include 't5x/examples/t5/byt5/base.gin' include 'pretrain_cont.gin' #include 't5x/configs/runs/pretrain.gin' #iinclude 't5x/configs/runs/finetune.gin' # Register necessary SeqIO Tasks/Mixtures. import import tasks MIXTURE_OR_TASK_NAME = "byt5_ncc_english_span_corruption_stream" TASK_FEATURE_LENGTHS = {"inputs": 512, "targets": 512} TRAIN_STEPS = 1_500_000 DROPOUT_RATE = 0.0 # Changed from the default since T5-1.1 recomments this. INITIAL_CHECKPOINT_PATH = "gs://t5-data/pretrained_models/byt5/base/model.ckpt-1000000" PjitPartitioner.num_partitions = 1 # `LOSS_NORMALIZING_FACTOR`: When fine-tuning a model that was pre-trained # # using Mesh Tensorflow (e.g. the public T5 / mT5 / ByT5 models), this should be # # set to `pretraining batch_size` * `target_token_length`. For T5 and T5.1.1: # # `2048 * 114`. For mT5: `1024 * 229`. For ByT5: `1024 * 189`. # The instructions above is from T5X. We here have to convert the Mesh Tensorflow byt5-model, so this needs to be set LOSS_NORMALIZING_FACTOR = 193536