--- language: ar --- # Dialect-AR-GPT-2021 ## Finetuned AraGPT-2 demo This model started with [AraGPT2-Medium](https://huggingface.co/aubmindlab/aragpt2-medium), from AUB MIND Lab. This model was then finetuned on dialect datasets from Qatar University, University of British Columbia / NLP, and Johns Hopkins University / LREC for 10 epochs. You can use special tokens to prompt five dialects: `[EGYPTIAN]`, `[GULF]`, `[LEVANTINE]`, `[MAGHREBI]`, or `[MSA]`, followed by a space. ``` from simpletransformers.language_generation import LanguageGenerationModel model = LanguageGenerationModel("gpt2", "monsoon-nlp/dialect-ar-gpt-2021") model.generate('[GULF] ' + "مدينتي هي", { 'max_length': 100 }) ``` There is NO content filtering in the current version; do not use for public-facing text generation! ## Training and Finetuning details Original model: https://huggingface.co/aubmindlab/aragpt2-medium I inserted new tokens into the tokenizer, finetuned the model on the dialect samples, and exported the new model. Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/19C0zbkSCt5ncVCa4kY-ik9hSEiJcjI-F ## Citations AraGPT2 model: ``` @misc{antoun2020aragpt2, title={AraGPT2: Pre-Trained Transformer for Arabic Language Generation}, author={Wissam Antoun and Fady Baly and Hazem Hajj}, year={2020}, eprint={2012.15520}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ``` Dialect data sources: - https://qspace.qu.edu.qa/handle/10576/15265 - https://github.com/UBC-NLP/aoc_id - https://github.com/ryancotterell/arabic_dialect_annotation