--- language: - en tags: - sentence classification - vossian antonomasia license: "apache-2.0" datasets: - custom widget: - text: Bijan wants Jordan to be the Elizabeth Taylor of men's fragrances. metrics: - f1 - precision - recall --- ## English Vossian Antonomasia Sentence Classifier This page presents a fine-tuned [BERT-base-cased](https://huggingface.co/bert-base-cased) language model for classifying sentences that include Vossian Antonomasia. The label "VA" corresponds to the occurrence of a Vossian Antonomasia in the sentence. ### Dataset The dataset is a labeled Vossian Antonomasia dataset that evolved from [Schwab et al. 2019](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1647.pdf) and was updated in [Schwab et al. 2022](https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.868249). ### Results F1 score: 0.974 For more results, please have a look at [our paper](https://doi.org/10.3389/frai.2022.868249). --- ### Cite Please cite the following paper when using this model. ``` @article{schwab2022rodney, title={“The Rodney Dangerfield of Stylistic Devices”: End-to-End Detection and Extraction of Vossian Antonomasia Using Neural Networks}, author={Schwab, Michel and J{\"a}schke, Robert and Fischer, Frank}, journal={Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence}, volume={5}, year={2022}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA} } ``` --- ### Interested in more? Visit our [Website](http://vossanto.weltliteratur.net/) for more research on Vossian Antonomasia, including interactive visualizations for exploration.