--- language: - tr - en license: apache-2.0 library_name: transformers model-index: - name: alooowso results: - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot) type: ai2_arc config: ARC-Challenge split: test args: num_few_shot: 25 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 62.97 name: normalized accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: HellaSwag (10-Shot) type: hellaswag split: validation args: num_few_shot: 10 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 84.87 name: normalized accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: MMLU (5-Shot) type: cais/mmlu config: all split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 60.78 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: TruthfulQA (0-shot) type: truthful_qa config: multiple_choice split: validation args: num_few_shot: 0 metrics: - type: mc2 value: 68.18 source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: Winogrande (5-shot) type: winogrande config: winogrande_xl split: validation args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 77.43 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: GSM8k (5-shot) type: gsm8k config: main split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 39.58 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=notbdq/alooowso name: Open LLM Leaderboard --- Fine tuned model of mistral-7b-instruct-v0-2. the dataset used for fine tuning is small and custom dataset for question answering in turkish language made by me. the main duty was to make model more adapted to turkish language. prompt format : ```python [INST]<> {System} <> {User} [/INST] {Assistant} ``` example in turkish language ; ```python [INST]<> Aşağıda bir görevi tanımlayan bir talimat bulunmaktadır. İsteği uygun şekilde tamamlayan bir yanıt yazın. <> python dilinde yılan oyunu için kod verin [/INST] Aşağıda Python dili ile basit bir snake game kodu bulunmaktadır; import os import time # Konfigürasyonlar WIDTH = 20 HEIGHT = 10 snake_speed = 0.1 snake_size = 3 class Snake: def __init__(self): ``` [i cutted output for brevity] # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results](https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard) Detailed results can be found [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/open-llm-leaderboard/details_notbdq__alooowso) | Metric |Value| |---------------------------------|----:| |Avg. |65.63| |AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot)|62.97| |HellaSwag (10-Shot) |84.87| |MMLU (5-Shot) |60.78| |TruthfulQA (0-shot) |68.18| |Winogrande (5-shot) |77.43| |GSM8k (5-shot) |39.58|