import unittest from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import nn from torch.autograd import Variable @dataclass class CRFOutput: loss: Optional[torch.tensor] real_path_score: Optional[torch.tensor] total_score: torch.tensor best_path_score: torch.tensor best_path: torch.tensor class MaskedCRFLoss(nn.Module): __constants__ = ["num_tags", "mask_id"] num_tags: int mask_id: int def __init__(self, num_tags: int, mask_id: int = 0): super().__init__() self.num_tags = num_tags self.mask_id = mask_id self.transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags, num_tags)) self.start_transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags)) self.stop_transitions = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_tags)) def extra_repr(self) -> str: s = "num_tags={num_tags}, mask_id={mask_id}" return s.format(**self.__dict__) def forward(self, emissions, tags, mask, return_best_path=False): # emissions: (seq_length, batch_size, num_tags) # tags: (seq_length, batch_size) # mask: (seq_length, batch_size) seq_length, batch_size = tags.shape mask = mask.float() # set return_best_path as True always during eval. # During training it slows things down as best path is not needed if not return_best_path = True # Compute the total likelihood total_score, best_path_score, best_path = self.compute_log_partition_function( emissions, mask, return_best_path=return_best_path ) if tags is None: return CRFOutput(None, None, total_score, best_path_score, best_path) # Compute the likelihood of the real path real_path_score = torch.zeros(batch_size).to(tags.device) real_path_score += self.start_transitions[tags[0]] # batch_size for i in range(1, seq_length): current_tag = tags[i] real_path_score += self.transitions[tags[i - 1], current_tag] * mask[i] real_path_score += emissions[i, range(batch_size), current_tag] * mask[i] # Transition to STOP_TAG real_path_score += self.stop_transitions[tags[-1]] # Return the negative log likelihood loss = torch.mean(total_score - real_path_score) return CRFOutput(loss, real_path_score, total_score, best_path_score, best_path) def compute_log_partition_function(self, emissions, mask, return_best_path=False): init_alphas = self.start_transitions + emissions[0] # (batch_size, num_tags) forward_var = init_alphas forward_viterbi_var = init_alphas # backpointers holds the best tag id at each time step, we accumulate these in reverse order backpointers = [] for i, emission in enumerate(emissions[1:, :, :], 1): broadcast_emission = emission.unsqueeze(2) # (batch_size, num_tags, 1) broadcast_transmissions = self.transitions.unsqueeze( 0 ) # (1, num_tags, num_tags) # Compute next next_tag_var = ( forward_var.unsqueeze(1) + broadcast_emission + broadcast_transmissions ) next_tag_viterbi_var = ( forward_viterbi_var.unsqueeze(1) + broadcast_emission + broadcast_transmissions ) next_unmasked_forward_var = torch.logsumexp(next_tag_var, dim=2) viterbi_scores, best_next_tags = torch.max(next_tag_viterbi_var, dim=2) # If mask == 1 use the next_unmasked_forward_var else copy the forward_var # Update forward_var forward_var = ( mask[i].unsqueeze(-1) * next_unmasked_forward_var + (1 - mask[i]).unsqueeze(-1) * forward_var ) # Update viterbi with mask forward_viterbi_var = ( mask[i].unsqueeze(-1) * viterbi_scores + (1 - mask[i]).unsqueeze(-1) * forward_viterbi_var ) backpointers.append(best_next_tags) # Transition to STOP_TAG terminal_var = forward_var + self.stop_transitions terminal_viterbi_var = forward_viterbi_var + self.stop_transitions alpha = torch.logsumexp(terminal_var, dim=1) best_path_score, best_final_tags = torch.max(terminal_viterbi_var, dim=1) best_path = None if return_best_path: # backtrace best_path = [best_final_tags] for bptrs, mask_data in zip(reversed(backpointers), torch.flip(mask, [0])): best_tag_id = torch.gather( bptrs, 