--- license: mit --- # Table of Contents * [ChatHumanFlowModule](#ChatHumanFlowModule) * [ChatHumanFlowModule](#ChatHumanFlowModule.ChatHumanFlowModule) * [type](#ChatHumanFlowModule.ChatHumanFlowModule.type) # ChatHumanFlowModule ## ChatHumanFlowModule Objects ```python class ChatHumanFlowModule(CircularFlow) ``` This class implements a Chat Human Flow Module. It is a flow that consists of two sub-flows that are executed circularly. It Contains the following subflows: - A User Flow: A flow makes queries to the Assistant Flow. E.g. The user asks the assistant (LLM) a question. - A Assistant Flow: A flow that responds to queries made by the User Flow. E.g. The assistant (LLM) answers the user's question. To end the interaction, the user must type "\" An illustration of the flow is as follows: |------> User Flow -----------> | ^ | | | | v |<------ Assistant Flow <-------| *Configuration Parameters*: - `name` (str): The name of the flow. Default: "ChatHumanFlowModule" - `description` (str): A description of the flow. This description is used to generate the help message of the flow. Default: "Flow that enables chatting between a ChatAtomicFlow and a user providing the input." - `max_rounds` (int): The maximum number of rounds the flow can run for. Default: None, which means that there is no limit on the number of rounds. - `early_exit_key` (str): The key that is used to exit the flow. Default: "end_of_interaction" - `subflows_config` (Dict[str,Any]): A dictionary of subflows configurations. Default: - `Assistant Flow`: The configuration of the Assistant Flow. By default, it a ChatAtomicFlow. It default parmaters are defined in ChatAtomicFlowModule. - `User Flow`: The configuration of the User Flow. By default, it a HumanStandardInputFlow. It default parmaters are defined in HumanStandardInputFlowModule. - `topology` (str): (List[Dict[str,Any]]): The topology of the flow which is "circular". By default, the topology is the one shown in the illustration above (the topology is also described in ChatHumanFlowModule.yaml). *Input Interface*: - None. By default, the input interface doesn't expect any input. *Output Interface*: - `end_of_interaction` (bool): Whether the interaction is finished or not. **Arguments**: - `\**kwargs` (`Dict[str, Any]`): Arguments to be passed to the parent class CircularFlow constructor. #### type ```python @classmethod def type(cls) ``` This method returns the type of the flow.