about these coupla drops of milk I spilled, so she got me so mad, so I said, "Mama, you wanna see me really spill some milk?" So I took the bottle, and I threw it against the door. I didn't throw it at her. That's just something she made up. She goes around Sure. Aunt Theresa, you got this big house here. I mean, you got this big house just for you and Marty. And I thought maybe Tommy's mother could come here and live with you and Marty. Well... Because I called up Tommy's brother Joe, and I said, "Joe, she's driving me crazy. Why don't you take her for a couple of years?" And he said, "Oh no!" I know I sound like a terrible woman... No, Virginia, I know how you feel. I'm sorry we gotta rush like this... That's all right, that's all right... On accounta... We didn't tell her anything yet. We thought that we'd leave it to you. We thought you'd put it like how you were lonely, and why don't she come to live with you. Because that way it looks like she's doing you a favor, insteada we're throwing her out, and it won't be so cruel on her. Do you want Tommy and me to Listen, let's go downa Kaplans' apartment. They told us to come down. Well, I'll tell you, Aunt Theresa... Lemme tell it, Tommy. Okay. That's very nice-a you, Aunt Theresa. Marty, I don't know how to tell you how much I appreciate what you and your mother are doing, because the kinda thing was happening in our house was Virginia was in the kitchen making some milk for the baby. So my mother comes in... Tommy! Don't you think I feel lousy about this too? All right, Ginnie. I don't wanna talk anymore about it. I don't think I got one hour's sleep the whole night. Last night was the first time in my life I ever heard my mother cry, you know that? Tommy... I know what you're gonna say. A man's gotta stop being his mother's baby sooner or later. How many times you gonna say it? She's my mother, you know. I oughta have some feelings about her, don't you think? Why do you always put me inna position of being the louse? Tommy... Wadda you so sore about? What about the time she wanted to make an old-fashioned Italian dinner for my brother, but you wouldn't let her!? Waddaya talking about?!! Once a month you couldn't let her use the kitchen! I told her she could use the kitchen any time she wanted... ...You hadda be the boss inna kitchen alla time! There's sort of a built-in prayer for the sick man to get well, but of course that's not the basic intention. We wanted to tell you how you were helping us with your fixes. How they goin', Losing Preacher? What do you hear from the Pope? You talked to Walt? What do you want me to do? Put in one of your fixes. Walt knows he's loused himself with the Church, but it's part of our plan to make him think he has the keys to the kingdom. Which he will think if you grease the skids for him. I don't think I can give absolution to a man who's about to commit suicide. It's a mortal sin. What is, Red, the intention or the act? I believe it takes both. I'd have to look it up. Nice looking kid. Going to be okay? What do I do with it Hawk? This is a little out of my line. Y'all were short a couple cutters and we're what the Army sent. Don't you know the first thing you're supposed to do at a new post is present yourself to the commanding officer with your orders? Reckon so, but we been boozing all day and you work up an appetite. You're welcome to one of these, whatever they are. Good. You've both been working close to the front. Never this close. I may need you to go to work practically immediately. But meanwhile perhaps you'd like to meet some of your fellow officers. Yeah, maybe move that nurse in. She don't seem the type to keep you awake praying.