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Note. Place the model file in the \"hypernetworks\" folder. It is located on the way (E:\\folder where you have located the neural network\\stable-diffusion-portable-basic\\models\\hypernetworks). (Stable Diffusion checkpoint) on which the images were generated was taken from this site from a user under the nickname \"xpuct\". The trigger for the hypernetworks is (cybernetic hed in a hood <hypernet:Mechanicus1:1>) in a Promt or you can write (cybernetic hed in a hood). After that, click the \"Show extra networks\" button, which is located under the \"Generate\" button.
All results were obtained at values such as:
Sampling method: (Euler a) or (DPM++ SDE Karras)
Sampling steps: (from 20 to 30)
Width: <=(832)
Height: <=(896)
CFG Scale: (from 5 to 7)
Seed: -1
Restore faces: the checkmark is removed
Negative promt: disconnected limbs, malformed hands, blurry, watermark, watermarked, oversaturated, censored, distorted hands, amputation, missing hands, obese, doubled face, double hands, neon colors, very bright colors, ((the right face)), ((beautiful face))

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