ParsBERT digikala sentiment analysis model fine-tuned on around 600,000 Persian tweets. # How to use at least you need 650 megabytes of ram and disk in order to load the model. tensorflow, transformers and numpy library ## Loading model ```python import numpy as np from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification #loading model tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nimaafshar/parsbert-fa-sentiment-twitter") model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("nimaafshar/parsbert-fa-sentiment-twitter") classes = ["negative","neutral","positive"] ``` ## Using Model ```python #using model sequences = [".غذا خیلی افتضاح بود متاسفم برای مدیریت رستورن خیلی بد بود.", "خیلی خوشمزده و عالی بود عالی", "می‌تونم اسمتونو بپرسم؟" ] for sequence in sequences: inputs = tokenizer(sequence, return_tensors="tf") classification_logits = model(inputs)[0] results = tf.nn.softmax(classification_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] print(classes[np.argmax(results)]) percentages = np.around(results*100) print(percentages) ```