import requests import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np from rembg import remove class preprcessInput: def __init__(self): self.o_width = None self.o_height = None self.o_image = None self.t_width = None self.t_height = None self.t_image = None self.save_path = None def remove_bg(self, file_path: str): self.save_path = file_path[:-3]+'.png' pic = self.o_width = np.asarray(pic).shape[1] self.o_height = np.asarray(pic).shape[0] try: self.o_channels = np.asarray(pic).shape[2] except Exception as e: print("Single channel image and error", e) os.remove(file_path) self.o_image = remove(pic) os.remove(self.save_path) return np.asarray(self.o_image) def transform(self, width=768, height=1024): newsize = (width, height) self.t_height = height self.t_width = width pic = self.o_image img = pic.resize(newsize) self.t_image = img background ="RGBA", newsize, (255, 255, 255, 255)) background.paste(img, mask=img.split()[3]) # 3 is the alpha channel self.save_path = self.save_path[:-3] + '.jpg' background.convert('RGB').save(self.save_path, 'JPEG') return np.asarray(background.convert('RGB')) # USAGE OF THE CLASS # preprocess = preprcessInput() # for images in os.listdir('F:\\AI\\StableVITON-master\\datasets\\test\\cloth'): # print(images) # if images[-3:] == 'jpg': # op = preprocess.remove_bg('F:\\AI\\StableVITON-master\\datasets\\test\\cloth\\'+images) # arr = preprocess.transform(768, 1024)