--- language: - en thumbnail: tags: - text generation license: datasets: - quotes-500K metrics: - perplexity --- # Quotes Generator ## Model description This is a GPT2 model fine-tuned on the Quotes-500K dataset. ## Intended uses & limitations For a given user prompt, it can generate motivational quotes starting with it. #### How to use ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator") model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("nandinib1999/quote-generator") ``` ## Training data This is the distribution of the total dataset into training, validation and test dataset for the fine-tuning task.
train 349796
validation 99942
test 49971
## Training procedure The model was fine-tuned using the Google Colab GPU for one epoch. The weights of the pre-trained GPT2 model were used as a base. ## Eval results
Epoch Perplexity
1 15.180