1, best_final_tags.unsqueeze(1) ).squeeze(1) best_final_tags.masked_scatter_(, best_tag_id.masked_select(, ) best_path.append(best_final_tags) # Reverse the order because we were appending in reverse best_path = torch.stack(best_path[::-1]) best_path = best_path.where(mask == 1, -100) return alpha, best_path_score, best_path def viterbi_decode(self, emissions, mask): seq_len, batch_size, num_tags = emissions.shape # backpointers holds the best tag id at each time step, we accumulate these in reverse order backpointers = [] # Initialize the viterbi variables in log space init_vvars = self.start_transitions + emissions[0] # (batch_size, num_tags) forward_var = init_vvars for i, emission in enumerate(emissions[1:, :, :], 1): broadcast_emission = emission.unsqueeze(2) broadcast_transmissions = self.transitions.unsqueeze(0) next_tag_var = ( forward_var.unsqueeze(1) + broadcast_emission + broadcast_transmissions ) viterbi_scores, best_next_tags = torch.max(next_tag_var, 2) # If mask == 1 use the next_unmasked_forward_var else copy the forward_var forward_var = ( mask[i].unsqueeze(-1) * viterbi_scores + (1 - mask[i]).unsqueeze(-1) * forward_var ) backpointers.append(best_next_tags) # Transition to STOP_TAG terminal_var = forward_var + self.stop_transitions best_path_score, best_final_tags = torch.max(terminal_var, dim=1) # backtrace best_path = [best_final_tags] for bptrs, mask_data in zip(reversed(backpointers), torch.flip(mask, [0])): best_tag_id = torch.gather(bptrs, 1, best_final_tags.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze( 1 ) best_final_tags.masked_scatter_(, best_tag_id.masked_select(, ) best_path.append(best_final_tags) # Reverse the order because we were appending in reverse best_path = torch.stack(best_path[::-1]) best_path = best_path.where(mask == 1, -100) return best_path, best_path_score class MaskedCRFLossTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.num_tags = 5 self.mask_id = 0 self.crf_model = MaskedCRFLoss(self.num_tags, self.mask_id) self.seq_length, self.batch_size = 11, 5 # Making up some inputs # emissions = Variable(torch.randn(seq_length, batch_size, num_tags)) # tags = Variable(torch.randint(num_tags, (seq_length, batch_size))) # mask = Variable(torch.ones(seq_length, batch_size)) self.emissions = torch.randn(self.seq_length, self.batch_size, self.num_tags) self.tags = torch.randint(self.num_tags, (self.seq_length, self.batch_size)) # mask = torch.ones(seq_length, batch_size) self.mask = torch.randint(2, (self.seq_length, self.batch_size)) def test_forward(self): # Checking if forward runs successfully try: output = self.crf_model(self.emissions, self.tags, self.mask) print("Forward function runs successfully!") except Exception as e: print("Forward function couldn't run successfully:", e) def test_viterbi_decode(self): # Checking if viterbi_decode runs successfully try: path, best_path_score = self.crf_model.viterbi_decode( self.emissions, self.mask ) print(path.T) print("Viterbi decoding function runs successfully!") except Exception as e: print("Viterbi decoding function couldn't run successfully:", e) def test_forward_output(self): # Simple check if losses are non-negative output = self.crf_model(self.emissions, self.tags, self.mask) loss = output.loss self.assertTrue((loss > 0).all()) def test_compute_log_partition_function_output(self): # Simply checking if the output is non-negative ( partition, best_path_score, best_path, ) = self.crf_model.compute_log_partition_function(self.emissions, self.mask) self.assertTrue((partition > 0).all()) def test_viterbi_decode_output(self): print(self.mask.T) # Check whether the output shape is correct and lies within valid tag range path, best_path_score = self.crf_model.viterbi_decode(self.emissions, self.mask) print(path.T) self.assertEqual( path.shape, (self.seq_length, self.batch_size) ) # checking dimensions self.assertTrue( ((0 <= path) | (path == -100)).all() and (path < self.num_tags).all() ) # checking tag validity