--- language: no license: CC-BY 4.0 tags: - seq2seq datasets: - Norwegian Nynorsk/Bokmål --- # 🇳🇴 Norwegian T5 Base model Trained on the NCC🇳🇴 This is a Norwegian T5-base model trained on the Norwegian Colossal Corpus (NCC) on a TPU v3-8. It needs to be finetuned on a specific task before being used for anything. The following setting were used in training: ```bash ./run_t5_mlm_flax_streaming.py \ --output_dir="./" \ --model_type="t5" \ --config_name="./" \ --tokenizer_name="./" \ --dataset_name="pere/norwegian_colossal_corpus_v2_short100k" \ --max_seq_length="512" \ --weight_decay="0.01" \ --per_device_train_batch_size="32" \ --per_device_eval_batch_size="32" \ --learning_rate="8e-3" \ --warmup_steps="0" \ --overwrite_output_dir \ --cache_dir /mnt/disks/flaxdisk/cache/ \ --num_train_epochs="5" \ --adam_beta1="0.9" \ --adam_beta2="0.98" \ --logging_steps="500" \ --num_train_steps="1000000" \ --num_eval_samples="5000" \ --save_steps="5000" \ --eval_steps="5000" \ --preprocessing_num_workers 96 \ --adafactor \ --push_to_hub ```