import argparse import tempfile import random import re import string import subprocess from typing import Optional from TTS.config import load_config from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager from TTS.utils.synthesizer import Synthesizer PUNCLIST = [';', '?', '¿', ',', ':', '.', '!', '¡'] def canBeNumber(n): try: int(n) return True except ValueError: # Not a number return False def accent_convert(phontrans): transcript = re.sub('a\^','á',phontrans) transcript = re.sub('e\^','é',transcript) transcript = re.sub('i\^','í',transcript) transcript = re.sub('o\^','ó',transcript) transcript = re.sub('u\^','ú',transcript) transcript = re.sub('E\^','É',transcript) transcript = re.sub('O\^','Ó',transcript) return transcript def remove_tra3_tags(phontrans): s = re.sub(r'#(.+?)#', r'', phontrans) s = re.sub(r'%(.+?)%', r'', s) s = re.sub(' +',' ',s) s = re.sub('-','',s) return s.strip() def sanitize_filename(filename): """Remove or replace any characters that are not allowed in file names.""" return ''.join(c for c in filename if c.isalnum() or c in (' ', '_', '-')).rstrip() def is_number(index, text): if index == 0: return False elif index == len(text) - 1: return False else: return canBeNumber(text[index - 1]) and canBeNumber(text[index + 1]) #Splits text from punctuation marks, gives list of segments in between and the punctuation marks. Skips punctuation not present in training. def split_punc(text): segments = [] puncs = [] curr_seg = "" previous_punc = False for i, c in enumerate(text): if c in PUNCLIST and not previous_punc and not is_number(i, text): curr_seg += c segments.append(curr_seg.strip()) puncs.append(c) curr_seg = "" previous_punc = True elif c in PUNCLIST and previous_punc: curr_seg += c puncs[-1] += c else: curr_seg += c previous_punc = False segments.append(curr_seg.strip()) # print("Split Segments: ", segments) #Remove empty segments in the list segments = filter(None, segments) # store segments as a list segments = list(segments) # print("Split Segments: ", segments) # print("Split Puncs: ", puncs) return segments, puncs def merge_punc(text_segs, puncs): merged_str = "" # print("Text segs: ", text_segs) # print("Puncs: ", puncs) for i, seg in enumerate(text_segs): merged_str += seg + " " if i < len(puncs): merged_str += puncs[i] + " " # remove spaces before , . ! ? ; : ) ] of the merged string merged_str = re.sub(r"\s+([.,!?;:)\]])", r"\1", merged_str) # remove spaces after ( [ ¡ ¿ of the merged string merged_str = re.sub(r"([\(\[¡¿])\s+", r"\1", merged_str) # print("Merged str: ", merged_str) return merged_str.strip() # función que engade a puntuación orixinal á extensión de números de cotovía (opción p) def punctuate_p(str_ext): # substitute ' ·\n' by ... str_ext = re.sub(r" ·", r"...", str_ext) # remove spaces before , . ! ? ; : ) ] of the extended string str_ext = re.sub(r"\s+([.,!?;:)\]])", r"\1", str_ext) # remove spaces after ( [ ¡ ¿ of the extended string str_ext = re.sub(r"([\(\[¡¿])\s+", r"\1", str_ext) # remove unwanted spaces between quotations marks str_ext = re.sub(r'"\s*([^"]*?)\s*"', r'"\1"', str_ext) # substitute '- text -' to '-text-' str_ext = re.sub(r"-\s*([^-]*?)\s*-", r"-\1-", str_ext) # remove initial question marks str_ext = re.sub(r"[¿¡]", r"", str_ext) # eliminate extra spaces str_ext = re.sub(r"\s+", r" ", str_ext) str_ext = re.sub(r"(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)", r"\1 \2", str_ext) ### - , ' and () by commas # substitute '- text -' to ', text,' str_ext = re.sub(r"(\w+)\s+-([^-]*?)-\s+([^-]*?)", r"\1, \2, ", str_ext) # substitute ' - ' by ', ' str_ext = re.sub(r"(\w+[!\?]?)\s+-\s*", r"\1, ", str_ext) # substitute ' ( text )' to ', text,' str_ext = re.sub(r"(\w+)\s*\(\s*([^\(\)]*?)