from typing import Any, Dict from flows import logging from .src.evaluation import testing_utils_codeforces from .CodeTesting import CodeTesting log = logging.get_logger(__name__) # ToDo: Add a flag to control whether hidden, public or both tests should be used for evaluation class CF_CodeTesting(CodeTesting): REQUIRED_KEYS_CONFIG = [] REQUIRED_KEYS_CONSTRUCTOR = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def _get_test_data(self, input_data: Dict): """This function retrieves (or generates) input-output pairs that will be used to test the implementation.""" return input_data["public_tests_individual_io"] def _run_tests(self, input_data: Dict, test_data: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: testing_results = testing_utils_codeforces.evaluate_solution_for_problem( candidate_solution=input_data["code"], public_tests_io=test_data ) for test_output in testing_results["public_tests_results"]: test_output["input"] = "\n".join(test_output["input"]) return testing_results