import math from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict, List, Optional import nltk import numpy as np from numpy.random import permutation, poisson from import _torch_collate_batch from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding, PreTrainedTokenizerBase"punkt") @dataclass class DataCollatorForTextInfilling: tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase mlm_probability: float = 0.15 poisson_lambda: float = 3.0 pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.tokenizer.mask_token is None: raise ValueError def __call__(self, examples: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: # Handle dict or lists with proper padding and conversion to tensor. batch = {} if isinstance(examples, (dict, BatchEncoding)): examples_ids = examples["input_ids"] if "decoder_input_ids" in examples.keys(): examples_dec = examples["decoder_input_ids"] else: examples_dec = examples_ids # bs of one if type(examples_ids[0]) is int: examples_ids = [examples_ids] # bs of one if type(examples_dec[0]) is int: examples_dec = [examples_dec] batch["input_ids"] = _torch_collate_batch( examples_ids, self.tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of ) batch["decoder_input_ids"] = _torch_collate_batch( examples_dec, self.tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of ) batch["decoder_input_ids"] = batch["decoder_input_ids"].tolist() elif isinstance(examples[0], (dict, BatchEncoding)): batch = self.tokenizer.pad(examples, return_tensors="jax", pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of) else: batch["input_ids"] = _torch_collate_batch(examples, self.tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of) batch["decoder_input_ids"] = _torch_collate_batch( examples, self.tokenizer, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of ).tolist() # If special token mask has been preprocessed, pop it from the dict. special_tokens_mask = batch.pop("special_tokens_mask", None) batch["input_ids"], batch["labels"] = self.mask_tokens( batch["input_ids"], special_tokens_mask=special_tokens_mask ) return batch def mask_tokens(self, inputs): inputs_copy = np.array(inputs) labels = np.array(inputs) if special_tokens_mask is None: special_tokens_mask = [ self.tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask(val, already_has_special_tokens=True) for val in labels.tolist() ] special_tokens_mask = jnp.array(special_tokens_mask, dtype=bool) else: special_tokens_mask = special_tokens_mask.bool() # determine how many tokens we need to mask in total is_token = ~(labels == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) & ~special_tokens_mask num_to_mask = int(math.ceil(is_token.astype(float).sum() * self.mlm_probability)) if num_to_mask == 0: return inputs, labels # generate a sufficient number of span lengths lengths = poisson(lam=self.poisson_lambda, size=(num_to_mask,)) while np.cumsum(lengths, 0)[-1] < num_to_mask: lengths = np.concatenate([lengths, poisson(lam=self.poisson_lambda, size=(num_to_mask,))]) # remove all spans of length 0 # Note that BART inserts additional mask tokens where length == 0, # which we do not implement for now as it adds additional complexity lengths = lengths[lengths > 0] # trim to about num_to_mask tokens idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.cumsum(lengths, 0) - num_to_mask)) + 1 lengths = lengths[: idx + 1] # select span start indices # print("IS TOKEN") # print(is_token) # print(sum(list(map(lambda x: 1 if(x) else 0, is_token[0])))) token_indices = np.argwhere(is_token == 1) # print("TOKEN INDICES") # print(token_indices) span_starts = permutation(token_indices.shape[0])[: lengths.shape[0]] # prepare mask masked_indices = np.array(token_indices[span_starts]) # print("MASKED INDICES") # print(masked_indices) mask = np.full_like(labels, fill_value=False) # mask span start indices for mi in masked_indices: mask[tuple(mi)] = True lengths -= 1 # fill up spans max_index = labels.shape[1] - 1 remaining = (lengths > 0) & (masked_indices[:, 1] < max_index) while np.any(remaining): masked_indices[remaining, 1] += 1 for mi in masked_indices: mask[tuple(mi)] = True lengths -= 1 remaining = (lengths > 0) & (masked_indices[:, 1] < max_index) # place the mask tokens mask[np.where(special_tokens_mask == True)] = False inputs_copy[np.where(mask == 1)] = self.tokenizer.mask_token_id labels[np.where(mask == 0)] = -100 # remove mask tokens that are not starts of spans to_remove = (mask == 1) & np.roll((mask == 1), 1, 1) new_inputs = np.full_like(labels, fill_value=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) # splits = list(map(lambda x: x.reshape(-1), np.split(inputs_copy, indices_or_sections=2, axis=0)) for i, example in enumerate(np.split(inputs_copy, indices_or_sections=new_inputs.shape[0], axis=0)): new_example = example[0][~to_remove[i]] new_inputs[i, 0 : new_example.shape[0]] = new_example # batching now fixed return new_inputs.tolist(), labels.tolist() # Code below is by Matt Bui @dataclass class SentenceTokenize: """Tokenize documents into sentences, add bos and eos tokens and split sentences into smaller chunks if too long.""" sentence_tokenizer ="tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle") bos: str = "" eos: str = "" max_sentences = 256 sentence_stride = 128 max_characters = 100000 def __call__(self, examples: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: is_batched = isinstance(examples["text"], list) if not is_batched: # raise ValueError("required batched=True in map() method") examples["text"] = [examples["text"]] texts = [] # print(f"len(examples['text'] : {len(examples['text'])}") for doc in examples["text"]: sentences = self.sentence_tokenizer.tokenize(doc) start_index = 0 # print(f"doc len: {len(doc)}") # print(f"sent_tok len: {len(sentences)}") while start_index < len(sentences): sentence_span = sentences[start_index : min(len(sentences), start_index + self.max_sentences)] text = f"{self.eos}{self.bos}".join([sentence for sentence in sentence_span]) # trim text by max characters if len(text) > self.max_characters: text = text[: self.max_characters] texts.append(text) start_index += self.sentence_stride # print(len(texts)) # print() return {"text": texts} @dataclass class DataCollatorForSentencePermutation: tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase permutate_sentence_ratio: float = 1.0 def __post_init__(self): self.full_stop_index = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id def __call__(self, example: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: source = example["input_ids"] full_stops = source == self.full_stop_index # Tokens that are full stops, where the previous token is not sentence_ends = (full_stops[1:] * ~full_stops[:-1]).nonzero()[0] + 2 result = source.copy() num_sentences = jnp.size(sentence_ends, 0) num_to_permute = math.ceil((num_sentences * 2 * self.permutate_sentence_ratio) / 2.0) substitutions = random.permutation(self.random_key, num_sentences)[:num_to_permute] ordering = jnp.arange(0, num_sentences) ordering = ops.index_update( ordering, substitutions, substitutions[random.permutation(self.random_key, num_to_permute)] ) index = 0 for i in ordering: sentence = source[(sentence_ends[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0) : sentence_ends[i]] result = ops.index_update(result, ops.index[index : index + jnp.size(sentence, 0)], sentence) index += jnp.size(sentence, 0) example["decoder_input_ids"] = example["input_ids"] example["input_ids"] = result return example @dataclass class DataCollatorForDenoisingTasks: """Data collator used denoising language modeling task in BART. The implementation is based on The default paramters is based on BART paper """ tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase mask_ratio: float = 0.3 poisson_lambda: float = 3.0 permutate_sentence_ratio: float = 1.0 pad_to_multiple_of: int = 16 def __post_init__(self): if self.tokenizer.mask_token is None or self.tokenizer.eos_token is None: raise ValueError def __call__(self, examples: List[Dict[str, List[int]]]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Batching, adding whole word mask and permutate sentences Args: examples (dict): list of examples each examples contains input_ids field """ # Handle dict or lists with proper padding and conversion to tensor. batch = self.tokenizer.pad(examples, pad_to_multiple_of=self.pad_to_multiple_of, return_tensors="np") batch["decoder_input_ids"] = self.shift_tokens_right(batch["input_ids"]) do_permutate = False if self.permutate_sentence_ratio > 0.0: batch["input_ids"] = self.permutate_sentences(batch["input_ids"]) do_permutate = True if self.mask_ratio: batch["input_ids"], batch["labels"] = self.add_whole_word_mask(batch["input_ids"], do_permutate) return batch def shift_tokens_right(self, inputs): """Shift decoder input ids right: Examples: My dog is cute.It loves to play in the park. shift to -> My dog is cute.It loves to play in the park. """ shifted_inputs = np.roll(inputs, 1, axis=-1) # replace first token with eos token shifted_inputs[:, 0] = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id # when there's padding, the last eos tokens will not be rotate to first positon # we'll need to replace it with a padding token # replace eos tokens at the end of sequences with pad tokens end_with_eos = np.where(shifted_inputs[:, -1] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id) shifted_inputs[end_with_eos, -1] = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id # find positions where where's the token is eos and its follwing token is a padding token last_eos_indices = np.where( (shifted_inputs[:, :-1] == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id) * (shifted_inputs[:, 1:] == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) ) # replace eos tokens with pad token shifted_inputs[last_eos_indices] = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id return shifted_inputs def permutate_sentences(self, inputs): results = inputs.copy() full_stops = inputs == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id sentence_ends = np.argwhere(full_stops[:, 1:] * ~full_stops[:, :-1]) sentence_ends[:, 1] += 2 num_sentences = np.unique(sentence_ends[:, 0], return_counts=True)[1] num_to_permute = np.ceil((num_sentences * 2 * self.permutate_sentence_ratio) / 2.0).astype(int) sentence_ends = np.split(sentence_ends[:, 1], np.unique(sentence_ends[:, 0], return_index=True)[1][1:]) for i in range(inputs.shape[0]): substitutions = np.random.permutation(num_sentences[i])[: num_to_permute[i]] ordering = np.arange(0, num_sentences[i]) ordering[substitutions] = substitutions[np.random.permutation(num_to_permute[i])] index = 0 for j in ordering: sentence = inputs[i, (sentence_ends[i][j - 1] if j > 0 else 0) : sentence_ends[i][j]] results[i, index : index + sentence.shape[0]] = sentence index += sentence.shape[0] return results def add_whole_word_mask(self, inputs, do_permutate): labels = inputs.copy() special_tokens_mask = [ self.tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask(val, already_has_special_tokens=True) for val in labels.tolist() ] special_tokens_mask = np.array(special_tokens_mask, dtype=bool) # determine how many tokens we need to mask in total is_token = ~(labels == self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) & ~special_tokens_mask num_to_mask = int(math.ceil(is_token.astype(float).sum() * self.mask_ratio)) if num_to_mask == 0: return inputs, labels # generate a sufficient number of span lengths lengths = poisson(lam=self.poisson_lambda, size=(num_to_mask,)) while np.cumsum(lengths, 0)[-1] < num_to_mask: lengths = np.concatenate([lengths, poisson(lam=self.poisson_lambda, size=(num_to_mask,))]) # remove all spans of length 0 # Note that BART inserts additional mask tokens where length == 0, # which we do not implement for now as it adds additional complexity lengths = lengths[lengths > 0] # trim to about num_to_mask tokens idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.cumsum(lengths, 0) - num_to_mask)) + 1 lengths = lengths[: idx + 1] # select span start indices # print("IS TOKEN") # print(is_token) # print(sum(list(map(lambda x: 1 if(x) else 0, is_token[0])))) token_indices = np.argwhere(is_token == 1) # print("TOKEN INDICES") # print(token_indices) span_starts = permutation(token_indices.shape[0])[: lengths.shape[0]] # prepare mask masked_indices = np.array(token_indices[span_starts]) # print("MASKED INDICES") # print(masked_indices) mask = np.full_like(labels, fill_value=False) # mask span start indices for mi in masked_indices: mask[tuple(mi)] = True lengths -= 1 # fill up spans max_index = labels.shape[1] - 1 remaining = (lengths > 0) & (masked_indices[:, 1] < max_index) while np.any(remaining): masked_indices[remaining, 1] += 1 for mi in masked_indices: mask[tuple(mi)] = True lengths -= 1 remaining = (lengths > 0) & (masked_indices[:, 1] < max_index) # place the mask tokens mask[np.where(special_tokens_mask)] = False inputs[np.where(mask)] = self.tokenizer.mask_token_id if not do_permutate: labels[np.where(mask)] = -100 else: labels[np.where(special_tokens_mask)] = -100 # remove mask tokens that are not starts of spans to_remove = (mask == 1) & np.roll((mask == 1), 1, 1) new_inputs = np.full_like(labels, fill_value=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) # splits = list(map(lambda x: x.reshape(-1), np.split(inputs_copy, indices_or_sections=2, axis=0)) for i, example in enumerate(np.split(inputs, indices_or_sections=new_inputs.shape[0], axis=0)): new_example = example[0][~to_remove[i]] new_inputs[i, 0 : new_example.shape[0]] = new_example # batching now fixed return new_inputs, labels