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Librarian Bot: Update Hugging Face dataset ID (#3)
5089391 verified
language: en
  - math
  - pegasus
  - hendrycks/competition_math
  - rouge
  - text: >-
      Michael scores a 95, 87, 85, 93, and a 94 on his first 5 math tests. If he
      wants a 90 average, what must he score on the final math test?
    example_title: averaging
  - text: >-
      If the sum of the smallest and largest of three consecutive even numbers
      is 28, what is the value of the second largest number in the series?
    example_title: puzzle2
  - text: >-
      Two inlet pipes lead into a large water tank. One pipe can fill the tank
      in 45 minutes; the other can fill it in 40 minutes. To the nearest tenth
      of a minute, how long would it take the two pipes together to fill the
      tank if both were opened at the same time?
    example_title: patek water
  - text: >-
      A football team lost 5 yards and then gained 9. What is the team's
    example_title: sportsball
  - text: Half a number plus 5 is 11.What is the number?
    example_title: half
    max_length: 128
    no_repeat_ngram_size: 4
    length_penalty: 0.7
    repetition_penalty: 3.1
    num_beams: 4
    early_stopping: true

pegasus does math?

  • testing to see how feasible seq2seq math problems are
  • answer: at least with 2 epochs, it is uhhhh not super feasible.