# GPT-NYC-small ## About GPT2 (small version on HF) fine-tuned on questions and responses from https://reddit.com/r/asknyc I filtered comments to ones with scores >= 3, and responding directly to the original post ( = ignoring responses to other commenters). I also added many tokens which were common on /r/AskNYC but missing from GPT2. The [gpt-nyc](https://huggingface.co/monsoon-nlp/gpt-nyc) repo is based on GPT2-Medium and comes off more accurate, but the answers from this test model struck me as humorous for their strings of subway transfers or rambling answers about apartments. Try prompting with ```question?``` plus two spaces, or ```question? - more info``` plus two spaces ## Blog https://mapmeld.medium.com/gpt-nyc-part-1-9cb698b2e3d ## Notebooks ### Data processing / new tokens https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13BOw0uekoAYB4jjQtaXTn6J_VHatiRLu ### Fine-tuning GPT2 (small) https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1FnXcAh4H-k8dAzixkV5ieygV96ePh3lR ### Predictive text and probabilities Scroll to end of https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1FnXcAh4H-k8dAzixkV5ieygV96ePh3lR to see how to install git-lfs and trick ecco into loading this.