**This model is part of the Gramformer library** please refer to https://github.com/PrithivirajDamodaran/Gramformer/ # Gramformer Human and machine-generated text often suffer from grammatical and/or typographical errors. It can be spelling, punctuation, grammatical or word choice errors. Gramformer is a library that exposes 3 separate interfaces to a family of algorithms to **detect, highlight and correct** grammar errors. To make sure the corrections and highlights recommended are of high quality, it comes with a quality estimator. You can use Gramformer in one or more areas mentioned under the "use-cases" section below or any other use case as you see fit. Gramformer stands on the shoulders of giants, it combines some of the top-notch researches in grammar correction. *Note: It works at **sentence levels** and has been trained on 128 length sentences, so not (yet) suitable for long prose or paragraphs (stay tuned for upcoming releases)* ## Usecases for Gramformer **Area 1: Post-processing machine-generated text** Machine-Language generation is becoming mainstream, so will post-processing machine-generated text. - Conditioned Text generation output(Text2Text generation). - NMT: Machine Translated output. - ASR or STT: Speech to text output. - HTR: Handwritten text recognition output. - Paraphrase generation output. - Controlled Text generation output(Text generation with PPLM) **[TBD]**. - Free-form text generation output(Text generation)**[TBD]**. **Area 2:Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) text** **Area 3:Assisted writing for humans** **Area 4:Custom Platform integration** As of today grammatical safety nets for authoring social contents (Post or Comments) or text in messaging platforms is very little (word level correction) or non-existent.The onus is on the author to install tools like grammarly to proof read. - Messaging platforms and Social platforms can highlight / correct grammtical errors automatically without altering the meaning or intent. ## Installation ```python pip install git+https://github.com/PrithivirajDamodaran/Gramformer.git@v0.1 ``` ## Quick Start ### Correcter - [Available now] ```python from gramformer import Gramformer import torch def set_seed(seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) set_seed(1212) gf = Gramformer(models = 2, use_gpu=False) # 0=detector, 1=highlighter, 2=corrector, 3=all influent_sentences = [ "Matt like fish", "the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans", "We enjoys horror movies", "Anna and Mike is going skiing", "I walk to the store and I bought milk", "We all eat the fish and then made dessert", "I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk", "what be the reason for everyone leave the company", ] for influent_sentence in influent_sentences: corrected_sentence = gf.correct(influent_sentence) print("[Input] ", influent_sentence) print("[Correction] ",corrected_sentence[0]) print("-" *100) ``` ```text [Input] Matt like fish [Correction] Matt likes fish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] the collection of letters was original used by the ancient Romans [Correction] The collection of letters was originally used by the ancient Romans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] We enjoys horror movies [Correction] We enjoy horror movies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] Anna and Mike is going skiing [Correction] Anna and Mike are going skiing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] I walk to the store and I bought milk [Correction] I walked to the store and bought milk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] We all eat the fish and then made dessert [Correction] We all ate the fish and then made dessert ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] I will eat fish for dinner and drank milk [Correction] I'll eat fish for dinner and drink milk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Input] what be the reason for everyone leave the company [Correction] what can be the reason for everyone to leave the company. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ```