--- language: multilingual thumbnail: --- # A fine-tuned model on GoldP task from Tydi QA dataset This model uses [bert-multi-cased-finetuned-xquadv1](https://huggingface.co/mrm8488/bert-multi-cased-finetuned-xquadv1) and fine-tuned on [Tydi QA](https://github.com/google-research-datasets/tydiqa) dataset for Gold Passage task [(GoldP)](https://github.com/google-research-datasets/tydiqa#the-tasks) ## Details of the language model The base language model [(bert-multi-cased-finetuned-xquadv1)](https://huggingface.co/mrm8488/bert-multi-cased-finetuned-xquadv1) is a fine-tuned version of [bert-base-multilingual-cased](https://huggingface.co/bert-base-multilingual-cased) for the **Q&A** downstream task ## Details of the Tydi QA dataset TyDi QA contains 200k human-annotated question-answer pairs in 11 Typologically Diverse languages, written without seeing the answer and without the use of translation, and is designed for the **training and evaluation** of automatic question answering systems. This repository provides evaluation code and a baseline system for the dataset. https://ai.google.com/research/tydiqa ## Details of the downstream task (Gold Passage or GoldP aka the secondary task) Given a passage that is guaranteed to contain the answer, predict the single contiguous span of characters that answers the question. the gold passage task differs from the [primary task](https://github.com/google-research-datasets/tydiqa/blob/master/README.md#the-tasks) in several ways: * only the gold answer passage is provided rather than the entire Wikipedia article; * unanswerable questions have been discarded, similar to MLQA and XQuAD; * we evaluate with the SQuAD 1.1 metrics like XQuAD; and * Thai and Japanese are removed since the lack of whitespace breaks some tools. ## Model training The model was fine-tuned on a Tesla P100 GPU and 25GB of RAM. The script is the following: ```python python run_squad.py \ --model_type bert \ --model_name_or_path mrm8488/bert-multi-cased-finetuned-xquadv1 \ --do_train \ --do_eval \ --train_file /content/dataset/train.json \ --predict_file /content/dataset/dev.json \ --per_gpu_train_batch_size 24 \ --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 24 \ --learning_rate 3e-5 \ --num_train_epochs 2.5 \ --max_seq_length 384 \ --doc_stride 128 \ --output_dir /content/model_output \ --overwrite_output_dir \ --save_steps 5000 \ --threads 40 ``` ## Global Results (dev set): | Metric | # Value | | --------- | ----------- | | **Exact** | **71.06** | | **F1** | **82.16** | ## Specific Results (per language): | Language | # Samples | # Exact | # F1 | | --------- | ----------- |--------| ------ | | Arabic | 1314 | 73.29 | 84.72 | | Bengali | 180 | 64.60 | 77.84 | | English | 654 | 72.12 | 82.24 | | Finnish | 1031 | 70.14 | 80.36 | | Indonesian| 773 | 77.25 | 86.36 | | Korean | 414 | 68.92 | 70.95 | | Russian | 1079 | 62.65 | 78.55 | | Swahili | 596 | 80.11 | 86.18 | | Telegu | 874 | 71.00 | 84.24 | > Created by [Manuel Romero/@mrm8488](https://twitter.com/mrm8488) > Made with in Spain