import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch_scatter import scatter from torch_geometric.nn.conv import MessagePassing from torch_geometric.utils import degree from typing import Tuple class GeneralizedRelationalConv(MessagePassing): eps = 1e-6 message2mul = { "transe": "add", "distmult": "mul", } # TODO for compile() - doesn't work currently # propagate_type = {"edge_index": torch.LongTensor, "size": Tuple[int, int]} def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, num_relation, query_input_dim, message_func="distmult", aggregate_func="pna", layer_norm=False, activation="relu", dependent=False, project_relations=False): super(GeneralizedRelationalConv, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.num_relation = num_relation self.query_input_dim = query_input_dim self.message_func = message_func self.aggregate_func = aggregate_func self.dependent = dependent self.project_relations = project_relations if layer_norm: self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(output_dim) else: self.layer_norm = None if isinstance(activation, str): self.activation = getattr(F, activation) else: self.activation = activation if self.aggregate_func == "pna": self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim * 13, output_dim) else: self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim * 2, output_dim) if dependent: # obtain relation embeddings as a projection of the query relation self.relation_linear = nn.Linear(query_input_dim, num_relation * input_dim) else: if not self.project_relations: # relation embeddings as an independent embedding matrix per each layer self.relation = nn.Embedding(num_relation, input_dim) else: # will be initialized after the pass over relation graph self.relation = None self.relation_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_dim, input_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(input_dim, input_dim) ) def forward(self, input, query, boundary, edge_index, edge_type, size, edge_weight=None): batch_size = len(query) if self.dependent: # layer-specific relation features as a projection of input "query" (relation) embeddings relation = self.relation_linear(query).view(batch_size, self.num_relation, self.input_dim) else: if not self.project_relations: # layer-specific relation features as a special embedding matrix unique to each layer relation = self.relation.weight.expand(batch_size, -1, -1) else: # NEW and only change: # projecting relation features to unique features for this layer, then resizing for the current batch relation = self.relation_projection(self.relation) if edge_weight is None: edge_weight = torch.ones(len(edge_type), device=input.device) # note that we send the initial boundary condition (node states at layer0) to the message passing # correspond to Eq.6 on p5 in output = self.propagate(input=input, relation=relation, boundary=boundary, edge_index=edge_index, edge_type=edge_type, size=size, edge_weight=edge_weight) return output def propagate(self, edge_index, size=None, **kwargs): if kwargs["edge_weight"].requires_grad or self.message_func == "rotate": # the rspmm cuda kernel only works for TransE and DistMult message functions # otherwise we invoke separate message & aggregate functions return super(GeneralizedRelationalConv, self).propagate(edge_index, size, **kwargs) for hook in self._propagate_forward_pre_hooks.values(): res = hook(self, (edge_index, size, kwargs)) if res is not None: edge_index, size, kwargs = res # in newer PyG, # __check_input__ -> _check_input() # __collect__ -> _collect() # __fused_user_args__ -> _fuser_user_args size = self._check_input(edge_index, size) coll_dict = self._collect(self._fused_user_args, edge_index, size, kwargs) msg_aggr_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute("message_and_aggregate", coll_dict) for hook in self._message_and_aggregate_forward_pre_hooks.values(): res = hook(self, (edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs)) if res is not None: edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs = res out = self.message_and_aggregate(edge_index, **msg_aggr_kwargs) for hook in self._message_and_aggregate_forward_hooks.values(): res = hook(self, (edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs), out) if res is not None: out = res update_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute("update", coll_dict) out = self.update(out, **update_kwargs) for hook in self._propagate_forward_hooks.values(): res = hook(self, (edge_index, size, kwargs), out) if res is not None: out = res return out def message(self, input_j, relation, boundary, edge_type): relation_j = relation.index_select(self.node_dim, edge_type) if self.message_func == "transe": message = input_j + relation_j elif self.message_func == "distmult": message = input_j * relation_j