--- library_name: transformers tags: [] --- MusicLang : Controllable Symbolic Music Generation ======================================================== ![MusicLang logo](https://github.com/MusicLang/musiclang/blob/main/documentation/images/MusicLang.png?raw=true "MusicLang") 🎶   You want to generate music that you can export to your favourite DAW in MIDI ? 🎛️   You want to control the chord progression of the generated music ? 🚀   You need to run it fast on your laptop without a gpu ? Here is MusicLang Predict, your controllable music copilot. I just want to try ! -------------------- [![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1MA2mek826c05BjbWk2nRkVv2rW7kIU_S?usp=sharing) Go to our Colab, we have a lot of cool examples. From generating creative musical ideas to continuing a song with a specified chord progression. I am more serious about it -------------------------- Install the musiclang-predict package : ```bash pip install musiclang_predict ``` Then open your favourite notebook and start generating music in a few lines : ```python from musiclang_predict import MusicLangPredictor nb_tokens = 1024 temperature = 0.9 # Don't go over 1.0, at your own risks ! top_p = 1.0 # <=1.0, Usually 1 best to get not too much repetitive music seed = 16 # change here to change result, or set to 0 to unset seed ml = MusicLangPredictor('musiclang/musiclang-v2') # Only available model for now score = ml.predict( nb_tokens=nb_tokens, # 1024 tokens ~ 25s of music (depending of the number of instruments generated) temperature=temperature, topp=top_p, rng_seed=seed # change here to change result, or set to 0 to unset seed ) score.to_midi('test.mid') # Open that file in your favourite DAW, score editor or even in VLC ``` You were talking about controlling the chord progression ? ---------------------------------------------------------- You had a specific harmony in mind am I right ? That's why we allow a fine control over the chord progression of the generated music. Just specify it as a string like below, choose a time signature and let the magic happen. ```python from musiclang_predict import MusicLangPredictor # Control the chord progression # Chord qualities available : M, m, 7, m7b5, sus2, sus4, m7, M7, dim, dim0. # You can also specify the bass if it belongs to the chord (eg : Bm/D) chord_progression = "Am CM Dm E7 Am" # 1 chord = 1 bar time_signature = (4, 4) # 4/4 time signature, don't be too crazy here nb_tokens = 1024 temperature = 0.8 top_p = 1.0 seed = 42 ml = MusicLangPredictor('musiclang/musiclang-v2') score = ml.predict_chords( chord_progression, time_signature=time_signature, temperature=temperature, topp=top_p, rng_seed=seed # set to 0 to unset seed ) score.to_midi('test.mid', tempo=120, time_signature=(4, 4)) ``` Disclaimer : The chord progression is not guaranteed to be exactly the same as the one you specified. It's a generative model after all. Usually it will happen when you use an exotic chord progression and if you set a high temperature. That's cool but I have my music to plug in ... ------------------------------------------------ Don't worry, we got you covered. You can use your music as a template to generate new music. Let's continue some Bach music with a chord progression he could have used : ```python from musiclang_predict import MusicLangPredictor from musiclang_predict import corpus song_name = 'bach_847' # corpus.list_corpus() to get the list of available songs chord_progression = "Cm C7/E Fm F#dim G7 Cm" nb_tokens = 1024 temperature = 0.8 top_p = 1.0 seed = 3666 ml = MusicLangPredictor('musiclang/musiclang-v2') score = ml.predict_chords( chord_progression, score=corpus.get_midi_path_from_corpus(song_name), time_signature=(4, 4), nb_tokens=1024, prompt_chord_range=(0,4), temperature=temperature, topp=top_p, rng_seed=seed # set to 0 to unset seed ) score.to_midi('test.mid', tempo=110, time_signature=(4, 4)) ``` What's coming next ? --------------------- We are working on a lot of cool features, some are already encoded in the model : - A control over the instruments used in each bar and their properties (note density, pitch range, average velocity) - Some performances improvements over the inference C script - A faster distilled model for real-time generation that can be embedded in plugins or mobile applications - An integration into a DAW as a plugin - Some specialized smaller models depending on our user's needs How does that work ? --------------------- If you want to learn more about how we are moving toward symbolic music generation, go to our [technical blog](https://musiclang.github.io/). The tokenization, the model are described in great details. We are using a LLAMA2 architecture (many thanks to Andrej Karpathy awesome [llama2.c](https://github.com/karpathy/llama2.c)), trained on a large dataset of midi files (The CC0 licensed [LAKH](https://colinraffel.com/projects/lmd/)). We heavily rely on preprocessing the midi files to get an enriched tokenization that describe chords & scale for each bar. The is also helpful for normalizing melodies relative to the current chord/scale. Contributing & Contact us ------------------------- We are looking for contributors to help us improve the model, the tokenization, the performances and the documentation. If you are interested in this project, open an issue, a pull request, or even [contact us directly](https://www.musiclang.io/contact). License ------- Specific licenses applies to our models. If you would like to use the model in your product, please [contact us](https://www.musiclang.io/contact). We are looking forward to hearing from you ! MusicLang Predict is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. The MusicLang base language package on which the model rely ([musiclang package](https://github.com/musiclang/musiclang)) is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.