About style-subject dilemma

by sreag - opened

Hi @ogkalu AFAIK dreambooth is subject-driven. Wondering how you fine-tuned SD with dreambooth for a specific style. Is the code/regime for fine-tuning different from open versions of dreambooth?

That's just a common misconception. Dreambooth will look for the similarities/essence of the training images, whether that be style, a person or an object. Dreambooth is not subject-driven. The only thing that would change for style is using a different class name and regularization images.

great work!
wonder to know how to obtain "reg images" , generated by model or colleted offline ?

What reg images to use depends on you. You can generate them then and there but that would take a lot of time. You can also upload reg images someone else generated and shared. That is what i do

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