--- license: mit datasets: - coco - openimagesv5 - bbjects365v1 - visualgenome library_name: pytorch tags: - pytorch --- # Model Card: VinVL VisualBackbone Disclaimer: The model is taken from the official repository, it can be found here: [microsoft/scene_graph_benchmark](https://github.com/microsoft/scene_graph_benchmark) # Usage: More info about how to use this model can be found here: [michelecafagna26/vinvl-visualbackbone](https://github.com/michelecafagna26/vinvl-visualbackbone) # Quick start: Feature extraction ```python from scene_graph_benchmark.wrappers import VinVLVisualBackbone img_file = "scene_graph_bechmark/demo/woman_fish.jpg" detector = VinVLVisualBackbone() dets = detector(img_file) ``` `dets` contains the following keys: ["boxes", "classes", "scores", "features", "spatial_features"] You can obtain the full VinVL's visual features by concatenating the "features" and the "spatial_features" ```python import numpy as np v_feats = np.concatenate((dets['features'], dets['spatial_features']), axis=1) # v_feats.shape = (num_boxes, 2054) ``` # Citations Please consider citing the original project and the VinVL paper ```BibTeX @misc{han2021image, title={Image Scene Graph Generation (SGG) Benchmark}, author={Xiaotian Han and Jianwei Yang and Houdong Hu and Lei Zhang and Jianfeng Gao and Pengchuan Zhang}, year={2021}, eprint={2107.12604}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } @inproceedings{zhang2021vinvl, title={Vinvl: Revisiting visual representations in vision-language models}, author={Zhang, Pengchuan and Li, Xiujun and Hu, Xiaowei and Yang, Jianwei and Zhang, Lei and Wang, Lijuan and Choi, Yejin and Gao, Jianfeng}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={5579--5588}, year={2021} } ```