--- language: da tags: - danish - bert - sentiment - analytical license: cc-by-4.0 widget: - text: "Jeg synes, det er en elendig film" --- # Danish BERT fine-tuned for Detecting 'Analytical' This model detects if a Danish text is 'subjective' or 'objective'. It is trained and tested on Tweets and texts transcribed from the European Parliament annotated by [Alexandra Institute](https://github.com/alexandrainst). The model is trained with the [`senda`](https://github.com/ebanalyse/senda) package. Here is an example of how to load the model in PyTorch using the [🤗Transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers) library: ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipeline tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("pin/analytical") model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("pin/analytical") # create 'senda' sentiment analysis pipeline analytical_pipeline = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) text = "Jeg synes, det er en elendig film" # in English: 'I think, it is a terrible movie' analytical_pipeline(text) ``` ## Performance The `senda` model achieves an accuracy of 0.89 and a macro-averaged F1-score of 0.78 on a small test data set, that [Alexandra Institute](https://github.com/alexandrainst/danlp/blob/master/docs/docs/datasets.md#twitter-sentiment) provides. The model can most certainly be improved, and we encourage all NLP-enthusiasts to give it their best shot - you can use the [`senda`](https://github.com/ebanalyse/senda) package to do this. #### Contact Feel free to contact author Lars Kjeldgaard on [lars.kjeldgaard@eb.dk](mailto:lars.kjeldgaard@eb.dk).