If you use the model, please consider citing the paper ``` @misc{bhargava2021generalization, title={Generalization in NLI: Ways (Not) To Go Beyond Simple Heuristics}, author={Prajjwal Bhargava and Aleksandr Drozd and Anna Rogers}, year={2021}, eprint={2110.01518}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` Original Implementation and more info can be found in [this Github repository](https://github.com/prajjwal1/generalize_lm_nli). Roberta-large trained on MNLI. ---------------------- | Task | Accuracy | |---------|----------| | MNLI | 90.15 | | MNLI-mm | 90.02 | You can also check out: - `prajjwal1/roberta-base-mnli` - `prajjwal1/roberta-large-mnli` - `prajjwal1/albert-base-v2-mnli` - `prajjwal1/albert-base-v1-mnli` - `prajjwal1/albert-large-v2-mnli` [@prajjwal_1](https://twitter.com/prajjwal_1)