--- language: - de license: apache-2.0 tags: - voice - classification - emotion - speech - audio datasets: - emo-DB widget: - src: >- https://huggingface.co/padmalcom/wav2vec2-large-emotion-detection-german/resolve/main/test.wav example_title: Sample 1 pipeline_tag: audio-classification metrics: - accuracy --- This wav2vec2 based emotion detection model is trained on the [emo-DB dataset](http://emodb.bilderbar.info/start.html). Code for training can be found [here](https://github.com/padmalcom/wav2vec2-emotion-detection-ger). Emotion classes are: - 0: 'anger' - 1: 'boredom' - 2: 'disgust' - 3: 'fear' - 4: 'happiness' - 5: 'sadness' - 6: 'neutral' *inference.py* shows, how the model can be used.