--- license: mit --- Model versions * v1 : part 3 (trained on 30,000 data) of trial v1 * v2 : part 5 (trained on about 50,000 data) of trial v9 * v3 : part 3 (trained on about 30,000 data) of trial v35 * v4 : ensemble of 4 models (trainied on about 50,000 data) from trial v47. * v5 : ensemble of 4 models (trainied over about 100,000 data) from trial v72 to v75. Check the following document for details. * [CLIP Text Deprojector](https://github.com/nanashi161382/unstable_diffusion/wiki/CLIP-Text-Deprojector) Here are other additional resources (all of which are written in Japanese). * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nfded9d8e4cfa -- v1 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n936f43e4147b -- v2 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nf627c74ceb72 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nf4e87191a7ee -- v3 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/ncbd459c3997c * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n0c4e276b5958 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n4597114e750f -- v4 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nc5aaeee4dbf4 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n3d1d058c25e8 -- v5 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n235ecc71aa15 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nf2df40c881ca * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/na51afab6ee70 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n9f3e06db6e69 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n2ccd08cd26fd * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/nf980b007212c * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n7aa3ca17c721 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/n8c437b24d251 * https://note.com/tomo161382/n/ncf523bc1d4cb