# GPT-NYC-affirmations ## About GPT2 (small version on HF) fine-tuned on questions and responses from https://reddit.com/r/asknyc and then 2 epochs of [Value Affirmations](https://gist.github.com/mapmeld/c16794ecd93c241a4d6a65bda621bb55) based on the OpenAI post [Improving Language Model Behavior](https://openai.com/blog/improving-language-model-behavior/) and corresponding paper. Try prompting with ```question? - %% ``` or ```question? - more info %%``` I filtered AskNYC comments to ones with scores >= 3, and responding directly to the original post ( = ignoring responses to other commenters). I also added many tokens which were common on /r/AskNYC but missing from GPT2. The 'affirmations' list was sourced from excerpts in the OpenAI paper, a popular version of the 'in this house we believe' sign, and the Reddit rules. They should not be seen as all-encompassing or foundational to a safe AI. The main goal was to see how it affected the behavior of GPT-NYC on generating toxic or non-toxic language. The [gpt-nyc](https://huggingface.co/monsoon-nlp/gpt-nyc) repo is based on GPT2-Medium and comes off more accurate. ## Blog https://mapmeld.medium.com/gpt-nyc-part-1-9cb698b2e3d ## Notebooks ### Data processing / new tokens https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13BOw0uekoAYB4jjQtaXTn6J_VHatiRLu ### Fine-tuning GPT2 (small) https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1FnXcAh4H-k8dAzixkV5ieygV96ePh3lR ### Predictive text and probabilities Scroll to end of https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1FnXcAh4H-k8dAzixkV5ieygV96ePh3lR to see how to install git-lfs and trick ecco into loading this.