--- license: cc-by-sa-4.0 language: - la - de metrics: - cer tags: - HTR - OCR - handwriting - 16 century - correspondence - Bullinger - reformation --- # General HTR Model trained on Bullinger Correspondence This is a handwritten text recognition model based on [TrOCR](https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10282), fine-tuned with the [Bullinger dataset](https://github.com/pstroe/bullinger-htr). Please see the preceding link for a detailed description of the dataset. For a detailed description of the model, please see the publication below (especially the thesis). ## Publications More detail can be found in the following publications (please cite these two if you use the model for your experiments): - Tobias Hodel, Phillip Benjamin Ströbel, Andreas Fischer, Anna Scius-Bertrand, Anna Janka, Jonas Widmer, Beat Wolf, Patricia Scheurer, Martin Volk. 2023. Bullingers Briefwechsel zugänglich machen: Stand der Handschriftenerkennung. In *DHd2023: Open Humanities, Open Culture. Konferenzabstracts (tentative title)*, Luxembourg/Trier, Luxembourg/Germany. 9. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. - Phillip Benjamin Ströbel. 2023. *Flexible Techniques for Automatic Text Recognition of Historical Documents*. PhD Thesis, Zürich. [Link](https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-234886)