import functools from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Union from transformers import PreTrainedModel from transformers.models.opt.modeling_opt import OPTDecoder if TYPE_CHECKING: from peft import PeftModel def rhasattr(obj: Any, attr: str) -> bool: """A chain-able attribute version of hasattr. For example, to check if `obj` has the attribute ``, you can use: `rhasattr(obj, "")` Reference: """ _nested_attrs = attr.split('.') _curr_obj = obj for _a in _nested_attrs[:-1]: if hasattr(_curr_obj, _a): _curr_obj = getattr(_curr_obj, _a) else: return False return hasattr(_curr_obj, _nested_attrs[-1]) def rgetattr(obj: Any, attr: str, *args: List[Any]) -> Any: """A chain-able attribute version of getattr. For example, to get the attribute `` from `obj`, you can use: `rgetattr(obj, "")` Reference: """ def _getattr(obj: Any, attr: str): return getattr(obj, attr, *args) return functools.reduce(_getattr, [obj] + attr.split('.')) def findattr(obj: Any, attrs: Iterable[str]) -> Optional[Any]: for attr in attrs: if rhasattr(obj, attr): return rgetattr(obj, attr) return None def hf_get_causal_base_model(model: PreTrainedModel) -> Any: """Returns the causal decoder backbone of the specified HuggingFace model. Newer HF models have a `self.get_decoder()` method. Older models do not. NOTE: Different model configurations have different causal decoder attribute names. - transformer: (GPT2LMHeadModel, GPTJConfig) - model.decoder: (OPTConfig, BloomConfig) - gpt_neox: (GPTNeoXConfig) """ if hasattr(model, 'get_decoder'): return model.get_decoder() decoder_attrs = ('transformer', 'model.decoder', 'gpt_neox', 'model.transformer') causal_base_model = findattr(model, decoder_attrs) if causal_base_model is None: raise ValueError(f'Unable to FSDP-wrap model {model}. Please open a github issue to add support.') return causal_base_model def hf_get_hidden_layers(model: PreTrainedModel) -> Any: """Returns the hidden layers of the specified model. Expects to receive the causal decoder backbone, not he XXForCausalLM wrapper. NOTE: Different model configurations have different hidden layer attribute names. - h: (BloomForCausalLM, GPT2LMHeadModel, GPTJForCausalLM) - decoder.layers: (OPTForCausalLM) - layers: (GPTNeoXForCausalLM, LlaMaForCausalLM) - blocks: (MPTForCausalLM) """ hidden_layers_attrs = ('h', 'decoder.layers', 'layers', 'block', 'blocks') layers = findattr(model, hidden_layers_attrs) if layers is None: raise ValueError(f'Unable to find hidden layer for {model}. Model must have one of the following attributes: {hidden_layers_attrs}') return layers def hf_get_init_device(init_device: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the appropriate device to initialize models.""" if init_device == 'mixed': if dist.get_local_rank() == 0: return 'cpu' return 'meta' return init_device def prepare_hf_model_for_fsdp(model: PreTrainedModel, init_device: Optional[str]) -> None: """FSDP wrap a HuggingFace model. Call specific functions """ if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: prepare_hf_enc_dec_model_for_fsdp(model, init_device) else: prepare_hf_causal_lm_model_for_fsdp(model, init_device) def prepare_hf_causal_lm_model_for_fsdp(model: Union[PreTrainedModel, 'PeftModel'], init_device: Optional[str]) -> None: """FSDP wrap a HuggingFace decoder. Wrap any model for FSDP which follows one of the 3 existing conventions from HuggingFace for decoder-only LLMs. """ causal_base_model = hf_get_causal_base_model(model) if isinstance(causal_base_model, OPTDecoder) or model.config.model_type == 'olmo': underlying_model = maybe_get_underlying_model(model) underlying_model.model._fsdp_wrap = False model_block = hf_get_hidden_layers(causal_base_model) lm_head = model.get_output_embeddings() try: tied_embeddings = causal_base_model.get_input_embeddings() except: tied_embeddings = model.get_input_embeddings() modules = {'base_model': causal_base_model, 'model_block': model_block, 'lm_head': lm_head, 'tied_embeddings': tied_embeddings} for mod_name, module in modules.items(): if module is None: raise ValueError(f'Unable to FSDP-wrap this model! `{mod_name}` does not ' + 'follow common layer/weight naming conventions.') block_type = type(model_block[0]) if model.config.tie_word_embeddings: causal_base_model._fsdp_wrap = False tied_embeddings._fsdp_wrap = False lm_head._fsdp_wrap = False if hasattr(model, 'peft_type') and model.peft_type is not None: peft_type = model.peft_type.lower() active_adapters = [adapter.lower() for adapter in model.active_adapters] for name, module in model.named_modules(): if peft_type in name.lower() and any((adapter in name.lower() for adapter in active_adapters)): has_parameters = next(module.parameters(), None) is not None has_buffers = next(module.buffers(), None) is not None if has_parameters or has_buffers: module._fsdp_wrap = True model.fsdp_wrap_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, block_type) model.activation_checkpointing_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, block_type) def prepare_hf_enc_dec_model_for_fsdp(model: PreTrainedModel, init_device: Optional[str]) -> None: """Wrap an encoder/decoder HF model. This works for T5, BART, Pegasus, PegasusX, but not all enc/dec (ProphetNet) You have model.shared, model.encoder, model.decoder and model.lm_head, where model.shared are the embeddings which are tied to model.lm_head, and model.shared == model.encoder.embed_tokens and model.shared == model.decoder.embed_tokens """ tied_embeddings = model.get_input_embeddings() encoder = model.get_encoder() decoder = model.get_decoder() lm_head = model.get_output_embeddings() encoder_block = hf_get_hidden_layers(encoder) decoder_block = hf_get_hidden_layers(decoder) modules = {'encoder': encoder, 'decoder': decoder, 'encoder_block': encoder_block, 'decoder_block': decoder_block, 'lm_head': lm_head, 'tied_embeddings': tied_embeddings} for mod_name, module in modules.items(): if module is None: raise ValueError(f'Unable to FSDP-wrap this model! `{mod_name}` does not ' + 'follow common layer/weight naming conventions.') decoder_block_type = type(decoder_block[0]) encoder_block_type = type(encoder_block[0]) if model.config.tie_word_embeddings: tied_embeddings._fsdp_wrap = False encoder._fsdp_wrap = False decoder._fsdp_wrap = False lm_head._fsdp_wrap = False model.fsdp_wrap_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, decoder_block_type) model.activation_checkpointing_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, decoder_block_type) if encoder_block_type == decoder_block_type: return model.fsdp_wrap_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, encoder_block_type) model.activation_checkpointing_fn = lambda module: isinstance(module, encoder_block_type)