--- license: mit datasets: - jmhessel/newyorker_caption_contest language: - en tags: - nyc - llama2 widget: - text: "This scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller.\ncaption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account?\nexplanation of the caption:\n" example_title: "Training prompt format" - text: "In this task, you will see a description of an uncanny situation. Then, you will see a joke that was written about the situation. Explain how the joke relates to the situation and why it is funny.\n###\nThis scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller.\ncaption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account?\nexplanation of the caption:\n" example_title: "Paper prompt format" - text: "This scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller.\ncaption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account?\nthe caption is funny because" example_title: "Suggested prompt format" --- # nyrkr-joker-llama Essentials: - Based on LLaMa2-7b-hf (version 2, 7B params) - Used [QLoRA](https://github.com/artidoro/qlora/blob/main/qlora.py) to fine-tune on [1.2k rows of New Yorker caption contest](https://huggingface.co/datasets/jmhessel/newyorker_caption_contest) - Merged LLaMa2 with the adapter weights (from checkpoint step=160, epoch=2.7) ## Prompt options [The original paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.06293), Figure 10 uses this format for joke explanations: `In this task, you will see a description of an uncanny situation. Then, you will see a joke that was written about the situation. Explain how the joke relates to the situation and why it is funny. ### {few-shot examples separated by ###, newline after "explanation of the caption:"} This scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller. caption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account? explanation of the caption: ` In training, I used just the individual example: `This scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller. caption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account? explanation of the caption:\n` In inference, I had some better results with a more natural prompt (no newline or space at end) `This scene takes place in the following location: a bank. Three people are standing in line at the bank. The bank teller is a traditional pirate with a hook hand, eye patch, and a parrot. The scene includes: Piracy, Bank teller. caption: Can I interest you in opening an offshore account? the caption is funny because` ## Training script Trained on a V100 ``` git clone https://github.com/artidoro/qlora cd qlora pip3 install -r requirements.txt --quiet ! cd qlora && python qlora.py \ --model_name_or_path ../llama-2-7b-hf \ --output_dir ../thatsthejoke \ --logging_steps 20 \ --save_strategy steps \ --data_seed 42 \ --save_steps 80 \ --save_total_limit 10 \ --evaluation_strategy steps \ --max_new_tokens 64 \ --dataloader_num_workers 1 \ --group_by_length \ --logging_strategy steps \ --remove_unused_columns False \ --do_train \ --lora_r 64 \ --lora_alpha 16 \ --lora_modules all \ --double_quant \ --quant_type nf4 \ --bits 4 \ --warmup_ratio 0.03 \ --lr_scheduler_type constant \ --gradient_checkpointing \ --dataset /content/nycaptions.jsonl \ --dataset_format 'self-instruct' \ --source_max_len 16 \ --target_max_len 512 \ --per_device_train_batch_size 1 \ --gradient_accumulation_steps 16 \ --max_steps 250 \ --eval_steps 187 \ --learning_rate 0.0002 \ --adam_beta2 0.999 \ --max_grad_norm 0.3 \ --lora_dropout 0.1 \ --weight_decay 0.0 \ --seed 0 ```