{ "id": 18445, "modelId": 13941, "name": "v2-pynoise", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T11:52:07.028Z", "updatedAt": "2023-03-04T12:07:34.546Z", "trainedWords": [], "baseModel": "SD 1.5", "earlyAccessTimeFrame": 0, "description": "
I found an article of @johnowhitaker for another noise offset method called \"pyramid noise\" - gave it a shot. It's very subtle and starts to kick in at a weighting at 2-3, because i had a settings error, so the outcome wasn't as i thought it was. At least the bleeding on high weights are now almost gone, therefore its loses much saturation i guess. Just play around.
If u use Additional Networks u have to push the Max Limit in the config file over 2 to get more depth.