--- license: llama3 base_model: - meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct language: - en - ko tags: - facebook - meta - llama - llama-3 - llama-3-ko ---

# Llama-3-MAAL-8B-Instruct-v0.1 we release MAAL, Multilingual Adaptive Augmentation Language-model which comprises a groundbreaking fusion of multilingual capabilities and adaptive augmentation techniques. - **Developed by:** [maum.ai Brain NLP](https://maum-ai.github.io). Jaeyoon Jung, Jinjoo Lee, Yongjae Lee, Dongjun Lee, Woosung Joo - **Language(s) (NLP):** Korean, English (currently, bilingual) ## Model Description Version 0.1 uses cross-lingual training to transfer instruction-following capabilities from English to Korean. - We Trained this model on an 8 H100-80G for 1 day with cross-lingual training dataset - we recommend using the fixed system prompt for the model unless you fine-tune it ``` 너는 마음에이아이의 챗봇 MAAL이다. 고객의 질문에 친절하게 답하여라. ``` ## sample inference code (GPU) ``` import transformers import torch model_id = "maum-ai/Llama-3-MAAL-8B-Instruct-v0.1" model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id).to("cuda") tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) streamer = transformers.TextStreamer(tokenizer, skip_prompt=True, skip_special_tokens=True) # we recommend using the fixed prompt for the model unless you fine-tune it prompt = "너는 마음에이아이의 챗봇 MAAL이다. 고객의 질문에 친절하게 답하여라." instruction = "사과 한 박스에는 사과가 30개 들어있는데, 처음에는 사과 3박스가 있었고, 내가 사과 5개를 먹었어. 남은 사과는 총 몇개야?" messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": f"{prompt}"}, {"role": "user", "content": f"{instruction}"} ] inputs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( messages, tokenize=True, return_tensors='pt').to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(inputs, streamer=streamer, max_new_tokens=1024, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id) ``` ## Evaluation Results As the main goal of version 0.1 is to **transfer instruction-following capabilities from English to Korean** without utilizing continuous pre-training, etc., we select [**LogicKor**](https://github.com/StableFluffy/LogicKor) as our evaluation method to assess the Korean instruction skills. We compare our model with a similar parameter model (less than 13B) that has been fine-tuned on the Korean dataset. \* denotes our self-report result. |Model|single-turn(↑)|multi-turn(↑)|average(↑)| |-|-|-|-| |maum-ai/Llama-3-MAAL-8B-Instruct-v0.1*|**5.80**|4.66|**5.23**| |maywell/Synatra-kiqu-10.7B|5.71|4.73|5.22| |yanolja/EEVE-Korean-Instruct-10.8B-v1.0|5.78|3.92|4.85| |nlpai-lab/KULLM3|4.61|**4.83**|4.72| |MLP-KTLim/llama3-Bllossom*|2.11|1.57|1.84| ## Limitations Due to this model being trained on a small dataset, it has several limitations. - Hard to generate diverse Korean texts - lack of Korean knowledge & Culture (localization) - Not work with Image inputs and video inputs ## Todo we will solve these limitations one by one by upgrading this model like as... - Enhance the Korean generation through Vocabulary Expansion & Continuous pre-training. (more Korean corpus!) - Localize with cultural adaptation method and additional Korean knowledge data. [*similar idea*](https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.18/) - Develop a Vision Language Model that can handle both video and image inputs. [*similar idea*](https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Video-LLaVA)