\s*\)", r"\1, \2,", str_ext) return str_ext def to_cotovia(text_segments): # Input and output Cotovía files res = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=5)) COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH = res + '.txt' COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH_ISO = 'iso8859-1' + res + '.txt' COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH = 'iso8859-1' + res + '.tra' COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH_UTF8 = 'utf8' + res + '.tra' # print("Text segments: ", text_segments) # Initial text preprocessing # substitute ' M€' by 'millóns de euros' and 'somewordM€' by 'someword millóns de euros' text_segments = [re.sub(r"(\w+)\s*M€", r"\1 millóns de euros", seg) for seg in text_segments] # substitute ' €' by 'euros' and 'someword€' by 'someword euros' text_segments = [re.sub(r"(\w+)\s*€", r"\1 euros", seg) for seg in text_segments] # substitute ' ºC' by 'graos centígrados' and 'somewordºC' by 'someword graos centígrados' text_segments = [re.sub(r"(\w+)\s*ºC", r"\1 graos centígrados", seg) for seg in text_segments] text_segments = [["sed", "-e", "s/₂//g", "-e", "s/⸺//g", "-e", "s/ //g", "-e", "s///g", "-e", "s/č/c/g", "-e", "s/ț/t/g", "-e", "s/ğ/g/g", "-e", "s/ș/s/g", "-e", "s/ş/s/g", "-e", "s/Ž/Z/g", "-e", "s/ž/z/g", "-e", "s/ț/t/g", "-e", "s/ğ/g/g", "-e", "s/ș/s/g", "-e", "s/ş/s/g", "-e", "s/«//g", "-e", "s/»//g", "-e", "s/<>//g", "-e", "s/“/\"/g", "-e", "s/”/'\"'/g", "-e", "s/\'//g", "-e", "s/‘//g", "-e", "s/’//g", "-e", "s/…//g", "-e", "s/-/-/g", "-e", "s/–/-/g", "-e", "s/—/-/g", "-e", "s/―/-/g", "-e", "s/−/-/g", "-e", "s/‒/-/g", "-e", "s/─/-/g", "-e", "s/^Si$/Si\./g"], input=seg, text=True, capture_output=True).stdout for seg in text_segments] # print("Text segments after sed: ", text_segments) with open(COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH, 'w') as f: for seg in text_segments: if seg: f.write(seg + '\n') else: f.write(',' + '\n') # utf-8 to iso8859-1["iconv", "-f", "utf-8", "-t", "iso8859-1", COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH, "-o", COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH_ISO], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # call cotovia with -t3 option["cotovia", "-i", COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH_ISO, "-t3", "-n"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # iso8859-1 to utf-8["iconv", "-f", "iso8859-1", "-t", "utf-8", COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH, "-o", COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH_UTF8], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) segs = [] try: with open(COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH_UTF8, 'r') as f: segs = [line.rstrip() for line in f] segs = [remove_tra3_tags(line) for line in segs] except: print("ERROR: Couldn't read cotovia output")["rm", COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH, COTOVIA_IN_TXT_PATH_ISO, COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH, COTOVIA_OUT_PRE_PATH_UTF8], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # print("Cotovia segments: ", segs) return segs def text_preprocess(text): #Split from punc text_segments, puncs = split_punc(text) cotovia_phon_segs = to_cotovia(text_segments) cotovia_phon_str = merge_punc(cotovia_phon_segs, puncs) phon_str = accent_convert(cotovia_phon_str) # remove extra spaces phon_str = re.sub(r"\s+", r" ", phon_str) # add final punctuation mark if it is not present if not re.match(r"[.!?]", phon_str[-1]): phon_str = phon_str + "." return phon_str def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cotovia phoneme transcription.') parser.add_argument('text', type=str, help='Text to synthetize') parser.add_argument('model_path', type=str, help='Absolute path to the model checkpoint.pth') parser.add_argument('config_path', type=str, help='Absolute path to the model config.json') args = parser.parse_args() print("Text before preprocessing: ", args.text) text = text_preprocess(args.text) print("Text after preprocessing: ", text) synthesizer = Synthesizer( args.model_path, args.config_path, None, None, None, None, ) wavs = synthesizer.tts(text) # Step 1: Extract the first word from the text first_word = args.text.split()[0] if args.text.split() else "audio" first_word = sanitize_filename(first_word) # Sanitize to make it a valid filename # Step 2: Use synthesizer's built-in function to synthesize and save the audio wavs = synthesizer.tts(text) filename = f"{first_word}.wav" synthesizer.save_wav(wavs, filename) print(f"Audio file saved as: {filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()