# Copyright © 2023 Apple Inc. import os import re import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from setuptools import Extension, find_namespace_packages, setup from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext import mlx _MLX_PATH = str(mlx.__path__[0]) # A CMakeExtension needs a sourcedir instead of a file list. class CMakeExtension(Extension): def __init__(self, name: str, sourcedir: str = "") -> None: super().__init__(name, sources=[]) self.sourcedir = os.fspath(Path(sourcedir).resolve()) class CMakeBuild(build_ext): def build_extension(self, ext: CMakeExtension) -> None: # Must be in this form due to bug in .resolve() only fixed in Python 3.10+ ext_fullpath = Path.cwd() / self.get_ext_fullpath(ext.name) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] extdir = ext_fullpath.parent.resolve() debug = int(os.environ.get("DEBUG", 0)) if self.debug is None else self.debug cfg = "Debug" if debug else "Release" # CMake lets you override the generator - we need to check this. # Can be set with Conda-Build, for example. cmake_generator = os.environ.get("CMAKE_GENERATOR", "") # Set Python_EXECUTABLE instead if you use PYBIND11_FINDPYTHON # EXAMPLE_VERSION_INFO shows you how to pass a value into the C++ code # from Python. cmake_args = [ f"-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY={extdir}{os.sep}", f"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={cfg}", "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON", ] build_args = [] # Adding CMake arguments set as environment variable # (needed e.g. to build for ARM OSx on conda-forge) if "CMAKE_ARGS" in os.environ: cmake_args += [item for item in os.environ["CMAKE_ARGS"].split(" ") if item] if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): # Cross-compile support for macOS - respect ARCHFLAGS if set archs = re.findall(r"-arch (\S+)", os.environ.get("ARCHFLAGS", "")) if archs: cmake_args += ["-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES={}".format(";".join(archs))] # Set CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL to control the parallel build level # across all generators. if "CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL" not in os.environ: # self.parallel is a Python 3 only way to set parallel jobs by hand # using -j in the build_ext call, not supported by pip or PyPA-build. if hasattr(self, "parallel") and self.parallel: # CMake 3.12+ only. build_args += [f"-j{self.parallel}"] build_temp = Path(self.build_temp) / ext.name if not build_temp.exists(): build_temp.mkdir(parents=True) # Make sure cmake can find MLX os.environ["MLX_DIR"] = _MLX_PATH subprocess.run( ["cmake", ext.sourcedir, *cmake_args], cwd=build_temp, check=True ) subprocess.run( ["cmake", "--build", ".", *build_args], cwd=build_temp, check=True ) def run(self): super().run() # Based on https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/blob/main/setuptools/command/build_ext.py#L102 if self.inplace: for ext in self.extensions: if isinstance(ext, CMakeExtension): # Resolve inplace package dir build_py = self.get_finalized_command("build_py") inplace_file, regular_file = self._get_inplace_equivalent( build_py, ext ) inplace_dir = str(Path(inplace_file).parent.resolve()) regular_dir = str(Path(regular_file).parent.resolve()) self.copy_tree(regular_dir, inplace_dir)