elif self.message_func == "rotate": x_j_re, x_j_im = input_j.chunk(2, dim=-1) r_j_re, r_j_im = relation_j.chunk(2, dim=-1) message_re = x_j_re * r_j_re - x_j_im * r_j_im message_im = x_j_re * r_j_im + x_j_im * r_j_re message =[message_re, message_im], dim=-1) else: raise ValueError("Unknown message function `%s`" % self.message_func) # augment messages with the boundary condition message =[message, boundary], dim=self.node_dim) # (num_edges + num_nodes, batch_size, input_dim) return message def aggregate(self, input, edge_weight, index, dim_size): # augment aggregation index with self-loops for the boundary condition index =[index, torch.arange(dim_size, device=input.device)]) # (num_edges + num_nodes,) edge_weight =[edge_weight, torch.ones(dim_size, device=input.device)]) shape = [1] * input.ndim shape[self.node_dim] = -1 edge_weight = edge_weight.view(shape) if self.aggregate_func == "pna": mean = scatter(input * edge_weight, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size, reduce="mean") sq_mean = scatter(input ** 2 * edge_weight, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size, reduce="mean") max = scatter(input * edge_weight, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size, reduce="max") min = scatter(input * edge_weight, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size, reduce="min") std = (sq_mean - mean ** 2).clamp(min=self.eps).sqrt() features =[mean.unsqueeze(-1), max.unsqueeze(-1), min.unsqueeze(-1), std.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) features = features.flatten(-2) degree_out = degree(index, dim_size).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1) scale = degree_out.log() scale = scale / scale.mean() scales =[torch.ones_like(scale), scale, 1 / scale.clamp(min=1e-2)], dim=-1) output = (features.unsqueeze(-1) * scales.unsqueeze(-2)).flatten(-2) else: output = scatter(input * edge_weight, index, dim=self.node_dim, dim_size=dim_size, reduce=self.aggregate_func) return output def message_and_aggregate(self, edge_index, input, relation, boundary, edge_type, edge_weight, index, dim_size): # fused computation of message and aggregate steps with the custom rspmm cuda kernel # speed up computation by several times # reduce memory complexity from O(|E|d) to O(|V|d), so we can apply it to larger graphs from .rspmm import generalized_rspmm batch_size, num_node = input.shape[:2] input = input.transpose(0, 1).flatten(1) relation = relation.transpose(0, 1).flatten(1) boundary = boundary.transpose(0, 1).flatten(1) degree_out = degree(index, dim_size).unsqueeze(-1) + 1 if self.message_func in self.message2mul: mul = self.message2mul[self.message_func] else: raise ValueError("Unknown message function `%s`" % self.message_func) if self.aggregate_func == "sum": update = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="add", mul=mul) update = update + boundary elif self.aggregate_func == "mean": update = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="add", mul=mul) update = (update + boundary) / degree_out elif self.aggregate_func == "max": update = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="max", mul=mul) update = torch.max(update, boundary) elif self.aggregate_func == "pna": # we use PNA with 4 aggregators (mean / max / min / std) # and 3 scalars (identity / log degree / reciprocal of log degree) sum = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="add", mul=mul) sq_sum = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation ** 2, input ** 2, sum="add", mul=mul) max = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="max", mul=mul) min = generalized_rspmm(edge_index, edge_type, edge_weight, relation, input, sum="min", mul=mul) mean = (sum + boundary) / degree_out sq_mean = (sq_sum + boundary ** 2) / degree_out max = torch.max(max, boundary) min = torch.min(min, boundary) # (node, batch_size * input_dim) std = (sq_mean - mean ** 2).clamp(min=self.eps).sqrt() features =[mean.unsqueeze(-1), max.unsqueeze(-1), min.unsqueeze(-1), std.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1) features = features.flatten(-2) # (node, batch_size * input_dim * 4) scale = degree_out.log() scale = scale / scale.mean() scales =[torch.ones_like(scale), scale, 1 / scale.clamp(min=1e-2)], dim=-1) # (node, 3) update = (features.unsqueeze(-1) * scales.unsqueeze(-2)).flatten(-2) # (node, batch_size * input_dim * 4 * 3) else: raise ValueError("Unknown aggregation function `%s`" % self.aggregate_func) update = update.view(num_node, batch_size, -1).transpose(0, 1) return update def update(self, update, input): # node update as a function of old states (input) and this layer output (update) output = self.linear([input, update], dim=-1)) if self.layer_norm: output = self.layer_norm(output) if self.activation: output = self.activation(output) return output