import base64 import io from pathlib import Path from modules import shared,script_callbacks,scripts as md_scripts,images from modules.api import api from modules.shared import opts from scripts.core.core import get_sha256,dencrypt_image,dencrypt_image_v2,encrypt_image_v2 from PIL import PngImagePlugin,_util,ImagePalette from PIL import Image as PILImage from io import BytesIO from typing import Optional from fastapi import FastAPI from gradio import Blocks from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response import sys from urllib.parse import unquote from colorama import Fore, Back, Style repo_dir = md_scripts.basedir() password = getattr(shared.cmd_opts, 'encrypt_pass', None) def hook_http_request(app: FastAPI): @app.middleware("http") async def image_dencrypt(req: Request, call_next): endpoint:str = req.scope.get('path', 'err') endpoint='/'+endpoint.strip('/') # 兼容无边浏览器 if endpoint.startswith('/infinite_image_browsing/image-thumbnail') or endpoint.startswith('/infinite_image_browsing/file'): query_string:str = req.scope.get('query_string').decode('utf-8') query_string = unquote(query_string) if query_string and query_string.index('path=')>=0: query = query_string.split('&') path = '' for sub in query: if sub.startswith('path='): path = sub[sub.index('=')+1:] if path: endpoint = '/file=' + path # 模型预览图 if endpoint.startswith('/sd_extra_networks/thumb'): query_string:str = req.scope.get('query_string').decode('utf-8') query_string = unquote(query_string) if query_string and query_string.index('filename=')>=0: query = query_string.split('&') path = '' for sub in query: if sub.startswith('filename='): path = sub[sub.index('=')+1:] if path: endpoint = '/file=' + path if endpoint.startswith('/file='): file_path = endpoint[6:] or '' if not file_path: return await call_next(req) if file_path.rfind('.') == -1: return await call_next(req) if not file_path[file_path.rfind('.'):]: return await call_next(req) if file_path[file_path.rfind('.'):].lower() in ['.png','.jpg','.jpeg','.webp','.abcd']: image = pnginfo = or {} if 'Encrypt' in pnginfo: buffered = BytesIO() info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() for key in pnginfo.keys(): if pnginfo[key]: info.add_text(key,pnginfo[key]), format=PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.format, pnginfo=info) decrypted_image_data = buffered.getvalue() response: Response = Response(content=decrypted_image_data, media_type="image/png") return response return await call_next(req) def set_shared_options(): # 传递插件状态到前端 section = ("encrypt_image_is_enable",'图片加密' if shared.opts.localization == 'zh_CN' else "encrypt image" ) option = shared.OptionInfo( default="是", label='是否启用了加密插件' if shared.opts.localization == 'zh_CN' else "Whether the encryption plug-in is enabled", section=section, ) option.do_not_save = True shared.opts.add_option( "encrypt_image_is_enable", option, )['encrypt_image_is_enable'] = "是" def app_started_callback(_: Blocks, app: FastAPI): set_shared_options() if PILImage.Image.__name__ != 'EncryptedImage': super_open = super_encode_pil_to_base64 = api.encode_pil_to_base64 super_modules_images_save_image = images.save_image super_api_middleware = api.api_middleware class EncryptedImage(PILImage.Image): __name__ = "EncryptedImage" @staticmethod def from_image(image:PILImage.Image): image = image.copy() img = EncryptedImage() = img._mode = image.mode if try: img.mode = except Exception as e: '' img._size = image.size img.format = image.format if image.mode in ("P", "PA"): if image.palette: img.palette = image.palette.copy() else: img.palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette() = return img def save(self, fp, format=None, **params): filename = "" if isinstance(fp, Path): filename = str(fp) elif _util.is_path(fp): filename = fp elif fp == sys.stdout: try: fp = sys.stdout.buffer except AttributeError: pass if not filename and hasattr(fp, "name") and _util.is_path( # only set the name for metadata purposes filename = if not filename or not password: # 如果没有密码或不保存到硬盘,直接保存 super().save(fp, format = format, **params) return if 'Encrypt' in and (['Encrypt'] == 'pixel_shuffle' or['Encrypt'] == 'pixel_shuffle_2'): super().save(fp, format = format, **params) return encrypt_image_v2(self, get_sha256(password)) self.format = PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.format pnginfo = params.get('pnginfo', PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()) if not pnginfo: pnginfo = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() pnginfo.add_text('Encrypt', 'pixel_shuffle_2') pnginfo.add_text('EncryptPwdSha', get_sha256(f'{get_sha256(password)}Encrypt')) for key in ( or {}).keys(): if[key]: pnginfo.add_text(key,str([key])) params.update(pnginfo=pnginfo) super().save(fp, format=self.format, **params) # 保存到文件后解密内存内的图片,让直接在内存内使用时图片正常 dencrypt_image_v2(self, get_sha256(password)) def open(fp,*args, **kwargs): image = super_open(fp,*args, **kwargs) if password and image.format.lower() == PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile.format.lower(): pnginfo = or {} if 'Encrypt' in pnginfo and pnginfo["Encrypt"] == 'pixel_shuffle': dencrypt_image(image, get_sha256(password)) pnginfo["Encrypt"] = None image = EncryptedImage.from_image(image=image) return image if 'Encrypt' in pnginfo and pnginfo["Encrypt"] == 'pixel_shuffle_2': dencrypt_image_v2(image, get_sha256(password)) pnginfo["Encrypt"] = None image = EncryptedImage.from_image(image=image) return image return EncryptedImage.from_image(image=image) def encode_pil_to_base64(image:PILImage.Image): with io.BytesIO() as output_bytes:, format="PNG", quality=opts.jpeg_quality) pnginfo = or {} if 'Encrypt' in pnginfo and pnginfo["Encrypt"] == 'pixel_shuffle': dencrypt_image(image, get_sha256(password)) pnginfo["Encrypt"] = None if 'Encrypt' in pnginfo and pnginfo["Encrypt"] == 'pixel_shuffle_2': dencrypt_image_v2(image, get_sha256(password)) pnginfo["Encrypt"] = None bytes_data = output_bytes.getvalue() return base64.b64encode(bytes_data) def api_middleware(app: FastAPI): super_api_middleware(app) hook_http_request(app) if password: PILImage.Image = EncryptedImage = open api.encode_pil_to_base64 = encode_pil_to_base64 api.api_middleware = api_middleware if password: script_callbacks.on_app_started(app_started_callback) print(f'{Fore.GREEN}[-] Image Encryption started.{Style.RESET_ALL}') else: print(f'{Fore.RED}[-] Image Encryption DISABLED.{Style.RESET_ALL}')