import math from typing import Optional, Tuple, TypeVar import torch.nn as nn import torch import triton from functools import lru_cache from .triton_flash_blocksparse_attn import get_local_strided_sparse_attention_op, _get_sparse_attn_mask, blocksparse_flash_attn_padded_fwd, blocksparse_flash_attn_varlen_fwd Layout = Tuple[torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor] def create_sparse_attn_mask( n_heads: int, max_seq_len: int, max_seq_len_k: int, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device, BLOCK: int, local_blocks: int, vert_stride: int, homo_head: bool, return_dense: bool ) -> Tuple[Layout, torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: layout, block_sparse_pattern, _ = _get_sparse_attn_mask( n_heads=n_heads, q_len=max_seq_len, N_CTX=max_seq_len_k, dtype=dtype, device=device, BLOCK=BLOCK, local_blocks=local_blocks, vert_stride=vert_stride, homo_head=homo_head, return_dense=return_dense ) return layout, block_sparse_pattern class BlockSparseAttentionLayer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, n_heads: int, max_seq_len: int, sparse_block_size: int, local_blocks: int, vert_stride: int, kernel_block_size: Optional[int] = None, homo_head: bool = False, active_head_range: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None ) -> None: super().__init__() self.n_heads = n_heads self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.sparse_block_size = sparse_block_size self.kernel_block_size = kernel_block_size or sparse_block_size self.local_blocks = local_blocks self.vert_stride = vert_stride self.homo_head = homo_head self.active_head_range = active_head_range # Internal Parameters used by the layer self._sparse_block_mask = None self._sparse_layout = None self._dtype = None self._device = None # TODO(bapatra): Ideally, I'd want to keep all the code for # forward to be handled here, and not branch for training and inference. # However, that refactor would need a lot of testing. For now, using the # training op as is, and will refactor again later. def prune_blocksparse_layout_to_heads(self, h_start: int, h_end: int) -> None: self._sparse_block_mask = self._sparse_block_mask[h_start: h_end] self._sparse_layout[0] = self._sparse_layout[0][h_start: h_end] self._sparse_layout[1] = self._sparse_layout[1][h_start: h_end] def _initialize_internals( self, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device ) -> None: self._dtype, self._device = dtype, device self._sparse_layout, self._sparse_block_mask = create_sparse_attn_mask( n_heads=self.n_heads, max_seq_len=self.max_seq_len, max_seq_len_k=self.max_seq_len, dtype=dtype, device=device, BLOCK=self.sparse_block_size, local_blocks=self.local_blocks, vert_stride=self.vert_stride, homo_head=self.homo_head, return_dense=False, ) if (not self.homo_head) and (self.active_head_range is not None): assert len(self.active_head_range) == 2, "\"active_head_range\" should be a tuple of start/end index of the heads." h_start, h_end = self.active_head_range self.prune_blocksparse_layout_to_heads(h_start=h_start, h_end=h_end) assert self.sparse_block_size % self.kernel_block_size == 0, f"The sparse block size must be a multiple of {self.kernel_block_size}. Found {self.sparse_block_size}." assert self.kernel_block_size >=16 and math.log2(self.kernel_block_size) % 1 == 0, f"block_size must be power of 2 and at least 16, but {self.kernel_block_size} is given" if self.sparse_block_size // self.kernel_block_size > 1: _mul = self.sparse_block_size // self.kernel_block_size # need to consider if block_m and block_n are different self._sparse_block_mask = torch.kron(self._sparse_block_mask, self._sparse_block_mask.new_ones(_mul, _mul)) num_sparse_blocks = self._sparse_block_mask.size(-1) block_causal_mask = torch.arange(0, num_sparse_blocks)[:, None] >= torch.arange(0, num_sparse_blocks)[None] self._sparse_block_mask *= block_causal_mask.type_as(self._sparse_block_mask) def forward( self, q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, sm_scale: float, *, # Arguments Related to Block Attention Inference left_paddings: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, seqlens: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, # Arguements Related to Variable Length Inference cu_seqlens_k: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, cu_seqlens_q: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: if left_paddings is None and seqlens is None and cu_seqlens_k is None and cu_seqlens_q is None: blocksparse_op = get_local_strided_sparse_attention_op( n_heads=self.n_heads, max_seq_len=self.max_seq_len, sparse_block_size=self.sparse_block_size, kernel_block_size=self.kernel_block_size, local_blocks=self.local_blocks, vert_stride=self.vert_stride, homo_head=self.homo_head, device=q.device, inference=not ) return blocksparse_op(q, k, v, sm_scale) assert not torch.is_grad_enabled(), "Variable Length Inference / Batched inference is not supported during training. Please run it in a torch.no_grad() context" # First set internals if they have not been set if self._sparse_block_mask is None or (self._dtype != q.dtype) or (self._device != q.device): self._initialize_internals(dtype=q.dtype, device=q.device) if k.dim() == 3: assert cu_seqlens_k is not None return blocksparse_flash_attn_varlen_fwd( q=q, k=k, v=v, cu_seqlens_k=cu_seqlens_k, cu_seqlens_q=cu_seqlens_q, sm_scale=sm_scale, sparse_layout=self._sparse_layout, block_size=self.kernel_block_size, max_seqlen=self.max_seq_len, ) if k.dim() == 4: assert not (left_paddings is None and seqlens is None), "Either left_paddings or seqlens must be provided for batched inference." return blocksparse_flash_attn_padded_fwd( q=q, k=k, v=v, sm_scale=sm_scale, sparse_layout=self._sparse_layout, left_paddings=left_paddings, seqlens=seqlens, block_size=self.kernel_block_size, max_seqlen=self.max_seq_len, ) raise ValueError('q/k/v must be either 3 dim for variable-length input or 4 dim for fixed-length.')