Merve Noyan PRO


AI & ML interests

Natural language understanding



Posts 19

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I see you all send your documents to close-source APIs, this is not ok πŸ‘Ž it breaks my heart πŸ’”
I have seen many open-source document models, and I am amazed by what IDEFICS2 has done with document understanding 🀯🀩 it's not something you've ever seen before! HuggingFaceM4/idefics-8b

Please use it! Has Apache 2.0 license ❀️
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Demo for IDEFICS-8B demo is out! HuggingFaceM4/idefics-8b

This checkpoint is not optimized to chat, but rather works very well for various tasks, incl visual question answering and document tasks πŸ’¬πŸ“‘
Chatty one is coming soon!