--- license: openrail base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 vae_path: madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix instance_prompt: janeycat girl tags: - text-to-image - text-to-image - diffusers-training - diffusers - lora - template:sd-lora - stable-diffusion-xl - stable-diffusion-xl-diffusers datasets: - orrinj/janeycat2ndrun widget: - text: "janeycat girl, standing, front view, smile, cute, white background" output: url: images/janeycat_test.jpg - text: "janeycat girl, jumping, side view, determined, concentrating, lift-off, white background" output: url: images/janeycat1_test.jpg --- This is a hopefully properly built slighly more functional middle level LoRA (equivalent to the second lora stage suggested in this guide https://blib.la/blog/mastering-character-consistency-in-stable-diffusion-sdxl-a-detailed-guide) ---