--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 datasets: - theatticusproject/cuad metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: text-classification widget: - text: "This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the laws of Hong Kong" example_title: "Governing law" - text: "Alamogordo Financial Corporation Company AF Mutual Holding Company MHC Alamogordo Federal Savings and Loan Association Bank Savings Association Insurance Fund SAIF Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Charles Webb & Company Bruyette & Woods Inc Agent" example_title: "Parties" - text: "The Agreement shall commence on the Effective_Date and unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement or extended by mutual agreement between the parties shall continue in effect for thirty six 36 months following the Effective_Date the Term This Agreement shall be effective on the later of the dates that it is executed by Imprimis and Surgical the Effective_Date and shall terminate pursuant to the terms of the SOW the Term" example_title: "Expiration date" --- ## Unlocking the Power of Deep Learning for Clause Classification: Revolutionizing Commercial Applications In the dynamic landscape of commercial operations, efficiency and accuracy in document processing are paramount. Traditional methods of analyzing legal clauses and contracts have often been time-consuming and prone to human error. However, with the advent of deep learning technologies, particularly in the realm of clause classification, a new era of automation and precision has emerged. This is a fine tune version of "google-bert/bert-base-cased" for classification using more than 3200 clause examples extracted from the contracts annotated by the Atticus Project [https://www.atticusprojectai.org/] Through initiatives like the ATTICUS project and ongoing advancements in AI, the future of commercial document analysis is bright—a future where deep learning plays a pivotal role in unlocking efficiency, insight, and value from the vast sea of textual information that drives our global economy. ### Real-World Applications In practice, the integration of deep learning for clause classification extends across various industries: - Legal Services: Law firms and legal departments leverage deep learning to streamline contract review processes and extract key information efficiently. - Finance and Insurance: Deep learning models assist in analysing complex financial agreements, identifying clauses related to risk factors, liabilities, and compliance. - Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Companies in highly regulated sectors use deep learning for analyzing patient contracts, supplier agreements, and regulatory documents. ### test_accuracy: 88 % Labels: "0": "Anti-Assignment", "1": "Audit_Rights", "2": "Cap_On_Liability", "3": "Covenant_Not_To_Sue", "4": "Effective_Date", "5": "Expiration_Date", "6": "Governing_Law", "7": "Insurance", "8": "License_Grant", "9": "Non-Transferable_License", "10": "Notice_ Period_To_Terminate_Renewal", "11": "Parties", "12": "Post-Termination_Services", "13": "Renewal_Term", "14": "Revenue/Profit_Sharing", "15": "Uncapped_Liability", "16": "Warranty_Duration" --- ## Usage To load the model first install transformer library in your environment ``` pip install transformers ``` ``` from transformers import pipeline classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="mauro/bert-base-uncased-finetuned-clause-type") ``` Pipelines are the easiest way to use a model. This is an example clause: ``` clause = """ The foregoing license shall be transferable or sublicensable by Parent Group solely to a Permitted Party and subject to the restrictions herein with any sale or transfer of a Parent business that utilizes the Licensed SpinCo IP If Parent enters an agreement to transfer the License_Granted to it under this Section 3 1 in connection with any sale or transfer of a Parent business then SpinCo and members of the SpinCo Group shall be made third party beneficiaries under such transfer agreement to enforce breaches of the license 3 If SpinCo enters an agreement to transfer the License_Granted to it under this Section 3 2 in connection with any sale or transfer of a SpinCo business then Parent and members of the Parent Group shall be made third party beneficiaries under such transfer agreement to enforce breaches of the license Such agreement shall prohibit any further sublicensing or transfer of rights by the Permitted Party or in the case of a sale or transfer of a Parent business the transferee or any use of the Licensed SpinCo IP outside the scope of the License_Granted to Parent herein Such agreement shall prohibit any further transfer of rights by such party or any use of the transferred Intellectual Property outside the scope of the License_Granted to SpinCo herein""" classifier(clause, return_all_scores=False) ``` The result will be : [{'label': 'Non-Transferable_License', 'score': 0.989809513092041}] ## Visualization Now will need for this Matplotlib and Pandas. ``` pip install matplotlib pandas ``` ``` # all probabilities preds = classifier(clause, return_all_scores=True) # create a df with the result df = pd.DataFrame([[x['label'], x['score']] for x in preds[0]], columns=['label', 'score']) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # probability distribution plt.bar(df['label'], df['score']) plt.xlabel('label') plt.ylabel('score') plt.title('Probaility distribution for all clauses type') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.show() ``` You will get the probability distribution of all classes: ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/60ae56f90fcb06275e51fbc2/bF3FbAqypKjoJcNbkjuLr.png) --- ## License: Apache-2.0