--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 library_name: Transformers tags: - nlp - text-classification - argilla - transformers dataset_name: argilla/emotion --- # Model Card for *Model ID* This model has been created with [Argilla](https://docs.argilla.io), trained with *Transformers*. This is a sample model finetuned from prajjwal1/bert-tiny. ## Model training Training the model using the `ArgillaTrainer`: ```python # Load the dataset: dataset = FeedbackDataset.from_huggingface("argilla/emotion") # Create the training task: task = TrainingTask.for_text_classification(text=dataset.field_by_name("text"), label=dataset.question_by_name("label")) # Create the ArgillaTrainer: trainer = ArgillaTrainer( dataset=dataset, task=task, framework="transformers", model="prajjwal1/bert-tiny", ) trainer.update_config({ "logging_steps": 1, "num_train_epochs": 1, "output_dir": "tmp" }) trainer.train(output_dir="None") ``` You can test the type of predictions of this model like so: ```python trainer.predict("This is awesome!") ``` ## Model Details ### Model Description Model trained with `ArgillaTrainer` for demo purposes - **Developed by:** [More Information Needed] - **Shared by [optional]:** [More Information Needed] - **Model type:** Finetuned version of [prajjwal1/bert-tiny](https://huggingface.co/prajjwal1/bert-tiny) for demo purposes - **Language(s) (NLP):** ['en'] - **License:** apache-2.0 - **Finetuned from model [optional]:** prajjwal1/bert-tiny ### Model Sources [optional] - **Repository:** N/A ## Technical Specifications [optional] ### Framework Versions - Python: 3.10.7 - Argilla: 1.19.0-dev