--- license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0 language: - en - ko metrics: - bleu pipeline_tag: text2text-generation tags: - nmt - aihub --- # ENKO-T5-SMALL-V0 This model is for English to Korean Machine Translator, which is based on T5-small architecture, but trained from scratch. #### Code The training code is from my lecture([LLM을 위한 김기현의 NLP EXPRESS](https://fastcampus.co.kr/data_online_nlpexpress)), which is published on [FastCampus](https://fastcampus.co.kr/). You can check the training code in this github [repo](https://github.com/kh-kim/nlp-express-practice). #### Dataset The training dataset for this model is mainly from [AI-Hub](https://www.aihub.or.kr/). The dataset consists of 11M parallel samples. #### Tokenizer I use Byte-level BPE tokenizer for both source and target language. Since it covers both languages, tokenizer vocab size is 60k. #### Architecture The model architecture is based on T5-small, which is popular encoder-decoder model architecture. Please, note that this model is trained from-scratch, not fine-tuned. #### Evaluation I conducted the evaluation with 5 different test sets. Following figure shows BLEU scores on each test set. ![](images/enko.png) ![](images/avg.png) DEEPCL model is private version of this model, which is trained on much more data. #### Contact Kim Ki Hyun (nlp.with.deep.learning@gmail.com)