# Copyright (c) 2023-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
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from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, Any, Iterable
from types import MethodType

import torch
from torch import nn

from .feature_normalizer import IntermediateFeatureNormalizerBase, NullIntermediateFeatureNormalizer

def _take_indices(
        num_blocks: int,
        n: Optional[Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int]]],
) -> Tuple[Set[int], int]:
    if isinstance(n, int):
        assert n >= 0
        take_indices = {x for x in range(num_blocks - n, num_blocks)}
        take_indices = {num_blocks + idx if idx < 0 else idx for idx in n}
    return take_indices, max(take_indices)

def forward_intermediates(
        model: nn.Module,
        patch_extractor: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor],
        norm: nn.Module,
        num_summary_tokens: int,
        num_cls_tokens: int,
        x: torch.Tensor,
        indices: Optional[Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int]]] = None,
        return_prefix_tokens: bool = False,
        stop_early: bool = False,
        output_fmt: str = 'NCHW',
        intermediates_only: bool = False,
        aggregation: Optional[str] = "sparse",
        inter_feature_normalizer: Optional[IntermediateFeatureNormalizerBase] = None,
        norm_alpha_scheme = "post-alpha",
) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]]:
    """ Forward features that returns intermediates.

    The Dense layer aggregation method is inspired from the paper: "Dense Connector for MLLMs"
    by Yao, Huanjin et al. (2024). arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.13800}

        x: Input image tensor
        indices: Take last n blocks if int, select matching indices if sequence
        return_prefix_tokens: Return both prefix and spatial intermediate tokens
        norm: Apply norm layer to all intermediates
        stop_early: Stop iterating over blocks when last desired intermediate hit
        output_fmt: Shape of intermediate feature outputs
        intermediates_only: Only return intermediate features
        aggregation: intermediate layer aggregation method (sparse or dense)
        norm_alpha_scheme: apply alpha before ("pre-alpha") or after accumulation ("post-alpha")
    assert output_fmt in ('NCHW', 'NLC'), 'Output format must be one of NCHW or NLC.'
    assert aggregation in ('sparse', 'dense'), 'Aggregation must be one of sparse or dense.'
    reshape = output_fmt == 'NCHW'
    intermediates = []

    blocks = model.blocks

    take_indices, max_index = _take_indices(len(blocks), indices)
    take_indices = sorted(take_indices)
    # forward pass
    B, _, height, width = x.shape

    x = patch_extractor(x)

    if stop_early:
        blocks = blocks[:max_index + 1]

    if inter_feature_normalizer is None or norm_alpha_scheme == 'none':
        inter_feature_normalizer = NullIntermediateFeatureNormalizer.get_instance(x.dtype, x.device)

    assert norm_alpha_scheme in ('none', 'pre-alpha', 'post-alpha'), f'Unsupported alpha scheme: {norm_alpha_scheme}'
    post_alpha_scheme = norm_alpha_scheme == 'post-alpha'

    accumulator = 0
    alpha_sum = 0
    num_accumulated = 0

    take_off = 0

    for i, blk in enumerate(blocks):
        x = blk(x)
        if aggregation == "dense":
            # Arbitrarily use the rotation matrix from the final layer in the dense group
            y, alpha = inter_feature_normalizer(x, i, rot_index=take_indices[take_off], skip=num_summary_tokens)
            if post_alpha_scheme:
                accumulator = accumulator + y
                alpha_sum = alpha_sum + alpha
                accumulator = accumulator + (alpha * y)
                alpha_sum += 1
            num_accumulated += 1
        if i == take_indices[take_off]:
            if aggregation == "dense":
                alpha = alpha_sum / num_accumulated
                x_ = alpha * accumulator / num_accumulated
                num_accumulated = 0
                accumulator = 0
                alpha_sum = 0
                 y, alpha = inter_feature_normalizer(x, i, skip=num_summary_tokens)
                 x_ = alpha * y
            # normalize intermediates with final norm layer if enabled
            take_off = min(take_off + 1, len(take_indices) - 1)

    # process intermediates

    # split prefix (e.g. class, distill) and spatial feature tokens
    prefix_tokens = [y[:, :num_cls_tokens] for y in intermediates]
    intermediates = [y[:, num_summary_tokens:] for y in intermediates]

    if reshape:
        # reshape to BCHW output format
        H = height // model.patch_size
        W = width // model.patch_size
        intermediates = [y.reshape(B, H, W, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() for y in intermediates]
    if not torch.jit.is_scripting() and return_prefix_tokens:
        # return_prefix not support in torchscript due to poor type handling
        intermediates = list(zip(prefix_tokens, intermediates))
    if intermediates_only:
        return intermediates
    x = norm(x)
    return x, intermediates