{ "_name_or_path": "google/mobilenet_v2_1.0_224", "architectures": [ "MobileNetV2ForImageClassification" ], "classifier_dropout_prob": 0.8, "depth_divisible_by": 8, "depth_multiplier": 1.0, "expand_ratio": 6, "finegrained_output": true, "first_layer_is_expansion": true, "hidden_act": "relu6", "id2label": { "0": "Apple Scab", "1": "Apple with Black Rot", "2": "Cedar Apple Rust", "3": "Healthy Apple", "4": "Healthy Blueberry Plant", "5": "Cherry with Powdery Mildew", "6": "Healthy Cherry Plant", "7": "Corn (Maize) with Cercospora and Gray Leaf Spot", "8": "Corn (Maize) with Common Rust", "9": "Corn (Maize) with Northern Leaf Blight", "10": "Healthy Corn (Maize) Plant", "11": "Grape with Black Rot", "12": "Grape with Esca (Black Measles)", "13": "Grape with Isariopsis Leaf Spot", "14": "Healthy Grape Plant", "15": "Orange with Citrus Greening", "16": "Peach with Bacterial Spot", "17": "Healthy Peach Plant", "18": "Bell Pepper with Bacterial Spot", "19": "Healthy Bell Pepper Plant", "20": "Potato with Early Blight", "21": "Potato with Late Blight", "22": "Healthy Potato Plant", "23": "Healthy Raspberry Plant", "24": "Healthy Soybean Plant", "25": "Squash with Powdery Mildew", "26": "Strawberry with Leaf Scorch", "27": "Healthy Strawberry Plant", "28": "Tomato with Bacterial Spot", "29": "Tomato with Early Blight", "30": "Tomato with Late Blight", "31": "Tomato with Leaf Mold", "32": "Tomato with Septoria Leaf Spot", "33": "Tomato with Spider Mites or Two-spotted Spider Mite", "34": "Tomato with Target Spot", "35": "Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus", "36": "Tomato Mosaic Virus", "37": "Healthy Tomato Plant" }, "image_size": 224, "initializer_range": 0.02, "label2id": { "Apple Scab": 0, "Apple with Black Rot": 1, "Cedar Apple Rust": 2, "Healthy Apple": 3, "Healthy Blueberry Plant": 4, "Cherry with Powdery Mildew": 5, "Healthy Cherry Plant": 6, "Corn (Maize) with Cercospora and Gray Leaf Spot": 7, "Corn (Maize) with Common Rust": 8, "Corn (Maize) with Northern Leaf Blight": 9, "Healthy Corn (Maize) Plant": 10, "Grape with Black Rot": 11, "Grape with Esca (Black Measles)": 12, "Grape with Isariopsis Leaf Spot": 13, "Healthy Grape Plant": 14, "Orange with Citrus Greening": 15, "Peach with Bacterial Spot": 16, "Healthy Peach Plant": 17, "Bell Pepper with Bacterial Spot": 18, "Healthy Bell Pepper Plant": 19, "Potato with Early Blight": 20, "Potato with Late Blight": 21, "Healthy Potato Plant": 22, "Healthy Raspberry Plant": 23, "Healthy Soybean Plant": 24, "Squash with Powdery Mildew": 25, "Strawberry with Leaf Scorch": 26, "Healthy Strawberry Plant": 27, "Tomato with Bacterial Spot": 28, "Tomato with Early Blight": 29, "Tomato with Late Blight": 30, "Tomato with Leaf Mold": 31, "Tomato with Septoria Leaf Spot": 32, "Tomato with Spider Mites or Two-spotted Spider Mite": 33, "Tomato with Target Spot": 34, "Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus": 35, "Tomato Mosaic Virus": 36, "Healthy Tomato Plant": 37 }, "layer_norm_eps": 0.001, "min_depth": 8, "model_type": "mobilenet_v2", "num_channels": 3, "output_stride": 32, "problem_type": "single_label_classification", "semantic_loss_ignore_index": 255, "tf_padding": true, "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.27.3" }