# RecipeNLG: A Cooking Recipes Dataset for Semi-Structured Text Generation Model accompanying our INLG 2020 paper: [RecipeNLG: A Cooking Recipes Dataset for Semi-Structured Text Generation](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.inlg-1.4.pdf) ## Where is the dataset? Please visit the website of our project: [recipenlg.cs.put.poznan.pl](https://recipenlg.cs.put.poznan.pl/) to download it. ## How to use the model? Could you explain X andy Y? Yes, sure! If you feel some information is missing in our paper, please check first in our [thesis](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345308878_Cooking_recipes_generator_utilizing_a_deep_learning-based_language_model), which is much more detailed. In case of further questions, you're invited to send us a github issue, we will respond as fast as we can!