--- language: - en thumbnail: https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/32437151?s=460&u=4ec59abc8d21d5feea3dab323d23a5860e6996a4&v=4 tags: - text-classification - emotion - pytorch license: apache-2.0 datasets: - emotion metrics: - accuracy --- # bert-base-uncased-emotion ## Model description `bert-base-uncased` finetuned on the emotion dataset using PyTorch Lightning. Sequence length 128, learning rate 2e-5, batch size 32, 2 GPUs, 4 epochs. For more details, please see, [the emotion dataset on nlp viewer](https://huggingface.co/nlp/viewer/?dataset=emotion). #### Limitations and bias - Not the best model, but it works in a pinch I guess... - Code not available as I just hacked this together. - [Follow me on github](https://github.com/nateraw) to get notified when code is made available. ## Training data Data came from HuggingFace's `datasets` package. The data can be viewed [on nlp viewer](https://huggingface.co/nlp/viewer/?dataset=emotion). ## Training procedure ... ## Eval results val_acc - 0.931 (useless, as this should be precision/recall/f1) The score was calculated using PyTorch Lightning metrics.