--- license: mit base_model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 tags: - stable-diffusion - stable-diffusion-diffusers - text-to-image - diffusers - lora inference: true instance_prompt: sonic the hedgehog widget: - text: sonic the hedgehog --- # sdxl-ugly-sonic-lora ![](img/example1.webp) A LoRA for SDXL 1.0 Base which generates [Ugly Sonic](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ugly-sonic), using `sonic the hedgehog` as the trigger keywords. ## Usage The LoRA can be loaded using `load_lora_weights` like any other LoRA in `diffusers`: ```py import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, AutoencoderKL vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained( "madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) base = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", vae=vae, torch_dtype=torch.float16, variant="fp16", use_safetensors=True ) base.load_lora_weights("minimaxir/sdxl-ugly-sonic-lora") _ = base.to("cuda") ``` During image generation, use `sonic the hedgehog` in the prompt. ## Examples For all generations, the negative prompt used is `blurry, low quality`. Prompt weighting is done using the [compel](https://github.com/damian0815/compel) syntax. `sonic the hedgehog relaxing on a couch, renaissance painting, (oil on canvas, aged, worn)++++` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example2.webp) `a profile of sonic the hedgehog sitting at a desk deep in thought, (pixel art)++++, award-winning photo for vanity fair` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example3.webp) `anatomical diagram of sonic the hedgehog, (highly detailed)++++` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example4.webp) `sonic the hedgehog (eating at McDonald's)++, Ukiyo-e, minimalistic vector art` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example5.webp) `(hyperrealistic++ death metal album cover)+++ featuring edgy moody realistic human sonic the hedgehog, edgy and moody` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example6.webp) `(hyperrealistic tall human)+++ sonic the hedgehog cameoing in an (episode of Friends)+++++, high quality hyperrealistic promotional photo` (cfg = 13) ![](img/example7.webp) ## Methodology This LoRA was trained on frame-by-frame analysis of the [original 1080p trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mW9FE5ILJs) featuring "Ugly Sonic". Square-crops of Ugly Sonic were extracted and AI-upscaled to 1024x1024 for optimial training. The use of `sonic the hedgehog` as the trigger keywords (and training the LoRA on said keywords) ensures that you won't generate the _other_ hedgehog by accident. Because no one likes him. ## Notes - The CGI style of Ugly Sonic may overpower other style prompts. Therefore, you should weight any style prompts much higher, as done in the examples. - Attempting to generate any humans with this prompt may generate half-hedgehog half-human hybrids. This may be a pro or con depending on what you are going for, but you can specify `human` and weight accordingly.