import os from model.anyToImageVideoAudio import NextGPTModel import torch import json from config import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from diffusers.utils import export_to_video import scipy def predict( input, image_path=None, audio_path=None, video_path=None, thermal_path=None, max_tgt_len=200, top_p=10.0, temperature=0.1, history=None, modality_cache=None, filter_value=-float('Inf'), min_word_tokens=0, gen_scale_factor=10.0, max_num_imgs=1, stops_id=None, load_sd=True, generator=None, guidance_scale_for_img=7.5, num_inference_steps_for_img=50, guidance_scale_for_vid=7.5, num_inference_steps_for_vid=50, max_num_vids=1, height=320, width=576, num_frames=24, guidance_scale_for_aud=7.5, num_inference_steps_for_aud=50, max_num_auds=1, audio_length_in_s=9, ENCOUNTERS=1, ): if image_path is None and audio_path is None and video_path is None and thermal_path is None: # return [(input, "There is no input data provided! Please upload your data and start the conversation.")] print('no image, audio, video, and thermal are input') else: print( f'[!] image path: {image_path}\n[!] audio path: {audio_path}\n[!] video path: {video_path}\n[!] thermal path: {thermal_path}') # prepare the prompt prompt_text = '' if history != None: for idx, (q, a) in enumerate(history): if idx == 0: prompt_text += f'{q}\n### Assistant: {a}\n###' else: prompt_text += f' Human: {q}\n### Assistant: {a}\n###' prompt_text += f'### Human: {input}' else: prompt_text += f'### Human: {input}' print('prompt_text: ', prompt_text) response = model.generate({ 'prompt': prompt_text, 'image_paths': [image_path] if image_path else [], 'audio_paths': [audio_path] if audio_path else [], 'video_paths': [video_path] if video_path else [], 'thermal_paths': [thermal_path] if thermal_path else [], 'top_p': top_p, 'temperature': temperature, 'max_tgt_len': max_tgt_len, 'modality_embeds': modality_cache, 'filter_value': filter_value, 'min_word_tokens': min_word_tokens, 'gen_scale_factor': gen_scale_factor, 'max_num_imgs': max_num_imgs, 'stops_id': stops_id, 'load_sd': load_sd, 'generator': generator, 'guidance_scale_for_img': guidance_scale_for_img, 'num_inference_steps_for_img': num_inference_steps_for_img, 'guidance_scale_for_vid': guidance_scale_for_vid, 'num_inference_steps_for_vid': num_inference_steps_for_vid, 'max_num_vids': max_num_vids, 'height': height, 'width': width, 'num_frames': num_frames, 'guidance_scale_for_aud': guidance_scale_for_aud, 'num_inference_steps_for_aud': num_inference_steps_for_aud, 'max_num_auds': max_num_auds, 'audio_length_in_s': audio_length_in_s, 'ENCOUNTERS': ENCOUNTERS, }) return response if __name__ == '__main__': # init the model g_cuda = torch.Generator(device='cuda').manual_seed(1337) args = {'model': 'nextgpt', 'nextgpt_ckpt_path': '../ckpt/delta_ckpt/nextgpt/7b_tiva_v0/', 'max_length': 128, 'stage': 3, 'root_dir': '../', 'mode': 'validate', } args.update(load_config(args)) model = NextGPTModel(**args) delta_ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join(args['nextgpt_ckpt_path'], ''), map_location=torch.device('cuda')) # print(delta_ckpt) model.load_state_dict(delta_ckpt, strict=False) model = model.eval().half().cuda() # model = model.eval().cuda() print(f'[!] init the 7b model over ...') """Override Chatbot.postprocess""" max_tgt_length = 150 top_p = 1.0 temperature = 0.4 modality_cache = None prompt = 'show me a video. a woman walk a dop in the park.' history = [] output = predict(input=prompt, history=history, max_tgt_len=max_tgt_length, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, modality_cache=modality_cache, filter_value=-float('Inf'), min_word_tokens=10, gen_scale_factor=4.0, max_num_imgs=1, stops_id=[[835]], load_sd=True, generator=g_cuda, guidance_scale_for_img=7.5, num_inference_steps_for_img=50, guidance_scale_for_vid=7.5, num_inference_steps_for_vid=50, max_num_vids=1, height=320, width=576, num_frames=24, ENCOUNTERS=1 ) # print("output: ", output) for i in output: if isinstance(i, str): print(i) elif 'img' in i.keys(): for m in i['img']: if isinstance(m, str): print(m) else: m[0].save(f'./assets/images/{prompt}.jpg') elif 'vid' in i.keys(): for idx, m in enumerate(i['vid']): if isinstance(m, str): print(m) else: video_path = export_to_video(video_frames=m, output_video_path=f'./assets/videos/{prompt}.mp4') print("video_path: ", video_path) elif 'aud' in i.keys(): for idx, m in enumerate(i['aud']): if isinstance(m, str): print(m) else: audio_path = f'./assets/audios/{prompt}.wav', rate=16000, data=m) print("video_path: ", audio_path) else: pass