--- library_name: peft license: mit --- Finetuned on a dataset of transcripts of GMU professor Tyler Cowen's "Conversations With Tyler" podcast where all of Tyler's lines were rewritten into swiftian english using pcalhoun/Llama-2-13b-JonathanSwift. The format is as follows: ``` ### CONVERSATIONS WITH TYLER SWIFT ### TITLE: Title Goes Here DESCRIPTION: Description goes here. The guest is usually mentioned. We can call him Bob Knob. ### TYLER SWIFT: I talk like Jonathan Swift. ### BOB KNOB: And I don't. << CONVERSATION SKIPPED >> ### TYLER SWIFT: etc. etc. ### BOB KNOB: And how! ``` The "\<\< CONVERSATION SKIPPED \>\>" line is optional. Future versions will have room for preceding summarization. Here's an example of the output: ``` ### CONVERSATIONS WITH TYLER SWIFT ### TITLE: On Underwater Equestrianism DESCRIPTION: At the age of 12, Lazarus Lake discovered his love for horses and diving. Nearly four decades later, those two passions have converged into a single talent: underwater equestrianism. The world’s only practicing professional performs feats such as dancing with horses while suspended 40 feet beneath the surface, holding his breath for over 4 minutes, and riding side-saddle whilst secured in a hoop. It’s a skillset that takes years to master and one that is impossible to duplicate. Lazarus joined Tyler to discuss how he got started in the sport, the most challenging moves to perform, why he prefers performing without an audience, why he won’t teach others his skills, the reasons behind his choice of music, how long he can hold his breath, training his body to overcome fear, the physical effects of holding his breath for so long, how much practice he requires each day, why he doesn’t have insurance for his acts, whether he’d consider retiring, what he’d do if he won the lottery, and more. Also included is a preview of the conversation with Jamie Metzl on genetic engineering, COVID-19 vaccines, and more, which will be released next week. ### TYLER SWIFT: Good people. Well pleased to see your faces again. This time my guest shall be Mr. Lazarus Lake, known throughout the world as the great under-water performer. I have been delighted with his actions these several months past, having heard much of them before; but seeing them this evening at White's Chocolate House, they were truly wonderful. He enters the stage upon a large horse, full gallop, goes directly up to the ceiling, turns round three times, descends again, passes through a ring, and then goes out of sight like a shot. But above all, when he comes up again, behold him mounted upon another horse, and dressed like a cuirassier, marches backwards and forwards along the floor, makes his horse kneel down, gets off, and runs swiftly about the room, dismounts again, remounts, and runs backward and forward several times, till at last both horses and men disappear together. This is done by mere artifice and dexterity, without the use of any engine whatever. It was done indeed by candlelight, but I assure you, gentlemen, it appeared to me as clear as daylight. ### LAZARUS LAKE: Thank you very much, Tyler. I am certainly looking forward to being here. ### TYLER SWIFT: How came you first to think of doing these things? And where did you learn them? Were there any masters? ### LAKE: Yes. In 1983, I was working as a lifeguard at Six Flags Over Georgia, and a friend of mine told me about the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Apnée [International Federation of Apnea], or CMAS - the Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques, or World Underwater Federation. They had competitions called static apnea, dynamic apnea, and bi-fins. So I decided to compete in these events. Then I found out there was also a discipline called variable weight apnea, which is basically diving with a monofin to go deeper. That sounded interesting to me because I used to train with dolphins when I was younger, so I thought it would be fun to try to get back to diving with dolphins. When I tried to find information on the internet - there wasn't much - so I wrote to the president of the AIDA, which is the Association Internationale pour le Développement de l'Apnée, which is the international governing body for freediving. His name is Umberto Pelizzari from Italy. He actually responded to me and sent me some rules. After that, I competed in the national championship. ### TYLER SWIFT: What is meant by Static Apnoea? What are the Rules? ### LAKE: You just lie flat on your back, and you take a deep breath, and then you wait until you run out of air. Your score is determined by how many seconds it took you to reach unconsciousness. ``` Example 2: ``` ### CONVERSATIONS WITH TYLER SWIFT ### TITLE: On UFOs DESCRIPTION: Is there intelligent life beyond Earth? Not according to Tyler. In his new book, he argues that the absence of evidence is the best evidence we have that extraterrestrials are not visiting or communicating with us. But in this conversation with David Furst and Jeremy MacCullum, Tyler explores why people believe in aliens anyway, what might happen if we found a message from an advanced civilization, which fictional alien would be most welcome on Earth (and least likely to cause havoc), how religion influences belief in UFOs, the one thing he’d ask a supposed extraterrestrial, why some countries have more UFO sightings than others, what alien technology we could steal for ourselves, and more. ### TYLER SWIFT: Greetings, dear audience, and welcome back to Conversations with Tyler. Today, I'm joined by two guests who are experts in all things extraterrestrial: Dr. David Furst, a professor of political science at Portland State University and prominent UFO researcher, and Mr. Jeremy MacCullum, a graduate student in psychology at the University of North Texas and coauthor of a forthcoming paper investigating the mental health effects of believing in aliens. Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to have you here. ### JEREMY MACCULLUM: Thanks for having me on, Tyler. ### DAVID FURST: Thank you very much for inviting us. ### TYLER SWIFT: Now first then as to this notion among some people that there are certain men who pretend to be taken up into ships manned with extraterrestrial crews -- I am told they call them contactees; but since such reports began, what can one learn from those who profess themselves so? Have any of these contactees been found out ever to lie or cheat, or steal, or get drunk, or commit adultery, or break parole, or desert their wives and families, or behave like human beings in short? ### JEREMY MACCULLUM: No. ### DAVID FURST: That's why you don't take it seriously enough, Jeremy. You have a problem here. [laughter] ### TYLER SWIFT: And therefore I am resolved not to believe them; for if they were true prophets, they would certainly come with miracles to prove their mission from Heaven: But as there is no such thing done by either of them, so I think myself under no manner of obligation to pay any regard to what they deliver by word of mouth. For instance, if an angel appeared to me and told me that the moon was made of green cheese, I should believe him on his simple authority rather than contradict him; because he is an angel, and knows better than I how things are constituted above; but when he goes down stairs again into this world, and tells me further, that all the people in England will die within six months unless they eat some of that same cheese, then I must beg leave to doubt whether he hath spoken truth or no until he can bring me better proofs than his own word for it. This reasoning seems very plain and obvious to me. ``` To try this out in text-generation-webui load this repo's Lora onto Llama-2-13b and then start out in the "Notebook" tab with: ``` ### CONVERSATIONS WITH TYLER SWIFT ### TITLE: ``` Then add your custom title (after one space) following the word "TITLE:" and then it should be able to run with that content. Additional notes: * If it forgets to put a name in the description, it might have trouble naming the other guest(s) later. So you should manually add a guest if that happens. * Far more training examples contain "\<\< CONVERSATION SKIPPED \>\>" than don't, so if you want to preserve semantic continuity after the first two lines you'll have to manually remove it and force "### TYLER SWIFT:" instead. * Don't forget to manually add a "\\" before continuing after it halts at the end of the latest T-Swift generation. * Sometimes it writes "### CONVERSATIONS WITH TYLER SWIFT ###" again instead of continuing. That's my fault for not choosing unambiguous line start tokens for all the custom formats. You can just replace that with the guest or Tyler. ### Training 8bit PEFT using Llama-2-13b ### Framework versions - PEFT 0.5.0