import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from model import build_model from utils import map_book_name_to_id # Load the saved model for inference loaded_model = build_model( num_users=len(ratings["user_id"].unique()), num_books=len(ratings["book_id"].unique()), ) loaded_model.load_weights("recommendation_model.h5") # Function to recommend books for a user based on input book name or author name def recommend_books_for_user(input_name, model, num_recommendations=10): """ Recommend books for a user based on input book name or author name. Args: input_name (str): The input book name or author name. model: The trained recommendation model. num_recommendations (int): The number of books to recommend. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the recommended book names and their similarity scores. """ # Check if input_name is a book name or author name is_author = input_name.lower() in books["authors"].str.lower().values # Rest of the code... # Recommend books for a user based on input name along with similarity score. input_name = "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" recommended_books, similarity_scores = recommend_books_for_user( input_name, loaded_model ) if recommended_books is not None: print("Recommended Books:") print("------------------") for book, score in zip(recommended_books, similarity_scores): print(f"{book:<60} {score:.4f}") else: print("No recommendations found.")